#i literally hate how she doesn't question things are her fault anymore like
cienie-isengardu · 9 months
I'm kinda weirded out that Bi-Han scars his brother and people act like him being a little mean to Tomas is his worst deed and he deserves to die for it or something. Bi-Han doesn't owe Tomas any love or respect. You don't have to like someone just because daddy said so.
I totally agree that hating Bi-Han for not liking or loving Tomas as a brother is pretty wild take on his character, because he did not ask for such a bond, the same as Tomas did not ask to be orphaned and adopted into Grandmaster’s family. Both were forced into a situation created by adults that apparently couldn’t act appropriately to the situation (e.g. killing Tomas’ mother and sister when the family accidentally trespassed on Lin Kuei territory and Grandmaster adopting Tomas out of shame / to save his honor rather than out of love/care for the boy). 
What is even weirder to me, Kitana and Mileena had in previous timeline(s) bitter relationship yet I don’t see fandom to hate original/alternative MK9!Kitana for rejecting Mileena ("You are not my family... you are a monstrosity!") and looking down on her because of Tarkatan blood (“[Shang Tsung] has created horrid replicas of me crossbred with Tarkatan blood!”). People apparently can acknowledge that Kitana was thrown into “sisterhood” she did not ask and the creation of “twin sister” happened out of her control and knowledge while also understanding it was no Mileena’s fault for acting and looking the way she was because it was how she was specifically created. If fandom can accept and support Kitana’s choice of rejecting “sister” on the spot without any empathy to look at the situation from her perspective AND AT THE SAME TIME can feel sorry for Mileena, then the similar treatment should be given to Bi-Han and Tomas, as they were presumably children who adapted to the unfamiliar situation in their own ways. However the main difference between those two scenarios is that Mileena is the “psycho” (so Kitana is excused for not wanting her as a sister) while MK1!Smoke is the personality-wise castrated version of MK9!Tomas who for whatever reason is now the fandom’s Cinnamon Roll that never did anything wrong and anyone who doesn’t melt at the sight of this cutie IS BIG MEANIE, boo!
A character not loving fans’ favorite does not commit a crime however fandom wants to present it as unquestionable proof of said character’s evilness. Fictional or real life, people are allowed to not like each other as the definition of family will vary from culture to culture, and from one person to another - it does not however allow anyone to abuse other people, but that should go without saying.
Bi-Han said mean things to Tomas, and Kuai Liang for that matter. He in general treated others in a similar, cold fashion. But objectively speaking he did much more questionable things over the course of the story, yet people are fixated on Smoke’s feelings alone - and to be honest, I'm not even surprised anymore by that.
But you know what frustrates me the most about fandom’s perception of Bi-Han and Tomas relationship? The amount of fanwork presenting Bi-Han as always mean, always abusive to the poor poor little Tomas which is not just the best proof the fandom is set to demonize kid Bi-Han for his adult self’s choices. It is the whole implication that Grandmaster and the Mother and like everyone involved in raising the brothers, all the masters and teachers did not act to prevent it from happening nor cared to correct Bi-Han’s action. And the most sick thing about that? Children imitate the behavior of adults. Do people really think that kid Bi-Han started saying "Lin Kuei blood only" bullshit out of his mind just to spit in the pitiful orphan's face? Like, really?
Stupid beliefs like that come from somewhere and children are taught by their parents and adult people around what “values” and traditions they should respect and follow. We literally know just three Lin Kuei characters and the fact that only Kuai Liang and Tomas rejected Sub-Zero’s leadership while the clan followed their Grandmaster implies Bi-Han’s beliefs are accepted and shared by the clan. So maybe instead of being so set on demonizing kid!Bi-Han - who so far was only said to be “always cold” to Tomas what is not equal to being abusive and cruel on purpose - maybe it is time for fandom to examine previous Grandmaster and the whole clan’s beliefs that A) were passed to Bi-Han to mold him into man he is today and B) apparently fucked up Tomas’ childhood so much.
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hikarry · 8 months
Aziraphale likes to be helpful and hates watching humans suffer, as any good angel should. Yet, I don't believe he has permission from Gabriel to interfere and save humans during catastrophes, even if he could. He is sent places to observe and report. Any help he provides is under his own volition.
So just picture how he must have felt when those instances started pilling up. Cain. The Flood. Jesus.
Slowly but surely his incapacity starts to affect him.
How he must have felt, let's say, during plagues.
The Black Plague, for example.
He was sent to Britain to observe, but he can't help it but offer his assistance as a doctor. He can't outright cure them, but he can try to do it without using miracles and offer comfort all the while.
Still, that's not enough.
Many pass by his hand, slowly and painfully dying, covering him in blood and other body fluids.
He tries his best to bring them peace in their final moments, but what good does that do? He could cure them. With a snap of his fingers, he could cure them, but Heaven doesn't let him interfere, and he can't help but feel utterly useless. And that's how Crowley finds him. He was also in Britain, surreptitiously lending a helping hand the best he could, when he came across an exhausted and lost Aziraphale.
He sits across from the angel at a tavern without a word, the angel looking at his own hands while Crowley observed him.
"It's not your fault." He finally says and watches as Aziraphale closes his hands into fists.
"Isn't it?"
"Heaven is stopping you. If something, they are the ones to blame."
They fall into silence again for a few moments. It's uncomfortable and awkward but Crowley endures it.
"Was it a child?"
Aziraphale takes a deep breath and nods, before finally looking up at him.
"She couldn't be older than 4. She just...her skin turned black so fast i myself could barely keep track. Her mother kept crying, begging me to save her, but..." He closes his eyes, swallowing dry. "I could have. I could have saved her. Instead, I let a child slowly decay in her mother's arms." Crowley reached out much out of instinct, touching his fingertips to the back of Aziraphale's right hand. "I can't take it anymore. I can't just watch them die when I literally have the solution in my fingertips, Crowley."
After a few beats of silence, the demon answered:
"Tell you what, leave the healing to me." Aziraphale eyes snapped open. "I'm not as good as an angel in the healing department, but I can do something. At the very least, buy them time. You will only have to worry about guiding them through it."
The angel moves his hand away from his touch.
"Out of the question! You will get in trouble."
Crowley shrugs, trying to look as nonchalant as possible.
"Hell isn't really keeping track of miracles. I've been helping for weeks now. The only thing changing would be us sticking together and sharing the workload."
"...are you certain?"
"Would I offer if I wasn't?"
And that was the plan. They didn't save all, but they saved more than they would have if they didn't join forces. And, be assured, Crowley did get in trouble, but Aziraphale didn't need to know about that.
Wars? All the same.
Take Queen Anne's War, for example.
Aziraphale is ordered by Heaven to side with the British and Crowley sides with the French.
In a war, it's kill or be killed, and even though he was originally built to be a soldier, he stays as far away from the battlefield as he can. Instead, he takes his place as a nurse and helps the wounded soldiers as best he can.
Humans had somewhat developed their medical skills, so most of them were saved. If something, they had to cut a limb here and there, but as long as the human remained alive, that was all Aziraphale cared about.
Until one day, the hospital flooded with patients. The French had invaded an English camp and massacred most of them. Many died that day, even though Aziraphale could have easily snapped his fingers and closed wounds, stitching flesh together as new. His white clothes soon became a shade of dark red with all the dried human blood, and his hands were equally as tainted.
It was a young man, barely 16, that tipped him off the edged. He yelled, begging everyone not to let him die. He was terrified, holding onto Aziraphale's clothes and crying, just begging to be saved. And Aziraphale could have saved him. Just a snap. Yet instead, he had his hands deep in a chest wound, trying to stitch muscle together the human way. The blood was oozing out of the man's body, and his pleas grew weaker and weaker but always erratic and desperate. Suddenly, the boy reached out to Aziraphale's shirt and, with a vice grip, pulled him closer. The angel stopped what he was doing, looking the man in his bloodshot eyes, tears running down his dirty face. And then, there was only silence, the hand falling away from him. Aziraphale dropped the needle and had to step back. He had to leave. He needed air. Air. And there wasn't enough in that bloody tent.
Without paying much attention, he stumbled out of the hospital into the woods nearby, his breathing coming out as if he had run a marathon. The only things he could hear were the yells of desperation and his own heart beating against his chest. Eventually, he dropped on the floor, back leaning against a random tree, as he looked down at his hands stained with still fresh blood.
He had been nothing but a child pushed into a senseless war. He was scared of death, he didn't want to go, and yet Aziraphale did nothing. He just watched him die in a pool of his own blood while he claimed for the Almighty to save him. But she didn't. And so didn't Aziraphale.
The sun was setting, and he was still sitting in the same place, in the same position, still staring at his own hands. He didn't hear someone approaching and only noticed their presence when two clean hands held both of his.
Aziraphale looked up, silent tears escaping his eyes, and met sunglasses. Crowley was wearing a French General's uniform. Not a speck of blood or dirt on it. He was kneeling with one knee in front of him, and his mouth was moving, but Aziraphale couldn't hear it. Instead, he just gripped the hands on his and let himself tumble forwards, laying his head on Crowley's shoulder. He felt it when the demon reciprocated his hand squeeze and leaned his head against his. None of them talked. There was no need for it. They've been through this before, many, many times, and all Aziraphale needed was a break. A break from all the pain and blood and death. And Crowley offered it to him, even if just for one moment.
Somewhere in the middle of the night, Aziraphale would remove himself from Crowley and squeeze his hands one last time. Crowley ran his eyes through the angel's face, and when he offered him a weak smile, the demon smiled back. With one last squeeze, he got up from the ground and waved his hand in the general direction of the angel, banishing the dried blood from his clothes and hands before leaving, back behind enemy lines.
Neither of them would mention what happened in the forest, much like they didn't mention all the times through the millenia this exact scenario had played out before.
They didn't have the real need for it, really. Talking about it was no use. It would only bring up the bad memories Aziraphale tried very hard to bury as far away from his consciousness as possible.
And it was with stolen moments of silent support when both forgot they were in enemy sides, not only by Hell and Heaven standards, but sometimes by Human standards as well, that they survived the worst of humanity when an angel could do nothing but observe and report.
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tora-the-cat · 14 days
That's some real shit you just said about Hinata in Boruto!! It'd make so much more sense for her to be very indulgent with her children, and it'd better explain why Boruto acts the way that he does.
Instead of being afraid OF her, the more in-character reason should've been because he hates the idea of DISAPPOINTING her. Like god damn, Hinata and Temari are two entirely different characters with veeeeeeeeeery different temperaments; Shikadai fearing Temari MAKES SENSE. She can be scary as hell and she's got no qualms with using corporal punishment!! WHY WOULD HINATA DO THE SAME AWFUL SHIT SHE GOT PUT THROUGH to her own kids?????? It doesn't make sense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah yeah, I get that narratively, it ties back into Naruto thinking "Moms are scary" and continues the idea that the more things change, the more they stay the same. BUT. Boruto and Himawari should've thought that AFTER Hinata popped a can of whoop ass on someone who threatened her family; NOT by unleashing her wrath on her fucking kids!!!!!!!!!!
And I'm not too sure if you're reading the Boruto manga too or if it's just the anime, but there's a scene in the manga that's HIGHLY out of character as well. When I saw it I was just like, "Wtf????" So unfortunately it's not just an anime specific problem... :(
Right??? Hinata and Naruto are both the kinds of parents that would spoil their kids fucking rotten, cause they just don't know any better. poor auntie Sakura had to teach Boruto table manners because Hinata is scared of being too assertive and Naruto never learned them. Hinata and Naruto would NOT be perfect parents, but they'd be bad parents in a very specific way. They'd be overindulgent. Naruto would treat them like adults WAY too young without realizing it's bad. Hinata would never believe a bad thing a teacher said about her kid if the teacher was not LITERALLY Shino Aburame (this is, in fact, why Shino is Boruto's teacher. I will be taking no further questions). And we almost see this in the show!! Boruto IS arrogant! He IS selfish! He has never been denied a thing in his life! His mommy says he's a miracle!!!
But then. Boruto talks about Hinata. and it's just like....'haha, moms, am I right? moms? all moms are exactly the same? annoying and scary but only COMEDICALLY scary. because they're women' and like. sigh. so close Ikemoto now try again without the sexism. And maybe. Read Naruto?
Yes!! You see, Boruto being afraid of disappointing Hinata makes a lot of sense!!! Honestly, another point on Hinata and Naruto being flawed parents is that Boruto....probably has to do a fair amount of emotional labor at home. Not gonna get into it cause that would be its own post, but Boruto is probably VERY aware of his mom's emotional state and REALLY hesitant to upset her, just cause it sucks when his mom is upset and it always feels at least a little like his fault. #eldestkidproblems or whatever ykyk. Being afraid of disappointing her would just make so much sense given the characters and their dynamics, while still filling the purpose of showing how light Boruto gets off for domestic terrorism lmao
As far as the 'moms are scary' throughline....We've got plenty of scary moms. Naruto thought moms were scary because he grew up a pariah that was probably threatened by MANY moms to not talk to their kids, he's not familiar with 'protective anger' because no one has ever gotten angry on his behalf, and Kishimoto thinks its funny to pretend women pose any threat to his cool male characters #feminism. It just so HAPPENS that if he DID have a living mom she would've been scary as shit, but. in canon it's just not a perspective it really makes sense for Boruto to have picked up because it was cultivated by very specific rearing factors.
Much as I would LOVE for Hinata to have a badass protective moment, I sadly doubt it's gonna happen, given that post shippuden Hinata seems to just....not be a shinobi anymore. which, and I say this with full scincerity, good for her! But like. the fact that she can't even stick to a wall to LITERALLY save her life in The Last is. blood boiling lmao. And! even if she did get a little protective moment, it'd be cool for her kids to realize how cool she is, but even then they wouldn't really be scared of her, you know? Like event trying to give Boruto the benefit of the doubt, there's no angle I can come at this where it makes sense for Boruto to be SCARED of Hinata Uzumaki.
I have watched an entire six episodes of the Boruto anime, and all due respect I have less then zero intention of reading the manga. As you can see, I'm clearly having a great time. SO I have NOT read that scene, but I'm more then happy to take your word for it lmao. thanks for the ask <3
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lunarlegend · 4 months
can i just. i need to vent about a family-related issue. because i feel like i'm going crazy. lol.
i didn't tell my parents when i stayed overnight in Maine during memorial day weekend, because there was no reason for me to.
context: we are basically strangers at this point. i am a tenant who pays rent. a separate adult. there is absolutely no warmth or consideration there. i hate them, they hate me, we all know it.
because of this, they don't tell me where they're going or what they're doing at any given time. i'm not informed of, or included in, any plans or family events. i never know where they are or when they're coming back. and i don't care either way; i'd prefer for them not to be here.
so, there was no reason for me to tell them where i was going, or that i was staying overnight. i'm an adult. i booked the hotel, packed my stuff, and drove up there. my rent is paid, that's all they need to be concerned with.
well, the morning after i stayed over, my mother texted me to ask where i was. not because she cared, but because (as i was later informed): "the door stayed unlocked all night because you never came home."
more context: my father (being the 5 year old child that he is) has this weird hangup about locking the door. if someone isn't home when he's ready for bed, he'll just. go upstairs to bed. with the door unlocked. because he doesn't think it's his responsibility to lock it.
there have been many nights where my mother works late and i'm upstairs in the middle of a game or something, and i'll come downstairs around 11pm to discover my father has been upstairs in bed for hours with the front door unlocked. it is infuriating.
so, when i went to Maine, since he didn't know where i was or when i'd be back, he just. left the door unlocked all night. lol. and that was my fault, somehow. because i wasn't there. this is what i was told.
bullshit, right? obviously. but i didn't even question it! i went back upstairs to play Stardew after that and didn't even think about it again until a few hours later. which is when it occurred to me. how ridiculous it is.
i wasn't home, so my father couldn't lock the door. the door stayed unlocked all night, not because my father is irresponsible and immature, but because i didn't come home. my fault. not his. mine.
so i went back downstairs and said something, and immediately got accused of "twisting her words". at which point i repeated her exact words back to her, and she suddenly had nothing to say. because there is no way to argue. no matter what, the concept is just ridiculous.
and the thing is that, this. this is just barely the tip of the iceberg. this is a tiny example of the bigger problem, which is that my father is never, ever wrong. and the person who gets blamed for his shortcomings is me. always has been me. his first-born child. i am the family scapegoat, and his personal punching bag. he has never been at fault for anything, because he has always had me to take the blame. and it doesn't work anymore, and that's where 90% of the animosity stems from.
but i'm just. beside myself wondering how, even with all that i know about myself, my CPTSD, and the situation...it still took me hours to realize it wasn't my fault. i literally just accepted it in that moment, and younger me never would have even reached the realization. younger me would never have even thought to question it at all.
this has been my life for years. YEARS. this has been my "normal" all of this time. it makes me sick.
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gyubby99 · 1 year
"She's so naive she's obviously the worst sister-" WITH ALL DUE RESPECT GO ARGUE WITH A WALL!
In honor of her birthday I will be ranting about this. Yes.
Like- how the hell do you EXPECT someone to have her literal memories of her sister's powers ERASED from her head to know about the said powers?? "She should've known better" MY GIRLIE WAS SHUT OUT ALL HER LIFE AND SHE DIDNT EVEN KNOW WHAT SHE DID WRONG !!!!
Do yall expect her to be like "oh okay I'll just go back to wanting love from everyone else but my sister" ????? How do you expect her to react??
Don't even get me started with "but she married a man she just met!!" Bs.
Attatchment issues are a real thing and Hans was the ONLY person who's shown her "love" after THIRTEEN YEARS. Ofcourse she's going to be attatched to him and would want to marry him. Also let's consider the fact that she was only 18. EIGHTEEN. With the word "teen". You expect her mind to be matured enough to "know better" ?? She only had paintings to talk to throughout the rest of her childhood. Not to mention she grieved all alone for her parents at the ripe age of FIFTEEN. If anything I'm proud of her for staying strong after all of that. Hell, she even reached out to her sister one last time.
"It's not that deep" it kinda is, for someone who relates to her. For ANYONE who relates to her and had the same experience and trauma as her. To anyone who has her as their role model. Like you can't blame someone who only had paintings to talk to, to not be attatched to someone who has given them the attention/affection they've been looking for for a long time. Also, the literal point is, Anna doesn't know anything about true love. Because She never had it! She doesn't know what it feels like because her own sister shut her out.
Also how was she even supposed to know he's a villain in the first place when he only gave her what she's been looking for for THIRTEEN years. (Spoiler alert: that's how manipulation works) Also, keep in mind she was Eighteen with a high emphasis on "teen". She never had any experience with love for a long time. She was a hopeless romantic looking for someone who wouldn't shut her out like her sister did. I feel like Anna gets more hate than Hans at this point.
Also, did ANYONE in real life not make stupid choices as a teen? No? Thought so. She wasn't even in her 20's yet and yall judging her for making a dumb choice she didn't even know was dumb because she was 18 and naive. She lived, she learned, she moved on and yall are still stuck on that one time where she married a man she just met just to have an excuse to hate on her.
I think Anna is rlly great. She worked hard for what she got in the end and she absolutely deserved that crown, because the whole point of the 2nd movie was that Elsa did not feel like she was meant to be queen.
"She shouldn't have pushed Elsa" Anna has been shut out for 13 years and had memories erased by the trolls. What do you want her to do?? Talk to her calmly after the ball when she was so desperate for answers on why she was shut out?? She has so many questions in her head that she couldn't take it anymore. Do you ever have this.. breaking point? Do yall even know a breaking point exists? Because I think that's what she had.
And while I understand Elsa's side, I'm explaining Anna's since you guys love to bring up the mistakes she did when her brain has not fully matured yet in the first movie. In the end, it was no one's fault and everything was just the result of both of their trauma's, but they learned to fix it at the end, didn't they?
Oh! Almost forgot the accident! Yeah! You have never been near a child in your life if you think that Anna shouldn't have gone too fast. Some kids CAN get carried away, and no, it can't be stopped by a simple "slow down!" Anna was being a child, and it was NO ONE'S fault. That's why it's called an "accident." Even Elsa said it was.
The point in this is that it was not Elsa nor Anna's faults. They were literal children when it happened, and their parents didn't know what to do because their kid has literal ice magic like.. none of her parents or grandparents even had anything like that so they did what they could to keep them both safe, but obviously that did not work. They're kinda flawed on the "conceal don't feel" part tho.
So yeah. Happy birthday Anna and I wish all of her haters a very warm pillow on both sides.
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outrunningthedark · 1 year
I don't know why people are blaming Oliver? Whatever the man has said has ALWAYS been so vague. The buddie shippers as cool as most of them are were looking at his words & evweyone elses words through their Buddie glasses.
I didn't start using tumblr for 911 until literally last year. I didn't watch interviews, look at edits. None of it. So for me all I saw was 2 dudes on my screen that were best friends and sometimes yes I'd joke they'd be a fun couple. But nothing ever screamed at me that they were in fact secretly in love. Nothing screams queerbaiting.
I hate to be rude but it's the shippers own fault for being upset. They're the ones claiming the show baited them when THEYRE the ones who took the words and twisted it into buddie, they take every scene, every interview and every word someone says and twists it into a buddie narrative. This isn't fanfic lol
Ask the general viewer who doesn't really use social media or follow the show online not one of them would say "oh yeah I'm upset those 2 didn't end up together after the show basically hinted at it" if I didn't use tumblr I'd have ZERO clue this whole couch theory even existed
Idk where I'm even going with this anymore, I just think it's unfair to hate on the show, the actors and the shownrunners for an idea they conjured up in their heads
(First of all, I get your points and I agree!) My biggest thing about the criticism after that episode is that the show runner and Oliver did what they could to NOT suggest Buddie canon this season and the fandom's response was to say "They're not gonna give it away before the episodes!" Even when Kristen takes a question and uses the opportunity to stress the platonic bond or did exactly like Oliver re: Eddie reacting to the lightning strike by explaining that Eddie was always meant to be the one standing the closest to Buck, the fandom can't help but recycle the "Sure, Jan" mockery. Like, no. She told you you're free to headcanon them however you want, she's a supporter of a fanfic and shipping, but how she saw them this season was never going to end up coming close to what the fandom anticipated. And in Oliver's case, he literally said nothing of substance, I'm sorry. The couch theory would be at play right until his final scene. Okay. That told us nothing about who he'd be with in that moment. (Natalia wasn't on my radar, but I thought it could have been a firefam gathering.) Ftr, Oliver made that comment after 6x11, not 6x12, so the fandom couldn't connect any dots about what he was suggesting when it hadn't happened yet. AND, you know what, the fact that he specifically referenced the end of the season was the best thing he could have done. Had he said "You might even see more developments with the couch in the coming weeks *wink wink*" then, YEAH. That'd be fucked up. But he bypassed all of that to emphasize the scene at the very end being the most important. What was he gonna do? Say it was about Buck's new gf when we hadn't even met her yet? And still had a month to go?
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eyoooomiru · 2 years
Buddy Daddies Predictions (Ep.11-13)
I literally can't wait anymore :')))
At this point I expect everything from this show
Ep. 11
I don't think that Rei and Kazuki will meet Miri again in this episode
I feel like we'll see both of them fall back into their own old habits, such as how Rei sleeps in the bathtub and smokes and Kazuki feeling empty again
I also feel like they most likely won't talk about their feelings or try to comfort each other at all (boy istg TALK ABOUT YOUR GODDAMN FEELINGS)
The focus in this episode won't be on miri and Misaki either, we'll probably see a few scenes of them but that's it
For some reason I can see it happening that miri constantly asks for her papa's and when they will return to pick her up 🥲 her mother wouldn't know how to answer and either ignores her daughters question or tells her she doesn't know
This is just the calm before the actual storm
Rei's dad definitely will play a HUGE part the last few episodes
I think he'll call his son again to his office and gives him the offer to become the heir of the suwa family business one last time
Sry not sry but I can't see that rei would ever have the guts to blatantly tell his dad no
fucking donkey 😡
He'll probably come up with the "give me more time pls" shit again and his dad will snap, telling him that if he won't decide soon, Kazuki will be out of the picture
The thing is, Rei KNOWS who is family is, he KNOWS what he wants. He just can't voice it out of fear from the business and rejection
Kazuki and Rei will also start to have a fight cuz Rei stopped cleaning for himself again and Kazuki is just too tired to do anything
I think it'll end with this threat from his father, Rei trying to distance himself from Kazuki and Kazuki completely dying on the inside and looking at their family picture
Ep. 12
It is too soon for miris mom to die, so I can't really imagine her dying in the show cuz of her cancer
I feel like, even tho she has changed (😒) she'll be quite overwhelmed with suddenly taking care of miri again
Listen I love our shortcake miri but she's a pain in the ass hands down
Her mother wasn't the best caretaker before, I mean she even said herself that she literally did not care at all for her before
On top of that, she just lost her job and most likely has no income yet. A child costs an fortune
When she first saw the room Kazuki and Rei had for miri she was shook because she KNOWS she can't afford that for miri as of now
I also feel like, since miri is quite stubborn, she won't stop asking about her papa's
Her mother will realize in this episode how much of a family they have become and I can imagine her starting to feel really bad about taking them away from each other
She'll probably have tons of guilt and I think miri will just get more stubborn each minute because her dad's won't show up
Her daycares Christmas event most likely will also play an big part in this episode. I think miri will imagine herself singing with her friends while her papa's and her mum are watching
I also think we will finally get to see Kazukis real rage after he finds out who's fault it is that his wife died
Remember that creep of a guy who writes people's last words into his notebook? Yes him
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I hate this man so much
either in this episode or even in the episode before (11), miri will run away to search for her papa's on her own. Probably taking the train again, but this time she will either get kidnapped or get lost again in a completely different city
It will end with Misaki realizing her daughter went missing and her either calling Kazuki or directly showing up at their house
Ep. 13
It's canon, the authors and directors of buddy daddies already confirmed that it will end realistically. (as realistic as this show can get ig 🥲) they also stated that the last few episodes are more serious and we all know that this show has no problem with angsty themes :')))
So according to this, it would be stupid to think that Rei, Kazuki and Miri will live happily ever after
One of them will probably get shot, my bet is on Kazuki since it would be stupid to try and kill your own heir
Miri most likely will also have been kidnapped by someone from the agency
Usually she was pretty dense whenever she was in danger before (for example when her biological dad held a gun to her head and she wasn't scared, or when she saw rei shooting someone)
But i think this time, miri will actually realize the importance of the situation and will be terrified 😭
I also think that Kazuki will kill the man that was responsible for his wife's death
For some reason I really can't think of any ending besides Rei and Kazuki leaving the business but how would they do that??
They can't just walk off and say that they quit xddd
They also aren't strong enough to kill the whole agency
Instead I think that one of them will kill Rei's dad, setting an end to this once and for all
Remember that scene in the intro where Rei's dad is standing infront of a car?? That could be the scene where they start a fight
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Yes this scene here could be it :00
I don't think that miri will start to live with Kazuki and Rei after that tho
Most likely they will Co parent or sum shit like that and tbh I don't like this idea very much
But it's better than nothing I assume
It would also make the most sense cuz after all since Kazuki and rei wouldn't be assassins anymore, they would have no income, which means both of them have to find real jobs
Finding your place in this world can be scary. Especially if you are not used to it
For some reason I think this show will end with Kazuki and Rei showing up at Miri's daycare Christmas performance, watching her from a distance and she'll notice them, running off the stage, straight into their arms cuz she missed her papa's so much 🥺🥺
Maybe we'll even get a scene where we see all of them in the future together ✨ imagine them trying to enroll miri into school 😂 or her getting into her first relationship xddd
Also I'm sry to disappoint any shippers but I don't think that Kazuki and Rei will become canonly a couple 😭😭😭 I think they will just stay queer coded 😭
However I still hope that they will grow as people in the next few episodes
Either way I'm totally not prepared for what's about to happen 🥲🥲🥲 man I love this show so much
I eat everything up that has found family in it lol
Anyone else has some more predictions?? It sucks so much that there is no Manga or novel
If u have read this far, thank u <33
~~ you did a great job today ✨
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girlbob-boypants · 1 year
1-21-25 for uh Guild Wars? or whatever you want
You know what yeah let's be violent about my beloved game. Oh okay this was a lot more than I expected uh lets put that under the cut
1. The character everyone gets wrong
You think I'd say my precious baby boy BUT its Caithe. She's an incredibly interesting character who is denied the actual on screen depth and arcs she needs. It's an interesting case where the people who hate her are missing the points and the people who stan her talk like she's actually given an arc instead of simply plopped into the story with a "she's better now." The key example being the fact that she doesn't show up in s4 until THE END OF EPISODE FOUR??? That's hardly her fault cause for whatever reason THATS when she's allowed to actually give a fuck about the daughter she loves so much that the moment that daughter cared about the fact that WE WERE BEING MURDERED she ignored Aurene for fuck knows how long?? And then admitting that is enough for them to ignore the psychic connection Aurene canonically has with the Commander so they can just. Set Caithe to post therapy with no real story. The people who hate her act like she's personally the cause of every single problem in the game and that setting her on fire and replacing her with a man will fix everything. Meanwhile the people who stan her claim her story was sooooo good and 100% justified and didn't fuck with things or have problems. She's a brilliant concept that post HoT is executed in a parking lot. And while her parts in EoD are perfectly fine and logical it's just...ugh. She's barely there and exists purely to limit Aurene's screentime with the Commander. Which sucks cause I love both of them.
21. Part of canon you think is overhyped
All of EoD. I am going to pick at a certain part, actually. Rama as a character and especially the entire story with the cop father he has was TRASH. Not as in it's a bad idea but in that it's so terribly done. The lack of build up, the fact that it's the ONLY RATIONAL PERSON WITH A PROBLEM WITH JOON'S MONOPOLY OF TECH who turns out to be King Fascist, the way they just don't explore Li's whole being Kurzick like Rama (or at least I think that's what was being implied? It was literally just Rama saying his Secret Name in front of us and then not addressing it). It all goes nowhere and means very little beyond the strike mission. Like no we aren't going to explore this corruption of the cops, we aren't going to discuss why the society of Cantha would cultivate a minority joining a supremacist group, and we're ESPECIALLY not going to explore Rama's feelings about it for longer than a minute or two. Didn't you know his entire story is that he has a crush on a cop? Don't ask for depth, don't ask why the only people who have an issue with forest polluting tech monopolies are fascists and ecofascists, and don't ask us to give Rama lines that aren't mcu zingers. Take what you get and go make really fucking questionable jokes mocking his hat without expecting more of the expac that brutally murdered Icebrood Saga and gave us CHAMPIONS.
Not too fond, really.
Also the beast races but that's not really controversial to say it's just true. But I hate the Kodan, Grawl, and Centaurs especially. Whoever wrote their parts in s2 and s3 should be hit with a bat and robbed.
25. Common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
This one I'm actually having trouble with rn. The obvious answer is character hate and, no, I don't mean character criticism. I mean things like 'i hate Trahearne cause he sucks his voice is annoying and he's overhyped' and the many, many death wishes. This feels like a cop out but I barely scroll the tag anymore cause the game is in a weird space in my heart so I only really engage with it as I see fit for myself. Which is mostly nostalgia tinted thoughts about past seasons and expacs but hey. Better than being a rage filled ball of spite and bad faith readings like I've been in the past with things I've fallen out of love with.
I'd also say I got tired of the weird relationship gw2 has with strikes and raids both from newbies AND vets alike? This game kinda sucks at making the endgame accessible for everyone and I'm vividly aware of that but vets complain that it's stale while gatekeeping to the point of intimidation and newbies all sit and stare at the training LFG without doing anything like these groups are a match made in hell and if anet just learned how to make something like the ff14 duty finder it'd probably be a lot easier but that would require work and admitting that having some kind of role system would make class and party designs easier.
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bubblegumlefty · 2 years
So... I'm just gonna vent for a moment.
I've been having such a hard time continuing my fic Music To My Ears lately. Not just because of potential burn out, but because of the lack of communication. I'm not just talking about going viral and stuff, I'm talking about basic communication. It's just when I go on the front page of the WWE tag and see fics being posted like Rk-bro and the sheild, which are obviously much more popular ships, I know it's naturally going to have a hell of a lot more traction than my little ship could ever muster, and for good reason too since they're so popular with the fandom.
Am I jealous? Possibly. And I feel terrible for it. But I just feel so discouraged sometimes. I get no communication. At all. Haven't in months. I'm at least 30 chapters deep into this fic so far, with at least 17 published. I absolutely love what I'm writing and want to share it around, but it feels like nobody really seems to be interested. I can't even keep a regular schedule to update the story because I gotta wait for my BETA to review my chapters first. Then I gotta rewrite said chapters from the ground-up with beta inclusions intact. It's obviously not her fault. She has a very busy and difficult job to pay attention to and I really appreciate everything she's done for me so far. I'm just too afraid of asking too soon for another chapter update so I end up waiting at least a month before I start asking, which also feels terrible and just anxiety inducing. I really don't want her to push herself into completing the work. I just wish things were a little more consistent.
And then there's the story itself. Side plots that I felt were awesome at the time now feel bland or cliched, not to mention potentially somewhat tonedeaf in retrospect, which was not my intention at all. All I wanted was to give a ship some more love and share it with others, but it seems that because it's so obscure, people aren't really interested or don't seem to know about it. I can't even ask for input anymore since the few others that were kind enough to give it are either too busy with far more important things or are just no longer around.
It's just so upsetting. Sometimes I feel like I should just give up writing all together. Cause what used to be fun and self-indulgent for me has now turned into an unrewarding chore to keep up with, and I hate that. I know this kinda thing takes time. Like, lots and lots of time. But seeing how it's been literal months since I recieved any sense of communication/traction for the work I put out, it just makes me question if it's even worth it to continue writing anymore if neither I or nobody else seem to be interested. I don't know how others are able to put up with it. Like yes, I get "hits" but what good does that really do? It just shows me that there are lots of silent readers out there. Or maybe they're just duplicated clicks at this point, I don't know.
So yes, I know I'm being very selfish and self centered, whatever you wanna call it, but I'm sorry. Writing just feels so unmotivating and unfulfilling right now, and I'm trying real hard to keep from calling it quits for good, cause I really don't want to quit. I've gotten this deep into the fanfic community and I can't just give up. All I want to know is how are people able to get traction and vocal communication on their stories, and if not, how are others so patient with it? It feels like my writing hobby is just about ready to die, and it just makes me feel so low for feeling that way. And taking a break doesn't help much either since my brain just constantly reminds me of needing to finish the fic. I've even put off fan-art and live-blogging to work on it and complete it. And it's been hell.
I don't even know anymore. I just really need some motivation and encouragement right now.
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hard-core-super-star · 11 months
no because literally, in a single ask there are many different topics and the answers just get longer. I imagine you opening your inbox and seeing some aks that look more like the digital bible itself😶
I'm telling you! I'm behaving now. I changed.
I'll wait, and I already have my doubts about something but I don't know if it's a reference. the 119% thing.
totally, just like they did when they guarded at all costs that Kate would be played by hailee. It would be really funny if the Nightwing phase hadn't just been a phase.... unless...👀 I also don't know how well-known this mafia game is, but I've literally never heard of it until now. you're good at FIFA? for further scientific research. i- i never played GTA, my mom was ok with me playing mortal kombat and seeing the most graphic and merciless deaths, but not with me stealing cars and running away from the police 😔
okay, if I go watch it for the gay shit and I come out of it sad I'll blame you and you'll pay for my therapy. If she's supposed to be an irredeemable villain then she did something really fucked up, right? because I'm kind of more of a fan of villains..... to a certain point... um yeahh..of course
I'm literally eating myself up because I want to know what this cliffhanger is, I mean, the show was cancelled... knowing this isn't going to ruin my experience, is it?
queerbait, queerbait is everywhere- oh, the denial, it's okay, thinking like this can keep you sane, but it's between ava and sara? wait, I got lost hwjakksskskk you defend flash until you possibly can't anymore, but only watch for caitlin? how does it work? RIGHT? It took me a while to like caitlin exactly for that reason. and don't judge me, but it got tired to a point where I wasn't even rooting for barry and iris to get together anymore. they almost made my hair gray for a while, but I recovered.
now I understand why there's SO MUCH supercorp fics, these people are drooling and surviving on crumbs- think with care <3 hdjskjsk
– 🌟
i’m happily surprised and impressed that we've managed to talk about so many things at the same time and, despite the slight confusion sometimes, we still have MORE to say. it's not often i find someone so willing to read my paragraph-long responses and then RESPOND with their own paragraphs. [and needless to say, i absolutely love reading your responses, even if they're long]
mhmm, we’ll see about that.
it technically is a reference but i don't know if you're thinking what i’m thinking. and if you're not one of us is going to end up looking like an an idiot 😶 [it’s me, btw]
i mean, he's technically still my favorite superhero so i guess the phase still isn't over. i’m just too gay to obsess over a man the way i obsess over kate. i don't think it's that well known but i love it. idk what kind of research you're doing that requires this knowledge but yeah, i’m pretty good at FIFA. not like super amazing or anything but i’ve played it all my life so i think i’ve developed some skills. funnily enough, my mom was the opposite way. mortal kombat was too violent but planning heists and stealing cars was fine. [but not until i was like…10 or something]
babe, i hate to break it to you, but i can't even pay for my own therapy so you're on your own. stop asking questions because i WILL write an essay on her. basically, she does do fucked up shit BUT she's also heavily, HEAVILY, traumatized. i can't get into it without giving out too many spoilers but as the show goes on, we learn she's genuinely just a heavily messed up person and NOT a Joker type of villain who causes pain for the sake of it. [she's also not a sociopath, no matter how many times the characters say she is smh. she's also queer-coded af so there's that]
it's probably my fault for bringing it up everyday lmao. it doesn't ruin anything at all, it's just frustrating. they do finish the plot of season 7 nicely so that's why i just ignore the cliffhanger. it was supposed to tease season 8 but then season 8 never happened. the thing that pisses me off is that the CW didn't bother to tell the writers or the producers or the ACTORS that they wouldn't be getting another season.
sorry, i phrased that weird because it's technically a spoiler. the queer-bait is between zari and a new character hence why i didn't give many details in case you decide to watch the show again. sara and ava aren’t queer-bait at all, they're just queer 👍 it doesn't work very well but like the flash still has some really good things in between all the shitty writing. [that's another reason to watch batwoman, btw, their writers are out of this world] plus, like i said, caitlin snow was part of my gay awakening so it's not like i could just ditch the show even while it was going downhill. i don't judge you at all, i hated their relationship in the last few seasons. idk how they did it but they made me dislike barry at some point which is a crime because he's my boy!!!
akdkkdkskk that's a perfect way to put it, no further comment is necessary. i’m definitely not thinking about it 😶
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appicot · 2 years
So I've been working on a personal project / OC story titled 'Normal Office'. To make a long and overly complex story short it's about a group of office workers who work in an office together, normal right? Well, the office has a lot of stuff going on. It ... Doesn't follow conventional scientific laws. Doors appear that lead to other worlds and dimensions, the amount of floors change and swap, colors invert and revert all the time... But hey, the pay is good so why complain?
I'd like to introduce some of my favorite characters I've made so far for it-- feel free to ask about any of them :]
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MICHAEL LEBLANC -- The office tech support.
He's the dude you go to for if your computer is on the fritz... However, he's probably going to switch up some of your information just for a cheep laugh for himself. He's very stubborn and annoying , but he's entertaining to watch at the very least because he is in fact a weak whimpy nerd. Like you may be able to gather from his name he is Acadian and primarily speaks french
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LILITH THORNE -- The young manager
After the past manager Annie stepped down to work in human resources Lilith Thorne was brought in to replace her! She's quiet and secretive, and she's not much of a chatterbox but she's nice enough at the least. She's the youngest in the office, yet 100% the tallest-- she's 7ft tall somehow, no one questions it because it's not that odd to them.
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SILVIE & STEVE CROSS -- The security duo
Silvie (right) and Steve (left) are a twin duo who work as the offices (currently only) security! They are loud and playful, but also fairly violent-- you can say someone is stealing a paperclip and they are ready to draw blood. They don't even like the law, they just like being "the awesome guardians of the office" , aka they like to brawl people and this gives them an excuse to do so. Silvie is the more sociable one, but Steve is more thoughtful... Neither of them, however, are smart.
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CHERYL AIMS -- Customer Service (sadly)
Cheryl has the personality of a soggy cat (like the ones denched in yoghurt or milk yeah?). She's anxious and very paranoid and honestly hates working in customer service BUT she's good at her job due to the fact people don't ask for refunds anymore due to how often she breaks out sobbing and asking if it's her fault... She gets raises all the time because of how ""good"" she is at the job... She wants to quit so bad though. Totally not dating the delivery girl wdym
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SOPHIE JONES -- The delivery girl
Teeeechnically she doesn't actually work for the office-- BUT she has connections to the workers and she does most of the deliveries of equipment and supplies to the building, so she counts for the most part? She's skitterish and a bit snappy, akin to a feral cat, but she's easily befriended by tossing food her way (Cheryl did that a bit literally, and now they are dating so hey it worked out!). She also happens to be the ex-managers (Annie Jones) eldest daughter!... Cheryl didn't know this for a few months, so uh yeah.
And that's about all that I wanna share RN because it is late'o'clock BUT I'm making a tumblr specifically so these characters can be interacted with! Character interaction will also help further the plot because there are quite a bit of mysterious things going on in the building... 👀‼️
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lovelornings · 4 years
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@theperfectpsychic​ said:  Not Over It ((If it's okay since we haven't interacted before?))
Send “Not Over It” and my muse will talk about something from their past that still haunts them to this day. ll No Longer Accepting 
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❥ “’You killed my mom’. That’s what she told me. I took her pretty literally at the time, so I had no idea what she was talking about. I’d never killed anyone - never even hit somebody else. What could she be talking about?’ Her foot dragged along the ground as she walked, kicking up dirt as some form of self entertainment as she talked to an adult she  didn’t really know. She’d take what she could get at this point when it came to companionship; since all the other adults and children from her hometown had always avoided her. 
“”I’ve never hurt anyone”, I told her ‘I don’t even know who you are.’ She got really angry at me for that; but I let my body hit the ground after she pulled my hair pretty easily...I was used to other students getting angry at me- even if i didn’t know why back then. It was just part of life.  
“She told me it was my fault her mom had committed suicide and she was....really upset. I didn’t understand it, and when I told her that - she said it was because my mother wanted children that she’d killed a lot of people. I think one of them must have been related to her mother...maybe a friend or a crush....because she told me that as soon as she saw my face, picking her daughter up from school...it just reminded her of ‘everything’. 
“So I let her keep hitting me. I hope she got something out of it - maybe some sense of closure for going against the cause of it.” 
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spidernerdsblog · 4 years
Can I request reader going to meet mob! tom's friends and when tom gets there, everyone tells him about the hot girl who just walked in and how they wanna fuck her tonight and when he tells them it's his gf they are like 😳 oh and you know tom being the most fearless mobster has trouble controlling his rage and maybe both y/n and tom have some jealous sex. pls I hope this doesn't trigger you and only write this if you want to and stay safe
I literally listened to where you belong by the weeknd while writing this the whole time lol. Hope you like this.
Pairing : Mob! Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings : 18 +, SMUT, mature content, dom/sub dynamics, light bondage, language, breeding kink, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it)
Where you belong
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It was like any other night where Tom had to attend one of those lavish parties thrown by the biggest crime families in the country after all he's the mob boss but this time it was little different as you were going to join him tonight. After dating for six months Tom finally thought to introduce you to his underworld friends. Tom was dressed as usual in his business clothes which was a nice ensemble from Prada looking dashingly handsome as always. On the other hand you chose to wear the skin tight dress which Tom liked the most according to him it brings out the best of you. 
Reaching the venue you stepped out of the car as Tom hands the valet the car keys to park his car. Just when you were about to go inside together Tom remembers that he had an important phone call to make.
"Love, you go inside I'll be right behind you" He says to you.
"Okay come fast" you give a smile.
"Yeah I will" after making the call Tom goes inside the hall to find you when he heard some of his friends call out to him.
‘‘Hey Tom!’’ He momentarily forgot about you and made his way towards them.
"So what's up boys?" He pats Michael’s shoulder taking a drink from the ushers. 
"Tom, mate, you have no idea what you just missed’’ he informs all excitedly. 
‘‘Oh really? What was it?’’ he asked, amused.
‘‘Ask who was it, she was a fucking bombshell man, who just walked right through that door!" 
"You should have looked at her ass mate god I just want to fuck her so bad" Charles added.
"Keep dreaming you suckers because Roy is already at it, look over there" Liam chuckles pointing out to them. Tom followed their gaze and his jaw clenched as soon as he saw you, smiling and talking to one of his friends, he inhaled sharply in anger at the fact that all this time his friends were just talking about fucking you in front of him. 
‘‘Damn Roy is gonna get lucky tonight just look at those tits’’ Michael remarks as everyone chuckles except Tom who was fuming with rage.
‘‘You say another fucking word about her and I’m gonna cut that filthy tongue of yours!’’ He spat at him.
‘‘Woah man, relax. What got you so riled up?’’ Tom turned to them with a death glare.
"Listen you morons I want to make this loud and clear, she’s my girl’’ everyone’s eyes went wide in shock as they gulped hard in fear because the last thing anyone would want is to piss off Tom ‘‘and if anyone of you even dare to have improper thoughts about her I’m gonna put a fucking bullet in your heads! Do you fucking get that?!’’ He growled as everyone hung their heads low in fear agreeing to him. He then strides his way towards you.
‘‘So all by yourself?’’ Roy asks with suave in his voice.
‘‘Oh no, I’m with my boyfriend, Tom Holland you might know him’’
‘‘You- you are Holland’s girl?’’ He stutters in fear knowing that he is good as dead if Tom comes to know that he was trying to bed his girl.
‘‘Yeah’’ you tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear smiling.
"Hey darling" you felt a familiar pair of hands wrap around your waist possessively.
"There he is!" you chirped as Tom knelt down to plant a soft kiss on your cheek.
"Where were you?" you pouted.
"Sorry darling was just catching up with some friends" 
"Hey Tom" Roy says awkwardly trying to act friendly
"Hey Roy" Tom gives him a hard glare and turns to you.
"I think it's time for us to leave" He says pressing his lips in a thin line.
"But Tom we just arrived won't you have a couple of drinks" you frowned at the sudden change of plans.
"I think I actually had enough darling, let's go now" He says sternly, you noticed his hard gaze and stopped yourself from questioning him further.
"Okay" He literally dragged you out of the place to the parking area. You got inside the car and sat on the passenger seat as Tom sat on the driver's seat slamming the door shut with such force that startled you. 
The whole ride back was completely silent; you occasionally saw him gripping on the steering wheel so tight that his knuckles turned white. You knew your boyfriend as the most feared mob boss who was also known for his short temper. And by the look on his face he seemed angry for some reason which you are unable to figure out. Surprisingly his angry demeanor was turning you on, you shifted on your seat uncomfortably as you felt heat pool between your legs which didn't go unnoticed by Tom. 
Tom didn't want the night to end like this but here he was furious and raging from inside. He was very well aware of his anger management issues and since the day you walked into his life he has tried to be the better man for you including keeping his anger in check because he would do anything for you. He was never the kind of man to be triggered with such petty things but when it comes to you he just can't control himself he couldn't get over the thought of his friends were literally eye fucking you in front him. It wasn't your fault though you were no doubt beautiful and he feels extremely lucky that he gets to call you his. But seeing you talking and laughing with Roy just lighted up his fuse. He knew you were just being nice to him but when he knows what Roy's actual intentions were with you just makes him see red. 
He just wants to be reassured again that you belonged to him and only him which he is going to make sure tonight. And seeing you getting all fidgety he knew that you were soaking with arousal making him smirk internally at the effect he has on you. 
You finally reached the driveway of your mansion as Tom pulled over the car. You couldn't take the silence anymore and finally spoke up. 
"Tom are you OK?" your voice was full of concern reaching out a hand to his forehead "You are sweating" He grabs your hand with a death grip making you swallow hard as your gaze shifted to his brown orbs which were now swirling with rage and pure lust, yes he was angry and you know exactly what is going to happen next you found yourself getting even more wet just at the thought of it. 
"Bedroom. Strip and wait for me" his voice sharp and dominating. You nodded and let out a small "Yes" 
"Yes what?" He demands. 
"Yes sir" you say submissively, the corner of his lips curl up to a smirk as he brushes your cheekbone with his knuckles gently. 
"Good girl" 
You got out of the car and immediately went to your bedroom. Without wasting any time you did just as you were told, taking off your dress, you sat on the bed on your knees in just your lace panties with palms laying flat on your thighs as you waited for him in anticipation. Every passing minute felt like an hour as you felt your nipples harden in the cool air and arousal pool between your legs, you rubbed your thighs to get some relief from the growing ache. 
He finally arrives after some agonizing moments later the tux he was wearing already discarded and some of the buttons of his shirt unbuttoned giving a nice peak to the solid abs underneath. 
"Such a good girl, aren't you princess?" he cooes as he walks in and sits in front of you. 
"Only for you Tommy" you say sweetly. He knelt down and grabbed your jaw roughly to capture your lips hungrily his tongue prys open your mouth exploring your mouth. He gently sucks on your bottom lip tugging it lightly before pulling away you look at him through your lashes gasping. He brushes his thumb against your swollen bottom lip which you eagerly wrapped your lips onto, sucking and swirling your tongue around it as you hold onto his arm.
"Now don't be so greedy" he purrs as you release his thumb with a pop. 
"Give me your hands" He demands as you reluctantly extend your hands to him. Tom knows how you hate your hands being tied up with how much you love to run your hands through his hair and hold him close to you making you feel safe in his arms but today he had to establish that you were only his, he takes out his tie that was stuffed in his back pocket and ties up your hands with intricate knots. 
"Is this OK?" he asks tugging on it.
"Yes" you affirm, he pushes you onto the bed as you fall back on the soft mattress with him hovering over you as he unbuttons the rest of the buttons of his shirt and takes it off in a swift move. 
"So beautiful and just for me" he says with hooded eyes while his hands trailed down your inner thigh as the coolness of the gold rings on his finger sent shivers right up your core. He pinned your tied hands above your head when you tried to raise them.
‘‘Uh uh princess I thought you were my good girl’’ He patronizes
‘‘I am’’ you whimper in his strong hold.
‘‘Then behave if you don’t want me to leave you like this’’ he says kissing down your throat. You let out a gasp when you felt his warm mouth latch on to your hardened nipple. He smirked and continued sucking, teeth grazing on your soft mounds making you moan. 
"How dare those bastards look at what is mine?!" he growls in between littering your skin with wet kisses and marking you.
You were so helpless and completely at his mercy. Writhing under him and craving him so badly, snaking a hand inside your soaked panties, "so fucking wet" he observed as he spread your slick around your folds, pulling a desperate whimper from you. He brings his fingers to his mouth. 
"Tastes so sweet every time angel" he hums sucking them clean. He then trailed kisses down your stomach, on your navel, before he found home between your legs as he hooks his fingers to the waistband of your panties and simply rips it off you. He stared at your bare, glistening pussy hungrily as if you were his last meal. He dives down right into it sloppily licking through your folds making you arch your back but he holds you down placing a hand on your stomach as he continues his assault. 
You felt dizzy, your brain barely able to comprehend your surroundings. The only sensation you felt was Tom and his calloused fingers which he expertly worked up your dripping cunt and threw you over the edge. When he pushed three of his fingers inside you, you felt delirious and came all around his fingers. 
Tom quickly gets rid of the rest of his clothes and holds himself above you resting his forearm on the side of your head one hand reaches down to grab his throbbing member as he swipes his tip through your slick folds coating it with your arousal before pushing it in your aching hole. You gasp as you feel his tip slide past your entrance and fills you entirely, the stretch making you close your eyes in pleasure. 
‘‘Always so fucking tight!’’ He grunts feeling your walls warm and snug around him. Your eyes shoot wide open as he pulls his hips back and slams right into you without even letting you adjust to him, drawing out a loud moan from you. 
You were writhing underneath him wriggling your hands desperately wanting to feel him and hold on to him. Tom finally took mercy on you as he snakes a hand to your wrists and unties your restraints. As soon as your hands were free you flung them to his back pulling him closer as possible, one hand went to tug on to the roots of his hair. You wrapped your legs around his hips, hooking them behind his back. You could never get enough of him, you needed him deep inside you exploring parts of you that no one could ever reach. He nips at your neck sucking on your skin harshly, making sure for everyone to see who you belong to.
"Who is making you feel this good princess?" His voice raspy and breathless.
"You…" your voice trailed off as he pounds into you mercilessly. 
"Didn't hear you princess" he reaches down to rub where your bodies were connected. 
"You Tom! You!" you shrieked out at the added stimulation.
"That's right baby, I’m the only one who can make you feel like this, no one can make you scream the way I do, no one knows where to touch you like I do" he rubs harsher circles on your sensitive bud and moves his hips to thrust into you deeper, your moans growing louder and louder boosting his ego as your walls clasp around him.
"Fuck! I need to make sure everyone knows who you belong to eh? Maybe put a baby in you, what do you say?" He reckons while he continued to rut his hips
"Yes Tom fill me up, fill me up with your babies" you nod your head furiously as the sound of skin slapping against each other fills the room along with your grunts and moans.
"You will look so pretty baby, all round and beautiful with our child" He brushes your hair gently from your sweat covered face, you were a babbling mess by now unable to form any proper words except his name, his words only spurring you on to your impending climax. He keeps pounding into you even harder than before as you feel your body tense up, toes curling as the coil inside your stomach tightened.
"C'mon baby cum all over my cock, make me fill you up and mark you as mine" He urges and you screamed out when you felt the coil inside you finally snap your walls tightening around him as you came undone raking your nails down his back while his lips captured your swollen ones swallowing your moans as he finally cums inside you filling you up with his warm release and collapses on top of you.
"Mine" he mumbles into your skin between ragged breaths. 
"All yours" you say reassuringly running your fingers through his hair soothingly catching your breath. 
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Alright Mika you asked for this
Context: this is a post-apocalyptic world with two main opposing sides, those who manage to get a place inside an underground city and those who managed to survive outside of it. There are also humans on Mars.
The underground people's naming fashions are intentionally questionable. The underground people are intentionally questionable. It's not their fault, they just don't know better. Yet.
Generation 1:
Serena (she/her)
-do not mess with this woman or you will soon learn why that was a bad idea
-tendency to be...how do I put this, political
-literally no friends, only haters and followers and a few people who tolerate her at lunch
-actually of sound mind and tries to change things for the better
-does not sleep
-you do not want to know what happens to her. I do not want to know what happens to her. My mind knows and I wish it didn't, it's not...it's not good to think about.
There's also her illusive enemy's figurehead but let's not go there yet.
Three generations pass: you do not. want. to. know. what happens. Most people survive fine and get to somewhat establish a life, but some...new rules and major life events are introduced. But basically no one is raised by their parents anymore
Gen 2: Gen 3's parents basically, I'll explain more when I get there
Generation 3: Rebellion
Atziam (they/them)
-rebel rebel, a two-faced liar, cosplays as a perfect science student
-think Vi from Arcane but with extreme caution born from constant fear, and a lab coat
-confident introvert, only their best friend and squish know they have a heart (and weaknesses)
-developed a new language with their mom in which Atziam means hope (atzi=fire, ziam=night)
-they/them, asexual
-extremely vengeful
-likes to read and daydream and think
Rani (she/it)
-average on purpose, keeps to the background, secretly runs the entire circus that is their friend group
-the only sane person in the whole gen 3 cast, the only voice of reason, liked and trusted by basically everybody
-likes to try weird food combos and loves growing abnormal plants
-ecology and agriculture student
-somehow simultaneously more and less emotional than everyone else
-when Rani snaps, run
Neriko/Neri (she/they)
-female (or feminine nonbinary idk how to explain) sherlock holmes with manners
-or not (sarcastic as fuck)
-enjoys victory immensely, think Kirari
-studies physics and history
-sweet tooth, likes sweet flowery tea and fancy things, and is a book nerd
-slightly political and slightly bossy but mostly just gives sarcastic input
-gets shit done but freaks out when asked to make decisions under pressure
-likes to do her hair up, mostly in a bun over her head when there's no time for anything else
-HATES Atziam and hates being challenged
Cora (she/they)
-give her all the love she's attention starved
-hopeless romantic and constantly worried abt appearance and performance and all that
-tries to please everyone and clings to Neri in the beginning, however as the story progressed Cora will go through some big character development just you wait
-chemistry student and really invested in science stuff but holds herself back
Caspian (he/they)
-kind of lost??
-doesn't really know who he is or what a personality is (but will figure this out eventually)
-just wants to exist
-constantly tired of Scarlet
-hates given name so she changed it, she was called scarlet witch (derogatory) for dyeing her hair red very young so she just...reclaimed it out of spite I guess
-very extremely stubborn and angry and I mean will fight anyone for any reason
-loud and rude but actually respects boundaries??
-might be aro???
-also guard like Caspian (they're like siblings and constantly fighting but also best friends)
Snow (she/they)
-quiet and extremely nice, very soft, you can't not like her
-also small and wears mostly blue and white
-yes that's a chosen name she's trans
-studies medicine and psychology
-secondary passion is music and visual arts
-reading comprehension problems
-really likes decorated knives and blades for some reason
-very aesthetic focused
-prefers to sit weird on table surfaces rather than in a chair
-has a habit of stealing random things and sneak into random places just to see if she can (she can)
-gets along well with Atzi and Rani
And many others
Also gen 3 from Mars:
Tega Scott
-she doesn't hesitate to do what needs to be done, no nonsense, no wasted time, nothing.
-Tega is short for Ortega, named after the character from Altered Carbon BUT think more Quellcrist Falconer
-leader. I can't find any other way to describe her. She doesn't try to be but that's where she ends up. She's always doing things
-she was a bit asocial growing up and her only good friend used to he her study partner from earth (Atziam), they're the only one she's opened up to as a teen
-her worst trait is how uncompromising she is with her decisions, she doesn't let anyone get in her way and will burn herself out trying to reach a goal she's set and she can only do team play when she focuses very hard. That's why she once hesitated with everything and it will also be her downfall
-she's used to having enemies and having to go through them, but she has a few casual friends she trusts
-she's an only child and her parents are usually busy but they all love each other, but...well, they're all very stubborn. So they fight and when they do it can get pretty bad.
-she cut ties with Atziam because she was falling in love and she couldn't handle that since they're on different planets. (Tega's asexual)
Gen 4
Keizan / Varjon / "Key" (he/they)
-basically the reluctant prince of the former underground cities
-daddy AND mommy issues but doesn't show it
-hates his mother, biological dad some unknown person in high society, liked his adopted dad and half-sister though
-leaves for the outer cities, changes his name and disappears and almost dies several times
-does he have emotions? no one knows
-doesn't understand people at all, very confused all the time abt people
-no personal moral compass, asks his friend instead and has adopted her idea of right and wrong over time, and he trusts her more than he trusts himself.
-very polite at all times and very chill, never loses composure
-will get stabbed, say "ow" in a casual tone and sort of laugh before collapsing, and he'll just look at you confused if you charge at him with a knife
Vale (she/they)
(not me and not a character I kin, I just found the name while searching for a name for this character)
-military family, youngest, two older brothers
-tomboyish but only kind of
-colorful hair, huge t-shirts and weird sunglasses when she has the chance
-very professional and serious when necessary but more silly/goofy when not working, basically night and day
-strong sense of right and wrong and basically functions as Key's moral compass
-very compassionate
-doesn't get angry easily but when she does...well. sometimes she loses her head and Key logics her out of it. They're a good team
(Outside the underground people's cities now expanded above ground for resources) (descendants of the people who were closed outside of the bunkers in year 0)
Arunn (he/him)
-oh dear he has trauma
-always sits weird, barely talks, talks in a manner the others find "off", can somewhat read social cues but doesn't care, just...they don't understand him and would rather believe the worst than try to understand
-literally rejected by everyone until they discover he's actually incredibly intelligent and the only person in their community who understands how their enemy works when they're attacked
-before that he had one friend, a mentor of sorts who taught him how to hunt, and he contributes by hunting alone or with his mentor using traps and a bow and arrows, spending a lot of time alone out there, also sneaking closer to the newly re-inhabited cities and learning about them (this knowledge is what eventually buys him a place in his own community)
-sometimes frees the animals he's caught for food
-likes berries and fruit
-actually doesn't mind people and cares about everyone's well-being but he just gets tired trying to communicate and doesn't want to be yelled at
-likes to climb things and is really good at it, has crow friends he's taught to find potential food
-basically aroace
Aojasin (it/he/they)
-vampire coded but not a vampire
-extremely pretty
-rich bitch with heavy material girl energy and a minor god complex, think if Light Yagami didn't care abt justice and liked fancy and flowy clothes instead
-not exactly evil but definitely not good. Very selfish, only interested in personal gain and not shy about it, and he struggles to see other people as people
-it's not exactly all his fault though, he's practically worshipped where he's from bc he likely has a mutation that protects him from the affects of radiation, meaning he's protected by everyone and gets all the attention from suitors, he's basically groomed to be the next ruler of the region (this world suffers from radiation pollution and it's causing a lot of health problems for everyone especially outside the underground bunker thing)
-very kind to his parents and younger sister who he actually sees as people like him, so there's hope
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ahjustroza · 3 years
Hello, could you write an HC about an GN!MC who used to be a mob boss or run an illegal organization and the Mains 6 + Valerius' Reaction? Doesn't need to be angsty just dramatic
I wanted to go dramatic with the CGs lmao. Also, it got long and everything is under the cut.
Headcanon includes the mention of murder, suicide, crime, and depression. So I would say it is NSFW.
Mob Boss MC Headcanons
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He always knew it
He knows everything about you even the things you don't know about yourself
I can see you as the type of boss that doesn't create mass murders for personal gain
However, I can see thievery, blackmailing, and playing your games dirty
Maybe illegal underground market business in the red market (a version of the black market in Vesuvia)
You are smart but also have a soft spot
For him
And only him
Since MC canonically lives with him for a long time I can only picture you being a mob boss in your past before him
But your past is probably still haunting you
You don't necessarily need a tragic childhood to be a mob boss
I want to leave the reasons up to you but I refuse to believe you would be cruel and unreasonable
Because you are all amazing human beings
Many people get into this lifestyle by mistake, choice, or by someone else's force
Whatever reason that made you get into this lifestyle however did change you
You have trust issues, always on defensive mode, and always observing everything around you for possible threats or problems
But he came into your life and became the center of it
You told him what you did before moving to Vesuvia step by step
Not in one go
You tried to see how he would react to you
When you couldn't keep this secret from him anymore, you just told him
It was very impulsive of you
Highly surprising
You told him how you started from the bottom and climbed to the top
you told him how everyone in your home knows your name
How many people were your followers and how if you ask they will come and continue to follow you without a question
You did dirty work, you hurt people too
Violence is something he can not tolerate
At all
But just like you, he is also at the loss of words when any topic comes to the possibility of you leaving
He doesn't want you to go
And you don't want to leave
So expect him to stay away from you for a while
He will not speak of it out loud ever again
Never going to tell anything to even Muriel
No one has to know
Because you are now here and a different person
He will assume that you did what you did to survive
Just like his best friend...
When you lose your memories and slowly starting to gain them back
He is hesitant to answer any question regarding your past
But he knows that he has to
So he does
And you get involved in the red market
Asra is disappointed but you assure him that it is to find ingredients for your magic shop
He will never leave you, but he is not approving illegal business
Yet who he is to judge?
He made a ritual to bring you back by killing the Count of Vesuvia
So he is more on the stick close to you so that you won't get hurt side
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She will either use your connections for spy mastering or lock you up until she gets rid of your gang/illegal organization
But oh no she will not give up on you for being a simple mob boss oh no
She grew up into the royalty and probably dealt with and seen worst situations
She will not allow you to put yourself into any kind of danger and if she must she will put you on house arrest or even lock you up in dungeons
She dealt with a crazy husband before and she learned from her mistakes
So do as she says
She will give you two options, either listen to her or leave Vesuvia completely
Nadia will want her answer on the spot because if you truly want to be with her, you shouldn't need a lot of time to think about it
She will be even more dominant around you
She will make sure to remind you who has the power
If you leave Vesuvia she will never want to see you again
But she will be there personally to put you to the ground if you cause any trouble
If you choose to stay then you have another two options
You leave the business completely or run it for her favor
Provide him important information about the underground market and other organizations in Vesuvia
Yet that only can happen if you can hide your identity as a mob boss
So get creepy and wear a Tokyo Ghoul mask during business hours
I'd say if you chose to go disguise and spy on the underground for Nadia
You two will be the dictionary definition of the power couple
Like hot damn
You live like royalty during the day and go be a mob boss during the night
She will even make you her spymaster if you are willing
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He will volunteer to be your henchman (is this what it is called?)
You have now extra trouble because he is not leaving your side
He will even find you more connections for business
He knows key people in different countries and cities
He knows roads to pass without getting caught
He did live this lifestyle for quite a long time after all
Minus the mob boss part
He is by no means not letting anyone he doesn't like to even have an audience with you
My man knows his way with people and not afraid to put up a fight for you
He is impulsive but useful in the underground world
He is a doctor without a license (or it is just a myth? who really knows...) so he was really doing illegal consultations on regular basis lol
He will patch you up when you get hurt and probably will teach you how you can make lethal damage to your enemy during a fight by teaching you anatomy
You will have to send him to horny jail whenever he talks about anatomy because he is a visual learner
And the best way he teaches anything is to show you
So lock him up
It's not like he will resist
He is good with reading body language too
I can think of Julian to be giving you the most understanding reaction when you tell him that you are a mob boss
He has a history (again I remind you)
So if he is in love with you, he is stuck to your side and yes he will still have his leeches with him
His plague doctor mask becomes popular underground too
If you didn't know better, even you would find him scary and intimidating looking during the friendly business hours
And Julian being Julian, he will insist that you find yourself a mask too
So that you will be a power couple
But make it romantic
However, this is the best scenario where you are just doing business in the red market by selling illegal goods, or being a Mob Boss Robin Hood
if you do unacceptable things, such as cruelty towards children and the innocent
And anything violent that including torture and murder,
He will end this all himself
Julian is dramatic but if he had to kill you because there is no other way to stop you he will
Then will follow you not too long after.
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She will hate to hear that.
Portia is strong but fragile at the same time
She has a strong emotional connection to you and you are probably one of those people she trusts more than anyone
So when you say that you are a mob boss she is broken
Hurt and disappointed
But mostly confused
She doesn't know what to do with this
What to do with you, with what you have between the both of you
She loves you a million
But you are wrong with your life decisions
the good and the bad fights inside of her mind when she tries to make a decision
She will either leave everything behind and live a life similar to what her brother had to live
Or let you go to be yourself and get hurt
She will never forget you or never stop loving you
But she will be in a deep depression after you leave her
Most likely never recover
Because you broke the trust she gave you
So if you want her
If you want to be with her
You have to play your cards right
You are on very thin ice here
You can literally break her in a way without a return
So chose your life carefully
What do you want to do as a mob boss?
Will, you hurt people? Cause trouble and chaos? Torture the innocent and break families?
Or will you just do underground illegal trades and sales?
She can keep your secret if you just do your business in the red market
But she will not tolerate you causing harm to others
She will hate it but will stop you no matter the cost before you become the monster you two fought while falling in love with each other
You have her heart
But she has yours too
So she will not allow anyone else to stop you and do it herself
Because she is afraid for others to put you down in a painful way
She'll stop you rather gently
Caress your cheek while crying beside you
She will never forgive you but also will never stop loving you
You are her only big love and will remain like that forever
She will be the person she was while Julian was on the run
Always nervous and always having anxiety and panic attacks
She won't leave you no
No no no no.
She rather dies than spend a day without the thought of you not loving her
Being there for her
She refuses very strongly to let you go and also get caught.
So in this scenario, you two are still together and preferably alive
But she is in agony every second of the day
And you know that this is all your fault
Yet continue anyway.
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He is not accepting this.
He will be furious and hurt so much that he will tell you to go right away
He trusted you and you betrayed him
There is not much to say for Muriel
He doesn't want to see you again
Even though he wants you
He dreamed about having a peaceful life with you
But he will not go over all the pain he had caused by violence and power
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You already know he is down
He will do anything for you
Destroy enemy mob boss?
Run the entire underground together?
Invade a city so that you can make the illegal legal?
Do you want someone dead?
Do you want him to arm people for you?
Recruit followers?
With the potential he has there is no option to stay peaceful in the underground business
Even if you just mention that you want to make a certain business
He'll take it as order the moment it comes out of your mouth
It will be scary
Terrifying even
You will be unstoppable
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Lmao you probably got him cornered and forced him to work with you
And he got so turned on that said yes on the spot
But made it look as he was the victim here
He seems to be distressed with your connection but secretly he likes the power you have
You do as you please, take whatever you want
And people in the palace have no idea
He knows that you are smart
Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to become a boss and run your business flawlessly
He'll support you financially of course
Under the table
But the real job he does is to give you information
He is also good at creating gossips and rumors as well
He is connected to the high class and works in the palace so it is really hard for people to make any kind of connection between him and you
He pretends to make investigations about your illegal business but what he actually does is mislead the palace
In return, you get him precious stuff
Expensive wine, silk clothes, anything he wants
Oh my god Valerius is your sugar baby and he doesn't even know
Whenever you tell him to see you he is there the moment he can leave his work
He likes to be around you but plays hard to get
He loves to see you struggle and frustrated
He will not give you away but don't expect him to go down with you if you get caught either
He cares about his reputation
The best he can do is to help you escape in a way people can't make connections with him
Then you will most likely become his sugar baby-ish for a while
He will boss you around but the second you remind him who you are he will act bratty
Oh does he likes being bratty
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stcveskent · 4 years
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You and Chris are together since 7years and you guys were waiting for getting married, you two were waiting for the perfect moment, its not trust issues, its work issue bothering you both, so you guys wait.
The pandemic started, and eventually you guys were stuck together, obviously, you thought things would be easy, since Chris is matured enough to handle situations, and you believed in yourself too.
But some time later, things took a huge turn, which you probably didn't know that they would be this way and this was felt on both the sides, but which couple doesn't fight? name one? You got none.
Chris and You started fighting on small things, like dishes, or laundry, until those small things became into a huge problem. This kept going but he never went to bed without kissing you and making up to you, until, you both just got into a fuss about each other.
"SO WHAT DO YOU WANT Y/n? YOU WANT ME TO DO EVERYTHING HERE? AHA? " he yelled which made you mad.
"CHRIS YOU DO NOT DO EVERYTHING HERE!!" You yelled back, and Dodger comes into the hallway, looking at his parents fighting.
"Y/N PLEASE!!! EVERYDAY THIS IS LITERALLY EVERYDAY I CANNOT HANDLE THIS!!" He said. Now this was the point where your built up frustration breaks, and your tears make their way.
"then leave me, then go get a new one, maybe after knowing eachother for 10 years, you cannot handle this anymore! "
“then go away from me!! I know you have someone in mind.”
“What the fuck are you saying?” You yelled at him and he sighed. You turned away to run away from it
"Don't turn away and make it all my fault." He says, and in that moment you knew this would not work.
"Chris enough!!! I can't do this anymore, im so done, so fucking done, we're just ruining our life by ourselves!" You start to cry alot, now.
"What the fuck are you saying?" He says.
"What did you hear?" You asked
"7 years, y/n 7 years!"
"What ? Can we do something about this? Its not working, its just not, Chris I can't! You keep breaking me, I can't do it, it hurts..." you said , still fighting for to not cry, but that doesn't help
"THEN FINISH IT! I KNOW YOU WANT TO LEAVE ME!" yes, this hurt you alot..it broke you and your heart into pieces. The man, who mend your broken heart, finally, ends with you, forever (you thought)
you walked away, out of the house. The sky was slowly, getting dark, you know it wasn't okay to go out, and walk past the love of your life, who would end up blaming himself, but for both of your betterment you had to leave him.
you walked past the streets, lookingat couples, holding hands, and so so in love. They looked happy, and you wanted that too, a small memory of Chris comes into your mind.
25th December, 2019, Boston:
the two of you walked on the streets, there was so much happiness around, it was Christmas time, and all you could think that what if, till next Christmas you would be married. Its that thought making you go all smiley.
"What's going on in that head of yours?" he asked, his hands intertwined with yours, and he slowly, kissed your forehead, making you smile and go crazy on the inside.
"What if, Until next Christmas we would be married." you said, and he smiled wide.
"well yes, i was thinking of the same thing, babe." He said and you smiled, hugging him.
"You were?"
"Yes honey." he says and pauses.
"But for now... i may have a surprise for you." He says, looking deep into your eyes.
"What surprise?
"Im not just gonna reveal it just now, Ma and everyone are waiting for us, lets go there." He says as you continued to walk together to his Mother's place, it was at a small amount of distance so you two wanted to walk and talk, you two were in a romantic mood.
“okay fineee!!” you act annoyed, and he chuckles, which makes you smile.
After a while later, when you reach to your hopefully-future in laws, they welcome you into a warm hug.
“y/n you look gorgeous.” She says and you smile.
“Thank you, Lisa , you look so beautiful .” you say and she kisses your forehead.
"Thank you dear.” She says and you greet, Robert and his sisters and Scott and his boyfriend
His sisters quickly engage yourself in their talks about their relationships and gifts their husband have given them and you realize that Chris hasn't given you a gift. Not that you wanted a gift, it was just that he always did, you pushed that thought out and continued to talk to the women.
Later, Scott and Chris are giggling and Scott is almost crying at the dinner which makes you confused.
“Hey Scott you okay?” You ask and everyone turns their attention towards him and he nods.
“Don't worry guys im emotional because Y/n is here after a long time so yea.”
“We met two weeks ago....” you said and he nodded again.
“you came to our house for Christmas after alonggg time y/n.” He says
“Oh yes!! you're so sweet, but don't cry.” You say and he laughs.
Chris suddenly, gently holds your hand under the table and squeezes it gently, you smile and turn to him, and he kisses your cheek.
“guys please get a room.” Shanna says and everyone laughs.
Later, after the dinner, you were with the kids and Chris was looking at you , from the couch he was seated on.
“I'll be gone for a while, okay?” You said to the kids and walked to Chris.
“Hey.” You said sitting on his lap, and he kisses your cheek.
“Hey honey.” He sighs near your ear, and you feel him, he was nervous, and his anxiety was rising.
“Baby, is everything okay? You feel tensed and nervous?” You asked wrapping your arms around his neck and he just nods
“I am fine darling, don't worry.” He assures you and you nod. You heard Lisa call your name in the kitchen, and you excuse yourself from chris before giving him a quick kiss on his lips.
“Yes Lisa?” You ask and she tells you that she had made dessert and she wanted you to help her, bring it outside which you obviously accepted to do so.
you gave the dessert to everyone and noticed that you forgot your plate, so you go to the kitchen again, to get your plate, and then you saw Chris standing behind you.
You turned to him.
“Hey chris? Everything fine?” you asked you didn't know but your mind was saying that he's gonna break up with you.
“Y/n please listen to me.” He said, damn yes you were dieing on the inside now,
“ Chris are you breaking up with me?” You blurted out, and he shook his head
“No y/n , never i love you so much.” He said and you sighed with relief.
“I love you too.”
You gasped and your hand covered your mouth, and when you saw him taking out a velvet box and getting on one knee, with a huge smile. Your eyes starts to water, and he stops you.
"No baby, please don't cry, or i'll forget whatever i have planned." He said, and you felt everyone stood their, Scott already crying.
"Im so so thankful for everything you do for me, you are my world, my world starts with you and ends with you, with all these years we have spent together, I don't know but i do want to make you my wife, its from the moment i laid my eyes on you, i knew i would marry you, everything you do for me, and the way you make me feel is just —amazing. I have never in my life felt that with someone. And im so glad only you had made me feel the way i always wanted to be treated, so here i am on my knees, asking you this question, Will you marry me and make me the happiest man alive?” He said as he tried to control his tears
“Baby ofc!! Yess i will marry you.” You said as you teared and he slips the ring on your fingers and you kissed him, that kiss was different from all the kisses you shared.
“Welcome to our family, Daughter-in-law!” Lisa and Robert said as they hugged you.
“Thank you mom and dad.” You and chris said it at the same time and he smiled as you called them Mom and Dad.
“This is why inwas crying.” Scott said and hugged you and his boyfriend trying to control him from crying.
You go back to your man, who was so happy and you kissed him again, he was crying, and you wiped his tears.
“This was your Christmas present, baby.” He said
“Are you kidding? This is my forever gift!” And he smiled and pressed a kiss on your forehead.
“I love you.”
“I love you.” You repeated.
----- flashback over----
you suddenly burts into tears, without a voice you walked, and kept walking, until you reached the dark end. You kept walking, and now you were just crying and thinking of the day when he proposed you, you regret everything you said to him and wished you were in his arms.
You heard footsteps rushing here and there, you feel a bit of suspicion, but you kept walking.
“Y/N!!” you heard Chris's voice loud and clear, and you turned to him.
“C-chris?” You asked and he nodded.
“I know you hate me now.” He says and you shook your head, and just ran and hugged him in a split second. You hugged him with full force, he almost fell, but he took care of himself.
“I am sorry, i am so so sorry, how could i ever let you go.” He said as he teared down.
“Its not your fault, its mine. I couldn't fight for us, from ourselves, i know you hate me, but im sorry baby, im so so sorry.” You said and he shook his head.
“I can never in my life hate you..you are the one who made me feel what is love, and no, we're not leaving each other soon, because I can't spend a day without you anymore.” He said and you smiled befote you kissed him.
That kiss was same like the way you felt on the day he proposed you. Your heart raced and he pulled you even more closer. You pull away after a while, resting your forehead on his.
“Please never fight again, because I can't lose you.” He says and you nod
“Lets go home, because i have alot of making up from my side.” He said
“I think i have to make up too.” You said and he smilled before you two walk home. It was then you realized that this man could never leave you because you were the love of his life, and he was the love of your life and when you two reached home, he showed and expressed the love he has for you, and maybe you couldn't stop smiling since then.
*dies eew this is so bad*
anyways hi guys i just made this at three am and also yes im in a angsty mood lol but yes here ya go im on my exam period so ill getbover that soon and keep making imagines, so till that, you can read this shitsss aksisjs
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