#i know we’re all thirsting over ash currently
rosecolouredash · 5 years
Blooming flowers surrounded you, calm music filled the near empty flower shop. You stood behind the counter, old register and a half read novel your only companions for the day. You were used to the slow days, you usually used the alone time to prepare arrangements, design bouquets and daydream in pastel colors. You couldn’t help but get carried away, inventing back stories for customers, expanding on stories they shared. Each bouquet had meaning. (1/9)
Every flower was chosen with care. You tapped a pencil to your novel and nearly got taken away by your thoughts but the bell above the door broke the almost reverie. Your attention cut to the front of the shop, a patron in an athletic sweatshirt stumbled through the door, honey curls tumbling into hazel eyes that searched the shop helplessly. You could tell he was lost among the flowers, a quietly frantic demeanor clinging to him. You rounded the counter, knowing he was in need of help. (2/9)
“Can I help you?” You asked as his eyes found yours immediately. He nodded and let out a sigh of relief. “I need flowers.” You giggled. “Lucky you came to the right place. Anything in particular you’re looking for?” You asked as a small tint of a blush captured his cheeks around a smile. “Something for my mom.” You nodded and couldn’t help but notice the dimples that deepened with his smile. “I think I’ve got just the bouquet for you. Wait here.” You headed for the back. (3/9)
It only took a moment to procure the perfect bouquet—having just made it that day. You came back out to be met with the customer waiting at the counter. One hand rested on the counter while the other searched his sweatshirt pocket. You recognized the logo on his chest, the local hockey team adorning his apparel. You wondered if he played, keeping his athletic build in mind. You were curious about him, but not in the same ways as other customers. You were curious about the real him. (4/9)
You had no desire to make up a story for him in the ways you did other passing customers. He eyed the bouquet and nodded approvingly. “I think she’ll love it.” His voice was soft and sincere and though you didn’t even know his name yet you felt butterflies fluttering in your stomach. You rang him up and wished him and his mom well—whatever the occasion for the flowers—all the while wondering if you’d ever see him again. Knowing that you wanted to know his story. The real one. (5/9)
The next day brought thoughts of him back to you. But you waved them away, knowing it was better to let a stranger go than conjure a thousand what ifs and what could have beens. It was another slow day, you were just about to lose yourself in a world of someone else’s words when the bell gave off an echoing ding. He was back and wore a sheepish expression. You greeted him warmly, another flutter of excitement coursing through you. He approached the counter with uneven steps. (6/9)
“I wanted to thank you for the flowers. My mom loved them.” He said and your heart soared. For as many customers as you’d helped he was the first to come back with a thank you. “It’s no problem.” You replied and waved nonchalantly. “Kinda my job.” He laughed and the room brightened. “I think I also forgot something yesterday.” He said, taking you by surprise. You weren’t sure what he was talking about, positive that if he left something behind you would have noticed. You arched an eyebrow. (7/9)
“And what might that be?” You wondered aloud. He gave a playful shrug before answering. “To properly introduce myself. I’m Ashton.” You then told him your name and he leaned forward, elbows propped on the counter as he took a breath. In the moment of silence that ensued you got lost in hazel and had to pull yourself back when he began speaking again. “And one more thing.” You held your breath as he paused once more and clapped a hand to the back of his neck. He blushed a lovely pink. (8/9)
“Do you think I could get your number? Maybe take you out sometime?” ….. and the rest is up to you Ro, ily most x infinity 🤍 (9/9)—
The Timberwolves coach blew his whistle one final time to signal the end of hockey practice. As most of the team began to skate off the ice, some complaining of the soreness they’d feel tomorrow, Michael paused at the opening in the boards, transfixed with something in the stands—or rather someone.
You were bundled up—your cozy attire appropriate for the cool temperature of the arena. With an elbow propped on your knee and your chin in hand, you were focused on the new novel in front of you, one you recently started—completely unaware of the boy’s gaze.
“What’s up, Mike?”
Calum followed his friend’s gaze. He didn’t recognize you but apparently you recognized their captain. As Luke joined their little viewing party, you had stopped reading—your attention now focused on the ice. They realized that Ashton was the last one skating as he picked up the stray pylons around the rink that were used for drills during practice. When Michael looked back up to you, he noticed the small smile that graced your lips. You returned to your book when the honey-haired boy skated up to his linemates and best friends.
“Hey, thanks for waiting. Now, you can help me put these away.” They groaned, each taking a couple of the fluorescent orange cones from their captain’s grasp, and headed towards the storage room—their questions of you being answered when they exited the locker rooms, after hitting the showers and getting changed.
As the four boys left, Ashton made a beeline towards you, waiting at the entrance of the arena. They watched with interest as the two of you chatted when you suddenly presented a package, wrapped in brown paper, from your bag and gave it to their captain. Ashton grinned and thanked you. He then motioned to his teammates and you walked over.
“Who’s this?” Luke gestured to you as you flushed at his curious gaze.
Ashton introduced you to the three boys, stating you were the reason his mother anticipated fresh flora in their home every so often. The boys then realized that the package Ashton gently held in his grasp was one of your custom bouquets. He added no more to your introduction and the three boys had to resist lifting a brow. So, you were just a florist? Making some sort of house call? But why had you watched their practice and waited when you could have delivered the flowers to the Irwin abode yourself?
As you all walked outside towards the parking lot, Michael, Calum, and Luke trailed a way’s behind both you and Ashton.
“Do you think that’s—” Calum jumped a little at Michael’s whisper right up against his ear.
“But he never said…” As far as Calum was concerned, your relationship with his captain was strictly business. Ashton would have shared with them, or at least he, if you two were anything more than platonic...wouldn’t he? Albeit, he was pretty private about those kinds of things.
Luke smiled, giving his two cents on the situation. “They have to be together—just look at how they’re acting.”
Calum and Michael looked ahead, at the two of you, taking note at the warm gaze you held with Ashton. Their captain in return, matched your gaze, while hanging onto each and every word that you spoke. Maybe there was some truth to Luke’s words but Calum was still not fully convinced.
“Wanna bet?” Both Michael and Luke finished shaking hands when you and Ashton turned around.
Their captain told them to go on ahead as he wanted to walk you back to your car. You smiled at that and then waved at the boys. “It was nice meeting you!”
They returned the gesture and bid you farewell as you and Ashton turned, opposite to the boys, and walked in the direction of your parked vehicle.
Michael and Calum began to walk again when Luke suddenly snickered. “I knew it! Pay up, Clifford.” The two paused, turning their heads and looked towards you and Ashton.
“Huh, I guess you were right.” Calum hummed, the corner of his eyes crinkling as he smiled at the sight while Michael grumbled and searched for his wallet in his duffel bag.
Ashton must have pulled at a flower from the bouquet he held because you were now sporting one—its small stem tucked behind your ear. The dead giveaway, however, was how close your bodies were in proximity to one another as you walked.
Not to mention how both your fingers were perfectly laced together.
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kindahoping4forever · 4 years
You Were Digging Plants, I Dug You // Ashton Irwin
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This concept started a while back as a prompt fill and then I got stuck, used the prompt for a different piece and then that allowed me to get unstuck. (Yay!) Thank you to @cal-puddies​ for cheering me on while I figured it out (no jokes about it being too long, only clown emojis so you KNOW shit’s about to go down tbh) and also to @ashtonangst​ for her rallying when I gave her a sneak preview. 
Warnings: Boyfriend!Ash (back to basics, pals), what I can only describe as Domestic Thirst, Gardening!Ash, Hammock!Ash, literally so much thirst, brief reference to exhibitionism and bondage, unprotected sex in an established relationship, oral sex performed on a male
Word Count: 3707
Masterlist // Taglist // Ko-Fi
Let  me  know  what  you  think!
You walk into the kitchen and sit your breakfast dishes in the sink, smiling to yourself when you see that Ashton has already swooped in and washed the pans you left sitting on the stove “to soak.” It was a rare occurrence for you to be up before him but you were working from home on deadline and had gotten up unreasonably early to finish up a project in time. 
With your responsibilities out of the way earlier than usual, part of you had hoped you’d find your boyfriend still in bed so you could sneak in a few extra zzzs, maybe some cuddle time. But as you survey the kitchen, you spot his keys and sports bottle on the counter, indicating he’d already been out for a run, which is typical. You fill a glass with ice, pour some coffee over it and pad off in search of Ash.
You’re not surprised where you find him: out back, indulging in his newfound favorite pastime: gardening. You’re not sure how or why this hobby started but he absolutely loves it and you've come to appreciate it too: it’s hard not to get swept up when he’s excited about something. He currently appears to be in the middle of a heated confrontation with his green beans so you decide not to bother him just yet and you settle into a chaise lounger with your coffee.
You close your eyes, lean back in your chair and bask in the morning sun for a while until you reach for your glass and feel an empty table. You frown in confusion and open your eyes to see Ashton standing over you, happily taking a sip while checking his phone. 
“Well good morning to you too, THIEF,” you jab. “You know, there’s a whole pot inside if you want coffee.”
He shrugs and takes another sip. “Don’t want coffee, want your coffee.”
Undeterred by the offended look you’re giving him, he sits on the edge of your chair and rubs your thigh. He asks you how your work went and you chat about your mornings, passing the iced drink back and forth between you until it's finished.
Ash sits the glass back down on the table and leans in to give you a quick peck before resuming his work. You attempt to deepen the kiss, throwing your arms around his neck and trying to pull him closer but he chuckles against your lips and breaks free.
“The clouds are starting to move, baby, I need to finish up before it gets too hot,” he explains, gesturing at the sky.
You run your hands over his arm as he gets up to leave. “But I missed not getting my wakeup call this morning,” you whine playfully. Since you started working from home, your favorite part of the day had quickly become seeing which one of you would be the first to suggest the morning start off with a little fooling around.
“Gotta get those stakes in the ground for my tomatoes,” he replies, squeezing your hand as he stands next to your chair, selecting a new playlist to accompany his work.
“You’d rather pound wooden stakes instead of your own girlfriend?” You tease, mockingly striking a sexy pose.
“Well especially now that you’ve referred to my sincere lovemaking as ‘pounding,’ ” he deadpans. You playfully kick at him from your chair but you’re a split second too late and he’s already walking back out to the garden. 
You leave him to his work and return a while later with your laptop and another coffee, planning to get some work done while enjoying the nice day and your boyfriend’s company. But as you sit your things on the table, one glance over to the garden makes you realize you’ve walked into quite the distracting environment. 
Judging from the pair of 8 foot wooden poles that are now protruding from the ground and the amount of sweat soaking through the back of his white t-shirt, Ashton has been hard at work. You're impressed by his progress but as he climbs onto his step stool to place his last stake, you realize it’s the perfect stage for you to drink in all the things you love about the way he’s built and you find your mind and eyes wandering. 
You watch closely as he stretches his body to reach the top of the post and when you see the way his t-shirt is pulling between his shoulder blades, you’re reminded of how you were deprived of dragging your nails down his back that morning. Your eyes travel down and you consider how much you love his ass in light wash denim and how tight the material fits over his thick thighs.
Before you get too far fantasizing about bouncing on his thigh, Ash begins hammering the stick into the soil and your focus is drawn to his arms flexing with each strike; the rolled up sleeves of his t-shirt leave his glistening muscles and tattoos on display. You shift in your seat when you notice his long fingers curling around the rod and you start thinking about how much you wish they were wrapping around something else, like your throat or his own cock.
Your filthy daydream is shattered by the vibration of your phone, alerting you to a text message. You manage to tear yourself away long enough to type out what you hope is a coherent reply and when you look back up, he’s almost done tying the vines of his plant to the newly installed stake. He furrows his brow and you can’t help but recognize it’s the same look of concentration you saw on his face last week when you watched him tie your wrists to the bed frame.  
You zone out until you see he’s on his way to return the toolbox and stool to the garage. You feign interest in what’s on your computer screen and somehow manage not to watch his ass as he walks away.
When Ash returns 10 minutes later you nearly burst out laughing at the absurdity of your situation. He’s traded his jeans for a loose pair of athletic shorts, lost his shirt entirely and is heading towards you with a giant bag of soil effortlessly hoisted over one shoulder and a large ceramic pot on the other.
“Just about finished there, handsome?” You ask, hoping the desperation you were feeling doesn’t come through in your voice.
“Not quite,” he says, oblivious to your need and instead bubbling about his project. “Those lavender seeds you picked out were delivered this morning, I wanna pot a couple of those for you.”
Your body is frustrated knowing you’ll have to wait longer for his attention but your heart sings at how happy this all makes him and how eager he is to share it with you. “Sounds good,” you smile at him. “I have a couple things to finish up and then maybe I'll make us some lunch.” 
He sits in the seat next to you, beaming, setting up his supplies at the table. You both get to work but it takes less than five minutes for you to let your eyes wander over and observe him leaning over his pot, working with his large hands.
You feel a varied wave of emotions watching him. In one moment, seeing his hands firmly pat the soil with an open palm, you feel the urgent need to have him recreate that action on your ass. But in the next, the gentle way he’s handling the seeds reminds you of how his hands tenderly dance over your skin when you’re laying in bed, satisfied and talking softly to each other. 
Ashton feels your gaze on him and looks up, eyes sparkling. “This’ll be so much fun when it blooms, baby, you made a good pick,” he exuberantly chats while you gather up your things. “Soaps and teas and candles… we’re gonna make so much fuckin’ cool shit.”
You smile fondly at his excitement and lean down to hug him from behind as you pass by. “You’re cute, you know that?” You press a kiss to the tattoo on the back of his neck and head inside.
You putter around the house, doing mundane things like plugging in your computer and seeing what's available for lunch but you can't keep your mind from wandering, filling with thoughts both erotic and soft. You thought this started just from disrupting your usual morning routine with him but it’s spiraled into the most distracting thing of all: you're horny but now you're horny with feelings.
You poke your head out the backdoor to ask Ash if he’ll be ready to eat soon but he’s not at the table where you left him; you laugh when you walk further into the yard and see him sprawled out in his hammock with his eyes closed.
“The second I leave, suddenly you’re done working. I’m starting to think that was all just a show for me,” you joke as you get closer.
He smiles at the sound of your voice and opens his arms, swinging one leg out of the hammock, placing it on the ground to stabilize it, indicating for you to get in.
“Ew, you’re all sweaty, though,” you tease as you carefully climb in.
He snorts as if to say “yeah right” as you curl up into his side and rest your head directly on his bare chest. He strokes your hair, you draw designs on his skin with your fingertips and you both lay quietly for a few minutes, enjoying the fresh air and the presence of each other. 
“Everything’s looking great out there, Ash,” you break the silence to compliment him. “You’re really working hard and it shows. I love that you love it so much.” You lean down to press a kiss to the coin tattoo on his side.
You can feel the pride and appreciation radiating from him as he kisses the top of your head. “Thanks, baby. It’s been a lot of fun exploring something new.”
“I can tell... And watching you out there today kinda made me want to have some fun exploring too,” you say with a flirtatious edge to your voice, your hands starting to dance down his chest.
He giggles with delight, “That’s so fucking lame!” He cradles your chin up to him and kisses you sweetly. “You only get that cheesy when you're really worked up; I thought I felt you eyeing me out there but I didn’t know it was that bad, sweetheart.”
“I don’t know how you expect me to react, all sweaty and muscle-y and shit,” you playfully slap his chest and defend yourself. “I’m sitting there hoping you’ll be done so I can shower with you and instead you want to plant something for me? How am I not supposed to be dripping?”
Ashton laughs heartily and it reverberates throughout your entire body as you lay on him. You love the sound but you love the taste of him even more so you press your lips to his again. The two of you lay there, cuddled up together in the hammock, lazily making out for a lot longer than you would’ve expected, given how badly you’ve been wanting him all day.
Eventually, his hand ends up under your t-shirt and your hand finds its way down his shorts. Neither of you are in a hurry to speed things along; he leisurely palms your breasts, occasionally twirling a nipple. You lightly stroke his cock, enough to get him hard but not so much that he’s eager for this part to be over. It’s a comfortable, casual groove you fall into; enjoying the feeling of each other’s bodies and the desire that mounts with each murmur escaping from both your and his lips.
You continue like this for a bit longer until his hand travels down your shorts and he feels how wet you are for him; the groan he lets out against your lips makes your stomach flip.
“Fuck, baby, you do need it, don’t you?” He teases you, fingers dipping in and out of your folds. “Poor thing, have you been soaked like this all morning? Think I’ve spoiled you, can’t even go a few hours without me.”
You moan into his kiss and together, you get yourself out of your shorts and panties. Ash tosses his own shorts to the side and you can tell he’s trying to mentally run the logistics and figure out which position is best suited to hammock sex; you’ve admittedly spent a fair amount of time thinking about this and you spring into action, cautiously rearranging your bodies, aiming to get on top. 
The bed starts swaying as you move and he instinctively puts his leg on the ground to stabilize it like before; you nod your approval and are able to safely straddle him. He rubs your thighs affectionately and offers, “This seems a little ill-advised, let’s go in and I’ll fuck you in the shower like you said.”
You lean down to kiss first his lips and then over his jaw and neck. “You’ve done so much work today, babe,” you reply, already a bit breathy. “Just relax and let me make you feel good.”
You sit up and slip him inside you; you take a moment to close your eyes and savor the sensation of him filling you, stretching you out. He’s right, you must be spoiled. You had him just last night and yet you’ve been craving this feeling and you’re so relieved to finally be experiencing it again.
You tentatively start moving on his cock, trying to test the limitations of your current location; he swings his other leg out the other side, giving you a bit more steadiness to work with but you still pay close attention to your movements. A couple bounces has the hammock making questionable noises so you decide on a kind of slow, rocking motion to start off with.
“This good for you, Ash?” You check, biting your lip to hold in a moan, wanting to get an honest opinion from him.
“Mmm hmm,” he murmurs, hands running all over your ass and thighs. “Don’t kill us, don’t kill my hammock and I’m good with anything, baby.” You roll your eyes at his noncommittal attitude but judging by the way he’s licking his lips and his fingers are digging into your skin, it seems to be working for him just fine. 
You lean back, bracing yourself on his legs to get a different angle; you close your eyes and moan as he hits deeper inside you, causing you to arch your back. You feel his hands trying to pull your shirt up but he can’t quite reach. “Wanna see those pretty tits, baby,” he rasps. 
Ashton holds your hips, helping you balance as you sit up and pull your top off. You look around slightly, considering your surroundings as you throw the clothing to the ground. You lean in and lowly ask, “That wall is high enough that no one can see, right? I’m not trying to give a peep show to the neighbors.”
“Oh sweetheart, they’ve definitely already seen the show when I’ve had you pressed against the upstairs window before,” he jokes, massaging your breasts now that you're close enough.
You shake your head amusedly and resume moving. You circle your hips a few times but the bed shifts a little more than you’d like so you try a slower grind. You discover you’re able to achieve a wonderful friction on your clit if you keep at it while you’re leaned in to him and you can’t help the sounds that begin pouring from your lips.
Ash pinches your nipples, watching with rapt attention as you work yourself up. “Love seeing you like this,” he breathes. “So hot watching you use my cock to get what you need.” 
You scratch your nails over his chest and he hisses; you whimper softly in return and lean in more, capturing his lips in a hungry kiss. “Want you to get what you need too, handsome,” you pant against him, increasing your pace a little.
“What I need is for us to get off before one of us gets so rowdy we end up flying out of this hammock,” he cracks, desire and amusement lighting up his eyes.
His hands roam from your chest to your ass and he grips your cheeks tight. He experimentally rocks up into you, causing you both to gasp. He gently moves against you again and you slowly follow his pleasurable rhythm while remaining careful not to upset the hammock.
The languid pace makes for a torturous buildup to your orgasm but you do feel it building. You can tell that Ashton isn’t nearly as close as you are so you attempt to slow your hips again but he grabs your ass tighter and drives his cock into you deeper. “Go ahead and cum, baby, I know you need it,” he encourages. 
You moan softly and arch your back again, finding that friction you need. He sneaks his hand between your bodies and presses his thumb to your clit and it only takes a few rubs to set you off. Your eyes close and your mouth wordlessly babbles as your body tenses and your pussy throbs around him; his touch both intensifies and soothes your feelings as he quietly intones, “Good girl, baby, yes. Fuck, look at you. Such a good girl.”
You bask in the pleasure you’ve been waiting all day for and eventually your body begins to relax; you brace yourself on his chest, taking a moment to collect yourself. He tenderly rubs up and down your arms and you open your eyes to grin at him warmly, silently thanking him for his patience.
You bend down, kissing along his jaw and you euphorically chirp, “Love your cock… love you.”
He chuckles at both your words and at your kisses tickling his skin. “I won’t take offense to the fact that my cock ranks first on your list.”
You smirk at him and slide gracefully down his body, letting him slip out of you; you promptly use your tongue to begin cleaning the evidence of your release off his cock and he curses under his breath appreciatively. You take him in your mouth and bob as enthusiastically as your location will allow. 
You can immediately tell by the way his breathing has changed that this will be more than enough to finish him off and it’ll be relatively soon. You pull off and rest your head on his hip as you stroke him steadily. “Feeling good, handsome?” You coo, enjoying the way he seems to shudder under your touch on every downstroke.
“Love your mouth… love you,” he quips, in a voice that is somehow simultaneously amused at his own joke and nearly blissed out from how you’re working him.
You giggle at his wisecrack and lean over to take his balls in your mouth; your tongue dances over the seam and he yelps deliciously, hands rushing to grip your hair. You pull off with a pop. “That’s what you get for being a smartass while I’m trying to make you cum.”
Before he can protest, your tongue is on him again, licking over the drops of precum that have dribbled down his shaft and he’s groaning your name. You brace your hands on his thighs and start to sink down to swallow him into your throat but he’s pulling you back up by your hair before you get very far. “Too close, baby,” he warns.
Heeding his advice, you decide to instead suckle at his tip and jerk him off again; you open your mouth and flit your tongue along the ridges of his head and as you run over his slit, he makes an obscene noise you can’t get enough of.
Ash alerts you of his orgasm with a squeeze to your shoulder and a strained chant of “Baby… baby… fuck…” and it’s enough for you to quickly get your mouth back on him in time to feel his cock twitching against your tongue as he starts to cum. He grunts quietly in time with your head’s movements and you cheer him on with an eager “mmm” for each spurt you swallow down.
His breathing begins to slow and you contentedly hum as you release him from your mouth and peck your way back up his body. You rest your head on his chest again, listening to his heartbeat settle and he plays with your hair, satisfied and lost in thought. 
A minute or so passes before you pop your head up, inquiring, "Ready for lunch now?"
Ash lets out a gleeful cackle. "Got what you wanted, now you're ready to move on, huh?"
You shrug, carefully navigating your way out of the hammock and collecting your clothes, tossing his shorts to him. "Thought you knew by now I'm only here for your body," you smirk as you get dressed.
He stands up and steps into his shorts, pulling you in to him as soon as he's done. "Same," he teases, managing to both smack your ass harshly and also kiss you lovingly.
Ashton swings his arm around you and you turn to walk towards the house together; you've only gotten a few steps away when you hear a cartoonish metallic crash. You both whip around to see the bed of the hammock freely swinging off of the frame that has both collapsed and become uprooted from where it was secured.
Your hand flies to cover your mouth and you bite the inside of your cheek to keep from laughing, waiting to see how he'll react.
Ashton puckers his lips and shifts them from side to side as if he's contemplating how irritated to be. Finally a devilish look crosses his face and he quips, "Well… I guess the good news is: if just watching me plant things got you this horny, it'll be fun to see what you'll want to do to me after you witness the actual hard work I'll have to do repairing this."
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lawrenceop · 4 years
HOMILY for the 5th Sunday per annum (B)
Job 7:1-4,6-7; Ps 146; 1 Corinthians 9:16-19,22-23; Mark 1:29-39
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Both the prophet Job and St Paul write about having had conversations with God but how different is their approach to suffering and to their lot in life – why? 
Job has had every calamity and sorrow befall him – he has swiftly lost his wife and daughters, his friends, his fortune and servants, his future earnings, and finally his physical health. Job, therefore, speaks for us, voicing the existential angst that besets us human beings as we’re confronted by the limits of our frail mortality. So, from the depths of his misery and pain, he cries out as we have just heard in today’s first reading: “Is not man’s life on earth nothing more than pressed service, his time no better than hired drudgery?” (7:1) There is, in this passage from the long book of Job, which is worth reading in its entirety, a sense of hopelessness and unremitting anguish. Hence, he exclaims: “my days have passed, and vanished, leaving no hope behind.” (7:6) 
As Job continues in this vein, debating and dialoguing with his companions about the meaning of life, thirty-one chapters later, we’re told: “Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind”. (38:1) God’s answer unfolds over four chapters, but it basically reminds Job of God’s wisdom and providence as Creator, as the one who holds all being in existence, and so, it is an invitation to trust in God’s purposes; that man, and even his suffering, has a purpose. Job, with tremendous humility, relents, and he says: “I have uttered what I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I did not know… therefore I despise myself, and repent in dust and ashes.” (42:3b, 6)
After this, God restores Job’s lot in life, and he receives twice as much as he had before the calamities befall him, so all’s well that ends well because he had great trust in God. And so the moral of Job’s life is that we should hold fast and trust in God no matter what comes. However, somehow, this is not all that satisfying. Because, if he’s lost it all once, it can happen again. The resolution is a somewhat naturalistic but worldly happiness of fame, fortune, and long life, but all these human goods are somewhat fragile and can be lost, so there we’re just called to trust that God’s will is being done. All this is a good moral lesson, of course, but I believe there is something more, something true and certain and firm that offers humanity genuine hope where Job has lost hope. 
St Paul, on the other hand, has also had his extraordinary share of human misery. As he writes, he’s endured “far greater labours, far more imprisonments, with countless beatings, and often near death.” (2 Cor 11:23b) He’s been flagellated, beaten, stoned, and shipwrecked several times, and has been in “danger from rivers, danger from robbers, danger from my own people, danger from Gentiles, danger in the city, danger in the wilderness, danger at sea, danger from false brethren; in toil and hardship, through many a sleepless night, in hunger and thirst, often without food, in cold and exposure.” (2 Cor 11:26-27) 
And yet, he never cries out or complains in the way that Job does; he is never robbed of his hope. On the contrary, he is extremely driven in his mission of preaching the Gospel. As we hear in today’s second reading, St Paul says: “it is a duty which has been laid on me; I should be punished if I did not preach it!… Do you know what my reward is? It is this: in my preaching, to be able to offer the Good News free… I still do this, for the sake of the gospel, to have a share in its blessings.” (1 Cor 9:16, 18, 23)
The difference between Job’s and St Paul’s outlook is rooted in the good news, the Gospel, that was given to St Paul when God spoke with him. So, on the road to Damascus, Paul was blinded by a bright light from heaven, and then he heard the voice of God; Paul encounters the Risen Lord Jesus who says to him: “Rise and stand upon your feet; for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to appoint you to serve and bear witness” to the whole world so that people may “turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.” (Acts 26:16, 18) This, of course, is the essence of what we shall do right after this Homily today, as we baptise one of our young parishioners: we’re turning him from darkness to light; we’re making a public proclamation as a Christian community of our fundamental hope; and we’re setting this child on the road to holiness through faith in God, that is, through friendship with Jesus Christ. For this is, in essence, what it means to become a Christian and this is what baptism entails. 
So, the reason why St Paul has hope and possesses a deep abiding joy, over and above the normal earthly happiness of Job, is because he has faith in the Risen Lord Jesus whom he has known intimately. So, Paul believes and hopes to be raised from the dead with Christ, and thus of having the final word, with Jesus, over all the sorrows and pains that life can throw at us. And he has the hope of eternal life in friendship with God the Blessed Trinity, finally victorious, with Christ, over sin and sickness and death. Hence he says: “To this day I have had the help that comes from God, and so I stand here testifying both to small and great, saying nothing but what the prophets and Moses said would come to pass: that the Christ must suffer, and that, by being the first to rise from the dead, he would proclaim light both to the people and to the Gentiles.” (Acts 26:22-23)
St Paul’s response to human suffering and the misery of our current mortal condition, therefore, is that we suffer with Christ whose grace helps us to endure all things, and so, with faith in Christ the Risen Lord, we have the hope of rising also from the dead, and so, of transcending all our current sadness and pain. This is the good news, the Gospel, that St Paul preaches, and that Christians and missionaries and the Church down the ages have spared no pain in preaching. Why? Because it is the light, the hope, that we have always needed in the sorrow and darkness of our human existences. For without the light of the resurrection, then, we have only the cry of Job: “Remember that my life is but a breath, and that my eyes will never again see joy.” (7:7) 
But, that is not our cry as Christians. All of us, having died with Christ in Baptism, now share the hope and promise of the resurrection and the joy of eternal life with Christ. Hence, our psalm response is “Praise the Lord who heals the broken-hearted.” For the Lord God knows that we are broken by sin, broken by sickness, broken by death and all the sorrows of this life. So he comes to heal us, but his healing is not a mere temporary restoration like the restoration of Job’s earthly fortunes. No, God heals us by strengthening our humanity, and making us fit for something greater and more lasting than this life: God in Christ comes to raise us up, through grace, to share in divine life, in the life of God himself.
So we get a hint of this in the Gospel today: Christ heals Simon’s mother-in-law, but St Mark doesn’t say this directly. Rather, he says (and I am rendering the Greek text more literally than the translation we’ve just heard): “He went to her, took her by the hand, and raised her up. And the fever left her and she began to serve them.” (Mk 1:31) The Greek word translated as “he raised her up” is the same word used over and over again in the Gospels when Jesus refers to his own resurrection, his being raised up from the dead. So, Christ promises in today’s Gospel account that we shall also, at last, be raised up from our final sickness, which is death, so that we can serve, meaning that we shall become like Jesus Christ himself who came to serve humanity by giving his life for all men and women. Hence the Lord says: “the Son of man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mk 10:45)
This, my friends, is the source of our hope as Christians. This is why we need not despair, even when things fall apart in this life. Because, like Job, we can and should trust in God’s wisdom and providence. But, more importantly, like St Paul we place our faith and hope in the Risen Lord Jesus, whose love never fails. Thus St Paul also cries out, not in desperation but with great hope: “I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” 
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vampiregirl1797 · 4 years
Hopeless: Epilogue
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Klaus Mikaelson x OC
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Warnings: this is over 10,000 words, so get some snacks and a hot cup of chocolate!
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Five years after Evangeline returned from the 15th century.
 ‘Bekah, really this is completely unnecessary.’ I tried to reason with her, but I wasn’t surprised when my protests seemed to fall on deaf ears.
 ‘It may not be necessary but that doesn’t mean it’s not happening.’ She winked, turning back to the owner of the cute little clothes store we’d found in the centre of the city. She was compelling her to let us have free run of the store, seeing as clothes were limited and she didn’t want to lose out on the perfect outfit to someone else.
 While she did that, I wondered around, absentmindedly looking at the different clothes she had to offer. I had to hand it to her, everything was beautiful and all one of a kind, seeing as she made the clothes herself and only ever made ten of everything. Once they sold, that was it.
‘Find anything?’ I asked Elena when I reached her.
 ‘Oh my--,’ she cut off with a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart.
 ‘Sorry.’ I grinned, amused that after so many years of me being a vampire I could still startle her.
 She shot me a look, clearly not believing my apology but she waved me off anyway.
 ‘You know, I’m surprised I can still startle you with your newfound heightened senses.’ I teased.
 Elena had become a vampire a few years ago, after she had turned twenty. She had given it a lot of thought beforehand, and was content with her decision when she asked Stefan to turn her so that she could spend an eternity by his side. The younger Salvatore had been hesitant, but after my sister assured him that she had done nothing but think about it since she met him, he followed through with her request.
 ‘Well I was too busy wondering if this top would look cute on me.’ She protested, holding up a white and baby pink lace crop top.
 ‘It would not.’ Bekah interjected, sliding up next to me and holding out a similar style crop top but in red, ‘this colour suits your skin tone better.’
 ‘Thank you, Bekah.’ Elena smiled gratefully and put the reject back on the rack before adding the new addition to her basket.
 I smirked in amusement when I realised that Elena had already gathered enough to fill half her basket, while Bekah had enough to warrant moving onto a third while I had nothing.
 Bekah seemed to notice that too, ‘why haven’t you got anything in your basket yet? We only have another hour until we need to be back for dinner and the barbecue is tomorrow!’
 ‘I know,’ I sighed, running a hand through my hair, ‘I’ve never been good at picking out clothes for myself Bekah. I hate shopping.’
 Elena and Bekah gasped dramatically, as if this was news to them, which of course it wasn’t. I rolled my eyes at their dramatics, but a small smile still found its way to my lips.
 ‘Well that’s easy enough. I’ll pick something for you.’ Bekah smiled, already wondering off to the back wall—I imagined she already had something in mind.
 A few years ago, I would’ve tried to stop her, but I knew that she would only pick something that would compliment my figure and my personal tastes. She had a gift when it came to styling people, in any other time she could’ve been an amazing personal shopper. But then again, owning her own clothing line seemed more Bekah’s style.
 ‘So when are Stefan and Damon getting in?’ I asked, following Elena around while she browsed through the other options.
 ‘Tonight after dinner, which sucks but we can all probably watch a movie together.’ Elena replied, the excitement at the prospect of seeing her love leaking into her voice.
 ‘True, though it is Kol’s turn to pick this month. Probably means we’re gonna be stuck watching some gory horror movie.’ I rolled my eyes fondly—the younger Mikaelson loved watching scary movies to mock and point holes in the stories.
 ‘Better than Elijah’s documentary obsession.’ Elena joked. She wasn’t wrong, though. Elijah was fascinated with watching documentaries on anything—the last time it had been his pick, we sat through a two hour movie on how cans were made.
 ‘No arguments here.’ Bekah laughed, adding an armful of clothes to my basket.
 I knew there was more than one outfit choice there, but I also knew better than to argue—she liked to add options for me to choose from, plus anything I didn’t want to wear tomorrow I could just wear some other time.
 ‘Thanks, Bekah.’ I smiled offering her a side hug, ‘you’re a godsend.’
 Bekah snorted, commenting on the fact that no one had ever called her that in a thousand years. She offered me a kind smile though and I knew she was grateful for the compliment.
 ‘Well if everyone’s finished, I’m craving something sweet.’ Elena mused.
 ‘I know just the place.’ Bekah smirked; I could already feel my mouth watering at the prospect of pastries.
 ‘So, how’s being newly married?’ Bekah asked my sister just as I’d taken a huge bit of one of the beignets from the centre of the table.
 My eyes closed in pleasure and I couldn’t help the small moan that formed at the back of my throat from the taste. Heaven.
 ‘Great.’ Elena’s expression visibly lit up, as it always did when she spoke of her relationship with the younger Salvatore, ‘we’re actually thinking about moving to New Orleans permanently. Stefan wants to talk to you guys about it first, just to make sure it’s alright, but hopefully there won’t be an issue. I’m ready to move on from Mystic Falls, and I want to be closer to my second family, seeing as the only ones really left back home are me, Stefan, Damon and Bonnie.’
 It was true; Jeremy and a few of his friends from school had decided to travel the world before committing to a college, and Jenna had moved back to Denver after Jeremy had graduated. The old house was currently being rented out by Jenna being as none of us had the heart to put it up for sale.
 ‘I don’t think that will be a problem, Elena you’re family.’ I assured her with a smile, honestly the thought of her moving to the city filled me with joy, ‘the Mikaelson’s love you like a sister, and Stefan and Nik have the biggest bromance going on, there should be zero issues.’
 ‘She’s right, Lena.’ Bekah assured her, her blue eyes sparkling with excitement—I imagined mine looked the same. The prospect of us all living in the same city all the time was just too wonderful to comprehend. Usually we had to made do with one weekend a month—that was the mandatory minimum for the whole family to meet up, no matter where they were in the world they had to be back for family weekend. Though to be fair, Elena, Stefan and Damon were the only ones who didn’t live in the city permanently, so that rule only really applied to them.
 ‘Do you think Bonnie will come to the barbecue?’ I wondered, sipping my caramel latte as I waited for an answer.
 Bonnie was a somewhat touchy subject for the group. When I’d gathered the courage and will to go back to Mystic Falls to tell my family the truth about what had happened, Bonnie and Katherine were the only two who had an issue. Bonnie because she believed I’d defied the balance of nature by helping break a curse that had been in place for so long, and Katherine because she’d lost five hundred years bound to paranoia and fear.
 It had taken some time, but eventually Bonnie realised that if the curse shouldn’t have been broken, the means to break it wouldn’t have existed. Katherine was more stubborn and even attempted to gather enough firepower from witches, vampires and werewolves to take Klaus and Elijah down. Of course, when they found out whom she wanted them to go up against they immediately backed out, a few even coming to New Orleans to warn the Mikaelsons of the potential threat—they didn’t want to go up against the strongest supernatural army in the world. Which was of course what the Mikaelson’s had built in New Orleans. It was the place that any species could come and live with different supernatural creatures in harmony. They did such a good job ruling it, fairly and with a genuine care for each and every person, that the loyalty they earned from each member of the city was unwavering. That was something Katherine hadn’t realised, until it was too late.
 Klaus and Elijah had sent a few werewolves and vampires for her to “recruit.” Of course, it had been a ploy to lure her to New Orleans and once they had her, they gave her three options:
-       Give up her ploy for revenge and start living her immortal life without a thirst for repentance
-       Let herself be compelled to once again forget why she wanted vengeance
-       Or die.
Her rage had inevitably made the decision for her. After she had been given her options, I had returned to the compound after meeting Cami for a drink at Rousseau’s. My appearance reminded her of her hatred and she’d attempted to attack me immediately, before she could however Elijah had removed her heart while Klaus had flashed to my side, prepared to aid me should I need it. We had both stared at the elder Mikaelson in shock, but he simply dropped her heart and ordered for her body to be burned to ash.
 I still remembered the conversation I’d had with him that night.
 A few months after Evangeline returned from the 15th century.
 I took a deep breath, trying to build up the courage to knock on his door, but I found myself shuffling from foot to foot. I was just about to bolt and return to bed with Nik when the door opened of its own accord.
 ‘Evangeline, is there something I can help you with?’ Elijah’s calm voice tampered a little of my anxiety, as did the absence of anger or sorrow in his eyes. But I didn’t let that fool me completely—I knew just as well as anyone that he was the best at withholding emotions from those closest to him.
 ‘I- I just wanted to apologise.’ I said, clearing my throat as my voice broke.
 ‘Whatever for?’ he gestured for me to enter his bedroom and I took a seat on one of the armchairs he had opposite his bed. Elijah himself perched himself on the foot of his bed, rolling his shirtsleeves up to his elbows as he awaited my response.
 ‘For Katherine. I know you cared for her once, and it’s my fault that nothing happened with her.’ I murmured, suddenly finding myself enamoured with the sleeves of the Henley that I was wearing that happened to belong to my hybrid.
 ‘If I ever cared for Katarina, it was because she reminded me of another life.’ Elijah said, the softness of his voice caused me to look up to him, ‘she reminded me of a time where my biggest worry was competing with my brother to win the affections of a woman who looked a lot like her.’
 ‘Tatia.’ I said, familiar with the story.
 ‘Indeed. When we were human my biggest concerns were trying to win Tatia’s hand in marriage, and protecting my siblings from our brute of a father. Katarina reminded me of that, and as a result caused me to yearn for that simplicity.’
 I nodded, somewhat understanding.
 ‘Of course, that changed when I realised that Niklaus was finding his humanity, due to a mysterious girl from the future.’ Elijah smiled knowingly at me, and I couldn’t help but look down, grateful that I couldn’t blush, ‘you see Evangeline, your appearance in our lives made me yearn for my life in the present. It made me yearn for a time that we could all sit down together as a family and be happy. Happier than we ever were when we lived in that small village in Mystic Falls over a thousand years ago. For the first time in a long time, I was excited by what the future would bring, rather than being consumed with dread over the prospect of witnessing my family commit heinous acts before my very eyes. You saved this family. And for Katarina to come along and try to inadvertently tear that apart, well you know by now… no one hurts my family and lives. And you, Evangeline are just as much a part of this family as I am.’
 I knew that my cheeks were wet with tears but I didn’t care. In a flash I was hugging Elijah and unconsciously soaking his shirt with tears. He hugged me back and I found myself grateful and lucky to have been accepted into the Mikaelson family.
 ‘Thank you, Elijah.’ I murmured against his chest.
 ‘Always and forever, sister.’ He murmured back, placing a chaste kiss to the top of my head.
 Back to five years after Evangeline returned from the 15th century.
 That had been a few months after I returned from the past, and Elijah and I had only grown closer. He was like the big brother I had always wanted, and being accepted into the fold meant that I was also gifted with the huge family I’d always yearned for. I was immensely grateful, being as I’d given up on the idea of a big family when I’d been turned into a vampire. I was lucky, and a day didn’t go by where I wasn’t reminded of that.
 ‘No. She’s accepted everything and I know she understands, but she doesn’t want to be a part of it.’ Elena said, her bright expression dimming considerably at the reminder of her absent ex-best friend.
 ‘I’m sorry sweetie.’ I murmured, squeezing her hand comfortingly.
 ‘It’s okay. It’s her life to live, and she doesn’t want to live it immersed in the supernatural world like we do. That’s her choice and she’s well within her rights to make it.’ Elena murmured, her eyes conveying the sincerity behind her words.
 It sucked, of course it did, but Elena was right. Bonnie was living her life like she wanted to—without vampires, hybrids and werewolves. Elena and I still loved her, but we knew it was just a part of life; some people are only meant to be in your life for a certain amount of time before you drift apart and they leave you with the memories you created together.
 ‘Aren’t you ever going to tire of painting me?’ I murmured, partially amused and fond from where I leaned against the doorframe.
 After lunch with my sisters, I’d returned to the compound and after placing my newly acquired clothes into our room, I went to find him. Where I found him wasn’t a surprise; he was in his art studio painting yet another portrait of me. My heart fluttered every time I saw him taking the time to put me onto another canvas; I’d been so overcome with love when he’d shown me the ones he’d painted in my absence that I’d been reduced to a puddle of tears. Nik still had yet to let me hear the end of that.
 ‘How could one ever tire of capturing such beauty?’ he grinned, his eyes sparkling with adoration as he turned to face me. In a flash I was at his side, my arm wound around his waist as I placed a chaste yet passionate kiss to his lips.
 ‘How was your day?’ he asked, pulling me against his chest and winding his arms around my waist.
 ‘Fine. Bekah picked out some clothes for me to wear tomorrow.’ I told him, my hands resting against his chest and my head against his shoulder.
 He chuckled, ‘I don’t know why you go; you hate shopping.’
 I hummed in agreement before adding, ‘but I love spending time with my sisters.’
 ‘Forgive me, I find it hard to imagine why anyone would enjoy Bekah’s company.’ He deadpanned, but broke out into a laugh when I lightly slapped his shoulder in reprimand.
 ‘Elena mentioned that her and Stefan were thinking of moving here.’ I grinned, my hands moving to his shoulders as I leaned back to meet his gaze.
 ‘Is that so?’ he said, his hands falling to my hips as a smile formed on his at the sight of my happiness.
 I nodded, ‘she mentioned Stefan wanted to run it by you all first, but it you’re okay with it then they’re gonna come.’
 ‘Why would we have a problem?’ he mused, his eyes dancing with mirth.
 ‘I think it’s Stefan’s idea to be honest. Just to make sure they’re not stepping on any toes.’ I shrugged, not really understanding the need for permission myself.
 ‘Well I’d never deny them residence here and I doubt anyone else would either, lest they incur your wrath.’ He teased, grinning when I playfully glared at him.
 ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.’ I said innocently.
 It was true, of course. Over my time with the Mikaelson’s I’d gained a reputation. My temper was known to rival Nik’s when someone threatened or hurt my family. I’d always been protective, and that instinct had only become heightened when I’d become a vampire. And now I had a family that ruled New Orleans, we were bound to attract trouble, which led to my protective instincts rearing their head more often than I was used to. The Mikaelson’s, Nik especially, thought my ability to go from calm to a force that the devil himself would be intimidated by was hilarious. But I couldn’t help it. And I was happy to have found a family that understood and even rivalled my over protective tendencies. I thought back to the first time we’d incurred a threat after Katherine.
 A year after Evangeline returned from the 15th century.
 I woke up to the sun shining on my face, which wasn’t unusual seeing as Nik and I had a habit of forgetting to close the drapes. I smiled when I felt his arms still wrapped around me, his warmth seeping through the shirt of his I was wearing. I rolled over to face him and was unsurprised to see his eyes already open; it was rare that I awoke before him, but even though he woke before me most days, he preferred to stay and hold me until I woke up before he even thought of getting out of bed. I’d asked him about it before and he’d admitted to taking the time to bask in the gratitude he felt for finally being able to wake up with me in his arms. I’d held him tight after that.
 ‘Good morning my love.’ His voice was husky with sleep, and I couldn’t help the small shiver of desire that shot down my spine.
 ‘Good morning my hybrid.’ I murmured back, placing a kiss to his cheek, a wave of adoration washing over me at his bashful smile that always followed me calling him that.
 That became my nickname for him not long after I found him again and he was able to finally reveal that he had broken his curse. At first, the reception had varied from fear to acceptance. Unfortunately the latter opinion was rare; Elena and everyone from back home had accepted it fairly quickly, though I assumed that Elena not needing to die for the curse to be broken was the main reason for that. It took a while for the factions of New Orleans to realise that Klaus being part werewolf as well as vampire made no difference to who he was as a ruler. When they did, the criticism, fear and disgust had dissipated. Though Nik liked to joke that my attitude towards those who criticised him was the main reason for that. I’d started calling him “My Hybrid” because I wanted him to know he had no reason to be ashamed of who he was, and to remind him that I loved every single part of him.
 ‘Do we have any plans today?’ I wondered, nuzzling into his neck, his scent keeping me in a state of contentedness. My eyes were starting to flutter shut again, and I found myself not wanting to fight it.
 ‘Actually, Sophie has contacted Elijah and informed us of a potential threat coming to New Orleans.’ Nik murmured, his lips against my hair.
 ‘Hmmm.’ I said, not really processing his words and placing a kiss onto the side of his neck.
 He chuckled kissing my hair and pulling me tighter against him, ‘I should tell you of all potential threats after you’ve just woken up my love.’
 ‘Hmmm.’ I sighed as his hand starting to move back and forth across my lower back.
 I thought I heard him chuckle again and it made me smile as I fell into unconsciousness.
 Kol and Bekah were doubled over in laughter where we were gathered in the courtyard of the compound. Klaus was laughing a lot less rambunctiously, while Elijah was a lot more reserved, though his amusement was still obvious on his expression.
 ‘I don’t bloody believe this.’ I muttered, shaking my head in exasperation, ‘are you having me on?’
 ‘No my love, we’re not.’ Nik’s dimpled smile eased my embarrassment a little, ‘I told you of the threat three days ago after you woke up. You must have still been half asleep.’
 ‘That’s cheating!’ I complained, slapping his shoulder, ‘you should’ve told me again when I was actually awake.’
 ‘Technically you were conscious.’ Kol pointed out, seeming to have recovered enough to add a comment.
 ‘Obviously not enough.’ I rolled my eyes and ran a hand through my hair, ‘now tell me about this threat.’
 ‘The De Martials are on their way to New Orleans.’ Elijah said solemnly and I nodded, familiar with the story.
 The elder Mikaelson had informed Niklaus over what he had done a few centuries after I’d returned to the future, and Nik had told me a few months ago. Nik had definitely been furious but his rage had subsided when he realised why his elder brother had done what he’d done. It had been around that time that Nik had told his siblings the truth about what happened to their mother. The reactions to that news had varied. Kol hadn’t had much of one, Elijah had already known but Bekah had taken it the hardest. But after some time, she came to forgive him.
 ‘So they want revenge for the time they spent pretending to be you and leading Mikael astray.’ I summarised, the wheels in my head turning.
 ‘I’d imagine so.’ Bekah mused, coming to sit by me on the sofa and stretching her legs out over my lap. Kol came to sit on the other side of me and rolled his eyes at the intrusion of Bekah’s legs on his lap as well, but he didn’t protest.
 ‘Do you think Aurora might have other motivations?’ I asked, internally wincing at the insecurity in my voice.
 ‘If that psychotic bitch comes anywhere near you darling, I can assure you she will be torn limb from limb.’ Kol patted my shoulder for reassurance.
 ‘That’s not what I’m worried about.’ I rolled my eyes and then frowned, ‘why would she be interested in me? I doubt she even knows who I am.’
 ‘Over the years you were not with us, we were subtle and discrete over your existence, but evidently rumours did get out about you.’ Elijah explained, smiling at my wide eyes, ‘your name along with your importance to this family made you somewhat of a legend. Though, no one knew why, or even knew of anyone by the name of Evangeline, so it’s often been dismissed as a rumour.’
 ‘Until now.’ Nik murmured, his eyes on me and shining with concern.
 ‘And Aurora always was the jealous type.’ Bekah sneered.
 ‘I don’t care about me.’ I muttered; my only concern was with my family, ‘you’re basically invincible. If they’re coming for revenge now after all this time, that must mean they have a plan, one that they’re confident will work.’
 ‘We’ve faced many people over our thousand years, all of which intended to end us all, and yet we’re still here.’ Elijah murmured, smiling in assurance, ‘I assure you, this time will be no different.’
 I wished I had his confidence, but I had a bad feeling about this and Nik must have sensed it because he held his hand out to me from where he was sat on the armchair. I shifted Bekah’s legs off me and moved to sit on his lap. His scent soothed my nerves like a balm—I’d always be grateful for how safe Nik’s arms made me feel. Especially in that moment because the absence of anxiety allowed me to think clearly and I had a plan.
 Nik: They’re here. Aurora left a body surrounded by lavender and a scavenger hunt for me to follow.
 Kol: Tristan has made himself known; he’s already got the strix out looking for vampires descended from Elijah.
 Elijah: The witches are preforming the spell now.
 Me: Lucien has just walked into Rousseau’s.
 Bekah: This is an insane plan; I just want that on the record.
 Nik: Now is not the time. Focus.
 Me: If anything bad happens, I just want you to know I love you all.
 I slid my phone into the back pocket of my high-waisted jeans, subtly watching Lucien from where I sat at the bar, while Bekah was blending in with the crowd thanks to a glamour spell a witch had placed on her. My hair was down and wavy, cutting off at the bottom of my spine and offering me some comfort as it covered up the most of my back. The crop top had been Bekah’s idea, it was white, lacy and entirely too revealing but I was looking to gain the attention of Lucien.
 A small smile formed on my lips as I noticed a family of tourists sitting by the window, a mother and father sat across from their twin daughters. They were all laughing and talking, enjoying their meal together. I felt a small wave of homesickness wash over me in that moment. I hadn’t seen my family in almost a year—not since I’d told them the truth about everything. We were still in touch, but I hadn’t seen them in the flesh for ten months, and I realised in that moment that I missed them. It wasn’t as bad as it could be, as I was already surrounded by family, but I found myself wondering if Elena, Jeremy and Jenna would be up for a weekend visit. Though it would be difficult to organise now; Elena was coming up to the end of senior year, Jeremy near the end of Junior, and Jenna was in the middle of writing her thesis. Though I’d heard from Elena that she was thinking of moving back to Denver after Jeremy was done with school. As the youngest Gilbert had already mentioned his desire to travel after he graduated, and with Elena potentially going to collage, Jenna would be in Mystic Falls all by herself. It wouldn’t be the same not having Jenna back home, but I understood her desire to move away being as the life she had before our parents died was in Denver.
 ‘Hello there darling.’ An arrogant sounding voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked to my right to see just the man I was looking for, now occupying the empty seat beside me.
 ‘Hello.’ I forced a smile and hoped the disgust didn’t show on my face. He was sitting far too close and his scent was overwhelming me. He smelled like he’d bathed in cologne and whiskey, it was so bad that I had to make due with breathing through my mouth. A pang of longing to be encased in my Hybrid’s scent overwhelmed me, but I forced myself to focus.
 ‘Now what’s a pretty thing like you doing in a place like this?’ He smirked, his breath fanning over my face. If I were still capable of vomiting, I would have in that moment.
 ‘You’ll have to be more specific. In this bar or in this city?’ I was being evasive, but I couldn’t help it.
 ‘This city, of course.’ He said, taking a sip of the drink in his hand.
 ‘I like it here.’ I shrugged, downing the shot of tequila Cami placed in front of me. Apparently seeming uninterested was a sure way to garner his attention, which was exactly what was needed. I leaned forward over the bar to grab the bottle of liquor that Cami had purposefully left within reach.
 ‘I’m starting to as well’ I rolled my eyes when I realised he was checking out my ass and when I fell back into my seat his eyes trailed over my chest. I fought the urge to cross my arms to try and cover up as I poured myself another shot.
 ‘How would you feel about coming back to my place later?’ he asked, his fingers trailing up and down my arm. I assume he mistook my shiver of disgust as pleasure, because his hand moved to my back, trailing up and down my spine and lightly tugging my hair.
 Quick as a flash I held his wrist in mine, before he could react I snapped it like a twig, ‘I think I’d rather set myself on fire.’
 ‘You’re feisty I like that.’ He bit out as he reset his wrist with a click.
 ‘I’m leaving now.’ I huffed placing a hundred on the bar to cover my drinks and tip.
 I shot Bekah a reassuring look before I left. I didn’t have to turn around to know he was following me; his pungent scent assured me he was.
 It shouldn’t have been so simple, but it was. I led him into a trap; witches bought him to his knees while I turned and snapped his neck. After that, he was trapped in a basement with chains and boundary spells, where he would be bled out until the vervain was out of his system. Which shouldn’t take long for how fast the selected vampires were working on him. One down. Two to go.
 ‘Nik?’ I called out as I entered the compound—he should have been back by now and I’ll admit the fact he wasn’t had me feeling both worried and insecure.
 I was about to call him when the scent hit my nose—blood. Most importantly Nik’s blood. I followed it to his art studio—he was in the centre of the room a circle of salt hinting at the boundary spell that was around him. He was shirtless and the dried blood on his torso hinted at how much he had lost. Despite the overwhelming urge to go to him, I forced myself to focus, someone had obviously done this to him, but where were they? I didn’t have to look far. She had her back to me, which hinted at her arrogance—she clearly didn’t perceive me to be a threat. She was staring at one of the portraits Nik had painted of me and hung along the back wall. Her fingers were pressed against the canvas gently at first, and in the blink of an eye her fingers tore through with such force she created a hole in the brickwork. That was when she turned to face me. Her eyes is what stood out to me at first, they were a striking green, seeming to shine brighter due to the red curly hair that draped around her shoulders and down her back. She was dressed in a short and low cut black dress; clearly she’d been intending to impress my Hybrid.
 ‘Aurora I presume.’ I said, unable to keep the venom from my voice.
 ‘You’ve heard of me?’ she seemed to preen with the knowledge.
 ‘Yes, when Nik was recounting his psychotic exes you were the first name out of his mouth.’ I smiled, inwardly cheering when her expression transformed into fury.
 ‘I cannot understand what he possibly sees in you.’ She sneered, walking around me like a shark circling its prey.
 ‘That makes two of us,’ I shrugged.
 ‘I’ll admit I’m disappointed. I expected more fire.’ She said, coming to stand in front of me again, and that was when she revealed a stake, ‘white oak seems a waste on you, but it’ll kill you just the same and to be honest, I rather enjoy the poetry of Nik waking up to see you dead beside him. The pathetic abomination will be so overcome with grief that he’ll be powerless to falling into my awaiting arms. As soon as that happens, I’ll be able to easily convince him to dagger his other pathetic siblings and we’ll live happily ever after as King and Queen of New Orleans.’
 My eyes flashed and before she could comprehend it, the stake clattered to the floor as the snap her wrist made when I twisted it behind her back echoed throughout the room.
 ‘How dare you.’ I growled, unbelievably enraged, picking the stake myself and plunging it into her stomach. She fell to her knees with a cry of pain, her hands moving to the wound when I yanked the wood out.
 ‘How dare you come into this city and threaten my family. How dare you call my Hybrid an abomination? The way I see it, the only abominable creature in this room is you, you psychotic, ignorant, pretentious bitch.’ I snarled, too far-gone in my fury to notice my Hybrid stirring behind me.
 ‘This isn’t your family.’ She protested, albeit a little weekly as I drove the stake through her chest, a mere inch from her heart.
 ‘Yes it is. I love each and every one of the Mikaelson’s, and I’d be damned if I let you threaten one of them, but all of them, including the man I love more than anything? Well you just signed your death certificate.’ With that, my hand punctured her chest cavity, clenching around her heart and tearing it out. I watched with relief and satisfaction as her corpse turned grey, before dropping the organ to the ground.
 I pulled my phone out of my back pocket to send a text to the group chat; pleased to see everyone else had achieved their goals without a hitch.
 Me: Need a witch back at the compound. Aurora has Nik trapped with a boundary spell.
 Elijah: Will bring Sophie now.
 Me: Thanks, Lijah. Glad everyone else is okay.
 Elijah had been with the witches to lure those of his sire line and trap them. Those who already resided in the quarter had been given a remedy that granted them immunity while the spell was being cast. When the strix arrived they would be given the chance to leave Tristan’s leadership or risk death. Tristan himself was trapped much like Lucien in a separate space secured with chains and witchcraft, which is where he would remain until the vervain had been drained and his plan had been compelled out of him. Either way, after that was discovered they would both be dead. The same had been planned for Aurora… before I’d gone AWOL.
 ‘Evangeline.’ I jumped a mile at the sound of his voice, having not heard him come around. When I faced him I was surprised by the intense expression on his face.
 ‘Are you okay?’ I asked, my fingers pressing against the boundary in vein as I tried to reach him.
 ‘I’m fine. A little hungry, but otherwise I’ll live. I managed to secure the location of the white oak from her mind before she incapacitated me.’ He smiled softly, ‘I already sent the location to Kol, I’m sure he’s taken care of it by now.’
 ‘Then why do you look so… astounded?’ I wondered.
 ‘Because watching you defend our family, and defend me has got to have been one of the most erotic things I’ve ever seen.’ He told me honestly.
 I blinked in surprise before letting out a laugh, him joining me. Though I knew he was being sincere due to the lust in his eyes, which seemed to grow as his eyes roamed over my outfit.
 ‘I’ll take it your part of the plan was successful?’ he wondered.
 ‘Yes, though I feel like I need to scrub every inch of my body. Lucien is a pig.’ I informed him honestly. There were no secrets between us.
 ‘What did he do?’ Nik growled, his eyes flashing protectively.
 ‘He touched my arm and back, pulled on my hair and leaned way too close. Not terrible when you say it aloud but he made me feel really uncomfortable. But it doesn’t matter now.’ I waved it off, ‘once he’s had the vervain drained from his system and whatever plan they had in place is revealed he’s dead. At the rate they were draining him, I can’t imagine it would take long.’
 This seemed to soothe him somewhat, but I could see him itching to hold me, his wolf needing to make sure I was indeed okay. Thankfully in that moment, Elijah walked through the door, Sophie following closely behind him. The elder Mikaelson raised a brow at the dead De Martial on the floor in confusion, looking over and pursing his lips in amusement when I hid my bloodied hand and the stake behind my back.
 ‘I don’t remember killing her being a part of the plan,’ Elijah commented as Sophie got to work.
 ‘I know. My temper might have gotten the best of me.’ I winced like a child about to be reprimanded by their parents.
 ‘She defended us brother. Aurora intended to kill her and use my grief to manipulate me to dagger you all and allow her to rule beside me.’ Nik explained, amused by my timid behaviour.
 ‘I couldn’t help it. I’m protective of my family, and of Nik, she threatened all of that.’ I pursed my lips, glancing down to her body, ‘she was one crazy bitch.’
 Nik laughed loudly and the sound bought a smile to my lips, relieved that at least he wasn’t pissed at me for messing with the plan. A glance at Elijah and the amusement on his expression assured me he wasn’t all that mad either. I felt the tension in my shoulders ease.
 ‘She had white oak though,’ I revealed the stake and handed it to the older Original, ‘Nik sent Kol to collect the rest.’
 Elijah nodded, some tension easing from his expression. In that moment Kol entered the room, grinning so widely I was surprised when his face didn’t split in half.
 ‘The white oak is gone. Apparently they gathered it from the wood made to construct a bridge and sign in Mystic Falls. Ironic, but alas I has all burned to ash.’ He said, practically bouncing with happiness at his success.
 ‘Excellent. Well done brother.’ Nik said, his expression conveying the sincerity behind his words. Kol’s expression softened under Nik’s praise and I couldn’t help but smile at the strong bonds they all now shared—My Hybrid had told me of Kol’s feeling of being left out of the family and so moments like this reminded me of how much they’d all overcome.
 Kol nodded, a soft smile aimed at his older brother before he accepted a hug from Elijah and then me. When I pulled away, he frowned at the dried blood on my hand and forearm.
 ‘Don’t ask.’ I said before he could inquire.
 Kol looked over to Nik who grinned and nodded in answer to his silent question: he would tell him later.
 ‘It’s all done.’ Sophie announced, but before she could even get up from the floor I found myself surrounded by Nik’s warmth and his scent.
 All of the tension eased of my body, and I felt Nik relax too as his face nuzzled into my neck and took in my scent, now assured that I was in fact okay.
 ‘You two are too cute.’ Bekah commented, I noted that she had her own voice back, which meant the glamour had been removed, but I didn’t lift my head to look.
 I hummed in contentment as Nik’s hand moved back and forth at the bottom of my spine, while his other hand rested at the centre of my back, his thumb moving back and forth comfortingly. The warmth his arms and hands emitted would never fail to make me feel safe and home. One of my hands were moving through the curls on his head, while the other rested against his chest, playing with the collection of necklaces that laid there. I was so contented and relaxed that I almost forgot where we were and what had happened when—
 ‘Why is Aurora dead?’ Bekah asked.
 Nik laughed and I hid my face in his chest, embarrassed and already aware that I would never live this down.
 Back to Five years after Evangeline returned from the 15th century.
 ‘Come on, Kol!’ Bekah complained from one of the love seats—Nik and I occupied the other.
 ‘It’s my choice, Bekah. You think I wanted to watch that god-awful romance movie you picked last month? No. But did I complain?’ his question was intended to be rhetorical but I answered anyway.
 ‘Excessively.’ I deadpanned, chuckling with the others.
 ‘Well—I didn’t complain as much as I wanted to.’ He said, as if that were a solid argument. I rolled my eyes and settled further into Nik’s side, my head resting on his chest. His arm was wrapped around me and he was tracing random patterns on my arm. I sighed in contentment, knowing that if he kept that up with how warm and relaxed I was, I wouldn’t see ten minutes of this movie.
 ‘Then Bekah can complain just shy of how much she wants to, and you’ll have to take it.’ Marcel pointed out, laughing at Kol’s affronted expression.
 ‘Can we just get this over with? The sooner it’s on, the sooner it can be over.’ Elena mumbled, a blanket wrapped around her, that and her husband’s arms around her providing her with protection from the zombies that Kol was subjecting us to. She was sat on the far end of the couch, Stefan to her right, Kol to his right and Damon on the other side of him. Bekah and Marcel were sat on the armchair; the female Mikaelson basically sat on her husband’s lap.
 ‘Come on, you’re a vampire. If zombies were running around in this world, they’d be no match for any of us.’ Damon smirked smugly from his seat next to Kol.
 ‘You don’t know that. What if a zombie bite affected us? If we also became zombie’s I’d hate to spend an eternity like that.’ Elena argued, pointing to the zombie that was now on the screen.
 Instead of arguing, Damon shushed her, reaching for a handful of popcorn where the ridiculously huge bowl rested on Kol’s lap. I busied myself with the chocolate Eminem’s I’d commandeered, occasionally feeding some to Nik as I munched away.
 I reached over to the arm of the chair for one of the blood bags we’d bought over to sustain us through the movie. I opened the cap and drank a few sips before offering some to my Hybrid, when he was finished I recapped it and placed it back where I’d grabbed it. I sighed softly, not interested in the movie in the slightest. But I knew this was the whole point of movie night, it wasn’t simply to watch; it was an opportunity to spend time together. Glancing around I noticed that Bekah and Nik were also unimpressed, Elena was terrified, while Kol, Damon, Marcel were overly amused by what passed as a horror movie.
 I shifted in Nik’s arms so my head now rested on his shoulder, I faced his neck, not bothering any further with the terrible acting on the screen and started to play with the collection of necklaces around his throat. A small smile always formed on my face when my fingers connected with the only metallic one he wore—the locket I’d given him all those centuries ago. He’d tried to return it to me, but I insisted he wore it, liking that a part of me was always with him on the rare occasions I couldn’t be. In return he’d gifted me with his necklace that bore the Mikaelson crest. It had originally hung from a leather cord but he’d had it transferred to a silver chain and I wore it around my neck, happy to have something that reminded me of him for always.
 ‘Bored there my love?’ He murmured, to quiet to be heard by anyone else over the T.V.
 ‘While I’m in your arms? Never.’ I grinned as his chuckle, placing a kiss to his pulse point.
 ‘Do you ever think about getting married?’ Nik asked and I blinked at the question.
 I leaned up, my hands resting against his face so I could take in his expression. He looked curious, yet slightly nervous.
 ‘I used to all the time when I was human. Had my perfect wedding all planned out. But it was something I gave up on when I became a vampire.’ I told him honestly.
 ‘Why?’ he wondered, reaching up to brush some hair behind my ear.
 ‘Because I couldn’t imagine anyone wanting to spend an eternity with me. I could barely imagine sixty years, but forever? It just seemed impossible.’ I murmured.
 ‘What about now?’ he seemed tentative, which was rare for him and I couldn’t help but instinctively move a hand to his hair, knowing that it soothed him.
 ‘Is that your way of proposing?’ I teased, trying to ease his nerves.
 He grinned, leaning up and pecking my lips before falling back to the love seat, ‘I’ve been thinking about it for a while now.’
 The sincerity in his expression caught me off guard, but my surprise quickly faded to delight, ‘really?’
 He nodded, relieved by my excitement, ‘I even have a ring. I was planning on a romantic dinner with just the two of us, ending with me asking you.’
 ‘That sounds like quite the proposal.’ I commented, my hand gently moving back and forth against his jaw, ‘why mention it now?’
 ‘My love, patience has never been my strength. I’ve waited so long to have you back in my arms and I can’t keep putting off making you mine because I’m waiting for a perfect moment. Every moment with you is more perfect than I ever could have imagined, and certainly more perfect than I deserve. I love you Evangeline, with everything that I am. Spend an eternity with me. Marry me.’ He said, softly wiping away the tears that had fallen down my cheeks.
 ‘Okay,’ I was sure my tears didn’t dampen the pure happiness that I could feel radiating from my face. Nik captured my lips, kissing me with a softness and tenderness that made my heart flutter in my chest.
 ‘I love you.’ I told him, my voice barely above a whisper, but his soft smile assured me that he’d heard me.
 ‘I love you too.’ He replied as I settled against his chest again.
 I drifted off to sleep there, surrounded by our oblivious family and in the arms of the man I loved.
 Five years and six months after Evangeline returned from the 15th century.
 ‘You look beautiful.’ Jenna said, dabbing away the tears in her eyes with a tissue.
 I smiled at her from where I was sat, getting my hair curled by one of the professionals Bekah had hired for all of us.
 ‘Thank you Aunt Jenna.’ I winked.
 ‘If you’re this emotional now, you’re gonna be done for when she puts on the dress.’ Elena teased, winding an arm around Jenna’s waist.
 They had all gotten ready before me so they (mainly Bekah) could assure everything else was going to plan everywhere else. The female Mikaelson was currently checking on the boys and making sure they were finished, honestly I was so grateful for her. If it hadn’t been for her input, I doubt we could’ve pulled off the wedding I’d been dreaming of since I was a little girl.
 ‘I know, I just keep thinking about your Mom and Dad and how proud they would be right now.’ She said, barely squeezing out her words before the tears started streaming again.
 ‘They are here, Jenna. Maybe not in body but definitely in spirit.’ Elena assured both our aunt and I. I offered her a grateful smile, my eyes flicking over to my bouquet of red and white roses I would be holding while walking down the isle—my mom and dad’s favourite flowers. It had been Nik’s idea and I’d loved it.
 ‘You’re right.’ Our emotional aunt nodded, seeming to steel herself as she dabbed her eyes one last time before securing her tissue in her bra. Elena and I shared an amused glance.
 ‘You both look beautiful by the way.’ I complimented them.
 I had chosen Elena as my maid of honour, with Bekah and Jenna being bridesmaids. Each wore a deep purple A-line styled dress made of chiffon material. This colour matched the ties of the groomsman, aside from Nik’s—his would be white. The dress cut off just below the knee, revealing the black platform shoes each of them wore. I had encouraged them to choose how they wanted to wear their own hair and was surprised when they’d all agreed on one hairstyle for them all. Their hair had been curled, with the front being pinned back to the backs of their heads with a jewelled clip that matched the deep purple of their dresses. They looked stunning.
 ‘Not as beautiful as you’re going to look.’ Bekah commented as she re-entered the room, looking moderately relieved.
 ‘What’s up?’ Lena asked.
 ‘Nik’s pacing a hole in the floor from his room. It amazes me how quickly his paranoia grows the longer he’s separated from you.’ She shook her head in amazement, moving over to the mirror to unzip my dress.
 ‘Well maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if someone hadn’t made us sleep apart last night.’ I muttered, already reaching for my phone.
 ‘It’s bad luck to see the groom before the wedding!’ Bekah protested, frowning when she saw me walking towards the bathroom, ‘what are you doing? You need to put your dress on, the ceremony starts in ten minutes!’
 ‘I’ll be two, I promise.’ I smiled reassuringly and closed the door behind me, finding Nik’s contact and clicking it before bringing it to my ear.
 It rung once before he answered, ‘Evangeline.’ He murmured; his voice already sounding a little more relaxed.
 ‘Hello my gorgeous Hybrid and soon to be husband.’ I answered brightly, smiling at the sound of his chuckle, ‘what’s this I hear about you being paranoid?’
 ‘It’s nothing, my love. Just my self depreciating voice rearing it’s ugly head and telling me that I don’t deserve you.’ He said, his voice more sombre now.
 ‘Nik, you are the strongest, sweetest, smartest, funniest, sexiest and most talented man I’ve ever known. So you tell that voice inside your head to shove it because you’re an amazing man and I promise to keep reminding you of that fact for eternity.’
 ‘Thank you, my love. You always know what to say,’ he said, his voice soft.
 ‘You’re welcome, we all need reassurance sometimes, and that’s nothing to be ashamed of.’ My voice was as gentle as his.
 ‘I can’t wait to marry you.’ I could sense his smile on the other side of the phone.
 ‘Right back at you my Hybrid.’ I grinned, ‘speaking of I should put my dress on before Bekah has an aneurism. I’ll see you soon.’
 ‘That you will, my love.’
 I hung up the phone and exited the bathroom, handing my phone to Jenna while Bekah and Elena helped me step into my dress. I had surprised everyone with my determination to choose my own wedding attire, which was fair seeing as any other clothing trip ended with me leaving it to Bekah. But I’d had a very specific dress in mind for my wedding day and I was overjoyed with the end result. It was a ball gown dress with a three-foot train; the bodice had a lace overlay that extended on sheer material to my arms. There were hundreds of diamonds scattered all over that twinkled when they caught the light just right. The veil that was clipped into my hair was also decorated with lace and hung all the way down to the floor. I was wearing my Mikaelson necklace, which I’d been sure to pull from underneath my dress, displaying the crest proudly where it rested on my chest. My hair was curled; the front pinned back similarly to the girls’ but mine was secured with the clip of my veil. My made up was natural; my lips painted with a deep red lip stain that matched the roses I’d be carrying perfectly.
 ‘You look radiant.’ Bekah said, tears forming in her own eyes.
 ‘Don’t, you’re gonna make me cry.’ I warned.
 ‘We can’t have that, you’ll ruin your make up and you look perfect.’ Elena nudged Bekah playfully.
 A knock on the door broke us out of our conversation; Elena answered the door to reveal Elijah. His expression became soft when he saw me, his own eyes glassing over as emotion overcame him.
 ‘Sister, you look… wonderful.’ He murmured.
 I hugged him, ‘thank you Lijah.’
 ‘Well, it’s time.’ Bekah announced, shooing the other bridesmaids out of the room, ‘remember walk down the isle when you hear the wedding march.’
 ‘We know Bekah.’ I chuckled, my arm linking through Elijah’s as we followed them.
 I had asked him to walk me down the isle because I couldn’t imagine anyone else doing it. Elijah had become the best big brother I could have ever hoped for, and it seemed wrong to be given away by anyone else. Of course, Nik had also asked him to be best man, so after he’d delivered me to the end of the isle, he would take his place in between Nik and Kol. I took a deep breath as we reached the entrance to the ballroom; we were getting married at a house Nik had built in Mystic Falls long before I had even been born. He wanted to have a house where we could live when I wanted to visit my home, and a place that he could stay in to reminisce about the village he’d lived in when he was human. He’d built this house on top of the same place he’d resided all those years ago. When he’d told me that, it seemed to be the perfect location; the town where I’d grown up, where my parents were born and buried, and the village he’d spent time with his family before they’d become vampires. It held a lot of nostalgia and meaning for the both of us, and I knew then that this is where we could become husband and wife.
 ‘Are you ready, sister?’ Elijah murmured, turning to me as the march started.
 I nodded, unable to keep the smile off my face as I followed Elijah’s lead down the isle. I’ve never felt more love and happiness than I did in that moment, surrounded by those I loved, and the man I loved more than anything. Those invited had been kept to a bare minimum. Nik had most of his friends as groomsmen: Marcel, Stefan, Kol and Elijah were all stood up there with him, while on my side stood Jenna, Bekah and Elena. Other than that, Damon, Jeremy, April (he’d asked to bring her as his guest), Sophie, Josh, Cami, Finn and Freya all sat in white wooden chairs as the audience.
 Freya had been a surprise to the Mikaelson’s not long after Nik had proposed. She’d popped up explaining that their aunt Dahlia had kidnapped her and cursed to spend a hundred years sleeping to every year of life. That had been a close fight that involved another time travel spell for Esther’s blood and a few other ingredients, but we defeated her and Freya was free and connecting with the family she’d yearned to know for centuries. Finn was a different story. He’d been undaggered after Nik had tracked down Sage, who’d been his long lost love nine centuries ago. After their reunion, they’d departed and we hadn’t heard a word from him until Freya popped up and he came to the compound to visit her. Even during those visits he’d only really spoken to his eldest sister. Still, we’d extended a wedding invitation to him seeing as he was technically family. But I’ll admit I was stunned by his attendance; I suspected Freya had something to do with it. Though I was unsurprised that Sage hadn’t come; her and Nik had apparently never gotten along.
 After my eyes had quickly glanced over those present they fell and remained on the most important one of all. My Hybrid was positively beaming with happiness, the same kind that I was sure he could see on my face. The kind of elation that you felt at the prospect of marrying your best friend, your confidant, your lover… your person. His gorgeous blue eyes were glassed over as he fought to hold back his tears, I want as strong however, my tears having long fallen onto my cheeks. Bekah would have a fit, but I didn’t care. Elijah took my hand and placed it in Nik’s and just like that, I was home. My fingers entwined with his as we faced the man we’d chosen to officiate our marriage.
 ‘We are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in matrimony.’ I couldn’t help but tune out what he was saying, too lost in Nik’s eyes to worry about anything else.
 ‘I believe you have written your own vows?’ I startled at the question, and nodded.
 ‘Nik, before I met you, I had given up on the idea of marriage, of finding someone to spend the rest of my life with. When I was human, it seemed plausible, as sixty years doesn’t seem as daunting as an eternity. But suddenly faced with the prospect of forever, I couldn’t imagine finding anyone who would love me enough to want to be tied with me for eternity. Then I met you. We might have first gotten of on the wrong foot,’ we all shared a chuckle at that, ‘but I fell in love with you so fast that it scared me. I’d never felt so much so fast before, but before I could get too lost in my own insecurities, you told me that you loved me too. Not with words at first, but in the way you protected me, the way that you touched me and the way that you looked at me. From that moment all those years ago, I couldn’t picture a future without you in it, and now I can’t wait to spend eternity with you as your wife.’ I gently wiped away the tears that had fallen onto his cheeks before grasping his hands in mine again.
 ‘Evangeline, I’ve been on this earth for a long time, and for a majority of it I was a man I’m not proud of. As a human, I was berated and beaten for no reason other than my father’s unexplainable hatred of me. When I became a vampire and my werewolf side was revealed, I was more of an outsider then I had ever been. I learned to be ashamed of who I was, because that is what my mother inadvertently told me when she cursed my werewolf side into dormancy. This created a man whose insecurity and fear manifested itself as anger and aggression. I believed I didn’t deserve to be loved by anyone. I became a monster, pushing away those closest to me until I believed they hated me too. I belittled anyone who showed emotion, when deep down I envied them for being brave enough to love, to adore, to laugh, and to be happy. I spent centuries taking the fate of my sibling’s into my own hands, because while I knew they hated me, I loved them and I couldn’t tamper my protective instincts when it came to their safety. They perceived it was out of spite or superiority and I let them believe it because it was easier to accept their hate than their love. But then I met you. You came into my life and within two minutes you’d already, albeit unwillingly, revealed your plans to kill me.’ I chuckled with him, my tears falling steadily down my face, ‘but despite the obvious threat, I couldn’t bring myself to hurt you. When you offered a plan to help me I was grateful that it meant I didn’t have to come up with an excuse myself. Your light, your kindness to a man who you only knew to cause you pain drew me in. You bought out my humanity without effort and I found myself overcome with my love for you, with my protectiveness and adoration. You accepted me for who I was, you made accepting your love and returning it effortless. You made me realise that I deserved to be loved.’ He took a breath, gently wiping the tears from my cheeks and smiling when I leaned into his touch. ‘I vow that for the rest of eternity, you will never doubt how much I love you, Evangeline.’
 My hands squeezed his gently as we shared a smile.
 ‘The rings?’ The officiate asked.
 I turned and took Nik’s ring from Elena, while Nik retrieved mine from Elijah.
 After we exchanged ‘I do’s,’ Nik pulled me in for a passionate kiss and just like that, we were married. The idea of an eternity with one person may have scared me once. But that was before Nik. That was before I’d met the one person in the world who seemed to understand me better than I understood myself. He was my rock, my Hybrid, and as long as he was by my side the prospect of forever was anything but daunting.
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crackimagines · 5 years
Soldiers of Sorrow (FE: Three Houses Song Fic)
The Battle of Gronder, from the perspective of grunt soldiers...
Song: Soldiers of Sorrow - Mobile Suit Gundam
Kingdom of Faerghus
When Aden opened his eyes again, he saw everyone’s body on the ground, covered in flames and dirt.
Grabbing his sword and quickly getting up, he looked for Desmond, hoping that he was among the very few soldiers getting up.
The moment he found his body, Aden had to quickly look away. Desmond had been Aden’s best friend for over 14 years, and in the blink of an eye, he was gone.
The Imperial Forces would pay, he said to himself.
King Dimitri walked past him, gripping his lance’s hilt tightly.
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“Know that I will tear your heads from your shoulders. The dead must have their tribute!”
Leicester Alliance
Briana held her bow tightly, seeing how close the fireballs landed. Any closer and she could have been part of that pile.
She shivered to think about it, but she couldn’t spare too much time. The real battle had yet to start.
Briana glanced over to Claude and saw him close his eyes, those were the first casualties to fall under his command today, and there were to be many more.
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“As big class reunions go, this one’s gotta be the worst in history.”
Adrestian Empire
Leander stood in formation with the other soldiers, watching the brutal efficacy of Emperor Edelgard.
The mages had already punched a dent in both sides’ armies, and the battle hadn’t even begun yet.
He was honestly eager to get into the fight, to get glory for his family and friends. To liberate Fodlan was Edelgard’s dreams, and so that was his as well. 
Edelgard, however, was not as eager it seemed.
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“Years ago, we fought here as classmates...But not today.”
(Claude) “HYAAAAAAA-”
(Edelgard) “And so, we fight on...”
[Soldiers of Sorrow - Mobile Suit Gundam]
Sorrow, the trembling sorrow Let me sing the goodbye music All the skeletons are burnt to ashes The dying bodies go back into the earth
When Aden finally got into contact with Imperial forces, he put every ounce of hatred into his sword in each strike.
With each swing, another body fell, though that couldn’t compare to the amount of carnage King Dimitri was causing.
2 soldiers came at him, and mindlessly he swung at them, cutting them down.
Needing to take a moment to breathe as reinforcements moved past him. he looked down at the two bodies.
His eyes went wide, seeing that the man and woman had matching rings.
The gods of death will line up now On the field they are marching They are covered in blackness But each one will burn bright red!
Briana shot arrow after arrow as Alliance forces moved up to the hill, trying to take over the hill. 
Just how many soldiers were even here?
Shaking her head, she checked her sides to make sure she wasn’t being flanked, and moved forward. 
As she moved on, the more casualties she saw from both sides, lying on top each other, making a very unpleasant staircase of bodies to the center.
Sorrow this living sorrow Throw it away and make a beginning All the color will go into the earth Float away you proud living soldiers
His platoon had yet to move yet.
Leander at first was basically shaking to get into the field of battle, but now?
All he could see was bodies falling, and more taking their place. The platoon next to his deployed, and they all looked barely any older than he was. 
And Leander was only 22. 
No matter, they died for a good cause...Thats what he was constantly telling himself.
After all, he’d soon prepare to give his life for the cause as well.
The gods of death will line up now On the field they are marching They are covered in blackness But each one will burn bright red!
As Kingdom forces got closer to the hill, Alliance and Kingdom soldiers began to get into contact.
At first, the two sides didn’t know how to react. 
Were they enemies, or were they allies?
Aden was among the confused soldiers, not knowing what to do.
They got their answer when Dimitri charged his way through a group of them, throwing a couple of them into the river.
(Dimitri) “OUT OF MY WAY!”
That answered that question. Shame.
Alliance soldiers cut down any Kingdom forces too slow to react, and so now the battle had become a three sided one.
To dying men, to all of their good women To dying girls, to all of their boyfriends To dying men, to all of their women To all our loved ones peace we will protect 
What will they have to commit to How much will they leave behind I pray, pray to bring you a new day
Briana saw Dimitri come barreling in, knocking and slicing everyone that was in his way. Apparently it didn’t matter if they were Alliance or Imperial forces.
She could hear Claude’s voice, but it was a little too late for his warning.
Too late for that, she thought.
Dimitri elbowed her out of the way, making her tumble all the way down to the bottom of the hill. 
As she looked back up, it was then she realized that wasn’t what Claude was talking about.
Sorrow, the painful sorrow Nothing left, except this sadness We destroy these nameless soldiers We survive by spilling our blood
Once the hill was engulfed in flames, seeing all three forces burning to death, that was when Edelgard sent them in.
His resolve was shaken, but not broken, and that’s all that matters.
Leander let out a war cry alongside the rest of his platoon, charging down on the enemies in the confusion.
Though, he paused for a moment, seeing his own forces flesh melting off their bones, alongside everyone else.
Someone grabbed his shoulder and shook him, and it looked to be an older Imperial soldier. He was shouting something, but Leander couldn’t make it out.
It didn’t matter anyway, since they were standing still, an Alliance sniper put an arrow right between the veteran’s eyes, and made Leander move forward, mostly out of fear than a thirst for vengeance.
The gods of death are arriving On the wings of a windstorm There's no way to resist them No place for anyone to run
Aden had enough of these damned mages setting everything on fire, and joined King Dimitri in a frontal assault.
It wasn’t the best strategy, in fact it was downright suicidal. But just like his king, he wanted blood.
When they finally reached where the Imperials were, he dug his sword deep into their chest, and his allies did the same around him.
Mages fired several spells at them, but someone else was there to take the shot for Aden, giving him plenty of time to lodge his sword in their throats.
He saw King Dimitri currently battling Edelgard, and he left to join him, only to feel an arrow go into his back.
Aden couldn’t move anymore as his face landed sideways into the dirt, starting to cough up blood.
It hit him in the spine.
“Of all the ways to go out-”
His thoughts were cut off when even more Imperial forces rushed down the hill, crushing him in the stampede.
To dying men, to all of their good women To dying girls, to all of their boyfriends To dying men, to all of their women To all our loved ones peace we will protect
Briana stayed near the back, providing cover support with her bow.
A sniper wasn’t meant to be in the front-line anyway.
She was next to Claude who was watching over the battlefield carefully, trying to plan his next move.
She could see the field clearly from here, seeing all sorts of bodies in all their countries colors.
She sighed, loading up another arrow.
What was the point of all this?
Briana took part in this battle five years ago in a fun mock battle.
Now she was most likely killing everyone who participated in it with her.
(Claude) “Hilda, signal the flare. We’re retreating.”
(Hilda) “Understood.”
Briana sheathed her bow and stood close to her.
Thank the goddess.
To fighting men, to women at home waiting To fighting girls, to all the boys that they love To dying men, to all of their women To all our loved ones peace we will protect
Leander cut another Alliance soldier down, after cleaving through several more Kingdom soldiers.
Just how many lives had he taken away in these past 5 minutes alone?
When he turned back to see if any reinforcements were coming to help, he could see Imperial forces retreating.
That’s when he realized they weren’t coming back for him or the rest still here.
They all dedicated their lives and spent years training, just to die in a field abandoned by his own Emperor.
When remaining Kingdom forces surrounded them, he threw down his swords and put up his hands.
He was about to shout “We surrender” before a lance plunged into his stomach, and heard the rest of the Imperials executed by them.
When he fell to the ground, he could feel the blood leaving his body, no one bothered to actually finish him off.
It took him several hours to finally die after ceaseless pain.
What will they have to commit to How much will they leave behind I pray, pray to bring you a new day
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Survey #211
"i was told when i get older all my fears would shrink, but now i'm insecure and i care what people think."
What is your favorite time of day? Morning. What is your third favorite color? Ummm maybe peach. Do you care what others think of you? In most contexts, very much so. How would you dress, if you were the opposite sex? Same style I do now, really. Though not tank tops and dance pants; I'm sure I'd mostly wear loose band or graphic tees and sweatpants. Can you remember your first phone? If so, what kind was it? I think I might? I believe it was a blue one where the keyboard slides out from the bottom. Small and square-ish. What do you do to maintain your eyebrows? Nothing. What was the naughtiest thing you did when you were a child? I bit my sister's back so hard that I made her bleed, lmao. Sorry Ash. What, in your opinion, is the most thirst-quenching drink? COLD WATER. Who is your favorite character from Alice in Wonderland? Cheshire cat. Name the closest body of water to where you live: Atlantic Ocean. What do you like to put on toast? Light layer of butter and then cinnamon and sugar. The true cinnamon toast. Do you like art? Of course. How about theater? I don't have too much of an opinion... other than it has potential to be incredibly cheesy. Have you ever made breakfast for someone? Yes. Do you talk to your crush? If you have one. She's way more than that, and we talk every day. If yes, what do you usually talk about? Loads of stuff. What was the last thing you bought? With my own money, I don't have a clue. Have you ever been considered popular? No. Your signature perfume? I don't have one. Favorite undersea creature? Sea turtles, seahorses, jellyfish... Describe your room with just 5 words. Small, crowded, zoo, artsy, and... idk. Favorite type of chocolate? Milk. What types of things would you plant in a garden? If I actually wanted one, lots of flowers. Maybe tomatoes because fresh tomatoes + bacon and mayonnaise sandwiches are fucking incredible. Favorite attraction at a carnival? Ferris wheel. What toys did you play with as a child? Plastic animals, Pokemon figures, and stuffed animals were common. Oh yeah, I loved Lincoln Logs too. What types of music do you listen to? Various kinds of metal and rock as well as indie. What, without fail, makes you cry? Mufasa dying lmao. What makes a movie really enjoyable for you? A cool plot. Usually fantasy elements. Favorite way to decorate a cake? *shrugs* What gift(s) did you get for your birthday last year? I don't remember. What do you daydream about the most? My future. Name a game you are really good at. Shadow of the Colossus probably, but considering how infrequently I play games now, I'm sure I'm nowhere near as good as I used to be. Whenever I get a PS4 and the remake tho, I'm getting that goddamn white Agro. I never did the timed challenges before, but I think I could do it. What kinds of snacks do you munch on? I don't really have snacks anymore; I try to keep them out of the house so I'm not tempted. If anything though, it'll probably be some kind of chip. What emotionally exhausts you? Socializing. What accessories would come with a doll version of you? A laptop, iPod, and medication lmao. Favorite thing to do when it’s night time? Sleep? I've sure grown into a fun person. How do you like to bathe/shower? With hot-ish water. The most childish part of your personality? I absolutely hate chores. Favorite type of fantasy creature? Dragons. Do your arms move when you walk? I... actually don't know and can't even visualize how I walk right now. Favorite photo search engine? Google. Are there such things as stupid questions? Depends on your age and some other factors, I guess. Do you celebrate April Fools Day? No. I hate it, honestly. Do you doggie paddle or actually swim in a pool? Both. How do you cure boredom? I'd love to fucking know. I'm always bored. Ankle socks or knee-highs? Ankle socks. Do you know how military time works? Yes, but I can't comprehend the time immediately if it's passed 12. What’s your daily routine? Wake up, check the time, use the bathroom, have breakfast, feed my cat, sit on the laptop doing nothing, maybe or maybe not have a nap at some point, shower if I need to whatever time I feel like, also brush my teeth at some random point during the day (unless I have to go somewhere; then I'll do it before I leave), eat dinner, feed the other pets, and go to bed. Did you get in trouble for cussing on accident when you were a kid? I literally yelled "HOLY SHIT, I THINK I SEE A SHARK!" when we were all in the car driving over a bridge and I swear I saw a fin in the water, lmao. Mom was. Not happy. Ever made a snow angel? Yes. Are you short or tall for your age? I'm average. At what age did you learn the Pledge of Allegiance? Idk, early elementary school. What’s the longest you’ve gone without food? When my appetite was like non-existent and I lost a shitload of weight, I think I almost went a full 24 hours. What do you think about most? What's stressing me out. Are you honestly a good person? I don't think I'm a bad one. Where would you like to be buried? I'd rather be cremated. Do you use Bing or Google? Google. Last song you listened to? "Damage" by Fit For Rivals. Last movie you watched ALL the way through? The Shining. Howwww had I not seen it sooner. Last thing you wrote down? The time I was meeting with my job coach on the calendar. What was the last movie you saw in theaters? Detective Pikachu. What is ONE thing your fridge or pantry ALWAYS needs? My day will feel so off if I don't have one Mtn. Dew Voltage. Do you believe more in luck or hard work? That's a good question. Sometimes you can work your ass off and yet reap inadequate - or any - rewards, while some people pick up a lottery ticket once in their life and are suddenly a millionaire. Life's not fair, kids. But I like to think hard work usually prevails. Do you have any metal on or in your body right now? Piercings. What is your favorite thing to eat with dip? Plain chips with sour cream dip... yum. Do you consider yourself a heartbreaker? Nope. Who was the last person to tag a picture of you? Who even knows. I don't get tagged in pictures because I'm never with people to take and tag me in any lmao. Have you ever liked someone much older than you? No. Is there someone you always, secretly hope will talk to you? It's not a secret that I want to talk to Jason ONE last time to apologize on MY end. What was your first favorite band? Backstreet Boys. Are you friends with any bands? A local band, yeah; their guitarist is an old friend. Do you stay up ridiculously late for no reason? Very very rarely now. What’s your life motto? Idk, I've never really thought about it. Last year for school, we had an assignment where we had to choose a popular song to write a story based on. What song would you’ve picked? A popular song? Oh boy, idk. I don't really know what's popular that I like... Well, guess I'll think of old songs I know were. Um... Oh well I love writing sad shit, so maybe "Runaway Love" by Ludacris ft. Mary J. Blige. I already had an RP plot that was kinda inspired by it lmao. Do you like 3OH!3? If I said I wouldn't belt "'CUZ I'M A VEGETARIAN AND I AIN'T FUCKIN' SCARED'A HIM" at a club at 2 in the morning I'd be lying. Did the vacuum scare you as a child? No. Do you have a long driveway? No. Anyone’s grave you visit, regularly? No. Who was your first kiss? First person who kissed me was Juan, first mutual kiss (which I consider my "real" first) was with Jason. What was it like? Were you disappointed? Juan's kiss I didn't want, and it made me confused at the time. I had no clue how I felt about him back then. With Jason, it was incredibly sweet. I was lucky to get like a fairy tale one and not a horribly awkward memory lmao. Do you have an older brother? If so, what’s he like? Yeah. He's super super intelligent and a deep thinker. Very mature and has a great sense of humor. Are you confident? hunty- Have you ever begged someone to stay with you? Yes. Who do you want around you when you’re afraid? More than anyone, Mom. Had separation anxiety as a kid, obviously grew out of it, but if I'm seriously scared, I want my mom's presence. Like if I'm sick (I'm petrified of vomiting alskdfjaowie) or we're having risky weather, stuff like that, I want her with me. Have you ever mistaken something’s shadow for something else? Probably at some point. Indie, rock, electronic, techno, dubstep, or ‘crunk’? The hell is "crunk" music. Rock. Do you know how to read a map? I have no clue 'cuz I've never actually used a real one. Have a friend that looks JUST like a celeb? Not off the top of my head. Are you good at basketball? I used to be, but I haven't played in forever. It was probably my favorite sport that I ever played. Or softball. Are you friends with anyone missing one of their five senses? Not that I know of. How many times have you moved in your lifetime? Three. Are you good at Pac-Man? I was never exceptional. I haven't played it in yeeeaaars. Have you ever been called 'jail bate’? No. Have you ever been seriously addicted to anything? Technology oops like I barely know how to function without it, sadly. Ever lied to get out of going somewhere with someone? Yes. Where did you meet your current or last significant other? YouTube. Do you like to eat pasta? Yes. Do you enjoy wine? Most bitter shit in the world. Noooooooot a fan. How long have you been driving? I've had my permit since senior year of high school (I think senior???), but I still don't have my license. What’s your lawyer’s name? N/A What’s the last thing you watched on Netflix? Good question. Do you play any video games? The only one I play regularly is World of Warcraft; it's the only "ongoing" game I play. Why were you last in the hospital? My sister got into a wreck. Would you ever get a face tattoo? Possibly something small and subtle, but I doubt it. Have you ever gambled? No. What has been your most epic cooking failure? I split a hot dog entirely in half in the microwave because I thought it'd take much longer to warm up than it actually did. Do you read other people’s survey answers on here? Sometimes. Do you agree with the saying ‘distance makes the heart grow fonder?’ With my experience with Sara, yes. Do you know any transgender people? I knew someone who like... swapped back and forth five thousand times. Then one of my friends had a transgender "phase," if it's appropriate to call it that. Have you ever had a parrot sit on your shoulder? Don't think so. In the morning, do you eat breakfast first or brush your teeth first? Eat. Why would you eat RIGHT AFTER brushing your teeth. What sort of window coverings do you have in your living room? Blinds. Has anyone in your life ever treated you abusively? No. How long has it been since your last breakup? A year and a half. What’s the name of the amusement park closest to your house? Uhhh I think Busch Gardens in Virginia? Do you like The Rolling Stones? Yeah. What was the last single item you spent over $100 on? A plane ticket. Can you read tarot cards? No. What is the last non-fiction book that you read? I have zero clue. Do you prefer lemons or limes? Lemons. Do you prefer peppermint or spearmint? I don't think I even taste the difference. Have you ever written a special note in a book? Yeah, I did in a book Jason lent me. Turns out it's a bad idea to write in pen a lil love letter on the back of the front cover to a book that was also for collection purposes lmao, but he wasn't mad. Would you rather have a house exterior made from wood, brick, or stucco? I like wood aesthetically, but I think eliminating wood housing would be a good idea, so brick. Brick also makes me feel safer. What is your favorite candy bar? Those big rectangle Reese's ones with individual blocks. I fucking love them. Have you ever thrown up in public? I know at least one occasion in I believe kindergarten where I did on the classroom floor, oof. Pepsi or Sprite? I hate Pepsi and I'm not a Sprite fan either, but if I had to, I'd drink the latter. How many video games do you own? We have an old CD case just about full of them. Have you ever stripped? No. Even if you are not Christian or never celebrated Christmas, do you think you will raise your (possible future) children to believe in Santa Clause? Why or why not? I don't want kids, but if I did, I probably would. It's just a magical, fun thing as a kid. Who has the most interesting phone cover you know or what was the most interesting one you have come across (in store or online)? Sara has a really cute chameleon one. Would you rather play a game such as World of Warcraft, League of Legends, or an app/Facebook game (Candy Crush, Bejeweled)? Y'all know. What’s the most amount of messages you either woke up to on a social media site or your phone? Idk, not a lot. When you have nightmares, do they normally have the same theme (ex. always being killed) or do they just relate to something going on in your life at the moment/random? They're very commonly either with me dying or about to be raped. Some surveys ask if you ever stepped in dog poop. However, have you ever stepped in animal pee? Yup. When’s the last time you or someone else has overstayed their visit? Whenever Girt last came over forever ago. He always does lmao. Have you ever consumed a full bottle of liquid medicine in one shot? Is there ANY medication you can actually do that with and not die???? Have you ever had a hamster? Yes. If you had a choice, would you rather eat chicken or beef? Chicken. What was your favorite birthday cake like? I don't remember any specifically. Would you prefer bacon or sausage? Tough call, but probably bacon. How many books have you read in the past YEAR? Zero. Do you type with all of your fingers, like you are taught in school? Yes. Have you ever put gum on the bottom of your desk/chair? No, grosses me the hell out. At what age were you the most physically attractive? The least? During high school; 2016. If you intend to get married, what are you looking forward to/dreading about wedding planning? I think planning the vows will be fun (I don't want references to God, fuck saying my dad has to "give me away," etc.) as well as the theme, and then I don't think I'm dreading anything about planning. Who are you most nervous about introducing potential significant others to? Mom. What is the craziest thing you have done to lose weight? I haven't done anything "crazy." Which parent do you most resemble? Idk. What is the best job you’ve ever had? Never had one I liked. How do you feel about monogamy as a whole? It's definitely what I find to be the better option. You're minimizing the risk of spreading STDs, and plus I personally see love as a one-on-one thing, not open to multiple. What is the most exciting thing about your life right now? LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL What was the most important non-academic thing you learned in high school? Probably some life lessons from my favorite teacher. Have you ever lived alone? Do you prefer living by yourself or with someone else? No. I never want to live alone. Do you and your friends ever talk about your sex lives? I don't have a friend to discuss that with, but I also don't have a sex life. Has anyone ever criticized your appearance? What did they say and how did you take it? Yeah. It was typically about my piercings or how I dressed (particularly ripped skinny jeans), and neither of those ever got to me. I love my piercings and style. How common is it for you to get jealous in romantic or platonic relationships? It's rare. When someone asks you about your number of sexual partners, do you include oral sex partners? I probably would if there was anyone who fit that criteria but I wasn't "fully" sexual with. It's still sexual. Have you ever had a job that deeply affected your personal life? How so and do you still work there? No. What is the most serious injury you’ve ever sustained? When I passed out onto my chin and ended up with a really deep cut, broke multiple teeth, and got a concussion. What were the best and worst interviews you’ve ever had? What made them so good/bad? None stand out for either end of the spectrum. List three people you’ve had crushes on. Just to make it interesting, I'll name people I had crushes on but never dated. Sebastian, Kyle, and Mini. How old were you when you were first head over heels in love? 16. Has loving someone ever made you miserable? Boy, have you heard about my Historical Breakup? How bad are your worst cramps on a scale of 1-10? They used to be easy 10s, but now that BC helps me, I'd say the worst are like... rarely 7-8s. Have you ever thrown up from cramps? No. What is the most physically painful thing you’ve ever experienced? I 110% should've been under anesthesia when I got an infected cyst drained. I wanted to fucking die to get it over with. Do you have an embarrassing period story? If so, what is it? No. Did your school allow you to have pain medicine on you? I think so? I do know you couldn't share it, though. Do you ever comfort eat? I get the urge to when I'm depressed, but I stopped doing it. If applicable, what form of birth control do you use? Pills and not being with a man. What is your sexual orientation? Bisexual. Have you ever questioned your sexuality? Yes. What gender do you identify as? Female. What gender were you born as? Female. Have you ever gotten high off a prescription medication? No. Can you still wear clothes from the children’s section? Pf, hell no. Are you lonely? Very. Do you have allergies? Yes. How old were you when your parents talked to you about puberty? However old I was in 5th grade when we had family life class. Do you take vitamins? Only one I'm prescribed for for vitamin D. Do you like fantasy better than reality? Yep. Have you ever contemplated suicide? Yeah. Have you ever self-harmed? Yes. How many people have you known who were suicidal? Multiple, sadly. What’s your favorite pain reliever? Advil. Who has the cutest baby/babies you know? My acquaintance has an absolutely beautiful daughter. What’s the most expensive thing your car needed to get done? N/A If you had a thousand dollars to spend on a pricey brand you like but can’t really afford (until now of course), which ONE brand would you chose? I have no clue. I don't really know pricey brands that don't have the ugliest shit. How many pairs of flip flops do you own? One. Do you still talk to any of your old teachers? One, yes. She's a family friend now. What color was the dress you wore to your senior prom? Black. Ever go to another school’s prom? No. Ever take Melatonin supplements to help you go to sleep? When I used to have AWFUL insomnia, it was the only way I could sleep. Do you like burning candles or incense? Incense especially. Ever throw a pair of your shoes in the washing machine? How did they come out? Not that I remember. Do you ever venture into the woods? What do you normally do in there? No. Do you like to wear shorts or capris in the summer? No. I hate my legs, nor do I regularly shave. Does your phone have a keyboard, touch screen, or neither? Touch screen. How did you dress your freshman year of high school? Emo. Were you obsessed with the Spice Girls back in the day? Obsessed, no, but I liked them. Have you ever had an encounter with the paranormal? Yes. Would you do your own surgery so keep yourself alive? (ex. stitches) I mean yeah, if I had no choice. Would you rather read poetry or write poetry? Write. Have you ever had any really infected injuries? An ear piercing got an infection once. Is there any band out there that you like every song by them? No. Would you ever work for Google? I mean, I don't see why not? Do people that are ungrateful for everything bother you? Immensely. Are you popular on any websites? No, not really. If you ruled the world, what is the first law that you would make? Probablyyyy the banning of at least single-use plastics, but hopefully plastics as a whole if doable. When was the last time you played jump rope? Not since being a kid, probably. Do you hate it when people look over your shoulder? I can't do ANYTHING if someone is. Do you know anyone who has had a heart attack under 30 years of age? No. If you were starving would you eat food out of a garbage can? If I found something that didn't look dangerous, yeah, in order to survive. When is the last time you had your vision checked? Like two months ago. When is the last time you had your hearing checked? Some time last year when I had that whole ordeal with my ears. Do you know your blood type? It's A-. Do you donate blood/platelets/plasma/etc.? No, I don't drink enough water. Ever been in the emergency room? Way more times than I like. Have you ever been robbed? No, thankfully. Ever kiss someone on the first date? No. Do you own any Burt’s Bees products? No. Dr. Pepper or Root Beer? Dr. Pepper. What’s your favorite picture of your mom? Dad? I have one of Mom I took for a photography course of her laughing, and I fucking love it. She rarely laughs. Dad, I'm not sure. Are you subscribed to anything (Magazines, monthly boxes, streaming sites, etc.)? No. Favorite flavor of cream cheese? ... It has flavors? Do you have any board games? If so, where do you keep them? Yeah; they're at the top of a cabinet in the living room. Is there an ice cream flavor you don’t like? Of ones I've tried (I'm not very adventurous with food), I loathe strawberry. What’s the raunchiest thing you’ve ever stumbled upon? I don't know, don't wanna know. I steer clear of that side of the Internet. Hm, it was probably something on dA that had a mature content filter that I looked at anyway because it had an intriguing name. That site can have some wild-ass shit. How rude is it to snap your fingers at a waiter or waitress? Have you done it before? That is incredibly rude. They're not dogs. I've never done that. Best way for someone to bond with you? Let's talk about deep shit and philosophy. Discuss interesting, unorthodox topics. Show me you have an open mind. What is the first meme you remember seeing? BOY, I don't know. Maybe Overly-Attached Girlfriend? Suitcase, duffel bag, or backpack? Duffel bag. Sci-fi, fantasy, or superheroes? Fantasy. Favorite font? Out of the default options, Garamond. Favorite fairy tale? Fucking FIGHT ME if you say Shrek isn't one. Forget the memes and such, I genuinely love the movies. Favorite tradition? By this point in my life, we don't really follow any traditions... but I do know as a kid I would NEVER let Mom forget we had to make "reindeer food." When a Christmas light show was still here, we would also go there and grab hot chocolate and chocolate-covered peanuts. I miss that. Talent you’re proud of having? I think I'm an above-average writer. Favorite website from your childhood? Webkinz. :') Any good luck charms? Nope. Least favorite flavor of food or drink? Cranberry. Least favorite pattern? Uhhh... I'm not big on animal print. Favorite potato food? Fries my man. Do you call them fireflies or lightning bugs? Fireflies. Lamps, overhead lights, fairy lights, or sunlight? FAIRY LIGHTS. How many phone numbers do you have memorized? Two lmao. Favorite historical era? The Renaissance. What are some must-have Google Chrome extensions? If you don’t use Chrome, how about on other internet browsers? AdBlock. What piece of stand up comedy (10 minutes or less) has successfully made you cry with laughter? Oh boy, a lot. I love stand-up. What little “Easter Eggs” on websites do you love? If you don’t have one on a website, how about in a game, TV show, or movie? Boy, got plenty in games. The secret Silent Hill 4 replica room in Silent Hill: Downpour I especially love; I had no idea it was in the game 'til I played it and found it myself. Then the butterfly barrel in the PS4 remake of Shadow of the Colossus in reference to The Last Guardian is awesome. World of Warcraft's Robin Williams genie tribute is lovely as well. Besides pornography, what is a website you frequent and don’t want anyone to know? Nothing. What GIF reduces you to hysterical laughter every time? Don't know about every time. What things that are legal do you think shouldn’t be? Smoking, but I understand why we can't do that now. What is the closest you have ever been to a major historical event? Idk. What is a skill someone can learn in 6 months that will impress employers on a resume? Microsoft Office programs. What are some meals that are simple to make, but easy to impress people with? Idk. I know nothing of cooking. What bizarre celebrity encounters have you had? None. What is your favorite picture on the whole internet? Oh don't make me go through my Pinterest of Mark pictures. What is a “dirty little (or big) secret” about an industry that you have worked in, that people outside the industry really should know? N/A What is the most outlandish (hilarious, surprising) thing you have ever seen go down in public? OKAY SO one day otw home from my psychiatrist appointment, there was a man dressed in horrid drag walking on the side of the highway in the middle of winter. It was. An experience. If you met someone who has never heard music before (born deaf or what have you), what music would you introduce to them first? Gentle, soothing instrumental things. Like let's listen to the soft SotC pieces, please. What’s a little-known site you think everyone should know about? I don't really know of any. What is a MUST SEE movie that is highly overlooked and is on Netflix? If you don’t have a Netflix, just say in general. Johnny Got His Gun. What quote gives you chills every time you hear or read it? From Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs: "I have stood knee-deep in mud and bone and filled my lungs with mustard gas. I have seen two brothers fall. I have lain with holy wars and copulated with the autumnal fallout. I have dug trenches for the refugees; I have murdered dissidents where the ground never thaws and starved the masses into faith. A child's shadow burnt into the brickwork. A house of skulls in the jungle. The innocent, the innocent, Mandus, trod and bled and gassed and starved and beaten and murdered and enslaved. This is your coming century! They will eat them, Mandus, they will make pigs of you all and they will bury their snouts into your ribs and they will eat your hearts!" Not even mildly exaggerating, I get coooovered in goosebumps every time I come to that point in the game. I just read it twice lmao. When was the last time you bitched someone out? A while back I lost it on Mom about Dad and his wife. Have you ever given a lap dance? No. Are you afraid of plane rides? No, not really. Do you like unique or common names? Unique. Have you ever made a turkey dinner all by yourself? As if. Do you prefer running or yoga? Yoga. What continent would you most like to visit? Africa. Who do you wish you were dating? I'm happy with who I'm dating. What did you always want to do as a kid but were never allowed to do? Hm. I'm sure there's something... What is your favorite ice cream topping? Hot fudge. Is your Bible falling apart? I don't have one. Would you rather have a tail, fin, or wings? Wings. If you live in an apartment, is your landlord mean? N/A What products do you sell, if applicable? None. Is abuse in your past? No. Is there trauma in your past? Yes. Do you know anyone who’s been raped? I don't believe so, thankfully. Of the many different American accents, which one is your favorite? New Yorker. What was the last thing you watched on Youtube? Watched and not just listened to, it was an 8-BitRyan gaming vid. Do you know anyone who had a kid before they were financially stable? Probably half the people I know or more. But I think that goes for everyone. What’s your phone’s wallpaper picture? Darkiplier rip. Have you read any of Shakespeare’s works other than Romeo and Juliet? Yeah - Beowulf and Macbeth. Maybe Hamlet? Is there anything hanging from the doorknob in your room? My purse. Why did you move to where you’re living now? We got evicted and had to find something cheaper. What’s your opinion on wearing pajamas in public? Do you yourself do that? I sincerely don't care, especially if there is damage on the person's state. Like if you're suicidally depressed or very sick in another way and have to go out, don't be a fucking ass and force them to do something that can legitimately be hard for people just to appease the standards society set. A basic rule to me is never make assumptions or ask why they're in their pj's. I do it a lot, depending on where I'm going. Like you have clothes on at least, why the hell does it matter. What’s something you’re really bad at compared to others? Math. Knowing the names of cars. Giving directions and knowing where I even am in comparison to everything else. Do you know anyone who treats retail/restaurant employees poorly? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA BOY DO I but she's been removed from my life. When was the last time someone betrayed your trust? What happened? Idk. But I can say with near certainty aforementioned friend posted our entire last convo on Facebook as she'd done previously, so there's that. Do you usually fill up at the same gas station? Mom usually does. What are some odd habits you have relating to food/eating? I hate eating biscuits in front of new people because I dissect mine to parts, lol. Like I open it and eat what's in it individually, the bread being the last. Do you like Oregon Trail? I love that shit. As an adult, do you want to live in an apartment or a house? A house. Do you like the stem or leafy part of the broccoli? Stem. Do you believe in the “innocent until proven guilty” idea? Depends. Not always. Do bats frighten you? No, I love bats!!! What’s a song that reminds you of your special someone? THERE'S SO MANY!!!! Does Paris appeal to you? Yeah. Are you a KPOP fan? No. Do you believe in the phrase “if it’s meant to be, it’ll be”? Nope, bullshit. First time you kissed the last person you kissed? June 2018. Do you have to really know someone to kiss them? Absolutely. I have to actually be romantically interested in you. Well, to kiss you on the lips. Kissing family on the cheek and such is different. Were you anyone’s first kiss? No. Will you keep your last name when you get married? No, please take that shit away. Where was the last place you held hands at? I'm not sure. If you could live in any home on television what would it be? BITCH take me to the Addams' Family home. Do you think morals are universal or relative to the beliefs, traditions, or practices of individuals or groups? Mostly universal. Like just to give an example, some Christian religions forbid eating shellfish, so while avoiding shellfish is moral to you, is it really immoral to eat it? Is torture ever a good option? If no, why not? If yes, when? No. It's just... so inhuman. Regardless of what one has done, never lose your grip on being one. Be a moral human being. Don't succumb to that evil. What do you think is one one of the most undervalued professions right now? Teaching. Have you ever seen anyone have a heart attack? No, thank Christ. Have you personalized your answering machine/voicemail? No. What’s your favorite horror movie? I really love both The Blair Witch Project films, The Shining definitely joined the top tier when I watched it recently, and The Crazies is great, too. Would you say you have a high sex drive or not so much? I'd say it's normal. What was the worst thing a friend has either done or said to you? Oh boy, who knows. One of the billion things Colleen said and did. Something you feared as a kid but don’t fear anymore? Taking the last answer because it's like the #1 thing: death. It's inevitable, and immortality seems horrible. I just hope I go with the least pain possible. What is your opinion on girls who become obsessed with their boyfriends? lmaooooo been there sweetie, don't do it. Are you biracial? No. What’s the most unique pet you’ve owned? My champagne ball python. Do you have a fence? On either side and at the back of the house. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? Just my psychiatrist. I feel bad for not including Dad, but nightmares fucked me up hard. Does your family use coasters? Is anyone in your family excessively tidy? No. Do you still have your tonsils? Yep. Do you think making out is slutty? ... No...? Well, at least if you're in a relationship and love the person. Just casually doing it, quite honestly yes, I think it's slutty.
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tenander · 2 years
A while ago I finished Elden Ring so here’s some random thoughts. (Spoiler thoughts are under the cut)
First, my conclusion: great game, great fun, am grateful to finally have a game I can share with both my partner and my sis again. I wouldn’t call it perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but it’s definitely Quality Shit.
This was the first FromSoft game I was actually able to complete (or play at all) and I’m super happy about that because I’ve always loved the animation and vibe of them. I played a little Dark Souls 1 & 3, played about half of Bloodborne and attempted Sekiro, but I just can’t with the forced input delay. ER finally had some gameplay diversity that gave me a chance. The only fights I had to let my partner do for me were Malenia and Astel the Naturalborn.
All horses should have horns and love raisins.
I don’t think I’ve seen a game nail the Open World part this well before. Incredible design in that regard, just top notch, chef’s kiss. Not all areas were equal quality, but as a whole this was certainly the Open World game other Open World games claim and fail to be.
Character creation continues to be a wild mix of amazing and horrendous. I am in awe and fear of the people who managed to gain a true understanding of how those sliders interact with each other.
Pleased to have enjoyed the (as far as I know) biggest cast of Monsterfucker Thirst Traps in a fromsoft to date. I blame primarily the voice actors.
The player community is still a mixed bag, but I did get the impression that there is a tangibly higher tolerance for letting people play how they like (including cheesing, duping and farming). It was a big relief to look up ‘cheese strats’ for bosses I struggled with and finding mostly positive comments. I also came across very very little of the supposed whining about using spirit ashes or sorcery. All in all, the git gud bros seemed a lot quieter, and the good parts of the community are a delight. (Maybe that’s just because the game is current, idk)
Aside from its looks, I hate the Elden Beast. Mechanically it’s surprisingly terrible (you’d think they never designed a Massive Enemy Fight before which... obviously is not true), narratively it is nonsensical and pacing-wise it is a hiccup on the heels of what feels like the real final fight and drags down that fight with it. I also hate how it brings out those ‘fans’ who think any criticism of a fromsoft fight is merely an expression of frustration over your lack of personal skill.
I am going wild over Radaka... Marigon... THEM. Identity and free will and gender and power dynamics and UGH, so intriguing, so attractive. Fromsoft I’m begging for more answers.
I don't mind the bleakness of most quests in the SoulsborneRIng games at all, but many of the sidequests’ ends here felt just... wet fart. Like a lot of build up followed by “rocks fall and they die”. I wonder how much of that was due to cuts.
Yes, I am still not over Sellen.
I knew this is not something to be expected from fromsoft games at all, but I was still a little disappointed that aside from the faces, the player’s template does not matter at all. Just some little dialogue here or there acknowledging when you play something like say a Numen or Nightfolk would have been great and made me feel more involved.
In my heart, Blaidd is fine. Just peachy. My consort now. We’re having smoothies while howling at the moons.
Speaking of, why the fuck did Ranni, Blaidd and Iji put up with Seluvis... what in the world rode them to hang with that rotten cactus?!
I am Very Put Out over the mistranslation of Ranni’s ending.
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archivesdiveronarpg · 8 years
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Congratulations, FALLON! You’ve been accepted for the role of TYBALT. You and Tiberius have something in common: you’re killers. Okay, so maybe that’s not the best comparison, as they’re very different types of killings, but you nailed this application, and there’s really no better way to put it. You understood his hunger for power and his thirst for blood and indulged it, but you also entertained the idea of seeing him fall, and I loved that. Your Tiberius was surprisingly thoughtful and calculating at times and wonderfully blunt at others, and both sides of him fit perfectly together to form the puzzle of Tybalt. His underground fighting in the para sample was also a great touch. I could go on all day, really, but the bottom line is that we’re so happy you applied and can’t wait to see where you bring him! Please read over the checklist and send in your blog within twenty-four hours.
                                                                          WELCOME TO THE MOB.
Out of Character
Alias | Fallon
Age | Twenty-One
Preferred Pronouns | She/Her
Activity Level | I have watched Diverona since it hit the tags, and have been prying at the chance to audition (sadly time has not been on my side). Due to university and work, I was unable to apply in hopes of being a part of its opening. Though my schedule has lessened, I am still fairly busy, but believe I would be able to log on at least once a day to execute replies! On a scale of 1-10 I would currently place myself at a 7. I do expect that to raise after a few weeks, however.
Timezone | CST
In Character
Character | TYBALT, Tiberius Capulet
What drew you to this character? | So, I’m a sucker for any antagonist (especially those who do not necessarily have a redeeming quality or reason for their malevolence). I’m the person who cheers for Iago when Othello’s convinced he’s a cuckold. After all, what is a story without its villain? I often play volatile, battle-worn characters. When I first read Tiberius’ bio, I was struck by the following findings: Consumed by bloodlust and a need for power, the world will never be enough for Tiberius. The moment he accomplishes his next goal, boredom will strike, and he will want more and more and more. His anger will only increase with the realization that no matter how much power he possesses, how many kills he counts, he will never be satisfied. He runs on sheer violence, and that is how he expects his end. And he may hold ferocity, but his personal army is nothing compared to what he is capable of releasing when his family is put into question.
What is a future plot idea you have in mind for the character? | There are so many different ways I could see taking his character? I would love to explore his ascent toward the throne he craves, but also the failure of descent. To him, anything is necessary to get where he wants, and he would do anything to get there— selfish he is with the idea of power.
1. Trust— He has none to give to others, and none to give to himself. Tiberius does not make room for others in his life, and he does not allow insight into his being. What he allows to be seen is the known brute— the flesh outside the skeleton. I would love to see someone be able to break him down, and have Tiberius possibly allow a confidante to enter his life. It would be interesting to see him have something good in his life for a change, despite the fact his destruction would no doubt lead to its ruin.
2. Fallen— Tiberius is good at collecting his enemies, and bringing them low. However, he has not experienced what it is to lose. He plays chessmaster and he plays it well. I think it would be entertaining to see him stripped of power whether that be as a captive/result of the Montagues or by the hand of his own Capulet family, where perhaps his acts have come back to haunt him.
3. Tyranny— And, of course, I would also love to see Tiberius succeed with his antagonistic ideals. I would like to explore the depth of his villainy, and see how far he could make it before questioning his own reasonings for its pursuit. He is a force to be reckoned with. Impenetrable, a tsunami difficult to predict. And I would love to witness the demolition he’s capable of while he occupies Verona.
In Depth
Violence TW, Blood TW, Parental Death TW
What is your favorite place in Verona? |
The flames licked behind dark irises. That was rather personal. Through his stoic demeanor came a feign of allowance where discord stood vigil. The inquiry posed could never truly hold a valid response. To allow a crack disrupt his fortress? The idea was built on an inferior man’s principles.
He sunk into the leather sofa — his seat a throne wherever he sat— and hoisted legs crossed at the ankle atop a crystalline table. Someone’s priceless heirloom, no doubt. Tiberius pictured his knuckles testing the strength of the glass, and the force needed to fracture its history. How little he cared, and how much he urged to set ablaze someone’s foundation of precious memory.
Tiberius considered memorable locations. The simplest, most thoughtless answer revolved around Capulet headquarters. The Cathedral. Its structural intricacies and pillared feats were comprised of holy marble; forged into a castle of deliverance. Yet the Capulet Captain bore through its fallacies. The starkness was a guise— its true color the deep red of wet crimson. Its stained glass depicted faith’s possible fables where violence was its true resignation. And the confessional? Oh, how Tiberius’ words could set its frame ablaze. The presence of his sins could ignite it, perishing the priest to embers, leaving the scene to ash.
No, the Cathedral would not be believable.
There was the Castelvecchio bridge, though speaking of its warring, ancient brick would reveal far more than he wished to expose. Despite its battlefield— the expanse of valley between two impending, colliding armies— the warfront did not hold the qualifications that his favorite did.
His favorite was where the holes in walls mirrored the shape of his fist. Where amber liquid dripped from half-empty liquor casings. Where the entirety of a room’s expanse was vacant except for his crimes. Where he was left to rot in his rage, and host a party-of-one game of Russian roulette. Where he would somehow conquer the drawback of the hammer, and win against the chamber’s detonation. He had yet to find the bullet’s placement, and Tiberius wasn’t certain if it was God’s gift or his punishment. Tiberius wasn’t certain a God existed beyond the veil of death.
His favorite was an apartment that did not reflect the vitality of his money. It was small, harbouring furniture weathered by his siege. There, hint of smoke lingered from sticks of nicotine. Its historic value came from the balcony, where he could be the eagle, and the city below his prey. His favorite was where no one had stepped except for him, where various books were strewn about in the secrecy of his privacy, and where weakness was sheltered.
“I think,” he began, his tone punctuated by self-induced vexation, “your questions will earn you a bullet.” As if his statement held a comical punch line, the Captain tapped his temple with the pad of his index finger. “Right here.”
What does your typical day look like?
He could feel his hands become coated in oil-slick scarlet, sticking his palms together with enemy blood. Then his fingers, curling around his pistol’s grip, and the soundless echo of a compressor’s release as a bullet embed itself within the skull of its victim. His ‘typical’ day comprised itself with feral delights. There was nothing to hide that was not unearthed at the Capulet’s volatile core. His days were fire and blood. They were torturous for Capulet enemies; an execution for those who did not follow their laws.
“Bloody.” he revealed, his voice void of the word’s severity. “Violent.” Except for when he turned yellowed pages, fingers delicate upon worn, leathery spines. “Lethal.” Except for when he sat at the base of a steady canal, or laid himself upon a fountain’s storytelling edge.
His smirk was a trap. It was an invitation to lean toward the wolf’s bloodied maw and bare their jugular to ivory fangs; their life forfeit to his usurping snarl.
His days existed to fell every creature that did not possess the Capulet name.
“You wouldn’t want to be caught in the midst of my typical day.”
What are your thoughts on the war between the Capulets and the Montagues?
Unnecessary, the Captain thought, but fun. It was built into each side’s lineage. The hatred was forced to be palpable, integrated into each birthed soul within either mob. His princeling father had not been able to fulfill that duty, and his mother had perished upon the birth of the dark omen that was her son. That left his Uncle to instill their warring victories, where dead parents became ash spread to the world’s tomb.
“It has been going on far longer than anyone fucking cares to know.” Tiberius remarked dismissively. “I don’t give a fuck to know how it started.” At this point, did it matter? It could have been a remedial affair, but whatever its birth had harvested had festered into something on a grandiose scale. “But I know one thing.” He had been bored among the first query, and the second. Now, he met his interviewer’s gaze. He looked, but his answer was meant for him alone.
“It’ll end.” With Montague blood pooling in cobblestone streets.
In-Character Para Sample:
Violence TW, Blood TW, Death TW
His breath was a cloud within the underground’s damp spacing. The perspiration marked his skin, coercing droplets of sweat from askew tresses. The man was dressed in enemy blood. The ring had rained scarlet and crimson, painted cracked cement with deep red rubies.
The fifth victim of the night advanced. Tiberius pivoted on his left boot, swinging a fist up and beneath the man’s chin. Bone to flesh, the hit connected with its target. But the swing was a distraction for his next move; the impact was not at its greatest caliber. The body crumpled into a brief heap of limbs, and Tiberius dipped forward and slammed back his elbow to pierce a gut, avoiding a hastily thrown arm by a new opponent. The enemy was met with a block of his upper arm. Pivot here, duck there. Jab a punch spin to the side, fake right move left. Strike up like a viper. A series of movements; forged into a fatal dance with meticulously forced practice. His muscles were aflame; his mind a banshee threatening murder. He drew a sea of red from unmarked skin.
Voices reigned his name like a King.
A spray of pink mist canvased Tiberius’ face as his knuckles met a sputtering mouth; then a final strike across an ivory jugular, and the crowd erupted. They were a storm of bets lost and won, thunderous echoes of senseless shouting as cash was exchanged. He could go all night, but even the Captain knew when to call it quits. He’d rather his head hit pavement than get sloppy. Than get mediocre. The crowd parted as he stepped out, several allies clapping him on the shoulder as he moved toward his belongings resting within a shadowed corner. His victims were left in a darkling wake.
Tiberius ran a threadbare towel across dirty flesh, staining the cloth various shades of scarlet. He was shrugging a leather jacket over both shoulders when a voice lulled him from a victor’s foggy, smug state.
He turned to face his approacher, hand pushing back damp hair. A Capulet soldier. For the most part, Tiberius’ underground excursions were a secrecy. His conquests among the common rabble were frozen above this layer of chaotic hell. When you were a part of the family, however, who could hide from Cosimo?
Still, the interruption was met with his biting onslaught. “Can’t handle an evening without the Captain?”
His company cleared their throat, shrunk away from the rising agitation of their superior. Tiberius remained amused: who had sent the weak to collect him?
“A client needs convincing.”
He swiped a speckling of blood from his neck. Behind him, the ring had claimed new challengers, and the crowd of bulls had begun their vocal earthquake. His conquering had been forgotten; reset until his next visit. Swinging his pack in the soldier’s direction, he shouldered past the man in pursuit of the exit. He heard a distinct grunt— the Captain rolled his eyes.
He inhaled the air above, welcomed the clean intake— as clean as Verona’s streets allowed— and cool atmosphere beyond the smothering heat below. Sliding a pistol beneath the back of his waistband, Tiberius climbed into the awaiting vehicle.
A contact had squealed, and a shipment of guns had gone missing aboard a black market transfer.
His knuckles had been a battered, furious red at the end of his underground fight regime. Now, they were busted and the colorful array of a storm. His victim’s cranium had long since begun to hang. When Tiberius addressed him, a fine-suited man gripped sweat-slicked hair and wrenched back their head.
A seat clattered against the floor before the Capulet’s captive. Taking his place upon it, Tiberius folded his arms and rested them upon the wooden backing. “This isn’t looking good for you,” he stated. A glob of red fell from his opponent’s lips. An eye was glued shut by a raging welt. His features were nearly pulverized by Tiberius’ advances. Whatever the man was attempting to voice was passed over. “And it’s going to get worse. Who bought you?” Who will I hunt to replace our weapons?
It was an endless chorus of pleading. It always was. Each sentiment fell on deaf ears. To shut their cowardice trance, Tiberius pulled the pistol from his waistband.
The wolf sneered, “Who bought you?”
The pullback of the hammer created an audible echo throughout the warehouse basement.
When an answer failed to reveal itself, his aim tilted from an eye to a kneecap. Click.
Tiberius had long become desensitized to senseless screaming. Tears cascaded, leaving a stream of salt to streak blood.
“I’ll cripple you,” the Captain threatened, pointing the barrel toward the second knee, “I’ll leave you in a state worse than death.”
The information came as a flood did after a broken dam. At its completion, Tiberius rose from his throne in Tartarus. “I’ll deal with this,” he told his battalion, “you deal with that.” He turned away from the degenerate specimen.
They called after him. “Wait— please. I told you, I told you everything.”
He did not bother to face the man as he replied, “That was your problem to begin with.”
The golden bullet came next, the impact concaving skull and scrambling brain.
Extras: Compiled a playlist right here: click me
And sorry about the wait!
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