#i loooove reading tags people leave under my art and i thought this one was especially cute so i had to draw smth for it LOOL
carnis-insanis · 1 year
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You want it - you got it! @bunnypaw33 !
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wlw-imagines-blog · 5 years
I Can Say it Without Words | (Peggy Carter x Fem!Reader)
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Pairing: Peggy Carter x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Major Character loss, and smut, i guess
Word Count: 2k
Summary: I can make you feel good.
Anon: Hello sweetie!!! I just loooove your blog so much and your writing it’s so pretty!!! But I noticed there’s no Peggy in here :( so I’d like to request the smutish write you can post, my queer ass (I’m still figuring out if I’m Bi or Pan, so let’s say queer/not straight ass) will love you forever!!! Maybe a secret relationship between Reader and Peggy, Peg being sad bc she lost Steve and reader comforting her leading to smut and fluff and love… Pleaseeeeeeeee
A/N: Ask and you shall receive. 
Whenever Peggy Carter walked into S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters, the whole room seemed to hold its breath. The women at the switchboards seemed to stop and watch in awe as she sauntered by, skirt skimming their chairs, hat tipped low to cover her eyes. The male agents, looking up from their files and typewriters to cast scornful glances at her, hoping to tear her down with curled lips and narrowed eyes. They were foolish to think so.
When Agent Carter stepped into the office, you felt your heart press into your ribs, creating this nervous, wonderful pressure. Your hands became fidgety; brushing at the hair around your ears, shuffling papers, twisting your fountain pen.
Every woman that worked in the office shared a feeling of pride at how she was unapologetic, combative, even, towards nitwits like Agent Thompson and Agent Dooley. 
As she strolled into the office, head up, shoulders back, you felt a warmth prickle the back of your neck. She wore a dark, navy blue ensemble with a shockingly pink hat, the one you remember being on her desk, the day you were hired to work at S.H.I.E.L.D. 
It had been a cold October evening when Agent Carter interviewed you. Rain was splattering against the windows of her office as she reviewed your resume and criminal record check. The warm lights of the room coaxed you into a strange sense of comfort. You remembered the tight feeling in your stomach, and the sweat on your palms and brow. On her desk was the fucshia hat and plenty of files and paper, all scattered yet organized. What attracted your attention was the only picture frame on her desk. It held the image of a young, sickly blond man, wearing a white t-shirt and dog tags. His resemblance to Captain America was stunning, but, that man was far too small and skinny to be him.
“I’m going to be perfectly honest, Miss. Y/L/N, your resume and letter of recommendation is flawless,” she had said, interrupting your thoughts. “But you have yet to give me a reason as to why you want to join S.H.I.E.L.D. “
Agent Carter’s hair curled perfectly over her shoulder, the dark brown contrasted the cream of her blouse perfectly. Her chocolate eyes bore into you, like she already had you figured out.
You straightened your back. “Agent Carter. All my life, people have told me I did not have the aptitude to become a government agent. I was never smart enough, never strong enough. never man enough.” You resisted the urge to sneer at the word. “Part of me wants to prove myself to the nay-sayers. Another part wants to be a piece of something bigger that just me. But, all of me wants to make a difference, even if its a small one.”
You thought you saw the ghost of a smile on her red lips. Agent Carter stood, smoothing her navy skirt. You stood too, and accepted the hand shake she offered. 
“Miss. Y/L/N, I expect you here at seven a.m, sharp, ready for your training,” Agent Carter’s eyes glinted, clearly excited at your prospects. “Don’t be late.”
As December began, you were still in the preliminary stages of training under Agent Carter’s watchful eye; learning how to operate different firearms, mastering the art of safe-cracking, and properly educating yourself on espionage. 
You adjusted the lapels of your blazer, watching Agent Carter approach you.
“Agent Y/L/N,” She greeted. “Down to the basement, I want to see if you’re still sharp with your gun. Go on ahead, I need to clock in.” 
You nodded before leaning in. “I’d watch out, ma’am, Thompson’s on a rampage this morning; he heard about the promotion Dooley’s planning on giving you.”
Her lips twisted, as though she was fighting back a smile. “Thank you for the heads up, Y/N, I’ll keep my eyes out.”
You grinned and made your way to the practice room, artfully dodging Agent Thompson, who’s nostrils were flared and face was red.
“You’re getting better, y/n,” Agent Carter scribbled something down onto a clipboard. “There’s a definite improvement in accuracy. But if your hold it like this-”
She wrapped an arm around you, hand gripping yours. “Keeping your arms steady. Don’t close one eye.”
Peggy’s voice was like honey in your ears, breath hot against your neck. You fought to keep composure. The room was spinning, but you managed to keep your hand steady on the trigger, pointed at the target on the other side of the room.
Her hand rested on your nip, and you could feel the heat radiate through your slacks.
“There,” Agent Carter murmured. “Pull it.”
You pulled the trigger, and shots rang out in the cement room. 
The breathe you were holding escaped in a heavy sigh that you were certain Agent Carter heard.
“Agent Carter?” Dooley’s voice shook the two of you out of your stupor. “I want to talk to you. In my office, now.”
“Thank you, Agent Carter,” you said, unable to look at her.
“Please,” she did not remove her hand from yours. “Call me Peggy.”
You nodded, throat suddenly too tight to speak. Her eyes seemed to say a million things 
Then she was gone.
When you pulled on your jacket to leave for the night, all but one office was dark and empty. Agent Carter was still in her office, sitting behind her desk, cradling the picture frame of the blond man.
“Well,” you murmured. “This isn’t how I expected you to celebrate your big promotion.”
She smiled, still looking down. “How did you expect it?”
“I don’t know; a little gloating, a lot of drinking,” You shrugged. “Maybe some debauchery disguised in the form of dancing.”
She laughed, warm and deep, but incredibly weak. “I’m afraid I don’t dance. Not anymore.”
Her finger traced the glass of the picture, and you nodded. She was not going to open up if your pushed it.
You cleared your throat. “Peggy, I’m planning on going out tonight. Perhaps we can celebrate together? Maybe buy a few drinks and talk?” You probed gently. If she interpreted this as a date, you were either screwed, or getting screwed. 
She finally looked up, and you noticed hoe red and watery her eyes were. Peggy managed to smile. “Are you asking me on a date, Y/N?”
“Maybe,” You leaned against the door frame. “Only if you want me to.”
Peggy seemed to think over her options, she was almost unreadable. “Where do you have in mind?” 
You grinned, offering your hand. I know a place, if you’re ready to party.”
“Come on, honey”, you giggled, pulling Peggy along. “This will help you forget about everything.”
Mona’s was a quiet-looking building of red brick with iron bars on blacked out windows. There was a tall, stocky butch out front, hair cropped and gelled back, wearing a striped button down and slacks. She took the cigarette from behind her ear and in one fluid motion, lit it and took a deep drag. It dangled between her lips. 
“Hey, Bonnie,” You grinned at the woman. 
She offered you a coy smile. “Long time no see, Y/N. Who’s this?”
You wrapped an arm around Peggy. “She’s my guest, Bon. Is it alright that she comes in tonight?”
Bonnie sized her up, and Peggy did not back down. She looked Bonnie in the eye, chin raised. You were caught off guard when Peggy winked at her. 
The corner of Bonnie’s mouth raised. “Yeah, she’s good. Come on in.” 
You opened the door, revealing a landing, and two staircases; one that led to upstairs apartments, and one that led to the basement. As the door closed, you faced Peggy in the cramped area. 
“Peggy, I’m sure you’re aware of what kind of pub this is.”
“Honestly, I’m a touch surprised, Y/N.”
You faltered. “Peggy, this is... it’s a-”
“A lesbian bar?” she asked kindly. “I’m alright with it, Y/N. In fact, I’m more alright with it that you would believe.”
“You might find this hard to believe, but I’m quite familiar with Mona’s,” She studied her nails, feigning disinterest. “I’m what you might call a frequent patron.”
This information slapped you in the face. Staying silent, you worked through the information as Peggy continued to speak. 
“Y/N, I’m trusting you with this information. No one at S.H.I.E.L.D. can ever find out about the both of us, okay?” 
You snapped out of your daze. “Of course! I’m not a ditz. I know a thing or two about secrecy.”
“Good,” that easy smile returned to her face. “If you’d like, Y/N, we can still have a few drinks.”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course. I still want to celebrate my promotion.”
You grinned, “Lead the way, mademoiselle.”
The bar was a touch dingy, not bringing in enough funds to keep it completely spotless and well lit, but you found a table for yourself and Peggy. You called out to the bartender to send a bottle of the finest champagne. The pub was moderately crowded with other women all chatting and drinking, paying you no mind. The two of you listened to the jazz from the gramophone, drinking and laughing about the goons at the office. 
“It’s infuriating!” Peggy laughed, wiping tears from her eyes. “Thompson wants to be a secretary, not an agent! It felt so good when Dooley gave me the promotion.”
You snickered, champagne sloshing onto the table. “I’ve never seen him so angry.” The bottle was empty, and the clock read one in the morning. “It’s getting late, Peg, I’ve gotta get going. Walk me home?”
The two of you took a cab back to your apartment, and Peggy walked you to the door.
You played with the buttons of her jacket. She swallowed audibly. “So, are you going to invite me in or not?”
The two of you barely made it to the bedroom.
Your lips bumped against Peggy’s neck before latching onto her jaw. You stumbled, pressing her against the bedroom door. 
“All you have to say is yes,” You said softly into her skin. “That’s all I need, Peggy.”
She groaned as your lips stayed so tantalizingly far from her mouth. “Fuck me, Y/N, yes.”
Driven by lust, you pressed your lips to hers, letting Peggy open her mouth at her own pace, coaxing your tongue into her mouth. Her hands roamed down your chest, sliding over your breasts until they found your belt. 
Peggy pulled away, dragging you closer to the bed by the buckle. You were surprised at how breathless you were, panting as she began to unbutton your shirt. You shed it and your trousers quickly, helping her out of her skirt and blouse, sucking a dark hickey onto her collar bone.
She stood there in her lacy, black panties, gasping when your fingers brushed against her breasts.
A hand gripped the back of your head, keeping you in place, tongue lapping at her chest. 
“Fuck,” Peggy groaned. You slipped your hands down her thighs, pressing against the soft flesh of her ass. “Bed. Now.”
You fell on top of her, straddling her waist. Lips brushing against hers, delicate, then rough and filthy. Your hand slowly traveled down Peggy’s chest and navel, resting on her hip. You played with the hem of her panties.
“You’re so beautiful,” Your voice was barely above a whisper. Peggy’s hand gripped your wrist, guiding it beneath her under garment, pulling them off.
As you pressed against her, she let out a shaking gasp. Every movement created a reaction; sometimes quiet, delicious mews, other times they were loud, pleasured moans. 
Your hands never left Peggy, pushing in and out of her tight heat, hooking your fingers to brush against her G spot. When you pulled away, she let out a disappointed noise. 
You replaced your hand with your thigh. You sighed as Peggy shifted her hips, dragging herself over the skin of your thigh, warm and wet. She moved faster and faster, her moans becoming higher and higher.
“Fuck,” she hissed, teeth clenched, arms thrown around your neck. Peggy cried out, falling into pleasure, back arching into you. You collapsed onto her, breathless.
She pressed a messy kiss your forehead before pulling the sheets over the both of you. You wrapped an arm around her waist, resting your head on her shoulder.
“Goodnight, Peg,” you murmured sleepily, nuzzling closer.
She ran a hand through your hair. “Goodnight, love.”
A/N: This is long as heck.
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