#i like lothal from rebels but i don't think every other planet should have the same look and feel as lothal
stairset · 1 year
I also generally disagree with the idea some people seem to have that All Star Wars Should Be Like Andor Now cause like. I do like that Andor was different from the more traditional Star Wars feel cause that shows how varied this franchise can be. You can fit many types of stories with different tones into the Star Wars universe and that’s a big part of what makes it so great. So when people are like “every Star Wars thing should be like Andor” I just hear “they should take away the variety and make everything the same now” which would make the universe way less interesting. What works for one series doesn’t necessarily work for another, even if they’re part of the same franchise.
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trixree · 1 year
AHSOKA EP 1 - 2 THOUGHTS. (Hysteria, Even)
First, out of context:
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The way I am acting every time Hera is on screen... you should jail me you should put me in jail take me away officer I love her I love her I'm unwell about her
The way that every single queer person alive went "oh thank god" when hologram Ezra was like "You're like a sister to me" thank you I'm so glad we got that out of the way. Rebels!Sabine did not serve dyke for 4 seasons straight so that Ahsoka!Sabine could be a heterosexual
RYDER AZADI MY MAN!!!!! This show is for rebels fans and rebels fans only. No one else will have any idea who the fuck these people are and why I, personally, would know that voice anywhere.
Ahsoka like "Sabine was stubborn and did not listen" Ahsoka you have NEVER listened a day in your life
Lothal is the most realistic fucking star wars planet we have. This one fucking freeway right in the middle of it is the most iconic shit on this planet besides Ezra's tower and those weird smooth hill mountains. The I-10 is ubiquitous
Okay so my partner said and I won't verify this independently so take it at face value that the only other time we've heard rock music in SW is from Zeb so I fully believe Sabine's music taste is a reflection of his!!!!! and I for one love that!!!!!
That old cat is soooo cutteeeeeee omgggggg I was mad when Ahsoka did not feed him (he was waiting outside all polite like BITCH get this FREAK out of my HOUSE re: the assassin droid)
Interesting that the Darksider apprentice with the bad bob, Shin, has a padawan braid of sorts? Neato. Don't think that the Sith usually uh... do that?
When that protocol droid was deadass like "Oh I saw an HK a few days ago she was a bitch" I started snapping these gay little bots deliver every time
Chopper totally chill with just wiping out an entire port city is absolutely in character and I'm so glad they've done this murderous little freak justice he did nothing but bitch and flex his little robo arms the whole time and I love that for him NEVER change Chopper NEVER change. Hera's "no I did not touch your stuff" LMFAO
The way that Sabine's hair cutting scene so perfectly mirrored Kanan's... he was with her in that moment I just love that
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The way that her family is standing behind her as she takes this next step forward in her journey and life and the way that the shot is framed it almost looks like Kanan is resting his hand on her shoulder don't LOOK AT ME I'm SOBBING WAILING SCREAMING
Someone on Reddit said that "hologram Ezra sounds like the 'Buffalo wild wings has deals on deals on deals' guy from the Buffalo Wild Wings commercials last fall, which is a good thing" and I think they're right and their wisdom deserves to be shared
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Overall I'm delighted, pleased, and even deranged about this - I have very high hopes for the rest of the season.
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asterian · 4 years
Back to you (Captain Rex x reader) (Rebels)
Summary: In a mission to recover information about locations for a possible base, You and the Ghost crew are sent to Seelos to find a potential new ally, but you never expected it to be him.
Words: 1, 672
A/n: Hi, thanks for reading my trash. I felt like my husband needed some love so here we are. Also this happens in Rebels s2e2 "The lost commanders" and reader has Kanan's age.
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Being part of the Ghost crew involved to be constantly on the move, always hiding and running from the Empire but it gave you the opportunity to help others and that made you feel like you were doing something good with your life, plus they had become your family.
After realizing you were part of a larger rebellion against the Empire and with the lost of the Phoenix home in Lothal, it was imperative to find a base where to hide. That's how you and the Spectres ended up in the outer rim searching for Ahsoka's friend. 
The flight was boring with nothing to look at but plain desert everywhere, until the tactical droid detected something nearby, an old republic modified AT-TE walker.
After landing Kanan told you to stay on the ship and fix the communications while the rest of the team went to investigate. 
You started to work in the ship but there was something stuck in your head, a number you knew, the same number the tactical droid repeated non-stop, the same number that leaded you here, "7567". Could it be… could it be him?
The sound of blasters woke you from your thoughts and quickly you rushed outside the little ship hoping your friends weren't in trouble but after seeing they were fine you stared at the three men in the tank and froze instantly when you caught a familiar gaze.
If you had your suspicions about who was the person you were looking for before, this just confirmed it. Even though he looked a bit different from the last time you saw him, you knew it was him, how? by his eyes. 
Maker, you could recognize those beautiful golden eyes anywhere in the galaxy.
"Nice to meet you ...7567" you heard Ezra and suddenly your mind snapped back to reality.
"Rex" you said without thinking making everyone turn around to see you "his name is Rex" 
"Wait, you know him?" Kanan asked you as you get closer to them. You gave him a happy nod in response.
"(Y/n)?" Rex recognized you instantly once you were beside your friends,  after all you hadn't changed that much, you were as beautiful as he remembered you. 
The captain hurried to get down of the tank and you could swear your heart was going to get out of your chest while he was walking towards you. 
He looked so different and yet for you he was still the same man you knew a long time ago, the man you fell in love with. 
Stars, you had missed this man so much you couldn't help but put him in a tight hug once he was in front of you.
"it's you!" you happily said holding him closer. Rex laughed putting his arms around your waist and lifting you up until your legs were wrapped around his waist, foreheads resting together.
"It's me, cyare" he assured you.
You heard Kanan cleaning his throat and both you quickly let go of each other.
"Cyare?" Sabine mumbled recognising her language.
"You guys need a moment?" asked Zeb in a teasing tone, making your cheeks go a little red.
"Sorry, it's just… I haven't seen (y/n) in a very long time" Rex explained rubbing the back of his head. Owning a raised eyebrow from everyone.
"Well, what are you waiting for? bring them in!" screamed Gregor from the walker saving you from further questions.
Later that day you and the team agreed to help the clones hunt a Joopa as payment for the intelligence they had. It  gave you enough time to catch up with Rex.
"Whose idea was this?" you asked Rex as you were leaning on a railing, the captain chuckled and pointed at Gregor on the other side of the walker who was happily cheering Zeb. Both of you laughed and  shaked your heads at his brother.
"So you found your brothers" you noted remembering why your paths parted years ago.
"Yeah.. took me some time" he said looking at your friends across the tank "you join the cause" 
"Yup" you proudly said following his contemplating stare "and I found them too, my new family"
"They seem to be good people" he said looking back at you "but I'm not sure Kanan trust me" 
"Give him a time" you suggested "he just needs to make sure that what happened to his master, to the Jedi, is not going to happen to us"
"Understood, sir" he said in a playful tone that only made you roll your eyes "thanks for the advice" 
You nudged him and both giggled like the old times. It was a relief knowing his humor sense was still the same.
"You know, when Ahsoka send us on this mission I never thought it would be you the person we were looking for. I'm glad it's you"
He smiled softly at you and  you took a minute to appreciate the features of your old lover. He looked so different now and yet he was still the same man you loved so dearly.
 Flashes of his younger self filled your mind. You remembered the very short blond hair you used to run your fingers, his golden eyes and always clean shaved jaw. His features now hidden behind a silver, surprisingly soft beard.
He had aged fastly, just like he told you he would, clones were engineered to grow twice as fast, however you couldn't see him like an old man, it was just him, the Rex you adored and the more you looked at him the more you fell once again for him.
"What is it (y/n)?" Rex asked raising an eyebrow.
"I never thought I'd see you with beard" you confessed owning a chuckle form the captain. Then you raised a hand and stroked his beard a bit, trying to get used to it. Rex leaned in your hand and closed his eyes for a second enjoying your sweet touch "I like it… suits you"
"Well, had I known that you would like it so much, I would have let it grow earlier" he teased and both laughed at his comment, unconsciously moving closer to each other until you collided with his armor. Both of you stayed quiet for a moment realizing the closeness, but not pulling away.
"You have no idea of how much I missed you, (y/n)". he confessed tucking a lock of hair behind your ear before caressing your cheek,  making your heart beat faster with every second past.
"I missed you too, Rex" you breathed. 
He carefully lifted your chin up and pulled you closer until your lips were on his, sending a wave of electricity all along your spine as he kissed you slowly at first and then desperately as if he was afraid you might vanish. There were no need for words, it was obvious that both still loved each other.
Eventually you pulled away in need of air, he rested his forehead on yours while both catched your breath, smiling softly at each other. 
"(Y/n), you did fix the communications,right?" you heard Kanan scream from where he was, interrupting the moment between you and the Captain.
"Karabast" you whispered and Rex chuckled "I'm on it!" you yelled and gave Rex a light kiss before you rushed to the ship.
The Captain walked over to the front of the walker with the rest of the team that were concentrated, mostly bored and tired of the hunting.
"So… how did you guys meet? You and (y/n)?" Ezra asked when he saw Rex lean on a nearby rail.
"It was five years after the end of the clone wars" Rex started "I was lost in a planet where the people didn't exactly like clones,  without food, weapons or credits" 
"A planet that doesn't like clones? Should I buy property there?" Kanan said with his sarcastic voice owning a look from Ezra who was quietly paying attention to the captain's story. 
"Hey, don't be mean!" said the blue haired boy "what happened then?"
"She saved my life" Rex told them "she helped me when no one else did" he smiled at the memory "we were together for almost two years until we decided to take different ways"
"It sounds like you two were really close" spoke Sabine from the roof the ship. "You called her 'cyare' "
"What does that mean?" asked confused Ezra, making the clone Captain blush a bit.
"Beloved" responded Rex without hesitation "it means 'beloved'
"I hate to be the one asking this" added Kanan walking closer "but why didn't you stay with her?"
The captain sighed deeply before answering to the Jedi.
"I wanted to find my brothers, move to some neutral system and have a peaceful life, no more fighting, no more war" he paused for a second "she wanted to fight, do something with her life more than just steal things, she wanted to help others"
"You loved her, right?" Ezra asked without hesitation. This kid was wild.
Rex suddenly saw you coming out of the ship and lean against the door frame with that pretty smile of yours that always made his heart soft.
"I still do, kid, I still do" 
After a lot of effort and teamwork, you finally managed to capture the giant worm Gregor was so excited about. It was a good day, all things considered, the mission to get the data for the base was more than done and hunting the  Joopa was quite a thing, but most importantly you reunited with Rex that somehow managed to convince the Ghost crew to stay for dinner.
You both kept close to each other all the time, sharing slight delicate brushing of hands and exchanging loving gazes. 
While the crew had dinner tasting the rich flavor of the hunt of the day and shared stories you watched Rex sitting across the table. You stared at him with longing and hope, feeling that your world was complete again with this man by your side.
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hazel-writes · 4 years
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Summary: You begin your first official day of work and meet your new coworkers, who turn out to be full of surprises.
Word Count: 2,300
Notes: This chapter is a bit slow, but I'm excited to introduce you to some new characters! If you want to see Picrew face-claims for these characters, look here. Otherwise, imagine them to look however you want!
Warnings: brief mentions of violence
I'm trying hard to hide
Keep the sun out of my eyes
Close them tight
And now I'm waiting for the moon to rise
Belle and Sebastian ~ Waiting for the Moon
You walked through the door, nervously wringing your hands, despite your best efforts not to. Your eyes scanned the room, eventually landing on a large, grey reception desk. Sitting behind the desk was none other than Ms. Stoney, the uptight woman who had “welcomed” you onto the ship the day before.
You took a deep breath before walking over to her, waiting patiently for her to look up and address you — but she didn’t. You tried subtly clearing your throat, shifting your feet from side to side, and moving into her line of sight, but nothing seemed to grab her attention. Eventually you forced out a meek, “Hi, there!” to which she responded with an annoyed glance in your direction.
“Oh, it’s you again,” she grumbled with a mix of tiredness and disappointment.
“Uh, yeah, it is,” you smiled back, which you could tell bothered her. “I’m looking for the artist workspace? I know it’s somewhere within this department, but I wasn’t sure where exactly…”
“Artist?” she questioned, eyebrow raised.
“Yeah! Ya know, an individual who… does art?” Your attempt at an explanation was met by silence. “Umm… they’re usually covered in some sort of paint or clay, might dress a little funny, are often a little angsty, possibly tormented by some aspect of their past?” More silence. You give a strained smile; you really shouldn’t keep trying to talk over awkward silences. “Not ringing a bell, huh?”
Through clenched teeth she replied,“I believe the people you are looking for are through those doors on the left.”
She said the word people like it left a bad taste in her mouth. She obviously didn’t think too kindly of them.
“Great, thanks,” you replied, heading to the door she indicated.
You opened it, and to your surprise you saw no canvases, paint splatters, tin cans, or haphazard brushes littering the room. The walls and floors were a spotless white. A large, circular table was positioned in the center of the room, surrounded by sleek modern chairs and data pads on tripods. This didn’t look like your dad’s studio back home; a place where the remnants of unfinished projects were put on display for everyone to see and learn from. Here, you could already tell: making mistakes wasn’t an option. There was no room for error.
You returned your attention to what was in front of you, only to have three pairs of eyes meet yours.
The first pair belonged to a girl of medium height. She had long, slightly frazzled, blonde hair and piercing blue eyes that contrasted her pale skin. She jumped when you walked in, her face immediately lighting up when she saw you. The second pair belonged to a taller girl. She had warm, chestnut eyes that complemented her dark, sepia skin. Her hair framed her face in a fan of tight curls. She seemed to examine you carefully, squinting slightly, before turning back to her work. The final pair belonged to a boy of medium height. He had shaggy light brown hair and a tanned, terracotta complexion. He looked at you with curious hazel eyes, smirking ever so slightly.
The three of them looked to be about your age, somewhere in their 20's.
The blonde-haired girl ran over to you, pulling you away from your observations. “You must be the new girl!” she exclaimed. “I’m Rilea, your new best friend.”
You were taken aback by her enthusiastic and cheerful attitude; it wasn’t something you encountered very often on the Finalizer. You laughed nervously. “Oh, uhh… cool?”
The boy with the disheveled hair spoke up from the back of the room. “Don’t mind her, she has a new best friend each week.” He smirked at Rilea and she threw a box of tissues at him playfully.
“While that may be true,” she continued, turning to face you, “I can tell that you are going to be my favorite best friend.”
“That’s literally what you say to every single new person you meet,” the boy piped up again.
“For star's sake, Takoda, why do you have to be such a mudcrutch?!” Rilea shouted at him, frustrated.
You continued to observe in silence, still adjusting to the rapid shift of atmosphere in this room compared to the rest of the Finalizer.
You moved to go sit, finding an open seat next to the quiet, curly-haired girl. You gave her a small smile when you sat down, and she returned the favor, scooting her chair over to give you more room. Rilea, and the boy whose name apparently was Takoda, continued to argue like a couple of four year olds.
“Are they always like this?” you asked the girl seated next to you.
“Yup, pretty much,” she replied. “That is, of course, in between the times when they aren’t getting any work done… and the times when they still aren’t getting any work done.”
You laughed. “Well, at least one person here seems to have a level-head.”
“Make that two,” she said, giving you a smile. “My name is Akilah. What’s yours?”
You told her your full name before giving her your nickname, Wren, as well.
“Wren…” she pondered. “Not as in Kylo Ren, right?”
“No, no, no, stars, no,” you emphasized. “It’s the name of a- ” You paused, reconsidering. “I actually don’t know where it comes from, my friends just started calling me by it one day...”
Akilah stared at you intently for a few moments before Takoda shouted over at the two of you.
“Hey, you two aren’t gossiping about us now, are ya?”
You sighed, “Nope, just getting to know Akilah here.”
Rilea poked her head out from behind Takoda, “She's my best friend too!”
You mentally face-palmed and turned to fully face the group.
“So, this is the artist workspace?” you questioned, skeptically.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, I wouldn’t go that far as to say we are artists,” said Takoda.
You were confused. “But I thought-”
“You thought wrong. Here, you just follow the rules and instructions laid out for you. We are given colors, words, and images, and it’s simply our job to assemble it all into a neat poster or flyer for distribution.”
“Oh…” you replied, disappointed.
“I’m not even an artist,” he continued. “They just stuck me here after I was medically discharged from the trooper program. For the most part, everyone in this sector just got placed here because there was nothing else they could do”
“So why did they bother hiring me then?” you questioned. “If I’m gonna be honest, I’m used to a little more creative freedom back home. They could’ve chosen anyone for this job.”
“I don’t know,” Takoda replied. “Maybe they want their propaganda to look good for a change.” He smirked.
“Where did you say you were from again, bestie?” Rilea asked.
“Oh, I didn’t,” you replied. “I’m from Lothal.”
Immediately, each member of the team looked at each other, worried.
“Lothal…” Rilea repeated. “That’s one of the Order's targeted planets right now. I have a feeling that pretty soon we'll be distributing posters there. Maybe Hux thinks you can help reason with the people there?”
“Yeah, that makes sense,” Akilah added. “First Order propaganda would be a lot easier to accept coming from a fellow citizen.”
You pondered their words. What they were saying was probably true: you were simply a tool to be used by the First Order. They didn’t care about your talent or passion; they just needed your image.
“Well, I don't know how helpful I'd be on that front,” you sighed, pausing. “So what is the project you are working on now?”
“We’ll know soon enough,” said Takoda. “Our fourth member should be returning soon with our new assignment.”
“Fourth member?” you questioned.
At that moment, the door swung open with a dramatic bang, revealing a tall, lanky boy with jet black hair and evergreen eyes. He was pale with light freckles speckling his face and arms. His eyes narrowed when they met yours, scrutinizing your presence.
“Look, here he is, ‘fun-sized Kylo’ himself,” Takoda quipped.
Rilea leaned towards you. “He claims that he adopted the whole ‘tormented soul, dramatic hair’ look before Ren even thought of it,” she snickered.
You were confused, but luckily Akilah came to your rescue.
“This is Soren,” she explained. “Our fourth member… Well, fifth, now.”
“Oh!” you replied, stretching out your hand for him to shake. “It’s nice to meet you I’m -”
“Irrelevant,” he interrupted bluntly, briskly brushing past you to sit at the back of the room.
You stood there, hand still outstretched, looking to the others for guidance.
Takoda spoke first, turning to face Soren. “Hey, laser brain, why don’t ya try being a little nicer to our newest member.”
“This is our newest member?” he responded, disapprovingly. “She doesn’t look like the First Order’s finest.”
“That’s because I’m not,” you interjected, defensive. “I’m from Lothal originally. Today is technically my first day with the Order.”
At the mention of your home planet, Soren visibly tensed, his fingers curling into tight fists. The other three looked nervously at each other; they knew something you didn’t.
Akilah, again, interrupted the tense silence. “We should probably get to work… What’s the new assignment Sor?”
Hearing her voice, he seemed to relax a little, pulling out a few papers with various sketches and color swatches.
“They want us to design posters directed at the people of Dantooine. The First Order is currently working to establish a blockade on the planet. It is our job to convince the natives to submit, while also showing them that they have the ability to contribute their own assets to our cause.”
You frowned, unsure of a few posters' ability to do such a thing. You were familiar with Dantooine; its history was deeply rooted in rebel allegiance. You doubted that a few pieces of paper could somehow shift the ingrained attitudes of thousands of people. But then again, you were an artist. And as an artist, it was your job to put blind faith into your work, simply hoping that others could see what you saw in it.
“How successful has this First Order propaganda been in the past?” you asked, genuinely curious.
Takoda laughed. “Not very. Usually, it just makes the citizens more angry. But that kind of works in favor of the Order: as soon as the rebels and their sympathizers become violent, whatever happens to them at the hands of the Order is then justified, so to speak.”
“What would happen if we tried to mix things up a bit? Like attempting a different style, color scheme, or whatever it may be, to make the posters more effective?” you suggested.
Suddenly serious, Takoda spoke. “No. We don’t do anything without the Order’s permission. Never. That’s our number one rule. We can mess around and make jokes all we want in here, but whatever finished product leaves this room has to be exactly what was requested of us.”
Something in Takoda’s voice made it seem like there was history behind this rule — history that didn't conclude with a happy ending. Looking around the room, you knew you were right. Everyone, except for Soren, was avoiding your gaze, choosing to stare at their shoes or the floor. Soren continued to bore into you with a death-glare, but your instincts told you he was like this with everyone and not to take it too personally.
“Yeah, I get it,” you responded. Soren looked at you sceptically. “Trust me, you have nothing to worry about. I’m on my last warning with General Hux — another mistake will pretty much guarantee my head a new home in the trash compactor.”
“Speaking of Hux, we are to report to him tomorrow with drafts,” Soren finally spoke up.
“Tomorrow?!” Rilea exclaimed.
“Yup,” Soren replied, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Of course he would pull something like this, giving us less than 24 hours notice...” Rilea muttered, irritated.
“Stars, I swear that man is 90% petulant child, 7% attempted scariness, and 3% toupee,” you responded.
This earned a chuckle from the group. Even Soren managed a smirk.
“Yeah, well, sadly, that petulant child has a big red button sitting under his bony finger that can destroy entire planets in the blink of an eye,” said Akilah, quietly. “So, we should probably get to work.”
“She’s right,” you say, desperate to end any talk of Hux. “Let’s start.”
And with that, the five of you began work on what was your first official project on the Finalizer. Akilah showed you how to accurately read the diagrams that the Order had provided. Rilea and Takoda attempted to work for a few minutes before devolving into yet another tissue paper fight. Soren sat quietly in the corner, working on the new project, glancing up every now and then at you and Akilah.
Despite the hectic menagerie of personalities that surrounded you, you were glad that you weren't stuck working with cold, robotic First Order employees like Ms. Stoney. You desperately wanted to ask your new friends about their backstories and how they came to be “artists” on the Finalizer, but Takoda and Rilea were busy stuffing tissues in each other’s ears, and Akilah and Soren seemed like the ‘work in silence’ types. You decided to settle with your own thoughts for now; it wasn’t as if you were lacking them.
It occurred to you that tomorrow you would have to face Hux again, the memory of what he sneered at you in the hallway this morning still fresh in your mind: Strike two.
You didn’t know what strike three would involve, but you definitely didn’t want to find out.
Unfortunately, you didn't get that lucky.
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