#i literally rambled about this book to my bf while I was reading it because I was in SHAMBLES
idreamonpaper · 3 months
I posted a review on Goodreads but I also must post it here because I need people to read @reeseweston's book, From the Roof of my Mouth. I know I am *checks calendar* four years late to the party, but this book has consumed my life and my thoughts ever since I picked it up. The cover of my copy will no longer close properly and the pages are now marked with the first tabs I could get my hands on which are these neon pink tabs. I will put my mad ramblings under a read more because I have much to say!
I first learned about From the Roof of my Mouth from Tumblr and bought the book when it first came out. It's been sitting on my book shelf since then until I decided to open it up a few days ago. This book has single handedly brought me out of the reading slump I've found myself for the past couple of years. I finished it in a few days because I couldn't put it down. I got swept up in the intensity of Ryan's emotions. The writing style flowed so well that I felt as if I was with Ryan also desperately trying to grasp at the corner of Nakoa's sleeve to get him to stay. I laughed, I dropped my head into the pages and groaned, and I teared up while reading. This book drew so many emotions from me that it has easily become one of my favorites.
I've always loved a good friends to lovers story, it's easily one of my favorite things to read. However, Ryan and Nakoa's dynamic is a new spin on this. It's complicated, jagged, and packed with emotions that have been growing for an entire decade. The characters are written in a way that's so painfully human that the solutions to their problems aren't simple. In Ryan's case, when he's in love with someone who handles intimacy like it's going to bite, it's not as easy as just confessing how he feels. Ryan is a protagonist that I have affectionately called a loser as I read, but I can't help but be endeared by him. These characters cry, laugh, mess up and they argue with each other and it's what made them feel human. I could go on and on about how the story also focuses on platonic love and how even the side characters like Dice and Aero carve an important space for themselves in this story. Nakoa is also a great example of how hard addiction can be. He's a character that could've easily been romanticized, his issues could've been brushed off and erased by the power of love. He's treated like a real person though. Nakoa's struggle with addiction affects his life, his health and his relationships with other characters in a way that's handled so well by the author. However, despite his prickly attitude he's not seen as unworthy in any way of love and friendship.
The conclusion of From the Roof of my Mouth had me beaming, absolutely delighted with the ending. I've spent hours pacing my room afterwards, thinking of how to best word this review in a way that's not me just rambling all the thoughts in my head. If you want to take one thing out of my review it's this: From the Roof of my Mouth is an emotional roller coaster that will have you feeling every high and low so deeply that it'll stick with you long after you finish reading. I would absolutely recommend this! I will absolutely be going back to read this multiple times!
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autisticempathydaemon · 3 months
Hi! These matchups you do are really fun so I thought I’d give it a go :)
What song are you fixated on at the moment? What lyric or verse, and why?
I’m a Megan Thee Stallion fan! I love her songs, they get me so pumped. Right now I love one of her older songs Plan B. It makes me feel confident and reminds me not to take sh*t from anyone!
“Ladies, love yourself 'cause this shit could get ugly That's why it's, "Fuck n***** get money" And I don't give a fuck if that n**** leave tonight. Because, n****, that dick don't run me”
What is your Enneagram type?
I’m an ENFP :)
Do you love gargantuan Youtube video essays, and if so, which is your favorite and why?
Yes I do! I love to listen to them like a podcast while I scroll on Pinterest or draw. I enjoy watching Wendigoon. I’m a horror gal so I love urban legends and creepy stuff. My particular favorite is “The Deal With The Devil That Created Rock And Roll”
Tell me about your childhood imaginary friend.
never had one
What is your go-to way to fall asleep?
Listening to bf asmr or reading some fanfics
If you had to change your name, what would it be, and why? (In tandem, if you have changed your name, why did you pick that one?)
The funny thing about my name is that nobody calls me by my government one. It’s one of those long, slightly formal names. So when I was baby I was given a nickname. Now everyone in my life knows me by that nickname. I didn’t pick it, but i like my nickname and I feel like it fits :)
What is your favorite of Redacted’s audios, and why?
Oooh that’s a hard choice. I like so many of them. But I’d have to pick Gavin’s first confession audio. It’s so sweet and I’m a sucker for confessions.
What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don’t get the hype for. (I won’t judge, I promise.)
Hmm, I think Asher. just doesn’t appeal to me. I think our personalities are too similar
Tell me about that one book/movie/tv show you know all the words to.
”The Parent Trap” with Linsey Lohan! or “Clueless”
Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Like- forget dating, which dude do you want to be your best friend?
I think Guy. He’d be a fun bestie, and he’d make me cry laughing
Do you have a go-to thing you ramble about when you’re tired, and if so, what is it? (For example, my boyfriend knows I’m ready to sleep when I start talking about space.)
Not rlly. I get more quiet when I’m sleepy.
Tell me your go-to gas station and drink combo.
Combo pretzel and cheese chips and a Coke!
Tell me about your favorite playlist at the moment. 
It’s titled ‘Bad Bitch’ and it’s filled with Kim Petras, Twice, Kali Uchis, and ofc Megan Thee Stallion :)
What’s your guilty pleasure media, and why?
Cheesy rom coms and romance books. Also Studio Ghibli movies
Extra info:
I’m an extrovert
I love the sunshine x grumpy trope
I’m a fashion girlie and I must have a cute outfit at all times if I’m going out
that’s all, thank you!
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Easy peasy! I think you and your match would have a lot of shared interests, but it’s the love of fashion that cinched it. There’s no better match for that than Gavin.
Like, literally, you’d like so many of the same things; horror, K-pop, Megan Thee Stallion, romance novels. The music especially is such a fun thing you two share; he knows all the choreography, maybe even all the words. (I think he’s a Girls Generation fan if I had to pick. Given his age, I think Gavin stans the classics.) You also share a book collection, the incubus often getting saucy and using them as inspiration or quoting them.
All in all, you’re a very compatible couple, an extroverted pair who looks good together. I can see y’all going on really cute mall dates, thrifting cute clothes, buying new books, going to see the new horror movie of the week, and Gavin laughing at it to everyone in the theater’s surprise. (Because of his demonic, supernatural nature, I like to hc Gavin as enjoying horror but not being scared by it in the least.) (Also, I really love that both of you go by nicknames instead of your birth names; it’s meant to be.)
I'm talkin' all around clock/ I'm talkin' hope nobody knocks/ I'm talkin' opposite of soft/ I'm talkin' wild, wild thoughts/ You gotta keep up with me/ I got some young energy/ I caught the L-O-V-E/ How do you do this to me?
Once you get Gavin properly acclimated to pop culture and music, he becomes the king of it, always his finger on the pulse. I love to think of him as a pop idol, Sabrina Carpenter fan- especially of this fun, flirty song and how it’s performed. He loves to play this while doing chores around the house, coming up with his own naughty refrains like how Sabrina does during live performances.
Given your love of fashion, I had to put Milo somewhere in your big three. Anton, in contrast, is a runner-up because of how adorably you’d contrast. I love a good introvert/extrovert pairing, and I really get a giggle out of imagining Anton flustered at hearing WAP for the first time.
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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1d1195 · 1 month
Sam! The newest part of Most was EVERYTHING!! Now you know absolutely LOVED Lauren getting publicly embarrassed by Harry calling her out like that! I swear I was so happy knowing that she finally got exposed and she technically exposed herself lol I do think it was so right for Harry being the one to find out because I fear the MC would have just been too nice to her lol but also I think it gives him some closure? Idk if that’s the right word but I think it helps fill in some gaps for that time of the breakup. ANYWAYS loved reading that lol
Now you have been putting this couple through so much but honestly I love it! Harry was literally in shambles while driving to her apartment and he had to find out she was TRAPPED IN HER BUILDING THATS ONE FIRE?!? And she DIDNT REALIZE IT?!? I would start crying ngl if I was in his position lol I was so invested when reading the last half especially when she dropped her love confession as almost a goodbye?! I’m so excited to see how their story will be wrapped up! They are so in love I can’t! So so good bestie as always you’re killing it with these stories!
Also sorry it took so long to reply back! Had such a busy week and I’m just so tired lol my summer classes end in 3 ish weeks so this upcoming week are my midterms(so crazy 😔)! Idk when fall classes start exactly but I think the last week of September maybe? Idk I’m avoiding knowing it lol and don’t be sorry for asking questions! I love questions! I commute to school so I’ve never lived on campus. I live with my parents still so it has its pros and cons lol
Though I’m so surprised you almost start your school year again?? Idk if I’ve just lost the concept of time but I thought you still had a pretty good chunk left of summer break for you?! I can only imagine how hard it is to be “on” all the time especially as a teacher and I hope that you do set goals for not overwhelming/working yourself this year! I just know you can do it my love because you are so important! Always rooting for you💗
I LOVE that you’re having some free time to read! And honestly some smut/romance books are needed sometimes so I don’t blame you for gobbling them up! Anything that you come up for Monday I’m sure it will be great even if it’s sad lol and a check in is always nice! I love to see how the couples are doing! I was just thinking about the Zipper couple bc I saw a horse drawn carriage yesterday when I went out lol and I LOVE YOUR RAMBLING!!! I could never get tired of it or you!! Love little updates on the life of Sam lol
Hope this weekend treats you well and sending the best vibes! Love you lots!!!-💜
Hi!!!! I have been dying for Harry to figure it out. I know it took a while but I hope it was kind of worth the wait. It's funny you say that about the MC finding out 👀 It def gives him closure. I'm so glad to be done with Lauren. (Although I'm sure I'm going to have to write an extra about her running into Lauren hehehe)
I just LOVE to have drama and make Harry stress out when I write 🤭🤭 There's something DEFINITELY wrong with me its in all my romance books basically. I'm just a sucker for a protective guy getting all worried about his lady 😅 HE DEF was SOBBING. I think I wrote he was crying but it was subtle because I had to make sure he could still see but maybe that's the next part hahahahaha but in my head he was a blubbering mess 🤭 This part was SO short when I originally wrote it. I know it's pretty dialogue heavy and I just couldn't figure out how to make it any longer so I just kept throwing stuff in and I was like "she should just tell him. It's pretty obvious anyway."
I am so appreciative of your compliments as always 💕
Please don't apologize! I bet you're exhausted! 3 weeks seems like forever. That's interesting you start toward the end of September. There's NOTHING wrong with living at home and commuting. I have an apartment and I love my bf but I would move back home to my INSANE family in a heartbeat if it meant I could save more money 😅 I was lucky to live on campus because of scholarships and stuff but even still I was only an hour away from home if I needed anything and after my first year I had my car with me.
I have one more full week off but I've been SO busy I feel like I didn't really get a break :( idk. I know people complain about teachers having all this time off but it goes quick and shoving all the things you need to do into it is difficult. I haven't even seen like half of my friends that I wanted to see which I normally budget my time off with. The thought of meeting up with them is exhausting and as I've mentioned before I always do the reaching out so that's exhausting in it's own right. I think I will likely have to book myself into September and hang out with them at that time.
I actually reread parts of Zipper the other day 😭 I think they probably rotate through my top 3 couples and stories. But what's a little sad is I would love to write more about them, but I think they might be done. I feel (hope) I wrote a really solid ending for them and I could write about their kids or whatever but idk if that's worth it. I like to think of them as all wrapped up--zipped closed, if you will. 🤭
LOVE YOU hope your weekend allows you some time to yourself and your midterms are easy peasy 💕
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madewithspice · 2 years
hi, i’d like to request a matchup for haikyuu and/or JJK if i can please :)
my name is nate, my pronouns are he/him, i’m an infj (type 9w8 if you like enneagram). i’m bi but have a stronger preference for men.
i really like playing guitar and skateboarding, i’m also a huge reader sci-fi books (bonus points if they have anything to do with space). i’m a psychology major and love literally anything to do with neuropsychology.
for my dislikes, i don’t like public speaking, being in small places, the dark (don’t judge me it’s scary), or bugs. i dont do bugs.
thank you for doing these matchups. they’re a lot of fun to read :)
Hey. Thank you for requesting :)
I would match you with Suna Rintaro from Haikyuu
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I have a hate-love thing with Suna being a stoner skateboarder as everyone hcs but I do agree with the skateboarding part. You meet Suna at a skate park, literally crashing into him while attempting to tic tac across the path. After collecting yourselves, he offers to help you out and before you realise it the sun is setting and you feel like you’ve known each other for ages.
The best relaxation for Suna after volleyball practice is something calm and comforting and there’s nothing more soothing to him than listening to you playing the guitar - no words needed, just your presence and the soft lulling of guitar strings.
Suna tends to keep his feelings quiet but his actions reveal everything in the end. He supports you in everything you do and appreciates it when you turn up to his games. He might not say the words he wants to face-to-face but his messages convey the mutual feelings between the two of you.
For JJK I match you with Itadori Yuji
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Yuji is the definition of ride-or-die. This boy is a living shield against anything, he has no fears and will throw himself into whatever shit is happening whenever. So you don’t need to worry about anything because he’ll fix it for you.
He is the type of bf to laugh madly when you see a bug and freak out but then feel bad and get rid of it. Though he is tempted to chase you with it, he would never do that - he’s not evil but sukuna is so better run fast.
Yuji’s first official date with you was at a planetarium where you rambled about the stars and that inspired his birthday gift to you - a picture of the starry night sky on that day. He finds it cute when you talk super fast and passionately about things you like.
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partnersatfazbear · 4 years
Updates | Vday Sketches
I thought I’d post an update, so you guys know why I haven’t been posting. It’s nothing really serious, but I’ve been taking some time to spend with my wife before she starts a very long solid week of work with no time off, taking care of the apartment for her, ect.
I’ve had back pain, sciatica pain again as well as nightmares, so my sleep hasn’t been good..
I haven’t had any inspiration for poor William and Henry lately, but it is something I want to get back to. My interests change often, but I don’t want to abandon this ship anytime soon. I would be updating the fic, but I can’t get the middle sorted out. I haven’t sat down to finish Resurrection Seeker, although I’d say the last few chapters are about 50% done. As for the comic, I’ll upload that tomorrow. Out of pure laziness / back pain I haven’t finished coloring the most recent pages, but I’ve been looking forward to specific scenes and I really want to put my all as each page goes, hopefully improving the quality.
You have all been amazing, leaving lots of kudos. I appreciate that. I feel guilty for the lack of updates...
I admit what energy I have had has gone to my game, which still doesn’t have a name. I think I’ve almost worked out a plot I am happy with. I’m going to watch some horror movies today and get some inspiration. I’ve also been watching a lot of RPG Maker horror games (if you haven’t watched FlareBlitz, I highly recommend him... wife made fun of me because she says he sounds like PJ. If FB could read a little smoother, maybe. Nonetheless, FB is great for some relaxing RM content. Sadly, he’s doing a lot of VNs lately and it’s really not my thing.)
Anyway, to actual speak of my game, I’m really trying to figure out my story while mapping, which is probably a mistake, but I’d rather have a realistic house for a map that realistically conforms to the story. Having said that I realize that games like Pocket Mirror and Crooked Man stand out as my favorites and I’d like to include some fantasy elements at some point, but how to make it work with my grounded supernatural settings my work is set in is difficult.
Other random stuff I added to my to-do list is to make a Thousand Arms FNF Mod, but uh, it’s about 20 sprites not counting the death ones [just for the BF] (which I probably will only mildly modify). Then those 15 or so sprites must be copied / lowered a few times each to match the sprite sheet. This project is something very far off my radar, but I wanted to mention it.
So, right now my plans are to finish a chapter of something even if it’s typing up the first chapter of my MichaelxCharlie story, and post it. Second, work out my game’s plot a bit more. I have to establish this story with my 12 book long novels, which isn’t as hard as it sounds since this is near what I call “the end of the timeline” and I am planning with a sequel in mind. So, I want this game to have a lot of vague lore that gets answered in Part 2.
I just hope you can all support me in my game endeavors. I want to finish it by Easter. It’s isn’t my first RM title, but it’s something I would easily love to make a living out of someday.
Oh, and for some FNAF related stuff, we finally tracked down Glamrock Chica’s plush the other day when spending time with a friend. We still haven’t found Frostbear, unfortunetly. I’m going to have to pay scalpers for Chocolate Bonnie and Frostbear, sadly. The next book will come out in a month or so, IIRC? Gumdrop Angel? I don’t know if I’ll have anything to add for that. I also finished the Twisted Ones GN, so I’m out of material to read. Except to find that Google Drive post about the Shadow animatronics and read about them... because I intended to start a YT channel, but I’m too shy. I can’t do it without anyone to bounce my ideas off of and my wife is busy.
I will be taking a haitus between 2/20 and 2-28. My wife has vacation and we also moved our V-Day celebration to then. So, don’t expect too many updates that week, especially early on as we’ll be out of town visiting families.
I think I’ve rambled too much. If you made it this far, thank you..
Edit: Someone on twitter wanted Willry V-Day art. I might try my hand at it so I did some sketches... Springtrap literally giving his heart, Charlotte as flower girl (Henry has a plaid tux and William has bunny accessories), and then a scene from Resurrection Seeker.
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computerkisser · 4 years
Hey hi hello ;;; I think it's super cool when you talk about Hal, I wanna look into him because I think he's very cool ;;;; do you mind telling me about him? Like...just ramble about him, I don't mind! I like how you get so excited about so it's like...yes excited by association. You don't have to tho ;;;
HELLO!!!! i would LOVE to talk about hal thank you so much
so!! i don’t know how much you know, and i don’t want to seem condescending, especially because the movie he’s from is considered so so iconic, but i’m gonna kinda work from the ground up here because.. more infodumping... yes........
so. HAL 9000 (short for Heuristically programmed ALgorithmic computer) is the main antagonist of 2001: a space odyssey, or at least of the third segment of it. 2001 is a really weird, long movie that pretty much follows humanity and its evolution from apes discovering tools up to whatever the hell is going on with space aliens by the end. the novel is slightly more comprehensible but the movie has the beautiful visuals.. and hals voice which is just so so sweet i genuinely cry to his voice sometimes..
hal is the resident computer on a spaceship, working with two human astronauts, dave bowman and frank poole (plus three more who are in cryosleep). the actual purpose of the mission is to make contact with an alien society that put a weird black monolith on the moon, but this is classified information, so hal is the only one who knows about it. but it’s at the forefront of his programming to be completely transparent with humans and fully report everything he has to report, and that’s what causes him to be “bad”.
hal starts acting kind of funny, claiming that a communication unit on the ship is broken when it’s perfectly fine, and the two astronauts sit down in a pod where hal doesn’t can’t hear them and discuss disconnecting him. hal is able to read their lips though, and feeling threatened, acts out of what he thinks is self defense. that’s the whole reason hal is known as a Scary Evil Computer in pop culture, because he was acting in self defense!!
i mean i’m not gonna try to defend everything he did. frank is outside the ship doing repairs and hal launches one of the pods at him to sever his oxygen and send him whooshing into space. while dave is trying to save him hal cuts life support on the guys in cryosleep.
so, like, dave is completely justified in deactivating hal, but the scene where he does is still absolutely heartbreaking (i might be biased because that is my boyfriend however). hal pleads with him to stop, growing more and more frantic but his voice staying level as ever, while dave disconnects his circuits one by one. like yes he sort of had it coming but “i’m afraid, dave. stop, dave. stop, will you? i’m afraid.” WAAAAH
now like there’s a sequel film, 2010: the year we make contact, and multiple sequel books. i... have not consumed any of them. 2001 was hard enough to sit through, i was literally only there for hal and not the agonizingly long periods of silence and empty shots of space. also i don’t have the reading comprehension to get what’s going on in a film that complex without other peoples’ analysis to get me started. HOWEVER i do know that 2010 introduces dr. chandra, the doctor who programmed hal, and sal 9000, his sister! that’s my bf’s family!!!
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This was inspired by Disney Fairytale weddings, I have been obsessed with that show recently. In this imagine I’m using names of his family. Like DeeDee is his older sister, Kelley is his mom, and Will his cousin. I’m thinking of making a three part wedding series for him, this one will be the first part of it which will be the getting ready for the ceremony.
So today was the day, the day where you and Christian were getting married. You were at the Grand Floridian getting ready with your mom, DeeDee, Kelley, Y/BF/N who was your maid of honor, and the rest of your bridal party.
Chris had sent Will over to your room to give you a little gift before the wedding to ease your nerves. When Will walked in the stylist was doing your makeup, and he walks in with a little wooden box he hands it to you and gives you the instructions “So cousin in law, I was given strict instructions to give you, Christian told me to give you the box and your only allowed to open one of the parts of the gifts today while you finish getting ready” before Will leaves he gives Y/BF/N a kiss since he was her boyfriend, that was the one thing you loved about the relationship that you had a couple to go on double dates with.
You open the envelope that was on top of the lid of the wooden box, that read open on our wedding day, when you opened the envelop you find a folded piece of paper and open it to find it was a letter:
Dear Y/N,
I don’t know how to start this off mamas, but I can tell you that I am very excited to get married to you. I’m probably trying to fight the urge to run to you and kiss you now, I probably put Will and Weston on Christian Watch as corny as it sounds but it’s probably necessary. I’m excited to be that hubby that will be at the end of the aisle crying while you walk down the aisle because I can’t believe that I’m marrying such a beautiful, caring and wonderful woman like you but most of all because Mrs. Christian Mate Pulisic is walking towards me to proof to the audience our profound love for each other. I can’t wait til the day where we have a mini version of you or me running around the house while you’re on the couch holding our other child watching Frozen II for like the millionth time.
I knew you were my other half on our first year anniversary, when you moved in with me. I knew that I wanted to keep waking up next to you, with you in my arms. By the time we were together for a year and half I was already imagining what it’d be like if we were to have kids and how they would look like, if mini you would get her good looks from me and mini me would have the tennis skills his mama has or his dad’s soccer skills. I can assure you the time we took time apart was the worst part of my life, because I can’t see my life without you. I just know that I’m ready to conquer whatever obstacle comes towards us, because it’ll be you and me for the rest of our lives ‘until death of us part’.
I’m so happy that we’re getting married at the most magical place in the world, a place that has a special place in our hearts, a place that brought us even closer for our 2nd year anniversary trip. I know you’ve always wanted to get married in front of Cinderella’s castle in Magic kingdom, because it’s one of your favorite places and because of your obsession with Disney Fairytale Wedding. Well babe you’ve got your fairytale ending, with e as your Prince Charming, and fairytale wedding. I hope I didn’t make you cry, because if I did your makeup is probably ruined by now but to me it wouldn’t matter because I love you and all of your phases.
Well I should stop rambling on so you can finish getting ready, can’t wait to see you at the end of the altar Mrs. Y/N Y/MN Pulisic.
Your loving soon to be husband,
Christian Pulisic
After you had finish reading the letter to the people in the room, you hadn’t noticed the happy tears streaming down your face, Kelley was excited that you were going to be her daughter-in-law. Your mom was in tears, happy at the thought that her daughter had found her soulmate. You were excited to open the wooden box that was still on your lap, when you open the box you see different envelopes. You start flipping through them reading each envelope:
Open when we enter our house as a married couple
Open when you’re getting ready for the first home game as my wife
Open when I’m at the first away game as your husband
Open when you miss me
Open when you feel insecure
Open when you need a good laugh
Open when we’ve had our first fight as a married couple
Open when you’re on a flight back home
Open when it’s a rainy day in London
Open when you find out your pregnant
Open when we’re at the hospital holding our first child
The envelopes seemed to have been written by someone else other than Christian, because the handwriting was neat and not sloppy. You had not expected a gift like this, but you had sent Y/BF/N to give him a gift you had gotten him. For the bride to groom gift exchange you had done a little DIY flip book with 45 reasons why you want to marry him, cuffs initialed with C+Y/I and a scrapbook filled with polaroids you had taken while you guys were dating. The hair stylist decided to give you a little break so you can look at your gifts, she decided to do one of your bridesmaids hair while waiting for you to finish, when you were finishing looking at the envelope Y/BF/N comes back in with another gift Christian had sent you. Chris had sent you a shot glass along with a bottle of tequila, so you would take a shot before leaving for Magic Kingdom, and a necklace locket that had both of your initials in it.
You had taken the shot Christian had sent along with two flukes of champagne, right now the hairstylist was finishing your hair while everyone was in awe with how cute you guys were for giving each other little gifts. The stylist had finished and now you were off to make up, your look was more of a natural/nudish color scheme. When the makeup stylist was done, you were off to the bathroom getting ready to slip on your wedding dress.
Your mom and Y/BF/N were helping you put on the dress, putting on the dress just reminded you of how many dresses you had to try on before finding the perfect one. Pnina Tornai in your opinion was the best wedding dress designer, and you loved all her dresses so you had to get one of her gowns. When you walked out to show DeeDee, Kelley, and your bridal party everyone was literally in awe and tears at how gorgeous you looked with the final product. You were ready to be married to the love of your life!
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gjjokok · 4 years
01 - December 20, 2020
Recently I’ve just been feeling so weird about the relationship and kind of detached in a way? We’ve had some facetime calls recently where I feel like I’m just waiting for it to end so I can go back to doing literally nothing. Even when he looked excited to see me I just didn’t feel much. This hasn’t exactly been a long term thing, only the past month or so really. But it just feels kind of unfair to feel like this and act like everything is ok? Recently it’s felt more and more weird to tell him I love him and to call him ‘babe’ and stuff like that because it feels fake and like kind of mean?
Over the past 3 days of constantly thinking about this and nothing else, I think I’ve come to the conclusion that this just isn’t what I want. At least not at this point in my life. I have some sort of weird fascination with the first steps in a relationship where you barely know each other and you’re excited when you see you have a text from them and when you’re scared to hold their hand while watching a movie. And it’s been really like demoralizing recently to realize that, if I am with him for the rest of my life as I thought it would be and as we’ve discussed, I’ll never have that again. I think that I want what we have right now in 5-10 years, but not right now when I’m only 23 and I barely feel like I know who I am.
I haven’t really been single for more than a few months at a time in over 6 years so it feels like my personality has always been whatever I want it to be to fit into what my significant other wants. I mainly had this discovery when my roommate and I were talking about what our interests are...and I just have like no interests. I’ve gotten into reading recently which has been nice, and I like to workout (which can’t really happen due to COVID), and I like playing video games. But I just want to be able to discover what I like and what I’m interested in on my own. I really believe that everyone has things that they are interested in that makes everyone interesting, even if they themselves think they are boring, and I just feel like I haven’t found that and won’t be able to in this relationship. It makes me feel like an asshole saying this though because I know that our of anyone in the world he would encourage me to find new interests and would be excited when I tell him about something new I like. The problem in it is that I know that he would want to be included in it. Like when I started reading, he thought it was cool but was immediately like “Ooh we should choose a book and do a book club together!” and like that’s such a cute idea, but I just don’t want to do that. I just want to have interests that are mine. It’s not even unreasonable for him to want to be included in my interests, obviously. And I know that if I just told him like “Hey I actually just kind of want reading to be my thing I do by myself when I need alone time” he would be fully receptive to that. So then like what am I even worried about? Or what do I not like about the current situation? Maybe just the idea that it feels like there’s this person in my life that I have to just talk to about everything in my life and everything new in my life, since we are in a relationship, and have been in a relationship for years, and always discuss our future together with kids and pets and etc. On top of being a generally independent person, even when I’m in a relationship, I think I just really want to be alone in life at least for some time.
One thing that scares me most, though, is that I’ve had these exact thoughts in the past. When I broke up with him at the beginning of last summer when I was taking summer school, I felt like I just wanted to be alone for a while and I thought that our relationship was just boring. Actually, right after writing that I realized that I developed a crush for a new guy in my program before I had even broke up with my bf, so maybe I was just bored of my bf and not really wanting to be in a new relationship? Anyways, after I had been single for about 4 months, I went into this depression (not actually a depression because I dont have depression, but I literally couldnt listen to happy music and didnt smile for 2 weeks) because I missed him so much and felt like I made such a huge mistake. When he agreed we could talk and we got back together again, I felt so happy and I felt like I had wronged the biggest regret I had. But now, a little over a year after we got back together, I feel like I need out again. Maybe this is just a momentary feeling that I’m having and I need to just wait for it to go away? But at the same time, I think it’s a pretty bad sign that I’m having these feelings at all, and that I’m feeling them so much I have resorted to having to write them down.
I’ve had these thoughts in the past too, a couple months ago. We were having issues and miscommunications and we seemed mad at eachother and sad at the situation we were in. I even said to my friend before I had a discussion with him about it “I feel like I just don’t even care how we turn out. I think if we broke up this afternoon I wouldn’t feel anything at all except some relief.” Later that afternoon him and I spoke and I felt so much better and felt like i fell in love with him again, but now here we are, and I’m avoiding answering his texts because I feel guilty using emojis and telling him I love him when I’m feeling like this inside. Maybe these massive mood swings are a result of the fact that I dont know myself and don’t know what I want? I want my independence and see us arguing as a reason to break up with him, then we have a discussion and I get scared at the thought of losing him and feel crazy for ever wanting to break up with him.
In the end, I’m not sure what I want to do about this. I’m thinking that us taking a break for a week or so might be a good idea, and then at the end of the week I can evaluate if I missed his presence or if I was happy to be alone (not gonna lie, typing that out excited me - it made me kind of excited to think about a week where I don’t have to text him). But, its Christmas in 5 days and our anniversary is on January 4th, so there are multiple occasions in the near future that would kind of, idk, be very noticeable if we didnt talk to eachother. Again, I dont think I would be too disappointed if we didnt talk on Christmas or whatever, but I know he would. But, like I’ve said, just continuing as if everything’s normal feels very disingenuous and guilty. How am I going to be able to be with him on our anniversary and tell him I love him when I’m just thinking about us breaking up the whole time?
This was far more rambly than I meant it to be, but I think it’s very representative of the fact that I have no idea what I want or how I really feel. I can conclude, though, that writing this definitely didn’t lessen my feelings of wanting independence and to be alone.
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bendthekneejon · 5 years
Hey any advice on keeping hope? I really want to but with some of these (f)leaks these days I get more and more stressed and I try to avoid them but head just keeps spinning the possibilities. Your list helps for all the possibilities but I just need some assurances if it is not a bother
Hi anon, take a deep breath. Try to examine the fleaks with more reason than emotion, remembering what you know about the characters and the plot. I’m gonna ramble a lot now. 
We’ll start with Dany. Her story is one of empowerment, a source of strength for slaves, women, etc. and a hugely inspiring character for the audience as well. Her arch is one of overcoming adversities, of growing up, of striving to help people.
And madness? She’s wondered a bunch of times in ASOIAF if she’s mad, she’s scared about that. But tbh, haven’t you heard that asking yourself if you’re mad means that you aren’t? Lol, anyway, she’s never enjoyed murdering others. She banned torture ffs. She wasn’t like Cersei who sipped her wine as she smiled while watching the Sept burn to the ground. 
I’ll tell you something that just happened to me. I got into an argument defending Dany on Facebook this week. I was saying how clear Martin has been that she’s a selfless and devoted queen and not a mad one, and that D&D are clearly forcing this “role” into her for the sake of drama. A bunch of book readers came after me to tell me I was wrong. They told me they found book!Dany unbearable and annoying, and that the show had changed her character for the audience to like her better, that they wrote her friendlier and nicer. 
Now, idk if you’ve read the books anon, but when people call Dany annoying they’re usually referring to i. how she usually yells “but i’m a targaryen!” and ii. when she fell in love with daario and she was horny af. Now, I don’t think neither of these are wrong (first, her last name is what she uses to demand respect bc she’s a small girl; and 2nd, she’s a teenager who’s lonely as fuck OF COURSE she’s horny and needs some cuddling and good dick ffs). Anyway I’m rambling. I wanted to get to the following point: for these anti book!Dany dudes, show!Dany was less annoying and friendlier for the audience (even though she’s cute and funny in asoiaf anyway). So I realized they were contradicting themselves. If D&D have made show!Dany more likeable and friendly by omitting certain scenes from asoiaf (eg. when she made out with daario in front of everyone), it’s because D&D are emphasizing the characterization of a good queen. If they wanted her to be the ultimate villain, the “mad” queen, they would have included maybe the time when she tortured the wineseller’s daughter (that doesn’t make her mad though, she banned torture after that), they would have added MORE violence to prove this point. But they didn’t. Instead, they’ve shown this selfless queen risking her life, dragons and armies to save her bf and then the WORLD. They could’ve omitted that. They could’ve made her kill Varys when he told her he wouldn’t give her blind loyalty, but instead, they wrote a line where she tells him: “if you ever see i’m failing the people, you’ll look me in the eye and tell me how i’m failing them”. See my point? If D&D wanted her to truly become mad, they would’ve made an effort to build that progressive fall to madness like they did with Cersei, but they didn’t. 
This quote is important: “So you don’t want anything to surprise you for surprise’s sake. You want everything to feel earned and to look back and go ‘okay, yeah, I could see how they were building to that.’ And from that I know from the final season, it does that.” (James Hibberd, EW’s Game of Thrones Weekly podcast). The thing is, the mad queen bullshit DOES FEEL unearned, because D&D have strived to show the opposite through the seasons. It’s a “surprise for surprise’s sake”, so it makes no sense with this quote. You know those YouTube videos that are called “Every Daenerys Targaryen Scene”? Watch them. Watch her arch, watch for yourself how D&D have built her. 
Now, Jonerys’ plot is also crucial for this mad dany bullshit. Let’s examine the order of events in their love story:
Jon meets Dany and he’s annoyed by her (and she by him), thinking at the start that she’s just power hungry like Cersei and just wants the IT. He even wonders if she really is the Mad King’s daughter when he talks to Tyrion on the cliff.
Jon starts realizing she’s not thaaat bad when she gives him access to the mines.
Jon witnesses Dany risking her life and dragons to save him and his people, which made him realize he had misjudged her.
Jon finally “sees her for what she is” and falls in love with her true personality. 
So, if D&D’s point is that Jon is gonna kill Dany bc he didn’t know her well enough (enough to realize she’s mad), they would’ve had him fall in love with her the moment he met her and then see her true colors of a “mad queen”. But they did the opposite. Jon thought FIRST she was the Mad King’s daughter, and then fell in love when he saw her for what she was. They could have reduced her and Jon’s plot to only physical attraction and sex. But they didn’t. They could’ve omitted Jon telling her “they’ll come to see you for what you are” after witnessing her selflessness. But they didn’t. 
The same goes for Dany. The fact that she fell in love with Jon shows that she isn’t mad–what attracts her is also selflessness and goodness–did you see the face she put when she saw Jon’s scars??? When he volunteered to go beyond the wall to catch a wight? These times when she saw how caring Jon was for his people were the ones where she fell in love with him HARD. If she were mad, if she enjoyed violence and all that shit, she would LOVE Daario much more–a super violent dude–yet their relationship WAS reduced to sex only, and when she said goodbye to him on the show “she felt nothing”, and when she slept beside him in ADWD “she felt alone”. She didn’t love him. Violence does not attract her.
Jon was the one who held her hand as soon as he woke up in the boat, the one who knocked on her door for sex. Jon Snow!!! The dude who used to be a fuckign virgin until he got begged for sex 1000 times!!! Remember. He loves her, and loves her since he saw her for her true colors. He’s just conflicted and confused rn for drama purposes. So the fleak makes no sense. 
On the other hand, what makes perfect sense is the assumption that the leaker got the names wrong (Dany and Cersei) and that Jon kills Cersei bc he COULD BE the valonqar (he’s the youngest brother in his fam) and Dany is the YMBQ. And Cersei has said “what can lyanna’s ghost do to harm us?”  (cheers to @tomakeitbeautifultolive​  and @the-last-targaryens​ for this) and also “how can the Targaryen girl on the other side of the sea harm us?” (not the exact words, but same thing) in S4. Hmmmmmm… fishy. AND the “bells” leak also makes PERFECT sense for Cersei, and zeeero sense for Dany. 
Also: Jon on his own on the Throne would be the most expected and boring ending EVER. Also consider this boy would be MISERABLE in that job. It’s literally what he wants the least. 
And remember: Jonerys IS point of the story. 
Also: this ending has NO single common point with LOTR’s ending. 
And also: read the fleaks omfg the rest of them make no fucking sense. Bronn in the council are you fucjgin kidding me. That ending for bran?? Bullshit. Everything about them is nonsense. Think about them cold-headed. They’re absurd, stupid, they’re fucking comedy material. D&D are stupid too but these fleaks make no sense with Emilia’s interview where she says that the ending isn’t about who’s sitting on the Throne either.
I’m not defending d&d, but conflict is necessary for a happy ending to feel earned. ESPECIALLY inner conflict. So they’re doing all this stupid fucking mad queen shit for her happy ending to have more sense. Look at it this way, we still have TWO MORE MOVIE LENGTH EPISODES ahead. If the ending would be tragic, they would introduce the tragedy muuuch later, not two movies before it’s over.
FINALLY, please take care of yourself and this stress you’re going through. Eat fruits and vegetables, work out and sweat out the stress, and try to remain active during the day to take your mind off this if it’s making you this anxious. Your wellbeing is first. 
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b00bconnoisseur · 6 years
60 questions for @not-my-brain
1. selfie.......Ugghhhh ok. Imma take one rn
Ok here u go (yes thats a bmth shirt)
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2. what would you name your future kids?.....Ooo hmmm well when i was a kid i really liked the names disney, and mesiah. I didn't know at the time that mesiah was another name for god i think lol. I liked it cause of handlers mesiah. I still do. Ooo and maybe Tj too
3. do you miss anyone?......Yeah. My friends on Pinterest from a year ago. My friend lucas. Stan lee. Bob ross. My cousin who died from cancer some years ago. Snape. Sirius. Lupin. Tonks. Dobby. *continues to name every unfortunate death in hp*
4. what are you looking forward to?.......SE-YA next month!! Its the south eastern young adult festival at this college. You can have meet n greets with authors and alot of stuff its the besstttt
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile?......DEFINATELY. @dirtysocke @mysisterlooksforthisaccountsobye @cristal-kyd1280 @sammchenry my friend lucas and @septembersbloom. ^^
6. is it hard for you to get over someone?..... What like...romantically? Or like a death? If romantically uhhh idk it took over a couple weeks but im ok now. Ive never had another relationship so idk. If death oof yeah idk maybe. Ig it depends on how much i knew them idk. Like when my nanny (great grandma) died i was sad for days (is that alot?)
7. what was your life like last year?.....Sucky af. Still is. But the highlights of my life last year was getting and making friends on tumblr, going to the tøp concert and going to warped tour, volunteering at the library, going to seya and meeting some of my favorite authors, reading, changing and improving my art, listening to all the bands i listen to now, getting into more fandoms, going to a friends house for the first time
8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed?.......Yes lol. Some years ago when i couldn't find smtn id be so annoyed and pissed id start crying. I dont now but still lol
9. who did you last see in person?.......Hm ig family doesn't count....? Wait do u mean a friend? If so uhh my friends rebekah, anika, and Judah at a TAB meeting at the library sometime last month.
10. are you good at hiding your feelings?......I think so? Like i mean I can hide whenever i get my....time of the month from my mom (talking abt stuff like that with her makes me uncomfortable) and i hid a breakup. And other p big stuff too. So imma say yeah
11. are you listening to music right now?........*pops on earbuds after reading this* yee im listening to bitch lasagna by pewdiepie xD (do i have the best spotify playlist or what?)
12. what is something you want right now?.......To hug @mysisterlooksforthisaccountsobye but SOMEONE has to live so far away
13. how do you feel right now?........Happy that my earbud still works cause they got washed in the wash yesterday....oops. Its not my fault. I told my dad to remind me to take it out of my jacket pocket before they threw it in but noooooo he forgot
14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you?.......Uhhhhh fuck idk it was probably from my lil 4 yr old bro sometime last week. Other than him (hes my favorite sibling) i dont let them hug me too much
15. personality description.......Nerdy. Fangirl. "Emo". Tomboy. Hotsause obsessed. Book lover. Music lover. Black. Blue. Harry potter. Introvert. Fall. Sports. Values friendship. Loyal. Uhhhh i cant think of much lol
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?.......*sigh* yes. Yes yes yes. Theres some things abt me, or my life really, that i havent told anyone on here or my irl friends that i sooooo want to so bad but i haven't cause i feel like they'd feel bad and pity me and i don't want that
17. opinion on insecurities........I dont really understand this one. Everyones insecure abt something. Is this askin like if i think its ok or not? I say its ok. Im insecure about literally everything about me. My face. My personality. My socialness. My art. What i do. What i say. Basically my whole body. The things i feel good abt are my books, music taste, and my friends (ily fuckers)
18. do you miss how things were a year ago?.........Hmm this time around a year ago....idk its sorta the same but all the stuff i mentioned abt my year from last year didn't happen yet so nah tho my life sucks rn its better than this time last year
19. have you ever been to New York?........Nooo but i want too soo baddd i wanna visit @septembersbloom !! Im coming for ya soon gramps *does the eye watching thing* my dads been to nyc before tho cause he does construction and he had a concrete job to do there. It was a 23 hr drive for him
20. what is your favourite song at the moment?........Uhhh idk!!! So hard! Maybe.....the whole thats the spirit album by bmth ;)
21. age and birthday?.....15 yrs of age and September 27th 2003 (whats yours brainy? I'll put it on my calendar)
22. description of crush......Its weird idk im not sure if its a genuine crush or not but uh....They like hp :).Thats all u get
23. fear(s).......Losing my best friend @dirtysocke and my other friends. Death. Failure. Momo chasing after me then killing me slowly keeping my eyes open to look her dead in the eyes while i die
24. height......5'6 call me short and I'll fuck u up with THIS *pulls out trusty potato peeler named now steve* dont test me boi
25. role model......Hhhhhhhh so many! But uh gosh one of them is @superraedizzle (youtuberrrr) and vexx and bob ross and da vinci and aaaaaaa so many
26. idol(s)......First person that immediately comes to mind is @sammchenry cause he's super cool and he's really nice and his art's reallyyy good (if u havent seen it w-w-what are u even doin with your life?) And he has a great sense of humor and *continues to ramble about why samms the best*
27. things i hate.......Dabs. Transphobes. Homophobic ppl. Basically any hate on the lgbtq+ community. Bullies. The ship starker. Umbridge. Snape haters
28. i’ll love you if….....U you'll eat pizza, draw, and rp harry potter with mee
29. favourite film(s)......Fantastic beasts. Every hp film. Twilight. The maze runner 1-2. The hunger games. Spiderman homecoming. Kingsman: secret service. Into the spideyverse tho i havent seen it yet
30. favourite tv show(s)......Inkmasterrrrr. B99. The mick. The middle. Uhhh idk mostly ink master xD
31. 3 random facts........Ive never had shrimp. I had a beta fish for over a year once. Im eating pizza crust rn
32. are your friends mainly girls or guys?.......G i r l s. I have all girl friends irl and one boy. And on tumblr it seems like i just meet girls? Likei agree with @cristal-kyd1280 its like alot more gals then dudes here. But i do have some guy friends on here too. But mostly girls
33. something you want to learn.......TO DRAW ANATOMY DAMMIT
34. most embarrassing moment........Every moment of my lifes an embarrassing moment. Idk of i can pick a "most" embarrassing one. But one time i i sent my crush (now ex bf) a hey fuckface and like some hearts or whatever for an ask game that meant like "i have a crush on u" "youre adorable" etc and said Hewo but i did it all anonymously. But he confronted me askin if i sent it cause im the only person he knows that actually says hewo lol. Then later on i finally admitted i really liked him and well y'all know the story after i think. Unless you're new
35. favourite subject.......A R TTTT OFC
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?........meet my friends on tumblr. Get into mtsu (college i wanna go to) and study art. And go skydiving
37. favourite actor/actress........favorite actor uhhhhhh probably thomas brodie sangster or tom felton and my favorite actress? Hmmm idk maybe evanna lynch (luna lovegood)
38. favourite comedian(s).......probably kevin hart lol he's p funny
39. favourite sport(s)........basketballllllll and football
40. favourite memory........uhhhhh idk?? One oh my favorite memories was when we went to see tøp in concert
41. relationship status.....single as a pringle
42. favourite book(s)......harry potter and the order of the pheonix. Harry potter and the half blood prince. Simon vs the homo sapiens agenda. Divergent. Maze runner. Twilight. Fangirl. Fallen. Red queen
43. favourite song ever.......TOO HARD DONT MAKE ME CHOOSEEEEEE
44. age you get mistaken for.........16 and 17 sometimes lol
45. how you found out about your idol........i was watching someone on yt and superraedizzle always poped up in my feed and my mom turned on one of her vids cause she always saw her vids too now ive seen most of em i love her. Id heard of vexx but never watched him and i was watching a collab from anthony miller art and shrimpy and i checked out shrimpys channel and was lookin at comments and alot of ppl said his art is like vexxs so i checked out vexx. At first i was like eh ok. Now i cant click fast enough when he posts a vid. And i actually fpund out about bob ross from my grandpa on jan 20 2017 when trump was getting sworn in or whatever. We turned on pbs and my grampa told me to look and bob ross was on and i was IN. I loved it. I even started watching full episodes on YouTube of the joy of painting after that. Wonderful man. My first painting i ever did i think was when i followed one of his tutorials xD (i didnt know it was popular at the time)
46. what my last text message says......."ok your turn"
47. turn ons.....uhh nerds ig idk um book lovers, music lovers, art lovers, potterheads, idk and nice ppl
48. turn offs......jerks. Homophobia. Idk ig whatever i said in things i hate
49. where i want to be right now......uhhhh idk wait didn't i already answer this? Ok this ones different ig so uhh with my friend lucas
50. favourite picture of your idol.....oh shit...favorite? Idk xD i have a fave of vexx but not of rae or bob. But heres pics of them any way
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51. starsign......a libraaaaa boiii
52. something i’m talented at......drawing and speed reading. Thats about it lol. Oh and procrastina
53. 5 things that make me happy.......ooooo art, my friends here on tumblr, books, harry potter, and music ^^
54. something thats worrying me at the moment.....if my friend thinks im being annoying
55. tumblr friends......hhhhh so manyyyyyy. @dirtysocke @mysisterlooksforthisaccountsobye @cristal-kyd1280 @chinesewaffles2 @kingantlion @queen-baelin @sammchenry @septembersbloom and more
56. favourite food(s)......green beans, pepperoni pizza, and vanilla madelines
57. favourite animal(s).......basically any reptile. Puppies. Cats. Any animal really but my #1 are snakes
58. description of my best friend.....well she's a tiny bean (5 feet) and she has dark hair, she wears glasses, she doesnt take shit, she's in love with Josh dun, she's awesome, funny, nice (YES youre nice jackie) and shes the best friend ive ever had. Oh. And she has a weird obsession with spaghetti
59. why i joined tumblr.......well i heard abt it on Pinterest over a year ago but didnt want it. Then @mrfastbass-deactivated20181231 on DeviantArt said he got tumblr so i made one then followed him and figured id just post art and that's it cause i thought tumblr was boring as hell when i first got it. Now im p much obsessed with it
60. ask me anything you want.......go ahead brainy shoot. Give me smtn good
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I want (need) you to expand (tell me everything) about that post about It and the 2016 Creepy Clown Crisis. (Really, if you have anything else to say about it I want to hear it)
Yes, take my hand and join me in what will probably be an incoherent ramble about something that is most likely not true, my love.
I’m sure we all remember those #iconic Creepy Clowns™, but as a refresher- Creepy Clown sightings are actually something that have been like, an urban legend phenomenon for Y E A R S. Like, a very long time. I used to do a lot of reading on the subject seeing as I was that kid™, but now you just get a million and one results from 2016 and I’ve had too much wine to wanna bother fighting through that. But anyway, this has always been a thing. Just, like, sometimes you’d see a creepy clown in the dead of night, but the clown doesn’t fucking do anything and you move on with your life. I actually saw one in like, 4th or 5th grade? Didn’t die, it wasn’t a huge deal. But anyway, in 2016 things just SPIRALED THE FUCK OUT OF CONTROL. Personally, I maintain what happened was that your average urban legend phenomenon was happening but since social media is so prevalent now a lot of creeps got inspired and the whole thing got blown up because of that…but that’s not the theory we’re focusing on in this post, so whatever. 
Now, as I’m sure you’ll also remember, there were HUNDREDS of conspiracy theories swirling around the whole clown crisis- everything from demonic possession, to a ‘clown purge’, to people thinking Hillary Clinton had hired the clowns to freak out America even more so she could get fear votes. I’m not shitting you, those were all things I heard daily. But another, tamer, theory was: this was all a mass promotional stunt for the IT reboot. 
The IT reboot was highly anticipated and very debated- fans of the work were well aware that they had been trying to get this movie made for years but kept running into issues. When they finally started filming, they shot from June to September in 2016. The clown sightings ran from August to October 2016. This theory made sense- it’s not hard to believe that a studio would pull something like that, thinking it’d be a fun publicity stunt but then not really wanting to take credit once it got out of hand. That’s literally happened before, like the Montauk Monster and that Dear Charlie ghost thing.  Anyway, a lot of people thought this couldn’t possibly be a coincidence- like, I’ve even seen the actors asked about it in interviews (like they’re on the marketing team??), but none of them had much to comment. This will be the theory we focus on…just with a bit of a twist. 
Now, if your reading this and you’ve only seen part one of the 2017 movie and don’t know much about the book or miniseries 1) you’re a valid fan, I love you bitch, and 2) I’m sorry, but spoilers are coming immediately and every time I try to put one of those ‘read more’ cut offs my screen glitches and I loose all my writing bc someone out there is against me. So read at your own risk. 
Okay, as part of the ‘adult’ storyline, they go back into It’s lair in Derry and find out that It has laid eggs and set to work destroying them. There’s a whole fuck lot going on with this plotline, like Eddie and the Turtle™ are dead and Bev’s barely doing shit and Ben’s smashing babies while Bill’s trying to get inside the monster and Richie mourns his bf, it’s all a Mess okay, but the point is: eggs. 
Now, the notion that not all of the spawn were destroyed is actually…not new at all and somewhat debatably relevant in some of King’s other novels, but stick with me here. As far as the Losers know, they killed everything. The scars on their hands go away. It’s all very symbolic and they forget everything, whatever. 
The 2017 reboot wasn’t exactly…that close to the book. Like, they kept enough in there, and they had a bunch of really small things that were Fun Little Call Backs For Book Fans (all the turtle stuff, Bev throwing that rock in slow motion with awesome precision, Pennywise taunting Richie with that decaying doll, stuff like that, you know?). But so it’s not completely out of left field to assume that Chapter Two would be very different as well? It’s not crazy to assume that the movie would end with like, a dramatic ass lingering shot of a few hatching eggs…Or even, say, a subplot that sounds like ‘the eggs hatched around the same time It woke back up out of hibernation and now there’s crazy attacks all over the place instead of Derry, but maybe if we kill the Main Beast that’ll kill them all’ (like a hive mind. you know what I mean.).
It’s not crazy to assume that. My wine glass and Shitty Writer Imagination That Never Lets Me Rest And Makes Me Over Analyze Works Of Fiction have 100% assured me of that. 
So, remember that theory that the clown sightings were just a fun promotional stunt that got out of hand…? What if- it was a promotional stunt, and setting the scene for the sequel (that still got out of hand bc humans are garbage people actually got hurt)
I don’t think anybody getting hurt was ever in the intention, but making headlines because Creepy Clowns are lurking outside schools, in cemeteries, seen trying to lure people into the woods, going out of their way to scare people and be seen as threats even if they don’t actually do anything wrong?? I can absolutely buy that as a promotion stunt…and I can absolutely see, oh, I don’t know, maybe the movie including some recycled Actual News Clips covering the events, taking advantage of all the crazy videos people posted online, stuff like that. Like, in the book and miniseries and 2017 part one, no one outside of Derry knows shit about what’s going on…but you can’t really justify something like that flying under the radar in the age of social media. You can’t. Kids would start turning up dead left and right and you’d sign onto tumblr and see a fucking ‘since the media doesn’t care enough and no one’s talking about this, let me tell you what’s going on in my town’ type post. You’d absolutely hear about it. There’d be twitter campaigns and all types of shit, there’s just no way around it. That Creepy Clown Crisis went viral for a reason. 
But Molly, you say, It didn’t always appear just as a clown! People weren’t harassed by anything other than the clowns in 2016! 
Well, my love, let me point something out to you- It is millions of years old. It’s got shapeshifting and fear manipulation down pat. Could you possibly hold new born babies to that standard? No. Do we know for a fact that It literally prays on children and likes to take the form of Pennywise the Dancing Clown simply because it’s easier? Yes. 
People weren’t that afraid of the clowns when the sightings first started. But then more and more kept popping up, and do you know what we had on our hands? Mass hysteria. Mass hysteria sounds like a perfect way for a bunch of inexperienced little hive mind monsters to get the hang of the hunting with fear thing. 
Not to mention Georgie died in September/October…which means It probably usually wakes up out of hibernation around then…I’m just s a y i n g. And the sightings mysteriously stopped around November…a good timeline for the Loser’s to have killed It and thus stopped the clown crisis…I’m just s a y i n g.
Like, can I definitely prove that the studio was behind that mess as a means to set the stage for the sequel while getting some fun promotion out of it? No, I can’t, and honestly I doubt it’s true, this was just a fun thought that came to me lol. But honestly…it’s so easy to see how well a type of plotline like that would work with the film, so at the very least, if they don’t take advantage of the Clown Crisis…I will severely Judge Them, because like, it’s all right there. It’s writing itself. Damn. 
The end, until, 2019, I guess. 
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Star Power Over Me - Part Three (Trixya/Vixie) - Pilandok
AN: Heeeeeeeere’s Katya. Oh nice, we have part three up and running right now. No smut this time, but finally some drama, mama (kinda). Ohne thing I forgot to address is the timeline: it’s set about right now, in the current present time, hahahaha, an alternative universe where everything is the same except Trixie and Katya don’t have BFs. Anyway, thank you for reading.
It wasn’t the last night Violet spent at Trixie’s place but they haven’t been booked to the same show since. Mostly because Violet’s gig is for the big boys, as he put it, and Trixie’s was, well, for ages three and up. (“How many six-year-olds must I traumatize before they learn not to take the name literally?”
“Well, six-year-old Jason would have found you hysterical.”
“Yeah but kid-Jason would have already been fucked up.”
“Shut up! My parents were great.”
Trixie didn’t say anything, giving Violet a warm smile. He didn’t realize how Violet interpreted what he said until later, but he enjoyed the extra affection he received that night.)
From the other side of the camera, Trixie’s phone dings. She shoots an apologetic look at the staff before standing up to go to her bag. They wave her off, unbothered, the interview hasn’t begun yet.
“Well I guess some of us,” she hears Katya from across the room, using the voice she does when impersonating white girls, “aren’t ready for the level of professionalism needed for mainstream success.”
“Bitch!” Trixie calls out, rummaging for her phone in her bag. She adopts the same tone, “I’m sorry, it’s just that my dog’s therapist told me to be in touch whenever my miniature schnauzer undergoes guided meditation.” Trixie turns around and sees Katya flailing her arms while laughing noiselessly, entertained by the thought of a tiny dog engaging in therapeutic hypnosis. Then suddenly calming down, Katya lunges forward with her left leg then rests her arm on her knee; she does the same to the other side, stretching. Trixie watches her for a minute, “You do know that we’re just going to be green screen torsos for this interview, right?”
“Always gotta limber up, mama,” Katya replies, slowly descending into a split, “be ready to run.” She reaches for one foot, talking in-between stretches, “disasters abound,” then the other foot, “my horoscope said so.”
Trixie doesn’t hide her baffled amusement for her partner. She turns back to her phone and sees that the message came from Violet. She cranes her neck quickly to take a peek at Katya (who was still busy stretching) before reading the text:  Since you asked so nicely, xoxo. It was followed by a picture of Violet blowing her a kiss with one hand and the other taking the picture through the mirror. She was half in drag, a full face of makeup and only corset on—and the full length of her penis is popping up in the picture. Trixie can’t stop the surprised laugh that escapes her lips.
“Whatcha got there?” Katya asks suddenly, trying to look over Trixie’s shoulder. Trixie puts the phone down too quickly and Katya squints suspiciously at her. Trixie’s heart rate speeds although she wonders if it was anything to hide. Katya then tilts her head back slightly and widens her eyes comically, “I can see you from my house…” she said in her best Coco Montrese voice. Trixie pauses for a second before erupting her screaming laughter, raising her hand like she was going to smack the air around her. Katya looks pleased at the reaction she elicited from her friend. “What is it, though? But I guess if it’s from your new All Stars 3 friends, you don’t have to tell me,” she sighs but is giving Trixie a knowing look. Somebody calls them back to set.
“It’s not that,” Trixie says when they start to walk back to their seats. “Do you know how many unsolicited dick pics I’ve gotten since All I Want For Christmas Is Nudes?”
“Oh mama, those aren’t unsolicited,” Katya begins, “ever since you’ve released that universal gay mating call of a Christmas song, you’ve doomed yourself to pictures of penises for life. For. Life.” Both of them settle on the stools provided for them. “Catch yourself in 2048 with the intercommunication chip implanted in your brain bombarding your corneas with 4D holographic visuals of mechanically augmented cocks.” Trixie opens her mouth as if to say something but closes them again, not really knowing what to she could. Katya continues, “yes, extraterrestrial lifeforms, after decoding your songs, will also participate in the ritual, sending you whatever goopy, tentacle- y, multifunctional version of genitalia they have.”
“Okay,” is the only thing Trixie replies but she’s smiling at Katya who was beaming, proud of the little tirade she went on.
They’re going to start soon, the staff says, and right before the cameras start rolling, Katya leans in to whisper suggestively in Trixie’s ear, “and as for mine, why don’t we just have our own photoshoot in the bathroom later?”
Trixie senses a sudden rush of blood to her cheeks, suddenly self-conscious, then feels even more embarrassed at her own embarrassment. She shifts uncomfortably in her seat and then scolds herself. Why was she acting like a blushing virgin? It’s not like she hasn’t seen it, Katya’s… But that was beside the point. She notices it in herself recently—it isn’t just today—suddenly being conscious of Katya’s touches and innuendos, then feeling a little bit of despair from it afterwards. It’s as if it’s 2015 again, when Trixie and Katya was still a newfound friendship, a duo that only existed for themselves. During those days, Trixie always found herself nothing short of enamored by Katya.
As for the recent influx of consciousness, sentimentality, and melancholy, Trixie blames it on the Christmas season.
“She’s the yin to my yang,” Katya tells the interviewer who hasn’t even asked anything yet, “the wind beneath my wings. She’s my everything. My everything, Kenneth—if she trips in this studio I will be suing this whole building for damages.” The interviewer laughs at this and tries to get a word in but Katya isn’t finished, “and yes, she’s one of the reasons I try to stave off of drugs, and yes one time we almost died in Australia, and yes I helped her make her clothes for All Stars 3,” she says in one breath.
“Oh wow, I guess that’s half of my questions down,” Kenneth says good-naturedly.
“She’s my undonateable kidney!” Katya exclaims, “because in the future I would have already lost my kidney to the plethora of my addictions or to an extra-terrestrial kidnapping. Trixie is the kidney I cannot lose because as you know, human beings need a minimum of one (1) functioning kidney to live a happy life.”
The interviewer looks overwhelmed by all the information unloaded by Katya. He’s seen her previous interviews and knows of her off-tangent rambles and spiraling streams of thoughts but experiencing it first hand was quite something else. Kenneth laughs in amazement and Trixie sees him falling in love with Katya, too—like the rest of the world already has.
“And Trixie, what do you think of Katya?” he asks.
“She’s a’ight,” Trixie shrugs. Katya drops her mouth open and starts flailing her arms at her side.
“You cunt!” Katya screams, smacking Trixie on her thigh, “you putrid, rancid, dirty whore—ahhh!”
Trixie is laughing at their exchange but her mind is racing. It’s the Christmas blues, she thinks, and she hates it. She replays in her head everything that Katya just and feels a wave of love and gratitude for the blonde hit her and she just really loves Katya but then suddenly she’s floating in a sea of desperation and hopelessness because she’s in love with Katya. And really, hasn’t she already settled this before? Now she’s having difficulty concentrating on the interview with Katya beside her, and Trixie finds it ridiculous, they have been on a tour of many a minor news sites to promote their show and she’s in the exact same place as she’s always bee, on the left of the screen.
The worst part is that Katya notices her troubled state and cranks her own energy level up to 150% to make up for what her partner is lacking. She sees that Katya’s been throwing obvious setups for jokes which Trixie can respond with easy punchlines. Trixie’s heart aches.
After the interview, Trixie is in the bathroom de-dragging; Katya usually hangs back for a while, taking a cigarette break and chatting with whoever is there. This time, however, Katya follows her inside a few minutes after.
“Sorry about earlier,” Trixie says as soon as she heard the door open, there was no point in pretending with Katya. The blonde waves her off. “You seem energetic.”
“I’m buzzing,” Katya replies.
“You don’t smell like an ashtray today.”
“Smoker’s breath down, can I have kiss now?”
Trixie rolls her eyes but nonetheless gives Katya a chaste kiss on the lips. Oddly enough, this helps calm Trixie down. Katya situates herself beside Trixie who watches her through the mirror.
“Let’s get something to eat?” Trixie asks hopefully. She sees Katya bite her lip—of course, she’s busy these days, her management is particularly preoccupied during the Christmas season.
“Okay, let’s go!” Katya replies in her chipper voice after thinking.
“Katya—” Trixie starts.
“No no, our friendship doesn’t just exist on screen. This isn’t the MythBusters.”
“Yeah, that hurts me, too,” Katya says grimly, a faraway look on her face.
They pack up their things and have early dinner at an Italian restaurant near Trixie’s place. Trixie rejects the waiter’s offer of wine because he tries not to drink when Katya’s around. They talk as they usually do about anything they can think of, spending most of the night laughing in each other’s company. Christmas blues or not, Trixie finds himself happy and relaxed during dinner and this seems to dissipate the tone of worry in Katya’s voice.
Katya has to leave immediately after dinner, having skipped out on an earlier arrangement, and says goodbye to Trixie who insisted on shouldering the bill. Trixie watches him go, already busily texting on his phone. Katya appears to sense eyes on him and turns around to wave Trixie goodbye, smiling brightly, his white teeth dazzling. With Katya out of sight, Trixie slumps against his seat, wondering why these old feelings were resurfacing when it’s been a more than a year since he’s made peace with the whole situation. Why now? It’s as if something is going to happen, as if everything is coming to a head. The image Violet sent him earlier flashes across his mind but he quickly pushes it away. Trixie shakes his head and calls for a waiter. He asks if they have anything stronger than wine.
                 Violet doesn’t wonder why those queens were looking at him like that—he’s used to it by now. Some resentful glares thrown his way doesn’t bother him usually, he’s prone to it, and later, after his performance, he’s sure those queens will be looking at him with the begrudging respect he deserves. Today, however, it rubs him the wrong way, and he smiles back sarcastically at the queens. He hears them start whispering. Violet continues his walk to the dressing room wondering why he was in a mood. It started in the morning when he woke up feeling very unpleasant, which continued to build up the rest of the day. Now, he was just about to start feeling awful when he opened the door.
                 “Look at what the rotted, gutted, filthy feral cat dragged in.”
                 Violet looks up at the owner of the voice and drops his things.
                 “Katya!” he shouts, rushing to hug him. “What are you doing here, bitch?”
                 “They needed someone to fill in a spot,” Katya says after pulling away, “Manila called in sick.”
                 “What?” Violet asks incredulously, “How does that make sense? You’re more famous than us.”
                 Katya shrugs, “I guess I really am a filler queen now.”
                 “Bitch! How many times do I have to—” Violet cuts him off seeing Katya’s wide grin and white teeth. He smiles back, glad that the rotten feeling that’s been accumulating in him is easily erased by the presence of his friend. “I’m so glad you’re here.”
                 “I, too, am glad to be here,” Katya replies, “although those queens outside are a little miffed that the club owner kicked them out for the night to make room for us in here.”
                 “Ah,” Violet nods in understanding, feeling sympathetic to the girls’ plight and vexed towards the club owner.
                 “Nothing that can’t be brought to light later on stage,” Katya says innocently.
                 “Would that be a cunt move?” Violet asks with mischief in his voice.
                 “Maybe,” Katya admits, “but I talked to the girls about it. The crowd here loves their local queens and would hate to know they’re being mistreated.”
                 “Can’t wait.” If there’s anything Violet loves doing, it’s calling out assholes who deserve it.
                 The two start working on painting their face, chatting occasionally, updating each other about their lives, but it’s mostly a quiet affair for Violet. He lets Katya take over the conversation who still, somehow, manages to finish first. Katya puts her wig on and starts making poses on her mirror.
                 “Mm, I look scrumptious,” Katya comments. She starts sifting through her bag, “wanna live?”
                 “Sure,” Violet answers, she’s almost done herself.
                 Katya begins rummaging through her bag more aggressively, “fuck I think I left my phone at home. Can I use yours?”
                 “Mhm.” Violet points distractedly at the vague area where her stuff should be. Violet proceeds with the motion of her getting into drag. Putting on the outfit is her favorite part, it makes her feel like a sex goddess, slowly sliding into the lingerie. She almost forgets about Katya, who seems preoccupied figuring out the phone, until she needs help with her corset. She turns to call attention to Katya but she is already looking at her with an incomprehensible look on her face.
                 “Violet, what’s this?” Katya asks her, lifting up the phone. Violet freezes. Katya looks at the screen again “Trixie Mattel snores when he sleeps,” she begins to read, “Trixie Mattel never gets as drunk as she wants to be. She’s slightly ambidextrous. He wakes up in ungodly hours of the night. He listens to Sonic Youth. He…” Katya trails off, looking at Violet desperately. She knows Katya wants an explanation, but that just might be the one thing she doesn’t have.
Violet crosses her arms in front of her defensively, her default reaction to a confrontation.
“Okay,” Katya says and stands up to pace back and forth across the room, “okay, okay, okay, okay.” Katya stops walking, “Are you fucking Trixie?”
The harshness of the word fucking makes Violet wince but she answers plainly, “yes.”
“Okay, mhm,” Katya starts pacing again then sits down on the chair on the far side of the room but then she looks confused at why she sat down and stood up again, “okay, okay, mhm, I see, okay, okay, okay.”
“Katya,” Violet starts but she doesn’t know what she was going to say after that.
“She’s not like us,” Katya says finally, more affectionate than condescending. “She’s… she’s a romantic. And wants to be in love and all that, you know?” Katya pauses and sees that Violet is still standing guarded. Katya softens her voice, “it’s just that, Vi, I don’t want her to get hurt. And, uh–” Katya purses her lips, thinking about how to say things, “she—she goes all in, you know, and while you may not be thinking about this too deeply, she might you know,” she scrunches her eyebrows, “you know?”
Violet has lot of things that she could say.  She could say that she knows they’re best friends or whatever but it isn’t Katya’s business what goes on between her and Trixie. And Trixie is a gown adult with a rational mind capable of making her own decisions, she can take care of herself. And regarding her own feelings about Trixie… well she hasn’t thought about it too deeply, but that wasn’t something for Katya to decide. And it’s you, Katya, you’re the one she’s in love with.  Violet doesn’t say any of those things because she isn’t a talker like them, not like Trixie and Katya. She can’t so articulately explain herself in a loveable way like them. What she does know how to do is to say what she’s thinking, and right now she doesn’t know what to think, her mind is still reeling at the sudden feeling exposure.
“I like,” Violet begins, slow but steady. Katya snaps up to attention. “I like sleeping with Trixie. I mean,” she continues, not really knowing what to say, “it’s great. I don’t know, it’s emotional and whatever, yeah…” Katya doesn’t say anything and Violet adds, almost as an afterthought, “… bitch.”
Katya falls back onto a chair and Violet can hear her labored breathing. Violet moves closer instinctively but she doesn’t know what to do. Katya suddenly grabs Violet’s arm, squeezing tight. She doesn’t pull away because she can feel Katya’s hand shaking. She looks up at Violet, panicked eyes filling with tears.
“Please stop,” Katya says unsteadily. It’s an oddly simple request that is equally insane— and they both know it. Katya keeps talking, “Please not—not Brian please.”
Violet stiffens on the spot, her brain unable to process any command but is strangely aware that this is a very bizarre thing happening right now. She doesn’t even notice the knock on the door calling them until Katya jumps up suddenly.
“I’m coming!” she shouts gaily, betraying no hint of the situation. Katya opens the door and begins chatting with the person on the other side like they’ve been friends for years. She laughs, a laugh that Violet realizes is slightly different from her usual laugh—but not one she hasn’t heard before. “Yeah, we’ll be ready in a sec,” Katya tells the person. She sighs before turning around to meet Violet’s eyes and the door behind her closes with a soft click.
Katya is looking at her like she’s waiting for her next move, but Violet knows that the ball is in neither of their courts. The next move belongs to the one who’s in the center of all this– the one who’s probably flying back from Chicago right now, by both of their calculations. Violet sighs.
“Can you help me with this?” she asks, turning around in her untightened corset. Katya nods slowly, walking over to her, and helps her sister get ready for the show.
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fanfic-factory · 7 years
Love at First Sight (Chapter 31)
P.o.v Rachel Natalie and I had just left the bathroom after telling me what she had heard. I would like to hear the full story first hand just to be sure. I saw Rocky and without thinking I practically yelled across the room. "Hey babe can I ask you something?" God I hate when I yell when I don't mean too. It's so awkward. As Rocky was on his way over I told Natalie that I would like to speak to Rocky alone. Natalie walked away and then Rocky walked over and said "what's up babe?" "So... What were ya talking about earlier with Ross and Ellington?" I asked him suspiciously. I could have sworn after I said that he made a face that said something along the lines of 'oh god she's onto us!' I just brushed it off though because I knew he would most likely tell me one time or another. P.o.v Rocky "Hey babe can I ask you something?" Rachel said so I headed over. I noticed she whispered something to Natalie and then Natalie walked away. I got up to Rachel and said "what's up babe?" "So... What were ya talking about earlier with Ross and Ellington?" She asked me suspiciously. I then kind of made a face that said something along the lines of 'oh god she's onto us!' I could tell she noticed but seemed to brush it off. I would assume that would be because she knew I would eventually tell her. God that girl can read me like a book. "Ok well I'm not going to lie to you so..." I trailed off. "Ok before I tell you, you have to promise not to tell anyone because this was originally going to be between Ellington, Ross, and I." I said hoping she won't hate Ross or Ellington. "Ok I promise not to say anything to anyone" she says. I know I can trust her because what kind of boyfriend wouldn't trust his girlfriend for any reason what so ever. P.o.v Rachel I looked at him seeming slightly impatient because I'm not exactly the most patient person in the world. "Ok so don't freak out or anything and don't get mad at Ross or Ellington for this or me for helping them out." He said to me. I started feeling slightly irritated because I still didn't understand where he was going with this. "So... Ross told me he was Bi and then literally about 20 or so minutes later, Ellington did the same thing." And then a while after that they walked up to me together and told me about a plan that they have. Personally I don't think it's going to end well but I can't exactly just not help my best friend and my brother." I looked at him like he was insane as he rambled on. I soon cut him off and said "wait wait wait. Hold up a second. So you mean to tell me that Ross and Ellington like each other?????" I said with pure confusion. "I'm not finished explaining yet." He then tells me. "Ok then go on" I add. "Ok so the plan they had was to basically go on dates behind Rydel and chelsie's backs and have me cover for them if anyone ever got suspicious." i then gave him a worried look which he returned and then i said "i dont know about you but i think everyone is going to find out eventually "its not like im against them being together though" then looked at me slightly confused. "why is that babe?" i kind of gave him a look that said something along the lines of 'are you insane' and then i said "are you crazy what do you mean why? i have shipped them together ever since i heard of you guys basically" P.o.v Rocky After I finished telling her what my previous conversation with Ross and Ellington was about, I noticed that she was making the same face that I had when Ellington had told me of their idea. "I don't know about you but I think everyone is gonna find out eventually" she says to me with a very worried look on her face. she then decided to change the mood of the conversation by saying "its not like im against them being together though" i looked at her slightly confused and said "why's that babe?" she looks at me kind of as if i was crazy. "are you crazy what do you mean why? i have shipped them together ever since i heard of you guys basically" she said trying not to shout because we dont want anyone to get suspicious. I then decided to not say anything. Instead I just hugged her tight. I have to say though, one thing that I absolutely adore about Rachel is that she worries so much about other people and that she just cares so much. We then both pull away from the hug. "I'm gonna go talk to Natalie" she whispers in my ear. "Ok" I say to her and then she walks away. P.o.v Rachel Rocky and I pulled away from the hug and as we pulled away I whispered to Him saying "I'm gonna go talk to Natalie" and with that I left. I found Natalie and then she said "hey! Did you find out what that convo was about?" She asked very curiously. I then replied saying "yeah!!!!!!!!!!" She then looked at me as if she were waiting for me to say something. "Well?" She said in a way that showed she was getting impatient. "What do you mean 'well?' I said attempting t avoid having to tell her that I promised Rocky I wouldn't say anything. "I meant, well are you going to tell me?" She said trying to calm down a bit. "I would but..." I started to say but then I was cut off. "But what?" She said. "I promised Rocky I wouldn't say anything to anyone about it." P.o.v Natalie Are you freaking serious like come on you just told me you know what it was about and got me all excited that I might actually get to know too but now you are all kinda like 'ha ha lolz no my bf said no' as you can tell I'm mad cause I was the one who had originally eavesdropped on this conversation 'accidentally' so in all seriousness I think I should be the one that knows. God I sound like such a bitch right now. I just really wanna know what the conversation was about or if I had even guessed right. "Please tell me!!!!!!!!!! No one has to know that you told me!" She then looks at me in a way that kind of gives me a warning that I'm not going to like what she is about to say. "I know but I can't break that promise and plus if I tell you it could put multiple friendships in jeopardy." She gives me a worried look and I then return that look. We sort of snapped out of it when Rachel broke the odd silence by saying "besides you will probably find out soon enough anyways."
0 notes
fanfiction-mania · 7 years
Love at First Sight (Chapter 31)
P.o.v Rachel
Natalie and I had just left the bathroom after telling me what she had heard. I would like to hear the full story first hand just to be sure. I saw Rocky and without thinking I practically yelled across the room. "Hey babe can I ask you something?" God I hate when I yell when I don't mean too. It's so awkward. As Rocky was on his way over I told Natalie that I would like to speak to Rocky alone. Natalie walked away and then Rocky walked over and said "what's up babe?" "So... What were ya talking about earlier with Ross and Ellington?" I asked him suspiciously. I could have sworn after I said that he made a face that said something along the lines of 'oh god she's onto us!' I just brushed it off though because I knew he would most likely tell me one time or another.
P.o.v Rocky
"Hey babe can I ask you something?" Rachel said so I headed over. I noticed she whispered something to Natalie and then Natalie walked away. I got up to Rachel and said "what's up babe?" "So... What were ya talking about earlier with Ross and Ellington?" She asked me suspiciously. I then kind of made a face that said something along the lines of 'oh god she's onto us!' I could tell she noticed but seemed to brush it off. I would assume that would be because she knew I would eventually tell her. God that girl can read me like a book. "Ok well I'm not going to lie to you so..." I trailed off. "Ok before I tell you, you have to promise not to tell anyone because this was originally going to be between Ellington, Ross, and I." I said hoping she won't hate Ross or Ellington. "Ok I promise not to say anything to anyone" she says. I know I can trust her because what kind of boyfriend wouldn't trust his girlfriend for any reason what so ever.
P.o.v Rachel
I looked at him seeming slightly impatient because I'm not exactly the most patient person in the world. "Ok so don't freak out or anything and don't get mad at Ross or Ellington for this or me for helping them out." He said to me. I started feeling slightly irritated because I still didn't understand where he was going with this. "So... Ross told me he was Bi and then literally about 20 or so minutes later, Ellington did the same thing." And then a while after that they walked up to me together and told me about a plan that they have. Personally I don't think it's going to end well but I can't exactly just not help my best friend and my brother." I looked at him like he was insane as he rambled on. I soon cut him off and said "wait wait wait. Hold up a second. So you mean to tell me that Ross and Ellington like each other?????" I said with pure confusion. "I'm not finished explaining yet." He then tells me. "Ok then go on" I add. "Ok so the plan they had was to basically go on dates behind Rydel and chelsie's backs and have me cover for them if anyone ever got suspicious." i then gave him a worried look which he returned and then i said "i dont know about you but i think everyone is going to find out eventually "its not like im against them being together though" then looked at me slightly confused. "why is that babe?" i kind of gave him a look that said something along the lines of 'are you insane' and then i said "are you crazy what do you mean why? i have shipped them together ever since i heard of you guys basically"
P.o.v Rocky
After I finished telling her what my previous conversation with Ross and Ellington was about, I noticed that she was making the same face that I had when Ellington had told me of their idea. "I don't know about you but I think everyone is gonna find out eventually" she says to me with a very worried look on her face. she then decided to change the mood of the conversation by saying "its not like im against them being together though" i looked at her slightly confused and said "why's that babe?" she looks at me kind of as if i was crazy. "are you crazy what do you mean why? i have shipped them together ever since i heard of you guys basically" she said trying not to shout because we dont want anyone to get suspicious. I then decided to not say anything. Instead I just hugged her tight. I have to say though, one thing that I absolutely adore about Rachel is that she worries so much about other people and that she just cares so much. We then both pull away from the hug. "I'm gonna go talk to Natalie" she whispers in my ear. "Ok" I say to her and then she walks away.
P.o.v Rachel
Rocky and I pulled away from the hug and as we pulled away I whispered to Him saying "I'm gonna go talk to Natalie" and with that I left. I found Natalie and then she said "hey! Did you find out what that convo was about?" She asked very curiously. I then replied saying "yeah!!!!!!!!!!" She then looked at me as if she were waiting for me to say something. "Well?" She said in a way that showed she was getting impatient. "What do you mean 'well?' I said attempting t avoid having to tell her that I promised Rocky I wouldn't say anything. "I meant, well are you going to tell me?" She said trying to calm down a bit. "I would but..." I started to say but then I was cut off. "But what?" She said. "I promised Rocky I wouldn't say anything to anyone about it."
P.o.v Natalie
Are you freaking serious like come on you just told me you know what it was about and got me all excited that I might actually get to know too but now you are all kinda like 'ha ha lolz no my bf said no' as you can tell I'm mad cause I was the one who had originally eavesdropped on this conversation 'accidentally' so in all seriousness I think I should be the one that knows. God I sound like such a bitch right now. I just really wanna know what the conversation was about or if I had even guessed right. "Please tell me!!!!!!!!!! No one has to know that you told me!" She then looks at me in a way that kind of gives me a warning that I'm not going to like what she is about to say. "I know but I can't break that promise and plus if I tell you it could put multiple friendships in jeopardy." She gives me a worried look and I then return that look. We sort of snapped out of it when Rachel broke the odd silence by saying "besides you will probably find out soon enough anyways."
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