#i know i've seen him like forever ago but gosh
kaiserouo · 4 months
I've never touched warframe but why are they all, like, um
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istg if they don't wear something i will add a **** on them in my head always...
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...duck. i- i mean duck. yes.
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fordtramarina · 10 days
hi ! alpha mabel talking about how much she loves (dragging the vowels out for emphasis) omegas because she thinks they are cute and. ford giggles because he forgot he hasn’t told anyone he is secretly. an omega ! and asks if mabel thinks he is cute and mabel is super smart so she is like. oh my gosh grunkle ford are you — are you an omega !?! and ford is like. um. perchance. and she begins to worry because ford hasn’t had a proper heat cycle since he disappeared into the portal 30 yrs ago. ford brushes her off because he doesn’t want his niece to worry. but as time goes on his body relaxes because it’s not constantly in a state of paranoia. and mabel can begin to smell ford going into heat and of course she’s going to borrow all of grunkle stan’s dirty laundry for his nest, whats the worse that can happen?
YJEEESSSSSS YOU GET IT SO BADLY ???? thsi is so cute actually I love this ? Because Mabel so would? Ivemade something like this before where Ford never told anyone he's an omega so they all just thought he was an alpha like Stan but ofc. Stan knows he's not he's probably seen him in heat so many times when they were maturing. And he's just so ????? 🤨 When he can't smell anything off ford .
Soooooo glad that you understand the vision . I like to think that there's probably a sense of shame in the fact he's an omega for ford. I've been joking with my friends like . He draws himself so tough and shit and does all those stupid poses because he wants people to think he's an alpha , he's probably on or used to be on supressants to add to that? I could literally go on forever about this I love omegaverse
I lovelovelove the idea of mabel taking care of ford though that's so cute ? 😭😭😭 Like ofc she's not going to do anything to harm him and he's probably freaked the fuck OUT because he doesn't really recall how to handle being in heat after 30 years . And Stan isn't going to help because if anything happened he was notttt explaining an ounce of it LOLLLL . But yeah I think Mabel would absolutely use things that smell of Stan for Fords nest , he can protest all he wants but she knows it'll help him . Just need her being rlly sweet to him to make sure he's ok honestly
Icould literally go on forever and ever I have so many visions
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pbforeva · 2 months
back in my one d phase 😛
part 13
Evelyn's pov:
That was a mistake. I can't believe we kissed. I don't even like girls like that, I mean imagine if my parents found out. They're not the most accepting people when it comes to same sex relationships. I mean they cut off my cousin, Eleanor, because she has a girlfriend.
Oh my gosh, and Blake, we're still together. I don't know if he'll let me stay friend with Paige, oh gosh Paige. There's no way we can be friends now. Tears streak down my cheeks as I try not to think about how Blake never kisses me. When he does, it's because he wants something out of me, it's never just because he loves me. We used to kiss all the time, he wouldn't hit me, and he let me have friends. What has our relationship become?
I remember the first time he hit me, it was two years ago, yet I recall every detail of that night. I had just gotten back around 2 a.m. from a night out with Aurora, she chose my outfit at her house and I never showed him. But when I got home, he stormed up to me, his eyes glazed over with anger and he began to yell at me.
"Why are you wearing that?" He said angrily, but before I could answer he started again. "Do you like making me jealous? Of you like looking like a slut for other men?" I was too shocked to answer because Blake had never spoken to me before.
"Yeah, and you're not answering because you know I'm right." He said, and just when I thought he was finished, he turned around and slapped me.
My mouth is agape, I can't believe he just did that. Tears well in my eyes, not because it hurt, but because I didn't believe he was capable of this. I turn my head towards him, with a perplexed look across my face.
As soon as he realized what he did, his eyes softened and he immediately apologized.
"Oh God, Evelyn-, I can't believe I did that." He tried to continue, but he seems to be lost for words, "I am so sorry, I promise it will never happened again, please forgive me," He practically begs.
Pathetically, I believe him, I know I shouldn't but he's been so good to me. This is the first time he's ever raised his voice, and everyone deserves second chances. So, I nod slowly to indicate I forgive him, and he hugs me. He doesn't stop kissing me and apologizing the whole night, and by morning I almost forget it had happened. Until I saw the bruise that had formed on my cheek.
**flashback over**
Blake only got worse from there when he realized I would forgive him. It was our system, he'd hit me and then he would love bomb me until I forgot. But I was so stupid that he no longer had to love bomb me after, he just had to act like it never happened.
The kind, loving man I fell in love with was no longer there, and there wasn't a trace of him. He was now a monster. How was I so stupid it took me this long to notice?
I clutch my knees to my chest as my tears begin to fall harder. Not only was I ignorant enough to believe Blake loved me and stay with him, but I think I liked the kiss between Paige and I. Soon, my tears are no longer enough to keep me awake and I fall asleep, still crying.
Paiges pov:
I stumbled into my dorm, my vision blurry from the amount of tears coming out of my eyes. I try to find my way down the hallway and into my room, but I accidentally open Azzi's door. Before I could shut it and hope she hadn't noticed, she shot up from her bed and pulled the door open wider, and ushered me inside.
"Hey, what's wrong?" She worriedly questions, trying to look me in the eye but I keep diverting my eyes from hers. Instead of answering, I start crying harder as she wraps her arms around me, because I know I ruined it tonight and I'll never get to hug Evelyn again.
After a few moments Azzi calms me down a bit and stops hugging me. "So P, are you ready to talk about it?" She asks quietly.
Begrudgingly, I answer, "Yeah, I guess."
"Ok, now what happened, it's been forever since i've seen you this upset," Azzi asks cautiously.
"Well, I had a little crush on Evelyn and I thought she had one too, you know?" I start, trying to figure out how i'm going to say this.
"Yeah, I've noticed, have you acted on it?" She questions while rubbing my back, as I'm still crying.
"Umm yeah, Evelyn and I left not long after you guys left the beach, and in the car I decided to test if she liked me a bit by putting my hand on her thigh. When I did, she didn't say anything about it but we made light conversation, so I thought she liked me too. But I guess she didn't because after we got to her apartment complex, I kissed her before she got out of the car. And I think she kissed back for a minute before she freaked out and ran out." I say while trying to avoid Azzi's sympathetic gaze.
"Oh Paige, I'm so sorry," she says, but adds, "I honestly think she likes you back but she has too many things holding her back."
"What's holding her back?" I question desperately, while placing my head in my hands.
"Well first Blake, but also Duke and I were talking about our extended family and he mentioned how his parents don't talk to one of their cousins cause she's gay, but he thinks it's bullshit and still talks with her every so often.” She says before embracing me again.
“I just don’t know what to do,” I sob into her shoulder.
“You’ll figure it out soon, you always do the right thing, and I’m here if you need me.” She says as she rubs my back.
I’m tired of talking, but I don’t think I can bear being alone right now, so we lay in her bed and go to sleep while she comforts me a bit more.
hmm kinda short buttt
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aiysan2 · 1 month
Chapter 8 'Going Under' Dabi x Reader
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"I don't understand why you have to act out like this son?" Enji grumbled, still stuck in his work attire after getting his son out of being arrested again. "You could've put Hawks out of commission." 
Touya had, as always, seen Hawks while out and about, and instead of saying hello, he started attacking him. Touya was already labelled a villain by the public and his constant outbursts alongside Enji having to constantly bail him out of trouble was making his image go into further shit. He was sure by next year, he'd go from number 1 to 100.
"I should've put him out, then he wouldn't act like we're buddies all the time," Touya grimaced, leaning against the car window, in deep thought.
"You're an adult now, you shouldn't have me constantly checking up on you, you should try to get a job or put your time into something important-"
"What like Shoto?"
"You know that's not what I meant, you're too old to be this childish, to still have these outbursts, what happened was long ago and I've changed, doing this isn't going to get my attention, I'm refusing to help you again after this."
"I don't need shit from you!" Touya exclaimed, stepping out of the car as it pulled in front of their house. He had already spoken to the man more than needed, feeling awkward that he even acted like he was a good father just because he 'changed'. 
That was definitely bullshit that he was spewing to make sure Touya doesn't tell the public everything Endeavour did to them growing up, he knows his stupid sister would vouch for him. Who would believe Endevour's villain son over the citizen daughter?
His anger quickly boiled down as he remembered he could vent to his younger brother. He always agreed when it came to their father. There shit talking sessions raging from Enji's farts smelling bad to the neglect he put the two through, it was never a bore when Natsuo was around and he's probably the reason Touya hasn't tried to kill himself.
He knocked on the door of his brother's room heavily, waiting for an answer while he heard shuffling inside. Natsuo opened the door and jumped out of his skin. 
" Sorry I'm still getting used to how fucked your face looks," He smirks as he opens the door wider to allow him in, " you've been gone for a bit,"
"3 days isn't long. " Touya looked around the room, trying to figure out why his brother's room looked so bare, and why there were suitcases on the floor. 
Gosh, I thought he was joking.
"So you two have found a place to stay?" He asked, referring to Natsuo's girlfriend. It had been briefly mentioned that he was looking for an apartment to live in with the rat-quirked girl before proposing to her. Touya was sure he'd get an invite but he definitely wouldn't attend.
"Yeh, yeh you don't expect me to stay here forever right?" He asked, laying on his bed, "I hate being in the same house as that guy, just pisses me off." He paused, Natsuo hated speaking about his father, it always caused random outbursts where he would find himself acting like a copy of his dad. He'd rather be the funny, calm and collected him, his girlfriend has grown to love.
"So what were you up to, I heard Hawks was watching you to make sure you don't die in the streets,"
"Yeh that's why I set him on fire, he got way too close this time,"
"I thought you liked having a babysitter?"
"He's too goddamn friendly, it pisses me off,"
Natsuo laughed, already beginning to miss his brother and reminiscing the years they could've spent together while he was in a coma.
"What about you?" Natsuo asked, knowing how hard it was for Touya to let go.
"What about me?"
"When are you gonna move on?" He was tired of seeing his older brother stuck in the same house for the rest of his life, constantly waiting for his father to pay attention to him and for his mother to stop being docile.
"When the bastard dies?"
"We'll get him in his sleep, pull the duvet over his head when he farts."
" His farts are deadly." They both laughed, eyes flicking around the room remembering all the conversations they had shared.
Silence again from both parties. Touyta slightly overthinking the whole moving-out situation. out of everyone in the house, Natsuo was his rock, always there to support him and now he was packing up and leaving for what, a girl?
" So the rat girl's stolen you?"  He asked, it had a lot less venom than he wanted coming out in a sarcastic tone rather than angry.
" I stole her, trust me you'll get it when you get into a relationship,"
Touya scrunched up his nose, remembering the absolute shit he saw between his parents, and if he was honest, how horrible he thought everyone that wasn't him was. "It's not for me," He shook his head.
"You'll never know, if not you should think of moving out and moving on. I wasn't going to say but all this attention-seeking that you do with Endeavour is getting old fast and then you can also focus on other stuff, not just attacking heroes to piss him off with minor inconveniences. I just want the best for you and-"
" What?" He stands abruptly glaring at his rambling brother, " Natsuo the doctor with his perfect girlfriend, perfect college life and perfect house, thinks he can tell people what's best for them,"
"You're not seriously getting offended by what I've said?!" 
Touya rolls his eyes and walks out of his room, he never really cared whether it was anyone else who said that since he was called a bum a lot, or a parasite that keeps sucking on the money of his family, but for Natsuo to say it, he almost punched the guy.
He was seething, at the point of attacking everyone and anyone just to get over the rage brewing inside of him. 
Thank God for Shoto
It was always easy to find the hero in training since he was always, well, training. He would coop himself away in Endevour's gym trying to learn new combos on moves or build more muscle on his body. 
As if a masterpiece like him needed more than a good quirk.
Dabi wasted no time in blasting his fire through the shoji doors of the room, hoping he scorched his brother. 
"Touya," Shoto grumbled, annoyed that he had been interrupted by his forever-bored brother.
Touya peeked his head through the door a lazy smirk on his face like he was innocent of whatever crime Shoto was accusing him of. "What?"
Shoto rolled his eyes and decided to take a break, sitting on the floor to sip his drink.
"So this is what the next number 1 does? Makes everyone believe they're training when really he's lazing around." He taunted, walking into the room and kneeling in front of his brother.
"So you heard Natsuo is moving out?" Shoto asked, that same stoic look on his face. He knew Touya would react horribly to his brother moving out, he was always on the edge of a mental breakdown and Shoto feared that this could be the thing that finally pushed him.
"What's that got to do with what I'm telling you?" Touya hated the deadpan look Shoto always held on his face, he was jealous at how well the boy could hold himself together, unlike him who'd break down so quickly.
"You're being a dick."
"I'm always a dick," 
Touya felt a constant sickness and restlessness whenever he was around Shoto. The boy was stupidly kindhearted, he never understood how the boy forgave his mother, and he didn't understand how someone blessed with the perfect quirk, body and training couldn't beat him in terms of firepower.
"I'll help you train, that's what older siblings are for."
Shoto wasn't stupid, he had taken up on Touya's offer to spar many times and it usually ended with Shoto having to beg his deranged brother to calm down before he cremated him. 
"I'll pass,"
"What you scared you're going to lose again?"
" Yeh," He shrugged, " leave now before I call our dad,"
Touya squinted, the mention of his father was almost provocative like Shoto wanted Touya to attack him. He allowed a blue flame to engulf his hand, pushing his palms forward and blowing flames in Shoto's direction again.
"You should block, or should I call Endeavour to come and block for you?" He taunted. He continued attacking Shoto, the emotional state he was in overruling any logic, as he tried to fight his brother again. 
A tiny voice played in his head, one that wasn't loud enough for Touya to acknowledge fully, one that told him all his problems would be solved if Shoto just didn't exist. Shoto and Endeavour. If Shoto didn't exist, Endeavour would've trained him to become the strongest he could be. He would be the one getting all the praise in the family. He wouldn't have to rely on Natsuo to keep him company since he would be busy becoming the strongest. If Shoto wasn't here then everything good would come his way.
"Touya!" Endevour's voice boomed through the room, walking in on his oldest about to cremate his youngest, a tight grip on his neck while his other hand became even hotter.
"What?" He rolled his eyes, standing up from the floor, while Shoto gasped.
Endeavour couldn't deal with this stress anymore he couldn't handle everything that Touya brought onto him. He blamed himself before, but as Touya got older he had to take responsibility for his actions. He wouldn't admit it but the deranged tendencies Touya presented scared him, it chilled him to the bone and even though the guy was emotional, it was a coin that held a crybaby and the other that held a psychopath and Endeavour had enough of both.
" You need to leave."
"Yeh I'm going to bed now."
"No, I want you out of the house."
Touya stood confused his face a poker as he tried to figure out what his dad was telling him.
" What you're tossing me aside again, for Shoto?"
Enji's heart twisted, a sudden guilt filling his chest telling him to take it back. Now that he thought about it therapy would be a better option. "That's not what I meant I-"
"No it's fine, it riles you up seeing your failure beat your masterpiece." Touya swallowed deeply, not allowing himself to cry, he wouldn't cry in front of Endeavour, that would just prove he is the weaker sibling. "It's whatever I'll be in my room."
That night he ran. The family wouldn't have worked themselves up that much if it wasn't for the fact that the heroes didn't know of his whereabouts a week later. Hawks who was always available to keep an eye on Touya, for Endevour, couldn't find the guy in any of his usual spots and it panicked Endevour like crazy. 
He hoped his son hadn't hurt himself again, he wouldn't be able to deal with that sort of stress again. 
It was like he'd dropped off the earth, and disappeared without a trace.
Luckily halfway through the second week, Hawks managed to track Touya to a commune, refusing to tell Endeavour how he found the place. With the help of hero course students, they kept an eye on the place.
The heroes were shocked at the size of the place when creating a map of the community. How could something like this avoid being added to the maps of Japan? It wasn't like it was hidden well, the overgrown trees would catch the attention of hikers and the government so how did it skim the eyes of the public?
Hawks had managed to get some information on the place though. 7 teenagers about 70 years ago had banded together. Their parents tired of their villainous antics begged them to make it stop. To make all the assaults, groping and entitlement they held because of the wealth their families held stop.
They asked for one thing enough money to buy a plot of land and build a community like those hippies on TV. The ones who wanted no part in the stupid hero vs villain society, who wanted to live like long before it happened. They would pay families to live there as long as they followed their rules and got to sleep with their spouses. A lot of people accepted already living in poverty and needed constant stability. 
Now 70 years later after murdering and branding those who would defy their rulership, they had the perfect little community and had also become villains in the mind of Keigo.
He took in hero course student Koji Koda for this mission, Hawks flying above the perimeter would alert, the residents while a bird wouldn't cause any suspicion.
He got the students Yaoyorozu, Shinso, Uraraka, Todoroki, Bakugo and Midoriya in addition to Koda to assist with the mission.
With this help, they saw the many laws being broken by the residents, the underage smoking and use of drugs and illegal cultish activity.
However, Koda had befriended a frog Amaliqah it was called. It informed Koda that it had seen a man that had been covered in scars that he had befriended his owner and every morning they would meet by the lake to talk. 
The frog had described Touya as everything he was not: level-headed, kind though rude most of the time, he showed patience with his owner and was gentle with her. It differed from the Touya known for attacking first and then thinking later, who ran on his emotions and always had violence in his heart.
"Do you think that girl is his girlfriend?" Shoto whispered to Midoriya one afternoon when Koda mentioned your name again when asking about Touya.
"I thought he was asexual." Midoriya would answer.
"He seems to be.... calmer now, are we sure we should bother him, he seems happy there?" Shoto had felt guilty for the way his brother turned out, despite not seeing these experiences first-hand, it sounded as if Touya had become content, like he had found a reason to live other than trying to compete with him.
"I understand-"
" Your brother is a villain and from what I've been hearing everyone there are villains too, stop all that sappy bullshit!" Bakugou exclaimed. He was always pissed that Touya got special treatment, he had to make sure Touya got sent to prison this time.
"You're right," Shoto agreed, realising it was time for his brother to pay for all those people he hurt, even if he did see him as more than a villain.
"In two days, we will be making the arrests we should sleep early, he wants to do it in the cover of the night." 
"Yeah whatever, have you spoken to Ponytail and Mind freak?
"!I thought Hawks was going to talk to them!"
"Yeah, but I wanted to get the train together....."
Shotto paid no mind to his friend's conversation, he was sure there would be a big fight tomorrow, if not with the residents then with his big brother.
It was the morning of the fight. The heroes had scattered themselves around the vast trees, getting ready to break them down on Endevou'rs command. Shoto using his fire, Bakugo using his explosions, Momo using cannons and so on. 
Hawks had taken the lead already flying into the community to the lake that this frog said he would always be at.
It was easy to spot the man with an unknown quirk and strange clothes flying into the sect. The fighters were on high alert after the punishment was put on Dabi, making sure he didn't call anyone to come and attack them or do them unjustly. 
Yet it seemed like he had done just that.
The festival hadn't even had a chance to come to a close, yet here the heroes were gearing up to attack, without warning, Leilani used one of her plants to swat at the man. The trees 'waking up' as their roots left the ground branches moving like arms to swat and hit the man. 
When the first tree caught fire, growing quickly along the bark scorching it and toppling it over, crashing into the lake, one of the residents let out a scream.
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le-velo-pour-dru · 9 months
How was the concert?? Tell me everything!
So before the concert started and everyone was waiting in line, I got to meet the AMAZING @mayathexpsychic and @acaesic in-person!! :D 💖 It was amazing, they're both such sweet and cool individuals, and I had so much fun chatting and hanging out with them before the show. It definitely made the wait a lot easier and a lot more fun!! ^^ 💖
When we finally got into the venue, after some waiting, we got to see the opening act, Sego!! I didn't really know what to expect, cause I hadn't heard of them, but oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They were AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤩❤️ They were so good!! 😁❤️ I'm definitely gonna have to look into their music, I enjoyed their set a lot ^^ 🫶
After that. oh my god. The wait for Dallon to come out was EXCRUCIATINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG IT FELT LIKE IT TOOK FOREVER XD I never knew what to expect when one of the songs that was playing faded out, or when someone walked onto the stage only to be one of the people helping to set up. IT WAS LIKE TORTURE, I NEVER KNEW WHEN HE WOULD COME OUT AND IT FELT LIKE SUCH A LONG TIME X'D 💔
As for how the concert worked, things have kinda changed!! For one, Dallon did a lot less bass playing and a lot more moving around the stage as he sang. Mad IQs used to be special cause he ditched the bass and was just a lead singer for a while, but he did that for maybe half the songs of the concert!! And I'm not complaining at all, Dallon is very fun to watch as he moves around onstage, he has a lot of fun with it and is just very full of energy and charisma!! It's a welcome change in my opinion :) 💖 As for the backing musicians, things have changed too!! Anthony is still his touring guitarist, but there's a new musician too who. I wasn't sure if he was playing guitar or bass or both, but his name was Isaac Paul. There's also a new drummer too, whose name is Ronnie Strauss! Dallon didn't really talk about Ryan during the concert, which I think was a tasteful decision on his part, BUT. HE DID MENTION HIM ONCE 🤭 As he was introducing the musicians, he said, "Turns out you can afford more people when you aren't being stolen from." WHICH WAS SO ICONIC. OMG. IF YOU'RE GONNA BRING HIM UP, WHAT A WAY TO DO IT X3 ❤️ IT WAS SO FUNNY HFXJGCHXFXCGJXFCJGJGXGJCVXVJJGXGJCGJCVJCGJC 🤭
And can I just say, I love Dallon's charisma onstage!! He would talk in between songs, and every time, he was just so charming and personable, it was a lot of fun!! :) ❤️ He's so good at connecting with the crowd, I loved hearing everything he had to say ^^ ❤️ A couple of highlights include:
He asked us if we all had good Christmases, and when we cheered, he said, "Well, that's neat!" in the GOOFUEST voice. It was so silly X3 ❤️
Before Kiss Goodnight, he talked about having fallen in love with Breezy years ago and still being in love with her to this day, and he shared that they did, in fact, kiss goodnight that night. It was really sweet 😊💖
He said that that night, we were all his date, and he was our date (if we're into that sort of thing), which. MADE ME BLUSH AND GIGGLE AND KICK MY FEET A LITTLE HEHEHEHE ☺️🩷 I WISH I COULD BE HIS DATE XFHGJJFXJGCXVJJCVVCJJCVCBJ 🤭💖
Before Choke, he gave a whole heartfelt speech about how much it meant to him that people came to see the show, and how amazing it is that the one thing unifying a room full of strangers is the music that they enjoy, and he finished it with, "Now, if you don't mind, choke yourself to sleep". IT WAS SO FUNNY FHXGJCHJCGXFJGJCXCJGJCCGJBC, HE'S SO AWESOME 🤭❤️
Anyway, moving onto something else: I don't tend to sing along with the songs during a concert, I prefer to just listen to how they're being performed. So while I didn't sing along with most of the songs, I had a lot of fun participating during the parts where he wanted the crowd to sing, like Social Climb and A Letter!! But the absolute peak crowd participation moment HAD to be Visitation of the Ghost!! 🤩💖 From where I was standing, it was pretty hard to see him during the crowd walk... BUT STILL!! I CAN'T BELIEVE I GOT TO EXPERIENCE A CROWD WALK LIVE OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 🤭💖 That song overall is just. absolutely amazing to see live, it was a incredible experience and one of the best parts of the night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤩❤️
AND. OK. I REFUSE TO SAY MUCH ABOUT DOWNSIDE, BUT. I LOVED IT SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH 😁💖 I couldn't really understand what he was saying, but the vibes of the song were sooooooooooooooooo fun and I can't wait to finally hear it on the album!! 😄🩷 Speaking of which, he said a different Gloom Division song will be coming out in two weeks, and I can't wait to find out which one it is!! Maybe it'll be Kiss and Tell, he used that phrase during the concert, so. maybe that was a hint :o ❤️ That's just a guess though, idk what to expect X3
Anyway. It was an absolutely incredible experience!! :3 💖 Dallon is an absolutely phenomenal performer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😄🫶❤️ He's an incredible musician, he has a beautiful voice, and he has so much amazing energy and charisma up on that stage 😁🩷 It was incredible seeing one of my favorite musicians perform live right in front of me, I had so much fun, and I'm so grateful I got the opportunity to go see him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤩💖 I had such an amazing time and I can't wait to see him again in April!! ^^ ❤️🫶
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my-beloved-lakes · 8 days
1, 4, 5, 10, 17, 19 for Forever, and 1, 5, 9, 15, and 19 for White Collar?
1. what got you into this story?
We have @ghostlyarchaeologist to blame thank for this one. Saw them posting about it several months ago and was actually in the mood to try watching a new TV show (which is rare). Out of all my mutuals, I think I trust them the most to have good taste in TV, so I decided to give it a try
4. assign this story a hyper-specific genre name, e.g. "inspirational religious semi-horror sci-fi western" (yes, that's Trigun)
Um... Idk I'm bad at this. Romantic comedy modern-fantasy crime-drama?
5. do you have a favorite character? who?
I mean they're all so great it's hard to choose but I gotta say Henry, followed shortly after by Abe.
10. if you made an amv about this, what song would you set it to?
@we-have-a-flying-sword pointed out to me the other day that Twenty Long Years by Lord Huron reminded her of Henry. It's not perfect and there are other songs that might work better, but it's a song I love and I do think it works really well.
17. compare this story to your usual tastes. how does it differ from what you've already enjoyed?
Honestly, aside from the fact that it's the first show about a medical examiner I've seen, it's pretty on brand for the kind of shows I like. Nice balance between funny lightheartedness and serious stuff.
19. pitch an idea for a sequel or spinoff novel for this story!
Gosh! I think it'll be a long time before I stop fantasizing about this show getting a reboot. I guess a reboot would start with a recap of what happened immediately following the last scene in the show. Then like, just more of the same I guess, only now there's more trust and transparency between Henry and Jo. I'd like to see them get together. It'd be a long time coming, but they had to wait till they had all their individual issues worked out.
White collar:
1. what got you into this story?
It all started with the show Chuck actually. Matt Bomer played a character in that who was pretty easy to dislike but at the same time I wanted to like him. I just couldn't. Later I decided to look him up to see if he was in anything that looked interesting where he played a more likeable character. I found White Collar and remembered that one of my sisters had said it was pretty good so I started watching it.
5. do you have a favorite character? who?
As I'm rewatching it now I'm remembering how much I love Sara Elis. But also Elizabeth Burke is and always will be absolute wife goals! Mozzy's great too... and Neal. I love a lot of them, really.
9. give the most UNHELPFUL and/or SILLY summary possible.
Tired FBI agent tries desperately (and kinda fails) to keep his crime child out of trouble.
15. what time are you most likely to be found reading/watching this story? (time of year, time of day, season of life, whatever makes sense to you)
Time of day: evening or night cuz I almost never watch TV during the day.
19. pitch an idea for a sequel or spinoff novel for this story!
I don't know what they have planned for the reboot that is actually happening but in a perfect world: Neal found Sara in Paris. (That's why he chose Paris, duh) (Wait she did go to Paris right? Idk it's been a while since I've seen it. I could be miss remembering it) And they are now living happily as a semi-normal couple. Neal is using his unique set of skills and knowledge to help Sara with her insurance recoveries and also doing a little crime on the side. Mozzy has found Neal and is there helping out and encouraging Neal to do more heists/cons. They keep in touch with the Burkes and visit them in the states all the time. Peter let's the world continue to believe Neal Cafrey is dead cuz he knows Neal deserves to be free and that's the only way for that to happen. But any time he needs help on a tricky case he'll call Neal for some unofficial help.
But Honestly I don't want there to be a reboot or spinoff. I liked where it ended and I feel like bringing it back now is a bad idea cuz it'll ruin what, in my opinion, was a satisfying and happy conclusion. I'm really not jazzed about the fact they're working on bringing it back, especially since Willy Garson won't be in it. What's the point without Mozzy!? And apparently Hillary Burton won't be in it either, so that ruins my idea stated above.
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hils79 · 1 year
Hils Watches Oh No! Here Comes Trouble - Ep 12
Wow I can't believe I'm on the final episode already
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Oh, wait, is that the dude who fell pre-credits in the first episode? That feels like forever ago
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Wait, that was Pu Yiyong's grandad as a young man? And he survived that fall??? I'm so confused. Is this also a flashback telling the story of an earlier flashback? Because Pu Yiyong was not there at the end of the previous episode.
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Aww Cao Guangyan wants to move into forensic medicine. I love that Pu Yiyong is subconsciously helping his friends figure out what they want to do with their lives even while he's questioning his own
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God, this is so fucking sinister now you know who he really is
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Yes, I won't mention that I've killed at least two and probably a lot more children
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Okay, I know this is a supernatural drama so logic doesn't apply but cracking him over the head twice with a metal object would have killed him
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I've just realised I've seen gifs from this scene, or a bts or something. So glad I'd forgotten about it until now because that's a pretty major spoiler. There's still 30 mins left so I assume magical plot stuff will happen but, fuck, Cao Guangyan's face
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God, of course he has to 'die' so he can see his dad. I'm bawling now. Fuck.
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Jesus fuck Cao Guangyan is screaming. This is horrible.
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God he's got Pu Yiyong's art in his phone case I cannot
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Gosh how long has he been in a coma for this time? His hair is so long
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This poor woman. She's lost her husband, her father-in-law and now her son is in a coma for the second time
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Aww that's why they call her One-per. She's in the 1% of people who fail the police entrance exam
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God, I love them so much. Telling Pu Yiyong he has to wake up so he can finish his comic
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Aww yay Cao Guangyan's dad finally opened a business that's a success
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Sobbing at all the spirits he helped telling him to wake up. Also, I still lowkey ship them.
GAH THAT WAS SO GOOD! I mean I'm bawling my eyes out but sometimes a good drama be like that. Everyone who recced this to me was correct to do so
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hoonfever · 2 years
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» 𝓁.𝒽.𝓈 𝓍 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇 — 𝓈𝑜𝓊𝓁𝓂𝒶𝓉𝑒𝓈 𝒶𝓊 » 𝓁𝑜𝓌𝑒𝓇𝒸𝒶𝓈𝑒 𝒾𝓃𝓉𝑒𝓃𝒹𝑒𝒹 » 𝓉𝓌: 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝒶𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔 » 𝓈𝑜𝓃𝑔: 𝐹𝑜𝓇𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝒪𝓃𝓁𝓎 - 𝒥𝒶𝑒𝒽𝓎𝓊𝓃 » 𝓌𝒸: 𝟣.𝟪𝓀
𝒻𝑒𝒶𝓉𝓊𝓇𝑒𝓈 𝒿𝒶𝓎 𝒻𝓇𝑜𝓂 𝑒𝓃𝒽𝓎𝓅𝑒𝓃
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“if you dream about someone every day, rumor says that they’re your soul mate! and once you find each other, you’ll be happy and in love forever!” is what friends and family would always say. questions about one’s dream are extremely common, especially from grandparents waiting eagerly for grandchildren.
sure, you have someone you dreamt of often, but he’s no more than an imaginary friend. he’s funny, weird and attractive (unrealistically so) — so you can't help but doubt if he really exists.
sure, you have someone you dreamt of often, but he’s no more than an imaginary friend. he’s funny, weird and attractive (unrealistically so) — so you can't help but doubt if he really exists.
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“hey, dreamboy!” you call out into the empty space in your mind. you fell asleep half an hour ago, and immediately thought to call out to the strange imaginary boy who consistently showed up in your dreams.
“y/n? you usually show up later than this, what’s up?” dreamboy, aka heeseung, asks as he appears beside you suddenly.
“is a girl not allowed to visit her friend earlier than usual?” you ask jokingly and he laughs, nodding thoughtfully.
“i guess so, but now your cutting down my y/n-free time.” he feigns sadness and you playfully shove him.
“i have a cold, that’s why I’m here so early.” you admit and heeseung smiles, resting a hand on your shoulder.
“get well soon, i guess? you’re not sick here so i’m not sure what i’m supposed to say-“ he admits and you smile back at him, before noticing that your surroundings had changed.
“huh, we’re in a forest today… and there’s a pathway.” you observe and heeseung smiles excitedly.
“let’s just go check it out! it’ll be fun, i promise.” heeseung says and you sigh.
“fine.” you agree reluctantly before he grabs your hand and runs with you into the forest.
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“y/n!” your friend wonyoung's voice rings from your phone, and you smile. she always made to call every morning to check on you, which you always appreciated.
“hey wonyoung. i'm running a bit late for work, please stall for me." you say to the phone as you run towards the bus stop, which seemed a lot farther from your home than usual.
"got it! i'll see you when you get here, y/n!" wonyoung responds, and you open your mouth to thank her but find your face pressed into an extremely toned chest. you hurriedly push yourself back, and end up flat on the floor.
"ah- are you okay?" the tall man asks and you look up at him to grab his hand when you see-
"oh, yeah! it wasn't that bad of a fall, haha." you grab his hand and he pulls you upwards, before looking at you quizzically.
"I feel like I've seen you somewhere." the boy says as he gets slightly closer to your face.
"me? haha, probably not. i just have one of those faces." you respond with an awkward laugh. he clearly can't pinpoint where he's seen you before, so you won't remind him.
"oh well. i've met you now, at least. i'm heeseung." he introduces himself and you mentally facepalm. you were hoping he'd have a different name.
"i'm y/n. nice to meet you, heeseung." his name slips off your tongue too comfortably, and you fight the urge to slap your hand on your mouth.
"are you sure we haven't met before? you seem a bit too familiar for a stranger." heeseung looks at you curiously again, before chuckling and shaking his head.
"never mind. i'll drive myself crazy if i keep trying to figure out where i've seen you-"
"y/n?! i can't stall forever, you know!" wonyoung's voice startles you and you hurriedly lower your phone's volume.
"gosh, wonyoung! i thought you hung up already! i'll be there now." you respond before hanging up and sighing.
"i gotta go now. i'll see you when i see you-"
"take this before you go, so we can keep in touch.” heeseung hands you a torn piece of paper with what seems to be his number.
"thanks, i'll message you after work." you shove the paper into your pocket before turning to run.
"wait, y/n. do you plan on running all the way to the bus stop? I could just give you a ride to work, you know. my car is just down the road."
you want to deny the offer, you really do. but you're exhausted and already late as it is.
"thanks so much, heeseung. i'll pay you back for gas."
"you don't have to do that. I'm just doing a favour for a new friend. no need to pay me back." heeseung swings his car keys around his finger as he starts the walk to his car.
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the car ride was quiet. not a word was said other than asking if the temperature was alright. you waved heeseung goodbye and work went by as usual. your boss didn't yell at you for being late, which was sadly the highlight of your day. (not much happens in your life, so the small things mean more). you walked out of the coffee shop for the night and check your phone. it's 6pm. the walk home will take you maybe half an hour and you shrug. you can't wait to get home and sleep. you take in a deep breath before starting the walk reluctantly. maybe halfway through, your phone rings.
it’s heeseung.
you had messaged him during your break to make sure you got the right number, and he told you he’d call after work.
you didn’t think he was being serious about it though.
"hey y/n!" you hear his voice through your phone and smile. you wonder if the heeseung in your dreams is the heeseung you're talking to over the phone.
"hey, heeseung. what's up?" you ask as you sit down at the bus stop patiently. the bus should be here soon.
“not much, i’m about to-“ he stops suddenly and you check if you accidentally hung up.
nope. he’s still on the phone.
“is that you? at the bus stop, i mean. are you at the bus stop right now?” heeseung asks and you frantically look around. how could he possibly know where you where… unless he were a-
“i’m not stalking you, y/n. a friend just got back from the u.s. and im here to pick him up.” heeseung reassures and you hear the sound of a car door closing and the ‘beep’ of it locking.
“are you getting out of the car?” you ask and heeseung nods in confirmation.
“yeah, the bus is arriving soon. im gonna hang up now, seeing as im about to come and sit next to you.”
“oh, okay-“ the phone call is over. you can hear heeseungs footsteps now as he approaches and he lowers himself down into the seat beside you.
“you don’t have to wait here, you know? i don’t mind giving you a ride home.” heeseung offers and you shake your head.
“i couldn’t. im already here anyways.” you respond and Heeseung chuckles.
“you have no idea what time it is, do you?” he says and you immediately check your phone and gasp.
the last bus is the one that’s about to arrive, and it isn’t taking any more passengers for the evening.
“this is the last time. i can’t keep getting rides without paying for anything.” you say and heeseung nods.
“next time, you can pay then. happy?” he says with a smile. before you can respond, the bus stops right in front of you and the doors open noisily. you can tell which of the passengers is heeseungs friend just by how he looks. he clearly has an amazing sense of style, and is undeniably attractive. heeseung and his friend share a hug and what seems to be some playful banter. for some reason, seeing heeseung and his friend beside one another forced your brain down a rabbit hole it struggled to get out from.
“heeseung is so much cuter than him though.
why am i comparing them in the first place?” and so on and so on. you pull out your phone as means to distract yourself and it works.
“wait, this is y/n?” heeseungs friend whispers and heeseung slaps his arm. this grabs your attention instead.
“shut up, dude. she might hear you.” heeseung responds.
“sorry, sorry.” is the last thing you hear from either of them until heeseungs friend has his hand outstretched for me to shake.
“i’m jay. nice to meet you.”
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that night, you aren’t in a hurry to fall asleep. what if the heeseung in your dreams is the real heeseung. and how would you know for sure anyways?
“‘sup” a notification appears at the top of your screen from an unsaved number.
“it’s jay again. i got your number from heeseung 😎”
“don’t respond btw. don’t save my number either. i just wanted to tell you that heeseung dreams about you, all the time. if you dream about him too, that would make him feel complete… sort of. that’s all i have to say. now goodnight. heeseung is waiting."
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“y/n.” seeing heeseung here after seeing him in person is quite disorienting. his smile is the same, his hair is the same, his lips are the same and his clothes are the same. what exactly was different about this place?
maybe you were scared here. you were so brave when you thought heeseung was just a figure of your imagination, not someone you’d ever come across…you thought he didn’t exist anywhere but in your own head.
but he does. and that makes you scared. you could deny your feelings before you knew he was real, but looking back on it… you’ve been in love with heeseung all this time. he walks towards you slowly before taking a deep breath in.
“look, i did remember you. and i know you remembered me. seeing you in person… it didn’t change how i feel about you. it’ll never change how i feel about you. i really like you, y/n.” he confessed and you can’t help but smile,
“god, i wish you liked me too-“ you interrupt him by pressing your lips against his, moving your hands up to his neck as the kiss deepens. it doesn’t last long though. and you’re okay with that.
“our surroundings have changed.” heeseung notices as he pulls away from the kiss, holding your hand sweetly.
he was right. you’re now in a field, filled with beautiful colors from the flowers growing below. heeseung lies down and you join him, resting your head on his chest.
“so i guess the whole soulmates thing is true then.” heeseung blurts out and you nod.
“yeah, dreamboy. i guess what they said was true, wasn’t it? but you know what? i’m happy with this. and i feel like i’ll be happy like this, with you, for forever.”
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A/N: this is my last fic until my hiatus is over!
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I posted 2,092 times in 2022
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#jake: also i broke your favourite vase i'm sorry what's that you forgive me great i'm so glad <- this omg im laughing so much
My Top Posts in 2022:
Do you want to dance?
Steven Grant X Reader
Rating: T
Warnings: My first time writing a fanfic in centuries! One F bomb!
A/N: Oh my gosh, I've actually written something! This is for @littleferal 's Writers' Iron Chef! (No. 1 Prompt: Slow Dancing & Additional Prompt: "Are you flirting with me?” + "You finally noticed?") 30 min time limit was kept to (this was so difficult! Such a rush at the end!) I read it over after, and fixed 2 typos I could see - there are probably more! No Y/N. Reader's gender is never stated.
Summary: Steven goes to a coworkers enagement party and runs into you.
Word Count: 780
Masterlist | ao3 | want to be tagged?
To say it seemed like a dream was unreasonable. At least in a dream there was some kind of internal logic, some notion in that unawake state that what was happening made sense somehow.
This was just unreal. Scratch that. This was too good to be true. But Steven was sure that if he had been asleep his utter disbelief would have woken him. 
Grace, in admin who he had never actually met face to face, had invited the entirety of the museum staff to her engagement party and apparently from the lavish looks of things she was marrying a millionaire. 
There were so many people that Steven was sure it would give the seating at Wembley a run for its money. 
He had made some general chit chat, feeling out of place at first, and kept an eye out for Donna so he could make a quick escape. However his boss never appeared, if fact he didn’t run into anyone he really knew at all. And it was wonderful. 
Everyone seemed more than happy to talk to him and he slowly slipped into a kind of ease he hadn’t experienced in a long time. 
That was until he heard your voice. 
It was like a shot of adrenaline directly into his heart. 
He turned quickly to see you. “Hello.” His voice was meek, unlike himself as he took in your outfit. 
“I’m so glad to see you, I was hoping you’d be here somewhere!” You reached out to hug him and his mind short circuited for a moment. Dial up internet trying to download an image. 
He shook his head, quickly smiled back and accepted your embrace while carefully manoeuvring the drink in his hand. “You were? I mean, it’s really good to see you, yeah.” You smelt like banana shampoo and floral perfume. Somehow intoxicating and complimenting at the same time. If he could just stay and breathe that scent in forever. 
The hug ended too soon. 
He stared for a long moment as you broke apart, the sound of his heartbeat was louder than the live band playing, than all the broken conversations echoing around.
“How’s restoration going?” Steven said quickly. 
“Yeah, okay,” you pulled a face. “How’s the gift shop? I never see you around anymore?” 
“Oh, yeah,” Steven gave you a sheepish smile. “Well, you know…”
Your face dropped.
“I mean,” there had been a time, a month or so ago, you had seen each other almost every day. You popping by the gift shop either before or at the end of your shift if Steven was working to say hi. Him dropping by your offices and the restoration workplaces. 
Listening to you talk about and show him what you were working on had brightened his day to no end. 
And then…
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95 notes - Posted July 12, 2022
Egg Fried Rice
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Marc Spector X F!Reader  Rating: T  Masterlist | ao3 | want to be tagged?
Summary: Out of the three of them, Marc had met your mother last.
Warnings: Angst & fluff. Mentions of previous abuse (Wendy Spector) but doesn't go into detail. Typos - I am notoriously bad at catching them. Swearing.
A/N: I've used corvase's 'lovely little domestic prompts: “your mom is coming over today.” “tell her to bring fried rice or she’s not invited.” “you tell her, she’s your mom.” “but she likes you more!”' - and it ended up being a lot more angsty than I inteaded. I changed the prompt words a touch as well. Steven & Jake make a little appearance too.
Word Count: 1689
Taglist: @pleasurebuttonwrites
You had been in the shower when your phone rang. It was on silent, as usual, but by chance the light caught Marc’s attention as he put the clean laundry away. 
The display read ‘Mum’. 
He swallowed, a flash of nerves hitting him for a second before he pushed them away. He could just wait it out, pretend he didn’t see it. 
The soft material of a pair of your fuzzy socks in his hand suddenly became much heavier; the cartoon duck on the side no longer looked friendly. There was a judgemental tone in its eyes.
 “Fuck you.” He narrowed his eyes and hissed at the cartoon, the absurdity enough to bring a small smile to his face.
Quickly, without giving himself too much time to really think about it, he grabbed your phone and answered the call. 
“Hello!” Your mum’s voice was like sunshine itself. 
“Hi, it’s-”
“Marc! Ah! How lovely to get you!” 
He grinned broadly, warmth bubbling up in his chest. She recognised his voice. Straight away she recognised his voice. 
“I was wondering if I could pop by today? I have a little something for you all.”
Your mother knew all three of them, but her first meeting with Marc had been almost five months after she had met Steven and Jake. 
It wasn’t that he hadn’t wanted to meet her, he did, it was just... difficult. Panic spiked up in his spine and made him sick whenever the arranged date to introduce himself grew close. 
His alters’ voices constantly in his ear. “She’s so lovely.” “You’ll get on well with her hermano.” “She’s nothing like-”
It hadn’t mattered. He had chickened out four times. The third when he was in the car with you outside of your mother’s house. He just couldn’t. Couldn’t. Had checked out and left it to Steven and Jake.
He would stay away for days, the worst being the second occasion when he didn’t front for nearly two weeks afterwards and had refused to speak to Jake or Steven. Even staying quiet when Steven had said he would let Jake grow a moustache if Marc didn’t say something. 
When Marc finally did front he had refused to talk about it. Point blank. Not to Steven, not to Jake, not to you. He knew that made it worse. 
It had caused more than one internal and external argument.  
You had tried to bring it up carefully, calmly, telling Marc that there was no need to rush, he hadn’t caused any offence, that he didn’t even need to meet your mother if he didn’t want to.
But instead of staying quiet, nodding, or any of the countless peaceful options Marc had gone into defensive mode. Unable to explain his fears even though you knew about Wendy, unable to accept your kindness and care and love when he was so sure he didn’t deserve it. He wanted your anger.  
“Oh, so you don’t want me to meet your Mom then?” 
His tone had taken you by surprise even before his words had registered. “Marc that’s...” you shook your head, playing back what you had said, checking for how your words could have been misunderstood. “I didn’t mean that, I-”
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118 notes - Posted August 28, 2022
Cariño (Part 1) Jake Lockley X F!Reader
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[Part 2]
Rating: 18+ (this chapter is clean, but it's gonna get a bit steamy later on!)
Warnings: Swearing (can I write anything without profanity? No.) Pining. Terrible Spanish.
A/N: Okay, so this story acutally has a plan to it! (Whhhaattt?) Also please let me know if you think I have missed a warning!
Summary: You’re pretty good at procuring hard to find items for others, for the correct price. So when Jake Lockley hires you to steal an Egyptian artefact it should all be plain sailing. Right?
Word Count: 2403
Masterlist | ao3 | want to be tagged?
You didn’t have any ice and kind of felt a little apprehensive about putting a bag of frozen cauliflower on your face.
So you’d settled for some folded up kitchen roll that you’d run under the tap, wrung out and shoved in the fridge for ten minutes. And two prescription painkillers that were meant to be for migraines. 
The plan had been to go straight to bed until there had been a familiar, and distinctive, knock at the door. 
You sighed, a little more than annoyed at the timing. Maybe if it had been anyone else you would have just ignored it. Gone to bed. Ignored them. Or blatantly yelled for them to ‘fuck off’. 
Another knock. 
You grimaced a little as you removed your makeshift ice pack and paused over the bin before you stuck it back in the fridge. 
You grimaced more as you caught sight of your reflection in the kitchen window. The darkness outside didn’t take the edge off the lovely bruise and swelling on your right cheek. 
Maybe he wouldn’t mention it. 
Maybe pigs would fly.
You opened the door halfway through the third knock, not bothering to look through the peep hole into the hallway. 
“Hello Jake.” You said in a sing song voice, stepping slightly to the side as you held the door for him to come in. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” 
Any hopes you had of him just walking in and politely ignoring your cheek’s condition quickly evaporated. 
His eyes bored into you, fixated on the right side of your face. You fought the urge to squirm under his scrutiny. 
“Mierda.” Shit.  He muttered. Your Spanish was awful, but you got that one.
He clenched his jaw, his whole-body tense. Well, tenser than usual, there had never been a time you had actually seen him completely relaxed. He didn’t seem the sort. Probably slept standing up. 
Jake kept looking at you and there was a familiar heart rising up your neck. You turned quickly; you weren’t going to blush in front of his stupidly hansom face- no not hansom. Just… Ugh.
You let go of the door and walked further in, heading for the living room. 
There was a thud from behind as Jake quickly stepped in and closed the door behind him. 
“Who the fuck did that?” His accent was heavier than usual. 
You gave him a small glance over your shoulder but didn’t break your stride. “Does it matter?” 
He said something in Spanish, so fast that you couldn’t differentiate the words. Whatever it was, it wasn’t polite. 
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124 notes - Posted July 25, 2022
The Boy with the Thorn in his Side
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Steven Grant X F!Reader Rating: T Masterlist | ao3 | want to be tagged?
Warnings: SELF-INDULGENT WARNING, creepy dude following reader, lovey dovey syndrome, fluff, pinning, TYPOS, please let me know if I've missed a warning!
A/N: ahhhhahahaha, sorry I couldn't get this out of my mind. Set in ep 1 when Steven has just realised he has missed his date. No y/n.
Summary: Steven Grant’s day is going poorly to say the least. He’s lost days, missed his date and now a stranger has sat down opposite him who seems to know him? It would be nice if our favourite Gift-Shopist could catch a break.
Word Count: 3747
Taglist: @pleasurebuttonwrites
“It doesn’t change the fact that today is Sunday, which means lose my number. Cheers.” 
The line went dead.
Steven stared at his phone. This was, this didn’t- The date on the screen said Friday. He couldn’t have lost two whole days. He-
Your voice snapped his attention back to the seat in front of him as you sat down hurriedly. 
“Sorry I’m late! It’s so good to see you!” You were speaking a fraction too loud and Steven had never seen you before in his life. 
A frown began to form on his features, knitting his eyebrows together. He wasn’t sure if he could take one more thing today, first Gus, then two missing days and now whatever the hell this was. 
“I’m sorry b-”
“There’s a guy,” you had turned your head to the side and placed your hand on your cheek to hide your mouth while you pretended to look at the menu. Your voice a whisper and it was only now that Steven could hear the wobble in it, see the slight shake in your fingers. 
“He, I don’t know, I think he was- is following me. Since- it doesn’t matter, he- I just cut through the alley and this was the first place I saw that was open, and I mean, I could be really misunderstanding everything and just overreacting and, I’m so sorry, I saw the empty seat and I just thought that, maybe he would, you know, if I was with someone, I didn’t want to cause a scene and,” the words just tumbled out and bled together in a mess. 
Your heartbeat thumped so hard in your chest that it was making you lightheaded. 
Steven’s frown deepened as he looked over your shoulder to the alleyway you had just rushed through.
This was so stupid. No one was following you, and you’ve just made a massive fool out of-
“Blue jacket? Stupid white trainers?” 
A small panicked smile sprung to your lips without your control and you nodded furiously. 
You didn’t want to look behind and check. You really didn’t. But it seemed your body had other ideas. 
One quick glance told you that you had been right. The guy was just standing there on the opposite side of the road. Looking directly at you. 
Tightness gripped at your throat. 
Moral disgust suddenly overwhelmed all other thoughts in Steven’s brain. This was not on. He straightened his back without thinking, hands on the table as if he intended to stand. 
“Hey, what do you think you’re doing mate?” His voice sounded stern, intimidating even. “Just going around following people, yeah?” 
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127 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
How (Part 1)
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[Part 2]
Nathan Bateman X F!Reader  Rating: 18+ pals  Masterlist | ao3 | want to be tagged?
Summary: After the events of the film, it’s decided that it’s best for everyone if Nathan has a babysitter. 
Warnings: swearing, typos, fragment sentences, soft!Nathan, mental illness, PTSD, overuse of italics, panic attacks, brief illusion to suicide. There’s no smut in this, but there will be in part 2.
A/N:  What is this? What is this? Self indulgent. That’s what it is. This was meant to be a short under 1000 words instead of this monstrosity that is now two parts. All I can say is this really got away from me.
Word Count: 5431
Taglist: @pleasurebuttonwrites @raven-rk @campingwiththecharmings @alexxavicry @mystinky-butt @cocodiem
If there was one thing you wouldn’t have believed prior was that Nathan Bateman: founder of Bluebook, recluse, and self-aggrandising arsehole, was a cuddler. And a pretty needy one at that.
You had noticed it well before the two of you had started a less than professional side to your relationship. 
Small things: his arm brushing against yours if you sat or stood next to each other, he would touch your hand (usually holding it for a second longer than necessary) if you passed him something, pats on the back and nudges with his shoulder in the kitchen as he said ‘good morning’. 
He wasn’t that much of an arsehole either. Annoying? Certainly. God complex? For sure. But you were surprised at how considerate he was. What did you want for dinner? What were your plans for the day? Would you have time to check something over? – even though it was technically part of your job to help him. 
You had started a small experiment of your own. Arguing internally that it was out of nothing more than professional interest. A hand on his shoulder when you spoke his name, resting your knee against his at the dining table, little things. But boy did they have a big reaction. 
A shudder, a slight softening of his eyes, a lean into your touch. And that was it, wasn’t it? Nathan Bateman was touch starved. End of story. 
And you couldn’t help but push it. 
You had laid your legs on him on the settee while he was watching television and you were pretending to read a book. Your calves resting on the middle of his thighs. 
You had expected him to tell you to ‘fuck off’. Expected him to push your legs away. And, in all honesty, you kind of wanted that. Wanted to piss him off. He’d been bordering on the very fine line of Acceptable Annoying Nathan and Genuine Bastard all day.
The cherry on top being the tiny sideways looks he gave you while purposefully turning the television sound up every few minutes as you did your very best to ignore him. 
But he didn’t do any of that. Didn’t even say anything, just froze and, for a second, a pang of fear dripped like warming ice down your spine. 
You’d gone too far, you should-
He placed his hand on your shin, the warmth of his fingers seeping through your trousers. It was a light, but reassuring touch. Grounding almost. After a minute he began to trace small circles with his thumb, after another, he turned the television down to a more reasonable level. 
Neither of you commented on it. 
A few evenings later you threw your arm over the back of the settee when you heard him come into the room. Quickly relaxing back into your best impression of carefree before he came into your line of sight. 
Again, you expected him to act a certain way. A sarcastic comment, purposefully sitting somewhere else and glaring. But instead he flopped down next to you, on the edge of a little too close, his arms loosely crossed and lent his head back, brushing his shortly cropped hair against your lower arm as he closed his eyes. 
Neither of you commented on it. 
The next day he got drunk. Not a completely unusual occurrence, but in the whole time you’d been staying with him he normally drank with you, or, at least, around you. 
This time he simply appeared in the living room, obviously more than a little tipsy but seemingly not as intoxicated as he was pretending to be.
You were reading, curled up at the far end of the settee.
He sat down, sighing loudly, and nursing a beer. And you thought you’d play along, at least for a bit. See where this goes. 
See the full post
211 notes - Posted November 1, 2022
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verecunda · 1 year
aaaa! 1, 7 and 8 for the choose violence thingie please! :D
Eheheheh, thank you. :D Sorry this took so long, apparently my days of struggling to write coherent sentences are coming to a decided middle. >.>
1. the character everyone gets wrong
Every character ever exposed to prolonged fanon. I'm going to chime in on behalf of Aegnor here. The number of times I've seen people call him spineless or stupid for breaking things off with Andreth, and I'm like, no!!! Part of the whole tragedy of their story is that his reasons were very understandable. No one else had ever been in their situation before! The peace didn't last forever! Personally, I think it was the wrong choice, I think he should've just gone for it and damn the consequences, but it but it was an understandable, sympathetic choice. He wasn't spineless for not wanting to drag her into danger with him. Where I fault him most is that he clearly didn't manage to explain his reasons sufficiently to her, because years down the line she clearly feels snubbed because of Elven snootiness, and it needs Finrod to chime in and assure her. (AIKANÁR THE SHARP-FLAME LOVED THEE!!!!!) But his actual reasons were heartbreakingly valid.
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Gosh, I don't actually know!! I don't think there are any characters in Tolkien that I truly can't stand, and since I only got into the fandom a couple of years ago, I'm fandom-old and fandom-cynical enough that I could guess the sort of hot takes that would be swirling around the characters I'm neutral-to-negative on (eg. Fëanor, Maeglin) so I made a pre-emptive decision not to go near those corners of fandom. XD
But that's no fun for a Choose Violence meme. So I will say I have have bouts of getting irritated about the popularity of Fingon. I don't even dislike him - as someone who grew up very close to my cousins, but ended up growing apart and am forever sad about that, his reasons for going to rescue Maedhros actually struck a real chord with me - but... I don't know. But apart from the rescue episode, I really don't care that much about him, so his fandom fave status does have me sometimes sitting in the corner going "...why tho?"
Also the neverending trial of being someone who loves Maedhros but doesn't ship Russingon. Sorry, Fingon, you're gonna have to bear my irritation on that score, too. It's all just amounted to giving me a kneejerk reaction of, "Fingon, can you kindly fuck off please?" XD
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Answered that one here. There are probably others, but none I can think of at the moment!
🔥 choose violence ask game 🔥
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silly-little-soul · 2 years
Purr for your thoughts?
A/N: This is a repost from one of my Wattpad accounts, I wrote it forever ago; there’s a bunch of grammar mistakes and it’s generally not very good
(Requests are open)
Fandom: Last Legacy (Fictif)
Format: oneshot
Characters: Stella, briefly Felix (relationship not specified but it's friendly)
Type: crack, slight comfort, I’m not sure tbh
Reader info: 1st person, no 3rd person pronouns
Warnings: some swear words, d/ath related mentions
Word count: 1628
Proofread: no
Summary: after a long day you hang out with Stella
The door clicks as I turn the key Felix gave me. As I open it I am met with utter chaos and while it isn't a surprise to find his study in such a state it still earns a loud groan from me. That is really not something I wanted to deal with today. I flop down on the small sofa and sigh. When Felix asked me to get one of his books he didn't mention I'd have to fight myself through such a mess to find it. The day was already stressful as it was: Sage needed to get bailed out of some trouble, I was assigned the reappearing Saaros-lotion-situation (we stocked up on lotion and thought it as solved but apparently you 'can't use that lotion with these weather conditions'), I unfortunately ran into Felix right as he was searching for someone to test a new spell on and Anisa somehow talked me into taking some of her chores today while she's on some mysterious mission.
I should've just told Felix to get his stuff himself, but no, I thought "how bad can that one little task be compared to all the shit I already did today". Honestly I should've expected something like this from him. Not that I'm mad, it's just frustrating to think I spent all day doing stuff for people that they just see as a small favour while I am completely exhausted with all the crap I did for them.
Little no-big-deal snowballs add up to an avalanche burying me in stress and tiredness.
I'm happy to help out best I can but heck, some appreciation would be nice. But today no one seems to pay attention to me at-
I turn my head to see two big green eyes staring right at me. Well, maybe someone does after all.
"Let me guess.... You want food?"
Stella jumps on the sofa and stretches.
"Hard day, huh? Yeah, me too. Everyone seemed to need help with stuff! You know how annoying it can be to do things for others and not get the recognition you think you deserve. I mean, you've been protecting this place for, actually how long is it? Years I'm sure. I've only once seen Felix even touch you and..... actually, I don't think I've ever seen anyone feed you? Do you even eat?" I laughed lightly "Well, at least that's not what you want from me then. Don'T get me wrong, I would've fed you! I just did so much today already and now I also gotta find that book somewhere in here, gosh I just wanna have dinner and go to bed. It's exhausting to be busy all day with none of it even being for yourself, and then not even being sure if you'll ever get anything back..... do you think I'm being selfish?"
I once again turn my head in her direction and am met with her very confused expression (though... maybe that's just how her face looks?)
I groan at the realisation I'm talking to an undead ball of fluff right now.
"Alright, c'mere zombie kitty", I say as I pat my lap.
Felix has warned me often not to cuddle with or even touch her but hey! She's a little cat. Yeah, she's undead. Yes, she's got some weird super dangerous demon-thingy in her. Yup, she has eaten spirits in my presence multiple times already (wherever these came from). But hey. She's small and fluffy.
After a moment she obeys, making her way on my lap. She curls up there, her stub moving slightly. I rest my hand on her, almost gasping.
"You're so soft!"
She looks up, as if questioning what I said.
"Yes! You're so soft!", I started, switching to baby-voice. "Especially considering that, you know, you're a corpse and all. Such a fluffy little princess! So sooooft. And adorable of course! You're very- geez do you ever blink?"
She kept staring at me a bit longer before I carefully guided her head to lay back on my leg.
"Aaaalright. Yknow little one, you're really awesome. You're doing a great job. You're an amazing little demon cat."
I start stroking her back with my fingertips, afraid to scare her away. When she moves I'm already worried she'll leave, but instead she stretches across my legs to reveal her belly to me. Her cuteness almost makes me squeak, but what actually makes me is how soft her belly fur is.
"So sooooft", I whisper yet again as I pet her, mesmerised by her fluffiness. As I give her little head scratches for a change she slowly reaches out for my sleeve with her little paws. I quickly move my hand a bit in amusement, making her move quickly in an attempt to catch it.
Thinking a moment I remember the ribbon that still lingers in my pocket (for whatever reason), pulling it out with a quick movement that makes Stella basically jump up.
"Heeere kitty kitty kitty", I say smiling as I move it around, leading to Stella sitting in my lap while her front paws are stretched towards the ribbon above her.
It's like she's possessed.
Comedy was always my strength.
Half lost in thoughts I don't even notice when I pull the now-cat-toy a bit too far, only realising my mistake when I hear Stella land on the floor with a thud.
"Stella?" I look over the sofas edge, seeing her lay still with her face turned away from me. "Uhm.... Stella?" I gently tap her back but don't get any response.
Shit, did I break her?
I panic as I realise she isn't breathing for a moment before remembering that of course she doesn't, she didn't before either.... I think.
Just as I'm considering getting Felix she quickly turns her head and grabs the ribbon I no longer paid attention to from my hand and scurries away with it.
I just stare for a moment before chuckling in disbelief. "Clever puss. Is that what Felix meant? You're really evil, huh?" Stella lays a bit further off playing with her new prey and I doubt she's listening, but I continue nonetheless. "Oh, you need a villain name! Something good. Nothing boring like LoRd Of ShAdOwS (lord of shadows), like what kinda name is that? It's always just something with shadows or darkness and then that boring Lord. 'Dark Lord' this 'Lord of Shadows' that, these are so boring!"
I notice Stella is now looking at me like I have her full attention. I still with pride at the thought of her considering my monologue interesting.
"How about.... Furry death? Fiendish floof? Cutie of destruction?" She meows, though I'm not sure if it's in approval or not. Before I can think of another terrible villain name for her she turns away and jumps up the small table, knocking down some papers placed on it by a messy necromancer.
I get up to place the notes back, stacking some of them up to avoid further chaos. Right, the book. I've been gone for a while already, I don't wanna make Felix wait too long. Skimming through the books still on the shelf I notice quickly it must be laying on the floor. I try to make my way back to the sofa to work myself through the mess from there, but accidentally knock over a stack of books.
"Nah shit!" Stella jumps up at the sudden noise, making me sigh yet again. "I'm sorry, Stella." 
After a moment I suddenly feel something softly pressing against my arm. I look to see the little cat put her head against me, now looking up at me.
She almost sounds commanding.
Her little paws carry her down the table and across the floor, where she circles a book with what seems to be some notes and an old cup of tea on it. "Hm?" I Walk over and carefully put papers and cup away, to reveal the very book I was searching.
"You found it!", I cheer as I take Stella into my arms and lift her up. "Thank you, little monster." I nuzzle my face into her back. She's. So. Soft.
Just as I'm about to give her some more cuddles the door opens again.
"Ah, here you are."
I look up to see Felix in the doorway. When he sees Stella in my arms his face turns concerned. "MC-" before he can go on with what definitely would've been a lecture about how Stella is dangerous she jumps out of my embrace and hurries away, distracting Felix for long enough for me to change the subject.
"Er, I got your book. Sorry I kept you waiting." I quickly grabbed it from the floor and made my way over to him.
"Thank you."
"Not to be rude but I think I should get going, find something to eat somewhere and then just head to bed."
I go to move past him, but he stops me.
"Actually, we made dinner"
"We, Uhm, kind of talked and noticed you helped all of us out today so we thought we'd give something back to you."
My heart warms at the gesture, a smile spreading across my face.
"That's so sweet of you guys..."
Felix smiles and motions for me to follow. I turn around one last time, looking at Stella.
She blinks at me slowly, and I return the gesture.
So she does blink.
"Ah, right!" I quickly close the door behind me, catching up with Felix to eat whatever kind of dinner him and the others made.
I'm glad the thought is what counts, cause I doubt it'll be actually edible.
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darlingpwease · 2 years
you wanna know how low ive stooped? just how much im digging past ground level?
in the game neko atsume, i named one of the cats... yuuta (which looks like feather but i renamed tubbs to feather for a more... accurate body representation. so i gave the name to my next favorite cat </3)
and everytime he gives me the gold fish as payment i never collect them because it's nice to see them accumulate </3 this is what insanity does to you, you guys. stay safe!!!!!
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on a more sane note, ive been trying to get the gentleman with the very cute brows, kathmandu, to visit me; and to no avail </3 i bought the temari ball and the lacquered bowl for them-- even the sashimi plate, and yet they refuse. i spend gold fish to buy that, you know!!!!!!! it's no more you kicking miette like the football. only miette spitting in my face
upon mention of feather, i should show you a recent picture of him
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hes been living a very happy and sloppy life. recently we got a snug box with a shipment and he spends all his time in there. this was a few days ago when he willingly stepped out of the box on his own other than to eat or use the litter box. he likes nibbling on the box sometimes too, so the edges of it are lined with tiny teeth marks. he's just a little idiot man with idiot thoughts inside his head <3
it's so cute love i'm shgshs I'm dying sbsgshgsbdvdv,,,,,,, precious songbird precious,,,,,,,,, yuutaism is becoming more and more chronic <33333
I played cat cafe manager, and now want to name my cat "yuuta" and keep him forever </3 you're giving too good ideas </333 that black cat with the perks for witches <3
'accurate body representation' AJSGSHGSHSHSB oh! oh! jail for dad! jail for dad for One Thousand Years!!!!
although 'I am running away. I am packing my little rucksack and going out to explore the world as a lone vagabond' would be more appropriate considering your words kathmandu SORRY— ajshsshgshshs no guests for the evil father!!!
wow, this photo reminds me of something, like I've seen it somewhere.
guess it just seems that way to me.
/j /pos [about pfp]
'he's just a little idiot man with idiot thoughts inside his head <3'
such a mood gosh such a mood, I understand him so well </3333 would also climb into the nest and never get out of there. the best cat, the closest to me in his feline spirit, lives the best life among all of us.
how did you talk about him once? 'lecherous'? now I definitely see that it wasn't a mistake; he is completely corrupted by this idle life and I envy him </3333 /hj
ahhh, such a good boy, so good and happy with life,,,,, look at him; such a catcutie,,,, prettyfull,,,,,,
0 notes
baerverteidiger · 3 months
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My DJ Character in Beatmania IIDX.
In the United States, you can go into a "Round 1 Arcade" and purchase a Konami E-Amusement Card.
This "E-Amusement Card" is used to keep track of ALL of your "scores and data" when playing games like "Dance Dance Revolution" and "Beatmania IIDX."
When I use my "E-Amusement Card" on Beatmania IIDX EPOLIS... The game generates a currency called, "EPOS" that I accumulate every time I reach achievements or hit milestones.
As you accumulate EPOS in game... You can then spend the EPOS to unlock items for your "DJ Character."
Your hard earned EPOS can be spent on different things like... different hair styles, different outfits, different props to hold...
I've been playing Beatmania IIDX EPOLIS for a very short time, but I have accumulated a bit of EPOS...
I posted this photograph, because...
This is my fully optimized Character in Beatmania IIDX Epolis.
Out of all the customization pieces available...
These were the most desired things for me to obtain.
I must admit... The shuriken and kunai look... menacing....
This option is an ABSOLUTE MUST HAVE ITEM!!!
Why? (You might ask...)
I am playing a badass mf'ing Japanese Arcade Game...
My mf'ing ninja better have some badass japanese weapons at his disposal! Ahahah!
Nah though...
I am playing a japanese game... I thought the shuriken and kunai were tight af.
You can buy all kinds of stuff with the EPOS... for girls they have dresses and outfits of all kinds! Gosh... I could see a girl really getting into optimizing their character buying all the different collectible items...
Truthfully... It's cool for men to customize their character too. They have a variety of different swords and staves (plural of staff.) They have silly items like mammoth meat (looks like a giant piece of meat on a bone.)
I decided to try and optimize my character as much as I wanted...
As of right now... I have obtained MOST of the items I want for my character.
Believe it or not... I have tried reaching out to Konami to see if they would add facial hair options so I could add them onto my character.
I even sent them a photo of myself if they wanted a customization option reference...
Anyway... who knows if the people at Konami will even care...
It was worth a shot...
This is my character.
I got a chance to optimize him the way I wanted him.
( I made it onto the Beatmania IIDX Leaderboards this week.
I achieved a sightread AAA. Meaning...
I got a AAA on my very first try. Never seen or played the song before.
I got a "Star" for qualifying high enough.
Look up my name on the Weekly Ranked Song DAZZLE ATTACK on Beatmania IIDX EPOLIS.
The score on the Weekly Ranked song is my sightread score...
If someone was able to see my play count for this song... You'd see that I have only played the song once.
Imagine if I was sponsored and had a machine in the area to play on the regular. I could retry the weekly ranked song a couple of times a day and probably increase my score...
The cool thing is... I won't replay the score, because my score was a AAA sightread. I want that score in the records for good. :-)
Actually... There is a lot more to the story... but.. that's enough for now...
I just got back into playing Beatmania IIDX. Last REAL time of playing was back in 2006-2007... I dabbled here and there, but.. Last real time was forever ago...
I started to use Flickr as an image dump site for my gaming archive, but.. truthfully...
I don't trust their platform. Seems... unstable.
Anyway.. here's a link to see more of my recent IIDX Scores...
Remember.. I haven't played Beatmania IIDX MUCH since 2006-2007.... Over a decade ago...
Greener pastures..
0 notes
girlwholovesturtles · 7 months
I have 10 episodes left, have wasted my whole day, and have work in 7 hours. Let's do this.
Who is this? What's happin-
Oh? "Private contemplation" you say? You suddenly have my full attention. Hold on, I have to check something on Ao3...
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I'm disappointed in this fandom. Oh well, let me just...
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Alright, where was I?
"The tunnels do have a tendency to echo." Oh my god! How many times did it come up do you wonder?!
Wait! They said they have a cult or something? Is this them?
"First name basis with the profits..." I'm sorry, they're profits?! That's hilarious, actually! Also, Jon being a smartass here is actually really funny to me.
They can sleep here. That would make me so happy.
Wait? Okay, I've seen some stuff for TMAGP (spoilers) and I know Celia apparently comes back in that series and she's the girl who talked to Martin in episode 100. The one with the bad ghost story and who he gave money for coffee. I'm sure it will come up later in the episode but honestly an A+ choice on the writer's part.
Oh, maybe you shouldn't tell them this part?!
Oh? They know each other? From therapy? Can't imagine she has the best mental image of Jon then?
Yeah, was wondering when the- Oh god the tape recorders refuse to be told no today... Stop acting like this is Jon's fault!
I was gonna make a quip of "Only seven people, you didn't even get one from each fear?" but apparently they lost a bunch of people and that is very sad actually.
The implication that the tape recorders seem to like Martin is interesting. It reminds me of Jon saying that the Eye is fond of him a few episodes back. I can't help but wonder if that's because the Eye finds him particularly interesting or capable or if it more because Jon loves him and thus the Eye kind of loves him too?
I'm not sure why but the concept of something eldritch and vastly beyond human comprehension being fascinated and possibly in love with a human is actually kind of scary to me in a way. Like, I made a post forever ago about fan translation of Uzumaki, where the characters said something to the effect of "It's like the Spiral is in love with you." and that had fundamentally changed the story and it perspective for me at the time. Because something that thrives on fear and chaos simply can not express love in a way that's human or even really safe to interact with. Case in point, Jon is one of the Eye's favorite humans and look at everything it's put him through so far.
This is all to say, if that is the direction that the story is going and the Eye is actually in love with Martin to come extent then all I can really think is "Oh god no."
Anyway, unpause.
Yes, thank you! Stop being blaming Jon for this shit!
A convenient fear that's a never ending supermarket? What fear would that even be? Like, I've worked in customer service so I guess that would be a constant and unending nightmare for me to have to go back to but interesting that it might have been enough of an issue for it to have it's own place at the end of the world.
Wait, yeah, where is the Admiral! He's just hanging out in a Hunt domain, I thought those were just memes! I'm actually really sad about that!
More of the tape recorders following Martin then... Okay, Melanie, you don't gotta be mean... Melanie, you were always this way...
Your therapist thinks your the chosen one. Weird...
Ah, that's cute...
"One of the profits chosen to walk the end time unscathed," and "the anti-christ's plus one." Aren't you two just a pair?
Yes, fantastic question! How?!
A Spiral maze? Of course a therapist would fear madness.
Gosh, that's awful! So they just explained the fears to these people and they took it in a religious way. Oh, I hate the thought of that actually! Like, what happens if you start to worship after the fact? Can you become a chosen of the fears after they've already won, I wonder?
Melanie, you lied to them, I'm guessing? Damn, okay. I'm guessing it gave them at least a little hope? That's good I guess? Yeah, this doesn't seem great.
Oh, Melanie, you are tragically sweet. Martin, you are also tragically sweet. I wish you both the best.
Okay, this is a hard conversion... Daisy, I miss you still. Basira too!
"Careful of Helen." She says. You don't say hon? Yeah, don't worry about that actually.
Yeah, I liked her too... Okay, Martin you can't just drop "Jon killed her" like that on someone and give literally no warning. Pace yourself bud!
I would argue that- I am very curious who Aaron is?
Uh? This person sounded a lot like Helen for a second and I almost went "Oh god no!"
Fair enough...
Hello Aaron? I don't know if I like you but okay... Sorry, hon, no gods of hope.
"What do you know about poetry?" Well he is dating a poet... "Nightmare Strider." That's a fun title-
"I do not want a poem." Damn Jon. Why is everyone in this hellscape either tragic or just mean?
Jesus Jon, you're becoming way more of a dick?
There was a lot to take in from that episode. Like, wow. Melanie and Georgie are profits, Jon is a prickly disaster, me wondering if the Eye is overly obsessed with Martin or if I'm just interpreting the series wrong, I have another new fic to read, just wow...
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bookishjules · 2 years
From this ask game:
(it's so many, I'm sorry 😔🫣 I just didn't know how to break it down)
AIS HI I LOVE YOU. Never apologize hehe this is my favorite thing 🤗✨️💛
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? Definitely one of the kids I babysit sometime last week <3
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? So many people!! I'm gonna say @lifeofbrybooks tho hehe 💛 I'm so excited to spend a weekend with her this summer
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? I think kind people, genuine people, people who match my energy or who I can have intellectual conversations with
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? hm. define deep lol probably @awecwightwood last night
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? This one is stressing me out 😭 but um maybe Tú Conmigo by ruggero, Choker by twenty-one pilots, some song on reputation idk which one lol, Life in the City but the lumineers, and agh um maybe Gold by sleeping with sirens? (This question alone took me SO LONG)
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? mm not really tbh. I would like to say yes, but idk not really. The one exception is @ann-perkins4 lol for the most part, I'd much rather play with other people's hair 🤗
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? HA no omg I haven't spoken to him since kindergarten 😳
22. Where would you like to travel? EVERYWHERE. I really want to go to Spain, because my late grandma always made it feel like a pilgrimage to visit the village her family came to America from (though I wouldn't mind coming and visiting Ireland 😉)
28. Who are you most comfortable around? @ann-perkins4 see above lol parabatai privileges. also my sister <3
38. Describe your dream girl/guy? (i'm gonna sound picky lol but you did say *dream* guy) an oldest son, ideally with brown, curly hair (the heart wants what it wants), a little older than me, a little taller than me, likes reading enough that we can read together, witty, intelligent, kind, communicative, willing to be there with me through the anxious spirals etc.
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? my first kiss wasn't until I was 22. I made my then boyfriend wait until we were official and I knew this was the real deal before kissing me, because after waiting that long, I really wanted it to matter. So the day after we made it official, we were laying on the couch watching Hercules, and he asked if he could kiss me and i was so scared but I said yes 🙈 and it was so weird haha it took me a bit to get used to it, but we did quite a bit of practicing that night 😏
95. Last movie you watched? Shrek Forever After with a kid I was babysitting lol it was actually my first time watching it! the kid was so offended that I hadn't seen it OR the puss in boots movie 😅
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? like physically? gosh I'm not sure. The people I usually cry in front of all live in different states. Unless you count me breaking down on the phone with my mom on my walk home a couple weeks ago and all the strangers who got to see that spectacle ✨️ other than that.. lol I definitely cried when recording the episode of @kraigsretirementparty that went up on Saturday, does that count as crying in front of Bry?
133. Favourite lyrics right now? "Oh a liar AND a player too, I've met too many men like you" has been on repeat in my head constantly since watching hadestown last week lol
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? okay I'm really hoping this isn't a spoiler, because the book is You Deserve Each Other, which @wingedshoes suggested to me but which I haven't quite gotten to yet lol the line is, "... progeny inherit. If Nicholas jumps ship now, Deborah will revert ..." 👀
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Now that I've seen the new merch, I can't stop thinking of Saeran giving this ring to Lila in that pink suit of his 😩 It doesn't have to be a proposal per se. Perhaps, it's a promise ring of sorts! Oh my gosh, can you imagine her reaction to that?
So, could I, maybe, request something short with this scenario? I just find their dynamic so sweet... I love all of your OCs so much btw!
She was surprised that they were here. Lila never thought that they would ever be involved with the RFA like this, not so entangled and close the way that they were.
Then again, she never thought would find herself within a cult for months, nor that they would have to face off against both Choi Saejoong, or the agency that Saeyoung worked for by the time they escaped all of it. So, when she thought about it that way, she could never say that she expected anything.
Every day was always a surprise. It wasn't a bad thing and she found that she was okay with facing each day without fearing what would come for her after the last. Saeran had shown her to live her life with no fears, and she'd shown him what it felt like to believe in the ones you loved without a doubt.
Their love and faith in each other had been what saved them in the end... that's why they were able to be free. That's why nobody had to live in fear of the agency, of Saejoong, or of Mint Eye. Nobody had to live afraid of the monsters in the closet because they had faced all of them and sent them packing to face their own demons and repent for their misdeeds.
That had been... nearly a year ago. Almost a year had passed since she met Ray and her life changed its course.
She went from someone who was trying to run away from her family to someone who wanted to face her fears and rush ahead without thinking twice. Even if she still had a long way to go before she felt brave, she was happy with the person she was now.
The RFA was holding its first-party since everything happened. The group had changed from what it once was but that didn't mean that they weren't still trying to help people. They were entangled with the one and only Jumin Han, and his organization now helmed the RFA as a whole. It was underneath his office now.
And this party was lovely, it was intimate and private, but the area was illuminated with luxury and lights. It made Lila feel like she was out of her element since she was raised in modest living, and never once set foot into something so grandiose.
It was overwhelming for what it was worth, but she smiled and loved seeing her new family, the RFA, together again.
It was nice to see smiles and laughter where it had always belonged amongst her friends. She had stepped away from Saeran for just a moment to catch up with Jaehee before he slipped out of sight and into the party hall.
By the time she realized that he had wandered off, she went looking to see where he went. It wasn't hard to find him, he always stood out in pink. She waved off Zen and Yoosung who called out to her with a friendly nod, brushed past Saeyoung who seemed to have that cat-like look in his eyes, and noted that Jumin was knee-deep in talks with another guest on her way.
By the time she reached the end of the hall, she saw that the door to the balcony was ajar. That was curious. She nudged it open and let herself step outside into the crisp air of spring. It was breezy, and the wind kissed her cheeks as she let her eyes adjust to the lighting that was outside compared to the bright lights of the ballroom.
She was surprised to see that the balcony had been decorated with lights that hung from the pillars, and there appeared to be a lot more lights further and further away from the building. It was an open terrace that seemed to stretch for quite a while so she followed the lights and the path to see where it might lead her. She may not find Saeran—
But she could find a nice view.
She didn't think much of it until she founds some petals strewn onto the ground. Curious, she thought, as the blue petals lead her further into the garden area and stopped short at the steps to what seemed to be a tiny gazebo. That was odd. Lila lifted her head from the steps and peered inside, only to see that Saeran was standing in there and was waiting for her to join him.
He was standing there, blue rose in hand, and his smile directed at her this time. "My love," he greeted as if she was meant to know how to find him. "I've been waiting for you."
"Oh, really?" she chuckled and took the last few steps forward into the gazebo, offering him her hand which he hesitated to take. Rather, he pressed the blue rose into her hand instead and never lost that smile on his face. "This is a blue rose, Saeran... I haven't seen one since..."
"I know," He murmured.
"The impossible. Blue roses were always about the mystery and the fact that you may never be able to hold something, remember? I'm surprised to see it."
"You're impossible, you know?" he said. That chuckle that escaped him was pretty telling of his ploy. "That is to say, you were meant to be impossible and something I could never obtain. But, I did it. I was able to obtain the impossible, and now, when I look at a blue rose, I think about how our promise of happiness started. I think about how blue roses don't mean that it can never be. It means that you can try to obtain it and have faith."
She felt her cheeks start to warm up when he said that. Saeran always had a way of words that made her feel special, even if it was the cheesiest thing that she'd ever heard. He was sweet and when she thought about this, she felt warm inside. She had heard how Ray described his view of them before, and...
Against everything, she felt some tears brewing in the corner of her eyes all of a sudden. Lila looked down at the flower between them and laughed. "Saeran, that's beautiful. Were you waiting for me just to say that?"
That's when he surprised her even more. Saeran let his hand leave hers and he stilled. She was curious to see what he wanted if he'd wanted anything. It was always likely for him to wait for her to do all kinds of surprises like this. Did he have a bouquet? She would love to see one he made.
"Actually, my love, I was waiting for you because I wanted to tell you how much you mean to me. I wanted you to be here with all of our family and loved ones... I wanted to give you a beautiful night that you'd never forget and I... I want to make good on my promise that I made before we faced my father... when I promised that we would be together forever no matter what."
"You gave my garden sunlight and changed my weeds into roses. You have given me a life worth living and I want to keep living it. I want to live my life with you forever, and I want the world to know that when I am with you, we're forever bounded... I want our promise of happiness to last forever, long after we're gone until the ends of time have come and it begins anew. Just like the seasons that change our lives."
Lila gasped as Saeran pulled his other hand from behind his hand and held out a ring. It was a simple ring, with a pearl etched on top, but it was beautiful.
Heat spread across his face as he looked into her heart. "My love, I'm asking if you would do me the honor of marrying me? If you say yes, I'll do everything I can do a better man every day, and I'll try my best to—"
Her immediate response was to leap at him, throwing her arms around his neck, laughing and giggling with an audible, "I can't believe you proposed to me with the blue rose. Yes, Saeran, yes, my answer has always been yes. No matter what happens. My answer is always yes. I'll marry you."
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