#i kudzai
xaea-12dragna · 6 months
Já havia algum tempo que começara a homenagem ao rei Louis e entregaram as lanternas. Aparentemente X não conseguia prestar atenção no que quer que estivessem falando para preservar a memória do grande e justo monarca. Tinha revirado aquela lanterna de todos os lados, como se fosse um objeto indescritível e misterioso.
_ Cara, eu acho que isso aqui tá quebrado. - sussurrou para @rozvvi.
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rozvvi · 5 months
“So this is your opinion of me? Thank you for explaining so fully.“ @sutei
─ Não diga como se não tivesse gostado de ouvir o que eu disse. ─ a provocação veio acompanhada de um rolar de olhos, ainda que achasse graça na pequena braveza de Sütei. ─ Fui sincero, e acredito no que disse. Eu admiro mulheres fortes como você, que sabem o que querem e o que devem fazer para conseguir o que querem. ─ ergueu as sobrancelhas para querer dar a indicação do que estava nas entrelinhas. Imaginava que ela sabia, talvez fosse por isso a raiva. ─ Não precisa me responder nada, apenas interprete o que disse como um elogio e o aceite. Sem necessidade para erguer essas defesas. Esqueceu com quem está falando, por acaso? Eu serei seu aliado até o fim, não pense que pensaria algo ruim de seus atos. ─
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foxtsumus · 2 years
seppywoth for the character bingo :]
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kemetic-dreams · 14 days
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How are you Mr. Potato's what is your views on seated good mornings can I over load it, is it better the the RDL
Wassup Kudzai, MY BRUDDAH!
I'm feeling pretty energized today, bruh, not gonna lie, ran a couple of miles early in the morning, deadlifted and benched a couple of hours later, did some boring shit for my 9-5 to keep this ship sailing, and now TIME TO WRITE SOME GODDAMN ANSWERS, MY BOYEEE AHAHAHA!
I think this is the first question I've ever received from someone from Zimbabwe too, so that's COOL AF, BRUH!
I don't like seated good mornings at all, there's no comparison to be made with RDLs, 'cause RDLs are in another stratosphere.
Some Harry Potter looking motherfucker on Reddit Fitness might argue “b-but, if you stretch your legs forward you can add extra stretch-mediated hypertrophy”— YEAH DUMBBASS but you’ll be in such an awkward position that you’ll limit your capacity to overload the movement properly— IT SUCKS.
IF YOUR GOAL IS STRENGTH, by sitting you just took all the correlation with squats out of the equation, there's no demand for your legs to stabilize the lifts anymore, you're essentially just adding unwanted and unnecessary volume to the already high demands that those squats and deadlifts are putting on your lower back— IT SUCKS.
IF YOUR GOAL IS HYPERTROPHY, by sitting you're limiting your ability to adjust your hips to find the sweet spot where the good mornings will be putting INSANE mechanical tension on the usually hard-to-hit hamstrings, also taking the need of your legs to stabilize the lift reducing the overall stimulus of the lift in general, yet again— IT SUCKS.
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Now, the standing variation, in comparison to RDL's, there exists a discussion.
They're pretty EQUAL movements the thing that separates them is pretty much the position of the source of resistance in relation to your body, assuming you're doing your RDLs using straps so your grip isn't a limiting factor.
RDLs are easier to overload and execute properly— there are tons of carryovers from that regular NECROMANCY in the domains of coordination and positioning.
RDLs are relatively safer— You start at the hardest portion of the lift, hence it's easier to stop before something pops, you also can just drop the bar without needing pins and shit.
Goodmornings can be better for developing ABSOLUTE STRENGTH— The axial loading of the spine component of the lift is just INSANE, potentially the highest, so you'll absolutely FRY your CNS and build strength that'll carry over to your other main lifts.
Goodmornings can be better for HYPERTROPHY— You start, FRESH, in the eccentric portion of the movement which according to the literature is where the great gainz will come, hence if you control your tempo right from the jump you can establish a nice cadence, and milk a GNARLY stimulation for hypertrophy, and on top of that, the point by which you reverse the motion if you're executing the lift correctly with full range of motion will add a stretch component to the lift making it absolute overkill.
Bottom line, Goodmorning CAN BE A BETTER MOVE, but 99% of the time the execution will suck, and RDLs will be a way better option.
I would program goodmorning in 2 scenarios:
Use it in axial loading of the spine component of the lift is potentially THE HIGHEST of all, your exercise rotation as a MAIN overloading exercise in max effort days to give you a break from low-bar squats to reduce the impact on your overall recovery and account for the law of biological accommodation if your goal is getting strong as shit in the GODFATHER OF ALL LIFTS— THOSE MOTHEFUCKING SQUATS!
Use it as a primary myofibrillar hypertrophy move if you're in an accumulation phase to get a freekking HUUUGE ASS, but only, if your technique is on point, otherwise goodmorning can be a fucking hernia factory. HAHAHA
I guess that's it, Kudzai, MY BRUDDAH!
Pick whichever one you can execute with the most Beeeeautiful technique, 'cause that's the real deciding factor if the movement will yield better results or not— oh, and ditch the seated variation, of course
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notprinceadonis · 5 months
you've changed quite a bit since i saw you last. (@rozvvi)
"Não mudei não." Foi a resposta imediata de Jason para a afirmação precisa do amigo. Do amigo de Adonis; tinha esse detalhe. Por mais que gostasse da companhia de Kudzai... ele parecia ser um cara esperto e observador, e isso fazia Jason fugir dele às vezes. Para disfarçar o imediatismo de sua fala, Jason deu um soquinho no braço dele que deveria ser amigável, mas deve ter saído mais forte do que esperava. "Qual é, meu parceiro? Nunca ouviu falar de amadurecer, não?" Ele sorriu, tentando parecer despreocupado e carismático como Adonis faria. "Ou está dizendo que estou mais bonito? Isso eu aceito."
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mabriga · 2 years
Apple Music announces Vanco as the latest Isgubhu cover star
Apple Music announces Vanco as the latest Isgubhu cover star
Apple Music today announced multi-hyphenate house DJ and producer, Vanco (real name Kudzai Mawoyo) as the next Isgubhu cover star. “I feel honoured to be part of Apple Music’s Isgubhu playlist movement and to play a part in the distribution of our electronic sound, which is really making a difference in the global dance music space. It’s something to be very proud of and we can all celebrate…
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bitcofun · 2 years
This is a viewpoint editorial by Kudzai Kutukwa, an enthusiastic monetary addition supporter who was acknowledged by Fast Company publication as one of South Africa's top-20 young business owners under 30. There is a fight going on the planet today that is mainly concealed from the public's view. This is not a fight in between nation-states, ethnic groups or spiritual enthusiasts contesting resources and areas. 2 financial systems are on a clash, each with its own unique ideology and worths. One system is a tool for monetary enslavement, and the other, for monetary flexibility. It's a fight that not just needs our attention, however our active involvement. It's the fight for the future of cash: bitcoin versus fiat. Over the last 2 years, we saw the greatest infringement on our flexibilities by The State on an international scale. Medical martial law was let loose on the world which squashed organizations and damaged incomes; the keyboard believed authorities in the kind of " fact-checkers" were released to implement the state's sole story of occasions with alternative point of views being identified "harmful false information" and censored. Millions more were pushed into taking the COVID-19 vaccine due to the fact that their incomes were on the line, while totally neglecting their private threat profile, religions and individual choices. The media cheered on these gross human rights infractions and gaslit everybody while shouting popular mottos like "we're all in this together" and "it's simply 15 days to slow the spread." In other words, take one for the group. Those that attempted to object versus these heavy-handed steps like the Canadian truckers did, had their checking account frozen at the drop of a hat and ended up being victims of monetary censorship. The state overreach I laid out above was allowed by the power of the cash printer. The impacts of which have actually now concerned haunt the international economy. The U.S. federal government, for instance, invested an overall of $5.2 trillion on COVID-19 relief by mid-2021 To put this in point of view, the U.S. federal government spent the equivalent of $4.7 trillion in today's dollars to money the most pricey war in history, World War II. Skyrocketing inflation, broken supply chains, ever-increasing rates of interest, increases in joblessness, looming sovereign financial obligation crises, the European energy crisis, sped up currency decline and a financial recession are simply a few of the effects caused by the financial reaction to the pandemic, with more to come. The worldwide economy remains in such a mess that the U.N. needed to plead with main lenders not to trek rate of interest! Not just do these occasions provide us higher insight into the damaging nature of the fiat system, however they are a precursor of things to come ought to this system stay undamaged without an option. The world's reserve banks are presently taken part in a " worldwide arms race" to present reserve bank digital currencies (CBDCs), with a minimum of 105 nations actively checking out introducing a CBDC. CBDCs are the main organizers' method of attempting to preserve importance in the international economy due to the danger presented to fiat currencies by bitcoin and stablecoins. They do not fix the most significant defect of fiat currencies; the outright requirement of federal governments to engineer development through financial inflation. They are really fiat on steroids. The danger of CBDCs being combined with a Chinese-style social credit system continues to grow and they are an Orwellian type of cash since they provide no personal privacy, are simpler for The State to seize and they still get debased-- however at a much faster rate due to their programmable nature. CBDCs are monitoring innovation masquerading as cash, developed to broaden The State's control over our monetary lives. According to a current paper by the Bitcoin Policy Institute entitled, "Why the U.S. Should Reject
Central Bank Digital Currencies": " Central banks handled unmatched levels of financial obligation throughout the COVID-19 pandemic-- a crisis that just sped up the basic pattern of increasing sovereign financial obligation that has actually been continuous given that the mid-20 th century. Worldwide debt-to-GDP ratio had actually increased to an amazing 356% by the end of 2021, with 30% of the boost happening given that2016 Since mid-2021, fast boosts in sovereign financial obligation had actually currently driven a number of nations into sovereign default and positioned lots of others on the edge. Even nations that are structurally more solvent since their financial obligation is denominated in their own currencies, like the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, and China, are worried about the unfavorable financial impacts of swelling financial obligation ... In short, federal governments require cash, quick. As we will see, CBDCs represent a chance to extract it from personal money holdings" Simply put CBDCs would make it possible for The State to perform monetary repression of the greatest type at the push of a button by indirectly taxing individuals's cost savings through the setting of unfavorable rate of interest on all CBDC balances. This technique is not brand-new and has actually likewise been formerly suggested by the IMF in a 2015 paper entitled "The Liquidation of Government Debt." Traditionally, this was done by producing synthetic need for federal government bonds in order to lower their yields; the lowered yields coupled with a high inflation rate would lead to unfavorable genuine rates of interest The paper plainly details this technique of monetary repression in terrific information and clearly suggests it as a good idea in spite of its damage to individuals's cost savings Whoever manages your cash, manages you, and it's clear that CBDCs are not simply helpful for monitoring-- they are tools for financial repression and social engineering. As currencies damage and end up being more unsteady, the powers that be generally attempt to avoid their people from discarding the weaker regional currency for a more powerful one, which eventually causes individuals's cost savings being seriously decreased the value of. The distinction now is the more powerful currency is bitcoin; a reality that was just recently mentioned in a tweet by Microstrategy Chairman, Michael Saylor where he revealed the decline of every significant world currency versus the dollar in the in 2015, and the dollar's loss in worth versus bitcoin. In addition to the CBDC pilot tasks, we can currently see media projects cautioning about the ecological effect of bitcoin and the steady present of federal government guidelines that are crafted with the intent of discouraging bitcoin ownership and self-custody. Gradually however certainly they are attempting to obstruct the exits out of the fiat system. Link to ingrained tweet. As kept in mind in the opening paragraph, the fight for the future of cash is on and the main coordinators, the gerontocracy, along with their cantillionaire friends are going to toss whatever at bitcoin to attempt and stop it. With CBDCs quick approaching, and aggressive attacks being tossed out versus Bitcoin, how do we make sure that hyperbitcoinization comes true? While there is no single proper response to this concern, something's for sure: Merely sounding the alarm versus the risks of CBDCs and exposing the deceptive fiat system is terrific, however it's insufficient. Notifying individuals of what not to do, does not immediately lead to them doing what they should. My favored option to releasing Bitcoin's complete capacity and cultivating mass adoption is the structure of a parallel economy (AKA a Bitcoin circular economy) that has a bitcoin requirement as its structure, with products and services being priced in bitcoin. Grass-roots bitcoin neighborhoods such as Bitcoin Beach in El Salvador, Bitcoin Ekasi in South
Africa, Harlem Bitcoin in New York, Bitcoin Lisboa in Portugal, BTC Beach Camp in Thailand and Bitcoin Lake in Guatemala work as examples of bottom-up efforts that can cause hyperbitcoinization, as held true with Bitcoin Beach which turned into one of the drivers that resulted in the adoption of bitcoin as legal tender in El Salvador. These neighborhoods likewise work as the very best structures for developing a bitcoin-based parallel economy that will ultimately decouple from the U.S. dollar. At its core Bitcoin was developed to be a peer-to-peer financial system, where "one bitcoin=one bitcoin," not as a fiat-denominated speculative property. In order to speed up bottom-up grassroots adoption, brand-new easy to use tools like wallets should be developed that will make it possible to onboard as many individuals as possible, especially in locations where monetary exemption is the standard. An example of such a tool is Machankura, which is a disorganized extra service information(USSD)- based custodial wallet that runs on-top of the Lightning Network and does not need a web connection. While being a custodial service has its drawbacks, the group at Machankura are presently checking out the concept of a non-custodial service that utilizes SIM cards as a finalizing gadget for finalizing and broadcasting deals to the remainder of the network. Need to they handle to pull it off, it would be a substantial advancement of huge percentages. Despite USSD being old innovation,90% of all mobile deals in Africa today are powered by USSD. This is generally due to the supremacy of function phones, which make up 58.3% of Africa's cellular phone market. Offered these characteristics, Machankura's option of establishing a USSD-powered bitcoin wallet is a best fit. Currently, Machankura has a footprint in 9 African nations, specifically South Africa, Zambia, Namibia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Nigeria, Ghana and Malawi. The primary objective behind the job is to drive monetary addition through the Bitcoin environment in locations with underdeveloped web facilities and/or low smart device penetration, as holds true in a great deal of African nations along with in the majority of the Global South. In spite of the low mobile phone penetration in Africa,70% of the $1 trillion worth of mobile cash deals worldwide were performed by users in Africa. While research study has actually revealed the favorable effect of mobile cash on establishing a cost savings culture in low earnings homes, the users of these services aren't protected from the results of financial inflation as their cost savings will still be denominated in a fiat currency that slowly declines. Furthemore, mobile cash services might possibly be obsoleted as soon as a CBDC is presented, or the company might be co-opted into being CBDC suppliers. As a bitcoin-focused service, Machankura is unsusceptible to all of the above. According to the International Labour Organization's (ILO) price quotes, a minimum of 2 billion individuals worldwide are informally utilized. In Africa, where a minimum of 57% of grownups are unbanked, the casual sector represent over 85% of all work and contributes a minimum of 55% to the continent's $1.95 trillion GDP according to research studies carried out by the UN and the African Development Bank With most of these casual employees being unbanked, money ends up being the default choice for negotiating, hence making them simple targets for CBDCs, which will be marketed to them as a course to monetary addition. Even the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) recognized monetary addition as an essential chauffeur of CBDC adoption in emerging markets. As a low-tech option that is currently functional, Machankura is an important tool that works in not only banking the unbanked however in helping with open market and hence driving Bitcoin adoption prior to most of CBDCs have actually been officially presented. With the casual economy currently existing beyond The
State's permissioned "official economy," embedding sound cash into it by means of Machankura is a no-brainer. In the words of Heritage Falodun, a Nigerian-based software application engineer and Bitcoin expert: "Bitcoin adoption in Africa will not be stimulated on by legislation alone, however by establishing less intricate payment rails that lower the barriers to entry into the Bitcoin community, and Machankura is a terrific example of this." I could not concur more. Paco de la India, a Bitcoin teacher taking a trip the world exclusively on Bitcoin on a trip called " Run With Bitcoin," was considerably impressed by Machankura's ease of usage when he utilized the service in Nigeria. While the service is reasonably brand-new in Nigeria, de la India and a regional Nigerian Bitcoiner, Apata Johnson, were not just able to speak about the power of bitcoin however to show it by sending out sats to a few of the residents by means of Machankura. Bitcoin Ekasi in South Africa have actually likewise integrated Machankura into their orange pilling toolkit and are utilizing it for sending out sats on a weekly basis to their recipients. Link to ingrained tweet. During an interview I had with Kgothatso Ngako, the creator of Machankura, stablecoins turned up and I asked him if they had any intent of integrating stablecoin payments into Machankura, to which he reacted, "No we are simply focused just on bitcoin." An outstanding reaction, considered that much of bitcoin's critics fast to indicate bitcoin's cost volatility as one of the reasons it's inappropriate as a method of exchange. Stablecoins are then provided as the response to the circulating medium function. While stablecoins do provide "cost stability" in the short-term, making them a crucial intermediate action towards hyperbitcoinization, being tokenized fiat currencies they are not unsusceptible to debasement over the long term. In other words, inflation is the rate for fiat "stability" that a stablecoin uses. Bitcoin on the other hand is a deflationary currency with a steady financial policy that increases in worth with time. This is a point that Austrian financial expert, Hans-Hermann Hoppe, remarkably set out in " How Is Fiat Money Possible?" when he composed: " Moreover, what is so excellent about 'steady' buying power anyhow (nevertheless that term may be arbitrarily specified)? To be sure, it is clearly more effective to have a 'steady' cash instead of an 'inflationary' one. Certainly a cash whose acquiring power per system increased-- 'deflationary' cash-- would be more effective to a 'steady' one." Machankura's bitcoin focus seals its position as an important part of the worldwide hyperbitcoinization facilities for numerous countless individuals in Africa and all over the world who do not have access to trustworthy web, however still require sound cash. The fiat financial system was never ever developed to work for everyone as the establishing world has for years had actually inflation exported to it by the industrialized world. The fiat system's misaligned rewards make sure that the ineffective are rewarded at the cost of the efficient. The introduction of Bitcoin altered all of this by upgrading a much better type of cash from the ground up. Tools like Machankura are vital for driving adoption and making Bitcoin available to everybody, all over. Machankura is an extension of Satoshi Nakamoto's vision of a peer-to-peer financial system, one that lowers dependence on fiat intermediaries while powering Bitcoin circular economies. This is a visitor post by Kudzai Kutukwa. Viewpoints revealed are completely their own and do not always show those of BTC Inc. or Bitcoin Magazine. Read More
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holypit · 3 years
kinda wanna get smote by god. kinda wanna get kissed. kinda want someone to shoot me in the gut.
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almostviki · 6 years
my mom finds it easier to believe i have auditory hallucinations than that i'm depressed which like,,,ok
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rozvvi · 7 months
“You’ve been practicing your Christmas wrapping! I am so proud of you.”
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─ Oh, por favor. ─ pigarreou, sentindo-se subitamente constrangido. Afinal de contas, André tinha razão: Kudzai se esforçou naquele ano para embalar alguns presentes ele próprio, coisa que normalmente só pediria pra algum servente fazer por si. Mas... Estava em outro país e queria demonstrar gentileza pela hospitalidade... E talvez um pouco de afeto por pessoas às quais nutria consideração. Contudo, demonstrar sentimentos não era de seu feitio, então ter aquele fato apontado pelo príncipe francês o fez desviar o olhar. ─ Não é nada demais, o que importa é o que está aí dentro. Espero que goste. ─ abriu um sorriso pequeno, aguardando ansioso a reação que André teria ao receber seus novíssimos tênis de corrida.
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foxtsumus · 3 years
g-d adhd’s a bitch and a half ain’t it
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chicagocityofclans · 4 years
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Ronan C Cleirigh → Henry Cavill → Warlock
→ Basic Information 
Age: 1442
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight 
Powers: Necromancer 
Birthday: November 11th
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Religion: Buddhist 
Mark: Cleirigh 
Generation: 1st
→ His Personality Rather than talk about his feelings Ronan will bark out sarcastic comments, give death threats or blow it off as nothing he could not handle, as if it is nothing to worry about. He is a tough guy. Ronan pretends he can take it all while suffering on the inside. He does not come off as caring, but he is a man who feels deeply; he just hides the feeling well. Ronan does not trust easily and if someone is a human or non-warlock it’s more likely to not happen at all. He can be a good person to talk to; he knows a lot about life, but the person has to get past his brash outer layer. They may get lucky and find out that there is something a little deeper to him. Ronan is a necromancer and lives by the stereotype. He is a modern loner and prefers to be left alone. He has a permanent glare that has mostly everyone running for the hills. Ronan carries himself high above everyone else because he is confident in himself and his power. Since childhood Ronan has dabbled in death and dying, placing a dark cloud over his outlook on life and the living. As sinister as it may seem, he takes great pleasure knowing he has the power to either end life or give life with a simple gesture. 
→ His Personal Facts
Occupation: Owner of Shutter Magic International Imports & Exports and Mentor
Scars: One scar. Starts at above left eye and over left eyebrow. (140 Stitches)
Tattoos: Half lower arm sleeves on both arms. And Death’s vine on his middle finger.
Two Likes: Silence and Being Alone 
Two Dislikes: Crowds and Technology
Two Fears: Life Without Magic and The 5th and 7th Circles of Hell
Two Hobbies: Training/Mentoring and Expanding his Knowledge of Supernaturals
Three Positive Traits: Suave, Sacrificing, Influential
Three Negative Traits: Irritable, Pessimistic, Ominous
→ His Connections
Parent Names:
Elizabeth Quim (Mother): Ronan doesn’t remember much about his mother. Simply that she cared for him and raised him until he left home.
Sibling Names:
Kaylor Cleirigh (Sister): Ronan is a protective older brother. Kaylor loves to push his buttons and question his ethics. He still loves her… sometimes. 
Roman Cleirigh (Brother): Roman and Ronan’s relationship is the strongest out of the first generation Cleirigh siblings. Ronan basically raised Roman. 
Garrett Cleirigh (Brother): Garrett has always been Ronan’s best friend.
Children Names:
Nathan Cleirigh (Son): His oldest son. Ronan and Nathan's relationship has always been a little rocky but for the most part they can live with each other. 
Ethan Cleirigh (Son): His middle child. Ethan wasn’t planned but Ronan has no regrets when it comes to Ethan and what he has done with his life so far. Ronan is proud of his middle child and hopes that Ethan can learn from himself and Roman in order to take over the family business someday.
Sean O’Payne-Cleirigh (Son): His second middle child. Sean was cursed with the same power as Ronan. Unlike his brothers, he had no control and used his powers for unspeakable things. Ronan personally decapitated Sean and took his heart.
Judson Cleirigh (Son): His third middle child. Judson was his youngest son until recently. Ronan doesn’t have favorites when it comes to his children but he does favor Judson and his active role in the supernatural community. While Judson takes after Roman with potions, Ronan is grateful that he took time to learn about wards, spells and charms to appease him. 
Teyla ‘Tikka’ Cleirigh (Daughter): Tikka is Ronan’s first and only daughter. She came as a surprise to Loland and himself. The scent of death looming on her soon after her birth was also a surprise. They’re both excited to teach their little necromancer everything they know.
Altair Cleirigh (Son): His youngest son. Loland wanted to try for another child after Tikka was born. With their daughter’s birth, Loland realized she missed having children in their home and Ronan agreed. Much to Ronan's disdain, Altair has the power of disintegration, same as Garrett. Ronan remembers the hell of raising his younger brother and isn’t ready for round two just yet. 
Romantic Connections:
Ishtar Loland Cleirigh (Wife): Ishtar is Judson, Teyla and Altair’s mother and proud step-mother to Ethan and Nathan. Ronan is madly in love with Ishtar and often refers to her as Loland. While their relationship could never be considered as normal, they are both loyal to their vows and commitment to each other. 
Josephine O’Payne (Dead): Jo was the mother of Sean. She kept their son away from Ronan. Ronan blames her for the way he was raised and turned out. Before he dealt with Sean, Ronan had to kill Jo. He doesn’t regret it. 
Willow Radium (Ex-Girlfriend): She is Ethan's mother. She left Ethan at Ronan’s doorstep when he was a few months old. Ronan had no clue that she was pregnant when they broke up and had abandoned the home she knew of months before. If it wasn’t for his active wards Ethan would have eventually died there alone. Ronan has never tried to look for her. It’s rumored that she is dead. 
Lilith Harlow (Sex Partner): She is Nathan mom. Lilith and Ronan are no longer friends and he would rather forget about that phase of stupidity. 
Platonic Connections:
Brighton ‘Bee’ Genesis (Brother-In-Law): Ronan considers Bee to be his full blooded brother and never refers to him as brother-in-law anymore. 
Ryan Cleirigh (Grandson): Ronan refused to help raise Ryan when Judson brought him home but he caved in soon after seeing the straight bullshit Judson was putting the child through. Ronan hopes Ryan will follow in his footsteps and become a master of wards and spells.
Duke Thornton (Distant Cousin): Duke has a Cleirigh mark that seems to be a few generations old. However, none of them can figure out from where since Duke has no memories of his parents. Ronan took in both Duke and his twin brother, Aries, when they were well in their late 300s. 
Aries Thornton (Distant Cousin): Ronan is always bailing Aries out in one way or another. Theirnology runs in their family and Aries, like Duke once did, thinks it's fun to mess about with the supernatural creatures he can control. This causes Ronan to gray quicker than his own kids. 
Akasha Genesis (Niece): Akasha is a miniature of Kaylor. They both can get on his last nerve and then soothe him, as if they were not the cause.
Gennifer Genesis (Niece): Gennifer was one of the reasons Ronan didn’t want kids. They have a stronger relationship now that she is an adult, but she was a horrible toddler and teenager.
Owen Genesis (Nephew): Owen is much like Nathan. He does not rely on his powers and he does not have a lot in common with Ronan.
Eric Lasiter (Former Mentee): Ronan considers Eric to be a good friend of his. If he could label someone else as his best friend without freaking out his brother, Eric would be it. 
Talia Cleirigh (Former Mentee): She’s not bad. Ronan likes her and he approves of her dating his son, Ethan. She excelled as a student and helped Roman through dark times. He gave her the Cleirigh name without batting an eye. 
Kady Gaines (Former Mentee): Kady joined the Cleirighs to mentor for her Master level powers. Ronan has sought Kady out while she was still working on her advanced powers and offered to mentor her once she was done.
Jia Hu Cleirigh (Former Mentee): Jia is one of the only warlocks that isn’t family that Ronan is fine being around and allows into his home. Although, he keeps his thoughts about Jia and Garrett's relationship to himself.
Winifred ‘Winnie’ Zhao (Former Mentee): Mentoring Winnie was easier than Ronan’s usual mentees because of his past experiences with dream manipulators. She left to expand her knowledge in potions but they still keep in contact.  
Lyra Cleirigh (Former Mentee): Lyra switched around from Ronan, Roman, Garrett, Kaylor, and other mentors before mastering evocation. Ronan offered her the Cleirigh name after her training since her family had disowned her. She is so far the only person to ever be mentored by all the 1st generation Cleirigh.
Helenus Askeris (Former Mentee): Ronan considers Helenus an old friend and rarely addresses him as a former mentee. Although, Ronan has kept his disapproval to himself about Helenus and Nathan’s past relationship.
Bill White (Former Mentee): Ronan has watched after and mentored Bill for centuries. He is unsure if it is because they share the same powers or Bill parents' prejudice towards necromancers and evocators but Ronan considers Bill family.  
Audo Wilhelm (Mentee): Ronan chose Audo because he has great potential and Ronan likes pissing off the Wilhelms. He’s considering giving Audo the Cleirigh name if he continues his mentoring with him. 
Ken McStevens (Mentee): Ken tried to feed off of him once to see what would happen. Ronan was not a fan and instead attacking or killing him, Ronan chose to mentor the fool. Ken is slowly growing on him and Ronan finds him entertaining. 
Jev ‘Patch’ Cipriano (Family Friend): Patch has been his son's best friend since Ronan could remember. Patch embarrassingly keeps him on his toes. Sometimes it feels like he has six kids instead of five. There’s no hatred for Patch but Ronan cannot wait for the day Patch learns to shut up and mind his own business.
Averill Sookram (Friend): Averill and Loland share the same powers. Averill has become somewhat of an ally and a good friend to their entire family. 
Jace Cicero (Friend): Ronan has nothing against Jace as a witch or his powers. Once, Ronan simply believed that Jace should not be on the Council. Then they talked and Jace is not that bad. Ronan genuinely likes him.
Minsky Edison (Friend/Annoyance): Since becoming serious with Kudzai, Minsky and Ronan friendship has taken a drop. Ronan still invites him over for playoffs and beers.
Tristan Lawton (Acquaintance): Kudzai has recently informed the Council that one of her mentees may have been misplaced as a Biokinetic. Ronan has heard Tristan’s name floating around and has fixed a few of his accidental deaths. Kudzai is unsure about him being a Biokinetic and believes he may be something else or something new entirely. Minsky and Ronan have been doing research to try and help figure it out before Tristan can do more damage in the wrong field. 
Katherine ‘Kate’ Brooks (Acquaintance): Kate is the female human that spends too much time with Patch, Ryan and Judson. He’s unsure how he feels about her.
Hostile Connections:
Belle Cunningham (Annoyance): Belle has been annoying Ronan to save her mother, Velma. He has repeatedly told her no but she is persistent. 
Kudzai Rinker (Annoyance): Ronan believes Kudzai purposely goes against him on Council decisions. She is constantly competing with him.
→ History Ronan doesn’t remember much about his early life besides his mother's face. She didn’t look like him and he didn’t look like her. He remembers the town people shunning them because of the horrible smell of death around their hut and their dying land. Later on, long after he left town and his mother’s death, Ronan found out it was because of him. A weird phenomenon that all necromancers face. He learned to walk as they sailed across large bodies of water, never staying in one place too long. He doesn’t remember where he and his mother originated from but he does remember running into a warlock in Persia at the age of 16, days after his mothers’ death.
Augustus knew what Ronan was the moment he saw him and his mark. He took him in and introduced him to the supernatural world. Little was known about necromancers, few usually joined the supernatural community, and when they did they stayed to themselves. Ronan was happy to help Augustus and the Persian people as he learned about their history and started training with his powers. Ronan noticed a change in Augustus the more he learned about his powers and the more control he had over death. He knew he was in danger and missed constantly moving as he once did with his mother. Ronan left Augustus and Persia behind, touring Europe and Asia as he mastered his advanced powers and dabbled in the darkness of supernatural spells, potions, curses and shields. However, Augustus wasn’t always too far behind him, spewing to life that necromancers were soulless and should not be allowed within the supernatural communities. For the first time in his life, Ronan was caught off guard, blinded by the small seed of compassion he still had for Augustus. As a result, Ronan's head was chopped off and his heart removed from his chest to keep him from resurrecting. 
That’s where Kaylor, who he found out shared his mark, found him nearly 80 years later. She placed him back together again and helped him gain his revenge. He didn’t care if he gave necromancers everywhere a bad name. He became what they thought of him and much worse. He took young Kaylor and her husband Brighton under his wings and vowed to find everyone that shared his mark and protect them from the stupidity of the witch and warlock kind. That’s how he eventually found Roman as a baby and Garrett as a teen. It was hundreds of years later and the list of shunned powers grew and his cruel nature against his own kind became notorious. 
Ronan was in his mid seven hundred when he found out one of his sexual partners was pregnant. He never wanted kids and definitely not with Lilith. He tried building a life with her after finding out about her pregnancy, and confirming it was his, but it was short lived. He should have learned his lesson with her but years later another toddler was left on his door steps by a woman he tried to get to replace Lilith as their son, Nathan's mother. Ronan and Willow had broken up months before and her method of dropping the toddler off on his doorstep was unacceptable. If it weren’t for his siblings Ronan is sure he wouldn’t have survived with the two crying little shits. He met Ishtar by chance in Brazil as they migrated towards the New World and he was sure it was love at first sight. He nearly killed her, believing she was using magic to captivate him until Ethan giggled and hugged her leg. Ethan never giggled. He, Kaylor, Roman, Garrett, Bee, and Nathan tried many times to get the toddler to laugh and he just wouldn’t. Ronan was sure she had done something to his son too but the second pause was long enough for Ishtar to open her mouth and send him crashing into a wall with a spell. Roman and Kaylor calmed him enough to explain she was protecting herself. She wiggled her way into their lives and joined their travels. It wasn’t long before Ronan knew she was the one and they were married before they reached the Mexican border, where Ishtar gave birth to their son, Judson.
With a growing family and a different view about necromancers, Ronan settled into a less violent way of life and living. He took on a few arcane and mental mentees, helped the locals with warding and shields, and petitioned to have the Cleirigh mark added permanently to the Book of Marks. It took him another three hundred years to clear the deadly stereotype he had made for himself and other necromancers. Only then did he feel okay settling down in one place; Chicago, Illinois. While they did leave when people became suspicious of their age they always returned. Ronan earned a spot on the Council and became notorious for being a great mentor rather than pain and death.
→ The Present Ronan is focused completely on his mentees, business and his seat on the Council. While Ishtar and his two youngest are away on another expedition in Namibia, Ronan has been tasked with finishing their unfinished basement and looking after her herb garden. Ronan had also taken on two mentees that he normally wouldn’t and is out of sorts on how to train them or where to start beside the basics. Not wanting to have his reputation ruined, Ronan has been harder on them than his previous mentees. After years of mastering his craft and becoming a notable mentor, Ronan is learning how to enjoy himself and the life he has built. He’s considering taking time off once Teyla has reached the age of 10 years old, Altair would be nearing 8 and a half, to teach them personally how to teleport and other basics to being warlocks.
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autisticcastiel · 3 years
me: yeah i've been listening to the gambler all evening :/ here are some of the lyrics
kudzai: oh No
me: OH YEAH and my play! here r just a couple of the lyrics from that one, all of it was designed to hurt me i think
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globefan · 5 years
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As You Like It production photos, (c) Helen Murray. (the ones I posted a couple of days ago - not the greatest quality)
James Garnon as Touchstone and Jack Laskey as Rosalind Jack Laskey as Rosalind Jack Laskey as Rosalind and Bettrys Jones as Orlando Stacy Abalogun as Charles the Wrestler and the Ensemble Lily Bevan as Duke Senior Nadia Nadarajah as Celia Kudzai Sitima as Forester Bettrys Jones as Orlando Sophie Stone as Jaques Tanika Yearwood as Hymen and the Ensemble Scott Brooksbank as Audrey Kudzai Sitima as William Peter Bray as Oliver and Bettrys Jones as Orlando Scott Brooksbank as Shepherd and Nadia Nadarajah as Celia
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kiermasz · 2 years
if kudzai sang "reciprocating energy and nudes" in that song with tinashe it would've been the MOST romantic thing ive ever heard aksjsjdhdhdhd but i just misheard ❤️
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holypit · 5 years
cannot get over the fact that i come off as aloof. i tell people i love them and they just...don't believe me. what do i even do about that.
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