#i literally went 2 the store 2day AND FOR WHAT
otrtbs · 1 year
was gonna make a quesadilla for dinner n didn't have any cheese. so i thought,,, hmm not to worry i'll just heat up some tortillas n mash up some avocados n salt 2 put in them but i don't have any avocados. so. thats . why i am eating plain tortillas on my kitchen floor for dinner. slay.
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risaonda · 5 years
our hours are fucked also because of the holiday and let me just say...that store should Never be open at 8am and definitely should not be open later than 10pm
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dddudddubi-blog · 8 years
English Diary # 15
I had 3 schedules in total. I started my day with attending to english-conversation-meeting. There were 4 members for today. There would be more than 4 members up to 8 usually. As a matter of fact, 4 members are the best number to have a conversation together. Luckily, I was the leader. For the first session, we refered to the english topic book and 'Fasjhion' was today's topic. Turns out none of us was a trend-setter. Rather, we just follow our own style and prefer comfortable clothes to stylish ones. After having 10 minutes break, we talked about the Korea civil service exam that I prepared. More and more koreans tend to take this exam for a living as time goes by. Lots of people around me study for it these days. To be honest, I cannot say that I haven't considered the test before. Well, since there is no age limit for the test takers, If I really happen to wanna try it, I am willing to rethink about it later. (-Only if I still live in korea)
After finishing the meeting, I ate japanese ramen with my friend. I pursuaded her to eat lunch and watch the movie, 'Lord of the ring' with me. The ramen place is completely popular here. I got there at noon but I had to wait for my table. My turn was 5th. a few minutes later, we got our seats and ordered foods right away: 2 bowls of ramen and 오꼬노미야끼. I normally don't eat 오꼬노미야끼, but my friend insisted. A bowl of warm ramen in this snowy weather.......Perfect!
Following the last week, I made my way to the CGV to see the movie, 'Lord of the ring 2 : the two towers'.It's 4 hours long movie, so I thought snack would be necessary for the movie. This time I brought popcorn that I bought yesterday at my workplace. The popcorn which is being sold in the cinema is ridiculously pricey. I don't think they are fresh either. It was so wonderful to see the great scenes with a big screen and grand stereo sound. I couldn't stop getting goosebumps! I cannot wait to see the last one now! (Aside: Legolas was just elf itself. Who could possibly appear an elf more than him? and, Frodo's beautiful blue eyes... I wish I could see them in person!)
Only the last schedule had left by the time I finished the movie : Interns meeting. We met at the starbucks, which was my 3rd time today. I really didn't feel like getting coffee nor any kinds of beverages. So I just ordered chicken sandwich. Thanks to this, finally I became a gold member of starbucks! Now I have a right to get a free drink every 12 drinks!
Anyways, There came 3 interns except me. To be specific, 6 interns were supposed to come here. But, one intern had advanced schedule and the other worker, suprisingly enough, quit 2days ago. He texted us he got another job so decided to leave. We shared our own experiences so far and feelings. We were informed that workload and the intensity would depend on store by store. Turns out I was the luckiest person among them. Actually, it has been no more than 2weeks since I start working. I have little complait about it so far. The workload was less than I expected nor did I overwork It wasn't on my purpose. My seniors had me prepared to get off 10minutes ago to get-off. Therefore I thought every interns were working like this, which was absolutely opposite. I couldn't take a pity for them more. One told us that he would quit maybe next week and change his career to the other area far from distribution industry. He realized that it's not the way he expected. Well, That's a nice decision in my book. It's important to try various experiences until find something that fits us.
As time passed by, 2 interns's face turned gray. They have to work tomorrow and I don't. That's why we didn't grab a beer but coffee. So we agreed to meet the day when we have same day-off for the next day in order to drink a beer together. All in all, it was quite fun to meet them.
Today I had, in total, 3 schedules. I started my day by attending a English conversation club. Only 4 members attended today. Usually, there would be much more than 4 members, more around the likes of 8. As a matter of fact, 4 was the ideal number of members to have for a conversation together. Luckily, I was the leader. For the first session, we reffered to an english topic book and discussed today’s topic: ‘Fashion’. Turns out none of us were trend-setter. Rather, we just followed our own styles and preferred comfortable clothes over stylish ones. After having a 10 minutes break, using what I had prepared, we talked about the Korean civil service exam. Nowadays, more and more Koreans seem to be taking the exam as a means to try make a living. Lots of people around me study for it these days. To be honest, I cannot say I haven’t considered taking the test before. Well, since there is no age limit for taking the test, If I really wanted to try it, I can reconsider it later on (Only if I stay in korea) After the meeting finished, I ate Japanese ramen with my friend. I persuaded her to eat lunch and watch the movie, 'Lord of the ring’ with me. The ramen place we went to is really popular in Daejeon. I got there around noon but I still had to wait for my table. I was 5th in line. After a few minutes, we got our seats and ordered straight away: 2 bowls of ramen and okonomiyaki. I normally don’t eat okonomiyaki, but my friend insisted we get one. A bowl of warm ramen in this snowy weather…….Perfect! As with last week, I made my way to the same CGV to watch 'Lord of the ring 2 : the two towers’. It’s a 4 hour long movie, so I thought snacks would be necessary. This time I brought popcorn which I bought yesterday from my workplace. The popcorn they sold at the cinema was ridiculously pricey. I don’t think they were very fresh either. It was wonderful being able to see the scenes play out on the big screen with stereo sound. I couldn’t help but get goosebumps! I can’t wait to see the last one! (Besides, Look at Legolas! He’s literally the definition of an elf. Who could possibly look more like an elf than him? And Frodo’s beautiful blue eyes… I wish I could see them in person!) By the time I finished the movie, I only had one last thing to do: Meeting with the interns. We met at A Starbucks, which was my 3rd time today. I really didn’t feel like getting coffee or any kinds of beverages so I just ordered a chicken sandwich. Thanks to the sandwich, I was finally able to upgrade to gold membership at Starbucks! Now I can get a free drink after every 12 drinks! Anyways, excluding me, 3 other interns came. To be specific, 6 interns were supposed to come here. But, one intern had another schedule and the other worker, surprisingly, quit 2 days ago. He texted us that he got another job so he decided to leave. We shared our own experiences so far and feelings. We were informed that the workload and intensity varied depending on the store. Turns out I was the luckiest person among them. Actually, it had been no more than 2 weeks since I started working here. But I’ve had few complaints about it all so far. The workload was less than I expected, nor did I have to work overtime against my will. My seniors even gave me 10 minutes to get ready to get-off work. Therefore I thought every intern was working like under the same conditions, which turned out to be the complete opposite. I couldn’t help but pity them. One of them told us that he might quit next week and change his career to a path far from the distribution industry. He realized that wasn’t what he expected. Well, that’s a good decision in my book. It’s important to experience many different things until we find something that suits us. As time passed by, 2 of the interns face’s turned gray. They have to work tomorrow but I don’t. That’s why we got coffee rather than beer. So we agreed to meet again when we all had a day-off following meeting day in order to drink beer together. All in all, it was quite fun to meet them.
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