#i literally only had like half an hour to scroll before showering 😭 and now i need to sleep this is so cringe
brunetteaura · 6 months
idk how the fuck you guys manage to keep your blog alive work read and on top of that have a social life and hobbies like i only did two of these today and its fucking midnight already and im EXHAUSTED as a motherfucker
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cheesysoup-arlo · 4 months
(Capri sees how you are with your siblings when she comes to hang out while you’re babysitting making her think about how awesome it’s gonna be when you’re both moms together raising a baby of your own)
Your mom asked you to babysit your two little siblings last minute (baby brother(2) Max and little sister(4) Avery) of course you said yes, it was really hard to say no to your mom. “I’ll be back in the morning, I promise I’ll make it up to you” your mom said as she left, you knew she would not be home in the morning like she said but she most definitely wouldn’t make it up to you but it’s ok. Luckily it was Friday afternoon, the school day had already ended Capri was supposed to come over after she finished her- CAPRI IS SUPPOSED TO BE COMING OVER-SHIT you completely forgot. You decide to clean up a little, rushing a little especially since now you had to pick your siblings up from daycare. You decide to text Capri to let her know what’s going on.
(Y/N): hey Cap um my mom really last minute told me I have to babysit today :(
baby💕: can I still come over? I miss you and I wanna spend time with you
baby💕: plus I bet you’ll want some help with the kids
(Y/N): wait you wanna help with the kids?
baby💕: yeah your siblings are literally so adorable your mom has the cutest pics of them on insta
(Y/N): omg I forgot you follow my mom
baby💕: too late I already have your very ADORABLE “weird/cringe” pics
baby💕: aww come on you look adorable and I promise they’re for my eyes only
(Y/N): fine keep them i guess 🙄
baby💕: aw someone’s grumpy I guess I won’t come over…
baby💕: I’ll be over in an hour ok? I’m gonna stop by my house and shower really quick
(Y/N): ok I gotta go pick up the kids in half an hour so if I’m not home just let yourself in
(Y/N): key is under the mat still
baby💕: ok bubs see you soon 💕
(Y/N): see you soon 💞
You smile and set down your phone. You have to leave in about 15 minutes to make it to the daycare before the rush of parents get there so you decide to fix your hair and change into something a little more comfortable knowing you’ll have to chase the little ones around once you get back home. You go with some sweatpants and a t-shirt then throw on a jacket and your shoes and head to your car. The drive was peaceful. You got there a little early and parked in the front, you only had your wait a few minutes before you were allowed to sign them out “SISSY” your little sister yelled running over to you excitedly “hi sweet pea how was your day?” You say pulling her in for a hug “SUPER COOL we got do paint and we had goldfish” she said beaming with energy “that’s so cool, are you ready to go get bug and head home?” You ask grabbing her bag and waving goodbye to the worker “mhm but tan we go get snack fwom da store and den we go home?” she asks “of course we can get snacks, let’s go get Max and then we’ll get you all the snacks you want” you say holding her hand and heading over to the baby room “oh hey y/n, you’re here to pick up Max right?” Darby asks “um yeah, I didn’t know you worked here?” You say a little surprised “oh um yeah it’s my first day” Darby says while another worker brings Max over “sissy” he says reaching for you “hi baby boy” you say grabbing him and his bag from the worker “bye Darby see you on Monday” you say with Max on your hip and holding Avery’s hand. The three of you head to your car, you help Avery in first so she’s not running around the parking lot, then you put Max in. “Ok guys we’re gonna go get snacks then we’re going home” you say as you buckle up and start the car “YAY SNACKS” Avery says bouncing in her seat a little “NACKS” Max say copying Avery. You put on some Disney music for the kids because you know they like it and then drive over to the store by your house to get snacks. You get to the store and text Capri to see if she wants anything
(Y/N): hey baby I’m at the store getting the kids some snacks do you want anything?
baby💕: um yeah sure
baby💕: just get me anything
(Y/N): ok babe see you in a little bit
baby💕: I love you honey see you in a few 💕
(Y/N): I love you baby💞
“Who dat?” Avery asks “oh it’s Capri, you remember Capri right sweet pea?” You say helping the small girl out of the car “the girl in da picture on you phone?” She asks a little confused “yes sweet pea the girl in the pictures on my phone” you say with a smile “her pretty” Avery says happily “you think she’s pretty?” You ask, she responds with a nod “do you want to meet her?” “YES PWEASE” “ok let’s get your snacks super fast then go see her, she’s coming to the house” “me house” “mhm our house, so we gotta hurry”
You and the kids get your snacks then head back home surprisingly arriving before Capri. As you’re getting the kids out of the car Capri arrives “hey bubs” Capri says as her hands wrap around your waist “Capri baby, I love you soo very much but if I don’t get this lovely little girl in the house she is going to pee in my car” you say as you help Avery unbuckle “oh sorry honey” Capri say backing away to give you some space “is there anything I can help with?” She asks “um yeah can you get Max out?” You say unlocking the front door and letting Avery run inside. Capri brings Max inside the house plus the bags you left in the car “oh baby you didn’t have to do that” you say helping her out by grabbing Max and setting him on the couch then helping her take the snacks to the kitchen and you put two frozen pizzas in the oven. Avery runs out of the bathroom excited to meet Capri “Sweet pea no running, you know the rules” you say in a slightly authoritative tone “sowwy” Avery says looking at the ground “aw so this is the sweet pea I’ve heard about, what’s your name?” Capri says squatting down to be eye contact with Avery, Avery immediately runs behind you “sweet pea I thought you wanted to say hi?” You say trying to look at her “I scared” she says in a loud whisper “she’s nice I promise” you whisper back, Avery still holding on to you stands by your side and waves at Capri “hi, I Avery” “hi Avery I’m Capri, it’s nice to meet you” Avery goes over and hugs Capri “aww” Capri says as she hugs Avery “you my fwiend now” Avery says looking Capri in the eyes “absolutely I’d love to be your friend” Capri says as you walk over to the two of them “hey Aves you wanna go get some toys to play with while we watch a movie?” You say as you wrap your arm around Capri’s waist “otay I go but don’t eat me snacks” Avery says going to her room, you pull Capri in for a kiss “I missed you” you say “I missed you too” Capri says “sissy” Max says yanking at your pants “yes bug?” You say squatting to his level “eat?” He say “oh you’re hungry we’ll remember we got some snacks?” “CHEESE” “yes bug I got you cheese, go get some toys while I set up the movie, ok?” You say as he excitedly goes to his room to get some toys “they are absolutely adorable” Capri says “EAT” max says running to the living room with some toys “BUG NO RUNNING IN THE HOUSE” you yell slightly frustrated “Sweet pea, movie time” you say down the hallway “MOVIE” Avery says walking down the hallway with a blanket and some toys plopping down on the cushions you put on the floor for them. Capri takes the pizzas out and helps set up their snack trays “hey babe does Max have a sippy cup or does he use a normal cup?” She asks putting cheese on his tray “he has a sippy cup, it should be in the fridge next to Avery’s juice boxes” you say looking through movies with the kiddos and them both shaking their heads no at every movie you show them “are you guys being silly?” You say looking at them “noooooo” Avery says then giggles, max starts giggling too “ok that’s it you little tricksters” you say starting to tickle them causing them to giggle more and louder. Capri comes over with both of the snack trays for the little ones “oh what’s going on in here? You guys look silly” Capri says with a laugh, both kids are laying on you and the three of you are giggling “sorry the tickle monster had to get these silly kids under control” you say as both kids get off of you to go in their spots for snacks “tank you capi” Avery says starting to eat her snacks “aw you’re welcome” Capri says “hey goofballs should we let Capri pick the movie since she’s our guest?” You ask them, Max nods with a mouth full of cheese “yeah her pick” Avery says giving you a thumbs up “alright Capri, what shall it be?” You say handing her the remote “tangled?” She suggests “ESS” Max says putting his hands up “he wikes dat one a lot” Avery says with a giggle “that’s a great choice Capri” you say from the kitchen while she starts the movie. You make a snack tray for you and Capri to share grabbing drinks for the both of you.
The kids sit quietly eating their snacks and watching the movie. You sit next to Capri wrapping an arm around her and passing her drink “thank you babe” she says giving to a quick peck on the lips. The kids finish their snacks and play for a little but about 3/4ths of the way into the movie they both start to doze off “aw they’re so sleepy” Capri whispered “I’m gonna take Max first, I’ll be back for Aves” you whisper kissing Capri’s forehead, you gently pick up Max, he shifts a little wrapping his little arms around you then you take him to his room tucking him into bed “good night bug, sweet dreams” you say giving him a kiss on the forehead then heading back to the living room you see that Avery has moved to sit next to Capri, you decide to lean on the wall and just watch them for a minute “capi?” Avery says looking up at Capri “yes?” Capri says looking down at the small girl “you stay so me see you in morning? Pwease” Avery asks “Of course I’ll stay” Capri says with a smile her heart absolutely melting at how adorable this is, you decide to make your presence known “psst, sweet pea” you say motioning her to come to you, she comes over to you and you squat down to her level “are we doing story time tonight?” You ask “yes pwease” she says with a nod followed by a small yawn “do you want to do it on the couch or your room?” You ask “couch, me want capi too” she says excitedly “ok go pick a book and bring it to the couch” you say with a smile, standing up and moving out of her way so she can go in her room “so…are you spending the night?” You ask sitting next to Capri “is that ok?” Capri says looking up at you “of course it’s ok” you say leaning in for a kiss “oh thank goodness because Avery already asked and I said yes” Capri said with a small giggle then connected your lips to hers, it’s a short but sweet kiss. You both pull away a few short seconds after Avery enters the living room with a small book “stowy time” the little girl says as she sits in your lap while also leaning her head on Capri. You read the book and about 5 pages in Avery had fallen asleep “psst, y/n” capri said interrupting you reading “yeah?” “She’s asleep” Capri says and you look down to see an adorable sleeping girl “alright sweet pea, let’s get you in your bed” you said scooping up the small girl and taking her to her room, you come back to see Capri in the kitchen cleaning up, you come up behind her and wrap your arms around her waist “hi baby” you whisper “oh shit y/n you scared me” Capri says a little startled “oh I’m sorry” you say pressing a gentle kiss on her neck “mmm” Capri hums in content, “we can clean in the morning baby, let’s just go in my room and cuddle please” you say then kiss her shoulder “hmm ok babe let’s go” she says turning to face you then giving you a quick kiss, you hold her hand and pull her into your room, you both plop on your bed “do you want to change or are your clothes ok? You ask sitting up but leaning in your forearms “can I borrow some of your clothes?” She asks “of course you can baby “ you say getting up and heading to your closet, you grab the hoodie of your she always likes and some Pyjama shorts “thank you babe” she says when you hand her the clothes, you pull your shirt off and Capri’s eyes linger on you, she comes over and wraps her arms around your bare waist “mmm baby what are you doing” you say with your hand on her arm rubbing it gently with your thumb “nothing you just looked really pretty so I wanted to hug you” she said kissing the back of your neck causing you breath to hitch “nothing more than kisses tonight, ok?” You say Capri turns you around and pulls you in for a kiss “I love you“ Capri says pulling you in for another kiss then hugging you “ok not that I don’t like it but why are you being so clingy? Is everything ok?” You ask “mhm I’m good” the two decide to lay down “babe” “yes baby” “do you think we’ll ever have kids…like together?” Capri asks
“yeah baby I think I’d like that, wait why are you bringing that up?” you say gently massaging Capri’s scalp “seeing you today with Avery and Max, I don’t know I guess it just made me wonder about us” she says getting a little shy “aw baby, really?” You ask kissing her forehead “yeah, I think you’d make an amazing mom” Capri says rubbing her thumb along your knuckles “you’d be an amazing mom too baby, seeing you especially with Avery who typically doesn’t like new people made my heart just full of joy, I can’t wait to see where life takes us” you say giving her a gentle kiss, she then lets out a small yawn “mmm babe I’m tired” she mumbles into your neck “me too baby” you say as you pull her in close to cuddle “good night my love” capri says with her head on your chest “good night baby” you say, you both doze off and dream about your future together
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ziauhh · 2 years
My void Journey
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Hello my Hottie bitches, so you all have been requesting me so much for my void success story so here i am with my Badass success mf hope y'all gonna enjoy ♡
Now i was like you guys before i entered the void i would always be looking at succes stories, keep finding more n more void motivation asking Loa bloggers asks etc until i realised till when i am trying to do all this till when i will depend on others, if i keep making excuses then i am better dying like this so i got my shit together and head off towards the VOID 💩
How i entered the void:
I laid down and relaxed my body
I cleared my mind with a meditation
Then i started to affirm " I AM VOID"
Now within a few minutes i got the floating feeling my whole body got numb i couldn't feel anything and then i felt like something is consuming me like i am going into a black hole i knew i was so close to the void so i kept affirming and within a few seconds I WAS IN VOID so i affirmed for all my desires i used blanket affirmations like " I have all my desires, i have all my desires from my notes app etc" then i relaxed there for a bit and said i am out of void and so i was. But the feeling i got after coming from void was so different because i knew i got all my desires, THEY ARE MINE PERIODT damn and then i fell asleep.
My experience of waking up with my desires:
So my alarm rang at around 7 a.m, so i took my phone to turn it off but then i was like wait is this my phone i checked on the phone and it was fucking IPHONE 13 PRO MAX in Black then realisation hit me and i was like 💀 WTF i manifested my dream life although i wasn't shocked because i shifted to a reality where i always had this but it was still crazy, then i turned on the internet and notification started blowing on my phone 😱 I checked on my insta and scrolled over to see my posts and then another realisation hit me when i saw my own damn pics like it was my db and df LMFAO i was looking so stunning like a fucking Goddess 👀, so i ran up towards my bathroom to see myself in the mirror and i can't believe THIS IS ME THIS GORGEOUS LADY IS MEEEEE : ) then another realisation hit me when i saw my bathroom it was so luxury i can't so i checked up everything in my room after then, my closet which has all my clothes from the pinterest board IMAO and each and every corner of my room was how exactly i wanted it to be, then i again came back to my bed and saw a Good morning message i checked it out and it was from a mf hot guy 😳 he was so hot and handsome and guess what he is my Bestie 😭 ( soon to be boiifriend 🙌) i was literally drooling over him all this time we talked for half an hour and then i heard my mom calling me for breakfast so i went down to have breaky but i was too stunned to speak not only because of the view of the house but also seeing that my parents and my brother looks so much different they all looked like Rich asses dipped in some gold IMAO i thought it was all a dream 😭 like how can i end up having all this but IT'S THE FREAKING REALITY, anyways then i took a nice shower chose a pretty dress from my closet and watched some Netflix ( i am a trendy whore ) then in the eve i went out with my friends for shopping we clicked a lot of pics and hung out it was so fun. It was the best day of my life i have never experienced that before. I never thought that there would be something like void which would change my life completely. Everything is so mesmerizing i can't i am literally gonna cry but i have to say I LOVE MY FREAKING LIFE NOW BECAUSE THIS. IS. WHAT. I. DESERVE 😭💕
What all i manifested:
Waking up in a whole ass mansion
Luxury cars
50k in my bank every 24 hour
Rich ass parents
Desire face & body
Being smart af
All past grades to straight A's
Iphone 13 pro max
Other apple products
Best school life
Everyones crush
A guy bestie ( soon to be boiifriend )
And so much more ........ 🙌
I will share my Video/picture proofs with y'all of all my desires soon don't you worry but idfk when maybe after few days or weeks maybe when i think it's time to share but don't brag on my asks saying when are you sharing it i will but when i want.
PS: Will share my real insta id too @
Yeah that's the end i hope you liked it sexies 👀💜
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XoXo : )
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