#i legit thought half of the titles were fan made or pranks because of how stupid they were
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winteriron-trash · 6 years ago
I'm glad I'm not the only one to think that the titles for phase 4 are ridiculous
Thank you!!! They’re so fucking stupid, I’m crying. 
Like, I thought Spider-Man: Far From Home was a pretty cheesy name, but it did fit with the motif of the first Spider-Man movie being called ‘Homecoming’ so like, I let it slide.
And Endgame was a really stupid name, but whatever, it’d been name-dropped before anyway, and it was the “end of an era” so like, whatever I get it. (though wasn’t S:FFH technically the last Phase 3 movie?)
But the subtitles for the Phase Four movies are so dumb, I’m dying. 
“Love and Thunder”???? What does that even mean?? It sounds like a Thor/Bruce fic, that’s what. All the Thor movies have had subtitles that made sense, Ragnorak was obviously about Ragnorak, Dark World was a stupidly dark movie but the title made sense. ‘Love and Thunder’ sounds like a fucking failed 80s rock band. It’s a goddamned hippy movement is what it is. Throw a damned peace sign on the title and you could hold it up as a protest sign at the White House and I’d think it were an environmental movement I didn’t know about. The font is only hurting your case. What year are you making this fucking movie in again? Jesus Christ on a cracker. 
“Multiverse of Madness”??? Oh my god, I thought the Silver Age of comics ended in the 70s. Doctor Strange has a more serious tone for MCU movies (as serious as MCU movies can get, these days) and that name is so dumb. Especially after the snuffed the idea of a multiverse in S:FFH, how the fuck are you gonna try to bring it back? And madness? Oh my god Marvel, grow up. You’re just mad that Spiderverse stole the title “Into The Multiverse” and you couldn’t use it without looking like copycats. ‘Multiverse of Madness’ sounds like something a mad scientist would shriek when describing his new creation. Is  Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz going to introduce his new “Multiverseinator” that opens a portal or some dumb shit? Leave me alone with that nonsense name. 
And “The Legend of the Ten Rings” just sounds like a fucking Ninjago children’s movie title. Fuck offffff. Don’t get me wrong, an Asian lead (just an Asian hero in the MCU in general tbh) in a Marvel movie is long overdue and Shang-Chi is definitely a great one to start with but like???? You already used both the Mandarin and Ten Rings for Iron Man movies. I’m tired, man. It just sounds so dumb. 
Also “WandaVision”???? What is that, a fucking ship name? How are you even going to bring Vision back? What’s the plan here, just plug him into a charging port and try to uninstall the viruses? Will you have to reboot Windows 8? You might as well have named the show ScarletVision if you were gonna make it sound like a fucking ship. Could you not afford to buy another letter on the Wheel of Fortune? You couldn’t throw in a fucking ampersand so it’d look cohesive and normal? Just had to make it cutesy and dorky about how in love they are, didn’t you? Will Vision even still have all his old save files when we get him back?
And for FUCK’S SAKE, you didn’t have to use “Loki” as an excuse to use your free trial on every cool font you had. What are you, a middle school project where the teacher forgot to tell the kids they could only use Arial and Times New Roman? They’re not even good fonts, they look dumb and I’ve seen better fanmade concepts. If I didn’t know the context, I would’ve sat there wondering what the fuck the “o” and “i” even were. It looks like it’s trying so hard to be edgy, like your sore attempts at trying to make Loki look like the villain.
Marvel, go home. you’re drunk. 
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aspenflower17 · 4 years ago
Wrath is the Cat: Part 2
Hey everyone! I have a sweet fluff for you guys for Valentines Day! If you haven’t read the first part of this fic here’s the link for it. I’ve had this in the works for awhile now, so I hope you guys enjoy! This one has more Levi content too :) Know I love you all, and I hope you are happy this Valentine’s Day :)
Please note: I don’t think there’s any spoilers for season two of Obey Me in here, but there are spoilers for Fruits Basket. If you don’t want those, please come back and read at a different time. This will go on my master list, so you can always come back and read later :)
Word Count: 3,644
No warnings (unless you don’t like mild yelling from Satan), just fluff <3
“Welcome back, Mc!” Barbatos greeted.
“Hey! Glad to be back,” Mc grinned stepping out of the magic circle, “Is everything ready?”
“Just about.”
“Perfect. Thank you guys for helping me.”
“Of course. It’s not a problem. It will be nice not to have the brothers moping around everywhere.”
Mc laughed at that, pulling her bags down the stairs with her, “I can imagine.”
“In any case, it’s nice to see you again. Lord Diavolo wanted to be here to greet you, but he’s at RAD making sure none of the brother’s go home early today.”
“It is appreciated. I’ll make sure to drop by later and say hi to him.”
“See that you do. Now, let’s get you to the House of Lamentation.”
Mc was impressed by how silent Barbatos could be when he wanted to be. He took in most of her luggage, demon strength and a tail allowing him to carry more than she ever could. Soon, everything was back in her old room, which looked exactly as she had left it.
“Well, if that is all, I shall be taking my leave,” Barbatos said quietly, both of them knowing that Levi was still at home.
“Yes. Thank you so much! I’ll be by when the brothers let me.”
“We’ll be looking forward to it,” Barbatos smiled, bowed and then left the room, shutting the door on his way out.
Mc sighed, smiling as she looked around her room, sitting on the bed. She knew she would soon be the focus of everyone’s attention, so she was enjoying the silence while it lasted. She also wanted to get at least a bit unpacked before she got swamped by the brothers. She got down on the floor, and wiggled the loose board on her bed base. It came away, just like she remembered. Looking into the space underneath, she smiled, the grimm she’d left before she’d come back still there. Looks like her hiding space for important things hadn’t been sniffed out by Mammon.
Scooting across the floor, she grabbed the bag that held all the valuables she’d collected from the human realm. She had been able to get a house sitter this time, but she didn’t know how long she’d be here this time and she didn’t want to risk losing these items. Some of them couldn’t be found from other humans anyway, mementos from her first time in the Devildom.
After securing the board, she returned to her bags. She figured, as she hadn’t actually talked to Lucifer about staying at his house, she shouldn’t unpack her clothes, though she was sure Lucifer would let her stay. She did need the small backpack that held little presents from the human realm for the brothers. With that, she left her room to go see her true friend.
Mc stood in front of Levi’s room, a bit nervous that Levi wouldn’t appreciate her dropping in on him unannounced. He could be finicky about the strangest things, and Mc didn’t want him to be upset with her. Still, she had come all this way and she had decided he would be the first one she visited with. Though it probably wouldn’t help much with his sin, Mc had to try to give him something to hold onto when she inevitably spent time with the other brothers. That in mind, Mc knocked on his door.
“... Password?”
“Tis I, Henry returned from abroad to the Lord of Shadows!”
There was silence from the other side of the door, until, “... Mc… Is that really you?”
“Would Henry lie?”
“No… But Mammon would.”
“Well, luckily for you, it’s not Mammon… Come on Levi! Open the door. I haven’t seen you in forever!... Fine then. Since you obviously don’t want to spend anytime with me, I’ll just let everyone else know I’m back.”
“Y… You haven’t told anyone else?”
“Nope, but it looks like all my sneaking around was for naught. I was hoping to discuss the plot of “My True Friend Just Returned from Another Realm and I Don’t Know What to Do Because I Think It’s My Brother Pranking Me,” The door opened a crack, and an orange eye peered out, widened suddenly, and a tail shot out grabbing Mc by the waist and pulling her into his room. Mc was caught in a tight hug before Levi suddenly pulled away, face red.
“There’s no anime by that title,” he mumbled.
“Nice to see you too Levi,” Mc beamed, “Though you pulled out of that hug way too soon.”
"W-Well, I guess if you don't mind hugging me, I could- Eep!"
Mc hugged Levi tightly. Though he protested lightly, he eventually hugged her back, causing Mc to chuckle lightly. Sometimes her otaku best friend was a bigger tsundere than Mammon.
"How long are you back for?" Levi asked, still hugging Mc.
"Not sure. Diavolo and I set this up, but we didn't talk about when I needed to head back up to the human realm. Today, I'm going to need to leave you around the time RAD gets out. Until then, I'm spending time with you. I even got Diavolo to dismiss you from class the rest of the day."
"Mc, I honestly don't know how I ended up with such a great friend. To think, a weird, gross otaku-"
"Hey! Stop saying that! You're talking about my best friend you know."
Levi seemed taken aback, until the words sunk in. He then grinned widely, and hugged Mc of his own volition, "I missed you so much!"
"I missed you too Levi."
"Can I tell you about my new favorite manga?" Levi asked, pulling back, eyes shining.
"Of course! Keeping up the human realm's new anime is too hard, much less a whole different realm."
Mc had never seen Levi smile so wide, as he began going off about an anime that Mc had a sneaking suspicion was loosely based off her first year in the Devildom, though she'd never say anything to Levi about it. She'd found it was better to let him figure these things out on his own. Mc had figured he would spend most of the time she'd devoted to him to run out of steam. She'd been gone for a while after all. Oddly enough, he only took half the time she had expected him to. When she had first come to the Devildom, Levi had talked nonstop about anything and everything that interested him. After listening to him enough and watching the way his brothers would interact with him, it was because no one listened to him enough. No matter how many online people he talked to he, just like everyone else, craved irl interactions, despite what he may say. Mc had assumed her return would warrant the same reaction, but he seemed to be doing as well as when she had left, something she was extremely grateful for.
“So, how have you been?” Levi asked.
Mc had to blink a couple times. Of course Levi was considerate in his own way, but she wasn’t sure he’d ever asked her that particular question before. As Envy, it seemed he avoided it as a matter of principle, not wanting to trigger his sin more than he had to.
“Ah, good, for the most part. I don’t mind the human realm nearly as much as I thought I would.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I always hated going back home after a vacation. Just settling back into my normal routine, after I had just spent all that time experiencing something new seemed so counterintuitive. But… I guess after spending so long down here, going back seemed almost like going on vacation again. Truth be told though, I honestly just wanted to come back here. I missed you all so much, especially you and Satan,” Mc cringed inwardly, realizing her mistake of mentioning Satan after the fact, “I was so glad Diavolo allowed me to come back.”
“Speaking of Satan, thank you.”
“Yeah. I really didn’t want you to leave. I didn’t think it was fair that the human realm got you back when I really needed you here. You’re the first person I’ve honestly connected with in a long time and the thought of you leaving was pretty unbearable. Satan’s made it so much easier though. He’s not as great as you, but… we actually get along really well. We didn’t talk much before you came, and it was a little weird at first, especially when it seemed like he would get angry at me for no reason. I’ve since realized he mostly just wanted to be listened to, and I think he’s been a lot more patient with me. Having you gone has only been bearable because of him,” Levi ended with a smile.
“Oh Levi! I’m so happy! I was hoping you two would get along after I left!” Mc tackle hugged her best friend.
“H-Hey! Why are you so touchy today?”
“Sorry. I just really did miss you,” Mc smiled, happy to be back where she belonged.
Levi blushed, but smiled, “I missed you too.”
“Oh! I almost forgot!” Mc reached around for her bag, but stopped turning back with her eyes narrowed, “Close your eyes.”
Levi humphed, but closed his eyes anyway. Mc rustled in her backpack, grabbing the item she was looking for, and looked back at Levi, satisfied that his eyes were still closed, “Now, hold out your hands.”
Levi sighed again, but put out his hands. Mc placed one of the items she’d found in his hands, “Okay, open them!”
Levi instantly looked down and gasped loudly, “IS THIS...!?!”
“Yup. I happened upon these while I was shopping around in an estate sale antique store. I didn’t even know they made a leather bound TSL set,”
Levi just sat with his mouth hanging open, looking from Mc to the book over and over.
“Oh, if you’re worried, don’t be. I have the whole set. I just couldn’t carry them all over here, and some of them are still at my house. I figure we can go and get them soon,” Levi continued to open and shut his mouth wordlessly, “I also checked and yes, these are legit. The founders of the first TSL fan club begged to be allowed to make leather bound copies of the books. Christopher thought it was such a good idea that he had his publishers make leather bound copies for each of them. Best part is, it’s a magic item, so each time a new edition is released, a leather bound copy gets sent to everyone who has a complete set, which there can only be eight of since there were eight founding members. All the sets are numbered as well… So you should open it up and look inside.”
Levi broke out of his trance enough to open to the title page to see, it was number 3 of 8, it was signed, and a letter to the Lord of Shadows from Christopher Peugeot himself.
“H-How did you even…. I’ve only heard rumors of rumors about these. I… How?”
Mc laughed, delighted to have surprised the third born, “It’s amazing what you can find in little shops.”
“This must have cost a fortune!”
“Well, it did cost more than anyone else’s gift, but when I got back to the human realm I found I just kept coming into money. I think I have a certain brother of yours to thank for that.”
Mc watched Levi roll his eyes and take a deep breath, almost always a precursor to an envious rant, silently cursing herself for bringing up any of his brothers during their hangout time. He then stopped, releasing the breath. He lowered his head, and when he raised it again, he was not only calm he was smiling, “I’m… glad you were comfortable in the human realm.”
It was Mc’s turn to sit there in shock, mouth working wordlessly. Though her best friend wasn’t terrible or anything, she had never seen him stop an envious tirade. Levi lowered his head bashfully, “I… mentioned to Satan one day I was jealous of his control over his sin, and he offered to help me to contain mine better. I-I-I wanted to surprise you when you got back.”
“You didn’t have to change on my account Levi. I think you’re wonderful the way you are.”
“I-I know. It’s just… Satan is super cool and confident, and… Though normies still scare me, I… I would like some more control in my life. At least enough that next time I summon Lotan, it’s on purpose and not just because I can’t control myself.”
“Well, as long as this is coming from a desire to change yourself for you and not someone else, I fully support it! I want you to be as happy as you can be, and if gaining a bit more control over your sin is what you want, I’ll be your cheerleader!”
“Oh! Could you dress up like Ruri-chan in episode 64 then?! I’ve always thought you’d look perfect in her cheer leading outfit!” When Mc started laughing, Levi blushed, hiding his face behind his hand, “O-Or you could just forget I said anything…”
“Oh Levi! I’ve missed you too much!”
 Mc wandered the hallway to Satan’s room. She hadn’t had much of a chance to be in the house during the school day, and the quiet was deafening. No yelling. No running. No strange life-or-death situations to worry about. Just stillness as Mc got reacquainted with the house.
When she turned down the hallway to Satan’s room, the smell of books overwhelmed her senses and she had to swallow her tears. This scent had haunted her dreams, always leaving her disappointed when she’d woken up.
Then, she was finally at his door. She raised a shaking fist to the door, and knocked on the off chance Satan had stayed home from RAD. After getting no response, she opened the door, her body instantly relaxing. She was back,
Satan opened the door to the house, trying to remain calm. Mc had rescheduled their phone call through text this morning, which had caused him to space out at RAD and get an answer wrong in front of the entire class. Then, Mammon and Asmo had interrupted his walk home and had started to argue the entire way home.
“Don’t get on my case about it. It’s not my fault if you’re not popular on Devilgram,” Asmo huffed.
“N- I- Not popular?! Who do ya think ya talkin’ to?! I’m plenty popular! Just cuz ya sl-”
“ENOUGH!” Satan bellowed, rounding on his brothers, “I can’t believe I have to deal with you two today! If you continue to bother me-” he cut off suddenly, a familiar smell dampening his anger. How was Mc’s scent this strong? His brother’s looked at him curiously, “Just… leave me alone,” he finished, turning around and making his way to his room.
I can’t believe I’m upset enough about Mc cancelling our phone call today, I'm hallucinating her scent. Honestly, it’s just a phone call. Plus, all she did was reschedule it. I’ll probably be able to talk to her tomorrow. She’s also never had to reschedule one before. She was probably just super busy. I think she did mention something about moving. I can’t be so selfish I don’t allow her to do what she needs to. Satan sighed, opening his door.
“Welcome home.”
Satan snapped his head up to see Mc sitting on his bed, a huge grin on her face.
“M… C? You’re here?”
“In the flesh,” Mc giggled, drinking in his surprised expression.
In an instant, she was trapped in his embrace, “What are you doing here?” he murmured into her shoulder.
She smiled, stroking the back of his head, “Well, I’ve missed you and everyone else really badly. So, I talked to Diavolo and Barbatos and they helped me plan all of this. I don’t think they even told Lucifer about this.”
“I assume you already went and saw Levi?”
“Wh- How did you know?”
“Just a hunch. It’s a good idea too, visiting the Avatar of Envy first.”
“I made him promise not to say anything to anyone until I tell them. That way, we shouldn’t be interrupted.”
“I appreciate that. None of them are going to be very happy about that though.” “I know, but you’re more important to me.” Satan lifted his head from her shoulder, noting the small blush she’d developed, “ Do you mean that?” “Of course I do,” she smiled, blush deepening.
His heart leapt into his throat, and he found he couldn’t speak.
“I… You found the letter, right?”
“Huh? Oh, yes. I did.”
Mc nodded, “Well, I think I can finally tell you what I wanted to,” Satan sat back a bit, though he kept a hand on her knee, “After coming here and meeting you all, I realized I couldn’t just “go back” to the human world. I mean, obviously I did, and it was fine, but you guys mean too much for me to just… forget about. So, I’ve been talking with Diavolo. He said I wouldn’t be able to just move here unfortunately, but in exchange for my help with uniting the three realms, he told me you can come visit me in the human world whenever you want, as long as you keep up on your school work, and I can come visit here once every four months.
“He might allow more in the future, but this is what he’s given me for now. I… Uhh…” her cheeks turned crimson, “Have also been asking him what a human and demon relationship would look like, and if it could be possible. There’s still a lot of details that need to be ironed out, but he wanted me to ask if something like that would be…” Mc trailed off, and Satan stayed silent, needing her to completely finish her thought. Could it be?...
“You see, I… I love you. I was drawn to you the moment I first saw you, and… The feelings just got stronger over time. Leaving you was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. Being back home, I realized every guy I met could never hold a candle to you. I… I can’t imagine my life without you, and I hope you feel the same way,” she finished in a rush, eyes on her hands.
Once Satan had recovered from the shock, he chuckled, bringing her face up to meet his, “I love you too,” he smiled, his heart light as he said the words he’d wanted to say for a long time now. The relief and happiness that flooded her face were more than enough payment for the wait, “Can I kiss you?”
Mc’s grin grew even wider, “Of course you can,” and so he did. He never intended a small kiss, and Mc soon found that out as his arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her into him. Her arms went around his neck, scooting into his lap. Satan had never felt more satisfied or complete in his life. 
When they finally broke the kiss, they pressed their foreheads together, both a bit breathless. After a bit, Satan broke the silence, “So, you asked Diavolo’s permission to date me? Should I feel offended?”
“I hope you don’t. I just wanted to see what was required before I started barking up the wrong tree.”
“Well, I appreciate you going through the trouble. It will probably be a lot easier to proceed with his okay. How’d you get him to allow me access to the human realm?”
“With a lot of begging and promises that I’d keep you out of trouble. I hope you’re okay with that,” Mc looked at him in worry.
“Hmmm… Normally I don’t like the thought of someone trying to control me. But, as long as you don’t overstep your bounds and I get to see you, I’m alright with it,” he answered truthfully.
“Well, we have time to figure it all out now that I know you return my feelings,” Mc smiled, “I never want you to feel second rate, especially with me.”
“So, we can be open and honest with one another right?”
“Of course!”
“Good. I’m glad,” Satan said, kissing her forehead, “So… What do you want to do now?”
“Honestly, anything is good with me. As long as I’m with you,” she smiled happily, making his heart melt.
“Do you maybe want to go upstairs? I’m afraid we’re going to have someone come bursting in at any second.”
“I’d love that. I’ve missed my comfy chair. Where’d you even find it? I’ve tried finding one like it, and I can’t.”
“Well, let’s just say, I called in a favor from a friend.”
“How cryptic,” Mc chuckled, as she made her way up the staircase.
“Well, I think an air of mystery looks good on me,” Satan replied.
“Maybe I should start calling you Sherlock then.”
“He solved mysteries though.”
“He was a bit mysterious himself,” Mc countered, waiting at the top of the stairs for Satan and then walking with him to their chairs.
“If you say so,” Satan smiled.
Mc looked around, visibly relaxing back into the space. That’s when she saw it. Right across from them was the Fruits Basket set she’s given to Satan. Noticing where she was looking, Satan answered her question, “Tohru.”
“Tohru’s my favorite character. Kyo almost won, but… You’re a lot like Tohru with what you’ve done for me and my family. Mc, I hope I can be your Kyo from here on out,” he gazed into her eyes, feeling his face heating up.
Mc smiled back at him, giving him a soft kiss on the nose then forehead, “You will always be the cat to my rice ball.”
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