#i know the lack of dream thing in mamo was more about how he could be considered an idiot-savant or how he lacks a conscience yadayada
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A fun concept I've been toying around my mind is that, since Lupin is constantly under extreme situations, the reason as to why he doesn't dream is because he is never relaxed enough to reach R.E.M. Like, everytime he relaxes enough, he just jolts back. Yes, that means he's constantly fatigued also
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natsumi-no-hotaru · 6 years ago
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Chihayafuru #15: In which many tears were shed
AKA. True strength is about never giving up..wait up, ohhh I get it, the pearls in the title are a reference to the tears!
[Previously: The Shinochi express is about to depart. Passengers are kindly requested to board ASAP.]
The 15th episode picked up where we left off last time - the end of Chi-chan’s match with Queen-chan. In a way, the tension carried from the previous episode has somewhat cooled down. After all, there’s only one possible outcome as the difference between the two players is much too apparent. Roused by her opponent’s rekindled fighting spirit, Shi-chan doubled down on her efforts against Chi-chan’s best and secured a win with a 20-card difference. It is inevitable but still pretty hard to swallow it down.
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Much as Shi-chan may dominate the match with her sinister-like aura and her impressive technique, there is something to be said about Chi-chan’s brilliance relentlessly shining through, in spite of the crushing defeat, and leaving a strong impact on Shi-chan and ultimately, the viewer. 
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Certainly, Chi-chan has had her instances of strong character development in previous episodes but as Taichi so aptly noted, this stand-out moment marks a turning point in her path to realizing her dream. By grasping firmly at the few chances to hold control of the match, she has broken out of her cocoon and taken the first step toward being a truly strong player, one who can hold on to her conviction in her playing style, regardless of how formidable her opponent might be. It is absolutely a thing of beauty to see Chi-chan’s persistence and passion undimmed by the Queen’s presence, even blazing brighter against such backdrop. The entirety of this match speaks volumes to how well Chi-chan’s character is written, which is as much as a heroine of her own series deserves.
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Keep moving forward and never lose yourself to self-doubt...
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The second half of this tear-filled episode gives us Taichi and his struggle to become a formidable player in his own way. Which sounds like our common fare, but not really once you really think of how much he has always been caught up with Chi-chan’s wishes and aspirations. It’s always lovely to see him being all helplessly attracted to Chi-chan yet refusing to say or do anything about it, or being the commentator and supporter at Chi-chan’s matches because he knows her habits and quirks so well (squeeze!), but it’s certainly refreshing to see him just want to attain a goal for his own sake.  
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Mamo-chan (Taichi’s voice actor) did a brilliant job in conveying Taichi’s intensity - his super concentration and persistence to play the best game he could with all he’s currently got. I love how Chi-chan’s weakness, memorization, is Taichi’s strength, and vice versa, Taichi’s lesser attributes, like instinct and hearing, are Chi-chan’s forte. 
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But then regardless of the difference in their game play, they both lack stamina to last through a non-stop karuta marathon. 
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I really understand his self-disappointment - it is hard to painful to think of how much you could have done better, if only you didn’t ditch it half way and only thought to pick it up again just recently. That’s pretty much the story of my passion for literature, writing and of this very tumblr.
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He tried so hard to hold his emotions in and keep a neutral face to the team...
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... which was totally unnecessary, lol.
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Ha ha ha.
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*hugs* i’m always rooting for you, Taichi! Don’t give up!
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At the end of the day, this episode is not exactly Taichihaya-material but I very much appreciate the weaving of the Chi-chan and Taichi narratives to tell a seamless story of their failure and growth. They may not be together but they are more in sync than expected, on their path to live up to their true potential.
The heartwarming moment of the day~
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Gosh, Shi-chan is too adorb. Her transition from an indifferent last-boss karuta queen to geeky teenager airhead is just too precious.
Until the next episode!
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keyofjetwolf · 8 years ago
Jet Wolf Summarizes Act 23
As it turns out, the manga and I aren’t going to be great friends. Rather than spend the energy on a liveblog that’s increasingly negative, I’m reading each manga act (mostly) silently, and then writing up summaries at the end. I’ll be very candid, which means there’s likely criticism and snark a’plenty about the manga, either wholesale or in details. If that isn’t a thing you feel like reading, please skip this post!
Usagi announces she’s going into the storm after Mamoru and Chibi-Usa. Usagi is Tracer saying “I got this!” and blinking headlong into the point. Pluto says it’s too dangerous because nobody knows what happens in the storm. She doesn’t say it’s forbidden, but you know she really really wants to. Pluto then -- and I am not making this up -- spends over a page explaining in detail EXACTLY WHAT FUCKING GOES ON IN THIS STORM THAT SHE JUST SAID NOBODY UNDERSTOOD PLUTO WHY ARE SO CONSTANTLY FULL OF SHIT
“GWOOO,” says the storm.
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There’s some shit about time keys next, with Pluto like “oh yeah no you totally need one or you're fucked forever,” which is I absolutely must point out has been proven to be patently false like five times in just the last few issues. I’m becoming increasingly convinced that someone’s playing an elaborate trick on Pluto and waiting to see how long it takes her to question literally anything about her life.
Pluto supposes that Chibs might have gotten knocked around and landed somewhere but where that somewhere could be no one knows because it’s all chaos and random but no, totally hopeful, sure, why not. Seizing upon this, Minako’s like “OH YEAH THAT MUST BE WHERE MAMORU IS THEN,” in a gesture lacking such logic that I can only assume she’s feeding Usagi false hope because she can see Usagi hugging her tasseled crying pillow already.
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“PROMISES ARE INSOLUBLE AND MAMORU UNDERSTANDS RESPONSIBILITY SO OF COURSE THIS IS WHAT’S HAPPENED.” This Rei lacks every drop of characterization that makes this statement hilarious rather than just baffling and irritating, but it’s also the first time she’s said something that isn’t “Mars Star Power!” in nearly ten issues and I’m STARVING, so ask me how much I care right now.
Also excited about getting a line again, Mako gives Usagi a pep talk by claiming that Mamoru is only doting on Chibi-Usa because she’s Usagi’s daughter (with him, but it’s presented as “because she’s YOUR daughter”) and he wants Usagi to get to do whatever the fuck she wants and not worry about it.
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And maybe this is a bad translation, but assuming the general sentiment here, some questions:
How is this helpful? “You feeling shut out is all for you, Usagi!”
How does this inform Mamoru’s actions at all, when he only found out Chibs is his and Usagi’s daughter like fifteen minutes ago?
Anyway, Usagi just spends her time all “I WANT TO SEE YOU MAMO-CHAN” and saying “Mamoru” as often as possible, and I’m basically just never going to stop being bitter that she never said the real names of her abducted friends even once.
Then Luna-P bounces out of the storm, somehow managing to find them when you can’t find anyone anywhere in a space-time storm that we know nothing about and it also doesn’t have a time key and AAAAAAHHHHHH
Also Usagi is unconscious. Usagi is the lucky one.
Dimande and Saffir are also unconscious, but wake up to see Black Lady hovering over them. There’s exposition, but trust me when I say it makes exactly no sense and you’re better off without it. Dimande gets mouthy with Wiseman, who brainwashes him, raising Takeuchi’s Villain Puppet count to “All Of Them”. Why bother to create actual personality and motivation when you can just do this and call it a day.
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Then everything gets objectively terrible when she brings out our special surprise guest. It’s Mamoru! Only Chibs is calling him “Endymion” now! Also she says he’s her lover! Jesus wept what did you just fucking say! Yeah you heard me!
They kiss, and the entire universe vomits forever.
Usagi has a nightmare that’s basically this, because we have all sinned and this is our punishment. She wakes up in her bed, and her mum is there, only she’s been brainwashed by Luna-P to forget all about Chibi-Usa, who she was brainwashed into accepting in the first place. Someone may want to suggest to Takeuchi that there are other ways to handle plot bumps that aren’t brainwashing. No? No one? Okay! PS: Little eight-year old Chibi-Usa’s here too.
“What the fuck? This must be a dream,” you’re doubtless saying, if you’re me, reading this an hour ago. Oh, but you’‘d be wrong. “Shut the fuck up, I can’t be wrong. That wouldn’t make sense otherwise.” OH I KNOW. I KNOW. AND STILL.
GWOOO it’s back to the 30th century! Endymion (v 1.2985, no updates found) is hovering outside NQS’s coffin thing and is -- YOU GUESSED IT -- talking about how powerless he is. It’s good to know that Mamoru’s kept in touch with his favourite hobby after all these years. But wait! There’s one living creature left on this world! And she has a pep talk!
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........okay literally the entire world is dead except for you, Tiny Kitten. Literally. Dead. All of them. Each creature. Gone. Wiped out. Murdered. All dead. Everybody’s dead. Everybody. Is. Dead. Dave. So I can only assume Tiny Kitten is proving me right and literally NOBODY ELSE MATTERS EXCEPT THE ROYAL COURT, so now join me in imagining Tiny Kitten, in her Tiny Kitten voice, all “Fuck the proletariat!”
Back to Usagi and MARSMERCURYJUPITERVENUS. Usagi drops a time key and everything turns into Madoka for a second. “There’s trouble in the 30th Century!” Usagi concludes for no particular reason and they all go there because going to the Gate of Time now has all the weight of driving to Dairy Queen for a Blizzard.
“Pluto! I want an Ultimate Choco Brownie!” Usagi says, running to the drive-thru.
“Sorry, how about more death and destruction?” replies Pluto, revealing a second Black Crystal thingie amidst the devastation.
“Who was left to kill?” I ask no one. Somewhere, Tiny Kitten laughs and laughs and laughs.
Oh, and Black Lady is here. She takes Usagi’s ginzuishou? Maybe? It’s basically impossible to tell what’s happening. All I know is she isn’t kissing anyone, and thank god for that.
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