#i know its cause my manager keeps giving me awards for 'motivation' since i do some work no one else wants to do lmao
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dzozef · 2 months ago
in other news ive been nominated for the Team Spirit award at work and i think thats definitely. a choice
#i know its cause my manager keeps giving me awards for 'motivation' since i do some work no one else wants to do lmao#idk if i could win cause my shift is so specific that a lot of ppl dont have contact with me unless they work insanely late or super early#so most ppl have no formed opinion on me#BUT. the ones that do work in my shift could easily vote for me hehe#cause they send me messages often telling me that i make their days better and its a pleasure to wake up and get to talk to me#...i talk to them and am sweet and caring while other members of my team are often just super direct cold and uncaring#i have more time than them to text w the chauffeurs though#so i get them#but i also think all the people that texted me how much they appreciate me and how im the best and all that.. could have easily voted for me#who knows !!#i just think my nomination is funny cause like. i have no loyalty to a company and i dont like most people in the company at all#i just treat everyone nicely in general 😭😭😭😭#but i think if i won thatd be even funnier itd be like.. thanks for the team spirit award !! anyway i unironically dont like you people#i know for a fact at least one coworker voted for me ahahhhaha#i also voted for my fav chauffeur for Employee of the Year idc#its custom to vote for ppl in your team not ppl in other teams but idccccccc he deserves it more#ive abused this man and probably commited human rights violations on him#the least i could do was vote for him#(theres cash prizes for the winners)
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lovingsiriusoswald · 6 years ago
“Fragile, But Not Weak”
Part 5 - Her POV (Other parts here)
Characters: Kyle Ash and Delinquent!Alice
Word Count: 2051 words
Warnings: Mentions injuries, blood and catastrophic fires.
Tagging: @christmaswarlock, I hope you come back safe from your trip! Also @plumpblueberry, @midnightcradle and @bumbleberry-jamboree again because your comments really motivate me a lot aaaaa thank you guys so much!! 
⊱ ──── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ──── ⊰
The sun’s rays skim over my cheek, waking me from my slumber. Pain washes all over my body and my left thigh felt numb, barely able to move it. One lazy eye flutters open and I’m blinded by the bright light of the morning. A groan leaves my lips as I let my eyes adjust and a hand weakly brushes over the injury, feeling the sticky liquid stain the dress. Gotta change the bandages, before heading out to Kyle. I try to open my other eye, but a pounding headache stops me from moving any further.
The door bursts open, followed by a peeved voice yelling at me. “Dammit, Alice! You’re just as stubborn as King Lancelot!” Kyle walks over to me with a frown and scans my limp body, his mouth agape as he sets down his medical bag.
“Jesus, what the hell did they do to you.” He fixes the pillows and helps me sit up. “Word got out as soon as you crashed those disciples in the pub, I doubt that they plan on hurting you again anytime soon.” His explanation goes over my head, That happened? He loosens my clothing, before lifting the ends of the dress up. “Fenrir told me everything.” He removes the used bandages and pulls out the ointments and cleaning equipment, then started dressing the wound.
“He..called you?” My eyes followed his hands as I muttered in disbelief, trying to remember what happened last night.
“Yeah, wouldn’t have known that you were injured if it weren’t for him. Knowing how stubborn and crazy you are, I thought you’d manage to get out of the incident unharmed. I guessed wrong.” His eyebrows furrowed as the redhead starts stitching the wound, pain prickling over and over again.
“If it weren’t for him, I would’ve been dead..” Stunned, my voice hushes to a whisper as I start to remember what happened and realizing that Godspeed saved my life. I’m grateful, really, but..
“And that’s fantastic. You’re gonna live longer now.” His topaz eyes glare at me. “I’m assuming he’s gonna report what happened to his leaders and offer you to be under their care.” He pulls out a magic crystal that had been molded to the shape of a rod, then gently tracing the stitches to close the wound a little further.
“I don’t need more people worried about me.” Frozen and staring mindlessly as he finishes dressing the cut, then tugs the dress sleeves to show the few bruises that bloomed on my skin. He puts small dots of ointments on them, before placing an ice pack on whatever contusions it could cover. “I’m dying, Kyle. People shouldn’t have to—”
"Oh shut up with the whole ‘I’m gonna die’ antic, will you?” He grumbles and yanks my arm towards him, pulling me close enough to make me look at him directly in the eye. “You will live. I’ve been studying on the cure and I’ve been making progress.”
“My sickness has no cure.” I remind him.
“Not until I’m finished with my research.” He leans in a little closer and I gulp at the sight of his topaz eyes darkening. “Alice, I swear to God you’ll be catching these hands if you go against your doctor’s medication. All I’d ask you to do is not strain yourself because your lungs can’t take too much exertion; yet lo and behold! I hear you jumping over roofs, dodging bullets and kicking the Magic Tower disciples’ asses.”
“At least I’ll die in a cool way.” I joked and the doctor rolled his eyes.
“Now you’re just being annoying. If Cradle had a Best of Patients Awards, you’d be a close second to King Lancelot.”
“What category?”
“Most stubborn patient.”
“I’m honored.” I dramatically place my free hand over my chest and smile. He rolls his eyes and loosens his grip and started dabbing the ice pack gently on the bruises, the dark purple discoloration slowly diminishing with the help of magic. It never ceases to amaze me how medicine works well with their unique resource, it would’ve been very helpful if we had something like it back home.
But then again, it shouldn’t.
“I talked with Fenrir and gave him a doctor’s clearance for you to stay at the Black Army Headquarters. I’m recommending you to rest there.” He declares and I open my mouth to protest, but he immediately cuts me off. “As much as I want you to stay in here so you won’t get stuck between the dispute of the two armies, you need to be with other people who will keep an eye on you. I don’t trust you to look over yourself because the last time I did, you nearly got yourself killed.”
“I really, really appreciate you being all worried for me and wanting to save this pitiful life, Kyle. But I’m a lost cause.” I say softly with a heart wrenching in sorrow.
“All the more reason to try and find a cure.” He says simply and attends to the bruises and cuts on my knuckles. “Alice, its been three months since you stayed here and all you’ve done is work at the confectionery and run around being chased by soldiers. You live alone and good God, people don’t even know you exist. Try changing that life, would you?”
“You sound like a mom scolding her child for not going out and play like they normally would.” I scoffed. It was ironic how this drunkard lectures me about changing lifestyles.
“Then I’d have to mother you 'til you get sick of me and just do what I tell ya.” He smiles and helps me stand. “A carriage would arrive soon and send you to the Black Army Headquarters. I’ll help you get ready.”
“Now you sound like you’re sending me off to a ball or something.” I chuckled, in hopes of making the situation lighter.
I hated all of this. This feeling of pulling everyone down just for how uncontrollably weak I am. It was exactly the reason why I moved out to London, then ultimately deciding to follow that Rabbit down a magic hole in the ground and stayed in Wonderland.
Cradle is an oasis, literally magical and far better than home. People didn’t know who I was, but they treated me fairly and kindly. There were still less than five people who knew and they were more than enough to worry me, what if I hurt them by accident if they got too close? The Great Fire of Newcastle and Gateshead was already too much for me to bear and my sickness was a curse bestowed upon me the second the first drop of blood was spilled. If I hurt the people here as well — I know I will be forever damned.
The fire.
Dear God, the fire.
I swallowed a breath as I desperately pushed the thought away. My fists curl tightly to stop them from shaking and sank further down the tub. My eyes glanced over the small crack by the door to see if Kyle would be able to see me. Confident that he wouldn’t, I let out a shallow huff, the first hot tear rolling down from my left eye and I shiver in the warm water.
For a moment, the vicious blaze flickers to life again right in front of me and my body freezes. My ears started ringing as the disembodied blood-curdling cries of help erupts in the flames. The air around me was too hot but the sweat forming on my head was as cold as ice. “You witch! What have you done?!” My friend screamed at me. His pupils hauntingly shrank in fear as he rapidly burns to ashes, another explosion follows and shakes the building.
It was an accident. I told him as he disintegrated into nothing but bones. I didn’t know what—I didn’t want it to happen.
I felt a knot tightening around my throat as my fingertips lightly brush over my wound. 400 people injured and 53 killed, the newspapers said. The horrendous explosions of sulfur at the Gateshead warehouse was a spectacular historic catastrophe in the 19th century. No pieces of evidence indicated the origin of the fire and the cause of the explosion, the two inquest juries declared. Though theories of gunpowder presence and gas pressure were considered possible, there were no points that made it true.
No one knew. The ones who did died at the very moment the fire broke out.
How did you survive the great fire? The journalists threw countless questions when I stepped out of the hospital, still bandaged and too traumatized to speak. Do you know what happened in the fire? But I can’t tell them what I knew, despite the blinding rewards the town government offered.
They didn’t know, they will never know.
A knock on the door pulls me out of my daze, “Alice, you good?” I sat up as the door slightly opened more to let the redhead peek. I nodded at him and he closes it again, leaving the air cold once more.
No one will ever know.
Once I got out and dressed, Kyle helps me pack my bags. He reminds me of my prescription and medications, and my head bobs mindlessly all the while as my body moves on its own to pack my things.
The fire. Dear God, the fire.
Closing the bag, my body halts his hand lands on my shoulder. “The Black Army.. they’re kind of a ruckus. If you ever feel uncomfortable around them, don’t hesitate to send a letter and I’ll help you find a place to stay in somewhere near my clinic.”
“If you’re worried about that, why did you send me there anyway?”
“Fenrir.. I think he likes you.” His lips twitched slyly to a smirk and my face involuntarily scrunches in disgust. “But seriously, the poor lad’s worried sick about you.”
“Just great.” I murmur and attempt to pick up the bag, but my arms give out and I dropped it back to the ground.
“Let him help you, Alice. The Ace of Spades may be an idiot but I’m sure he means well.” He somehow effortlessly picks it up, before shoving his hands into his pockets.
“I don’t need more people worried about me. The fact that you and Blanc always did, it’s already enough to make me cry myself to sleep.” I chuckle dryly as I turn away from him. My eyes move towards the reflection over the full-length mirror and meet his worried gaze there.
“Just wait a little longer, I can help you. I promised you that since you first came here.” He stares at my hand, then sighed softly. Please, please stop worrying about me.
“I’ll wait. But if I’m at the edge, don’t try to save me."My hands clenched against my skirt.
"You’re such an idiot.” Kyle leans down to put his head on my shoulder. At this distance, I could hear his quiet, uneven breathing. “I’ve already lost someone important and I don’t plan on letting that happen ever again — whether they be someone from the other side of the moon or someone from the Black Army — I don’t care. I’ll make sure that anyone under my care is safe and alive and well. Especially you.”
My body stays still, letting him spill all of his emotions and thoughts one by one. Taking note of what words made his voice crack and of what hurt him most. I realize how greedy I’ve been and that gave me more reasons to stay away. I’m hurting Kyle and it’s hurting me just as much. I’m not someone important, yet he’s putting his heart and soul and tears for a cure. “You owe me a bottle for making me sad.” He laughs dryly and a smile grows on my lips.
“That, I can promise. Drinks are on me.” He finally lifts his head off my shoulder and I turn back to him with the brightest smile I could give, in high hopes of reassuring his worries.
“Great, next week?” A soft smile paints on his face as he blinks away the tears that had formed on his eyes.
“Pick me up after before sunset at the confectionery.”
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robininthelabyrinth · 7 years ago
For the fic mashup: coldwave or coldflashwave with 59 (interrupted confession of love) and 100 (accidentally saving the day).
coldwave or coldflashwave with 59 (interrupted confession of love) and 100 (accidentally saving the day).
Imagine, if you will, a gigantic battle - truly gigantic this time, the entirety of Central City risen up to fight against this new threat (there’s always a threat: army of gorillas? fleets of insectoid aliens? mind-controlled citizens? something, but this time it’s a legion of killer robots intent on reformatting the city to be their own, no matter how destructive that would be), and Barry is leading the charge, Len and Mick at his side.
It’s very much a last ditch effort, and what Barry knows and the citizenry doesn’t is that the robots are jut drones, governed by a single hivemind Queen, and the Queen is burrowed deep into the earth, and if they can’t disable her in time, she’s going to send out a pulsewave strong enough to cause terrible earthquakes. They haven’t been able to get anywhere near her; they don’t know what she wants, how she’s motivated, how to stop her, anything. 
Felicity can’t hack her, Cisco can’t vibe her, their best attempts to spy have determined nothing.
(They even consulted Brie Larson, the Bug-Eyed Bandit, to try to get some insight and if that’s not desperation, Barry doesn’t know what is.)
At this point, their best hope is to try to fight their way into the Queen’s lair and…well, from there, they’re going to need to wing it.
Len and Mick have been told, but they stick around anyway; Len in particular is very protective of his city, and Mick’s not letting Len out of his sight so soon after he got back from the Oculus, and at any rate both of them have been working with Barry on this robot problem for the last two weeks straight. There’s nothing quite like intense life-or-death battles happening on a near-hourly basis to make old resentments melt away and friendships form.
Possibly more than friendships.
Barry hasn’t said anything about it yet, because he’s a coward and after the thing with Iris went south, he’s been scared, and they’ve been busy, and now they’re fighting their way into the big last-ditch apocalyptic battle and he still hasn’t said anything.
He hasn’t gotten the chance.
And, when they get to the Queen’s lair and realize how well-armed it is, how well-protected, how everything they’ve fought up to this point has been child’s play in comparison to this, well, Barry suddenly realizes…he never will.
So, like an idiot, he decides now is the time to tell them. Since they’re fighting, the only way to do it is by yelling his love confession in between punching robots.
“I really -” PUNCH “ - care very much - ” SLAM “ - about you both - ” HEADBUTT “- and I would be honored - ” BAM “ - if you would consider - ” POW “ - maybe -”
“Is now really the time, Scarlet?!” Len shouts back, moving this cold gun from side to side frantically.
“If not now - ” BOOM “ - then when?”
“Let him keep going!” Mick calls.
“I’m trying!” Len shouts. “I’m about to be overcome here -”
“But I’m not done yet!” Barry exclaims, horrified by the thought that he’d never finish the speech he’d worked so diligently on.
Except, just as he says that, all the robots abruptly - freeze.
No, not freeze-with-Len’s-gun sort of freeze, just…freeze. Stop moving. All at once.
And the gigantic carpace of the Queen shifts in her burro beneath the earth, turning and lifting her metallic bug-like head with its large bulbous eyes to gaze upon them, and she opens her gigantic maw and says, “Oh my god! Well? Go on!”
“…what,” Len says flatly. He’s very good at flat.
“He’s proposing!” the Queen gushes. “It’s so cute! I want to see it!”
Barry had not, in fact, been planning on proposing, but as long as the Queen’s attention is diverted, they’re not, you know, dying, so he just…goes with it. He comes up with an impromptu speech which he drag on for as long as he can - citing all the instances he’s ever seen Len and Mick and trying to make it sound super romantic, which honestly he feels he should get an award for because do you know how hard it is to turn “that time you kidnapped my friend to lure me into a battle royale” into a romantic gesture? Really hard, that’s how hard.
But weirdly enough, it works. The Queen is blubbering by the end of it, happy tears, and she keeps repeating, “It’s so cute! So cute!”
Apparently, the Queens of the species have so many drones to do things for them because they have too many emotions. They get distracted.
Somehow they manage to convince her to leave Planet Earth lest she accidentally destroy the beautiful scene, and she takes her drones with her, all but the ones she give them as servants in honor of their impending nuptials. She demands to be invited to the wedding, and they promise they will (with the caveat that engagements can be fairly long).
Afterwards, they look at each other and blink.
“Did we just save the world?” Len asks. “With feelings?”
“You get used to it,” Mick says. “At least no one turned into a giant stuffed animal this time.”
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sepiadice · 7 years ago
Tales of Genius Ch. 1: Mystery in North Fort
Thus I return to the Game Master’s screen, bearing a shirt that labels me of such![1]
Which is good, because there’s going to be no further updates with the Fallen Island D&D campaign. It’s, in theory, still running, but I found myself waiting for an excuse to get out, so I decided it’s healthier to just silently leave.[2]
As previously mentioned, I ran a short GURPS session with the Dungeon Fantasy Box set (and its I smell a Rat module), after which the group and I had a nice long talk and it was decided it was best not to return. Still have nostalgia looking through the revised third edition rule book, but it’s not a good fit for me or my players.[3] Too granular.
Which brings us to Genesys, a system I discovered relatively recently. It’s a generic system, has a narrative focus, and was used by a podcast I like and trust![4] Also, it’s not Powered by the Apocalypse or Fate, neither of which I’ve played but I’m just tired of hearing about them.
So, sit down and prepare yourself for the first episode of a SepiaDice Campaign (yet to be named).
Eli Roberts: (Played by Lyons) Child of Clio. Doctor, travelling to write an medical text akin to Gray’s Anatomy
Olivia Grayson: (Played by Maddie) Child of Thalia. Apprentice to Eli.
Fromthe: (Played by Jose) Child of Calliope. Military veteran and current mercenary.
(These references to greek muses shall be explained another time)
The northernmost town of Astree, sitting in The Tines, the mountain range that separates Astree from its northern neighbor Hervarar. North Fort was once a military fortress standing stalwart against the once consistent wars Harvarar inflicted upon Astree. However, a treaty was forged several generations ago putting an end to such conflict. Soldiers were still stationed in North Fort, just in case. Gradually, however, merchants travelled there more, families came to stay, and the fortress grew into a proper town.
It’s during a harsh winter that our story opens.
For there’s been an avalanche, cutting North Fort off from the rest of Astree. The town has been forced to start using their emergency supplies. However, this has revealed a problem.
North Fort’s mayor[5] has summoned three adventurers who happen to be in town for their own reasons.
The mayor lays out the situation: supplies have been going missing, which could spell doom for the town if the rationing keeps being undermined. No one can be above suspicion, which is why the mayor decided to go outside the City Watch. The party arrived after the thefts started (but before the avalanche), hence why the Mayor is choosing to trust them.
Eli accepts while the youthful Olivia and Fromthe distract themselves, possibly with yo-yos.
To help with the investigation, The Mayor supplies the Duty Roster of the guards stationed outside the emergency supply storage (a converted pantry filled with hard tack, potatoes, and probably barrels of water) and agreed to having a town guard meet them at the same location.
The party then immediately ignored this appointment to suspect the general high class and went to question the proprietress of the general goods store, Isabel. Fromthe, who is currently a merchant of undisclosed goods, tried to glean some information, but didn’t get anything new because Fromthe just annoyed Isabel.
The trio reconvene outside, talked in circles for a bit, then decided to ask a traveling merchant at the local tavern, The Public House.[6]
There, Fromthe once again learned it’s a small town without much of an upper class outside The Mayor and the one member of the clergy, both of whom have more social capital than financial wealth.
Finally, Eli takes his subordinates to the store house, where they meet Officier Morty.[7] They investigate the storehouse, and find a logbook with terrible handwriting, which noted Intellect Eli cannot decipher. Olivia could, however.
The logbook showed that initially the vanishing supplies were minor enough to be marked up as a counting error, before gradually becoming more brazen. The only visitors of note were The Mayor, Debra, the local priest, and a few guards.
Next stop: The local church of Polyhymnia!
Once a small, utilitarian chapel for a military base, it’s been renovated and expanded to a full, proper church.
Eli heads in while Olivia decides to scale the side of the building. And falling off. Fromthe catches her, but sprains his ankles, which Olivia fails to heal.  Inside, Eli discovers a detail I forgot to introduce earlier (but I managed to get away with!): townspeople are getting sick, and are coming to Father Brown for advice.
Eli questions the priest, who is quiet and unassuming, and agrees to see a few patients in a side room.  A skilled examination uncovers an unfortunate truth: it’s a mass poisoning with baneroot.[8] Oh no.  Olivia comes in and Eli fixes Fromthe’s ankles, and then sends them out to investigate where the baneroot may have originated.
Olivia, noted druidic sort, walks the streets, but finds nothing in the public places.
Fromthe again goes to The Public House, and finds a travelling plants peddler, who is drunk. The peddler reveals that, yes, he’s sold some baneroot (it’s got a pretty enough flower), but not to whom.
Then the plant seller passes out drunk, and Fromthe and Olivia grab his ledger and jot down notes.  While it does reveal a list of customers, the peddler has segregated the stock count from who bought what. However, a certain priest is included.
Meanwhile, Eli continues to question the sick. Seems that those regularly attending church haven’t gotten sick, and those who started attending after getting sick started getting better.[9]
After the party meets back up and compares notes, they go to the Mayor with their suspicions in regards to the poisoning.
The Mayor isn’t very excited, since he doesn’t really want to accuse such a prominent community member without firm evidence. Also, he hired the adventurers to find out who’s stealing supplies. Also, maybe tell the Guard Captain about crimes?
Now reminded of their job,[10] the party goes to question Debra to see if she knows if The Mayor might be the thief. Specifically, Fromthe is pushed to question her.
Since The Mayor hired them and Debra is likewise innocent, I handed the secretary to Lyons to role-play.[11] It gets awkward and I needed to feed the lack of information, but it was a pretty good exercise.
If your players are up for it, GMs should give them NPCs to play. It’s a good way to keep them engaged in scenes without their characters, and Genesys in particular handles it well since motivation can easily be determined by the social skill rolls, and information is easy enough to feed.
Now having progressed a little on the thefts, the party returns to the poisonings, choosing to just confront Father Brown themselves.  Not wanting to cause a scene, the party discreetly takes Father Brown into the side room to accuse him.  Father Brown attacks with magic. Eli and Fromthe take point while Olivia flees to do other things.
Because it was getting pretty late, I went ahead and ran combat until all three players got to use the combat mechanics (since the main goal was to test the system).
Olivia’s turn was breaking into Father Brown’s room and finding the poison and antidote plants growing, as well as the stolen supplies. It all comes together!
Now shot a little and seeing he’s outmatched, Father Brown is arrested and confesses. He’s a clergyman in a faraway town, and thus has little chance at promotion, so he had hoped to fake a miracle to increase his standing.
Mystery solved! Our heroes are awarded double rations, and all is well.
Except, the only way to the rest of Astree is still blocked by avalanche wreckage, and supplies are running low and are lightly poisoned.
But that’s a problem for another time.
In the end, the players claim to have had fun, and I didn’t feel like I was in a panic attack the whole time, so it was successful. Plus, the system was well regarded (even if we still need to get used to advantages and threats). I’m not ready to move onto the podcast phase myself, and I’m hoping to getting a little more character depth from the PCs, so I’ll just have to keep Game Mastering.
Until next time, may the dice make things interesting!
[1] Actual shirt I have now. It’s neat! [2] Basically, the DM officially lost all my good faith due to external matters, and I no longer wish to humor him. [3] Plus I’ve become disenchanted with Steve Jackson Games. Too much reliance on the Munchkin cash cow, too little support for GURPS and other games, and their use of Kickstarter needs to be discouraged. [4] Well, Campaign uses the Star Wars RPG system, but Genesys is that broadened. [5] Who I don’t think got named. The party named his secretary Debra, though. [6] North Fort are not noted for their inventive naming conventions. Practical people. [7] Named such because Lyons and I inexplicably opened the conversation with spineless voices. He switched when I named the guard. [8] Which I’m hoping is a fictitious plant, for my purposes. [9] This is something I should’ve been more on the ball with, and I should’ve done a better job intertwining the illness into the narrative earlier. [10] To be fair, it’s the same conspiracy, but they failed to connect them yet. [11] He likes playing flirty women.
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allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
Kill Your Stutter Program
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/kill-your-stutter-program/
Kill Your Stutter Program
 Buy Now    
WARNING: This Stop Stuttering Guide Could Eliminate Your Stuttering In Under 10 Minutes…
Want to learn the easiest & fastest way to stop your stuttering? Have you wasted countless hours and money on speech lessons or tried using “will power”? Look no further, we have the ultimate solution to stop your stutter today, RIGHT NOW!
“It’s freaking incredible… I’ve managed to create a product that actually shows you how to stop your stuttering in under 10 minutes, FOR GOOD! No more wasted money on speech therapy or energy trying to use ‘will power’ to no success!”
-Ari Kreitberg, Creator of The “Kill Your Stutter” Program & KillYourStutter.com
*Shocking* Proven ‘step-by-step’ technique that walks you through how to stop stuttering in under 10 minutes without any continued effort or time needed
You’ve heard this from others and I’ll put my own spin on this important truth …. Most stop-stuttering products on the market simply do not work – at one point, I was even in a little debt trying so many. It took me an extremely long time to see what truly worked.
Just give Kill Your Stutter a try and I’ll explain how to stop stuttering for good. I merely activated this simple-to-use technique that generates immediate results to end this speech problem which causes so many embarrasment and low self-confidence. I can’t disclose everything but yes, we’ve seen it work on thousands of stutterers so far.
Before you continue to hear what’s going on …. STOP and make sure you’ve already grabbed the following exclusives confidentially.
Discover the UNTOLD true story of how a former stutterer from the age of 12 was able to annihilate his speech stuttering OVER NIGHT..
From: Ari Kreitberg   Date:
Location: Las Vegas
Dear Future Stutter-Free Friend,
My name is Ari Kreitberg, and today, I am the co-creator of the Kill Your Stutter internet guide.
Just over 5 years ago, I was a full-blown stutterer working at a dead-end factory job earning minimum wage.
Shortly after, I tried geting a few other jobs in customer service and telemarketing, but couldn’t keep them due to my stuttering problem….
Just from the fact that I wasn’t able to hold down a job due to my suttering and low self confidence which stemmed from it, I knew I had to do something quick before it destroyed my life even further.
When I finally got fed up enough with my stuttering and decided to take action, I looked for every possible way to rid myself of this speech problem. I made a few key discoveries, and I was at least lucky enough to focus on what was working.
… I know what it’s like to struggle with stuttering ….
Years later, I started to search for tools and ways to control my stuttering when I spoke. I loved it when my recipes for stopping stuttering helped others too.
One of my partners, Jeremy and I have just produced arguably the most extreme stop stuttering programs in existence … you simply follow the technique inside our Kill Your Stutter program and it starts eliminating your stuttering problem in under 10 minutes. This same technique saves you countless hours and thousands of dollars on speech therapy… simple yet powerful huh?
There is a beautiful twist to this … EVEN a bum off the street with ZERO speech therapy experience can use this to stop his stuttering for good. All he needs is a computer or internet connection to purchase and read Kill Your Stutter.
Seriously, imagine waking up every single day without having stuttering follow you wherever you go, whoever you interact and talk with- trust me, I can relate … and being able to talk smoothly with fluidity and confidence, wherever you want in life … anytime to your spouse, your kids, your friends, yourself, whomever! This system has done that for real people.
This program has been tried and tested with customer testimonial verified proof.
Here’s what you DON’T need
Now listen closely … because this is the core of what I’m revealing… the idea is that one action done ONCE will bring ongoing results and NOT require you to baby-sit your speech and stuttering.
Even if you’re merely looking cope with or improve your stuttering – I sincerely feel you’ll find something far better in this.
Also, We designed this system specifically for LOW COST methods, to save you from spending hundreds if not thousands of dollars, on speech therapists or other expensive programs.
  Let me give you an intriguing, unexpected, and transforming story…
Well just 5 months ago, my partner Jeremy had asked me if I could help him with his son, Mark, who’d been suffering from stuttering lately and was being teased by other kids in his school. I first rejected this since I didn’t think the technique would work for his son, since I thought he would be too young to have an effect on. I didn’t like the idea that I could let down the poor kid by not being able to help him, makes sense right?
Let’s just say that Jeremy was struggling with Mark’s depression from his school situation which was caused by his stuttering. I finally decided that at first I would just coach him. Only AFTER I gave him access to the EXACT technique inside Kill Your Stutter did he literally neutralize his stutter and produce results fast. I look back and asked myself … “why didn’t I give him that technique before?”
He was able to replicate my success – it seems that this technique works for all ages… and he even took it a step further than me.
… so guess what he did next? Mark went on to become PRESIDENT of his high school by winning the.. .drum roll please… SPEECH AWARD? The amount of confidence he gained from using my technique to stop his stuttering, actually motivated him to write an award winning speech which made him president of his high school. I was literally blown away by the transformation.
“Yes, we took a huge risk (time & money) developing this program… that ended up helping MANY people”
We had taken a huge risk in creating & releasing Kill Your Stutter, thinking it may not work for people with SEVERE stuttering.
Trust me … I feared this for a long time. Little did we know the opposite effect would happen. To our surprise, our exclusive community of former-stutterers produced magnificent results using our program, and some have even gone on to give speeches in front of thousands of people! THAT is the difference between self consciousness and self confidence my friends.
Were we flattered? Sort of. Were we happy? We were ecstatic they helped quite a few people stop their stuttering and improve their quality of life! It was amazing and here was the great part – a HUGE PERCENTRAGE of people that’ve used our product so far have eliminated their stuttering! IT really is a no-lose technique.
Despite all the skepticism about how Kill Your Stutter”stops stuttering in under 10 minutes” is unrealistic and unattainable for everyone else – Kill Your Stutter has actually increased in sales due to the same people who have used this product spreading it via word of mouth and through friend referrals. I don’t even need to go into how people started sending us emails telling us how great our product is and how deeply its affected and improved their personal lives.
Anyways, once people started using the technique, they realized something….. that there was a WHOLE other sense of self-confidence and satisfaction from living stutter-free…and staying that way for the rest of their lives….  
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Let me tell you the main reason why you stutter in the first place….
The reason most people stutter is because they want to get into certain emotional states of mind that cause them to begin stuttering, these emotional states act almost like a trigger.
To explain in further detail…
people don’t stutter on the words they are saying.
They begin stuttering when specific words which cause triggered emotional states begin to come up.
Did you know that stuttering is related directly to not releasing your breath when you speak? What happens then is stuttering becomes part of your conditioning by causing a change in your habitual breathing patterns, and this makes talking difficult without the right techniques to correct it.
The way you gain from Kill Your Stutter is, I like yourself have spent years searching for an answer and have tried and purchased almost ALL the stutter stopping products & treatments, been to countless speech therapists, so you can bet I have formulated a specific technique for targeting and ridding of stuttering for good.
What you’re about to learn that only we can offer you is a shortcut to end your stuttering problems quickly and permanently.
…So you still think stopping stuttering in under 10 minutes in unachievable? HA!…
The technique inside Kill Your Stutter is GUARANTEED to end your stuttering.
How is this possible?
Because it identifies all the triggers which cause you to stutter in the first place. Cut all the roots from under the tree and what happens? It dies!….
Once the old stutter creating triggers have been dealt with, the technique goes on to replace it with new empowering responses. Neat eh?
I have successfully used this very same technique on family members, close friends and patients, it simply works every time I apply it. Don’t be left out in the cold!
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1. So far thousands of people have used our program & technique with a HIGH success rate. 2. If for ANY reason Kill Your Stutter doesn’t work for you, or you’re simply not satisfied with the results, shoot me an e-mail within 60 days telling me and I’ll give you a full 100% money back refund, no questions asked! 3. It works! It’s as simple as that! You literally have nothing to lose, as I have removed ALL the risk from this offer!
Kill Your Stutter will work for you if you meet ANY of the criteria below:
• Tried stopping stuttering through sheer will-power and wasted energy, to seeing no results – Kill Your Stutter will work for you • Spent HUNDREDS to THOUSANDS of dollars on expensive speech therapy sessions which only dug into your wallet and left you broke and miserable – Kill Your Stutter will work for you • Scared that you might stutter in public so you AVOID sparking up conversations with people, or asking questions – Kill Your Stutter will work for you
The list goes on..
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FACT: The average speech therapy session costs upwards of $150 PER SESSION! Think about all the time and money you’ll save with Kill Your Stutter
The more you use this technique, the more you’ll be able to master control and flow of your speech, not to mention stopping your stuttering once and for all – replicating our exact results with our clients.
The truth is: you really can’t go wrong with this program.
On a strict budget? This incredible stop your stuttering system is available for the low price of only $47 dollars! Compare that to ONE single speech therapy session which on average STARTS at $50 per visit, I think the price speaks for itself. Imagine NEVER having to worry about your suttering or speaking EVER again. (I secretly hate speech therapists anyways – I’d rather spend all the saved money by investing it into myself- don’t you agree?.)
At this point, you basically have 2 choices. Continue struggling like you’ve been for years trying to get over your stutter OR take advantage of our offer right now.
So, I need to ask you a very important question: What if you could use a program that costs LESS than a single speech therapy session that produces even less results and creates more wasted time than Kill Your Stutter alone? This would be like throwing away tickets to the superbowl.
What if you could do this all in under 10 minutes with a simple step-by-step technique to follow within the comfort of your own home? Is that something you might be interested in?
These are all realistic questions that you MUST ask yourself before trying other ways of stopping your stutter or visiting a costly speech therapist. Kill Your Stutter uses state of the art brand new technology that we’ve made ultra easy to use. 
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Often when I use this on other stutterers, I hear, “Please… Pinch me, wake me up because I must be dreaming – a stutter stopper can’t be this easy!”
Now for the BIG QUESTION we’ve just now been getting…
“If this product is so successful – why are you selling it for only $47, when speech therapy sessions cost $150+?”
You know. I totally understand how anyone would ask this. We’ve proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that giving away our secrets in the past (many times for free), it had never hurt our income. As a matter of fact, we only GAINED valuable friends and allies along the way in our exclusive community. This has actually helped us far more than “monetizing off our little secrets”.
The same thing with Kill Your Stutter … we also have another reason… it’s because we welcome other people to help us spread the word of this system to the point where all stutterers worldwide are hitting a high result point everytime they use it.
Ambitious goal? Perhaps – and we’re beyond confident.
Here’s another dirty little secret most successful people (yes, including those speech gurus) try hard not to leak out…. want to know?
Successful people don’t re-invent the wheel. They use what’s there already for leverage.
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Kill Your Stutter has several award-winning features and approved by our trusted, existing community:
What did this all translate to?
Translation? The one affordable system that I would hand to my closest of friends or family in need of stutter stopping, especially in this financial situation the world is going through and will likely go through for the next few years. (Hopefully not – but we have this just in case to NEVER fear again…)
Yes, we intend this not only to be RECESSION-PROOF, but money saving.
I had a dream not too long ago that I’d literally help a good portion of the population overcome their stuttering once they use and SUCCEEDED with such a system.
Do I deserve to be laughed at? Maybe. But who cares… it’s my dream and one vision. As they say ‘If you’re goal isn’t worth failing at, it probably isn’t BIG enough‘. Do you agree with this? I live by it and believe in giving back as a higher calling – not to mention the fun of inventing something powerful.
  You may be asking “Don’t internet products like this always have a catch?” They always seem to involve so much more than the initial investment right? Watch what the following people say….
“One can spend over $10,000 or more on speech therapists… still not get even a fraction of the real-life results”
“One can spend over $10,000 or more on speech therapists … and still not get even a fraction of the real-life results that this can bring. Despite my initial skepticism, I’m quite impressed with what Kill Your Stutter is and is doing for me. I would have never thought!”
– Albert Sheppard   Austin, Texas
    “Kill Your Stutter is more than an exception. It will REVERSE your stutter successfully – personal suffering into personal prosperity – and this statement is very specific and true”
This program (or “stutter-stopper machine”) ROCKS. Just download, read through, and apply the technique!  
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Our Best-Selling Kill Your Stutter program will…
We codenamed it “a miracle product” even before we released it and I am not exaggerating …
  Besides allowing people to finally defeat their stuttering for good…
The consensus is without a doubt … that Kill Your Stutter is also the future of stutter therapy using all STATE OF THE ART, LOW COST methods.
“Your ease of use and sincere offer to help really make a big difference.”
I can tell you guys have put a lot of effort into this. Now coming from someone who is not experienced in speech therapy at all, your ease of use and sincere offer for help really make a big difference.
I feel comfortable because there’s a guiding hand to fall back on anytime. This system is simply wonderful and I’m very, very happy to be using it for the goal of stopping my stutter.
– Mary C.  Los Angeles, CA
Kill Your Stutter will tremendously help everyone … the familiar beginner, the mediocre experienced, the advanced and even the super advanced.
But I’ll tell you one thing … there are some people who this system is NOT for:
… This system is NOT for people who do not believe in the idea of stopping stuttering in just minutes. If you are this type of person, I honestly don’t think this is for you.
If you want a program that cannot go wrong in terms of stopping your stutter for good, then please access the Kill Your Stutter machine right now.
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Here’s a bold yet 100% true promise….
Nothing like this exists…and that is a FACT!
“Even if I was on my last hundred bucks, I’d try it because I know that it’s based on solid research.”
“After trying this out inside, all I can say is WOW, triple wow. Everything is literally pre-done for me here.
I’ll flat out say it – this is probably one of the only things I would have needed to get myself rid of my stutter. Even if I was on my last hundred bucks, I’d try it because I know its based on solid research and really works.
I almost wonder why didn’t you guys come out with this earlier?!! Fortunately, I’m not in such a situation anymore and I’m going to recommend this to my friends and family that suffer from stuttering.
Anyhow, this is going to sound harsh but you’d have to be very, very self-sabotaging to actually not make
results just via this simple to follow technique. You’d have to try really hard to fail and that’s an understatement of how sure-fire this thing is.”
– Jim Normand   Denver, CO
Using a simple technique to produce insane results like these has never ever been so easy and effortless – working well beyond 2010 I guarantee this!
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This product is exclusive. The official, the one & only step-by-step system to Kill Your Stutter.
Iron-Clad 8 Week Unconditional Promise
We value your trust in our promise. Take 60 FULL days to simply try out the Kill Your Stutter program. As a matter of fact, try it tonight.
You can make tremendous progress that come in passively, simple as that. Yes, even if you barely understand the speech therapy concepts and techniques – we guide you 100%. Kill Your Stutter can make we are almost giving it to you for free until you see results.
I’ll even go a step further and claim that after you start our system, many other ones will instantly look very unappealing – I dare you honestly.
Within 60 days… if you’re not completely stutter free after giving these techniques your sincere effort, then just contact us right away for support. If we truly can’t guide you and prove that failure is NOT an option, then we’ll promptly REFUND EVERY RED CENT. This is why it’s a virtually RISKLESS offer.
    We Are With #1 Trusted & Reputable Clickbank
What it will take to get it…
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The exclusive Kill Your Stutter program requires a single commitment from you. This decision is yours. Not effort- just a simple mental choice.
FACT: The significant time you would ordinarily spend trying to use sheer will power to overcome stuttering is in the hundreds of hours range. As billionaire Henry Ford once said “Time is money.” The rule is to not waste time. Because if you waste time, you are wasting your life.
Let’s say you researched new ways to overcome stuttering every 4 hours. (Which would be extremely fast even if you’re good) It would take you numerous hours to find something that works only partially to stop your stuttering.
Even if you worked at McDonalds for $5 an hour, this 200 hours of work would still cost your boss $1,400 or more.
Well hopefully you don’t ever see yourself working at a McDonalds’ wage (No offense intended if you do – I did a long time ago)
Aside from this appraisal, you’d agree that the Killer Your Stutter system & technique are PRICELESS and would be very expensive in terms of the “real results” that it can produce.
It’s really just a one-time fee of $47.00 to access the program for immediate results anytime. Think about that, that’s LESS than the cost of ONE SPEECH THERAPY SESSION!
Since you are the one investing, you are the boss.
At any time you can cancel your agreement with us. It’s as easy as sending customer support an email and explaining that you are not satisfied with the product’s results and we’ll refund your money.
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Get your limited time offer copy now … DO NOT WAIT on this because we only have a limited amount of copies available to use for the low price of $47.
Limited offer: Get a copy today and never pay a monthly fee ever to use the system
YES Ari! I want to take advantage of your limited-offer where the $137 fee will be eliminated forever and now only a one-time fee of $47
I want the complete technique to stop stuttering, and use it to make my quality of life better. I want to destroy my stuttering with secret tactics that have never been revealed like this before. I understand that the elimination of the $137 is only for those who get in on this promotion.
A Note To The Buyer: “Kill Your Stutter” is a digital guide in PDF format which you will gain INSTANT access to 24/7 after purchasing the program (can be viewed on either MAC or PC).
If you have any questions or need tech support after purchasing, simply send us an E-mail and we’ll respond immediately!
  Internet Security Note: The secure order form on the next page will look like this:
Get it while its hot and the cost is still low!
Hold down your Copy of Kill Your Stutter FIRST. Do not hesitate! That is our urgent and very real recommendation. We are looking out for you!
  INSTANTLY Access “Kill Your Stutter”:
You can download the system instantly for $47.00 + $90.00 monthly onward
New Release Time-Sensitive: For a one-time payment of $137 $47… Download the only reputable stuttering system to hit the online world in years.
One time payment: Order via ClickBank’s secure payment servers via either card or Paypal. Instant download.
A Note To The Buyer: “Kill Your Stutter” is a digital guide in PDF format which you will gain INSTANT access to 24/7 after purchasing the program (can be viewed on either MAC or PC).
If you have any questions or need tech support after purchasing, simply send us an E-mail and we’ll respond immediately!
Wishing you the most success in stutter stopping you’ve ever seen, -Ari Kreitberg, Ex-Stutterer & Creator of “Kill Your Stutter”
P.S. If you don’t like it, cancel. You only have to invest once for the simple technique … and the results keep coming. You literally cannot stop the results coming in.  
P.P.S. This is NOT for everyone – again don’t spread this personal letter. We only want to work with a VERY exclusive community who will benefit tremendously from following what we do and killing stuttering like we do ….  get Kill Your Stutter now only if you want the no-risk 60-day money back guarantee offer, for a limited time only…
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almostafantasia · 8 years ago
more than a name
wayhaught hogwarts au | chapter 2/?
Being an Earp at Hogwarts is tough. Being the youngest Earp and constantly living in the shadows of two older sisters is nothing short of a nightmare.
Willa, newly appointed Head Girl and Slytherin’s sweetheart. Wynonna, the notorious troublemaker who spends more time in detention than out of it. And then there’s Waverly, whose life crumbles into tiny pieces when she doesn’t get awarded the Prefect badge that she spent her first four years at Hogwarts striving towards.
Enter Nicole Haught – Hufflepuff, Muggleborn, and general bundle of sunshine – whose unexpected but not entirely unwelcome arrival into Waverly’s life puts Waverly on the path to discover who she is in more ways than one.
Read on AO3.
As a Muggleborn, there are several aspects of the magical world that Nicole sometimes finds beyond her comprehension, despite being one of the top students in her year. Divination, for example. The only subject that she received lower than Exceeds Expectations in her O.W.L.S. in June, because it’s painfully unfair that half of her grade for the course should depend on her ability to pretend to see shapes emerge from the mist of a crystal ball and then invent a fictional scenario that is almost certainly not going to happen as a result of said non-existent shapes.
Apparition, too. The very fact that a magical person can just envision any place fathomable and then travel there in the blink of an eye by simply thinking about it in a certain way is utterly mind-blowing. Though Nicole can’t deny that the part of her that used to obsess of sci-fi movies as a kid is thrilled at the prospect of having all of her childhood fantasies about teleportation come true during apparition lessons later this year, it doesn’t stop the mere concept of it from being completely mind-boggling.
But out of everything in the magical world, the thing that baffles Nicole the most is Wynonna Earp.
“Hypothetically, if somebody was to release two dozen pixies into the school, where do you think they should release them to maximise the chaos?”
Specifically, Nicole is perplexed by the red and gold Prefect’s badge that is pinned slightly askew to the front of Wynonna’s school robes.
“Please tell me that you’re not planning to do exactly that,” Nicole pleads with her fellow Prefect as they amble along the corridor outside the Charms classroom, patrolling the school as part of their duties.
“That’s ridiculous,” Wynonna dismisses her with a wave of her hand. “Where am I going to acquire two dozen pixies?”
Nicole has to repress a snort because she doesn’t doubt even for a moment that Wynonna has both the motivation and the means to get hold of enough pixies to wreak havoc on the entire school. If there is anybody capable of such a feat, then it is Wynonna, and Nicole is all too aware that any attempts to dissuade Wynonna from carrying out such a plan when she already has her mind set on it will just have the opposite effect, no doubt encouraging her to take things three steps further by unleashing a couple of nifflers and a medium sized acromantula on the student body too.
“Okay,” Nicole says after a few moments of thought, “but as a Prefect I feel like I should just let you know that I can’t condone that behaviour. Hypothetical, or otherwise.”
Wynonna lets out a huff, absent-mindedly using her wand to levitate a crumpled ball of parchment that lies discarded by the door to a nearby classroom. With a couple of swishes of her wand, the ball swoops around Nicole’s head and then ducks between her legs, before Wynonna vanishes the litter with a final flick of her wand.
“You sound like my sisters,” grumbles Wynonna, her voice laced with distaste.
“I met Waverly the other day,” Nicole says brightly, smiling at the memory of her encounter with the youngest Earp. She’s been replaying that day over and over in her mind since it happened – having wanted to introduce herself to Waverly for a while, she’s now worried that she’s blown her only chance at friendship with the Ravenclaw girl by staring a bit too much in the library and then confessing her love for a sport that it turns out Waverly isn’t just disinterested in, but actively dislikes along with those who play it. “We were both in the library during the Quidditch match.”
Wynonna scowls, no doubt at the memory of losing to Slytherin by just ten points, a result which, from what Nicole has heard from the rest of the school, might have gone the other way if Slytherin hadn’t been awarded penalty after penalty for Wynonna’s bad language and foul play.
“Of course that’s where Waverly was,” Wynonna complains. “Nerd.”
“Hey,” Nicole says, jumping to Waverly’s defence, even when she isn’t around to hear Wynonna insult her. “There’s nothing wrong with actually wanting to complete your homework on time.” Nicole nudges Wynonna’s arm with her elbow and then teases, “You should try it sometime.”
“Boring,” Wynonna shrugs, rolling her eyes. She turns her head to look across at Nicole, eyes alight with mischief and a wicked grin crossing her lips, and then says in a low voice, “There’s also nothing wrong with wanting to release magical creatures into the castle to liven up the school day.”
Nicole thinks that there’s an awful lot wrong with what Wynonna is suggesting but after five years of watching the other girl cause rampant mayhem without a second thought for anybody else in the school, Nicole also knows better than to try to persuade Wynonna otherwise.
As Aunt Gus’s voice echoes throughout the Great Hall, Waverly shrinks down into her seat and tries to pretend that she doesn’t exist. The Howler isn’t even for her – it hovers opposite Waverly in front of Wynonna, who is paying more attention to the plate of waffles that keeps refilling itself in front of her than to the spitting red envelope that scolds her for her latest wrongdoing loud enough for everybody in the Great Hall to be able to hear it.
It’s not unusual. Wynonna probably receives a Howler from Aunt Gus about two to three times each school year, hence why she is more interested in her breakfast than the screaming envelope. The same can’t be said for the rest of the school. Almost every single pair of eyes in the Great Hall are currently focused on where the two Earp girls are sitting, enraptured as they listen to Aunt Gus reprimand Wynonna.
“They’re not going to expel me,” Wynonna mutters under her breath, helping herself to a third waffle now that her plate is empty of the first two. “I’m an Earp.”
Waverly loves Wynonna, she really does, but she hates this, hates the gung-ho attitude that Wynonna has where she thinks she can get away with anything and everything just because she’s from a well-known family. She hates how Wynonna somehow manages to get away with far too much, and that even when she doesn’t she seems to take each punishment as a violation of her rights and an excuse for her next misdemeanour to break even more school rules.
Waverly hates how the rest of the school indulges what Wynonna does with more attention than it deserves; how each time Wynonna does something that catches everybody’s attention it ends up being all the school can talk about for days; how Wynonna’s escapades somehow makes Waverly more interesting, not because she’s Waverly and people finally want to get to know her, but because she’s Wynonna’s sister and everybody is suddenly interested in talking to her as if hoping that she can give them an inside scoop on Wynonna’s life.
She hates it.
Wynonna lets her fork drop to her plate with a clatter and looks up at Waverly, exasperation in her eyes as she says, “And there is it.” With her hands now free, Wynonna flips off the Howler with both middle fingers just as the envelope bursts into flames and its ashen remains drift down to the table. “Guilt-tripping me with the dead parent card isn’t going to stop me from doing anything.”
With the Howler now gone and the rest of the school back to muttering softly as they continue to point and stare at where the two youngest Earp girls sit, Wynonna returns her undivided attention to her food, not even looking up as somebody new approaches and joins them for breakfast.
“A Howler before Halloween?” says the newbie - one of Wynonna’s band of misfits, seventh year Doc Holliday - as he drops onto the bench next to Waverly. “Is that a new record, Earp?”
“Nah, remember my second year?” Wynonna replies through a mouthful of waffle.
Doc grimaces and then replies drily, “I’d really rather not.”
Wynonna looks up from her breakfast, and then immediately starts choking on the food in her mouth. Her face turns a deep red colour, not too dissimilar from the Howler that was so recently screaming at her in front of an audience of the entire school, and as she coughs and splutters, Wynonna reaches for her goblet of pumpkin juice and takes a long swig to wash the food down.
“Okay,” Wynonna rasps, when she’s finally regained a small amount of her composure, “what the hell is that?”
It takes a few moments for Doc to realise that Wynonna is addressing him and when he does, he responds, “What the hell is what?”
“That!” Wynonna answers, as if it is obvious. Waverly, about as confused as Doc seems to be, looks at her sister expectantly with her own breakfast now forgotten. When Doc continues to stare blankly at her, Wynonna rolls her eyes and gestures to her own upper lip as she says, “On your face! The … you know…”
Waverly switches her attention to Doc and her eyes widen as she notices the patchy teenage fuzz masquerading as a moustache on his upper lip. She manages to refrain from laughing, but she can certainly see why Wynonna, being the person that she is and with the level of tact that she doesn’t have, managed to nearly suffocate on her own breakfast at the sight.
Clearly proud of his own attempts at growing a moustache, Doc scowls at Wynonna as he says, “It’s called facial hair.”
Wynonna has the audacity to actually snort.
“I’m pretty sure that my Great Aunt Cassie has more facial hair than you.”
“Oh,” says Doc, leaning across the table and tilting his head to the side as he quips back, “it runs in the women in your family, does it?” He sits up straight once more, using his fingertips to stroke the fuzz on his top lip, then continues with an air of pride, “This is a sign of my masculinity.”
“Oh please,” Wynonna rolls her eyes as she picks up her fork and aggressively stabs at a chunk of waffle on her plate. “I’ve seen you naked and it’s gonna take a lot more than a pathetic moustache before you’re anything close to mascul-“
“Sorry, what?” Waverly interjects, her eyes wide as she processes Wynonna’s words and the flippancy with which she says them. “You’ve seen Doc naked?”
“Yeah,” Wynonna shrugs as if this is old news. “Problem?”
“You and him?” Waverly asks, eyes flickering between the pair of them and her face slowly screwing up in disgust as her mind floods with images that are enough to put her off the rest of her breakfast. “You’ve … but I thought that you and Dolls were…”
A trace of incredulity crossing her face, Wynonna replies, “Me and Dolls are not…”
“You and Dolls aren’t what?”
As if sensing that he is being talked about, Dolls chooses that exact moment to join the conversation, hovering behind Wynonna’s shoulder as his eyes move between the three of them seated at the table, expectantly waiting for one of them to give him an answer. When none of them do, he lets it drop with a shrug, tapping Wynonna on the shoulder and gesturing with his other hand towards the doors out of the Great Hall.
“Anyway, come on Earp,” he says. “We’ve got Transfiguration in twenty minutes and I’d bet my wand that you haven’t finished the homework yet.”
“We had homework?” moans Wynonna, getting to her feet in a hurry and swinging her schoolbag over her shoulder. “Shit…”
Waverly tuts softly under her breath and watches in amusement as Wynonna grabs another waffle with her hand and starts eating it as she chases Dolls out of the Great Hall.
“Well that’s my cue to leave,” grumbles Doc, his voice noticeably gloomier as her stares after Wynonna and Dolls. While Waverly has absolutely no interest in hearing any of the sordid details about her sister’s personal life, the revelation that she and Doc have had something going on between them, no matter how brief of an affair it might have been, along with the look of resentment that fills Doc’s eyes as he stares after Wynonna means that Waverly can’t help but wonder if there is something more complex going on between Wynonna and her two closest male friends.
Doc leaves with a glum expression on his face, swinging his legs over the bench and getting to his feet before trudging out of the Great Hall with his hands buried deep in the pockets of the grey uniform trousers he wears beneath his school robes.
Watching him leave, Waverly’s eyes fall on a familiar redheaded Hufflepuff approaching where she now sits alone, and the sight is enough to turn the corners of Waverly’s lips up into a smile and push all thought of Wynonna’s hypothetical love triangle out of her mind.
“Where is Wynonna off to in such a hurry?” Nicole says, dropping into Wynonna’s recently vacated seat across the table from Waverly, her eyes still glued to Wynonna’s back as the middle Earp girl almost sends two first years flying in her urgency to leave the Great Hall.
“She forgot to do her Transfiguration homework,” answers Waverly, adding as a mumbled afterthought, “Again.”
“Your sister continues to baffle me,” says Nicole, shaking her head disapprovingly, though the trace of a smile that crosses her lips puts her disapproval in an oh-that’s-so-Wynonna kind of way.
“You mean how after five years she still hasn’t realised that she could avoid detention by actually doing her homework?” Waverly asks. She rolls her eyes, though by this point she has moved way past irritation at her sister’s behaviour, and almost beyond desperation too, into boredom at the repetition of Wynonna’s lack of consideration for school rules. “Or the fact that the public humiliation of getting a Howler from our aunt seems to do nothing to stop her from pulling idiotic stunts like releasing a swarm of pixies into the Great Hall during the evening feast?”
Nicole grimaces as she replies, “I feel at least partially responsible for that one. She told me about her plans and I didn’t try very hard to convince her not to do it.”
“Don’t beat yourself up about it,” Waverly reassures Nicole. “I’m not sure you could have said anything to stop her.”
Nicole laughs softly in agreement, a pretty laugh that fills Waverly’s heart with a warmth that she decides that she wants to feel over and over again. As her laughter falls away, Nicole’s gaze flickers up, her brown eyes wide and filled with a doe-like innocence as she looks at Waverly.
“Anyway, enough about Wynonna, how are you?”
Though the question, at least Waverly assumes so from the expression on Nicole’s face, has no deeper intention than genuine interest in Waverly’s life, it still takes her aback. After their first meeting, Waverly had been certain that any future interactions with Nicole wouldn’t stretch further than perhaps a nod of acknowledgement in the other’s direction as they pass in the corridors, particularly considering Waverly’s accidental rudeness with her comments about Quidditch players. It’s enough of a surprise that Nicole has made the choice to come and talk to her at breakfast at all – indeed Waverly presumed that Nicole just wanted the hot gossip about Wynonna’s latest escapades – let alone the fact that she is showing an interest in Waverly.
“I’m … I’m good, thanks,” she replies, her mouth a little dry as she stumbles over even the most basic of answers in her surprise. “And you?”
“Not too bad,” answer Nicole. Reaching a hand up to her own neck, Nicole tilts her head to the side and winces, before she says, “My neck aches a little though … you know, from holding up my giant head.”
Waverly lets out a low groan and covers her eyes with one hand as she shakes her head. Letting her hand fall back down to her side, Waverly says, “I really cannot apologise enough for what I said about Quidditch players.”
“Apology accepted,” says Nicole. A slow grin starts to spread across her face and Waverly lets herself relax, until Nicole’s expression turns serious and she adds, “but on one condition.”
With her heart racing inside her chest, Waverly fights a wave of panic as she asks, “What’s that?”
Nicole leans across the table, and though the pause before she speaks has Waverly almost trembling in anticipation, her voice is full of teasing undertones when she finally speaks.
“You come and watch me play the next time that Hufflepuff have a game.”
Waverly sighs in relief and then nods, “Deal.”
“Waverly,” says Nicole, feigning seriousness and tilting her head to the side slightly as she leans closer. “I’m going to have to ask you to calm it down with the enthusiasm.”
Waverly sighs again exaggeratedly for comedic effect and then fights back a smile as she looks at Nicole and says, “The things I do for friendship.”
The slow grin that spreads across Nicole’s face at the word friendship is so pure that Waverly wants to capture it in her memory forever. It’s almost as if Nicole can’t quite believe that Waverly wants to be friends with her, a thought which stuns Waverly because she can’t quite comprehend why Nicole would choose to join her for breakfast, when she presumably has so many other friends from her own year group that she could sit with instead.
“What’s your first class?” Nicole asks, as Waverly finishes the final mouthful of her breakfast as sets her cutlery down on the plate.
“Defence Against the Dark Arts.”
“Can I walk you to class?” asks Nicole, almost breathlessly.
Waverly freezes up in shock, though not in a bad way. Definitely not in a bad way. She’s struck once again by how innocent Nicole’s request is, and wonders immediately why she’s wasted the last four years at Hogwarts seeking the approval of literally everybody else in the castle when all it takes is one wide-eyed Muggleborn for her to suddenly feel incredibly valued as an individual. Not even Champ, with his slightly ill-placed yet well-meaning affection, has ever filled Waverly with this kind of warmth before.
“I’d like that,” Waverly agrees with a shy smile. “But don’t you have your own class to get to.”
“It’s fine,” Nicole dismisses Waverly with a casual flick of her hand as she gets to her feet once more. “It’s on the way.”
Waverly is pretty certain that Nicole is in the same Transfiguration class that Wynonna and Dolls have first thing this morning, and despite knowing that the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom is two floors higher and in the opposite wing of the castle to Transfiguration – definitely not on the way at all – she agrees regardless.
“Thank you.”
Waverly follows Nicole out of the rapidly emptying Great Hall and the pair fall into stride out in the Entrance Hall as they walk towards the Grand Staircase.
“So.” Nicole starts, “it’s the Hogsmeade trip next weekend. Are you going?”
“Yeah,” answers Waverly. “I think I’m supposed to be going with Champ.”
As they step onto the first moving staircase, Nicole turns to look at Waverly, her eyebrows raised in surprise.
“Champ … Champ Hardy? You two are still…?”
Waverly nods, and then says, “Uh huh. Six and a half months.”
Nicole’s eyes widen and she stares out into the distance for a few seconds as the staircase comes to a shuddering halt beneath them. She waits until they have started walking again, taking a door that leads out of the central staircase and into the part of the castle where the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom is, before speaking again.
“Things are pretty serious then?”
Waverly shrugs, leading the way along a narrow corridor and then up a twisting spiral staircase before answering, “I … I guess so.”
“No need to sound so enthusiastic, Waves,” Nicole says, any sign of whatever it was that crossed her face when she learned about Waverly and Champ gone as she shoots Waverly a teasing smile and nudges her elbow against Waverly’s arm. Waverly’s eyes widen at the unexpected pet name, which Nicole seems to immediately take as a bad thing, rushing into a hasty apology. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to … can I call you that?”
The rush of affection that Waverly feels for Nicole upon hearing the nickname intensified by the fact that it just slipped out by accident, is unlike anything that Waverly has felt in a very long time, and she nods shyly.
“I like it.”
Nicole relaxes visibly, letting out a long sigh of relief just as they reach the door to the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, where Waverly can already see some of her classmates beginning to settle into their seats beyond the classroom door.
“Well, here we are,” Waverly says brightly, not exactly sure what the etiquette is for thanking a budding new friend for accompanying her to class. For going completely out of her own way to walk Waverly to class, despite having her own lesson in a different part of the castle to get to, and particularly after Waverly did the exact opposite of giving Nicole a reason to want to be such a good friend during their first meeting. “Thank you so much. You really didn’t have to do this.”
“I know I didn’t,” agrees Nicole. “But I wanted to.”
They hover awkwardly at the door to the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, neither one quite sure how to part ways. Waverly has never had the pleasure of being walked to class before and she isn’t really sure how to say goodbye – does she walk into class and then Nicole leaves, or should she wait for Nicole to leave before she enters the classroom?
Nicole is the one who finally puts an end to it.
“Well, I should go,” she says, and Waverly thinks that the reluctance that she hears edging its way into Nicole’s tone could be more than just wishful thinking on her part. “I have to get to Transfiguration.”
“Okay,” nods Waverly, taking a slow step backwards towards the classroom door as she lifts a hand to wave goodbye. “Bye, Nicole.”
“Goodbye, Waverly.”
Hogsmeade never fails to leave Nicole in a stunned state of awe. Every trip feels like the first one and the excitement of walking down the path from the castle in the midst of a swarm of students and seeing the picturesque little village with its crooked buildings and winding streets come into view has Nicole’s heart doing little flips in her chest as she imagines what the day has in store.
Hogsmeade has an old-fashioned kind of charm to it. The buildings are small and quaint; wooden signs swing in the breeze above the entrances to shops, smoke drifts up from crooked chimney pipes atop tiled roofs, and the window of Honeydukes displays shelf upon shelf of glass jars filled with coloured sweets like an old Victorian shop. Yet there’s something so incredibly special about the magic that brings Hogsmeade to life and sets it apart from the small Muggle villages dotted across the British countryside.
Nicole, along with what feels like every other Hogwarts student visiting the village, spends the first hour of her trip in Honeydukes. It takes that long to make it around the entire shop, what with how many teenagers are crammed into such a tiny space, but even when Nicole finally makes her way out of the busy shop and back onto the cobbled streets, her hands and pockets overflowing with paper bags full of a colourful assortment of all kinds of treats, Nicole is still certain that there must be at least one kind of wizarding confectionary that she’s been meaning to try but has missed out on due to the sheer number of students crowding the shelves in Honeydukes.
Bidding farewell to two of her closest friends in Hufflepuff, who have both arranged to meet their boyfriends in the disgustingly frilly teashop down one of the side streets off Hogsmeade’s main road, Nicole ambles down the street alone, basking in the crisp autumn breeze that hits her face and the aura of magic that fills the air.
A voice shouting her name catches Nicole’s attention and she spends a few seconds looking around for its owner, finally catching sight of Waverly Earp standing outside one of the shops. Waverly is bundled up in a thick cloak, her blue and bronze Ravenclaw scarf, and a pair of fluffy earmuffs, and she bounces up and down on her toes as she waves eagerly to get Nicole’s attention.
“Waverly, hi!” Nicole tries not to seem too eager as she bounds over to Waverly. Glancing around, Nicole frowns at the fact that Waverly is by herself and asks, “No Champ?”
Waverly gestures over her shoulder with her thumb and Nicole’s insides sink with the weight of a heavy anchor as she peers through the glass shopfront behind Waverly, where she can see Champ Hardy amongst a group fo boys laughing at something on one of the shelves inside.
“Apparently Champ’s idea of a perfect date is dragging me along while he mucks about with his friends and pays more attention to silly joke shop toys than her does to me,” Waverly says, her tone bitter as she turns to look at Champ through the window, who seems oblivious to the fact that his girlfriend is waiting for him outside the shop.
“Would you rather he took you to Madam Puddifoot’s?” asks Nicole, thinking of her two best friends and the presumably nausea-inducing dates they are on with their own boyfriends.
“Merlin, no!” Waverly answers with a grimace. “Have you seen the inside of that place? It looks like a lace factory exploded.”
Tilting her head to the side, Nicole teases, “Is that not what girls like?”
“You’re a girl,” Waverly quips back, “You tell me.”
It catches Nicole off-guard. Sometimes she forgets that the rest of the world around her is so painfully heterosexual and she tries not to let the surprise show on her face – the very last thing she wants to do is scare Waverly off.
Instead, Nicole takes a deep breath to calm herself down and replies, “I’m not like most girls.”
She’s trying to be cool and mysterious, despite the hammering of her heart, and she thinks that it works because Waverly takes a few seconds to consider Nicole’s words. But then a sly smile crosses Waverly’s lips and she agrees, “No, I guess not,” which flusters Nicole and leaves her feeling the exact opposite of cool and mysterious.
Twitchy and transparent.
Which isn’t exactly the vibe she’s aiming to give off at all.
Nicole takes a couple of deep breaths to calm herself down, an impressive feat considering the question that’s on the tip of her tongue, and then speaks once more.
“I know you’re on a date,” Nicole uses air quotes as she says the word date, causing Waverly to laugh softly and roll her eyes, “but I was on my way to the bookshop if you fancy coming with me?”
“Seriously?” asks Waverly, her head jerking up and her eyes wide in surprise as they search Nicole’s face for any sign that her invitation might not be genuine. When Nicole nods, teeth digging into her lower lips slightly as she awaits a response, Waverly sighs in relief and answers, “Oh thank you, I’d love to. I don’t think I can put up with Champ’s idiotic friends for much longer.”
Nicole can’t stop the grin that spreads across her face as Waverly bounces over to her. Nicole loops her arm through Waverly’s under the pretence of huddling together to ward off the chilly October breeze and Waverly leans into her side as they stroll down the cobbled road towards Tomes and Scrolls, Hogsmeade’s only bookshop.
“So how has your week been?” Nicole asks conversationally.
“Oh, you know,” Waverly answers vaguely, her voice bright. She glances up at Nicole with a knowing expression on her face, before adding, “It’s fifth year.”
Frowning, Nicole asks, “But I can’t imagine that you’re finding the workload too much?”
Waverly hesitates before answering, then confesses with a little tremor in her voice, “I … I kind of love it.”
She lowers her gaze in shame, as if somehow believing that Nicole is going to find her weird and abandon her with Champ and his friends for the rest of the day for enjoying her academic studies, as if they aren’t currently on their way to a bookshop, of all places. Nicole doesn’t consider herself a violent person, in fact she much prefers to work things out with words than with brute force, but she can’t help but find herself filling with a quiet rage along with the urge to hurt whoever has made Waverly feel like it’s not okay for her to enjoy learning.
It’s maybe not intentional, but Nicole clings to Waverly just a little bit tighter with the arm currently linked through Waverly’s, silently communicating her reassurances that it’s okay for Waverly to be completely herself around Nicole.
“What’s your favourite subject?” asks Nicole, encouraging Waverly to speak more about the things that she loves.
Waverly glances up at Nicole briefly, a soft kind of wonder in her eyes as if she can’t quite believe that Nicole is actually interested in getting to know her, then she smiles as she answers happily, “Definitely Ancient Runes. It’s so fascinating, so complex but so rewarding, you know?”
“I … I actually don’t,” admits Nicole. “I didn’t take Runes. I regret it though, choosing Divination was a terrible decision.”
“You took Divination?” Waverly asks, her eyebrows shooting up with such speed that Nicole is surprised they don’t keep going and disappear into her hairline. “That surprises me.”
“Really?” Nicole shrugs, then explains, “I’m Muggleborn so the whole idea of predicting the future is like a childhood fantasy come true. Of course I took Divination.”
“And how did the class compare to the childhood fantasies?”
Laughing and shaking her head at the memories of the complete joke that was three years of Divination classes, Nicole answers truthfully, “It was a complete waste of time, to be honest!”
Upon reaching the bookshop, Nicole reluctantly lets her arm slip free from Waverly’s and pushes open the door, standing aside as she holds it open to let Waverly enter first, who beams at Nicole and mutters a soft thanks in return.
When she follows Waverly inside, Nicole stops and takes a few moments to appreciate her new surroundings. Each towering bookshelf holds hundreds of leather bound books, each book contains thousands upon thousands of words. From spellbooks to advanced potion making, herbology to ancient magical lore, colourfully illustrated children’s books on magical creatures to dusty tomes written in almost forgotten languages, there must be a book on every conceivable subject somewhere in this shop. Nicole could spend a lifetime in here and still barely scratch the surface of the knowledge that is waiting to be uncovered.
But being here with Waverly brings a different kind of excitement. It’s not a date, Nicole has to remind herself every few seconds, because Waverly is just a friend, but Nicole would be lying if she said that she hadn’t meticulously planned out every detail of what a first date with Waverly would entail. And this would be it; a couple of hours in a bookshop where they explore the shelves that are filled with stimuli for an endless number of conversations, how they could get to know each other so well just by walking around this shop and discovering where the other’s interests lie.
Not to mention the fact that Nicole is a hopeless romantic at heart and the throwback to where they first met, surrounded by the high bookshelves of the Hogwarts library, seems to signify something really special to Nicole.
But this is not a date.
Absolutely not.
It’s so hard to keep telling herself that when Waverly grabs Nicole’s hand with her own mitten-covered one and drags her to the back of the bookshop.
They’re in the Runes section of the bookshop and Nicole barely has any idea what Waverly is saying (something along the lines of a collection of books that she’s been saving up her galleons for) but it doesn’t really matter. Waverly could be talking about a subject that Nicole knows more about than anybody else in the world and the words would still mean nothing because Nicole is far too enraptured by the way that Waverly gesticulates with her arms, far too mesmerised by the passion and the enthusiasm with which Waverly talks, to take notice of the words themselves.
Waverly is beautiful. Of course, Nicole already knew that from a purely objective point of view, but Waverly’s intelligence stretches far beyond any kind of physical beauty. Nicole could be presented with an actual Veela, and she would still think that Waverly, with her quiet charm and otherworldly intellect, is the most beautiful girl on the planet.
Waverly Earp – who even just a couple of weeks ago was nothing more than a stranger, a quiet Ravenclaw in the year below Nicole who always keeps herself to herself, known for being the youngest daughter from a family of famous dark wizard hunters – sharing her passions with Nicole with expressive authenticity, is now just Waverly.
And yet she is so much more than that too.
“Are you okay?”
Waverly’s question brings Nicole out of her own thoughts and she feels a little bit delirious as she answers, “Yeah, I’m fine.”
Way more than okay.
It is thirst finally getting the better of them that forces them to leave the bookshop. Though Nicole could quite easily spend the rest of the day in the bookshop with Waverly, listening to the other girl talk about subjects that she’s interested in and moving from one conversation to another with an effortless kind of ease that is just so completely unlike anything that Nicole could find in any of her other friendships, they have to leave eventually, wrapping themselves up in their cloaks and scarves once more before leaving the shop and crossing the street to the Three Broomsticks.
“Thank you for this,” Waverly says, as the pair sit down at a table near the fireplace in the cosy pub, each holding a frothy tankard of butterbeer.
“For what?” Nicole asks, confused as to what she has done to warrant a thank you.
“For saving me from having to spend the day with Champ and his friends,” explains Waverly. She takes a sip of her butterbeer and then, with her teeth anxiously nibbling at her lower lips, continues, “Is it bad that I’m almost glad that he’s with his friends today because it means I don’t have to deal with him one on one?”
Nicole’s eyebrows shoot upwards and she replies, “He’s your boyfriend, isn’t he supposed to be the one person that you want to spend all your time with?”
Waverly’s face falls and she shrugs, before answering, “I guess so. But with Champ it’s just … sometimes I feel like I’m just a piece of arm candy, like he doesn’t actually care about me beyond having somebody to make out with occasionally.” Waverly hesitates, then adds, “And that he can say he’s bagged himself an Earp.”
Nicole reaches across the table and rests her hand over Waverly’s, unable to believe how anybody is capable of making Waverly feel so underappreciated and still be able to sleep at night.
“Waverly,” Nicole says, looking into the other girl’s eyes and speaking with complete honesty. “You’re so much more than some guy’s trophy. Anybody would be lucky to call you their girlfriend. And if Champ Hardy can’t see that, then he doesn’t deserve you.”
Waverly glances down, embarrassed, and makes a noncommittal grunt, so Nicole continues.
“I can’t tell you how to live your life, or who should and shouldn’t have an important place in it,” she tells Waverly, “but if you ever want to complain about boys, or plot how to crush the heteronormative patriarchy, I’m your girl.”
Waverly looks up, a soft smile on her face, and she just opens her mouth to say something in response when the pub door crashes open, letting in a chilly gust of wind as four boys jostle their way inside, led by a familiar figure. Upon seeing her boyfriend, who she abandoned earlier in the day in favour of spending time with Nicole, Waverly sits up straighter and anything she might have been about to say to Nicole goes forgotten.
The boy looks around, searching for the voice that said his name, and when his eyes fall on Waverly and he gapes at her with a dumbfounded expression on his face, Nicole suspects that he might not even have noticed his girlfriend’s absence today at all.
“Oh,” he says. “Waverly. You’re here.”
“Yes,” Waverly answers, her tone brusque, “I am.”
“Who is your friend?” Champ asks, nodding his head in Nicole’s direction.
“This is Nicole,” says Waverly. “We went to look at books together while you were in the joke shop.”
Champ spends a few seconds looking at Nicole, his eyes slightly narrowed as he appraises her briefly, before he relaxes and turns to Waverly with a smile on his face. A stupid, stupid smile that Nicole wants to wipe off with a flick of her wand.
“That’s so cool that you’ve got a friend to do girly stuff with instead of me,” he tells Waverly.
Like Nicole says, she really wants to inflict some physical pain on Champ and her brain is already forming a list of the spells that she could use and ranking them based on a combination of how much embarrassment they would cause Champ and how much pleasure they would give her to use.
But instead of taking out her wand and hexing Champ into the next century, Nicole forces herself to stay calm and asks, “Girly stuff? You mean like reading?”
Waverly’s soft snort from beside her is more than worth any backlash she might face from Champ for that comment. But instead of retaliating with anger, Champ seems to miss the sarcasm in Nicole’s voice entirely, instead taking her by surprise by actually agreeing with her.
“Yeah,” he nods, without a trace of irony in his voice. “Just like that.”
Champ walks closer to their table, closing the gap between himself and Waverly so that he can lean down and press a kiss to her lips, though Waverly turns her head slightly at the last minute so that his mouth lands on her cheek instead. Unperturbed, or perhaps he just didn’t notice Waverly’s lack of enthusiasm for his affection, he straightens up and gets ready to walk over to where his friends stand at the bar waiting to order their drinks.
“See you later, babe,” he says, before he departs.
“I didn’t know that boys couldn’t read,” says Nicole drily, the moment that Champ is out of earshot, “but that explains so much.”
Waverly’s laugh in response, as sweet and smooth as the butterbeer that they drink and such a contrast to the frosty reception she gave to Champ, is possibly the only thing that matters in Nicole’s world.
32 notes · View notes
6-3-17 RACE REPORT--> Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt.
Yes, you read that right! I don’t know what my deal was earlier this week, but my race today went very well. Here’s a play-by-play of the Logan Urban Trails 10-Miler, as well as I can recollect:
At 4:37am, I’m awake. The windows are open, and instantly my sweat-drenched skin is cooled by the box fan. I tell myself that no sane person actually runs a race if he’s waist deep in peanut butter and dreams are not real, which calms me. I use the bathroom and I’m paranoid about my hydration levels, but it’s dark and I gather no information on the subject. Shortly thereafter, I drift back to sleep. Before my eyes have time to shut completely, it is bright outside, the birds are calling, and I am upset. I look at my watch, 6:13am. I’ve slept roughly 90 minutes since the cold sweat, but ‘restful’ is not the adjective I have in mind. I do a triple check to make sure I’ve got everything I need for race day, and then I make breakfast. Over a bowl of oatmeal, yogurt, and fruit, I listen to Brand New’s album Deja Entendu and Angels & Airwaves’ LOVE, start to finish. It’s a ritual I began in high school and to this day I still do it the morning of races when I’m chasing a particular result. After breakfast, I make my way to the park, nearly 2 hours before start time. The first several minutes are spent reading, another ritual of mine. It’s a singular chapter in arguably the most influential running book of all time. Parker Jr.’s ‘Once A Runner’. The chapter is titled The Interval Workout. Reading this before races makes me both motivated and nervous. One chapter, and I only read it on race day. Following a short reading, I start with a walk, then a jog. As I begin my jog, I cross paths with a snail of considerable size.
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Ought I to worry? I want to shrug it off, but as I’ve just documented, races make me particularly superstitious. Before long, the race is about to begin and I prepare myself as best I can. To everyone’s dismay, they tried to get us going early! Official race time was listed as 9:10am, and a little after 9:00 they said “Get ready, we’re going to start the race with a 30 second countdown!” After a lamenting groan from the crowd, the race director says “We listed start time as 9:10, does everyone want to wait for that?” After a unanimous decision in the affirmative from the runners, they gave us a little more time. For the next 8 minutes or so, I tried to skillfully control my breathing and get my heart rate back down to manageable levels. The race hasn’t even begun and already things are feeling a little out of control! Now, call me a sell-out (or perhaps an even more colorful and creative name than that), but I just entered this race to win. I gave no thought to time or pace or effort, I simply wanted to take first. When the gun went off, I let the pack naturally sort itself out for the first few minutes, and found myself right behind two guys, the three of us leading the crowd. We quickly were separated from everyone else within the first mile, and gained more distance with every step. The pace was a little slower than I anticipated, but instead of taking on a Prefontaine-style attitude so early, I let these guys lead and just followed right behind. At 2 miles, we dropped one guy. It was pretty obvious he hadn’t had much hill training, and I felt bad for him. He was bent at the waist, almost doubled over on the uphill, and I just wanted to straighten him out and carry him up the hill with us. Perhaps I sympathized with him because I’d been there before, and I was acutely aware of the detriment it would cause for the remainder of his race. I know it had done so for me many times. But I had my own race to run; I had to look out for me, you know? Now here we are, a little over 2 miles into this race and it’s just me and this other guy. He’s taller by several inches, with much broader shoulders than myself, so I drafted off him for a while. I don’t know if we were even moving fast enough or the headwind was strong enough for my drafting to make a difference, but mentally it was a huge confidence boost. Somewhere between miles 2 and 3, I decided I’d stay with this guy until we hit mile 5, and then with any luck I could break away and get some distance between us. I’ve learned the hard way that when it comes down to a neck-&-neck sprint between me and just about anyone else, I will take the loss 90% of the time. He was looking pretty strong. After winding through some neighborhood streets, we start coming up on an aid station around 3.7 miles. We both ask for water, and then he takes me by surprise- two little kids run out to our assistance, and when the wax Powerade cups hit our palms with just a little too much force, he stops!! I had half a mind to keep my prior goal and stay behind him until the halfway mark, but something wouldn’t let me. Still moving, I take a few sips and spill some water down my chin like a child dribbling soup and I am off. Not too fast, but enough that I never saw the guy again. I gave him until I arrived at the next aid station, right before mile 5, before I really opened up and put some distance between us. As I run past the volunteers and drink table, I decline water and they quickly ask to see my name & race number then radio something in to the people at the finish line; what they said I didn’t hear nor did it concern me. My legs felt great and I wanted to see what I could do today. Running with the other guys, we were never faster than ~7:10 pace for the first five, and our average hovered around 7:33. I cross the point in the gravel that marks 5 mi and tried to put on some speed, with my next five miles averaging 6:01 pace. As luck would have it, my breakaway was perfectly synced with my headphones, which begin playing one of my favorite songs for racing, “Throw Down” by Follow Your Hero. So that’s exactly what I did. For the remainder of the race, I focused on flying through the downhills and strong, powerful knee lifts on the inclines. I specifically remember finishing a particularly long downhill section right before 7 miles, and my feet were on fire! I thought I had tied my shoes tight enough to keep them from sliding, but the friction of the downhill pounding didn’t just create hotspots in my shoes, the entire interior was a furnace. From here, with roughly a 5k to go, I was really feeling good. This is where I kicked out my two fastest miles, 5:50’s back-to-back (5:50.42 and 5:50.25, if we’re splitting hairs). It helped that I was listening to Imagine Dragon’s “On Top Of The World” and Set Your Goals’ “Mutiny!” by this time. For 7 minutes I felt unstoppable, and that’s just what I needed. The song “Mutiny!” is so, so perfect for any competition, in my opinion. Road races aside, I try to avoid listening to music during any kind of running or hard workouts, but sometimes that cannot be avoided. There is one part of the song in particular that helps power me through the worst workouts and low points in races, and I save this song only for times I know I will be in considerable distress, which is why it appeared in my playlist during the final miles of my race. Near the end of the song, the line goes: “We have come to pillage. We have come to burn. We have come to incite the riot. We have come to take it over.” Now, say what you will about music and its place in running, nay, in life. Have your opinions on what is ‘good’ music and what is not. Hold true to your beliefs and morals on the subject. I will both respect and honor them. But every single time I hear this line in this song, I feel like I could take on the world and outrace anybody. Delusions of grandeur aside, at the very least this song pulls me out of the darkest abyss and keeps me moving fast for a few minutes more. I run past a local restaurant, Herm’s Inn. I can smell the roast coffee, the maple syrup, and the famous cinnamon-swirl pancakes with their cream cheese frosting. The haunting aroma causes my mind to wander. I think of the friends and family sharing meals there. I think of a comfortable booth, someone waiting on my every need, food that satisfies without fail. I even consider the ease with which each of those lucky individuals arrived at their destination, and I’m briefly filled with jealousy. They rightly and smartly chose to treat themselves instead of pay real money to be subjected to a 10-mile run in the heat. What am I, an idiot? The gradual fade of savory smells returns me to a sense of reality and duty. Notwithstanding a final aid station just before the final climb I didn’t see a single person, bystander or otherwise, again until I approached the finish line.  For a split second, I regret not breaking away earlier and seeing what I could really do with a full 10 miles at my disposal, but then I remember that not only is this a small stepping stone for later-season events, it wouldn’t be smart to risk everything on such an early-season race. I am the first to cross the finish line in a time of 1:06:34 unofficial, 6:39 average pace. A cool, metal bench under a tent offers some solace from the heat, and I take it. I can feel the cold on my thighs and palms. It would be startling if it wasn’t so refreshing. The race director snaps an unflattering picture of me removing my hat and running my hands through my sweaty hair, and I remove my shoes, afraid to know if I burned a hole through my socks. My socks are fine, thank goodness, and I feel well, all things considered. A few minutes to catch my breath & regain composure, and I’m shotgunning glasses of complimentary chocolate milk to quench my thirst. Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt. I get in a few easy miles as a cool down, make some phone calls to friends & family to give a short race report, and then cheer the rest of the runners in while I wait for the post-race awards and raffle. As the winner, I am guaranteed free entry into next year’s race to “defend my title”, and I was awarded a very high-quality hiking stick as well as a Bath Bomb (???). I didn’t know what a bath bomb was until I called my mother and told her that’s what I’d won. Her immediate reaction was laughter. Probably just going to re-gift that one to my sister because blue fizzy bath water isn’t really my scene. Additionally, the raffle granted me a nice pair of SmartWool PhD socks, so I’m pretty stoked about that!
All in all, today was good. I’m sore, but nothing worrisome like I was feeling earlier this week. Tomorrow will be a much anticipated day off, and then some more looking ahead as training days and race days approach.
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army4life · 8 years ago
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Warning: SMUT! Dirty talk,LOTS of dirty talk!
“Yah!…What do you think you are doing!?” You whispered somewhat loudly when you felt your boyfriend’s hand land on your upper thigh. You were currently sitting at a restaurant with all the other members of BTS, your boyfriend thought it would be a great way to celebrate them winning their second rookie award and he invited you as well saying that it wouldn’t be a celebration without you there. You should have known that he had a hidden motive. A week ago you had decided to turn the tables on him during sex and you teased him mercilessly, and afterwards he had promised to “pay you back”. You have been on your guard ever since. Anytime you were alone you would take every precaution you could think of, because you knew Yoongi’s pay back would be ten times worse then what you put him through. You knew this..yet, you didn’t think he would ever do anything in public! “What are you talking about?” Yoongi asks innocently, making sure that the others could hear. “What’s wrong ___?” JIn asks stopping in the middle of his conversation to look at you. “Nothing!” You said with a smile as you pushed Yoongi’s hands off your thigh. Jin hesitated not completely convinced before shrugging it off and continuing with his conversation. You watched silently as the boys conversed. “Anyway, my dog beat boxing is the best.” Jin said with a grin causing all the other members to make sounds of disagreement. “No way!” Jhope shouts out “It sounds like a dying dog hyung!” JImin shouts out next making the whole table erupt into laughter. Jin frowns and crosses his arms over his chest pouting like a child. “What happened to respecting your hyungs!?” Jin asks playfully pushing J-hope and Jimin who were on either side of him. You were so into their conversation that you almost didn’t notice Yoongi placing his hand on your inner thigh. Almost. You tried to smack it away again, but Suga pinched your thigh causing you to yelped. Jin looked at you with a look of betrayal. “Now even ___ is making fun of me!?” JIn whines and places his head in his hands. JImin slaps his back repeatedly in a anything but comforting gesture “Its okay hyung!” He says smiling cheerfully “Hey, why don’t we have a beat boxing match!” Jungkook says as equally cheerful, “Yea and ___ can be the judge!” J hope exclaims. You were about to say something when, as if on cue Suga starts to rub you through your panties. you bit your lip to keep a moan from spilling out and slammed your legs shut on Yoongi’s hand, hard. He immediately pulled back. “Ow, shit.” You heard Yoongi mumble under his breath and rubbed his injured hand. You smiled at the other boys half out of curtesy and half because you were happy, you won, for now. “Sure, I’d love to.” you said placing your hands in your lap. Yoongi doesn’t give up easily, everyone knows that and you might have just made things so much worse for yourself. “Yes! So, who is going first?” Jin asked “I volunteer Yoongi!” You shouted raising your hand up. Yoongi looked up at you when you said his name. “What?” He asked obviously not paying attention. “Hyung, you beat box.” Namjoon explained slowly his voice going slightly higher, almost like he was talking to a child or a stupid person. “Oh, okay.” To the unknowing eye the smile he gave would have looked like one of genuine enjoyment….but, of course you knew different. That smile meant he had something planned and that you needed to get the hell out of there. “U-um…I’ll be right back.” You said standing up quickly, you had to force yourself not to run to the bathroom.
“Fuck….what do I do?” You asked your reflection “If I go back out there he will most likely….” You trailed off as the door opened. crap, you forgot to lock it…and “Seriously…why?” you whispered under your breath before turning around to face Yoongi. “Coward.” Yoongi says with a smirk making you frown. “I’m not a coward…” You say sulking “You can’t even take what you dish out.” Yoongi stated matter of factly and leaned against the door, a small smirk on his lips. His dark eyes stared at you as he waited for your comeback. The look in his eyes made your whole body tremble with want. But you couldn’t let him win, he would never let you live it down if you submitted too soon. That’s what Yoongi loves about you, he likes that you have a sharp tongue. And he loves to make you submit. “Ha! are you kidding? I can take twice the things that I dish out!” You shouted at him trying not to let your voice shake. Yoongi let out a small sound of amusement and pushed himself off the door. “Oh really?” He says coming towards you slowly, painfully slowly, like a predator stalking towards its prey. Just waiting for the right moment to pounce. You swallowed hard and tried to take step back. Unfortunately you were right in front of the sink, so there was no where to go. You looked back at him and put your hand on your hip still trying to act like he wasn’t affecting you. Even though he was almost less than a inch away from you. “Yeah, really, and I can also take whatever you dish out. So do your worse.” You say in the most menacing way you can. Yoongi chuckles darkly “Heh. We’ll see about that.” He says placing both hands on either side of you trapping you in between his body and the sink. You inhaled sharply when he leaned forward, his gaze switching down to your lips. You could feel Yoongi’s breath on your lips as his approached yours. You wanted him, oh god you wanted him. But, then he would win. Before he could register what was happening, you turned your head and pushed him away from you. He stumbled, but only slightly. Yoongi regained his balance and ran his hand through his hair. It drove you crazy when he did that, you had to bite your lip to suppress a whimper. “____ what the hell?” Yoongi asks his face showing small signs of annoyance. You clear your throat in a effort to regain control. “don’t what the hell me, what the hell were you thinking trying to fuck me in a restaurant bathroom!?” “What happened to ‘I can take anything you dish out?’ ” Yoongi asks imitating your voice, and then smirking afterward. Damn that smirk of his. “I-I can..but…I…..” you trailed off and bit your lip. “But?” Suga asks urging you to continue “But……I…I have my morals!” you shouted finally, god, that was so lame…. you mentally face palmed. “Morals? this coming from the girl who in the middle of the night decides to crawl on top of me whispering ‘Oppa, fuck me’ ” Yoongi says imitating you again and walks over to stand in front of you “Don’t imitate me…” You whisper your face reddening, Yoongi chuckles and leans down so he’s next to your ear. “'Oppa, can I suck you off?’ ” He whispers and softly nips your earlobe Your ear was on fire. If he kept this up you wouldn’t be able to resist much longer. “Oppa! please stop!..” You whined and grabbed hold of his arms, Yoongi’s eyebrow lifts up i amusement. “Heh. That’s a new one.” Yoongi chuckles, causing you to roll your eyes. “Oppa I’m se-” You were cut off by someone knocking at the door. Both you and Yoongi froze. “_____?” It was Jungkook. His voice was quiet and hesitant as if unsure it was you. “Yes Kookie?” You ask softly and move to open the door, But Yoongi is still blocking your path. “Jin hyung wanted me to tell to you the food was here and…” You heard inhale sharply before saying “Is Yoongi hyung on there with you?” Jungkook asked, the words rushing out of his mouth like a waterfall. His face was most likely red because you could tell, he was embarrassed. “Face the mirror…” Yoongi whispered in your ear. You opened your mouth to protest. But look in his dark eyes made your legs weak. You nodded licking your lips subtly and turned around. You felt Yoongi growing erection press up against your ass and felt yourself growing more damp then you already were. You gave up, you just wanted Jungkook to leave, so Yoongi could fuck you like you knew he would. “Um, no Kookie why?” You asked, and gripped the counter tightly as Yoongi slipped his hand into the front of your jeans. “He left a few minutes after you. He hasn’t come back and you haven’t come back…” Jungkook said slowly “I just figured….” He said quietly. You forced a laugh and tried your hardest to ignore Yoongi’s fingers that were now slipping inside your panties. “Of course not Kookie! We have more respect for each other and you guys to do something like that.” There was silence for a few minutes and you could hear what sounded like whispering. Yoongi rubbed your slit slowly causing you to whimper. “Don’t tease me…” You whined quietly. Without warning Yoongi pushed his finger inside of you. It took everything you had not to cry out. “She told you that!?” All of a sudden you heard Jimin’s laughing voice right outside the bathroom door. “You have respect ____? You call fucking in every room in our dorm, plus our practice room respect?” Jimin said still laughing. You guess that it pissed Yoongi off because he pinched your clit hard enough for it to almost hurt. You laid your head back on Yoongi’s chest and opened your mouth to moan. Yoongi quickly placed his hand over your mouth to muffle your moans. He pinched it again and again until you couldn’t even stand up on your two legs. “I-I’ll be out in a minute just, tell Jin that okay Kookie?” You manage to say and completely ignored Jimin. You hear two pairs of footsteps walk away from the door. Sighing in relief you lean back against Yoongi and eye contact with him in the mirror. He groans lowly when he sees your lusty gaze and unbuttons your pants and slips them with your panties , down to your ankles. He presses your back down lightly,so that you are bent over the counter. His hand slides up and down your back soothingly. Ever so often brushing past your ass. You shivered in anticipation. “What do you want baby?” Yoongi asks seductively and starts to massage your ass with both hands “F-for Oppa to fuck me…” You mumble quietly, crying out when Yoongi slaps your ass. “Wrong answer.” he says voice thick with lust. You knew what he wanted you to say. He wanted you to say you want his payback and that you give up. You may have given up, but you’ll be damned if you’ll admit it. Another slap, harder this time. You winced and cried out again. “What do you want?” Yoongi asked again, his voice calm,too calm. You said nothing and waited for the next slap. But there was no other slap. Instead, Yoongi dropped to his knees behind you.
“Your pussy is so fucking wet…I’ve barely even touched you. Do you know why you’re already so wet?” Yoongi asks as he slides a finger up and down your slit. You moan quietly and shake your head. Yoongi chuckles and slowly,agonizingly slowly, pushes one finger inside of you. “It’s because you’re my little slut and you know that I’m going fuck you until you cry and beg me to stop. Isn’t that why?” Yoongi says and kisses your pussy making your legs shake slightly. It was practically dripping from his words. “P-please just do it….” You whisper and try to press your pussy against his face. Yoongi kisses it again. “I will baby, I will….” Yoongi whispers, his lips just inches from the place you want it to be. “But, not yet.” Yoongi says, and to your dismay pulls away and start to take something out of his pocket.. You whine “Yoongi oppa ple-” you gasp when something is pressed up against your core. “Shh baby…you have to be patient..” Yoongi mumbles and slowly pushes the object inside of you. You moan loudly and whip your head around to look at Yoongi. “What the hell did you just put inside of me!?” Yoongi grins and tucks something into his pocket. “You’ll see.” With those two words, he pulled up your underwear and jeans. “Fix your hair and splash some water on your face, I don’t want to hear anymore comments from the others.” Yoongi says and waits for you to make yourself look presentable before grabbing your hand and dragging out of the bathroom before you could say another word.
When you got back to the table, the food had already arrived just as Jungkook had said. Yoongi sat down and you awkwardly sat down next to him. The foreign object moved slightly when you sat causing you to bite your lip. “You guys were in there for a awful long time..“J- hope says with a wide knowing grin. “J-hope it wasn’t even-” You were cut off as you suddenly felt a very intense vibration in your core. Your eyes widened a fraction and you clenched your fists tightly, trying to keep your composure. You glances at Yoongi and he gave you a loving smile, as if nothing was happening. The bastard. “I-It..wasn’t l-like that…” You stutter trying your best to supress the moans that were threatening to spill out of your mouth. You elbowed Yoongi hard under the table…so this was his plan all along… “___ are you okay? you look a little red…do you have a fever?” Jin asks kindly, you were about to answer but Yoongi turned the bead up to, what you were guessing was the highest level. Your whole body shook and you could feel your orgasm approaching fast. “oh my god!” you moaned out before you could stop yourself, causing everyone at the table and some of the other tables as well, to look at you. fuck. fuck. You bit your bottom lip so hard you could taste blood. You could feel the knot in your stomach tightening, you were close, trying to hold your moans in was almost impossible, you were completely aware that the whole table was watching you but you couldn’t even talk to explain yourself. Just when you thought you would go insane from the itense pleasure, it stopped. You let out a sigh of relief. “umm….__?” You looked over at the rest of the guys, their faces were really red aand they were shifting uncomfortably in their seats. “Y-yes T-taehyung?…” You said still breathing a little heavily. “Are you sure you’re okay?” He asks, you nod, giving him a weak smile. That’s how the rest of the evening went, ever so often Yoongi would cut on the bead and you would embarrass yourself yet again and then he would cut it off. By the time you got home you wanted to cum so bad you felt like crying.
As soon as you got inside and kicked both your shoes off, Yoongi pinned you to the door. Before you could say a word he smashed his lips against yours. His tongue slipped into your mouth before you could even comprehend what was happening. You moan into the kiss and press yourself flush against him. Yoongi moaned  into your mouth when your core met his bulge and you started to roll your hips, desperately trying to get any sort of friction so you could cum. Yoongi wasn’t having that though. He broke the kiss and starts trailing hot wet kisses across your jaw down to your neck where he sucks a deep red hickey. great, guess your wear collared shirts for the next week. You moan and try to press up against him again. Yoongi growls in irritation and reaches into his pocket.
"No! Yoongi do-” Too late the vibrations started lowly at first and then got harder.
“O-oh fuck..fuck…Yoongi…Oppa….I’m gonna cum!” You scream, your legs started to shake as your orgasm starts to build. Yoongi turn bead up.
“Oh yes! Oh fuck yes!… I’m cu-” right as you felt the pressure being released Yoongi turned it off.You whimpered feeling tears start to build.  "Oppa…please…"  You say your voice cracking slightly.
“What do you want?” Yoongi asks and starts caressing your breast. You sigh in defeat.
“I want your payback…I give up…” you say just barely above a whisper. Yoongi smirks and pulls off his shirt and jeans along with his underwear before dragging you over to the couch. Yoongi sat down legs spread wide as he leaned back.
“Suck.” Yoongi says in a deep seductive voice. You lick your lips in anticipation, and take hold of his throbbing cock, precum slowly pools at the tip. Slowly you dip your tongue into the slit of his cock causing him to groan.
“you  like that oppa?” You say cutely, but before he can respond you take his whole length in. Bobbing slowly up and down while applying pressure to the underside with your tongue.
“___. …..mmm…god..that feels so fucking good….”  He moans his hands finding their way into your hair. You get the message and start to bob and your head up and down faster.
“Oh shit!… ___-ah….I’m going to cum…ahh….fuck!..” Yoongi’s moans were getting louder and you could feel his cock start to swell and twitch in your mouth. You slid your hand down his shaft and tightly gripped the base, just before he was about to come. Effectively preventing it.
“Oh, so you’re  teasing again?..” Yoongi says and pulls you on the couch underneath him. Your eyes widened and you shake your head back and forth vigorously.
“N-no! definitely not!”
“hmm…” He says staring directly into your eyes
“Oppa…” you said as innocently and cute as you could wrapping your legs around his waist
“Oppa, please fuck me already.” You say pulling him closer and giving him a sweet tongue filled kiss. Yoongi  chuckled darkly after you pulled away and reached down to pull the vibrating bead out of you.
“Okay, but remember you asked for this.” and with those words Yoongi slammed into you, maybe with a little more force than necessary. You cried out in pain.
Yoongi smiled slightly sadistically.
“This is what happens when you tease baby.” Yoongi slammed into you again, making sure to nail your g spot. That was all you needed. With a loud cry you came undone underneath him. Your walls clenched around him and Yoongi winced in pleasure.
“You came already?..,We are just getting started!” Yoongi exclaims and flips you on your hands and knees. Without warning he slams into you and starts fucking you through your orgasm.
“Ah! Yoongi wait!..i-it’s too much!”  You cry out and try to pull away, but Yoongi has a firm grip on your hips.
“Ah…shit….you’re so tight…” Yoongi muttered out through his teeth and inhaled sharply.
“How do you like it huh? You like the way I’m fucking you?” Yoongi asks breathily and you nod quickly, not able to talk because of the moans spilling out of your mouth. Yoongi’s thrusts started to become sloppy and irregular, you could tell he was close. But, so were you.
“Are you gonna cum again baby?…” Yoongi  panted. You nodded and squeezed your eyes shut as you felt your second orgasm coming.
“Fuck me too…” Yoongi said, and with a few more thrusts you came. You barely heard Yoongi’s voice as your vision went white.
“Oh…. ___.! I’m gonna..ngh…ahh..” Yoongi’s nails dug into your hips as he came to his release a few seconds after you. He slowly rolled his hips into you,riding out both of your orgasms. Afterwards Yoongi collapsed on top of you momentarily knocking the breath out of you and destroying your blissful high.
“Oppa…you’re  crushing me…” You panted pretending like you couldn’t breathe. Yoongi freaked and went to roll both of you over. Only… you were laying on the couch.
“oomph!” he said as his back hit the floor followed by you falling on top of him. You laughed and sat up, straddling him.
“That was for the bead thing…..if you ever do that in public again I swear you will wake up in a river somewhere floating on your futon.” You said with a fake sweet smile.
“I’d like to see you try Jagi.” Yoongi teased before pulling your arm, causing you to fall against his chest.
“Sleep with one eye open tonight….Oppa.” You said positioning yourself comfortably ontop of him. Your eyes slowly drifted closed.
“I hope you don’t think it’s over. ” Yoongi said and your eyes shot open.
“What!?” You said in disbelief. Yoongi rolled over so he was on top again.
“I don’t have to worry about sleeping with one eye open tonight…” He said and leaned close to your ear.
“Because we won’t be sleeping.”
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ridewindingrivers · 7 years ago
Reading old journal entries is such a goddamn mind fuck at times. Other times I sob at the beauty of how happy I felt with every component of my life and how much has changed. I’m going to put this out into the void because it’s helping me to think and remember aspects of life and figure out what the fuck is happening right now (and what I want). Read if you like, it’s a lot to handle, and a very long text post. Sorry, I just needed to time warp and figure out where things went south. You might be upset I put this out there, and it might make your feelings more complicated, but I need this.
Fucking hell, from a post in December 2014, “I really just got to thinking how much I enjoy his company, him as a person; and recognized my yearning for the trail and that I don’t want anyone else by my side except him. Making me laugh, giving me encouragement, teaching my new ways to live outdoors, and sharing the vast wilderness craving with. ... It’s a bonding, friendly, sexing, tender, safe, calming, steady, engaging love. A deeper love.”
That time that Nana caught me snacking in the kitchen and talked to me about how she and Nanu don’t remember too much anymore (this was back in 2014). She sat at the table, put all my rings on, and laughed with me.
The time Dr. R got cancer and we paddled an entire river system together. He is cancer free.
Those times where we buckle down and get shit done. When my ambition is through the roof to the point of being unrealistic and then I’m brought back down to the ground.
Working through hurdles and understanding how to effectively communicate emotions - frustrations, gratitude. Realizing that love can be like that sometimes.
Moving into 2015...
The Duluth trip during spring break - in all its snowy, falling in a ditch, glory.
When I finally came to terms with all the bullshit with my dad. And cried about it at a bar with my best friend. Then drank beers together about it. Thanks L. I remember exactly where we sat, our orientation, and how raw that moment was.
“I crave him and as much as it scares me, it’s so goddamn exciting to have found something so wonderful to share with a very special person.” 
When Dr. Graves approached me at Science on Tap and told me that I have to do what is best for my growth as a scientist and continue to learn from other people.
The Michigan Entomological Society meeting and the Natural History workshops in Maine. <3 There are some good citations in here from the meeting... ooo
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 HUDSON BAY ADVENTURE <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
The flowers and fabulous welcome home sex.
Coming to realize that what makes me happy is having my own space - we haven’t had our own time or space in what feels like a year. That is a problem. 
The fleas at the friend’s house.
Colorado vacation - visiting RMNP and CSU before GRADUATING and moving out of the UP. The worst decision if I’m bein’ real.
Moving into 2016...
Being crammed in a room together with no way to express ourselves or DO OUR OWN THING. “Ever since we moved here, I feel we have been out of sync. One thing the summer and this past fall has taught us is that had it MADE when we were living at the Longyear apartment.” - still tru; maybe this is where things started to unravel....
The breakdown. The struggle to find employment.
“I’m tired of feeling anxious for the next step. Tired of feeling like “we have to get through this.”
“I feel discarded and tossed to the sharks.”
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Meerakat came into our lives  <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
“Feeling crappy about my body.”
“Since we started at this job, we haven’t had time to do much of anything we enjoy and I think that caused us to feeling a little disconnected from who we are as individuals and to some extent - a couple.”
When my coworkers gave me a goodbye card. <3
I was awarded Honorable Mention for the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program. 
I tipped the kayak...
Birding, naturalizing out at Otis and the morel feast we had.
“We both have different  ways of dealing with leaving and it’s causing us to clash. I’m having mild doubts but I hope it’s just in my head. I feel bad for pursuing this. I’m trying to be encouraging and show some cool things, but it doesn’t feel like it helps or makes a difference.” Here. Red flag. Past me, why didn’t you listen? Your sense of adventure was going strong.
Planting potatoes, pulling garlic mustard, and going to the Polar Bear with Nanu and Nana.  <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Feeling like I don’t fit in at home and how I shouldn’t be a part of the family. I thought we built our own little family.
“I don’t feel comfortable in my own skin and it’s affecting our relationship.” Working on this one - it’s time.
The Dune Saloon and all it’s tasty beers and whitefish-ness. 
Floatin’ down the Boise Riva!
“Peak homesickness has struck.” But we drove to Oregon and had a fan-fucking-tastic time.
“I’m so thankful he is here.”
Planning to thru the AT. - Still an ambition. Or at least a long trail. All the long trails!
When McNair sent me packages to my apartment in Boise. <3 I felt so loved.
My frustrations with the people in the department and their fuckin’ egos.
“Today was: the last day of my first year of graduate school, stressful, annoying, aggravating, distracting.” 
“I would rather do small scale projects if I was more into them. If I thought of them myself.”
Ha, my feminine product usage data. A++!
Frontier Ruckus at the Neurolux for our anniversary.
Our butterfly collection outings in the foothills and mountains.
Biking to Harris Ranch and Lucky Peak.
Sunset Mountain.
“There were lots of butterflies out and I really wanted to chase them and have fun out there, but I felt bad doing that. I feel bad being me sometimes.” -The signs of an unhealthy relationship with your advisor...or inappropriate enthusiasm. 
“I feel like I’m having an identity crisis. I’m in a heavy depression, feel guilty for bringing him out here and away from home, feel guilty because he could be doing something else. I feel so bad all of the time and it fucking sucks. I want him to be happy and then I can be happy. Fuck. I hope all of this pays off in the end...”
Going to Michigan was a disaster.
“I have an uncontrollable desire to use this feeling of unhappiness and discomfort to motivate me to finish sooner. Do my shit and get on with my life.”
The note you wrote me on our three year anniversary that made “my heart tingle.” “I love falling asleep next to you, warm and safe, and I love waking up with you by my side. I cherish everyday with you because I never knew it could be this good. You are my soulmate, you’re my one and only.” What happened to this feeling? All I ever did was love you for you and love only you. I saved every single note you ever wrote to me. They are reminders of your strong, consistent love.
All of the lizards I would see out in the desert.
“I got angry drunk. I never get angry drunk. I legitimately think that being out here and unhappy has and is changing my attitude and body chemistry.”
“I decided to drop out of graduate school. It feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.”
Sawtooths, pronghorn, Bar Garnika, and Box Lake.
“I’m fricken pumped and ready to move back.”
When we drove through a storm that was literally pouring buckets in the Subaru with everything we own. Little Meera did so well.
Backpacking PIRO. Didn’t have the romantic appeal I was going for when I proposed the idea, but still a grand time none the less.
Superior Hiking Trail with Laurel and Coops <3
“I need to find a sense of self and figure out some kind of purpose. He leaves for camp in two months and I will be here alone. I have become disconnected from me and that makes me sad.” I think this is a result of no alone time to just be in stillness, like we had before.
A note from February, “Let’s continue those traditions together. Let’s do it all together. Let’s keep climbing mountains together, let’s keep walking trails. Let’s keep swimming in lakes, let’s keep skipping rocks. Let’s keep the wonder alive. Let’s do it all together.” - somehow I feel like I have let you down. I want to do all of these things together. “The future is daunting, sometimes the path is unclear. But if we hold on tight, we’ll hold each other together. And that is what gives me strength to face the future. You and me, me and you, US TOGETHER (with little Meera). Emily, I love you with everything I’ve got. We can face whatever comes our way. We are strong, a top tier red belt power couple.” Your words. Does this still mean anything? What happened between then and now? I know your job is tough, I know how much you love freedom. I’m happy you are free now and able to experiment and figure things out. But what about all of these words and memories? Surely that can’t be erased or forgotten because of one month apart or a cute new face to talk to. 
I’m hurt, confused, lonely, surrounded by literally everything that reminds me of you and thinking about forgetting our past HURTS! I don’t want to! I want a future with you. You’re my guy and I support you through everything. Even this decision, which I totally understand. I hope you manage to figure out your thoughts and feelings.
“My head is spinning.”
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rafaelribeirosoares · 7 years ago
Black Panther comes at a time where racism has been having a huge spotlight in the recent years of news in the U.S.A. where Afro-American personalities pointed a lack of appearance percentage in movies, awards and whatever else. Here is a movie that has also caused some controversy in that aspect, with a 90% of the cast consisting of African and/or African American actors. If I have something against it? Why would I? The majority of the story happens in Wakanda, a fictional, secluded, highly developed and technological country in Africa. And as you can imagine, an African country should have African people right? Please people, let’s keep our common sense.
As always, there are spoilers before the analysis, so if you don’t want to be spoiled just advance towards the third image.
Even though Captain America: Civil War was released two years ago, and more movies were released way ahead of its timeline since then, Black Panther begins merely two weeks or so after Civil War. T’chaka, the king of Wakanda, was murdered in a terrorist attack. His son, T’challa, avenged his father’s death by finding the culprit and delivering him to justice and was now about to be crowned king of the advanced African civilization.
What we did not know before, was that T’chaka had a brother named N’jobu, who carried spying missions for the King as a War Hound. N’jobu betrayed Wakanda by helping Ulysses Klaue on a heist to steal the country’s most valuable resource, Vibranium, the toughest metal in existence. This was years ago. T’chaka ended up in killing his brother N’jobu who attempted to murder his partner after understanding that he was a double agent. T’chaka managed to save his other agent and condemned N’jobu’s son, his own nephew, to a life in exile without even giving a word of what had happened to the child’s father.
Now in the present, T’challa completed the ritual to become King of Wakanda after defeating the challenger and leader from the Mountain Tribe, M’baku. Once seen the various aspects of Wakanda, including the ascension rituals, the first action of T’challa is to bring Ulysses Klaue to justice for the heist that resulted in a significant loss of Vibranium and the death of many Wakandians, including the father of the River Tribe’s current leader. Once aware of the theft of a Vibranium tool at a Museum in London, T’challa had a hint of where it would be sold and where he could eventually capture Klaue.
T’challa, Nakia, and Okoye then travel to South Korea after learning that the Vibranium tool would be sold to the highest bidder there. They cross paths with Everett K. Ross, a CIA spy who we are already familiar with from Civil War. Once they mess the place up and chase down Klaue through the streets, T’challa captures his target and imprisons him on a CIA holdout for interrogation. But while the two factions argued over which one of them would keep Klaue, the benefactors of the arms dealer came to rescue him and succeeded.
All of this was merely a stunt, a stunt for Erik, son of N’jobu and heir to the throne, to earn passage into Wakanda by delivering Klaue to the Wakandians, thus earning the right to challenge T’challa’s reign by doing what he could not. Killmonger, as Erik was also known, defeats T’challa in the ritual duel and becomes King. Then he proceeds to initiate the delivery of weapons to several factions across the globe to incite revolutions through the War Hounds stationed in every country.
T’challa was not dead yet and he gathered what allies he could to overthrow his cousin and earn control of Wakanda to lead it through the rightful path, as it had been ever since its creation.
Now that you know a little bit of the story, or you knew anyway because you already saw the movie, here’s what I think of Black Panther and its intended message, or at least, that’s the idea that I got from it.
First and foremost, Black Panther introduces Wakanda and its history in the MCU. We learn that they had access to a meteor of Vibranium that landed there thousands of years before and that through it, the country’s five tribes were united by a shaman who inhaled the essence of a Vibranium infused plant. Ever since then, Wakanda remained quiet within the World, growing higher than any other in terms of technology while posing to be an underdeveloped third world country. Practically half of the movie resumes itself in learning about Wakanda, it’s people, technology, and traditions. Which is quite interesting to be honest, since we will see more of Wakanda in Infinity War for example.
Then, for the next half of the movie, the antagonist reveals his intentions, claims the throne for his own, and proceeds to give wings to his nefarious plans, which kinda points me to the main issue of this movie considering the current situation of many countries, but mainly the U. S. where it is majorly reported through the media.
Killmonger delivers a message to the audience, one that could incite hatred and violence.
Killmonger turned out to be intelligent but was also exposed to the poverty of his ethnicity where he lived in Oakland. After learning his ancestors’ history, Erik also shared the vision that his father, N’jobu, had in mind and ultimately led to his unfortunate death. Their vision was a warcry for their brothers and sisters, to arm them so that they could overthrow governments? Rise up? Cause a rebellion? What about all the other people who were not brothers and sisters? I guess what he really wanted was to destabilize everything since he was trained to do so while he was in the military. But the thought crossed my mind, that Killmonger was actually arming his ethnicity across the world so that they could take matters into their own hands through violent means and therefore, be in control.
I don’t really mind this purpose in the fictional world, but the message sure implies that a lot of things are wrong out there and the aggressive response sure scares me, with or without Vibranium weapons. Of course, Killmonger is the antagonist in this movie, and he is eventually defeated by T’challa who instead of arming the minorities, will share his country’s resources and technologies with the world, as is implied in the scene after the credits and thus revealing what Wakanda really is to the world. Even though, if I belonged to mentioned factions, I’d probably feel inspired or motivated to do so. Perhaps I’m over exaggerating but I just couldn’t let this slip by.
Wakanda was built to marvel your eyes with a blend of technological development allied with the surrounding nature of a tropical African country.
Apart from this crucial point, the action was sublime, as is usual for a Marvel movie. The visual effects are astonishing! Wakanda has icy mountains, a developed city by a river and farms across its borders. The waterfalls where the trials are held are without a doubt the most beautiful zone in Wakanda.
Personally, I love English with an African accent. The sound itself is pleasing to my ears, and in this movie, I had plenty of that. The music was cool and characteristic of an African country, but if you ask me if I remember any of it, I’ll have to say no. Not because it wasn’t any good, but perhaps because it did not come into play at key points of the movie.
Marvel Studios’ BLACK PANTHER L to R: Nakia (Lupita Nyong’o) and Shuri (Letitia Wright) Ph: Film Frame ©Marvel Studios 2018
Overall, Black Panther is a good movie with a decent amount of action and comedy, but more importantly, it comes as an introduction to Wakanda and its technology that will be present in future MCU movies. The plot was okay but perceptible from the beginning, thus leaving no events to surprise the viewers. While the difference of views was interesting to ponder, I did not doubt for a second that there would be any unprecedented turns, thus taking away some of the excitement of what I was watching. Still, as with all Marvel movies, it is a must watch if you want to keep up with the expanding universe that will come together in April of this year.
Black Panther - A Warcry To Revolution Around The World? Black Panther comes at a time where racism has been having a huge spotlight in the recent years of news in the U.S.A.
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unpopcorned · 7 years ago
“Hey, ‘Sika, you seen my headphones?”
“I’ve been home - like, six minutes and you’re already asking.”
“Y’seen ‘em or not?”
Masika shrugs a shoulder, pulls a lavender shirt from her suitcase and tosses it onto the bed, “In the living room. By the recliner.”
“Thanks,” Even with her telling him, Sam still lingers in the doorway of her old room, eyeing her. He’s gone through another growth spurt, a little over six feet now. It looks like he hasn’t really gotten used to it - hands and feet still a little too big. She can’t help but wondering when he’ll stop shooting up, he’s twenty now, “You like it out there?”
“Out where?”
“In the city. All those people. College.”
She shrugs again, nonplussed, “Yeah. Why? You thinking about it?”
“Maybe,” he’s never been the decisive type, he bites at his upper lip uncertainly. He looks like dad when he makes that face, “Ma’s been on my ass ‘bout it.”
“You sit around all day, I don’t blame her.”
“I don’t sit around all day. I got a job.”
“Doin’ what?”
“Burger place. Darius hooked me up.”
Her hands slow - carefully, she continues folding the pair of jeans in her hands, looking up to meet his eyes, “Darius? You been hanging out with Darius?”
“Not really. Andre and Steph lemme come around though,” He leans against her doorway. Masika knows her brother well - he’s a little more introverted than her and Kurt, she can’t imagine him around someone as loud as Andre. But she doesn’t say that, she’s not the older sibling here, even if she may feel as though she is sometimes, “They cool.”
“You like the job?”
“Nah, not really.”
“Mmm,” Masika nods, folds another shirt onto the bed - she’s planning to move the pile into the dresser soon, “You should start lookin’ online. If you wait around for somethin’ to happen, you’re gonna end up like Gran.”
“Y’say that all the time.”
“Because it’s true.”
“Yeah, yeah,” He’s already waving her off, leaving her bedroom to go and search what he came for in the first place. Masika exhales, pushes curly hair from her forehead - her room had always been the most stuffy, the heat blowing at full wasn’t helping any. Sometimes, she doesn’t understand Sam. No initiative, no motivation, she doesn’t know where it came from. There’s only so much she can do or say, he seems like the type that would be comfortable where he is now for the rest of his life.
She supposes nothing is wrong with that. At least, for him. Sometimes, she has a hard time believing they’re brother and sister.
Masika does a slow once over of her old bedroom - it still looks the same. Purple wallpaper with butterflies, matching dresser and tan carpet. A few posters and awards here and there. Mostly for academics. And then she spots her graduation picture on the far wall - her smiling face, Andre next to her, along with his ex-girlfriend and her classmate Dondria. Seems like a long time ago now.
By the time she leaves her room, the sun is already setting. She’d hoped to be out of the house much sooner, at least before her father got home. When she enters the kitchen, the first person she spots is her mother finishing up her homemade casserole, Uncle Eli was sitting at the table, a piece of half-eaten garlic bread in front of him. Masika passes by the couch in the living room, Sam is sitting there with his headphones in his ears, laptop in front of him ( Masika doesn’t know how that thing still manages to run ).
“You’re finished? Already?” Her mother asks when she gets close enough. Masika tries to reach over and swipe some food, it results in a swift pop to the back of her hand, “You better not have left any clothes laying around.”
“I didn’t,” Masika grouses, rubs at her finger.
“Good,” She looks back towards Elijah, “Are you going to stay for dinner?”
He shrugs, exchanging a look with his niece, “I should start headin’ back. Got lots of paperwork to finish.”
“You’re always workin’. Stay and eat. What would Mama say?” He looks close to rolling his eyes, and Tatiana glances at Masika, “Go and wash up for dinner. Your dad will be home in a minute.”
Masika’s shoulders tense up, “Actually...I was gonna go eat somewhere else.”
“Oh, yeah? Where?” Her mother’s thin eyebrows have picked up high on her forehead.
Masika avoids her eyes, “Darius’.”
“Ohhhh,” Obviously, Sam’s earplugs must’ve not been very high, he pulls one from his ear, grinning in their direction, “You still tryin’ to get with Darius? Outta your league, sis.”
“More like the other way around,” Her mother mutters, to which Elijah shrugs at, “That boy still at his mama’s house.”
“So is Sam,” Masika points out, irritated, “You don’t nag at him.”
“Sam is a child.”
“He’s older than me!”
Speaking of her brother, he’s entered the kitchen now, carefully balancing his laptop with one hand. Hopefully, it doesn’t fall - Masika doubts their parents will buy another one, “You liiiiike Darius. You like Dariiiuus. You wanna kiiiiiss him, you wanna fuuuuck him--”
“My bad, ma’.”
Masika swats at her brother’s shoulder, he skillfully dodges, “Shut up.”
“Good comeback, sis. You ain’t denyin’ it though.”
“I do not like Darius.”
“Good,” Elijah grunts from the table, “You could do better.”
Before Masika can protest, her mother is already speaking up, “What happened to that cute boy from your school? What was his name - Tyler?”
Masika’s nose wrinkles up, immediately she shakes her head, “He didn’t like my music.”
“Means he’s got good tastes,” Masika tries to hit her brother again, he sticks garlic bread into his mouth and flees back to the living room, “You missed!”
“Don’t you think you’re a little too concerned with that, Masika? It’s a pattern here, baby. First, Jermaine, then Gregory, Len, now Tyler--”
“Which one is Jermaine?” Elijah has looked up from his watch, which he’d been checking randomly, “Did you bring him home?”
“I never bring any of them home. You know why? ‘Cause they’re--” She catches the look her mother gives her, “‘cause they’re jerks.”
“You gotta put all your attention on a man. If you don’t, you ain’t gonna keep one.”
“Tati, don’t tell her no bullshit like that--”
“It ain’t! It’s the truth. Put yourself out there, sweetheart. One-hundred percent. You putting music over finding a good man ain’t gonna do any good for you...”
By then, Masika has already tuned them out. She nods subconsciously along with her mother’s words, it’s turned into ( “blah blah blah blah blah and another thing, blah blah” ) before Masika finally speaks up again, “Ma’, I’m gonna be late.”
“Fine, fine. You’re missin’ out though. Be back by ten.”
“Sure.” Maybe even later, if it meant not seeing her father’s face. She’d prefer to avoid him at all costs. There’s a chilling breeze when she makes it outside, Masika shrugs on her thick jacket, down the stairs of the porch and walking past Uncle Eli’s old car. Each stone on the sidewalk is different - some chipped at the ends, some with graffiti, some with chalk drawings, a line of them with a faded hopscotch board, Masika half-assed does it, nearly trips on the last one. 
“Masika! Sweetie, is that you?” 
It’s a familiar voice, Masika turns her head in its direction, lighting up when she sees Old Miss Patricia sitting on her porch, rocking back and forth on her old chair. Masika walks over, lingers by the steps, the elder woman watches her, bright brown eyes and all. Even with her husband passing away a few years ago, she still manages a smile. 
“Hey, Mrs. G,” Masika stops on the second porch step, “You doin’ alright?” 
The woman nods, she’s smiling down at her, “Mhmm. Diabetes messin’ up a little, but I’m good. Real good. Better seein’ you, baby. How’re you?” 
“I’m great,” she replies, “Can’t complain, you know?” 
“You gotten so big...” She’s staring at her, a fond look in her eyes, “I just saw Sam the other day, I remember when he was this big,” She makes a vague gesture with her thin hand, a few inches from the ground, “And that - that boy that used to come around here...” 
“No, no...that boy - that boy needs to learn some manners, Andre,” She shakes her head, “Always walkin’ around with a new girl, every time I see him.” 
“You gotta stop spying out your window, Mrs. G. It’ll just make you angry.” 
“Mmm...but - that boy. That used to come around here. Devin...DeQuan...” 
“Yes! HIm. I saw him and we were talking. Such a sweet boy. He’s gotten so big too. I told him - he needs to do somethin’ about that hair. I never seen a boy with so much hair...” 
“Yeah,” Masika’s smiling, looking down to her shoes and then back to Mrs. G, “You’re taking care of yourself, right? I’m here for a couple weeks, I can come around and help you clean the house.” 
“I’m fine, baby. Thank you. Your mama comes over here all the time. She’s trying to make me fat.” 
With how much weight she has lost, Masika doesn’t blame her. But still, she keeps her smile. They only talk for a few moments longer, Masika makes a mental note to stop by again and help how she could, whether Mrs. G wanted it or not, “Mrs. G, don’t stay out here all night, okay? It’s gonna get cold.” 
The elder woman only waves her off. So, Masika will be sure to check on her when she’s heading home later. Darius’ house is a few blocks away - farther than it was before since her parents had recently moved into a house with better plumbing. On her way there, she spots a police car slowly making its way down the street, graffiti on the wall of an old store, a group of men lingering outside of a liquor place. 
As much as she’d missed home, it’s a little easy not to miss it as well.
A knock on the door, she hears muffled voices from inside - probably the television. Mrs. Jordan looks as pretty as ever when she answers the door. Pretty, but still very tired. The bags under her eyes never seem to disappear, no matter how many years pass. 
“Masika?” Her expression lifts, she looks surprised and then beyond happy. She opens the door quickly, taking Masika into an almost too-tight hug, “Hey, baby girl! You look - I mean...” She holds Masika at arms’ length to get a better look at her, “How long it’s been, hm?” 
“Few months,” Masika is practically beaming - Mrs. Jordan was definitely like a second mother to her, there was no denying that, “How’re you?”
“Good, I’m doing good. Still got a full house,” she drops her hands, looks at Masika in slight awe before she twists her mouth lightly to the side, “Y’know, you always show up at the most terrible times, girl. I got called into work, late shift. But we need to catch up.”
“My mom is having Sunday dinner this weekend. If you wanna come--” 
“Of course. I’ll be there. I’ll bring the boys--Oh! Hurry up and come inside before it gets cold,” She pulls Masika inside of the house, and Masika quickly disposes of her shoes and jacket. The smell is homey, brings back old memories of crayons and running until you’re out of breath and cooking late at night, “Had to drop the boys off at my mother’s for the weekend, peace and quiet. Finally.” 
Masika steps further into the room, spots someone moving out of the kitchen. 
Mrs. Jordan puts her hands on her hips, “Darius! Come and say hi, boy.” 
Darius looks the same, just like the last time she’d seen him. A couple times, she’d came to see him out of worry, after the funeral. Masika shifts in spot, looks at him expectantly. He doesn’t disappoint, as soon as he sees her, this cheesy grin comes to her face - a familiar smile, a bittersweet smile - and he’s stepping forward to hug her tight, rocking them both side to side. 
“’Ey, Miss College.” 
“Oh, ha-ha,” When he pulls away slightly, Masika grips his shoulders, looking him up and down, “You getting taller?” 
“Nah, nah,” he looks close to laughing and he does - he’s gained some of his weight back, she can tell, “Your brother like a pole, though.”
“Maybe you gettin’ shorter.” 
“Yeah? I’m gettin’ shorter.”
“Your hair’s all big - tryin’ to create an illusion and everythin’.”
“Look at you two, hm?” Mrs. Jordan hasn’t left yet, she’s standing off to the side, watching them, “Remember when you guys used to build forts all over the room with the covers and--” 
“Maaaaaa’,” Darius lightly complains, leaning his head back and looking at the ceiling. 
“I’m just sayin’! You two are so cute--Lemme get my camera real quick--” 
“You gonna be late,” Darius tells her, almost laughing, “Ma’, c’mon.” 
“Okay, okay,” His mother is already grabbing her purse and jacket. She gives both Masika and Darius kisses to the cheek, “I’ll be back later, okay? Love you.”
“Love you, too, ma’.” Darius watches her leave, closes the door after her. Masika begins to look around - things are still the same. A laundry basket in the corner, the same couch, TV in front of it, shoes almost everywhere. His mother still keeps things as clean as possible, even with four boys. It’s kind of amazing, “How long you in town for?” 
Masika turns to face him, he’s making his way slowly over to her side, hands deep in his pockets. She shrugs a shoulder, “Mom wants me to stay a couple weeks. Might not.” 
Darius eyes her for a few seconds, “'Cause your pops?” 
“Yeah.” It’s nothing new - her dad wasn’t her favorite person in the world. She places her bag on the end of the couch, glancing towards a particularly photo on the wall - it’s of Darius, maybe around seven or eight, standing over a birthday cake, his mother looks younger in the photo. Younger, but still very tired, “You...doing okay?” 
Their eyes meet, Darius stares at her. Then snorts some, thumbs at the corner of his mouth, “You ain’t--” A pause, “You ain’t gotta ask me that.” She remains silent, licks at her lips, “You ain’t gotta treat me like - y’know.” 
“I know,” She tells him, her voice has quieted, “Sorry I haven’t been around.” 
“It’s cool. Y’busy, Masika,” he moves past her, and she turns around to follow his every movement. He sits onto the couch, putting a notebook on the end table beside him. 
“What if I say I’m not too busy for you?” She’s teasing, coming to his right to sit next to him. The couch dips slightly under her weight - the springs are so old. 
He looks at her again, amused, “Yeah, you funny. Got jokes.” 
She gets comfortable beside him, leaning the side of her head into her palm, “Mrs. G was talkin’ about you today.” 
“Yeah, I be goin’ over there to help with her yard. She always outside. Her daughter was there the other day--” 
He nods, “Talking about moving her into a home.” 
Masika frowns, leans forward slightly, “Really?” 
“Yeah, sucks.” He’s quiet for a moment, “You gone by Andre’s?” 
Masika almost rolls her eyes, “Why? Has he done something?” 
“Messin’ around with Lexi, from down the street.” 
“Alexis Mitchell? The one with--” 
“Yeah, yeah, her. Sayin’ she pregnant and shit. Andre been duckin’ and dodgin’ at different people’s house. Watch out for him.” Darius looks as if he’s about to laugh, the white of his teeth is stark against his skin.
“First of all, she’s tripping. You know how many times Lex has said she’s pregnant? Please. Why is Andre even with her? Wasn’t his friend with her a few months ago?” 
“Jared? Yeah. I don’t get mixed up in all of it. Andre stay wilding out, man.” They talk for a little while longer, darting from subject to subject, no limits to what could and couldn’t be spoken over. Masika crosses her legs underneath her, leaning closer to try and grab the notebook on the other side of him. He catches her upper body before she can, one hand on her shoulder and the other on her sternum, “No touchin’.” 
“I won’t touch it if you show me,” Masika tells him, feigning innocence when he gives her a look, “C’moooooon, you’ve had that for years. Lemme see!” 
“You nosy,” he says, but he doesn’t seem annoyed by it, “Personal shit in there.” 
“Mhmmm,” she manages to get a hold of it, twists her body away when he tries to half-hearted snatch it from her grip. Masika opens the notebook - the pages are frayed at the ends, old and worn, some had dog-ear bookmark on the corners, some words crossed out and replaced, entire pages filled with scribbled writing over and over again. She has to keep leaning away from Darius, he tries to round her side and take it from her again, but she’s quicker. 
It takes a few minutes, she manages to skim through the majority of it. Some words stand out, she’s whispering quietly to herself as she reads. 
“Darius...this is--” 
“It ain’t nothin’--”
“--so good!” She turns to him in one energetic movement, he has to move back to avoid getting hit with her hair, “You wrote all these, right? Are they songs--” She inhales sharply, “Poems? Oh, my god, why didn’t you ever show me this?” 
“Ain’t a big deal, come on,” he tries to take it again, she holds it away quickly. He shifts underneath her look, almost looks nervous, “It’s not like - it’s worth showin’ or some shit.” 
“That’s what you think?” She stares up at him, brown eyes bright, “It’s worth seeing. And more than that, you should publish stuff like this.” 
He smiles some, turns his face away so she can’t see it fully, “Stop messin’ around. Niggas don’t do shit like that.” 
“They don’t do shit like that because they don’t use their heads, Darius. You do. Take advantage,” He still looks unsure, hands are back in his pockets, he’s not trying to take it from her anymore, “I don’t blame you for writing, you know. With everything that’s happened, makes things more easier.” 
He looks towards her again, and she stands from the couch, right in front of him, holding out the notebook to him. Darius takes it, pressing his lips together briefly, keeps his head ducked but meets her eyes. 
“When I started writing, my dad kept throwing out all my notebooks. Even if I hid them,” she says quietly, “and whenever I went out and bought more, he’d take out his belt and yell. Said singing should only be in the church...Point is, I didn’t need him to believe in me or nothin’. I did it myself.” 
Darius smiles again, looks a bit bashful and amused, “Yeah? Y’takin’ public speaking at that school too?” 
“What would you know about public speaking?” 
“Know it’s a class.” 
She watches him, seems to be thinking for a few seconds before she suddenly lights up, “Come to my Spoken Word show tomorrow night. It’s for the November Poetry Slam. Downtown.” 
He’s almost immediate with his response, “What time? I’ll come--” 
“And perform?” 
“Please, please, pleeeeeease, it’ll be so much fun, Darius! You’ll love it!”
He shakes his head while she speaks, “Not my thing. I wanna watch you though, you fly with it.” 
“Pleeeease, c’mon. You can’t say no. You can’t say no or I’ll get mad--” 
“Yeah!” He’s trying to hold her away when she pulls teasingly on one of his braids, gripping her thin wrists in his hands, and she’s smiling, stumbling towards him clumsily, almost bumping chests. The difference in height is apparent, she has to tilt her head up to look at him, and he’s smiling too - face close to hers. Her smile falls once she notices the proximity, “Yeah...I’ll get...mad...” 
Her words are trailed off, really quiet. 
He’s staring at her, the smile has fallen, “...missed havin’ you around.” 
“Yeah,” A pause, “Weird - I mean, you not bein’ here. It’s weird.” 
“You ain’t gotta apologize, Masi--” 
The door opens, sound of boots hitting the floor, Andre stops when he sees them, eyebrows high on his head. It takes a moment, but Masika gets the look - jerking backwards when she notices how close she is to Darius. Darius, on the other hand, looks annoyed, jams his hands into his jean pockets.
“Y’don’t know how to knock, nigga? Y’hands broke?” 
“Nah,” Andre is grinning, making his way over to him, “You know what kinda neighborhood this is, don’t leave y’door unlocked.” And then his eyes are back on her, “What’s up, ‘Sika? When you get back?”
“This mornin’,” She crosses her arms over her chest, fixing him with a look, “And I heard about Lexi.” 
Immediately, his smile is gone, he throws an accusatory glance at Darius, “Why you goin’ and telling everybody for?” 
“It ain’t everybody. It’s Masika,” Darius sits back onto the couch, leaning back, placing his notebook back where it belongs. 
“Man, that hoe ain’t shit. She been chasin’ me around, saying she pregnant for weeks now. Ain’t no baby, ain’t no stomach,” Andre argues, annoyed. 
“Some women don’t start showing until at least three to five months,” Masika tells him offhandedly, “Why’re you even messing with her like that? I thought you and Drea were working it out.” 
“Fuck her, too. She’s crazy - callin’ my mama’s house and hanging up all the time. She’s bugging.” Then he shrugs, “Females be all over me once they get a taste, you already know--” 
“Man, shut y’corny ass up.” Darius says from the couch.
“Fuck you,” He flips him off, “Just mad ‘cause you ain’t pullin’ any. Ain’t like Miss Christian College over here offerin’ anything.” He gestures towards Masika lazily. 
Before she can say anything, Darius lobs a couch pillow at him, hitting Andre square in the head, “Fuck you. Don’t talk ‘bout her like that.” It reminds her of when they were kids - Darius more of the leader in their group, Andre always joking around and playing subtle pranks until he got in trouble, Masika following both of them blindly ( the youngest of the group ). 
“Alright, alright. Chill, damn,” Andre catches the pillow, grumbling under his breath. He looks towards Masika again, “You kickin’ it tonight?” 
“No, gotta head home soon. Eat dinner.” 
“You talkin’ to your dad?” Andre asks, curious. 
“No,” Masika and Darius answer at the same time, she continues speaking, “But I can’t keep avoiding him.” As she talks, she grabs her bag from the couch, glancing at Darius, “Tomorrow night, eight.” 
“Yeah, I got it, I’ll be there.” 
“And you will perform--” 
“Masika.” He uses the same tone as her, grinning briefly when she shoots him an irritated look, “I’ll be there. I ain’t seen you sing in awhile.” 
She blows out air, rolls her eyes, “Fine. Bring your notebook.” Masika moves past Andre, he’s curiously watching their exchange, he follows after her, watching as she slips on her shoes, “What?” 
“Spot me a twenty.” 
“What - no. Ask Darius to give you some cash.” 
“I already said no,” Darius says from the front room, Andre glares back in his direction, “Man, take y’begging ass home.” 
“And take care of Alexis, if word gets to your mom, you’re going to be in trouble.” Masika says to him, narrowing her eyes at his surprised look, “I’ll tell her myself.” 
“Don’t! Don’t, okay? I’ll handle it.” 
“Good,” She leans around him, calling out briefly, “Darius, see you tomorrow.” She hears his reply, muffled - he probably went to the kitchen or bathroom, and she leaves Andre there in the doorway. 
Masika rolls over in bed when she hears steps heading in the direction of her room, pulls the covers up to nearly cover her head. Like she expects, the door opens - she can see the familiar shadow cast across the length of the wall. 
It’s her father’s voice. She hadn’t gotten the chance to see him, purposely roamed outside just so she wouldn’t make it back in time for dinner. Everyone was already in bed by time she’d arrived.
“Are you awake?” 
She curls up tighter, forcibly closes her eyes. It’s silence for a few seconds. And then the door closes. Masika listens as his steps get further and further away. 
“Waiting for someone?” 
Masika looks up at the voice, spots Craig standing there, pulling out his earphones when he gets close enough to her. She gives a half-hearted smile, toys with the cross-necklace around her neck, “Uh, yeah. I am.” 
“A...guy, maybe?” He shifts closer, settles along the wall. 
Masika continues to look at the door, more people file in - but not who she was looking for, “Yeah. Best friend.” 
“Best friend? The one you talked about before.” 
“Darius, right?” 
“You sure he’s comin’?” 
She looks up at this, away from the door. Frowning lightly up at him, she says, “Yes. He is. He always comes.” Craig backs off slightly at her tone, both of them only looking up when Masika hears a call of her name, “Frankie, you made it.” 
“Of course I did, girl,” She hugs Masika, lightly bumping Craig out of the way in the process. In her ear, she whispers, “Is he bothering you again?” 
“Nope,” Masika’s voice is just as quiet as hers, only raising in volume when Frankie pulls away, “You auditioning for a nineties movie?” She tilts her head, motioning to Frankie’s long braids. 
“Look, not everyone can have curly white girl hair like you,” Frankie tells her, “Plus, work been killin’ my ass.” 
“I’ll get my mom to do your hair.” 
“With her heavy hand? Hell no, girl.” 
Craig leans over in their conversation more, “’Sika, you gotta be up in a second. Think they’re about to close the doors.” 
She blinks, looks up, “Wait. No. Do not close the doors yet. Fifteen more minutes.” Craig looks incredulous, but he doesn’t have time to argue with her, she’s already pulling Frankie towards the stage with her - fluffing out her own hair and fixing her shirt, “Darius isn’t here yet.” 
“Which one? The Jordan’s? Jesus, how many kids she got?” Frankie mumbles, helping Masika with her hair, “Too many.” 
“Four boys,” Masika proclaims, “I don’t think there’s such a thing as too many.” 
“Yeah, says the girl that wants like fifty kids. You gonna live in a shoe, bitch? Psh, puh-lease,” She finishes quickly, glances at the curtains, and then back to Masika. The crowd has already formed - Masika can smell the smoke, the coffee, leather from the old seats, soft music playing, “Ready?” 
“Make sure they don’t close the doors, okay?” Masika begs, “Not yet.” 
“Masika, you know they close ‘em at nine.” 
“Please. Pretty please, Francesca.” 
Frankie makes a face, “Never say my full name again and we got a deal.” 
“Thanks a bunch,” Masika kisses her cheek before she gets on stage, before people get too bored with Craig’s long list of dad jokes he seems to have ( even though he’s twenty one and doesn’t have any kids ). Even in the short amount of time she has back in her home town, she still managed to get booked for the opening act for the show. 
Her mother could not make it. Sam wasn’t interested. Kurt was out of the country. Elijah was working. Her father - well, everyone knows how that conversation would’ve went. But even so - she still sings to her heart’s content, there isn’t much that can stop her. She’d learned that a long time ago. 
Most of the time, when she does sing, her eyes are closed. Towards the bridge of the song, she opens them - and she finds Darius there, towards the back of the club, along the wall and away from the crowd. He makes this half-shrug at her as a hello.
Masika smiles through the rest of her song. 
“You. Were. Late.” 
She punctuates every one of her words with pokes to his arm. Darius grins, facing her. The club is relatively empty by now, besides Craig speaking to the supervisor. Frankie had left earlier - right in the middle of the poetry portion of the show. She’d mostly come to hear Masika sing and for support, so she wasn’t bothered by it. 
“Yeah. Got held up at work. My bad.” 
“I’m kidding,” Masika breathes, “It’s fine. Really. I’m just glad you came. You know how weird it is performing on campus and you’re not there? It’s like I’m missing something.” 
“You did good,” He pauses, looks down at the table they’re occupying, “...missed hearin’ you sing.” 
A smile blooms across her face slowly, “Really?” 
“Yeah, ‘course. It’s like what you said - somethin’ missing, you know?” She does know. Watches him, one elbow on the table, hand balancing her head. When he notices her staring, he looks at her again, “Wha’cha lookin’ at?” 
“You. Waiting.” 
She nudges her head towards the empty stage, giving a smile when he immediately begin to shake his head, “Please, Darius. I would die happy.” 
“Why you pressin’ me about this?” 
“‘Cause you’re good. So good. And I know that from just lookin’ through your notebook for two seconds,” When he makes a light scoffing noise, she leans closer, “Just - try it. I promise it’ll feel much better coming out. It’s one thing to write it; another thing to say it out loud.” 
“That’s why I write it. So I don’t gotta say it.” 
“Darius,” She’s staring at him again, expression soft and open, “...for me?” Darius visibly hesitates, picks at the napkin in front of him; steadily tearing it into little pieces throughout the conversation. He looks around - as if he’s looking for anyone he knows, anyone that might say something to him or stare for too long. 
It takes awhile. Maybe six minutes of coaxing, he doesn’t go to the stage, but it’s a step in the right direction. He clears his throat, picks at the napkin scraps more, “Can it be somethin’ - old or whatever? Wrote it a long time ago.” 
“Yeah,” she nods fast, continuing to watch him, “Whatever you want.” 
He looks at her again, as if searching for something, so she reaches over and touches the back of his hand with her fingers, soon clasping their hands together. It’s a slow process, he can’t really look at her - she can tell - and he stares at the wall across the room, then drops his eyes to their hands. 
Inhales. And finally, his mouth opens. 
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allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
Kill Your Stutter Program
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    WARNING: This Stop Stuttering Guide Could Eliminate Your Stuttering In Under 10 Minutes…
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Want to learn the easiest & fastest way to stop your stuttering? Have you wasted countless hours and money on speech lessons or tried using “will power”? Look no further, we have the ultimate solution to stop your stutter today, RIGHT NOW!
“It’s freaking incredible… I’ve managed to create a product that actually shows you how to stop your stuttering in under 10 minutes, FOR GOOD! No more wasted money on speech therapy or energy trying to use ‘will power’ to no success!”
-Ari Kreitberg, Creator of The “Kill Your Stutter” Program & KillYourStutter.com
*Shocking* Proven ‘step-by-step’ technique that walks you through how to stop stuttering in under 10 minutes without any continued effort or time needed
You’ve heard this from others and I’ll put my own spin on this important truth …. Most stop-stuttering products on the market simply do not work – at one point, I was even in a little debt trying so many. It took me an extremely long time to see what truly worked.
Just give Kill Your Stutter a try and I’ll explain how to stop stuttering for good. I merely activated this simple-to-use technique that generates immediate results to end this speech problem which causes so many embarrasment and low self-confidence. I can’t disclose everything but yes, we’ve seen it work on thousands of stutterers so far.
Before you continue to hear what’s going on …. STOP and make sure you’ve already grabbed the following exclusives confidentially.
Discover the UNTOLD true story of how a former stutterer from the age of 12 was able to annihilate his speech stuttering OVER NIGHT..
From: Ari Kreitberg   Date:
Location: Las Vegas
Dear Future Stutter-Free Friend,
My name is Ari Kreitberg, and today, I am the co-creator of the Kill Your Stutter internet guide.
Just over 5 years ago, I was a full-blown stutterer working at a dead-end factory job earning minimum wage.
Shortly after, I tried geting a few other jobs in customer service and telemarketing, but couldn’t keep them due to my stuttering problem….
Just from the fact that I wasn’t able to hold down a job due to my suttering and low self confidence which stemmed from it, I knew I had to do something quick before it destroyed my life even further.
When I finally got fed up enough with my stuttering and decided to take action, I looked for every possible way to rid myself of this speech problem. I made a few key discoveries, and I was at least lucky enough to focus on what was working.
… I know what it’s like to struggle with stuttering ….
Years later, I started to search for tools and ways to control my stuttering when I spoke. I loved it when my recipes for stopping stuttering helped others too.
One of my partners, Jeremy and I have just produced arguably the most extreme stop stuttering programs in existence … you simply follow the technique inside our Kill Your Stutter program and it starts eliminating your stuttering problem in under 10 minutes. This same technique saves you countless hours and thousands of dollars on speech therapy… simple yet powerful huh?
There is a beautiful twist to this … EVEN a bum off the street with ZERO speech therapy experience can use this to stop his stuttering for good. All he needs is a computer or internet connection to purchase and read Kill Your Stutter.
Seriously, imagine waking up every single day without having stuttering follow you wherever you go, whoever you interact and talk with- trust me, I can relate … and being able to talk smoothly with fluidity and confidence, wherever you want in life … anytime to your spouse, your kids, your friends, yourself, whomever! This system has done that for real people.
This program has been tried and tested with customer testimonial verified proof.
Here’s what you DON’T need
Now listen closely … because this is the core of what I’m revealing… the idea is that one action done ONCE will bring ongoing results and NOT require you to baby-sit your speech and stuttering.
Even if you’re merely looking cope with or improve your stuttering – I sincerely feel you’ll find something far better in this.
Also, We designed this system specifically for LOW COST methods, to save you from spending hundreds if not thousands of dollars, on speech therapists or other expensive programs.
  Let me give you an intriguing, unexpected, and transforming story…
Well just 5 months ago, my partner Jeremy had asked me if I could help him with his son, Mark, who’d been suffering from stuttering lately and was being teased by other kids in his school. I first rejected this since I didn’t think the technique would work for his son, since I thought he would be too young to have an effect on. I didn’t like the idea that I could let down the poor kid by not being able to help him, makes sense right?
Let’s just say that Jeremy was struggling with Mark’s depression from his school situation which was caused by his stuttering. I finally decided that at first I would just coach him. Only AFTER I gave him access to the EXACT technique inside Kill Your Stutter did he literally neutralize his stutter and produce results fast. I look back and asked myself … “why didn’t I give him that technique before?”
He was able to replicate my success – it seems that this technique works for all ages… and he even took it a step further than me.
… so guess what he did next? Mark went on to become PRESIDENT of his high school by winning the.. .drum roll please… SPEECH AWARD? The amount of confidence he gained from using my technique to stop his stuttering, actually motivated him to write an award winning speech which made him president of his high school. I was literally blown away by the transformation.
“Yes, we took a huge risk (time & money) developing this program… that ended up helping MANY people”
We had taken a huge risk in creating & releasing Kill Your Stutter, thinking it may not work for people with SEVERE stuttering.
Trust me … I feared this for a long time. Little did we know the opposite effect would happen. To our surprise, our exclusive community of former-stutterers produced magnificent results using our program, and some have even gone on to give speeches in front of thousands of people! THAT is the difference between self consciousness and self confidence my friends.
Were we flattered? Sort of. Were we happy? We were ecstatic they helped quite a few people stop their stuttering and improve their quality of life! It was amazing and here was the great part – a HUGE PERCENTRAGE of people that’ve used our product so far have eliminated their stuttering! IT really is a no-lose technique.
Despite all the skepticism about how Kill Your Stutter”stops stuttering in under 10 minutes” is unrealistic and unattainable for everyone else – Kill Your Stutter has actually increased in sales due to the same people who have used this product spreading it via word of mouth and through friend referrals. I don’t even need to go into how people started sending us emails telling us how great our product is and how deeply its affected and improved their personal lives.
Anyways, once people started using the technique, they realized something….. that there was a WHOLE other sense of self-confidence and satisfaction from living stutter-free…and staying that way for the rest of their lives….  
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Let me tell you the main reason why you stutter in the first place….
The reason most people stutter is because they want to get into certain emotional states of mind that cause them to begin stuttering, these emotional states act almost like a trigger.
To explain in further detail…
people don’t stutter on the words they are saying.
They begin stuttering when specific words which cause triggered emotional states begin to come up.
Did you know that stuttering is related directly to not releasing your breath when you speak? What happens then is stuttering becomes part of your conditioning by causing a change in your habitual breathing patterns, and this makes talking difficult without the right techniques to correct it.
The way you gain from Kill Your Stutter is, I like yourself have spent years searching for an answer and have tried and purchased almost ALL the stutter stopping products & treatments, been to countless speech therapists, so you can bet I have formulated a specific technique for targeting and ridding of stuttering for good.
What you’re about to learn that only we can offer you is a shortcut to end your stuttering problems quickly and permanently.
…So you still think stopping stuttering in under 10 minutes in unachievable? HA!…
The technique inside Kill Your Stutter is GUARANTEED to end your stuttering.
How is this possible?
Because it identifies all the triggers which cause you to stutter in the first place. Cut all the roots from under the tree and what happens? It dies!….
Once the old stutter creating triggers have been dealt with, the technique goes on to replace it with new empowering responses. Neat eh?
I have successfully used this very same technique on family members, close friends and patients, it simply works every time I apply it. Don’t be left out in the cold!
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1. So far thousands of people have used our program & technique with a HIGH success rate. 2. If for ANY reason Kill Your Stutter doesn’t work for you, or you’re simply not satisfied with the results, shoot me an e-mail within 60 days telling me and I’ll give you a full 100% money back refund, no questions asked! 3. It works! It’s as simple as that! You literally have nothing to lose, as I have removed ALL the risk from this offer!
Kill Your Stutter will work for you if you meet ANY of the criteria below:
• Tried stopping stuttering through sheer will-power and wasted energy, to seeing no results – Kill Your Stutter will work for you • Spent HUNDREDS to THOUSANDS of dollars on expensive speech therapy sessions which only dug into your wallet and left you broke and miserable – Kill Your Stutter will work for you • Scared that you might stutter in public so you AVOID sparking up conversations with people, or asking questions – Kill Your Stutter will work for you
The list goes on..
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FACT: The average speech therapy session costs upwards of $150 PER SESSION! Think about all the time and money you’ll save with Kill Your Stutter
The more you use this technique, the more you’ll be able to master control and flow of your speech, not to mention stopping your stuttering once and for all – replicating our exact results with our clients.
The truth is: you really can’t go wrong with this program.
On a strict budget? This incredible stop your stuttering system is available for the low price of only $47 dollars! Compare that to ONE single speech therapy session which on average STARTS at $50 per visit, I think the price speaks for itself. Imagine NEVER having to worry about your suttering or speaking EVER again. (I secretly hate speech therapists anyways – I’d rather spend all the saved money by investing it into myself- don’t you agree?.)
At this point, you basically have 2 choices. Continue struggling like you’ve been for years trying to get over your stutter OR take advantage of our offer right now.
So, I need to ask you a very important question: What if you could use a program that costs LESS than a single speech therapy session that produces even less results and creates more wasted time than Kill Your Stutter alone? This would be like throwing away tickets to the superbowl.
What if you could do this all in under 10 minutes with a simple step-by-step technique to follow within the comfort of your own home? Is that something you might be interested in?
These are all realistic questions that you MUST ask yourself before trying other ways of stopping your stutter or visiting a costly speech therapist. Kill Your Stutter uses state of the art brand new technology that we’ve made ultra easy to use. 
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Often when I use this on other stutterers, I hear, “Please… Pinch me, wake me up because I must be dreaming – a stutter stopper can’t be this easy!”
Now for the BIG QUESTION we’ve just now been getting…
“If this product is so successful – why are you selling it for only $47, when speech therapy sessions cost $150+?”
You know. I totally understand how anyone would ask this. We’ve proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that giving away our secrets in the past (many times for free), it had never hurt our income. As a matter of fact, we only GAINED valuable friends and allies along the way in our exclusive community. This has actually helped us far more than “monetizing off our little secrets”.
The same thing with Kill Your Stutter … we also have another reason… it’s because we welcome other people to help us spread the word of this system to the point where all stutterers worldwide are hitting a high result point everytime they use it.
Ambitious goal? Perhaps – and we’re beyond confident.
Here’s another dirty little secret most successful people (yes, including those speech gurus) try hard not to leak out…. want to know?
Successful people don’t re-invent the wheel. They use what’s there already for leverage.
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Kill Your Stutter has several award-winning features and approved by our trusted, existing community:
What did this all translate to?
Translation? The one affordable system that I would hand to my closest of friends or family in need of stutter stopping, especially in this financial situation the world is going through and will likely go through for the next few years. (Hopefully not – but we have this just in case to NEVER fear again…)
Yes, we intend this not only to be RECESSION-PROOF, but money saving.
I had a dream not too long ago that I’d literally help a good portion of the population overcome their stuttering once they use and SUCCEEDED with such a system.
Do I deserve to be laughed at? Maybe. But who cares… it’s my dream and one vision. As they say ‘If you’re goal isn’t worth failing at, it probably isn’t BIG enough‘. Do you agree with this? I live by it and believe in giving back as a higher calling – not to mention the fun of inventing something powerful.
  You may be asking “Don’t internet products like this always have a catch?” They always seem to involve so much more than the initial investment right? Watch what the following people say….
“One can spend over $10,000 or more on speech therapists… still not get even a fraction of the real-life results”
“One can spend over $10,000 or more on speech therapists … and still not get even a fraction of the real-life results that this can bring. Despite my initial skepticism, I’m quite impressed with what Kill Your Stutter is and is doing for me. I would have never thought!”
– Albert Sheppard   Austin, Texas
    “Kill Your Stutter is more than an exception. It will REVERSE your stutter successfully – personal suffering into personal prosperity – and this statement is very specific and true”
This program (or “stutter-stopper machine”) ROCKS. Just download, read through, and apply the technique!  
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Our Best-Selling Kill Your Stutter program will…
We codenamed it “a miracle product” even before we released it and I am not exaggerating …
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  Besides allowing people to finally defeat their stuttering for good…
The consensus is without a doubt … that Kill Your Stutter is also the future of stutter therapy using all STATE OF THE ART, LOW COST methods.
“Your ease of use and sincere offer to help really make a big difference.”
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I can tell you guys have put a lot of effort into this. Now coming from someone who is not experienced in speech therapy at all, your ease of use and sincere offer for help really make a big difference.
I feel comfortable because there’s a guiding hand to fall back on anytime. This system is simply wonderful and I’m very, very happy to be using it for the goal of stopping my stutter.
– Mary C.  Los Angeles, CA
Kill Your Stutter will tremendously help everyone … the familiar beginner, the mediocre experienced, the advanced and even the super advanced.
But I’ll tell you one thing … there are some people who this system is NOT for:
… This system is NOT for people who do not believe in the idea of stopping stuttering in just minutes. If you are this type of person, I honestly don’t think this is for you.
If you want a program that cannot go wrong in terms of stopping your stutter for good, then please access the Kill Your Stutter machine right now.
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Here’s a bold yet 100% true promise….
Nothing like this exists…and that is a FACT!
“Even if I was on my last hundred bucks, I’d try it because I know that it’s based on solid research.”
“After trying this out inside, all I can say is WOW, triple wow. Everything is literally pre-done for me here.
I’ll flat out say it – this is probably one of the only things I would have needed to get myself rid of my stutter. Even if I was on my last hundred bucks, I’d try it because I know its based on solid research and really works.
I almost wonder why didn’t you guys come out with this earlier?!! Fortunately, I’m not in such a situation anymore and I’m going to recommend this to my friends and family that suffer from stuttering.
Anyhow, this is going to sound harsh but you’d have to be very, very self-sabotaging to actually not make
results just via this simple to follow technique. You’d have to try really hard to fail and that’s an understatement of how sure-fire this thing is.”
– Jim Normand   Denver, CO
Using a simple technique to produce insane results like these has never ever been so easy and effortless – working well beyond 2010 I guarantee this!
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This product is exclusive. The official, the one & only step-by-step system to Kill Your Stutter.
Iron-Clad 8 Week Unconditional Promise
We value your trust in our promise. Take 60 FULL days to simply try out the Kill Your Stutter program. As a matter of fact, try it tonight.
You can make tremendous progress that come in passively, simple as that. Yes, even if you barely understand the speech therapy concepts and techniques – we guide you 100%. Kill Your Stutter can make we are almost giving it to you for free until you see results.
I’ll even go a step further and claim that after you start our system, many other ones will instantly look very unappealing – I dare you honestly.
Within 60 days… if you’re not completely stutter free after giving these techniques your sincere effort, then just contact us right away for support. If we truly can’t guide you and prove that failure is NOT an option, then we’ll promptly REFUND EVERY RED CENT. This is why it’s a virtually RISKLESS offer.
    We Are With #1 Trusted & Reputable Clickbank
What it will take to get it…
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The exclusive Kill Your Stutter program requires a single commitment from you. This decision is yours. Not effort- just a simple mental choice.
FACT: The significant time you would ordinarily spend trying to use sheer will power to overcome stuttering is in the hundreds of hours range. As billionaire Henry Ford once said “Time is money.” The rule is to not waste time. Because if you waste time, you are wasting your life.
Let’s say you researched new ways to overcome stuttering every 4 hours. (Which would be extremely fast even if you’re good) It would take you numerous hours to find something that works only partially to stop your stuttering.
Even if you worked at McDonalds for $5 an hour, this 200 hours of work would still cost your boss $1,400 or more.
Well hopefully you don’t ever see yourself working at a McDonalds’ wage (No offense intended if you do – I did a long time ago)
Aside from this appraisal, you’d agree that the Killer Your Stutter system & technique are PRICELESS and would be very expensive in terms of the “real results” that it can produce.
It’s really just a one-time fee of $47.00 to access the program for immediate results anytime. Think about that, that’s LESS than the cost of ONE SPEECH THERAPY SESSION!
Since you are the one investing, you are the boss.
At any time you can cancel your agreement with us. It’s as easy as sending customer support an email and explaining that you are not satisfied with the product’s results and we’ll refund your money.
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Get your limited time offer copy now … DO NOT WAIT on this because we only have a limited amount of copies available to use for the low price of $47.
Limited offer: Get a copy today and never pay a monthly fee ever to use the system
YES Ari! I want to take advantage of your limited-offer where the $137 fee will be eliminated forever and now only a one-time fee of $47
I want the complete technique to stop stuttering, and use it to make my quality of life better. I want to destroy my stuttering with secret tactics that have never been revealed like this before. I understand that the elimination of the $137 is only for those who get in on this promotion.
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A Note To The Buyer: “Kill Your Stutter” is a digital guide in PDF format which you will gain INSTANT access to 24/7 after purchasing the program (can be viewed on either MAC or PC).
If you have any questions or need tech support after purchasing, simply send us an E-mail and we’ll respond immediately!
  Internet Security Note: The secure order form on the next page will look like this:
Get it while its hot and the cost is still low!
Hold down your Copy of Kill Your Stutter FIRST. Do not hesitate! That is our urgent and very real recommendation. We are looking out for you!
  INSTANTLY Access “Kill Your Stutter”:
You can download the system instantly for $47.00 + $90.00 monthly onward
New Release Time-Sensitive: For a one-time payment of $137 $47… Download the only reputable stuttering system to hit the online world in years.
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One time payment: Order via ClickBank’s secure payment servers via either card or Paypal. Instant download.
A Note To The Buyer: “Kill Your Stutter” is a digital guide in PDF format which you will gain INSTANT access to 24/7 after purchasing the program (can be viewed on either MAC or PC).
If you have any questions or need tech support after purchasing, simply send us an E-mail and we’ll respond immediately!
Wishing you the most success in stutter stopping you’ve ever seen, -Ari Kreitberg, Ex-Stutterer & Creator of “Kill Your Stutter”
P.S. If you don’t like it, cancel. You only have to invest once for the simple technique … and the results keep coming. You literally cannot stop the results coming in.  
P.P.S. This is NOT for everyone – again don’t spread this personal letter. We only want to work with a VERY exclusive community who will benefit tremendously from following what we do and killing stuttering like we do ….  get Kill Your Stutter now only if you want the no-risk 60-day money back guarantee offer, for a limited time only…
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Contact Us | Affiliates | Order Now! | Disclaimer KillYourStutter.com™ 2010. The web site and the Kill Your Stutter program, articles and contents are protected under international copyright & trademark laws. “Kill Your Stutter” and the Kill Your Stutter logo are trademark of KillYourStutter.com
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allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
Kill Your Stutter Program
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/kill-your-stutter-program/
Kill Your Stutter Program
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WARNING: This Stop Stuttering Guide Could Eliminate Your Stuttering In Under 10 Minutes…
Want to learn the easiest & fastest way to stop your stuttering? Have you wasted countless hours and money on speech lessons or tried using “will power”? Look no further, we have the ultimate solution to stop your stutter today, RIGHT NOW!
“It’s freaking incredible… I’ve managed to create a product that actually shows you how to stop your stuttering in under 10 minutes, FOR GOOD! No more wasted money on speech therapy or energy trying to use ‘will power’ to no success!”
-Ari Kreitberg, Creator of The “Kill Your Stutter” Program & KillYourStutter.com
*Shocking* Proven ‘step-by-step’ technique that walks you through how to stop stuttering in under 10 minutes without any continued effort or time needed
You’ve heard this from others and I’ll put my own spin on this important truth …. Most stop-stuttering products on the market simply do not work – at one point, I was even in a little debt trying so many. It took me an extremely long time to see what truly worked.
Just give Kill Your Stutter a try and I’ll explain how to stop stuttering for good. I merely activated this simple-to-use technique that generates immediate results to end this speech problem which causes so many embarrasment and low self-confidence. I can’t disclose everything but yes, we’ve seen it work on thousands of stutterers so far.
Before you continue to hear what’s going on …. STOP and make sure you’ve already grabbed the following exclusives confidentially.
Discover the UNTOLD true story of how a former stutterer from the age of 12 was able to annihilate his speech stuttering OVER NIGHT..
From: Ari Kreitberg   Date:
Location: Las Vegas
Dear Future Stutter-Free Friend,
My name is Ari Kreitberg, and today, I am the co-creator of the Kill Your Stutter internet guide.
Just over 5 years ago, I was a full-blown stutterer working at a dead-end factory job earning minimum wage.
Shortly after, I tried geting a few other jobs in customer service and telemarketing, but couldn’t keep them due to my stuttering problem….
Just from the fact that I wasn’t able to hold down a job due to my suttering and low self confidence which stemmed from it, I knew I had to do something quick before it destroyed my life even further.
When I finally got fed up enough with my stuttering and decided to take action, I looked for every possible way to rid myself of this speech problem. I made a few key discoveries, and I was at least lucky enough to focus on what was working.
… I know what it’s like to struggle with stuttering ….
Years later, I started to search for tools and ways to control my stuttering when I spoke. I loved it when my recipes for stopping stuttering helped others too.
One of my partners, Jeremy and I have just produced arguably the most extreme stop stuttering programs in existence … you simply follow the technique inside our Kill Your Stutter program and it starts eliminating your stuttering problem in under 10 minutes. This same technique saves you countless hours and thousands of dollars on speech therapy… simple yet powerful huh?
There is a beautiful twist to this … EVEN a bum off the street with ZERO speech therapy experience can use this to stop his stuttering for good. All he needs is a computer or internet connection to purchase and read Kill Your Stutter.
Seriously, imagine waking up every single day without having stuttering follow you wherever you go, whoever you interact and talk with- trust me, I can relate … and being able to talk smoothly with fluidity and confidence, wherever you want in life … anytime to your spouse, your kids, your friends, yourself, whomever! This system has done that for real people.
This program has been tried and tested with customer testimonial verified proof.
Here’s what you DON’T need
Now listen closely … because this is the core of what I’m revealing… the idea is that one action done ONCE will bring ongoing results and NOT require you to baby-sit your speech and stuttering.
Even if you’re merely looking cope with or improve your stuttering – I sincerely feel you’ll find something far better in this.
Also, We designed this system specifically for LOW COST methods, to save you from spending hundreds if not thousands of dollars, on speech therapists or other expensive programs.
  Let me give you an intriguing, unexpected, and transforming story…
Well just 5 months ago, my partner Jeremy had asked me if I could help him with his son, Mark, who’d been suffering from stuttering lately and was being teased by other kids in his school. I first rejected this since I didn’t think the technique would work for his son, since I thought he would be too young to have an effect on. I didn’t like the idea that I could let down the poor kid by not being able to help him, makes sense right?
Let’s just say that Jeremy was struggling with Mark’s depression from his school situation which was caused by his stuttering. I finally decided that at first I would just coach him. Only AFTER I gave him access to the EXACT technique inside Kill Your Stutter did he literally neutralize his stutter and produce results fast. I look back and asked myself … “why didn’t I give him that technique before?”
He was able to replicate my success – it seems that this technique works for all ages… and he even took it a step further than me.
… so guess what he did next? Mark went on to become PRESIDENT of his high school by winning the.. .drum roll please… SPEECH AWARD? The amount of confidence he gained from using my technique to stop his stuttering, actually motivated him to write an award winning speech which made him president of his high school. I was literally blown away by the transformation.
“Yes, we took a huge risk (time & money) developing this program… that ended up helping MANY people”
We had taken a huge risk in creating & releasing Kill Your Stutter, thinking it may not work for people with SEVERE stuttering.
Trust me … I feared this for a long time. Little did we know the opposite effect would happen. To our surprise, our exclusive community of former-stutterers produced magnificent results using our program, and some have even gone on to give speeches in front of thousands of people! THAT is the difference between self consciousness and self confidence my friends.
Were we flattered? Sort of. Were we happy? We were ecstatic they helped quite a few people stop their stuttering and improve their quality of life! It was amazing and here was the great part – a HUGE PERCENTRAGE of people that’ve used our product so far have eliminated their stuttering! IT really is a no-lose technique.
Despite all the skepticism about how Kill Your Stutter”stops stuttering in under 10 minutes” is unrealistic and unattainable for everyone else – Kill Your Stutter has actually increased in sales due to the same people who have used this product spreading it via word of mouth and through friend referrals. I don’t even need to go into how people started sending us emails telling us how great our product is and how deeply its affected and improved their personal lives.
Anyways, once people started using the technique, they realized something….. that there was a WHOLE other sense of self-confidence and satisfaction from living stutter-free…and staying that way for the rest of their lives….  
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Let me tell you the main reason why you stutter in the first place….
The reason most people stutter is because they want to get into certain emotional states of mind that cause them to begin stuttering, these emotional states act almost like a trigger.
To explain in further detail…
people don’t stutter on the words they are saying.
They begin stuttering when specific words which cause triggered emotional states begin to come up.
Did you know that stuttering is related directly to not releasing your breath when you speak? What happens then is stuttering becomes part of your conditioning by causing a change in your habitual breathing patterns, and this makes talking difficult without the right techniques to correct it.
The way you gain from Kill Your Stutter is, I like yourself have spent years searching for an answer and have tried and purchased almost ALL the stutter stopping products & treatments, been to countless speech therapists, so you can bet I have formulated a specific technique for targeting and ridding of stuttering for good.
What you’re about to learn that only we can offer you is a shortcut to end your stuttering problems quickly and permanently.
…So you still think stopping stuttering in under 10 minutes in unachievable? HA!…
The technique inside Kill Your Stutter is GUARANTEED to end your stuttering.
How is this possible?
Because it identifies all the triggers which cause you to stutter in the first place. Cut all the roots from under the tree and what happens? It dies!….
Once the old stutter creating triggers have been dealt with, the technique goes on to replace it with new empowering responses. Neat eh?
I have successfully used this very same technique on family members, close friends and patients, it simply works every time I apply it. Don’t be left out in the cold!
Claim Your Copy of “Kill Your Stutter” by Clicking Here
1. So far thousands of people have used our program & technique with a HIGH success rate. 2. If for ANY reason Kill Your Stutter doesn’t work for you, or you’re simply not satisfied with the results, shoot me an e-mail within 60 days telling me and I’ll give you a full 100% money back refund, no questions asked! 3. It works! It’s as simple as that! You literally have nothing to lose, as I have removed ALL the risk from this offer!
Kill Your Stutter will work for you if you meet ANY of the criteria below:
• Tried stopping stuttering through sheer will-power and wasted energy, to seeing no results – Kill Your Stutter will work for you • Spent HUNDREDS to THOUSANDS of dollars on expensive speech therapy sessions which only dug into your wallet and left you broke and miserable – Kill Your Stutter will work for you • Scared that you might stutter in public so you AVOID sparking up conversations with people, or asking questions – Kill Your Stutter will work for you
The list goes on..
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FACT: The average speech therapy session costs upwards of $150 PER SESSION! Think about all the time and money you’ll save with Kill Your Stutter
The more you use this technique, the more you’ll be able to master control and flow of your speech, not to mention stopping your stuttering once and for all – replicating our exact results with our clients.
The truth is: you really can’t go wrong with this program.
On a strict budget? This incredible stop your stuttering system is available for the low price of only $47 dollars! Compare that to ONE single speech therapy session which on average STARTS at $50 per visit, I think the price speaks for itself. Imagine NEVER having to worry about your suttering or speaking EVER again. (I secretly hate speech therapists anyways – I’d rather spend all the saved money by investing it into myself- don’t you agree?.)
At this point, you basically have 2 choices. Continue struggling like you’ve been for years trying to get over your stutter OR take advantage of our offer right now.
So, I need to ask you a very important question: What if you could use a program that costs LESS than a single speech therapy session that produces even less results and creates more wasted time than Kill Your Stutter alone? This would be like throwing away tickets to the superbowl.
What if you could do this all in under 10 minutes with a simple step-by-step technique to follow within the comfort of your own home? Is that something you might be interested in?
These are all realistic questions that you MUST ask yourself before trying other ways of stopping your stutter or visiting a costly speech therapist. Kill Your Stutter uses state of the art brand new technology that we’ve made ultra easy to use. 
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Often when I use this on other stutterers, I hear, “Please… Pinch me, wake me up because I must be dreaming – a stutter stopper can’t be this easy!”
Now for the BIG QUESTION we’ve just now been getting…
“If this product is so successful – why are you selling it for only $47, when speech therapy sessions cost $150+?”
You know. I totally understand how anyone would ask this. We’ve proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that giving away our secrets in the past (many times for free), it had never hurt our income. As a matter of fact, we only GAINED valuable friends and allies along the way in our exclusive community. This has actually helped us far more than “monetizing off our little secrets”.
The same thing with Kill Your Stutter … we also have another reason… it’s because we welcome other people to help us spread the word of this system to the point where all stutterers worldwide are hitting a high result point everytime they use it.
Ambitious goal? Perhaps – and we’re beyond confident.
Here’s another dirty little secret most successful people (yes, including those speech gurus) try hard not to leak out…. want to know?
Successful people don’t re-invent the wheel. They use what’s there already for leverage.
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Kill Your Stutter has several award-winning features and approved by our trusted, existing community:
What did this all translate to?
Translation? The one affordable system that I would hand to my closest of friends or family in need of stutter stopping, especially in this financial situation the world is going through and will likely go through for the next few years. (Hopefully not – but we have this just in case to NEVER fear again…)
Yes, we intend this not only to be RECESSION-PROOF, but money saving.
I had a dream not too long ago that I’d literally help a good portion of the population overcome their stuttering once they use and SUCCEEDED with such a system.
Do I deserve to be laughed at? Maybe. But who cares… it’s my dream and one vision. As they say ‘If you’re goal isn’t worth failing at, it probably isn’t BIG enough‘. Do you agree with this? I live by it and believe in giving back as a higher calling – not to mention the fun of inventing something powerful.
  You may be asking “Don’t internet products like this always have a catch?” They always seem to involve so much more than the initial investment right? Watch what the following people say….
“One can spend over $10,000 or more on speech therapists… still not get even a fraction of the real-life results”
“One can spend over $10,000 or more on speech therapists … and still not get even a fraction of the real-life results that this can bring. Despite my initial skepticism, I’m quite impressed with what Kill Your Stutter is and is doing for me. I would have never thought!”
– Albert Sheppard   Austin, Texas
    “Kill Your Stutter is more than an exception. It will REVERSE your stutter successfully – personal suffering into personal prosperity – and this statement is very specific and true”
This program (or “stutter-stopper machine”) ROCKS. Just download, read through, and apply the technique!  
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Our Best-Selling Kill Your Stutter program will…
We codenamed it “a miracle product” even before we released it and I am not exaggerating …
  Besides allowing people to finally defeat their stuttering for good…
The consensus is without a doubt … that Kill Your Stutter is also the future of stutter therapy using all STATE OF THE ART, LOW COST methods.
“Your ease of use and sincere offer to help really make a big difference.”
I can tell you guys have put a lot of effort into this. Now coming from someone who is not experienced in speech therapy at all, your ease of use and sincere offer for help really make a big difference.
I feel comfortable because there’s a guiding hand to fall back on anytime. This system is simply wonderful and I’m very, very happy to be using it for the goal of stopping my stutter.
– Mary C.  Los Angeles, CA
Kill Your Stutter will tremendously help everyone … the familiar beginner, the mediocre experienced, the advanced and even the super advanced.
But I’ll tell you one thing … there are some people who this system is NOT for:
… This system is NOT for people who do not believe in the idea of stopping stuttering in just minutes. If you are this type of person, I honestly don’t think this is for you.
If you want a program that cannot go wrong in terms of stopping your stutter for good, then please access the Kill Your Stutter machine right now.
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Here’s a bold yet 100% true promise….
Nothing like this exists…and that is a FACT!
“Even if I was on my last hundred bucks, I’d try it because I know that it’s based on solid research.”
“After trying this out inside, all I can say is WOW, triple wow. Everything is literally pre-done for me here.
I’ll flat out say it – this is probably one of the only things I would have needed to get myself rid of my stutter. Even if I was on my last hundred bucks, I’d try it because I know its based on solid research and really works.
I almost wonder why didn’t you guys come out with this earlier?!! Fortunately, I’m not in such a situation anymore and I’m going to recommend this to my friends and family that suffer from stuttering.
Anyhow, this is going to sound harsh but you’d have to be very, very self-sabotaging to actually not make
results just via this simple to follow technique. You’d have to try really hard to fail and that’s an understatement of how sure-fire this thing is.”
– Jim Normand   Denver, CO
Using a simple technique to produce insane results like these has never ever been so easy and effortless – working well beyond 2010 I guarantee this!
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This product is exclusive. The official, the one & only step-by-step system to Kill Your Stutter.
Iron-Clad 8 Week Unconditional Promise
We value your trust in our promise. Take 60 FULL days to simply try out the Kill Your Stutter program. As a matter of fact, try it tonight.
You can make tremendous progress that come in passively, simple as that. Yes, even if you barely understand the speech therapy concepts and techniques – we guide you 100%. Kill Your Stutter can make we are almost giving it to you for free until you see results.
I’ll even go a step further and claim that after you start our system, many other ones will instantly look very unappealing – I dare you honestly.
Within 60 days… if you’re not completely stutter free after giving these techniques your sincere effort, then just contact us right away for support. If we truly can’t guide you and prove that failure is NOT an option, then we’ll promptly REFUND EVERY RED CENT. This is why it’s a virtually RISKLESS offer.
    We Are With #1 Trusted & Reputable Clickbank
What it will take to get it…
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The exclusive Kill Your Stutter program requires a single commitment from you. This decision is yours. Not effort- just a simple mental choice.
FACT: The significant time you would ordinarily spend trying to use sheer will power to overcome stuttering is in the hundreds of hours range. As billionaire Henry Ford once said “Time is money.” The rule is to not waste time. Because if you waste time, you are wasting your life.
Let’s say you researched new ways to overcome stuttering every 4 hours. (Which would be extremely fast even if you’re good) It would take you numerous hours to find something that works only partially to stop your stuttering.
Even if you worked at McDonalds for $5 an hour, this 200 hours of work would still cost your boss $1,400 or more.
Well hopefully you don’t ever see yourself working at a McDonalds’ wage (No offense intended if you do – I did a long time ago)
Aside from this appraisal, you’d agree that the Killer Your Stutter system & technique are PRICELESS and would be very expensive in terms of the “real results” that it can produce.
It’s really just a one-time fee of $47.00 to access the program for immediate results anytime. Think about that, that’s LESS than the cost of ONE SPEECH THERAPY SESSION!
Since you are the one investing, you are the boss.
At any time you can cancel your agreement with us. It’s as easy as sending customer support an email and explaining that you are not satisfied with the product’s results and we’ll refund your money.
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Get your limited time offer copy now … DO NOT WAIT on this because we only have a limited amount of copies available to use for the low price of $47.
Limited offer: Get a copy today and never pay a monthly fee ever to use the system
YES Ari! I want to take advantage of your limited-offer where the $137 fee will be eliminated forever and now only a one-time fee of $47
I want the complete technique to stop stuttering, and use it to make my quality of life better. I want to destroy my stuttering with secret tactics that have never been revealed like this before. I understand that the elimination of the $137 is only for those who get in on this promotion.
A Note To The Buyer: “Kill Your Stutter” is a digital guide in PDF format which you will gain INSTANT access to 24/7 after purchasing the program (can be viewed on either MAC or PC).
If you have any questions or need tech support after purchasing, simply send us an E-mail and we’ll respond immediately!
  Internet Security Note: The secure order form on the next page will look like this:
Get it while its hot and the cost is still low!
Hold down your Copy of Kill Your Stutter FIRST. Do not hesitate! That is our urgent and very real recommendation. We are looking out for you!
  INSTANTLY Access “Kill Your Stutter”:
You can download the system instantly for $47.00 + $90.00 monthly onward
New Release Time-Sensitive: For a one-time payment of $137 $47… Download the only reputable stuttering system to hit the online world in years.
One time payment: Order via ClickBank’s secure payment servers via either card or Paypal. Instant download.
A Note To The Buyer: “Kill Your Stutter” is a digital guide in PDF format which you will gain INSTANT access to 24/7 after purchasing the program (can be viewed on either MAC or PC).
If you have any questions or need tech support after purchasing, simply send us an E-mail and we’ll respond immediately!
Wishing you the most success in stutter stopping you’ve ever seen, -Ari Kreitberg, Ex-Stutterer & Creator of “Kill Your Stutter”
P.S. If you don’t like it, cancel. You only have to invest once for the simple technique … and the results keep coming. You literally cannot stop the results coming in.  
P.P.S. This is NOT for everyone – again don’t spread this personal letter. We only want to work with a VERY exclusive community who will benefit tremendously from following what we do and killing stuttering like we do ….  get Kill Your Stutter now only if you want the no-risk 60-day money back guarantee offer, for a limited time only…
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Contact Us | Affiliates | Order Now! | Disclaimer KillYourStutter.com™ 2010. The web site and the Kill Your Stutter program, articles and contents are protected under international copyright & trademark laws. “Kill Your Stutter” and the Kill Your Stutter logo are trademark of KillYourStutter.com
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allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
Kill Your Stutter Program
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Kill Your Stutter Program
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WARNING: This Stop Stuttering Guide Could Eliminate Your Stuttering In Under 10 Minutes…
Want to learn the easiest & fastest way to stop your stuttering? Have you wasted countless hours and money on speech lessons or tried using “will power”? Look no further, we have the ultimate solution to stop your stutter today, RIGHT NOW!
“It’s freaking incredible… I’ve managed to create a product that actually shows you how to stop your stuttering in under 10 minutes, FOR GOOD! No more wasted money on speech therapy or energy trying to use ‘will power’ to no success!”
-Ari Kreitberg, Creator of The “Kill Your Stutter” Program & KillYourStutter.com
*Shocking* Proven ‘step-by-step’ technique that walks you through how to stop stuttering in under 10 minutes without any continued effort or time needed
You’ve heard this from others and I’ll put my own spin on this important truth …. Most stop-stuttering products on the market simply do not work – at one point, I was even in a little debt trying so many. It took me an extremely long time to see what truly worked.
Just give Kill Your Stutter a try and I’ll explain how to stop stuttering for good. I merely activated this simple-to-use technique that generates immediate results to end this speech problem which causes so many embarrasment and low self-confidence. I can’t disclose everything but yes, we’ve seen it work on thousands of stutterers so far.
Before you continue to hear what’s going on …. STOP and make sure you’ve already grabbed the following exclusives confidentially.
Discover the UNTOLD true story of how a former stutterer from the age of 12 was able to annihilate his speech stuttering OVER NIGHT..
From: Ari Kreitberg   Date:
Location: Las Vegas
Dear Future Stutter-Free Friend,
My name is Ari Kreitberg, and today, I am the co-creator of the Kill Your Stutter internet guide.
Just over 5 years ago, I was a full-blown stutterer working at a dead-end factory job earning minimum wage.
Shortly after, I tried geting a few other jobs in customer service and telemarketing, but couldn’t keep them due to my stuttering problem….
Just from the fact that I wasn’t able to hold down a job due to my suttering and low self confidence which stemmed from it, I knew I had to do something quick before it destroyed my life even further.
When I finally got fed up enough with my stuttering and decided to take action, I looked for every possible way to rid myself of this speech problem. I made a few key discoveries, and I was at least lucky enough to focus on what was working.
… I know what it’s like to struggle with stuttering ….
Years later, I started to search for tools and ways to control my stuttering when I spoke. I loved it when my recipes for stopping stuttering helped others too.
One of my partners, Jeremy and I have just produced arguably the most extreme stop stuttering programs in existence … you simply follow the technique inside our Kill Your Stutter program and it starts eliminating your stuttering problem in under 10 minutes. This same technique saves you countless hours and thousands of dollars on speech therapy… simple yet powerful huh?
There is a beautiful twist to this … EVEN a bum off the street with ZERO speech therapy experience can use this to stop his stuttering for good. All he needs is a computer or internet connection to purchase and read Kill Your Stutter.
Seriously, imagine waking up every single day without having stuttering follow you wherever you go, whoever you interact and talk with- trust me, I can relate … and being able to talk smoothly with fluidity and confidence, wherever you want in life … anytime to your spouse, your kids, your friends, yourself, whomever! This system has done that for real people.
This program has been tried and tested with customer testimonial verified proof.
Here’s what you DON’T need
Now listen closely … because this is the core of what I’m revealing… the idea is that one action done ONCE will bring ongoing results and NOT require you to baby-sit your speech and stuttering.
Even if you’re merely looking cope with or improve your stuttering – I sincerely feel you’ll find something far better in this.
Also, We designed this system specifically for LOW COST methods, to save you from spending hundreds if not thousands of dollars, on speech therapists or other expensive programs.
  Let me give you an intriguing, unexpected, and transforming story…
Well just 5 months ago, my partner Jeremy had asked me if I could help him with his son, Mark, who’d been suffering from stuttering lately and was being teased by other kids in his school. I first rejected this since I didn’t think the technique would work for his son, since I thought he would be too young to have an effect on. I didn’t like the idea that I could let down the poor kid by not being able to help him, makes sense right?
Let’s just say that Jeremy was struggling with Mark’s depression from his school situation which was caused by his stuttering. I finally decided that at first I would just coach him. Only AFTER I gave him access to the EXACT technique inside Kill Your Stutter did he literally neutralize his stutter and produce results fast. I look back and asked myself … “why didn’t I give him that technique before?”
He was able to replicate my success – it seems that this technique works for all ages… and he even took it a step further than me.
… so guess what he did next? Mark went on to become PRESIDENT of his high school by winning the.. .drum roll please… SPEECH AWARD? The amount of confidence he gained from using my technique to stop his stuttering, actually motivated him to write an award winning speech which made him president of his high school. I was literally blown away by the transformation.
“Yes, we took a huge risk (time & money) developing this program… that ended up helping MANY people”
We had taken a huge risk in creating & releasing Kill Your Stutter, thinking it may not work for people with SEVERE stuttering.
Trust me … I feared this for a long time. Little did we know the opposite effect would happen. To our surprise, our exclusive community of former-stutterers produced magnificent results using our program, and some have even gone on to give speeches in front of thousands of people! THAT is the difference between self consciousness and self confidence my friends.
Were we flattered? Sort of. Were we happy? We were ecstatic they helped quite a few people stop their stuttering and improve their quality of life! It was amazing and here was the great part – a HUGE PERCENTRAGE of people that’ve used our product so far have eliminated their stuttering! IT really is a no-lose technique.
Despite all the skepticism about how Kill Your Stutter”stops stuttering in under 10 minutes” is unrealistic and unattainable for everyone else – Kill Your Stutter has actually increased in sales due to the same people who have used this product spreading it via word of mouth and through friend referrals. I don’t even need to go into how people started sending us emails telling us how great our product is and how deeply its affected and improved their personal lives.
Anyways, once people started using the technique, they realized something….. that there was a WHOLE other sense of self-confidence and satisfaction from living stutter-free…and staying that way for the rest of their lives….  
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Let me tell you the main reason why you stutter in the first place….
The reason most people stutter is because they want to get into certain emotional states of mind that cause them to begin stuttering, these emotional states act almost like a trigger.
To explain in further detail…
people don’t stutter on the words they are saying.
They begin stuttering when specific words which cause triggered emotional states begin to come up.
Did you know that stuttering is related directly to not releasing your breath when you speak? What happens then is stuttering becomes part of your conditioning by causing a change in your habitual breathing patterns, and this makes talking difficult without the right techniques to correct it.
The way you gain from Kill Your Stutter is, I like yourself have spent years searching for an answer and have tried and purchased almost ALL the stutter stopping products & treatments, been to countless speech therapists, so you can bet I have formulated a specific technique for targeting and ridding of stuttering for good.
What you’re about to learn that only we can offer you is a shortcut to end your stuttering problems quickly and permanently.
…So you still think stopping stuttering in under 10 minutes in unachievable? HA!…
The technique inside Kill Your Stutter is GUARANTEED to end your stuttering.
How is this possible?
Because it identifies all the triggers which cause you to stutter in the first place. Cut all the roots from under the tree and what happens? It dies!….
Once the old stutter creating triggers have been dealt with, the technique goes on to replace it with new empowering responses. Neat eh?
I have successfully used this very same technique on family members, close friends and patients, it simply works every time I apply it. Don’t be left out in the cold!
Claim Your Copy of “Kill Your Stutter” by Clicking Here
1. So far thousands of people have used our program & technique with a HIGH success rate. 2. If for ANY reason Kill Your Stutter doesn’t work for you, or you’re simply not satisfied with the results, shoot me an e-mail within 60 days telling me and I’ll give you a full 100% money back refund, no questions asked! 3. It works! It’s as simple as that! You literally have nothing to lose, as I have removed ALL the risk from this offer!
Kill Your Stutter will work for you if you meet ANY of the criteria below:
• Tried stopping stuttering through sheer will-power and wasted energy, to seeing no results – Kill Your Stutter will work for you • Spent HUNDREDS to THOUSANDS of dollars on expensive speech therapy sessions which only dug into your wallet and left you broke and miserable – Kill Your Stutter will work for you • Scared that you might stutter in public so you AVOID sparking up conversations with people, or asking questions – Kill Your Stutter will work for you
The list goes on..
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FACT: The average speech therapy session costs upwards of $150 PER SESSION! Think about all the time and money you’ll save with Kill Your Stutter
The more you use this technique, the more you’ll be able to master control and flow of your speech, not to mention stopping your stuttering once and for all – replicating our exact results with our clients.
The truth is: you really can’t go wrong with this program.
On a strict budget? This incredible stop your stuttering system is available for the low price of only $47 dollars! Compare that to ONE single speech therapy session which on average STARTS at $50 per visit, I think the price speaks for itself. Imagine NEVER having to worry about your suttering or speaking EVER again. (I secretly hate speech therapists anyways – I’d rather spend all the saved money by investing it into myself- don’t you agree?.)
At this point, you basically have 2 choices. Continue struggling like you’ve been for years trying to get over your stutter OR take advantage of our offer right now.
So, I need to ask you a very important question: What if you could use a program that costs LESS than a single speech therapy session that produces even less results and creates more wasted time than Kill Your Stutter alone? This would be like throwing away tickets to the superbowl.
What if you could do this all in under 10 minutes with a simple step-by-step technique to follow within the comfort of your own home? Is that something you might be interested in?
These are all realistic questions that you MUST ask yourself before trying other ways of stopping your stutter or visiting a costly speech therapist. Kill Your Stutter uses state of the art brand new technology that we’ve made ultra easy to use. 
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Often when I use this on other stutterers, I hear, “Please… Pinch me, wake me up because I must be dreaming – a stutter stopper can’t be this easy!”
Now for the BIG QUESTION we’ve just now been getting…
“If this product is so successful – why are you selling it for only $47, when speech therapy sessions cost $150+?”
You know. I totally understand how anyone would ask this. We’ve proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that giving away our secrets in the past (many times for free), it had never hurt our income. As a matter of fact, we only GAINED valuable friends and allies along the way in our exclusive community. This has actually helped us far more than “monetizing off our little secrets”.
The same thing with Kill Your Stutter … we also have another reason… it’s because we welcome other people to help us spread the word of this system to the point where all stutterers worldwide are hitting a high result point everytime they use it.
Ambitious goal? Perhaps – and we’re beyond confident.
Here’s another dirty little secret most successful people (yes, including those speech gurus) try hard not to leak out…. want to know?
Successful people don’t re-invent the wheel. They use what’s there already for leverage.
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Kill Your Stutter has several award-winning features and approved by our trusted, existing community:
What did this all translate to?
Translation? The one affordable system that I would hand to my closest of friends or family in need of stutter stopping, especially in this financial situation the world is going through and will likely go through for the next few years. (Hopefully not – but we have this just in case to NEVER fear again…)
Yes, we intend this not only to be RECESSION-PROOF, but money saving.
I had a dream not too long ago that I’d literally help a good portion of the population overcome their stuttering once they use and SUCCEEDED with such a system.
Do I deserve to be laughed at? Maybe. But who cares… it’s my dream and one vision. As they say ‘If you’re goal isn’t worth failing at, it probably isn’t BIG enough‘. Do you agree with this? I live by it and believe in giving back as a higher calling – not to mention the fun of inventing something powerful.
  You may be asking “Don’t internet products like this always have a catch?” They always seem to involve so much more than the initial investment right? Watch what the following people say….
“One can spend over $10,000 or more on speech therapists… still not get even a fraction of the real-life results”
“One can spend over $10,000 or more on speech therapists … and still not get even a fraction of the real-life results that this can bring. Despite my initial skepticism, I’m quite impressed with what Kill Your Stutter is and is doing for me. I would have never thought!”
– Albert Sheppard   Austin, Texas
    “Kill Your Stutter is more than an exception. It will REVERSE your stutter successfully – personal suffering into personal prosperity – and this statement is very specific and true”
This program (or “stutter-stopper machine”) ROCKS. Just download, read through, and apply the technique!  
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Our Best-Selling Kill Your Stutter program will…
We codenamed it “a miracle product” even before we released it and I am not exaggerating …
  Besides allowing people to finally defeat their stuttering for good…
The consensus is without a doubt … that Kill Your Stutter is also the future of stutter therapy using all STATE OF THE ART, LOW COST methods.
“Your ease of use and sincere offer to help really make a big difference.”
I can tell you guys have put a lot of effort into this. Now coming from someone who is not experienced in speech therapy at all, your ease of use and sincere offer for help really make a big difference.
I feel comfortable because there’s a guiding hand to fall back on anytime. This system is simply wonderful and I’m very, very happy to be using it for the goal of stopping my stutter.
– Mary C.  Los Angeles, CA
Kill Your Stutter will tremendously help everyone … the familiar beginner, the mediocre experienced, the advanced and even the super advanced.
But I’ll tell you one thing … there are some people who this system is NOT for:
… This system is NOT for people who do not believe in the idea of stopping stuttering in just minutes. If you are this type of person, I honestly don’t think this is for you.
If you want a program that cannot go wrong in terms of stopping your stutter for good, then please access the Kill Your Stutter machine right now.
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Here’s a bold yet 100% true promise….
Nothing like this exists…and that is a FACT!
“Even if I was on my last hundred bucks, I’d try it because I know that it’s based on solid research.”
“After trying this out inside, all I can say is WOW, triple wow. Everything is literally pre-done for me here.
I’ll flat out say it – this is probably one of the only things I would have needed to get myself rid of my stutter. Even if I was on my last hundred bucks, I’d try it because I know its based on solid research and really works.
I almost wonder why didn’t you guys come out with this earlier?!! Fortunately, I’m not in such a situation anymore and I’m going to recommend this to my friends and family that suffer from stuttering.
Anyhow, this is going to sound harsh but you’d have to be very, very self-sabotaging to actually not make
results just via this simple to follow technique. You’d have to try really hard to fail and that’s an understatement of how sure-fire this thing is.”
– Jim Normand   Denver, CO
Using a simple technique to produce insane results like these has never ever been so easy and effortless – working well beyond 2010 I guarantee this!
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This product is exclusive. The official, the one & only step-by-step system to Kill Your Stutter.
Iron-Clad 8 Week Unconditional Promise
We value your trust in our promise. Take 60 FULL days to simply try out the Kill Your Stutter program. As a matter of fact, try it tonight.
You can make tremendous progress that come in passively, simple as that. Yes, even if you barely understand the speech therapy concepts and techniques – we guide you 100%. Kill Your Stutter can make we are almost giving it to you for free until you see results.
I’ll even go a step further and claim that after you start our system, many other ones will instantly look very unappealing – I dare you honestly.
Within 60 days… if you’re not completely stutter free after giving these techniques your sincere effort, then just contact us right away for support. If we truly can’t guide you and prove that failure is NOT an option, then we’ll promptly REFUND EVERY RED CENT. This is why it’s a virtually RISKLESS offer.
    We Are With #1 Trusted & Reputable Clickbank
What it will take to get it…
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The exclusive Kill Your Stutter program requires a single commitment from you. This decision is yours. Not effort- just a simple mental choice.
FACT: The significant time you would ordinarily spend trying to use sheer will power to overcome stuttering is in the hundreds of hours range. As billionaire Henry Ford once said “Time is money.” The rule is to not waste time. Because if you waste time, you are wasting your life.
Let’s say you researched new ways to overcome stuttering every 4 hours. (Which would be extremely fast even if you’re good) It would take you numerous hours to find something that works only partially to stop your stuttering.
Even if you worked at McDonalds for $5 an hour, this 200 hours of work would still cost your boss $1,400 or more.
Well hopefully you don’t ever see yourself working at a McDonalds’ wage (No offense intended if you do – I did a long time ago)
Aside from this appraisal, you’d agree that the Killer Your Stutter system & technique are PRICELESS and would be very expensive in terms of the “real results” that it can produce.
It’s really just a one-time fee of $47.00 to access the program for immediate results anytime. Think about that, that’s LESS than the cost of ONE SPEECH THERAPY SESSION!
Since you are the one investing, you are the boss.
At any time you can cancel your agreement with us. It’s as easy as sending customer support an email and explaining that you are not satisfied with the product’s results and we’ll refund your money.
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Get your limited time offer copy now … DO NOT WAIT on this because we only have a limited amount of copies available to use for the low price of $47.
Limited offer: Get a copy today and never pay a monthly fee ever to use the system
YES Ari! I want to take advantage of your limited-offer where the $137 fee will be eliminated forever and now only a one-time fee of $47
I want the complete technique to stop stuttering, and use it to make my quality of life better. I want to destroy my stuttering with secret tactics that have never been revealed like this before. I understand that the elimination of the $137 is only for those who get in on this promotion.
A Note To The Buyer: “Kill Your Stutter” is a digital guide in PDF format which you will gain INSTANT access to 24/7 after purchasing the program (can be viewed on either MAC or PC).
If you have any questions or need tech support after purchasing, simply send us an E-mail and we’ll respond immediately!
  Internet Security Note: The secure order form on the next page will look like this:
Get it while its hot and the cost is still low!
Hold down your Copy of Kill Your Stutter FIRST. Do not hesitate! That is our urgent and very real recommendation. We are looking out for you!
  INSTANTLY Access “Kill Your Stutter”:
You can download the system instantly for $47.00 + $90.00 monthly onward
New Release Time-Sensitive: For a one-time payment of $137 $47… Download the only reputable stuttering system to hit the online world in years.
One time payment: Order via ClickBank’s secure payment servers via either card or Paypal. Instant download.
A Note To The Buyer: “Kill Your Stutter” is a digital guide in PDF format which you will gain INSTANT access to 24/7 after purchasing the program (can be viewed on either MAC or PC).
If you have any questions or need tech support after purchasing, simply send us an E-mail and we’ll respond immediately!
Wishing you the most success in stutter stopping you’ve ever seen, -Ari Kreitberg, Ex-Stutterer & Creator of “Kill Your Stutter”
P.S. If you don’t like it, cancel. You only have to invest once for the simple technique … and the results keep coming. You literally cannot stop the results coming in.  
P.P.S. This is NOT for everyone – again don’t spread this personal letter. We only want to work with a VERY exclusive community who will benefit tremendously from following what we do and killing stuttering like we do ….  get Kill Your Stutter now only if you want the no-risk 60-day money back guarantee offer, for a limited time only…
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Contact Us | Affiliates | Order Now! | Disclaimer KillYourStutter.com™ 2010. The web site and the Kill Your Stutter program, articles and contents are protected under international copyright & trademark laws. “Kill Your Stutter” and the Kill Your Stutter logo are trademark of KillYourStutter.com
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allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
Kill Your Stutter Program
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    WARNING: This Stop Stuttering Guide Could Eliminate Your Stuttering In Under 10 Minutes…
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Want to learn the easiest & fastest way to stop your stuttering? Have you wasted countless hours and money on speech lessons or tried using “will power”? Look no further, we have the ultimate solution to stop your stutter today, RIGHT NOW!
“It’s freaking incredible… I’ve managed to create a product that actually shows you how to stop your stuttering in under 10 minutes, FOR GOOD! No more wasted money on speech therapy or energy trying to use ‘will power’ to no success!”
-Ari Kreitberg, Creator of The “Kill Your Stutter” Program & KillYourStutter.com
*Shocking* Proven ‘step-by-step’ technique that walks you through how to stop stuttering in under 10 minutes without any continued effort or time needed
You’ve heard this from others and I’ll put my own spin on this important truth …. Most stop-stuttering products on the market simply do not work – at one point, I was even in a little debt trying so many. It took me an extremely long time to see what truly worked.
Just give Kill Your Stutter a try and I’ll explain how to stop stuttering for good. I merely activated this simple-to-use technique that generates immediate results to end this speech problem which causes so many embarrasment and low self-confidence. I can’t disclose everything but yes, we’ve seen it work on thousands of stutterers so far.
Before you continue to hear what’s going on …. STOP and make sure you’ve already grabbed the following exclusives confidentially.
Discover the UNTOLD true story of how a former stutterer from the age of 12 was able to annihilate his speech stuttering OVER NIGHT..
From: Ari Kreitberg   Date:
Location: Las Vegas
Dear Future Stutter-Free Friend,
My name is Ari Kreitberg, and today, I am the co-creator of the Kill Your Stutter internet guide.
Just over 5 years ago, I was a full-blown stutterer working at a dead-end factory job earning minimum wage.
Shortly after, I tried geting a few other jobs in customer service and telemarketing, but couldn’t keep them due to my stuttering problem….
Just from the fact that I wasn’t able to hold down a job due to my suttering and low self confidence which stemmed from it, I knew I had to do something quick before it destroyed my life even further.
When I finally got fed up enough with my stuttering and decided to take action, I looked for every possible way to rid myself of this speech problem. I made a few key discoveries, and I was at least lucky enough to focus on what was working.
… I know what it’s like to struggle with stuttering ….
Years later, I started to search for tools and ways to control my stuttering when I spoke. I loved it when my recipes for stopping stuttering helped others too.
One of my partners, Jeremy and I have just produced arguably the most extreme stop stuttering programs in existence … you simply follow the technique inside our Kill Your Stutter program and it starts eliminating your stuttering problem in under 10 minutes. This same technique saves you countless hours and thousands of dollars on speech therapy… simple yet powerful huh?
There is a beautiful twist to this … EVEN a bum off the street with ZERO speech therapy experience can use this to stop his stuttering for good. All he needs is a computer or internet connection to purchase and read Kill Your Stutter.
Seriously, imagine waking up every single day without having stuttering follow you wherever you go, whoever you interact and talk with- trust me, I can relate … and being able to talk smoothly with fluidity and confidence, wherever you want in life … anytime to your spouse, your kids, your friends, yourself, whomever! This system has done that for real people.
This program has been tried and tested with customer testimonial verified proof.
Here’s what you DON’T need
Now listen closely … because this is the core of what I’m revealing… the idea is that one action done ONCE will bring ongoing results and NOT require you to baby-sit your speech and stuttering.
Even if you’re merely looking cope with or improve your stuttering – I sincerely feel you’ll find something far better in this.
Also, We designed this system specifically for LOW COST methods, to save you from spending hundreds if not thousands of dollars, on speech therapists or other expensive programs.
  Let me give you an intriguing, unexpected, and transforming story…
Well just 5 months ago, my partner Jeremy had asked me if I could help him with his son, Mark, who’d been suffering from stuttering lately and was being teased by other kids in his school. I first rejected this since I didn’t think the technique would work for his son, since I thought he would be too young to have an effect on. I didn’t like the idea that I could let down the poor kid by not being able to help him, makes sense right?
Let’s just say that Jeremy was struggling with Mark’s depression from his school situation which was caused by his stuttering. I finally decided that at first I would just coach him. Only AFTER I gave him access to the EXACT technique inside Kill Your Stutter did he literally neutralize his stutter and produce results fast. I look back and asked myself … “why didn’t I give him that technique before?”
He was able to replicate my success – it seems that this technique works for all ages… and he even took it a step further than me.
… so guess what he did next? Mark went on to become PRESIDENT of his high school by winning the.. .drum roll please… SPEECH AWARD? The amount of confidence he gained from using my technique to stop his stuttering, actually motivated him to write an award winning speech which made him president of his high school. I was literally blown away by the transformation.
“Yes, we took a huge risk (time & money) developing this program… that ended up helping MANY people”
We had taken a huge risk in creating & releasing Kill Your Stutter, thinking it may not work for people with SEVERE stuttering.
Trust me … I feared this for a long time. Little did we know the opposite effect would happen. To our surprise, our exclusive community of former-stutterers produced magnificent results using our program, and some have even gone on to give speeches in front of thousands of people! THAT is the difference between self consciousness and self confidence my friends.
Were we flattered? Sort of. Were we happy? We were ecstatic they helped quite a few people stop their stuttering and improve their quality of life! It was amazing and here was the great part – a HUGE PERCENTRAGE of people that’ve used our product so far have eliminated their stuttering! IT really is a no-lose technique.
Despite all the skepticism about how Kill Your Stutter”stops stuttering in under 10 minutes” is unrealistic and unattainable for everyone else – Kill Your Stutter has actually increased in sales due to the same people who have used this product spreading it via word of mouth and through friend referrals. I don’t even need to go into how people started sending us emails telling us how great our product is and how deeply its affected and improved their personal lives.
Anyways, once people started using the technique, they realized something….. that there was a WHOLE other sense of self-confidence and satisfaction from living stutter-free…and staying that way for the rest of their lives….  
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Let me tell you the main reason why you stutter in the first place….
The reason most people stutter is because they want to get into certain emotional states of mind that cause them to begin stuttering, these emotional states act almost like a trigger.
To explain in further detail…
people don’t stutter on the words they are saying.
They begin stuttering when specific words which cause triggered emotional states begin to come up.
Did you know that stuttering is related directly to not releasing your breath when you speak? What happens then is stuttering becomes part of your conditioning by causing a change in your habitual breathing patterns, and this makes talking difficult without the right techniques to correct it.
The way you gain from Kill Your Stutter is, I like yourself have spent years searching for an answer and have tried and purchased almost ALL the stutter stopping products & treatments, been to countless speech therapists, so you can bet I have formulated a specific technique for targeting and ridding of stuttering for good.
What you’re about to learn that only we can offer you is a shortcut to end your stuttering problems quickly and permanently.
…So you still think stopping stuttering in under 10 minutes in unachievable? HA!…
The technique inside Kill Your Stutter is GUARANTEED to end your stuttering.
How is this possible?
Because it identifies all the triggers which cause you to stutter in the first place. Cut all the roots from under the tree and what happens? It dies!….
Once the old stutter creating triggers have been dealt with, the technique goes on to replace it with new empowering responses. Neat eh?
I have successfully used this very same technique on family members, close friends and patients, it simply works every time I apply it. Don’t be left out in the cold!
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1. So far thousands of people have used our program & technique with a HIGH success rate. 2. If for ANY reason Kill Your Stutter doesn’t work for you, or you’re simply not satisfied with the results, shoot me an e-mail within 60 days telling me and I’ll give you a full 100% money back refund, no questions asked! 3. It works! It’s as simple as that! You literally have nothing to lose, as I have removed ALL the risk from this offer!
Kill Your Stutter will work for you if you meet ANY of the criteria below:
• Tried stopping stuttering through sheer will-power and wasted energy, to seeing no results – Kill Your Stutter will work for you • Spent HUNDREDS to THOUSANDS of dollars on expensive speech therapy sessions which only dug into your wallet and left you broke and miserable – Kill Your Stutter will work for you • Scared that you might stutter in public so you AVOID sparking up conversations with people, or asking questions – Kill Your Stutter will work for you
The list goes on..
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FACT: The average speech therapy session costs upwards of $150 PER SESSION! Think about all the time and money you’ll save with Kill Your Stutter
The more you use this technique, the more you’ll be able to master control and flow of your speech, not to mention stopping your stuttering once and for all – replicating our exact results with our clients.
The truth is: you really can’t go wrong with this program.
On a strict budget? This incredible stop your stuttering system is available for the low price of only $47 dollars! Compare that to ONE single speech therapy session which on average STARTS at $50 per visit, I think the price speaks for itself. Imagine NEVER having to worry about your suttering or speaking EVER again. (I secretly hate speech therapists anyways – I’d rather spend all the saved money by investing it into myself- don’t you agree?.)
At this point, you basically have 2 choices. Continue struggling like you’ve been for years trying to get over your stutter OR take advantage of our offer right now.
So, I need to ask you a very important question: What if you could use a program that costs LESS than a single speech therapy session that produces even less results and creates more wasted time than Kill Your Stutter alone? This would be like throwing away tickets to the superbowl.
What if you could do this all in under 10 minutes with a simple step-by-step technique to follow within the comfort of your own home? Is that something you might be interested in?
These are all realistic questions that you MUST ask yourself before trying other ways of stopping your stutter or visiting a costly speech therapist. Kill Your Stutter uses state of the art brand new technology that we’ve made ultra easy to use. 
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Often when I use this on other stutterers, I hear, “Please… Pinch me, wake me up because I must be dreaming – a stutter stopper can’t be this easy!”
Now for the BIG QUESTION we’ve just now been getting…
“If this product is so successful – why are you selling it for only $47, when speech therapy sessions cost $150+?”
You know. I totally understand how anyone would ask this. We’ve proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that giving away our secrets in the past (many times for free), it had never hurt our income. As a matter of fact, we only GAINED valuable friends and allies along the way in our exclusive community. This has actually helped us far more than “monetizing off our little secrets”.
The same thing with Kill Your Stutter … we also have another reason… it’s because we welcome other people to help us spread the word of this system to the point where all stutterers worldwide are hitting a high result point everytime they use it.
Ambitious goal? Perhaps – and we’re beyond confident.
Here’s another dirty little secret most successful people (yes, including those speech gurus) try hard not to leak out…. want to know?
Successful people don’t re-invent the wheel. They use what’s there already for leverage.
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Kill Your Stutter has several award-winning features and approved by our trusted, existing community:
What did this all translate to?
Translation? The one affordable system that I would hand to my closest of friends or family in need of stutter stopping, especially in this financial situation the world is going through and will likely go through for the next few years. (Hopefully not – but we have this just in case to NEVER fear again…)
Yes, we intend this not only to be RECESSION-PROOF, but money saving.
I had a dream not too long ago that I’d literally help a good portion of the population overcome their stuttering once they use and SUCCEEDED with such a system.
Do I deserve to be laughed at? Maybe. But who cares… it’s my dream and one vision. As they say ‘If you’re goal isn’t worth failing at, it probably isn’t BIG enough‘. Do you agree with this? I live by it and believe in giving back as a higher calling – not to mention the fun of inventing something powerful.
  You may be asking “Don’t internet products like this always have a catch?” They always seem to involve so much more than the initial investment right? Watch what the following people say….
“One can spend over $10,000 or more on speech therapists… still not get even a fraction of the real-life results”
“One can spend over $10,000 or more on speech therapists … and still not get even a fraction of the real-life results that this can bring. Despite my initial skepticism, I’m quite impressed with what Kill Your Stutter is and is doing for me. I would have never thought!”
– Albert Sheppard   Austin, Texas
    “Kill Your Stutter is more than an exception. It will REVERSE your stutter successfully – personal suffering into personal prosperity – and this statement is very specific and true”
This program (or “stutter-stopper machine”) ROCKS. Just download, read through, and apply the technique!  
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Our Best-Selling Kill Your Stutter program will…
We codenamed it “a miracle product” even before we released it and I am not exaggerating …
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  Besides allowing people to finally defeat their stuttering for good…
The consensus is without a doubt … that Kill Your Stutter is also the future of stutter therapy using all STATE OF THE ART, LOW COST methods.
“Your ease of use and sincere offer to help really make a big difference.”
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I can tell you guys have put a lot of effort into this. Now coming from someone who is not experienced in speech therapy at all, your ease of use and sincere offer for help really make a big difference.
I feel comfortable because there’s a guiding hand to fall back on anytime. This system is simply wonderful and I’m very, very happy to be using it for the goal of stopping my stutter.
– Mary C.  Los Angeles, CA
Kill Your Stutter will tremendously help everyone … the familiar beginner, the mediocre experienced, the advanced and even the super advanced.
But I’ll tell you one thing … there are some people who this system is NOT for:
… This system is NOT for people who do not believe in the idea of stopping stuttering in just minutes. If you are this type of person, I honestly don’t think this is for you.
If you want a program that cannot go wrong in terms of stopping your stutter for good, then please access the Kill Your Stutter machine right now.
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Here’s a bold yet 100% true promise….
Nothing like this exists…and that is a FACT!
“Even if I was on my last hundred bucks, I’d try it because I know that it’s based on solid research.”
“After trying this out inside, all I can say is WOW, triple wow. Everything is literally pre-done for me here.
I’ll flat out say it – this is probably one of the only things I would have needed to get myself rid of my stutter. Even if I was on my last hundred bucks, I’d try it because I know its based on solid research and really works.
I almost wonder why didn’t you guys come out with this earlier?!! Fortunately, I’m not in such a situation anymore and I’m going to recommend this to my friends and family that suffer from stuttering.
Anyhow, this is going to sound harsh but you’d have to be very, very self-sabotaging to actually not make
results just via this simple to follow technique. You’d have to try really hard to fail and that’s an understatement of how sure-fire this thing is.”
– Jim Normand   Denver, CO
Using a simple technique to produce insane results like these has never ever been so easy and effortless – working well beyond 2010 I guarantee this!
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This product is exclusive. The official, the one & only step-by-step system to Kill Your Stutter.
Iron-Clad 8 Week Unconditional Promise
We value your trust in our promise. Take 60 FULL days to simply try out the Kill Your Stutter program. As a matter of fact, try it tonight.
You can make tremendous progress that come in passively, simple as that. Yes, even if you barely understand the speech therapy concepts and techniques – we guide you 100%. Kill Your Stutter can make we are almost giving it to you for free until you see results.
I’ll even go a step further and claim that after you start our system, many other ones will instantly look very unappealing – I dare you honestly.
Within 60 days… if you’re not completely stutter free after giving these techniques your sincere effort, then just contact us right away for support. If we truly can’t guide you and prove that failure is NOT an option, then we’ll promptly REFUND EVERY RED CENT. This is why it’s a virtually RISKLESS offer.
    We Are With #1 Trusted & Reputable Clickbank
What it will take to get it…
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The exclusive Kill Your Stutter program requires a single commitment from you. This decision is yours. Not effort- just a simple mental choice.
FACT: The significant time you would ordinarily spend trying to use sheer will power to overcome stuttering is in the hundreds of hours range. As billionaire Henry Ford once said “Time is money.” The rule is to not waste time. Because if you waste time, you are wasting your life.
Let’s say you researched new ways to overcome stuttering every 4 hours. (Which would be extremely fast even if you’re good) It would take you numerous hours to find something that works only partially to stop your stuttering.
Even if you worked at McDonalds for $5 an hour, this 200 hours of work would still cost your boss $1,400 or more.
Well hopefully you don’t ever see yourself working at a McDonalds’ wage (No offense intended if you do – I did a long time ago)
Aside from this appraisal, you’d agree that the Killer Your Stutter system & technique are PRICELESS and would be very expensive in terms of the “real results” that it can produce.
It’s really just a one-time fee of $47.00 to access the program for immediate results anytime. Think about that, that’s LESS than the cost of ONE SPEECH THERAPY SESSION!
Since you are the one investing, you are the boss.
At any time you can cancel your agreement with us. It’s as easy as sending customer support an email and explaining that you are not satisfied with the product’s results and we’ll refund your money.
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Get your limited time offer copy now … DO NOT WAIT on this because we only have a limited amount of copies available to use for the low price of $47.
Limited offer: Get a copy today and never pay a monthly fee ever to use the system
YES Ari! I want to take advantage of your limited-offer where the $137 fee will be eliminated forever and now only a one-time fee of $47
I want the complete technique to stop stuttering, and use it to make my quality of life better. I want to destroy my stuttering with secret tactics that have never been revealed like this before. I understand that the elimination of the $137 is only for those who get in on this promotion.
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A Note To The Buyer: “Kill Your Stutter” is a digital guide in PDF format which you will gain INSTANT access to 24/7 after purchasing the program (can be viewed on either MAC or PC).
If you have any questions or need tech support after purchasing, simply send us an E-mail and we’ll respond immediately!
  Internet Security Note: The secure order form on the next page will look like this:
Get it while its hot and the cost is still low!
Hold down your Copy of Kill Your Stutter FIRST. Do not hesitate! That is our urgent and very real recommendation. We are looking out for you!
  INSTANTLY Access “Kill Your Stutter”:
You can download the system instantly for $47.00 + $90.00 monthly onward
New Release Time-Sensitive: For a one-time payment of $137 $47… Download the only reputable stuttering system to hit the online world in years.
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One time payment: Order via ClickBank’s secure payment servers via either card or Paypal. Instant download.
A Note To The Buyer: “Kill Your Stutter” is a digital guide in PDF format which you will gain INSTANT access to 24/7 after purchasing the program (can be viewed on either MAC or PC).
If you have any questions or need tech support after purchasing, simply send us an E-mail and we’ll respond immediately!
Wishing you the most success in stutter stopping you’ve ever seen, -Ari Kreitberg, Ex-Stutterer & Creator of “Kill Your Stutter”
P.S. If you don’t like it, cancel. You only have to invest once for the simple technique … and the results keep coming. You literally cannot stop the results coming in.  
P.P.S. This is NOT for everyone – again don’t spread this personal letter. We only want to work with a VERY exclusive community who will benefit tremendously from following what we do and killing stuttering like we do ….  get Kill Your Stutter now only if you want the no-risk 60-day money back guarantee offer, for a limited time only…
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allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
Kill Your Stutter Program
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Kill Your Stutter Program
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WARNING: This Stop Stuttering Guide Could Eliminate Your Stuttering In Under 10 Minutes…
Want to learn the easiest & fastest way to stop your stuttering? Have you wasted countless hours and money on speech lessons or tried using “will power”? Look no further, we have the ultimate solution to stop your stutter today, RIGHT NOW!
“It’s freaking incredible… I’ve managed to create a product that actually shows you how to stop your stuttering in under 10 minutes, FOR GOOD! No more wasted money on speech therapy or energy trying to use ‘will power’ to no success!”
-Ari Kreitberg, Creator of The “Kill Your Stutter” Program & KillYourStutter.com
*Shocking* Proven ‘step-by-step’ technique that walks you through how to stop stuttering in under 10 minutes without any continued effort or time needed
You’ve heard this from others and I’ll put my own spin on this important truth …. Most stop-stuttering products on the market simply do not work – at one point, I was even in a little debt trying so many. It took me an extremely long time to see what truly worked.
Just give Kill Your Stutter a try and I’ll explain how to stop stuttering for good. I merely activated this simple-to-use technique that generates immediate results to end this speech problem which causes so many embarrasment and low self-confidence. I can’t disclose everything but yes, we’ve seen it work on thousands of stutterers so far.
Before you continue to hear what’s going on …. STOP and make sure you’ve already grabbed the following exclusives confidentially.
Discover the UNTOLD true story of how a former stutterer from the age of 12 was able to annihilate his speech stuttering OVER NIGHT..
From: Ari Kreitberg   Date:
Location: Las Vegas
Dear Future Stutter-Free Friend,
My name is Ari Kreitberg, and today, I am the co-creator of the Kill Your Stutter internet guide.
Just over 5 years ago, I was a full-blown stutterer working at a dead-end factory job earning minimum wage.
Shortly after, I tried geting a few other jobs in customer service and telemarketing, but couldn’t keep them due to my stuttering problem….
Just from the fact that I wasn’t able to hold down a job due to my suttering and low self confidence which stemmed from it, I knew I had to do something quick before it destroyed my life even further.
When I finally got fed up enough with my stuttering and decided to take action, I looked for every possible way to rid myself of this speech problem. I made a few key discoveries, and I was at least lucky enough to focus on what was working.
… I know what it’s like to struggle with stuttering ….
Years later, I started to search for tools and ways to control my stuttering when I spoke. I loved it when my recipes for stopping stuttering helped others too.
One of my partners, Jeremy and I have just produced arguably the most extreme stop stuttering programs in existence … you simply follow the technique inside our Kill Your Stutter program and it starts eliminating your stuttering problem in under 10 minutes. This same technique saves you countless hours and thousands of dollars on speech therapy… simple yet powerful huh?
There is a beautiful twist to this … EVEN a bum off the street with ZERO speech therapy experience can use this to stop his stuttering for good. All he needs is a computer or internet connection to purchase and read Kill Your Stutter.
Seriously, imagine waking up every single day without having stuttering follow you wherever you go, whoever you interact and talk with- trust me, I can relate … and being able to talk smoothly with fluidity and confidence, wherever you want in life … anytime to your spouse, your kids, your friends, yourself, whomever! This system has done that for real people.
This program has been tried and tested with customer testimonial verified proof.
Here’s what you DON’T need
Now listen closely … because this is the core of what I’m revealing… the idea is that one action done ONCE will bring ongoing results and NOT require you to baby-sit your speech and stuttering.
Even if you’re merely looking cope with or improve your stuttering – I sincerely feel you’ll find something far better in this.
Also, We designed this system specifically for LOW COST methods, to save you from spending hundreds if not thousands of dollars, on speech therapists or other expensive programs.
  Let me give you an intriguing, unexpected, and transforming story…
Well just 5 months ago, my partner Jeremy had asked me if I could help him with his son, Mark, who’d been suffering from stuttering lately and was being teased by other kids in his school. I first rejected this since I didn’t think the technique would work for his son, since I thought he would be too young to have an effect on. I didn’t like the idea that I could let down the poor kid by not being able to help him, makes sense right?
Let’s just say that Jeremy was struggling with Mark’s depression from his school situation which was caused by his stuttering. I finally decided that at first I would just coach him. Only AFTER I gave him access to the EXACT technique inside Kill Your Stutter did he literally neutralize his stutter and produce results fast. I look back and asked myself … “why didn’t I give him that technique before?”
He was able to replicate my success – it seems that this technique works for all ages… and he even took it a step further than me.
… so guess what he did next? Mark went on to become PRESIDENT of his high school by winning the.. .drum roll please… SPEECH AWARD? The amount of confidence he gained from using my technique to stop his stuttering, actually motivated him to write an award winning speech which made him president of his high school. I was literally blown away by the transformation.
“Yes, we took a huge risk (time & money) developing this program… that ended up helping MANY people”
We had taken a huge risk in creating & releasing Kill Your Stutter, thinking it may not work for people with SEVERE stuttering.
Trust me … I feared this for a long time. Little did we know the opposite effect would happen. To our surprise, our exclusive community of former-stutterers produced magnificent results using our program, and some have even gone on to give speeches in front of thousands of people! THAT is the difference between self consciousness and self confidence my friends.
Were we flattered? Sort of. Were we happy? We were ecstatic they helped quite a few people stop their stuttering and improve their quality of life! It was amazing and here was the great part – a HUGE PERCENTRAGE of people that’ve used our product so far have eliminated their stuttering! IT really is a no-lose technique.
Despite all the skepticism about how Kill Your Stutter”stops stuttering in under 10 minutes” is unrealistic and unattainable for everyone else – Kill Your Stutter has actually increased in sales due to the same people who have used this product spreading it via word of mouth and through friend referrals. I don’t even need to go into how people started sending us emails telling us how great our product is and how deeply its affected and improved their personal lives.
Anyways, once people started using the technique, they realized something….. that there was a WHOLE other sense of self-confidence and satisfaction from living stutter-free…and staying that way for the rest of their lives….  
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Let me tell you the main reason why you stutter in the first place….
The reason most people stutter is because they want to get into certain emotional states of mind that cause them to begin stuttering, these emotional states act almost like a trigger.
To explain in further detail…
people don’t stutter on the words they are saying.
They begin stuttering when specific words which cause triggered emotional states begin to come up.
Did you know that stuttering is related directly to not releasing your breath when you speak? What happens then is stuttering becomes part of your conditioning by causing a change in your habitual breathing patterns, and this makes talking difficult without the right techniques to correct it.
The way you gain from Kill Your Stutter is, I like yourself have spent years searching for an answer and have tried and purchased almost ALL the stutter stopping products & treatments, been to countless speech therapists, so you can bet I have formulated a specific technique for targeting and ridding of stuttering for good.
What you’re about to learn that only we can offer you is a shortcut to end your stuttering problems quickly and permanently.
…So you still think stopping stuttering in under 10 minutes in unachievable? HA!…
The technique inside Kill Your Stutter is GUARANTEED to end your stuttering.
How is this possible?
Because it identifies all the triggers which cause you to stutter in the first place. Cut all the roots from under the tree and what happens? It dies!….
Once the old stutter creating triggers have been dealt with, the technique goes on to replace it with new empowering responses. Neat eh?
I have successfully used this very same technique on family members, close friends and patients, it simply works every time I apply it. Don’t be left out in the cold!
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1. So far thousands of people have used our program & technique with a HIGH success rate. 2. If for ANY reason Kill Your Stutter doesn’t work for you, or you’re simply not satisfied with the results, shoot me an e-mail within 60 days telling me and I’ll give you a full 100% money back refund, no questions asked! 3. It works! It’s as simple as that! You literally have nothing to lose, as I have removed ALL the risk from this offer!
Kill Your Stutter will work for you if you meet ANY of the criteria below:
• Tried stopping stuttering through sheer will-power and wasted energy, to seeing no results – Kill Your Stutter will work for you • Spent HUNDREDS to THOUSANDS of dollars on expensive speech therapy sessions which only dug into your wallet and left you broke and miserable – Kill Your Stutter will work for you • Scared that you might stutter in public so you AVOID sparking up conversations with people, or asking questions – Kill Your Stutter will work for you
The list goes on..
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FACT: The average speech therapy session costs upwards of $150 PER SESSION! Think about all the time and money you’ll save with Kill Your Stutter
The more you use this technique, the more you’ll be able to master control and flow of your speech, not to mention stopping your stuttering once and for all – replicating our exact results with our clients.
The truth is: you really can’t go wrong with this program.
On a strict budget? This incredible stop your stuttering system is available for the low price of only $47 dollars! Compare that to ONE single speech therapy session which on average STARTS at $50 per visit, I think the price speaks for itself. Imagine NEVER having to worry about your suttering or speaking EVER again. (I secretly hate speech therapists anyways – I’d rather spend all the saved money by investing it into myself- don’t you agree?.)
At this point, you basically have 2 choices. Continue struggling like you’ve been for years trying to get over your stutter OR take advantage of our offer right now.
So, I need to ask you a very important question: What if you could use a program that costs LESS than a single speech therapy session that produces even less results and creates more wasted time than Kill Your Stutter alone? This would be like throwing away tickets to the superbowl.
What if you could do this all in under 10 minutes with a simple step-by-step technique to follow within the comfort of your own home? Is that something you might be interested in?
These are all realistic questions that you MUST ask yourself before trying other ways of stopping your stutter or visiting a costly speech therapist. Kill Your Stutter uses state of the art brand new technology that we’ve made ultra easy to use. 
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Often when I use this on other stutterers, I hear, “Please… Pinch me, wake me up because I must be dreaming – a stutter stopper can’t be this easy!”
Now for the BIG QUESTION we’ve just now been getting…
“If this product is so successful – why are you selling it for only $47, when speech therapy sessions cost $150+?”
You know. I totally understand how anyone would ask this. We’ve proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that giving away our secrets in the past (many times for free), it had never hurt our income. As a matter of fact, we only GAINED valuable friends and allies along the way in our exclusive community. This has actually helped us far more than “monetizing off our little secrets”.
The same thing with Kill Your Stutter … we also have another reason… it’s because we welcome other people to help us spread the word of this system to the point where all stutterers worldwide are hitting a high result point everytime they use it.
Ambitious goal? Perhaps – and we’re beyond confident.
Here’s another dirty little secret most successful people (yes, including those speech gurus) try hard not to leak out…. want to know?
Successful people don’t re-invent the wheel. They use what’s there already for leverage.
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Kill Your Stutter has several award-winning features and approved by our trusted, existing community:
What did this all translate to?
Translation? The one affordable system that I would hand to my closest of friends or family in need of stutter stopping, especially in this financial situation the world is going through and will likely go through for the next few years. (Hopefully not – but we have this just in case to NEVER fear again…)
Yes, we intend this not only to be RECESSION-PROOF, but money saving.
I had a dream not too long ago that I’d literally help a good portion of the population overcome their stuttering once they use and SUCCEEDED with such a system.
Do I deserve to be laughed at? Maybe. But who cares… it’s my dream and one vision. As they say ‘If you’re goal isn’t worth failing at, it probably isn’t BIG enough‘. Do you agree with this? I live by it and believe in giving back as a higher calling – not to mention the fun of inventing something powerful.
  You may be asking “Don’t internet products like this always have a catch?” They always seem to involve so much more than the initial investment right? Watch what the following people say….
“One can spend over $10,000 or more on speech therapists… still not get even a fraction of the real-life results”
“One can spend over $10,000 or more on speech therapists … and still not get even a fraction of the real-life results that this can bring. Despite my initial skepticism, I’m quite impressed with what Kill Your Stutter is and is doing for me. I would have never thought!”
– Albert Sheppard   Austin, Texas
    “Kill Your Stutter is more than an exception. It will REVERSE your stutter successfully – personal suffering into personal prosperity – and this statement is very specific and true”
This program (or “stutter-stopper machine”) ROCKS. Just download, read through, and apply the technique!  
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Our Best-Selling Kill Your Stutter program will…
We codenamed it “a miracle product” even before we released it and I am not exaggerating …
  Besides allowing people to finally defeat their stuttering for good…
The consensus is without a doubt … that Kill Your Stutter is also the future of stutter therapy using all STATE OF THE ART, LOW COST methods.
“Your ease of use and sincere offer to help really make a big difference.”
I can tell you guys have put a lot of effort into this. Now coming from someone who is not experienced in speech therapy at all, your ease of use and sincere offer for help really make a big difference.
I feel comfortable because there’s a guiding hand to fall back on anytime. This system is simply wonderful and I’m very, very happy to be using it for the goal of stopping my stutter.
– Mary C.  Los Angeles, CA
Kill Your Stutter will tremendously help everyone … the familiar beginner, the mediocre experienced, the advanced and even the super advanced.
But I’ll tell you one thing … there are some people who this system is NOT for:
… This system is NOT for people who do not believe in the idea of stopping stuttering in just minutes. If you are this type of person, I honestly don’t think this is for you.
If you want a program that cannot go wrong in terms of stopping your stutter for good, then please access the Kill Your Stutter machine right now.
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Here’s a bold yet 100% true promise….
Nothing like this exists…and that is a FACT!
“Even if I was on my last hundred bucks, I’d try it because I know that it’s based on solid research.”
“After trying this out inside, all I can say is WOW, triple wow. Everything is literally pre-done for me here.
I’ll flat out say it – this is probably one of the only things I would have needed to get myself rid of my stutter. Even if I was on my last hundred bucks, I’d try it because I know its based on solid research and really works.
I almost wonder why didn’t you guys come out with this earlier?!! Fortunately, I’m not in such a situation anymore and I’m going to recommend this to my friends and family that suffer from stuttering.
Anyhow, this is going to sound harsh but you’d have to be very, very self-sabotaging to actually not make
results just via this simple to follow technique. You’d have to try really hard to fail and that’s an understatement of how sure-fire this thing is.”
– Jim Normand   Denver, CO
Using a simple technique to produce insane results like these has never ever been so easy and effortless – working well beyond 2010 I guarantee this!
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This product is exclusive. The official, the one & only step-by-step system to Kill Your Stutter.
Iron-Clad 8 Week Unconditional Promise
We value your trust in our promise. Take 60 FULL days to simply try out the Kill Your Stutter program. As a matter of fact, try it tonight.
You can make tremendous progress that come in passively, simple as that. Yes, even if you barely understand the speech therapy concepts and techniques – we guide you 100%. Kill Your Stutter can make we are almost giving it to you for free until you see results.
I’ll even go a step further and claim that after you start our system, many other ones will instantly look very unappealing – I dare you honestly.
Within 60 days… if you’re not completely stutter free after giving these techniques your sincere effort, then just contact us right away for support. If we truly can’t guide you and prove that failure is NOT an option, then we’ll promptly REFUND EVERY RED CENT. This is why it’s a virtually RISKLESS offer.
    We Are With #1 Trusted & Reputable Clickbank
What it will take to get it…
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The exclusive Kill Your Stutter program requires a single commitment from you. This decision is yours. Not effort- just a simple mental choice.
FACT: The significant time you would ordinarily spend trying to use sheer will power to overcome stuttering is in the hundreds of hours range. As billionaire Henry Ford once said “Time is money.” The rule is to not waste time. Because if you waste time, you are wasting your life.
Let’s say you researched new ways to overcome stuttering every 4 hours. (Which would be extremely fast even if you’re good) It would take you numerous hours to find something that works only partially to stop your stuttering.
Even if you worked at McDonalds for $5 an hour, this 200 hours of work would still cost your boss $1,400 or more.
Well hopefully you don’t ever see yourself working at a McDonalds’ wage (No offense intended if you do – I did a long time ago)
Aside from this appraisal, you’d agree that the Killer Your Stutter system & technique are PRICELESS and would be very expensive in terms of the “real results” that it can produce.
It’s really just a one-time fee of $47.00 to access the program for immediate results anytime. Think about that, that’s LESS than the cost of ONE SPEECH THERAPY SESSION!
Since you are the one investing, you are the boss.
At any time you can cancel your agreement with us. It’s as easy as sending customer support an email and explaining that you are not satisfied with the product’s results and we’ll refund your money.
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Get your limited time offer copy now … DO NOT WAIT on this because we only have a limited amount of copies available to use for the low price of $47.
Limited offer: Get a copy today and never pay a monthly fee ever to use the system
YES Ari! I want to take advantage of your limited-offer where the $137 fee will be eliminated forever and now only a one-time fee of $47
I want the complete technique to stop stuttering, and use it to make my quality of life better. I want to destroy my stuttering with secret tactics that have never been revealed like this before. I understand that the elimination of the $137 is only for those who get in on this promotion.
A Note To The Buyer: “Kill Your Stutter” is a digital guide in PDF format which you will gain INSTANT access to 24/7 after purchasing the program (can be viewed on either MAC or PC).
If you have any questions or need tech support after purchasing, simply send us an E-mail and we’ll respond immediately!
  Internet Security Note: The secure order form on the next page will look like this:
Get it while its hot and the cost is still low!
Hold down your Copy of Kill Your Stutter FIRST. Do not hesitate! That is our urgent and very real recommendation. We are looking out for you!
  INSTANTLY Access “Kill Your Stutter”:
You can download the system instantly for $47.00 + $90.00 monthly onward
New Release Time-Sensitive: For a one-time payment of $137 $47… Download the only reputable stuttering system to hit the online world in years.
One time payment: Order via ClickBank’s secure payment servers via either card or Paypal. Instant download.
A Note To The Buyer: “Kill Your Stutter” is a digital guide in PDF format which you will gain INSTANT access to 24/7 after purchasing the program (can be viewed on either MAC or PC).
If you have any questions or need tech support after purchasing, simply send us an E-mail and we’ll respond immediately!
Wishing you the most success in stutter stopping you’ve ever seen, -Ari Kreitberg, Ex-Stutterer & Creator of “Kill Your Stutter”
P.S. If you don’t like it, cancel. You only have to invest once for the simple technique … and the results keep coming. You literally cannot stop the results coming in.  
P.P.S. This is NOT for everyone – again don’t spread this personal letter. We only want to work with a VERY exclusive community who will benefit tremendously from following what we do and killing stuttering like we do ….  get Kill Your Stutter now only if you want the no-risk 60-day money back guarantee offer, for a limited time only…
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Contact Us | Affiliates | Order Now! | Disclaimer KillYourStutter.com™ 2010. The web site and the Kill Your Stutter program, articles and contents are protected under international copyright & trademark laws. “Kill Your Stutter” and the Kill Your Stutter logo are trademark of KillYourStutter.com
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