#i likely made some mistakes in some places! its easy to misremember death order alas
redstonedust · 1 year
lil exercise i did for myself: what would limited life look like if this worked on the standard 3 life system?
first of all, just removing impossible deaths (ie: yellow on green, or kills by people who would logically already be dead) it'd look like this
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(color indicates what life count they'd end the session on, text indicates what killed them)
of course doing it this simply isnt fair for a lot of reasons, ie:
why would scotts allies kill him if theres no time mechanic?
same reason: why would grian play afk/gem and lizzie turn up?
it'd be majorly unfair for the session 1 boogey to be rerolled if they have only 3 lives to work with, let alone to target skizz twice
so accounting for those obvious differences, it'd more likely look like this:
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this still has some unfairness tho, like there's no way in hell tango, a green, would boogey kill martyn, a red-- hey for that matter, isn't it kind of unfair to keep the boogey mechanic in on a 3 life game?
so final iteration: no boogeymen, we're basically 3rd life again:
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theres still some parts of this you could disqualify, like both martyn and grian falling from the top of bad boy manor, when i think logically that build wouldn'tve happened here. or hell, jimmy and joel probably wouldn'tve been out of the series so early if they knew they couldnt risk it as much.
still, fun thought exercise. and extremely funny to me that taking out scar and joel + having grian unable to kill like. removes half of the kills in the series. it seems fitting, really.
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