#i like to think about lightbulb inanimate insanity have you noticed
c10v3r · 2 years
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i realised i never gave my lightbulb humanisation a way to glow which made me think abiut it all day yesterdsy
rejoice flashlight eyes be upon ye
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randomscropio · 11 months
This is an Inanimate Insanity fanfic one-shot. This was not a request, I just had an idea to do a fic like this late at night and couldn't stop thinking about it. The fic is based on the migraines my mom has and my younger brother ("brother a") sometimes has. I also sometimes get headaches, so I am self-projecting onto Paintbrush (just a little bit, tho).
Warnings: Migraines and headaches (that's literally what the fic is based around), pain, nausea, hiding pain, time blindness, art block, misgendering (by accident), panic attacks (mentioned), anxiety, medication, guilt (but it isn't put into the character by another character. The character with guilt just feels guilty), Lightbrush (Lightbulb x Paintbrush), Painbrush (Paintbrush experiencing pain/Paintbrush angst)
Paintbrush woke up, opened their eyes, and stood up. Their vision tunneled, and they could barely stand without wobbling. There was also a tight pain around their head, like a tight wrap around it. Their vision went back to normal, and the tight pain faded after a moment. This experience was normal for them. It typically happened when they stood up. Well, at least this time, it wasn't a migraine because that would be bad.
They didn't know how much time had passed since they had that headache at the beginning of the day (because they were time blind), but their head was hurting again. And they felt nauseous. What was worse was that they were hosting an art class.
Great, just great, I'm having a freaking migraine! At the perfect time! They thought sarcastically.
The thing about Paintbrush is that when they got a migraine they would typically also get really bad art block, they hate this fact because they like to paint and draw a lot, and their migraines came at random and were frequent.
"Wow, Paintbrush, your canvas sure is blank! And you're not talking. Shouldn't you be demonstrating what we're supposed to do?" Suitcase asked.
"Oh, right, sorry! I just got a bit distracted."
"By what?" Testube asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Thoughts," Paintbrush said, deadpan.
"Oh, okay then! So what are we doing, Mrs. Pa- sorry, Mx. Paintbrush?"
Paintbrush expected to be accidentally misgendered and didn't mind it. They had just recently come out, after all.
The pain in their head got worse and worse. That's when they noticed that they forgot to get the other painting supplies. "First, I have to go grab some stuff! I'll be right back." They said, grabbing their medicine and walking to the storage room.
They took some pills before the paint fumes made everything worse. They grabbed some thick tubes of acrylic paint. They also grabbed some paintbrushes (both big and small), painting sponges, paper plates (they used the plates as paint pallets so that they didn't have to wash any paint pallets), and a bottle of modpog (which is used to make sure that paintings and paint coats don't get damaged). They walked out of the room and set everything down on their desk.
They gave everyone a paper plate, a few different-sized paintbrushes, and a couple of panting sponges.
"Alright, class! Today we're going to do some abstract art. Get the paint that you'll need and just paint different colored shapes, don't think about or plan it. It's like improv in acting except for painting, drawing..." Paintbrush paused, realizing how long they had been speaking, "you get my point, right?"
"Yeah, I think we all got it, Painty! You're pretty good at explaining anyway!" Lightbulb said in her cheerful tone, which she usually had at least a hint of.
Everyone got their paints and started to paint. Paintbrush supervised everyone, making sure that everyone was okay. One hand foot rose into the air, shakily, and fell back down after two seconds. Paintbrush immediately knew who it was. Paintbrush approached a fidgety Suitcase.
"Do you need anything?" Paintbrush asked softly, they knew what the answer was but wanted Suitcase to get in the habit of saying what her problems were.
"I um, have to leave. I didn't take my anxiety meds and well..."
"Yes, I'm fine. Go take your medicine. I don't need you to have another panic attack here, especially only after a few days from the last one." They said with a slight chuckle that they immediately regretted.
"You can go." They said. The pain in their head made them slightly wince.
"A-are you okay?"
Suitcase didn't seem to mind though, since a small laugh came from her. She hopped down and walked out of the classroom.
Paintbrush looked at the finished and signed pieces. They were all amazing, despite what some of the artists thought of their own work.
"Great job everyone! It looks like you all have the hang of it! You may go now." They dismissed the class, hoping no one would stay so that they could dim the way too bright, fluorescent lights that only worsened the pain in their head, and put their head on their desk.
But, of course, someone stayed. Oddly enough, that someone was Suitcase.
"Hey, um Paintbrush?" Her voice was soft and quiet like she knew how much pain they were in, "um. Are you actually okay?"
Paintbrush nodded, "I'm fine, Suitcase! Really! Just a little tired." They said, trying not to cry from the pain in their head.
Please leave already.
"Oh, um, okay, then. That's all. I'll go now." She said.
Paintbrush sighed as soon as she left, cleaned up the materials, and grabbed the pieces to hang them up. They felt lightheaded, oh no, not this again.
They lay on the ground, squeezing their eyes shut, until they didn't feel lightheaded anymore. They got up and quickly hung up the pieces, then dimmed the lights. The pain continued and a few tears slipped from Paintbrush's eyes. They sat on the ground, pulled their knees up to their chest, buried their head in their knees, and softly cried. They didn't care if someone came in, at this point they couldn't control it, and they couldn't stop crying, even if they wanted to.
They got up and went to their room, their eyes were bloodshot and they were exhausted, they opened the door to their and Lightbulb's room (Lightbulb and Paintbrush now shared a room with eachother) and flopped on their bed.
"Hey, Painty, you okay?"
Paintbrush groaned in response.
"I'll take that as a no. What's botherin' you?"
They looked at the Lightbulb and sighed. "Migraine." They explained in one word.
"Did you take your meds?"
"Yes, I took my medicine. It didn't help very much."
Lightbulb clicked her tongue, "I'm sorry, I know that the lights can make it worse."
"You have nothing to be sorry about," Paintbrush said, unlike me...
"Well, why didn't you tell anyone?"
"I knew I'd get through it."
"Well, I'm here for you!"
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i-wanna-show-you-off · 4 months
rewatching inanimate insanity season two
spoilers!!! vvv
I love analayzing characters facial expressions and Trophy is in season two so of course while he’s there I’m gonna notice his. I think the one time I saw him smile was when he got that picture of Knife. In every single group shot he is frowning. There are several instances where it’ll cut to the grand slams and all of them have neutral/indifferent (or happy) expressions except for Trophy who looks pissed. They said find me a character that’s more angry than Paintbrush and I said I DID.
Soap I love her. She had so many issues to begin with but I really enjoy how she spent her time trying to fix them. Also ‘Theft and Battery’ had me so mad for her because first she gets thrown out of a hot air balloon, and then she’s targeted by the same guy like 3 or 4 times all in the same day. I love Suitcase but I’m not gonna lie and say that Soap calling her out there wasn’t justified. I’ll miss you my gorgeous little freak
Test Tube’s character development. I watched II3 before going back and (re)watching II2 and it’s like. There used to be light in her eyes. She used to be a silly girl who said golly gee and talked about nerd stuff. (Not saying she can’t still be a silly girl who says golly gee and talks about nerd stuff, but her character is a lot more serious in Season 3 than in Season 2.) I think the turning point for her was in the alternate reality episode, mostly because of her and Lightbulb’s interaction. Also, her furiously scribbling out the word ‘secret’ from her board and eventually just destroying the whole thing. She didn’t have a huge change in character, but she went from making nerdy references and science facts to showing real frustration and envy(?) towards the people around her.
This isn’t a huge thing but Nickel literally constantly stepping on people. Like standing on their heads. He does it with Baseball a lot and he (at least once) has done it to Suitcase as well. It could just be a visual gag but I feel like it’s really representative of the way he stepped on people’s feelings as well. He was a huge jerk to Suitcase, and even though Baseball was his friend he did dismiss him and his concerns at times.
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chipsfics · 4 years
Part 5: Basement
Part 5 is here!!
rated: PG (for injury and swearing)
A few weeks later, Tissues and Yinyang had fallen into a sort of rhythm. Get up, get breakfast, sit in the front room and play video games- they still seemed closer than ever, although they weren't making any progress getting better at playing the games. Sometimes the ruckus from Yinyang's rage (mostly Yang's) would annoy the other residents at the hotel. Other than that, things had fallen into a nice, consistent normal. Boring, but normal. Mostly.
It was something small, but... Every odd night, if any thoughts at all, Tissues was thinking about that tiny door they'd found under the wallpaper. What else could the hotel be hiding? Between twisting orange hallways, leaky ceilings and peeling wallpaper- The hotel already seemed like the perfect place to house mysteries. That, or cockroaches. It was the first time in a long time that Tissues had something to think about, to worry about, to wonder about. Most of the time he was just concerned with surviving, any way he can, and keeping himself entertained cooped up while Inanimate Insanity draws closer to curtains. 
It was a bright pink evening, the sunset dazzling and painting the hotel's dusty windows like a canvas. A couple contestants were outside watching the sun go down, but Tissues was in bed, staring at the humming ceiling fan, as he often found himself doing. Around 7pm, if he had the mind and strength to be tossing and turning he would have been. That secret door was there all along, he'd probably walked past it a few times- What other secrets lie hiding, impossibly old, right under his nose, right under his feet? It made him shiver. He wondered if Yinyang thought about it as much as he did, or even at all.
Since their discovery, of course, everyone else in the hotel noticed the door too. The general consensus seemed to be "Huh, weird." OJ seemed a bit upset (mostly confused), but didn't feel like figuring out how to re-wallpaper the peeled area. And of course, nobody had figured out it was them who had uncovered it, or that it had previously housed those mysterious magazines. Tissues sighed, willing himself up into a sitting position and fetching his tattered old journal from his side table's drawer. Once he flipped to the first blank page, a thought hit Tissues sudden as a train and heavy as a bag of bricks.
"Does the hotel have a basement?" 
Tissues, his heart momentarily racing, grabbed his worn out ballpoint pen sitting askew on his bedside table, and quickly scribbled his chickenscratch between the snot-splotched lined paper of the cheap notebook, neglecting to write the date and filling up the page with his large, rough handwriting. 
"DEAR DIARY:" (he wrote in all-caps) "DOES THE HOTEL HAVE A BASEMENT?" (this is when he stopped for a moment, furrowed his brow and chewed on the pen's lid-) "IF SO, WHAT IS IT HIDING..? I KNOW THAT THE ELEVATOR DOESNT GO BELOW F1 BUT IVE NEVER TAKEN THE STAIRS AND THEY MIGHT GO DEEPER. I MIGHT INVITE YY TO CHECK IT OUT WITH ME." (YY is shorthand for Yinyang.) "ON SECOND THOUGHT, NO THEY PROBABLY ARENT INTERESTED IN IT. THE LAST THING I WANT IS TO BE ANY MORE ANNOYING THEN I ALREADY AM." (Tissues scoffed, and put his journal back into the cupboard.) Tissues flopped back down onto his bed and stared at the same old ceiling fan. A small black bug crawled across the lightbulb. Tissues sniffed. The wall clock tick-tocked until it hit 7:23pm. Frenzied thoughts bubbled inside Tissues' mind until they felt like they were going to boil over and out his ears. 
Once he reached for his water bottle and noticed his hand shaking slightly- He decided that tonight was the night. A determined but nervous feeling swept over his body as he huffed and forced himself out of bed and out the door- To the staircase. It was a plain, short walk down, carpeted stairs with nothing to trip or slip on- A short safe staircase. He gulped. Did he trust himself enough to make it down even these easy stairs? 
The dizzy, nervous feeling that made his stomach plunge the two story drop before he did wasn't helping much- He grabbed onto the handrail with a white-knuckle grip. He took a slow step downward, and his head spun- The staircase beneath him seemed to sprawl out into endless darkness. He wasn't about to give up, though. He shook himself off and continued walking down the stairs one step at a time, two steps per stair- Step, step. Step, step. He was making progress! Step, step. Step, step. Once he made it halfway down, he stopped to catch his breath, and.... Oh no. Sniff, Sniff.... He felt a sneeze coming on. Ah... Ah.....
Tissues stumbled back and attempted to hang onto the handrail- he tripped over the side and fell, for what seemed like ages, down, down, down, and rolled banging into every odd step on the way down.
"Oof.... Ughh....." Tissues forced himself up, bruised and tattered from his fall, and found himself on cold concrete. Had he ever been on this floor...? It took him a moment to readjust, but as he looked around, rubbing his sore head, he realized that F1 didn't have any concrete. This must be it. The basement.
It was dusty and completely dark- cold with a chill that seemed almost too appropriate for such a spooky place. Tissues rummaged around inside his head to pull out his phone and flashed the light into the deep darkness- It cut through the inky blackness like a beacon. Tissues shone it around the room slowly and nervously- illuminating large shapes draped in old white sheets of fabric. Tissues' heart raced before he realized it was probably just furniture with a dust covering- Yeah, just furniture. He sighed. He crept into the strange and cavernous room- His small footsteps echoing through the basement, reverberating clear and crisp as the dark, cold air. He shivered. 
He more he looked around, the weirder the basement got. Cloth-draped chairs and couches and even what appeared to be a small TV set or strangely-shaped table seemed to be arranged as if whoever was using this room just... up and left. It looked like a living room for ghosts. The furniture itself also seemed to be localized around the middle of the room- The rest of the room seemed strangely vacant except for a few stray cardboard boxes stacked on one another.
"The basement can't just be this room, can it? It's an entire floor, is the rest just filled in? It can't be. There's got to be more," Tissues thought, circumventing the room once again, looking for a door, a bricked-off passageway, something that he could use to explore the rest of this strange place. It seemed, after a few minutes of looking around, to be a concrete prison. 
Tmp. Tmp. Tmp.
Tissues froze. 
Tmp. Tmp. Tmp.
Footsteps. Getting closer. echoing down the staircase, heartbeat racing, no way out but up. Between fight or flight, Tissues chose freeze. He stood like a deer in the headlights, holding his flashlight at the entrance, his hand shaking like a paint mixer. 
Tmp. Tmp. Tmp.
Closer, closer, down the stairs, Tissues had no idea why he was so afraid- It was probably just another resident at the hotel. If it was OJ, he might've gotten in trouble, but some strange part of him felt like he was an intruder. Like whoever is coming down the stairs right now was following after him for a reason. As the shadow came into view, in a moment of pure adrenaline, Tissues flung his cell phone at whoever it was that was following him. It hit them straight in the forehead.
"Ow, what the hell?!"
Relief washed over Tissues as he immediately recognized the voice.
"Y.....Yinyang?" Tissues said timidly.
As the familiar face came into view, rubbing his forehead, picking up the cell phone that had gone skidding across the concrete floor moments before. 
"Of course you dumbass, who else?" Yinyang said, shining the flashlight at the bewildered, blinking Tissues. "What are you doing down here? Are you ok?"
"Umm oh. Ohhhh... You-" Tissues stuttered, blushing. "You came down here to check on me?"
"The hell do you mean?" Yang growled, "Of course I did!" Yin continued, walking up to Tissues and inspecting him closer. "You fell down 2 flights of stairs! Are you injured?"
From the sheer adrenaline of the situation, Tissues didn't seem to notice, but his knee was scraped pretty badly. "Ah... Yeah. A lil bit. My knee," He said, gesturing to his left leg. 
"You dumbass!" Yang cursed. "Why did you- Why did you try and go down the stairs alone in the first place? You know-" Yang sighed. "Why are you even in the basement? There's nothing in here but old storage space," 
Tissues sniffed. "Umm... well... ahh... umm..." Tissues seemed to be getting a little bit choked up. "Umm... y'know how we found the old- the little door? After we..." Tissues took a deep, shaky breath. "I wanted to see if the hotel had any more secrets like that. Yknow... cause, I have so much time to think, and it was just bothering me... I thought- It can't be just that, there's got to be more- I guess i just wasn't thinking." Tissues wiped his nose.
"Oh, Tissues..." Yinyang said, his voice soft. "We should go back upstairs. I'll get you patched up," Yinyang continued, patting him on the head gently. “I was worried about you!
"You're probably right..." Tissues sighed, and limped to the doorway, Yinyang letting him lean on his shoulder. On his way out, he leaned against the wall, and his fingers came into contact with something smooth and cool, completely different from the texture of the concrete walls. He froze.
"Wait-" He said. "I feel something." He continued, trailing his hand farther up and feeling something akin to a lightswitch. He flicked it on, and the basement was instantly illuminated- causing Yinyang and Tissues to squint and turn around.
"Huh. I found the lightswitch!" Tissues laughed, and scanning the room in the light, it didn't look as scary as before- and one thought was present in his mind. 
"Hey, this could make a really cool hangout spot if you just fixed it up a little bit." 
It was like another lightbulb came on dinging bright above Tissues' head.
As Yinyang worriedly ushered him back up the stairs and into his room, Tissues was busy smiling, ideas silently buzzing in his head as Yinyang cursed him out while tenderly wrapping blue bandages around his knee. 
The moment he left, Tissues pulled out his journal and hurriedly wrote something in big, messy lettering:
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sperenity · 4 years
Inanimate Insanity Episode 14 Analysis
This episode was nuts. I mean, need I say that I was expecting it? I knew the egg was going to reveal itself since it was cracking, but I thought there was something in there, not some being that happened to be the egg itself.
The opening. Oh, the opening. I was seriously impressed. It hooked me to watch more of it. I really liked the black-and-white effects as well as the ominous tone put on it.
I was also surprised to see Fan have a role in the episode, and it was refreshing to hear some of the eliminated contestants’ voices again. For a moment, I thought the eliminated contestants were going to exit the hotel and watch the show or something.
Seeing MePhone4 acting outside of his role as the host was thrilling as well, especially that he nearly discontinued the show. 
Inanimate Insanity could have ended right there.
Oh, and MePad’s resignment was a shocker too.
I thought that Test Tube was going absolutely crazy here, which probably is true anyway. Her usefulness has reached a peak and she is riding the wave. I was also surprised to see how Fan suddenly appeared to take the egg back, and the contestants shared the same reaction as mine, too. Nice attention to detail! It was cute that the egg stopped “crying” once Fan interacted. I thought Fan was recognized as the father here.
When MePhone4 glitch-generated a Living Room set, I thought that somebody was going to be there, but I was also confused when he generated random things later, too. But as of writing this, I realized the sounds were not only the eggs’ way of calling their mothership, but also likely a defense mechanism against Cobs’ creations, and MePhone4 is one of them. Yet MePad was unaffected. Perhaps Cobs upgraded their hardware?
Suitcase’s depiction of her anxiety was also neat. The minimalist flashing as the crack grew. That was neat. I thought her snapping back at Test Tube was a symptom of it, considering her sudden defensive stance.
The fight with the spaceship was absolutely epic. MePhone4′s quick wit, his command to the contestants to save Fan (Though I think it’s to save himself from lawsuits once again), and Test Tube’s Tazer-powered Telescope Bazooka against the ship was absolutely wicked. Also, I just realized that the reason Cobs asked for a spaceship from MePhone4 is so Cobs could go after them.
The update of the dock from Kick The Bucket was absolutely glorious as well. I really liked the detail, it was almost serene.
Imagine my surprise when I saw Taco already ambush and incapacitate MePad in the background while Microphone was talking. And finding out later that Mic’s speech was in-sync with what Taco is doing.
When I saw the Egg’s transformation, I was anticipating the moment that whatever was inside was going to come out. I even thought the eyes were glowing from the darkness inside until I saw hovering. Then, I was confused. Utterly confused about what the ex-egg was. I thought Fan would possibly be imprinted as the father of what turned out to be an actual being as well. When Fan was bound by chains, I certainly thought the leader was going to send him to his death (even if he did anyway, MePhone4 would recover him.)
Then, Test Tube intervened.
The alien species (which are referred to as The Shimmers), then told their backstory of the “oppressor” (which was what I wasn’t expecting, honestly, but flashbacks from Theft and Battery ensued). At first, I didn’t know that the presentation on The leader Shimmer’s face was a depiction of the MePhones 1 through 3GS (I later realized that Steve Cobs may have discarded 3GS with the intent to destroy which was why it was so scared the previous episode).
Fan interacts with the Baby Shimmer, the group shares a laugh, a wholesome moment there...
Then, Test Tube explodes and Taco’s reflection is shown (I later find out she and Mic teleported to the ship). It was like an epic moment where the spy from an action movie shows off their tricks. Then, I thought the ship flew away with the group inside before I remembered Taco using Mepad for teleportation. 
When Microphone came with Fan... It was a sight to see MePhone4 acting all excited for the first time in quite a while. Also, I did NOT expect Microphone to retaliate against Taco by mentioning Taco’s history with Pickle, then ultimately quitting the alliance by shutting her out. What a way to go there, and what an arc. I wonder what’s gonna happen next with Taco. Will she ever be found out?
Then, the elimination. Honestly, at this point, I wasn’t expecting an elimination to happen considering how far off the show’s original format has gone. It was cool to see that it still retains its original flair. Imagine my surprise when I saw Microphone willfully choose herself to be eliminated. Does this even make II the same? Yes. But, actually, no? Honestly, I was somewhat relieved that there ended up being a double elimination. I think it suggests a deeper tension in the show’s coming climax.
Then, Lightbulb’s goodbye. Oh, that scene. That actually made me feel. Over many episodes, Lightbulb was the comic relief that everyone loved. She joked with her friends, especially with Paintbrush. Now, all her friends are eliminated. I wonder if that means her comic relief arc is over. If it isn’t, what else is there? For now, she’s gonna have to cope with her reality of being a finalist.
After the credits scene, in which I thought the music was pretty catchy (especially in contrast to the past episode’s more ominous tone), I was happy to see Toilet appear again. I had been so focused on what was happening that I actually forgot about him. Then, the crashed ship.
Then, MePhoneX.
I felt chills when I saw him. Adam was doing a great job making each design more advanced and intimidating than the previous, but this one is through the roof. I was not expecting another MePhone installment to happen. Should I even call this a running gag, or is this one actually so intimidating that it doesn’t constitute to humor at all? I thought I was going to leave a bit empty, but this one made me think the wait for the next episode is going to be worth it.
The relevation of the egg was certainly a surprise, much less expecting. However, I am a little disappointed that there was nothing inside the egg. I liked the buildup from Fan acquiring up to its hatching, but considering the amount of priority that was put into it and not that the egg was used for comic relief, I really expected the relevation to be overly dramatic and possibly change the course of the show or expand the II universe (which it did in both scenarios, but still.). This doesn’t mean that I dislike the direction the show is taking now. It was just such a dramatic change that it makes me feel such a way that doesn’t make me excited but rather makes me sober? I’m not saying the writers made a mistake, I love Inanimate Insanity’s creativity and I’m looking forward for more. It’s just not exactly my cup of tea.
MePhoneX is a creation you do not want to mess around with. It is obvious by now that this one is created by Steve Cobs. The earlier MePhones, except for the last couple, were bent on destroying MePhone4, and it was heavily implied that Cobs sent them out to destroy MePhone4. This creation should be no different. However, MePhoneX is not only sent out to destroy MePhone4, he is sent to destroy the entire reality show and the contestants with it, along with going after The Shimmers. If MePhoneX doesn’t destroy 4, he might force him to create a spaceship and enslave the contestants, including the former ones from Hotel OJ, to aid in Cobs’ capture of The Shimmers. Also, everyone’s assumed that the MePhones get dumber with each installment, but I believe that this X installment is one above all. It is designed in such a way that exceeds every preceding generation. In other words, this one is not stupid.
Also, I have noticed that this show still has its BFDI inspirations. The shaking, the loopy mannerisms, and the unexpected humor is, to me, a callback to the witty and eccentric humor that is shown consistently throughout the Huang twins’ show.
Overall, this show is taking a turn. I am actually enthralled that it still hasn’t let up. Especially after my departure from the OSC and coming back. I now eagerly wait for the next episode even if it’s going to take months.
UPDATES: I also realized that MePhone4 is beginning to have a personal connection to the contestants. What if his cruel tactics shown in season 1 and 2 are a result of his trauma with Cobs? I don’t know if he ever will, but considering his backstory, I can’t help but imagine that MePhone4 is actually moving forward.
Also, there was almost no frustration evident in Taco’s reaction to her plan failing. It was full of emotional surprise. Did she ever see Microphone as a friend rather than an “ally”?
I can’t get it out of my head that MePhone4 still has 4S’ model after the finale of season 1. I really hope the writers don’t throw him away. It’s confusing to know that MePhone4 has 4S’ model and still have the kind of Gemories that 4 had in his original model. 
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dancingfb18 · 6 years
Inanimate Insanity II Ep. 13
Ok, so we can all agree that Episode 13 was pretty damn good. Personally, I think it’s the best since at least 10, maybe before that. 
Now don’t get me wrong, 11 and 12 were both very good in their own right, but they also both suffered from problems. Mainly, they tended to forget about the competition in favor of a sideplot (Marsh and Bow in 11, Lightbulb and Test Tube in 12). This is especially prevalent in 12, where said sideplot takes up the majority of the episode. Honestly, they didn’t really have a choice with that since they were dealing with time travel, and the original timeline was essentially destroyed. Anyway-
What I appreciated about Episode 13 was how it really dialed things down, and did it’s best to develop characters within the confines of the challenge, instead on taking the development out of context.
What made this better was that almost every character got developed in a meaningful way, as opposed to one or two. I think the crew has realized that the cast is small enough now that they can do this. Was there still an emphasis on a few characters? Yes. But even the characters that weren’t emphasized had a scene or two to develop them. Contrasting that to Episode 10, where the development was assigned to Microphone and Suitcase, with a little bit of Marshmallow, and some characters assigned to support them. The others either were there for comedic effect (Fan and Lightbulb), or were ignored entirely (Test Tube and Knife).
But that’s not quite true with Episode 13. Microphone, MePhone, and Knife got the most development, but they weren’t the only ones. Fan and Test Tube had a little story about jealousy. Suitcase and Baseball had one scene that advanced their characters. Lightbulb was left out, as she got the most heavy-handed development last time. Hell, even MePad, Toilet, and Fucking STEVE COBS got developed a bit, even if their characters didn’t change that much.
As for the elimination, I’m pretty happy with it, and think it was the best route for the crew to take. Fan was still fun, but it was clear that he had served his purpose to the narrative and didn’t have much more to give them. That’s why they essentially reduced him to a running joke about not liking change over the last few episodes. However they seemed to want his final episode to fully expand his character to it’s limits, similar to paintbrush. And, just like Paintbrush, they succeeded. We see how unwilling Fan is to accept change through his panicked reaction when the egg he’s been taking care of since Episode 2 starts to hatch. We see his coping mechanisms through the vlogging. And they finally gave us a reason to care about Fan, when there really wasn’t one before.
That’s the end of my analysis, but I have something to speculate about before I end this post. It’s about Knife. Something tells me that there’s a side to Knife that we still haven’t seen. When he leaves Taco and Mic, he tells them that he won’t expose them because he didn’t want to do to them what Trophy did to him. That made sense in the moment, but it didn’t quite sit right. I don’t really remember him bringing this up before (correct me if I’m wrong). Maybe that’s just because of his “tough guy” persona, but I think there’s something deeper than that. Notice, also, that he was very willing to expose Taco to Mic, immediately bringing up what she did to Pickle, and trying to get Mic to ditch Taco. So why is he so hesitant to do the same to Mic? And if he’s willing to expose Taco to Mic, why not to everyone else? I think that he’s trying to keep up his “tough guy” persona when it comes to all this drama. He’s doing his best to remain indifferent to all the drama around him, because tough guys don’t take sides, or something like that. However, he really does care about everyone, and subconsciously takes sides in every argument or situation. So what do you do when you’re in that situation? Well, he resorts to trying to settle the conflicts indirectly, convincing others to take action so that he doesn’t have to. That’s why he warns Mic about Taco, but doesn’t warn anyone else. This also explains his behaviour in Episode 11 with Suitcase. He tells her to “make her presence known” to Nickel, essentially telling her to stand up for herself and Balloon. When she does that, and it only increases the tension in the conflict, he immediately absolves himself from the situation by saying that that’s “not what he meant”. In doing this, he’s able to deny that he had involvement in this conflict. I’m probably wrong about this, but that’s just what I think.
Anyway, thank’s for coming to my TED talk. Good night, sleep tight, always let the bed bugs bite, hail Satan.
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