#i loooooooove surrealism
mollypaup · 1 year
art class fucks actually. i could talk for hours about Metamorphosis of Narcissus unprompted
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moviestorian · 6 years
Albums Review: Sheer Heart Attack (1974)
Hi, I’m back again! It’s time for another one of my fave Queen albums, all the previous reviews can be found here.
Title Review: A really accurate representation of the album, especially when Roger’s falsettos in In the Lap of the Gods attack you. ;) Or when you’re looking at the front cover and can’t handle the hotness. 9/10
Cover Review: They look kinda uncomfortable, but the entire photoshoot gives me life. Cosy friendship! Also Roger’s hair extentions look slightly weird. 8/10.
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Songs review:
Brighton Rock: A really cool rocker! I LOVE the beginning (the circus vibes, etc.), although I must say I’m not a huge fan of Freddie’s higher vocals here (I prefer the parts when he sings lower), but the rest is awesome! Great guitar solo. 8,5/10
Killer Queen: This one really IS a killer! It’s a great listen and I love the tiny details it contains, like the triangle, etc.! Lyrics are so nicely written and playful, too. I never get tired of this song. “She’s a killer kweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen” 10/10
Tenement Funster: Another one of Roger’s songs I really love! Not only you can hear him sing, but you also have John on acoustic guitar, so it’s a gem. I have some questions about the lyrics (I like to imagine Roger singing “Give me a good guitar”, because he wants to smash it on a head of that person who says his hair is disgrace - but then, why would anyone say that??? - and still be able to play on it). Overall, this song suits Roger just perfectly and it’s a really good listen. 8,5/10
Flick of the Wrist: Freddie, who hurt you??? O.o Another really good one, I like it more than Death on Two Legs. 8/10
Lily of the Valley: This song is very pretty, but compared to others it’s just fine, ot really special. 7/10
Now I'm Here: I like this one a lot, too. Brian had nice ideas in that hospital! 8/10
In the Lap of the Gods: Ooooh, let me start with illustrating this song with a dumb cat edit I made once and sent to @janiedean!
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Roger’s falsettos are probably the most iconic part of this track, and yet they always take me at surprise. XD I kinda wish there were less “in the lap of the gods” repetitions, because I really like this song, musically. 8/10
Dear Friends: I think it’s really pretty and a bit bittersweet. It’s so short, though! It feels like a lullaby. 8/10
Stone Cold Crazy: Queen and thrash metal, an interesting combination! It’s pretty heavy, but really catchy and I’m impressed with Freddie’s fast singing. 7,5/10
Misfire: John’s first song ever and it’s one of his best ones, in my opinion! Lyrics are a bit...ekhem, ambiguous :P Of course I know what’s the most popular interpretation, but I actually think you can interpret it in other ways, too. Above all, it’s a great listen. 8,5/10
Bring Back That Leroy Brown: This one is like travelling to the past! I adore the musical arrangement, and Roger is on fire here. We want Leroy for president, yes. 8,5/10
She Makes Me (Stormtrooper in Stilettos): This song really grows on me, the more I listen to it. At first I wasn’t a huge fan, and I gotta admit: some lines can be a bit annoying to listen if I’m not in a proper mood (”i loooooooooove”, “she is my heaaaaaaaaaaaaaaart”, “she is my loooooooove”). Other times I really love that. I like the drums in particular. I think that this song has a bit of a dreamy/surreal vibe which even turns nightmare-ish towards the end, and I’m totally into it. Also, interesting ending - the police sirens and heavy breathing. This song definitely is an experience, and I see why some people may dislike it. 8/10
In the Lap of the Gods... Revisited: I actually like it more than the first ITLOTG. The refrain is repetitive too, sure, but it doesn’t really bother me. I don’t know why, but I slightly associate it with farewells and there’s something about the “wo wo la la wo” part I find kinda sad. I don’t mean it in a negative way, of course. :D Oh, and I adore the “thunder” at the end! 8,5/10
Average score: 8,3(with cover & title), 8,2(songs only)
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