#i know we've heard this fact somewhere before
tao-lay · 1 year
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reiderwriter · 3 months
Unfair We're Not Somewhere
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Chapter Eight of I Can't Help Myself
Summary: With a little bit of help from someone who could relate a little bit too closely to your situation, Y/N tries to come clean. Tries.
Warnings: Mentions of pregnancy symptoms/ general pregnancy things, unsub mentions, plot.
A/N: Chapter Eight! I'm so excited for where the rest of this series is going to go, though I do feel like people are going to be a bit annoyed by this one lmao. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below or in an ask! Don't be too mad...
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You sat quietly in the clinic as you waited for the pharmacist to fill your prescription - a simple pregnancy multivitamin that was supposed to help your food go down, make your hair shinier, and fix all your problems.
You wondered if the bottle could tell Spencer you were pregnant. You wondered if it could make him magically okay with that and prepare him for fatherhood, too. 
Your phone buzzed, and you surfaced from the field of thoughts you'd been lost in as you checked it. 
“Outside,” an unknown number had sent. You took that as your queue, stood up, and left the clinic, trying your best to avoid looking back at the small boy Spencer had been playing with. 
You weren't sure if you were going to have a boy or a girl yet. You didn't mind either, though you'd always envisioned yourself with a big enough family that you assumed at least one of each was inevitable. Though even you had to admit how stereotypically nuclear that was, and how only 18% of the country was living that was lying anyway. 
You shoved psychology from your head for a few minutes and let yourself breathe.
“Y/N!” JJ signalled from the driver's side of her still running SUV. She waved slightly, and you smiled politely as you quickly paced around to the side of her vehicle and got in. 
“Hi,” you said, unsure if you should introduce yourself or not. She'd been in the office the day you'd been taken into custody (protection), but you still had yet to speak to her. She'd been exempt from protective duty so far due to her status as a senior field agent and the fact that she had two kids and a husband at home waiting for her. 
You were sad she was the anomaly in the BAU, the only one with someone waiting on her. 
“I'm Y/N,” you said, still unsure if you should hold out a hand or not. You hadn't made the best impression on most of Spencer's colleagues, and while you didn't think there was much point in trying, you still couldn't bring yourself to be intentionally blasé. 
“I know, you're all we've been talking about for weeks,” the woman laughed, pulling out of the clinic car park and smiling at you. 
“Oh, right. Case. Of course, I've heard you probably know more about me than I know about myself.” 
“We have a profile, sure, but that's not what I meant.” 
You nodded awkwardly and stared out the window for a second, the sky darkening slightly as it prepared to rain. 
You drove for a few minutes before JJ spoke up again. 
“I don't know if Emily told you, but it's actually my day off today,” she said, turning off into a cul-de-sac you'd never seen before. 
“Oh, oh my god, I'm so sorry. I could've just got a taxi or something or just… gotten over myself. You didn't have to-” 
“Yes, I did,” she looked at you for a second, cocking her head to the side in a gesture that said, ‘and you know why.’ It was a look only a friend would give, and you felt an instant connection with her. 
How had Spencer found so many wonderful, big-hearted women to surround himself with, and how could you get in on it? 
You supposed, by letting him get you pregnant, you'd probably found a cheat code for whatever the answer might have been. 
“Anyway, it's my day off, so I promised my boys a fun day at home with mommy. We're doing finger painting and macaroni art. I hope you don't mind getting messy.” 
“Wha-? Me? Oh. No, not at all,” you tried to seem nonchalant, but your heart suddenly beat faster now that you were faced with this unexpected opportunity. As a lecturer, you'd been surrounded by kids professionally for years now. 18 to 21 year old kids. The kind that already had defined morals, world views, and, secretly, alcohol tolerances. The last time you'd encountered any kind of child younger than 18 was when you yourself were under 18.
The joys of toiling away at a doctorate for the better half of your adult life. You knew how to talk to professors and scholars. You were absolutely scared shitless of interacting with a kid. 
“H-How old are they?” You asked, trying to sound polite but falling somewhere between anxious and terrified with a simple stutter. 
“Well, Henry is turning 8 in November, and Michael is just about 22 months. He's just about talking, which is as fun as you can expect.” 
Her voice was tired, but there was genuine affection there, love for her kids and pride. You wondered if your voice would change if you'd suddenly begin speaking like that, too, about something other than a paper submitted to a journal or a job opportunity. 
She pulled into a street parking space and turned off the engine as two bright haired little boys came bouncing up the path of their garden to greet her, stopping at the gate. 
“Mommy! Michael got glitter on the carpet, and Daddy said we shouldn't tell you.” 
“And you have no sense of loyalty when a pretty face comes around, do you?”
Hopping out of the car, you heard JJ's husband drawl as she greeted him with a kiss. She'd probably only taken half an hour to pick you up, but they were still greeting each other so warmly. For a second, you wondered what that would be like before you remembered throwing yourself into Spencer's arms the night before. Your face heated as you stood awkwardly at the side of the car, trying not to cradle your stomach as you watched the family interact. 
Would your baby ever get that tall? Would it have brown eyes like Spencer, or one's more similar to your own? His hair was curly. Maybe your baby would get hair that waved like his, too. 
After all, JJ's kids seemed like perfect compromises between her and her husband. Other people's kids didn't, though. You wondered a lot of things before JJ gestured you over again. 
“Henry, Michael, this is Aunt Y/N. She's going to do those crafts with us today - after we've locked away the glitter and thrown away the key.” 
You laughed as she wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pushed you forward into the chaos of two kids under ten. 
You were a little startled as the smaller one - Michael - grabbed your hand. He had a pacifier in his mouth, though he was probably outgrowing it, and he stared up at you with big, wide eyes, blinking and sizing you up as he toddled along beside you. 
Your heart grew three sizes, and you felt sorry for ever being afraid of interacting with the kids. 
JJ whispered to her husband quickly as you entered the LaMontagne household, and he greeted you quickly. 
“So you're Spencer's lady friend. It's nice to meet you. It's nice that you're real. Honestly, I was getting a little-” 
A look from JJ cut him off, though he did still seem a bit confused. 
“I'm sorry, am I under the wrong impression? JJ said you were pregnant with Spencer's baby, y'all aren't…” 
“Oh my god-” you whispered, suddenly panicking again but whispering just in case. You weren't sure if the pair was religious, and though you certainly weren't, it probably wasn't the best time to blaspheme. You needed as much god as existed in the world. 
“So, does everyone know?” You asked JJ, trying to keep your voice bright and calm, so Michael didn't take too much of an interest and grow frustrated by hushed tones. You knew enough about child development and psychology, it translated over, right? 
“Everyone who's observant. Luke noticed the pregnancy vitamins in your bag, Tara was talking about your mood swings in the office the other day. I guess you told Emily earlier, and I have two kids.” 
You nodded at the answer. 
“And Spencer?” 
“You haven't told him yet?” JJ asked, slightly surprised. 
“If I told him, you'd know.” 
“Well, you're right on that. He's not the most easy-going during pregnancy,” JJ laughed and steered you into the living space, where your de facto art studio had been set up for the day, along with the offending glitter bomb. 
“Really? You thought you could keep that a secret?” 
“Well, of anyone was going to find it, it was going to be my beautiful, smart, funny, profiler Wife,” Will said, giving her a small peck on the cheek as she rolled her eyes at him. “I'm clocking in now. Call me if you need anything.” 
You waved him off, and sat down with the kids. 
JJ started the craft and then planned your hasty escape as the two boys were enraptured by making the perfect macaroni necklace, dusting it in objectively too much glitter as they proudly created their art. 
In the kitchen, she handed you a mug, and you sipped it quietly as she began again. 
“So, you're not dating?” 
“And he doesn't know you're pregnant?” 
“No.” You took another sip and shifted from one foot to the other. 
You knew what was coming next. It was what you'd gotten next from Emily, from Penelope, from yourself when you'd thought about it for longer than ten seconds. You needed to tell him. 
“Okay. What's your next move?” 
You were so shocked you almost splashed the hot tea over the mug you held, close to burning yourself as you turned to face her. 
“I… what?” 
“Well, what's your next move? You're what, five months along? You're not going to be able to hide it for much longer. And you have to think about maternity leave, your hospital stay, and names, and who's going to drive you to the hospital. And obviously, how you're going to pay the hospital fee, and then custody and child support.”
“Oh god…” 
“And you also have to sort your relationship out with Spencer. So where are you starting?” 
It wasn't a question that didn't have an answer. JJ was staring at you, waiting for one as you opened and closed your mouth, head suddenly so empty you almost forgot what you were talking about. 
“He doesn't like me,” you suddenly blurted and wished you hadn't, face crumpling as you physically cringed at your own words. 
“Y/N, he was telling us about your toothbrush yesterday. Part of the office has a theory that he made up this case as a reason to get closer to you.” 
Again, you felt the heat blossom on tour skin as you looked away, taking another sip. 
“We don't do anything but argue.” 
“You do at least one other thing,” JJ said, hands on her hips as she confronted you. 
“No, that doesn't count. We were still arguing while we were doing…that.” 
“TMI,” she groaned as you fanned yourself. “Y/N, I know for a fact that Spencer is at least half in love with you. If you're absolutely sure you don't feel the same way, you need to at least let him down easy.”
“I…. I don't know. He's infuriating sometimes, but then he's so smart and annoying. But he's pretty great at comforting me. And the, uh, the other stuff, that was good, too.” 
“Don't need to-” 
“Like really good. Like, I'm not surprised I ended up pregnant practically first time good-” 
“Back on topic, please!” JJ whisper shouted, throwing her hands up as you zipped your mouth shut.
“You like him,” she said. 
You sighed and finally gave in. 
“Yeah. Yeah, I like him.” 
“Great. What next?” 
“Next, I tell him I'm pregnant and make him hate me for a while.” 
She patted you on the back and poised you another mug of tea before leading you back over to the kids and sitting beside them at the table. 
“We can plan something later. For now, macaroni art is calling.”
You weren't sure if it was the stern, practical pep-talk from JJ or the little tiny grasp of your hand from Michael. Maybe it was even Henry's goodbye of ‘see you soon, Auntie Y/N’ that had you suddenly invigorated, but you suddenly kicked yourself into gear. 
The pregnancy wasn't going to put itself on pause while you worked up the courage to tell Spencer about it. You had to do it. 
JJ dropped you off at home at 6 p.m., knowing that Spencer would be back at the apartment shortly. 
“You're sure you don't need me to stay up there with you? The commute can get a bit long this time of night, Spencer could be anywhere between 15 and 45 minutes.”
“No, I think… I think I need some time to think about how I'm going to do this. I need some alone time.”
She nodded quietly and sent you off after calling Spencer and giving him an update on your whereabouts. 
You paced the apartment wondering what the best option was. 
You could go for the bookshelf again, though it was still organised into your first message. You'd not moved a book in that stack at all, and surprisingly, neither had Spencer. 
Running into your room, you grabbed the pair of baby shoes you'd thrown into your bag from your apartment. Maybe if you left them on the shelf next to the books…? 
You put them there and frowned, wondering if he'd be able to see them from the door when he walked in. He was so used to the surroundings of his house that he really didn't check for irregularities. 
You moved them to the coffee table. Then you wondered if you should just hand them to him when he walked in. 
“Spencer. I am..pregnant,” you practised, looking into the bathroom mirror as you tried to force a smile. 
“Spencer. We're pregnant. No, not a chance,” you sighed. 
“Spencer, I have a parasite growing in me. I've had it for five months now, and then I'll have it for another four and hopefully a long time after that as well.” 
That one was mostly a joke. Mostly. 
“Spencer, I… We're going to have a baby.” You looked down at your bump again and decided that was probably your best option. It wasn't a state. It wasn't a condition or a parasite. It was a baby. 
You rubbed your stomach again and looked up, wiping away tears from the corner of your eye as you composed yourself again. 
The doorbell rang, and your heart race picked up. It was time. Spencer was home, and you were going to tell him. 
Suddenly, you were filled with excitement, with happiness. You ran to the door, stepping on the sofa to get there quicker as you ran to pull it open. 
Maybe it was the pregnancy brain fog, but you forgot where you were. 
Spencer Reid lived in this apartment. He didn't need to knock on the door or ring the doorbell. He'd never done it before. But you'd already swung the door open quickly, and you were so relaxed and ready for it to be him that when a hand extended and covered your mouth with a cloth, thick with a scent that had your body protesting, you could do nothing but crumple to the floor with your hands cradling yourself, protecting the life growing within you. 
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fairlyang · 8 months
Easy money I 🕷️
in which your roomie needs your help for a shoot
w/c: 3.1K
pairing: pornstaroomie!miguel x f!reader
tags: 18+ smut. tension, recording, groping, fingering, squirting
notes: all my readers loved this series and might’ve been peer pressured for a part 3 but I’m kinda excited to write it :D gonna post this rn and maybe part 2 tmrw, finish up all my part 3’s soon hopefully
part two
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I heard a knock on my door so I lowered my music from my airpods. "Come in!" I yell and turn to look at my laptop.
I hear the door open and Miguel clears his throat, I turn around to look at him and raise an eyebrow, "what's up?"
"I need something from you...." He says and takes a step inside.
"Like what?" I ask and he takes another step forward.
"You're gonna have to hear me out alright?" He says and I narrow my eyes at him.
"Okay..." I say and take my airpods off leaving them on my desk before turning back to look at him, giving him my full attention.
"I need you to step in for tonight's shoot..." he says and I burst out laughing.
"Are you fucking joking?" I say and shake my head. Is this man serious?
"I need your help Y/n..." he says nearing the edge of my bed and I groan.
"Why me?"
"The girl I was gonna shoot with canceled on me last minute and all the girls I usually shoot with are unavailable." He explains and I blink.
"Andddd you are already here...." He adds and i scoff.
"Not really sure I'd wanna expose myself like that Miguel." I say and stand up, walking over to my bed and plop down on it.
He sighs and sits on the edge of it and looks at me with pleading eyes. "Please? For me?"
"And the camera would hide your face, so unless you have any noticeable tattoos on your lower body then I think you'd be in the clear." He says and I bite my lip. Well there lies the problem...
I blink looking at him in silence making him scoff as he widens his eyes slightly then his lips tug into a smirk. "Where do you have it?" he asks and I feel my face heat up.
"Uh that one spot that's like lower, inner hip..." I say quietly and turn my gaze to my window.
There was really no reason for me to be acting like this- but that tattoo wasn't exactly somewhere that most people in my life know.... So maybe... just maybe...
"No face?" I ask and he nods.
"You know I don't even show my face-" he says with a small smile.
"I know but I don't know if it's different for the girls you record with." I say and shrug.
"It depends on them mainly, I'm not gonna force anyone I work with to show their face if they don't want to." He says softly and I nod slowly.
"And you wanna do this like right now?" I ask and he nods again.
"Jesus-" I mutter and run a hand over my hair.
"Up to you but you know I have a lot of loyal subscribers and make decent money off this..." he says and I chuckle.
"Because the girls love your voice and body." I say and he smirks making me regret my choice of words. And queue to him being obnoxious about it...
"Think so huh?" he teases in a cocky tone making me groan.
"Fuck off." I say and grab a random stuffed animal from my bed and throw it at his face.
He laughs and holds it, it was so small compared to his hands. Oh god-
I mean of fucking course I've noticed how fine he is- it was the first thing I noticed when I was interviewing people to be my roommate, he was the hottest man that came in needing a place to stay.
I didn't just decide on him because he was hot but because he seemed chill and not like someone that would murder me in my sleep.
But I never made a move on him, neither did he. We've just always had some type of tension that neither of us ever paid attention to... I guess until now..
"So what exactly did you plan to shoot?" I ask and let out a sigh.
He grins and scoots closer now sitting by my legs as they were stretched out. "I was thinking fingering."
I nod and bite my lip, "hmm.."
"Up to you I won't force you but just think of the fact that you'd be getting paid to get fingered." He says and I snicker.
Sounds like easy money...
And I'd get an orgasm out of it...
"50% of whatever the video makes will go to you." He says and I bite my lip.
"You're really laying it on thick there Miguel... you that desperate?" I tease and he playfully rolls his eyes.
"Yeah actually, so just let me know within the next hour before I just decide to do a solo vid." He says and stands up.
I sigh and nod, "I'll... think about it...." He smirks and gives me a wink before opening the door and walking out, closing it behind him.
I sigh and lay down on my bed, should I?
I mean there's no denying the fact that I always listen in when he has someone over to record... or even checked out a few of his videos on pornhub...
maybe even possibly masturbated to a few of his audios... or the ones where he fucks himself with a fleshlight...
Letting out those incredible moans for everyone's very own pleasure, how selfless.
But he wanted to record for onlyfans which was for the ones who specifically pay to view his content, which apparently was a lot and the thought alone was a little nerve wrecking.
What if someone I've been with before recognized my tattoo and tells people I know? I'd be fucking done for and I'd just die on the spot of pure embarrassment.
But the money- how could I say no to that kind of money? Especially when seeing the views just his previews on pornhub get-
I'd be so fucking stupid to pass this opportunity...
Fuck it.
I get up from my bed and walk to my door quickly opening it before stepping out onto the hallway. I then do the walk of shame and walk to Miguel's room.
I made my mind up a little too fast god I'm not gonna hear the end of this from him-
I step in front of his door and knock twice before hearing a laugh. I groan and cross my arms across my chest, patiently waiting for him.
He opens the door with a wide smile but before I could even say a word my eyes trailed down his chest then to his abdomen. A small happy trail going down caught my eye as a pair of grey sweatpants hugged his hips perfectly.
God he looked so good...
Wait- how the fuck did he change so fast?
"Did you just assume I was going to say yes?" I ask, quickly looking up at him.
He shrugs and opens his door wide, motioning for me to step inside. I roll my eyes but walk in nonetheless, seeing that he was indeed very desperate for this. And apparently eager.
"I knew it'd be something hard for you to say no to." He says and shrugs, closing the door behind him.
"And I had an idea for more anonymity..." he says and walks past me.
He walks over to his desk and picks up two masks, robber masks. "We could put these on." He says and throws me a pink one.
I catch it and look down at it, cute.
"Just casually had these huh?" I mutter and play with it between my fingertips.
It only had three holes, obviously for the eyes and mouth. It honestly didn't shock me too much that he had these especially considering he didn't make content showing his face at all.
"Alright ready?"
"Where are we doing this? Should I change? Should I put makeup on-"
"Calm down-" he says and laughs, shaking his head at my sudden worries.
"We're doing this in my bathroom, I already set the camera and lights up." He explains and I nod.
"As for your clothes if you want I can give you one of my shirts and you can just leave your panties on." He says looking me up and down.
I wearing a SZA shirt with Cookie Monster pajama pants.... Yeah I definitely could've changed but maybe got a tiny bit excited..
He walked over to his dresser and picked the first one of top and then tossed it over to me. I caught it and unfold it to reveal a Nirvana tee. I shrug and walk over to his bathroom with him right on my tail.
I walk in then stop and quickly turn around to point a finger at him, "you're waiting- you can wait a few more minutes there O'Hara." He chuckles and backs up letting me close the door.
I quickly take off my tee shirt and put the one he gave me on. I leave my shirt on the sink then I slip out of my pj pants and realize it wasn't a big deal if he watched because he was going to see it all right now anyway.....
I look in the mirror and take a deep breath, I was really going to do this.... We were really going to do this...
I then take notice of the ring light and tripod that were right in front me. This was getting so real so fast and it was making me more nervous than I expected.
I breathe in then breathe out. I do it a couple more times and feel some nerves leave my body but some still lingering around.
I turn around and walk towards the door, I open it wide and Miguel stands up from his bed and walks over. "Finally." He teased and I chuckle.
"My bad." I mutter, turning back around and walk to the sink, leaning against it as Miguel walks in.
"You're good, don't worry it'll be fine." He reassured and gives me a small smile.
He walks over to his tripod and sets his phone on it and goes to the camera. He turns to me and motions for me to stand in front of the camera. I nod and do so, leaning against the seat with my nerves growing every second.
"Alright we're gonna start, if you need me to stop at any given moment just tap my thigh or anywhere twice okay?" He says and I nod.
"Audibly please?" He says and I chuckle.
"Yes I understand."
"Okay good." He says and throws me the pink robber mask.
I move all my hair to my back then slip it on. I fix the holes to align to my mouth and eyes then see Miguel doing the same. "This'll be fun." He mutters with a slight smirk on his face then he presses the button to record.
He walks over to me and gently puts his hands on my cheeks then leans in. I lean up and he leans down removing the last amount of space between us and crashes his lips onto mine. I kiss back and put a hand to his jaw and the other on his neck.
I then feel his hands slide down my body, at first staying at my waist, gripping my skin softly through the shirt until his hands go lower and his fingertips are playing with the hem of his shirt, near my ass.
He slid his tongue in my mouth and continues toying w his shirt, bringing it up slowly as our tongues fight for dominance but I stood no chance. Suddenly I feel a hard smack against my ass making me moan in his mouth.
He smiles and pulls away just to go down and start leaving open mouthed kisses on my neck. I sigh and tilt my head to the side as he slightly moves the mask to leave a mark where he wanted. He sucked on my skin then licked it softly before leaving a kiss on it.
I smile and grab his head, making sure he stayed in place as he kept playing with the skirt. He pulls away again and this time bringing the hem of the shirt up, slowly. He turns me around slowly so my behind is what the camera will see and lifts the shirt completely over my ass.
Another smack.
Then to the other cheek.
Another smack on each one, definitely already making them red and it seemed like he wanted to keep going because of the noises that were leaving his mouth. Such delicious groans.
He keeps pulling it up, exposing my entire bare back to the camera but my tits to him. He quickly brings it up and over my head, throwing it on the floor then quickly cups my tits and squeezes.
I gasp when he pinches both nipples then quickly turns me around so my ass was on his already hard bulge. His hands continue squeezing and I felt purely at bliss, heaven on earth even.
I lay my head back against his chest which makes him lean down and leave a kiss on my neck then suck gently on the skin as his hands continued kneading my tits.
His right hand then lets go of my boob and slowly trails down my stomach, as if easing me in, making me feel comfortable first. I grab on to his left arm and try to stand still, I already felt like I was going to go crazy and maybe fall over.
My fucking roommate was doing this- and he had such a good hand for these things so this was gonna be perfect.
His hand goes between my legs, gently rubbing my pussy through my panties. I spread my legs to help him out when he starts rubbing circles on my clit. I moan and buck my hips forward, already wanting more.
And he gives me just that, he starts going faster and I could feel my wetness seeping through the fabric of my little panties. "Miguel-"
He hums then rubs along my slit, my arousal already able to soak his fingers. How embarrassing.
He then removed his fingers making me whine until he pulls my panties down and lets them slide off my legs. I step out of them and kick them farther out, out of shot.
I spread my legs again and he doesn't hesitate to immediately start rubbing my clit again, not caring to ease me in anymore. He moans into my ear and dips his fingers on to my folds, my wetness enveloping them as he teases my hole making me grip harder onto his arm.
He moved that arm to grip on to my waist while I still held on to it for dear life. I couldn't trust myself to stand I knew I'd just end up falling and he was a big boy, he could handle me.
He then slid a finger in, slow at first until he slammed it in without warning. I gasped and clung on to his arm. He then started pumping in and out, deep and slow.
He started going faster, hitting deeper now until he fully stopped and added a second finger in. He started moving again, going faster and harder, making me a moaning mess as I looked down to watch in awe.
"Look how easy you're taking me baby." He murmurs in my ear and I couldn't help the whimper that came out of me.
"Feels so good-" I moan and he hums, pumping them even faster.
I felt myself clench against his fingers and listen to how fucking soaked I am, he barely even touched me..
"Rub your clit for me." He whispers and I nod, immediately bringing my right hand down to rub my clit in fast circles.
I moan out for him and he coos dirty little nothings into my ear as he starts curling his fingers up and hitting that sweet spot every time.
I was starting to feel my orgasm creep in already which had me shocked but then realized who was the one doing this to me...
"Fuck- Miguel-" I moan and lay my head back against him, he leans down to kiss my cheek oh so sweetly.
He then brings his open hand and starts pinching my left nipple, I felt my legs shake as he continued and I was slowly down because I was feeling so fucking close.
"Don't stop baby, be a good girl and keep rubbing that clit until you cum for me sweet girl." He murmurs and I whimper, clenching against his fingers as I rub my clit faster feeling that knot in my stomach about to burst.
"Miguel please- so cl-"
I dig my nails into his arms making him groan but he didn't say to stop. I felt my eyes growing hazier by the second and my thighs were trembling more and more by the second.
Suddenly I see white, I cry out and feel my climax crash and take over my body. I closed my eyes and almost fell to my knees, had Miguel strong arm not held me. My legs were trembling and Miguel's fingers were still inside, slowly fucking me through my orgasm.
I held onto him for dear life and start to calm my breathing down as I open my eyes, then quickly widening in pure shock, I had squirted all over the place.
I gasp and move my hand away from my clit, I stood silent, still in Miguel's arms in pure embarrassment. Squirting always felt so embarrassing, especially now because I didn't even mean to-
"That was probably the most perfect shoot I've done thus far." Miguel says making me scoff.
"I'm being so serious." He says finally taking his fingers out of me slowly and brings it up to his lips.
I tilt my head and look up, watching as he sucks on his fingers covered in my juices. Holy fuck.
I blink watching him as if in a trance, then he looks me directly in my eyes making me subconsciously squeeze my thighs together.
He takes them out with a plop and gives me a wide grin, "sorry but we have to do that again in the future...."
I laugh and look down embarrassed, I shrug and straighten up, "I guess we'll have to see if the people liked it..."
"I'm sure they will." He says and laughs.
"Let's get ya cleaned up then maybe we can watch a movie, if you'd like." He suggests and I look up at him and nod.
"That'd be perfect."
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riansdiary · 3 months
My Manifesting Epiphany
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Hello everyone! I was reading one of @luckykiwiii101 's posts which was titled "The 3D is a FAKE Wannabe" and I was talking to myself about this in my mind about that and how much I agree with it. That is when I had an epiphany. I've heard somewhere that 3D is like an old newspaper. It's the past. It's your old cringy negative poopoo butthole thoughts (this is inspired by Mother Rita Kaminski lol) and it follows you. Not the other way around. Whatever you think is a fact, well, is a fact. The 3D follows your mind and what you say. What you focus on. For example, let's say you are manifesting your grades to be higher but you have lower grades before. If you focus on your failure before and doubt, you are laser focusing on the fact that you always fail but if you change that and focus on what you want. You having higher grades whether that's by affirming, visualizing or thinking that it's done and disregarding your past grades. That's you focusing and choosing to have higher grades. It's you turning away from your older lower grades and putting your attention on what you want. That you have higher grades. In simpler words, what are you focusing on? You cannot serve two masters. You either have it or you don't.
However that is not the main part of my epiphany! I am a huge fan of Harry Potter and I had this idea. If the 3D is an old newspaper then it's like the moving newspaper in Harry Potter!
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So I thought of it like this.
3D - The moving newspaper which is the 3D you're experiencing
4D - Hogwarts in front of you
Let's say our desire is a biscuit! "You wanted a biscuit, Harry? Here it is!" Hermione said then placed the plate of biscuits in front of Harry.
There, we have what we want. It is you thinking, knowing or imagining that you have the biscuit you wanted in the 4D which is your mind or your imagination. The real reality. It is literally there. All we need to do is accept it as real and that it's already done. The biscuit is there, it is enough validation cause it's right there. I am craving my favorite biscuits but am I going like "where's the biscuits?" No. I saw the biscuits in my head and I accepted that it's already done. That is enough validation for me. Most of the time, I just commanded my subconscious and I just relax and trust that it is done and I got many of my cravings this way.
Anyway, so let's say Harry is us. The biscuit is literally there but he's way too focused on the newspaper. The newspaper is blocking his sight so he can't see the biscuits.
There are two versions (he either has it or he doesn't) of Harry. One version is too focused on the newspaper and so he can't see the biscuits that are right behind it on the table. This version is our old versions, we've been there but not anymore. We're literally like "Where is it? Why isn't it here?" right? However, what we want a.k.a the biscuits is literally right in front of us. Hermione and Ron would think he has absolutely gone bonkers. Hermione would think that he's being so stupid. Need I say, delusional? YES. That is so delusional! Hermione would hit him and be like: "Don't be stupid, Harry. What do you mean the biscuits are not here? What do you mean that you cannot see it? Get over it, Harry or I'll yank that newspaper away from you. That is so mean, I got it for you!" Yes. You having your desires is NOT delusional. It's literally there in your mind. If you can see it there then it's real now. What's delusional is you saying where is it when it's right in front of you.
Now, Harry 2.0 lowers the newspaper and is not focusing on it anymore. He's not focusing or putting attention on the fact that the biscuits are not there. He sees the biscuits and smiles. It is already done! Thanks, Hermione! The biscuits look scrumptious! You can eat it in your mind and think that it is done or you see that it is there and you relax knowing that it is done. We just don't ask where because technically we have it already. I just focus on the fact that my subconscious mind knows what I want and that it's already done even if I don't see it but I saw it in my mind so I can relax and know that it's here and it's done. I just relax and distract myself by doing the things that make me happy!
Voila! Thank you so much for reading about my epiphany and I KNOW that I have helped you by posting this! I was actually stressing about writing this, thinking that it'll be tiresome but I just wrote what came to me. Like inspired action while watching some ASMR in the background! I was like no, this is easy for me and here we are! I'm done with it!
I will share more when I come up with anything that can help everyone! I actually am not a manifestation blog but you know what? I am feeling this vibe! Yes, inspired action girl! I just typed whatever was flowing through and it was so easy and it's stupid to think that I was procrastinating before!
PS: I am also here to promote a Gossip Girl Rp group here on Tumblr! Calling all Gossip Girl fans! Yes, I'm talking about you! I am a co-admin there and we would love to have anyone who loves Gossip Girl, roleplaying and writing! You could just be a cute silent reader if you're not a roleplayer and see how the main characters' lives are going! It is set in present time so all the OG Gossip Girl characters are now adults and there's a whole new generation ruling Constance & St. Jude's including the Gossip Girl reboot characters like Julien, Audrey, Max and the rest!
You can create your own character or choose one from any show except supernatural shows! It's gonna be so much fun so I'm looking forward to my Gossip Girl lovers to join us! My babies are Elise, Hal and Vivienne! Please don't be shy to message me if you joined through this post! Join us at Xoxo-Gossipgirlrp here on Tumblr!!! 💋
I was about to say something about manifesting to be like Blair but you can fully scratch that bitches, the Queen B is here! Oh and please do not worry! I only have her good traits, mannerisms and a little bit of sass but I'm just adding that to me so i am still me but I have the mindset of Blair Waldorf. That is a fact. You should too. We have such a good mindset. I mean come on! See the gif below and say it like you mean it! Actually let's tweak that a little bit. Whichever you resonate with. I know what I want and I already have it. It's already done.
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queenie-official · 3 months
✨🐚 Sandy Love 🐚✨
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main masterlist word count: 2171
pairing: modern!Anakin skywalker x reader
summary: beach day with Anakin 🏖️
a/n: everyone say thank you @everydaydreamer for getting me to come back and write again 🤭 added a extra scene at the end just for you pookie ☺️
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“why are we doing this?" you heard Anakin question from somewhere behind you as you dug around the bag in front of you, mentally adding items to your list of things to bring. sunscreen, extra water bottles, and your sunglasses.
you smile, turning on your heels as you respond "Because it's gonna be fun." he has his arms crossed, a frown adorning his face. to an outsider he probably looked furious but you knew better, you could see the soft look in his eyes despite the forced furrow in his brow.
"We both hate sand" he grumbles and you huff continuing with your task to distract yourself from the fact he's completely right.
placing the final items in your bag you defend your plan "yea but I always liked building sandcastles." you're about to grab the handles of the beach bag but Anakin quickly swoops in.
"We could do that here with kinetic sand- which by the way is way softer than actual sand" he retorts not even close to being convinced by you.
you glare at him, reaching forward to grab the bag back but he holds it out of your reach. "we don't have access to unlimited sea shells at home" you state whilst fighting him for the bag- or well attempting to. the height difference you two have proving to be a disadvantage on your end.
"we have access to literally unlimited everything else" he says with a roll of his eyes holding you back with one hand, pathetic really. you know how strong he is compared to you but it never really clicks until moments like this.
"What about the ocean?" you argue maneuvering under his arm quickly throwing him off guard and just as you're about to grab the bag he tosses it back onto the bed.
"you can't swim" he says plainly grabbing your arms and pulling you into his chest, trapping you in a hug before you can go after the bag.
"I can float!" you shout frustratedly, squirming in his hold to try and get him to release you which only makes him hold you tighter. you groan slumping against his chest in defeat.
"you can do that in a pool" he says with a smug smile thinking he's won, but as soon as he loosens his hold you break free. rushing over to the bed and grabbing the beach bag triumphantly.
"come on it's gonna be great, you've already got your swim trunks on" you give him a smug smile of your own.
Anakin had agreed to go with you before even processing what you'd asked, always ready to go anywhere you wanted to. today was the day that backfired on him because as soon as he got dressed and saw you packing a bag as he exited the bathroom, reality caught up with him. the fact of the matter was you'd ask to go to the beach not hang in his pool.
"i can't believe i even agreed to this" he groaned dramatically while running his hands down his face.
you frown growing tired of his negative attitude "you know if you're gonna keep complaining i can just call Padme and go with her."
Anakin lights up at that idea, smiling brightly as he plops down onto the bed putting his arms behind his head "that's a great idea, glad we've come to a compromise."
your jaw drops slightly your brain kicking into hyperdrive "what! no i was-" you cut yourself off taking a breath. "i wanna go with you Ani not Padme" you say sincerely, pouting as you look down at where he now lays.
there's a brief silence as you stare at each other and his smile falls caving with a sigh that makes yours grow "Oh alright, it's a good thing you're cute."
"Yes!!" you jump causing the beach bag to slightly tug on your shoulder from the action, but you continue your victory celebration "To the beach!" you sing while happily dancing your way out of the room.
"you're so weird" Anakin snorts just loud enough for you to hear before you're fully out.
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"is it everything you wanted?" Anakin asks as soon as you both step foot onto the sandy beach, the grainy sand immediately making home in your sandals as you walk.
you can't help but grimace making your sunglasses move up with the scrunch of your nose. the feeling was almost immediately too much as you involuntarily replied "and worse" under your breath.
Anakin cranes his neck slightly, his face now directly in front of yours with a quirked brow "what was that?" he asks with his own sunglasses sliding slightly down his nose. at first you thought he'd heard you and was just being a smart ass like usual, but the lack of a smug smile on his face and the wind blowing in your ears mixed with the seagulls squawking reassured you that was not the case.
biting your tongue and putting on your best smile you answer "i said it's better, the sand isn't even that bad." you dig your feet into the sand a little more and gesture down for him to see to emphasize your point. "how about for you?"
Anakin rolls his eyes not buying your facade but he doesn't poke back. "i want to be anywhere else but here" he retorts lifting his leg up slightly, and shaking his foot to clear his sandals of the sand with a look of pure disgust on his face. "so yea id say the same as always for me" he pushes his sunglasses up his face with a sigh.
"oh come on it's not that bad" you say unsure whether or not you were trying more to convince him or yourself.
"mmm, debatable- we're just building the sandcastle and leaving right?" he asks with a sigh as he starts to walk further into the beach. he looks briefly behind himself to see you with your feet planted in the same spot. in all honesty, you were contemplating turning right around and marching back to the parked car but that would mean admitting he was right.
Anakin stuck his hand out shaking it a little, silently calling you over to take hold. the action made you genuinely smile as you jogged right on up to him- briefly able to ignore the horrible feeling of sand squishing between your toes. "yea just the sandcastle" you say while lacing your fingers with his.
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it hadn't even been an hour yet since you had arrived but gods did it feel like it.
you'd spent the first fifteen minutes just gathering seashells to decorate your sandcastle with, which was fine up until you had to sit down to build it.
now here you both were with sand quite literally everywhere.
Anakin had stopped helping you the second he sat down, his mood souring again almost instantly. you couldn't even blame him. if you weren't trying to prove him wrong that would have been your final straw as well, instead you persevered.
you were just about finished when Anakin let out his fifth disgruntled sigh within the last five minutes "are you done yet?"
"will you stop being so negative" you huff, placing another shell around the base of your top tower. he all but groans, running his hands through his hair only to instantly regret his actions when he can feel every grain of sand on his scalp.
"maybe, if there wasn't sand in places where sand shouldn't be i-" he started, speaking through gritted teeth before you cut him off. placing your final shell on the very top as the finishing touch.
"okay i get it, let's just wash off in the ocean really quick, then we can leave" you stand up, wiping your hands clean with an annoyed look on your face. as always Anakin notices immediately despite the fact you refused to meet his eyes, opting to look at the rise and fall of the tides.
"well now i don't want to" he sighs, standing up and brushing himself off as well. you look over at him with your brow raised in confusion. you didn't even say anything before he answered your unspoken question, "you're gonna be all mopey."
"no im not" you say with a roll of your eyes, crossing your arms in denial but the pout on your lips contradicts your words.
"you're already doing it right now" he points out as you slump forward letting your arms fall to your sides. you wanted to leave as much as he did, however the reality of the fact you'd just wasted so much time in a place neither of you enjoyed just happened to settle in at that moment.
"i wanted this to be more fun" you say sincerely and Anakin can't help but soften. he pulls you into his arms rubbing your back in gentle circles, this usually soothed you but currently all you could focus on was the layer of sand that stood between your skin and where his hand was.
you cringe, shrugging his hands off causing him to frown. overstimulation was starting to settle in, which was clear from the look on your face. "you're hating this as much as i am aren't you?" he asked with a knowing smile.
"from the second we stepped foot on the beach and i felt the sand go between my toes" you cave just ready to leave.
"i knew it!" he shouts, throwing his arms up in victory.
you playfully shove him "yea yeah you were right." he places his hand over his chest in mock offense making you giggle. he drops the act with another smile, leaning over and pressing a kiss right to your cheek.
"i have an idea on how to turn this day around." he says while walking towards the ocean so you both can wash off as much sand as you can.
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"how are you feeling?" he asks before taking a sip of a cold cola, leaning back where he is sat and adjusting his sunglasses.
"like we should have just done this from the beginning" you confess, turning your head so your view was no longer constricted from the flamingo pool floaty you were sitting in.
you can see the smug smile on his face as he places the can of soda down, pushing his sunglasses onto the top of his head before swimming over to you. "don't say it" you mumble.
"i didn't say anything" he defends himself, holding onto the side of your floaty.
"you were about to" you point an accusing finger at him and he gently smacks your hand away.
"but i didn't" he counters, moving back slightly before you can push him away.
as if that would stop you, moving your arm back you straighten your hand out and push forward splashing him with a bunch of water.
Anakin doesn't back down, moving back towards you while ignoring the fact his sunglasses fell off and were now sinking to the bottom of his pool. he shakes the water out of his hair all over you.
you both laugh, moods much brighter than before. "this is nice" you smile and Anakin smiles back, resting his head on your floaty right next to your thigh.
there's a comfortable silence before Anakin lets out an annoyed groan. "god there's so much sand in my car."
you can’t help but give him a awkward pity smile "sorry."
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(bonus scene)
pushing up from the bottom of the pool and emerging from the water right next to where Anakin is wading comfortably, you smile at him whilst clinging to the wall of the pool. "Ani, wanna play mermaids?"
his brows knit together in confusion unsure if he heard you right "what?"
"do you wanna play mermaids?" you ask again, watching his face contort as he practically winces.
"why would i want to do that?" he says with a shudder. sometimes you can't even tell who's more dramatic than the other, but currently Anakin is taking the cake.
"because it's fun and we haven't played it since we were little" you plead, putting on your best puppy-dog eyes.
"with good reason and you can't even swim, what kind of mermaid can't swim" he quips.
"i can swim underwater! and mermaids don't need air to breathe so it works out" you shout your defense, you'd splash him with water but you would have to let go of the pool wall for that and you were way too far in the deep end for that.
"you're going to have to come up for air at some point-" he begins to clap back but you cut him off tired of fighting.
"okay i'm not gonna argue logistics with you, so do you wanna play mermaids with me or not" you grumble, but immediately brighten up when he lets out a defeated sigh.
"only if i get water manipulation powers" he states before you guys begin.
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🌝umm hi guys, been awhile fr- be honest did yall think i died 😭? anyway i thought it made sense to work on my summer drafts i made last year now that it’s summer again ✨ so there will be more of these i promise 🙏 swear i won’t disappear for like a year again, this time it’s just a week because i’m going on vacation 💃
love you all 💋💋 and let me know what you think! i’ve missed reading your comments 😌
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privategurlsblog · 4 days
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Not intended for minors. 18+ only!
Warnings: fingering. piv. standards really!
PLOT: a cute follow up to this. can also be read as a standalone 🖤
You and Alex had been together for six months now. You saw it as a celebration, he didn't even realise.
You crossed your arms and stared up at the stage he was on, guitar at hand, half drunken smile as he looked out towards the few stragglers in attendance tonight. Of course his eyes lingered on you, but you didn't grant him the same satisfaction. You looked away the second his met you.
Instead you kept your eyes driven on the bartender. You knew him from a few years above, one of your friend's brothers. You weren't flirting, of course you weren't. He would never touch you. But that wasn't relevant, you were pleased that to Alex, it might look that way nonetheless.
You wanted him to suffer. Wanted him to realise that you were special. You were a treat in his life. The fact you've even granted him the right to swan around town hand in hand with you is a miracle in itself, even if college is over and no one really cares anymore. But lately it's been all about his band, their stupid gigs and his stupid friends and you're fed up. Since when were you just on the sidelines? Battling with a damned guitar for his attention?
After the show ended, you expected Alex to rush to your side but he didn't. In fact, he sidled up at the end of the bar with a few people hovering around him and he sunk enough pints that even you got fed up of pretending and left instead.
He was meant to come around yours tomorrow anyway, you loved Saturday mornings together basking in the warmth of the sun. Every day was like that for you now but Alex worked, yet he always reserved those mornings for you. The thought of it made you smile, even through your anger.
The next day he turned up to your house with a bunch of flowers and a sorrowful smile, going on about how he'd gotten pissed last night and he was sorry he was late. All you heard was 'blah blah blah' and bullshit excuses. He managed to nuzzle his way into your neck, heart and eventually, your bed, but your anger didn't dissipate.
Over the following few weeks, it increased by a tenfold. The band had managed some studio space, somewhere arse end of Sheffield you'd learnt not from Alex, but from Matthew when you bumped into him at the shop.
"Isn't it great? I reckon we've got a good chance at getting some songs out you know," Matthew said to you as you both browsed the aisles. He went to the beer section and you hovered behind him with a can of coke and a scowl.
"Yeah it's great," you mumbled, half arsed. You picked up a bottle of wine, planning on necking it back later with Matthew's equally as neglected girlfriend while you bitched about them all night long.
As you both checked out, you thought of ways you could get to Alex. How you could hurt him and make him feel as hard done by as you had these past few months. An idea came to your mind and you smiled to yourself, ignoring the weird look you were receiving from the cashier when your pout turned into a malicious grin.
"Oh yeah," you called after Matt and he slowed his steps, glancing back at you curiously, "tell Alex we're finished."
You bounced away with a pep in your step. The consequences of your actions seemed far removed when compared to the thrill you got at Alex panicking. Matt gawped after you, watching you practically skip down the street before rushing to his neighbours house to inform him of your words.
That night Alex rang you and you hit ignore. You were having far too much fun knocking back wine with your friends, dancing on the settees like little girls, screaming the house down to old songs. The scene distracted you from the fact that it was fleeting. Already your heart ached for the man you loved, but you were yet to recognise that yearning.
Eventually, after too much wine, too many cigarettes and enough singing to make your voice hoarse - you were drunk enough to answer one of his many calls.
"What Alex?" you slurred down the phone, ignoring the giggles of the equally juvenile girls beside you. You didn't realise they were just eager for the drama opposed to advising you the right thing. Perhaps they should've told you that you were acting like a brat - but your doubts about their intentions were drowned out from the alcohol.
"Where are you?" he answered, his voice proving his annoyance. A tone you were used to these days, a hearty reminder that you're nothing more than a nuisance to him, something that stood between him and his success.
"Lucy's. Drinking."
He sighed at your bluntness, "I'll pick you up."
You didn't argue.
The next half hour went by in a blur of giggles and slurs, eventually you heard the knock on the door and your friend informed you that Alex was here. In your drunken state, your anger had temporality evaporated and you were all over him, slinging your arms around his neck and kissing his cheeks, desperate for his attention.
You don't remember much of what was said but you do remember that he kept pushing you off with a gruff tone. But that could all wait until the morning, at least you're snuggled up by his side now, where you've wanted to be all along.
The next morning you wake up with a groan, your eyes battling with the beaming sun intent on torturing you. Your arm comes to rest on your forehead and you wince as you try to sit up only to find your body heavy and hot underneath a blue plaid duvet - Alex's, to be precise.
You look around for him, finding him sat on his desk chair though facing the bed. One leg propped on the bed frame, leant back in the chair with a notepad on his knee with his familiar messy scribbles all over and undetectable from where you were. His long hair was messy around his head, his eyes still heavy lidded with sleepiness and he was shirtless, his skinny figure taut and gleaming in the sunlight. Every muscle in your body ached and yet something sweet rattled through you at the sight of him, momentarily curing you as you offered a smile.
"What am I doing here?" you mumbled with a cracked voice, your throat still burning from the incessant, girlish screams of the night prior. You shifted yourself up, leant on your knees and cupped your throat like that would ease the pain.
Alex looked at you with a placid expression, his eyes giving absolutely nothing away. Immediately you felt the edge of his annoyance, despite his outward appearance, the vibes he was emitting gave you a clear indication of where this would go. Your smile fell.
"Yeah," he drawled, elongating his word, the anger seeping through, "what are you doing here? Thought we were broken up."
You winced. Now that he was here, his undivided attention set on you, your grand plan seemed a little, well....fucking stupid.
"You didn't have to bring me back here," your youth clouded your good intentions. Everything inside of your heart urged you to apologise, but your mind was telling you to remain stubborn, to make him suffer.
You pouted as you climbed out of the covers, finding yourself still in the clothes from the night prior. The only part missing of your outfit being the ridiculous heels you'd shoved your poor feet into. They stung as they hit the scratchy carpet of his bedroom, you refrained from showing how weak you were as you stood.
"Your mum would kill you if you came home plastered like you were," he scoffs, settling his notepad on his desk, only a mere few inches away from the bed.
"Didn't realise you gave a fuck," you sneered in return, searching the floor for your shoes. You found them in the corner, bending over to retrieve them and you smirked to yourself when you felt the heat of his gaze on your arse, still shoved into a tiny leather skirt.
"What's going on with you? You've been so fucking agitated recently," Alex kept his voice low, well aware of his parents only a few doors down. After the mishap of his mother walking in on you two, you both held caution whenever locked away in here.
"Yeah because you don't pay any bloody attention to me," you hissed.
"Are you surprised?" he raises his eyebrows, standing up as you start to claw your hair back into a ponytail. You probably looked horrendous. At least he'd seen you like this before.
"Why would I give you the time of day when you're just moody all the time? Can't get a bloody worthy conversation out of you," he rolled his eyes and you pouted even further.
"Well luckily it won't be your problem anymore," you held your head high despite the fear soaring around your body that he might just agree. Might just be fed up with your antics.
"Don't be ridiculous Y/N. We're not breaking up."
You stalled, your hair falling back onto your shoulders. The hair-tie had snapped at that exact moment, as if it was emphasising his words, making them a bigger deal than they were.
"Says who?"
"Says me," he grabbed your hand, even through his anger, he needed to feel you under his fingertips. Obsessed with your body he was, and his eager hands ran down the sides of it now, even with the frown still on his brow.
"Don't I get a say?"
"Not when you're being a brat," his sharp tongue whips your skin but you don't mind. You revel in the sound of him caring, reacting, like you've been wishing for all these weeks.
You swing your arms around his neck, too aware of the wine lingering on your breath to kiss him even if his wide eyes keep flickering to your lips nonetheless.
"But you love me."
He rolls his eyes, his grip on you tightening. Your body is pressed to his and you're still in that slutty outfit, it's natural for him to respond as he is, with his cock stiffening against your thigh and his hands unable to help but grope you.
"You know that. Do you always have to find ways to prove it?" his voice is now softer, tainted with the insecurity of your relationship failing. He rarely takes you seriously with all your moods giving him whiplash. Today, though, your reassurance matters to him.
"You forgot our six month anniversary," your voice contained a trace of disappointment that made his skin crawl. He hated letting you down, "and you would rather grind against a guitar all day than me."
Alex can't help but laugh, his face lighting up. The insides of you turn to mush and you near melt in his arms at the sound of his melody of happiness.
"People don't celebrate six months anniversaries," he counters, leaning in to kiss you but you pull back, nearly toppling over if it wasn't for the strength of his fingertips pressing into your waist, "and I love grinding on you. Far more than anything else."
You raise your eyebrows, the pout on your lips still prominent. You can feel Alex against your thigh, you can see the heat simmering beneath his gaze and you wonder briefly if this is all just to bed you.
"I'm not shagging you," you blurt out, "until you prove that you love me for more than that."
Alex refrains a whine, he knows you have a hard time portraying your feelings. He doesn't want to give you more the reason to run, when you've already tried to, albeit for the wrong reasons but still. One day you actually might and he just can't have that.
"Okay?" you scoff, suddenly releasing him. The lack of weight against him makes him stumble back, a little disorientated as he grips the edge of the desk and gets sent to hell from your gaze, "so you don't even wanna fuck me?"
His heart raced with annoyance, his body tensed and his fingers twitched to hold his temple like he was a forty year old divorcee with a difficult ex wife. It felt like that sometimes.
"I'm rock hard," he gestured to his crotch, the outline of it perfectly visible through those infamous plaid PJ bottoms, "of course I wanna fuck you."
"Okay," you grinned, eyes like saucers at the sight of his arousal, "well I need a shower. A toothbrush. And I'm hungry. And I'm gagging for a drink. A tea. You know the sugar helps my hangovers."
You waffled on and Alex's smile grew with every word.
"Go home. Shower. Brush your teeth. I'll take you out for breakfast."
"Yeah babe," he captured you once more, twirling a strand of your hair around his finger, looking at it intently, "all yours. All day. I promise."
You believed him.
Maybe you shouldn't have. After you have breakfast and decide to go on a cute forest walk with a joint and dreams of getting dirty in more ways than one - Alex's phone incessantly buzzes.
You glance to it halfway through a story about the night prior. You're bitching, he's listening. He always does even if sometimes you notice him looking vacant, you never take it personally, that's just how Alex is.
"Who is it?" you wonder when he ends the call again.
"Just Matt," he shrugs it off, but your curious eyes don't stray from him and grow more annoyed the more he avoids them, and so eventually he sighs and lays back into the green.
"I can't help it love," he groans, "the boys are really serious about this band thing."
"I know that but you've been practicing every day Al," the hurt is evident in your tone and you hate how beared your vulnerability is, but you know it's the only way he'll listen to you. He brushes off your brattiness but he never disregards your feelings, at least not since the beginning.
"Yeah, we need to," he says, leaving you unsatisfied.
"Well maybe I was right then," you huff and stand and Alex follows you like a lost puppy, "maybe we should break up."
"I can divide the time," he promises, pulling you back towards him. You're always trying to run and he always catches you and you love him for it. You dread the day he doesn't chase you, little faith in the hope it'll never come.
Alex takes you back to his, you always end up boxed in his little room. His parents had smiled at the sight of you, enamoured by the sight of their son in love.
"You know you could always come and watch," Alex traces the curve of your nose, your features fascinating to him. Your lips are swollen and your cheeks are red, the lingering effects of having him between your thighs earlier, you look beautiful and he looks in awe of it.
"But I'll put you off," you tease, "how could you possibly focus on anything when I'm there?"
"It'll be hard," he indulges you, kissing the tip of your nose, "but I'll manage. I want you there."
The next day you find yourself sat in Jamie's garage, your legs tucked under you and a can of coke at hand as you watch them fiddle with their instruments. You'd coaxed Matt's girlfriend along so you weren't the only one here, and the boys seemed eager to please the both of you.
While they played, you kept your eyes driven to Alex's fingers. You don't know what was coming over you, whether it was because you knew what they could do, or he just moved them so perfectly over the strings that it took your mind to places it shouldn't. Either way your cheeks were heating and you were beginning to squirm.
When Alex caught your eye, he knew exactly what was going through your mind. He sang with a slight smirk, only seconds prior he wouldn't even dare look up and now he was mocking you, inspired by your obvious discomfort.
"What did you think?" Matt grinned at you both, unaware of how uncomfortable you were as you squeezed your thighs together and tried to pry your eyes away from Alex.
Who wasn't making it easy, choosing that moment to take his hoodie off, revealing a slither of his ivory skin as it lifted his shirt slightly. The conversation fizzled out in your ears like you were dunked in a pool of lust.
You crashed into the car twenty minutes later. It had been torturous, a complete blur to your wound tight like a spring body.
Alex grabbed your neck, angling himself over the mechanics in the middle, not caring for how the clutch was digging into his ribs and equally you didn't care that his nails dug into your neck as he held onto you so tightly.
His lips slid against yours with a fervour you couldn't match, you moaned into his mouth and ran your hands through his hair. His grip around your neck made you struggle to breathe but you didn't care for breath when he was breathing life into you with his kiss.
"You're so fucking fit," he says, biting your bottom lip soon after and you giggle, of course you do. You're smitten with him, he's obsessed with you.
"I want your fingers Al," you move your mouth past his cheek and next to his ear, your tongue swiping around it in a languid lick that makes him shiver.
His hand finds its place between your thighs, finding them sticky on the insides. Your panties are damp and make his breath hitch against your mouth as he presses his fingers onto you.
You gasp and he swallows it, practically laid on the mechanics now. He fumbles with the lace, pulling it to the side and licks inside your mouth as his fingers plunge into you. Your hips lift as a strangled moan leaves your throat, the heel of his hand presses against your clit, pushing you back down into the seat.
His fingers are tired from the guitar but he finds the strength to fuck you with them nonetheless, stroking the spongy spot that makes you see stars. Your hand lifts to hold the handle above your head, your neck elongating as you whine and attempt to thrash only for him to ground you again, rubbing your sensitive area.
You fall apart in a matter of minutes, your stickiness running down his hand as he halts it inside of you.
"You make better sounds when I play you than my guitar ever could," he retracts his hand with a playful grin and you giggle in turn, relaxing into the seat with all your limbs feeling like jelly.
A rap on the window pulled you from your state. You looked around with wide eyes, catching sight of Jamie with a teasing grin and eyes full of amusement.
"Get a room next time you horny bastards!" he shouts through the glass.
Alex rolls his eyes and puts the car in gear, giving him the finger as he drives away. Jamie's cackles can be heard down the street but the two of you weren't that fussed, just smiling to yourselves at how nothing had changed.
After the point where you'd been to see them, Alex's attitude towards you changed. He started to grow eager for you to be around again, constantly wanting to know your opinions on songs, asking you how certain riffs sound. You have no idea about the processes of a record but you listened to him as he waffled on.
But you just kept getting distracted. His eyes were wild, full of passion and his lips move fast in broken sentences where his thoughts were jumbled, coming out almost nonsensical. You found it so endearing and his lips even more so and you couldn't help but cut him off with a kiss.
You leant over his lap and the second he felt your lips on his, he hummed gratefully into your mouth. He didn't care for his lost words, not when your wicked tongue twined around his.
He pulled you into his lap swiftly, shuffling until his back hit the wall and you could sit on him properly, your knees pressed into the carpet at the sides of his body.
You loved how he responded to you, how hard he would get in a matter of minutes of you kissing. Before him you'd had a few boys and at their ages they hadn't exactly been hard to woo, and yet still you'd never managed to affect someone like you did Al.
You were attuned to him, knew just where to touch him. Like when you would kiss him and nibble his lower lip as he pulled away. Or when you would scratch your nails down his neck when he was fucking you, always leaving red marks that he'd have to wait for hours to fade. Or when you'd do what you're doing now, thrusting yourself so hard against him that he could feel your boobs squished between you.
He pleaded you with his eyes as he tugged the bottom of your shirt - his shirt actually - tossing it to the side. You'd stayed over the night prior and slept with no bra, and now your nipples were stiffening from the sudden change in temperature.
His eyes glazed over and his mouth went slack as he drank in the sight of you, in all your glory, with your little pout and your eager hips.
"Fuck," he muttered, "need to feel your cunt."
He's always blunt in his approach, never dressing it up romantically. His words on paper hardly matched what would leave his mouth but you didn't mind because his eyes always told you what you needed to know. Now they were telling you they were desperate for you and who were you to deny them what they wanted?
Alex shuffled slightly to edge his trackies down, his arse scratched against the carpet and it stung but he was too eager to care. Your panties were irrelevant, he merely pushed them aside until your pussy was on show and he salivated at the sight of you.
"Fuck," he repeated, his fingers teasing your swollen clit enough to have you gushing. He could see the stickiness of your arousal leaking onto his bottoms and he smirked, "always ready for me."
You huffed a laugh, your cheeks glowing as you darted a hand out to wrap around his length. It twitched in your hand, hot and heavy, standing upright like it was ready to comply to a sergeants command.
You sunk onto him with a gasp and his hand shot out to cover your mouth. He filled you all the way up, the tip prodding something that hurt deep inside but the pleasure outweighed the pain.
Your knees started to burn against the carpet as you started a steady rhythm, his quiet grunts making you work harder, faster, anything to hear more of those pretty sounds.
His eyes watched you bounce on him, how he would come out covered in your slick, how you would take him all over again, stretching to accommodate him. You were tight. Wet. Hot. His head rolled back against the wall and his lip bled as he attempted to bite back his noises.
You held steady on his shoulders, obsessed with where he would hit you inside, always right where he needed to. If you had nothing else, you'd always have this. Incredible, mind blowing sex. You weren't complaining.
Alex grew desperate and wrapped his arms around your waist, his knees pressing against your arse cheeks as he desperately fucked into you, his whole body moving, back crashing against the wall with each thrust.
His grunts echoed through your ear and made you shiver, you rested your mouth against the crook of his neck and gasped into his skin, tasting the sweat starting to form.
"I love you," he punctuated each word with a thrust and a grunt.
"I love you too Al," you gasped out, the end coming out an octave higher when you felt one of his hands slide between your body, pinching your sensitive skin until you coiled tight around him.
"M' gonna cum baby," he whispered into your hair, pressing kisses down to your ear, neck, sucking on the sensitive skin until your blood rose for him in pretty spots. He loved marking you up even if you hated it.
His arm came back around you as he delivered his final thrusts, his pace hasty, his groans louder - the pleasure clouded his mind and made him shake, hearing muffled and mouth ajar.
You licked into his mouth, the combined sensation of you filling his mouth and him filling your pussy becoming his unwinding.
His body went taut, his face moulded into an expression of raw pleasure that didn't fade for a while, making him look like he was carved out of marble. He was gorgeous and you whined softly when you felt his cum fill you.
He rocked his hips until the last of him had spilled and then his head came to rest against yours, his eyes big and round as you looked down at him, spidery lashes casting shadows over the lids of your eyes.
"I really do," his voice was gruff, you gazed at him half a world away in confusion, "love you."
"I know Al," you promised, a chaste kiss to his lips before you sat up. His hand followed your movements, he didn't want you to leave him cold and soft just yet, he liked to feel the warmth for a while longer, it was intimate, like a hug of reassurance.
"I don't want you to leave me."
"I won't."
Your mission had been accomplished. Perhaps a few weeks after you'd intended but you had him back where you wanted him nonetheless. His eyes gleamed with love, and yours mirrored. You both giggled as you leant in for a kiss and his hands softly slid up your calves. When he reached your knees, you yelped in pain and he looked at the area.
"Carpet burns," he barely suppressed the boyish smirk, "like a proper slut eh?"
You rolled your eyes, pulling yourself off of him so you could redress.
As he was pulling up his trousers and you were cleaning yourself up with the tissue box by his bed, you heard a soft knock on his bedroom door.
"Alex, honey?"
"Yeah mum," he huffed, quickly moving so he could open the door without her seeing you, still half naked, "Y/Ns just getting changed."
You raised your eyebrows, looking at the hair stuck up in every direction on his head and the flushed skin of his neck proved what you'd been up to. It's embarrassing, but inevitable. Where else are you supposed to fuck?
"Do you guys want to watch some TV? I've made you both a cuppa."
He looked around to you curiously, seeming up for it himself. The domestic scene she'd painted sounded like your dream come true. After weeks of absence, all you craved were the simple moments like those.
You nodded and he smiled.
"Sounds perfect."
She left and his attention moved back onto you. As you walked to the edge of the room in a far more presentable manner, he grabbed your waist and kissed you gently.
"I love you."
"So you keep saying," you giggled.
"And I'll say it again," he kissed your lips, "and again," your cheek, "and again," your nose, making you splutter with lovestruck laughter, hitting his chest, "and again…."
A/N: so soft for fetus Al, I can’t even.
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vaporwavedoggie · 2 months
A Peri x Irep short story
So help me Jesus I got back into writing fanfiction
"Hey.. are you willing to meet up and talk?"
The text from his oh so wonderful on and off again boyfriend lit up the screen. Peri sighed and rolled over in his bed. It was 2am, Dev had been asleep for hours at this point. They had been on a break for a few months at this point, and he was actively avoiding every text he's gotten from him. He already knew why he tried to take his god kid, as some way to get back at him for ignoring him. Peri didn't know whether or not he wanted to continue with this relationship. So much fighting. It seemed like they were on opposite sides of the universe considering.. they were opposites.
"Peri? I know you probably won't respond but.."
The notification popped up at the top of his phone. He knew it was most likely going to be some long-winded rant he's sending him at the dead of night because he can't sleep and he's on his mind. But to be honest.. he was on Peri's mind too. He thought to himself 'eh.. no harm in looking I guess' and tapped on the notification.
"Peri? I know you probably won't respond but.. it's been awhile. I miss you and I want to catch up. So much has happened since we've been apart and I want to see how you're doing. Sorry I'm rambling, I probably sound stupid, but I promise you I'm not trying to get back with you I'd just like to catch up."
Peri sat up and ran a hand through his hair, playing with one of his curls. He was debating whether or not to take Irep up on his offer. Whether or not it'd be worth it to have all the pain from their break come up again, whether or not it would just lead to another fight.. he sat there staring at the wall for a good 5 minutes, deep in thought before he picked his phone back up.
"Alright, we can meet up, but it'll have to be now since the kiddo's asleep and I don't have any free time when he's not."
He tapped the message quickly, sent it, then shut off the screen. He flipped his phone over in his hand a few times, then less than a minute later, he got a response.
"That works :) I kind of figured, which is why I texted you now. You've always been a late sleeper.. anyways, meet up at our usual place?"
'Always been a late sleeper? Ha! As if he doesn't stay up until 6am..' Peri thought to himself. He quickly tapped out another message.
"Sure. Give me a few to get ready and I'll be there :P"
Peri got up out of bed and stretched, popping his back. He grabbed his wand off his bedside table and poofed out of his pajamas and into his usual outfit. Figuring he was going to be up the rest of the night, he also poofed himself up an energy drink and chugged it. His stomach hurt a bit from it, but he was too anxious to really care. Lifting up his wand, he then went off to their usual meet up space, which was a small park somewhere in Fairy World. One where they spent the most time at as kids.
Once he got there, he shot Irep a quick text saying he was there, and went to sit on the swings. No one was around since it was so late, so he decided to swing for a bit. Despite being in his 20's, he still very much enjoyed it but couldn't do it around the other fairies without being stared at. He then heard some laughter behind him.
"God, you're such a child!" He immediately recognized Irep's voice and slowly came to a stop. Without even turning to look at him he said "You're one to talk!! I know for a fact you do this too!"
Irep took the swing next to him and chuckled to himself as he sat down. "Well yeah, reminds me of when we were kids.. when things were a lot more uh.. hopeful."
Peri looked at him and smiled. "Eh, I'd say things are still pretty hopeful now. I'm a god parent now! Never thought I'd get my license, haha.."
"Yeah.. I wanted to talk to you about that. I thought you didn't want any god kids?" Irep raised an eyebrow.
"Well.. it's a job, and I figured why not. It seems to be fulfilling, well at least, it was to my parents. And hell, we even exist because of one of my parents god kids!"
"Yeah.. though I worry. He seems a bit.. tough. And from what I've heard, you two argue about as much as we did in high school."
Peri smirked. "Heh.. yeah. He's a little tough, has a lot of daddy issues. But you seemed to get through to him fine. It's just.. I don't know what I'm doing wrong man. I'm trying my best with this kid and it's like.. nothing I ever do is good enough for him."
"Eh.. honestly I could do the thing where I over analyze everything but I know you hate that so I'll save it."
"Actually, it might be useful right now, so shoot."
"Hm.." Irep kicked his feet in the woodchips underneath him, thinking for a moment. "You seem to expect everything to come to you so easily, and have little patience for when it doesn't."
Peri crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. "Go on."
"Ever since I've met you, if you can't do it right the first time, you either.. burn out or give up. You also get.. really angry at yourself, turn inward, and become bitter. You lose patience very easily when this happens."
"Why do you think that could be?"
"Well, a number of reasons.. we've talked about the issues we've had with our parents before. How yours nearly suffocate you with praise and affection to the point where you avoid them and wouldn't even tell them you got a god kid until they found out themselves. You were the first fairy baby born in a millenia, and I hate to say it but because of that you were spoiled rotten. Your parents were over protective of you because of their own mommy and daddy issues, so they tried to make up for what they didn't have by giving it to you, but.. they did too much. And because of that you burn out very easily and it drives you up the wall when it even looks like you're slightly failing. You're an overachiever and expect only good things to happen to you when.. that's just not how life works."
"Hm.. guess you're right.."
"Life is a constant rollercoaster of emotions. You can't just expect only the good to happen to you, you also have to expect the bad as well. Not saying to prepare for the bad or get yourself too anxious by trying to fix things before they're broken, but you know.. accept that good things don't happen all the time. Life has its struggles. That's part of it. And from what I gathered, being a god parent requires a LOT of patience, which is something you don't have a lot of, and self forgiveness, which is something you barely do. I mean, you still hold on to mistakes you made way back in spellementary school!"
"Eh, true. How are you able to gather this much from me?"
Irep chuckled a bit. "You act as if I hadn't been by your side since we were babies. As if I hadn't noticed every small detail about you, like.. how your eyes sparkle just right in the moonlight. It looks like amethyst."
Peri shoved Irep. "Quit being mushy! We're still on break. Plus.. you act as if you don't have the exact same eyes as me."
"What can I say? We're both egotistical little shits, are you really surprised we fell in love in the first place?"
"Hah.. nah.. god, remember how pissed our parents were when they found out we were hooking up behind their back? They tried so hard to keep us apart. 'Anti fairies and fairies should never be together, especially when they are exact opposites of each other, da rules, blah blah blah'."
"Yeah! And then your mom walked in on us and threw anything she could get her hands on at me? Good times."
"Psh, yeah.. we were dumb teenagers, what can I say. And I guess the only difference is a few years. Now we're dumb adults."
They both laughed a bit, and Peri looked down at his feet.
"..I still love you, you know. Even if you decide to break things off with me permanently, I always will."
"Oh, you're always such the romantic! I'm swooning." Peri chuckled and Irep looked into his eyes.
"No, but.. I'm being serious. My biggest regret in our relationship is.. smothering you like your parents did. I didn't realize I was doing it, I.. you're the only one that's ever showed me love. You know how my folks are, wasn't raised in the most loving family so.. I tried to overcompensate by trying to return all the love you made me feel."
"I know, Irep, I know. But.. I don't know, im just so confused. I don't know what I want to do, who I want to be, so I'm trying to figure that all out now."
"Heh, is that why you got a license and took on a god kid?"
"Eh, part of it.. I wanted to see if it would suit me. Besides maybe I'll learn how to be patient from this. Maybe the kid will give me challenges I'm not used to and help.. balance me out. I don't know. I know I shouldn't expect other people to fix me, let alone a kid, but how do I even begin to fix myself when I don't know where to start?"
"Take baby steps. Try different things and see how it works. You're doing good by getting out of your comfort zone now, but you need to remember to be patient and forgive yourself for any mistakes you've made."
"Yeah but.. that's a lot easier said than done. How do I even begin to learn patience and self forgiveness? Where do I even start?"
"Hm.. that's something you'll have to figure out on your own. I know the best way to do it is experiencing hardship period, and I can already see with Dev you will. Biggest thing to remember is he's a kid. He will fuck up. He will make mistakes. There are times where he'll be mean to you, say hurtful things, and get under your skin. But you CAN NOT take it personally. You have to keep in mind he's still a growing human. You've seen how messed up the human world is, imagine going through what they go through with absolutely no magic at all. Sure we had puberty and all that shit but at least the magic made it a bit easier and a hell of a lot more fun."
"True.. I just end up getting so frustrated with him I want to rip my hair out! And you know how much I love my hair! But, I don't know.. I don't know what the hell I'm doing, I'm going into this blind aside from what I was taught in the classes. I'm too afraid to go to my parents for advice because they'll just be like 'oh you're doing great just keep doing what you're doing'! I swear, I've always appreciated how you can be blunt and honest about things, it's something I really look up to about you. As annoying as it gets when I don't ask for it.. it is helpful. So thank you."
Peri got up and stretched. "You know, Irep. I do miss spending time with you like this.. like our late night talks."
Irep's eyes lit up. "We can do them more often, if you'd like!"
"Hm, maybe. I just have some.. personal feelings to work through before I'm ready for us to see each other regularly again."
"..Yeah. I get that. But until then, I'll be here when you are ready."
"Hah, yeah.. it's getting late. Or I guess I should say, early. The kid will be up in a few hours and I gotta go be a parent.. but before I go.." Peri stood in front of Irep and held his hand out to him. He took Peri's hand, and he pulled Irep up, close to his chest.
"Oh and hey.. didn't get a chance to tell you this, but I love you too. I don't wanna give up on us yet, I just need.."
"Yeah. But before I go, I want to give you something." And before Irep could answer, Peri pressed his lips against his, then broke away from him and put his head on Irep's chest.
"You know, your eyes do a sparkly thing too when I kiss you but I don't have any other purple shiny things to compare them to."
"Hah.. you're a goof. But look at you being all romantic. And you called me mushy!"
"Shhhh." Peri pulled out of the embrace. "Anyways.. I'm going to spend the next few hours scrolling through my phone. Uh.. I'll try to text you when my brain isn't acting stupid."
Irep smiled. "Of course. Take your time, don't push yourself, and again.. I love you."
Peri smiled back. "I love you too." And with that, he lifted his wand and poofed back home.
He flopped down in bed, immediately poofing back into his pajamas and pulling up his phone. He was compelled to look back at old photos of the two before he went back to scrolling mindlessly on social media.
God he wish he could figure his shit out quicker, but like Irep said, he needs to learn to be patient. So maybe this is a good test for him.
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paranoid-rhythm · 1 month
「Chaldea Treasure Hunting!」 Oberon Edition (Translation)
Oberon: Time to embark on an unforgettable adventure with this fairy king Oberon!
Guda: It's a city of steam!
Oberon: Hey, you're a youngster from the 21st century, aren't you? Aren't you supposed to be used to this kind of city? Well then again, I can understand your excitement. 
Even though it's the same consumer civilization as yours, I guess you find that there is a certain allure in this scenery. It's a city that retains its medieval charm while being dominated by a primarily industrial design, I guess being able to imagine such a contradictory world is one of humanity's strengths.
Guda: You're a reliable companion!
Oberon: Well, of course! If it's a request from you, this Fairy King Oberon will fly over to you with all his might! Though well, it did take me a quite a while to change into these clothes, but I hope you forgive me for that. After all, we're going to an adventure! So I have to be stylishly dressed, right? 
Now then, according to this steam observation clock, it seems that the Holy Grail of blessings is somewhere underground. If we find it, we'll gain a lot of QP, right? Time to go all out to repay my debts!
Oberon: Honestly, stairs of all things? In a city of clockwork? Not even a single transport mechanism?! I guess we'll just have to accept this fact and take the long way down. It'd be much easier if only I could fly, but as you know, my wings are just ornamental. Maybe I should go to Da Vinci and ask her to make a mechanical glider for me. No, maybe a jet pack is saferー...
Guda: Oberon...! Wait!
Oberon: Hmm? Did you say anything? Whoa there! Sorry, sorry, I got distracted. Wait, is our faces kind of close right now? Are you okay? Pfft... Haha... Hahahahaha! Just what kind of expression are you making! Too bad it's dark in here, if I had a camera, I would've taken a snapshot of it! 
Guda: Are you telling me my face looks weird?
Oberon: Whoa, sorry about that. I don't mean anything bad by that. I'm telling the truth. It's just that, it's an expression I've never seen you make before. It’s not the nervousness in battle, it's not the fear of death, it's something child-likeー... no, it's nothing. Saying it out loud just cheapens it. 
Anyway, forget that! Right now, there's only the two of us, alone in this underground passage. It's not like there's a terrifying enemy waiting for us ahead, so let's take it easy and enjoy this uncharted journey together!
The path ahead looks like it's going to get even narrower, so hold my hand, and let's keep moving forward. It's so you won't stray far from me, come on now, give me your hand.
Oberon: Looks like we've descended quite a bit. Oh! This seems to be the lowest level. All that's left is a straight path from here. Everything’s going smoothly! Hm? 
Huh? What is it? Is it coming from behind us? 
What in the world? This is unexpected! Let's run, Master! 
Just how persistent are these guys! And to top it off, I think there's even more of them now! 
Ah, I see light shining up ahead! Let's keep going!
Huh?! There's no road?! We're gonna fall, Master! Give me your hand!
Guda: Oberon!!!
- The Master and Oberon clung to each other as they fell. -
Oberon: Is this what they call "drowning in schemes and strategies," huh? I didn’t expect the path would collapse. Oh well, I’m used to falling. It’s just that this time, I'm a bit more entangled into something.
Oberon: Oww... Ah, Master, are you okay? 
It's hard to believe there's so many flowers blooming down here, right? As long as there is life, there will always be flowers blooming somewhere. Water, sunlight, flowers, insects, and greenery, they're all part of the cycle after all.
That's right. I'm the one who left the Holy Grail there. Because I heard that you were going to go on an adventure.
It's all true that I was asked to do this. However, it wasn't as calm as I expected it to be for the Master. Things didn't go as expected, but today is a day of celebration for you, right? What's important isー
Nemo Marine: Captain! I've found Oberon! 
Nemo Marines: We've found him!
Nemo Professor: It's all a farce! Oberon-shi has been persistently rejecting all communication attempts.
Captain Nemo: We've finally connected to you. Oberon, is the Master alright? The communications suddenly cut off when you went underground though. 
Oberon: Oh my, I didn't know about that~! The Master is fine and has successfully retrieved the Holy Grail. It's no problem over here. 
Nemo Engine: Then hurry up and return already! Your scolding will come after that!
Nemo Nurse: Fufu, if you have any injuries, I'll take care of them, so please feel free to come to me.
Captain: Everyone, shut up for a moment! Oberon, Master, it's great that you two are safe. I'd like for you both to take your time and explore the city. And if possible, I'd like for the both of you to take a lot of photos of the scenery for future reference. There's a lot of vehicles in a clockwork city, right? 
Oberon: Of course! Please look forward to the souvenirs we'll get you, Captain! We have to keep Engine happy after all. 
Nemo Engine: I-it's not like I'm interested in motorcycles or anything! W-well, I'll use it as reference for the Penguin Porter's external parts...
Oberon: Okay, then let's focus on that, huh? Well then, see you later in Chaldea!
Nemo Bakery: I’ll bake a warm baguette while waiting for you, okay?
Oberon: Alright, let's go back to the surface and explore the town until the sun sets. Even though it's a town that's messy, oily, and full of shady shops, I'm sure it'll become a wonderful memory. 
After all, exploring an unknown world is an adventure in its own right.
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mothsakura · 1 month
Thinking of Watcher DLC...
It's been 4 months and I am still thinking of Watcher DLC, so I am just gonna yap here- this is mostly my speculation. i need watcher dlc to come out auughhh i neeeed it i neeed it i need more rain world I NEEED MORE RAIN WORLD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE HYPERFIXATION IS HYPERFIXATING !!!!!!!!!!!!
Trailer details:
First, the trailer
I want to bring attention to 3 things: -poleplant -rot -void theme/watcher coming out of the shadows First I'll start with the pole plant as it will be easiest to explain. This most definitely takes place before saint's campaign, as I have not seen pole plants (I believe they went extinct?) in saint's campaign. Further details about the timeline are with the blue lizard's typical appearance (lizards look slightly different in saint's campaign), which too suggests that this is at least before saint. (Also lack of snow but I think that is too obvious) The rot is another thing I wanna focus on. We only see rot originate from two things: the iterators, and failed purposed organisms. The rot is also not specific to pebbles, as iterators have already known about the rot before pebbles got it. We can assume that we are either near an iterator district, or directly in it (judging by machinery and pipes in the background.). Now who is this potential new iterator? I am unsure, but I know it's definitely not pebbles' and moon's district both due to the screenshots on the steam page, and the fact that we've already explored all major plot points in pebbles' and moon's stories, adding more to their stories would be a rather bold move. Last thing, void themes and seemingly watcher's ability to come out of the shadow. I believe these two are connected. Although I have no clue what watcher's ability is, and what it has to do with void, but perhaps watcher can camouflage themselves in the shadows similar to how white lizards blend into their environment? Perhaps this ties into the void theme somehow? Although really I am unsure for this one.
Steam page, specifically the description:
"Rain World: The Watcher is a DLC expansion of Rain World. Journey beyond to something, somewhere only ever glimpsed. When the world beneath your feet cracks and crumbles, will you hold on to all you once knew? Or dive into the unknown?
The wilds that await will be unlike all that's come before.
Unknown creatures stalk and climb and dive and hunt. New breeds rip and pluck and burrow and hide. Predator and prey redefined. And through the middle of it all, a lonely lost slugcat trying their best to outlast the ravages of a warped world."
"Journey beyond to something, somewhere only ever glimpsed." caught my attention first. This further proves that this will not be in pebbles' and moon's district. However the last part, only ever glimpsed, suggests we know about this new place at least by some extent. Perhaps we have heard about it in character dialogue? Perhaps it is one of the districts of iterators we already know (NSH, Suns, UI, CW, SoS, and all the miscellaneous broadcast ones)? I believe that the latter is the case, especially with UI (close to pebbles, justifies the rot? also I am coping because UI has no lore), NSH (unsure how rot will tie in to him, but we have definitely heard a lot from him) or Suns (once again unsure how the rot will tie in, but we have heard from them a lot too). "The wilds that await will be unlike all that's come before." too shows that we are definitely gonna be in a new place. Another thing, the "when the world beneath your feet cracks and crumbles," this can either be a metaphor for a major change, or quite literally some kind of collapse or disaster. Honorable mention to warped world, also playing into the major change metaphor, or some kind of disaster.
"Unknown creatures stalk and climb and dive and hunt. New breeds rip and pluck and burrow and hide." I believe there will *definitely* be new creatures as well, some perhaps using the sand (and... salt... i think?) to burrow, and jump out at ya' like a dropwig or stalk ya' like a white lizard, or swoop down at ya' like a vulture! Except it's gonna be new variants or perhaps some new creatures altogether!
I do not have much to say about this except for "this isn't pebbles' or moon's district", which has become more and more clear by now. I am very curious about this pink place however:
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Why is it so pink? Is this iterator machinery or some kind of mast / tower / tall place ? Why can we not see any fellow iterators. I believe, the regions shown in the screenshots are still wips to some extent, so if this is the case, perhaps video cult and the dev team have yet to add iterators.... if not, I wonder where exactly this place is? Is it far far away from iterators? Is it facing somewhere an iterator cannot be built? WHY IS IT SO PINK!!! I unfortunately do not have much else to say about screenshots aside from they're very funky and I cannot wait to play Watcher DLC................................... I need watcher dlc omfg I need more rain world this hyperfixation is no joke......... I hope this ramble has been at least to some extent comprehensive, and that I did not make myself sound like a fool trying to seem too smart XD If ya'll have anything to add on, or speculate on other details, please please do in the notes or comments!!!
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hi Kat, huge congrats on reaching 2K 💕 for the event, could I request a post-war Dadvi drabble where the happy family is living somewhere in Marley & celebrating Levi's birthday?
hi flo! :3 i rly want to commission someone to draw levi holding a baby in his lap now kjdskfj
Making a Fuss | 2K Follower Event | Post-War Dadvi Drabble
✧ word count ➼ < 800 ✧ notes ➼ post-war, fluff
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The farmer's market was a bit more crowded today in terms of both vendors and buyers. Although most of the produce was sold earlier in the fall, there were still fruits and vegetables that had been harvested from the gardening that had occurred the year prior. A few years after the end of the Rumbling, the world was slowly getting pieced back together.
Walking from your house to the market and then through the market to the bakery was going to be a bit of a longer journey, so you were pushing Levi through the lineup of vendors as he sat in his wheelchair. It was ultimately for the best. Since he was seated, he was able to sit with your 7-month old in his lap, although your child was beginning to get restless from the amount of people around you. He wanted nothing more than to escape Levi's lap and crawl around, but Levi had a firm grip on him.
You had originally said that you were only wanting to pick up some vegetables and hang out at the bakery for the afternoon, but Levi wasn't dumb. It was too much of a coincidence that you had been this insistent on going out on his birthday. You had something planned.
His eyes went from staring at the bakery off in the distance down to your child that was busy babbling and tugging on his shirt. He had been fine as Levi occasionally distracted him by chatting with him or poking him, but it was clear that he was getting restless.
Levi heard you shuffling around behind him and you reached over his shoulder while holding a small plush shaped like a cat, handing it to your child to play with.
You ruffled your baby's jet black hair, which matched the hue of his father's. It hadn't thickened up enough for you to be able to style it yet, but you knew that your heart was going to melt as soon as you saw your baby wearing the same undercut as Levi.
Levi's nose immediately scrunched up as he gave his child a wary look the minute the teething toddler began gnawing at the plushie, very quickly covering part of the stuffed animal in his own slobber.
"Would you rather him be gnawing on his hands that have been touching every surface we've seen since leaving the house?"
The only response you heard from Levi was a gentle grunt as he acknowledged your comment.
You wheeled Levi and your baby over to a corner table on the outside porch of the bakery as soon as you arrived before walking inside to pick up the order that you had placed ahead of time.
You knew that Levi was not one to enjoy gifts, but you wanted to at least do something to celebrate. Plus, the three of you needed to get out of the house and go somewhere other than the teashop.
"No way," you uttered affectionately as you redirected your child's grabby hands away from the pastry cake you held in your hands. "I didn't even set this thing down yet."
While your child looked overly excited for the sugary treat that he technically wasn't even supposed to have yet, Levi held a skeptical expression, with one eyebrow raised higher than the other.
"Oh c'mon, it's like your first day off in what...two weeks?" you asked in an exasperated tone as you sat down. "I know you're very adamant about keeping the teashop together, but you should at least be allowed to celebrate your birthday."
"I've had days off."
You scoffed, clearly not believing him.
"Yeah, and you choose to spend them at the shop despite the fact that Gabi and Falco have been helping out."
"And leave the fate of the shop to those brats? Fuck no."
A scowl quickly appeared on your face as you visually berated him for cursing in front of your child, although you already knew that he didn't really care too much about that concept of not cursing in front of him.
He tightened his grip on his child that was getting increasingly fussy and turned him around to look into his eyes that matched yours in color.
"You have never made a fuss about your birthday, have you?" he asked with a serious expression. "Maybe you should have a chat with your mother."
You gently smacked Levi's shoulder with an annoyed, but also subtly amused look.
"He hasn't had a birthday yet, you dumbass."
You vaguely heard him scoff at your comment, amused at the fact that you cursed almost immediately after judging him for cursing within earshot of your baby.
"Just accept the 'happy birthday', you asshole."
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schlattsdarling · 2 months
Prompt List !!!
Send in any amount of requests that you have and state if you want it with either Schlatt or Ted.
If you have an idea of what you want the story to be about then feel free to add more detail!
1. "I think I'm falling in love with you."
2. "Is that my shirt?"
3. "We'd make such a cute couple."
4. "Are you flirting with me?"
5. "Well, since you aren't feeling too good, maybe this could help?"
6. "I could kiss you right now."
7. "You gave it your best shot. That's all anyone could ever ask of you."
8. "Can we just stay in bed?"
9. "Let me kiss it better."
10. "Stop moving I'm almost done!"
11. "You look like shit."
12. "Just pretend to be my date."
13. "You came." "You called."
14. "I'm right here."
15. "I like you just the way you are."
16. "Please, stay."
17. "You owe me a favour."
"Can I ask you a favour?"
19. "Would it be okay if I kissed you?"
20. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
21. "Can I come over?"
22. "Why don't you take a picture? It'll last longer."
23. "That is by far the stupidest thing you've ever done."
24. "How much did you drink?"
25. "How drunk was I?"
26. "You make me want to be better."
27. "Come back to bed."
28. "You're lucky I love you."
29. "You kissed me last night."
30. "They're coming. Kiss me!"
31. "I really need you right now."
32. "Wanna bet?"
33. "Let me take care of you."
34. "Say that again? But slower."
35. "Going somewhere?"
36. "I heard that!"
37. "Why are you awake?"
38. "This isn't what it looks like!"
39. "Go to sleep."
40. "Why are you looking at me like that?
Something on my face?"
41. "I've never done this before."
42. "This stays between you and me."
43. "Will you stop talking for ten minutes?" "Why don't you come over here and make me."
44. "We're not just friends and you fucking know it."
45. "Look what you did to me, l've had to deal with this all day."
46. "Give me a little show."
47. "Stop teasing!"
48. "We're in public, you know."
49. "We can't do that here."
50. "All you had to do was ask."
51. "Do you think they heard us?" "Yes, we did."
52. "Could they make you feel this good?"
53. "Do I make you nervous?"
54. "We have to be quiet."
55. "Bite me!" "If you insist."
56. "Oh my god, do that again."
57. "We're going to be late."
58. "You taste so good."
59. "Don't hide from me, you're beautiful."
60. "I know you can be louder than that."
61. "Mine." "Say it again."
62. "Let them know I'm yours/you're mine."
63. "This is wrong." "So wrong."
64. "Oh, you like that."
65. "It's so hot when you talk to me like that."
66. "Make me shut up then."
67. "Who knew you were hiding such a dirty mind."
68. "I'll put that pretty mouth of yours to work."
69. "You've never been fucked before? How?"
70. "This is exactly how I imagined it."
71. "I like it when you tell me what to do."
72. "Look at me."
73. "You want to cum? Beg."
74. "Show me how much you missed me."
75. "I keep thinking about your body against mine."
76. "I'm going to fuck you so hard you won't remember his name."
77. "I've been wondering what it feels like to..."
78. "Makes me want to wreck you."
79. "I thought this was a one-time thing?"
80. "You look so fucking hot right now."
81. "Is this the end? After everything we've been through?."
82. "We shouldn't be doing this."
83. "I needed you, and you weren't there!"
84. "You're always leaving me."
85. "Why do you hate me so much? What did I do?"
86. "It wasn't your fault."
87. "The fuck was that?"
88. "It's not you that I don't trust, it's them."
89. "You're kidding, right?"
90. "Open your eyes!"
91. "Can you please come get me?"
92. "I'll stay as long as you need."
93. "Ssshh, it's okay, l've got you."
94. "I don't deserve you."
95. "I should've expected this."
96. "We used to spend every day together. Are you telling me that staying the night in the same place is too close a proximity for us to share?"
97. "Maybe the fact that we have such a hard time staying away from each other is saying something."
98. "I thought we were more than whatever... this is. But clearly, I was wrong."
99. "Interesting, isn't it? Two days ago you were a fumbling, blushing mess and looking at me like I hung the stars out for you, and now you can't even look at me. Real fucking interesting."
100. "Why can't you admit to anything? This is your fault!"
101. "What are we?"
102. "Things would be fine if you didn't go and run your mouth!"
103. "I didn't know you felt this way."
104. "Do you know how stupid you made me feel?"
105. "Why don't you love me back?" "You're drunk, let's get you home."
106. "I don't think I can do this anymore. Not with you."
107. "I can't do this anymore. Sometimes... sometimes I really need you and you're just not there."
108. "I'm not allowed to be upset because they were hanging all over you?”
109. "You're supposed to be mine!"
110. "I'm not jealous, fuck off."
111. "Are we going to be okay? I don't want this to change anything between us."
112. "You deserve the best. And that's...that's not me."
113. "Don't cause a scene, please."
114. "I didn't mean to fall in love with you, I really didn't and I'm sorry."
115. "I don't want to be the second option anymore."
116. "It's starting to feel like you don't want to be seen with me."
117. "What about me? What about my life, my feelings? Where do I come in all this?"
118. "I will always find you."
119. "I love you. I will always love you, but l'm not sure you love me."
120. "You always do this!"
(I got this list from @/star2fishmeg)
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kte-alxxndr · 7 months
Voiceless | Shadows Resurface
Tommy Shelby x Reader
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News of Tommy's acquisition of Arrow House spread like wildfire through the cobbled streets of Small Heath. The grand estate, now under the Shelby name, marked a symbolic shift in power. As the whispers reached every corner of the neighborhood, it wasn't just the change in property ownership that drew attention.
The air crackled with a different kind of anticipation—the acknowledgment of Tommy Shelby and Y/N's relationship. Small Heath, notorious for its gossip, now buzzed with a tale that transcended the usual intrigues. The unspoken bond between the formidable Shelby and the mute yet captivating Y/N became the latest tale whispered across smoky pubs and narrow alleyways.
While the Shelby family reveled in the newfound prosperity, Grace, lurking in the shadows, seethed with resentment. The revelation of Tommy and Y/N's connection, now flaunted with the grandeur of Arrow House, fueled the flames of her jealousy. Her attempts to distance the couple seemed futile as their love story became a prominent chapter in the book of Small Heath's secrets.
Grace, desperate to regain the spotlight, meticulously planned encounters with Tommy. The first, a chance meeting near the entrance of The Garrison, where she feigned surprise at running into him. A well-timed laugh and a touch on his arm served as the opening act in her calculated performance.
The second encounter, more public, took place at the bustling market square. Grace strategically positioned herself at a flower stall, ensuring Tommy would pass by. With a coy smile, she greeted him, her fingers lingering as she handed him a freshly picked blossom. The exchange, seemingly innocent, carried an undertone of intention that did not escape the watchful eyes of onlookers.
Grace's whispers reached the ears of eager gossipmongers, painting a picture of a clandestine affair between her and Tommy. She reveled in the attention, relishing the idea that Small Heath would soon acknowledge her as the woman by Tommy's side.
Yet, with each orchestrated rendezvous, Tommy's gaze remained distant, his thoughts evidently elsewhere. Grace's attempts at flirtation fell on deaf ears, the enigmatic Shelby leader immune to her charms. Unbeknownst to her, Tommy's loyalty lay firmly with Y/N, a fact that only fueled Grace's desperation.
Meanwhile, the whispers of Tommy and Grace being seen together reached Y/N. A subtle shift in her demeanor went unnoticed by many, but Polly, ever vigilant, caught wind of the rumors circulating in the streets. Concerned about the potential impact on Y/N, Polly decided to confront Tommy.
Finding him in his home office at Arrow House, Polly entered without preamble. "Tommy, we've got a problem," she declared, her expression a mix of concern and sternness. "Rumors are flying about you and Grace being seen together. Now, I know it's all bollocks, but we need to do some damage control before Y/N hears about it."
Tommy, his brow furrowed, nodded in acknowledgment. "I already heard, Polly. It's causing more trouble than it's worth."
Polly, taking a seat, leaned forward. "What are we going to do about Grace, then? We can't let her stir up more chaos."
Tommy, contemplating the options, sighed. "I've been thinking about it. Maybe it's time for a change. We'll transfer her somewhere far away from Small Heath, where she can't meddle in our affairs anymore. If that doesn't work, we might have to let her go."
As Polly and Tommy discussed their strategy, a different kind of chaos unfolded in the living room. John, Arthur, and Ada had arrived at Arrow House, and mischief stirred in the hearts of the two Shelby brothers.
While Polly and Tommy delved into serious matters, John and Arthur, ever the instigators, decided to playfully tease Y/N. As they lounged in the living room, their laughter echoed through the house.
"Oi, Y/N," Arthur called out with a mischievous grin. "Did you hear the news? Seems like Tommy's been spending a lot of time at The Garrison lately."
John joined in, chuckling. "Yeah, rumors say he's got a favorite spot at the bar. Always ordering the same whiskey."
Ada, observing the scene, rolled her eyes but couldn't suppress a small smile.
The two brothers continued their banter, fully aware that Y/N could hear every word. The playful teasing, however, was their way of bringing a touch of levity to the Shelby household.
John and Arthur had playfully teased Y/N, unaware of the internal struggle she was facing. The remarks, meant in jest, unknowingly fueled Y/N's insecurities.
In the silence that followed, Y/N's mind became a battleground of doubts and fears. Was she truly enough for Tommy? Were the whispers of his supposed infidelity based in reality?
The brothers' banter had unwittingly punctured the fragile bubble of security Y/N had carefully constructed.
Finally, the pressure within Y/N became too much to bear. With a storm brewing in her eyes, she stormed into Tommy's office. The sudden action sent John, Arthur, and Ada into a state of panic, realizing the unintended consequences of their light-hearted banter.
As Y/N burst into the room, her eyes fixed on Tommy, the brothers and Ada hurriedly followed, fearing the repercussions of their unwitting actions.
Y/N's expression, a tumultuous sea of hurt and betrayal, caught Tommy off guard. One look, and he could tell she had heard the rumors. Guilt etched on his brothers' faces only intensified the brewing storm.
Marching to Tommy's desk, Y/N slapped it hard, the sound echoing through the room. The fury in her eyes met Tommy's gaze, and he saw the emotional battle raging within her—the wish that the rumors weren't true, the sense of betrayal, and the pain of feeling deceived.
As tears streamed down Y/N's cheeks, Tommy realized that the trust between them had been shattered. He watched in silence as Y/N's silent tears spoke volumes, carrying the weight of a relationship on the brink of collapse.
As the drama unfolded in the narrow streets of Small Heath, the delicate balance of relationships teetered on the brink.
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Masterlist | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
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junnieverse · 11 months
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➙ synopsis: despite having ended things with jake you were conflicted between hating the man and loving him all in one. you missed all the happy memories between the two of you but it was even harder to forget all the hurt he put you through. revenge is best served sweet, maybe it's time you get him back!
pairing: jake sim x afab!reader
genre: angst, a tinge of fluff, fwbs to lovers to exes au
word count: 1.8k
warnings: not proofread, mentions of alcohol/drinking, hinted infidelity, swearing
a/n: we've made it halfway..? well there's 3 members left so this is great progress, please don't forget to check out the other members oneshots too and reblogs are highly appreciated, mwah <33
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You had no intention of doing what you just did, if anything, you were just as shocked as Jake was in this moment.
Looking at the cream on your hands, you give your finger a lick as you hum in satisfaction at the good sugary taste.
But how did you get here in the first place? Why were you and your friends crashing your ex's birthday party and how did Jake Sim end up with an entire cake thrown at his face?
Simple, he broke your heart and you wanted to get revenge and boy did you get him good.
You had met Jake in the summer of 2021 at a party you had went to with a couple of friends and he was more than obviously trying to hook up but you weren't one to easily give in.
"How about I get you a drink in exchange for a dance with you?" he says as he bit his lower lip briefly raising an eyebrow and you couldn't deny how attractive the man was.
You let the boy chase after you for a bit before you gave in and decided to start a consentual friends with benefits relationship.
Like most it ended with feelings being caught and you both agreed to officially start going out as a couple not long after.
Jake was not only funny and smart but he sure was the life of the party everywhere he went.
There was never a night you went out together be it to a club, bar or house party and atleast one person wouldn't approach him claiming to know him from somewhere.
Despite being such a peoples person, Jake usually liked staying with his usual group of friends, yeah they were a little more chaotic and weird than what you were used to but they were just as fun to be around.
"Wait didn't your friend say he was 6'0 feet tall?" you ask Jake with a drink in your hand as he had his arms comfortably draped around your waist as you were seated on his lap.
"He is, why?" he asks you looking over at Sunghoon playing beer pong across the room.
Letting out a tsk you look at your boyfriend before shaking your head, "Jake you told me you were 6'2 and Hoon is clearly taller than you. Nice try dude." to which Jake scratches the back of his neck laughing at the fact that he so obviously got caught.
It was a great relationship, you felt like you were always having the time of your life with Jake but he wasn't the best partner either.
"Uhm (y/n), isn't that Jake over there..?" your best friend says beside you whispering over the loud music.
Across the room you spot him talking to your very clearly uncomfortable friend who was trying to get away from Jake who was flirting with her.
You had heard countless rumours about Jake's playboy ways.
That was one of the main reasons you didn't want to date him in the first place but you had thought maybe he was done with that lifestyle and that he wanted to be in a serious committed relationship with you, but you were clearly wrong.
"What if he can change though, yeah it sounds crazy but maybe i can fix him." you would tell your friends during your get together as they laughed at what you had just said.
"(Y/n), you can't just 'fix' people, I'm sure even you realise that but you're in denial. Let him go, Jake is never gonna change." one of them says in response as the others agree with hums and nods.
Maybe if you had just listened to them back then, all of this heartbreak would've been avoided.
He had played you multiple times now but everytime you would confront Jake about it, he couldn't seem to spot anything he had done wrong and would never apologise for his actions or even acknowledge how he hurt your feelings.
Instead, he would shower you with all these unnecessary gifts to try and win you over, the one that takes the cup had to be the time he flew you to France after he forgot your anniversary and stood you up during you date.
Come Spring of 2022, things between you and Jake seemingly fizzled out after you realised you had had enough and your friends were right.
There was no reason for you to stay with someone who couldn't prioritise you.
Jake had an ego bigger than his head, a very bad temper and a wandering eye, this relationship was bound to fall in the eyes of others from the very beginning but you still gave it a chance.
"This is the third time this week you're writing him a letter. Girl stand up. You need to detox this man out of your system." your best friend grabs the paper from your table looking at the cruched up papers inside your trashcan next to you.
You just couldn't help yourself.
You... missed Jake.
From the way he would hold and kiss you to the places he would take you but you knew how disappointed your friends would be if they were to ever hear you say you miss your toxic ex boyfriend.
Hell you would be disappointed too.
This was a man that pretty much played you for months.
He would sweet talk his way into your heart and tell you that you were the only girl but that was never true.
You were just another fling to Jake and it hurt, how was he doing so okay living his best life and you were here sulking over him wishing things could've been different between the two of you.
"Would you bail me out if i were to key his car?" you lean on your folded arms across the table as your best friend plopped on your bed.
"I wouldn't recommend doing that. I thought we went over this that day you tried calling his mom. Why did you want to call her anyway?" she asks lifting up her head to look at you as you giggled softly thinking about it.
"I wanted to tell her that her son sucks." you respond as she laughs alongside you now realising how funny that probably would've been had you went through it.
"Fuck him honestly." you said standing up from your chair as you felt the anger boiling inside of you at the thought of your past relationship.
Not only were you obviously mad at Jake but you were mad at yourself, because why did you feel so sad over missing him.
"This is gonna sound wild, but I have the craziest idea." you say looking at Jake's instagram story before looking up to your friend who was telling you to go on.
Which now brings you to your current predicament in this moment.
You gathered up your group of friends and dressed to the nines getting ready to head out to Jake's party he had posted on his story.
You knew it wasn't the most rational decision to make going to your ex's birthday celebration to ruin it but if it's one thing your relationship with Jake taught you, it was living on the edge… which also included making bad decisions along the way.
"(Y/n)… w-what are you doing here?" Jake stutters approaching you not acknowledging your friends beside you as he gives you a one look admiring your outfit.
That was your step one of your plan, to look completely irresistible at this party and simply make heads turn and even more, Jake would be drooling at the sight of you.
"It's your birthday silly, what, you thought i wouldn't show up after we broke up?" you ask him rhetorically as you get closer to him leaving a soft peck on his jaw knowing that was one of his soft spots.
As civil as you were being right now, you were holding back everything in you to not kiss uppercut him in the face because that would ruin everything.
You didn't have much planned to begin with, you just knew showing up to this party glowing would push Jake over the edge and irk him and that was enough to satisfy you.
All you wanted to do was to make him feel jealous and you wanted him to feel bad for ever hurting you, 'operation: get him back!' your friends called it.
But soon everything took an entire 180.
"I think we should head out now, this party is kinda boring." your friend says seeming as though she was in a rush to leave as her eyes keep shifting to look behind you.
Turning around to look where her eyes were, you catch Jake with his arms around a girl as they danced in the middle of the dance floor.
"Well how about we make the party a bit more fun then." you tell her with a devilish smile as you look around the room and spot the untouched birthday cake on a table nearby.
Gently lifting the cake making sure to not drop it despite being slightly (very) intoxicated, you walk up to Jake giving his shoulder a small tap as he turned around to face you and before you both knew it Jake was covered in cake.
All you could do was let out a small laugh in pure shock at what had happened as everyone around you stood in just as much shock.
"Happy birthday Jake." you tell him sweetly still very much moving based off your drunk decisions right now.
Jake on the other hand was still processing the fact that he just got caked in the face at his birthday party not only in front of all his friends but his ex did it.
"Uhh, I think now would be a good time for us to get out of here." your one friend whispers pulling your arm seeing as you were unmoving.
You were pulled out of your thoughts as you ran out the house with your friends, turning back around you notice a flabbergasted Jake wiping the cake off his face yelling for you to get back as he screamed a bunch of profanities leaving the room quiet.
"I guess you were right. I did need to detox him out and getting revenge was the perfect way. He's gonna love me and hate me at the same time." you say as you got into the car as your friend in the driver's seat speedily drove further away from the party.
"I didn't know you had that in you. That was insane." one of them says giving you a high five as she watches the recording she got of the entire ordeal.
Revenge was indeed best served sweet.
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SERIES TAGLIST: @enhastolemyheart @jungwonscafe @firstclassjaylee @jennaissera
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prince-liest · 4 months
I remember Viv saying a few years ago that Alastor is definitely *somewhere* on the aro spectrum but also that his views on romance are extremely unconventional? He's not inclined toward it, he feels no need for it, but he'd be open to entering a romantic relationship- *only* if he's confident that the other person genuinely loves Alastor more than Alastor loves himself. Which Alastor doesn't think is possible.
No idea where this stands in relation to official show canon but I think about it a lot.
I haven't heard that in particular before, but I have heard the line that she basically didn't officially declare him as aromantic specifically because she didn't want to put off shippers, though to me personally, that basically sounds like, "Well, he is, but also, if you close your eyes then nobody can see you, you know?" I've also heard that she said he's personally under the impression that he's just waiting for the right woman, which just seems really amusing and on-point to the aromantic experience, haha.
That said, my stance on him being aroace is pretty well-explained here, and the tl;dr is that I think he is pretty clearly both aro and ace based on what we've seen on screen in the show, nevermind meta contributions from Viv or any other artists or VAs.
From a more fandom-oriented perspective, I personally enjoy writing him as, like, fully capable of getting something out of a relationship, even if he himself doesn't experience romantic feelings. I write a lot of radiostatic, and the way that I like to phrase how I think that works is "Vox is obsessed with Alastor, and Alastor is obsessed with the fact that Vox is obsessed with him." So not necessarily him being certain that Vox loves him more than he loves himself, but certainly still pandering to that ego.
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t4tstarrailing · 6 months
boothill speculations
so, my migraine is gone (finally) after a couple of days (i love season and weather changes sm /heavy sarcasm). and i just want to get my boothill speculations and theories off my chest, written down somewhere.
couple of theories i have right now: murder ballad, degeneration flow, and timeline.
murder ballad
what's a murder ballad? well, it's exactly what it sounds like. it's a narrative song about a murder that takes place, including the lead up and sometimes the follow up. they originated in the british isles, oftentimes involving some supernatural aspect like a ghost taking away the soul of someone instead of them being murdered. but when these stories traveled to the US, they took on a more realistic approach with a person committing the murder. they're not uncommon in southern culture, and there's a specific variant called Appalachian murder ballads.
murder ballads in the south tend to revolve around the idea of "justice". someone righting a wrong that's happened to themself or someone else. so, following this line of logic, we've got a fairly clear story lying out. boothill is seeking out vengeance against the IPC for a death that they caused.
but the question is. who was murdered? realistically, given that boothill's name is a common name for cowboy cemeteries (specifically those that died a violent death), it wouldn't be a shock if it's revealed that he's the one that died and he's the one seeking vengeance for his own death. how the IPC is involved with this story, i'm not entirely sure. southern murder ballads (specifically ones heavy with southern gothic themes) do traditionally discuss how poverty has impacted southern culture, so that could realistically be a theme they'll go with in his story.
we've already got something of a murder ballad in the game itself, involving musketeer oakley and the path of vengeance she's decided to take following her father's death. it's not unreasonable to believe that boothill's story may parallel hers or have similar themes.
degeneration flow
there is literally the briefest mention of this in the databank.
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and that is literally it. no other mention, no other lore bits in the data bank. just this.
based off the information that we know, this "degeneration flow" seems like a physical ailment that galaxy rangers specifically suffer from for one that eventually leads to them being unable to fight. so, if boothill suffers from this in one way or another, it could explain why he's made himself a cyborg. if you don't have a human body, it could easily delay the spread of this condition.
so boothill could fit into multiple parts of the timeline. he could be one of the OG galaxy rangers, one of the people that defeated the lord ravager, and he created his new body to keep himself alive. he could be one of the people that duked it out with dr. primitive, eventually falling alongside his comrades and eventually needing a new body.
but honestly, more than likely, i think he may have been the anonymous galaxy ranger that we heard about in the IPC broadcast regarding the Holstein Aphasia that occurred before the game began.
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it may be a bit of a stretch but, based on the fact that he's already been associated with language in one way or another, he may have had his own language processing center messed up as a result of this incident. it could easily be that his memory of language was taken and some of it was restored, but not all of it. this would make him active more recently (with the current AE being 2158, the new year starting following the events of Jarilo-VI), making it more plausible as to why he's in the area. i've seen theories suggesting that he's one of the OGs that defeated the lord ravager, but i'm not entirely sure about that theory tbh. unless the decorations on his vest (thing?) are military decorations, then that could be plausible.
... what if he's seeking vengeance against the IPC for making him the "anonymous" galaxy ranger when he actually wanted to take claim for it? now that's a stretch but, ngl, that'd be a funny plot twist.
anyway, this is all i've been able to find about possible theorycrafting for boothill. the galaxy rangers are a fairly mysterious organization, and i honestly can't wait to learn more about them with boothill.
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beanzwrites · 11 months
Hi! I just love your works, they are so good! Do you think you could do Winchester sister who really likes Boba but she doesn’t get it often due to their lifestyle, then one day either Sam or Dean suprised her with one? Thought it would be so cute!
Boba, How I've Missed You!
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A/n: Hello, thank you so much for the request! I'm really sorry it took a bit to get to it; life got quite busy. I hope you enjoy this though! Also, thank you so much! That means a lot and I'm glad you like my writings! <3 Fun fact, I've never had Boba before, but would love to try it at some point! | ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── |
Being a Winchester was definitely no easy feat. Constantly moving from place to place, there was no guarantee that you could indulge as much as other people would. Though (Y/N) was the youngest out of the Winchester family, she knew what kind of responsibility that her family name carried.
The good thing about being with her brothers though, is that they both have a sweet tooth just like her. She enjoys it when they are able to take a breather and stop by a coffee shop or bakery to feed their cravings.
(Y/n) recently found that she loves Boba and will take any chance to order it. Her brothers find her giddy nature over a sweet beverage endearing, and though they make the excuse that they need a cup of coffee, they love to make their little sister happy.
Those memories are some of the bests (Y/n) has; however, they don't come around often. Her family has been quick on their feet the last few months, and with the stress that carries over her brothers as of late, it's hard to say when those memories will come to reality again. (Y/n) knows what is more important and keeps to herself as her brothers' work.
However, there was one night where her brothers were in a more chipper mood. They were talkative over their TV dinner, joking around and bringing up past experiences.
"Really, Dean? You just had to bring up THAT moment..." Sam snorts, his brows furrowing in a pout.
"It was hilarious, Sammy! Of course, I'll bring it up. You had coffee all over you," Dean laughs before taking a big bite of a chicken tender.
"Man, I miss going to coffee shops. I haven't had Boba in so long," (Y/n) giggles, "It's been a hot minute."
The sudden silence between her brothers causes her to stiffen. They're both staring at her with unreadable expressions, frowns etched on their lips. (Y/n)'s heart skips before she shakes her head frantically.
"I didn't mean anything by that, I'm sorry! I know we've been busy..."
"That's okay, Squirt. I miss those moments too," Deam says, leaning back. "We gotta get back to it at some point."
"Man... How long has been now?" Sam asks to no one in particular, "It has been a while, hasn't it?"
That next morning, (Y/n) woke up to the motel room being empty. The sun was already peeking through the curtains as (Y/n) lazily ventures to it, looking out to see that the Impala was gone. A sigh escapes (Y/n), but she couldn't help but to bite her cheek. Her brothers would usually tell her if they were going somewhere, and though uneasiness tried creeping into her thoughts, she busied herself by getting ready for the day.
As the girl climbed out of the shower a few minutes later, she heard the front door open with her brothers' voices carrying soon after. She takes her time dressing before a knock is heard.
"Hey Little Bit, you almost ready?" Dean's voice resonates on the other side of the bathroom door.
"Yeah, hold on!" (Y/n) answers before opening the door. "What's up?"
"Sammy and I got you something," Dean smiles.
Sam walks over to his siblings, his own lips forming into a big smile, before gesturing to something in his hand.
"Boba!" (Y/n) cheers, grabbing it and taking a sip, "Ah! How I've missed you! Thank you, guys!"
"No problem, sweetheart. We know how much you love it," Sam says.
" Come on, you two! Stop with the chit-chat! I'm ready to dig into that Pumpkin Roll!
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