#i literally have work in the morning but this is what im doing rn ajkfaurfe
melkintoyou · 1 year
friend 😌🤲🏼 i am not into feet at all but i love the idea of teasing mark sitting across from you under a table whether it be like at a dinner in public or even just at the dorms around other members who have no idea how much he’s struggling to keep his cool but he doesn’t want you to stop either!! 🥺
oh my gosh. so imagine being in a friendship group with mark and you both end up kissing. not being comfortable with telling your friends yet, you decide to keep it a secret. until the secret turns into a thrill of getting caught which gets you both off just from the though of it. it would be a hot day where you and your friends would hang out at a park. football, skating, music and weed. the vibes would be immaculate. it would be evening time when everyone would decide to go get something to eat. at the restaurant, mark would try to run and get a seat next to you but haechan would beat him to it. he would have to settle to sit opposite you in frustration. now everyone is catching joke and conversations are flowing as the wine comes out and everyone starts drinking. your and mark's interactions turn from subtle glances and smiles to him gazing at you every now and then. you kick his shin from the under the table to get him to snap out of it. "YO" he jumps up at the sting from your foot to his skin. "you good bro?" johnny asks, laughing at his reaction. "yeah uhh just almost dropped my fork" mark laughs trying to play off your bratty behaviour. "oooookay weirdo.." you chime in, making everyone laugh but then going back to their conversations. this is when you have a light bulb moment.
you slowly slip off your right shoe and run your foot up and down his calf ever so gently, making his body stiff. "mark, can you pour me some more wine please?" you ask with innocent eyes and he struggles to keep a straight face. pouring wine into your glass, he looks right into your eyes, trying to hold eye contact. until you move your foot further up into his inner thigh, slowly caressing him over his sweats. mark almost drops the bottle as you very light graze his dick before swiftly going back to his thigh. now, evidently growing hard, he puts the bottle down and pulls out his phone. a mess.
Mark 19:45 pm keep playing with me and watch what happens. Y/N 19:45 pm ew why you so obsessed with me Mark 19:46 pm i'm gonna fuck this attitude outta you. watch. Y/N 19:46 pm oh i can't wait :) love to see you try. you tease him further and he pokes his tongue to his cheek to display his annoyance. you zone back into the conversation about how everyone's doing at university and you take this opportunity to fuck with him even more. "oh yeah mark, how did your presentation go? what was it about again?" you smile at him, as everyone's attention is now directed to the boy, slowly starting to look flushed from the wine and your antics. "umm yeah aha" he scratches the back of his head, and you continue to move you foot up and down his leg. "to be honest, it went well. i have been very.. uhh focused.. yeah focused.." he looks to you and loses his train of thought. he looks down and laughs to himself, raising a couple eyebrows. "yo mark's been acting weird all night. when did you become such a light weight? chenle pokes fun at mark. mark starts to feel cornered by his desperation for your touch but the pressure to do this without getting caught. the thrill of it all making him so hard that his head is now spinning and breath a little heavy. "whatever man i'm just tired but uhh, my presentation was on the history of jazz and we had to uhh.." his mind completely empty at your contact with his dick and his sweats being the only barrier between you both. you slowly start to rub him as you watch him intently, leaning in. "yeah? carry on.. what did you talk about?" beads of sweat now forming around his forehead. mark almost whimpers as he catches himself and clears his throat instead. "yeah so uh, i spoke about the trumpet and how emotive it cAn bE" 'FUCK' he thought to himself. his voice cracked. "cAn bE" "cAn bE" " "cAn bE" all the boys take turns copying his slip up like a bunch of parrots as the girls join in and laugh. "hey! hey! guys don't be so mean." you say sweetly, "its okay small baby" the words come out mockingly but mark knows, you meant the pet name. he rests his elbows on the table as he holds his head in defeat before rising up, he clears his throat one last time and grabs your foot and giving it a hard squeeze. "yeah fuck you guys, i thought we were friends" he joins in the joke and everyone laughs. *buzz* Mark 20:01 pm oh you're so going to pay for this.
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