#i lov mista 3
scullcrusher101xd · 29 days
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binqtop · 4 years
the sex pistols can get away with being really affectionate with koichi and mista is so pissed he’s sitting in the corner trying not to punch a wall
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jjbaconsumedmysoul · 6 years
would mista love it if their s/o was shy? because eh hem (/////)
I honestly think he’d find a shy s/o really cute. He’d like teasing and messing with them a little bit, but also just, the look on their face would be too adorable to resist kissing them all over and making them giggle. The only hard part would be actually approaching them and confessing his feelings: maybe they’re so shy they can’t tell if they like him or if they’re holding back feelings or if they’re trying to ignore him or if this is actually them being open? He’s very confused? What are feelings? He just wants to hold them and kiss them and tell them how precious they are?
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londonfog-chan · 5 years
Mista as a Daddy Headcanons
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I’m fucking lov Mista holy fucking shit he is mY HOSBANDOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
- This man is perfect smelly dad holy fuck.
- No really, he’s perfect. He’s more involved than dads today. Catch your baby attached to him nearly 24/7 whenever you all are together after his little duties.
- Loves to feed the kiddo different foods every day. Knows exactly what your baby can and cannot eat at any age, and is always super careful to mash up things that are hard to chew, or will cut up your kid’s meat for him when he gets old enough to have solid foods.
- Constantly bounces your kiddo on his knee whenever he’s doing something like watching television or talking to you. It’s sometimes hard to carry on conversations when all you can hear is soft baby giggles.
- Gets angry whenever some idiot woman fawns all over him saying “how cute it is that daddy is babysitting” because how the fuck is he babysitting???? It’s his kid?? He will get pretty verbal real fast when he feels like someone is belittling him for being a good father. He doesn’t want praise for doing the bare minimum for raising his kid. He wants his baby to be happy and loved, and to grow up secure in the knowledge that Daddy will always be there for him.
- Of course the baby is going to be a Mini Mista.
- Did you really expect the baby to look like you?
- Nope. Mini Mista.
- Same dark eyes. Same dark brows. Same pouty little lips.
- He’s not as grossed out as you are about the smelly things like changing diapers or handling spit up. Let him handle it. He’s more than happy to.
- Gee MIsta’s Baby, how come your mom lets you have SEVEN dads???
- Sex Pistols are mini daddos, always surrounding your bundle of joy and trying to make him laugh. You’re not sure if he can see them, but you know he can certainly feel whenever they pepper your baby’s chubby cheeks with kisses.
- Sometimes however, Mista doesn’t have all the answers and you have to step in to help. Especially if one day, your baby is absolutely bawling and is inconsolable even with Sex Pistols trying to cheer him up.
- Instantly you’re surrounded by crying Stands and crying Mista.
“What did you do now?!”
No. 1, 2, 6: *inarticulate screaming*
- Turns out baby boy was just teething.
- Nothing a frozen banana can’t temporarily fix while you explain that baby’s gums are just sore. You even show Sex Pistols the tiny tooth that’s started to peep out from his gums.
- Despite the insanity over the most minute of things that challenges Mista’s confidence, you still love this big doofus and his little mini doofuses because they’re gonna cuddle with you and baby at the end of the day when everyone is fed and happy and after a bath.
- This will also be the only time you can get Mista to take a bath regularly. He will not be afraid to get in that tub and play in the bubbles with baby.
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morioh-killer · 3 years
My biggest JJBA crushes are himbos. Jonathan, Mista, Polnareff, Caesar (fight me)… I like big dumb stupid men. Love em. They are gifts to this world. Lov em.
Essay writing has fried my braincells and now all I can think about are warm boobies to lay my head on
I'm sure your essay is gonna be killer <3
And when you're all finishes, your favorite himbos will congratulate you of course <3
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headoverjojo · 5 years
Hi Lov! Can I ask for BucciG with a S/o that's a bit awkward and a huge tec nerd? Like, there's no machine they cannot repair, even their Stand is able to hack any program in existence but they still have a curious sense of humor like: Turning On/Off the lights and other things in the middle of the night when they are alone in the kitchen, sending them a joking 'I know what you did the other day/I'm looking at you', but they are just harmless, innocent pranks?
Hi there, dear! Sure thing :3 here we go! I hope you’ll like it!
Bruno’s gang with a s/o who’s a tech nerd with a stand that is able to hack any program in existence
(Under the cut for length!)
Bruno Bucciarati
Bruno is so amazed by his s/o’s talent. It’s incredible! He knows how to use “technology”, as how to send or read an email, how to call or send a SMS, but not much more. If something doesn’t work, he doesn’t know where he has to put his hands! He’s better with repairing non-technological things. Give him a broken chair, and he’ll repair it in no time. Give him a broken phone, and he’ll immediately turn to his s/o, asking them for help.
Even if at first he may freak a bit out, if something similar happens, when he comes to know that it’s his s/o making pranks he stops worrying. If they’re having fun, why not? It’s all harmless, all in all! By now they even have their own code! If they are in the shower and soap is finished, it’s enough that they switch on and off the lights following a certain morse-like rhythm to make him understand what they need! Same as on missions; if they have to communicate with Bruno, but he’s far, they just use streetlights to transmit him their message or informations. It’d be also useful to retrieve informations, as they can hack every system and every computer! They’d save a lot of time, allowing them to act promptly and efficiently!
Leone Abbacchio
Leone is a big nop for technology. It was like this even when he was a policeman; he was one of those who still compiled reports with paper and pen, not even touching the computer. While he’s like this, his s/o is the complete opposite: they’re so damn good with technology! They perfectly know how to use it and how to repair a computer, a phone, everything that has even the tiniest bit of tech inside with their eyes closed. He has to admit that he’s amazed! It’s not a talent to underestimate!
He really, really doesn’t like when they put a prank on him using their stand. It happened in the middle of the night and, after making sure it wasn’t a “normal” problem, he understood that a stand was manipulating lights. And he was right! Just that it was his s/o and not an enemy stand. He almost beats them, as his cop instinct was telling him to do! He begs them not to do it again, not to him, at least. If they want to prank Mista or the others, they’re more than welcome, anyway. However, their stand ability could be really useful in missions! He’s the one assigned to reconnaissance missions and, often, he has to enter into buildings or private properties; their stand, by hacking the security cams, for example, would be fundamental!
Guido Mista
As Bruno, Mista grow up in an environment where technology wasn’t so sophisticated. They had a phone at home, some normal appliances, but nothing more. So, he’s amazed to see how they can play and repair every kind of electronic object! Nothing that is even a bit tech has secrets for them! He loves everything they do, they’re so talented! He’d even like to learn; he’s good with handworks, he just needs someone who’s willing to teach him! It’s also a wonderful excuse to spend more time together, so it’s a win-win!
Mista is known not just for his flawless aim, but also for his sixth sense; it always seems that he can sense nearby stands. And it happened also when his s/o decided to prank him: he felt the stand and, fearing it could be an enemy, he immediately took out his gun, ready to shoot. Just when he saw it was his s/o he finally relaxed, even if he was still a bit shaken; he could have shot them!! Even if, after that time, he doesn’t mind when they play with lights or technology, they have learned that it’s better not to scare him so suddenly, as his first reflex is to shoot. A safer prank for everyone would be randomly turning on the radio on a song he doesn’t like; hearing him groan and complain would be so fun!
Narancia Ghirga
Narancia is pretty neutral towards technology. He doesn’t despite it -in fact he appreciates it-, but also he doesn’t depend on it. If he can use a technological device, good, but if not, it’s good anyway! However, he always admired the people who invented and designed tech devices; so, when he sees that his s/o can repair them, he’s really enthusiast! They’re a genius, how can they do it?! Can they teach him?! He’d like so much to learn more from them! They surely can’t not feel appreciated, with him near them!
There’s a thing, however, that scares Narancia: darkness. Since when he was wrongly thrown in prison, darkness was what he feared the most, as his eye was getting worse and worse, day by day. He was scared to become blind, to die, not to see the light again… so, even at night, he has to have at least a little light, something that reminds him that he’s not blind and he’s alive. If they play with lights at night, it’s really probable that they scare the hell out of him, even triggering a panic attack; a better and more harmless prank would be making the stereo or the TV turning on randomly during the day. If there’s a song or a series that picks Narancia’s interest, he may even just stop and watch or listen to it ‘till the end!
Pannacotta Fugo
With Giorno, Fugo’s the one who knows how to use better tech advices. When he was a kid, his parents wanted him to be good at everything, and so they sent him also to a short IT course; here, Fugo learned how to properly use a computer, various programs and something about computer engineering. However, is nowhere near his s/o’s level; they’re simply amazing with tech devices! He’s completely taken aback by how easily and efficiently they repair everything that happens under their hands; this is an incredible talent…
Fugo doesn’t take well pranks, even if they’re harmless. He’s too damaged, too “on the edge” to react calmly to a prank. Sudden events scare him a lot, and when he’s scared, there’s a high risk that Purple Haze could slip out. It’s better for everyone not to prank him! But he’d surely appreciate something cute as a sudden message from them, during the day; it usually brights it a lot! And it would start a long chain of loving messages exchange that would make even the super romantic Mista sick. No one knows how much Fugo can be cheesy! He also recognizes how useful it could be in missions; not only that, but also safe for them, as they can hack programs and tech devices from afar, without getting personally involved. It’s such a relief!
Giorno Giovanna
Giorno, after Fugo, is the best of the team in using tech devices. He has always been one who observed closely and, by doing so, he learned how to use a pc, a phone, various domestic appliances. He wouldn’t be able to repair them, however! But here his s/o steps in, and Giorno can just admire their talent, how they flawlessly waltz among chips, cables and other pieces. It’s truly amazing! He’s lucky to have a s/o like them!
Even if he doesn’t react as badly as the others, to prank, he still doesn’t like them a lot. He doesn’t freak out, but it’s visible he’s a bit upset. He has to work also during night, sometimes, so having someone who switches on and off the light would slow his work down considerably; and an upset Giorno is not a good Giorno to deal with. However, he’d not mind if they send him a message during the day, being it, in fact, a huge stress relief! Knowing that they’re fine and well, and that they’re thinking about him always makes him smile. Sometimes they even jump in when he’s calling Bruno, and just when he’s calling him, making the conversation, often, go from stressful and tired to bright and carefree. He’s so grateful for these moments!
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miru-p · 7 years
Tagged by: @miss-mary-grace 💕💕
Answer the following questions and then create your own for those you tag!
Most of these under read more cos long!
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Questions:
What is your favorite part of JoJo?
Okay, this is actually hard! I think it’s a tie between part 2 and 3! Plot-wise I think I prefer part 3, but characte-wise (and also art style-wise) I prefer part 2!! Also, part 2 is more adrenaline-rush in general tho. So, um, yeah, a tie between 2 and 3!
Who are your top 5 favorite characters?
HOW CAN YOU EXPECT ME TO JUST CHOOSE FIVE??? I mean, you (and evrybody that follows me should too) know that my love for my two sons is  outsized, lmao. But only 3 more??? Nope. So I’m just gonna do a top 3 of every part >:V Look how I just ignore the question ajksdnfjnfjanja SORRY
Part 1: Zeppeli, Jonathan, Erina Part 2: Caesar, Joseph, Lisa Lisa  Part 3: Joseph, Kakyoin, Avdol Part 4: Rohan, Okuyasu, Jotaro Part 5: Bruno, Abbachio, Mista Part 6: Jolyne, Foo Fighters, Weather Report Part 7: Gyro, Lucy, Diego
Best JoJo?
Best Zeppeli?
I think this one is pretty obvious, but MY PRECIOUS SON CAESAR. I didn’t say that he’s the light of my life and that I would protect him of every pain in this world? Cos yes. I love him so much;;;
but every Zeppeli is best Zeppeli 
Best Villain?
Dio/DIO, but an important mention to Kira, who is second in my list!
Favorite ships OR friendships?
AJSDNJFNJAKFJASKNKAJ. OK. First, about ships, please, don’t want me to do a 500 pages PowerPoint about how much I love Cae/Jose. I think you all already know. Jona/Eri is just TOO PURE??? TWO CINNAMON ROLLS??? PRECIOUS CHILDREN??? Bru/Abba?? Basically the parents of Passione?? Lov caring mom and bitter dad. Gy/Jo?? OK. Also, I like Jose/Q, but I prefer them in part 3, cos I think how they ended up together in part 2 was a bit forced...I like them, don’t get me wrong, but I would like a bit more of developtment! I lowkey ship Kak/Pol, Gio/Mis, and Diego/Hot Pants. And Lucy with happiness please and thank??. MiruLisa Lisa is a good ship too...  About friendship, the PB trio!! LOV THEM. Also, Cae/Jose it’s nice when your OTP can be a brOTP too uvu Okuyasu and Josuke are basically the definiton of BROS(tm). Kak’s and Pol’s relationship too! And Avdol’s and Pol's! All the Passione gang too! And the girls of SO! Also, Weather’s and Jolyne’s! And Gy/Jo works as brOTP too!  Also, about relationships I would love to know more about: Lisa Lisa and Caesar??? Don’t worry I have plenty of HC in my head lmao, and Joseph’s and Avdol’s friendship pls??
Love Live! Questions:
Favorite girl from each year group in Muse and Aqours?
Muse: First year: Hanayo; Second year: Umi; Third year: Nozomi
Aqours: First year: Hanamaru; Second year: Chika/Riko ; Third year: Mari  
What do you think your attribute is?
Pure all the way!! But for being an unnecessary nerd, if we talk about percentages I guess I would be something like: 65% Pure, 30% Cool, 5% Smile.
Muse or Aqours?
Favorite LLSIF set?
Asdnadkla, IT’S HARD. But if I have to choose maybe I’ll say the Dancer/Arabian set for Muse, and the Wonderland for Aqours!!
Top three songs from Muse and from Aqours?
From Muse: Angelic Angel, Sunny Day Song, Wild Stars tied with Moshimo Kara Kitto. And counting the subunits songs apart, cos yolo: Lily White: Shunjou Romantic,  Omoide Ijou ni Naritakute,  Onaji Hoshi ga Mitai tied with Binetsu Kara Mystery. Bibi: Fuyu ga Kureta Yokan, Psychic Fire, Love Novels Printemps: Unbalanced Love, Love Marginal, No Exit Orion
From Aqours: Thrilling・One Way,  Sky Journey, MY Mai☆TONIGHT tied with Omoi yo Hitotsu ni Nare. Again counting the subunits songs apart, but only two cos they don’t have so many songs yet: Guilty Kiss: Kowareyasuki, Strawberry Trapper Azalea:  Tokimeki Bunruigaku, Innocent Bird CYaRon!: Yozora wa Nandemo Shitteru no?,  Kinmirai Happy End
Which girl’s fashion sense most closely matches your own (or is your favorite in general?)
I think I’d say Riko! Her casual outfits are always so so cute!!
And now, my questions:
What 3 characters of your currently 3 fandoms do you think you’re most alike? Bonus points for reasons.
Is there any merch you would love owning? You can make up anything you want to see as merch too.
What do you think about chemistry? Pls I want to read how much you hate the thing I’m studying lmao.
If you were a meme, which one do you think you will be?
Are You an Early Bird or a Night Owl? Would you like to change that?
If you were stuck in a high school anime, which charas you would want to be with in your class?
Dream travel(s)?
Which song do you have as ringtone in your mobile phone?
If you want to tell me anything random it’s your chance, cos I don’t know what to ask lmao!
Tagging: @mari-m-rose, @miss-mary-grace, @beamthechao, @dreamingamethystdragons, @noneedforbloodpressure and anyone who wants to do this!
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astrolliegy · 7 years
tagged by: @beebosbitchh (lov u)
name: sophie/sophia
nicknames: soph, sophiw, mista pwesident, technically sophie is a nickname soooooo
gender: cis female
height: 5’9” yikes i’m tall af
sexuality: gay (????) idrk cuz sometimes i look at boys like ‘yeah i could fuck the shit out of him’ but i have no emotional connection to them lmao so i stick to the ladies (btw im single plz hmu)
hogwarts house: ravenclaw (even tho i’m stupid???)
favorite animal: d o g
average hours of sleep: 4-5 maybe? i have really bad insomnia and now a puppy that needs to be let out a lot so i’m not getting the best sleep rn
current time: 8:31 am
dog or cat person: d o g
blankets you sleep with: sheet, duvet, and 3 quilts on top (i need a lot of pressure on my chest to be able to sleep so that’s why i have so many blankets i’m not anemic i swear)
dream trip: NYC for like a few months so i could do everything i wanted,,,, or england tbh i just wanna go to all the cool corners of the cities and drive out to the countryside and shit
dream job: idk maybe a photographer for like fashion houses in NY or paris or london idk it’s very far fetched.
when i made my blog: almost a year ago i believe
why i made a tumblr: i wanted to be friends w chase so i made a tumblr to seem cool and trendy and shit and ig it worked out cuz they’re my bff now so there’s a fun storytime kidz
reason for my url: one of my fav 1D songs (yes i’m 11 move on) is girl almighty and it’s just a super cool word and hella empowering (?? idk i just love harry so shut up) so i used that and i like taking people’s portraits sooooo there ya go almightyportraits (i’ve been considering changing it tho but idk if i like the user i chose smh)
i tag: @sarahthegingersnap love u flip
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