#i know several people who will prefix their oc tags
ragsy · 2 months
it was less of an issue when the only OCs i tagged on this blog had fairly unique monikers like arjibi and dogmark and fishwoman but man it is NOT functional whatsoever to have character tags that are just common normal-ass english names huh
sort of a weird evolution from how i USED to collect my OC posts, which was on an entirely separate blog and used an entirely different tag system i guess. i could get away with just tagging their name because they ALSO had additional context-giving tags along with them
but like outside of my friends and mutuals who are familiar with my characters, who's gonna see me tagging a post as #kenneth and assume it's about my special beloved blorbo and not some guy i know named kenneth who i want to know i reblogged this post for him
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kettouryuujin · 2 years
Tumblr media
Saw this challenge in my Suggested, and decided I'd go ahead and go for it, with a couple caveats:
I don't exactly have a WIP folder, so I'll just be listing the names of story ideas lurking in my noggin - whether content has been made for it or no.
I know most people are following me for my Pokémon content. The majority of these will NOT be Pokémon content. Anything not including Pokemon will be under the break.
Because I'm going outside the bounds of the challenge, I will NOT be tagging a person for every story. Instead, I'll tag someone for every Pokemon-related idea.
This is my first ever Tumblr challenge, so I have no idea what the etiquette is surrounding it. So I'm going to mention @yoongsisbae as it was his post that inspired me to do this challenge. Also, If someone I tag does not wish to participate in the challenge, I am willing to remove their tag from the list. If they do wish to take the challenge, they can follow the rules as originally written.
So with that in mind, here we go.
Tagging first: @ailingwriter, @ur-favoriterecord, @jade-nargacuga, @52catsinatrenchcoat, @blaiddraws, @monsoon-of-art, @cell113 and @vitium-mage
Pokemon Legends Arceus: Mysterious Destiny
Nobility AU
The Noble!Palina storyline started by Reverse Inheritance.
Unnamed JoJo's Bizzare Adventure x Pokemon Legends Arceus crossover
Unnamed story where a biker/motorcyclist (assuming large difference) turns into a Koraidon, and his bike turns into a Miraidon.
Unnamed Kamen Rider Zero-One x Gen 8 crossover
Kamen Rider Datas
Unnamed PLA story where several people end up Legendaries - not just Nobles (this one came to me while I was writing this post xD)
Non-Pokemon ideas
Senki Sentai Legacyger (Chronicle Squadron Legacy Ranger)
Rhythmic Sentai Sonicman (Rhythmic Squadron Sonic Man)
Majuu Sentai Legendman (Magical Beast Squadron Legend Man)
Seiza Sentai Tenjuuger (Contellation Squadron Heavenly Beast Ranger)
Unnamed Super Sentai fic focusing on a group called "Bounters" (unsure of the prefix yet)
Masou Sentai Strikeman (Magical Investigation Squadron Strike Man) [Name WIP, unsure if translation is right and IDK if I want to use "Strikeman" here)
Unnamed Super Sentai fic with Isekai elements
Unnamed Yugioh story that includes Super Sentai-themed custom cards
Unnamed Kamen Rider Saber fic with OCs as Riders and a heavier focus on isekai.
Unnamed rescue-themed Kamen Rider story
Kamen Rider Genos
Unnamed Zenonzard x Kamen Rider crossover (Zenonzard is a mobile TCG that died off a while ago. Fans have kept it playable online, however.)
Tomica Hero Rescue Medical
Dragons, Duelists, and Beasts
Unnamed Zootopia x Jojo's crossover
And one final note: On the topic of the unnamed Yugioh story, I'm actually working to create a custom archetype for every Super Sentai series. For those who don't know about Sentai, that's 46 different archetypes. The project has gone on the backburner for the time being, especially with all the writing I'm doing, but if people are interested I can open another blog to share these and other custom cards I've made.
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fiadhaisteach · 3 years
About me
Thanks for the tag, @oxygenforthewicked​! 🤗
1: Why did you choose your url?
When I decided to dump @/SiberianSpring (just the url... my City of Heroes main character will always have iterations running around), I went back to an older internet user name I'd abandoned way back when. I grabbed Aisteach on AO3, then found it wasn't available on Tumblr. Oops. 😝 A little Gaeilge wordplay and I ended up with FiadhAisteach.
Fiadh, depending on context, can be a noun or adjective, independent or prefixed and has several meanings, including: deer, wild, wilderness, outsized, large, respect, and esteem.
Aisteach is an adjective meaning strange, weird, queer, surprising, peculiar, odd, and/or wonderful.
2: Any side blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
Just @live-creatively, where I dump “all the creative/crafty/inspiration guides & how-to posts & re-blogs [I find] so I have some hope of finding them again.” Other than that I just dump everything in this one spot... I barely remember to use @live-creatively; I can’t imagine trying to keep up with a host of side blogs.
3: How long have you been on tumblr?
Technically since 2014, but there was a two-year gap in there when I was inactive. Then I resurfaced when I needed to connect with DA fanfic writers & artists, and here we are.
4: Do you have a queue tag?
Yes. rifts in the queue
5: Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I had a few friends from LJ days who popped their heads onto BookFace long enough to direct me to their blogs here.
6: Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
I change it up everyone once in a while, but it’s usually just one of my photographs. Right now it’s a monarch butterfly photo I took, at Monarch Grove Sanctuary, on my honeymoon.
7: Why did you choose your header?
Again, I change it up every few months, and it’s frequently one of my own photos. This one is obviously a spiderweb on a small branch. It’s damp with mist from South Falls at Silver Falls State Park.
8: What’s your post with the most notes?
Grandma Kathy’s Hard Toffee Recipe (I used JetBlackCode.com to find out). *does a little happy chair dance*
9: How many mutuals do you have?
145, if I counted right according to tumblr, though I’m sure some of them aren’t active anymore.
10: How many followers do you have?
11: How many people do you follow?
881. Believe it, or not, I curate my dash quite meticulously. Even so, my dashboard is a wonderful, chaotic mess, & I love it. Many of these are inactive friends that have moved on to other social media sites, but I refuse to “unfriend/unfollow” here or are organization's blogs that I like to follow for their news/updates. I also have 50, or so, blogs that I “Get Notifications” for, so even when I’m distracted by other shinies I don’t miss too much.
12: Have you ever made a shitpost?
Probably... possibly. It depends on your definition of shitpost.
13: How often do you use tumblr each day?
Probably way too much. It’s where I turn when “I’m on hold on the phone, while also waiting for a customer to actually ask a question so I can’t actually get work accomplished,” which happens way more frequently than you might think. I also pop over when I’ve got just a minute before something else is starting and I can’t let myself focus, but I know someone else will be interrupting my “TumblrTime,” so I'm not “wasting time.”
On non-work days & evenings... I’m on & off constantly, between fics and/or chapters of long fics.
14: Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
No. I try to stay out of drama and I tend to run from fights. Confrontation is challenging for me, even online.... hell, even friendly confrontation is nerve-wracking. Though I do my best, in that case. Life is too short, and we all have better ways of spending our time.
15: How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
Fastest way to get me to NOT repost something. Every once in a very long while I might reblog one, but it’s despite the enjoinder, not because of it.
16: Do you like tag games?
YES. I love tag games. Sometimes I’m bad about doing them in a timely fashion, but I love them.
17: Do you like ask games?
Also yes. Though I’m not great about sending them, I love reading about people’s OCs... and other people!
18.Do you have a crush on a mutual?
I definitely have platonic crushes. I love all of my mutuals and followers, and I’m grateful to have you all around. 🤗💖
I think I’m late to this so... tagging anyone who wants to! (and tag me so I can read your responses!)
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romolite · 4 years
*Important FAQ*
Aka questions that pertain to what I usually post about or stuff I don’t like getting asks about but continue to get asks about regardless.
[Insert any invasive question about my ethnicity/race]
I’m Ghanaian American. My parents were born in Ghana and I was born here in the US. I’ve seen it more on twitter and tumblr, but Black Africans don’t like me because I’m American, and black Americans don’t like me because I’m African. So I’m stuck in the middle lmao. I’m what you’d consider a First-Generation African, my parents are Continental Africans, and if I have children, they will be considered Generational African Americans.
First Generation African: A black person born in the US to parents who were born in Africa
Generational African American: A black person born in the US to US-born black parent(s)
Continental African: A black person born in Africa to parents who were also born in Africa
Non is just a prefix, black people don’t have a monopoly on the term! I suppose you think nonbinary people are racist huh?
Yeah sure it wasnt coined by black people but the context it’s currently used as was predominantly used by black people. ALL people who are not black benefit from and contribute to antiblackness, even if they are marginalized themselves. That kind of dynamic doesnt exist in other contexts (unless we’re talking about transfem + transmisogyny, but that’s something you’d have to talk to someone who is transfem about. Plus they have their own word for  “non-transfem”). Using it in contexts outside of antiblackness is appropriative (Yall are annoying as fuck with the “non-aspec” “non-lesbian”(this term also has anti-bi roots btw) “non-bi” shit etc, stop it. You also can’t complain about the “replacement terms” lumping yall with oppressors when “non-x” does the exact same thing you’re so worried about. “Cis” puts cis gays with cis hets, cis disabled people with cis abled people, cis white people with cis poc, I could go on.) 
Plus we’re talking about marginalized groups here. Black people are a marginalized group. Binary people as a whole are not so the term nonbinary isn’t appropriate at all.  I dont take issue with terms like “nonamerican” or “nonwhite” because (obviously) whites + americans as a whole aren’t oppressed for being white or american.
Basically using "non-x” in contexts to talk about oppression bad, everything else good.
Follow up: If we can’t use non-[marginalized group], what can we use instead?
There are other words to describe the people you’re talking about
non-transfem- TME
non-LGBT- cishet, or people who aren’t LGBT
non-trans - cis
Black people don’t have a monopoly on the acronym nb! I’ll call myself nb if I want to!
At this point I dont really care, go on your antiblack crusade elsewhere and out of my inbox, I’m always gonna mean nonblack when I use the acronym nb. 
And yes, you’re antiblack as fuck if you think black people telling you “nb” stands for “nonblack” is the same as exclusionists claiming “aspec” is for autistic people.
Is x AAVE?
I have a tag dedicated to what is and is not aave and how harmful it is for nonblacks to use aave given its history. I know some things overlap with southern culture but others are specifically for black people. A lot of “stan twitter” language/slang is just repackaged AAVE. No, I can’t tell you how to stop using AAVE. Don’t tell me you’re going to try to stop using AAVE, I don’t want to hear it.
Why don’t you like the n-word being compared to LGBT slurs?
Race and Sexuality/Gender aren’t comparable topics because each deals with a different history of oppression. I don’t care about slur discourse that much because I don’t even use/reclaim any myself except the n-word.
I have a problem with nonblack LGBT people co-opting black culture and struggle(like they always do), especially for trivial online discourse.
And to be honest it goes deeper than slur discourse. Every other day someone is weaponizing the oppression of black trans women, or comparing “cishet aces/aros” in the LGBT community to white/nonblack people invading black spaces (you know, something that ACTUALLY takes resources away from the people who need it, see the cultural appropriation of Black African and Blac American culture in literally any nonblack community while black people get demonized for said culture), or tokenizing their black friends to get away with something blatantly racist. And that’s not even getting into how a lot of gay slang/stan culture is just repurposed AAVE/black culture.
And I’m not gonna lie, I’ve seen this more with exclusionist accounts than inclus accounts, but it’s still not excusable for inclus to do that either. We get erased as black gay/trans/queer/aspec people up until it’s time for discourse accounts to bring us up to one-up each other
Can you give me advice on x?
Most likely not, because I’m not an expert or an advice blog. I’ll try, but don't take my word for it. I’m also tme, able-bodied, not Jewish, singlet, etc, so I’m not able to accurately answer questions about transmisogyny, (physical?) ableism, antisemitism, “sycourse”, etc.
I might be able to give advice on school-related stuff since I just graduated high school, but remember that students are not a monolith, and what worked for me may not work for someone else.
Can I follow if I’m nonblack/a minor/cishet?
Nonblack and/or cishet can follow but watch your step, minors blacklist the #minors dni tag before following
Why do you hate Ao3?
*long sigh*
I don't, I have a problem with the fact that it allows racist and (frankly voyeuristic) pedophilic/abusive/incestuous content to exist on its platform. It’s a good concept overall, but the devs are complicit in allowing “underage” and “noncon/dubcon” fics on their platform.
And there's the fact that they somehow need donations every year despite exceeding their goal several times over each year?
What’s wrong with Hazbin Hotel/The Ships/Vivziepop?
[WIP, as I have to go into extensive detail about this and I currently don’t have the energy for it]
TLDR: Viv made a half-assed apology for supporting racists (one of whom did blackface [yes the mask was used to do blackface shut up] to mock black activist) and drawing gross content. Her current projects including Hazbin Hotel are full of anti-gay/trans/aspec (Angel Dust, Vaggie, Alastor), antisemetic (Mimzy), and racist (Vaggie again, that yellow cyclops character that I’ve forgotten the name of) content under the guise of humor. If you’re into that shit, whatever, just don’t follow me and don’t whine when I make posts criticizing it.
What’s wrong with Hamilton?
Aside from the fact that it’s very obviously glorifying slave owners and made people worldwide believe the founding fathers were good people, LMM, the creator, is nonblack. This isn't his story to tell at all. 
Can you tag x?
I have a list of things I usually tag because they come upon this blog a lot. I cannot do catch all tags, as I have way too many followers for that. The closest thing to that is the “ask to tag” tag when there’s something potentially triggering but I’m not sure what it is. Everything is tagged as “x tw”. If something is extremely triggering, I’ll tag it as “major tw”
Do you tag slurs?
I tag slurs I’m not able to reclaim at all (i.e., d slur, f slur, t slur) or slurs I can reclaim but are being used as a slurs. I don’t tag the n-word, as I reclaim that one. I always tag the r slur
Can I message you about something/someone?
Unless you’re a mutual, most likely no. My DMs are only open to mutuals.
Do you want to be mutuals?
I don’t usually follow back people who follow me, especially if you’re under 16 or post things I’m not interested in.
Why is it important to have byf or about?
1) So I know gross people aren’t following me. This is not up for discussion
2) So I know someone’s not speaking out of their lane, which tends to happen a lot. (i.e, someone refusing to disclose that they are tme when discussing transmisogyny, someone not having their race listed when discussing racism)
3) Some people don’t want to interact with people under 18 or over like 30 or something.
Yeah, yeah, people aren’t entitled to personal information and all that crap but I have a serious problem with people speaking on topics from a place of privilege. Not to say they can’t talk about those things, just perhaps add a disclaimer that you’re privileged when talking about these things and be open to criticism, and NOT blocking people of the said marginalized group when they tell you something you’ve said was problematic.
I also have a problem with people who are intentionally vague about their age. There’s a difference between interacting with someone who’s 20 and someone who’s 29. I don’t want to say it’s the opposite for minors but at the same time there’s a difference for saying something racist at 13 and doing so at 17, and keeping your age vague makes it harder to determine how to deal with something like that. (Not that 13-year-olds shouldn’t know better, it’s just I don’t feel whole ass callout posts and receipt blogs are necessary for someone of that age).
Also anyone under 16, I can't stop you from following, but keep your interaction limited, please. This isnt an 18+ blog but I do rb suggestive jokes from time to time
I sent you an ask and you never answered it!
It’s likely that
I never got it
You were blocked
I’ve already answered this or it’s been answered in my faq
It’s a random positivity ask (which I appreciate but not sure how to respond to those)
You were rude in your ask and I didn’t feel like answering
I forgot until it was too late, which happens when my inbox gets a lot of asks at a time.
You sent it to the wrong blog (I.e, sending asks about my ocs to this blog instead of @ochood )
Hey, the op is [insert post] is [someone on my dni]! I usually double-check myself, just to be sure.
Have you heard about [someone who is mutuals with someone I’m loosely connected with]?
Most likely, no. And unless they’re an immediate danger to someone or they’ve got my name in their mouth, I don’t care.
Do you know who [x person/group/thing] is?Most likely no. Not to sound like a hipster but I don't usually keep up to date with trends. If I do hear about something, it’s most likely from twitter or Instagram.
Why am I blocked? Check here.
Why do you continuously move mains/change URLs/update themes?
I’m inconsistent. And sometimes there are posts on my blog that I no longer stand by.
Can I tag you in posts I think I’d like?Of course! 
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