#i know my bishop like i know my own mind /ref
jadelemonadee · 4 months
samuel mischaracterizers DNI!!!!!!!! /lhj
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canadianno · 1 month
TCOLC AU Bishop refs!
They're done holy FUCK. The art here is kind of old, so some of the proportions are a little wrong, but I don't really mind all that much. 15 hours and 89 layers later, all 5 bishops are done. On one canvas because... I didn't wanna make new ones I'm ngl.
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Each bishop has an everyday outfit and a crusade outfit! If you're drawing them at any point (now or in the future) and you have questions about the designs, don't be scared to send an ask my way, I'm always happy to clarify stuff.
(Note: I would greatly appreciate it if people didn't make suggestive jokes surrounding any of the designs, I'm not comfortable with them! Love yall <3)
Ramblings below! Edited note: tumblr likes to completely break my posts when I add a cut sometimes, which happened here, so I'm not gonna put one in hopes that it doesn't kill my formatting again. Hopefully it automatically "read more"s this post. If it doesn't I'm very sorry 🙏
🌿 Leshy: It's to be noted that my Leshy is transmasc, literally just because I think he deserves it, it's cool as fuck. I really wanted to give him the classic top-surgery scars because, I'll be honest, they're fun to draw, but I had to find a reasonable explanation for it because he's not a mammal. Anyway that's how I ended up with an entire evolutionary explanation for why he would have those. I will never be given the chance to explain it in the fic ever, so it shall just be random information I have forever. I love him he's silly.
🍄 Heket: While I am a big supporter of tomboy Heket, I also think she deserves to be cool and wear pretty frills whenever the fuck she wants. She's awesome and her shirt is supposed to look like a mushroom. It's also worth noting that the crosses on the bishops heads are specific, with Heket having two crosses with double prongs. She has them like this in-game and there's probably a cooler explanation for it but. I have my own silly headcanons bc I do what I want! Also, since I can't decide for the fucking life of me if she's a toad or a frog, I've decided she's just. Both. Both of them. Her mom was a frog her dad was a toad. Is this possible irl? No but COTL is a fantasy world I do whatever the fuck I want.
🌑 Narinder: Main thing I note for Narinder is that he has distinct facial markings, you just have to look closely. Another note is that his clothes have a repeating cloud motif because of the fog in the gateway- which, trust, it was his own idea. Lamb doesn't know why he chose it but they're not gonna argue. Narinders' main robes are made of wool, but his crusade outfit is made of cotton so it's easier to repair if damaged. His crusade outfit has the Big Pants because he's mostly gotta fight with his feet now, since most of the time his hands don't function reliably enough to hold a weapon.
🪸 Kallamar: Kallamar is funny to me because he's the only one here who's plantigrade, meaning he's got human-esque legs. Another notable design aspect is that he has a tail, when squids do Not Normally Have Those. That's because my Kallamar isn't fully a squid, and you can kinda sorta blame my mutual for that. Not really it's me who gave him the tail. Anyway, no matter how you draw him or what outfit he's in those 3 dark red jewels on the golden chain thing gotta be on him somewhere- they're sentimental to him. He usually wears them as a crown, but in the crusade outfit they're around his neck to be safer. Also, on the crusade outfit, he has stolen a set of Shamuras gloves. Brat little brother <3
🔮 Shamura: Their main outfit really closely resembles their bishop robes and that is intentional! They made the robes themselves, and it would've been close to an exact match had the Lamb banned them from using golden colored cloth. This is only partially because Lamb doesn't like them, but also because they don't want the bishops trying to start a mutiny, and walking around in bishop robes is a pretty easy way to collect weaker followers like flies. Shamuras' crusade outfit is also pretty unique compared to the others, and one of two reasons is that it's meant to resemble their old crusade outfits when they were younger. The second reason is that they look really cool. The outfit is designed for mobility, mostly, and before you say anything, the hip windows are because Shamura usually holds close range weaponry in the second set of arms and hates the way they snag on fabric when its there.
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risingscorchingsuns · 5 months
Ok so I have a little HC that Rengoku is the easiest one to dance with at gatherings and celebrations. He's so passionate and loud and alive like a dancing flame he is. Always a load of fun and never turns away a request. I also think this is where he outshines Tengen in one area! He has the patience to go at anyone's own pace, but he can also keep up with anybody as well as lead smoothly. I don't know how confident Hikaru is at that, but I think him and Rengoku cutting a rug is so very cute.
hi bishop i need you to know that this headcanon is adorable and has been consuming my brain i could not rest until i drew it
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I’d imagine Kyojuro would lead- Hikaru’s plenty agile, but he hasn’t got an ounce of grace when it comes to dancing; it’s part of the reason why he struggled so much using Insect Breathing. He’d probably look pretty silly all spinning and dancing about, but he and Kyo are both just having so much fun and putting so much passion into trying that nobody really minds ❤️‍🔥💜🪲
pose ref by mellon_soup!
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whattraintracks · 2 months
Good Genes - Part 1 & 2
part one:
LH's opening is breaking my heart
Bishop: Stockman! Why aren't you solving the problems I caused??
but deadpan because that's how Bishop says stuff
Bishop and his fancy room for taking calls
who's the creepy comm ghost?
Leo has kept his cool so well since he got back from Japan
until now T^T
this is so so so reminiscent of the mind probe scene aaaaaaaaaa
something about the order of their shoulders falling at the reference to Don's double mutation is itching my brain (Leo who makes the ref, then Raph a second after Leo's, and Mikey a few moments after)
we gotta get somewhere fast. let's fly Don's helicopter!
okay, do any of you know how to fly Don's helicopter?
does Don even know how to fly Don's helicopter?
all good questions! they'll get back to you after they fly Don's helicopter to get where they need to go =D
we should all pay way more attention to when Mikey says he has a bad feeling about something
remember kids, it's important to growl before you draw your weapons
(why did they do that?? what happened to my quick draw ninja?!)
Bishop: is this necessary?
yes, for the plot
this arc really said let's traumatise Don and retraumatise LH
holy frick, the back and forth shots of Leo tranqing Don as Don runs toward him is devastatingly intense
Leo looks so serious and the music
oh YES love how, when Bishop straight up lies to them, both Splinter AND Mikey give him highly skeptical looks
the overdramatic shock on everyone's face is when Bishop says Karai is comedy gold
part two:
"a wise man once said"
why is it always men, Leo? maybe it was a wise woman or—
Han Solo??????
what a dork. quoting star wars as if it's such great wisdom
(sidenote, I guess the first one to say the bad feeling line in og was Luke but Han says it twice AND Leia says it too so HAH)
"it's an impossible mission"
Leo you, with your fam and on your own, have literally infiltrated Foot Central before
like at least twice overall
ooh special agent turtles
(special agent Michelangelo! special agent Raphael!! please let them call themselves that they'll love it so much)
come on Casey, duh, April's too pretty to be a janitor
"Leonardo is here" call that nemesis-dar (rival-dar? foe-dar? being-you've-blamed-for-every-tragedy-in-your-life-dar? we'll workshop it)
very interested in the mystics' angle here
uh oh, Raph found some toys 🤣🤣🤣
"and we're backing up. and we're avoiding the obvious trap" Mikey the sole owner of the braincell
Raph, if you blow up all of your toys we aren't getting you new ones
love that Raph is the one Leo sends to figure out the machinery/tech/distraction with Don out of commission
haha wizard of oz ref (not my brain going from there to -> dorothy+tornado -> twisters)
Mikey successfully wields the braincell to keep Leo from showing down with Karai
well done Michelangelo
LH: demonstrates his usefulness to Bishop
Bishop: starts calling him Mr. Leatherhead instead of animal
yeah hmm don't like how icky that makes me feel
naked Donny lol
the mystics got upgrades
the true who now? Oh dear
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treadmilltreats · 1 year
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I don't let things bother me anymore
I used to stress about everything. What am I doing with my life? How will I pay my bills? Am I making everyone around me happy?
There are so many things racing around in my head every day. Things that I had no control over yet here I was worrying about them nonetheless.
But why do we do this? Will our worry change the outcome? Will our sleepless nights change what will happen? Of course, they won't, yet we do it anyway. Some people do it to the point of making themselves sick. Yes, stress can make you sick and even kill you, so why are so many people still doing it?
After my bout with stress illness and my talk with my Bishop, who gave me this wonderful advice, I decided I would not let anything bother me anymore. Now, is it always easy? Oh, hell no! You would know this if you drive with me as I curse out some dumb ass driver. But we are all a work in progress. We will all slip up or slide backward. The point is that you get back up, and you keep going.
I am constantly telling myself, is this worth your peace? No, I realized not anything is worth my peace of mind, and when I think of it that way, I tend to let it go. We do this to ourselves, we stress ourselves out, and we think of all the what if's. We bring ourselves fear, and we rile ourselves up into a frenzy. About what. Shit we can't change, someone's behavior we don't like? Stupid stuff that will happen in life? Nah, not me. I choose to let it go, to not allow it to bother me.
So today, my friends, remember life is short, too short to be bothered by things, to allow others to own your feelings or steal your peace. You need to start letting go. Let go of the anger. Let go of the petty bullshit that annoys you. Just let it all go. It doesn't matter anymore, compared to your peace. When you learn to stop allowing things to bother you, you allow more peace into your life.
Only you can be the change you want to see.
@Treadmilltreats"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
**Now released my latest book**
The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed
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My 1st book The blessing in Disguise
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blackmissfrizzle · 4 years
Characters: Angel Reyes x black!reader
Summary: A fight with your boyfriend leads you to hide a big secret from Angel
Warnings: Mentions of domestic violence, torture (nothing explicit), blood, violence, and swearing.
A/N: Shoutout to @starrynite7114​ for indulging me and all of my ideas. Thanks friend, you’re the best! Also, I’m really in love with this story, so I kinda got carried away and made it 3.2k words. Sorry guys! I hope you enjoy. 
Divider by: @firefly-graphics​
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Of course, you would refuse to call anyone to come get you. Frankie’s job was never easy and why should it start now? Since, you were put in the cell, Frankie was trying to get you to call Angel, EZ, Miguel, or Nestor, but you refused to.
“Y/N, please!” Frankie was not above begging. He would do anything to get you to call any of your close friends. “They’re gonna find out either way and if they find out I didn’t let you tell them, they’re gonna kill me.”
“Frankie, stop being so dramatic. They’ll beat your ass, not kill you.” The deputy groaned and childishly stomped his feet. “I’m kidding. They won’t lay a finger on you. But if you’re scared of what they’ll do to you, what do you think they will do to Russell?”
Russell, your boyfriend, well your ex-boyfriend now was the reason you were sitting a jail cell. Something must have possessed him, because he was bold enough to punch you, but when you turned the tables and beat his ass, he actually called the cops on you. Then, the cops arrested you because Russell looked like the victim.
“I don’t understand why you’re protecting him. He put his hands on you.”
“And I beat his motherfucking ass. That doesn’t warrant his death. Now let me make my call.” Frankie threw up his hands and let you out of the cell. “Fucking finally!”
The only person you could call knowing they wouldn’t tell any of the Mayans (specifically Angel) and Miguel was Felipe. “Mija,” he whispered when he saw you. He tilted your head gently to inspect your new black eye.
“It looks worse than it feels.” You patted his hand and began walking to his truck. “You know you have to tell Angel.” Felipe began his spiel, commenting on how he couldn’t keep this from his son. “I will. Just give me some time.”
The Reyes patriarch reluctantly agreed and went on to make sure you were feeling okay and safe. He even ignored your protests and walked you inside your home and quizzed you on how to shoot a gun properly. “I’m good, Felipe. I promise, girl scout’s honor.” His eyes roamed your house once more, checking for any threats. “Okay, mija. Don’t hesitate to call if you need anything.” Then he left you to wonder how you were going to avoid seeing Angel, someone you nearly see every day, until you were healed.
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Angel was getting really worried now. He hadn’t seen you in a couple of days due to you being busy, but now you were missing Wednesday breakfast at Pop’s. You never missed those. Even if you were drunk or too tired, you would drag your ass over like a zombie just for that breakfast.
If you were missing breakfast because of Galindo, then he wouldn’t hesitate to tell him off. That man took too much of your time already. “You think something happen to Y/N? Maybe I’ll go over to check on her.” Angel asked his little brother.
“Relax Angel,” Felipe sits a cup of coffee in front of his eldest. “She’s probably just healing up.”
Angel spits out his coffee when the words finally register. “Healing?”
“Fuck,” Felipe mutters. “Healing? Pops, she’s healing from what?” Felipe explained everything to his sons. He told them how Russell hit you and when you defended yourself, he called the cops on you and you had to spend some time in jail.
Both Reyes brothers were pissed, but Angel more than EZ. He’s been in love with you since you were kids. “And you’re just fucking telling me now?!”
“I was giving her a chance to tell you herself. You know she’s as stubborn as you. She almost didn’t call me at all.” Felipe didn’t mind his son’s outburst, he completely understood it. He’s just as pissed at himself for keeping the secret so long (if you consider two days long).
EZ probably understood you a bit better than Angel, because you were both alike, so he could see why you didn’t tell them. That’s why he stopped Angel. He knew if Angel confronted you right now, that you would deflect and shut down. “Angel, not this way.” He pulled his brother back by the bicep.
“Then what do you fucking suggest, Ezekiel?” If EZ didn’t hurry up, he might just catch the hands that were meant for Russell. “Just hear me out. Let’s make a call and if you still wanna go then we’ll go.” After EZ explained exactly what he wanted to do, Angel calmed down significantly.
From the sink, Felipe watched his sons come together and well-meaningly plot against you. When the boys left, Felipe went to Marisol’s urn and pressed a kiss to it. “You think she’ll forgive me, mi vida?” Soon, he felt an overwhelming warmth and calmness. “Thank you, hermosa.”
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You fidgeted with your sunglasses. Hopefully, Miguel wouldn’t comment on you wearing them in the house. If so, you’ll lie about having a hangover or something.
He gave you a couple of days off per your request but called you in for an emergency. He promised it would be quick and that you could go home promptly.
But then you saw the motorcycles. This wouldn’t be the first time you had to mediate between Miguel and the MC. They never spoke about anything illegal around you, but they did call on you to ease the tension. You were better than Marcus at switching in between the two and making them agreeable with each other.
Dealing with their drama was the least of your concerns. Not only do you have to lie to Miguel, but all of the Mayans as well. Plus, you had to deal with Angel, who you’ve been avoiding for the past two days. This was gonna be a challenge.
“Gentlemen,” you greeted everyone. At least they didn’t look like they were gonna kill each other. “What can I do for you?”
“It’s more like what can we do for you.” Miguel was at the table, chin in hand. “No one’s heard from you in a couple of days.”
They couldn’t possibly know. Could they? “Ah, you know this cold is kicking my ass. I’ve just been sleeping.”
Angel sat up a little straighter before leaning his elbows on his knees. “Hmm, and the sunglasses, querida?”
“Oh um, you know cough medicine plus whiskey equals a bad hangover.” All of the men looked like they didn’t believe you. Time to abort mission. “Um, well if there is nothing I can do, I’ll just go on home and get that much needed rest.”
You went to grab your purse, but you were no match against Angel’s long legs. He was in front of you lifting your glasses off. “Angel, no!”
If Angel was pissed about this earlier, now seeing you and your black eye, he was nuclear now. Fuck this, he thought. He was gonna go kill Russell right now.
Grabbing his wrist, you tried to stop him, but Angel was too strong. He slightly pushed you away, but when he heard you wince in pain it stopped him dead in his tracks.
This time it was Miguel’s turn to inspect your injuries. He lifted up your blouse and saw your bruised ribs. All of the men were in a commotion now, ready to ride out and string that motherfucker up.
“Querida,” Angel sighed and gently pulled you into a hug. You could feel his tears on your own cheek which made you shed some of your own. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Bishop chimed in.
“Because it wasn’t a big deal.”
“Because it wasn’t a big deal?!” Miguel repeated, blown away by how nonchalant you were about this. “THAT PENDEJO HIT YOU! Don’t you think it’s a big deal?”
Oh shit, you don’t know if they’re more pissed at you or Russell at this point. “No, it is, but I handled it. Now he has to walk around town looking fucked up knowing I was the one who did it to him.”
Bishop tapped the table in anger. He could just shake you right now. “No, you should’ve called one of us the moment that pussy called the cops on you.”
“Hey, let’s not go insulting pussies! They take poundings most men couldn’t handle.” You weren’t going to allow Bishop to insult the thing they all loved sticking their dicks in.
“Y/N!” Miguel was beginning to get frustrated with you and your deflections. “Miguel!” You mimicked his tone. Nestor stepped in between you, to play ref. Even though you were Miguel’s assistant the two of you fought like siblings. “Okay, Y/N/N that’s enough.”
“Is it, Nestor?” You cocked your head to side, annoyed with being told what to do. “I come out of the comfort of my home thinking my help was needed, but instead I get ambushed!”
“Because you fucking lied!” Angel slammed his hand against the table, causing everyone even you to jump a little. “You let everyone believe you were okay when you were in pain.” His voice cracked slightly, thinking of how much worse you could’ve been. He always heard the horror stories of domestic violence and he promised himself that if something as ugly and vile would happen to anyone close to him, then that sorry excuse of a man would never walk the face of the earth again.
“Okay, I get it. You’re upset. But I handled it, there’s no need for any of you to get involved.” Honestly, you wouldn’t mind if they would just beat Russell’s ass, but that’s all you wanted. A simple (well maybe not so simple considering who these men are) beatdown. But you knew these men who you called family were. A threat to you was a threat to them and vice versa. Their pigheadedness wouldn’t allow it.  As you thought, they explained to you that an affront to you, an extension of the Mayans MC and the Galindo family was disrespect to them and that would not be tolerated.
However, by the grace of God and lots of negotiating techniques, you were able to come to some middle ground. They wouldn’t kill Russell, just make him wish they did. It was going good until a call came in from Russell’s sister Sienna. She was calling you all kinds of bitches, hoes, sluts, and claiming you as the mc’s whore, threatening you that her and a gang of her cousins were gonna jump you for fighting her brother. Conniving little bitch. He probably convinced all of his friends and family you were the aggressor and they would have no problem trying you.
When the phone call ended, you immediately try to place everything back right on track. “This changes nothing, okay?” Even though you could see that you lost them, you were gonna be in the fight of your life. “Really, Y/N? Now he’s lying on your name to his family and they’re ready to beat yo ass. Fuck that! What the fuck is wrong with you!?” Angel was fed up with you protecting Russell’s weak ass.
“WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME?!” Everything that happened over the past couple of days were finally bubbling over. “It’s all of you fucking alpha males with your machismo thinking I need protection. I’m not weak! I’m not some damsel in distress! I can handle my own damn problems.”
You grabbed your things and shoulder checked Angel on your way out, but you were stopped by one voice that had yet to speak up until now. “Y/F/N Y/M/N Y/L/N!” It was a decibel below a yell, but it still held the same energy.
Marcus Alvarez was your dad’s best friend outside of Bishop. Your dad was his mechanic whenever Marcus came into Santo Padre and that how the quickly bonded with each other. Last year, when your dad died of a stroke, Marcus promised to keep an eye on you. “Sit down,” he ordered, and you quickly listened, knowing his tone tolerated no insubordination.
“You gotta teach me that.” Angel told the revered El Padrino, which earned him harsh glares from you, Marcus, and Bishop.
Alvarez ignored Angel and came to sit next to you. “No one is calling you weak, sweetheart. When you’re a real man, things like what that cabrón did really works you up. Add that you know the woman he did it to and it makes you bloodthirsty. Now if your dad were alive what do you think would happen?” He asked, his voice lighter and more conspiratorial.
Laughter bubbled up your throat. If your dad were alive this conversation wouldn’t even be happening. “Get that baseball bat and bash his knees in and that would be the least of it.” Marcus playfully shoved your shoulder. “You know it. So, you know what we gotta do?” You nodded your head, not liking it, but Russell was grown and should’ve known this would seal his fate.
“And after this could you please put Angel out of his misery? Bishop can’t take anymore of him walking around like a sad puppy dog.” Your eyes went to Angel who was indeed standing not too far away with his puppy dog eyes and fidgeting with his rings. “Yeah, I got you.” Your eyes stayed on Angel as you answered Alvarez. Suddenly, Angel got nervous under your warm stare and smile. He didn’t know what you could possibly be plotting with Alvarez.
Angel was granted his reprieve when you asked what the plan was, which sent everyone in a tizzy. There was a resounding no in the room as the men denied your request to be part of their revenge quest. “You can’t be there, Y/N. You need complete deniability.”  Miguel began to escort you out and you couldn’t even argue against that.
You knew now it wasn’t a woman thing. If they ever find out about his death or dig into his disappearance you would be suspect number one. So, you allowed Miguel to push you into the arms of his mother as him and the rest of the men planned who knows what.
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Russell was smart. He knew word about what happened to you would get to the Mayans and Galindo, so naturally he went on the run.
It took them a little longer than they have liked to find him, but they did. Chasing Russell fueled them even more. By the time they got their hands on him, Russell knew he was a dead man.
Everyone gotten their pound of flesh when they caught Russell. Even Prissy Miguel (something Angel loved to call him behind his back) got his hands dirty.
The best was saved for last though. Angel stood back and watched his brothers and Miguel and his crew beat the dog shit out of Russell.
“What? You’re not gonna get in on this? You’re the whole reason why that whore got hit in the first place.” Russell glared or tried to glare at Angel through his swollen eyes. He thought if he poked the bear hard enough maybe just maybe the bear would go ballistic and end his life right then and there. He didn’t know how much more of this torture he could endure.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Angel was so caught up that Russell hit you that he didn’t bother to ask what led up to it. To him it didn’t matter because no man should ever put hands on a woman, but to hear he was the cause didn’t sit right with him.
“Of course, she didn’t tell you, dumb fucking slut.” Angel whacked him across his ribs with a baseball bat. “Watch your damn mouth! And start fucking talking.”
“Okay!” Russell cried out in agony. “She was breaking up with me to be with you! She said she couldn’t be with another person knowing she was in love with you.”
Angel stood there shocked. All this time he didn’t think you felt the same way about him and now he found out you got hurt because of your true feelings.
Coco could tell it would take a while for Angel to process that. He was always slow on the uptake when it came to you. So, Coco took his cigarette and burned holes into Russell’s skin. “So, what you’re saying is that Y/N was kind enough to let you down easy and not cheat on you. She told you the truth and you decided to hit her? That’s some weak ass shit!” Everyone was ready to take another hit, but they knew Russell wouldn’t last and that Angel should be the one to take him out.
Finally, Angel snaped out of it and went at Russell with the bat, making sure he broke his knees. “Fucking piece of shit!” Eventually, the baseball bat was forgotten, and Angel was beating Russell with his bare hands. Life left Russell awhile ago, but that didn’t stop Angel. His brothers literally had to pull him off the dead body.
“EZ get your brother cleaned up and make sure he’s calmed down before he goes see her.” Bishop ordered the new patch. Everyone else would stay behind for cleanup. “Got it, Prez.” EZ lightly shoved his brother, “C’mon Angel, let’s go get your girl.”
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You had just gotten home from the movies and drinks with Emily. From how she wouldn’t take no for an answer you knew the guys had found Russell.
Chucking your heels across the room you made your way to your kitchen until you heard your door unlocking. The door opened and revealed Angel. You could tell he just showered by the little droplets of water still clinging to his hair.
“Angel, what are you doi-,” he caught off your question with his lips. He cradled your face as if you were the most precious thing ever.
“Do you love me?” He asked, out of breath like he wasn’t the one to just rock your world with a simple kiss. “Duh Angel, I love you. Why do you think I laugh at all your dumb jokes? You’re not that funny.”
“Ouch, querida that hurts.” He covered his heart in mock hurt. “Question is do you love me, Mr. Angel Ignacio Reyes?” You rested your palms on his chest and looked up at him expectantly.
Angel licked his lips in deep thought and ticked his head to the side. “I thought when I kissed the living daylights out of you it told you so.”
Backing away you patted his firm pecs. “Okay, chill your kiss wasn’t even all that.”
“Is that so?” A smile ghosted on Angel’s lips.
“Yup.” You deadpanned, crossing your arms across your chest. “Okay then.” Angel sighed before he chased you through your house.
All you could hear was Angel’s heavy feet, your giggles, and the occasional taunting. Finally, Angel caught you and sat you on your island. Loud giggles turned into soft chuckles. Soft chuckles turned into silent longing gazes with soft smiles. “I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Angel.”
Angel grabbed one of your hands and interlocked your fingers with his. “I’ll keep you safe.” Angel tilted your conjoined hands to kiss yours. You mimicked Angel’s action and did the same to his. “I know.”
The rest of the night you spent it where you felt the safest, in Angel’s arms.
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ghstandpucks · 4 years
Cutting Edge ~ Nathan MacKinnon Ch.10
Chapter 10!!! Oh wow, we’re here! I was excited about this chapter, as I am with the next one! I hope you all enjoy it and let me know what you think of the series this far! I only have a few chapters left in my head to write for it, so we are getting closer to the end! 
I hope you are all healthy and safe, and Happy Holidays!!! Let me know if you would like to be tagged in the series! Enjoy!
Cutting Edge Master List
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Returning to Denver after Christmas, you spent most of your time at the rink after practice working on polishing your own skating again. You had been informed that all skating coaches would be performing at the upcoming NHL All-Stars weekend, and every figure skater had been sent music to choreograph a routine to. Luckily for you, choreography was one of your strong points. You had always loved putting your own routines together, and this was no exception. You had been sent the song CHAMPION by Bishop Briggs and though you loved the song, you knew your routine had to be flawless to skate to it. You were the reigning Olympic champion after all. Nate would stay most of the time with you, trying his best to be helpful and give you his opinion when you asked for it. He admittedly did not know much about figure skating though and usually just told you everything looked great, even when you knew it probably wasn’t. You appreciated his support though none the less.
Two weeks before the All-Star break was set, you found yourself traveling to Dallas as the boys had a game against the Stars. Along with the Stars came the one figure skater you could live without ever dealing with again, Ashley Wagner. Beside Nate, no one knew the animosity that was between the two of you, and you were hoping to keep it that way. You didn’t need to worry the team with a petty feud between two rival figure skaters.
You were staring out the window of the plane when you felt someone sit down next to you. Turning, you saw Nate settling into the seat as he gave you a questioning look. “You okay?” he asked. He knew you weren’t looking forward seeing Ashley, and was not sure what this new environment would bring out. You smiled and nodded, opening your book again to distract you.
Nate was worried about you. He had been watching you stress yourself out over putting together a perfect routine for the All-Stars, not to mention helping Jeremy put his together over multiple facetimes. Apparently, you were the one to come to with routine questions. He thought it was amazing, how you could take a song and within two days have a mostly completed routine laid out, he would never be that creative. But between coaching, working on your skating, and running to dress fittings at a shop you found in Denver, he had never seen you look so worn out. Nate was worried that if Ashley pushed a button correctly, you would snap. Your smile may be able to fool everyone else, but Nate had been paying attention over the two months you had been together and was starting to be able to read you like a book. Though it was comforting to you that he knew how you were feeling without even saying it; it also put you on edge. You were used to concealing your feelings behind a smile, and with Nate you couldn’t anymore.  
The team landed in Dallas the evening before their game, and you enjoyed dinner with them before heading to your hotel room. You were just crawling into bed with the cooking channel on when there was a knock at your door. Opening it, Nate stepped in quickly and shut the door behind him. “What are you doing here?” you asked. When you traveled, the two of you didn’t spend time in each other’s rooms unless someone else was around to prevent any suspicion.
“No one saw me, we’re fine,” he said, placing a soft kiss on you lips. He grabbed your hand and pulled you over to the bed, getting in on his side as you did the same. “I won’t stay long,” he said gently as you rested your head on his chest. His arm that was around you started drawing absent minded figures on your waist underneath your shirt, as his other hand held yours. “I’ll leave early before anyone should be up,” he said into your hair as you both drifted off.
Around 5am, you heard Nate’s alarm go off and felt him get out of bed. He chuckled as you mumbled incoherently and deftly reached for him. “Go back to sleep,” he whispered, placing a kiss on your forehead. You sleepily watched him walk to the door and peak his head out, giggling at his large figure trying to be sneaky as he made his way out.  
~ ~ ~
           This was not happening. This wasn’t supposed to happen. Who does interviews before anything happens! You absentmindedly grabbed the figure skate charm on your necklace and bit your lip. You had just been told that you would be doing a pre-game interview. That wasn’t what was bothering you though. What was bothering you was that you would be doing the interview with Ashley. You knew someone had happened across your not so friendly history and planned this because you have never done an interview with any of the other skating coaches.
           You were ushered to the area and sat down in front of a microphone when you were announced. Ashley walked in after, smiling brightly at you. You returned it, quickly snapping into performance mode. At first the questions were fine; how did you like being with your team, how were things going, did you miss skating yourself. Then the question came of how do you think your team will do in the game tonight. Ashley, being asked first, put on a brilliant smile that made you want to role your eyes. God she was so fake. “I think we’ll do great! I know how Y/N skates and I have prepared them for it. The Stars are a great team so we shouldn’t have a problem.” You kept your smile light, trying your best not to roll your eyes at her. The same question was then directed to you.
           “I believe that the team is prepared. Similar to what Ashley said, I know how she skates and it should be a good game,” you answered. You heard Ashley snicker quietly and you had to bite your tongue. This was not the time or place to lose your temper on her. After a few more questions, you were asked to take a picture together. You had been fiddling with your necklace and didn’t pay any attention to it until you realized Ashley was looking at it.
           “That’s new. Why is there a 29 on it?” she asked. You froze, but quickly recovered and turned the charm back around.
           “It’s the maker of the charm,” you tried to shrug off. As you walked out of the room of the interview, Ashley followed.
           “I’ve never heard of them. Where can I order one?” she pestered.
           “It’s this little boutique in Denver. They don’t have a website,” you said off the top of your head.
           “Well that’s too bad. Maybe you can take me to this 29 store the next time we’re in Denver?”
           “Of course.” You both faked a smile at each other as you got to the hallway leading to the locker rooms. Unfortunately for you, Nate had stepped outside to see where you were. The team had seen the interview and you were taking a little long to get back. He volunteered to make sure you weren’t lost. Ashley didn’t miss him.
           “What a coincidence, 29 looks like he’s looking for you,” she smirked, leaving for the Stars locker room. You walked over to Nate and started to push him back into the locker room. To say he was slightly confused was an understatement.
           It was late in the third period, the score tied 1-1. The game had been highly physical, and you couldn’t help but be on edge. You were standing on the bench when the final buzzard went off, and the game was pushed into overtime. The game became even more physical if that was even possible, and you jumped as Perry checked Cale into the boards in front of you. A time out was called by the Stars, and you glanced briefly over to their bench. As you did, you saw Ashley say something to Jamie Benn, and he smirked looking your way. You saw him then eye Nate, and you had a bad feeling about it. Watching as Benn skated over to Nate, you could tell he was saying something. Nate tried his best to ignore the left winger, and you wish you could hear what was being said. The puck dropped, and as quickly as it hit the ice, gloves were also falling. You watched as Nate and Benn went at it, wanting to hide behind your hands but also not being able to look away. Without notice, you grabbed onto Tyson’s arm as he was the player you were standing behind. The bench was yelling, the crowd was cheering, and you didn’t know what to do. Watching hockey fights on tv or from the stands was one thing; but watching from the bench as the player you were dating was duking it out with another had you frozen in place.
           To your relief, you saw Benn hit the ice with Nate on top and the refs scrambled to separate them. What you weren’t prepared for though was seeing Nate with a cut at his eyebrow, blood gushing from it. You unintentionally squeezed Tyson’s arm, and he turned back to you. “He’s fine Y/N,” he spoke lightly, patting your hand with his glove. Looking at him, you nodded and tried to compose yourself. Your first instinct was to run to Nate and see if he was alright, but you knew you couldn’t do that. All you could do was watch as he was escorted off the ice, his penalty longer than the amount of time left in the game. Benn had a bloody nose, and what looked like a busted lip, but that didn’t stop him from smirking over at you. You watched as Ashley tried to hide a laugh, and you were thankful that the game was about to resume or else you may have yelled something you shouldn’t. Unfortunately, a man down with Nate off the ice, the Stars scored first, effectively winning the game.
           You were waiting outside the medical room wanting to see Nate as the Avs started to spill out of the locker room and head for the bus. You were in your own head, blaming yourself for the loss when you heard someone walk up to you. Looking up, you saw Tyson with a concerned look on his face. “You know he’s fine right? They probably just have to stitch up his eyebrow if anything,” he said, trying to judge your reaction.
           “I feel like it’s my fault,” you whispered, tears starting to blur your vison.
           “What do you mean? None of this is your fault Coach,” Tyson responded, confused as to why you were blaming yourself.
           “I think he got in the fight because of me; because stupid Ashley can’t keep her mouth shut. And then we lost because we were a man down and it’s all my fault,” you swiped at a pesky tear that had fallen. Tyson wasn’t sure what to do, not entirely understanding why you were taking the loss so personally. They had lost a few times before and he didn’t think you had been this effected by it.
           “You’re losing me. Why would Nate’s fight be your fault?” As Tyson finished his question, you grabbed the charm on your necklace and flipped it over to show him. You saw the moment his confusion turned into realization at what the ‘29’ was referring to. “Wait you and Mac?” he whispered, eyes wide and smile threatening to show. You nodded. “I knew it! Since when?”
           “Since the home opener. But we’re keeping it quiet so you need to calm down right now!”
           “Does anyone else know?” he asked, trying and failing to compose his face.
           “Only Gabe and Andre on the team. Mel knows, and my best friend Jeremy knows, plus our parents but that’s it.” You said, then remembered why you were having this conversation to begin with. “But now I think Ashley knows, at least she guessed when she saw my necklace which is why this is all my fault. I shouldn’t have been playing with it which drew her attention to it and it landed on the wrong side.” You wiped angrily at another tear that fell, annoyed. You had always been a crier when you were mad though; it was how you dealt best with the emotion. Tyson went to comfort you as the door behind him opened. You looked around him and saw Nate, with the outlines of an apparent black eye and medical tape over fresh stitches over his right eye on his eyebrow ridge. You rushed around Tyson and wrapped your arms around Nate’s sternum, hugging him not caring that he hadn’t showered yet. He held you with one arm, his stuff in the other as he looked at Tyson who was smiling like an idiot.
           “See you two lovebirds on the bus,” the younger man saluted and walked off. Nate stared after him confused for a second, but then seeing no one was around he bent down and planted a kiss on top of your head. You separated from him, looking up into his blue eyes.
           “I’m so sorry if this is because of me,” you whispered, not bothering to stop another tear that had fallen.
           “It’s fine baby. Does Josty know about us?” Nate asked, wiping a tear with the pad of his thumb. It was a risk, being this close in public. But he hadn’t seen you cry before, and he wanted to be near you after what Benn had said on the ice. You nodded and grabbed his hand, noticing he had also split one of his knuckles.
           “I was freaking out because Ashley saw the 29 on my necklace and I think she figured it out and said something to Benn. I feel like it’s my fault we lost and I ended up telling Tyson.” You were looking down at your hands, then looked back up to him, your heart clenching at how concerned he looked when it should have been the other way around. “Why did you get in the fight?” you asked softly.    
           “It doesn’t matter. It’s not your fault though. We’re a team Y/N, all of us. I screwed up and let what Benn said get to me. If it is anyone’s fault we lost, it’s mine,” Nate shook his head as you opened your mouth to protest. He really did not want to tell you what Benn had said as it had all been in regards to you. He had been vulgar, and Nate snapped. Giving your hand a slight squeeze, he continued. “I’m going to go change. Why don’t you get to the bus and I’ll see you in a bit okay?” You nodded, and Nate watched as you walked away. Though he was upset with himself for getting in a fight and subsequently losing the game, he would do it again for you in a heartbeat. And as you walked away from him toward the bus, he realized for the first time that he would do anything for you, and you were taking his heart with you piece by piece.  
           An hour later found you sitting against your headboard, giggling at Andre’s reaction to the Hallmark movie you had playing. He had complained about it at first, but your room your rules. He had surprisingly gotten into the plot, and was yelling at the man who mistakenly thought the main character was with someone else when he wanted to confess his feelings for her. After Chip Gate (what you loving dubbed Tyson and Cale’s chip debate after the first game), your room had become the place the team drifted to. Whether it was to conceal junk food that they shouldn’t be eating, an ear to listen to girl problems, or a comforting environment in terms of a loss on the road, you became the team’s go to person. Not to mention you had motherly tendencies and didn’t mind being there and fussing over everyone. It made you feel even more accepted as part of the team. This is why at the moment Andre was sitting on the floor leaning against the bed, Tyson had taken his usual spot laying across the foot of the bed, and Cale was sitting in the desk chair.
           Before you could tell Andre to be quiet so you could hear what was being said, there was a knock at your door. Tyson got up and answered, Nate walking into the room behind him. His eye was swollen and bruising, but he seemed more relaxed as he walked over to the side of the bed and sat next to you. He put his arm around you, pulling you into his side and placing a kiss on your head. “Did I miss something?” you heard Cale speak up and you looked at Nate with wide eyes and a slight giggle.
           “Dammit,” Nate mumbled. He forgot Cale didn’t know. This was the first time he thought he could be open with you, forgetting the young defenseman was still in the dark about your relationship.
           “Coach and Nate are dating. Now shut up so we can see the guy stop being an idiot.” Tyson responded. “Also Coach, I hate you for making me so interested in this movie,” he complained over his shoulder.
           “You know you love it,” you teased, snuggling into Nate’s side. Cale kept going between staring at you and Nate, then the tv, unsure of when this happened and how others knew. Luckily for him, the movie ended 20 minutes later and he started asking questions. You told him how you got together and asked him not say anything because you were keeping it quiet.
           “Of course, but why do they know?” he asked.
           “I was on the phone with Burky and Y/N sneezed in the background, and Josty just found out today because…why again?” Nate asked you.
           “I was freaking out about you getting into a fight,” you answered.  
           “Does anyone else on the team know?” Cale questioned.
           “Gabe, but that’s it. So you are now sworn to secrecy,” you said looking over at him. Cale nodded, and then turned back to the tv. After another hour the three of them left for their own rooms, leaving you and Nate alone. You turned the tv off and turned off all the lights beside one on the bedside table. Nate took his shirt off and climbed under the covers with you, the both of you on your sides facing each other. You ran your fingers gently over his swollen eye. “Do you want me to get you some ice for this, or anything?” you asked. Nate shook his head.
           “No, I just want to lay here with you,” Nate grabbed your hand in his and kissed your knuckles.
           “I’m sorry,” you whispered, still feeling guilty over his fight, the team’s loss. Nate placed his arm over your waist and pulled you closer to him.
           “You have nothing to be sorry for. You were right, Ashley probably did figure it out. But I would fight anyone for you,” Nate said honestly, moving strands of hair out of your face.
           “What did he say?” you asked. Nate shook his head again.
           “He was being inappropriate to you. That’s why I took care of it,” he stated, and you didn’t ask any further questions. Nate was glad because he did not want to repeat the vulgar things Benn had said to him. He wishes he would have hit him a few more times just thinking about it. Nate was brought out of his thought by a soft giggle.  
           “You defended my honor?” you teased him. Nate chuckled and rolled his eyes at you. “My hero,” you whispered, pressing your lips to his. Nate returned your kiss, maneuvering himself so your back was flat on the bed with him hovering over you. The kiss became heated as Nate slipped one of his hands under your shirt.
           “Any day,” he whispered before kissing your neck. After what became a heated make out session, you were laying with your back pressed into Nate’s chest, holding his hand that was slipped under your head as his other rested on your stomach, holding you close to him. And though you never wanted to be someone’s damsel in distress, with how protected you felt in Nate’s arms, he could defend you anytime.
Tags: @bqstqnbruin​ @avsfans95​ @calesykar​ @comphybiscuit​ @andreiaafaria​
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churchsplayground · 5 years
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“Symbiotes are aggressive creatures, we are tasked with the duty of controlling them. Zachary is my host and is my job is to protect him while he does so… Maybe I’ll get it right this time.”
The Bishop Symbiote - LF Symbiotes
Bishop is only 33 years old, having been spawned at the life foundation (1986) as part of an anti-symbiote project. They are considered the youngest of the siblings, however, they all are the same age, except the Knight symbiote.
Bishop is referred to as He/Him currently, however, this is subjective and based only on their current host's gender. They do not retain any personal preferences.. or at least are not supposed to.
Bishop has a fixed height of 7′2″ as a humanoid, it does not change despite the host. -
Bishop lives at the LF with his siblings and parent symbiote in a special container just for him.
Bishop is a timid, shy symbiote often getting nervous around new people or even other symbiotes. He doesn’t often get out, mainly he lives at the LF in a special container and only comes out for ‘missions’. He’s very easy to pick on and is often the target of his siblings fun. Even going as far as getting nervous from his own host on a regular basis.
Bishop is very smitten with love for his host, Zachary, however, he sees no interest in his alien teammate and is lovestruck for Rook’s host, Noah. Now, it’s not like his host even knows that there’s a certain alien fawning over him, Bishop keeps himself hidden knowing it is very wrong for him to feel any way at all, it’s very possible neither he or his host recognize them as being capable to feel.
Bishop is very robotic in a sense when it comes to his feelings and personality however it is easy to cause extreme distress to him, and very easy to show his true feelings. Bishop, however, will not acknowledge this as his actual self and will correct himself if caught doing this or he catches himself doing this.
Bishop is very unaware of current day knowledge and doesn’t know what most things are. This including mannerisms/social cues, everyday items or activities, he, however, is a huge nerd in the things he knows, those being from his host or was taught at the LF. Bishop is the smartest symbiote in the project rivaling even the humans. Not bad for a supposedly ‘non-sentient alien goo pile’.
If you noticed Bishop wears a hood! He’s really self-conscious about just about everything about himself and completely refuses to take it off or leave it off. Knowing this his sibling will pull it off his head every time they can just to get him worked up.
He really, REALLY likes chocolate only getting a taste on one special occasion. Since it considered unnecessary to his current diet, which provides everything he needs he has not tasted it since. He can live on mush and rabbits alone, he’s been doing it for 33 years already, he doesn’t know what anything else tastes like.
Bishop’s hood does, in fact, have a name! It’s Bakemono or just “Mono” for short. Its a secret… don’t tell anyone! He thought it would be nice to give them a name since they are one of his bestest of friends, or rather… his only friend.  
Bishop takes surprisingly well to foreign symbiotes, he’s very unlike his siblings who would probably be going into attack mode he just stands there starring dumbly probably because he’s a pacifist or maybe because he just doesn’t know what to do besides calling his siblings over to get them.
Bishop and his host work as special intel gatherers for their team and the LF, often tasked with gathering info on people, groups or ‘enemy’ symbiotes since his skills set him up at being a wonderful spy.
Bishop is extremely protective of his host… for reasons.
Bonus: Bishop is one of the only symbiotes in his family that has five claws, besides Knight. Pawn, Rook, and his parent symbiote all have only 4 claws on each hand, assumingly some weird symbiote mutation in his family line.
Bonus: ...probably a weeb. Did you see what this loser named his hood?
Symbiote Specific Abilities:
Bishop is capable of turning semi-invisible with the ‘help’ of their hood, only semi-invisible because it’s easy to spot them if you’re actually looking for him otherwise they are not very noticeable.
Along with being able to blend in, they are able to mimic scents/smells or mask their own scent/smell. This is used in the special application of deterring animals such as guard dogs but does not have further use... unless you want a symbiote air freshener.
Bishop is able to change the shape of their hood in order to minorly mimic forms or (animals) some including, dogs, or large ominous creatures with the use of their hood patterning. The main application is as a scare tactic or animals or humans alike.
Minor - Bishop for some reason is deathly quiet when doing anything.
Minor - Semi self-protection: Their hood can be used as a thick layer to protect from sharp objects or bullets, however, this is limited and can cause pain to the host from the impact or multiple impacts.
Minor - The power of Shy!: Shy tall symbiote, he’ll capture your heart in a moment. Don’t act like you don’t love a shy alien trying not to get nervous and flustered around you. He can barely handle not getting nervous around his host.
Minor - “Weapons”: Much like his sibling he is able to form blades from himself, however, he does not use them seeing he is a pacifist. If he did, his weapon would range between long blades or even a scythe one. However, until he does decide to withdraw from his ways, that’s not happening. Ever.
Human Host - Zachary “Zack” Ohenn
Zack is 5’6” and of the latest is 24 years old.
Zachary has been working for LF for 3 years now, previously an engineer student intern, Zack was a transfer from an LF partnering organization sent to work on the project due to his skill set being needed. He’s the newest recruit to the team. -
Hims wears glasses, he’s as blind as a bat.
Zack is not Bishop’s first host, unlike the other LF symbiotes who’s previous hosts retired, Bishops host died during the project. Details are currently known to him as the LF refuses to release them or acknowledge the incident. Maybe it’s just a thing to spook him made up by his teammates, or maybe it’s true. Only Bishop can truly confirm or deny, it seems he refuses to think about it.
Zack works on the team as a co-leader to Noah handling most of the hard paperwork, he acts like a work office intern more than anything. But he honestly doesn’t mind doing the work, its totally worth it in the long run.
Zack may or maybe not have a crush on Noah.
Zack often can be seen trying to have convo’s with his symbiote, however, Bishop doesn’t often know what he is talking about. For these reasons, he tends to gush over Noah to him. Bishop just listens, making small remarks back, his host for some reason never seems to fully catch what he says.
Zack was told the symbiotes are not capable of human thinking or feeling, he, however, is starting to doubt this as he further talks to his symbiote. Is it possible LF has lied?
Zack is somewhat aware of the LF’s corruption but often questions some of the tasks they are set to do. Zack doesn’t want to be too nosy seeing what happened to Edan (the host Knight/Church was originally planned to be bonded to in the LF symbiote project). This is way too important for him to get kicked out now.
< Special Notes - LF issued Warnings:
This symbiote is considered to be under special watch due to previous host incidents.
This symbiote has been observed as being nonaggressive and has been seen preventing hosts from causing majorly bodily harm to other beings. However, seems to be cooperative when assisting others [LF symbiotes] in these actions.
Due to the [2016] symbiote incident. This symbiote is not to be taken off grounds unless instructed or permission is granted. >
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Sorry for the long wait on these, I’ve been a little down lately! I’ll be posting the others soon enough. If I’m lucky enough to be blessed with time.
As always if you’d like to know more about them you can always ask here. I always answer, unless the ask gets eaten or I’m stumped for an answer.
Also ~ In the keep reading undercut, you can find more 2 more drawings such as his host and a full body ref bc he’s wearing a hood and it doesn’t show his patterns!!
Timestamp: January 12th, 2020 Related Links/Continuations: Siblings Ref - Pawn
Significance: What he looks like with no hood, bc I even have a hard time remembering for drawings. Please ignore the line it's killing me inside.
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Significance: A group drawing of all the LF symbiote hosts. This including Zack as a half drawing, meant to showcase all the hosts just having a group photo. This is included in all the symbiotes refs.
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Left to Right: Zachary Ohenn (Bishop), Noah Keil (Rook), Amy Bergg (Pawn)
~ Thanks for reading ~
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junker-town · 5 years
What’s your favorite Hail Mary in NFL history?
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Aaron Rodgers ripping out Calvin Johnson’s heart? The Fail Mary? Drew Bledsoe’s backup not named Tom Brady?
The NFL is leaning toward allowing coaches to challenge pass interference calls and non-calls in the final two minutes of each half. And that means the league may soon be turning a little extra attention to the most exciting play in football — the Hail Mary.
Hail Marys, the low-percentage heaves deep downfield to a throng of outstretched arms and defenders being screamed at to “just bat it down,” would present a major hiccup for any interference challenges due to the jostling and jockeying that goes into the final stages of the potentially game-changing play. But while the league tackles — probably poorly — what may or may not constitute a Hail Mary, we’ve been stuck here thinking of our favorite ones.
The league’s been littered with outcomes turned 180 degrees thanks to a big arm, some unshakeable receivers, and a lot of luck. Aaron Rodgers turned the last-ditch deep ball into an art. Joe Flacco played Slim Pickens in 2012 when he rode a bomb — this one to Jacoby Jones — to a road AFC title game win and an NFL championship. And Tom Brady’s most memorable Hail Marys came in Super Bowl defeats.
Which of these longshot passes were the best? We have some ideas.
Aaron Rodgers throws a football to the damned moon to roast the Lions
So what if it was set up by a 15-yard facemask flag on a penalty that didn’t actually happen? After seeing Rodgers turn himself into a human trebuchet, I’m approximately 50 percent sure he would have found a way to bend time and replay the would-be game-ending sack that nearly sunk the Packers in Detroit.
The former MVP has regularly impressed with amazing feats of arm strength, but none may have been better than this pass that seemed to scrape the rafters at Ford Field before falling to earth like a whistling mortar and into the hands of backup tight end Richard Rodgers.
There weren’t any stakes attached to this game other than an NFC North rivalry — Green Bay was going to the postseason even with a defeat in Detroit — but it did extend Rodgers’ dominance over the poor, poor Lions. With the win, the Packer QB improved to 10-3 all time against his division rival (he’s 13-5 now).
It also turned Calvin Johnson into a puddle and sapped his will to play football — he retired after the season ended weeks later.
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— Christian D’Andrea
Michael Bishop throws a Hail Mary on his first career pass attempt
There have been plenty of famous Hail Marys in NFL history, but my favorite is also one of the more random — simply because of how random it was. In 2000, Drew Bledsoe was the Patriots starting quarterback. The team spent a sixth-round pick on Tom Brady earlier that year, but the previous year it had invested a seventh-round pick in Kansas State quarterback Michael Bishop.
The Patriots carried both on their roster that season behind Bledsoe. Brady made his debut in Week 13, completing 1 of 3 passes for 6 yards. Meanwhile, Bishop made his debut in Week 2. After three rushing attempts in his second and third games, the Patriots brought Bishop in at the end of the second quarter against the Indianapolis Colts. He took the snap and completed his first career pass, a 44-yard Hail Mary touchdown to wide receiver Tony Simmons to close out the half.
Over the rest of the season, Bishop completed two of eight more pass attempts. At the time of the Hail Mary, many fans viewed him as the better prospect than Brady. Bledsoe struggled much of that season and there was grumbling to give Bishop a chance. However, he never got a significant shot after the Hail Mary. Outside of a brief offseason with the Packers, he didn’t set foot in the NFL again. And the rest is Brady history. — David Fucillo
The Patriots were gifted a phantom pass interference call
Maybe this is cheating because it wasn’t really (at least, at first) a successful Hail Mary. But this is one of those moments from watching football as a kid that has been seared in my mind forever.
In an important 1998 game between two playoff contenders, the Bills had a 21-17 lead over the Patriots late in the fourth quarter. Drew Bledsoe got New England to Buffalo’s 26-yard line, but with only six seconds left he dropped back and hurled a Hail Mary into a swarm of players in the end zone. For some reason, a flag for pass interference was thrown that really didn’t look justified.
The Bills were dumbfounded and then-Patriots coach Pete Carroll was pleasantly surprised to have another chance. New England got a free play near the end zone and Bledsoe took advantage with a game-winning lob to tight end Ben Coates in the back of the end zone.
Buffalo was so pissed off by the turn of events that they marched off the field instead of sticking around for the extra point. Carroll — being the eccentric goofball that he is — excitedly told Adam Vinatieri to go for a pointless two-point conversion. So the Patriots kicker jogged into the end zone with no defender in sight.
I was 8 years old at the time and found the whole situation hilarious. Two decades later, it’s still hilarious. — Adam Stites
The Jaguars completed a Hail Mary in the most Jaguars way possible
The Jaguars are a magical franchise. Even when things go right for them, it still looks hilarious. David Garrard’s Hail Mary attempt that was intended for Mike Sims-Walker, but ended up in the hands of Mike Thomas is a perfect example of that.
In 2010, Jacksonville and Houston were tied at 24 when Garrard launched a 55-yard Hail Mary as time expired. Houston’s defensive back played the Hail Mary exactly how it’s coached in practice — don’t try to catch it, bat the ball straight into the ground. He spiked the ball towards the ground, but Jacksonville’s smallest receiver — 5’8 Mike Thomas — just happened to be in the right place at the right time.
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I still remember watching this clip over and over and over again right after it happened because I couldn’t believe two things: the sheer amount of luck involved in this play and something that lucky happening to the Jaguars.
Everyone is set up for some good fortune even once in a while, even the Jaguars. — Charles McDonald
Jay Cutler going full Jay Cutler on the Chargers
Both of my favorites (Rodgers annihilating the Lions and Bishop’s, surprisingly) were already mentioned, but since my brand is “everything is bad” to begin with how about my favorite ... worst Hail Mary?
Once upon a time, there was a quarterback named Jay Cutler. He was pretty good at football sometimes and laughably bad at others. He was mostly famous for the expressionless look on his face at all times, which helped cultivate the “does Jay Cutler even care what’s happening?” question that was asked so, so many times.
I’m not here to weigh in on that for his entire career, but if I know any Jay Cutler well, it’s the one that definitely did not give a damn with the Dolphins in his final season. That year — in 2017 against the Chargers — Cutler gave us one of the worst Hail Marys ever.
This other angle is even better if you really want a look at just how poorly that ball was thrown. I’m sure there are many who would argue that Cutler intentionally threw it out of bounds to be safe, but look at that wobble! That, my friends, is one ridiculously bad pass! — James Brady
The Fail Mary
This was, to paraphrase Mike Tirico’s call, one of the most bizarre endings to a game that we’ll ever see. It was ridiculous. It was controversial. It was infuriating but also kinda funny. It involved the Seahawks getting weird on Monday Night Football.
In September 2012, rookie Russell Wilson gave Aaron Rodgers a taste of his own medicine when he threw up a desperation heave in the final seconds against the Packers. Golden Tate didn’t get flagged for pushing off and M.D. Jennings wasn’t credited with an interception. Instead, the poor, overwhelmed replacement refs decided to call it a touchdown for a Seahawks win:
(Conspiracy theory time: Slip on your tin foil hat and consider the idea that it was all a Roger Goodell plot to end the referee lockout.
OK, it probably wasn’t — but you still thought about it for a second!)
Nothing else that season quite captured our collective “YOLO” consciousness at the time like that play. But it doesn’t just belong to 2012, or Seahawks and Packers fans. It belongs to all of us — then, now, and in the future. As this decade winds down and the years start blending together, this is one NFL moment that won’t fade from our memories. — Sarah Hardy
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johnchiarello · 6 years
Corinthians 1-2
Corinthians 1-2
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  1st CORINTHIANS INTRODUCTION- Out of all of Paul’s letters, this one is ‘the most verified’ as being his. Of course we know this because Paul says so in the letter! But for all those intellectual higher critics, this helps. Corinth was a city of great influence and trade, many land and sea routes converged at Corinth and her port. The city was also known for her philosophers and ‘preachers of wisdom’ [Rhetoric]. They actually had a custom at Corinth in which you could ‘hire’ your own ‘preacher of wisdom’. These were the traveling teachers who made a living at speaking. This also might be why Paul specifically said ‘when I was with you I did not take money from you’. The custom of the traveling preachers was you could pay a one time honorarium for a single speech, or you could actually hire a regular speaker and have him ‘on salary’. Paul did not want the Corinthians to think that he was their hired preacher! How much influence this type of trade would have on the later development of the ‘hired clergy’ is unknown, but the similarities are striking. The famous 5th century bishop of Hippo, North Africa, Saint Augustine, made his living as one of these traveling teachers of philosophy before becoming a Christian. It’s believed that Paul wrote a 3rd letter to the church at Corinth, so what we know as 1st, 2nd Corinthians might actually be letters 2 and 3. I personally think Corinthians holds special value for the church today. The 21st century believer is being challenged on her Ecclesiology, the whole idea of what the church is. In Corinthians we see a specific picture of what the church is and on how she should meet. Paul will not address ‘the Pastor’ [there was none in the modern sense of the office] but he will speak directly to the brothers at Corinth and give them some heavy responsibilities to carry out [like committing a brother to satan for the destruction of his flesh! Ouch]. Paul went to Corinth on his 2nd missionary journey and spent 18 months with them [Acts 18] one of the longest stays at any church. Because of the pagan background of the city Paul will address specific issues related to believers and certain practices of idol worship. Eating meat offered to idols and stuff like that. Corinth also practiced a form of idolatry that included prostitution, so he will deal severely with the loose sexual morals of the people at Corinth. Well we have a lot to cover in the next few weeks, try and read Corinthians on your own as we plunge into this study, it will help a lot.
 (943)1ST CORINTHIANS 1:1-17 Paul greets them as an apostle called by God, he affirms his authority and ‘fathering ability’ as coming from God. He tells them he thanks God all the time for the fruit that he sees in their lives, the thing that made Paul rejoice was the work God was doing in the communities he was establishing as an apostle. Today ministers have a tendency to ‘rejoice’ over the Christian enterprise that we oversee. Whether its’ how well the budget went this year and stuff like that. Paul’s joy wasn’t in the fact that God called him to some great personal ministry where he would find self fulfillment. His joy was in the actual growth and freedom that ‘his churches’ [communities of people] were experiencing. He also defines them as ‘those that call upon the name of the Lord like all the others’. Remember what we said when studying Romans chapter 10? One of the signs of the believer is ‘they call upon Jesus name’. They are believing communities of ‘Christ callers’. Not so much a one time evangelical altar call, but a lifestyle. Jesus said we are ‘a house of prayer’. A spiritual community/house who intercedes for all nations. It’s in our very DNA! Paul also commends them as being enriched by God in all ‘knowledge and utterance’ [speech]. It seems funny that he would say they were blessed and enriched in speech. Paul will give some of his strongest rebukes over speaking gifts [tongues, prophesy] to this community. Yet he does not approach it from the strong anti charismatic view. He doesn’t say ‘your speech is demonic’ he says it is enriched by God! We will deal with the gifts later on. Now for the first real rebuke. Paul says he has heard reports that there are divisions and strivings among them. They are already dividing up into various sects. Some follow Paul, others follow Cephas, some say ‘we are the true Christ followers’. Paul rebukes them sharply over these divisions, he does not want the early church to identify with individual personalities and gifts at the expense of true unity. Was this the early development of denominationalism? To a degree yes. But I also don’t think we should view the various Christian denominations as deceived or ‘lost’. The modern church has become what we are thru many struggles and difficulties over a 2 thousand year history. My personal view is we should strive for unity, not by trying to dissolve all the various ‘tribes’ that exist in Christ’s church, but by growing into a more mature view of all who name the name of Christ as being fellow believers who partake of a common grace. I applaud all the efforts being made by various Christian churches today to come to a greater outward unity [for example the Catholic and Orthodox dialogue] but I also believe as we see each other as fellow believers and learn to appreciate our different emphasis, that this approach can also lead to greater unity among believers today. Paul saw the beginnings of division in the early Corinthian community, he did his best to quell the coming storm.
 (944)1ST CORINTHIANS 1:18-31 Paul declares the actual preaching of the Cross to be the power of God. The Jews sought for a sign [remember the sign of Jonas?] and the Greeks prided themselves in wisdom. Paul declares that Jesus IS the wisdom and power of God. In Christ is contained all the wisdom and power [signs] in the universe! Paul says God destroyed the wisdom of unregenerate man and that Gods foolishness is wiser than men’s greatest achievements apart from God. Wow, what an indictment on enlightenment philosophy. Man goes thru stages of learning and knowledge [renaissance, enlightenment. Industrial, scientific revolution] these are not bad achievements in and of themselves. Many of the greatest scientists and scientific discoveries were made by men of faith [Newton, Pascal, Faraday, etc] the problem arises when men think that sheer humanistic reasoning, apart from God, is the answer. Right now there is a movement [11-08] going on where some atheists bought ad space on the sides of buses that say ‘why believe in a god? Do good for goodness sake’. So they had both sides [Christian /Atheist] debate it. The simple fact is, sheer humanism cannot even define ‘what good is’. ‘Good’ becomes a matter of what serves me best at the time of my decision. Without God and special revelation [scripture-10 commandments] good can be defined by Hitler’s regime as exterminating one class of society for the benefit of the whole. Only Christian [or Deist, Jewish, Muslim] beliefs place special value and dignity on human life. It is a common misconception to think that all the enlightenment philosophers were atheists; this was not the case at all. Locke, Hume and others simply believed that thru human logic and reason people could arrive at a sort of naturalistic belief in God. This would form the basis of Deism, the system of belief in God but a rejection of classic Christian theology. Benjamin Franklin and other founding fathers of our country were influenced by this style of belief. Now, getting back to the Greeks. Paul says ‘God destroyed the wisdom of this world’. What wisdom is Paul talking about? The enlightenment  philosophers of the 18th century had nothing on the Greek philosophers going all the way back to a few centuries B.C. Plato, the Greek wrestler turned philosopher, had one of the most famous schools of Greek philosophy. At the entrance of the school the words were written ‘let none but geometers enter here’. Kind of strange. Geometry simply meant ‘form’ in this use. Most of the great theoretical physicists were also great mathematicians [Einstein]. The Greek philosophers were seeking a sort of ‘unified theory’ that would explain all other theories and bring all learning together under one intellectual ‘roof’. Sort of like Einstein’s last great obsession. The Greeks actually referred to this great unknown future ‘unifier’ as ‘the Logos’. Now, some atheists will use this truth to undercut the New Testament. They will take the common use of these words ‘The Logos’ and say that Johns writings [Gospel, letters] were simply stolen ideas from Greek philosophy. This is why believers need to have a better understanding of the inspiration of scripture. John’s writings were no doubt inspired, he of course calls Jesus the ‘Logos’ [word] of God. But he was simply saying to the Greek/Gnostic mind ‘look, you guys have been waiting for centuries for the one special ‘Word/Logos’ that would be the answer to all learning, I declare unto you that Jesus is this Logos’! So eventually you would have ‘the wisdom of the world’ [both Greek and enlightenment and all other types] falling short of the ultimate answer. They could only go so far in their journey for truth, and ultimately they either wind up at the foot of the Cross [the wisdom of God] or the ‘tree of the knowledge of good and evil’. God said this ‘tree’ [sources of wisdom and knowledge apart from God] would ultimately lead to death if not submitted to ‘the tree of life’ [the Cross]. You would have some of the enlightenment philosophers eat from this tree all the way to the ‘death of God’ movement. Man in his wisdom would come to the conclusion that ‘God is dead’. If this is true, then the slaughter of millions of Jews is no moral dilemma. If God is dead then man is not created in his image, he is just this piece of flesh that you can dispose of at will. To all you intellectual types, it’s Okay to have a mind, but you must love God with it. If all your doing is feeding from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you will surely die.
 (945)1 CORINTHIANS 2- Paul tells them that when he came to them to declare Gods wisdom, that he did not do it with excellency of speech or with enticing words of men’s wisdom. What is he saying here? Remember, Corinth had the background of traveling philosophers of rhetoric who could ‘dazzle the average folk’. Sort of like the role science would come to play with modern man. All science is good, it’s when man in his arrogance begins to espouse or ‘twist’ things to his advantage that the problem arises. That’s when the arrogance of mans wisdom simply says to the average Joe ‘who do you think you are to question me! I am a man of wisdom’ Phooey! [I know it’s corny]. The fact is that natural man has always had the ability to deceive or come up with ‘evidence’ just in the nick of time. Did you know there was/is an entire cottage industry in ‘finding’ fossils to prove evolution is true? Do you really think men were above deception in the 1800’s? That they were above the temptation to come up with findings so their funding would not be cut off? Darwin wrote his famous book ‘the Origin of Species’ in 1851. Right after the book became popular there was a race among the archeologists to find the missing link. It just so happened that within a few short years they found it! [or something they thought fit]. It was also a ‘coincidence’ that some of the findings were discovered right before the grant/funding would run our for the researcher. Now, don’t you think the poor brother was tempted to fudge? Do you think that some of these findings, which later fell into the category of various bones simply being found in one location, were simply hyped for the benefit of the researchers to continue their work? You bet stuff like this happened. Some of the discoveries of skeletons that looked a little different were determined to be modern humans that simply suffered from various growth deficiencies. Scientists said this publicly! But this finding didn’t ‘fit’ all the excitement that was happening around the ‘new knowledge’ of Darwin. And the fact is that some of these early findings, with all of these obvious opportunities for fraud, stand today as the best evidence for evolution. After 150 years, these guys just happened to come up with the best evidence under these highly suspicious circumstances. But the average man, like the brothers living in Corinth, were simply dazzled by all the technical jargon. ‘Neanderthal man’ wow, that’s scientific brother! The name comes from a Christian whose name was ‘Neander’ and the famous discovery of the bones were in a field where he lived. Now that’s what I call the wisdom of man! So Paul lets the Corinthians know that his gospel isn’t some fabricated wisdom that has no basis in reality, he was preaching the historical fact of the resurrection of Jesus Christ! [chapter 15]. He does say this wisdom and truth of Jesus is ‘hidden wisdom that the princes of this world can’t grasp’. He teaches that only God himself can teach a person this true wisdom of the gospel. But when Paul says ‘hidden wisdom’ he is not talking about the Gnostic belief [early cult of Christianity] of ‘special wisdom that only an elite few have’. Paul is saying mans unregenerate nature cannot grasp the great riches of the gospel. God regenerates us and gives us freely of his Spirit so we can ‘know the things of the Spirit of God’. Make no mistake about it, in Christ there are tremendous sources of riches and wisdom. This wisdom is sound and sure, not like the wisdom of the philosophers. Their wisdom often times was based on sheer fantasy.
 1Corinthians 1:1 Paul called to be an apostle of Jesus Christ through the will of God, and Sosthenes our brother,
1Corinthians 1:2 Unto the church of God which is at Corinth, to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both their's and our's:
1Corinthians 1:3 Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
1Corinthians 1:4 I thank my God always on your behalf, for the grace of God which is given you by Jesus Christ;
1Corinthians 1:5 That in every thing ye are enriched by him, in all utterance, and in all knowledge;
1Corinthians 1:6 Even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you:
1Corinthians 1:7 So that ye come behind in no gift; waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ:
1Corinthians 1:8 Who shall also confirm you unto the end, that ye may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
1Corinthians 1:9 God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.
1Corinthians 1:10 Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.
1Corinthians 1:11 For it hath been declared unto me of you, my brethren, by them which are of the house of Chloe, that there are contentions among you.
1Corinthians 1:12 Now this I say, that every one of you saith, I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas; and I of Christ.
1Corinthians 1:13 Is Christ divided? was Paul crucified for you? or were ye baptized in the name of Paul?
1Corinthians 1:14 I thank God that I baptized none of you, but Crispus and Gaius;
1Corinthians 1:15 Lest any should say that I had baptized in mine own name.
1Corinthians 1:16 And I baptized also the household of Stephanas: besides, I know not whether I baptized any other.
1Corinthians 1:17 For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.
1Corinthians 1:18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
1Corinthians 1:19 For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.
1Corinthians 1:20 Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?
1Corinthians 1:21 For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.
1Corinthians 1:22 For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom:
1Corinthians 1:23 But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness;
1Corinthians 1:24 But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God.
1Corinthians 1:25 Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.
1Corinthians 1:26 For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called:
1Corinthians 1:27 But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;
1Corinthians 1:28 And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are:
1Corinthians 1:29 That no flesh should glory in his presence.
1Corinthians 1:30 But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:
1Corinthians 1:31 That, according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord.
 1Corinthians 2:1 And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God.
1Corinthians 2:2 For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.
1Corinthians 2:3 And I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling.
1Corinthians 2:4 And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power:
1Corinthians 2:5 That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
1Corinthians 2:6 Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that come to nought:
1Corinthians 2:7 But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory:
1Corinthians 2:8 Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.
1Corinthians 2:9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
1Corinthians 2:10 But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.
1Corinthians 2:11 For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.
1Corinthians 2:12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.
1Corinthians 2:13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.
1Corinthians 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
1Corinthians 2:15 But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.
1Corinthians 2:16 For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.
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treadmilltreats · 3 years
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Forward thinkers 
So if you follow me you know that I always talk about messages and this was surely the one I needed today.
This was the message from my church The Faith Center and my Bishop Henry Fernandez.
To be a forward thinker you need to look forward to what is going to come and not in your past.
Are you focused on what didn't happen?
Are you stuck in the past?
Or are you saying I am hopeful for the future?
Either you are embracing your past or this present moment.
Do you say thank you God, that you made a way, that you strengthened me instead of saying that happened to me and who hurt you. 
You cannot embrace your past and your present moment at the same time. We need a passion for forward thinking, we need to believe in his word.
Maybe you think there are no more surprises or that God can't open up new doors for you, you can't get unstuck of the things in your past.
You need to keep on moving toward the possibilities of the future. That you will be delivered to the level of your God given potential. Some people tell themselves that this is all for their life, nothing else can be done. They put limitations on their lives, on God but God doesn't have limitations. 
Dream big, God has bigger dreams for you than you have for yourself.
But you cannot seem to think like that because you are stuck because of the things that happened in your past. You've been hurt, cheated on, you keep focusing on what should have been, what happened to you and you are so broken that you can't let it go.
When you are forward thinking, you let that go and trust God for your future.
You do not remember the former things in your life because God is doing a new thing and you must see it.
You cannot have short sighted vision, because he will take you to bigger places, even if it's 5 years from now, ten years, twenty years from now. You will wait out the situation and know  that these are the realities of life but I can still believe that this will happen to me.  
Like me, I know the plans God has for me even though it seems like years of waiting because I saw him work in the past. I know that even though I wanted it on my time, I had to wait on him and his time.
Forward thinking people are those who refuse self pity, that still believes even when it seems impossible. Forward thinkers say I will pick myself up when I am knocked down, even if I can't see it, I know it will happen, I will believe.
Forward thinkers are people who protect their minds of negativity, of crazy thoughts and don't allow that into their space.
Forward thinkers are people who refuse to accept their past, of what happened to them, they have a vision of their future. Forward thinkers are people who won't quit. They know his word:
"Though he slay me, I will trust him"
See you're so focused on your past on what you did, and your bad decisions that have cost you. You need to let this go and be honest with your decisions, you need to own your stuff and let it go.
You know that God did it before but somehow you doubt that he won't do it again.
Though we may have waived in our faith, we still believe there is hope for a brighter future.
Even when we are inconsistent in our faith walk, we still believe in God's plans for us.
We need to know that everything that was said to us by people of your past, we will not allow to change the outcome of our future. 
If you know that your future is before you, and not behind you, you won't become mentally stressed over your past. Here are 5 steps to become a forward thinker...
Believe you are loved by God.
Believe your sins are forgiven through repentance.
You must accept what happened or didn't happen.
You must love yourself by accepting people's rejections.
You must meditate on the word of God, daily. 
I know that there is always a message for me, I am constantly looking for the lessons I need to hear and I know that this was God speaking through my Bishop, to me. 
These messages the Pastor said were straight for me. When he said you were getting married and you wanted to run. It was God who was giving you a message but you still did what you wanted to. Lord that was me! 
When he said this too shall pass, which was my mom's favorite saying.
When he spoke about letting the hurts of others go, which is something that happened last night (I will speak on that in tomorrow's blog) he was speaking to me.
These are messages that I needed to hear today, to let go of hurt that people caused me, to keep believing no matter what happens, to trust God even when it feels like I am alone.
So today my friends, who are you? Are you constantly looking back? Are you living in the past? 
Or are you a forward thinker? Knowing and trusting God's word?
The choice is up to you…For me when I am confused, or hurt, I pray and I listen for God's voice. I know he will always give me what I need to hear and just like today he showed up and showed out.
And as I say at the end of every blog…
Be the change you want to see.
Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
**Now released my latest book**
The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed
***Now available***
My 1st book The blessing in Disguise 
Selling on my website:
And on Amazon.com
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Twitter: treadmill treats 
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Facebook :treadmill treats
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treadmilltreats · 4 years
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What are you allowing to control your happiness?
We see it all time, rich and famous people who are so unhappy. They have it all or so it seems but yet they are out of control, they are mean or they are just plain miserable. 
I know most of us would be thinking "If I had all that money, I'd be happy" but does money really make you happy?
Ever heard of the saying the bigger the money, the bigger the problems? Remember too much is given, much is required.
You have to learn this lesson way before you are blessed enough to have money.
You have to realize that your happiness comes from within, from your higher source. Whatever that may be for you, otherwise no matter how much money you have it will never be enough to fill that broken hole inside of you.
You have to ask yourself, is it the things in your life that you get your strength from? Seriously, so many people think if I had this car I'd be happy, if I live in this big house I'd be happy, I'll be happy when I make a lot of money. 
What if all your stuff suddenly was gone tomorrow, you would still be good? Would you still be happy or is your happiness connected to the "things" that you have?
How many people that have all of "that" are still lonely? How many people are still unhappy?  Think about how many famous, talented and beyond rich people commit suicide every day because they are so unhappy even with "everything" they have.
Trust me I know, I had a big lifestyle yet every night I cried myself to sleep, I now know that money can't buy you happiness.
So let me ask you, are you trying to impress others with your things? Are you trying to cover up your pain with a fancy coat of lies? Yes, I know all about doing that but I was still so unhappy inside.
I remember when my Bishop said "Do something you love and it wont feel like work, do what your purpose is, what you are passionate about"
I listened, and everyday I do what I love to do. I get to write this blog, I get to help people get their lives together.
I am blessed to have the most wonderful clients, I go to work with a smile on my face and each and every day, I am so grateful that I get to do what I love. Am I in the big house anymore? Do I drive a fancy car? Do I have the toys or big vacations or designer bags that I use to have? No, I have none of that anymore but I have peace and joy, I am happy with myself and with what I do have now and that my friends is priceless.
I do not allow what others think of me control my happiness, that is their problem, not mine.
I have realized not everyone is along for the whole ride and that's okay. I will not allow a man to control my happiness, I will continue to be happy with or without one.
I do not allow haters to control my happiness, there will always be haters. I will continue to do me, like it or not, I do not care.
I will not allow material things to control my happiness, I know that even without, I am still happy.
See I am in control of my life, of my happiness, of my joy.
I chose to be in this state, I chose to be grateful, to not deal with drama, to let go of things and people that are not good for me because this is my life and I only get one go at it and I am doing it my way! Just like good ole Frank says.
So today my friends, remember the only way you will find peace and joy is in the fact that you're good with yourself. You will find satisfaction and love in the things you do and the things you do for others. It is an inward state of mind, that you control,and if you have that, no one can take that away from you. So ask yourself what is controlling your happiness? You get to choose, you allow what affects you, own your own happiness!
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
**Now released my latest book**
The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed
***Now available***
My 1st book The blessing in Disguise 
Selling on my website
And on Amazon.com
My weekly Youtube page, please subscribe:
Twitter: treadmill treats 
Instagram: treadmilltreats
Facebook :treadmill treats
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treadmilltreats · 5 years
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You're never too old to learn a lesson
I have a friend of mine who is just a few years older than me, she went back to school after her kids were grown. She has a rocking body as she exercises every day, she even started yoga late in life and is now like gumby.
She left a verbally abusive marriage after thirty five years, while I was still in mine, she gave me hope, she was my hero!
I remember helping her move into her new apartment, she didn't have much but I never saw her look so happy. She was free, she was doing this on her terms...oh, how I wanted to be her. But some people don't learn the lessons God gives them and so they repeat them again and again, she was one of them.
She soon found another man, who was not just as bad as her ex husband,but worse. When I tried to explain to her, her self worth, that she deserved so much more, she didn't listen. I told her to look at all she has been through to get her to this point, why would she go backwards? Why would she be unhappy when she had just found happiness? Why would she go back into a relationship that made her feel horrible yet again?
She told me that she's too old, that she was afraid she would never find love again, that this is the way it was. That she couldn't go through being single  again, she said she didn't have the strength to break away this time, that she was afraid and so yet again she stayed.
I didn't know what to say...nothing I said made a difference. I swore if I ever got out of my situation I would never go back. I would take happiness alone than miserable with someone else again.
My philosophy is that you are never too old to learn a lesson, you are never too old to try something new or to change something.
I write this blog to inspire people, to show you that you have to change sometimes, that you must overcome the fear that keeps you stuck. You must want to learn, to try something new, you need to take control and say yes, I can do this! It is that either you change or you will stay stagnate and die.
I recently read the list of things people wished for on their deathbeds, the number one thing it spoke of was that people weren't present in their own lives!
That they wished they tried new things, to love more, they wished they weren't so afraid of change and did the things they truly wanted to do and made them happy. They wished they spent more time with their loved ones. They wished they were more involved in their kids lives, that they lived more, lived big.
Did they wish for more money? A bigger house? A horrible relationship? No, they all wished for change...change to be able to do it all again, differently. Wow, that says a lot doesn't it?
I remember one of my Bishop's sermons, it was that even if you went through a bad season, a bad job, a bad marriage, it was all for a reason, it was all for a lesson.
It was so that you will know the difference when a great job comes along, so that when you do meet a great man that you know the difference and appreciate what you now have.
I believe in change, I believe anything is possible. If through human eyes you see my dream of being a New York Times bestselling author and motivational speaker at this stage of my game, you might think I am out of my mind. I know that anything is possible.
I started my whole life over at forty eight, including a new career, a new life and a new home. It seemed crazy that I wanted to do a triathlon, at that age when I sucked at swimming and hated to run. 
Yes, it all looked crazy but I know you are never to old.
I knew that I have an unwavering, blind faith and that it was going to happen and guess what? It did! 
I even placed 3rd in my age group in my first triathlon and the other stuff? Oh yeah...it's coming...
There is no doubt in my mind that all these things and all the things that I can't even imagine will happen to me! Why you ask? Because I believe!
So today my friends, believe that you can do anything and you can do it  too. Don't settle, don't stay because you don't think you can get better or do better, you're never too old to learn the lessons. Your never too old to change and like I say at the end of every blog….
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
**Now released my latest book**
The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed
***Now available***
My 1st book The blessing in Disguise 
Selling on my website:
And on Amazon.com
My weekly Youtube page, please subscribe:
Twitter: treadmill treats 
Instragram: treadmilltreats
Facebook :treadmill treats
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treadmilltreats · 5 years
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I am living proof of how prayers changes things
I prayed for a new life, I prayed to one day see Greece, I prayed for a home of my own. I prayed to have peace and have joy in my heart and here it is....All that I prayed for and more!
I am a huge believer in Prayer changes things... When you believe in something bigger than yourself, in something you cannot see but yet you still have a deep faith.
Prayer has been part of my life for the last 7 years, to me it's like breathing. It's s just what I do but as my faith walk has evolved so has my prayers, I use to just pray about me and the things I wanted or needed.
I was always grateful for what God has given me but never knew about praying for others. Right after I got divorced I was at was at a Sunday service and my Bishop said you needed to pray for others, even your enemies. He said (yes, I cant make this up) that you should even pray for your ex's.
I am thinking is he nuts? This man who made my life miserable and robbed me in the divorce? Him? I should pray for him? Oh hell, I'm praying alright... that he should burn in hell or better yet that his dick should fall off! Oh, please don't act like most women in my situation aren't praying for the same or that you, yourself haven't prayed for that!
He went on to say that we needed to pray for them, so that we may get our blessings. Well, if I am anything, I am a good student of my Bishop and so I started to pray for him. I prayed he would change his ways, I prayed he would be a better father to my girls, I prayed he forgave me and himself of what happened in our marriage as I had done, I prayed he would let go of the hatred and bitterness he felt towards me that effected my girls. Then I started praying for others as well, I prayed for my family, my friends, my co workers who have closed minds and everyone who did me wrong, yes, even Mr.Con Artist and my ex best friend who robbed me, yup everyone.
Every night I prayed for so many people, including my enemies until it became natural. It wasn't just about me, it was becoming a blessing to others, so yesterday when my friend texted and said she wasn't coming to the gym because she was going to a praying circle, I said okay then a second later I texted back and said please pray for me and two other friends I knew needed it.
Yes, I am so in tune with prayers that I have others pray for people I know as well. Well, I know it works because last week I was so peaceful at work. My other friend said she also had a peace over her and she didn't know why and my third friend, took a huge step to changing her life and sounded so very happy last night.
Really prayer doesn't work? I prayed that God would take my drugs and alcohol problems, my cigarette problem, I prayed he would give me courage and strength to change my life. I've prayed about my business when I had no job, I prayed about my home and my children when they got into trouble and I am standing here as living proof that...Yes! Prayer changes everything!
Ever notice how lately as you scroll down Facebook or other blogs that more and more people are posting about prayer and God? Now you will notice. Yes, more and more people believe this, look at the basis of the book The Secret, you put out there what you want and it comes, like attracts like...
Yes, it works, basic bible verses flipped around for the 21st century.
So I am here to give my gratitude that my prayers helped others and that when my friend prayed for us all, that God answered all of our prayers.
So today my friends, forgive those who have hurt you then pray for the haters, pray for you enemies, yes, even pray for that ex who did you wrong....pray, pray, pray ....because prayer changes things.
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
**Now released my latest book**
The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed
***Now available***
My 1st book The blessing in Disguise
Selling on my website:
And on Amazon.com
My weekly Youtube page, please subscribe:
Twitter: treadmill treats
Instragram: treadmilltreats
Facebook :treadmill treats
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treadmilltreats · 5 years
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Prayer changes things
I am a huge believer in prayer changes things... When you believe in something bigger than you, in something you cannot see but still have a deep faith.
Prayer has been part of my life these last 7 years. To me its like breathing, it's just what I do but as my faith walk has evolved so has my prayers.
I use to just pray about me and the things I wanted or needed, of course I prayed for my girls.
I was always grateful for all he's done but I never prayed for others.
When I got divorced there was a service and my Bishop said
"You needed to pray for others, even your enemies" he went on to say (Yes, I cant make this up) "You should even pray for your ex's"
I am thinking is he nuts? I should pray for my ex, this man who made my life miserable for 24 years and robbed me in the divorce? Him? I should pray for him? Oh, I'm praying that his sorry ass gets hit by a bus. Oh hell no, maybe he should pray I don't wring his neck!
Okay, this was in the beginning of my faith walk and I wasn't so "Christian" then.
He went on to say, "We needed to pray for them, so that we may get our blessings" Well I am a good student of my Bishop and so I started to pray for him. I prayed he would change his ways, I prayed that he would be a better father to my girls. I prayed that he would forgave me and own what he did in our marriage as I had done. Then I started praying for others as well, I prayed for my family, my friends, my co workers who have closed minds and even for everyone who did me wrong. Yes, I even prayed for Mr.Con Artist, yup everyone!
Every night I prayed for so many people until it became natural. It wasn't just about me, it was becoming a blessing to others. So one day when my bestie texted and said she wasn't coming to the gym because she was going to a praying circle, I said okay, then a second later I texted back and said please pray for me and two other friends I knew needed it.
Yes, I am so in tune with prayers that I have others pray for people I know.
Well, that afternoon I was so peaceful at work. My other friend who we prayed over said she also had a peace over her and she didn't know why and my third friend, took a huge step to changing their life and sounded so very happy that night.
Really prayer doesn't work? I prayed that God would take my drugs and alcohol problems away, as I laid on my drug dealers floor after a 8 day coke binge. I walked out of his house and have been clean for 29 years. Or that years later he would take away my cigarette problem as well. I prayed he would give me courage and strength to change my life, I prayed about my business when I had no job.
I prayed about a home for me and my girls after the divorce, a home I now own. I prayed for my children when they got into trouble and things were bad between us and I am standing here as living proof that, yes!Prayer changes everything!
Has it all been roses and sunshine? Oh hell no! There have been many storms but through them all I pray, I know my prayers help and I know what he did and continues to do in my life so I no longer worry, I just pray.
Ever notice how lately as you scroll down Facebook or other social media that more and more people are posting about prayer and God? Now that I said that you will notice. Yes, more and more people believe this, more and more people are looking to God to help them deal with their life.
Look at the basis of the book The Secret, which by the way is just a new spinoff of the bible and bible verses. You put out there what you want and it comes, like attract like, what comes around, goes around.
I am here to give my gratitude because I know that my prayers helped others and that when my bestie prayed for us, that God answered all of our prayers.
So today my friends remember to forgive those who have hurt you, then pray for them, pray for your haters, pray for your enemies, pray, pray, pray...
Because trust and believe, prayer changes things.
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
**Now released my latest book**
The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed
***Now available***
My 1st book The blessing in Disguise
Selling on my website:
And on Amazon.com
My weekly Youtube page, please subscribe:
Twitter: treadmill treats
Instragram: treadmilltreats
Facebook :treadmill treats
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treadmilltreats · 7 years
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Tgif Treadmill Treats Who are you allowing to control your happiness? We see it all time rich and famous people who are unhappy. They have it all or so it seems but they are out of control, they are mean or they are misrable.  You'd think if that "Oh if I had all that money, I'd be happy" but does money really make you happy? Ever heard of the saying the bigger the money, the bigger the problems...  Remember to much is given, much is required. You have to learn this, way before you are blessed enough to have money. You have to know that your happiness comes from within, from your higher source, whatever that may be. Is it in the joy in your life that you get your strength? Is it in knowing that if all your stuff suddenly would be gone tomorrow, you would still be good, you would still be happy or is it connected to the "things" that you have? How many people have all of "that" are still lonely? How many people are still unhappy? Believe me I know, I had the big lifestyle yet every night I cried myself to sleep. Are you trying to impress others with your things? Are you trying to cover up your pain with a fancy coat of lies? Yes, I know of all of that but I was still so unhappy. I remember when my Bishop said do something you love and it wont feel like work. I listened and everyday I do what I love to do, I get to write this blog, I get to help people get their lives together. I am blessed to have the most wonderful clients, I go to work with a smile on my face and each and every day, I am so grateful that I get to do what I love. Am I in the big house? Do I drive the fancy car? Do I have the toys or big vacations or designer bags that I use to have? No, I have none of that anymore but I have  peace and joy, I am happy with myself and with what I do have now and that my friends is priceless. I do not allow what others think of me control my happiness, that is their problem, not mine. I have realized not everyone is along for the whole ride and that's okay. I do not allow a man to control my happiness, I will continue to be happy with or without one. I do not allow haters to control my happiness, there will always be haters, I am doing me like it or not, I do not care. I will not allow material things to control my happiness, I know that even without I am still happy. See I am in control of my life, of my happiness, of my joy... I chose to be in this state, I chose to be grateful, to not deal with drama, to let go of things and people that are not good for me because this is my life and I only get one go at it and I am doing it my way! So today my friends, remember the only way you will find satisfaction is in the fact that your good with yourself, you will find satisfaction and love in the things you do and the things you do for others. It is an inward state of mind, if you have that, no one can take that away from you. You get to chose, you allow what effects you... Own your own happiness! "Be the change you want to see"   "And just when the caterpillar thought his life was over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly" ***Now available*** My new book The blessing in Disguise Selling on my website: Www.treadmilltreats.com And on Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0692437398/ref=mp_s_a_1_6_twi_pap_2?qid=1452884833&sr=8-6&keywords=the+blessing+in+Disguise My weekly Youtube page, please subscribe: https://youtu.be/LDSXCFJVnzM Twitter: treadmill treats Instragram: treadmilltreats Facebook :treadmill treats
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