#i know this bc my very first frames were in that style
fryknave · 1 year
i love bayonetta style glasses but i cannnnnnnNot pull them off
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serosluv2 · 9 months
obsessed bf x pretty gf trope hcs w sero & shoto pls & ty 😁😁 (seperately pls)
It’s only 7 months late but here u go anon 😘
a/n: I wrote this in an hour in the bathtub so if it is shit- don’t tell me bc I’m just getting back into writing 😭😭
Shoto Todoroki
He fits this trope so well.
He is THEE resident pretty boy of UA so it makes perfect sense that he has the prettiest girl in all of Japan. (The world)
He is the teeny weeny ist bit dense on like how to take proper photos of you for the ‘gram but trust that he WILL be searching up everything about lighting and angles and exposure and zoom- all that nonsense.
If you’re a social media girly he may leave like one or two comments. He isn’t the best about being outwardly obsessed with you, he is all about those private small moments. Not being able to take his eyes off you anywhere. Always needing to be beside you. If he can’t be with you then trust he is texting you at every free moment and expects a response within 5 minutes.
He loves shopping with you and helping you pick out outfits or jewelry or how to style your makeup that day. He has no real opinion on what looks better tho he just loves seeing you get all prettied up. (Yk that tiktok where the girl is trying to decide on a dress color and her bf is just like “wtv u want mama u look breathtaking in both” ?That’s him.)
I feel like he doesn’t really buy you anything in the beginning of your relationship bc he doesn’t really see the point/value or something in that BUT all it takes is for kaminari to get you some product you’ve been wanting for a while for secret santa and seeing how touched you were by the gesture sends him into over drive:
“OH MY GOD! KAMI!!” You exclaim- wrapping your arms around him. “How did you know? I’ve been looking for this everywhere!” Shoto notices how big your eyes got and the slight blush on your cheeks from excitement and he feels, something unpleasant. Jealousy? Envy? Possessiveness? Whatever it is he doesn’t like how grateful you’re acting toward the blonde. I mean sure, he got you something nice you’ve wanted but that’s not his job (he just so happened to get you for secret santa so he kind of had to get you something) he’s not your boyfriend only your boyfriend- HIM- should be gifting you stuff. Then he kinda has a “ohh.” Moment and realizes he has never really gotten you anything just because.
Anyways after that whole interaction he is getting you anything and everything you look at for more than a second. You keep looking at some necklace at the store? Bought. He sees you liking tiktoks about girls getting flowers? Now you’re getting a bouquet every date night. Does he himself have money? No, but that No.1 hero daddy sure does. And let’s be honest he kind of owes shoto for making his childhood - for lack of a better word- awful.
In conclusion, Shoto loves his pretty girl and will do anything she asks of him without question.
Hanta Sero
Clawing at my cage for this man.
Now sero has been… infatuated with you since he first laid eyes on you one faithful morning. You were ordering at some coffee shop he passes by on his way to school and just one glance had him stopped dead in his tracks. The way your hair framed your face perfectly, your face in general because holy shit- you were gorgeous. Straight out of a magazine. He quickly took notice of the little embellishments you made to your uniform.. uniform? The same one Mina has. OH MY GOD YOU GO TO UA AND HE HAS NEVER SEEN YOU BEFORE?
He literally cannot stop thinking about you and boom you appear again in the halls. Your going the opposite direction has him with your friends and he sees you all have a little cafe cup. Did you buy them all a drink before class? So you’re stupidly gorgeous and nice. Great, he, for sure, has no chance with you now.
But oh that’s where he is wrong.
When you guys start dating he actually cannot believe it. He is very guarded at first because- now it’s my personal hc that sero is a bit insecure- he can’t fathom how you, YOU, would actually want to date someone like…him.
But once those walls come down he doesn’t shut up about you. Seriously all his friends are so annoyed:
“Good god soy sauce if you mention your little girly friend again I’m hurling you across the city.”
“You’re just mad you don’t have a girl as pretty as mine- don’t worry baku-man, I’m sure one day some poor person will take pity on your soul.”
Sero did in fact get hurled across the city that day.
Now where he differs from Shoto is that this man is a GOD with a camera. He has that artistic eye and is able to capture you being your baddest/cutest/authentic self.
Literally ya’ll
He also has a good sense of style. He never thinks you look bad in one thing versus another but he will take into account the vibe of where you’re going and what’s you’ll be doing and give his opinion based on that. Because he grew up with sister and knows how to get around the “which one looks better?” Type question without hurting you.
Now sero doesn’t have money to spoil you senseless but what he does have is the forever lasting instinct to put your comfort above his own. It’s freezing and you didn’t wear a jacket because “a hoe ever gets cold”? Don’t worry sero will give you his and be visibly growing icicles on his body to keep you warm. Feet hurt from those impractical shoes? He’s caring you all the way home even if he is still terribly sore from a killer arm workout the day before with kirishima. A no a mudy puddle and you’re wearing your new white shoes :(! Well sero is laying his jacket down over it or simply caring you over the puddle. He isn’t the type to roll his eyes at how “ridiculous” or “spoiled” you’re being. You are y/n freaking l/n. He’ll do whatever you need to make sure nothing in your life goes wrong.
He also is the type to spam comments in your TikTok or Insta post and makes all his friends do the same. Not that you need it- he just loves fueling your ego.
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 5 months
please write nashlibby hcs 😭🙏🙏
libbynash head canons
omg yessss! i absolutely love them. they actually own my heart in every way possible. not proof read like all of my posts.
they love stroking each other's hair. nash will lay his head on her lap or chest whilst she plays with his hair, and libby will either sit between his legs or rest her head on his chest.
libby loves cups with little quotes on them. she drinks her coffee in them every morning. nash will buy her some with like "best girlfriend ever" written on them.
nash wakes up so much earlier than libby does. he'll just lie there and watch her bc he thinks she looks really peaceful.
libby taught (or is trying to) him how to bake his favorite cupcakes, but he prefers it when she makes him pastries (especially for his birthday)
when they have things to do that day and can't sleep in, nash will bring her a coffee and sometimes even breakfast to their room for her to eat while getting ready or in bed.
nash loves picking out libby's clothes in the morning. he'll go into their huge closet, and pick out his/her favorite pieces and place them on the bed. (libby loves to do this too but never wakes up early enough to do it for him)
they literally never take showers alone. they love just being close to each other and washing each others hair and stuff.
nash and libby love trying out new restaurants. they know all of the best places.
libby got a job at the bar he works out and they both bartend (i also think at some point, nash would get his own bar)
their wedding was very small, quiet, and untraditional. like libby wore a black dress, there was not father walking her down the aisle, no garter, only like 30 people max (i would even say less) etc..
nash got libby her own motorcycle bc she thought it was really cool. they go on rides together pretty much everyday.
they love stargazing. once a week, they'll head to this empty field close to the mansion and bring blankets and picnic foods. they'll lie in each other's arms cuddled up in warm blankets. libby knows all of the constellations and will point some out and explain to nash what they are (they may or may not sometimes have a little bit of fun iykyk)
nash gets her to read all of his romance books bc they both love it. (nash purposely gives her ones with smut, so that he can later recreate those scenes with her, and, after, libby will be like 'that was from (insert book name)' and he'll be like yeah)
they are suckers for forehead kisses. that is they're thing. they do it when they wake up, when saying goodbye, literally all of the time.
libby had a very hard time with emotional and physical intimacy (not talking about s*x, just like cuddling and stuff) when they first got together bc of fucking drake. nash was very understanding and took it very slow. he'd always congratulate her when she did smth that he knew made her nervous.
they so have matching cowboy hats and boots.
nash fake proposed during love story at the eras tour (bc they were already engaged) and libby almost fainted.
libby's outfit was lover era themed and nash's was debut themed (but libby had a debut cowboy hat and nash had some hearts drawn on his face representing the lover era and stuff)
they also swayed to lover.
i made a post about this but nash loves dirty talk and praising his gf...
they post about the other on their instas all the time (they don't tell the fans anything personal (like that they got engaged and stuff. they're very secretive). they just post cute little pics of each other with captions like "loml")
after the bachelor party in tbh, jamie sent libby the video of nash twerking. she took a screenshot of one part where his ass was in the air and framed it (she also made it her phone background pic)
nash loves carrying her bridal style
whilst nash calls her darlin' and sweetheart, she calls him idiot and my little bastard
nash helps her dye her hair all the time. they always make huge messes in the bathroom. hair dye ends up everywhere. (they also tried dying nash's hair blue once)
nash loves matching her current hair color by giving himself highlights of the same color. for example, if libby has pink hair, he'll give himself pink highlights.
libby will call him god sometimes bc in tig she went 'i think he might be god' after they first spoke. she now says it as some kind of inside joke with nash (nash doesn't get it though so the joke is very one-sided)
libby's chokers drive him absolutely crazy (@catapparently)
they have a special ring tone for each other
libby loves stealing his flannels and wearing them out or even to sleep
nash snores a lot. libby basically has to push him off of the bed to get him to stop
nash loves being the little spoon when they cuddle in bed.
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forest-hashira · 6 months
A Little Swing
heeellllloooooo everyone! i'm back with another demon slayer fic for y'all, this time as yet another entry for @kentopedia's "Love Through the Ages" collab! i can't even definitively say this is my last entry bc my brain is still cooking up ideas whoops. make sure to check out that masterlist to see everyone else's entries, and to find my first two entries there as well (one for gojo, one for geto)!
also, i'm apparently making a game of it now, not writing more than one thing for any demon slayer character. i've got 3/9 hashira so far, who's next? kidding, kidding.... unless?
read on ao3 here | wc: ~1k | cw: gender neutral reader, reader is described as pretty & wears a dress, brief mentions/consumption of alcohol, the whole polycule is here but no names are exchanged
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Parties weren’t really your scene, especially parties as big as this one; they never had been. But you always said yes when one friend or another asked you to go with them, insisting that you’d find someone to dance and have a good time with. You always hoped they were right, but so far that had never been the case. 
And now here you were, tucked into the corner of the bar, having long since lost track of your friends. The music from the live band was loud, far louder than you’d expected, so little effort was made to communicate with anyone but the bartender. So you stood there, leaning against the bar, sipping your gin and tonic, watching the rest of the partygoers dance and laugh and spill their drinks on one another. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw someone making their way towards you, and when you turned you were more than a little surprised to see a young woman, probably about your age. 
“Hi,” she greeted, a small smile on her lips. “I saw you over here all by yourself, and thought you looked kinda lonely, so I wanted to invite you to come dance with me and my friends. We all think you’re really pretty.”
You blinked in surprise at her words, not having expected her to be so forward. As you considered her offer, you took a moment to look her over: she wasn’t very tall, but she wasn’t particularly short, either, with dark hair a little past her shoulders and light colored eyes – maybe grey? It was hard to tell in the dim lighting by the bar. The dress she wore was blue, and even for a flapper style dress it seemed a little short to you, the neckline cut a little lower than most people wore, but it suited her well.
“Who are your friends?”
The girl glanced over her shoulder for a moment, then turned back to you. “The tall man with the white hair, and the two girls in dresses like mine.” She pointed in their direction, though really she didn’t need to; the three of them were impossible to miss.
The man in the group was a giant. You could tell he was well over six feet tall, even from this distance, and his broad shoulders filled out his shirt almost too well, especially since his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, exposing his forearms; every part of him was large, apparently, though you shoved that thought aside as quickly as it entered your mind, not wanting to allow yourself to drift down… less appropriate avenues. 
Before you were able to pull your eyes off the man, he caught you staring, and he grinned, shooting you a wink that had your face heating with surprise and embarrassment. Deciding that was your cue to look over the other two women, you quickly averted your gaze. The women appeared to be about the same height as the one who had approached you, with similarly dark hair, though one of them had striking yellow bangs that framed her face, and the other wore a high ponytail with hair that still reached the middle of her back. Their dresses matched, as well, both in the same style as the first woman; the one with yellow bangs wore red, the one with the ponytail wore purple. Even with the unreliable lighting in the room, you could tell they were beautiful.
“You know what?” you said, half to yourself, half to the woman still waiting for an answer. Downing the rest of your drink in one go, you set your glass back down on the bar with a small grin. “Yeah. Let’s go dance.”
Her eyes lit up at your words, and she was quick to grab your hand and pull you back to the dancefloor with her; you couldn’t help but laugh softly at her eagerness, and you hurried to keep up with her.
Pushing through the other partygoers proved easier than you expected, and it wasn’t long at all until you’d reached the rest of the group.
“Hi!” the woman in the red dress enthused, her cheeks flushed, though whether that was from exertion from dancing or from drinking, you couldn’t tell.
“You look really good in that dress!” added the woman in the purple dress, having to shout a little to be heard over the music and laughter.
“Thanks!” you replied with a grin, giving a little twirl to show off the full thing. It was a relatively simple piece, a deep green that accentuated the shape of your body in a very flattering way. The most interesting thing about the dress is the fact that it sparkles, light glinting off the material with every twist and turn you make as you settle into the rhythm of the music with your new companions.
“Glad you could join us!”
The sound of the man’s voice has you turning to face him; it’s a little higher than you would’ve expected from someone of his stature, but it suits him.
“I don’t usually get asked to dance with such good looking people!” Maybe the drink was making you braver than usual, or maybe you were just tired of being a wallflower at all the parties you got dragged to by friends who would eventually abandon you. Either way, you were ready to cut loose and enjoy yourself for once. 
“Hard not to want someone as flashy as you by our sides!” He winked at you again, his platinum hair and magenta eyes practically glowing in the colorful flashes of light that engulfed the dance floor. 
A pleasant warmth filled your chest at his words, and you couldn’t help but laugh. Conversation between the four of you was practically nonexistent after that, the music washing over you as you twisted and swayed spun to the beat, laughing so hard your ribs ached and the muscles in your cheeks hurt. 
For once, your friend had been right: you had found someone to dance and have a good time with.
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feels a little weird posting something so short (especially since it took me so long to actually finish, rip) but hey! there's a first time for everything, lol. also ty leigh for looking this over for me!!! i hope you guys all enjoyed this little bite of sparkle daddy and Vibes 💜
tagging: @kentopedia @mitsuristoleme @kentohours @witchbybirth @marinnnnnnnnn @peachdues @ghost-1-y
divider by adornedwithlight
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mildmayfoxe · 16 days
ok hello everyone. i'm making a post to show you all my glasses frames options so i can hear people's opinions but i am going to put the pictures under the cut so you don't have to look at 12 pictures of me in the wide open. take note that these were taken with the goal of efficiency over flattery. i am looking for daily wear frames AND sunglasses so keep that in mind. the frames with tinted lenses were only available as sunglasses but i selected the lightest opacity when available. ok let me know what you think
first we start off with my actual glasses because i did find the same pair of frames online and they are always available as a fall-back. i do like them a lot. you'll notice these are all aviators because i think that style is very fun for me. also i didn't fix my skin in these because i didn't feel like editing all these pictures so um. sorry
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really funny that i switched sides and didn't notice. these are taken like a week apart bc the second shipment took longer to come. i have my favorites but i shan't say so as not to influence you all. also some of them are tight on my huge wide head & some are really lopsided but i wanted to include all the options anyway. ok that's all bye
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mystic-writings · 5 months
remember the nights | chapter fourteen — a rom-com happy ending
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WORD COUNT — 2,841
WARNINGS — pure fluff, weddings
NOTES — i can't believe it's already over :( well, not really bc this series will always live in my head, way into their college years, but for now this is the end <3
previous chapter | masterlist | next chapter
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Ever since your Uncle Mark started staying in the guest room and wedding prep picked up even more, your house was never quiet. Between final food tastings, organizing the tables and stationary, plus the horrendous amount of extra schoolwork you were dealing with due to a new semester starting up, life never slowed down. 
Things at school got better, so long as you ignored Newt in any way, and focused on your college applications and spending time with Brenda. Plus, your uncle Mark made sure to spend all his extra time with you, since you hadn’t seen him in two years. 
He and Maggie’s brothers got along well, and made the house extra vibrant as everyone got to know one another over game nights and dinners. The very first night you’d met them — Maggie’s brothers, George and Dean — they embraced you lovingly, claiming that Maggie had always wanted a daughter. 
Valentine’s Day started with a bright dawn and a calm air, and you could tell even with the cold that it was a beautiful day for a wedding. The day started early, at around 5am, with Maggie shaking you awake, offering you a toasted waffle and travel mug of coffee. The house was void of men and instead filled with the women of the bridal party, all running around and getting ready in different parts of the house in order to have things done on time. 
Everyone had their dresses in different places, and you and a woman named Sarah did each other’s makeup in your bedroom by the desk before taking turns getting dressed and finding your purses, accessories, and proper coats. 
Maggie was already on her way to the church in just her makeup by the time everyone was ready, leaving you to lock up the house and pile into one of the three cars occupying the driveway. You texted with Brenda, Harriet, and Sonya on the car ride, talking about the reception happening later on. 
You and Thomas were allowed to bring your friends to the reception (with Brenda and Jorge being the exception, as they were invited to the ceremony), something that your parents agreed upon not long after they told you about the proposal. Since the bonfire, though, the group was shattered, and you really only talked to the girls for now. Thomas was inviting everyone else who wanted to come, though, so you’d see everyone there, anyway. 
One thing you did notice, through the bustle and stress of the wedding and finals, was that your friends had been acting odd, to say the least. Thomas was the same, but every one of your friends were exchanging an unsettling amount of smiles and glances — not just the girls, but Gally and Minho, too. You’d even asked them about it one day, but they all refused to give you an answer. 
You shook the thoughts from your head and texted the girls to update them on where you were. They were all excited for the wedding, and you were, too. Everything about this day had felt spectacular so far, and you couldn’t wait to actually see Maggie and your dad get married. 
The church was empty for now, but you and the girls all filed into the bridal suite, where Maggie sat, pinning up her hair into the most elegant style you’d seen. Since her hair was neck length and wavy, it was difficult to get her hair into a style that looked nice. However, she managed to take some strands from the front to frame her face, while still having the majority of the upper half of her hair pinned back with pearl beaded pins, her waves still flowing free. 
You almost cried at how wonderful she looked, before realizing it was up to you and two other bridesmaids to help her into her dress. 
If you hadn’t been emotional before, you definitely were now. 
Maggie looked like she’d stepped right out of a fairytale. Her bodice and sleeves were mesh, patterned with intricate lace, her skirt made of silk with a slight volume to it and lots of movement. The lace pattern bled into the skirt, blending well with the silk and forming it into a cohesive piece. 
Everyone’s compliments overlapped as you took her hands in yours, the both of you smiling widely at one another. 
With a gentle squeeze of your hands, and a knock on the door from her brothers, ready to walk her down the aisle, Maggie sighed. “Well, ladies, I think it’s just about time I got married, don’t you think?”
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The ceremony was, to say the least, perfect. 
Out of the entire bridal party, you were the last to walk down the aisle, with Chuck and Thomas on either arm, all three of you beaming like sunshine. 
Your dad, along with everyone in the church, welled with tears upon Maggie’s entrance, both  of her brothers on her arm. Everything went without a hitch, and you must have ran through a pack or two of pocket kleenex. You’d never be able to replicate the joy in your heart when your dad finally called Maggie his wife. 
To no one’s surprise, the reception started strong and continued to stay that way. The hall looked absolutely amazing, with round tables and white wicker chairs, beautiful flower centerpieces. In the few-hour long break between the ceremony and the reception, Sonya, Harriet, and Brenda’s attitudes have kicked up in suspicion, but all things considered, you simply brushed it off. You had a lot more to worry about today than their behavior, and one of those things was your speech. 
All of your friends sat at a table near the front, watching your uncle wrap up his speech. Thomas and Chuck were going to do one as the best men, but didn’t quite know what to say, so they passed that duty onto Mark. One of Maggie’s friends offered to do the same for you, but you had already started with an idea, and this was too important to pass off. 
With shaking hands and messily written index cards, you stepped up to the microphone next to your parents table, smiling at the people around you. You kept your eyes on Maggie and your dad, though, for the most part. 
Clearing your throat, you leaned into the mic and began your speech. “I know that there’s a lot of people here who might not exactly know who I am, but I’m very glad to be here to share this day with all of you. I’m the daughter of the groom, and my name is Y/n. I want to start by congratulating my dad and Maggie, who I can say, deep in my heart, I know were meant to be together. Sure, it took them a while, but I guess finding ‘The One’ takes time, right?” You took a deep breath, adjusting the cards in your hands, finding that you didn’t need them any more. “I’ve only known Maggie for about four years, but she’s one of the greatest people I’ve ever met. I’ll forever be grateful for all of the things she’s helped me and my dad through, and for always being there. Maggie, you and your boys have changed everything in our lives, and there won’t be a day that I won’t be thankful for that. You showed my dad how to love again, and you didn’t hesitate for a second to share that love with me, too.” 
You were only looking at Maggie, now, eyes wet with tears and a smile stretching your face. “And it’s because of that love and dedication that I am proud to be here today, with all our friends and family, and be able to call you my mom.” 
You watched the emotions change on your parents faces and laughed lightly. “I can only finish this off by saying that I hope that everything the both of you want out of life comes to you, and to tell you that I love you both to the moon and back.” 
Quietly, you stepped away from the microphone and walked over to an already standing Maggie, pulling you into a tight hug. 
“I love you so much, honey,” she whispered, kissing the side of your head. 
You squeezed her tight, tucking your face into her neck. “I love you, too, mom.”
After you let go and sat down, you glanced over at your dad to find him trying his best to hide his tears. He hadn’t been doing so well, considering you could see the shine of tears building on his waterline. 
Dinner and cake came after the speeches finished, both of which were delicious — you made a mental note to personally tell Jorge how good the cake was — and made you heavily consider taking seconds, despite knowing you would pay for it later with a stomach ache. 
Soon enough, the dance floor filled with people, and you searched out your friends to spend more time with them. 
You found them easily, the seven of them clumped into one corner of the room, just by the hall’s main entrance. They greeted you warmly, talking over one another about the food and the speeches. You told them everything about your day so far, and how proud and elated you were that the wedding finally happened. It was only when you were getting into how hectic things had been at the house that Gally’s phone rang, and suddenly the whole group went quiet. 
He stepped away, answering the phone and nodding like the person on the other line could see him. Everyone was looking at him, cheeky smiles on their faces as Gally came back, tucking his phone back into the pocket of his slacks. 
“What was that all about?” You asked him. 
Gally smiled at you, something he didn’t do all that often, a playful gleam in his eye. “Wanna go for a drive?”
“Why?” Your brows cinched as you dragged out your question, glancing between everyone as a slight chill ran up your spine. 
“He’s got a surprise for you, that’s why.” Brenda nudged you. “Just go, I promise it’ll be worth it.” 
You looked between everyone wearily before following Gally out to his car, not bothering to grab your coat. Your heart was racing with every step, the anticipation and confusion building in your head. Brenda said it was worth the trip, but you just didn’t know what was going on. Not to mention everyone’s odd behavior…
After driving around for a few minutes, Gally pulled into the school parking lot. A light flurry of snow had begun to fall, dusting the grass and pavement, and slightly impairing your vision as you looked around from the passenger’s seat. “Gally, why are we at the school?”
The boy looked up from his phone with a smirk. “You’ll see.”
Not a moment after he finished his sentence, your phone pinged from your dress pocket. Your heart stopped when you pulled it out, reading the new message in your notifications. ‘Come to the willow tree’
It was from Newt.
You looked up at Gally, who’s smile widened as he nodded toward the field. 
“He’s waiting for you,” Gally said, and you had to remember how to breathe. 
With one final, reassuring nod, you exited the car, bracing against the cold as you raced to the willow tree. Through the flurries, you made out Newt’s figure by the tree, and stopped yourself from running any further. 
Once you were able to move your legs again, you took it slower, walking through the thin layer of accumulating snow, picking up your dress to make it less likely for you to trip. With every step, you could make out Newt’s figure a little clearly, and it made the ache in your chest grow larger. 
You came to a stop under the tree’s canopy of dead leaves, providing some protection from the snow. Newt was wearing a black suit, and you couldn’t deny how great he looked in it. He was still staring at his shoes and picking at his fingernail when you stopped walking, almost as though he hadn’t heard you approaching him. 
Gripping the sides of your dress, you found the courage to speak up. “I thought you didn’t want to see me again.” 
Newt looked up from his shoes with a smile. “I lied.” 
“But that’s what you said, isn’t it? On Christmas. When you slammed the door in my face.” 
“I know what I said, and I’m sorry,” Newt sighed, stepping a bit closer. “I was a prick for saying it, too. I never should’ve done what I did, you didn’t deserve it.” He took a breath, running a hand through his hair and tucking a hand into one of his pockets. “Ever since the party, Sonya’s been telling me every day how upset you were. Hell, everyone was, and it’s been driving me mad ever since, because I hurt you, and I’ve never wanted to do that.” 
Teary-eyed, you opened your mouth to speak, but Newt continued. 
“I don’t care what Tommy thinks about us being together anymore. But I want us to be together. Hell, the only thing that kept me quiet about how I felt for so long — that stopped me from asking you out when we hung out together on our own for the first time — was how I thought he would react, or if he would disapprove of it. But I don’t care anymore. I love you, Y/n. More than anything. Staying away from you for so long has been killing me, and I can’t stand it anymore.” He stepped closer again, leaving only a few inches of space between you. “You have no idea how badly I wanted to follow you outside when you came to Mickey’s with Brenda. To apologize for what I said, for leaving you that night. To—” he sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. “—to kiss you bloody senseless.” 
You stared up at the boy before you, the one you never thought would talk to you again, in awe of his words. After the bonfire, you never believed that Newt would say something like that to you, let alone plan something as intimate as this was. You blinked away tears for the fourth time that day and realized there was only one thing you could say at the moment. 
“So do it. Kiss me.” 
Newt closed the distance between your bodies, pulling you into him by the waist and pressing his lips to yours. Elation filled every inch of your body as you wrapped your hands around his neck, pulling him as close as you were able, pouring all your love into the kiss. You felt one of Newt’s hands snake up your neck, palm splayed over your jaw as he tried in vain to pull you closer into his body. 
You wished you didn’t need air to breathe when you were forced to pull back, lipstick smeared on Newt’s swollen lips, and likely on your own, as well. But you still had one question to ask. 
“Why now?” You asked, smoothing the hairs on the nape of his neck. “I mean, after everything, why now? You spent two months pretending to hate me, so what changed?”
“The jacket.” Newt told you. “Sonya practically forced it into my hands after you left, and then she yelled at me for half an hour about how big of an idiot I was being, and how wrong it was for me to keep treating you the way I had been. After that… I sat on my bed for a while, holding the jacket and thinking about how right she was. About how much I missed you. After that, I knew I had to do something, so…” 
“So you planned all this?” You said, a coy smile spreading on your lips. “Just for me?”
Newt smiled wide, laughter bubbling in his throat. “Just for you, darling.” The nickname made your heart skip a beat, and your smile widened. “You shouldn’t be so surprised. You  saw what I did for you in New York. Making elaborate plans to see you happy isn’t anything new.”
Without another word, you pulled his head down to kiss him again. You couldn’t fight the smile on your lips as you kissed Newt, reveling in how amazing it felt to finally be able to kiss him. Just as you were pulling away, a thought crossed your mind. “Wait. What about Thomas? And our friends?”
“Did you not hear a word I just said?” Newt laughed. “I don’t give a damn what Tommy thinks. I only care about you. And our friends have been in on it for the past week, love.” 
You smiled bright at the boy holding you, pulling him back into another searing kiss. 
Under the canopy of the willow tree, on the greatest day of your life so far, you got your movie-screen happy ending; and everything that happened to get it was entirely worth it.
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series taglist: @heliads @ghostofscarley @badbatch-simp24 @virginia-peters @third-broparcelicito @lamolaine @yes-fangirl-things (open!)
37 notes · View notes
slutouttanowhere · 8 months
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Pairing: Drew McIntyre x Desiree Simons(oc)
a/n: This was already posted once on ao3, but I figured the non ao3 readers would prefer to have it posted here on tumblr. My oc has a mini introduction if you wanna check that out, it lined to my pinned post. Honestly, I wasn’t even sure how to go about this fic, but then Never Lose Me by Flo Milli—the inspiration—started playing and my brain instantly clicked on. Even though this is the same story still gonna tag my wonderful beta @insatiableorsmthn especially bc she’s not even a wrestling fan and put up with my man–splaining. Hope you all enjoys this, reblogs are appreciated, questions and comments are welcomed. Love ya ✨💜
Chapter 1: Never Lost You
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Monday Night Raw
“Desiree, I’m serious; if you’re still not feeling 100, maybe it’s a bad idea to return early,” my dad’s worried face deepens over his end of the FaceTime call. When Hunter put together Becky, and I’s Wrestlemania match two years ago, my dad was the first person to know. To say he was happy is an understatement, that was the cause of our real first argument. My dad’s need to protect me kept clashing with not only original creativity, but also my independence. I lost count on how many times I had to tell him to stop handing me baby gloves. My vision for Wrestlemania was me finally stepping out of the shadows, proving that I have my own personality, and that I can be the main event without any help. He always supports everything I do, but he absolutely would not have it with the tables, latters, and chairs. So when I lied and told him it wouldn't be involved, I lied. Truth be told Becky didn’t want to put my knee through that chair, only after I begged, and wore her down about it she agreed to it. In the end, we were both proud of how everything turned out, that year's Wrestle Mania event sold out Madison Square Garden. I remember my dad waiting backstage that night with tears in his eyes, both tears of joy, and disappointment. From that point on my dad stopped asking about my matches, all he asks about is my health, and if I was satisfied with the outcome. However when he found out I’m returning earlier than what I was originally scheduled, that’s when he expressed true concern.
“I know, Daddy. I’ve thought about that…” I trail off for a moment as I weigh all my impossible options. My father’s Hall of Famer ring glints from the sunlight coming in from his patio window. That’s when my previous doubts about returning to the ring, got put to bed. If I want to be the greatest, better than my dad, then I can’t sit around the house all day. “I don’t have time to wait for 100 percent; you can’t become the greatest by waiting for perfection.” I caught a glimpse of the fire in my eyes from the reflective image through the phone, I can feel the way my eyebrows are pinching together, and my lips purse in resilience. The reassurance of my words were his reserve, any worries he had are long gone.
The smile on his lips shines brightly, and just then my mom pokes her head into frame. “Whatever you decide, you know we support you, baby girl.” She smiles warmly, her tone soft and loving as always. My heart aches as I start to feel homesick. I haven’t been home to Huston in god knows how long, but instead of crying about it, I suck it up so as to not make my parents worry about me.
“Alright then, you’ve put your foot down. I’ll let you go, I know you’re very busy tonight. Love you Dee.” He waved his hand, and my mom blew me a kiss. I kiss them back, and hang up the phone. I inhale deeply, collecting my thoughts; a plethora of emotions pass over me and I would like to get them all down to one constant before I step through the curtain tonight.
“I’m all done, girl.” My hair stylist, Janelle, fluffs my long curls. I look up from my phone, and into the mirror in front of me, my lips curl into a sly smirk. Everytime, she knocks it out of the park with every style I request of her. The pink highlights match my bright pink under eyeliner – not my favorite color, but I’m really trying to lean into showcasing my alternative fashion sense more on tv. I was originally opposed to a heel turn, I felt like the fans wouldn’t be into it, but I seriously underestimated them. Besides, I’m having fun pretty much getting away with being an emotionally spiraling asshole on TV. My outfit for the opening of the show is simple with a little bit of edge, but it’s still stepping on necks. You can never go wrong with all black.
“Yesss ma’am,” I dance around in a circle emphasizing my gratitude and excitement. “Now that’s what I’m talking about! Thanks, Janelle – I’ll see you next month.” We hug, and kiss, then I go on about my way, making my way down the hall to catering. I pass a few people here and there waving and responding to small talk on the way by, until I spot Mercedes in the back with Becky. Upon seeing me, their faces light up, causing me to dance my way all the way to their table.
“Well aren’t you just glowing, bursting full of energy.” Mercedes slaps hands with me before I take a seat at the table. I steal a grape from her fruit salad, to which she playfully stabs me with her fork.
“Doc put me back together now I’m a real boy again.” I joke playfully, and Mercedes bumps her shoulder into mine, a sly smirk on her lips. Becky doesn’t buy what I’m selling her, so when our gazes meet, I silently beg her to leave it. She remains silent, but I know I’ll be getting an ear full later. Despite us all being booked tonight, it’s been so long since we were all in the same place at once so, we all sit around joking, chit-chatting for a bit, and it feels like picking up right where we left off before my hiatus. Time gradually begins to dwindle down for me, creeping closer to the match. Tonight is supposed to initiate a tag team with Drew and I versus Seth and Becky. I have yet to find Drew and catch up with him, though I would be saying I’m lying if I haven’t been trying to avoid him. I manage to steal another piece of fruit from Becky, and this time she doesn’t fight me on it. “Kay, this is where I leave you ladies. I’ll see you out there Becks.” I stand up from my seat, phone in hand. My eyes scan the room once to see if he was already here before I waste my time running all over the arena. I’m not surprised when I can’t spot him; Drew’s always been a chill loner type. I’ve almost never seen him hanging out with groups of people, it’s one of the things that brought my attention to him when we first met. He’s a quiet guy that lets his abilities speak for themselves, in more ways than one. A shiver runs down my spine as flashbacks detour my mind from the mission at hand. A week before my return, I had a meeting with Hunter, and Vince to figure out where the story should go once I return. We ran through a few ideas here, and there. They wanted me to go just skip ahead and go right for Rhea Rippley, but I wanted it to be as natural as possible. I felt like the previous story didn’t quite close how it was supposed to. So when I brought up Becky that’s what led to Vince’s idea of getting Seth, and Drew involved. “The ending of your story with Becky, will be the beginning of not only Drew’s story, but now the beginning of your feud with Rhea Rippley.”
I wave the girls goodbye, and set on my way once again. The amount of people in the hallways are thinner than they were a half hour ago. I pass a ref gently grab onto their shoulder, “Hey have you seen Drew.” They smile at me, no doubt happy to see me back, but when their lips tilt down in a frown, its all the answer I need. That was the fifth person that had come up empty and I was starting to think he either didn't make it to the arena, or left.
“Wassup DeeDee, lookin for your boyfriend?” Colby’s voice comes from behind, a knowing smirk plastered onto his lips when I turn to look at him. I roll my eyes deeply, ignoring the pain I cause myself, and fold my arms over my chest.
“Ha ha, have you seen him or not?” I cut to the chase. Colby is like the older brother I never wanted, always putting his big nose in business that isn’t his own. He shrugs his shoulders, a look of feign confusion etched across his face as he brings a finger to his chin tapping it. He takes his sweet time pondering, long enough that I begin to turn and walk away. Usually I’m in the mood to goof around, but there were too many things on my mind. Drew being the main one, and truth be told he’s been living rent free in my head.
“Geesh okay, okay, calm down. I think the doctor may have accidentally screwed your brain up in the process. What happened to your humor, Dee?” His frown deepens when I continue to stare him down; if my annoyance isn’t evident a moment ago, it sure is now. I shift the weight in my hips, my arms falling to my sides, and my hand coming up to pinch the bridge of my nose. I get a good glimpse at his outfit, and I won't admit to him out loud how well his new sense of fashion is working for him. He’s bringing out his Randy Savage, and Ric Flair in these outfits. I’m sort of jealous.
“It was my knee, you dumb ass, I injured my knee.” I tap my knee cap with the other hand, to which he shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly. His WWE Heavyweight Championship was an eyesore, and I am quite honestly tired of looking at it at the moment. It’s just a reminder of how long I’ve been gone, and just how many opportunities I’ve been missing out on because of this stupid injury.
“I’m sure you’ll find your…friend lurking in some dark corner, I passed by him like 30 minutes ago that way.” Colby jabs his thumb in the direction behind him. My heart speeds up unexpectedly, it’s been a year since I’ve seen, or even spoken to Drew.
“Thanks.” I mumble, my body already moving past Colby, he grasps me in the shoulder giving it a light squeeze, but then lets me go afterwards. I keep walking until I reach a break in the white brick walls. It's odd to place a break off hall here, but that’s why it made the perfect hiding place, I suppose. Looks like it’s used to store tools, and such. There he is, leaning against a crate with headphones over his head. His eyes are closed, and his arms crossed over his broad chest. He’s already dressed for the first segment of the night, he kept it simple in a pair of jeans, a merch t-shirt, and a pair of sneakers. I don’t really want to disturb him, but I don’t really have a choice. “Stop being pussyfoot Des, and just do it.” I murmur to myself, taking a step forward. Drew’s eyes fly open, his head snapping in my direction. I squeak out of shock; his intuition is freaky and accurate. His eyes soften once he realizes who is standing before him. He pulls off his headphones and the sound of heavy rock bleeds from them piques my interest for a moment. We used to stay up all night till we fell asleep on the phone, talking about our favorite bands. Between me wanting to keep things between us private, and me letting my injury cause a wedge between us, it’s safe to say I felt responsible for ruining whatever it was we had. “Wassup Andrew, been a while, kid.” I play it off cool, I try to step away from our past, and just get through this moment. I should have known better.
He walks closer, his tall frame towering over me causing me to have to look up at him from this distance. “I would ask how’s the knee, but you seem to be just fine don’t ya, princess.” His tone is sharp and I’m thrown off by his response. Instantly, I lose my chill. My arms fold over my chest, an attempt to calm myself down, but he’s always gotten underneath my skin with ease.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” I’m quickly reminded of the last argument we had, in fact all of our arguments usually start because he goads me into them. Every time, without fail, I fall into the trap. The corners of his lips pull into a smile ever so slightly. He had been waiting for this moment, to tell me off, to embarrass me. Drew didn’t care if there were five or zero people around, he’d say what he had to say.
“You had a career ending injury, you disappeared, you didn’t speak to me for what feels like an eternity, and you just pop up with a ‘Wassup’? Is that the best you got?” And there it was, the truth. He inhales deeply, his tongue sweeping across his lips to wet them. He isn’t done ripping me a new one. I deserve it, I expect nothing less, I didn't have a reason to close off all communication, I just wanted to be left alone. He can be so smothering at times, I didn't have the stamina to keep the facade up in order to spare his feelings at the time. So here I am, waiting for him to take me back in like a stray.
“I…I called you. Not once did you answer, and I know you think I want you to baby me. I don’t need that from you, I’m a grown man, I can handle rejection, but what I won’t tolerate is disrespect. So if you wanna sit here and claim that I wasn’t worth one fuckin phone call, and that all that time we spent together ment nothing to you, at least have the balls to say so.” Man that stings, I crumble under his gaze, those icy blue eyes softening, but he wasn’t backing down on his statement. I wish we could just laugh it off, and bury the hatchet, and maybe we could, but only if I’m really careful. I’m right at eye level with his chest, and I can’t help but think of how comfortable his body felt when he held me despite how muscular he is. No matter how mad he got, or how much we roughhouse, he was always very gentle with me. “Ya’aren’t even listening to me.” I’m snapped out of my day dream and back into the present, but before I knew it, he’s walking away.
“Shit” I curse to myself, and chase after him. “Hey don’t walk away from me! Drew!” He refuses to turn around which leaves me with no choice. I run and jump on his back. For once, I catch him off guard, he yelps out in shock. I manage to crawl around to his front side while hanging onto his shoulders. My legs wrap around his waist, and without hesitation, his large hands hold onto my hips, his grip tightens, and his nails lightly dig into my flesh. I bury my head in the crook of his neck, taking in his minty scent, and just hug him as tightly as I can. “They say ‘you don’t miss the water, tell the well runs dry’, and boy did I miss you the most of all, and I’m sorry I didn’t answer. I have so much I want to say and catch up on. If you want, can we hang out later, and I’ll answer anything you want to ask?” I unwrap myself from his torso, and slowly slide down, bringing his face with me. His thick beard feels soft in my hands. I want to kiss him so badly– anything to take me back to where we left off.
He hesitates and my stomach flutters. Finally, he says, “I’d like that.” His lips pull back slightly into a soft smile. I hold his face between my hands, not wanting the moment to end. The butterflies in the pit of my stomach refuse to settle as he leans in closer. He doesn't reject my touch, encouraging me to come closer, while I was in the mood to have him smother me with his body, I bring my arms around his torso. His long muscular arms wrap around my shoulder, and he holds me there. His chin resting on my head.
“Sorry to interrupt guys, but we gotta start walking down now.” One of the WWE officials informs us, my body jolts in surprise, I got lost in Drew, and I’s reunion that it didn’t occur to me that we actually have a job to do. I’ve never been one for PDA, and though we weren’t doing anything inappropriate, I still felt exposed. I drop my arms from Drew’s waist causing them to flop at my side, he, however, holds onto me for a second longer, and lets me go. Reluctantly, he peels his eyes away for a second to nod his head, but that intense gaze of his returns right back to me before I get a chance to exhale. He brings my hand up to his lips and kisses it.
The walk from the hallway to the front of the backstage area is silent. As we get closer to the Gorilla, more people show up throughout the halls. “Alright, show time.” I sang in a melodic rhythm. As we approach the curtain, I catch a glimpse of Hunter staring at us with this expression I couldn’t quite put my finger on.
“See ya out there, princess.” Drew spoke so only I could hear him. It’s not until I feel his warm hand squeeze mine did I realize we had walked all the way down here fingers interlaced.. I look over to Hunter and sure enough that was the reason for his odd reaction to us. His eyebrows pull upwards, the corner of his mouth twitches upwards into a smirk. I can feel my face getting hot. I know he won’t go blabbing to everyone what he just witnessed, but Colby knowing about Drew and I’s situationship is already one person too many.
Choosing to ignore it, I stand by the monitor and watch the events unfold. The Miz’s segment was always used as a tool to get the pot stirring between superstars, and boy is he good at stirring the pot. Colby and Drew seem to be going back and forth about whether or not Drew was worthy enough for a title shot. “You think you’re too good to face me? What, am I not cool enough for ya, Seth? I know I’m no Jey Uso, I know I don't come out here dancing every night, shaking hands, and kissing babies. So let’s get real Seth, look me in the face like a man, and just admit that you’re scared to face me. You’re scared to face me because you see how I turned your friend Roman Reigns inside out with a Claymore straight to the face!” Drew leans forward in his seat, the roar of the crowd rings throughout the whole of the arena from Drew’s call back to his match against Roman two years ago for the undisputed champion title. The tension between them is palpable, I begin to jog in place as I stand near the Gorilla, switching my weight from one foot to the other. Colby parts his lips to speak, but Beaky cuts him off, her voice coming out with a nonchalant arrogance. “Maybe you’re just not man enough.” The crowd goes crazy. I roll my eyes letting out a chuckle, Drew inhales deeply trying to retain his focus. Or rather trying to not lose his temper, and give into his anger, that’s the other side of the coin with him. He could be the sweetest, a complete gentleman, but man oh man is his patience thin. Colby cackles, throwing his head back with his mouth wide open.
Becky takes this as an opportunity to capitalize on, and really amp things up. “I mean, aren’t you supposed to be the Chosen One? And what exactly were you chosen for – to fail?” I felt second-hand embarrassment by her words, she’s really on a roll lately, and I can’t help but feel proud. She’s come such a long way, especially on the mic, and dare I say she could do this whole promo by herself ? Drew stands from his chair, Colby, and Becky follows suit. Drew throws his microphone to the ground, his composure long gone. They are beyond talking, the shouting match is now on the brink of a physical altercation. Becky pushes her way past Colby, and shoves Drew in the chest as hard as she can. Her improvisation threw them all for a surprise – Drew’s eyes widened, I wasn't sure what his next string of words were, but Colby sure as hell didn't seem to like it. By the time they hit my music, Miz had already exited the ring, and is now watching from the commentary table.
Spitbrain ft. Willow—Purge
Purge, you can't take it away
Purge, you can't take it from me
Sink into the dark, I can't seem to find myself (Oh, oh)
I tried to come back but it's so hard (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
I don't know the truth anymore, perspective shattered to the floor
Fucking up like most of the time, coming to terms with all of my lies, not taking advice (I don’t really wanna know)
Tryna find my way to the light, through traps in my mind, it's gonna be fine, it's gonna be fine
My entrance music blasts through the arena, and the crowd pops for me harder than I had expected. I dance my way to the ring, slapping hands with a few fans, and waving to some. An official sitting by ringside hands me a mic before I climb in between the ropes that Drew is kind enough to hold open for me. As I stand from my bending position, our gazes meet, his eyes are on fire. I slap him on the chest playfully, and he flexes his pectoral muscle. ‘Show off.’ I think to myself, not nearly as annoyed as I pretend to be. Instead of acknowledging Becky and Colby, I turn towards the crowd. I climb to the top turnbuckle and the audience jumps to their feet, shouting and clapping. I make sure to show the other three sides of the crowd the same love before I come to a halt between Drew, Becky, and Colby. Before speaking I revel in the reaction of the crowd for a moment longer, then bring the mic to my lips, “I guess you ran out of female competitors huh, Becks?” My face morphs into an expression of feigned confusion, and my heart thudded with an unexplainable excitement, but I pull myself back to reality before I spiral too far.
Becky smirks, “pretty much – I mean, ever since I made you tap, the competition has been slim. How’s the knee by the way? Must have been hard recovering something that's been smashed to thousands of bits by a steel chair.” She gloats haughtily, her lips turned upward into a sly smirk. My head drops; I re-enter the darkness of those twelve months. Becky’s words stung, reminding me that I let my ego get in the way, I was so desperate, I needed the fans to love me because I earned it, and not because my fathers last name is attached to the main event.
Colby could be heard from behind Becky, “Ohhhh!” Ever so quietly, I cough as an attempt to not break character, and laugh.
“Crazy, because I’ve been gone for a year, and some change. But you have not challenged Rhea for the title yet, it seems to me that it’s you that ain't man enough, Becky. Sigh, I guess you were just riding the wave till I returned so you could hop onto my coat tails, and use me for clout like you always do. I mean, when’s the last time you had an original thought? Your merch should start sayin ‘Seth’s Mini Me’, instead of ‘The Man.’” I was starting to feel that fire burning at my core, the fire that’s gotten me through some of my toughest days of recovery. “All you are is a one trick pony, and I think your show has already played its last episode!” I don't give her a chance to react, I drop the mic, and kick her in the gut. I turn to grab her head into a reverse headlock, and then drop her into a Stunner. Following my lead, Drew pushes Colby, he goes for a counter, bouncing off the ropes, but Drew catches him mid way with Glasgow Kiss straight to the skull. The sound of two skulls connecting like that is enough to make a person vomit, but I’m too lost in the moment to care. Colby drops immediately after Drew’s head butt, the crowd roars to life, and I’ve never felt more alive in my life. I snatch a mic off the floor, “If you think you still got it in you, Becky, how about the two of us duke it out for a title shot against Rhea! You know where to find me when you regain consciousness.” I threw the mic down, and look out into the crowd. My music plays, Becky musters the strength she has left to pull Colby out the ring, and they both stumble up the ramp. I turn to see Drew’s forehead is bleeding, I’m a little worried at first, but he’s already enveloping me into a bear hug lifting me up off my feet. Still bleeding, Drew held the ropes open for me again, and we made our way up the ramp. His harm is long enough to wrap around me twice.
When we make it back behind the curtain, the medical team is waiting with all types of tools to put Drew back together. I stand to the side for a moment to let them work, but I start to feel awkward being of no help, so I turn to leave. I don't get far before his hand reaches out and grabs my wrist. He holds me in a firm grip, and with one eye open he says, “Come find me.” He doesn't let me go till I nod my head confirming that I indeed hear him, and promise to find him after all the hype has calmed down. He slowly let me go. Our fingertips graze each other, the electricity that sparks between us sends a shiver down my spine right between my thighs. Even if my mind has forgotten Drew, my body hasn’t.
I finally made it to the locker room to prepare for our tag match later tonight. Becky is already ahead of me as she stands in front of her locker half dressed. There’s quite a few other women scattered throughout, but they all seem to be in the zone so to speak. Bayley nods her head in my direction but nothing more, so I respect her space and throw her a smile from a distance. “How you feelin’?” Becky turns to me, a soft smile on her lips, I want to answer honestly, but I’m not in the mood to make a display of myself while everyone is around to listen.
“Feelin’ like money, as always. The boys looked good out there, especially Colby, you gotta get me in contact with his stylist.” Swiftly, I change topics. I know she’d ask me for a third time later, so I decide to save it till then. Taking the hint thankfully, Becky’s can-do attitude amps back up and the mischievous smirk from earlier is back. She bounces on her tiptoes, then beats her chest before responding.
“Yeah we’ll see about that, DeeDee, all money on me tonight.” She laughs with her mouth open, and head thrown back. My heart flutters with joy knowing our dynamic is the same as it was before I left. I had put her in a tough spot with that whole WrestleMania ruse. I stride over to my duffle bag to pull out my ring gear, smiling to myself, proud that it came out exactly how I drew it. I sort of got inspiration from Mugler, and just ran with it. An all black leotard, with leather, and sequence detailing. I step my legs through my tights carefully so as not to rip them, then I pull on my gear over that, and sure enough it fits like a glove. The sleeves are made of mesh with sequins, that I glued on one by one throughout the entire sleeve. I top it off with a pair of black Jordan 11. Now that I’m finally suited up, I feel like I’m officially back, and I take a moment to bask in it. My phone suddenly buzzes from inside my bag, when I see who’s texting me it’s Drew. My breath hitches, seeing his name flash across my screen, made my face heat up, and the good memories outweighs the guilt of me ignoring all his calls last year. I shake my head to clear the impending depression, and tap on his text.
Drew🧸: Where are you?
I quickly shoot him a text that I just got done getting ready, a moment passes before he replies.
Drew🧸: Come find me when you’re done getting ready.
I can’t hold back the smile when I see his reply, his voice in my head as I reread it. Knowing him, he's exactly where I found him before– he takes his pregame very seriously, and doesn’t like to be bothered. Fortunately for me, I'm an exception to that rule. It was a little tricky finding that same hidden hallway seeing as my starting point is from a different side of the arena. After walking around aimlessly for a little bit I finally find him on his own, with his headphones over his head. He’s doing wall push ups. Slowly approaching him, I just stand and admire for a while. The way his arm muscles flexes as he pushes himself off the wall reminds me of the way he used to use my body as weights for fun, our unhinged version of foreplay because workouts always led to sex. I get lost in the memories for a moment, then, “You’re going to have to stop biting your lip like that.” Drew’s soft, yet deep voice pulls me back to reality in time to notice how much closer he’s gotten to me. No matter how long we’ve known each other, I still haven't quite gotten over his size, 6 '5, 275lb, I’m always having to look up at him when we're this close. ‘They don't build ’em like this in America.’ I think to myself. He flexes his pectoral muscles as he takes a few more steps towards me, I drop my head, suddenly feeling embarrassed for drooling. He reaches out to grab my chin gingerly, as if he might break me if he’s any rougher.
“Don’t look away from me.” He demands softly, his voice barely above a whisper, his resolve is one of the things that caught my attention. For such a large man, he can be incredibly tender and I don't know what is about that that turns me on so much.
“How do I look?” I ask awkwardly, he doesn't break his intense gaze as he quickly gives me a once over, then he steps back for a moment. I felt naked, and on display, his eyes slid over each detail. He slows to a temporary stop at my chest, you couldn’t see much of anything with the way the designs cover me, but the size of my breast is prominent. His gaze lingers before he continues to move down my body, he tilts his head to the side, a pensive expression passes over his face, and at this point I wasn’t sure if he was still present. I jolt a little at the sound of him suddenly speaking.
He twirls his index finger, “Give me a 360.” On cue, I slowly turn, giving him the full display of my gear. I feel his eyes taking me in from head to toe, one hand on his hip, and the other on his chin, scratching his beard. I bring my leg out and lift my foot up for him to see my shoes. He nods his head, and a look of impression crosses his face.
“Oh, nice touch with the Jordan’s. You look great, Rey, absolutely gorgeous.” He compliments me, and I come in closer, my hands pressing to his chest, and slowly sliding up to his neck. Or at least as far as I can reach. His arms wrap around my waist, and his hands slide up my back before coming to a rest on my lower back. I originally came here to talk, but as usual, my mind and my body are not on the same page. “We could pick up right where we left off, but I think we’re going to have to work at it very slowly, is that okay with you?”
Like an idiot, I moan in response. I’m at a loss for words; the only thing I can compute is how his hands feel on body. He finds a tiny opening of skin on the back of my neck where the zipper to my outfit stops. He takes my response as a sign to keep going, pressing his lips to my neck, and I don’t protest. Instead, I tilt my head back, giving him the space he needs. I feel him kiss the shell of my ear; Drew inhales my scent deeply, “You’re such a good girl, that’s why you always get so much attention from me, even if you made me wait a whole year before I could see you again.” His hand slides between my thighs, caressing me over the fabric of my gear, and I’ve never wanted to rip off my clothes for a man so badly in my life. “Which means, it’s only fair that I do the same.” The meaning of his words don't hit me until he fully steps away, withdrawing his hand and everything. As if I could look any more dumb than I do right now, he boops me on the nose, and walks away with a devious smirk on his face. Leaving me to simmer in my own juices.
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tea-and-finalfantasy · 9 months
twt thread link | smut comms open | all links
full text ver & notes below cut
variation in style due to writing chunks on different days/not following the same abbreviations or rules depending on when they were written
so bi-han's was not intended to be longer but is bc it's more fic style than the quick notes i was going for when i wrote smoke's and kuai liang's sections
💨starting w smoke as he's the only one i don't hc with an oral fixation himself BUT seeing as, in my hcs for him, his favorite thing is receiving oral, he very much appreciates the trait
💨has a fixation of sorts then with it in other people, always wanting to ease his fingers in their mouth, shuddering at the digits being sucked as if as potent to him as their mouth on his actual cock
💨enjoys seeing ppl with their mouths full, playing with this interest by feeding others--as gently or firmly as he's allowed 💨tests limits by always adding more--more fingers to the ones already inside, fingers alongside his cock, his cock & the dildo strapped above his own
💨evidenced by his fatality where he shoves a grenade in his enemy's mouth, keeping it open wide, pushing forcefully, aggressively, more than once or what's necessary with his whole palm, leaving their lips pursed, unable to close properly over what's forced inside their mouth
💨is not opposed to filling someone's mouth slowly, not pushing limits, just enjoying the slide of anything past another's lips, encouraged by his own hand--
💨but does enjoy seeing how far he can push it, starting off with small ball gags and going until the size is impossible to properly take, watching them struggle and strain their jaw, watching the constant flow of saliva strung down their chin, down the rest of their frame
💨cock aching at how obvious a motion swallowing has to be when struggling around something that won't let your mouth close, aching at those frustrated sounds, encouraging them to repeat themselves as he couldn't get it the first time :)
💨if he's allowed, he wants to grip someone by the hair/head/jaw and facefuck them until they can't take his cock slamming into their throat anymore, until they pull away, cum dribbling down their face and chest, coughing and gagging and drooling all over themselves
💨what he wants most afterwards--before cuddling and aftercare and a hell of a lot of kind, hushed words--is to get himself just as soaked and sticky with cum and saliva, to make an absolute mess of himself, to press his tongue to everything
💨promising to make it up to them amongst the unceasing praise and pecks to the cheeks and forehead, alongside the warm, gentle touch of his hand on the sides of their sore jaw and throat
🔥kuai liang just wants his holes filled and that includes--even prioritizes--something to fill his mouth 🔥loves it socially and despite the undercurrent of arousal to it regardless of setting, it's a calm kind of arousal if he's just doing it to relax
🔥if he's tense or feels out-of-body or vaguely notices, as if outside himself, that he's not fully in it, he knows something in his mouth will ground him 🔥is at first unaware of this (things feel blurry and he just tries his best to sleep it off) and then is ashamed of it--
🔥perceiving it as a crutch, as immaturity, but realizing it's something more frightening to him--feeling his cock leak merely at the thought of something filling his mouth so comfortably, at how overwhelmingly good it would feel--something he can't just will away
🔥still assuming he can stave it off, he'll keep the tip of his thumb between his teeth, almost absentmindedly, when stressed--akin to clicking a pen--feeling it calms him some, makes things more manageable than tackling issues with no ways to calm down afterwards
🔥or when masturbating, he'll bite the side of his hand, already apprehensive about and dismissive of his own desires to commonly stifle himself like this 🔥and these are nice and needed and fine but there's still something not being properly addressed or attended to--
🔥becoming a constant anxiety until he's anxious over any sexual activity, unable to vocalize his desire but similarly unable to ignore it 🔥mentions it out of exhaustion, too tired to fight it anymore, and is not met with derision or mockery, as he assumed he would be
🔥easily met with fingers on his tongue, as soon as he wants it, met with a cock or a strap filling his mouth whether he wants to have to swallow hard or just kneel there comfortably, mouth full
🔥when he's comfortable enough with it, he has a few masks outfitted with pecker gags inside--not long or girthy enough to choke on or struggle swallowing around, just enough to fit in his mouth comfortably or to give him something small to suck on
🔥his eyelids flutter shut, eyes rolling back a bit, and it's immediately noticeable that he's calmed down, to the point of feeling sleepy 🔥when he actually seems like he's going to doze off he'll take it out, spit strung from his lips to the gag, and curl up somewhere to nap--
🔥but while still somewhat awake, he likes to rest his head on someone's shoulder or in the crook of their neck when like this, feeling comfortable and warm and safe, the little suckling sounds only noticeable having him so close
🔥his cock will warm up beneath his clothes, enough to notice he's turned on, for there to be a slight bulge, but unless someone else touches him, he too submissive and spacey to do it himself, as if not knowing how to if he tried, or if he has a wet dream, he'll sleep it off
🔥when needy for it in a sexually charged setting, his favorite thing is getting gagged with a used buttplug. it could be anyone's/he's needy for it from everyone lol/he's a good boy and always says "please" and "thank you" but he whimpers so much for it when it's his own--
🔥easily slid out from his stretched hole and slid right back inside, just this time past his lips and onto his tongue 🔥he's not too loud the majority of the time but however quiet, the little moans and whines are consistent, especially with the taste of himself on his tongue
❄️bi-han's fixation is similar in a submissive sense, in that he does get hard but that arousal isn't always something he'll pursue when he wants to engage with it, in that it calms him when he's feeling high strung, when he's getting the hand tremors that precede a breakdown
❄the submissiveness within the scene is more in how defines his own headspace, going about the engagement silently, dialogue lending itself more naturally to kuai liang's experiences, given how his fantasies play out, but when there is talk--
❄️when he allows himself to hear it (not even being the one speaking) & not freeze up with self-hatred or nerves, the headspace bleeds out into the scene around it, any partner now equally as aware of just how small & fragile he's feeling, it no longer self-contained
❄️so there's difficulty in him speaking up about his own pleasure in the first place, only seeming outwardly confident about it if he can be more aggressive & take it--& still finding any expression of his own pleasure, & thus vulnerability, to be frightening--
❄️so when he's confronted by desire that makes him the solely vulnerable party (or so he assumes), a deep & persistent desire he desperately tried to tamp down once he realized what it was & just how raw it made him feel, he just gets more frantic trying to make it stop
❄️whereas kuai liang assumed this meant he wasn't as strong or self-sufficient as should be, & felt humiliated & ashamed when outwardly recognizing it for the first time, bi-han lashes out when he thinks there's any indication of this "weakness" showing
❄️if he's fighting with the onset of this headspace & feels he's losing, if he thinks the need setting in is perceptible to others, when he's beaten back this desire--for a safe space to be vulnerable & for the specific act itself--for so long with no luck, he bares his teeth
❄️but this cycle only makes the need more immediate, creeping down his spine until it's settled solidly at his back, pushing for proper recognition at all hours of the day
❄️he's desperate for a particular act of vulnerability but also for permission to not feel guilty about wanting what feels good, regardless if he's dominant or submissive or if there are no roles to it at all
❄️he wants to be given the go-ahead, to be allowed self-pleasure & partnership sexually, romantically, platonically, socially--any way he's been denied it thus far, first through the demanding expectations of others & now through those same expectations he's yoking himself with
❄️any previous forays into pleasure or intimacy have been abrupt & inconsistent so while seeming to start with the thing that's most difficult to admit sounds like a horrible idea, it's because it's come to a point where he has no choice but to recognize this one--
❄️& is honestly so worn out from fending it off & failing that he's not even angry or upset when he finally requests it, he's simply exhausted & it's obvious down to the bones
❄️it's at the end of a long day, long merely from having this same thought process banging around inside his head once again, to the point where it was the first thing he'd thought of upon waking & it never left his mind since
❄️he'd been unable to make himself coffee, unable to put on his usual clothes--opting for mostly the same things he went to bed in--unable to type out a single legible thing on his phone, & spent the day resigned to bringing it up, knowing things couldn't continue like this
❄️but in finally giving up on fending it off, he gets some relief in just melting into that headspace, feeling awfully needy as he spends the day in bed, sleepily pressing a forearm between his legs, humping the blankets ever so slightly, almost as if not noticing he's doing it
❄️whenever there's finally someone to admit it to--whomever that is depending on your preferences--it does take some prodding but just in the initial question of "what's wrong" & it not taking any time to be asked, something obviously off the moment they see him
❄️there's something said about feeling off, feeling more stressed than usual--both surprisingly honest admissions on their own--but then he mutters something about wanting something in particular, eyes ticked to their peripherals, staring blankly into the distance
❄️"could i just..." something about sucking on their chest, putting his mouth on them for a while--& while it's met with immediate, enthusiastic acceptance, however quiet, while he feels on the verge of hysterics having made himself sick over something so easily allowed--
❄️now he doesn't know how to get himself in position without having to admit what it looks like & why ❄️but this time he just goes for it, shakily but with some of his usual confidence, at least in moving with the cadence of someone who always intends to take as they please
❄️they settle in comfortably & he feels allowed to do so as well, following their lead in this going however he needs it to, in action & duration & pace ❄️he initially settles in the crook of their arm, pulse & breathing noticeably quicker as he watches them pull their shirt off,
❄️lips parted, dazed but oddly patient about the opportunity, gaze flickering upward & an unsure placement of the hand, waiting for permission an additional time
❄️he's oddly not forceful about it either, physically desperate only in the shaky exhale he lets out when he realizes he's not being lead on or dreaming or that the permission's not being revoked
❄️they mention he must be uncomfortable in that position though with his neck a bit crooked, the rest of him folded up neatly so as to not take up too much space, still unable to comfortably immerse himself in it, to do everything he really wants,
❄️but eventually the arm that's pinned starts going numb & even if it weren't, he'd still need to switch sides to avoid making his partner sore, having been suckling so steadily even at at such a relaxed pace
❄️when he switches sides, this time he lets himself lay his legs over their lap, lets them place their arm behind his head, allows himself to settle in more comfortably--more permanently than before, having assumed he'd rush through it or back out or they'd tire of it
❄️it's comfortable. relaxed. domestic even--even if that's particularly new & scary to admit. but there's no fear or worry to it now, only a steady warmth & perhaps a small moment of humor for them both, him hoping he's not crushing their thighs with his
❄️they pull his head in closer to their chest so he can rest more of his weight on them, so they have a free hand to smooth affectionately over the crown of his head & the overwhelming relief of finally doing this properly, the pleasure of having his hair played with--
❄️the intimacy of the act & how it soothed him immediately, being cared for & doted on, being allowed to feel small & fragile like this but so safe and protected here, makes him start to doze off,
❄️first struggling to keep his eyes open then allowing them to flutter shut but still trying to stay awake ❄️then quiet, steady breaths in as he's out like a light, still suckling a bit in his sleep ❄️no matter how many times he does it, he usually dozes off at some point during,
❄️this first time sleeping well into morning, waking up tucked in neatly, his partner asleep beside him, not unsealing his portion of blankets, keeping one for themselves--enough to avoid a chill, but keeping a hand free to touch his, wanting him to know everything's alright
❄️that he doesn't need to feel ashamed now that the scene's over, if he's even out of the headspace yet. they want to make sure he's okay, they want to wake up next to him--they want to make sure he knows that asking for that didn't drive them away
❄️he's quiet & doesn't usually lapse into using titles, at least outside of his own head, but he's very much not opposed to a partner referring to themselves that way, as "mommy" or "daddy," whichever their preference
❄️it makes his ears go red & he can't look them in the eyes but he always tries (& fails) to hide his bulge, his body so receptive to it ❄️lactation is a huge turn on & is probably how these scenes delve into anything where arousal is actually tended to but it's not a necessity
❄️his enjoyment of it isn't reliant on that in the first place & he doesn't want anyone going out of their way to make it happen (or to subject themselves to any supernatural situations for it, esp if it causes any pain), the headspace making him more than content with pretending
❄️but when he gets to, he drinks like his life depends on it, trying to commit the taste to memory, desperate for every drop, even apologizing when he knows he's sucking too hard & for too long but is unable to get himself to stop
❄️he's also much more talkative & much more physical if he actually gets to drink: panting out "thank you"s as he sucks at their chest, whimpering as he humps their thigh or grinds against the junction of thigh & hip
🧙‍♀️(that's it for now, thank u for reading~ ;w;)👾
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mudthekelpie · 3 months
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made this cause i was trying to determine what style and actual props to use in my stories, and got caught up in studying equestrian era technology. and there wasn't much clear info other than some rare comments in the forums, so i hope this'll help. <3
for a reference, i gathered almost all clear representations of "advanced tech" (much can be written off as gags for "cartoon logic" i left those out, like a humanoid robot for a cutie mark)
i found and labeled all of them and the years they were invented and available to the public.
so the most accurate answer is the most recent era listed, which would put Equestria in the year 1111, with late 1900s (earth) technology. (1111 referenced in Horse Play, s8 e7)
1111 being the "1111th year since Celestia first raised the sun"
so any year prior doesn't count towards this, making the clock start at Before Princesses
(Before Celestia, BC, get it? lol)
also, added the automobiles. still flim and flam's is the only feasible evidence cause it's an actual car, not the floats cause any form of engine can be used. While it is their invention entirely, cars can exist in Equestria.
But ponies seem to be a very very very traditional species, so much of the modern stuff may stay within richer, larger cities. Even then, we see they only use carriages to transport. But many fans have made the adaptations to different eras of technology in Equestrian form.
full medical category as well, managed to get it all within the same time frame.
But ponies seem to be a very very very traditional species, so much of the modern stuff may stay within richer, larger cities. Even then, we see they only use carriages to transport. But many fans have made the adaptations to different eras of technology in Equestrian form.
also going by each show season as a year, would now leave us at season 9 finale as the year 1112, and the show finale at 1132 (20 years after season 9, because Luster Dawn is at least 20 and the others aged significantly)
not including any year after season 9 cause we didn't see anything major. so assuming it all was kept the same since 1111.
(and to a extremely broad stretch: G5 starts at 2132, 1000 years after G4, idk gives them a good excuse to have internet and forget all about the old Equestria)
if i had missed anything that might be crucial, do let me know and i'll look into it.
Other pony hyperfixation:
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kizzdroid · 1 year
just, stay.
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synopsis: how they get when they just need affection, specifically from u. characters: xiao, itto & cyno (random but i love them so much) tw: nothing ig
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note: little writing demonstration bc my account looks abandoned lol
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First of all, we should take into account that Xiao never openly shows his feelings or needs towards you, so you would have to guess by magic when he simply wants a hug or a caress from you. Unless he's really desperate for it. So here you are. Trying to read his damn body language, something impossible considering that Xiao is a man with a stoic and expressionless personality. — Xiao… is something wrong? — you said with a soft tone of voice and a worried expression appeared on your face as you watched Xiao's countenance go from neutral to angry. Xiao looked at you for a moment and you heard how a big sigh came from his lips along with some whispers that you didn't get to hear. — Did I do something you didn't like? if so i'm so sorry i-- — you were immediately interrupted as xiao's lips touched yours in a soft kiss. It didn't take you long to kiss back and move your hands to his cheeks and caress them. A few seconds later, Xiao walks away from you again and looks at you with slightly angry eyes and rosy hues on his cheeks. ''Just...I need you, need your hugs, kisses and caresses…''
oh god, It took him a LOT to say that. Xiao exclaimed with visible difficulty, he felt how embarrassment appeared in his mind when you didn't do or say anything after his words. You took a few seconds before just laughing at him. Xiao thought it was some kind of tease and he was about to leave, until he felt your arms wrap around him in a warm and tight hug as you covered his face with kisses. I'd be lying if Xiao wasn't happy that your laughs weren't some kind of mockery towards him and he just hugged you back and snuggled into your kisses. In the end they both ended up sitting under a tree looking at the views of Liyue, snuggled in each other's arms.
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this guy is the complete opposite of xiao, itto would just come up to you no matter what you're doing and wrap his arms around you in a tight hug while placing his chin on your shoulder and planting small kisses on your neck. If you wish, caress his hair and this man will be at your mercy melting at your touch like an ice cube in a desert. — you need something, my dear? — you said with a little smile in your lips, you knew what he wanted but you still wanted to hear him. In a quick movement, you turned around to look at him and caress his cheeks while he placed his big hands on your hips. ''you know... pampering time!'' His shark teeth appeared when he smiled, you just giggled a few more to get closer to him and kiss his soft lips, immediately he kissed you back and caressed your scalp. You felt like he was carrying you princess style and he would take you to any comfortable place so they could lie down or sit. He chose the closest sofa and they both ended up lying on it while they pampered each other sweetly.
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hm, this guy is kind of tricky. Actually it is a combination between itto and xiao, but they have their differences. Cyno would simply walk up to you (if they are at the right time and place) and he would hug you and nestle his face into your neck if he has his back to you. And you know him so damn well that you would only accept his caresses, asking absolutely nothing, just hug him back or cuddle the fuck from him. It would just be the two of you, no one else.
And if you want to tease him a bit, just say something like "so, we're needy here, huh?" You are really going to get him out of his mind, that mockery will cause you the worst punishment that a human being can suffer, aka deadly tickles or a kissing session all over your face :) It's really very sweet I love it so much omfg <3
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JESUS, I'm sorry that cyno's was too short compared to the others, I wrote them in different time frames, I'm really busy and wanted to drop this crap and go again lmao. Let me know if you like this!
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YGESSSSS. NEW BSB ENJOYER FOUND. who is your favorite character if i may ask... i have like atleast 5 but kai is at the top i think. sometimes i think about this image and i'm like "my god what the fuck even is that". one of the guys of all time
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“WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT” LMFAOOO no because thats exactly what my friend said when they saw yuriy KEDBJSBSGWJW. What is. Wrong with his eyebrows....looking like a creature…a bug with antannae perhaps….
BUT MY FAVORITE IS MAX‼️‼️‼️hes been my fav ever since i started watching it love him… my second favorite is kai probably though LOL. I can tell hes one of those fan favorite characters right🤔usually characters like him are… not a bad thing just an observation lol. Metal fight beyblade was the beyblade show i had known my entire life and was a big fan of so i wanted to see the other beyblade shows with it and for some reason i watched beyblade burst before bakuten shoot ????? Yeah that 7 season show i only liked the very first season of… the rest was so boring and for some reason i forced myself to watch it by using it as background noise😭
idk why i didnt give up and watch bakuten instead, took me too long lmfao. Th reason why i mentioned metal fight is that since i knew that show my entire life i had certain expectations on certain type of characters (ik bakuten came first but metal couldve been influenced by it and it was bcs there are similarities lol) (i mean king [from bakuten] looks almost identical to dynamis [from mfb] <- thats just one example) so i thought, while i was watching season 1, Kai Hiwatari was gonna be like Kyouya Tategami where hes with the team yes but doesnt see himself as a part of it and is there for himself only bcs hes a loner or whatever but then that thing at the end of the season happened he became a part of the team and the didnt have random unnecessary off screen character regression like kyouya did in the next 2 seasons (and also isnt an asshole abt it like when he left temporarily to battle takao in g revulotion he wasnt like “fuck you dumbass” like kyouya did basically 😭😭)….
That was so refreshing to see bcs thats not what i was expecting and thank god it exceeded my expectations 😭 thats why i keep saying kai is kyouya done right bcs he kinda is…. Though i find it funny when hes just standing in the background w his arms crossed or laying on the grass like damn bro wants to be cool so bad (not as cool as the frame of rei kon absolutely BALLING)
Said max is my favorite and talked about kai the entire time LOL no but he’s my fav i love that guy EXCEPT. the fact that. He likes mayonnaise… idgaf if its ur style mayonnaise is disgusting im disappointed in you max…..
I also like Yuriy who also seems to be a fan favorite from what ive seen which i expected but i like him in a way like, hes so funny to me. Bro walkin around with bug antannae and the worst posture youve ever seen. Why is he built like that. Fucking thing. Also big fan of the weird ass sht he does in g revulotion when doing special moves hes got CLAWS hell yeah. No bcs no one elses looks like dat when they do it⬇️ as a certified creature fan i can proudly confirm this, indeed, is one of the creature moments of all time.
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⬆️i remember seeing this frame before watching the show and thinking what could possibly be the context behind this LMFAO . Shoutout to Rei kon for also being a creature big fan of the pointy ears and slit orange eyes (v force when i catch you v force)
I dont know peoples opinions of daichi but he seems like the type of character ppl might hate for being annoying but i like him bcs he reminds me of me and my brother when we were little (im the younger sibling) bcs every interaction between takao and daichi reminded me of us LMFAO 10/10 sibling dynamic (better than takaos actual brotha😬)
N lemme see if i have any kai screenies i took cauze i took a sht tonna screenshots
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I was gonna capriin thwm but idk how to write inbetween them so im typing them here
First pic - already has a caption
Second pic - ths shit makes me laugh everytime im so glad people are not hesitant to resort to violence in this saga
Third pic - V force jumpscare
Fourth pic - what is he listening to . Do you guys think Kai Hiwatari would like Yuno Miles
Fifth pic - one…..one piece…..
Sixth pic - they forgot to colour teh pack of his hair lol
Seventh pic - no need for a caption. What is that
Last pic - he. Smirks like an animal. Idk how to explain it but, he smiles like how an animal or an ailen trying to do it for the first time would do it
I will read the manga soon i have physical copies of the first 4 volumes and ill find the rest on the net bcs bakuten media is so much easier to find that mfb is THANK GOD. I will also be looking up shitty 13 yr old amv s and yall better have sum real 2011 sht
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polyamorousmood · 4 months
Thoughts on dating a mono person as a poly person?
My gf, s, is mono n im poly. When we first started dating i had already been dating another poly person, x. S was uncomfy with the poly aspects but said she didnt mind dating me while i was dating x so long as i didnt really talk about it to her, ig since i was dating x first.
X and i didnt work out for separate reasons and me and s are still together, but she is 100% mono, and im not.
Ik we wont be together forever bc were quite young and the chances of that are slim, plus i dont think id want to marry someone i started dating so young (which she knows and more or less agrees with me about). So ik the "problem", if it even counts as one, isnt permanent.
I enjoy me and s's relationship but the poly-ness of me are like "but new and different ppl too please?" I like variety, and have interests that she doesnt enjoy (like kink especially). Theres no one in particular im interested in rn outside of s, but if there were to be she wouldnt like it or be comfortable with me acting on it...
Idk if it would come down to "be poly with other ppl or be mono with me", but idek how to broach the subject with her or if i even should rn since it's not yet relevant.
Sorry for the rant lol, what do you think?
Bluntly, I think you're stressing too much for a relationship that already has an expiration date lmao
If its something you think you'd like for the time frame you're with S, I think its reasonable to be like "I'm not looking right now, but if I did meet someone else I wanted to date, how would you like to handle that? Would you still just not want me to mention it?" but it is likely to be an EXTREMELY uncomfortable conversation if it was a don't-ask-don't-tell policy with the last person. I would stress that its not a big deal right now, but if something ever came up, you'd want to handle it in the best way possible to not accidentally hurt S. Try to get ahead of how you think S might react to this conversation. Whether that's "I don't mean to make you insecure, but I just wanted to make sure we're clear about...." or whatever, but if you're going to say something, acknowledge going into it that it will be hard for her.
I generally think any style of relationship can work, given the right people and common understanding. It is very hard to reach an understanding with someone who isn't able to frankly discuss the situation, but I've seen workarounds, so 🤷‍♂️
Just live your life. If you're as young as you're making yourself sound, you're gonna fuck something up somewhere along the line, and that will be okay. Do what you can, with the energy and knowledge you have, and that will have to be enough. Even if it wasn't "right".
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arthuluart · 1 month
Hiii - wanted to say first thing first I love your art style, it's so dynamic and fun and those color palettes? Stunning ^^
And second thing second, just some food for thought if you ever want to get angsty about Jerry and Dean, coffee by Chappell Roan sounds like it was written about their break up specifically and I can't stop thinking abt it dndnden
*Cue me losing my mind*
Hiii- they say flattery gets you everywhere and turns out with me, it gets you animatics- jkjk but I do appreciate the kind comments ^^
I’ll put up the animatic separately and take the opportunity to leave the preamble here to keep the video post neat bc until someone tells me to shut up and just post art- I’m gonna ramble… So here’s the commentary you didn’t ask for along with my favourite panels:
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First off- You turned me into a big time Chappell Roan listener which is great bc I need music recs to fix my listening habits before Spotify wrapped drops. My roundup last year was shameful… Red Wine Supernova is my new dish washing song.
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Even tho it’s not the song’s vibe I kept the content as silly as I could for my own sanity. I don’t love getting too deep into the serious/sad side of M+L for a few reasons but I do find it all very interesting. Point being this song was too good to pass up doing something a bit bigger for.
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Ngl tho- this did have me pulling out hair at multiple points. I never colour animatics, rarely even tone them- but you mentioned colour palettes and I was determined to deliver so pardon the messy colouring but (that was the tradeoff) I did not have it in me to stay in the lines. I’m choosing to be kind to myself and opt to call it an artistic choice and not midway burnout. And nothing was gonna get me to open after effects/premiere not even the janky ass golf ball OML this only makes sense if u watch the video.
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There are parts of this I’m SO happy with and others I hate. I think it’s really obvious which sections I started losing steam on but overall I lowkey like the end product. Nothing I make will ever be good/perfect- this was one hell of a practice in accepting that lmao- but I can still be ok with the work problems and all yknow? I very nearly shelved this completely bc I got so worked up about the maybe 5 panels I dislike out of 106 total. Counting them was eye opening to ask myself: you’re gonna let that small a ratio stop you from sharing this after putting in days and days of effort? The insecurity goes deep and TBH getting asks has been a nice way of working through it since I post the art I make for answers no matter what only bc I KNOW someone out there wants to see it. It might not sound it but it’s actually quite positive.
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Also, although I feel I’ve done my fair share of reading, I’m no expert. So if anything is really off point- sorry my bad (I won’t fix it tho bc I cannot physically stand to look at this another second lol)
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I tried to stick to real things found in articles/books/photos/interviews etc bc outside of obviously fictional AUs I’m not super into making stuff up about them (and who needs to I mean the legit stuff is already insane enough) Sure I framed the events in specific ways to suit the song and some aspects are fictionalized (mainly bc the referenced written accounts lacked detail to draw 100% faithfully from anyhow) but otherwise I got my sources cited.
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ANYWAYS… sorry for hijacking this answer I need to learn to chill out. Irl I’m a pretty reserved talker so you can tell I’m in a comfy place when I let loose and blather on endlessly lmao brevity is not a skill I possess.
You were probably expecting illustrations or smth but I hope what I came up with is still somewhat alright AND please don’t let my complaining fool you, I genuinely loved making this.
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One FINAL Relevant Note: the line “nowhere else is safe every place leads back to your place” is gut wrenching. You’re so right about this song perfectly describing the break up. They always came back to each other and there’s something so devastating about that kind of haunting human connection.
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OkAY I’m done promise- I thought I’d implode if I didn’t get all that out
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patrochillesvibes · 3 months
38 & 39?
I do have some thoughts on these topics...
38. If/when they have kids, what is their parenting style (or pets-who does what)?
Ah, so this is their one problem. Achilles is cat coded and Patroclus is a dog person. Achilles hates dogs, so can’t be pet parents. They’re just going to have to have babies, then.
Achilles is THE embarrassing (cringe) parent. He is a very active parent, involved in EVERYTHING. He does a lot of hovering, wanting to make sure his babies are okay and get everything they need. He cries about everything, first time baby walks, first loose tooth, first day of school, graduation, recital etc. For the first day of Uni, Achilles will act like his baby is abandoning him. He requires lots of hugs and kisses from his babies. And very sentimental too, he will frame every piece of art baby draws. I guess you could say that his life will revolve around his babies. He has too much separation anxiety to ever be one of those working parents.
Patroclus is a normal parent, or at least Achilles makes him look normal. He’s usually the one who says no mostly bcs someone in the family has to say no. He gives the best advice. If baby had any problems, Pat would know how to fix it. Pat is always proud of his babies, no matter what grades they get etc.
39. Do they get along with the other's family? If not, how do they deal with the other's family?
I don’t actually think Thetis dislikes Patroclus. It’s all in his head that his MIL is out to get him. She can be a bit tough on him, true, but she only wants what’s best for her son. She’s a little easier on him once she gets some grandbabies. I think Thetis would visit regularly once there’s grandbabies.
Peleus isn’t very good with kids. He doesn’t know what to do with them. Or he at least never knew what to do with Achilles and all his energy. He always let Achilles have or do whatever he wanted as it was easier than dealing with a 4-yo having a screaming tantrum so bad he passes out.
Peleus is old country club money friends with Menoetius, so the match with Patroclus is alright with him. Perhaps if Patroclus was more into cigars and old scotch and was a member at the club, then they’d get along grand. But he doesn’t, so Peleus doesn’t really know how to bond with him. They are very polite with each other. It used to stress Pat out that he needed to get Peleus’ approval, but he’s come to terms with who Peleus is. Whenever he’s around grandbabies he gives them money and a pat on the head. He visits for birthdays and holidays.
The Menoetius situation could be best described as a ticking time bomb.
Menoetius thinks there’s something wrong with Achilles and is not marriage material. He usually keeps his distance. He liked that his son and Achilles were friends, it’s a good connection, but Achilles is more fuck buddy material than anything more serious. Menoetius was a BIG fan of Pat’s ex-girlfriend (more about that in a sec). Each time they broke up he would try to set Pat up with some nice, normal girls to help him get back in the game and steer clear of Achilles.
Achilles is always very polite and nice to his FIL, despite the uneasiness. He is completely obvious to Menoetius’ feelings.
Okay, so about the “ex-girlfriend”… Well. There are days when Achilles feels rather femme. On these days, which are random, she prefers to be called Pyrrha. Now Pyrrha could best be described as High Femme. Think of the girliest girl you know, Pyrrha is girlier.
There were four occasions where Menoetius met Pyrrha. The first was an absolute nightmare. Pat was like ‘haha take off the disguise and get serious we’re about to have lunch with my father.’ Pyrrha was insulted. Frustrated Pat was like ‘Stop it you’re doing this for the bit’ and Pyrrha screamed ‘This is not a bit this is who I am.’ And it just crumbled into their first real argument. After a lot of tears, Pyrrha won. And so, Menoetius got to meet Pyrrha. Pat can’t bring himself to tell his father the truth.
Since no two sources can agree on who Pat’s mom was, I think it’s better we go with the hc she’s dead.
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torao-chan · 1 year
The first guy that tries to kill you, the devs call him Mr. CHOKEY 😭
Since Ais was the first one to be made, the game has been throughly designed to blend with his aesthetic (his color palette was described as "blood in water")
Leander is "such a good person" /sarcasm in so many infinite levels
Vere killing you in the demo is one of the devs favorite death (there's quite a few endings where you can die and they were very excited about that bfbsbdb)
The buildings style was designed with Arab architecture in mind (please someone correct me if I'm wrong bc tbh i don't remember exactly), a fan pointed it out and the devs were very happy about that
Kuras was named by one of the Muslim devs
One of the new exclusive rewards for backers is a frame of Ais that has never before seen the light of day and only the devs have, they said the backers deserve it since they want them to feel part of the beginning of the game, it was so sweet fr
Vere was the easiest to design
Hmmm I'm struggling to remember more but these were highlights from the live, it was so nice and they were all so lovely between e/o 💕💕
oooOOOOOHHH tytytyty for this ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Mr. Chokey is so cute dsalkjlkgjdsgfd and omfg. blood in water is a beautiful descriptor o3o
i love the multilayered sarcasm omg yes. He's my favouriteeee 👀👀👀 I can't wait to see all the twisted layers hidden beneath him.
lmao I like that they value a bad end- it means (most likely) that the bad ends won't be pointless, as some games do >w> I'm looking forward to finding all the lore thats hidden in them too.
ooo, I like the architecture ref! I'll have to note to look into themes and inspirations for Arab architecture then 📝 curious about how the history of that could be expressed through out the game o3o not that I know much on any architecture but still!! seedlings!
Nice choice on Kuras and oh!!! That is exciting 👀 as a backer myself, I can't wait to see ittttt~
and I can kinda see that 🤔I think I remember the devs mentioning in another stream that a lot of the team play FFXIV- and I can kinda see that inspiration coming through in Vere's design o3o
honestly thank you for all of these asldkjklgjdfsklgdg I couldn't make the stream myself, and the broadcast didn't get uploaded to the twitch library so ;w; every lil nugget of information is appreciated!!! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
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aranarumei · 9 months
For your ask game thing!! Selfishly and predictably: bonus htt. But also curious about friendship vs acquaintanceship if you’re up for it ! peace and love on planet kiri ^_^
ask me about my wips | wip list
as you have so smartly guessed, the htt in bonus htt stands for hanzawa to tashiro! this wip exists because i wanted to have a place to display some stuff on the hanzawa side that doesn't show up in the anomalous agate. and because i didn't want to write hanzawa's pov (writing in hanzawa's frame of mind as part of a story that's like. About Him feels. like i am betraying him somehow. can't explain it) i am writing as tashiro. and. perhaps due to seigi's influence i keep drifting towards doing so in first person. and because of this i keep hating it bc my first person is not very tashiro-esque. thus i have given myself a challenge of writing this same scene once in my regular third person limited style, and ALSO as if to emulate love & passion's writing. this is. Hard. here's my snippet.
“If you’re looking for a delinquent, look in the mirror,” Hanzawa-senpai teased, and then produced some kind of torture contraption from his bag. “Now don’t move, okay?”  I yelped and threw my hands up in self-defense. “You can’t put that thing near my face!”  Hanzawa-senpai just laughed at me, close enough that I could feel his breath on my face. Sadist! “It’s just an eyelash curler, Tashiro-kun,” he drawled. “Calm down, would you?”
very mild spoilers for s2 of fantasy high for the next one, so that's going under the cut:
so friendship vs acquaintanceship is basically me working out the details of a riz & ragh friendship. this is because riz shoots coach daybreak and shoots of biz's fingers in s1 of fantasy high but ragh he tells him like. hey ragh. i think u probably like need to work through some things. and in s2 there is no way for me to interpret riz's entire arc except for it being about him being aroace. brian murphy does not turn to the camera and say "riz gukgak is aroace" but the entire narrative supports it and personally i kind of respect that its played that way bc i think it works for how riz is. ragh is also around in s2 and while hes like. buds with fabian and gorgug i feel like he and riz kind of have a certain level of distance? so i thought it would be fun if they were like, actually friends and not just. "my friend cares about you" level. hence the title. so it would be abt ragh basically supporting riz in terms of really verbalizing his aroaceness and such and they get to be good friends.
“Dude,” Ragh says, “I was convinced you like. Just didn’t like me.” Riz stares at him for a very long time. His little goblin eyes narrow into little goblin slits and Ragh will never be a poet but it’s like there's a universe passing through his gaze, and Riz is simultaneously fifteen and fifteen thousand. “I don't—not like you,” Riz finally says, voice cracking back into the shape of an awkward teenager. “I mean, we hang out and everything, so I figured…” he shrugs. “I mean, I know we’re cool,” Ragh says. “But are we like, cool, cool?” “Is that a trick question,” Riz blurts out. “What?” “I don’t—do you hate me? Is this like how that works? Is this some kind of interrogation?”
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