#i know they're supposed to be the main character (therefore we are) but i project so much stuff that they are their own character now
icharchivist · 5 months
Deepground, woo!
(Has no idea what that is)
DFLJDFMDFLMFDKFD thank you so much for hyping all of my sillies then <333 i appreciate <333
Deepground is a concept that first started to appear in Dirge of Cerberus, the sequel game set after the movie and centering Vincent (released in 2006). Basically Deepground is a whole underground Shinra complex/facilities in which they pushed unethical experimentations to the max, which created a lot of monsters, but especially kidnapped people to experience on and therefore after Shinra's fall, those creatures came back to the surface to seek justice.
By being only uncovered in the sequel, many things about Deepgrounds had stayed lowkey in the rest of the franchise.
in Crisis Core (2007), the prequel, we learn that Reeve (the Shinra director of urban planing) was tasted with making a whole new city underground to "improve the life of people in Midgar" and Reeve believed it at the time, and Zack has to take on a lot of quests to clear the underground, thus, unknowingly to them, Reeve and Zack worked on creating Deepgrounds.
Others late quests in Crisis Core also have Zack unknowingly participate in "testing" the experimentation the scientists were doing on Deepgrounds (for example, unleashing Deepgrounds experiments in some controled zone and acting like they broke out, to ask Zack to deal with the threat, and therefore testing if they can do something with those creatures).
(you also get a mail from Reeve learning that this project has been taken away from him and he doesn't understand why, which sets up that Reeve didn't have any knowledge of what he was really creating and therefore sets up why he's one of the supporting cast of DoC trying to take it down)
At the end of Crisis Core, Genesis is taken away to Deepground, and it's why Genesis officially appears at the very end of Dirge of Cerberus.
in Crisis Core, if you don't know what Deepground is, all those quests information will look pretty anecdotal, but if you're deep in the saga you can recognize that this questline is fully setting up Deepground.
So Deepground is in an interesting position in the franchise: it's supposed to have been created at the begining of Crisis Core, and by the end of Crisis Core (which is years later) it is up and running and already commiting extreme scientific malpractice, taking a lot of ex-soldiers to experiment on them, but they can't be exposed before Dirge of Cerberus, set 3 years after the Original Game. Meanwhile it has never been mentioned in the Original Game itself (which was published in 1997)
so personally my wishlist for the remake was to hint about deepgrounds even though our characters can't figure out too much about it. Early in the remake there's rumors about monsters escaping from underground and rumors of it being from Shinra's facilities and it clearly hints at Deepgrounds being there without especially understanding what it is about.
and now on a whole quests where Barret and Tifa fell *under* the sectors into a secret Shinra facility, they're getting attacked by all sort of monsters which easily look like Deepgrounds experiments. And Barret and Tifa are confused enough they wouldn't be in a position to understand exactly what it is, and once they'll discover the official labs on the surface they will likely just conclude it's regular mad scientist experiments and not a whole secret underground system and all
which i think is the most elegant way to really imply the ominousness of Deepground without directly addressing it
(tho i know the Yuffie DLC literally has Deepgrounds' characters appear in it, but Yuffie not having met the crew yet nor understanding Shinra in depth means she will probably not connect dots on that -- and it's interesting because she is one of the main supporting cast character for DoC, along with Reeve, so on that level it's interesting to see her meddle with Deepgrounds as a set up to why she will care in the future)
anyway i'm not a fan of DOC but i'm fascinated with Deepgrounds as a concept and i'm thrilled to see how they are introducing it in the remake to be coherent with the others games.
so tldr: special evil secret lab that is created in the prequel and dismantled in the sequel and therefore it's fun to see how the remake incorporate it since Deepground is active during this period, without completely unveiling the mystery because it's only something that happens later in the timeline.
so yeah! Deepground! hell yeah! continuity!
thank you for hearing me out <3
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protagonistscum · 2 years
*gently holds hc* yes i love when the traveler is morally ambiguous but tends to lean towards morally good bc that’s how how their friends tend to lean towards. it’s about their connection to their friends; rather than what’s truly right or wrong 
#also fics that write the traveler as ruthless... uhg my BELOVED#they only get involved if they care for the poeple who are in the situation OR the situation is fucking them up#ie. when REX LAPIS FELL FROM THE SKY. that situation fucked them up! so obviously they needed to get to the bottom of it.#the vision hunt decree? ayaka had to get the traveler to make connections to actually get involved in the entire situation.#i also hold onto the idea that they are not human. and therefore have a different connection to humanity and gods.#they are immortals themselves. but they're so used to traveling! did they ever actually get a chance to CONNECT to anyone besides their#sibling? like. home is where they are together. home isn't a place. it is a person. and they are always on the move.#is this like. the first time the traveler has gotten a chance to actually connect to people of different worlds?#like the abyss sibling CLEARLY got attached to this world while the traveler slept.#you dont want to destroy the heavenly principles if you weren't in love with the land that they destroyed.#was teyvat the first place they fell in love with? and is taking revenge for?#enough that they tell their sibling to figure out why they feel this way. by traveling the world.#despite the need to be together again.#and the traveler goes out and just. makes a connection to so many people. whom they would now drop anything for to help out.#the traveler is slowly falling in love with teyvat and the people in it#i know they're supposed to be the main character (therefore we are) but i project so much stuff that they are their own character now
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earl-april · 2 years
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Going to answer these two together since they're both CP related; this is going to be a long one. Thank you to both of the anons, who wrote these, they both made me smile! :)
I've been avoiding these questions until now as I didn't have a response I could give to all the people on here and in the comments on AO3, Wattpad and Quotev. I briefly touched on my plans for CP on my Discord ages ago, but I didn't explain it on here.
So far, I haven't got any plans to continue CP. I haven't decided to discontinue it yet, but I haven't had the motivation to continue it for the 2 years I've been away or even now. There are 2 main reasons for that.
I started writing CP all the way back when I was 15 and still in school. The fanfic has been going on since then and still isn't anywhere near finished. I'm 20 now, and my writing style has changed a lot since then, particularly in these last 2 years. I'm still in the GF fandom, it has always been and will always be my favourite show, and Bill Cipher will always be one of my all-time favourite characters. So I want to emphasise that my lack of motivation isn't due to a lost interest in GF or Bill. Rather, these days, I have a hard time not seeing the flaws in CP and getting annoyed at the choices I made back when and the direction I started taking the plot. This isn't to imply that I didn't know where the plot was going since I mapped out an ending and a process of events to lead up to it. However, that amount of events got too convoluted, some of the plot points and characters (OCs) were underdeveloped, and I realise now that I can barely keep up with my own damn plan. I guess I didn't realise how much of a big project CP was becoming until it was too late. I flew too close to the sun, and here we are now.
I feel the story needs a lot of editing. Some chapters need to be entirely rewritten, but I don't have the time or energy to do it. These types of edits are big, and it all comes back to the various scenes, the direction of the plot, underdeveloped characters, etc. These big edits seemed so daunting, and as time went on and I reread some of the chapters I wrote, I couldn't help but see the flaws in my writing. I suppose I lost a bit of love for CP as time went on. I realise the story isn't finished yet, and not beyond hope, but the earlier scenes play a part in foreshadowing, therefore setting up what's to come later. The only way around it is to go with my original plan or tweak it a bit. There are certain aspects I like about it, such as the ending, but there are others which I don't like. This is why I haven't chosen to discontinue it entirely, since I think there is still hope for it, but there is just a lot of work. We're not even halfway through the story yet. Really, it mostly comes down to time as I have other writing projects taking up part of my time that didn't back when I was still in high school writing fanfiction as a hobby.
Perhaps I'm holding CP to too higher a standard, considering it's only fanfiction. But it's just not in my nature to write something and not give it my full 110% effort. Unless I find some spare time and regain the motivation to write it, I won't be continuing it, nor will I have any idea of where I want the story to go.
I've decided to approach CP the same way I have with all my other fanfics. I'm going to write a chapter at a time if I can. So I may publish the next chapter as I already have the plan for it, but I can't promise anything. Though if it doesn't, it won't be a guarantee that the fanfic will be finished. Very slow updates from here on out. I understand if some people don't want to hold on waiting to see if it will be updated. I'd be annoyed at me too. Though I don't want to lie and say I'm discontinuing it and then post the next chapter x months later. I'm only going to do that if I'm 100% sure that it's the end for CP.
I'm sorry to everyone enjoying it and for this announcement seeming a bit wishy-washy. If I could give you a truthful yes-or-no answer, I would. If I decide to officially discontinue the story, I will stand by what I said in my Discord and post my notes and my original plan. That way, you all can at least have some closure and see what was going to happen and how the fanfic ends.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and for supporting CP! :)
- EA
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literatigifs · 4 years
anonymous asked: What's your opinion on - Jess is perfect as a person/character/for you but Logan is perfect for Rory. I feel a lot of it comes from a place of -Rory is so bad that she deserves (punishment) to be Logan instead of Logan is really perfect for Rory.
I think that people that usually say this are either Rory/Logan fans or like you mentioned, think that Rory is bad or is a "rich spoiled brat" and that Logan is better for her because he's also like that. But that's the thing, Rory isn't a rich spoiled brat, at least not in the way that Logan is and never will be. Rory does hold privilege because of her rich grandparents, but she never indulges in it or uses it to her advantage the same way Logan constantly has with his family's wealth. The biggest moments where Rory uses their money is mainly for her education (Chilton and Yale), and even the jobs that she gets are never really because of their help or connections. Sure, they want Rory to know people because connections always help, but throughout the later half of the show you never see Rory strictly get something because she knew someone from her grandparents. Even Mitchum's offer for the internship had more to do with the bad dinner she was at with Logan and his family than him knowing Richard and Emily.
I also feel like people really want to hate Rory and consider her self-centered because she's........a main character in a show that's about her and her mom? Pretty much half of the arguments against her are practically because she IS a main character, therefore it's logical that she would spend her time living her life and we would see that instead of her worshipping the ground Paris walked on or agreeing with everything any of her boyfriends do. And they think that their perception of Rory is accurate so they believe that Logan is 'perfect' for her because they believe she's a bad person like him, when in reality the show always made sure to note on how Logan's presence in her life wasn't always a good thing. And even the people that love them that use arguments like "Logan would support her and her job and travelling abroad he's a worldly guy" are kind of wrong since when the time DID come for Logan to support Rory and the start of her career in season 7, he broke up with her instead because she didn't want to marry him and move to where he would be located. That pretty much says it all for me when it comes to how much Logan would actually support her. Even in the revival, her staying with him is because of her job, yes, but they're also engaging in an affair, and once she isn't able to stay there because he forgot to mention that his fiancee has moved in, he tries to be dismissive about it and then basically offers her to stay at one of his houses like something he's supposed to continue hiding. Personally no amount of rose-tinted glasses is gonna make me think that this is ok, especially when Rory always tried for their relationship to succeed and Logan gives up when it doesn't go the way he wants it to in the long run. And it's basically why I don't consider this argument valid (that Logan is perfect for her) because even in the 'lowest' moments that they were both in, Rory was more respectful of his choice to continue getting married by breaking the affair off twice herself, whereas Logan seemed fine to want to continue it.
When it comes to the Jess thing, I mainly hate it because it's such a ridiculous argument that basically boils down to "Rory is horrible so she deserves a horrible person that doesn't even treat her with the same respect that she treats him, instead of this guy whom she has had good moments with and potentially could be involved in". I've also seen that many people love to be dismissive about anyone that likes Rory with Jess by saying that they're using her as a self-insert when.........A LOT of the Logan fans I've seen love to project onto Rory and then call her a bitch for not accepting his proposal. People using a female character to project onto for the sake of their love interest is really not something that just happens with one guy when it comes to Rory's love life, and this happens so often that Rory ends up being the person everyone shits on because apparently ALL the guys were actually Great! It was that dumb Rory that ruined everything! (Sarcasm but not really because a lot of the most popular youtube comments you can find on videos about the boyfriends say this).
Personally I just hate those kinds of comments because people think they're being big brained about the whole situation when really they're just coming off as condescending. You can just easily admit that you want some form of "rich brats" variety with Rory/Logan (which is funny since they don't even do that sort of thing all the time and the few times that they do, it's Logan doing it and Rory just following along) without acting like you're accurately interpreting the show. And others that just don't think Rory "deserves" Jess really need to understand the fact that it's never about someone deserving another person. I mean if I had to rate their first relationship like that, it's obvious that Jess didn't really "deserve" Rory either, but she still cared about him and wanted to be with him. I can't go into why this kind of rhetoric is extremely bad when it comes to considering actual relationships but for this show specifically, it's just bad to go with this kind of logic because it's literally fictional. There's no grander point about how actually, this character "deserves" to be with that one for these unidentified reasons, it literally just shows why a relationship can't be for valid reasons.
And to finish this off, Rory isn't irredeemable. She repeated some mistakes and ended up pregnant, she didn't go on a killing spree and was then unapologetic about it. Like I'm sorry but if you're perfectly content to thirst after and even defend male characters that just straight up kill people with no remorse or publicly shame women because they broke up with them, then I think you can be capable of at least allowing Rory some form of space to fuck up. Rory doesn't even deserve someone else based solely on how much more she should suffer or not, mainly because even throughout the revival it's clear that she IS having issues with what she's doing, she's not just going on about it expecting everything to fall into place while having an affair with someone. Frankly I feel like even the revival "punished" her enough: she's back with living in Stars Hollow and has to have a baby now because the show demands her to. You really aren't doing much of anything if you say that she deserves to continue being treated like some dirty secret by Logan.
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