#i know translating 제멋대로인 as willfully mercurial is a choice but i stand by it
lalune9x · 5 days
SCTIR Translation - Chapter 471: Letter (2)
Sung Hyunje was a bit, no, quite annoying, inscrutable, wayward, and ridiculously perfect a person, so honestly, I was jealous and had plenty of other complaints. But he was still one of the people precious to me.
Chapter translation under the cut.
Chapter 471: Letter (2)
"I can kind of understand it, but it seems off."
"Well, it's a free translation app."
After the usual greetings, there was some nonsense about congratulating me on getting back safely.
"What? He was worried? After disappearing without a word of warning? 'I won't forget the joyful time we spent together'… Is the translation app broken?"
Creaaak, the fork in Yoohyun's hand bent under the pressure. Noah furrowed his brows, and even Myungwoo frowned.
"What a son of a bitch."
"Yerim-ah, don't say that. It’s an insult to dogs."
Dogs were far more lovable.
"And then, 'I'll love you more when we meet again'... What the hell? The translation can’t be right."
"Hmm, it looks like he's saying he wants to dote on you," Noah said, peering at the letter.
"You know Chinese too?"
"Just a little. It's similar to what my sister wrote when we went to a dungeon in China..."
Ah. But what exactly was this jerk Huang Lin trying to pull? Even if we accounted for the translation app having major issues, this wasn’t a normal message.
"Chu Huoyun is… doing fine, it says. And he wants to… oh, Yerim, don't read this part."
That son of a bitch—sorry to dogs—apparently wanted to cut off my legs. He must've been really mad. Though it had been Yoohyun who'd sliced him up, so why did he have an issue with me? Was he pissed about getting shot?
"I should've killed him back then," Yoohyun said in a low voice, his expression chillingly cold. If Chu Huoyun were in front of him right now, Yoohyun would probably cut off his head without hesitation.
"I wasn't planning on letting him live, either," I said. "I doubt Huang Lin is holding a grudge, but Chu Huoyun must be."
He was a truly nasty piece of work from the start. And after the humiliation he'd gone through, he was surely grinding his teeth right now. The next time we met, one of us wouldn't be walking away unscathed. Given that, of course it'd be better to cut off Mr. Chu's head.
"Well, on its face… it's just a friendly letter," I remarked.
There was nothing special about the letter's contents, the stationary or the envelope. All he'd written was nonsense like, 'we had fun together back then, Chu Huoyun is trying to catch and kill you, he's doing okay though, let's meet again, you've been through a lot~.' Though I should ask Dr Hao Yuan to double-check just in case. The translation wasn't perfect, and there could be hidden messages.
"So, Hunter Chloe was in league with the people who kidnapped Ajussi, and those people were working with Huang Lin. Is that right?" Yerim asked, twisting her eyebrows exaggeratedly as she spoke.
"Yeah, pretty much. To be exact, the King of the Mist Sea helped China's military capture the Dokkaebi King. Huang Lin felt that the Dokkaebi King posed a danger, and asked Park Hayul's noonim for help. That noonim then ordered Park Hayul to kidnap me. And Chloe is connected with Park Hayul's faction."
As a result, the military had suffered a huge blow. Huang Lin played a role in that, but what was going on with Chu Huoyun? I didn't think someone with his personality would just sit still. Was Huang Lin deceiving him?
I decided to give Yoon Yoon a call.
[Hello, Captain Kim!]
"Hey, how's it going? Everything okay?" I asked.
[Of course! We've got a few more kids now!]
[Your Majesty! I'm a Mr. Kim too!]
[I miss the cat!]
[I know how to make video calls now too!]
[Captain Kim! Thanks for the food!]
[It was delicious!]
[I like jajangmyeon! And tteokbokki!]
[I didn't like the buckwheat jelly though...]
[Yeah, I thought it'd be really tasty, but it was a letdown!]
My ears hurt. When I had returned to Korea, I'd kept my promise and bought the dokkaebis all the food they wanted. To be more specific, I just provided them with money.
Yoon Yoon initiated a video call, and the screen showed a bunch of dokkaebis crowded together. Most looked like children, but there were a few adults mixed in. They had all transformed well, so they appeared to be regular humans. Well, except for the one who was too round. He looked like he had jumped right out of a drawing.
[Quiet down! Shush! I'm on the phone!]
At Yoon Yoon's shout, the dokkaebis abruptly shut their mouths, but only for a moment. It seemed Yoon Yoon was having a hard time, too.
"Someone linked with the Chinese side came to Korea," I said.
The dokkaebis were still chattering, but Yoon Yoon's expression instantly turned cold. He let out a long sigh, his shoulders rising and falling, and muttered, [Don't get angry, don't get angry.]
"I'm just giving you a heads-up to be careful, so don't worry too much. I'll send you a picture of the person too."
Although Chloe was on the side that had tried to stop the military, it didn't hurt to be cautious given her connection to Huang Lin. She wasn't the type to use the dokkaebis, but… hmm.
'…She did turn a blind eye to my kidnapping, after all.'
I still found it hard to think of her as a bad person. However, as Director Song and others had pointed out, she couldn't be called a good person at least when it came to me. If it was for the greater good, she might also take a similar attitude towards the dokkaebis.
"There haven't been any problems so far, right?" I asked.
Yoon Yoon grinned. There was no way there hadn't been any. Judging by the dokkaebis running around noisily now, they had probably caused a few incidents.
"Just keep the trouble to a level that can be resolved with money."
[Got it! And I've got lots of money too.]
"There's a limit, you know. And don't go stealing if you're short."
I could always help out, and so could the major guilds. The dokkaebis couldn't fight, but they were more than capable as supports. High-level dokkaebis could even teleport, which would be useful both inside and outside dungeons.
[Not even in other countries?]
[What about sunken treasure? They say there's a lot of sunken treasure ships!]
"Uh… maybe that's okay?"
I wasn't sure. Where had they heard about that? Anyway, I told him to behave for now and ended the call. Then, I dialed Director Song. The phone didn't ring long before he picked up.
"Director Song, did anything come up overnight?"
Like maybe any word from Sung Hyunje.
[No, nothing. All the Burn Cave Guild members have returned to their lodgings, and Hunter Chloe Alger only submitted a report to the Association about her solo activities. I don't know her current whereabouts, but it seems she did not engage in any problematic behavior.]
Chloe was probably just waiting for a reply from Sung Hyunje before leaving the country. So far, she hadn't done anything overtly wrong. Other than confessing her involvement with the kidnappers, there weren't any grounds to arrest her.
[Are you alright, Han Yoojin-ssi?]
Director Song's voice was calm, but I could tell he was genuinely concerned.
"Yes, I'm fine. I'm feeling better now."
[That's a relief. Then, about the Sesung Guildmaster─]
"I'll go see him myself."
I needed to have a proper conversation with him. I wasn't sure if he'd agree to meet me. However…
'…Will I be okay going alone?'
Just yesterday afternoon, I would've gone to meet Sung Hyunje alone at his home or guild without a second thought. Because I wouldn't have even dreamed he’d do something to harm me.
'Considering everything that’s happened so far, I’ve been far too complacent.'
Even so, I mean... even so. I couldn’t help having trusted him. Because he'd been treating me really well recently. And even now.
[Allow me to accompany you,] Director Song offered. 
I swallowed before answering.
"It's okay. Honestly, I'm fine now. I think it's better if I meet him alone," I declined his offer and ended the call.
Sung Hyunje was a bit, no, quite annoying, inscrutable, wayward, and ridiculously perfect a person, so honestly, I was jealous and had plenty of other complaints. But he was still one of the people precious to me. Just like the others, I liked Sung Hyunje too. If he were to suddenly leave, I'd feel really lonely.
So I still wanted to believe in him. That was how I felt, regardless of the outcome. Even if he really had become my enemy, I didn't think he'd go so far as to threaten my life. So it should be okay, right?
"Chloe came to Korea to deliver a message to Sung Hyunje. She'll come to get his reply, so if we want to catch her, that would be our best chance," I explained.
The four people who had been watching me nodded in unison. Even Gyeol wagged his tail. Gyeol, you should stay home with me. And Myungwoo, it'd be a big problem if you got hurt, too.
"I'll go meet with Sung Hyunje first," I said.
"Are you really going alone?" Yoohyun asked with concern. "If Chloe's coming to get his reply, doesn't that mean the Sesung Guildmaster might be involved with her group? Director Song offering to go with you means he thinks the same."
I had spoken vaguely on purpose, but it seemed Yoohyun had caught on.
"It's not certain," I said.
"But that means it's possible. You can't go alone.”
"He's right, Yoojin-ssi," Noah said. "Should I accompany you? I can use my stealth skill. If I hide in a corner of the meeting place ahead of time, even the Sesung Guildmaster would have a hard time noticing."
"No, it's fine. And I don't believe the Sesung Guildmaster would harm me. If I happen to be wrong about that…"
I hoped I wasn't, but…
"If I'm wrong, please help me then. Yoohyun, Yerim, I'll be counting on you. Myungwoo, you too. If we happen to end up facing the entire Sesung Guild, help me out."
"Of course I'll help," Myungwoo replied.
"Don't push yourself. Think only about your safety, hyung."
"I've been wanting to test myself anyway. I welcome the challenge!" Yerim added.
"I'm just saying it hypothetically. It's not very likely," I replied.
Don't go brandishing your spear, Yerim. Although Yoohyun and the others were still worried, I persuaded them to let me handle it this one time. Actually, it hadn't seemed that Sung Hyunje would act rashly anyway. They all listened to me, but…
— 'I hate you, Dad!'
In the end, Han Gyeol was the one who got really upset.
— 'I don't actually hate you, but this is too much!'
"Hey, I'll be fine. Stay with your aunt and uncle. Be good."
— '…But it really could be dangerous. I'll hide well, so take me with you. I won't say a word.'
Since throwing a tantrum like a little kid hadn't worked, he now tried to calmly reason with me. But I didn't trust that he'd really stay quiet.
"How about I order you some ice cream? You said it was tasty before."
— 'I won't fall for food.'
"Hotel ice cream is probably even more delicious."
Do they even have ice cream on the room service menu? Yerim picked up the pouting fairy dragon.
"Say, 'Be careful and come back safely,'" she suggested to Gyeol.
— 'Ughhhhhh.'
Oh my, it was going to take a while to calm him down.
After apologizing to Gyeol, I headed toward the bathroom and called Sung Hyunje. I thought he might not answer, but to my surprise, he picked up quickly.
"Are you still at the hotel?" I asked. "Let's meet for a bit. I'll come alone."
[Not even giving me time to emotionally prepare? How heartless.]
"You've had a whole night. Besides, I'm the one who needs emotional preparation, not you."
What was he talking about when he was the one who blindsided me? Sure, he said he'd also found out late, but still. It wasn't like he hadn't had time to warn me.
[How about breakfast?]
"I already ate, a little while ago."
[Then let's have tea.]
The memory of the tea table under the wisteria tree suddenly came to mind. Back then, in that place, Sung Hyunje had watched over me and helped me all along. I had gotten so many points, too.
"Alright, that sounds good. When and where?"
[At this hotel. I'll text you when it's ready.]
I hung up the phone and picked up my toothbrush. In the mirror, a man with disheveled hair was reflected back. Maybe because the lighting was good, his face itself didn't look bad.
"…Ah, whatever."
I'd just approach this with a light heart. Whatever happened with Sung Hyunje wouldn't change the things we had experienced together. Even if he truly betrayed me, it would be less shocking than when Yoohyun left home. That had nearly driven me insane. This time, I would at least hear the reason first.
And no matter what happened, it wouldn't change what I wanted to do. It might just make it a little harder. Actually no, it might not be as hard as I thought. After all, I wasn't alone anymore. I'd get consoled by the people around me, pull myself together, and drag Sung Hyunje back by the collar.
I dressed up a bit, though in a more casual outfit than yesterday, before leaving the room.
Yoohyun followed me, saying he would escort me there. Let's not even talk about the rock-paper-scissors game that happened before that. There was nothing to be done about their difference in stats. Yerim had been understandably upset, saying they should draw lots instead. Yoohyun never lost once.
"Don't worry too much about the Sesung Guildmaster."
Yoohyun spoke as we stood in front of the elevator.
"I don't like it, but I do know that you rely on him, hyung. Even so, you'll be okay without him. You have me, and other people too… If you feel like it's not enough, I'll try harder."
"What do you mean, not enough? I don't feel that way at all."
I tapped my little brother's arm and smiled.
"I trust you, all of you, as well. Especially you, Yoohyun. I know you'll always be on my side, no matter what. So I'll also be fine, no matter what. Things might get hard for a bit, but that's all."
I could get back on my feet however many times I had to. Even when my little brother had left me, I hadn't given up. Something like this wasn't enough to knock me down in the first place.
"I'll be fine," I said. "I'm more worried about Sung Hyunje." 
What was going through his head?
We took the elevator down and arrived at the meeting place. My brother said he'd wait outside, but I reassured him that I'd be back before lunch and sent him away. I took a deep breath and stepped inside.
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