#i like to know as much as i possibly can but yeah it is getting into that territory where i feel bad if i misremember or misinterpret them
robo-writing · 2 days
Kinktober Day One: DOFP! Logan - Lingerie | Kinktober Masterlist |
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“I’ve got a surprise waiting for you at home,” you said, giggling into the phone. Logan’s not much for surprises, but for you? He’ll make an exception.
“How kind of you,” he says back, still rummaging through his desk. “Can I guess what it is?”
“Mhm, nope,” you reply, making a show of popping the p at the end of the word. “No hints for you, you’ll just have to wait and see tonight.”
He groans out loud, much to your amusement. You know he’s not a patient man and you’re hoping that the anticipation will eat him alive. He pauses for a moment, talks back to you in that voice that you fully recognize as his bedside voice. “Not even one?”
“Not even one.” You answer. “And stop it with your voice, you know what that does to me.”
“Yeah,” he whispers, sending a shiver down your spine. “That’s kind of the point.”
You’re real tempted to let the secret slip, but not tempted enough. With another laugh you bid him farewell, and hang up.
Logan looks at the phone in his hand amused, going back to searching for his lesson plans, your conversation still in the back of his mind.
Guess I’ll just have to find out for myself.
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The day couldn’t have ended any faster, driving home at exactly the speed limit to get home as fast as possible. Curiosity eating him alive, he steps into your shared home and to his surprise, you’re not there to greet him like normal.
“Doll, I’m home!” he calls out, and his ears perk up when you reply a faint in here! from the bedroom.
His shoes heavy against the hardwood floor, he follows the sound of your voice, opening the door to find you—
Oh god.
He doesn’t know what he expected when you called him, but this certainly wasn’t his guess. Lit candles, the faint smell of vanilla in the air, lights dimmed and you—just you—looking pretty in a set he’s certain he hasn’t seen before.
God, where does he begin?
“Oh, princess…” he says, still in awe at the wonderful display. You rise from the sheets, allowing him to fully take in the lace that hugs your every curve, the same lace that lets him see everything and nothing all at once. From your chest, to your ass, to the garters that fasten the stocking onto your thighs—you’re wrapped up like a present, and it’s not even his birthday.
Your smile breaks him from his trance, fingers beckoning him toward you coyly. “Come over here, lover boy,” you whisper, and he feels his heart skip two beats.
“Don’t need to tell me twice,” he said, already making his way towards you. Sat on your haunches, you look up at him with faux innocent eyes, relishing in the sight of your husband speechless at the sight of you. Slowly, your hands glide against his shirt, every button removed between deft fingers. He lets you, chest heaving with each pop, until his torso is bare before you and you can feel the bare skin beneath your fingertips, firm and hot.
“Can’t tell if I wanna rip this off of you or fuck you in it,” he sighs, fingers playing with the soft fabric. “I don’t remember buying this for you.”
“I bought it,” you mutter, rising forward to place a kiss onto his adam’s apple, enjoying how it bobs under the touch of your lips. “Do you like it?”
A rhetorical question, but one he plans to answer anyway. He grabs your wandering hands suddenly, pushing you into the soft mattress below. You squeal, your eyes widening in shock before soon turning into something much more hungry.
“Do I fuckin’ like it?” he scoffed in that same honeyed voice from before. The clink of his belt rings loud in your ears as it falls to the ground, your thighs pressing together at the sign of what’s to come next. 
“Gimme a couple hours and I’ll show you just how much I love it.”
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wonysugar · 2 days
don’t modify | jang wonyoung
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♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚. everyone adores you (at least i do) — matt maltese
synopsis : everyone knew jang wonyoung had standards, but you were afraid you didn’t meet them like she initially expected you to.
pairing : stuco!wonyoung x gf!femreader
genre : smut, it’s kinda sweet i think
tags : wlw, hurt/comfort(?), fem!reader starts doubting herself, self-esteem issues, yn overthinks everythingg, YN YOU’RE GIRLFRIEND ENOUGH, <//3, couplez are very present haiii, i care them so much, jiwon is stewpid (affectionate), and rei lives for it, LESBIANS, worried gf wony, she loves yn guys, GUYS, now onto the sex, semi-public sex, so risky sex, ooouh scandalous, fingerfucking, making out, LOTS of it, kinda body worship, clit play
warnings : this fic contains self-esteem issues and lack of confidence, be warned :]
word count : 4,8k
a/n : heyyy… DON’T LOOK AT ME LIKE THATTT I’VE BEEN BUSY💔💔i’m trying to work on as many fics as i possibly can when i have free time, this is one of them<//3 i hope you like it, i personally don’t know to feel about it butfkdmfm yeah
i also kinda didn’t proofread this; it’s almost 2 am as i’m typing this out and i’m EXHAUSTED,,, if you see mistakes of any kind just please ignore,, for my sake
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man, student council really was no joke.
sitting at the same table as your girlfriend, wonyoung, and her peers, you could feel the undeniable tension in the air. 
this was originally gonna be a double date, but it very quickly turned into a last-minute student council meeting, for some unknown reason. you weren’t part of said council, therefore had no clue what the hell they were on about this entire time. all this talk about budget, organized events, it all made you dizzy. the only thing that was keeping you somewhat calm was wonyoung’s warm presence and the slow jazz music that was quietly playing from the vintage jukebox, the one sitting in a corner of the place. 
you accompanied your girlfriend thinking this was going to be a cute opportunity to meet the two other girls! yknow, knowing that they seemed to be very close friends of your girlfriend’s, you figured it would’ve been nice to get to know them but it now just mostly feels like you infiltrated a top secret reunion that no one else could know about. 
and the funny thing? you were already somewhat nervous to meet other student council members in the first place, and this wasn’t helping. now, it’s kind of embarrassing to admit, but the first time that you met your significant other… yeah, you were mostly intimidated by her beauty and maturity, but also by her status in the school. it’s almost like you felt bad about crushing on somebody as influential on campus, let alone eventually dating her. so, i guess you could say meeting anybody equally as important as her fellow stuco members was something that made you rather anxious; what if they thought of you as clumsy? dumb? or even worse, not good enough for their president, their best friend?
quickly interrupting your train of incredibly messy thought, the blonde girl, whose name you don’t quite remember, spoke up. 
“nevermind any of that! we came here, on a week-end, with the intention to relax, to have fun and to finally take a breather from everything stressful that’s been going on in our lives, and what did we end up doing? talking about the school’s budget, like we always do. seriously guys?” she watched how the two other girls averted their eyes, clearly guilty. 
she especially noticed how you seemed to be uncomfortably shifting in your seat whilst they were talking, so, giving you a subtle reassuring look, she added on.
“let’s leave it for when we’re at school and not in front of y/n, how’s that sound?”
the two other girls looked at each other, then you, and eventually nodded. just like that, the tension in the air disappeared, and you already felt calmer.
but not calm enough to be confident about meeting your girlfriend’s friends and actually enjoy this small get-together.
however, you couldn’t sit there and pretend that the silence that settled in between all of you wasn’t a comfortable one, especially with the way wonyoung’s hand rested on yours, it was a nice contrast to what was actively going on in your mind.
until it was brutally killed by the dramatic sigh that came from the familiar tall and bright haired girl’s mouth.
“well, i’m pretty damn hungry, aren’t you guys hungry? cause i sure am pretty fucking hungry!“
you internally laughed, acknowledging that she was naturally quite funny. you apparently weren’t the only one to think so, considering how that also earned a small giggle from the almost just as tall girl who you assumed was her girlfriend, since she was practically always looking at her with heart-shaped eyes, regardless of the situation; you could tell when a girl was whipped for another, and it was as clear as day. 
she was more than whipped for the blondie.
“you know jiwon, if you wanted to get up and go order, you could’ve just said that.” she said, smiling at the girl in question and looking stupidly in love. 
“well yeahh.. but it’s essential for everyone to know how famished i am at all times, darling; my hunger is everyone’s problem, i thought we knew this!” was what jiwon said back, her bright smile making the dimple on one of her red cheeks, her left one, even more prominent than usual, since it’s quite literally always visible. that earned a playful eye roll from the other girl as she continued giggling. 
the pet name helped confirm your theory that those two were a thing.
“you guys want anything?” she softly asked, quickly making sure.
“nope! we’ll get something later, thank you rei.” was what wonyoung responded before warmly looking at you, slightly tilting her head in a way that silently asked you if you felt like ordering. you politely declined by shaking your head, hand waving around as you’re doing so, for extra insistence.
after that, they stood up together and proceeded to walk towards the counter to order. their hands were grazing each other’s for a little moment as they talked, almost hesitant. that is, before jiwon gently grabbed the other girl’ hand and intertwined their fingers together, both now having acquired their place in line. smiling to yourself, you also particularly noticed how jiwon, her face now completely red, seemed to trip on literal air as she walked with the reason for that was giggling endlessly. 
man, what a match they were, you thought.
rei, if you remembered her name correctly, was soft spoken and careful with every little thing she said and did, her gentle tone offered some sort of contrast to jiwon’s, who on her part, was louder, more outgoing and spontaneous. being polar opposites, they complemented each other amazingly; from their behavior all the way down to their body language, it was impossible to miss how different yet similar they were.
it seemed as if wonyoung noticed you staring at them from a distance, so she assumed it would’ve been a good idea to give you a little bit of funny context. “can you believe they’re not dating yet?” she asked, looking at them with you.
“wait.. what? they aren’t?” you exclaimed, surprised at the almost unbelievable information your girlfriend just dropped on you. well there goes your theory, “are.. are you sure?”
amused, she shook her head, eyebrows raised, “mmhm.” she said, putting emphasis on the first m. “i swear at times it feels like i hear them gushing about the other way more than i see my own mom.”
you giggled, your eyes darted back and forth between her and the other girls, in disbelief. actually.. the more you looked at them, the more whatever wonyoung said seemed to be true; despite being this close and intimate with each other, there were signs of uncertainty, as if this was new for the both of them. like when jiwon seemed to avoid rei’s gaze whenever she spoke, or maybe even when rei seemed to blush at quite literally anything silly that came out of jiwon’s mouth, which was very often, by the way.
“crazy, i know.” she laughed, staring at the two with you. “i mean, they practically are by now, they’re just not aware of it themselves yet.”
okay yeah, you thought, nodding at your girlfriend, it made sense. 
they did look like a newlywed couple if they didn't know they were married, and that just made it all the more endearing to see, honestly. you were glad wonyoung was friends with such kind-hearted and genuine girls. 
that somehow contributed in bringing back that nerve-racking doubt you had ever since you stepped foot in here, however, and your amusement was once again quickly overshadowed by worry. see, those two seemed so happy with each other, despite not even dating, that it got you thinking about your and wonyoung’s relationship. 
rei and jiwon sort of reminded you of what you and your girlfriend were, way back before you started dating, back when she knew absolutely nothing about you and was instead curious regarding your person, intrigued.
you thought that maybe you didn’t end up exceeding her expectations like she initially believed you would, that you maybe weren’t as interesting of a girlfriend than she would’ve hoped, that she could do so much better than you. 
hell, maybe even the two friends you were staring at prior thought so.
you noticed how wonyoung stared at you with a focused expression, the one she always had on whilst she tried to comprehend something complex, whatever it was. many things elicited that reaction, sometimes it’d be an important yet contradictory school document, other times it’d be an attempt to read something that was written in one of the languages she’s not so familiar with, as rare as that was. 
right now though, she was probably trying to read you, a language she thought she was perfectly fluent in, yet was always met with a hard time understanding completely.
then, upon realizing that you were staring back at her, her eyes widened ever-so slightly and she gave you a warm smile. doing your best in not letting your insecurities spill through the cracks of your face, you smiled in return, as to not potentially worry her.
“we’re backk!” announced jiwon in a sing-song tone, quickly catching both you and wonyoung off-guard as she obnoxiously placed her tray down on the table, almost dropping it. rei’s, on the other hand, was set gently on the wooden surface whilst she carefully sat down on the seat, smiling to herself upon staring at the delicious looking food, completely disregarding the conversation happening right beside her. 
you nodded to yourself, that was truly respectable.
“already?..” asked the tall and brown haired girl in response, wearing a mischievous smirk girl at the blondie before continuing, “and here i thought that we were finally gonna have a break from you.” jokingly groaning and rolling her eyes.
“never gonna happen, unfortunately for you.” jiwon giggled at the banter, grabbing a handful of fries from the tray in front of her before forcefully shoving it into the other girl’s mouth, cutting the latter successfully.
that earned a giggle from everyone at the table, but rei’s tiny and polite laugh was especially noticeable among the bunch. 
turns out she always listens when it’s about jiwon, huh.
“what about you, y/n?” asked jiwon, distracting you from the conversation you were about to engage in with the delicious burger that nestled in between your eager hands. you looked at her, allowing her to carry on, “are you volunteering anywhere?”
all of a sudden, all three different pairs of eyes were on you, and you only. 
you cleared your throat, setting the hamburger down, now having caught a glimpse of what the conversation was actually about. volunteering, huh? is that a thing that student council casually members do when they’re bored..?
you didn’t want to seem like an asshole, but it’s not like you could afford to lie, either, especially not when wonyoung was staring at you so intently, like she was excited to merely hear you talk.
you felt guilty for even placing a word.
“oh uh,” you focused your eyes on the table, unsure of your response and the reaction you would get. “i would, but i barely have the time, unfortunately.. you know, with my job and all..”
“you know,” rei chimed in, shaking her medium-sized soda drink around before taking a sip, “you can say that you don’t care enough, we won’t judge.” she said in a joking manner, earning laughter from everyone at the table.
that was a joke, it’s obvious that everybody would be laughing. 
“ahah, yeah..” 
except you, of course, the best you could do at that moment was crack a slight smile since you were basically stuck inside of your own head by now, contemplating whether they were actually making fun of you in your face or if you were just overthinking everything again, just like you always do.
man, with each thought you had, you felt uneasy. the more they talked, the more overwhelmed you felt, especially if the conversation revolved around you;  self-consciousness wouldn’t even begin to describe it, despite your desperate attempts to sit and actually enjoy the moment, as well as the food in front of you, for that matter.
but alas, that annoying voice in your head had won again. the same voice that always goes on and on about how every person around you thinks you aren’t enough, and that you’re uninteresting and unlikeable, sometimes just plain annoying. 
that got the best of you today.
you reluctantly stood up, which caught the two girls’ attention, but especially wonyoung’s, all of their eyes perking up at you. “where you going?” asked jiwon.
“just the bathroom.” you replied almost immediately, “sorry, you guys can keep talking, i won’t be long.”
you make a beeline for the restroom after rambling out those words, not looking back for even a second. you push the door open once you get there, quickly closing it behind you before turning the sink on and looking at yourself in the mirror. 
get it together, y/n, you told yourself, don’t embarrass her any more than you already have.
you proceeded to splash some cold water onto your face, taking advantage of the fact that you conveniently decided not to wear any makeup today. to call it refreshing would be an understatement, as it helped you gain back composure.
that’s when you heard, and noticed from your peripheral vision, the restroom door cracking open. you turned off the running sink in hurry and turned to the door, wiping the water off of your face with your palm and forearm.
“..you okay?” 
“huh? yeah..” 
she looked at you some more. it was clear that she did not believe you for one second, she therefore locked the door behind you, as to not have anybody interrupt. she was going to ask again, however, she refrained from doing so and let you speak of your own accord.
you quickly understood that she was going to ask again, however, refrained from doing so and let you speak of your own accord. you took a deep breath, then you allowed your vulnerability to manifest itself through your words, just this once.
“..i just feel like.. i don’t know—“ you tried finding the right words to say, but nothing could potentially make the situation any worse than you’ve made it, “are you happy with me, wonyoung?” 
long pause. a very long pause.
she furrowed her eyebrows upwards, “…what?” her voice was now just above a whisper as she processed your words, slightly shaking. despite how subtle it was, you heard the fear in it. “o-of course i am, why wouldn’t i be?”
“i just feel… i feel like you deserve better than me.” you turned away from her, your eyes settling on the mirror before you, once again. “i’m sorry, i don’t wanna be annoying—“
“do i make you feel that way?” she asked almost immediately, cutting you off. her expression giving away her heavy dejection despite her best attempt to mask it. “do i make you feel like you’re not enough?”
hurting you is the last thing she would ever want to do, she’s certain she’d rather die a horrible death on the spot than cause you pain.
“no, of course not!” you responded just as fast, your gaze meeting hers as you turn to face her once again, “you’re great towards me, amazing, even. it’s… it’s just that, i’m scared that you’re doing it out of pure guilt.. is all—”
she, in response, was no longer taken aback. finally having understood what was on your mind throughout this whole outing, her worry evaporated from her face, leaving room for a sympathetic expression, “guilt?” she walked your way and stood beside you, her big hands now cupping your cheeks and holding them in a warm, loving embrace. “if i really was dating you out of guilt, would i really ask you to go out with me to meet my friends?”
“i don��t want you doubting my love for you ever again, okay?” she added, her eyebrows furrowed, now looking practically offended. “i mean, come on, let’s not forget that i have standards.”
interpreting your silence and the way you looked up at her as uncertainty, she continued, smiling at you, “and you exceed every single one; you’re amazing, y/n. you’re gorgeous, so incredibly smart, talented, understanding, so kind and genuine, too. the list could go on, honestly, but most important of all, i love you, i love you so much, and there is truly nothing in this world that’ll be able to change that.. i never, ever, wanna hear you say any of that again. also, never scare me like that? ever?”
“nuh uh!” she hovered her index finger over your mouth, silencing you before you could protest, “no buts! you’re perfect and i’m very incredibly lucky to be with you, that’s final.” she insisted, before mumbling to herself, “also, i should probably tell rei to cut it down on the sarcastic jokes, shouldn’t i.. she gets comfortable way too easily—“
“no wony, i know she meant no harm. plus, i would’ve found it funny if i wasn’t so in my own head..” 
she sighed, then nodded. and as corny as it was, that whole conversation was enough to fully reassure you again. you cracked a shy and content smile, to which she happily reciprocated whilst gently stroking your hair with her hand, leaving a loving kiss on your forehead. “i love you, wonyoung, i’m sorry.” you muttered, barely audible. 
she groaned, having heard you, and rolled her eyes jokingly, “will you stop apologizing so much?” before smiling with nothing but love and admiration in her eyes, “i love you too dumbass, so much, and i’m afraid i’ll never stop.” she added, before leaving a small peck on your lips.
you returned the kiss, having wonyoung leaning into you and gently pushing you onto the sink. your hands went on both sides of her face and cupped her cheeks, your girlfriend melting into your touch with a smile immediately before pulling away and looking into your eyes.
now being in the right headspace and paying proper attention to her appearance, you just now noticed how good wonyoung really looked that day; her long brown hair perfectly straightened at the top and being more on the wavy side on the ends, the whole hairstyle being all, quite literally, tied together by a lavender-coloured ribbon. you’ve also noticed that she decided to wear her favorite  navy blue and white striped knit sweater and tucked it under the waistband of her blue denim jeans, incredibly effective in drawing attention to her waist whilst also keeping a cozy look.
she looked beautiful, there was absolutely no doubt about that, but your mind kept wandering further. you thought about how much more beautiful she’d look wearing nothing, before being hit with the sad truth that the two of you are in a public bathroom, and that the latter was very unlikely to happen.
still though, you smiled to yourself as your eyes trained down on her body, getting lost in dirty thought before looking up at her again. once your gaze met wonyoung’s, you watched her lips form into a stupid smile before she spoke again, making you realize how dearly you missed listening to her honey-like voice despite having heard it roughly 30 seconds prior.
“and what are you looking at exactly?” she tilted her head slightly, flirtatiously sliding her hand up and down your sides as she awaited your answer.
it’s crazy how your girlfriend of several months could still manage to turn your stomach to literal mush, every single thing about her made you short-circuit; her mannerisms, the way she talked to you, the way she always put her hands on the right spot, her smile… she was clearly out to get you.
and it didn’t look like that was going to change anytime soon.
“..nothing,” you replied, taking a short pause as you took in all of her features, before adding on, “you look good, babe.”
that pet name made sense again, you felt like yourself again.
“yeah?” she spoke back, now placing her two hands atop each side of the sink that you were already leaning on. her face now mere inches away from yours, your nostrils suddenly invaded by the hypnotizing smell of the sugary, expensive perfume she had on, the one that drove you nuts, “thanks for noticing.”
it took one last dorky smile from her before you officially lost your shit and pulled her back in for a kiss, this one hungrier than the previous, and it didn’t take much for wonyoung to acknowledge the desire you felt for her, either. she’d also be lying if she said she didn’t want you just as much. 
you could taste the cherry lip gloss she had put on previously as your lips danced in sync with hers, 
“wait,” you said in between kisses, “what about the others?”
“oh don’t worry,” she chuckled, wearing a knowing expression and slightly shaking her head in amusement at the thought, “they’re definitely keeping each other distracted. i would even go as far as to say that they completely forgot about us even coming along in the first place.”
as insane as it may sound, you could totally picture jiwon completely discarding her food and endlessly rambling about quite literally the dumbest thing ever whilst rei admired her silently, listening to every word the other girl spoke, entranced as she took tiny sips of her drink, perhaps as an attempt to make the moment last forever.
the two of you giggled to yourselves, seemingly having thought of the exact same thing before the urge to have wonyoung ruin you in this very bathroom hit you once more, only harder this time. 
it didn’t take long for your girlfriend to lean back into you, now making her painfully slow way down to your jaw, then to your neck, planting messy and lazy pecks across the skin. you felt her smiling against you with relish, taking in each and every soft noise that escaped from your mouth. her hands were growing more and more curious by the second, which caused them to explore and slide further down from the spot they initially settled on; your lower stomach and waist. they eventually worked their way up your black pleated skirt, teasing your entrance through the soft fabric of your already damp underwear.
that went on for a long while, so long so that you felt the pool in between your legs growing with each rub of the finger she gave you.
“god, look at you,” she then whispered against your neck, marking it up right to her liking, “perfect, always so perfect for me.” and watching you not-so-subtly grinding your hips against her hand at the words, longing for any sort of friction you could get. 
“wonyoung–” you whined out quietly, using all of your willpower to not make too much noise so as to not let the other people in the restaurant hear you through the closed door. she heard you though, she heard you loud and clear and that was all that mattered to her. she pretended that she didn’t, however, and pulled away from your neck to properly look at you to raise a knowing eyebrow at you. the back and forth motion she was doing on your clothed pussy now much, much slower. “what was that baby?”
“please.” you breathed out shakily, “i need you.. bad.”
“do you now?” she responded, cocky.
you nodded almost immediately.
she let out a tsk sound in response, “couldn’t even wait ‘till we get home, huh?” that confirmation was all it took for her to finally push your panties to the side just enough to be able to spread your cunt and squeeze her fingers into it, which was very wet enough to welcome her digits, she slowly inserted them further in. 
“so impatient, just for me, right?” she whispered, watching you as you nodded once again, this time more keen. she then paused, quietly taking in all of your reactions to her different  words and teasing, more than satisfied, she scoffed, “fuck, i love you—“
she pressed her lips against yours again, eager; she truly couldn’t get enough of you, everything about you was all she could ever want. you couldn’t help but let a guttural groan escape from your lips in response to her two fingers fully sliding inside of you in one swift motion, filling your insides up perfectly. you were undeniably loud, but the kiss definitely contributed to quieting you down, muffling the noise of your pleasure, the squelching sounds of your pussy being the only audible thing occupying the air.
it didn’t take long before she started pumping her fingers in and out of you, finding a slow and steady pace before fully ravaging your core. she quickly pulled away to catch a glimpse of the scene happening on the lower side of things; her hand reaching into your skirt and working its magic. the sight of that worked the both of you up even more, and she would’ve completely gotten rid of every piece of the clothing that’s in her way to you right then and there,
but then again, this was a public bathroom.
and you two were very quickly reminded of that once you heard knocking at the locked door, as well as tussling of the doorknob. wonyoung and you froze, albeit a very polite pair of knocking and turning, it scared the shit out of you.
“y/n? wonyoung? are you guys okay in there?” you heard rei’s easily discernible voice on the other side of the door. your eyes darted between it and wonyoung, mere inches away from you (who also seemed visibly panicked, as well as amused.)
well wonyoung was incredibly wrong in assuming they forgot about you two.
in a silent, mutual agreement sealed by a nod, you came up with a pitiful excuse, fighting back every potential shake of your voice that could manifest itself, “y-yeah, uh, i’m just fixing up my makeup and—“
suddenly, you felt your girlfriend’s thumb pressing on your sensitive and swollen bundle of nerves without warning, and began to rub it in a slow and painful circular motion, wearing a slight smirk while doing so. your stomach immediately dropped at the feeling, and your first instinct was to bite your lip as you tried your hardest not to moan out wonyoung’s name out loud,
obviously, you wanted to, but couldn’t; especially not when rei’s on the other side, worried about you two.
the tall brunette threw you a teasing glance, her expression practically reading ‘go on, keep going.’ so, as a matter of principle, you did. you pulled on her knit sweater in overwhelm, oh so desperate to just cum already and not risk getting caught and definitely kicked out, just imagining that walk of shame gave you goosebumps, “w-wonyoung’s with m-me.”
“okay! oh and also, jiwon wanted me to ask if you were gonna finish your food.” 
as bad as it was, your thoughts at that moment resembled ‘oh my god why isn’t she leaving yet’, especially when your love thought it was an amazing idea to casually fingerfuck you again, her fingers finding their familiar pace and curling against your g-spot perfectly. you kept tugging on her top, mouth slightly agape in surprise and overwhelming pleasure as you tried to come up with an answer.
“yes!” you cleared your throat after having that first word coming out a bit too excited for your liking, then continued, “yes, t-tell her she can have all of the remaining fries s-she wants.” you looked at wonyoung with hooded eyes right after slurring out those words, shaking your head in desperation. not at all in the right state of mind to even listen to her friend’s response who then thankfully left, you mouthed the words ‘i wanna cum so bad.’ to her.
she was gonna keep teasing you, but she decided that you’ve endured more than enough for that day. with her other hand, she settled her palm onto your mouth; she knew how loud you got when hitting climax. a few more pumps of her fingers into your puffy cunt was all it took for you to grip onto her sweater as you came all over her hand, eyes rolled back whilst you moaned and pleaded into her hand, bucking your hips into her and riding your high on her palm, her thumb still pressing your clit.
pulling her slander fingers out of you, she quickly made you taste how good you were and made sure you thoroughly and carefully licked every inch of it clean as you hazily muttered ‘i love you’s in between lick and sucks.
one thing was for sure, sitting back down at the table wearing underwear full of your slick was definitely an element of great embarrassment,
but at least you were now fully reassured that dating you was not at all one for wonyoung.
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sweetimpurity · 1 day
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ day six!! love soft snuggly miggy the best wc: 1.3k ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ masterlist
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“There’s my girl…” He smiles, watching your eyes flutter open and adjust to the morning light in the bedroom. Sheets spread lazily across your bodies. A slight chill on your skin in your tank top and sweatpants. Since the weather is getting colder all the time. But Miguel always runs hot of course. He sleeps in boxers and only boxers all through the year. His bare chest lit up by the shards of sunlight breaking through the curtains. “Morning, pretty…”
“Mm… morning…” You hum, rubbing your hands over your face and stretching against the pillows. Huffing and trying to wake up for real. You got home late last night from work. Wolfed down your dinner and just collapsed in bed. It is hard when work and life get busy and you don’t have much energy to spend a lot of time with Miguel or do date nights or anything like that. It’s been almost a week since the last time you had sex. That’s shocking actually considering how often you guys get intimate. But he’s busy with work and you are too. It’s not easy to balance everything. 
“I gotta get to the bank… and I think… my boss wants me to um… do the…um…” You think out loud and sit up with a sigh. Pushing your hair back and going through the checklist in your mind of all the things you need to do today. 
“But it’s Saturday…” He says. Looking up at you from his head on the pillow.
“Oh yeah…” You nod with a shrug. You actually didn’t even realize it was the weekend. Because all the days blend together when things are this busy. “I just need to get some things done this morning…” You explain. Getting up out of bed. He sits up once you leave the bed. Sighing internally. He’s frustrated. Not with you. But with all the things that take you away from him everyday. And him from you. He can see the toll this string of l0ng days is taking on you. “Maybe we can get dinner tonight…” He suggests, running his fingers through his hair, calling to you in the en suite bathroom as you’re brushing your teeth. “Yeah I’ll have to see…” 
You’ll have to see? He misses the days you’d drop everything at the chance to have a date night. Knowing you just can’t do that right now. Sometimes he worries you’ve lost interest in things like that. But then he sees you working so hard and he knows that’s not the case. Life can’t all be rainbows and butterflies and sex. As much as he wishes that’s what his life with you could be. 
You emerge from the bathroom, walking over to your dresser to find some clothes for the day. And he watches you silently, staring at your back. He loves you so much. And it feels like a piece of himself is missing when he’s this far from you. 
“Hey baby…” His voice hums behind you. And you peer over your shoulder to look at him still mostly in bed. “Yes?” 
“Can you c’mere?” He asks, resting his head on his hand. That look on his face is pretty adorable. You sigh and smile, putting down the piles of clothes. Walking to the edge of the bed. 
“No like… up here…” He laughs softly, reaching out for your hand and holding it. Coaxing you to come back to the bed with him. “For what? What are you doing?” You smile as you climb back up to him, unable to stop the giggles in your chest. “I’m snuggling with you.” He says stubbornly, wrapping his arms around you and holding you in an iron grip. Flopping back onto the bed to lie down with you wrenched in his arms. “Hey, that's too rough!” You laugh and he does as well. Settling down after the mattress finally stops bouncing. Nose to nose and in his arms. 
“You’re very pretty…” He hums with a crooked smile on his lips. The soft signs of sleep still gracing his handsome face. Making him even more beautiful if that’s even possible. Nudging his nose against yours. Needy to be close. To just be close to you like this eases all his concerns and worries. Worries that you’re unhappy. That you’re not okay. When you’re in his arms he’s sure this is where you’re meant to be. “Miss you…” 
Your eyes widen a bit. Have you been totally oblivious to his feelings the past few weeks? It hasn’t been that long has it? Maybe it has… “I’m sorry, Mig… it’s just… there’s so much going on…” You whisper. Instantly feeling guilty. “No no, baby, it’s fine… it’s not your fault.” He hums, his fingers gently caressing your lower back under your shirt. “Just miss seeing you… miss kissing you and holding you…” 
His words make your heart just melt. Raising your hand to his soft warm cheek and the soft curls by his ear, pushing them back with gentle fingers. Gazing into his eyes.
“Oh- I love you…” He moans in your ear, his arms wrapped all around you, tangled in each other and the sheets. With his large form spooning you from behind, one of your knees drawn up by his strong hand, his thick dick pumping into you, seeking out the warmth and wet like a lifeline. “I… love you, Mig…” You whisper. Hardly able to catch a breath. One of his strong arms locked around your waist and the other arm keeping your thighs from closing. It’s been too long. You both need this. He won’t be far from you any longer. 
“Needed you so bad baby… so so bad” He practically whines. Rutting into you like he’s in heat. Pumping and pushing, stretching your puffy walls around his length. Being swallowed up over and over again. Feeding you his inches and biting into your neck, moaning and sighing against your skin. “Please say that… that you missed it… that you wanted me…” He whispers. His mind mush. He’s needy for your approval and reassurance. That you love him, that you want him. That you needed him as much as he needed you. “I-” 
“Please baby!” He groans before you can even finish your sentence, speeding up his thrusts. Pounding into you and practically driving you up the pillows, your hand flying forward and clenching into the pillow under your head. His heaving hot chest pressed against your back. His hand moving from your thigh around to your clit. Rubbing like a madman and trying to give you the best he can. “Please please oh-” He sighs, his mind not even aware of his words at this point. They just flow out. 
“Been waiting all week to put my cock in you, baby…” 
His voice is hoarse, his pumps superhuman. The slaps of skin on skin and his desperate murmurs filling the room. “M…” You try. But he’s hitting all the right spots, all the places that make your toes curl and your eyes roll back. “Please say it… that you want it… you want me…” 
“I want you…” You’re finally able to get the words out. The gentle whisper but it sends him over the edge. Pushing you down with his chest on your back and grabbing your arms, pulling them gently back. Your fingers grazing his thick thigh as he pounds into your pussy from the back, gripping into his muscles with your fingernails. “Ah!” The high pitched squeal leaves your throat, gasping and moaning into the pillowcase. 
His knees pressing into the mattress and fucking you into the bed. Kissing over your shoulder and down your spine. “I want you baby… I love you…” He says out of breath. A sort of innocence to his voice even in this position. Like he really just wants you to know. As if you don’t already know. 
A few harsh thrusts into your heat have you milking him, squeezing and shuddering around him with a whine and cry of his name. His cock glistening with your orgasm, fucking his hot load into you as he comes with a groan. Holding both your wrists behind your back, his eyes locked on where his dick disappears inside you. His milky essence seeping through the seams. 
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witchesverse · 1 day
ouija board. (kinktober)
pairing: demon!wandanat x fem!reader
summary: after playing with an ouija board and forgetting to say goodbye, you let two horny demons into the world of living.
content: noncon, slight daddy kink, pussy eating, fingering, summoning demons with an ouija board, possibility scary descriptions of the demons ??, dom!wandanat, sub!reader implying kidnapping.
masterlist || discord
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You laughed as Kate, with a big grin, revealed the hidden Oujia board and candles from her backpack. You sat across from each other and she placed the board and candles in the middle.
"You cannot be serious, Kate." You said with a laugh.
"I was promised by the guy that we can actually summon things!" She explained for what felt like the millionth time.
You sighed, "Fine."
The candles were lit around the board and you both had your fingers on the pointer. You didn't believe in supernatural things, but Kate was obsessed with them. Ouija boards were a joke.
"Okay, ask now."
You wanted to argue that this wasn't real, but Kate looked so excited and you couldn't ruin that.
"How many spirits are here?"
There was nothing for a few moments, then, the pointer moved to the numbers.
"Kate, you so just moved that."
"I swear I didn't!" She whined, "Ask again."
You rolled your eyes, not believing her.
"Who is here?"
It moved again.
D. A. D. D. Y.
"Daddy?" You laughed, "This spirit is a freak."
Kate urged you to continue asking.
"Where are you?"
B. E. H. I. N. D. Y. O. U.
You felt a chill run down your spine and glanced over your shoulder, seeing nothing. You cleared your throat and prepared to ask another question but Kate's phone rang.
"Shit. It's my mom, she knows I snuck out." Kate declined the call and stood, "I'll see you next weekend?"
You nodded, "Yeah, see you then."
At 3AM, you woke to the sound of your phone pinging with notifications.
katie <3: fuck. y/n did you say goodbye to the ouija board?
you: no?
katie <3: fuck fuck. dude, ur meant to say goodbye so you can close the door and stop spirits from entering the world of living.
you: sure kate. goodnight.
You switched your phone off and rolled over, wanting to get some sleep. In the corner of your eye, you noticed something in the corner of your room. It looked to be some type of human figure but deformed in a way you couldn't describe. Your window and door were closed, yet you felt a gush of cold air flow over you and shivered.
Your heart began to pound and your skin crawled with discomfort.
Another figure appeared in the corner of your room.
Kate is playing a stupid prank on me.
You sat up and reached for your light switch but your wrist was grabbed and long, cold fingers wrapped around your throat, squeezing slightly.
Your eyes widened and a whimper left your throat.
Minus the large horns, razor-sharp teeth, skin that appeared to be shattered, freezing cold skin, and dark black blood oozing from the body; it looked human.
"What the fuck are you?" You screamed.
The creature attempted to smile. It looked unnatural and made you feel sick to the stomach.
"Shouldn't have left the door open. You let daddy right in" It, no she, spat.
Your eyes widened. Kate wasn't joking about the Ouija board and leaving the door open. You had let two spirits into your home.
"I'm sorry, I didn't-"
"God, do mortals ever shut up?" Another female voice spoke with a thicker accent.
The hands around your throat were removed, and the new spirit caressed your face with the back of her hand. She looked similar to the other spirit.
"What are you?" You questioned, voice shaking.
"Demons, sweetheart." She swiftly replied "Hurry up, Natasha. I don't want to be here much longer."
Natasha, the first demon, ripped your blanket off your body. You cried out as she did the same to your clothes. You tried to crawl away from Natasha but she grabbed onto your hips and pinned you down.
"Go on, Wanda." Her tone was teasing "I know you want and miss it."
Wanda barred her teeth at Natasha, making your heart drop. It was a terrifying sight.
You tried to fight Natasha's hold, but she easily overpowered you and manhandled you until you were lying on your back and bare. She wrapped her arms around your thighs to keep them open and settled between them.
"Fuck you." Wanda hissed, sending Natasha a glare.
Natasha snarled and dug her fingernails into your thigh, making you whimper. You didn't understand their feud, but it seemed somewhat playful.
Your heart nearly leapt out of your chest as she squeezed your cheeks, forcing your tongue out and sat on your face. She rocked her hips back and forth, sighing in contentment as the pleasure spread across her body.
"That's it, baby," Natasha muttered, watching Wanda intently.
It was strange, but you didn't want to fight back. Your clit was throbbing and your skin felt hot. Your brain felt hazy and you struggled to form a thought that wasn't about pleasure.
You wrapped your arms around Wanda's thighs and pulled her closer. You alternated between lapping at her dripping cunt and sucking her clit.
Natasha slipped two fingers inside of you and kitten-licked at your clit. Her fingers felt like they were made for your pussy. Your walls clenched around her and you mewed loudly.
Wanda groaned and panted above you. Her slick was dripping down your chin to your neck. The taste of her was addictive.
"I'm gonna cum." Your words were muffled by Wanda, but the demons heard you. "Please, can I cum?"
"Oh, this one has manners, Natty." Wanda laughed above you. Her laughter was strained and whiney.
"Hold it." Natasha snapped.
You whined loudly, wanting to fight Natasha on her decision, but you felt like that would do more harm than good.
Wanda grabbed at your hair and pulled you further into her cunt. Her hips stopped grinding against your face and you moaned as spurts of liquid hit your face.
Your orgasm quickly followed.
You found yourself in Wanda's arms when you came down from your high. She caressed your face with the back of her hand with that sick, inhumane smile.
"I think we're gonna keep you."
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puckinghischier · 12 hours
so the clip of quinn asking the producer if his hair looks good, we’ve all seen it, right? cause i’m just thinking about it and how yeah it was probably a joke, but it’s sooooo insecure!quinn coded. like i’m sure he was nervous, and he really did want to look good for the camera. and it’s got me thinking about what it would be like to comfort insecure!quinn (i didn’t mean for this to be this long but i couldn’t stop once i started so here’s basically a three in one blurb 🫣)
it’s even things as simple as his pre-game outfits. he’s seen all the comments online about how he only wears the same few suits, so one day while you’re on the couch watching tv, he turns to you and asks if you’ll go suit shopping with him. of course you agree, but you ask him what’s got him so eager to expand his wardrobe.
“just…people keep saying i’m wearing the same thing all the time has me thinking i should probably go buy a couple more suits to wear for arrival pictures and stuff,” he shrugs, almost whispering, telling you it’s something he’s embarrassed about.
you reach over and run your hand through his hair, playing with the messy curls. “q, who cares if you wear the same suit every game day? you’re wearing it to walk in the building and out of it,” you speak softly to him, noticing he’s not meeting your eye. “but, if you want to go pick up a few more, i’d love to go with you and help you pick them out,” you tug lightly on his hair to get him to look over at you, bringing you hand down to toy with the tip of his ear.
he gives you a bashful smile, mumbling out a small “thanks,” before looking away again.
you lean over, replacing your hand on his ear with your mouth. “plus, you know how much i love looking at you in a suit,” you let your lips drag over the warm skin of his ear. “almost as much as i love looking at you without one on.”
quinn shudders at the feeling of your hot breath on his ear, making him forget what he was even thinking about before the current conversation.
of course, quinn’s constantly worried about being a good captain for his team, too. he doesn’t think he’s played long enough to earn it yet, not understanding why they picked him over some of the vets on the team.
so when he comes home after a particularly rough practice or a brutal loss, you can feel the insecurity radiating off of his body. the game that eliminated them from the playoffs, though? god, you never want to relive it.
he laid in your arms for hours, switching between crying and getting angry at himself. he kept telling you it was his fault. he was the reason they didn’t make it. they should’ve chosen a different person to be captain, not him. he clearly didn’t know what he was doing, or they’d be celebrating tonight instead.
you know that most of this is being caused by the questions he was asked after the game. one reporter in particular always asking the worst questions and getting under his skin. but you’re sure the group of drunk, upset fans outside of the rink who were yelling discouraging things to him only drove the knife deeper.
the way he talked about himself with so much disgust broke your heart in a way you never knew was possible. you knew he was always hardest on himself, but the fact he truly believes these things makes you worry you haven’t been doing your job correctly.
“quinn, i don’t ever want to hear you talk about yourself like that again, do you hear me?” you sat up, talking sternly but not harshly.
“well, it’s true. if they would’ve just picked someone else then-“
“stop!” you interrupted him, your sudden loudness causing him to pause, looking at you with wide eyes. “i’m sorry, i’m not trying to yell at you, but i’m not going to sit here and listen to you do this to yourself any longer,” you put just a few inches of distance between you and him on the large couch.
“you’re exactly who they wanted to lead this team or they wouldn’t have chosen you. you do have what it takes. hell, quinn, you got the team to the playoffs for the first time in 4 years. that has to count for something,” the tone of your voice is almost pleading, begging him to take what you’re saying to heart.
“your teammates love you. they look up to you. the fans love you. they were excited when you were named captain. i love you,” you take a moment, watching his face slowly change from distress to calm. “and i won’t sit here and listen to you say awful things about the man that i love. not for something that changes nothing about how i feel about you or your value as the captain of your team,” you finish, a knot forming in your throat because of how deeply you feel about the man sitting in front of you.
quinn just sits and looks at you, finally snapped out of his self destruct mode. “i…love you so much, you know that?” he tells you before pulling you into him and engulfing you in one of his ‘huggybear’ hugs.
“you’re right. i’m here because i deserve to be. and if you believe in me, who cares what anyone else thinks? i’ve got the best motivation right here in front of me,” he speaks into your neck, squeezing you tightly to his body, like he’s trying to press you into his skin, knowing he can always count on you to talk him out of his insecurities.
you get the rare moments, too, where quinn starts comparing himself to his brothers. you’d think as the oldest he’d know better, knowing that the two younger boys have always looked up to him, but once the media started trying to pit the three against each other, the seed of doubt crept its way into his thoughts.
it’s not even just about hockey, either. it’s the way jack is always so outgoing, the life of the party. and luke always seems so universally adored, his bashful charm winning him over with crowds.
quinn? quinn feels like he’s just…there. he can’t just strike up a conversation as naturally as jack can. and his shyness seems to only drive people away, not draw people in like luke’s.
and yeah, quinn knows you’re always there with him, keeping him company and being his buffer in all of the various social settings he finds himself in, but he can’t help but wish he was a little bit more like his brothers.
especially right now, when he’s sitting by the fire pit at the family lake house, a few of brother’s shared friends over for the weekend.
he’s sitting in a chair sipping on a beer, watching you partake in a heated game of beer pong with jack, luke, trevor, and cole. all day he’s felt a little…less than. watching you on the boat earlier dancing around to your favorite song with jack, not worrying about who might float by and see the two of you.
or when you were helping prep dinner, and trevor came up to you and struck up a conversation, talking a mile a minute while you kept up with and soaked up every word, adding to the conversation with just as much enthusiasm at the drop of a hat.
or right now, when cole is picking you up and swinging you around after you just won the drinking game, launching into your ‘secret’ handshake the two of you coined a few summers ago.
he wishes he could give you those things. the loud, crazy, fun atmosphere you seem to thrive in. he wishes he could be the guy to parade you around at all of the hockey banquets, introducing you to various people. he wants to dress up with you on halloween in the ridiculous couples costumes you always show him. to be the spontaneous boyfriend that goes diving off of the small cove cliffs on the lake like you love to do with jack.
but that’s just…not who he is. he likes to be quiet, observant, lowkey, private. he likes to listen to other people carry the conversation, and just chime in when he has something to add. he likes to drive the boat and watch everyone else splash around in the water, jumping in for a few minutes just to cool off before resuming his position on the driver’s seat. he hates going to the bar after games with his teammates, but agrees because he knows you like dressing up and going out.
he loves when the two of you spend time reading together on the couch, then order dinner in and watch a movie before bed. he likes the fact that the two of you can sit in silence, both comfortable enough to not feel the need to fill the space with empty conversation. he likes being able to come home to you after the loud environment of the game to the sweet whisper of your voice, because you know how he likes the soft tone after the arena full of screams and sirens.
but he can’t help but feel like he’s causing you to be less for him, seeing how much life you seem to have in times like these.
he’s broken out of his little pity party when you come running over to him. “quinny!! did you see that! we won! i won!” you fling your half-drunk self down onto his lap, beaming your beautiful smile to him.
“i did. looked like you were having fun,” he says with a smile, but his tone is flat.
he watches your smile fade slightly, cocking your head at him. “you okay?” you ask him, always able to tell when something’s not right in that mysterious brain of his.
“yeah, m’just tired. might head in early,” he tells you, drumming his fingers along the tanned skin of your leg, signaling he’s about to stand up.
“okay…well then i’ll go with you. just gotta tell the guys goodnight first,” you respond skeptically, removing yourself from his lap as he stands.
“no, no, don’t wanna ruin your fun. just come to bed when you’re done, yeah? don’t drink too much, sweetheart,” quinn shakes his head, placing a kiss on the top of your head before turning and walking away from you, leaving you confused.
you watch quinn walk up the stone steps, stopping in the dimly lit kitchen to hover over the sink for a few moments, staring out the window looking over the dark lake. you can tell by his body language something is bothering him, so you turn and walk over to tell the rest of the group that you’re heading to bed, ignoring their protests of ‘you’re no fun! quinn’s made you boring!’ with a playful show of your middle finger as you walk away, following quinn’s same path.
quinn’s so lost in thought he doesn’t hear the kitchen door open or the soft pad of your footsteps walking towards him, only breaking out of his trance when he feels your hands make their way around his torso and your body pressed against his back.
“whatcha thinking about?” you ask him, placing a small kiss to the middle of his back through his thin t-shirt.
“nothing,” he tells you, his tone not convincing you. “why aren’t you out there defending your title?” he turns around so he’s facing you, resting his own hands on your waist.
“because something has you locked in that pretty head of yours, and i intend to find out why my boyfriend is sad,” you tell him in that soft tone of voice he loves, not wasting any time getting to the bottom of his odd mood.
quinn’s cheeks involuntarily flush, always having loved when you call him pretty. but before you can admire him too much he closes his eyes and throws his head back, sighing, not wanting to talk about how pathetic he is.
“you’ll just think it’s silly and pointless,” he confesses, knowing you won’t concede until you pry it out of him.
“try me,” you tell him as he looks down at you, seeing the cocked eyebrow and look of determination on your face.
he’s silent for a few seconds, trying to figure out how to explain it to you without making you feel like you did something wrong, because he knows you’ll immediately start picking apart what you could’ve possibly done to make him feel like this. but it’s not you, it’s his problem.
you continue to look at him with love in your eyes, silently encouraging him.
“it’s just…” he starts then pauses again, bringing a hand up to toy with your low ponytail. “do you…ever…y’know, wish i was different? more like jack? or trevor?” he finally gets the words out, shock taking over your features.
he watches your eyes go from loving, to surprised, to sad.
“quinn, what? no. never,” you tell him, shaking your head so vigorously he’s worried you’ll make yourself dizzy.
he brings his hands up to stop the movement of your head, leaving his soft hands there, thumbs caressing your cheeks.
“it’s just…i see how you are around them. how…full of life you are,” he watches your mouth open and close, like you want to interrupt him but thought better of it. “and i can’t help but wonder if you’re missing out because of me,” he shrugs, removing his hands from your face to let them rest in half fists on your shoulders, a sad smile on his face.
reaching up to grab his hands and hold them in both of yours, you shake them a bit to get him to look at you.
“i’m not missing out on anything, do you hear me?” you tell him with such seriousness in your voice he’s almost worried you’re mad. “they’re a good time, yeah, but they’re not you, q.”
still not convinced, quinn let’s his doubt control his thoughts again. “i just know that they’re more your speed. they like to go out and party and have fun and i…don’t,” he can’t meet your eyes, not wanting to see the sadness settled there.
“with them you’re always talking and can be loud and spontaneous like i know you like to do. but with me it’s always whispers and quiet and hiding away in corners or at home. i don’t do silly dances with you in the boat without caring who might see or have a secret handshake when we win beer pong. i sit on the couch and read in silence. i sit in the corner and watch everyone else have fun when we go out because i don’t want videos of me all over the internet,” he continues, his tone growing more frustrated with each word spoken.
“i just don’t want you to wake up one day and realize you’ve wasted all this time with some boring guy who only wants to sit at home and only goes out when he has to or when you want to, not because he enjoys it,” he finishes, nearly shaking with vulnerability.
his words are a knife straight into your heart, not wanting to believe he really feels this way about himself.
“oh quinny,” you bring your hands up to cup his face, wiping at the moisture forming in his grey eyes.
he gives you a weak smile, turning his head to kiss your open palm, closing his eyes at the comfort your skin on his always brings him.
“i need you to know, that i love you, quinn hughes. i love you so much it hurts me sometimes. like, physically pains me. i look at you and i feel like my chest could literally bust open with how deeply i feel about you. and not just when things are good. all the time. every day. even when we’re fighting. even when you’re sad. even when you leave your socks stuffed in the creases of the couch,” you tell him, earning a small, wet laugh, because he knows how much you hate that poor habit of his.
“i love you when we’re sitting in silence on the couch because you just got home from a game and need a noise break. i love you when we’ve been reading for hours, the only sound between us the turning pages of our books. i love you when we’re sitting in the corner of the bar because you don’t want to be the center of attention when someone buys the team a round. i love you when you’re watching me be crazy and drunk on the boat because you want to make sure someone is sober and everyone is safe. i love you when you’re ‘boring’ because to me, you’re never boring,” you confess to him, feeling the small tear slip out of your left eye and down your cheek, matching quinn’s.
“you’re the person that i love with everything that i have in me. the one that brings me home whatever books i’ve been talking about wanting to read during our marathons on a random afternoon just because you were thinking about it. the person that sacrifices his alone time away from his team, and just hockey in general, to go to banquets and events because you know i enjoy those things sometimes. you’re the person that always watches my favorite silly shows with me, no matter how stupid they are. my personal chef, my human teddy bear, my best friend,” you whisper the last words, sniffling, noticing quinn’s eyes are now closed tightly.
“because even though i do enjoy being loud and rowdy sometimes, i enjoy being with you, more. i enjoy the quiet and the slowness of life with you. the time we get to spend together without distractions or expectations. so no, i don’t wish you were more like jack, or trevor, or luke, or cole, or whoever. because you’re like quinn, which is exactly who i want you to be,” your voice finally goes quiet, bringing your forehead to rest against his, hoping your words are enough to convince him that his insecurities are just that. they hold no weight and have no truth to them.
the two of you simply soak in each other’s presence, neither one daring break the intimacy of the words hanging in the air.
when quinn finally opens his eyes and leans his head back, he lets out a shaky breath.
“tell me not to get down on one knee and propose to you right now,” he tells you, a slight joking tone to his voice, earning a small chuckle from you.
“way to do a complete 180,” you joke back, once again tangling your hands in his hair.
he huffs out a small laugh, tilting his head back before brining it back up to look at you.
“thank you,” he breaths out. “i don’t know how i got so in my head, but all day i watched you have fun and i don’t know. i got lost for a bit.”
you lean forward to place a small peck on the tip of his nose, watching him scrunch it slightly in response.
“well, luckily for you, i’ll always be here to come in there and find you, bringing you back out here to me,” you tap your finger along his temple.
“luckiest in the world,” he beams down at you.
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pshbites · 2 days
love. - pjs
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genre ⇢ tooth rotting fluff, drabble
pairing ⇢ gf!femreader x bf!jay
wc ⇢ 640
warning(s) ⇢ food, cursing, simply fluff, not proofread
a/n : me writing smth other than love on air... if you liked this please be sure to reblog and like this! feedback is always apreciated <3 and join my perma taglist here
you gently shut the door of yours and jays shared apartment, trying your best to make the most minimal noise possible. you were promoted at your job this year, of course it was a great feat but with it came longer hours and a harder workload. it was safe to say that this wasn’t the first time you came home past 9 pm. 
you slipped off your jacket and hung it on the rack, slipping your shoes off as well and picking them up. you walked to yours and jays bedroom and pushed the door open softly, revealing jay sound asleep in bed. 
trying not to make any noise, you tiptoe around the room. “fuck!” you whisper-shouted after hitting your knee on the bed frame. jay stirred in bed then saw you, holding your shoes, caught red handed. “I'm sorry babe, I didn't mean to wake you” you mumbled, frowning as he shook his head, clearly tired. “are you okay?” he rubbed his eyes and looked at you. “yeah, just let me change i’ll be in bed in a bit okay?” he nods, laying back down. 
after washing up and changing your clothes, you walked back to the bed, seeing jay still laying there in the same position he was before. he shut his phone and opened the covers for you to slip in. he smiled as you laid next to him. you turned facing him, smiling softly. “hi” his hand reached to your face, brushing any stray hairs out of the way. “how was work?” you could hear the sleepiness in his voice and frowned a little. 
“it was alright, you know just work.” you hesitated, pursing your lips. “what is it?” jay mumbled, furrowing his brows slightly. “i’m sorry, i keep coming home late” he sighed, shaking his head. “don’t apologize you’re working babe, i get it” you nodded, still feeling the guilt in your chest.
 jay sighed out once more, cupping your cheeks in his hands. “whatever you’re thinking stop, i promise yn it’s not an issue at all, okay?” he looked in your eyes, making you smile a little. if all else failed, you knew jay would always reassure you no matter what. 
you nodded, smiling softly. jay kissed your forehead and pulled you into his chest, your head resting against it. you loved when the two of you laid like this, you could hear his heartbeat and it was almost like a lullaby. like that time at night when everything fell into place. 
jays fingers were lost in your hair, brushing it, playing with it, anything really. “should we have breakfast together tomorrow?” you spoke up, breaking the comfortable silence between the two of you. “we haven’t done that in a while have we?” jay hummed back, resting his chin on your head. “nope” you replied, rubbing his shirt. 
“i’ll make whatever you want me to babe” jay said, making you giggle a little. “i can’t pamper my boyfriend?” you picked your head up, angling your body to face him, your chin on his chest now. “yn, as much as i love you, you can’t cook for shit” he whispered that last part out, making you slap his chest lightly. “how rude!” he only laughed in response, stroking your hair. 
“i’d rather do all the work for you that’s all” he replied, looking at you with so much adoration. you nodded, smiling softly. “okay, i can get around that” you spoke, resting your head on his chest once more.
 jay continued to play with your hair. “so do you want pancakes or waffles?” jay mumbled out, only hearing you breathing in return. he furrowed his brows, “babe? yn?” he peaked over to see you sound asleep, making him smile. he kissed the top of your head and laid back, falling fast asleep. 
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nyoomfruits · 2 days
osctober day five
prompt: teacher pairing: charles/oscar word count: 900
“Seriously, Ames?” Oscar says, when he rounds the corner and finds her sitting on a chair just outside the classroom.
“It was for love, dad!” Amelia exclaims, jumping up when she sees him. “I can’t just not do it if it is for love.”
Oscar has conflicting opinions on that. It is, sweet, of course. He’s glad Amelia still believes in the concept of love at all, seeing as her own father is so completely shit at it. But like. He really wishes she would stop hosting flashmobs. Or serenades. Or that time she and that boy from her Spanish class that was really good at programming tried to make a matchmaking app.
“Right, yeah,” Oscar says, ruffling her hair. She’s too old for that now, and he knows he only gets away with it because she knows she’s in trouble. “Just. Maybe find a more quiet avenue next time, yeah? How about a good old fashioned love note?”
Amelia’s eyes light up in a way that the unexperienced eye would find adorable, but that fills the person who has been raising her for the past fifteen years mostly with dread. “Yes,” she breathes out, and then grabs for her bag, probably to retrieve a notepad.
“Okay, well, I guess while you go plan your next ‘disruption of a calm learning environment’ I will go speak with Mr. Leclerc yeah?” He says, hand on the doorknob. She barely glances at him and he sighs as he pushes open the door.
“Ah, Mr. Piastri,” Mr. Leclerc says, looking up from his desk with a wide smile. “You made it.”
Oscar thinks, generally, that he would have a much better time coming to the school to talk about his daughter’s behavior if her teacher wasn’t so goddamn pretty. With bright, sparkling eyes, and a lazy smile, and the kind of artfully tousled hair Oscar couldn’t even achieve if he tried.
The horribly baggy pants and oversized button up combo don’t even ruin the look. Somehow it makes him look cool. Oscar hasn’t looked cool since, well. Possibly ever.
“Yeah, I’m sorry,” Oscar says, sitting down in the chair Mr. Leclerc gestures at. “Again. I don’t know who he has it from.”
“Not you, I presume?” Mr. Leclerc says, eyes twinkling. He doesn’t seem mad, so that’s. Good. Amelia’s previous teacher consistently got their panties in a bunch about the well. Singing. And dancing. And everything.
“No, god no,” he hasn’t tried in a while, but he doesn’t think he could dance. Or sing.
“Her mother, perhaps?” Mr. Leclerc asks, flipping through some folders on his desk.
“Maybe,” Oscar says. “She hasn’t been around for a long time, so. Yeah. I think she mostly gets it from Lando? I mean not the singing and the dancing but this. Need to perform? He’s a DJ, so.”
“Ah, your partner?” Charles asks, looking up at Oscar now, curiously.
“Oh Christ no,” Oscar says, trying not to pull a face, remembers he’s talking to his daughter’s teacher, and schools himself into a more neutral expression. “No, uh. Lando’s just a friend. Of the family. He’s not. He has a boyfriend.”
“Ah,” Charles says. “Alright. Well, I mostly summoned you here because-“
“Because my daughter upheaved your class by performing a perfectly choreographed flashmob to Bruno Mars’s ‘Just The Way You Are’? Yeah, I uh. I heard. And I apologize, again. I’ve been trying to talk to her about it, but it’s-“ he pulls a face. “It’s just me and she’s just uh. Very different and sometimes I just. I don’t really know how to get through to her?”
It’s the most honest he’s been in a while. He doesn’t know why he’s suddenly blurting all of this out to Mr. Leclerc of all people. He’s blaming the big sparkly eyes. Stupid eyelashes, too.
“Hm, I can imagine. All parents kind of feel like that when they reach this age, though, don’t worry. No, I was actually wondering if you were aware of our after school theatre program? I think she would do wonderfully in there. If it’s more the dancing she’s into, or the singing, there’s also a dance team and a choir.”
Oscar blinks. Process. He’s so used to hearing Amelia’s teacher admonish her behavior he wasn’t really expecting anyone to. Well. Encourage her.
“Oh,” he says.
“They’re free, school funded programs, if that’s a concern,” Mr. Leclerc continues. “But I do think it might be a nice outlet for her.”
“Yeah,” he says. He knew, vaguely, that there were clubs. But Amelia had never expressed an interest, and he’d been too busy juggling his demanding job and raising a teenager to ever properly look into them and. Yeah. He takes the folder Mr. Leclerc hands him.
“Thak you, Mr. Leclerc,” he says. Mr. Leclerc stands, and so does he.
“No problem. That was all, really. I do some of the musical accompaniments for the theatre and choir programs so if you have any questions feel free to ask.” By the door, Mr. Leclerc takes his hand. Oscar shakes it a little dazedly. “And please. Call me Charles.”
“Oscar,” Oscar says. Charles hands are soft, and his smile is gentle, and his eyes are still so incredibly stupidly sparkly and fuck. Fuck.
“How did it go?” Amelia asks, when he steps back out the door.
‘I think I might be in love with your teacher’, he thinks. “We’re enrolling you into the school’s theatre program,” he says.
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My Live DRDT episode 16 reaction
“Are we all ready to vote?” It’s so Aceover
how much you wanna bet David voted for Teruko
“Congratulations!” ITS ACEOVER 😭
“I’m proud of us-!” Can he stfu already
“What do you have to say in your defense?” Can SHE stfu already I’m sorry Hu fans but at this point she makes me want to punch the wall
“I killed her. And if you never forgive me for that, then there’s nothing I can say.” THE NICO PARALLELS?!?!! THE FOILS OF ALL TIME
“This… This all could have been prevented, couldn’t it?” YES THANK YOU EDEN
of course Eden would be the one to point that out first…
“It’s just… misfortune.” Yeah you would know a thing or two about that wouldn’t you
I actually see this line as Teruko refusing to accept either blame or the idea that she could turn out like Ace
“So we can’t possibly blame ourselves…” Hu. HU.
This time I KNOW she’s refusing to accept blame. It’s become a theme in her character, that she refuses to take criticism or herself or those she cares about. It’s a very interesting character trait and I really love her as a character but oh my GOD does she make me mad-
I guess I should specify that while it’s technically everyone’s fault that Ace committed the murder, it’s Ace’s fault most of all for making himself so unapproachable in the first place. I’m not gonna ignore that just because he’s my fav, I’m not gonna do the same thing I literally just criticized Hu for. However, it was Nico’s botched murder attempt that led to Ace finalizing his murder plan, and Hu’s blind defense of Nico didn’t help matters. Out of everyone she might be one of the people who made him want to kill the most.
“… He was happier, and he trusted people more.” “Like adding stones one a pane of glass… until eventually, the glass cracks.” Okay nvm you guys really did ruin him didn’t you
“Nico’s attempted murder isn’t a cause, it’s just a symptom…” Maybe I was wrong okay I’m sorry Hu
“Whatever. Whatever!” Uh oh
“Did you all get the Veronika virus or what?” “You all are wrong, so shut up!” I was gonna say, it’s pretty rude to talk about him like he’s not there 😭
“I didn’t want to die. That’s all.” My boy… my boy you are cooked
“Don’t think that I forgot about your secret, you damn murderer!” Man I was so sad about everything else I almost forgot about Acevi. Almost.
“It’s really funny in hindsight how you acted all betrayed when you found out Levi was a murderer, as if you were unaware that you yourself had killed someone.” I fucking hate him but fair.
I’m not gonna quote anything else David says unless it’s important because I hate him with a burning passion
“But still, I-! I don’t care what it was! I don’t care if it made me a hypocrite!” Acevi is gonna kill me dead just fyi
“I just needed a reason to stay mad at you…!” This yaoi is so doomed I’m gonna kms/j
“I can’t understand you, no matter how hard I try.”
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“I need you to do a favor for me right now. It might just save your life.” Huh???? Wha??? Teruko what’re you cooking
is she gonna ask Ace to dropkick Monotv omg
“The whole reason this killing game keeps going on is because we’re all forced to follow MonoTV’s rules.” HOLY SHIT SHE IS
I wanna see a cg of Ace vs. Monotv so bad ngl
“Yeah, more murder! Wait, what??” I love this stupid cat. Rip Monotv you will be missed
“I can’t…do it.” What is wrong with him/genuine concern
“I don’t wanna die. I can’t do that-” my brother in Christ you are cooked anyway. Go out in a blaze of glory
Help ain’t no way Ace’s about to get cooked by a default personality 😭
“Sorry, Ace.” Help 😭
“To run this killing game until the death of every participant.” WHAT
okay lore drops this episode: XF is behind, or at the very least heavily involved in, the game. The game is designed to run until every participant is dead, implying that the mastermind wants every participant dead- possibly including themself. If that’s true it puts major points for people such as Hu, David, or maybe Whit to be the mastermind as they have been shown to have suicidal ideation. (Whit not so much but I can assume)
“I will pass the punishment for breaking the rules to the one who made that decision.” ITS TEROVER. wait but she’s the ultimate lucky so she’s probably gonna survive
imagine it becomes a running “joke” that Teruko has a near death experience in every chapter lol
ITS TEROVER- does she not gaf 😭 maybe Teruko could be up there with our suicidal peeps
she really doesn’t gaf 😭
this is so wild she doesn’t care bc she’s lucky and her life sucks and-
“I was perfectly willing to get shot.” Was???
“LEVI!!” Oh so you do care. Okay. Okay. A single tear rolls down my cheek
oh yeah I forgot about Charles’s whole thing. Thanks for being a good bf Whit
“His injuries are not fatal.” PRAISE THE LORD HALLELUJAH
YOU CAN’T TAKE HIM TO THE INFIRMARY YOU HAVE TO WATCH ACE GET COOKED- wait YO IS THAT A SAD WHIT SPRITE??? Isn’t that one of the harbingers of the apocalypse or smthn
Ace is gonna die not knowing if Levi survived… oghgh
Ace speeding up his own death to save Levi 😭 I’m gonna 😭
“Stop saying you can’t do it, because you can!” Maybe with the power of belief, anything is possible
Ace is gonna die and Arturo’s gonna be like “yeah Levi’s dead” like immediately
not Ace calling him a coward 😭 stones in glass houses looking ass
here we go boys/gn… it’s Aceover
the last ones gonna be death by horses just watch
Teruko what’s your deal
“I’m a hypocrite” chewing on her. Grrr grrr
“I have no choice…” there is no way drdt is out here trying to give depth to the MONOKUMA equivalent, of all things. I’m out
she blames herself… honey no…
the. the ending. I’m killing myself I quit I can’t-
ace has hand trauma too??? You know what sure at this point
you don’t get any final thoughts bc I’m tired. Have a nice day
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sturnstars5 · 9 hours
fresh love for the fit- chris sturniolo
when you’re wearing nothing but a fresh love hoodie, chris gets needy…
warnings: rough smut, p n v, mdni, cream pie, dom!chris x fem!reader
guys irl please wrap it before you tap it!!
enjoy!!! this is my first smut on this page so please leave suggestions or requests!!
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“y/n! i’m home!” you hear chris about from the kitchen. it was 12:30 am and the triplets had just gotten back from filming a car video.
you hear chris’ footsteps get louder as he reaches your shared bedroom, opening the door.
“hey baby!” you chirp as you get up, revealing your outfit that only consists of lacy panties and an oversized black fresh love hoodie.
“hey.” chris says. he examines you carefully, piercing you with his icy eyes.
“chris, are you okay?” you say, growing slightly worried at the fact chris has been silently staring at you for the past 2 minutes. you look down and notice the tent growing in his grey sweatpants.
“yeah, just, fuck. you look so good in that.” he says.
you walk up to him, and you gently grind against him, just applying enough pressure to leave him and yourself needy for each others touch.
“mm-y/n, stop teasin’ me please.” he says, struggling to keep his composure.
“what do you mean, teasing? im just trying to get close with my boyfriend.”
“don’t play that dumb shit with me, y/n. y’know what your doin to me.”
“well then show me chris, what am i doing to you-“
you’re cut off by chris slamming his lips into yours. his kiss is passionate and desperate at the same time.
his hands start to roam your body as you sit on his lap, grinding on him. your own wetness leaks through onto his sweatpants, leaving a damp spot.
chris slides his fingers into the side of your panties, running them over your wet entrance.
“fuck, your soaked y/n. look at the mess you made.” he gestures to his pants, but you’re too deep in list right now to be embarrassed. you just need to take away the ache.
“then do something about it.” you whimper.
“mm, who’s the needy one now, huh?” chris says through his teeth as he thrusts his fingers into you, making you gasp breathlessly.
“chris, i need you.”
“what from me do ya need, hm?”
“i need you inside of me.”
“ask nicely.” he says, pulling off his sweatpants and boxers, releasing his errection.
“i need you inside of me. please.”
that’s all chris needed to hear before he slammed into you with one vicious thrust, making you cry out in pain and pleasure.
“oh, chris!” you moan.
“did ya think you could get away with wearin that and expect me not to do anythin’?” he says, picking up his pace as he slams into you.
chris continues to go fast, just what you need. your eyes are watering and you feel his hands lift up your hoodie and grab your breast’s.
he rolls his thumbs over your nipples, making you moan even louder than before.
“chris, im about to come.” you whimper.
“no you won’t. you come when i say you come.” he says, removing his hands from your shirt and placing them into your hair.
“i can’t hold out much longer!”
“don’t worry ma, i’m almost there.”
it takes every muscle in you not to release right now, and the feeling of chris grabbing your hair makes it even harder.
“okay, you can come now.”
you feel the ball of nerves that had been collecting in your stomach release, and you feel your walls pulse around chris’ dick, making him come as well.
the feeling of his warm fluids coating your insides makes you come again, which you didn’t even know was possible.
“so, i guess you liked the hoodie?” you say, breathlessly lying on the bed.
“fuck yeah.” chris says, laying beside you.
i hope you guys liked this!!
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winchesterwild78 · 2 days
A Secret Love
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Master List
Characters: Dean Winchester x Reader, Sam
Warnings: mention of death, angst, heartbreak
A/N: So this is gonna break some hearts….sorry. I’m writing a series about Dean surviving the rebar. This is just a one shot of Dean dying and the people in his life picking up the pieces. The reader is Dean’s secret girlfriend, and we find out some things even Sam didn’t know. 
I wrote this fast, please overlook any errors. 
All work is my own, don’t take it. 
Minors DNI 18+
The crisp autumn air was a stark contrast to the warmth of the cabin. Dean Winchester, the love of your life, sat across from you, his eyes filled with a familiar intensity. He'd come to visit, as he often did, but this time, there was a weight to his presence.
“Dean, when are you going to tell Sammy about us? We’ve been dating for 3 years now?” “Soon, sweetheart. I want to make sure he’s going to be okay. He seems to really like Eileen. I think she might be the one for him.”
“That’s great Dean, but what about us? I feel like I’m a dirty little secret or something. I’m not sure how much longer I can live like this. I love you, Dean, but if you’re not in love with me you need to tell me right now.” I took a deep breath, my heart pounding in my chest. "Dean," I began, my voice barely a whisper. "I'm pregnant."
His eyes widened in surprise, then softened into a tender smile. "Really?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. "Really, you replied softly" Your heart swelling with a mixture of fear and joy. Dean had always been protective, keeping you hidden from the dangerous world he inhabited with his brother, Sam. But now, with a child on the way, he knew he had to make a choice.
"I can't do this anymore," he said, his voice firm. "I want to be with you. With us. I want to get out of this life. I’ve always wanted to be a firefighter, and now with the baby, I want to be there to watch them grow up. I know with Jack in charge things could be different for us.” 
Dean stood up, pulled me close to him and kissed my lips. “I love you, sweetheart. I can’t believe I’m going to be a dad. I definitely think it’s time to tell Sammy.” You smiled, it was a drastic change, but it was clear that he was determined. I was overwhelmed with happiness. Finally, the two of us could be together without fear.
Dean spent the next few days with me. Sam thought he was on a hunt with another hunter, and didn’t press him too much. The days with Dean were filled with laughter, good food and good music. He loved to sing to me, and I loved to sit and listen to him. His voice had a calming effect to it, that I was sure would come in handy with the baby too. 
As day turned into night, Dean made love to me. Slow and purposeful, exploring my body like it was the first time. His hand and lips would gently run over my belly. “I love you, sweetheart. Let’s get married.” I gasped, “Really?!” Dean smiled, “Yeah, I want to spend the rest of my life with you and the baby. What do you say?” “Yes, Dean. I’ll marry you.” He pulled me into his arms and placed a feverish kiss on my lips. 
The last day Dean spent with me before he headed home was perfect. The two of us went and picked out an engagement ring, had lunch and of course pie, then Dean took me for a stroll in the park around the lake. As the two of us made our way back to the Impala I noticed Dean’s attention was elsewhere. I followed his gaze and saw the fire department. Dean had a twinkle in his eye and a grin on his face.
I smiled at him, “Dean, why don’t you go ask for an application. I’m sure they have one.” “Are you sure you don’t mind?” I touched his arm, “No, baby. Go.” Dean kissed my lips again and ran across the street. I saw him talking to some of the firefighters and he looked at me, grinned, and waved. When he finally came back, I could feel the excitement pouring out of him. “The chief wants me to put this in as quickly as possible.” “Dean, that’s amazing.” 
The next morning as Dean said his goodbyes, he promised he’d be back in a few days. I nodded, kissed his lips and told him I loved him. Dean pulled me into his arms, kissed my lips and smiled, “God I love you, Y/N. I can’t believe you’re mine and we’re going to have a baby. Sammy is going to lose his mind with excitement.” I smiled, nodded and kissed him one last time. “I love you, Dean. Come back safe to us.” “I love you too, Y/N, and I will do my absolute best.” 
As Dean drove away my heart clenched in my chest. I always hated when he had to leave, but I understood why. He had a job to do, a commitment to Sam and everyone else. Sometimes I wished his commitment to me was stronger. 
A few days later Dean sent me a text. 
Dean: Hey sweetheart. Got a job that is going to take some time. I’ll call when I can. I can’t wait to see you soon. I’m bringing Sammy with me so I can tell him about us and the baby. I love you. 
Me: oh okay. Be careful and I can’t wait to see you and Sam. We love you, Dean. 
Days passed and you hadn’t heard from Dean. I was starting to get worried, but if he was on an intense hunt he would sometimes go weeks without checking in. I sent him a text just to let him know I was thinking about him. 
Me: Hey handsome. Just saying hi and I miss you. I can’t wait to kiss your lips and be in your arms again. I love you, we love you. By the way, the baby is doing great. Healthy and happy. 
I sent an ultrasound picture with my text. I’d gone to the doctor and they checked on the baby and everything looked great. 
Dean: I love you too, darlin’. This hunt is brutal. Sorry I haven’t called or texted. Thank you for sending a picture to me. 🥰😘 I love you both so much. I’m glad they are doing well. I can’t wait to meet them. 
My heart fluttered in my chest. I was going to be a mother and Dean a father in a few short months. I was over the moon. 
The days stretched out into a week. Soon the week was almost two. Still no word from Dean. 
I finally decided to call. I called Dean's number, my heart pounding with anticipation. Instead of his familiar voice, I heard a stranger's. "Hello?"
“Oh um, hi. I’m trying to reach Dean. Is this Sam?" I asked, my voice trembling.
"Yes," he replied, his voice laced with a hint of sadness.
"Is Dean there?" I asked, as my heart sank.
"I'm afraid not, Who is this?" Sam replied. “Oh, I’m Y/N, Dean’s fiancée. I’m sure he’s planning on telling you. He was bringing you to meet me. We’ve been dating for 3 years. I know all about your lives, but he insisted on keeping me out of it.” 
I heard a sadness in his voice, “oh, yeah. Um I don’t know how to tell you this, but he died about a week ago." 
My world crumbled around me. I couldn't believe it. Dean was gone. And I was carrying his child. The pain was almost unbearable.
Tears fell from my eyes. My breath caught in my throat and I felt like I was under water, drowning. 
“What? What happened?” I asked through sobs. My heart aching with every tear that fell. It felt like there was a hole in my chest. 
Sam told me about the accident and the rebar that took Dean’s life. As he recounted the tragedy my stomach turned and I felt my heart breaking. 
I was mourning the loss of my beloved and the father of my unborn child. 
“I was trying to figure out how to get in contact with you. Dean told me about you and the baby as he was dying. He had written letters to people he loved in the event of his death. There is a letter addressed to you, and one addressed to the baby.”
I hit the ground sobbing. I’d lost Dean. Our future together, the plans we made were just gone. 
“Y/N, I’m so sorry. I want to drive out to you, Eileen and I want to meet you and bring you the letters Dean wrote.” 
I sat, still softly sobbing. “When?” I asked through hiccup sobs. “Whenever you’re ready for us to come. We don’t want you to be alone right now. You’re carrying Dean’s child, so that makes us family.” 
I cried harder at the sound of Dean’s name. “Dean” I whispered. 
Sam’s heart broke at the sound of my pain. He’d lost a brother, but he knew I lost so much too. Not only did I lose the love of my life, he knew my child lost their father and we lost the future we had planned. 
“Hey, Y/N, tell me where you are and Eileen and I will come get you.” Sam’s voice softly echoed through the phone. 
I gave him the address to the cabin and told him I needed to go. After I hung up I laid in our bed and sobbed. I grabbed Dean’s pillow and held it tightly. It still smelled like him. 
“Dean, please come back to us. We need you. God or Jack, whoever is listening, please give him back to me. Please. I’ll do anything. Please.” My pleas filled the room but were left unanswered. 
I sobbed louder. The sounds coming from me were unlike anything I’d ever heard before and definitely not from me. The cries were primal and full of anguish. I was irrevocably broken.
Exhaustion finally took over and I fell into a restless sleep. My dreams filled with flashes of the love Dean and I had shared, and flashes of a future void of him and his love. 
Around daybreak I crawled out of bed. My head was pounding and my eyes swollen and red. I managed to make something to eat and forced myself to eat it. 
As I walked around the house my heart ached more. There wasn’t a single room, a place that didn’t hold a memory of Dean. The couch where we shared our first kiss, the kitchen where we’d spent countless hours talking, cooking together, and dancing, and our bedroom, where our love created the life that was now growing inside me.
A few hours later a knock came on the door. I opened it to see a really tall man and shorter woman standing there, with soft smiles on their faces, but their eyes full of sorrow. Without a word the man pulled me into a hug. 
I collapsed in his arms, not caring who he was. As we pulled apart I saw the Impala. Dean’s car, my Dean’s car. This must be Sam, I thought. 
“Hey, Y/N, I’m Sam and this is Eileen.” I nodded and stepped to the side letting them come in. Eileen signed, “Nice to meet you, I’m so sorry about Dean.” I simply nodded as tears started to fall.
The three of us sat on the couch and Sam asked how far along I was in the pregnancy. My voice, small and weak, finally answered, “I’m about 2 months along now. So it's still very early.” Sam and Eileen looked at each other, “I know you said you and Dean had been dating for 3 years, but how did you two meet?”
I let my mind drift to the day I met Dean. A slight smile formed on my lips. “I was at the grocery store and I needed a dessert for a work function. I normally would bake it, but I didn’t have time to do what I wanted, so I decided to just buy a pie. I grabbed the last apple pie, but as I did I felt resistance. I looked up and saw this tall, handsome, green eyed man with a smirk on his face. I told him I was buying the pie, and he said “No, darlin’ I need this pie. It’s a matter of life or death.” I laughed and he laughed that deep, head tilting laugh of his. We talked and then we came back here. We sat for hours talking and eating the pie together. Then he kissed me, and I knew I was his forever. I never believed in love at first sight until Dean.”
“We’ve been together ever since. He kept me away from the hunting life to protect me. He didn’t want monsters or anything to come after me. Lately he talked about getting out of hunting. He wanted to be a firefighter, and we were going to raise this baby together. Before he left this last time, he asked me to marry him. We picked out my ring, and now he’s gone.” Tears began to fall fast.
Sam’s face contorted with pain and sorrow. He had no idea his brother had a secret life, one where he was happy and rid of monsters. Sam took a deep breath, “I remember that hunt we were on. He left to get supplies and pie, but was gone for hours. When he came back he had everything but the pie. He wore a smile I’d not seen in years. Now I understand why. He had met you. So, I guess these are for you. When Dean was dying, he told me to check the safe in his room. When I looked I found all these letters. One was addressed to you, and one to “baby Winchester”.” 
Sam handed me the two envelopes. A lump formed in my throat and I couldn’t breath. Sam touched my hand, “We’ll give you some privacy.” I nodded and they went outside. I sat on the couch and looked at the envelope in my trembling hands. 
The white envelope simply had ‘Y/N’ on it. The other one had ‘Baby Winchester’. My heart broke when I saw that. Dean wanted to be a father. He would have been an amazing father, now our baby would never know him. 
I turned the envelope addressed to me over and opened it. I took a deep, shaky breath and pulled out the letter. I saw Dean’s handwriting and read his final words to me.
Hey sweetheart. If you’re reading this something happened and I’m gone. This isn’t the future I envisioned for us. One where you’re alone and I’m gone. I know this time I won’t be coming back like I did so many other times, and that makes this worse. From the moment I met you, you know when you were trying to steal the last apple pie, I knew I wanted to be with you. I fell in love with you fast and hard. The hours spent with you, laughing, talking and making love were the happiest of my life. You became my refuge, my light in this dark world. I’m sorry I can’t be there for you and our child. Damn I couldn’t wait to see you walking down the aisle in that beautiful dress. I dreamed about the day you would officially become Mrs. Winchester. My wife, my partner, forever. I’m sorry sweetheart that you have to raise our child without me. Just know Sammy will be there for you and our baby. He’s going to be an amazing Uncle. Please sweetheart, don’t let losing me break you and your beautiful soul. Our baby needs you. I know it’s going to be hard without me, but I’ll check in on you and the baby from time to time. I love you so much, sweetheart. The letter for the baby, please read it when you’re ready, and make sure they get it too. There is still so much I wish I could say to you. I want you to know you’re everything to me. I never thought I was worthy of love, happiness or being a husband and dad, but you made me believe that I am. Thank you sweetheart, for loving me through all the flaws and darkness in my life. There are going to be days where you feel like you can’t go on, I’m sure that’s how you’re feeling now, but please know you are one of the strongest people I know. You can go on, I want you to. From the moment I slipped that ring on your finger you were Mrs. Winchester, and Winchesters don’t give up. Please keep Sammy close, take care of yourself and our baby. I love you both so much. Until we meet again, I love you and I’ll see you later sweetheart.
Love, D
The tears fell hard and fast. Sobs filled my body as I gasped for air. As I read his words I heard his voice, felt his strong arms wrapped around me, comforting me. The hole in my chest is a little smaller. Sam and Eileen came back into the house and sat down. Sam wrapped his arms around me and held me tight. 
“Y/N, I don’t know what your letter said, but Dean would want me to stay in your life and be an uncle to the baby. Eileen and I are moving to the area so we can all be together. We will be here for you every step of the way. You’re a Winchester, and having my niece or nephew. We stick together.” 
I touched my belly and thought about Dean’s words. “Thank you Sam. I think being around family is exactly what I need. Besides, this baby is going to need to know more about their daddy than I know.” I touched Sam’s hand, “Thank you, Sam and Eileen.” 
Sam smiled softly, “Of course, you’re family and family sticks together.”
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spicerackofblorbos · 2 days
Lost and Found in Another World | Leon Kennedy x VoiceActress!fem!reader
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☾ summary ➼ Leon has never had someone he's never met affect him so much as you have. This unknown person with insane talent and the sweetest voice he's ever heard. When he meets you at a con, he is no longer that somewhat self-assured field agent. He's reduced to a starstruck mess.
☾ content/warnings ➼ fluff, canon world (sorta), alcohol mention, fem!Reader, sibling-like relationship with Claire Redfield, set up for a possible second part
☾ a/n ➼ Don't look too hard into the timeline of when and where this takes place. I imagined this was Leon between 21 and 28, considering the aftermath of Infinite Darkness. But you can place him whenever! Don't come at me for canon inconsistencies, I'm here to self-indulge idk.
☾ wc ➼ ~2.3k
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Leon Kennedy was never one for anime. To be honest, he was never one for any television shows at all. He was either too tired from work or too distracted inside his mind to even think about sitting down and focusing on something.
The only exception was when Claire would come by his apartment, unannounced, with pizza and her show of the week, usually a show she’s started but she needs someone talk about it with, so she was willing to start it over. That someone was Leon.
This week was a new anime she had heard great things about. It was a short season, so they knocked it out in one sitting – one large pizza and a six pack of beer later. Claire was rattling on and on about the main character and her love interest in the show. They were both transported into another fantasy world, an isekai Claire had called it, and had fallen in love due to their shitty circumstances and their dependency on each other in this new, fucked up world.
Leon didn’t hate it, far from it.
In fact, he quite enjoyed it. From the fantastical monsters to the smooth plotline and storytelling, he was locked on the entire time. But what really enchanted him the most was the voice that belonged to the main character, this bubbly almost borderline naïve elf woman. He had never heard anything like her.
Claire would argue that it’s not her real voice, she’s just a very talented voice actress. Leon didn’t care, it was music to his ears and there were moments where he missed important dialogues and plot points because he was so entranced by that pretty voice.
“A convention? Really.” Leon sighs in exasperation at his red-jacket clad friend who sits across from him at the coffee shop they agreed to meet up at for lunch.
“Yeah! My friend bailed on me and the stupid people don’t refund tickets.” Claire gives a bright smile that reaches into her blue eyes, then slowly her face turns into that one pleading emoji she loved to use on Leon when she needed something. “Please Leon? It’s just a few days.”
“I don’t know, Claire… I just got back from a mission, and I could really use those few days to just sleep.” He rolls his shoulders back as he says that, grunting softly at the warm pain that flares up in his muscles from getting his ass kicked multiple times.
“I’ll pay for your food?”
“I can pay for my own food. “
“You don’t even have to dress up!”
“I wasn’t planning on it.”
Claire pauses, propping her chin up on a palm as she stares hard at him. His blue eyes shift to the side, focusing on the cars slowly driving past the small café as he cards his calloused fingers through his hair. Across the street sits a park, full of kids playing on the playground with their parents chatting on the benches, vigilantly keeping an eye.
“Some of the voice actors for ‘Lost and Found in Another World’ will be there.” Claire murmurs into her coffee cup before taking a sip.
That gets Leon’s attention, his gaze snapping back to Claire’s smug face. He mentally scolds himself at how fast he reacted to that, knowing Claire did that on purpose.
There’s another pause.
“Which ones?” he asks gruffly, leaning back in the chair with his arms crossing his chest.
“Guess you’ll have to come and find out yourself.”
Leon had never been to a fan convention before, and he can see why he hadn’t before. It was crowded, loud, and stuffy to the point that he was tempted to pull his shirt off. It wouldn’t be the oddest outfit voice in the convention center, anyway.
It had been a few hours of bobbing through aisles of small businesses selling their wares until Leon had to put a hand on Claire’s shoulder just to ask to stop for a drink. His friend had an armful of trinkets and soft plushies that she was currently trying to organize inside her large bag that she brought while Leon leans against the wall, sipping on a very expensive bottle of water.
“I think I scoured every stall available.” She mutters, huffing in triumph once her items finally fit together without exploding out. “You ready to visit Celebrity Row?” Claire wiggles her eyebrows up at him before taking off in the direction of their destination without waiting for a response.
Leon just grumbles and follows as his eyes roam around the crowded space, unable to keep himself from finding potential exits in case something happens. Old habits die hard.
Celebrity Row was just as packed as the vendor floor. Lines of people bleed into the middle of the walkways, all waiting for their chance to meet their favorite star. Leon won’t lie and say he wasn’t intrigued, after all, there were some big-name celebrities all here to talk about their newest movies as well as the ones they had previously starred in.
None of them held a candle over who Leon was really hoping to meet, though.
You were a hot commodity apparently; so many people were here waiting for you to show up at your booth. Claire says you are well known for many of your roles in anime and videogames, a sought-out voice actress in not only the small screens but also from your many adoring fans. Did you capture them by your sweet and melodic voice as well?
Leon couldn’t help but feel slightly embarrassed as he waited in line, being so new to all of this. Claire was in his ear, prattling about this new show that she wanted to try out next week if he was available, but at that point he had zoned out from the conversation and zoned in on you.
You were sitting behind a white table stacked with things he couldn’t see sitting out in front of you. Your name in big letters hovering above you on a banner with pictures of your various roles surrounding it, as if praising the one who had given them life.
Goddamn, your smile. Those eyes. The way your hair accentuates your beautiful face. He could swear he can hear your voice from all the way over here, though impossible since it’s drowned out by the chaos in the con.
Everything about you was nothing he had expected and everything he had hoped for.
“Leon? Earth to Leon!” Claire’s fingers snap in front of his face.
“Sorry. What’s up?” he looks down at her, quirking an eyebrow.
“I was asking how do I look? I want to make sure she likes my cosplay.” Claire does a small spin, letting Leon look at everything.
She had insisted on putting together a last-minute cosplay for your character in ‘Lost and Found in Another World’, something she had called a closet cosplay. It seemed true to fashion, so he nodded, unsure of what feedback he could give at such late notice and lack of context.
“Looks fine to me. I’m sure she’ll love it.” Leon reassures, crossing his arms over his chest as he turns to face the front of the slow-moving line.
“Great. Also, I was really hoping we could…” Claire continues to ramble, excited for the panels she wanted to visit before the end of the night and the ones she was thinking about attending tomorrow. Leon’s eyes do not leave your face.
With every person that you greet, closing the distance between him and you, he feels his heart rate spiking gradually. Leon is a calm and collected person for the most part, especially when he’s out on the field. He’s built up such a stoic wall, a way to protect himself, to hide away who he was before and during the Raccoon City incident.
But you? Why was he so nervous?
“Leon! Go!” Claire pushes Leon forward, knocking him out of his thoughts. Suddenly, he’s throttled into the white table, barely catching himself from falling on top of it. When he looks up, holding himself up by his arms, he’s met with your slightly startled expression.
“Oh my gosh, are you okay?” you ask, finally hearing that sweet voice of yours in person rattling him more than any bio-weapon could. You’ve stood up abruptly with your hands out, ready to support him if necessary.
“I-…” All he wanted was to apologize, but seeing your eyes up close, his words don’t come out the way he wants. “Falling for you already, huh.” He mutters instead, awkwardly smiling as he straightens up.
There’s a pause where Claire looks at Leon with bemusement, Leon’s face falling in horror at what he just said out loud, and your quivering lips as you try not to laugh out loud.
You fail.
Suddenly you burst into a fit of laughter, your eyes closing as you lean forward trying to catch your breath between laughs. Leon’s face blooms in heat, partly from his embarrassment. The other part from how irresistible your genuine laugh sounds like. With just a few words, he can tell the main character from that anime was close to as true to you. If he could hear that laugh and voice for the rest of his life, he could die happily.
“I-I’m sorry.” Leon says sheepishly, taking a few steps back as he rubs the back of his neck.
“No! Nothing to apologize for, I’m just glad you’re okay. You are okay, right?” you’ve settled back in your chair by now. To right the of you is what Leon assumes is your assistant, waiting impatiently for the next people so they can keep this line going efficiently. You, however, ignore their annoyed, passive-aggressive glances.
You wanted to spend as much time with your fans as possible instead of pushing them through as if they were packages on a conveyor belt. It’s understandable why you need to, but that doesn’t mean you have to like it. Nor do it. So you don’t.
“Fine! Yes, I’m fine. Um.” Leon steps away, letting Claire step in front of him so they can talk.
Your eyes leave his to meet Claire, holding your hands out to greet her. There is some back and forth between them - Claire asking about your favorite aspects of being a voice actress, you asking how her day at the con has been. Claire does a twirl for you, showing off the cosplay she carefully put together in such a short time. Your laugh is infectious just as your smile is genuine.
A few moments later, Claire had asked for a photo with you, to which Leon was handed her phone and instructed where to stand and how to do it – as if he hadn’t taken photos for Claire before. A handful of years worth of friendship will do that. And he had expected it anyway, considering how many times she had said how excited she was to talk to and take a selfie with you.
What he hadn’t expected was for you to hold your hand out to him, offering him a sweet smile like a beckoning call.
“Would you like a photo as well?” you ask, your pretty face lit up like the sun. He’s unsure if that’s your permanent disposition or not, but he likes it. And he can resist it. With a gentle nudge from his friend, he takes a few steps forward.
He's hesitant to touch you because he’d assumed it’s against the arbitrary rules set by whoever created these conventions. But considering who you are as a person (unbeknownst to him), you aren’t, and easily you slip your arm behind him and hold him by the waist as you tuck yourself against his side. There’s a surprised grunt that escapes his lips from not only the unexpected contact but also the way you felt so perfectly next to him. Instinctively, his muscular arm wraps around your shoulder out of ease and comfort of the poses you were in.
The perfumes that emanate from you are intoxicating to him and at this point he even forgets why he was here, why he was being held by you. And he’s looks straight at you too, not at the phone clutched in Claire’s hands that is just ten feet away.
“Okay! 1. 2. 3!” Claire presses the camera button a few times, just in case.
All too soon, the contact ends, and you’re turning towards him with a grateful smile as your arms fall back to your side naturally.
“Thank you so much for meeting me today. And thank you for being a fan, it means so much to me.” You say, waving at them before stepping back behind your table, ready to greet new people. Claire practically drags Leon away, which is hard considering how much muscle mass he has.
“Dude, you are so smitten.” Claire jokes once they’re away from the crowd still surrounding your booth.
“Huh, what?” Leon’s eyes drift from where you sit, now focusing on Claire’s highly amused face.
“You’ve got it bad. Want me to ask for her number while we’re here?” she nudges him in the chest.
“Shut up.” Leon grumbles, rubbing his neck again as his face heats up even more. “Send me those photos though.” His voice comes out softer this time, his blue eyes looking away and focusing on the various cosplayers that pass by.
“Yes, sir!” Claire salutes then starts walking deeper into Celebrity Row to see who else they could meet.
Leon was never one for conventions, but if it meant he got to see you again, he’d commit. And maybe even dress up just to see how you’d react.
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i'm so bad about plugging my taglist but if you see this and wanna see what other Leon bullshit I pull out of my brain noodles, go here and fill out my form! your email is never shared with me or anyone else.
Taglist: @lucysarah-c @antagonize-me-motherfucker
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maxwell-grant · 3 days
The Penguin Ep2: "Inside Man" Breakdown
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(Previous episode)
I think so much of this episode, to me, was about identity in our characters. And with Oz, you get to see all these different moments, all these different faces that he puts on, literally. You have the charmer at the party. You have the double agent, the two-faced liar. You have the man who's kind of, like, sucking it to Sofia, and trying to get in her good graces. You have honest Oz with Victor and how he's able to just be himself because he's let Victor into his life that way. And then you have the comforting Oz, which is with his mother.
And on the flipside we have Sofia, who is also in this place of identity, where she's come out of prison, she has the Hangman name connected to her. And society is telling her who she is, and her family is telling her who she is, and she's trying to define who she is within her family and within her place. And now that she's lost Alberto, she's lost a big part of her identity. The one person who truly loved her and stood by her side.
Like, we wanted this episode to really explore all the different pieces of these echaracters, and then also just to feel chaotic because with Oz - He's just like, a hair ahead of the next thing that goes wrong, and has to switch, you know, from moment to moment, so...
AMY: Yeah it's almost like he's the cartoon coyote who runs off over the cliff, but if he keeps pedaling, maybe he can pull this off. - -The Penguin Official Podcast, episode 2
Back when the first episode dropped, I had a friend reach out to me (a friend who, up until this point, never so much as entertained the idea of a Penguin not played by Danny DeVito) and tell me that it was shocking to see The Penguin painted as a sympathetic character, that the show went through such lengths to humanize the character and get us on his side and whatnot. Which, true, is part of what it's doing, I imagine a lot of people had a similar response. It is pretty great, then, that this episode is almost precision constructed to slap you in the face for thinking "oh this dude ain't so bad" after the first one, what a scumbag piece of shit Oswald is in this one, I love it
I get the sense that what's left of the plans they may have had for an Arkham series are gonna be coming through a bit in Sofia's arc, already establishing right off the bat what a ghastly place Arkham Asylum is, scar tissue on Sofia's soul that won't leave her alone.
Calling it right now that we're gonna pan upwards in the dream and see Oz shooting Alberto as soon as Sofia finds out.
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I'm glad that they've made efforts to avoid dumb namechecks and references for the sake of it so I'm pretty confident Sofia's weird therapist won't turn out to be like, Jonathan Crane in disguise or secretly named Harlan Quinzel or something, but everyone's in unanimous agreement that this dude is sketchy as fuck and something is up with him. Dr Julian Rush is a supervillain name, nevermind the hypnosis lights and his behavior and that painting that looks like it was plucked straight out of The Riddler: Year One. You can make a Batman universe as grounded in realism as possible and Gotham City will still have cartoonishly ominous medical professionals.
"This man is a dog. But a dog can be made submissive." Spoken like everyone who's ever employed Oswald Cobb for anything. I like how Nadia and Sofia have the exact same view of Oz and where they think they stand with him.
Fuck yeah, Shohreh Aghdashloo, I was so excited when I heard she was announced for this, loved her in Mrs. Davis. The only problem with Clancy Brown and Shohreh Aghdashloo together on screen playing husband and wife mafiosos is that it should be incredibly hard to root for anyone else. If this wasn't the Penguin show, I would be extremely bummed out at anyone but them winning this gang war.
I really love this show turning not just Sal Maroni, but the Maroni Crime Family, into this totally distinct thing from the Falcones, I love the little tale they spin in the post-credits video about how these two met and exchanged their cultures and how Maroni formed his entire power base around her Persian gang and that's the gang that they form in Gotham nowadays. I would love it even if it was just an excuse to have Aghdashloo on the show, which it is, but it's also one of the many interesting nuggets of worldbuilding that they're adding here. It's also nice to have asian/middle-eastern characters in Gotham that aren't connected to the fucking League of Shadows, no connections to Fu Manchu and ninja squads and whatever.
In fact none of this Long Halloween/Falcone/Maroni shit has ever been as interesting as it is here in this saga, actually why bullshit around, most if not all of it has never been interesting period. Because this abstains so hard from using all the Batman comic elements people will turn up to the movies for, it has to make soup out of all the usually extremely barebones elements of regular Gotham crime, so that you will be invested in stuff involving like, Johnny Viti and so on, and it works, they're real characters now. This has to make people out of these guys like nobody's ever had to or tried before.
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In fact here's another example of where the approach this universe takes to realism works: It's the first time in the show that anyone's ever said the word Penguin, and it's the first time anyone in this universe has called him Penguin to his face. Batman and Gordon kept calling him that amongst themselves, but never in direct conversation with him (closest they get is calling him a stool pigeon). And obviously you get why nobody does that openly to him, it's a crude and offensive way to refer to his disability, so obviously most people are not gonna call him that where he can hear it, especially when he already has a nickname via "Oz". So when Johnny Viti steps out here out of the blue and calls him "Penguin!", you get holy shit, what the fuck is your problem. Instantly communicates the sheer disdain and disrespect, and crucially the power over Oz, that this guy has to be calling him that in public like this. And you get to feel Oz bottling up the rage he takes at that offense. They don't have to make a thing of it, it lasts like a second, but it's a harsh reminder of how much that name stings, and so it gains weight like it never really had before.
Ah, the lovely Sopranos school of playing licensed music to signal people are about to die horribly, can't get enough of it.
I love that two episodes in the show has already established an extremely fitting routine for how Penguin does things: he spends a long time prepping schemes and setting up dominos to fall so he can ascend in the ranks, everything blows up, and then he has to scrape and struggle to slip away from the fire via additional long-term schemes and spur-of-the-moment bullshit and sheer luck, ultimately succeeding in securing an advantage but also putting himself in greater risk. Everything he does is the next step in a master plan and him shooting himself in the foot, it's just perfectly Penguin. Even when he wins, he still loses, and vice versa.
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Of course Oz used to be a barback who bullshitted his way into becoming a driver with a stolen car, and of course his old boss just happened to be a rat who got shot in the head. Who would have guessed that Oz' boss got killed, just like his old boss, and his old boss that came after that one. We can talk about a lot of the ways in which Penguin emerged practically fully formed in his debut, but it turns out there was another one I had neglected. From his first appearence to 83 years later, dude just cannot stop killing his bosses.
Oz's relationship with his mother continues to be fascinating and heartbreaking and I dread how much hurt this is gonna pile on the two of them and us alike as audience members.
Oz planting Castillo was so fucking scummy and also so much smarter. Of course if he planted Viti people would be onto him because of the attack, of course Viti still had enough room to defend himself especially with the Maronis seizing Oz's blackmail. Nobody would suspect Castillo, and nobody would look deep into Castillo, and Castillo being gone only isolates Sofia enough to drive her right into Team Penguin.
"We all gotta make sacrifices, pal"
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Love Sofia's tiger suit, love Sofia's wardrobe here in general.
When I say that the Falcones/Maronis/etc have never been a tenth as interesting as they are here I am very much including Sofia in this. I like Sofia Gigante as a design, but even when I assumed nothing terribly interesting would be done with Sofia here, I still said they had very good reasons to not replicate that design here, and this episode illustrates another one: Sofia Gigante is not someone people would dismiss and badmouth within earshot of her. Nobody sensible would dare not give her the reigns of the family if she wanted them. Sofia Gigante is not really a character so much as she's a menace for Batman/Two-Face to be up against. She is the inscrutable monster that Gotham City has projected onto this Sofia and is already treating her as.
Sofia isn't just dealing with the struggle of being a woman left alone in a fiercely patriarchal hierarchy as well as mental illness without proper support and with her peers ostracizing her with disdain and fear (and over something she may not even have actually done), she is dealing with the fact that society has branded her a Batman Villain and treating her as such. She is the scary new threat to be afraid of in Gotham, the psycho in the papers, the latest mutant atrocity born from corruption and crime, denied dignity and personhood at every turn and thus driving her to salvage what little she can in the only way she can, the only way anyone in Gotham can: turning the tables and exherting power and fear over others instead.
Best exemplified by that scene with her friend and that little girl. She's approached for the first time since she returned by someone who's treating her as a friend and a peer, talking about casual friend things that she hasn't heard in ages, and then one little interaction drives a veiled knife the deepest into Sofia's heart, so in turn she drives one back, and flaunts the power she has as a monster.
Love that scene where they bring Evrad to her and she's very clearly upset at having her brother's wake interrupted / reminiscing the way Alberto was brought to her on the back of a car, but deciding fuck it, bring him to the basement. Love all the ways this episode establishes Sofia as our other protagonist moving forward.
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Kay could see how Michael stood to receive their homage. He reminded her of statues in Rome, statues of those Roman emperors of antiquity, who, by divine right, held the power of life and death over their fellow men - The Godfather, by Mario Puzo
Greatly enjoyed this reversal of The Godfather ending shot they've done with her, the don closing the door on the woman excluded, except we're inside the room the whole time as it closes, and it is she who is framed by opulent surroundings, it is she who gets to be framed in comparison to Roman statues the way Michael Corleone was in the book. We know who is the real don of this family framed behind the closed door.
"I'm not safe. I'm home."
I know Vengeance is not showing up here, but now I actually do want to see an interaction between the two of them. Prince and princess of the city, the broken children of Arkham, grappling with a loss that's hollowed them out and an intertwined city-reshaping legacy and a separate name consuming every facet of their life. She isn't even really a Batman villain here and I already think she's an excellent Batman villain.
For so much of her life up to this point, all she had to do was endure the nightmare only so long as it took to rejoin her brother and return safe to the protection of the family, in the kingdom which belonged to them. And now her brother is gone, murdered by someone within the family, the kingdom stones her at every turn, and she has no one to count on but the family dog nipping on her heels.
On some level, she knows he can't be trusted, she knows he's lying, but there's nobody else on her side left. Nothing else to lose. She's fallen, and in the bottom she can now join the man who's been there for as long as she's known him Or at least, the man who used to be at the bottom, because now he's got someone else to be there instead.
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Topping off the episode we get this snippet of Oz at his most openly monstrous so far, in appearence as he looms down on Victor and in attitude towards him, and it's delightfully fucked that for all intents and purposes, this is still him playing nice. Because even still, he's not just being cruel for cruel's sake, he's trying to get Victor to wake up, trying to teach him a lesson so he can stop choking and get used to the corpses, because this is what it's like to be The Penguin's Robin. That he has a motive to be doing this doesn't make it any less of a horrible fucking thing to do, and it doesn't make it any less cruel, because it isn't just about reprimanding Victor and teaching him a lesson, is it? Nothing's only ever one thing with Oz.
Not when he starts off saying "Lay down, where you belong". Not when he's taking the moment to vent about how Carmine treated him in the same breath he's comparing his relationship to Carmine with the one Vic has with him. You can’t have power over someone without putting them down, without demeaning them. Somebody's gotta be at the bottom. Somebody's gotta dig up the grave. And to the rest of the Falcones, that is still Oz, but now there's someone else down there in the shit and Oz is the one putting him there.
I think maybe my favorite thing about this episode, in terms of how it contrasts the previous one, is that everything Oz does here to get ahead is predicated on exploiting/backstabbing people who are on the same position he's in, if not lower. It's easy to root for the guy when he shoots Alberto Falcone, and desperately selling out some random kid to buy himself seconds to live against Sofia is not ideal but hardly that damning. But this episode ups the ante by giving Oz a bodycount of 5-8 people, most of which are directly and even gruesomely murdered by him, and all of them were people in the same position he's in that relied on him.
The guys at the truck that used to work with him at the warehouse and were laughing at his jokes seconds before ("Oz you fucking traitor!"), Ervad the Maroni ally who played his part at the truck hijacking and was willing to sell out Viti even under risk of death, Castillo the guy whose testimony bought him goodwill before Sofia, none of these are people Oz has any kind of moral highground over, none of these are the people keeping Oz down, none of these people had revenge coming their way (...I mean okay Castillo did torture Oz last episode under Sofia's orders, but nothing Oz did to him here was motivated by that), and none of that mattered. You could also argue he's backstabbing Eve and the girls, even if not intentionally - he gave her name to Sofia as an alibi, Eve has no idea how right she is to be scared of Sofia finding out and how much Oz is bullshitting all of them.
Victor's yet to figure out that being on Oz' good side, making jokes with him and doing what he asks and having his back, will not save you from being killed for him or by him if that's what it takes for him to survive. Like he says in one of the promos: No such thing as good or evil, only survival.
Working 9 to 5 was a perfect anthem to close out the first episode and to associate with Oz, but one that's stuck in my head even more is the one used to close out this episode, the Floor Cry cover of Happy Together. It feels like such a perfect song to close out this episode and herald the start of Sofia Falcone's new journey, it's her theme and it stuck with me.
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Out of all the things I could have expected about The Penguin going in, Sofia Falcone becoming one of my favorite Batman characters was definitely not one of them. She can strangle and torture whoever she wants, who cares, god forbid women do anything.
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voidcat · 2 days
characters: narumi gen, jakdf member/medic!reader, shinonome rin,
notes: suggestive content, minors do not interact. implied shinonome x reader bc i can<3 and bc theres no way that woman is straight. gender neutral pronouns used for reader. inspired by/elaboration of this post
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When platoon leader Shinonome Rin walks into your office after a knock, she’s not all too surprised to be finding the captain there as well. Despite all his claims of disliking you, Captain Narumi Gen can often be found within your orbit, always there to make a comment here and there.
"Good day m-" Shinonome's greetings die in her throat as her eyes see you.
at the sudden intrusion and the swallowed words of hers, you and captain Narumi seem to pause and turn her way as well. A concerned and confused look in your features, and a knowing smirk on captain's.
Shinonome has to suck in a deep breath and hold, count to five until she feels her heart returning to earth. '1... 2... 3... 4... 4,1... 4,2... 4,3...'
"Is there a problem platoon leader?" Captain Narumi breaks the silence first as you make move to take a step into her direction.
This only makes the matters worse... always there to rush in to help, ready to throw off work if it means saving immediate lives, even if it's something as small as a flu or big as an anaphylactic shock. It's heart warming to have a member within their division like you but right now, in the state you are dressed as, Shinonome finds it quite difficult to stay grounded- especially when she not only gets a view of your legs but how they move under the skirt you're wearing as well...
"U-uh... m-my apologies." she manages to utter out, straightening herself. "I was- surprised ...to see you in an attire so different from your usual attire." she says word by word as she gathers her courage to meet your eyes.
As your brain processes platoon leader Shinonome's words, your hands immediately fly down to cover the skirt you're wearing, along with the pile of files you were holding a second ago.
When Narumi suggested a bet with a possible outcome such as that, you should've known something was up with it. But by the time you objected, claiming the bet to be dropped as your controller had an issue, it was far too late and here you found yourself today, wearing a skirt to work- a skirt chosen by him, no less.
Your hurried manners mirroring Shinonome's, she finds a little bit of comfort in knowing she's not the only one finding the situation odd.
"Yeah.. it's... uh-" you stammer as you try your best to not let any of the files get loose from your grip. "I've been wearing my lab coat buttoned all day long and- uh-" you make a sudden move downwards, one step quickly taken ahead to manuever and stop the fall of yet another file– all the while glaring daggers at one too smug looking Captain Narumi who looks more than happy to help get the files from your hands- and by extension from your lap.
"Such a state grows uncomfortable after a while, considering my legs rubbing against each other with every step as the day g-" you see the error to your words, and perhaps too much information revealed as Shinonome's face reddens and Narumi let's out a quiet chuckle.
Platoon leader Shinonome Rin is a respectable member of the first division. She'd like to think of herself as an ambitious and good person. But as you stand like that, legs slowly beginning to wobble, and her brain digesting everything you have said, she cannot help but think about you rubbing your legs as you look at her with a wanton look, an ache to your eyes and a plea to your voice.
You work hard all day, every day- your efforts should be rewarded accordingly too, shouldnt they? Being taken care of and handled with care and adoration just as you do for the division, letting your body go limp, giving up control for a change and allowing someone else to caress and take care of you, give you the much desired friction you've been craving all day, the very ache that has gotten your thighs all wet and sticky–
Shinonome barely has a functioning neuron left in her system to snap her out of her thoughts and cough as she shakes her head, trying to wipe the mental image of you off.
"Y-yes, you're right. It does not seem like the most... work appropriate lenght for a skirt."
As the two of you try your best to exchange words, Narumi watches the scene before himself with glee. When he hears you mutter "Well, let's say, that choice was not well within my hands." through gritted teeth, he has to contain his laughter lest he wishes for an early death, or a concussion at the very least.
As you gather the files you were holding onto into one proper file and place them on the desk, Shinonome feels a jolt up her spine again, heat rushing to her cheeks once more.
"I'll- uh," when you turn your head to see her, you frown in worry.
"Platoon leader, are y-" "I'llseekyoulaterthen–" she says in a single breath, just as you speak and darts out the door.
After her sudden absence, you stand there with a hand reached out to her, "–you alright, you seemed like having a fever?..." the words die by your lips, your volume decreasing with each word.
As you stare after the poor platoon leader, Narumi can be heard laughing his lungs off, clutching his chest to the point of tears in his eyes.
"Seems like I picked one hell of a skirt, huh?" he says by the time his laughter dies out and you don't wait for a second to grab your book from your desk to throw at his face.
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mononijikayu · 8 hours
chapter (4) — we go.
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GENRE: alternate universe - actors/celeb au!
WARNING/S: not safe for work (nsfw), r-18 and above, actors/singers au!, romance, fluff, minor angst, slow burn, humour, slice of life, will they won't they, light-hearted, flirting, playful, possessiveness, teasing, explicit content, possible, kissing, sexual content, innuendos, drama, feels, hurt/comfort, falling in love, love, happy ending, actor/singer! sukuna, actress/celeb! reader;
WORD COUNT: 3.6k words.
NOTE: i know i have a rule about not posting too much now since i just posted loml. but i really need to have more self—control you guys!!! i gotta work on this~ i think if you guys like it, it makes up for my constant constant posting. in any case, this was from the vault, pre-written a while back. so you know.....its stale!!! but still i hope you guys like it. much love everyone 🫶
TAGLIST: @kunasthiast, @midnight-138, @v3nd3ttal3on, @r0ckst4rjk, @theshxaverse, @cheescakebroom, @kariatenoh , @ggukfikz, @sukunadckrider ;
hey lover! series
YOU MOVED A LOT OF THINGS AROUND TO BE HERE. But you would rather be here than in a stuffy plane for the next day anyway. You sipped your beer, satisfied as your Sukuna shirt merch moved along with your little groove. The night of Sukuna’s concert finally arrived, and the atmosphere was electric.
The venue was packed with fans buzzing with excitement, each one eager to see him perform live. You had managed to snag a private box for the event, a little piece of luxury where you could enjoy the show away from the crowd while still being close enough to feel the energy radiating from the stage.
As the lights dimmed, the crowd erupted into cheers, and you couldn’t help but feel a thrill of anticipation. The sound of the guitar riff echoed through the arena, and Sukuna made his grand entrance, the spotlight illuminating him as he stood at the center of the stage, confidently gripping the mic. He looked every bit the rock star in his stylish outfit, and your heart raced at the sight of him.
From your box, you watched in awe as he effortlessly commanded the stage, his charisma pulling everyone in. As the music flowed, Sukuna began to scan the audience, and to your surprise, his gaze landed on your private box. His eyes lit up with recognition, and a huge grin spread across his face.
You couldn’t help but smile back, your cheeks flushing slightly as you waved. The moment felt electric, and as if the entire venue held its breath, fans below began to notice the interaction. Whispers spread like wildfire, followed by excited shouts and gasps.
“Did he just smile at someone in the box?!”
“OMG, it’s Y/N! He’s looking right at her!”
The energy in the crowd shifted, amplifying as they realized what was happening. Screens around the venue captured the moment, broadcasting your shared smiles across the big screens, and fans lost it. The sound of excited screams filled the air, and it felt like the entire arena was reacting to the undeniable chemistry between you two.
“Look at that! They’re totally a thing!” one fan shouted, waving a sign that read “Y/N & Sukuna Forever!”
You laughed, slightly embarrassed but thrilled at the reception. Sukuna, clearly enjoying the moment, leaned into the performance, still occasionally glancing over at you, his smirk not wavering. It was like he was feeding off the crowd’s excitement as much as they were feeding off his energy.
“Can you believe this?” you said to your friend who joined you in the box. “They’re all going wild just because he’s looking this way!”
“I mean, can you blame them? It’s a whole rom–com moment happening live!” your friend teased, nudging you playfully.
You roll your eyes, hiding how flustered you were. “Yeah, yeah, we get it.”
As the concert continued, Sukuna would steal glances your way, each time eliciting louder cheers from the audience. The more he performed, the more he incorporated little winks and smiles directed at your box, and you couldn’t help but feel like the luckiest person in the world.
During a particularly upbeat song, Sukuna jumped down to the edge of the stage, getting even closer to the crowd. He pointed at you, and the fans erupted again, screaming as if he’d just proposed on stage.
As the chorus hit, Sukuna broke out into a playful dance, bringing more attention to your box. You felt your face heat up as you waved again, this time with a mix of shyness and excitement. The audience was eating it up, chanting your name mixed with his, a rhythm that echoed throughout the venue.
By the end of the concert, the energy was still palpable, and the crowd was buzzing with excitement. As Sukuna finished his final song, he took a moment to look around, soaking in the atmosphere. His gaze found yours one last time, and he blew you a kiss before bowing dramatically to the roaring crowd.
The fans around you lost it, squealing and cheering as if the arena had just witnessed a historical moment.
After the show, you found yourself flooded with messages and notifications. Fans were posting clips, photos, and every angle of the moment that had unfolded during the concert. 
“Sukuna and Y/N are officially the cutest couple!” one tweet read. 
Another captioned a photo, “When the rock star notices you, and the world stops!”
You couldn’t help but grin, realizing that this night would only deepen the playful speculation around you both. As you left the venue, you felt a wave of joy wash over you, knowing that every little moment you shared with Sukuna was turning into something special for both of you and the fans.
Backstage, Sukuna approached you, a wide grin still plastered across his face. “Did you see their reaction?” he laughed, running a hand through his hair. “I think they might have liked it a little too much.”
“Just a little.” you replied, your heart racing. “You’re unbelievable! You really know how to work a crowd, darling! Well done you!”
He shrugged nonchalantly, his eyes sparkling with mischief. “What can I say? It’s all about showmanship… and having the best company.”
Sukuna’s smirk deepened as he stepped closer, his towering frame casting a shadow over you. The energy backstage still crackled with the high of the performance, and your pulse raced just being near him. His eyes, sharp and gleaming with amusement, locked onto yours as he leaned in, his breath hot against your ear.
“Speaking of the best company,” he murmured, his voice low and teasing, “I think you owe me a little celebration, don’t you?”
Your cheeks flushed, but you met his gaze with a playful glint of your own. “Is that so? What kind of celebration are we talking about?”
His grin widened, showing off his fangs. "Oh, something intimate, doll." he purred, his hand sliding around your waist, pulling you against his firm chest. His fingers traced light circles along your lower back, sending sparks through your body.
Your breath hitched, but you managed to keep your voice steady. "You want a reward for being irresistible on stage? Or just for being... you?"
He chuckled, his lips brushing against the shell of your ear, causing you to shiver. "Why not both? I think I deserve it, don't you?" His hand traveled to the back of your waist. 
You swallowed hard, your heart pounding at the intensity in his gaze. "Maybe... maybe you do. I…I do owe you dinner before I go to Paris.”
He grinned at you. “Sounds like a treat.”
YOU WERE STILL EXHAUSTED, HAVING JUST LANDED IN L.A. But you supposed that’s just how life is for you. Sukuna was probably on a plane to Asia by now, to do the Asian leg of the tour. So his phone would be off. Still, you messaged him, telling him he should get a good rest and that he should eat. Another text, wishing him good luck for his upcoming concert in two days. And another to remind him to call you when he can.  
A few weeks after the concert, you found yourself on the set of a popular  late night talk show, to promote your latest stage play work. Everything in you was just buzzing with excitement with the right hint of nerves. You were there to promote your latest project—a film that had just wrapped production—and the buzz from Sukuna’s concert was still fresh in everyone’s minds. Fans and media alike were eager to know more about your budding connection with the rock star.
As the cameras rolled and the host welcomed you onto the stage, the audience erupted into cheers. You waved, feeling a rush of adrenaline. The conversation started off smoothly, discussing your film, the challenges you faced during production, and the amazing cast you had worked with.
Then came the question that made your heart race. “So, Y/N, we all saw you at Sukuna’s concert a couple of weeks ago! It’s your first time attending a Sukuna special, wasn’t it? How was that experience for you?”
You smiled, reminiscing about the electrifying atmosphere. “Oh, yes. It is the first time. It was absolutely incredible! Sukuna is such a talented performer, and the energy in the venue was unmatched. I had a blast!”
“But I heard that you had a schedule before this, you had something going on in Paris?”
“I did, yeah. So it was for an ambassadorship shoot for a brand I’ve worked for a while and I had to go already and the invite, it was really last minute because I wasn’t really sure I’d make it.” You giggled as you saw the picture of you beside your friend on the screen. “My original flight was around the time the concert was happening. So, I was just like, ‘fuck it, we’ll sleep on the plane’; I called Sukuna, he already for a long time reserved a box for me.”
“That is just next level sweet, because he didn’t even know you were going to say yes and he still reserved that private box for you.” The host grinned as the people swooned over the revelation. “That must have touched you a lot.”
“It did.” You admitted, smiling from ear to ear. “Sukuna was just happy to see me there and I couldn’t be more thankful to just be welcomed and be a part of his world for a little while you know? It was amazing.”
The host nodded, clearly intrigued. “And speaking of Sukuna, I couldn’t help but notice he posted a rather adorable picture of you two after the concert. What’s the story behind that?”
Your heart skipped a beat, and you felt your cheeks heat up. You hadn’t expected to be asked about the picture so directly. “Oh, um… well, we were just having a fun moment backstage after the show….a lot of adrenaline left off from the stage!” you stammered, trying to maintain your composure.
The host leaned in, a teasing glint in their eye. “Just a fun moment, huh? Because it looked a little more than just fun to me! Fans are shipping you two harder than ever! How does it feel to have that kind of attention?”
You chuckled nervously, glancing at the screen where the picture was displayed. It showed you and Sukuna laughing together, a casual yet intimate moment that captured the chemistry between you. “I mean, it’s nice to have fans that are supportive, and I think it's fascinating how people are really interested in it all. ” you said, trying to play it cool. “But we’re really important to each other. He’s my darling and I’m his doll. We’re great together.”
The audience erupted in playful laughter and cheers. “Great together indeed. Cause both of you look like you’re ready for a rom-com!” the host chimed in, smirking.
You took a deep breath, your heart racing. But you grin. “I mean, aren’t we already doing a rom–com in Jujutsu Kaisen? Your lover sacrifices everything to be with you and becomes the King of Curses for you? A keeper!”
“Right?” the host grinned, clearly loving the playful banter. “But fans can’t help but wonder if there’s something more you’d like to show for it, especially after that concert moment. You know, the whole ‘knight in shining armor’ vibe.”
“Okay, okay, I see how it is!” you said, laughing to cover your flustered state. “I can’t deny that he has a way of making things fun. My darling’s just like that. But well, perspective’s important!”
The segment continued, but you could feel the teasing energy lingering. After the show, social media exploded with clips of your interview, and fans were buzzing with excitement over every little interaction you had with Sukuna.
Later that evening as you head to dinner, you waited out the traffic by scrolling through your SNS feed, you noticed a new post from Sukuna. It was a picture of you both from the after tge concert. You were both back stage and he held your face close, still in the zone from adrenaline of the stage. Though this time he added a cheeky caption:
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“Who knew my lucky charm could steal the spotlight? Just saying, Y/N, you’d make an amazing concert partner! Thanks for coming, doll! 🎶’
You felt your face flush as you read through the comments. 
“Sukuna is just down right down, and I’m here for it!”
“Someone get these two a rom–com deal ASAP!”
Your heart raced at the playful nature of his post and the overwhelming response from fans. As the notifications continued to flood in, you decided to send Sukuna a quick message.
You’re such a dork. Can’t believe you posted that!
He replied almost instantly, What can I say? I like posting about you, doll! Besides, you looked amazing that night. Can’t help it. I gotta make no names jealous of me.
Feeling a mix of giddiness and slyness, you typed back, Thanks, bubs. I’m pretty sure everyone’s jealous of me too. Because they like you a lot. And I’m with you. But then again, people are just guessing.
Let them think what they want, he replied with a wink emoji. To be fair, doll, that’s all part of the fun for me. And who knows? Maybe there’s something more. Always a lot of room for you, doll.
Your heart skipped a beat at the implication, and you couldn’t help but wonder what the future held for both of you. The playful teasing, the chemistry, and the supportive friendship were all creating something special, and you found yourself excited about what was yet to come.
As the days went on, you embraced the fun of the speculation, realizing that maybe, just maybe, there was something more blossoming between you and Sukuna that you both were yet to fully explore.
YOU WERE EXCITED TO RETURN TO TOKYO. Not only because you missed seeing your extended family, but because you were going to finally reveal the months of hard work that bore the next season of Jujutsu Kaisen. You like to think that this season is the one you were most proud of. Not only because you finally got to play more than flashback scenes, but also the first meeting of Hiromi and Sukuna in a thousand years. You know that the fans would be just as excited as you. 
As you walked out of your car, stunning in your bright silver embroidered kimono, you were just waving towards all the fans you could see. Everyone’s excitement was palpable, you know that much.. The red carpet was packed with fans, media, and of course, the cast. 
You and Sukuna finally meet each other on the red carpet, looking stunning and greet each other with the warmest smiles and greetings. You both were surely ready to celebrate the launch of the new season. Fans lined the streets, holding signs and screaming for their favorite characters, and the energy was electric.
After the screening, the cast gathered for a Q&A session, with reporters firing off questions about the new season, character arcs, and behind-the-scenes fun. The mood was lively, and everyone was clearly enjoying themselves.
Then came the infamous game of “Fuck, Marry, Kill” and you knew it was only a matter of time before the question landed in your laps.
The red carpet host grinned as they turned to you first. “Alright, Y/N, let’s start with you! Who would you Fuck, Marry, and Kill from these cast? Sukuna, Nanami and Mahito.”
You paused for a moment, a playful glint in your eyes. “Hmm, let’s see… I’d have to marry Sukuna, Fuck… maybe Nanami, and kill—sorry but Mahito–kun! Sorry Nana–kun, Don’t have a choice!”
Laughter erupted from the audience, and you could hear the cheers from fans who were thrilled by your answer. But it didn’t stop there. The host turned to Ryomen Sukuna, a mischievous grin on their face. “Alright, Sukuna, your turn! Who do you choose? Y/N, Uraume and Naoya.”
Sukuna smirked, leaning back in his chair. “Easy. Marry Y/N, Fuck Uraume and uhhhhhh…..kill—Naoya Zenin! No apologies!”
The crowd went wild. The laughter and applause swelled as fans processed the fact that both of you had chosen to marry each other.
“Did you hear that?!” someone shouted from the audience. “They want to marry each other!”
“Wait, are they actually dating?! Are they really!?” another fan exclaimed, their voice rising in excitement.
You exchanged amused glances with Sukuna, both of you trying to keep straight faces amidst the chaos.
“We’re just interesting together!” you insisted, giggling as you waved your hands dramatically as if to emphasize your point, but the playful glint in your eyes said otherwise.
The host chuckled, clearly enjoying the moment. “Right, sure! Just friends who want to marry each other—totally believable!”
As the cheers and laughter continued, the excitement reached a fever pitch. Fans were snapping photos and tweeting in real-time, the clips of your answers flooding social media.
“OMG, did Sukuna and Y/N just confirm they’re in love?!” one tweet read.
“They're the ultimate power couple!” another one chimed in.
“I’m officially declaring them a couple!”
The energy was infectious, and as you and Sukuna tried to maintain your composure, you could see the delight in each other’s eyes.
As the panel wrapped up, you found yourself walking out with Sukuna, surrounded by the buzz of excitement. “Well, that was something, isn’t it?” you laughed, shaking your head. “I can’t believe we just did that!”
“Hey, they asked the right questions, doll.” he replied with a smirk. “And I meant every word!”
You felt your cheeks flush, both from the teasing atmosphere and the undeniable chemistry that hung between you. “You’re ridiculous, darling.” you said, nudging him playfully.
“Maybe, doll. But at least we’re entertained, don’t you think?” he shot back, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
You shook your head, smiling. “I suppose so.”
As the night continued, you both enjoyed the attention, the playful speculation, and the excitement surrounding the premiere. It felt like the perfect blend of friendship, chemistry, and the thrill of the unknown, and you couldn’t help but wonder just where this journey would take you both next.
Later that night, after all the excitement of the premiere had settled, you found yourself scrolling through Twitter, still buzzing from the energy of the event. Your timeline was flooded with clips from the Q&A, including the moment you and Sukuna had declared your “marriage” to each other. You couldn’t help but chuckle at the reactions pouring in.
Feeling a playful urge, you decided to quote-tweet the video. “Just a casual night at the premiere! 😂💍 #JujutsuKaisenSeason2Premiere”
Almost immediately, the notifications started flooding in, and the laughter continued as your friends from the cast began to chime in.
“@Y/NTheOne Can’t believe you both chose each other! Are we taking bets on the wedding date?” Yuji (@YUJIITAAA) teased, adding a winking emoji. “@ItsRyoSukuna, unc! You better watch out, grandma and grandpa would wanna know when the wedding is!"
“@Y/NTheOne Next time, maybe choose someone a little less deadly for your ‘marriage’ or something!” Nobara (@BARABARA²)quipped, her tone dripping with playful sarcasm. “But hey, at least you’ll have a killer wedding party!”
You couldn’t help but laugh at their banter, but that wasn’t the end of it. Maki Zenin joined the conversation, tweeting, “@Y/NTheOne Just remember: If you get married, I’m the one picking the outfits. No pressure!”
“@ZZZZZMaki If you’re in charge, I’m definitely eloping!” you replied, trying to keep a straight face.
Even the official Jujutsu Kaisen account (@JJKOFFICIAL_EN) jumped in, tweeting, “#JJKFamily is all about love! Who else is rooting for our favorite couple?” The hashtag started trending, and fans went wild, eagerly discussing the playful exchanges.
As the notifications kept pouring in, you could see Sukuna (@ItsRyoSuku) had also quote-tweeted the video, simply stating. “Only label needed is #MyDoll, you know?.” The simplicity of his tweet only fueled the fire further, and you could hear the collective gasps from fans as they interpreted it in a million ways.
With each new tweet, your excitement grew, but so did the teasing from your castmates. “@Y/NTheOne I swear if you don’t invite us to the wedding, I’m crashing it!” Gojo jokes, adding a laughing emoji. “Gotta involve your work hubby!”
You rolled your eyes, a smile plastered on your face. “@GojoRuRu7 I’ll let you be the best man if you promise to keep the sunglasses on at all times.”
Your phone buzzed again, this time with a DM from Sukuna. You’re really good at riling up flames. Love it, doll.
You smiled at his message, feeling a warm flutter in your chest. It works because you’re so good, bub. But I’m glad we’re riling it up more. It’s fun.
He replied almost instantly, Fun? You call this fun? I call it now — this is the start of our next big project. Reality show, anyone?
With a laugh, you typed back, As long as I get to pick the outfits!
Just then, your friend and castmate Shoko (@SHOSHOKO)chimed in, adding more fuel to the fire. “@Y/NTheOne And you know we’ll all be tuning in for that show! Would watch the chaos unfold any day!”
The laughter and teasing continued throughout the night, with fans and castmates alike enjoying the playful banter surrounding your so-called “marriage.” It was clear that you and Sukuna had unwittingly become a part of a larger narrative, one that thrilled both your fans and castmates.
As you continued to interact with everyone online, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement and joy. The playful teasing only added to the fun atmosphere, and you looked forward to what the future might hold—both for your career and your friendship with Sukuna.
The night concluded with a group chat among the cast, where the jokes and memes continued to fly. “@Y/NTheOne Ready for the wedding planning? I’m bringing the snacks!” Yuji sent, eliciting more laughter from everyone. "My mom and my grandma are ready to help out!"
“@Y/NTheOne Don’t forget to send me the dress code! I want to look fabulous!” Nobara added.
You sat back, grinning as you took it all in. This whirlwind of fun, laughter, and playful speculation was something you never wanted to end, especially with Sukuna by your side. The unexpected bond you were forming felt like the start of something beautiful, whether it was for the fans or just the two of you.
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ok here me out- kid alan au x sitpw au imagine the chaos
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But yeah... there'd be SO much chaos here... Alan didn't expect to suddenly find the sticks outside his computer! He didn't know that was possible! And while that's kinda cool, he stopped playing with sticks because the last ones bricked his computer...
...But these ones are outside it- so he still ends up kinda jarring them, but is more curious then panicked, staring with wide eyes. How did this happen? They're... outside! And physical! He can poke them! Although he's avoiding doing that-
...And then eventually... he realizes they can write. And sorta... talk almost. Talk! Like people do!
....He didn't know sticks could think... or talk.. is that just these five, or...?
...He'd rather not think about that! Instead, he eventually get's five lil friends! Who he might be trying to hide from his parents since everytime he's brought up sticks being alive they haven't believed him... but he can set up a place for them in his room! And maybe bring them places and show them things! Or hide them in his pockets or a scarf or something and show them his school!
So many things!!!
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do you think there are similarities between Petunia & Lily and Sirius & Regulus' relationships? P and S are older siblings, and L and R are younger "golden childrens", because i somehow feel jealous in olders and incomprehension in youngers in both cases, plus youngers died earlier, actually due to Voldemort's fault
Like, yes, there are similarities, but I think it's the opposite sort of similarity.
Like, we know Lily was the golden child on her family:
Oh, she got a letter just like that and disappeared off to that — that school — and came home every vacation with her pockets full of frog spawn, turning teacups into rats. I was the only one who saw her for what she was — a freak! But for my mother and father, oh no, it was Lily this and Lily that, they were proud of having a witch in the family!” She stopped to draw a deep breath and then went ranting on. It seemed she had been wanting to say all this for years. “Then she met that Potter at school and they left and got married and had you, and of course I knew you’d be just the same, just as strange, just as — as — abnormal — and then, if you please, she went and got herself blown up and we got landed with you!”
A golden child whose sister felt abandoned by. Which makes Petunia sound more like Regulus and Lily like Sirius.
I think, that when Sirius and Regulus were children before Sirius ran away, Sirius was the golden child, not Regulus:
“Well, anyway, he was a big pal of your father’s at school. The whole Black family had been in my House, but Sirius ended up in Gryffindor! Shame — he was a talented boy. I got his brother, Regulus, when he came along, but I’d have liked the set.”
(Slughonr in HBP)
He had the same dark hair and slightly haughty look of his brother, though he was smaller, slighter, and rather less handsome than Sirius had been.
Regulus is consistently described as "less" than Sirius. Less handsome, and less talented, and I think that was true at home, too. I think the reason Regulus went all out on blood purity and the Black family pride was that he was the second best to everyone except Kreacher. He wanted to prove himself worthy.
I headcanon Sirius was Walburga's favorite child. Kreacher does say that Sirius leaving broke her heart:
“Master Sirius ran away, good riddance, for he was a bad boy and broke my Mistress’s heart with his lawless ways. But Master Regulus had proper pride; he knew what was due to the name of Black and the dignity of his pure blood...”
Sirius, contrary to popular fanon, wasn't unloved at home. I think Walburga and Orion loved him. I think Walburga saw herself in him. I think leaving them, realising everything they stood for was wrong hurt Sirius as much as it hurt his mother. After all, in OotP we see he chooses to stay in his parents' bedroom in his depression, not his own. He left Regulus' bedroom untouched, like a mausoleum. He still misses them, he loved them, and it makes his story all the more heartbreaking. Because you can love people who are wrong and who you know have evil ideologies, it doesn't mean you stop loving them instantly.
So, I think there is more of a connection between Lily & Sirius — golden, preferred children who are different among their families. Lily is the only witch in her family, and Sirius is the only Gryffindor in his family. Both are the smarter, more talented, more attractive sibling. Both of them ended up leaving home, leaving their families, for James Potter.
Then, you have Petunia & Regulus — stuck being second best, craving their parents' love and affection. The less talented, less attractive sibling. Both stick as close as possible to their society's version of "normal" to get the affection and pride they crave. Both hang out with people who are probably more extreme in these views than them and are more violence-prone than them (Death Eaters, Vernon).
So, yeah, I think there are similarities, just, not quite the ones you illustrated.
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