#i know there is no confirmation of that but i could v easily believe that
waldensblog · 1 year
I’m going to assume that age in the Grishaverse kinda works like cat years in the sense that “17″ might be the equivalent to our “21″ or something because I truly cannot suspend my disbelief enough to accept the Crows as 16-18 year olds as those ages correspond IRL. Their life experiences, behaviour, the way others interact with them... no, it doesn’t read like that. Evidently what is considered an “adult” in Ketterdam is much younger than for us.
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thebreakfastgenie · 8 months
It is extremely disturbing how many posts I see claiming that Roe v. Wade was overturned on Biden's watch and blaming him and the Democratic Party for it. It's disturbing on a number of levels.
First, it was Trump and Bush-appointed justices who handed down the Dobbs decision. This is a flagrant example of blaming Democrats for things Republicans did, and not coincidentally is one of the the most widely felt differences between the two parties. As a result, it's usually the first example Democrats and their allies point to; this misappropriation suggests a deliberate attempt to undercut that fact.
Secondly, and related to the first point, it obfuscates who the real enemy is, and I am comfortable using word "enemy" to describe the Republican Party because of the policies they advocate and enact. The truth is that states controlled by the Republican Party were where the effects of Dobbs are most severely felt, while states controlled by the Democratic Party are passing laws to protect abortion. It is important to know which party opposes abortion and which party supports it. If the Republicans gain control of the House, Senate, and White House, they will pass a national abortion ban, as they have done at the state level in several places.
Thirdly, blaming Biden for Dobbs demonstrates a very concerning lack of understanding of how the government functions. The judiciary is its own branch of government; judges are appointed by the president and confirmed by the senate. It doesn't matter who is president when a decision is handed down, it matters who was president when the justices were appointed. People sometimes react to this by moving the goalposts and claiming the real issue was a failure by Democrats to "codify" Roe v. Wade. I am not sure what "codify" means in this context, and I'm not sure they are either. One thing it does not mean is that congress can pass a law saying "abortion is legal forever." Republicans could easily repeal such a law and it the federal government cannot necessarily prevent states from restricting abortion at the state level. Roe v. Wade was a ruling stating that the constitution guaranteed a right to privacy, which included the right to have an abortion. This prevented abortion restrictions in a way federal law cannot. That doesn't mean passing federal law protecting abortion is a bad idea, but it isn't a foolproof protection. It's fair to argue that the Democratic Party and the left of center generally were complacent about abortion. The form of this complacency was not taking the courts seriously, while the right spent fifty years openly filling the courts with anti-abortion judges.
The last thing that worries me is that this is popping up phrased almost the exact same way all over the place. I am afraid that it is not merely incompetence, but intentional misinformation, that is then repeated by the incompetent who believe it.
I know some will probably dismiss this post as being from a "vote harder" liberal Biden supporter, but whatever your feelings about Biden, the Democratic Party, or the democratic process in the U.S., you should care about the truth. The truth is that Roe v. Wade was overturned by Republican-appointed judges and abortion bans are being enacted by Republican elected officials, and Joe Biden opposes these things. You can do with that information whatever you wish, but you denying it is dishonest.
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allurilove · 5 months
Yandere Husband x you
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Rated 18 + — mature short content !
Includes: possessive behavior, manipulation, pregnancy/ baby trapping, cunnilingus, fem reader, p in v sex, dry humping, stalking, he’s a very deceptive man
*Thank you to everyone who enjoyed my last post of yan!husband 😭🩵 This is a continuation off of my last post, and he’s only referred to as “your husband.” his only existence is to be obsessed with the reader, and without you, he ceases to exist. Here is the third part! This is purely fictional writing!*
Synopsis: Your husband is over the moon. He infiltrated your life, and he will make sure you never forget it. His obsession love for you is taken to new heights, a newest edition blessing your family.
You hated being pregnant as much as you hated being lied too. After learning he’s been stalking you, and purposefully feeding you lies about your whole interactions just being “fate,” he finds ways to make you forgive him.
What a fucking creep. Your husband thought as he watched the realtor get too handsy with you. Actually, everyone was trying to put their hands on you. You were carrying his baby, but others would put their hand on your stomach, acting as if it was theirs. He stiffened as the realtor tried to make a lame joke about the master bedroom.
He automatically appeared by your side, removing the realtors hands on your baby bump. He was in a bad mood the whole entire day. When you two go back home, he pulled you to the bedroom. He’s more careful with your body now, and he gently pushed you down onto the bed. He crawled next to you.
His arms wrapped around you possessively, his face digging into your neck, and you hear him whisper sweet things into your skin. He pressed kisses onto your shoulder, his hands wandering around your body before he groped at your chest.
You’ve gained weight, which was natural and just a part of the process. He loved to fondle your thighs, and his hands start to move upwards. Your husband slipped his hand underneath your dress, his hands touching your inner thigh and near your warmth. He was always the big spoon, loving how you feel in his arms.
“Oh dear…” Your husband whispered in delight, his eyes glancing down to see his hardened dick.
Your husband would always be erect around you, his hands revealing your plump ass to him and he gently smacked it. You scoff and push him away. You still haven’t forgotten…. you thought you found a friend, a guy to talk to about your stresses and worries in life. But he was the perpetrator.
“I said I was sorry…” Your husband frowned. “You sure know how to hold a grudge…”
When you shoot him a glare and make it clear you were still upset, he raised his hands in surrender. “Alright… let me make it up to you.”
Your husband pulled your legs apart, and his hands automatically went for your panties.
You remember a time when he first went down on you. You were in a vulnerable position at the time, as you ran and ran from your stalker, however you couldn’t help feel a bit of happiness. This was a confirmation that you weren’t hallucinating, and all of your friends that didn’t believe you, could suck it. But it also meant you weren’t just delusional, and someone was actually following you. Fatigue settled into your body, and you rested on the wall as you try to catch your breath.
Your husband, who was just a friend at the time, conveniently was walking past. He looked worried, and he feigned innocence when he pretended that he didn’t see a man following you. He walked you back home that night, and he got you so comfortable around him- that his fingers were easily slipping inside you. His tongue lapping up any juices that flowed out of you, and he pressed kisses on your folds.
He was a vessel of safety, and at the time you thought you would be fine for awhile. Completely unaware that your stalker was now sleeping in the same bed as you.
Your husband moaned as his mouth latched onto your cunt, his hands now trailing upwards to feel your stomach. His heart fluttered, and his mind was plagued of ways to keep you by his side forever. Spilling his seed inside you was one thing, and marrying you was another… but he needed something more binding.
He was a bit afraid of hurting the baby, and he always tried different ways of pleasing you than using his dick. He pulled down his pants and he lowered his hips, just enough to be rubbing against your wet core. You feel the soft fabric of his boxers touching your clit, and his lips connect with yours. You can taste yourself on his tongue.
You remember the time when you found out you were pregnant. You were suddenly sick, and your husband was by your side, just mindlessly playing with your tits. He did that often as he read his newspapers, his hand would crawl underneath your shirt, and his excuse was that he just needs something to fondle. That was when you found out he was not who he said he was. That the times he “bumped” into you, was him finding out your schedule, your routine, and months of stalking.
“What are you thinking about, hmm?” Your husband whispered in your ear, one of his hand grabbed onto your ass to help you follow his rhythm. He continues to grind himself onto you, his other hand playing with your hair.
“What will it take for you to forgive me?”
“Will it help if you hit me?” Your husband scoffed as you screamed at him for hours. You cried your heart out, and the person you loved at the time, was the reason for your paranoia. You can still feel his kisses on your neck, the way he pulled your clothes off, and when he bent you over on the dresser, you couldn’t move. His body was smushed right against yours, he humiliated you, made you feel desperate for release, and made your toes curl.
As he fucked you from behind, he forced you to look at yourself in the mirror. The way drool dribbled down your mouth as you let out silent screams, your eyes rolling back as his thrusts were hard, and demanding submission. You despised him, the way he puts his hands on you, and the way he made you cum.
“…You’re crying..?” Your husband was stumped as tears welled up in your eyes and you started to sniffle. “Because of me?”
You’re tired of him trying to make it up to you. If he really wanted too, he would’ve came clean long time ago and go to jail for fucks sake. You feel his eyes zero in on your tears, watching it dribble down to your chin, and out of curiosity he licked them. He kisses your cheeks and he wraps his arms around you again. You feel suffocated having him on top of you, and you wish someone would take pity on you and take you away.
“I’m sorry.”
You’ve heard it countless of times, each meaningless and empty.
Allure: Sorry that this took awhile! I had to redo this a couple of times, and I wasn’t sure what to write really.
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woso-dreamzzz · 6 months
Breakfast V
Ellie Carpenter x Daniëlle van de Donk x Child!Reader
Summary: You get hurt
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Ellie didn't know what could constitute picking you up from Lindsey's in the middle of date night but all she knew was one minute she was going to the bathroom and the next Daan was running in saying that they had to leave.
You're in tears when she and Daan get there, sitting on Lindsey's sofa as you sob.
You've got one hell of a black eye. It was practically swelled shut and you were cradling your right wrist, keeping it close to your body as you cry.
"Mamma," You cry, reaching out your good hand for Daan," Het doet pijn (it hurts)."
Ellie has no idea what you're saying but she gets the general gist of it as Daan inspects you.
"What the hell happened?!" She demands.
"She slipped!" Lindsey replies, throwing her arms up as if to defend herself," Down the stairs! It was an accident!"
Ellie wants to scream at Lindsey for not watching you properly but settles on bringing the first aid kit over to Daan so she could wrap your wrist.
It doesn't look too bad, just a little sensitive but Ellie still knows you'll be going straight to the doctor tomorrow morning to get it checked out properly.
She knows you're okay (at least, she knows that it's not worth a hospital visit) but it doesn't stop Ellie from shoulder checking Lindsey on the way out.
Daan sits in the back with you on the way home and you curl into her so easily that Ellie imagines that's what you used to do when you were younger and still living in London.
You're exclusively speaking Dutch as well which is something Ellie barely has a grasp on besides the basics.
Frankly, this is all freaking her out. Not your injuries, Ellie can deal with that but just how distraught and emotional you are. She's never seen you like this before, curled up on Daan's lap like the little kid you actually are.
You wipe your nose on Daan's shirt and she doesn't even blink, gently stroking your back and whispering to you in equally soft Dutch.
"Mijn oog doet pijn en mijn pols (my eye hurts and my wrist)," You say as Daan inspects you again.
Your eye is looking better now that you've gotten home and kept an ice pack pressed against it. The swelling has mostly gone down so you can open and close it again but it's still turning a purplish colour.
Your wrist didn't seem sprained or broken either, just sensitive so hopefully sleeping in the bandage tonight will stave off the worst of it and the trip to the doctors will confirm that.
"Sorry dat ik date night onderbrak (sorry for interrupting date night)."
Mamma just shakes her head, pulling you even closer to her. "Nee, verontschuldig je niet. Het was een ongeluk. Je hoeft je nergens voor te verontschuldigen (no, don't apologise. It was an accident. You have nothing to apologise for)."
You don't quite believe her but Mamma doesn't lie to you so you have to take her word for it.
Her arms around you are warm and safe and you're tucked securely under her chin where nothing bad can happen to you.
"Mamma," You say," Ik denk niet dat ik morgen naar turnen kan gaan (I don't think I can go to gymnastics tomorrow)."
Whatever you say has a little bubble of laughter exit Daan's mouth and Ellie relaxes considerably. She's been completely lost for most of the conversation but Daan doesn't seem too worried with what you're saying so she relaxes.
She stays on the edges though, hovering. She isn't quite sure what she's meant to do.
Sure, she and Daan are getting married and, sure, she's got adoption papers that are being filed after the wedding but she's never been in a situation like this.
Ellie isn't sure if she's overstepping by coming into the little bubble of comfort that you've created with Daan. She's not exactly sure of the procedure for this kind of thing.
You seem to know though.
You catch Ellie standing there from the corner of your eyes and you put a hand over Daan's shoulder to reach for her.
"Mum," You whine," Mum."
Ellie's body moves on auto-pilot, her hand capturing your own as she sits next to Daan, squished up against you both as close as she can get. Her brain doesn't even realise what you've called her.
It all seems so natural, to you and to her.
There's no reason to make a big thing about it. It was always going to happen eventually.
You move from Daan to Ellie, wiggling in her lap for a moment before going almost completely limp, like you were sleeping but Ellie knew you weren't.
You curled into Ellie like how you curled into Daan, completely relaxed and boneless.
"Mag ik bij jou en Mum in bed slapen (can I sleep in bed with you and Mum)?" You ask Mamma.
"I think that can be arranged."
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ragequeen94 · 2 months
An absolute insane stream of consciousness about ghost and everything else...
Been thinking about the title "Emeritus"....
It has meaning:
- a person retired from professional life but permitted to retain as an honorary title the rank of the last office held.
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....Now I'm assuming the ministry works how the actual catholic church works and the choose a name. Like when your picked to be pope you pick a biblical name instead of your real name....
Their real names being... primo, secondo, etc.... and in assuming those are first names unless Nihil was able to find women with numerical last names IN ORDER all willing to having his satanic church bastards. Which for him seems possible but I digress.
It just seems like an interesting choice of title. (Especially for a wild little sweed) and what he was trying to say... perhaps just that they are "past their prime"? They have the title only because they are old?
Also thinking about the usage of "bloodline"... now we all think it's because of Nihil and his breeding fetish. Which may be true. But I'd like to bring up the secondo Papaganda where the "special ghoul" is talking about Secondo and the bloodline...
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We can pretend that in this universe, those characters are... real? Easy. Or perhaps they are all "choosen" perhaps the bloodline actually being more children chosen by darkness? Or the devil? Now the three confirmed brothers and now also Copia are all Nihil children, we are about to get Papa V... and is realistic to believe it's Copias twin (also because his name is literally copy in italian) but a copy of who? The only other character could be .... Father Jim??
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I'm 100% sure that his name was picked for this reason... but is he being dethroned? Is he dethroning?? We don't know much besides that he's kind of a shit priest and uses cum as hair gell....
And that all other Papas have been dethroned as well for also not being good at their jobs. Interesting. Maybe a comment on hypocrisy with the satanic church having higher standards for leadership??
Also Copia is Imperator now...
Which literally means commander. But commander only lead armies... they aren't kings or emperors and even Sister Imperator was answering the phone to someone she was respectful and obedient too. (See that one chapter when nihil was on the toilet)... I'm pretty sure it wasn't Psaltarian.... but what does that name mean??
My best guess is either someone who documents OR
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Which is basically a kinda early guitar.... so hes... the band manager??
I don't think he's running the church. So there are way more characters and story to uncover.
What I can say I at this point... we know absolutely nothing and nothing makes sense.
Fuckin... since we know copia is Imperator and Nihils kid and he's the youngest... and Secondo and Terzo are 3 months apart and can't have the same mother.... Nihil had had 3 children with a minimum of 2 other women already by the time he met Imperator.
And let's pretend everything we see in the MV and the chapters is canon legit. Nihil was a little unsure of what was going on at the party... but that doesn't mean he wasn't already part of the church. We know that Ghost is just the public relations section of the ministry. Not THE MINISTRY... they are important but one one piece. They are the face or figure head. Which is pretty much said word for word. PAPA STILL ANSWERS TO A HIGHER POWER. Who or what we don't know.
Nihil and his father (and his fathers father, his father... his father... hid father's father's father... his father) are all part of the bloodline. All this means is that they are related or choosen by... the devil? That Dracula and the Canadian guy who wrote "Hallelujah" are related??
Or that all of these characters/people are entertainers.
Is the ministry just a record label? Each papa a musician trying to make it?? It's all a metaphor for stardom?? Probably.
Basically papa nihil could have easily been part of the church before he met Imperator. She just got him involved in the ghost project (her project by the sound of it). Then when it fell through got nihils kids involved... cause... why. We don't know.
We have Nihil who is... nothing.
Psaltarian that... writer? Manager?
Imperator the commander.
Defroque the cum guzzling priest.
And the Papas who are all already passed their prime?? but they picked the name.
But nihil wasn't an Emeritus.
Unless nihil was the name he picked and we don't even know his name... and he named his kidd first second and third cause he thought it was funny.
Also it's 100% that Imperator named Copia.
Is he a copy of his twin (or just a copy in general) or is he a copy of his father? Or of her????
Please dear fucking unholy shit can someone hyperfixate with me....
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jokeroutsubs · 1 year
Nace Jordan on the cover of Slovenian tabloid Lady (22 February 2023)
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Nace Jordan from the band Joker Out
"They even impressed grandma Marija"
Nace Jordan is not a new name on the Slovenian music scene, as his bass guitar can be heard in many songs by various music artists, and we also spent some time with him on the entertainment show 'V Petek Zvečer' (On Friday Night). But he, of course, is having the time of his life since he became an indispensable member of the hottest music band in Slovenia at the moment, our Eurovision representatives, Joker Out.
"The rest of the guys tell me that I can just chill and be happy because I joined them now when they're having the best of times," says Nace Jordan, who can't hide his excitement about becoming a member of Joker Out. "I'm very positive by nature and I find something good in everything, and coming into the band is definitely one of the best things that has happened to me." He also feels a little troubled about it, though. "What if someone says that now that Nace has come into the group, it's going downhill. You never know, that's just how I think," he says self-critically, but he has nothing to fear. Bojan Cvjetičanin, the singer of the group, knew who he was calling when he invited him for a coffee. "Having jumped into some bands before as a substitute, I knew it could be very difficult. Especially if there are some disagreements in the band. So I first asked Bojan if they had had a fight. And him confirming to me that they didn't was the decisive factor that made me accept the invitation," says the 28-year-old from Kranj.
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Caption 1: Nace Jordan is the newest and the oldest member of the band Joker Out.
From dreams to reality
Nace joined the band with a wealth of musical experience, as the description of his work states that he is a musician, bassist and producer. But he started -like most young people- with the dream of becoming a singer. "I loved to sing when I was little and I always said I would be a singer when I grew up. Then my cousin, Miha Zore, also a musician, inspired me to pick up the guitar for the first time.
At home, they didn't want to buy it for him because they were convinced that his first enthusiasm would soon pass. Then he found his mother's old guitar at his grandmother's house, and he practised so hard that his parents relented. However, he switched to bass guitar quite early on, because he realised that there was a shortage of bass guitarists in this country. He says he is self-taught, but he has had some very good mentors, including Primož Grašič, Matej Hotek and Englishman Scott Devine, who has one of the biggest bassist schools on YouTube today. There are also his musical friends Denis Beganović - Kiki, a renowned multi-instrumentalist from the Primorska region, who played with Magnifico for a long time, and his drummer colleagues David Morgan, who plays with Avtomobili, and Anže Langus, who he says believed in him, supported him and opened many doors for him. "I'm grateful to all of them for passing on their knowledge and encouraging me," he says modestly, adding that he also had a hand in writing down the tunes. "That's why they call me a musical jukebox. I am lucky that I learn a tune quickly and remember it quickly. Today, for example, I still know all 200 songs, including quite a few German shlager songs, that I played on a cruise ship one summer, by heart."
Nace earned his first real money from music when he went to play on a cruise ship at the age of 18. "At a jam session in Kranj, I met musicians who told me about working on the ship. I auditioned and was selected. We then cruised the Baltic with Maja Založnik and others and played," he says, easily recalling those days. It is much harder when he has to remember all the musicians he later worked with as a bassist. "I have fond memories of working with Katarina Mala. I loved playing with Samuel Lucas and his band. I accompanied Nina Pušlar a few times. I consider it an honour to have worked with Elda Viler. And I could go on and on." But he prefers to stop, because he really doesn't want to forget anyone, and he admits that he will miss his musical friends from V petek zvečer (On Friday Night), with whom he had a great time for two years. He is now saying goodbye to them, as he would not be able to bear being on two ends at the same time. At the same time as saying goodbye to the show, he is also saying goodbye to the hat that has been his trademark for many years. "I put that hat on my head for the first time in 2013 and people liked it so much that they kept asking me about it. Then it started annoying me because I realised that people thought I was bald. So I took it off, because I have a fine haircut," he explains with a laugh, running his fingers through his hair.
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Caption 2: "The real passion is not the music, it's the people you make it with, play it with. And that's what I've got now," says the satisfied Kranj inhabitant. PHOTO: Primož Lavre
Night jogging
As befits a true Gorenjska inhabitant, Nace also likes to ski, but this winter that is not an option. "Just recently, Bojan and I, who is a keen snowboarder like me, were talking about how good it would be to go skiing. But we really can't afford it this year, because it would be unwise to get injured before Eurovision," he says. He still has some sporting activities to do despite Eurovision. "Apart from skiing, I really like swimming, badminton and running. The latter is still the one I do the most, but I'm probably the funniest runner in the world. I'm the slowest and the latest. I like to run between 11 p.m. and midnight. This stayed with me from the days when I was much heavier, and I felt awkward running in the daytime. But I really enjoy running," he admits. Since he's sculpted his physique, he also enjoys looking in the mirror. Nace finds it easy to talk about the period when he was chubby, but he prefers to explain that he feels much better since he started to pay attention to his diet due to health problems. "When I started to watch what I ate, the weight just melted off. I found a lot of useful things online and I've put together a lunch menu of seven dishes that I really like." Nace mostly cooks for himself, but he is also very grateful to his mother Darja for helping him now that he is busy. Even though they have not always been enthusiastic about his musical pursuits, his family has always been there for him. "I listened to them for a long time, wondering 'When will our Nace find a job?', but now I know they are happy for me. They see that I enjoy what I do, that it's such a big part of me that I can't do without it. And just the other day at lunch, my grandmother Marija said: 'Well, now we're going to have a celebrity in the family too?'" he tells, laughing.
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Caption 3: He enjoys being on stage because he is always 100% ready to perform.
Article by: Simona Dakič Nemanič
Scans and translation by: @kurooscoffee
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bluginkgo · 6 months
Debunking Old Theories
As a fun way to see what was wrong and what was right, I decided to go back to all of my old theories and see which ones are the craziest XD
Spoilers duh, oh and gore warning? Kinda?
I mean... that scary *ss mother facking thing towards the end- you know what I'm talking about if you watched the ep 😅
This theory was me going into a long chat about who the double x'ed eyed person could be on the poster that was teased waaaay back when. Although I did not out right say who it could have possibly been, I did notice I had some interesting thoughts going on.
"What if the double x'ed character is someone we already know... but is dead? A character that is confirmed/somewhat confirmed to be dead can return back to life, and their body forced to move by the absolute solver."
So the idea was sort of there. That the solver basically took the body of someone presumed dead and forced it to move.
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I suppose it kind of works. Tessa, at this point, seems very much so dead. And her skin was used to get a drone through the security system.
This theory was made in a random fit of craziness I think. And basically talked about how Uzi's admin program could allow for DDs to tap into the Absolute Solver powers without becoming fully corrupted (based off of @/jazzstarrlight's concept art). Thus, turning into Uzi and Doll with solver powers. Although this might happen in ep8, I'm highly doubtful. But I was right about this:
"Uzi did SOMETHING, who knows what at this point, but her switching the admin program is important. Given that N and V haven't turned into the gooey flesh monsters quite yet like we see in Home, I'd say absolute solver string is still blocked to a certain degree."
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And sure enough, the admin program holds out. Preventing the Absolute Solver to corrupt DDs and force them to become mindless murder drones that they were back on Earth.
This theory was taking a jab at the figure we saw in ep4.
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And I attempted to reason as to who made the image. First shot was Doll, and that's a hard no lol. Second shot was the double X'ed person and well...
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I guess I was right? The thing that Tessa is now, is just a solver drone wearing human skin. And she has all the solver drone powers, being able to call forth the claws and teleportation powers seen with the Absolute Solver. So for her to create the image, or it IS the entity wearing Tessa's skin, is not too far fetched. @brookiedaaroacecookie I saw your tag, and realized I had attempted something similar a very long time ago... 😅
This theory had me going crazy over solver's laughter. Easily debunked. It was aesthetic choice. Also the line "Hahahaha, thanks for giving me the planet. Fricking idiot." Never made it into ep7, but I will not put it past Liam to use this in ep8 instead! Addressing either N or Uzi.
N: Thanks for giving me yet another planet. You unintentionally lead Uzi straight into her demise, and thus set off the second core collapse.
Uzi: Thanks for giving me the planet. You dummy who jumped in to sacrifice yourself and save N.
This theory had me going in to how Tessa was suspicious. Debunk this little sh*t real quick, most of this was wrong :3 J was sent out to "mind the ship" to destroy the escape pod that Uzi has been working on. It's still unclear to me whether J is siding with Tessa entity because she believes that's the true Tessa, or simply because she knows that it is the Absolute Solver wearing skin of a human. Something I did notice as well was I mentioned Tessa's hand injury. It never came up in this episode. But you know what my crazy brain did? Made another theory!
So the Absolute Solver did tell Tessa "You will not have to discard your pets, and I will not discard you." But hang on a second. The Absolute Solver appears to have skinned Tessa and used her, how is this not discarding? To back this up a little, the solver did in fact keep its promise. It allowed the main DD trio to keep their personalities. The "pets" were not discarded. Now as for Tessa, she was not discarded either- Ginkgo you crazy idiot, she's dead, that's her skin. But that's exactly it. The Absolute Solver, like any good villain, is capable to playing with words. It never specified what "discarding" meant, or to what degree. Just like with the DDs, Tessa was also not discarded. She was repurposed. Her skin used to further the Absolute Solver's plans just like the DDs were. Could I be wrong and could this skin actually not be Tessa? Sure, there's always that chance! But with how Tessa entity looked and acted, I'll stick by the idea that she's very much dead.
Back to the hand injury though, here's the theory I came up with. The Absolute Solver may or may not have kept Tessa alive post the gala massacre.
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After all, the image is still redacted, and we do not know if by then the solver already had used her to create the monstrosity that is 1001. But if the solver did keep her alive, it kept its promise. Tessa was not discarded. But perhaps a condition of hers caused her body to slowly wither away. In a fit of fear, she might have gone to the solver for help. So the solver gave her purpose. Crazy idea? Yup, nothing new here XD
This theory is also very out there XD The summary of it is that I believe Cyn is on the good side. Because why send out DDs with a way of blocking out the Absolute Solver instead of fully corrupting them? Why send out DDs to a hub that had two very powerful solver drones? I'll put this theory to rest I believe. Because at this point, Cyn appears to be very much so dead. Whatever corporal body she may have had back at the manor is now gone, basing it off of the massacre that was on Earth. Another quote that made me realize that this was all just the Absolute Solver playing around was this:
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N was the main reason that the Absolute Solver allowed the DD trio to keep their personalities. This means that the administration CYN was in place to keep the solver from corrupting the trio just to keep their personalities. All of this just because the solver enjoyed watching the trio run around believing like they can do something to fix this huge mess. Now, are there chances of Cyn still reappearing and helping the gang? Sure! I don't see why not. And I'll be pleasantly surprised if Liam does pull that route.
This theory has Cyn! To summarize this one, I basically took another attempt on figuring out how Liam's drawing of Cyn in the sea of red could be relevant. Of course, it did not show up this time around, but I noticed a couple things that I said kind of lined up.
"I can imagine it, N and Uzi fighting whatever the thing is in the Cabin Fever labs. Uzi somehow ends up either being knocked out or full possession occurs, either way, her subconsciousness is transported into this realm of red." Well uhh...
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Not quite red... but somewhere!
"This might be the place where all the hosts' minds connect- the hive mind/cloud based system. Here, Uzi might meet Cyn and even Nori- I know I'm stretching it, but this is just me rambling my own thoughts. And keeping on with my belief in good Cyn theory, Cyn might help Uzi out. She might tell Uzi the origin of the absolute solver- how the AI error came about. Uzi might end up chatting with Cyn or directly with the Absolute Solver, all the while her body is posessed by the said Absolute Solver. She'd be going on another rampage, probably fighting N."
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So we do find that Nori is still in fact alive, though after getting punted like a ball into the Absolute Solver hole, I'm not quite sure. XD But I will keep this theory for ep8 for now. The idea that Cyn's mind may connect and chat with Uzi is still quite appealing to me. And well, I guess Uzi did fight with N. And I will keep that theory too and simply carry it over to ep8. We know the last mural is of N, and he will most likely be fighting the very last Absolute Solver form. Uzi's consciousness may connect with that form and work together with N from the inside to get rid of the solver on Copper-9 for good.
This theory had me going crazy about Uzi's core. Because up until now, we don't really get to see her core very well. Perhaps its the design, but at times when the angles are right, we ought to see the WD hat picture poking through... but we don't. There's two routes from here still:
Either its just an animation detail that is unimportant. This is just simply how she was designed
Something is still hiding there. This one, I'm quickly losing faith on. Because when we saw Nori, her symbol was normal- turned yellow when possessed of course, but that is understandable. There was nothing that was off about Nori, Yeva, or Doll and their cores. I do not see how Uzi's core will be any different. Instead, I wanna know WHAT THE FACK THIS IS XD
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This theory was a chat about Tessa's three ships. And this one still stumps me. Because Tessa was there for the sole purpose of getting down into the lab, finding out how many more of the hosts were left, kill them, get the crucifix, destroy it, and maybe send Copper-9 off into another core collapse. If that's the case, and with how she has been engineered... WHY DOES SHE NEED THREE SHIPS??? Most of them were filled with junk, unless they do hold something important that we have yet to see. For now, this one is gonna be burning in the back. Because this was either a diversion and a way to make us believe that this Tessa may have been real, or they actually serve a purpose.
This theory was regarding the teaser and how maybe Uzi would have to go through an exorcism. Ahahaha, yeah, so there was exorcism! IN FORM OF SLAPS FROM NORI XD and uhhh... a "sacrifice" on Uzi's part ;w;
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This theory was on the teaser that was released. And it is this one that will be the most FUN to gut >:3
First, the corridor with the sentinels never made it into the actual episode. Which makes me leave V as MIA still. Delusional? Perhaps, most likely. But like I said. I will not call her dead until I see a body or an eldrich version of her. The one that was in the cathedral was a mere hologram.
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Concerned N... AHAHAHAHAHH I WAS SO WRONG LET'S GO!!! N was very upset, yes, but not about something he saw ahead, but about something the gang left BEHIND: V. That entire scene is gonna be on my mind for a bit too long.
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The vortex around the cathedral took place during the flashback scene... but still doesn't really explain why there's RAIN in a CAVE. But oh well XD
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So I was somewhat right about the sequence of events with "Dr. Chambers" and Uzi watching the tape. More so on the fact that whatever Uzi watched on the tape made her solver go haywire.
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Welp, Tessa did help Uzi in this scene ;w; My poor soul, the NUzi angst is delicious but dangit it's still angst.
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And I was wrong about Khan being there... KIND OF. Cause he still showed up XD But yes, the gravity did take a quick break because the Absolute Solver in the core is starting to act out.
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Feral N was not killing Nori, at least not in this scene XD Man, that entire sequence had my jaw on the floor. It was amazing.
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Uzi's eye did burst, from strain of using the solver to... *sobs* protect from N's mindless rage and attempts to clear the elevator. ;w; UGH that scene is gonna be stuck with me for a long while.
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Well, the theory that Doll is fighting with Tessa did come true- but I also theorized using all the characters, so it wasn't quite fair.
Omg it's that math meme XD But hey, I had the Nori part! This was Nori and she was being contained in this manner because the new patch of the Absolute Solver was making her go haywire.
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And finally this theory. "Now, as for the crack theory: I think the absolute solver is now the center/core of copper-9."
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Well... Kind of I guess? But we don't get to see the extent of it. We simply shown how deep the hole truly is, and it can easily reach into the core of the planet. "But what if you take 10, or 50, or 100 corrupted cores and fuse them together? Sure, a single solver drone may not make that big of an impact, but we don't know how long the list of drones that were experimented on down in the labs was." Answer is at the very least 129 drones XD
Let me know if I missed any of my old theories. I've been doing nothing but typing out theories for the past 2 days straight. ;w; What hyper fixations do to you, am I right? XD But in all honesty, this was ridiculously fun. And kind of surprising that some of my stupid ideas did have bits and pieces that were right!
Want more of my stupid rambles? This has 3 other parts! ;w;
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tadpolejourney · 6 months
Day 3
I found a lute. Not a great one, but it plays in tune. Good enough for me. I already miss my guitar. I found a letter between lovers (on a corpse, quite tragically) that mentioned traveling to Baldur's Gate. It must be nearby. City of my cruel upbringing, my sorrows, my ire, and my ghosts. I'd rather go back to the Hells.
I also found the apparently renowned “Gale of Waterdeep”. Yes, he introduced himself to me with a title rather than his simple name. Already encountering some serious characters, or rather characters taking themselves very seriously. He's very intelligent and charming, but likely prone to arrogance which other people would (naturally) find off-putting. Despite the fact that I discovered him, as a supposedly adept wizard, stuck inside his own portal, he still had the audacity to call his rescuer 'unlettered'. Why bother to use manners if you're just going to insult people anyway? Annoyingly, I think he's quite handsome. Of course I'd never tell him so. His ego clearly needs deflating, not inflating. He could be projecting all that bravado to mask deep insecurity though. I can't tell yet. He wasn't the least bit judgy about me picking through crates, barrels, and corpses for useful items. And out of everyone I've met thus far he seems to be the most trustworthy. We'll see.
We encountered the githyanki woman snared in a trap by a pair of tieflings. I had to convince them that she was intelligent and not some thing to be trapped and killed as you would a wild animal. They were easily swayed and I freed her. Her name is Lae'zel. She mentioned a githyanki creche would hold a cure for our infection. She's grumpy, callous, and impatient, but she's extremely dependable in a fight. She seems too literal in her speech and truly believes in what she promises, which tells me she is not being deceptive. However, convictions do not always hold actual truths. Gale seemed intrigued by her, though I suppose anyone would be in this realm. I know I am.
A pale elf named Astarion lured me into a trap and held a knife to my throat. I've heard it's a great way to make friends, but I've never tried it myself. He's gorgeous, but assuredly deadly. Eyes of a predator. What I saw when our minds collided confirmed what I suspected. He was hunting something or someone. He was predictably coy when I asked him about himself. Claimed to be a magistrate. Yeah, and I'm a fucking queen back home. He's hiding a hell of a lot. Another alliance which I shall be extraordinarily wary of. I suspect my other allies will be on their guard around him as well, at least they should be.
We happened upon an old crypt. According to Gale it used to be dedicated to Jergal, Scribe of the Dead. I found a button, which is to say I immediately pushed a button I found. Turned out to be a trap. We were ambushed by skeletons, which we promptly dispatched. They were guarding a tomb with a peaceful mummified undead inside. He seemed to have premonitions about my fate, and said he could revive me or any of my 'companions' should one of us perish. He refused to elaborate on anything. Okay, weird skelly boy.
We camped at the crypt and there was an ornamental piano, filthy but miraculously still in tune. I annoyed Lae'zel, who called my music 'hellish screeching and clanging'. Clearly uncultured. Astarion and Gale spent the evening separately brooding. I didn't feel like singing, but it was nice to play for a while. I played through bits and pieces of what I've been putting together for Act V, and it sounds just fine to me. I hope I'll get to finish it.
Get this, all of my newfound allies have their fucking stuff. Bags of holding with tents and all the creature comforts you'd want for camping. I'm the only one without. Fuck my life.
I haven't seen Shadowheart yet. I wonder if she made it. No sign of the creature called Us either.
<<< Day 2 | Index | Day 4 >>>
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darlinggeorgiedear · 1 year
Hello 🥰 First of all your page is amazing and I love your page.I want to ask you a question.King George V was known to be a harsh and prescriptive father.But he was quite kind to his brides and grandchildren.My main question is who was King George V's favorite bride ? When he made a comparison, which one did he like more, or was he drowning in compliments ? Was there jealousy between the brides because of this love issue ? Dec. Could you please not offend me and answer my question 🤗Thank you very much😊
Hi! George V valued discipline and expected respect from his children, in response to his naval upbringing. In the navy (like most military branches) there is a strong emphasis on authority. George was the authority of his children, which they sometimes resented because they didn't want to do what he had planned (Duke of Kent being in the Navy was his father's wish).
Since he was not the authority figure over his daughter in laws or grandchildren, it makes sense that he was more relaxed. (I do believe he was often relaxed and loving with his children, but it is not false to say that his children resented him at some points, especially during periods when they were adults.)
I think if George had a favorite it would be the Queen Mother. Mainly because she was the only one he got to know. His other two sons who got married (Henry and George), did so 1-3 years before George V died, while the Queen Mother had been in the family for almost a decade.
He was actually very nervous about daughter in laws before any of his sons got married, since he didn't like the idea of someone new in his very tight knit family circle, which was very precious to him. Queen Mother was almost a God-sent for George V and his wife, Queen Mary. I think George liked her because she was traditional and charming. Mary appreciated how well she fit into the family, and especially liked how easily she got along with her George. I always think Mary got slightly tired of being the middle man between many people (especially her children) and her husband, and enjoyed being able to have another person around who could handle her husband. A great example of this is George being as tactless and opinionated as ever, told the Queen Mother that he didn't like her hairstyle (her fringe), and she responded with something like "Oh, sorry to hear that" and then continued on like nothing.
As I already wrote, Marina and Alice, married into the family very shortly before the King died, so they were not able to form much of a relationship with him. There are rumors about Queen Mother and Marina's relationship that showed jealousy, but this had nothing to do with Queen Mother's relationship with George V. When Bertie (George VI) inherited the throne, his brother George (Duke of Kent) was secretly critical. He didn't think his brother was up to the job and also thought his brother's wife was not up to be queen, mainly because she was not a born royal. In his defense, there is definitely a growing period with each monarch, and it's hard to not compare the new one with the old unfavorably. Marina apparently called Queen Mother (and Alice) those little Scottish girls (this rumor can't be confirmed, but since her husband had similar feelings I tend to be believe it).
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anxiouslowercase · 2 years
operation conceal
fandom: dc comics / supersons / shazam  warning: none summary:   Billy Batson would very much like to remind everyone that the wisdom of Solomon does not really hit when he's not in Champion form. Which means that of course he wasn't really thinking when, in order not to expose the secret mission they had been working on, he tells Batman and Superman that he's going out with their children. As in dating. Both of them.   notes:  I am a sucker for this trio, whether it be romantic or platonic, so when i saw this post I immediately felt the itch to write something. Just a couple of background hc/things to keep in mind before reading: Jon's the youngest of the trio, being one year younger than Billy and two and a half years younger than Damian, and Jon never aged up, he's been living through his childhood/adolesence normally. also shoutout to my dearest @achinghcarts, who always puts up with my ideas and gives any piece of writing her stamp of approval before they ever see the light of day   ||    ao3
>> DAMI: Batson.
>> DAMI: How did that come to happen? Whatever possessed you to come up with that?
>> Uhhh, guys, what's going on? >> Dami ur proper typing scares me
>> DAMI: What did you say, exactly?
>> BILLY: I'm really sorry Damian, I obviously didn't mean it!
>> Anyone wanna tell me whats up????
>> BILLY: I said >> BILLY: I told Batman I was taking you guys out on a date
Wait a minute - WHAT!?
Suddenly, Jon's entire face heats up as if he were standing directly under the sun, heart drumming loudly on his ears.
>> bdjshsb
>> DAMI: Are you aware of what I've had to endure, Batson? >> DAMI: Not only my father has been trying to talk to me about relationships, but he's also called Richard for advice. >> DAMI: His questioning and rambling has been relentless
>> BILLY: Look, I'm really, really sorry >> BILLY: Your father was staring me down with that Batman look, and the grave voice and !!! >> BILLY: I shotcircuited!!
>> Heck, u think he told my dad??? >> Hes been v weird i think he was trying 2 give me the talk
>> BILLY: Your dad showed up too, yeah
>> BILLY: He might have been hearing out for your name, idk, he >> BILLY: he kinda couldn't believe you hadnt told him you had a date
>> crud
>> DAMI: You could've said literally anything else. >> DAMI: ANYTHING!
>> BILLY: YEAH, NO SHIT SHERLOCK, I KNOW THAT >> BILLY: On the bright side, no one suspects anything???
Jon, who can easily picture the sheepish, slightly cheeky smile on Billy's face, can't help but snort. (And maybe blush a little.) (But that's not important.)
>> BILLY: I DON'T KNOW, DAMIAN, IT JUST HAPPENED, I DIDN'T PLAN FOR IT, ALRIGHT? >> BILLY: Yeah, it was embarrassing for everyone, yeah I fucked up, I did a stupid >> BILLY: We can move on, call it a joke or
>> DAMI: Well, it's too late for that
>> BILLY: ???
>> DAMI: I couldn't stay silent when I was confronted, could I? >> DAMI: Thanks for the heads up, Batson.
The youngest Kent isn't really sure where this is going, but he can still feel his pulse quickening in anticipation, nervousness. His fingers feel weird as he types.
>> What u mean dames???
>> DAMI: Well, I obviously had to play into it >> DAMI: I couldn't risk our cover being blown
>> BILLY: Sheesh, sorry Damian
>> DAMI: It's unbelievable I always have to solve your messes
>> hEY!!!
>> BILLY: Hey now! I said I didn't mean it!
>> wait buuuuuuut >> What does this mean then???
To be perfectly honest, Jon thinks he has an idea of what this means. But then again, he is self aware enough to know he could be... Well. Wishful thinking, if he had to be honest. (Not that he'd ever, ever confess that too anyone.) (Ever.) So, confirmation would be very much appreciated.
>> DAMI: I told father our date was satisfactory, so we'll have to get together and agree on a proper story before our next date.
Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no oh noooo. His cheeks are definitely on fire, heck, is his dad listening out for his heart right now?
>> BILLY: Uhhh... You wanna come home? I can kick Freddy out for a bit to talk
Billy seemed fine, like he wasn't panicking or having a heart attack, which was the route Jon had taken. It makes him feel even worse, much more awkward.
>> DAMI: Unfortunately, I don't trust we'll be able to keep the level of privacy we require to keep our cover a secret from our parents.
Damian also seemed super chill. Or, well, grumpy, really, but like a collected type of grumpy instead of the overly mad annoyed. If he has to be truly honest, he didn't expect less of him. (Of course that doesn't mean he's not yelling internally because HOW COME THEY ARE NOT CONCERNED IN THE SLIGHTEST!?)
>> DAMI: I think the fortress is our best bet >> DAMI: We'll meet tomorrow before my usual round of patrol
>> BILLY: it's a date, then? ;)
He knows it's a joke, but it feels like there's a hurricane in his stomach all the same.
>> DAMI: I will end you.
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takami-takami · 1 month
Hiya V! I completely relate with what you feel despite not having PTSD myself (at least, I think I don't have it). I get set off over the smallest things, like everyday sharp objects or injuries or when I hear a thud due to my history of SH.
It's scarier when I'm at work because it can be a bit more common. Then it spirals into the fear of not knowing how to respond professionally or appropriately in a scenario that I know will trigger me. And then the stress usually sticks to me and when I'm feeling extremely stressed (which happens really easily), I dissociate or sometimes see or hear things and may even believe that it's all a conspiracy against me.
Then it becomes a constant spiral and battle between my 'rational thoughts' and 'irrational worries', e.g. "why am I in this sector and be entrusted with people's well-being when I can't even trust myself with my own well-being?", "what if I 'snap' and do something that will damn my whole life?"
I don't have a fully effective advice. I'm still trying to figure it out myself and I'm still trying to push the mental health sector into acknowledging my concerns about me accidentally hurting vulnerable people around me (my constant fear and motivation to be assessed).
BUT what works for me is to remove yourself from that situation if you could such as taking a short break and doing something else. It works as a distraction from the constant spirals and should give a bit of reprieve. I find that talking about it with somebody you trust also really helps because they tend to understand or are familiar with your thought patterns and can help you break apart the cycling thoughts (like how my friends talk me out of delusions or can confirm facts for me or even help me recall any memory gaps).
I think that it is also worth noting that when you're in the field, you kind of become a different person(?). Like, when I do training and learning the protocols in theory involving triggering things I would feel whacked out yet when I encounter it in practice, I tend to be able to 'shut it down' temporarily until I believe I'm in a situation where I can freely react. I become more reliable and confident as a person when I'm at work.
I think that with your situation, you will encounter things that will trigger you but if you are in a work setting where there are vulnerable people that need you, you will find yourself being able to maintain composure one way or another. I also think that's why breaks are important because it gives you a safe environment to process and take care of yourself after spending time taking care and helping others.
So back to my sort of main point: take a breather. Pace yourself and the imposter syndrome may not go away fully but you are more likely to ignore that feeling as you gain more experience and when you are put in a situation where you need to inspire confidence around vulnerable people towards you.
Sorry if it doesn't make sense :(( it's a complicated feeling and it sucks that you feel such a thing but know that you're not alone and also thank you for talking about it because it helps others like me to feel like it's not just me
- 🪼 / Jellyfish
HI !!! waving!!!
I'm sorry you have to deal with the dreaded Spiral too, it can be intense, scary, and over time it can get exhausting when you're in it. Especially since triggers are like. Everywhere.
Thank you for saying the second part about entering a different headspace in work, because I agree with that! When I've done volunteering in social services in the past, it definitely is a "zone" you get into and I gotta remind myself of that.
Another 🫂 for good measure!
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dreamii-krybaby · 2 years
OK HOO BOI! Time to analyze EP3 of Murder Drones! Alongside speculations!
Also buckle up this going to be long and there going to be parts in this thing bc of how much I have to unpack here.
Ok so first thing first: The AS,The AS “gadgets” (Doll’s bracelet and Uzi’s Necklace) Doll,Yeva (Doll’s mom),Nori and Uzi.
So it seems that Yeva and Nori where indeed related,perhaps they were co-workers. Both were probably studying the AS,The Company and The DDs.
It seems that they weren’t the only ones behind this research,it seems that a lot of WDs worked on this “secret research organization” judging by Yeva’s ID card.
I personally think this SRO (secret research organization) was researching the AS and trying to use it to their advantage,maybe trying to figure it out and use it against the DDs and perhaps even humanity.
I also believe the SRO created these “AS gadgets” (Doll’s/Yeva’s bracelet and Uzi’s necklace)
Also the SRO symbol,the one found in the “AS gadgets” (the symbol which consists of a warning sign,has 2 triangles sticking out to the right side and warning symbol has a skull symbol on it instead of the typical “!” one) is eerily similar that of the DDs symbol,aka the skull symbol. But slightly different in art style.
And I believe we can see this SRO skull symbol on Doll’s house! It was painted on the wall and there are plenty of shots showing it.
And why do I think WDs where the head of this organization? Well I certainly believe the company (JCJENSON) is somehow connected to this organization but I doubt they were the ones to create it. This is also thanks to Yeva’s ID card:
Why would the company bother keeping these “rogue” WDs names?
Why would they let WDs keep their accessories? Like their clothing and hair? Especially their hair,since it was confirmed by Liam in a Reddit AMA, that WDs get their hair out of human corpses.
Why even bother giving these AS gadgets a pleasing eye design? My example is Uzi’s necklace.
Also fun fact! Yeva means “Life”/“Mother of life”/“source of life”/“living one” and is related to the biblical name “Eve”.
That definitely doesn’t have lore implications lol.
Also! Some info we can get out of Yeva’s ID card:
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•”C9” on the top left.
At first I didn’t know what could it mean,but thanks to @watercat678 for pointing it out. This probably means “Copper-9”.
Why would they put that? Could this mean this happened in other Exoplanets or places? (Crack Idea)
•At the top right you can the SRO symbol
•“A” next a yellow bar,which is located below Yeva’s pic.
•The Card also has “YEVA” written below the pic,which makes sense bc it’s her name.
• The number “048” is below her name
• Bar code on the bottom of the ID card
Now I speculate Yeva and Nori to be scientists or researchers at this organization but what if they were subject experiments? Or both? You know,scientists experimenting on themselves or maybe on their own family?
Also I noticed along side others that Yeva and Nori are wearing the exact same outfit;
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• A simple black choker/necklace. (Could that be an earlier version of the AS gadgets?(crack idea))
• A black WD hat. (Tho this could be coincidence in character design)
• A black or dark grey short sleeve dress with a “V” neck.
Now I think both Nori and Yeva are wearing the exact same outfit because are “subject experiment outfits”
Basically an outfit specifically made to run tests on them and to examine them easily. Kinda like the clothes they put you on when you are at a healthcare facility and have to monitor your body.
Also,Yeva’s pic also confirms that Nori’s scar is well,indeed a scar,and not some wonky clothing piece. Since Yeva’s lacks that.
Ok so before anything I wanna talk about the “AS gadgets” that I keep mentioning; Doll’s bracelet and Uzi’s necklace.
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Both have numbers below it and the SRO symbol on it,some people were able to make out the numbers;
Doll’s Bracelet says “048” and Uzi’s necklace says “002”.
I personally believe this used to belong to their mothers. Doll’s case is pretty obvious,her bracelet and Yeva’s ID card have both the “048” number on it.
But do you know what also has the number 48 on it?
Remember the newspapers from Uzi’s string theory? The one where gravitational forces where detected at site-48???
S i t e - 4 8
Yeva was absolutely involved in that. Also could that site be related to the SRO? Since the site share the same number as Yeva, did that site be contained her? All I know its directly linked to her.
Speaking of places,look at this shot showed in the S1 trailer. We haven’t seen this in EP3 and I think its building up to EP4. Something I noticed is the arquitecture,it look odd to me but also.
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There are pine trees! And why bring this up? Well if we look at the SRO symbol there are triangles on the side,which resembles pine trees (since the triangles are stretched upwards and have a lil stick poking out below)
Could this place be the origin of the SRO? And perhaps is related to Site-48? And maybe even involves Nori,Uzi,Doll,alongside Yeva and her husband.
Also the place looks like is still running! As you can see lights in the place far away but there is also a lantern shining in the roadway. I belive this is related to what Doll said at the end of EP3:
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What is she looking for??? It’s probably related to her mother,the AS and the SRO. And she may find answers in this new location
Also after Doll found out Uzi had the AS she seemed to completely switch character. Am not saying she is “good” but she did seem to open up for negotiation. I am also going to talk about her reaction in that scene much later.
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Anyways back on track. I HC that Uzi’s necklace originally belonged to her mother,Nori. (Btw this HC was waaaay back to the pilot) but EP3 seems to imply that imo:
• Honestly the aesthetic Uzi’s necklaces looks very odd compared to her clothing and general aesthetic. The necklace gives more of a preppy feminine vibe.
• So why on earth would Uzi be wearing this? Unless it had significant sentimental value. Maybe Uzi and even Khan knew that this is probably one of the last things remaining of Nori.
• also Uzi (and probably Khan) probably had no damm idea her necklace was directly linked to the AS. And the fact that it was,is a big ass coincidence. Unless it belonged to Nori,who we know is directly linked to the AS.
Now this could be the other way around,Uzi’s necklace was made for her. So there is a slight chance of Nori being “001”
But I can’t say for sure. All I know is that Nori is probably “001” or “002”
I think these gadgets were made to amplify the AS abilities,because as soon Doll looses her bracelet she is super concerned. And when preparing to attack Uzi she use more of her basic abilities. And we didn’t see her wear the bracelet in EP2. Where she looked like she was amateurish with her AS
Not only that,When Uzi’s AS abilities kicked in,her necklace was activated. I think the AS was the one to trigger the activation.
Some people believe that Uzi tasting oil was the trigger for Uzi’s AS,which is interesting.
BRO a detail I JUST noticed,is that the symbol on her necklace looks worn out,in comparison to Yeva’s bracelet. Which makes sense,this gadget was literally one of the first ones to be created. But this could also means it was heavily used at the time,it could be of Uzi wearing it everyday but it also reinforces the idea of the necklace originally belonging to Nori.
Ok so now am going to switch to Doll:
In EP2 we finally see her AS,she looked like she was still new to it. Like covering her glitchy eye,locking the door to stop Lizzy from opening it,in a very amateur way. (tho it could be bc she was panicking or she wasn’t wearing her bracelet (which could be an AS ability amplifier)) This was also the start of her revenge plan.
In EP3 she looks like she was years ahead compared EP2. She also was more mentally unstable and way more violent. Of course this was probably bc of her revenge plan against V.
Also it seems that Lizzy didn’t know Doll’s abilities and plan in EP2. Meaning there was probably a big time jump between EP2 and EP3 (maybe a few weeks? Or days?)
Also Doll’s parents may have been alive in the pilot,but I can’t say that for shure.
I do think Lizzy’s comment in EP2 “We are your folks?” Seems to imply Lizzy knew them or maybe she simply expected Doll to have them.
I also found her comment “That was the joke? Idiot”, peculiar but I could be overthinking.
Some people say Doll’s AS grew stronger bc of the amount of oil she consumed,which could be plausible. But i think she also poked around Yeva’s stuff and the SRO. I also believe Doll’s father was also somehow involved with the AS and SRO
If we go back to EP2 some people wondered how Doll got hands on a pic of V. Well EP3 answers that
In the flashback of Doll’s parents death, in the first shot we see Doll’s POV, she seems to be hiding behind 2 doors,could it be a van? A new location? (Maybe near the pine tree location?) Also what where they doing? I belive this was in a whole different location judging by the doors design. They look to belong to a different building.
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We can also see Doll’s father pinned to the ground reaching for a camera…why would he do this?
We can also see this took place outside. (I was able to see snow and huge abandoned buildings) But Doll was hiding behind doors. Also in the background we can see lil lights, are these drones eyes or another thing?
In this shot we can see Doll’s father taking a picture of V. Imo he was maybe using the camera flash to maybe startle V (which we all know didn’t work)
or he did it for research??? Like a last ditch attempt to complete a mission????
Also in this shot we can see Doll’s eye glowing in the background.
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Another thing to point out is that seconds after the camera flash Doll’s eye started glitching to the AS symbol,which is interesting but may also mean nothing.
My crack idea is that the camera flash and her AS are related but again don’t take it too seriously,its a crack idea.
On a more serious note tho,it seems that Doll had the AS before her parents death. Since her eye just suddenly started manifesting the AS symbol without showing any clear signs of being infected.
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Doll could have inherent the AS from her mother, Yeva. (Like Uzi receiving the AS due to Nori)
Or she could have been an experiment at the SRO (but that’s a crack idea)
A thing to point out is Doll and her abilities in the EPs.
In the pilot Doll didn’t use any of her abilities and looked defenseless and scared,if my idea of Doll getting the AS from Yeva is correct,she could have use her AS abilities but at that time she didn’t want to reveal them out of fear.
Or maybe she wasn’t infected yet
Or bc she couldn’t fully control it yet or maybe she had no idea she had the AS.
Or she had something similar to Uzi. What I mean is that Doll had the AS since the beginning but didn’t fully unlock it,so it only manifested by breaking mirrors,eye glitching and having intrusive thoughts about tasting oil.
Also Doll’s parents death are very tricky to where to put them in the timeline. All we know it happened before the present events of EP3. So here are my options on when the death’s happened.
A: their deaths happened before the pilot.
B: During the pilot. Remember N said at some point to Uzi that J and V are on “hunting for a bit”? V could have killed them during that time
C: During EP2.
Bc of the off screen friendship of Lizzy and V showed in EP3, we know V is able to take off the big chain around her neck,sneak away and also put her chain back (Notice how in all of her pics with Lizzy she isn’t wearing any chains(tho it could be a mistake?? Idk))
Also Lizzy’s and Vs friendship development must had happened after Dolls parents death. Ofc
So Yeva’s and her husbands death could have played out like this in EP2:
“V kills yeva and her husband at some point in EP2 (maybe when Thad,Uzi,N are busy with Eldritch J)
Doll witness it,and somehow awakens her AS. After she picks up a picture of V and goes back to the colony. Where the scene of Lizzy and Doll plays out.”
That segment was more of an example.
An idea I have is that Doll’s flashbacks in EP2 are after dragging her parents corpse to her house or somewhere else,as their corpses are covered in roaches, but thanks to the flashbacks in EP3 the deaths happened outside in the snow and we haven’t seen any roaches live in the snow yet.
Also Dolls father and yeva could have been killed in different locations and different times. Here is an example of what i mean:
“Doll witnessed Yeva’s death alonside her dad. Both her and her dad make a run for it,leading them to another location. Unfortunately V catches up and terminates Dolls dad free trial of living. And again,Doll witnessing it.”
The part I just recently writes isn’t a real speculation of mine its just an example.
Well speaking of Nori,only a few people have mentioned this:
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“NORI’S KOOKY INSANE STUFF” hello???? Ma’am??? SIR???
This just keeps hinting at us that Nori was related to the AS,the DDs and the SRO.
Also the fact that Khan keeps this in secret from everyone,and placed Uzi’s “Crazed ramblings” with her mother’s stuff. Means Uzi is probably following Nori’s steps,which probably means no good.
The scene seems to heavily imply that Nori probably was obsessed with the AS. It was so bad she probably got herself infected on purpose in the name of research. I personally think she Infected herself willingly looking at all the information that provides EP3 and EP2
Actually looking back at hologram-Nori in EP2.
Not only now I found weird she was wearing a “subject experiment” (if the implications of EP3 are correct) outfit while carrying baby Uzi.
Her,the necklace,the SRO,the AS and her kooky insane stuff???? This all makes me think that Nori willingly infected herself.
And the fact she was carrying baby Uzi gave me a crazy ass idea.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Uzi was involved with the SRO in a much more direct way.
Anyways THIS WAS LONG. The worst part I HAVE SO MUCH MORE. But ho boi i need a break. But I also want to keep writing so bad! Anyways more parts and theories related to EP3 will come.
Also I know in “S1 analysis Part 2” I would the whole “N killed Nori” but I didn’t have the energy plus,am not super convinced of that theory.
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angel-0f-verdun · 1 year
5 Gravity's Pull
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Previous Chapter
Maverick’s POV
I knew Maeve was right, that I needed to leave the subject of her previous RIO alone. It felt impossible, she was like a MiG I needed to shoot down but couldn’t get a target lock on. It was a relatively new feeling that I couldn’t seem to shake, no matter how many women would fling themselves at me, I did not want them. She would not leave my head, I wanted to keep her safe in a cocoon. But that was impossible because she was a fighter pilot, we craved the adrenaline, the danger, the fun of it all. On top of all that she was independent, she could take care of herself, but my instincts told me that she needed protection.
This would not be a good thing when we were flying together, I had already lived through the scares and constant worry of her not coming back one day. Not that she knew any of that, but I was sure her independence would prevent her from ever accepting the love she truly deserved. I sighed, leaning back in the lawn chair that I had sat in to prevent myself from going after her. I was sitting outside for quite some time, as I watched the sun start to dip below the horizon. The string lights outside kicked on and I heard someone clear their throat behind me.
“Hey Mav, you alright?” I turned to see Goose standing in the doorway looking down at me from the step. I smirked up to him, trying to hide the frustration I was harboring.
“Yeah, I guess I’m enjoying the downtime we’ll be having for the next couple of days,” I told him. He chuckled coming down the steps to sit next to me in the other chair.
“Yeah right,” He said sarcastically, knowing me too well to believe the web I had been spinning. Sometimes it was obnoxious how well he knew me.
“You’re thinking about M-A-E-V-E,” He spelled out her name as if there were a child nearby and he didn’t want them to decipher what he was saying. I slinked down in the chair I was in confirming his suspicion without saying anything. When I didn’t give his comment a chuckle he switched into a more serious tone.
“Mav, what is it about this girl that you can’t get off of? You’ve never been interested and pushy like this before with anyone. Trust me, I’ve seen a lot of your conquests, even with that one admiral's daughter… You blew through them easily without a second thought. Why her? Why now?” He asked, his questions were valid and to be honest I wasn’t sure.
“Honestly Goose, I just want to be helpful,” I told him, knowing he could see right through me.
“All right, you’re not ready to talk about it because then it makes it real. But just so you know everyone sees it but you two. She already seems like she’s lost in the dark... Don’t get lost yourself trying to find her.” He smiled at me sadly.
“There’s more to her than just that though, Goose. I intend to find out what it is, but I’ll take your advice.” I told him, letting my head rest on the back of the chair as I analyzed his reaction.
“Mav, let’s get out tonight, we can go to the bar, maybe get your mind off of things?” He asked me. I nodded, not entirely looking forward to being out with the other pilots but agreed nonetheless.
“All right, let’s invite Reaper and Doe,” I told him. I knew he wanted to go to the bar and scope out the competition, and I’ll admit it was something I wanted to do too. He got up out of his chair waiting for me to join him. I lifted myself out of the chair and followed Goose inside the house, the air conditioning inside felt great.
“Do you want to tell them? Or do you want me to do it? I’ve already talked it over with Doe.” He told me.
“Why don’t you let Doe do it then?” I told him, gripping the edge of the counter to stop myself from running to her. He nodded moving to go up the stairs as I rifled through the kitchen looking for a snack. The kitchen wasn’t stocked, but I did manage to find some fruit that had been in a bowl. My hand gravitated towards the orange, I picked it up, checking it before I peeled it to make sure it hadn’t rotted. As I bit into my first bite I heard footsteps coming downstairs.
“Goose has decided that we should dress in our whites.” I heard Doe come into the kitchen. I nodded when she came into view, she looked a bit annoyed at the thought of slipping into yet another uncomfortable outfit.
“Did you guys decide where your rooms are?” I asked her as I threw the orange peel into the trash and grabbed the bags I had left near the back door. I went to follow her up the stairs.
“Yes, you’ll be in the room to the left near Maeve. Nick and I are on the opposite wall” She said as we got to the top of the stairs, pointing towards the rooms as she mentioned them.
“Is she doing all right?” I asked her in a hushed tone. Doe nodded, gesturing me closer. I took a half step closer to her.
“I went to check on her when she came up, she’s not in great spirits so try to leave the past where it is. She just wants to have fun, she hasn’t let loose in a long time.” She told me, I nodded confirming to her that I understood.
“Thank you, Doe. She’s very lucky to have found you.” I told her as I left the conversation and went to my room to unpack the dress whites. I closed the door to my room as I unpacked everything, putting my clothes in my drawers and my flight stuff on the desk near the window. I hung up the things that needed to be hung. I shrugged out of my tans, hanging them up in the closet and replacing them with whites. I didn’t bother to change my undershirt and boxers, since I had already cleaned up from my shift this morning. I plopped down onto the bed, finishing off my orange, I closed my eyes waiting for Goose to come get me after everyone was ready. It wasn’t long before I heard my door push open.
“Mav, are you decent?” I heard a feminine voice call out, I forced myself to stay planted on the bed when I knew Maeve had come to get me instead of Goose.
“Yes, are we all ready?” I asked her as I quickly pulled my white dress shoes on. She stood leaning against the door frame as she pushed the door fully open. I took in her appearance, she had redone her hair in a neat bun as it always was. I loved her hair down, it held a natural wave that women craved. She was a petite little fireball who knew her limits and everyone else’s. She stuck to the rules strictly, she was so opposite to me and yet I felt my attraction grow.
“Yeah, we’re just waiting on you.” She told me, I chuckled as I tied the laces on the last shoe. Standing up, I grabbed my hat tucking it under my arm. I followed her down the stairs where both Goose and Doe were waiting. 
“How’re we going to get there, did we decide on arrangements yet?” Maeve asked them. 
“I say we all pile into Goose’s car,” I said to her, standing just over her shoulder. I smiled, I could smell the perfume wafting off her as she craned her neck to look at me. Everyone watched for each other's reaction making sure that idea was alright. When there were no objections, we filed out the door and to the Bronco that sat in the driveway.
I opened the passenger door for Maeve, then climbed in crawling over the center console. It was a tight squeeze but it was better without all the extra gear from earlier. Goose turned on the radio flipping the channels until he found something that fit what he was in the mood for. It wasn’t a long drive to the bar, back down the highway, and near the base.
When we walked inside, it was packed with people. We pushed through the majority of them making our way to the bar. I looked behind me making sure Maeve and Crystal were still there. I could see them talking amongst themselves, I wrapped my arm around her waist pulling her close to me for a second as she was about to get bulldozed by some already drunk patrons. I immediately let her go so as not to upset her as she took a half step out of my grasp squeezing in just between Goose and I, Crystal squeezing to my left. Maeve flagged down the bartender easily, 
“Vodka tonic, and whatever they want.” She gestured to us,
“Budweiser” Goose said to him looking at me for confirmation that I was okay with that. I nodded.
“Make it two, and a Cosmo for the lady.” Goose immediately said, ordering for the rest of us. The bartender nodded and briskly got to work on the drinks. He got us our beers first, then started mixing the ladies, getting Maeve’s to her before Crystal. I turned around resting my elbows on the bar. 
“Mav, you want to know who the best is? That’s him, Iceman. That’s the way he flies, ice-cold, no mistakes. Just wears you down, you get bored and frustrated, do something stupid and he’s got you.” Goose told me, I nodded taking in the information. I had a feeling I was going to really get on his nerves in the sky. I brushed the thought away as I watched Maeve, she looked around trying to find a booth against the wall away from our fellow pilots.
“Hey, hey Slider, thought you wanted to be a pilot, man. What happened?” Goose started the conversation with him pulling him closer by his collar. 
“Goose you’re such a dickhead. Whose butt did you kiss to get in here?” Slider asked him, a shit-eating grin on his face. He was a few inches taller than Goose but raised his chin to appear even taller, fucking annoying he thought he was better than us.
“Well, the list is long but distinguished,” Goose replied to him. 
“Yeah, well so is my johnson,” Slider replied to him, as he downed a shot, I laughed, sure.  
“So you’re flying with Iceman?” Goose asked him. 
“It’s Mister Iceman to you.” Slider said getting stupid over his pilot. 
“Hey, Mother Goose how’s it going?” Iceman walked up to us, shaking Goose’s hand. 
“Good, Tom. This is Pete Mitchell, Tom Kazansky. And well, you’ve met this one, Maeve Ford, and Crystal Harris.” Goose formally introduced everyone. Not that it was needed I already knew I didn’t like this bastard. 
“Congratulations on Top Gun,” Iceman said, giving Maeve a smile, she just stared at him, not offering a smile in return. 
“Thank you,” I replied for us, not giving her the chance to speak. I could almost feel her eyes burning through me for not letting her talk. I knew she was itching to give him a piece of her mind but now was not the time or place. 
“Sorry to hear about Cougar. He and I were like brothers in flight school, he was a good man.” He said as he reached over Maeve to grab some beer nuts, she scoffed and turned her head away from him as he got close to her. 
“Still is a good man,” I told him quickly as if he was implying Cougar was anything but. I knew Maeve was still touchy about the subject, he had only turned in his wings 48 hours ago, but I knew it was still fresh in her brain.
“Yeah, that’s what I meant.” He said unfazed by his lapse in wording, stuffing more beer nuts in his mouth.
“Right, because you clearly give a fuck about him and all the other pilots in here.” Maeve spit out angrily taking a step towards him, begging him to egg her on. I stepped behind her ready to grab her if she decided to pounce. We didn’t need the attention, not yet anyway.
“Guess the rumors are true about you then, Reaper,” Iceman said to her backing down from her harsh gaze. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of her and she was locked on him ready to take him down. 
“You know, I was just telling Maverick not to believe everything he hears. Which means it’s either better or worse than what you’ve already heard…” She advised him as she took a sip of her drink watching him over the rim. I did the same, I needed more alcohol in my system if this was where the night was heading. 
“Say, you need any help?” He asked me, he just couldn’t shut his mouth. But I was glad he knew not to step any further with Maeve. She backed away from him, bumping into me, still fuming. I stabilized her, gripping her hip lightly with my free hand. 
“With what?” I asked him, genuinely confused about where he was going with this. Crystal moved in from where she was standing on the other side of me to hear the conversation. 
“You figured it out yet?” He continued the questions. I noticed Slider watching my movements carefully, I released Maeve from my grip, tapping her as I let go, I wanted her to know I was here for her if she needed it. But there was no need for there to be rumors of fraternization, especially coming from the most likely pair that would get us thrown out of this program at any cost.
“What’s that?” I asked him taking another drink of my beer.
“Who’s the best pilot.” He told me as he neared my face, a bit too close for my liking.
“No, I think I can figure that one out on my own,” I said to him glancing to my left to check on Maeve, she had finished her drink and started to wave the bartender down for another. She was tracking Iceman with her eyes not willing to let him out of her sight, even though she was not talking to him anymore. I could tell she didn’t trust him and didn’t like his attitude. 
“I heard that about you, you like to work alone,” I smirked, it was true, other people tended to slow me down in the air. The only one I would want as my wingman would be Maeve, she knew how to keep up with me when we were flying. She wasn’t afraid of the stunts I pulled, not many would want to follow me through the gates of hell, but I knew she would. 
“Mav, you must’ve soloed under a lucky star, huh? I mean first the MiG, and then you guys slide into Cougar’s spot? And you, your commander just gave you another spot?” Slider started on this bullshit again. 
“We didn’t slide into Cougar’s spot. It was ours, okay?” Goose jumped in before I could.
“Someone else dropped out, just because you’re insecure doesn’t mean you get to be an ass.” Crystal jumped in for Maeve. I could practically feel the irritation rolling off her figure just in front of me. I took another sip of my beer, almost ready for another. 
“Yeah, well, some pilots wait their whole career just to see a MiG up close. Guess you guys are lucky and famous.” Slider adjusted his tactic seeing as he was hitting some delicate topics.
“No, you mean notorious. I’ll see you later.” Iceman finished the conversation walking off, but not before giving Maeve and Crystal one last glance. 
"You can count on it,” I replied as I watched them walk away letting out a sigh.
“They were abused children,” Goose said to me, noticing my reaction.
“We’re going to have a good time,” I said to him smiling as we clinked our bottles together. 
“Always.” He said, leaning over the bar to order another round for all of us.
“Let’s go find a place to sit down,” I said, leaning into Maeve’s ear as I didn’t feel like shouting at her. She nodded and worked her way to the corner booth she had been eyeing. I followed her lead sliding into the seat next to her as Crystal took her other side waiting for Goose to arrive. He wasn’t far behind us but I noticed him struggling with the drinks, I got up and grabbed two from his hands and we made our way back. I set the glasses on the table in front of the girls and sat back down. Just as I did, silence rang through the air as the jukebox changed songs. 
“That’s it for me guys. I’ll drive us back tonight,” Crystal said as she pushed her empty glass in front of her and brought the full one toward her.
“No, no, you’re not driving my car.” Goose chuckled a bit, getting his keys out and waving them in front of her. She grabbed them quickly, stuffing them in her breast pocket. 
“Well if you don’t want me driving you’ll have to stop drinking..” She smiled at him watching his face fall with defeat. 
“Oh, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Maeve burst out, her head dropping to look at the table. I looked around the area confused, there was no one here that would cause that reaction from her. 
“What??” Crystal asked, also struck with confusion over her outburst. Maeve lifted her head and pointed towards the ceiling, a ghost of a smile gracing her face. She wasn’t entirely pissed and I could tell she was moderately amused.
All our times have come, here but now they’re gone. Seasons don’t fear the reaper, nor do the wind, the sun, or the rain, we can be like they are. Come on baby don’t fear the reaper. 
“Alright that’s gotta be one of the guys teasing you, but it doesn’t matter Reaper, you know the rules, drink up, finish that one.” Goose let out a chuckle gesturing to her newly bought drink. It was this game we played, if any song got played that related to our callsigns we had to finish our drink. Of course, this got difficult sometimes the more creative the callsign, like Goose, so he chose his own song each time we went out. Maeve groaned, not looking forward to the drink going down her throat but she was a good sport and chugged it down.
“All right boys, I guess that means I need another.” She told us, tapping me on the shoulder so I would let her out of the booth. She was definitely in better spirits as I watched her walk over to the bar, she took a seat on the stool waiting for the bartender instead of flagging him down immediately. I leaned in towards Crystal knowing that Goose wouldn’t approve of this topic of conversation. 
“I got a question for you,” I said to her as I finished the beer I was working on and grabbed the new one in front of me. 
“Why did you agree to be her RIO with all the rumors floating around with her previous one?” I asked her, she looked at me pensively. 
“Well it’s one of those things Mav, do you believe all the rumors about anyone in the squadron?” She asked me. I thought for a second, 
“Well no. But with all the suspicion surrounding it?” I prodded more. Goose just overhearing this shook his head at me as he realized what we were talking about. 
“When I signed on to be her RIO, they asked me if I wanted to hear the story from her or read her file. I chose to hear it from her, she let me in and told me in her own time. Mav, look at her, do you really believe she could kill me?” She asked me as I looked over to Maeve. 
“No, I don’t, you two are thick as thieves,” I said, this seemed to satisfy Crystal as she let out a giggle. 
“See, and you couldn’t kill Goose either. But regardless, it’s not my story to tell. Just give her time.” She said making her point. I nodded. 
I noticed Maeve stand up from her seat, a bit wobbly, drink in hand, she looked absolutely pissed. The guy next to her spun his chair towards her as she started walking away, he checked out her ass and grabbed her wrist to pull her back to him. At that moment, I jumped up from the table about to go over there with Goose and Crystal right behind me. I raced my way to her but the damage had been done.
Then the door was open and the wind appeared. The candles blew and then disappeared. The curtains flew and then he appeared. Saying don't be afraid. Come on baby, don’t fear the reaper. 
She raised her right hand that was holding the glass and threw it to the ground. It shattered instantly upon hitting the floor into a million little shards. It distracted everyone for a second, Maeve took the opportunity and punched him straight in the face. Immediately, there was a silence that fell over the crowd, which was quickly replaced with yelling from both sides. My heart skipped a beat as I noticed blood pooling from her hand, dripping onto the floor. I was on her in seconds holding her back from doing anything more to the poor fool who thought he could get something out of her. Some of the guy’s buddies jumped up upon seeing us and got in front of their friend ready to defend him. 
“What the fuck man? Psycho bitch!” One of them yelled at her. I made sure Maeve was situated behind me before I took the next step. I could feel her fight back against me hopping on my back just to take a swing at this guy. I steadied my feet feeling her additional weight combined with my own. 
“No one gets to call her that, you don’t even know her,” I yelled at him getting in his face. I felt Maeve shift her weight towards the bar grabbing a full beer bottle and taking a swig. Goose immediately intervened, pushing me back from him, Maeve slipping off my back. I noticed all the other pilots and RIOs from Top Gun appeared slowly next to our side wanting to see what was happening. 
“I said no and told him I wasn’t interested about 15 times and he still wouldn’t leave me alone. Not everything is yours to claim. I don’t belong to anyone.” Maeve yelled at him now in line with my shoulder. I refused to let her get much closer, she would tear them apart. I put my right arm in front of her, bracing her against it.
“Hey, hey. Wow, let’s calm down here, see, she has a pretty good reason why she reacted the way she did.” Goose started as he lined up on the other side of me.
Maeve slipped underneath my arm, her hands slipping around my neck, I broke my gaze with our offenders and watched her face. She smiled at me and brought my face down to hers. When our lips connected I completely lost track of what was happening. I grabbed her hips, pulling her fully against me, she let out a small moan that made me want her even more. I traced the tip of my tongue along her bottom lip, just as she was about to open her mouth she tore herself away from me throwing the bottle across the room, it hit someone and shattered on the floor. She ran towards the man who had called her a psycho bitch, he threw a punch at her, she dodged it, grabbing his wrist, twisting it, and coming down hard with her elbow into his arm. I heard a deafening crack that filled the atmosphere. A scream followed it as everyone backed away from her. It was like I was cemented to where I stood, waiting in awe for the next thing to happen. 
“Yeah let’s leave these pussies alone, they clearly need to rethink their tactics after getting beat up by a girl,” Iceman shouted near the front. 
“Man fuck you.” One of his friends said to him as he walked up and pushed against his chest believing he could move him. Safe to say he did not. From there, the rest of the night was a blur, people were throwing punches, breaking bottles, and chairs seemed to fly from one end to another. It was absolute chaos, anyone who wanted to fight, did. Clearly, there was no need to stick around as everyone had forgotten who threw the first punch and why everything had started. 
“Grab her, get them outta here!” I heard one person say about the injured men that Maeve had absolutely destroyed. She had punched strong enough to knock some teeth out. Upon hearing them trying to get her, I went forward grabbing her by her waist and throwing her over my shoulder. 
“Yeah, that’s right, get your woman.” I heard someone say behind me as I pushed myself through the people who had gathered around us. Maeve thrashed against my back trying to claw and scratch her newly formed enemies. Once I got us to the back near the booth, I set her down, which I quickly realized was a mistake as she tried to immediately go back. I stopped her, getting in front of her and holding her shoulders, keeping her in place. I looked towards the table spotting a cloth napkin, I knew this would be useful for her hand, as she had split open her knuckle on the guy's tooth, I stuffed it into my pocket as Crystal and Goose appeared next to us forming a sort of wall around her so she couldn’t go anywhere. 
“Reaper, we have to leave before anyone remembers you and wants to file charges,” I said to her using her call sign to get her attention. Her eyes flashed with anger at me but she turned around and headed towards the door. We rushed out of there so fast someone would have thought the bar was on fire, but we weren’t the only ones who decided to run. We piled into the car fast, I practically jumped over the center console into the backseat holding out my hands for Maeve to take so she could lower herself in. Goose took the passenger side as Crystal started the Bronco and peeled out of the lot bound for the house. 
Next Chapter
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Taennie leaks not only outed V & Jennie, but it shut down every ship involving V within BTS & in the process essentially out Jikook under more of a microscope. Think about it. For the longest time what has been standing in the way of some people fully believing Jikook was the possibility in their minds TK might be real or Vmin might be real. They stay in their ship bubbles etc. Once those pictures came to light TK & Vmin were instantly debunked & all eyes turned to Jikook & suddenly all that super sus shit they been doing was looking more & more realistic, that they're a couple. I just know Jikook started sweating when those Taennie pics hit. Even tho they have put stuff out there, they always had room for deniability, but that leak really put all eyes on them too. Isn't it funny how once the Taennie scandal hit, Jikook's interactions esp in public suddenly died down? Does anyone else not find the timing super sus? Not only did they know all eyes were gonna be on them more now, but I imagine seeing how easy it was for their bandmate's straight relationship to get exposed by a hacker & the uproar it caused, probably made Jikook take several steps back, cause they know if someone easily done that Tae and ended up getting a hold of their phones and private photos and leaked it, it would have major consequences, not only for Jikook, but for BTS. A BTS member being outed as straight is way different then 2 BTS members being confirmed queer & dating. It all makes perfect sense to me why Jikook are being super cautious nowadays, esp seeing what happened to Tae.
Ummmm.. no?
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Or atleast idts... 🤔 I mean, I hear what you're saying anon. And it makes sense. It makes alot of sense. But, I really don't think these 2 things are related in any way. At all. At all.
1) Jikook have been loud for years. If anyone were to sus them they would be sussing them way before the Taennie photos dropped.
2) Jikook were already laying low way when this happened.
3) It is of my opinion that Jikook don't care about the Taennie thing making them seem more obvious. They (JK especially) have been trying to be obvious for a long long time. Jimin too has said many eyebrow raising things like letting us know he wakes up and sleeps next to JK.
Jikook haven't really been hiding. They just haven't come right out said the words "we are gay for each other". Instead they've done everything but. Think about it anon, they've told us and showed us so much.
I think sometimes while they're eating dinner they discuss how they could just kiss one day and people still won't believe them 😂 I'm sure its frustrating on most days but on others i can see it as something they laugh about.
Anyway, that's what I think. Jikook don't care about being outed when they've been doing a good job of that themselves.
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Golem by P.D. Alleva
"'You should. Great books are like a blueprint...a survival manual disguised as fiction. As folklore. Because the truth hides in plain sight and those that see have to hide and those that can't see...well, they're just a part of the plan.'"
Year Read: 2023
Rating: 2/5
About: When John Ashton makes detective, his first case is to follow up on a lead to a missing child. The D.A.'s daughter vanished years ago, but a patient at a psychiatric hospital, Alena Francon, claims to have new information on her. She weaves a tale of demonic conspiracy throughout the New York City elite, statues come to life, and sinister rings of pedophilia and human sacrifice, all centered around a mysterious figure she calls Golem. It's so outlandish it can't possibly be real, but when one of her old socialite friends, Annette Flemming, confirms Golem's existence, John is forced to reconsider everything he believes to be true about the world. I received a free e-copy from the author in exchange for an honest review. Trigger warnings: Everything. Character/child death (on-page, graphic), human sacrifice, rape/pedophilia, cannibalism, child abuse, torture, medical horror/lobotomy, graphic gore/body horror, severe illness/injury, violence, guns, gaslighting/manipulation, threats, vomiting, slurs, racism, xenophobia, sexism, questionable treatment of bisexuality, potential cultural appropriation. Graphic NSFW content.
Thoughts: Well, that was depressing. I want to preface this review by saying I had reservations about accepting this book because I typically don’t find Satanism/cults to be that interesting in horror. I like to support small press authors, but I should have gone with my instinct, because I also hate giving low ratings to small press authors, and here we are. I really believe this was a case of it just being the wrong fit for me, and I think the otherwise overwhelmingly positive reviews support that. If this sounds like something you would like, don't let my review put you off.
This book is oddly structured. The description gives the impression that the detective, John Ashton, is going to be the main character in unraveling this supernatural mystery. However, what happens is that John's case is little more than a framing story for Alena's tale, and in my opinion, it's the weakest part of the book. John is barely on the page, and he does little but sit there and tell us that Alena's story can't possibly be real. It's Alena's history that takes up the bulk of the novel, and I'm not sure why it's framed as a flashback when it's roughly the middle fifty percent of the book. Instead of getting invested in it, I kept waiting for it to circle back to John, but that only happens near the end. I think there could have been a better way to structure and pace this, maybe by breaking Alena's history up into smaller pieces uncovered in John's investigation, or by developing his investigation more (it's actually over very quickly, time-wise). I'm not sure, just that it comes off a bit unwieldy as-is.
It's also quite long in general, and if you're familiar with my reviews, you know I feel that books should have a very good reason to be over five hundred pages. It's over-written at times, and I got bogged down in some of the repetitive descriptions. Too many adjectives, too much chanting, too many bodily fluids. The actual story, I think, is pretty interesting when we get to it, and there's a unique twist on hell/outer space that I don't see often. (To be fair, I don't read a lot of science fiction either, but the only authors I can think of that even touch on this concept are Christopher Pike, my beloved, and V. Castro). It definitely ventures into some grotesque topics--pedophilia, human sacrifice, child abuse--that are central to the story, which is something to be aware of if you’re easily triggered.
It wasn't the horror so much that put me off, but this book is badly in need of a sensitivity reader. The biggest red flag is using a Romani woman as a villain and frequent uses of a slur. (For the record, "gypsy" is always a slur, and a sensitivity reader would know that.) I did enjoy the fact that her name is Maleva, which seems like a nod to The Wolf Man (1941), but that movie is eighty years old. Representation has come a long way since then. It also bothered me that, of the two graphic sex scenes in the book, one of them is with a demon and the other is between two women. I don't have any problem with men writing loving, non-exploitative wlw relationships, but in a novel where all the sex is part of some human sacrifice/pedophilia ritual, putting it alongside those felt like saying it was equally deviant-- and, ouch. There are also some comments about women in the narrative from both male and female characters I didn't care for, but I don't know if it's meant to be a reflection of the time period or true feelings. I'm also uncertain about the use of Mayan and Jewish culture (Xibalba and golems, respectively), particularly in making a villain out of golems, which are often portrayed as protectors of Jewish people.
After so long in these characters' perspectives, the ending is abrupt, and there isn’t a lot of closure on a plot level. Throughout the novel, we have the sense that characters are pawns in a game much bigger than they are. The downside is that they have almost no weapons with which to fight against that level of cosmic corruption and conspiracy, and it shows. The truth is there are no heroes in this novel, just victims and abettors. It's quite bleak throughout, and almost everything is left open-ended. There's the impression that this cycle has continued throughout history and will continue on into the future as well, regardless of any one or two humans trying to fight against it or any temporary victories.
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monarch-boo · 2 months
Ruminating on the 4Chan leak from quite some time ago. Could spoil things for release depending on *IF* any of the not already confirmed shit is actually true.
Basically there was this "leak" post from 4Chan from quite some time ago, which not only spoke of the existence of DRDR but seems to have gotten a not-zero amount of things correct. I just want to go through what they said bit by bit, point out what is confirmed and what is deconfirmed, and give my thoughts. Omitting the 'Yeah No Shit' type'a things like "Frank returns".
There's a TL;DR at the end too.
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"Keiji Inafune is not returning" ✅ At least I've... heard this one is confirmed I think?
"Mall's basic layout has been kept the same, but with some additions" ✅ Yupppp, I have to say the decorations they added to the mall to fill space look fucking gorgeous, I never actually really processed just how empty-feeling some of the sections of the mall actually look in the OG.
"Infinity mode returns" ✅?? Almost certainly true... I have to wonder if they made any QoL changes to this? I mean if they still have the 5 and 7 Day Survivor achievements then I have to wonder if they did *something* to make it less of an ordeal. I'm not sure even the types of Twitter people that whine about easy modes and assist stuff and whatnot would complain about that, unless they never played the game. Like nobody whose tried playing it fucking likes suffering through that cruel-ass mode for 10-14 real hours in one sitting, bro. Seems like anyone whose actually played it would love for at least *something* to be dialed back.
<Talked way too long about the "extra bosses" bit so I'm putting it in a separate post.>
"source specifically told me the Convicts respawning has been cut, so any of you complete scrubs that couldn't handle them can breathe easily." ❓ Interesting. I have mixed feelings about it though. On one hand, this is a wonderful QoL thing if it's true, a lot of people struggled with the fact that they don't go away forever once you kill em all. But on the other, what happens to the Jeep then? Will the Jeep disappear too? Because unless they let the empty Jeep keep respawning, you will only be able to drive it around and steal+use Reginald's machine gun once per entire playthrough...
"Legacy mode, which removes the time limit and lets you play as Chuck and Nick and adds zombie variants of the bosses. it's unlocked by beating the game." ❓❓ THIS is the weirdest part of the leak to me, weirder even than the additional Psychopath(s). It's the zombie variants of the Psychopaths and especially the ability to play as Chuck or Nick that elevates this to Probably Total Bullshit in my mind. It would be kinda interesting to see essentially super-HD versions of Zombie Jo, Cliff, and Kent from Chop Till You Drop, and fun to see zombie variants of everyone else, but I don't believe this one at all. And I kind of hope I'm right, because I would actually really really fucking love and much much much rather prefer an OTR style Sandbox mode over the zombie Psychopath thing. I don't think I want zombie Psychopaths in this mode IF they were to override the Sandbox-style Psychopath loop. HOWEVER, IF this mode is like OTR Sandbox AND the zombie Psychopaths exist SEPARATELY from the real ones? I'd allow it then. Also, if this is real there's a non-zero chance that "playing as Chuck and Nick" just winds up meaning alt costumes for Frank like the Chuck one they've showed us.
"'Concourse Plaza' located between the food court and entrance plaza, its where one of the new bosses are." ❓ More mention of new Psychopaths. Do we know about any new rooms or areas of the mall? Last I remember people have scrutinized the map on the website, but still nobody's 100% certain.
"Frank has a brand new face," ✅ "but TJ Rotolo is returning for him." 🚫 This is one of the things that makes me have doubts about this leaker and their source, aside from how wild shit like the "Legacy Mode" sounded. Not only is Frank very obviously not voiced by TJ Rotolo now, we have confirmation right out of the mouth, er, keyboard, of Rotolo himself that *he wasn't even contacted about DRDR in the first place*.
(the link isn't linking but I'm too lazy to fix it right now, dunno why it's not working in the first place though)
This and some of the other stuff makes me feel as if the leaker was just largely making shit up and some of it just coincidentally happened to stick.
"All dialogue voiced." ✅ "Phil Lamarr plays Otis Washington." ❓ I want the Phil Lamarr part to be true so bad. Like, that would be so fucking cool, that's Wilt, that's Samurai Jack, Osmosis Jones, STATIC SHOCK. DUDE! PLEASE. I'd love to hear him as Otis so so much. I'm just excited in general about all the survivor dialogue to be fully voiced, I can't wait to hear what they decide to make everyone sound like, and who they cast for everybody. I actually wanted this a lot to the point that I specifically asked for it in that one survey Capcom did a while back. Though I do wonder if it was a bit of a monkey's paw wish, as this may be one of the biggest reasons Frank and possibly some others were recasted, it's possible that the need to record more lines but refusal to let TJ voice Frank again resulted in them having to redub Frank entirely so his voice is consistent across the whole game. Though if the theories about them not wanting to let TJ be Frank again because he's in a Union is true, then maybe they didn't even wanna pay him royalties for legacy audio usage either... then again if the mocap is still largely the same then would they not have to still pay TJ for that then? And they still had TJ voice Birkin in RE2 in 2019 so like I honestly have no fucking clue why they don't seem to wanna let him voice Frank specifically again bro. 🙃
That's the last of the stuff from the leak, TL;DR:
• They wrongfully said TJ would reprise Frank which makes me doubtful of the leak.
• Alleges, most likely true, that Infinity Mode still exists. If the 5 and 7 Day Survivor achievements still exist then I hope they made some sort of change to make it less grueling.
• Alleges that the Convicts will no longer respawn after being killed. Sounds nice if true but makes me concerned about whether the Jeep and mounted gun will ever reappear or not.
• Alleges a "Legacy Mode" with playable Chuck and Nick and zombified Psychopaths. Sounds dumb to me and kinda like the leaker is making at least some shit up wholecloth, makes me doubt them even more. And I want an OTR style sandbox with normal Psychopaths.
• Correctly predicted Frank's face change, mall being the same but with slight additions, and fully voiced survivor+Otis dialogue. I'm excited for the voiced survivor dialogue. Alleges Phil Lamarr will be Otis, which I hope is true.
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