#i know i should've figured it out ages ago okay leave me alone
llama--plumbobsims · 1 month
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their last night in ciudad enamorada
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dreamifics · 3 years
Love and Monsters
Steve Harrington x Reader!Henderson
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Y/N Henderson's life was not like any other normal teenager's life, on a very young age her only friends was her brother, Dustin and his friends.. She was not popular in highschool, but she was not a nobody neither.. Y/N was just invisible, lost in the sea of students.. She was almost through highschool though, one day her life was turned upside down, literally and figuratively.. It's been months since the 'thing' happend, but she was still shaken up.
Y/N was laying in bed, My Generation blasting from her stereo.. She was home alone, her mother was out with some friends, her brother was hanging out with 'King Steve'.. Ever since Steve helped them about Dart, she grew closer to Steve but their short lived friendship ended when Dustin left for camp and Steve worked on their family business while she was stuck preparing herself for college.. Y/N misses Steve, his unfunny jokes and oh god--his laugh..
A loud knock startled her, she shot up from her bed, memories of what happend was flashing back to her.. Despite what she tells her friend, she was not okay.. She almost died twice and that opened up trauma's and issues within herself..
Another loud knock startled her, Y/N shakes her head and just ran to the door.. Reaching their front door, her icy hands made contact with the cold steel knob..
It revealed a disheveled Dustin and Steve, she could tell that there were excitement dripping all over them.. Steve was still wearing his sailor work uniform, he looked cute to Y/N but she once threw that thought in the back of her mind..
"What's up?" She questioned the two.
Dustin just smiled and pushed pass her, while Steve was reluctant to go in.. Steve avoided Y/N for almost the whole summer because of the daunting realization that he was catching feelings for her and that scared him.. Y/N was the kind of girl that likes to watch nerdy movies, spend hours playing games with a bunch of kids and save the world two times.. However, Steve was scared, he was still stuck in the unjustified rules of highschool and popularity. . He still wanted to be 'King Steve', but he also wanted to be Y/N's..
"Nice outfit, sailor boy.." Y/N winked and laughs at Steve, he just shakes his head and went inside their house..
Steve made his way to Dustin's room with Y/N right behind him, but before reaching Dustin's room, he passed Y/N's room.. He unconsciously stopped as he looks around, observing every corner of her room.
There were posters plastered all over her walls, books were all around her room in her bed, shelves and even floors.. In the other side she had a small collection of music that made Steve smile.. Because they had the exact same taste, she is the perfect girl.
"If you want to go in, you're free to wander around my room, anytime.."
Steve turned around to face Y/N, he misses her.. How Y/N sarcastic remarks leave her sweet lips or how she rolls her eyes whenever she see something stupid.
"I might just take you up on that.."
"Hm-mm.. You didn't even talk to me when Dustin left, you broke my heart, Steviee.." She jokes, but it sounded a little bitter.
Y/N did get hurt, Steve stopped talking to her when Dustin left, it seems like Steve didn't really like her as much as she thinks he did. Y/N was bored and got stuck just studying and sometimes hanging out with the party.. It was fun but she was looking forward to hanging out with Steve.
"I'm sorry about that, I didn't want to see my old friends hanging out with someone like yo---" Steve stopped his sentence, he didn't mean that.. His mind was a mess, he said those things because he didn't want Y/N finding out his stupid feelings
"Right..Yeah, I get it.."
"Y/N that's not what I me--"
"Cause King Steve shouldn't be hanging out with people like me?Gotcha.."
Steve didn't even had the time to reply, he was met with Y/N's slamming door.. He didn't mean that.. Steve loved hanging out with Y/N, he want to give her something special.. Steve wanted something more from Y/N.. He knew exactly what and he didn't need a reason why but Steve wanted to give Y/N something more..
Y/N was hurt, she didn't know why but Steve words brought devastation to her.. She felt disappointed and upset, Y/N was expecting something special.. She didn't know what or why but she was expecting something more from Steve.
Y/N was dropping off Dustin to the mall where Steve was working, her lips were in a unsual frown.. Y/N wasn't usally like this, she was having a bad week, Steve just hurt her feelings and she was taking it much harder, it was very unsual.. The two Henderson was making their way to the Scoops Ahoy shop, Dustin was rambling about a message he picked up while contacting his girlfriend.
"Are you listening?" Her brother asked as they reach the store.
"Yepp, you should go in now.."
"Y/N, this could be a good thing!"
"I know..If you need my help, you can find me in the food court.."
"Yeah, Dus?"
"Are you okay?"
Y/N's mind went blank, she hated lying to her brother but she didn't want to worry anyone.  She laughs and messed Dustin's hair.
"Of course.. Now go, you know where to find me.." With that she left..
Y/N was not okay, the last time she slept was a month ago.. Nightmares kept crawling back to her, she was growing more paranoid by the day.. She was not okay, but she couldn't tell anyone that.. Everyone else is okay, even Wil who had it more rough than her. And to top that up, she was broken hearted by Steve's rejection of their friendship.. Y/N just massaged the bridge of her nose, when will she be fine?
Dustin and Steve was in the corner of the mall with binoculars in their eyes, Steve saw Y/N.. Sitting alone in the corner, a walkman in her ears and a book in hand.. Y/N was mouthing the word as her eyes read every word on that book and Steve couldn't help but feel all giddy and guilty inside.
"You see anything?" Dustin snapped Steve back to their current task.
"Uh, I guess I don't totally know what I'm looking for.'' Steve answered honestly, Y/N distracted him again.
"Evil Russians."
"Yeah, exactly. I don't know what an evil Russian looks like."
"All blond, not smiling."
"Mm-hmm?" Steve's eyes didn't looked for any Russians, his eyes drifted to Y/N spot but she was gone.. Where did she go? He couldn't help but worry, was she talking to someone else?
"Also, look for earpieces, camo, duffel bags, that sort of thing." Dustin added.
"Right, okay, duffel bags." Steve darts his eyes away from Y/N seat but it only fell on a girl he asked out earlier.
"Oh, you've gotta be kidding me." Steve mutters.
"What?" Dustin questioned.
"Anna Jacobi's talking with that meathead Mark Lewinsky."
"If you're not gonna focus, just gimme the binoculars."
Dustin got annoyed by his distracted partner, he should have brought his sister along.. But he knew that Y/N was not okay, she seemed distant and lost in her own mind.. Always spacing out and Dustin can hear her cries from his room, it killed him to see her loving and hyper sister transform into a walking corpse.
"Aw, Jesus Christ, whatever happened to standards?"
"I mean, Lewinsky never even came off the bench." Steve rambled on, annoying Dustin.
"Dude, you are the worst spy in history, you know that?"
The two fought for the binoculars, but they just looked stupid.. Dustin initially gave up and gave the binoculars to Steve.
"I don't get why you're looking at girls. You have the perfect one in front of you."
"Seriously, if you say Robin again..." Steve closes his eyes waiting for Robin's name to come up but it never did.
"No, Y/N.. My sister.."
Steve's heart clenched at the mention of her name, he wants Y/N too.. What can he do? Y/N hates his ass now, he was a jerk and he didn't deserve Y/N.
"No, man, she's not my type." Steve answered while he diverts his eyes away from Dustin.
"I saw you staring at her closed door for about 5 minutes."
Steve eyes grew wide at the realization that Dustin was watching the whole time.. Dustin just shakes his head, if he was asked he'd say that her sister felt the same way..
"She's not even... in the ballpark of what my type is, all right?"
"What's your type again? Not awesome?"
"Thank you."
"For you information, your sister is too sarcastic, she's too nerdy for me.."
"Also, she's too...boyish.."
Beautiful, that's what he wanted to say..
"Dude, that's my sister you're talking about, and besides she's not like that.. She's nerdy but so what? Y/N's also not boyish, she's just secured with her masculinity.."
Dustin's word echoed throughout Steve's system, he already knew that.. But somehow hearing it from another person's perspective made him like you more.
"Y/N's just not my type.." He lied..
Y/N was everything he ever wanted in a girl.
"Thanks for the clarification, Harrington." A voice surprised the two.
Y/N was standing behind them, her arms crossed..  Steve's eyes widen in surprise, did she hear everything? He didn't mean that, what did he mean?
"I didn't mean t--"
"Dustin, if you told me you'll stalk people in malls, I should've brought you to a psychiatrist.." Y/N ignored Steve and just focused on her brother.. Y/N would be lying if she haven't felt more hurt by the words Steve dropped.. She had been listening since the talk about girls came up, Y/N spotted the two doing eccentric things and she decided to eavesdrop.
"No, it's called spying.." Dustin rolled his eyes at her sister remarks while Steve was still frozen..
"What's the difference?" Y/N asked, her eyes still focused on he brother..
"It's just different, okay? Were looking for the--" Dustin stopped and looks around to see if anybody was near..
"Russians?" Y/N continued in a loud tone.
"Shh!" Both Steve and her brother shushed her. Y/N was surpised, she glares at the two and moved closer to them.
"Fine, can I tag along? I'm bored and it'll be nice to be a national hero."
The two looked at each other, Steve was nervous.. Y/N obviously didn't want him around, but this could be a chance for him to apologize to Y/N.
"Sure, you can help us look for russians with dufflebags and camo." Dustin pulled her sister to his side.
"That's kinda racis--"
"No, it's not!" Dustin cuts her sister off making Y/N laugh..
"Whatever you say Dus.."
And that's how she ended up inside a theater with two kids and two drugged teenagere.. Y/N's breathing was heavy, they were captured by Russians just moments ago.. Adrenaline was pumping through her veins, she thought this town was finally normal again, but turns out she was wrong.. Very very wrong..
They needed to get out of this hellish mall, Y/N need to find out if there's still russians lurking out, looking for them.
"The two of you need to stay here and take care of them." Y/N instructs to her brother, she pointed at a floopy Steve and Robin.
"Wait--Where are you going?!" Dustin stopped her by pulling her arm.
"I'm going to see if those fuckers are still looking for us.."
"No, we'll come with you.."
"Dustin, you need to stay here and keep a low profile.."
"Y/N don't be a hero.."
"Hey, Dipshit!I'm not trying to be a hero, what I'm doing is protecting you guys because our two friends are drugged and beaten while we brought a little kid into our mess!And I will do everything to keep you all safe, even if that means I get hurt or killed!"
Dustin knew that there's no talking Y/N out of this, her sister was right.. Taking a deep breath, he just nods and hugs her sister..
"Just please, stay safe.." Dustin was in the verge of tears but Y/N held him tight in her arms.. Dustin pulled back, Y/N gave her brother a comforting smile, she rubbed his cheeks and pat his head.
"I'll be okay, I'm a Henderson for god's sake.."
Dustin laughs as tears stroll in his face, she kissed his forehead and walked away, trying not to attract attention.. Taking a deep breath she left the theater, she'll do whatever it takes to keep her brother and her friends.. Y/N's mind flew to Steve, she was pissed off but she was not sure anymore.. The way he saved them and got beat up for them, she couldn't find a reason to be mad at him, all she can think about is his childlish look and how hot he is in his sailor uniform. Y/N just shakes those thoughts away and tried to focus on her task..
Steve and Robin were throwing up in a seperate cubicles, they were getting the drugs out of their system.. Retching and puking can be heard all through out the theater bathroom, Steve groans and flushes the toilet.
"The ceiling stopped spinning for me. Is it still spinning for you?" Robin's voice can be heard from the other cubicle.
"Holy shit. No. You think we puked it all up?" Steve rested his back to the mini wall inside the cubicle..
"Maybe. Ask me something.."
"Interrogate me." Robin said in a mocking russian accent.
"Okay. Interrogate you. Sure. Um... When was the last time you, uh, peed your pants?"
"When the Russian doctor took out the bone saw."
"Oh... All right, my turn."
"Okay. Hit me."
"Have you... ever been in love?"
"Yep. Nancy Wheeler. First semester, senior year." Steve imitates a gunshot.
"Are you still in love with Nancy?"
"Why not?"
"I found someone else, she's a little bit better for me.It's crazy. Ever since Dustin got home, he's been saying, 'You know, you gotta find your Suzie. You gotta find your Suzie.' "
"Wait, who's Suzie?"
"It's some girl from camp, I guess his girlfriend. To be honest with you, I'm not 100% sure she's even real."
" But that's not- that's not really the point. That doesn't matter. The point is, this girl, you know, the one that I like, it's somebody that I... didn't even talk to in school. And I don't even know why."
"Maybe 'cause Tommy H. would've made fun of me or... I wouldn't be... prom king. It's stupid. I mean, Dustin's right, it's all just a bunch of bullshit anyways. Because, when I think about it, I should've been hanging out with this girl the whole time."
"First of all, she hates me now because of a stupid thing I said but when we hanged out, we were bonding and shit.. She was perfect for me, she's nerdy, hangs out with kids too much.. She likes the same things I like, her brother is my bestfriend.. Sometimes I wonder if she's real, because she's too perfect."
"Wait--You like Y/N?"
"Yeah, ever since last year.. I like her so damn much, I can't even believe that I said to her that I shouldn't be hanging out with someone like her."
"YOU SAID THAT?" Robin's voice boomed out all over the bathroom, Steve just sighs and slids out of the cubicle..
"Unfortunately, yes.."
Steve slid in to Robins cubicle, she was glaring at him.
"If you ask me, Y/N doesn't deserve someone like me.. She--She's too nice to be caught up in my miserable life.. And besides she would never like me.."
"I think you're still high.."
"No, I'm not.."
"Do you remember what I said about Click's class? About me being jealous and, like, obsessed?"
"It isn't because I had a crush on you. It's because... she wouldn't stop staring at you.."
"Mrs. Click?" Robin chuckles and just shakes her head.
"Y/N Henderson, I wanted her to look at me. But... she couldn't pull her eyes away from you and your stupid hair. And I didn't understand, because you would get bagel crumbs all over the floor. And you asked dumb questions. And you were a douchebag. And- And you didn't even like her then and... I would go home... and just scream into my pillow."
"But Y/N's a girl.."
"Yeah, now listen..Don't give me the 'she doesn't deserve me' and 'she doesn't like me back' crap.. Y/N was inlove with you since highschool, now you will tell her all about your mushy mushy feelings and you'll two will get married, have kids and you'll have me to thank for. "
"But what about you?"
"Please, I moved on.."
"Hell yeah, with my pretty face?I could find someone in a jiffy!"
The two were laughing when Dustin and Ericka burst into the bathroom.. Annoyance and frustration written all over their face..
"Okay.What the hell?!" Dustin asked very annoyed.
"Dude, we're normal again.."
"That's not the problem now, we need to find Y/N and go with the rest of the party."
"Y/N's not with you?"
"Do you see her?" Erica asked with the normal sass in her voice. Robin rolls her eyes at Erica who just glares at her.
"Where did she go?" Steve ignored Erica's sarcastic question
"She said she'll check the perimeter, but she hasn't come back since." Dustin answered, she was worried for her sister.. In their situation, who wouldn't?
"Shit." Steve and Robin both utter at the same time.
Y/N was changed into a much more inauspicious clothes, it was just some pants and a shirt tucked into it.. She fixed her disheveled hair and wiped her sweat.. She needed to blend in, her eyes wander around the mall.. There were Russians walking around, bviously looking for someone and that someone was them.. All the exits are heavily guarded by guards, there's no way out..
Taking a deep breath she walked back to the theater, praying that her brother and friends was safely still there but before she could even reached the theater, a russian man spotted her..
"I got eyes on one of the target!" The russian said into his earpiece, making Y/N run to the higher level of the mall, her heart racing and she was starting to feel tired.
Y/N just ran until she lost the russian, her breathing was getting shorter by the second..  Y/N's leg was starting to hurt but she ignored it and looked down to see if she can spot her brother..
And there they are, getting chased by guards.. Worries pumped into her brain as they run.. She needed to help them, if not they could get killed.
"Hey stupid spies!I'm right up here, morons!" Y/N screamed at the top of her lungs as she waves her hands around..
Steve and Dustin was horrified as they hide into the counters, Y/N was risking her life for theirs..
The guards that was chasing them made eye contact and targeted Y/N but before they could do anything a car honk.. The russians looked at each other, confused and dazed.. Eleven can be seen controlling the car, she throws it at the bad men and all they could hear were groans..
Y/N felt a surge of relief, she made her way to her brother.. Dustin, Robin, Erica and Steve pop out from behind the counter, steam hissing.. Y/N saw her brother and they all rushed up to hug her..
A tight hug welcomed Y/N, but this hug wasn't just from Dustin.. It was also from Robin, Erica and Steve.. Suddenly they all look up to see the rest of the party.. The hug was cut off by Dustin running to hug Mike and Eleven.
"Lucas?" Erica saw her brother and it made Lucas confuse..
"What are you doing here?"
Y/N who was just taking in deep breaths smiled to herself.. They were safe, but she knew this was not over.. Steve stayed in Y/N side, Robin's word replayed in his mind.. This is his chance to say his undying love to Y/N.
"Hmm?" Y/N saw Steve besides her, she was growing tired but Y/N needed to keep thriving for everyone.. Y/N saw that Steve was hesitant, he was nervous and it made her felt nervous too.
"I--I uhh.." Steve mumbles, his tongue was backing out.. Y/N had such a powerful effect on him, to the way she says his name, and everytime Y/N calls him, his heart skips a beat.. It sounds corny, but it was true..
"What?Do you need a speak and spell?" Y/N joked, it didn't help a struggling Steve.. He started to grew more anxious, he needed to get this off his chest.. This could be the last time they all see each other alive, there's no telling what could happen to them.
Y/N was just staring at him
"I have something to confess---"
Steve was cut off by El who was in pain and grunting in the floor..  They all ran to her aid and helped her with the pain she was going through.. Steve slightly curses at himself, maybe this was not a great time for a love confession.. He needed to focus on surviving this hellish adventure.. Again 
It finally ended.. Y/N was relieved, it was over.. They were safe, Y/N and Dustin were sitting in the back of an ambulance, a blanket around them as they hug each other..
"If this shit happens again, we're moving.." Y/N jokes.. Dustin chuckled, maybe they should.. However, the adventures were growing more fun and dangerous..
"Nah, we love being heroes.."
Y/N laughs as she held her brother tighter, she fixed his hair and wipe some dirt off his face.. Even if he's old now, he'll always be Y/N's baby brother.. She smiled at the memory of Suzie and Dustin singing in the middle of mayhem and chaos.
"Stooop, I'm all grown up now!" He stood up and made his way to his friends..
"Don't get too far, lover boy!" Y/N shouted causing Dustin's cheek to blush..
Y/N sighs at the sight of her brother walking away from her, this is the last time she'll save the world, she was tired of monsters.. Y/N was just enjoying the cold air of the night when someone cleared their throat.
"Hello to you Harrington.." Y/N smiled at Steve, he was just standing infront of her.. Y/N can't help but feel giddy when Steve's in his sailor outfit.. It saddens her that Steve was still stuck in his highschool mindset..
"I have something to tell you.." Steve mumbles incoherently, but Y/N understood it.. Steve was always nervous when Y/N's around, he remember the first time he saw Y/N..
Steve saw Dustin on the street asking for help, and he didn't believe at him first but he was soon convinced by how Dustin was nervous and scared.. They pulled up at the Henderson's residence, that's where he first saw--no that's not the right word..
That's where he first acknowledged Y/N..
She was sitting on the porch steps on her pajama's, there were dirt on her face and her hairs a mess.. Y/N's face lighten up when he saw Dustin getting out of the car..
"Hey Dus------What is he doing here?" Y/N's face dropped when he saw Steve also getting out of the car.
"He's our back up.." Her brother answered short and continue walking into the entrance of the basement.
"I'm back up..'' Steve said cocky at Y/N, she just scoffs and followed Dustin..
"For a guy with a black eye, you're awfully confident.."
"That's what seeing a pretty girl like you does to me.." Steve didn't know what he ate that time but he had this whole new confidence when he started talking to Y/N.. However, Y/N didn't seem impressed to his corny jokes and pick up lines, she was always scoffing and rolling her eyes..
"Yeah, you said that too when we were inside..That" Y/N's voice pulled him back to the present.. Y/N gestured at the burning mall infront of them.
"Yeah.." Steve cleared his throat, he opens his mouth, but the words won't come out he's chokin', how, everybody's jokin' now, the clocks run out, times up, over, blaow   .
"Are you gonna say something?" Y/N was starting to get nervous, did she do something to make Steve act strange? He was shaking, the sweat on his forehead is flowing like the Niagara Falls.. That's not attractive yet for some reason she found it hot..
"Oh--Yeah--Uhh.." He failed to say words again, why can't he just go straight to the point?
Robin who was with the rest of the party was staring at a stuttering and nervous Steve.. The rest started to notice even Jonathan and Nancy who was in each others arms..
"When is he gonna tell my sister that he likes her?" Dustin ponder as he stares at the two..
"I don't know, he's taking forever just uttering one sentence.." Lucas pitched in making the others laugh..
"I thought Steve was a suave and cool guy?" Mike jokes causing some of them to laugh, some was just quiet.. They were still having a hard time grasping all of this, especially Max..
"He's a nerd just like you guys.." Nancy answered, they all shake their heads as they watch Steve nervously fidgets..
"Alright, I finally had enough.." Robin whispers, the party turned to Robin, carefulky watching to what she had under her sleeves..
"HEY Y/N!" Robin shouts..
Y/N broke her gaze with Steve and brought it to a shouting Robin, not far from them.. Steve just froze to his place, panic started blaring out through his mind..
"WHAT STEVE'S TRYING TO SAY IS HE FREAKING LIKES YOU!" Robin shouted, and it all made them freeze.. Y/N blinked rapidly, did she hear that right? Steve l-likes her? What? When? How? Where?
Steve felt embarrased, he wanted the crawl in a hole and die.. Robin was dead to him, how could she do that? Now Y/N's gonna start to avoid him, she obviously doesn't like her back.
"I-Is that true?" Y/N finally asked the question she was dying to ask, she never really thought about Steve that way.. Fine, she's not gonna lie, there were some thoughts about Steve that kept her up at night..
"I can explain--If you don't feel the same it's totally fi----" Steve panicked and randomly said any excuses he can think off, not giving Y/N a chance to speak..
Y/N rolled her eyes at how Steve was rambling on, she smiled and stands up.. Pulling Steve sailor outfit, she kissed him..
Steve pressed his lips harder on Y/N, he wanted this kiss to happen since he first saw her.. And now it's happening, Y/N puts her arm around Steve's neck.. This was her first kiss and she was glad that it was to Steve.. They both kissed as the burning Star Court crumbles infront of them.  Y/N didn't knew that you can find love and monsters in this terrifying situation..
Dustin groaned at the sight of her sister and bestfriend kissing, he wanted to vomit and scoop his eyes out.. This was not a sight for sore eyes..
"Ugh!I don't want to watch my sister exchange salivas with Harrington!" Dustin sigh under his breath
"Get used to it, you'll be seeing a lot of him.." Robin teased making Dustin die inside.
Y/N was just thinking that some people lost someone special, Eleven lost Hopper.. Max lost Billy and the rest will wake up in the morning with terrible memories haunting them everyday, they can no longer feel the assurance that they're safe in the quiet town they grew up to. They knew everything that lies withing the depths of this ground, all the horrible things that Hawkin Labs brought.. Chief Hopper and Billy Hargrove died for them, they were heroes.. And the sad part is, no one will ever know.. Those who deserves to be recognized is no longer here, the heroine act they did save the world yet the world doesn't even know about them.. But Y/N and the rest knows that the sacrifices they made won't go to waste, they'll do everything in their power to keep whatever haunts this eerie town at bay.
I found this highly nice but cringey at the same time so bear with it, I also wanted to update my series about James Potter but I just can't seem to end it ughhhhh..Anyways, I hope you guys like this one..
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rogue-durin-16 · 3 years
Summary: After Fred's death, George and Y/n lean on each other to carry on. This wasn't the most brilliant idea, though; George was pretty much in love with the girl, and Y/n— well, she had been dating Fred prior to the Battle of Hogwarts.
Pairing: George Weasley x Reader
Genre: angst
Suggested by: @crispykittywitch
George Weasley: @meph1stophelian
Things never go as planned: @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @beautyschoo1dropout @s1ut4georgeweasley @sunshineandshadows @missmulti @accioweaslcy @andreaareynoso @georgeweasley16 @dianarte @skarlettmikaelson
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog @amourtentiaa @just-here-to-escape-from-reality
Warnings: language (?) Angst
Prologue: the aftermath
Part I: sleepless nights
Part II: candy floss
Part III: shock therapy
Part VI: wrong name
Part V: the perfect excuse
Part VI: the downfall
Epilogue: I still love you
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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Since the Amortentia incident, Y/n had barely looked at me; not in the way I had avoided her after New Year, though, this time, it was different. She didn't seem to be doing it accidentally, rather than on purpose; she appeared to be too lost into her turmoil of thoughts to realise what she was doing, which scared me more.
I had figured the Amortentia would have had something to do with it, but it took me two days to pick up on it.
Undoubtedly, Y/n had smelled Fred's scent on it, and it dawned on her how twisted what we were doing was.
I cried myself to sleep the night that my mind stumbled upon that information. I let myself sob violently, pouring out as much pain as I could, wanting to wash away the recurrent thoughts that creeped on my mind, thoughts that were not unfounded.
That was it— I had lost both a friend and the woman I loved.
Once the tears seem to die out, a new thought appeared in my mind; maybe I was meant to be alone. I could barely function alone, how was I supposed to function with another person?
Perhaps I had always be meant to be alone.
I was going to be alone forever.
I was alone.
It took my careless arse a hot minute to be aware of how obvious my emotional rollercoaster was from the outside; George had been getting visibly upset by it —I'd dare to reckon he even cried the past night because of it—, and I had to stop that, but how?
I knew it was always best to tell the truth, but where would that take us? Nowhere good. I couldn't just tell George I was in love with him and expect us not to fall apart even harder.
He would think I'm lying, or that I'm using him as a second option —I couldn't let him think that—, but again, his mind had probably gone to those thoughts due to my radio silence.
I had to tell him the truth, and face the consequences.
The sound of our front door's lock opening snapped me out of my own mind, and even made me jump a bit in the couch I sat. I had been waiting for George to arrive for a good couple of hours, weighing on how I could approach the topic, but I didn't seem to come up with anything remotely good.
He stepped into the flat with his eyes casted down, so it took him a moment to acknowledge my presence. "I—" his now dull eyes observed me with confusion, as if he wasn't expecting to see me in my own flat. "what are you doing awake?"
"Waiting for you." He closed the door, scrutinising me with furrowed brows. "I— well—" I cleared my throat and got up, causing his shoulders to tense up. "I wanted to tell you something."
I thought I would have to fight his childish behavior and convince him not to dodge the subject, but he only leaned on the door, his hands behind his back and his eyes casted down. "I... I wanted to tell you something too."
"You go first." I prompted him, planning on using those extra seconds to mentally prepare myself for what I was about to say —as if I hadn't been trying to mentally prepare myself for two hours already.
He peeked at me and sighed, his eyes coming back to his shoes before speaking. "I don't know how to say this— I" he pursed his lips and I could see the struggle irradiating from him. "I think you should move out." Now I knew why he refused to meet my gaze. "We— we need time away y'know— Fleur offered to help you look for an apartment. I'll go back to the Burrow until you find one— and I'm not firing you but I would appreciate if you didn't attend the clients if I'm there."
I should have spoken first, I scolded myself.
"What why?"
"Why you should've spoken first?"
"I— well, so you see," I tugged on my sleeves; it was my turn to avoid his look. "W-when I spilled the Amortentia— well I— I smelled—"
"I know."
"You... Do?"
"Yeah, that's... That's why I think we need some time away."
I had never in my life had my heart shattered in so many pieces in such a short span of time. The pain was so immense that I wasn't able to shed a single tear. Out of every outcome, this was the least expected.
"O-okay." We kept sneaking glances at each other in a dreadful silence until our eyes accidentally met. "I think—"
"I should—"
Another best of silence fell among us after we simultaneously spoke.
"I should go pick some things up." He muttered, passing by my side as fast as he could.
The next morning I caught him, as I expected, sneaking out of the flat with one of the bags he had carried in months ago.
He was already exiting when I jogged out of my room, managing to catch his hand.
I could see the goosebumps in his arm, and I thanked Merlin he couldn't hear my heart threatening to leaving my chest to go with him.
"I'm really sorry, George." I whispered, squeezing his hand. Although I had a tiny bit of hope that he would change his mind and step back into our home if I said those words, it was more of a goodbye.
He just shook his head, letting me know there was no need for an apology, and squeezed my hand back before pulling away.
His fingers slipping away from mines was such an emptying feeling, as if my connection with him slept away from my grasp forever.
I went to sleep that night hoping George's parting would have been a nightmare, and I cried the morning after when my brain took in that it was, in fact, very much real.
A heavily pregnant Fleur showed up that afternoon; she made me dinner and tried to cheer me up a little before making me get dressed so she could drag me out to look for flats in the Diagon Alley. It was an unsuccessful trip, but the Triwizard Tournament Champion wasn't about to give up so easily, so she came the next day, and the following, and on and on for a week.
As if summoned by the woman's will to find me a new home, we found a cheap, acceptable apartment near the shop.
I purchased it instantly, and soon enough I was moving out my things with Bill's help, to stop his wife from helping me herself.
"That's the last one, right?" Bill questioned, nodding at the bag laying on the couch with a box in his hands.
"Yup." I pulled it up and hung it on my shoulder.
"Need anything else?" I shook my head no. "Alright then I'll leave this at your place and apparate back home." He hesitated for a moment before adding, "I know it's none of my business but... Whatever happened between you two— it's fixable, believe me."
"I really don't think so." I muttered, gripping the bag's strap.
"It is," he repeated, adjusting the box in his arms. "just don't give up." He gave me a small, reassuring smile and disapparated.
Maybe he was right, maybe it was fixable. Taking a look around the now emptier apartment, I thought it surely didn't seem like it, but hope is the last thing you lose, right?
In a final attempt of getting him back, I grabbed a notebook from the bag and teared a page off it; I left the bag besides me as I knelt down and reached for a pencil forgotten over the coffee table.
Three Days Later
I entered the apartment— it was quiet, similar to a cemetery, just like the first time I stepped on the apartment after the war.
This time, it was empty, though.
Y/n didn't rush to the door when I opened it.
She didn't catch me when I fell on my knees and broke down to tears.
I was alone.
After Godric knows how long I managed to get myself back to my feet. I passed Y/n's old room as fast as I had first passed Fred's room months ago.
Once I got to my room and lay down on my bed, my mind cleared up enough for me to realise that I would be seeing Y/n the next day —at least once— at the shop.
"Fuck." I muttered, burying my face on my pillow.
He had asked me not to leave the office while he was in the shop.
He had explicitly asked me not to, but I needed to know if he had read my letter— no, I need to know if I had taken a step in the right direction by writing the letter.
So there I was, descending the stairs in his direction, and taking my time to do so since he was talking with a couple of clients.
"Y/n!" Verity rushed to me with what seemed a defective portable swamp. "I need your help with this," My eyes, still on George, caught the way his head snapped in my direction with sheer fear on it. "I've got a woman there threatening with suing us because the swamp send one of her children to St. Mungo!" The girl managed to get my attention with her anxious rambling.
"She can't do that." George, who had probably caught on Verity's words, spoke before I could. "She agreed on our shop policy." He reminded her, walking to stand by my side.
"I already told her that Mister Weasley, but she said she's 'not taking the words of a pipsqueak'." She replied in a whisper.
"She said what?" George questioned in disbelief.
"I'm gonna shove that lawsuit up her arse." I spoke, spotting the completely out of place middle aged woman who stood in front of Verity's till. "Send her to the office." Verity looked at me and then at George for confirmation, who simply gave her a nod.
Once Verity left, I turned to the ginger, whose warm eyes were already fixed on me. "How are you?" He inquired in a way that let me see it was out of politeness, which made my hopes die a little.
"Been better." I replied, ready to somehow test the waters. "How about you?"
"Same, I suppose." George didn't even try to put on a happy face, and I started to get anxious; there was no way he would have missed the note —I left it on the kitchen table— so that meant he had read it and- "You should go back to the office."
My heart attempted to hold onto the possibility of him not having read the note, but my brain knew better than that. "Alright." I nodded and went back to my workplace; I would deal with that woman and after that, I would prepare a resignation letter.
George was right, we needed to be apart.
It wasn't that bad, I lied to myself, sitting down on the sofa while undoing the tie's knot.
My mind was about to begin the overthinking of Y/n's words when my stomach growled. Without noticing, I had gone without a single meal for the entire day.
I listened to my body and moved to the kitchen to prepare myself something. While the stove heated up, I turned around and took a look at the kitchen; just like the rest of the rooms, it seemed gloomier without Y/n lighting up the apartment.
Stop thinking about her.
My eyes landed on a piece of paper with one of Y/n's rings over it. Before properly realising it, I was sitting down on one of the chairs and reading what had been written in the scrapped page.
Dear George,
I know what happened is on both of us, but I can't help but blame myself, as selfish as it might sound.
You don't know this, but while at Hogwarts, I found you and Fred rather annoying— I didn't understand why everyone seemed to fancy you so much. Then, you hired me to work in this amazing shop, and I understood.
During these past two years I had the pleasure and honour to call you my friend; you made my life much better, I'd like to think I did the same.
I wanted to apologise for everything I've done since New Year. I'm so very sorry for falling in love with you. Though it was something so easy to happen, I never thought it would go this far.
I don't know what is this letter (a proper goodbye? I don't know), but I want need you to know that I never wanted to harm you nor our friendship, and that I'm still going to be here for you, feelings aside.
I re-read the fourth paragraph at least five times before taking it in.
She had fallen in love with me.
That's what she had meant to say when she spoke to me about the Amortentia— that she had smelled my scent— Oh no.
My reply— she probably thought it was unrequited; she probably thought I had kicked her out because she was in love with me and not quite the opposite.
Without thinking twice, I ran down to the office with the letter clutched in my hand; she had to be there, she was always the last one to leave.
She had to be there.
I was so focused on reaching the office on time that I missed Y/b's figure exiting the shop.
I slammed the door open, just to find the table's surface, which used to be full of Y/n's things, clean in its entirety, aside from an envelope which had written on it 'resignation'.
I had just left the small box with my things over the coffee table, and was taking off my shoes when an apparition noise followed by a couple of bangs on my front door made me jolt.
Out of a sad habit I, among the rest of the Order, had gotten during the war, I grabbed my wand and approached the door.
My arm fell limply on my side while I stared into George's eyes, which seemed to hold back a storm of mixed emotions.
"C-can we talk?" My gaze then fell on the paper his hand was gripping, and that I assumed was my resignation.
"George, listen, I can't—"
"I'm in love with you."
Words had stumbled out of his mouth in panic, and the only thing I could reply was, "What?"
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idjitlili · 4 years
Shrimp Dick Azog.
Kili x reader, requested by anon.
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Summary:  Kili convinces you to to join him on hiding from his royal duties as a prince.
Word count: 2899
Warnings: Language , sorry watched Moulin rouge.
So, you hadn't actually grown up with Kili and Fili, more like bloody thrown from the sky a year ago, into their world. Not their world, middle earth. Was not the best thing you wanted, you had just been walking down the stairs with a lightsaber,why a lightsaber? You knew the answer, whether it was yours or someone else's, you knew.
Oh, the dwarves did not like that at all. Surrounding you in a circle a circle , most under average height men, one tall old man and a cute curly haired toddler. Activating the lightsaber, glowing blue, humming as you held it, several confused faces around you.
"Witch!" The men definitely did not know of the modern world, you thought you had landed right into 17th century.
"I do not know what your game is, kidnapping me , but I will use this, stay back!" Feeling like Wendy from the shining, swinging the lightsaber.
Yeah wasn't long after that you were a part of the company, you had a higher purpose according to Gandalf, so be it. Okay, it would've been horrifying if you had accidentally hit one of the dwarves when you first met them, not long would they have killed you. Why? Because some how it had became real getting into this world.
Basically you were a padawan and a Jedi master at the same time, highly dangerous with no experience. Was this necessary for the Gods to do this? No it was not, however , Lili just misses Obi-wan, okay?
Being very young, not a minor, but young in the eyes of the dwarves being between the ages 60 and 300. You had been befriended by Fili and Kili quickly;even if you were shy and made friends difficultly. They welcomed you and made you feel comfortable, oh don't get me started on little Ori. He knitted you a blanket within an hour of your arrival, he wasn't just the youngest , he was the sweetest.
Kili right off the back he was a teasing, you weren't sure if he just wanted to get a hold of the lightsaber.  Of course you couldn't just be Fili or Kili's friend you had to be both, they were not just brothers, they were best friends.
You did end up being best friends with both, Kili on a slightly higher level.
At the battle of the five armies, no one stood a chance, the orcs struggled to defend themselves from the lightsaber. Though, you should've let Thorin killed Azog he would not have made it. So, you had simply cut Azogs shrimp dick off and then sliced him in half.
Thus, the battle was won, saving the line of Durin was your greater purpose.
Though, once Azog was defeated Fili and Kili had run into the ice ,unharmed mostly , towards you and their uncle. Kili had slipped pretty fast, smacking his face right into the solid ice, you were surprised he didn't break his nose. Fili went to stop but his younger brother was already back on his feet grinning larger than ever running again.
Your lightsaber still on, humming in the background, stuck out to the side. Thorin heavily breathed, his arms crossed like he was not exhausted , thankful his nephews were safe.
"Oh, OH, who did that?" Kili and Fili smiling up to their uncle and you briefly before Kili had noticed the tiny dick on the floor. Maybe Kili had trouble distinguishing what the small thing was, Fili and Thorin joining in to look. Thorin's face snapping back to yours with disgust ,sighing.
"Y/n, you cut Azogs cock off?" Jabbing Kili in his ribs, at his language , Fili had let out a snort of laughter, patting you on the back.
"I'm sorry, who killed him? Me? So,"
Kili hadn't hesitated picking up the small dick, with two fingers, holding it up to you, too close, stepping back, he had stepped forward.
"Stay back, stay back, I'll kill you with the lightsaber or I will run away with Legolas I always wanted to taste a princess's puss- STAY BACK."
The rest of the company not long after had made it to the four of you, and the shrivelled dick was taken and put on to a cocktail stick . Placed in a glass box on display to present their power towards the Orcs. You were not sure really why they thought that would be a good idea.
Imagine bomber comes in and mistakes it for cocktail sausage.
Erebor was reclaimed, you Bilbo welcome to stay for your contribution to the quest, not just because you saved their stupid arses. Anyone could have seen that was a trapped. Bilbo had went home not long after, promising he would come back, he just really wanted to check on his hole. You having nowhere else to go you stayed.
Though it was a good idea to start, as Erebor filled up the less time you spent with the brothers. The royal duties pulled them away constantly. It was not like you exactly fitted in, you were human, you didn't have a beard to your hips, you were a 'warrior' now but that was because you a had a fucking lightsaber.
Most days you'd be in your chambers with a book, good from the kitchen, or taking your little money from the quest to the now rebuilt markets of dale. It was hard to make friends, so, you were alone. Sometimes you'd visit Bofur in his toy shop or Ori in the library.Frankly , you went to Ori often, he gave the best book suggestions.
You rarely saw Fili or Kili anymore unless they were rushing by you in the halls in a hurry , not even glancing at you.
A whole month of being alone had went by, on that night you began to pack. You figured to go visit Bilbo before heading Gondor, it had been without an heir for years, with Ecthelion II as the steward. Minas Tirith was the city of man, you had no where else to go. Unless you lived in Mirkwood as a witch.
With your bag packed, you left your chambers, during the night, early morning, so that you would not be questioned. Your shoes tapping against the stone , leading yourself out of Erebor quickly.
At the top of a set of stairs is when you head it, the pounding against the stone someone was running. Rushing down the stairs , at an increasing speed, trying not to trip. "Y/n?"
Your face. Your race. The way you talk, I kiss you are beautiful. You knew that voice, the voice of a flirt now panic, as you ran towards the entrance of Erebor.
"Y/n, wait!" But you didn't you continued running as fast as you could, ignoring Kili's pleads that echoed through the empty halls. Well, until you tripped landing flat on your face, against the cold stone, just as Kili had.
"Y/n!" Rushing towards you still, he had knelt by you, flipping you on your back, your eyes shut and motionless. "Please , don't be dead." His voice soft, letting out a load dramatic sob, you were not sure if it was real, his hands on your cheeks squishing them. Pushing his hands off you forcefully, sitting up to look at him. The moon light brightening his face from the sark halls, only a few candles were lit.
"I'm not dead; just wanted you to go away." His shoulders sank , as did the smile he gave you, his chestnut eyes dulled looking over your form and your bag.
"Where are you going...y/n?"
There was no point lying, you were clearly going somewhere, no I'm not going anywhere bullshit.
"Gondor? Gondor?! Why would you go there? What do you have there?" He was not happy, you both just sitting on the cold floor, staring at your feet as Kili stared you down.
"What do I have here? I've done what I was meant to." Kili had scoffed in annoyance his face scrunching up as you stood from the floor.
"You cannot be serious. Y/n/n, please, I was coming to see you before I saw you in the hall. Don't leave."
"Well, that's lovely."
"Y/n, please don't leave me, please..." The voice soft, cracking into a higher pitch, your feet halted in place.
"Walk me back to my room."
With that, Kili did a bright smile on his lips, grabbing your bag, and your hand. As he skipped to your room, pressing a large kiss to your cheek.
"See you in the morning, love!"
You were alone again, sleeping in your bed with all the furs over you, you fell into slumber. What only felt like minutes had been hours , waking up from your door being slammed open. You forgot to lock it... Jumping out of sleep to see who was there, your hair stuck to your face , your eyes sagging.
Closing the door, there stood Kili smiling at you panting, his hair wind swept, leaning against your door. You had let out a groans falling back onto your pillow, your eyes slamming shut. For a moment there was no sound no nothing, but you knew you would not be able to go back to sleep. Especially when Kili had jumped onto your bed, specifically onto the pillow next to yours.
Turning your head to the side, there laid Kili his head held up by his hand with his arm in a triangle. Yeah on his side, that pose, grinning at you.
"Good morning."  Half tempted to grab your pillow and cover his face with it you had let out a moan again, flipping to face the other way. The bed got lighter, Kili had left no he had not, he was going to do something you wouldn't like. Seconds later, the squeaking of draws being opened , hit you, you were not getting more sleep.
Your eyes now wide, after rubbing the sleep from them, sitting up against your pillow- You could clearly see Kili going through your draws picking items of clothing out. Wait, what was he wearing? He had a long brunette wig on. Hold on he was not picking out one outfit, but two. Did he think you were the same size?
"I'll buy you more." Like he knew what you were thinking, he turned and threw some clothing at you. "Hurry up, I need you to help me." His tone serious, not harsh nor loud just differently his flirtatious usual tone. There was no point arguing, the stubbornness of dwarves.
Going behind the divider after peeing you had gotten dressed quickly. "Take your tunic , and pants off, put on the undergarments for when I'm done."  Standing still for a moment Kili watched your shadow, opening his mouth to disagree but quickly closing it. He wondered about how you did not even question what was going on.
After it was clear for you to come out, Kili had thought you would laugh, but instead you loosened corset lifting it over his head and over the shift. "Do you want it tight?" Your casual tone,  caused Kili to become distracted, your hands gripping the strings waiting.
"I'm sorry, did you say t-tight?" Kili looked at you in the body sized mirror his cheeks pinched pink noticing you holding the corset strings.  "Oh, just believable not too tight." Kili's mind was somewhere else. Letting out a dramatic cough at the slightest pull you had decided that was enough, he'd moan for the rest of the day.  You hadn't been used to these dresses either , you rarely wore them, only since you had been in Erebor. That was only for special events, today must be one of them.
The petticoat already on him, helping him into the hoop. Keeping his own shoes, you had pulled the final dress layer on him, helping him with his wig no gloves his hands were too big. Okay he had thick arse, muscular chest so he looked like dam. Kili stood before you, dressed in your clothes, he had only stubble , passing as a Darrow dam would not be hard.
"Truly beautiful, Kee." As he spun around in front of the mirror before stopping in front of you, grinning widely. "You think?" Nodding at him, he spun again. "As do you ,my lady." You had scoffed, as you brushed your hair.
"Why did you need me do this?"  Dramatically he had turned back to you with his mouth open. "You of course, how else am I supposed to get out of my duties, if everyone can recognise me?" That was very clever for Kili anyways, had he been thinking about this for a while?
“Well, what are you going to do today, Miss?”
“We are going to flirt with old men.”
“Come on, we have some mischief to cause.”
That’s how you ended up at a ball, which Thorin was fuming because he could not find his nephew, Fili had told Dis that Kili had went to Dale for Bofur. She did not believe it. A ball without a Prince? Disgraceful.
Whereas he was there, with you. Pretending to be well behaved woman as you ate food and drank. Music playing in the background...wait was that Jareth singing? Yes it was, sorry about that, oh and Freddie Mercury? What? I’m sorry Kenobi too?
Men approaching the both of you, Kili laughing along with their jokes, and slapping them ‘gently’ on their shoulders, one had dropped their glass, rubbing their shoulders when walking away.
It was very embarrassing when both of you were facing the food table when you had been tapped on the shoulder. “Can I have a dance, my lady?” Both of you turning around, at the same time, Fili’s eyes widened when seeing it was you.
“Oh, Y/n, you look absolutely lovely, and who is your friend?” His eyes meeting Kili as he sipped his drink, spitting his drink all over Kili. His eyes travelling up and down his brother in shock and disbelief.
“Shh! I am Keanu, of the blue mountains.” Fili had looked back at you covering your face from trying not to cry with laughter, his face reddened snorting out a laugh too.
“This was his idea wasn’t it?” Nodding at the Prince he had bust out with laughter, lifting your hand to his lips pressing a kiss to your knuckles before travelling away, towards Dwalin...
“Would you like to dance, y/n?” It was not strange for woman to dance together, nodding, he had grabbed your hand as the song changed, leading you to the floor. Heroes tune playing , anything is possible.
‘And you, you can be mean.’
‘And I, I’ll drink all the time.’
‘Cause we’re lovers’
The two of you elbows locked as you swung around together, dancing around , Kili had even lifted you above his head like he was Patrick Swayze. You told him you couldn’t do that back. Eventually ended up become tired really fast, your heads in each other’s shoulders, careful Kili’s wif did not fall off.
Swaying together, your eyes locking as smiling at each other, giddy. Kili’s eyes flickered down to your lips for split second before returning to your eyes, trouble is what comes from that smirk.
“You know what would really cause a scene?” Shaking your head slightly, frightened, well not really.
“If we kissed, right now.” Your heart pounding in your chest, he wasn’t seriously surely? His hand reaching to cup your chin, his chestnut eyes glistening in the yarn light.
“What are you are you asking, Kili?” You weren’t sure if he even heard your whisper over the noise of the ball.
“Y/n/n, darling, can I kiss you?”
“Yes.” His lips were upon yours pressing a long peck against your soft lips, before pulling away from them. The cold air hitting your lips from the loss of warmth. Cheeks pink ad you looked at Kili. “You know, I love you, Y/n.”
“Yes, I lov-“ Though your confession was cut short, as several gasps had alerted Thorin and most of the original company, as well as Dis. Who all saw some of what had just happened, yes lesbian relationships did happen in middle earth just not often. Nor were they so public.
“Y/n!” Thorin called you other, your hand intertwined with Kili’s you pulled him with you, towards Thorin, Dis, Fili , and Dwalin. Thorin’s disproving gaze on both of you, jealous not disproving, he longed for a certain small fellow.
“I am sorry to disrupt your night with your date, but for your safety I must advise you do n-“ “ Kili?!” Dis had interrupted her brother, Dwalin had sighed under his breath. Thorins head had snapped to his sister looking around for Kili with no luck. Until, he had followed her eyes, to next you.
“Kili?!” Smirking at his uncle, oh gosh he looked like he was going to have a stroke, how could he not see it, this was like Clark Kent with no glasses just a wig.
“Sorry, this is Keanu, Kili is in Dale at the moment.”
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xeunoais · 5 years
Four Years
(A/N: i can’t remember where i got this concept from but creds to whoever gave me the inspiration for this! i hope you enjoy this even though its not the best. & again the gif has nothing to do with the fic but i just hink that its cute lol)
Summary: You broke things off with Connor whenever you found out you where pregnant. You and Adeline were at the library and you ended up running into him. What happens when he finds out that you had her? And that she is his kid..
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"Can we go to the park?"
"Honey, not today. It’s a little too late to go to thr park tonight."
"Well.. here’s what we can do, we can go to library tonight. And then tomorrow or something, we can go to the park." I speak to my 4 year old daughter.
She's incredibly smart for her age, and just like her father. She loves to sing, dance, and try her best to read books. She loves taking pictures of stuff too on my phone when she has it.
I wish Connor could've been here for this.
I let go of him and broke things off in our relationship when I got pregnant with Adeline. I didn't want to ruin his life. I was just stupid, and scared at the time.
Hell, we were only 17 and 18! I never wanted to tell him and ruin everything he had going for him. His career, his reputation, his passion..
I didn't want to ruin it all for him then have him resent me for it. And if his reaction was bad, I didn't want Addy to feel like a burden to him.
She asks about him all the time though. Who her daddy is, what he looks like, what he was like. I tell her that her daddy had to go away for a very long time. But then I always change the subject after to not let the conversation go too far. But it doesn't stop her from asking.
We just moved here to LA cause I got a better job offer here then I did when I was living back home with my parents. It's a new start, a new life I need.. that Adeline needs.
"Momma! Momma we gotta hurry before we miss it!" She says jumping and down. I smile.
"Miss what?"
"The library! It's gonna close soon!" I smiled down at my little bookworm and grabbed her hand, trudging out the door and into the street of LA.
It was a bit chilly outside. But we continued walking till we got to the library and walked in. Addy's face lit up.
"Look how many there are, Momma!" I smiled at her excitement and told her to go pick out a few. She ran off and did just that and I waited for her near the entrance.
I answered a call from my boss and checked on a few things and feeling something collide with my back.
Me and the person fall over and hit the ground, I wince and look to the other person to see if they're alright.
"Oh my gosh, are you o-"
My heart stopped.. You’ve got to be fucking kidding. I almost couldn't believe my eyes. Is he seriously right here? Infront of me?
"Y/n?" Connor says with a shaky breath. His eyes held so many emotions, I didn't know what to do or say as my eyes began watering. Hold it together and don’t fucking cry.
"Y-You're here? W-ha- wh.. when.." He speaks so frantically.
"I just moved here with-" I stopped myself. I can't tell him. Not like this. Not right now.
"N-No one.." I say hoping that Addy takes a little longer to pick out her books.
"It's so good to see you.. amazing actually." Connor says smiling. Oh my gosh.. I missed that smile. I miss him.
"Momma!" My eyes widen at the sound of my daughter's voice looking for me. Fuck. I know can't keep it a secret forever but I’m not ready to break the news just yet.
"Momma, look! I found my favorite book!" Adeline says pulling on my pant leg.
I smile at her but look at Connor, not knowing what to think. His expression wasn't all smiles anymore, it was shock and confusion.
"M-..Momma?" He repeats. A tear slips down my face and then it hits him.
"Is she.."
"Yeah.." I answer picking Adeline up and putting her on my hip.
"She reminds me of you everyday. She's a spitting image of you too. I haven't forgotten about you.. I’ve done nothing but think about you for the past 4 years. I didn't want to leave.. gosh I love you but i didn't want to hurt your life." I explain as more tears fell from my eyes. I’m right on the edge of actually breaking right now.
Connor looked so lost of words. I feel like I’ve hurt him even more then I did when I broke off things between us.
"Connor.. I-I'm so sorry." I say pushing past him with my head down. I walk out onto the street and start running towards my apartment.
"Y/n, wait!" I hear Connor call out right as i open my apartment door.
I quickly pushed it open and got inside. Adeline quickly ran into her bedroom where to start reading her books.
"Y/n, please! Don't shut me out again." Connor says leaning his head against the door pleadingly. My heart broke at his words..
I sighed and opened the door, letting him in. He stepped in and leaned against the counter, looking around at the drawings on the fridge Addy drew and the messy living room that is full of her toys and stuff.
"Why did you not tell me when you found out?" He asks after a few moments of silence. I look at him. Is he seriously that stupid?
"Do you really think I was gonna ruin your life and your career? I didn't think you were ready. Hell, I wasn't even ready myself. But I knew I didn’t want you to give up your passion for me. And I’m sorry for breaking things off between us but I was just so scared, Connor. You don't even understand how scared I was." I sobbed, finally breaking. Feeling all of the shit I probably should have felt four years ago.
"I'm not mad. I know you were scared. I probably would’ve been too in your position, but you should've just told me. You had to do this all alone for 4 years with no help." Connor paused grabbing my face gently, wiping my tears.
"And I’ve hardly looked at another girl since you left me. It was just too hard. I never stopped loving you. I always hoped you'd come back to me, tell me you messed up and you missed me just as mush as I did you. I just wanted you back." He says with tears slowly falling out of his eyes. I smiled and blushed at him, dumbfounded by his loyalty.
I looked him in the eyes a little longer. And then with my face in his hands, he placed a soft, gentle kiss on my lips. A kiss I didn’t know how much I truly missed until right now.
I wrap my arms around his neck and kissed back, soon pulling away for air.
"Can I meet her?" Connor asks with a big smile on his face. I smiled back and nodded.
"Adeline! Come here honey!" I called out to her.
"Adeline.. beautiful." Connor repeats and I smile even wider. Adeline comes running into the kitchen and looks at the mysterious tall man.
"Who's he, Momma?" She asks pointing. Connor crouches down in front of her, taking her hands in his.
"Hi Adeline, I'm Connor but you can call me Con. How old are you?" Connor speaks to her with such a soft, gentle voice.
"I'm this four! And you can call me Addy, everyone does." Addy says proudly, smiling wide. Connor chuckles.
"Wow! That's a really good number, Addy!" He says all excited. My heart unfolded at the sight in front of me.
"Addy, did Momma ever tell you about your Daddy?" Connor asks her. She nods her head and he smiles.
"What'd she says about him?"
"She said that he was like a prince, tall and handsome and super sweet. She said that she loves him to the moon and back but that he had to go away for a very long time because something happened that he might’ve not liked.” Addy paused for a second to think of an example to give him.
“Oh! Like the evil queen not letting Snow White be free." Addy exclaims and we both laughed at her example.
Connor nods and takes a deep breath, looking at me for permission. I nod and we all site down on the floor criss cross. He pulls Addy to sit in from of him.
"Addy, Can I tell you something?” Connor asked her looking her in her soft blue eyes.
“Are you my daddy?” She asked, turning and looking at you. Then back at him.
The both of you are shocked. How did she figure that out?
“Yeah honey. He is your daddy.” You told her, scared of what her reaction might be.
Suddenly, she breaks out with a huge smile on her face and wraps her arms tightly around Connor's neck giggling.
"I love you, daddy!" She squeals and my heart flutters. Connor hugs her tightly with his eyes closed, soaking everything from this moment in.
"I am so happy to hear you say that." He leans back out the hug and kisses her cheek softly.
This is the moment I have been dreaming of since I found out I was pregnant with her. I was just too scared to let it happen.
But now that it has, I regret not letting it happen sooner.
The End
(A/N: this isnt the best i’ve ever written but i still hope you enjoyed this and remember that feedback is highly appreciated!!)
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lunasxsol · 5 years
Love Like This
Bill Skarsgård x Reader
Word Count: 2194
Warnings: Abortion
(A/N: If you do not believe a woman should have a choice on her body then you can fuck off thank you vm. On another note I hope you enjoy this angsty fic. I just had this idea lingering in my mind so it’s here now..)
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As I sat in the waiting room dreading my name being called, I looked at the other women that look terrified to go into one of the rooms. Some of them came alone as myself and others came with their significant others or friends. A nurse had brought over a clipboard with some paper I had to sign. I was so nervous I couldn't keep my hands from shaking, I felt like I was going to pass out. Someone took my hand in theirs, I look up to see my best friend Maia. She took me in her arms as I silently cried.
"It's okay, I'm here."
"I thought I was gonna have to go through this alone."
She shook her head taking the clipboard from me, "I would never let you do this alone. Now you sit and calm down and I'll fill this for you okay?" I nodded taking a drink from my water.
Once she finished filling out the forms she handed them back to the nurse and we waited to be called over.
"Y/n L/n"
I got up quickly as did Maia, "You'll be alright, I'll wait here." She gave me a hug and a quick kiss on the head."
"Alright hun lets get you prepped." The nurse said as she took me to one of the operating rooms.
After 15 mins the procedure was finally done, they took me to the recovery room where Maia sat on the couch waiting for me. The nurse, Stella, handed me a cup of water and some pain meds before she went back to her office.
"You okay?" I nodded laying on the bed, Maia took my hand in hers. "He called." I stayed quiet not carrying what he had to say. "He called me too, I didn't pick up."
"Maia, I don't care anymore. I needed him here more than anything and he left me." My eyes started watering once again. "We'd been together for two years and he couldn't respect my one difficult decision. He can go to hell for all I care."
We stayed quiet for a while until the doctor came back and discharged me. Maia took drove us home, I thanked her for being there for me, "I'm going to sleep early today, goodnight Maia." She nodded.
I went into my room shutting the door quickly, taking a seat on my bed and letting myself cry. Maybe if we had gone through this conversation differently then maybe he would've respected my decision.
I looked at the pregnancy test that read PREGNANT in its bold letters. What the hell was I gonna do? I'm only 19, I'm still enrolled in the uni. I have so much ahead of me. I can't put it aside, I've worked too hard for it.
"Hey babe!" Bill spoke as he walked into my room. "So my parents are having a celebratory dinner for Alexander- hey what's wrong?" He turned me around and I handed him the test. "Hey its alright, we'll figure this out."
I shook my head, "I'm not ready."
He pulled me into a hug sighing, "Neither am I but we can do this. You have me.. till the end."
"No you don't understand.. I'm not ready, I can't have a baby right now, Bill."
"So what you're going to give it up?" I nodded. "You're kidding right?"
"Bill, we aren't ready. Do you not get it?" I threw the pregancy test in the trash brushing past him and taking a seat on my bed. "Your body isn't going to go through the entire change. I am not you. You get to walk around and continue to do your shit while I go to class carrying the child and getting called a whore for opening my legs at a young age. So yes I am going to give it up because I'm too fucking young to have a child."
"Fuck them, you shouldn't give a fuck of what other people say about you. God knows I don't so neither should you."
I chuckled, "My parents sacrificed so much so they can send me here to study at the uni of my choice, I'm not messing it up because of our fuck up."
"So what our child is a fuck up now?" He was red with anger.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way but if you loved me you would respect my decision."
"I love you (Y/n but I'm sorry, I don't agree with it. So whatever you're thinking of doing to our 'fuck up' you can do it alone." He left slamming the door loudly leaving me completely alone.
[End of flashback]
I sat up turning the tv on to have some sort of background noise. There was a knock at my door I groaned not wanting to see Maia or anyone at the moment. "Maia I'm okay, I just want to sleep."
The door was opened and a tall figure had walked in.
"Get out."
"I'm sorry."
"Get the fuck out." He didn't listen and instead kept coming closer. "Bill seriously get the fuck out."
"I need to talk to you."
I chuckled, "Well if it's to try and change my mind you can kindly fuck off cause the procedures done and so are we."
"I know it's done and I should've been there." I finally looked up at him his eyes sunken and red. "I'm sorry, I should have respected your decision because it's your body. I was just happy that we were gonna have a baby. I thought you wanted one."
"I did, I do, just not now. Not till I was settled." He nodded both our eyes brimming with tears. "Bill I need a break, a really long break. You fucked up and I-I don't know anymore. Look I'm 19 you're 26, I don't want kids till I'm like 30 or maybe never I don't know. And well with the way you reacted it's evident you want kids now. I knew this relationship wasn't gonna last."
"Hey, hey, I do want kids but I can wait. Just don't-don't leave, please." He took my hand in his but I quickly moved it away.
I sighed now full on crying, "I'm sorry Bill but this isn't gonna work out. You can find someone your age that you can settle down with now. I still have years before I'll even remotely be sure if I want kids. By then you'll be in your mid 30s, which is besides the point but what if I don't want kids what will you do then?" He shrugged his shoulders crying silently. "I love you Bill but we can't be together anymore."
He got up pressing a lingering kiss on my forehead, "I'm sorry."
3 years later
Today was finally moving day. I had finished my studies in New York and I was moving back down to LA. My parents were a bit against it since we had lived there years ago but they hated it there but I loved it. I was moving down by the beach areas. Maia was staying here with her fiancé.
"Well Ms. those are the last of your boxes." I handed the movers a decent tip and they went on their way.
I turned to Maia as she was already getting emotional, "Hey no crying, it's bad for the baby."
She chuckled pulling me in for a tight hug, "Hey me and Rosalie are gonna miss you."
I pulled away immediately in shock, "it's a girl?" She nodded causing me to shriek in excitement. Tyler came into the room and I jumped on him. "Congrats!"
"We were actually wondering if you would like to organize the baby shower for us." Tyler spoke.
"Yes of course!"
"We wanted to do it in 4 months. Closer to her due date."
"Once I get everything situated in LA I'll get things prepped and fly back here to organize everything!"
There was a honk outside of our house.
"Well guys I will see you in 4 months!" I hugged them both goodbye and grabbed my suitcase getting into the taxi.
2 weeks later
I was finally getting the finishing touches to my new house down. I still had a bit of work left but everything was mostly good to go. Now I currently sat in my living room going through a couple of designs for tomorrow's meeting. With the help of one of my close celebrity friends he got me a job with Leah Valderia a famous singer from London. She wanted help with her house and of course I said yes. This could be a great opportunity for my interior design career.
It was getting late and I decided to call it a night. I would show her the designs I had and maybe go shopping with her for some of the things.
The next morning I made sure to wake up early. I took a quick shower to calm my nerves. For my outfit I decided on a corduroy skirt that was a creamy chocolate color and a black turtle neck that fit perfectly. I also went with a dark grey oversized blazer that was just an inch longer than my skirt, for shoes I went with some heeled ankle boots. I did some light makeup and left my hair in its regular straight style. I added just some thin gold necklaces just to bring the whole outfit together. I looked at the time and grabbed my purse and work folders quickly heading out of my house. Before leaving the lot I sent a quick text to Leah letting her know I was on my way.
The traffic to her mansion was horrible to say the least. Luckily I made it on time, I parked my car on the curb and jogged to her door. "Great you're here, please come in!"
Looking around I could definitely see some potential for this beautiful home, "So Y/n I'm so excited you're here. I'm hoping you can bring my vision to life!" We took a seat in her office and she opened her laptop sliding it towards me. She had quite the vision. "I will sure try."
We were in her office for two hours, let's just say she is completely indecisive about what she wants to do with this place. So beautiful and so much potential only her vision was nothing like mine. "So we can definitely do what you want to do and we can also add some color maybe open up these curtains here as well just to get some light and more open space."
"Great! Let me show you the nursery so you can kind of get an idea of what we can with it. This baby will be here in 3 months need to have it done before anything else."
"What are you having?"
"A girl! I'm so excited, I hope one day you get to experience how beautiful it is to carry a life."
I smiled not really knowing what to say I just nodded, "Hey honey, I'm home, brought the- Y/n?"
"You guys know each other?"
"We dated years ago."
"Oh?" Leah looked down. "Is she?" Bill only nodded.
"I'm sorry, I'm gonna go. I can send you an email of other designers if-"
Leah shook her head, "No I love your work, that's why I called in for you. This thing you and Bill had is in the past so I would still like to work with you if that's alright."
I nodded, "Well I'll email you some of the ideas I have then we can get started immediately. I'll be back in a week?"
"Well I'll see you Leah, beautiful house you have here."
Bill set his things down, "I'll walk her out." Leah only nodded.
My car was only a block away but as we walked it felt like it was miles away. "Congratulations." I broke the silence.
"Thank you." He smiled.
"I told you, you would find someone to make you happy. Look at you, you're gonna have a baby."
"Yeah, I'm really happy, but I'm still really sorry about what happened between you and I. I'm sorry we didn't work out and I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me the most. I should have been there for you."
I sighed trying not to cry, "It was a bit traumatizing, having the procedure done is weird and horrible but it had to be done. I don't think I would've been happy if we went through with the pregnancy. I never want to be resentful towards a kid that wasn't at fault you know." He nodded. "I went to therapy after we broke up, got back on my feet and now I'm okay with it. I'm happy for you and happy that you're with someone that can give you the life you deserve."
He pulled me in for a hug giving me a kiss on the forehead, "I love you Bill Skarsgård."
"I love you too Y/n L/n and I wish you nothing but the best."
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bobasheebaby · 4 years
100 Roseanne Prompts
I usually try to stick to quotes that can work for everyone but some of these were too good to skip. Break at 15 like always. Request a show
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1 “Hey, all our lives suck.” — Roseanne
2 “Here's why you can't trust your kids 'cause they're stupid. That's why we don't give 'em cars or booze.” — Roseanne
3 “Etsy is like a yard sale except online because nobody can afford a yard anymore.” — Darlene
4 “All of your relatives died from alcoholism. The ones that didn't drink were killed by the ones who did.” — Roseanne
5 “Did all of your children's deliveries go according to your birth plan?” “Um, they found their way out, if that's what you mean.” — Andrea & Roseanne
6 “You gotta pick your fights in life.” — Roseanne
7 “Okay, he doesn't have to wear pants, but he's gotta wear underwear.” — Dan
8 “It is not my fault that I just happen to be a charismatic person who's always right about everything.” — Roseanne
9 “Why are you picking on me? What, did I take the last doughnut, or something?” — Darlene
10 [Person B is embarrassed after walking in on Person C nursing her baby] “Oh, now, NAME. It's not like you've never seen breasts before.” “NAME’s my friend. As far as I'm concerned, she has no breasts... It works for me, okay?” — Roseanne & Dan
11 “The car has heated seats? Thank God, I thought I was going through the change.” — Roseanne
12 [stoned and laying the bathtub] “Is this the sink? Am I shrinking?” — Jackie
13 “In this house, I'm in charge and father knows squat.” — Roseanne
14 “What's up? I smell fear. I love that smell! But what's up?” — Roseanne
15 “Do you have anything sharp I can stick in my eye?” — Dan
16 “You are really, really gettin' on my nerves today, man! I mean more than usual!” — Dan
17 “Well, you think you can stop me from seeing NAME, huh?” “I think I can stop you from seeing tomorrow.” — Mark & Dan
18 “You were always trying to push us apart. You were always putting me down!” — Mark Healey
19 “My marriage is not based on me listening!” — Roseanne
20 “Why don't you just kiss my butt?” “Well, haul it on over here, Jumbo!” — Becky & Darlene
21 “You are just evil!” — Jackie
22 “Oh good, go for the guilt. You better take a looong, hard look at yourself, NAME, 'cause if you are this obsessed with my life, there is obviously something missing from yours.” “Just figure that out?” — Jackie & Roseanne
23 “I thought you were just gonna go over there and scare him/her?” “Well, it started out that way.” — Roseanne & Dan
24 “Being your own boss isn't that great of a deal. Last week I sexually harassed myself.” — Dan
25 “Hell, even I don't hate her that much.” — Dan
26 “Oh my gosh, I'm so nervous.” “Just don't shoot any milk out of you nose, and you'll be fine.” — Becky & Roseanne
27 “Please, NAME, I don't want you to help me, I just want you to leave me alone ... Please.” — Darlene
28 “Don’t toy with me, NAME.” — Roseanne
29 “We, have had a fight, and we're not speaking to each other.” “Oh, well, what was the fight about? Maybe I can take a side.” — Roseanne & Jackie
30 “He/She wanted to do something; I didn't feel like it.” “Yeah, well, so what are you going to do?” “Nothing.” “That's what you did last weekend!” “Yeah, well I'm not finished.” — Darlene & Roseanne
31 “No, NAME always was the bad influence.” — Roseanne
32 “Talking - it's like yelling, only not as loud.” — Roseanne
33 “Yeah, but you know what they say, NAME. They say, ah, when you really love something you should, you know, make it go away or get rid of it, or whatever.” — Roseanne
34 “You're acting like a crazed psychopath.” [snorts] “Well the voices in my head disagree.” — Dan & Roseanne
35 [on getting married] “I always thought it was the smartest thing I ever did. You obviously don't agree.” “No, I do agree with you, it was the smartest thing you ever did, but we're talking about me now!” — Dan & Roseanne
36 [Person A and Person B bury the hatchet] “So, I guess we've finally approached the end of Bitch-Fest YEAR.” “Oh what a time we had!” — Roseanne & Darlene
37 “You can't tell NAME what to do. She's a big girl!” [snarls] “Compared to who?” — David & Roseanne
38 “What kind of list is he/she making? Not that it's any of my business.” “A hit list.” — Beverly & Dan
39 [feeling for pulse] “I think he’s/she's dead.” [steps back] “Check again.” “I know how to count to zero.” — Roseanne & Dan
40 “What was the second thing you noticed about me?” — Roseanne
41 “Aw, get off the sympathy wagon, NAME; there were plenty of guys/girls standing in line for you to treat 'em like dirt. I was just the lucky one.” — Dan
42 “You are rotten rotten kids, and I can't even believe I'm related to you two!” — Jackie Harris
43 “You'll just do something stupid that you're going to regret later.” — Roseanne
44 “I'm your husband/wife. That's my right.” — Dan
45 [finds present] “You're not going to open it, are you? It's two days away.” “Yea! Well I need time to practice pretending like I like it.” [pulls something ugly from the box] “Oh man, I should'a opened it a week ago.” — Jackie & Roseanne
46 “Oh, this is going to be soooo great!” — Darlene
47 “What's the catch?” “No catch, can't we do something nice?” “I don't know, you never have.” — Roseanne & Becky
48 “Oh my God. You're kidding me!” — Roseanne
49 “Save your breath, NAME, you're not gonna talk me into dropping this lawsuit.” “Well, maybe I can talk you into begging for your life.” — Fred & Roseanne
50 “I'm way more powerful than any law!” — Roseanne
51 “Well NAME, I guess you're just not the man/woman I thought you were ... and I wasn't too happy with that one!” — Roseanne
52 “We should've known, NAME, men stick together no matter how butt headed their argument is.” — Becky
53 [about Person b and person c’s sex life] “You're kidding? You guys have a night?” “Yes, we have a night. It's not only Wednesday, but it's always Wednesday.” You have a time too?” “Yeah. Twenty minutes, or until he gets a cramp.” “Well, you should make him wait half-an-hour after he eats.” — Jackie & Roseanne
54 “Oh, c'mon. Just because you guys aren't having "Wednesday", doesn't mean he’s/she's out ... "Wednesday-ing" somebody else.” — Jackie
55 “What's the matter with you, boy/girl? Can't keep your pants on?” — Dan
56 “Damn women! Who the hell do they think they are!” “We are sugar and spice, and everything nice. So bite me!” — Dan & Roseanne
57 “Have you met NAME?” — Roseanne
58 “Gee, I'd love to NAME, but I'd rather stay home and drill some screws into my toes.” — Darlene
59 “Remember one thing, NAME, I'm your worst nightmare!” — Jackie
60 “You always say how you want better things for us.” “Ah, yea, but I was talking about me and your Dad. You kids already got it too good.” — Becky & Roseanne
61 “You are a controlling bitch!” — Dan
62 “Boy I'll tell you, I wish I had never m - -“ “What? Say it.” “Nothin'.” “Well that makes two of us.“ — Dan & Roseanne
63 “Ooohhh, we all know what this is about, don't we? You're just jealous because I've made something of myself.” “Yeah, an ass ... And where do you get that hoity-toity accent anyway? You're from PLACE!” — Ronnie & Roseanne
64 “I can't believe that I wasted TIME hating you for something as stupid as a wedding, when there's a very good reason to hate you. You're a bitch!” [gasps] “I'm a bitch? Hah! I bow to the queen of all bitches.” — Roseanne & Ronnie
65 “Look me in the eye and tell me it was an accident. And remember ... I can tell when you're lying.” “It was an accident ... could you tell?” — Roseanne & DJ
66 “I could go for something to eat.” “Yeah? Well, then go.” [motions toward the door] — Arnie & Roseanne
67 “You're going to flunk marriage if you can't pass the oral ... oh my God ...” “We know too much, we know too much.” — Dan & Fred
68 “NAME, where'd you get those jelly beans?” “From the bin at store.” “NAME, I told you, you gotta finish eating them while you're in the store, 'else it's stealing!” — Roseanne & DJ
69 “I never thought I would say this ... I'm too depressed to drink.” — Dan
70 “Let's just cut the crap, okay. You're talking to NAME’s mother here, the mother of all mothers and she is majorly mad.” — Roseanne
71 “NAME, NAME, NAME. I have raised two of the best damn liars in the free world. Don't embarrass yourself.” — Roseanne
72 “This is for the pain.” “Owwww. Make it a double.” — Nurse & Jackie
73 “I hate to see you laying here in pain like this.” “Well actually, ever since he/she gave me that shot, I'm feelin' kinda neat.” — Gary & Jackie
74 “I want someone who will love me and support me no matter what. Just like NAME does for you.” “Are you insane! You know how many years I had to put into NAME? You think he/she came out of a box like that!” — Jackie & Roseanne
75 “What do you think your punishment oughta be?” “What do you mean?” “NAME told me everything.” “That little rat.” “But I told him/her I wasn't going to do anything until I get your side of the story.” “Well first we, wait a minute, uh, uh --“ “You're getting good.” — Roseanne & Becky
76 “I worked it out with NAME, he’s/she's gonna stay here and babysit and I'm gonna go out.” “Why would he/she do that?” “I have dirt on him/her. “ “What kind of dirt?” “Now if I told you, I'd have to stay home.” [person a leaves] — Darlene & Roseanne
77 [Person A is acting like a hunchback] “I brought the baggage master, where do you wish me to put it?” “Just put it anywhere Igor.” “Maybe later you and me.” “We'll see.” You're so kind.” [ kisses hand] — Dan & Roseanne
78 [about child’s behavior] “NAME you did stuff like that when you were NAME’s age right?” “No, the boy's odd.” — Roseanne & Dan
79 [offering to the family] “Hey, I got one more pancake.” “I want French toast!” “Well, you better move to Europe.” — Roseanne & DJ
80 [Person A, angry, grabs keys and leaves the house] “Oh God. This is really bad.” “Yeah, I know.” “Oh no. I mean, this is really bad. I'm parked behind him/her.” — Jackie & Dan
81 “Yeah, I do. And we're not going to put him/her through that again, are we?” — Dan
82 [comes in through the front door] “NAME, you all ready to go?” [whining] “I don't wa-haant to-o-o-o! I feel like a used piece of gum that somebody stuck under the table, just waiting for the excitement of drying up and hitting the floor.” — Jackie & Roseanne
83 “You HAVE to take this job ... you're the only one that applied!” — Marsha
84 [grabs the syrup bottle and comes up behind PERSON B] “Remember me, NAME?” [look of terror] “Not Mrs. Butterworth ... please not Mrs. Butterworth.” “Remember how your brother/sister NAME told you how I came to life at night in the cupboard? Remember how I would chase you around even though I have no legs? Well I'm back and I just want one more sticky kiss!” [PERSON B screams] — Roseanne & Jackie
85 “I hope I see you later, I mean, a lot later.” — Roseanne
86 [after the birth] “I didn't call you any horrible names back there, did I?” “No more than usual.” — Roseanne & Dan
87 [about kid dressed as a lawyer] “That's the scariest costume all night.” — Roseanne
88 [going through the candy bowl] “This is all sugar in here.” “Not true, there're chemicals too.” — David & Roseanne
89 “You should be giving children the stuff their bodies need.” [gets fruit from the kitchen] “What the hell is that?” “Wait a minute, honey, I've seen this before, it's food that doesn't come in a wrapper.” “That's unsanitary.” — David, Roseanne & Dan
90 “Did you see the Great Pumpkin last night?” “No, NAME wore pajamas.” — Jackie & Roseanne
91 [discussing Person C] “She's rude and selfish.” “I know, but, inside she's just a ... scared little girl.” Yeah, and I know what's scaring her, the raging bitch on the outside.” — Dan & Roseanne
92 “I'll be back later to give you your present.” “Why can't I just open it now?” “I haven't bought it yet.” — Jackie & Roseanne
93 “And don't you ever feed my dog!” “If I get drunk enough, I'll fight your dog!” — Roseanne
94 “I really don't think it's wise for anyone in this family to be giving away livers.” — Beverly
95 “Say 'I'm not taking any crap from anyone'.” “I am ...” “Stop! It's not 'I am', it's 'I'm'.” “I'm not taking any... do I have to say the C word?” “Yes you do, NAME, because that's the most important word.” “I'm not taking any crap from anyone.” “That was good but are you serving tea, NAME? Get mad and say it.” [louder] “I'm not taking any crap from anyone!” “Good, now personalize it, make it your own.” [louder] “I'm not taking any damn crap from anyone!” — Roseanne & Doris
96 “Hey, where's my 'My other mug is a shot glass' mug?” — Roseanne
97 “Why are you gettin' so mad at me?” “Because you are making me defend NAME.” — Becky & Roseanne
98 “I am not sexist. I'm much too frightened of women to be sexist.” — David
99 “Get me a beer.” “Get it yourself, slob!” — Mark & Darlene
100 “I can't believe you're jealous over this.” “Why not? It's very typical of me.”
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dixonious · 5 years
arrowheads | a twd fanfic
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Summary: Y/N and Sophia have breakfast, while doing so Y/N askes about Sophia's aloneness when she found her.
Warning: some language and possible grammatical errors.
Chapter [4]: Burning Squirrels and Talking Shop
Narrator's POV.
To Y/N's suprise, no danger had found them that night. It was quiet, other than the crickets and cicadas that hummed in the darkness.
It was deemed "safe" for that night, yeah, but Y/N wouldn't want to try her luck being under tree than in one again.
Now, just a couple of hours before the sun rose, Y/N watched as the little blonde started to stir in her spot against the tree. She was only sitting a few feet away from her as she figure it'd be nice for the little girl to wake up to breakfast. Squirrel.
"Mhn." A quiet groan escaped Sophia's lips. Her eyes shot open, and she began to look around frantically.
Y/N quickly took action, "hey, hey." Y/N said rushed over towards Sophia, putting her knife she used to poke at the squirrel in it's holster. "It's alright, you're alright." She said once she reached Sophia, trying to make eye contact with the girl as her eyes bounced all over the place.
Finally catching the girl's eyes, Y/N nodded at her in reassurance. "You're okay." Sophia nodded back, getting that she was okay.
Y/N smiled softly, "I'm making squirrel. Figured we could eat and talk about getting you back to whoever you were with, yeah."
Sophia stared at Y/N for q long minute before looking over her shoulder and pointing.
Y/N frowned and gave a head tilt before following Sophia's gaze, her jaw nearly hitting the ground as she caught sight of the problem.
Squirrels catching flame.
"Shit!" Y/N exclaimed as she rushed over to their meal. She quickly grabbed the shirt she had as an oven mitt and she picked up the stick that was holding the squirrels.
She held it up and blew as hard as she could at it.
For Sophia, this was pretty amusing. She sat straight up, letting the blanket fall from under her chin. She watched as her rescuer struggled to get the flame out.
Y/N continue to blow and blow, and eventually the flame distinguished.
"Phew!" Y/N let out a breathe of air. "I'd say this is just about perfectly done." She said with confidence. "Or. It's just about perfectly overcooked." Y/N let out a chuckled sigh,
"this is why I shouldn't be allowed to cooked." Y/N whispered to herself.
Y/N's head snapped over to where a giggled came from her left side, "so you think this is funny, huh?" The h/c archer said with amusement in her tone.
Sophia continued to giggled as she nodded her.
Y/N snorted, "yeah, yeah, laugh it up." She said as she put out the fire and placed the squirrels back onto the makeshift rack.
"Come on, we'll let these cool a bit and then we can eat up."
Sophia took herself and the blanket over to where Y/N sat, sitting crisscross applesause on the opposite side of her. And to Y/N's suprise, the little blonde spoke.
"Do you always burn your food?" Sophia asked, laughter in her voice, along with curiosity.
"Pfft! No. No way! I'mma good cook." Y/N denied.
Sophia raised an eyebrow at her.
"Okay, fine. I do. But not always. Just sometimes."
Sophia giggled again, and Y/N couldn't help but smile.
"Messing up food has nearly always been with me." Y/N explained as she twirled a twig into the dirt. "I can cook, I swear. I just, at times, forget about the food that I'm cooking and it may or may not burn."
"It does burn." Sophia said in laughter.
"Yeah." Y/N chuckled.
A couple of minutes passed. Those minutes spent in silence, and munching on their squirrels. Y/N took the more burnt one, while Sophia took the less burnt one. And honestly, to Y/N, her burnt squirrel wasn't that bad. She finished it up rather quickly with having barely ate the day before.
When she was done, she went into her pack and count the bottles of water that were there. Four. Four water bottles. The Georgia heat would make a person want to drown them all right then and there. But they'd have to make this work until she could find a new source of water.
Y/N reached and pulled out one, she screwed the cap off and drank a little less than half. She passed the rest to Sophia, who gratefully accepted it.
She finished up the rest of her squirrel and took to pretty small gulps of the water.
Sophia reached the bottle back out toward Y/N. "No, no. It's cool. You drink it." Y/N said.
Sophia looked reluctant to, but she took another swallow, reaching the bottle back to Y/N again.
"We should save it." She said softly.
"Kid, just drink it." Y/N said with a slight chuckle.
"Mhn-mhn." The little blonde shook her head.
The archer sigh, taking the bottle from the little girl. She screwed the cap back on and placed it back into her bag.
"Little Blue. The last time you saw your people or whoever. They were alive right?" Y/N asked as she closed her bag back up, hoping she would get an answer.
"Yes." Sophia responded.
"Okay. I wanna help you find 'em." I said, waiting for a response.
There was a long silence before she decided to reply, "I was with my mom. And a brunch of other people, friends. We were coming from this really big..doctor place."
"The CDC?" Y/N asked.
"Yeah, yeah that's it." Sophia exclaimed.
"Was that were y'all last were?"
"No." Sophia said sadly. "I think the doctor that was there..I think he was crazy. We wanted to leave but he locked us inside. I didn't really understand what was going on. There were a lot a big words used. But, I remember him saying something about the air going to set on fire."
Sophia watched as Y/N's face scrunched up in horror, "we all got out. Well, except our friend Jacqui. She didn't. I remember us running to the cars and we got down and the place exploded." The little girl said, sadness in her voice.
"We were on going somewhere else, but we got to this highway and cars blocked our way and a lot of the monsters came, we hid under the cars. I thought that they were all gone, but they weren't. I got up, and two of them chased me."
"That's how you got lost." Y/N said in understanding.
Sophia nodded, sadly as she looked at the ground.
"I'm sorry. And I'm sorry about your friend Jacqui, too." Y/N said sincerely.
"Me too." The little blonde whispered.
Y/N thought over everything that Sophia had just told her. She knew about the CDC. About how they were looking for a cure for all this shit. They. Yet there was just him? One doctor?
Maybe the others had died. But they should've been safe inside there, right? Y/N was pretty sure they were heavy on lock down. It was a facility after all.
That one doctor was still there and then he stayed even with knowing the place would blow. And so did that Jaqui lady. They knew what was going to happen. They knew their fate if they stayed.
There were times were Y/N just wanted to quit. To give up, even before all this. But, she could never actually see herself giving up. She was determined to stay alive, to beat this. Determined was practically Y/N's middle name.
"Do you know where the highway is, Sophia?" Y/N asked.
"No." She answered. "I just remember, mostly going straight towards it from the CDC. And that there were a lot of cars there."
Y/N frowned in thought. If this was the same highway that she was thinking of, then she knew were it was. Hell, she had gotten just about half of her supplies from there.
"I think I know where it is." Y/N said.
Sophia's head shot up immediately, "you do?" She asked.
"Yeah," Y/N said, surely. "I came across is it, a week or so ago. But, we're not that far from it." Y/N answered.
Sophia frowned in confusion.
"Yes, just about a week ago I was there. But I didn't exactly leave the area. It's only about less than a 2 day's walk." The archer explained. "Do you know how long were you out here before I found you, Sophia?"
The little girl looked up in wonder. "It got dark 2 times, so 2 days? I think." She said.
"Holy sh-crap." Y/N said, catching herself, Sophia smiled a bit.
"Sorry." Y/N chuckled, catching the girl's smile. "You've just been out here all by yourself for a long while."
"I stayed the first night in a small cabin in a closet."
Y/N frowned, "why didn't you stay there?"
"I heard a monster. I got scared and I ran."
Y/N nodded. That was understandable for someone her age and size.
"I'm gonna getcha back to your people, Kid. To your mom." Y/N said determinedly as she stood from her spot on the ground, she grabbed her bookbag from the ground, Sophia took this as sign of leaving so she reached the blanket she had wrapped around her out towards Y/N.
"We'll backtrack to where I found you. You think you can remember which way you came from there?" Y/N asked as she started to pack everything up.
"I think so." Sophia said in a tiny voice.
"Alright. It's no big, if you can't. I'm no pro, but I'm a pretty good tracker. If nothing messed up your path, we're good." Y/N stated.
"Okay." Said Sophia, as she reached for her doll and stood.
After packing everything up, and placing everything where it went on her, compound bow in hand, Y/N knelt down to Sophia's height.
"Listen, Little Blue. Those idiot living-nonliving things usually don't go to deep into the woods, but that doesn't mean they can't." Y/N explained carefully.
"If we come across them you gotta promise me you won't run. If you do, you might get lost again, and maybe I won't be able to find you. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you. But you can't run. Okay?"
Sophia took in every word the woman had said to her. She understood. But she wasn't sure if she could not run. But she'd try.
"Okay. I understand." She said, with just as much determination in her voice as Y/N had just moments ago.
"Good. So, let's do this." The archer said, as she stood full height, reaching her hand out to Sophia, who accepted with no hesitation.
Together, the two set out on their journey.
Boom! And that's the fourth chapter! I really like this one, I hope y'all do, too! :) let me know what you think?
The next chapter may be up in a few hours or tomorrow, so see ya then!
@coffeebooksandfandom, @checkintoreality, @wnygirl2012, @assassinsasha23, @catlya, & @aristocracy-y.
If anyone else wants a tag, just let me know!
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shall-we-imagine · 5 years
A dare is a dare! (Yukiya ReizenxReader AU)
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Requested: 33. "I'm not weird. I am limited edition." + 34. "I turned out liking you a lot more than I originally planned." From this prompt list.
I'm so so sorry I know you've requested this ages ago and I took forever to write it so thank you for waiting. ❤ I've been in a horrible slump lately too :/ so consider this like a warm up and hopefully I'll write something cooler soon!
Genre: Fluff + humor
(Second person point of view)
"Your turn, Scarlett! Truth or Dare?" Amelia giggles.
"Dare!" Scarlett beams proudly.
"I dare you to order us some pizza; I am honestly very hungry." Amelia, the host of the sleepover, complains.
"That's your fault." You state, Scarlett nodding in agreement.
"A dare is a dare!" Amelia shoves her phone in Scarlett's face.
The blond shakes her head, but starts dialling the number anyway. "Shouldn't we order some for Yukiya too?" She wonders. Yukiya is Amelia's twin brother, and he's the only family member of Amelia's that's currently present at home; her parents are on an overnight trip of some sorts: you didn't ask for the details.
"Yeah, shouldn't we?" You turn to Amelia. Yukiya, in spite of being awfully attractive, is very shy and quiet, so you barely ever got the chance to utter more than a few words to him, if you even got to see him that is. Whenever you visited your bestfriend's house, he seemed to always keep himself locked up in that room of his. You sort of wished he didn't though, perhaps because of your undeniable crush on the blue-haired boy, just a guess though.
"Nah, he can eat leftovers if there's any." Indifferent, Amelia shrugs.
"You're so mean! I'll order one for him." Scarlett states. "Wait, what should I order for him?"
"Oh, good question!" Amelia perks up. Uh oh, that's never a good sign. "I wonder what Yukiya's favourite pizza is...(Y/N), you go ask him!" She smirks. You'd never really confessed to either of your bestfriends about the little thing you have for Yukiya, but you've always suspected they'd caught on, probably from the 'subtle' glances you'd give him whenever you get a chance to see him.
"Why me?!" Your cheeks heat up.
"It's your penalty for not doing the last dare you got." The two idiots nod eagerly, as if Scarlett's reason was very plausible.
"But this isn't fair! You turned my dare into a truth! Daring me to answer truthfully to your question isn't-"
"A dare is a dare!" Amelia shouts, cutting my complaints off.
"What are you scared of?" Scarlett inches closer to me smugly.
"Nothing!" I lie. "I'm gonna go ask him; I don't have a problem with that!" I lie again. Oh god, he's gonna see straight through me with those beautiful hazel eyes of his and just know I like him.
"Do I hear wedding bells?" Amelia sighs dreamily, as I was about to exit the room.
"Stop being weird! I'm only trying to get this over with; you're not the only hungry one here, you know!"
She scrambles off the fluffy, pink rug and rushes to her dresser, quickly and sloppily putting on her sunglasses. She crosses her arms, striking a 'cool" pose, "I'm not weird. I am limited edition."
After a few seconds of Scarlett and I staring in bewilderment, the former finally nods, "Yeah, that's definitely weird."
"You're both mean!" Amelia tears off her sunglasses and places them back on the dresser before taking her place back on the rug.
You shake your head in disbelief but do not say anything, leaving Scarlett to deal with that dork. Serves her right for selling you out anyway; you chuckle to yourself.
You tentatively walk to the end of the dimly lit hallway, purposely stretching out the time it takes to reach there by slowing down your steps.
Unfortunately but inevitably, you reach your destination. Heart pounding violently in your chest, you lift your fist up to knock on his door, but retract it to rehearse your lines a few more times.
After gaining the slightest bit of confidence you won't stutter the second he opens that door, you raise your fist again, but before your knuckles could collide with the wooden door, it flings open, revealing Yukiya in grey sweatpants and a white t-shirt.
"(Y/N)?" His eyes widen. "What are you doing here?"
"Oh, I-uhm, you know.." What are words? Cuz 'damn, you look good!' surely wasn't the correct thing I needed to say. "I- what pizza do you like?!" You blurt out, making it sound almost like a threat- like you were mugging him of his pizza preference.
Confusion spreads across his features, "Um, I like margherita? Why?"
"We're ordering pizza for you- I mean for us- I mean for all of us...including you." Yeah, go ahead, make a fool out of yourself; that's exactly what you planned to do!
He laughs. Oh god that beautiful laugh; you'd never seen him laugh before, but now he was laughing because of you. "Thanks." He smiles. Now, you might actually be hearing those wedding bells Amelia was talking about....
Speak of the devil. Amelia's door flings open, revealing the girls. "You're taking too lo- ooohhh, look at that!" The smug expressions they both wore were enough to drown you in humiliation and embarrassment.
"We already ordered the pizzas!" Scarlett exclaims and shuts the door, leaving you and Yukiya alone in the quiet hallway.
"What?! Hey! Wait, then why did you make me-" You shout but give up halfway through, knowing you'll recieve no answer anyway.
"Amelia already knows I only eat margheritas." Yukiya says quietly, a smile tugging at his lips.
"I figured as much." You sigh, accepting defeat.
After a few moments of awkward silence, neither of you knowing what to say, Yukiya breaks the silence with a gentle tone, "Well, do you wanna get a drink as we wait for the pizza?"
"Of course." You smile, and then smile even more upon viewing the way his face lit up at your agreement. Maybe you do have a chance.
You head to the kitchen, Yukiya leading the way even though you know this house about as much as he does, considering it's practically your second home. Amelia always invites you over, especially because her parents are barely ever home.
You take a seat at the dining table in their kitchen and watch as Yukiya rummages through their fridge. "Is chocolate milk okay?" He innocently holds up two small cartons of chocolate milk- the type kindergarteners would fall head over heels for.
You giggle, "Yeah, chocolate milk is perfect."
"Why are you laughing?" He sits opposite to you and hands you your carton.
"Nothing, nothing. It's just- it's cute; you're cute." The words come out before you get the chance to think them through. God, can the ground just swallow you whole right now?
A slight blush takes over Yukiya's normally pale skin, "Thanks. You're cute too." He mumbles.
Your heart did literal backflips. Well, maybe not literal, but it felt quite literal. "Thanks." You breathe out, fumbling with the chocolate milk carton in your hand before finally sticking the straw in and taking a sip of your drink.
For a while that's what both of you did, just quietly sip your chocolate milk, no words spoken. You wanted to say something; you needed to say something. It felt like a chance you had to take; you could finally catch the attention of your crush, but you're quietly drinking chocolate milk!
You open your mouth to speak, but the doorbell interrupts you.
"That must be the pizza." Yukiya gets up, dumping his empty carton in the trashcan before rushing to the front door. Dammit. Your time with him is over; did you really need to waste your time being so uncomfortable and awkward? Jeez.
Scolding yourself all the way towards the door, you almost lose hope of ever getting such a good chance to talk to him like that. But you see Yukiya holding up about seven boxes of pizza, looking like a frightened, confused puppy.
"Oh! (Y/N)! Could you help me? Just pull out the hundred in my pocket, please." He pleads.
"Sure." You rush towards him, quickly sticking your hand in his sweat pants' pocket, eager to release him of the struggle he's in. However, your rashness results in your hand brushing against something you didn't quite need to touch. Not at this stage of your relationship at least.
Your eyes meet his equally panicked ones. "I- um..I meant my jacket's pocket.." His cheeks turn bright pink to match yours.
You turn your head to look behind you- a coat rack with a single jacket hung on it. Yukiya's.
You could feel embarrassment radiating from both of you; you quickly pull your hand out of his empty pocket and clear your throat. "Sorry."
"Can y'all get it over with? I still have work to do." The delivery boy huffs, following it up with a roll of his eyes.
"Yeah, I'm sorry." You quickly pull the money out of Yukiya's pocket and make the payment while Yukiya waits with his tower of pizza boxes.
After you shut the door, the awkwardness seemed to suffocate you both. God, it was going so well; why did that need to happen?!
"I didn't mean to touch your-"
"I know. It's okay; I should've made myself clear." He gives you a reassuring smile, but you could still see how red his face is. Maybe it was just him getting tired of the pizza boxes though, you tried to lie to yourself.
"Uh, here, let me help you." You grab some of the boxes. "They're such pigs; I don't know how they eat all that." You joke.
"And Amelia was supposed to be on a diet too." He adds, laughing.
You join him, "So was Scarlett!"
After that, the incident was completely forgotten and you were able to actually enjoy your time with Yukiya and the girls without thinking of how you touched your crush's penis minutes ago.
"Yukiya, truth or dare?" Scarlett asks before taking a huge bite of her slice.
"Booorriiinng!" Amelia boos.
"Shut up; I have a juicy one!" Scarlett shoves her palm in Amelia's face.
For some reason, that made you nervous.
And judging by the way Yukiya glanced at you for reassurance, it made him nervous too.
"Okay, Yukiya, do you like anyone?" She smirks and looks at me.
"Why are you looking at me?" I raise an eyebrow.
"I'm not." She shrugs. "So? Yukiya?"
He stays silent for a few seconds but replies in a calm tone, "Yes."
The two girls squeal, scream, and jump around, but you could only sit there, your heart rate faster than the speed of sound. Your eyes meet his; now, if you were reading his invisible signals correctly, he was telling you it's you, but you could be imagining that, so no need to do anything stupid. Not again.
"Who is it?!" Scarlett practically jumpscares the poor guy.
"You already asked your one question. These are the rules, aren't they?" He smiles.
"Ugh, Yukiya, come on, don't ruin it!" Amelia groans.
"Cut it out! You can't force him to do whatever you want." You defend, earning a thankful smile from him.
"Yeah." He nods, to which the two girls slump down in annoyance. "(Y/N), your turn. Truth or dare?" Were your eyes playing tricks on you or did he just smirk at you? Oh god, he's too hot for existence.
"Dare." You gulp, hoping he's as nice as he seems.
He frowns.
"What's wrong?" Your eyebrows furrow in concern.
He chuckles sheepishly, "I didn't think of a dare."
"I did!" Scarlett volunteers. "Can I pick her dare?"
Before you could say No, absolutely not! Definitely not in a hundred years!, Yukiya had already agreed. Well, shit. Nothing good was about to come out of that little devil's lips.
"(Y/N), 7 minutes in heaven with Yukiya, that's your dare." She grins like she just won some sort of battle.
"That's a different game! Stop twisting the rules as you please!" I complain.
"A dare is a-"
"Oh my god, Amelia, if you say that one more time, I might punch you."
"Someone needs a hug." Amelia pouts sarcastically.
You sigh. If this was a cartoon, steam would be rushing out your ears by now.
"It's okay; we just need to stay in a closet for seven minutes, right?" Yukiya's hazel eyes bore into yours, delaying your response for a few seconds.
"Um, uh, yeah."
"No problem then." He grabs you by your wrist gently and leads you to Amelia's closet, both of you choosing to ignore the wolf whistles coming from the two girls on the floor.
"Okay, this is too cramped." You breathe out after the closet door was shut.
"Tell me about it." Yukiya lets out a light laugh.
"On the bright side, we get to escape their teasing for seven whole minutes." I propose.
"True." He agrees.
Silence consumes the small space after that.
It was fairly hot outside the closet, so inside it was just hell, basically. Plus, you weren't a fan of not being able to see anything. You were also scared of moving at all because you really didn't need any more accidents.
"Do you actually like someone?"
He remains silent for longer than you would've liked but eventually gave a response.
"Do I know her?"
Curiosity was getting the best of you. "Can I get a hint?"
"Technically speaking, you can, but that doesn't mean you will."
It was extremely unusual for Yukiya to tease someone, from what you knew at least, so that made you feel special in some way.
"Pretty please?"
"I don't know. What would I get in return?"
You paused for a few seconds. Then did something extremely brave. A side effect of the darkness, or maybe the heat had melted your brain to a puddle.
You blindly reach out for him and work your way up to his neck. You stand on the tip of your toes and pull him closer to you, praying your lips collide with his and not have some awkward interaction where you kiss his chin or something. Then, you'd have to move to Ireland and hide your real identity for the rest of your life.
By some miracle, it happened. Your lips and his moved against each other with ease. His lips were slightly swollen due to his habit of biting on his lip when nervous, but they were soft nevertheless. Easily, what you'd planned to be a quick peck had turned into a passionate kiss.
You pull away, slightly panting. "Does that work?" You tease.
"Better than anything I'd dreamed of." He rests his forehead on yours. "I guess I turned out liking you a lot more than I'd originally planned."
The door to the closet flings open, leaving you feeling vulnerable and humiliated for some reason.
"Are we interrupting something?" Scarlett wiggles her eyebrows at the two of you.
"Ewww, I can't believe you just kissed my brother." Amelia whines, earning a smack from Scarlett.
"We planned that, you scatterbrain."
"I know, but still."
"I hate you both." You step out of the closet.
"Why? We got you a boyfriend." Amelia stares.
Your cheeks heat up. "Just shut up, will you?"
"Honestly, if anything, we should hate you; where are our boyfriends, (Y/N)?" Scarlett complains.
"That's not my fault!"
"You're saying there's something wrong with us?!" Amelia fake gasps.
You face palm and turn to Yukiya, who just gave you a sympathetic smile. "Yukiya, you have more of that chocolate milk?"
"Lots and lots of it." He laughs.
"Off we go then." You link your arm with his, turning him towards the door.
"You traitor!" Your bestfriends call out after you.
Well, it's their fault for 'getting you a boyfriend' after all.
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missstormcaller · 7 years
CAN’T FEAR YOUR OWN WORLD Part 4 Full Translation
Chapter 3
  An abnormal event was gradually eating away at the world.
 Tragedy struck the noble district of Seireitei.
 That may be just the beginning.
 Strangely, it started from the day Hisagi Shūhei learned that Tsunayashiro Tokinada was to be inaugurated as clan head ----
 A budding malice that spreads like leaves and branches, extending its fingertips to the Soul Society, the Human World, and Hueco Mundo.
Seireitei - 4th Division - Squad Barracks.
 In front of the 4th division barracks, there is a timid looking shinigami.
He kept glancing over his shoulder, looking intently in the direction of the main street that merged together with the paths leading to the other squad barracks.
"What's the matter, 3rd seat Yamada?"
That timid young man who was referred to as "3rd seat Yamada" -- Yamada Hanatarō , turns to the members of the 4th division who had just emerged from the squad barracks.
"Huh? Ah…sorry. I'm okay!… probably."
"Well, on the contrary, there is nothing but anxiety in that answer."
In response to the voice of seated member Ogidō who had spoken with a calm visage, Hanatarō awkwardly replies.
"A short while ago, vice captain Hisagi was heading towards the 9th division barracks with an awfully grim look on his face, I wonder what happened…"
He replied as if he had become somewhat frightened, the likes of which would only be seen in faint-hearted fresh recruits.
Nevertheless, amidst the 4th division, he is one of the most prominent users of 'Kaido' -- the healing spiritual arts, despite his timid disposition, his gentle character makes him trustworthy and he was assigned to the position of 3rd seat of squad 4.
However​, the person himself thinks he was able to become 3rd seat because of the fact that Iemura Yasochika, who was originally the 3rd seat, had transferred to another squad, he confronts his personal duties whilst struggling with the pressure of thinking "by all rights, I am not well positioned."
It was a squad 4 member whose large build contrasted with Hanatarō's own, that reacted to the name of squad 9's vice captain.
"Ah, Aoga san was classmates with vice captain Hisagi right?"
At Ogidō's query the shinigami called Aoga answered.
"That's right…we seldom meet​ these days. But around six months ago we met on a visit to our friend's grave, and the last time I saw him was in a hospital room after the war."
Although from outward appearances Aoga looks more seasoned than Ogidō, since Ogidō is a seated member, Aoga uses honorific speech when addressing him. Hearing those words, the 4th division members around them begin to stir.
"Aoga san was Hisagi san's classmate……"
"That's so awesome, that was a season when many elites were produced right?"
"Yeah, during the several decades since lieutenant Hisagi's time there, it was a generation were many captain class Shinigami were produced, such as lieutenant Abarai, Lieutenant Hinamori, Lieutenant Kira and above all, captain Hitsugaya. The exceptional speed of their advancement through the ranks was also a topic of conversation even at the Shinō Academy."
"While we're on the topic of advancing quickly through the ranks, it's the same with 3rd seat Yamada right?"
In response to the subject that was suddenly brought up, Hanatarō, despite being 3rd seat, bows his head to the squad members.
"err, umm……I'm sorry."
"Why are you apologising?"
"Well, compared to Hisagi san and the others, I'm nothing special and I only end up annoying everyone at squad 4…"
Remaining expressionless Ogidō then addresses Hanatarō who had spoken of himself with pessimism in spite of being praised.
"What are you saying, 3rd seat Yamada? You are also an elite amongst the elites which goes hand in hand with your lineage and raw talent, aren't I right? Isn't it the case that even Urahara Kisuke san took his hat off to your kaido?"
"I realise that seems awe-inspiring but… what I mean is, saying that I don't feel like I'm going through a bad experience every time Urahara san is involved, wouldn't be entirely accurate…"
"By the way, a visitor came by a while ago for 3rd seat Yamada, he's been waiting more than an hour in the guest room already."
"Ehhh!? C-can you please tell me about these things earlier!?"
After watching Hanatarō hurriedly dash into the squad barracks until he was out of sight, Ogidō whispered with a nonchalant face.
"My apologies, that was a mistake. He arrived just a moment ago so he hasn't been waiting around that long."
One of the soldiers who heard those words then chided Ogidō with an astonished expression.
"You should've​ just said that beforehand no matter what… Your​ personality is as bad as ever, Ogidō san."
"Come now, if it’s the case that we must not keep visitors waiting, then I spoke shrewdly didn’t I?… Also, if I have a ‘bad personality', then I think that guest is considerably worse."
 " ? "
 When Ogidō shrugged his shoulders as he spoke, the soldiers around him tilted their heads in puzzlement.
Meanwhile, Aoga alone gazed in the direction of the main street where Hisagi had traveled down a while ago, with a complex expression he spoke to himself.
"Making a grim face, huh…?”
He remembers the time after the war, when Hisagi was carried into the 4th division, in a serious condition.
Although he was still alive his injuries were inconceivable.
With the help of Inoue Orihime's powers, he managed to escape death, however it took a considerable amount of time to recover his reiatsu afterwards.
After Hisagi had regained his consciousness, Aoga evasively posed a question to him.
"You still intend to continue the fight?"
That time they reunited in front of the grave of their former classmate Kanisawa, Aoga remarked to Hisagi, who continued to fight whilst often on the verge of death, that "you have pushed aside your fear."
However, seeing him on the verge of death again, Aoga understood.
No matter how many times one pushes it aside, when Shinigami do battle on the front lines they cannot escape from fear.
He thinks Hisagi's strength exists in his resolution to continue with his life whilst being at odds with that endless fear.
Therefore, although he had perceived his companion's reply, he couldn’t help but ask
He only said a few brief words and laughed "Even though they say the war is over, you're making such a face. Kanisawa would have your hide."
The next day, he forcibly left the hospital saying he would be witness to Aizen's imprisonment.
Concerned about the fact that Hisagi hurried off with a grim face, and not being able to do anything about it, Aoga whispered with a voice that seemed regretful of his own helplessness.
"For at least a little longer… until Seireitei is revived, I hope it doesn't come to something like fighting at the risk of his own life."
He would confront that battle if something does happen regardless of whatever the state of affairs around him may be.
That's because Aoga knew Hisagi's character well.
However, the fate surrounding Hisagi had already crushed Aoga's hopes.
Squad 4 Barracks - Guest Room
 Inside the 4th division barracks, which placed importance on its functionality for the purpose of performing Kaido, there is a room built there which adds just a little emphasis on splendour.
It is a guest room used when the captain commander or noble envoys are invited in.
Nonetheless, the 4th division, whose number one priority was the lives of the soldiers attached to the Gotei 13,  opened up that guest room during wartime to serve as a temporary first aid station, even now the faint smell of medicinal odours were still left in the room.
Yamada Hanatarō rushes into that room with footsteps that sound equally as hurried.
As he stumbles over himself into the threshold of that room, with the same momentum, he bowed his head and spoke words of apology.
"Awawa……uh…uhmm…I'm sorry…for keeping you waiting."
Before even seeing his host's face, a disheveled looking figure met his eyes, however the visitor couldn't even blame him for it, he let his witty voice resound within the room.
"As usual, you have a lifeless voice to go with your lifeless appearance. Did you plant a lesion in your heart whilst trying to understand the feelings of your patients? Hanatarō."
Feeling a sense of nostalgia, he realised it was a voice and manner of speaking he was used to hearing, with eyes wide open Hanatarō lifted his face.
"Eh…ah…S-Seinosuke nii-san!?"
"Oh my, lifeless even up to your face. It's worrying, whether patients taken care of by you wouldn't​ come to hang themselves from the anxiety."
Yamada Seinosuke.
He is the older brother of Hanatarō and the man that served as vice captain of squad 4 till a few decades ago.
Currently he is retired from the Gotei 13 with his name withdrawn from the official roster, and even his Zanpakutō is left in the care of the squad barracks.
However, though he is retired from his vice captain's seat, it's​ not the case that he is without an occupation, in fact he was headhunted to a new workplace which is a special case within a special case. In the Gotei 13, where “military discharge” basically meant being thrown into a special prison called ‘Nest of Maggots’, it was necessary to officially retire in order for him to leave his post.
And because he knows about the new workplace that recruited his brother, Hanatarō inclined his head.
"W…what happened? Is it your day off today from your work over there? I heard that you are kept busy these days."
"Hn. I guess so. But it's a job worth doing. After all,  In spite of being Shinigami noblemen, the old people who are unwilling to die come to me all the time. It is a pleasant feeling whenever I see a powerful, influential person frightened by old age, the unflattering sight of them struggling to cling on to something."
"U-uhh… Is that really okay, nii-san? To say such things about the noble people…"
"Of course not. That sort of treachery will probably be punishable by death. Does Hanatarō intend to inform on me, to tell someone what I've said? If Hanatarō wants me dead, then that is the request of my precious little brother. I have no choice but to graciously give up my life."
"Eehh…? I…I would never do such a thing, Seinosuke nii-san…"
After frantically waving his hands, Hanatarō clumsily refuted his brother.
"I-it's true nii-san is mean, and everyone dislikes that bad personality, but…if we look, there are also good points…probably…besides, I think a person who wants another person dead should not be in the 4th division to begin with!"
"It would be rather hurtful if you had seriously considered that."
Contrary to his words, a beaming smile was expressed on Seinosuke’s face as he shrugged his shoulders and came clean.
"Well, I'm on a break from work, but I had things to do here, so I thought I'd just come by and take the opportunity to give Hanatarō a little advice."
Then Seinosuke narrows his eyes ever so slightly and the smile disappears from his face as he touches on the real issue at hand.
"Hanatarō. Wouldn’t you like to take time off from squad 4 for a little while​?"
"Various rumours have reached my ears, relating to my work."
The representative of the Seireitei's Shinō Seyakuin* (*central pharmaceutical/medical institution) ---- or in other words, Seinosuke, who is the chief executive of a specialised relief station for upper class nobility with a focus on the four great noble clans, chuckled as he spoke in response to Hanatarō tilting his head at the sudden proposal.
"With the Quincy threat now gone, there probably won't be any big wars occurring for some time. However, the Seireitei seems to have fallen into slight crisis instead. This is not such a small course of events that will stop just because someone tries to stop it."
"If you don't want to get dragged into this, then separate yourself from a position of responsibility for a while, and cover your eyes and ears."
Human World - Karakura Town
 "Whoaaaaaa! Got dragged into thiiiis! We got dragged into this!"
Evening in Karakura Town.
As he ran through a deserted back alley, Asano Keigo who was fully enjoying his break until just a few minutes ago, was now making his tearful voice ring throughout the surroundings.
Running alongside him was a boy with a solid pokerface -- Kojima Mizuiro, who then spoke up.
"Be quiet Keigo. Your stamina will become just as useless as your yelling you know?"
"I've thought this for a long time but, why are you always, always so calm in situations like this!?"
"I can't help whether I'm calm or not."
Reducing his running speed, Mizuiro shifted his attention, glancing over his shoulder.
"It's the first time I've seen a monster that looks like that, but at least it's better than that cheating Aizen guy…"
Before his line of sight, there was an enormous and grotesque figure shaped like a crab -- a huge Hollow was drawing near, it let out an unpleasant shriek whilst raising its pincers overhead.
Kojima Mizuiro was once pursued by Aizen Sōsuke along with Keigo and Arisawa Tatsuki.
Although this situation isn't as bad as that time, the fact that their lives were in danger remained unchanged.
However, currently it's not Mizuiro or Keigo the monster was directly aiming at.
It was the figure of a young boy in a Shihakushō who was running slightly behind the other two that the Hollow was trying to crush with its pincers.
"Uwaaaaaaahh!! D-Danger! It's dangerous, so leave this up to me now, please escape quickly! But then who will save meeee!? Whoooo!?"
The young Shinigami who appeared to yell with almost the same tearful voice as Keigo, continued to run away from the huge hollow without being given even a bit of leeway to perform Shikai.
Yuki Ryūnosuke - a shinigami in charge of Karakura Town - casually happened to encounter a Hollow that was much stronger than himself, and in the midst of escaping in a panic, he ended up getting Keigo and Mizuiro, who were walking through a back alley, caught up in this situation too.
Keigo and the others have been involved in various events concerning their friend Kurosaki Ichigo, on top of that receiving something​ called 'soul tickets' from the eyepatch wearing Shinigami also seems to have been a trigger for them to become considerably susceptible to sensing spiritual phenomenon.
They've caught glimpses of Yuki's presence every now and then, and they've heard his name from Orihime and the others, but Keigo and Mizuiro didn't concern themselves with such matters by giving him a level of recognition thinking “they have chosen a successor, that probably means he is much stronger than Af-san”.
It turned out now, that this young Shinigami who showed up in place of Kurumadani Zennosuke -- the Shinigami who is his predecessor, referred to as "Af-san*" (*short for Afro-san) by Keigo and "Imoyama san" by Ichigo -- is far more unreliable than Keigo and Mizuiro could have imagined.
Watching Ryūnosuke escape whilst drawing out his Zanpakutō in a shaky manner, Keigo screamed loudly, Mizuiro on the other hand calmly thought "at this pace, I wonder if we can escape to Urahara san's shop…"
Mizuiro had also implicitly asked Ichigo about Urahara Shōten, he was told that he would be safe if he escaped there first of all if they were ever attacked by a Hollow in the event that Ichigo himself was not present.
In the course of handling the aftermath of the Aizen incident,  Mizuiro was gathering a certain degree of intelligence, so he understood that the shopkeeper of that Urahara Shōten was on par with the captain ranks, and moreover, he understood that Urahara is a man of great importance.
---- "I think he will try to sell you various items afterwards. But I guess you may as well give in and think of it as a 'thank you' for receiving his help."
Since Ichigo said that, Mizuiro has entered the shop a few times, of course there was a variety of suspicious goods stacked alongside each other such as "Anti-spirit serum Katakoran Alpha" and "Spirit Repellent Spray Sekirei X" which were clearly not brand-name goods.
"Oh, that reminds me."
Remembering something, Mizuiro dexterously began fishing inside his bag whilst running.
"W-w-w-what are you doing, Mizuiro!? Don’t tell me you're trying to take out some stun gun like thing again!?"
Mizuiro then produced a ball with a strange face drawn on it before the shouting Keigo.
'Electromagnetic​ Capture Sphere - Zeta-ball tan'.
It was the name of that product that Mizuiro had recalled.
When he asked the young girl tending to the store - who looked to be a junior high school student - about how to use the product, the explanation she gave was "uh let's see…if it is the case that you are being chased by something that defies human understanding, then after twisting this knob, please throw it at the Holl…… at the monster."
"Well, I might as well give this a try since I have nothing to lose."
As he muttered that, Mizuiro threw the item he was carrying at the huge crab monster in the way he was instructed to do so.
Then in the next instant --  an intense noise along with lightening devoured the surroundings, the monster's movements were slowed down as its whole body convulsed.
"Wow…how amazing. If I had thrown that at a person I wonder if it would have been fatal…?"
Next to Mizuiro who said that with calmness, Keigo slowed down to walking speed in blank amazement.
"What now!? Stun guns!? Eh?…huh? What do we do now!? stun guns!?"
As soon as he gave up trying to think, Keigo repeats the same line twice in bewilderment.
With a sidelong glance, he expected the boy clothed in black to now move on the offensive, however -- the 'key player' Yuki Ryūnosuke was unable to stay standing due to the surprise of the lightning and thunderous roar from just a moment ago.
"……lets resuming this marathon course again shall we?"
Although its movements were slowed down, it didn't mean that the Hollow was completely defeated. Because of this situation, Keigo began to consider the idea that he would have to flee whilst carrying Yuki underarm.
However, he was brought to a standstill midway through that thought --
-- By the loud voice of an assertive young woman which echoed through the back alley.
 "What are you doing!? Ryūnosukeee!"
 Watching the silhouette of the young woman -- the owner of that voice --jump down from the rooftop of a multi-storey building, Mizuiro confirmed that she was one of the Shinigami that had come to their town together with Yuki.
---- If I remember correctly, it was Madarame Shino san.
As her Shihakushō fluttered matching the force of her drop, with all her might, Shino swung down her Zanpakutō which had transformed into a Naginata*. (*A pole like weapon with a curved single edged blade on its end - same weapon type as Ikkaku's Shikai).
The violent impact made the area around the alleyway​ tremble like an earthquake.
The giant crab shaped Hollow is crushed and dissolved into tiny pieces, its Reishi purified by the power of her Zanpakutō.
Keigo's facial expression was one of amazement towards the Shinigami who had defeated that huge monster with a single strike,  Mizuiro took in the situation with a cool composure thinking "ah, at least there is also a competent Shinigami."
Meanwhile Ryūnosuke who realised that the Hollow had been purified, looked at Shino and spoke words of relief.
"That's good…you were safe Shino san."
"That's my line, this idiot!"
Shino who landed on the ground with her back turned towards Ryūnosuke​, jumps behind him and collides with the top of his shoulder.
Whether by chance or intentional, after she had sent Ryūnosuke tumbling to the ground with a luchador's 'tope de reversa' move, she attacked her defeated partner further by using a joint lock technique on his body.
"Pathetic! Why is it that this is a chance in a million and still you are too intimidated to even stay standing yourself!"
"Ai-tatatata! Let go, let go Shino chan! Please let go of my arms neck and back!"
Watching that sort of comedy exchange between the other two, Keigo was finally able to exhale a heavy breath realising they had overcome their predicament.
"Phew… we're saved. Shino chan was it? Somehow, I feel like I've seen you before."
"…oh? It's you? So you're the guy Ikkaku-nii​ took on as an underling in this place…"
"Ikkaku-nii!? And is that the way I'm supposed to be treated!? As an ‘underling’? That baldy was nothing like a leader to me at all you know!?"
Asano Keigo was once threatened by Madarame Ikkaku who had come to the Human World, he ended up being half forced to accommodate Ikkaku. However the fact that Keigo's sister was so eager was also a major reason why he lent the accommodation.
"Baldy you say… I'll pretend I didn't hear that but, if word reaches Ikkaku-nii's ears, he would kill you."
Listening to the conversation in a setting that has calmed down, Shino appeared to be either Madarame Ikkaku's sister or cousin. It seems the family of both her and Ikkaku were being repeatedly involved in violence everyday in Rukongai, before the both of them were old enough to understand the world around them, their parents had died one after the other and they were passed onto their relatives who kept giving them the runaround, as a consequence they also didn't have have a clear understanding of exactly how they were related.
After Ikkaku had suddenly become a Shinigami, she herself followed by entering the Shinō Academy, however that brother told her directly from his mouth "I think squad 11 is too intense for Shino", top management also concluded as such, and to this day, she is attached to the 13th division where she was eventually assigned to.
"Good grief, even though you've been training continuously all that time since that war with the Quincies ended, you still can't help but essentially be a good for nothing​ loser!"
"Oof, I'm sorry, Shino san…"
At Shino's telling off, Ryūnosuke dropped his shoulders despondently.
Unable to just watch without doing anything, Keigo interrupted the lecture in order to divert the conversation.
"I mean, it wasn't a matter of concern because of Ichigo's​ safe return. But even though the battle ended it didn't exactly mean that those white monsters decreased​ too did it…?"
Releasing a small sigh, Shino responded to Keigo's question seeing as how he was a victim who was dragged into this.
"It's not that we Shinigami and Kurosaki san were waging war with Hollows or something. This region is prone to hollows from the start…"
Listening to Shino's words, Mizuiro nodded in understanding.
"Ah, it was about that special sacred place wasn't it? The one that Aizen was aiming for right?"
"…You're a human, and yet you are well informed huh. I see. For that reason, anything could happen in this locality, so we can't be off our guard."
Then, Ryūnosuke opens his mouth to speak with a serious look in his eye.
"But, I think I'm pretty unprepared whenever I'm dispatched!"
"Don't say that to yourself!"
Ryūnosuke's scream echoed across the alleyways of Karakura Town as he was subjected to the joint lock technique again.
However, as if drowning out that scream, a voice on a loudspeaker resounded from the direction of the main street.
["……therefore, it is unacceptable for the world to remain in its present condition, however people do not wish to return to the past, what the Dōshi* seeks is an escape to a new world------" ] (* An officiating monk/priest/guru)
"What's that?"
When Shino knit her eyebrows together in discomfort at the voice that was streaming out from the propaganda vehicle like thing, Mizuiro answered that question.
"It's an emerging religious cult that was recently born. Because of the lengthy earthquake we had half a year ago, it sparked a considerable amount of disorder around the world."
The lengthy earthquake.
 This had occurred because of the fact that during the course of the war between the Shinigami​ and the Quincies, the Soul King had perished and as a result the boundaries between Soul Society, the Human World and Hueco Mundo began to collapse.
It was completely different from the geological system so far, due to the extraordinarily long earthquake that occurred for reasons that cannot be explained by science, the world was gradually being wrapped in deep anxiety to no ends.
Many people had premonitions.
 One could say they smelled danger.
 They wondered if this meant that some mighty force had encircled this world, defying science and conventional common knowledge.
 It was dealt with publicly as "a large scale deformation of the Earth's crust that was not present in our previous data, at present the cause is under investigation", however that alone was not enough to eliminate the anxiety that was born in people's minds.
 As a result, religious people who sought answers themselves, or those who tried to take advantage of people's anxieties, founded new religions one after another​, good and evil was jumbled together and chaos had slowly spread throughout the world.
 Currently, amongst those religious faiths, there is a particularly influential one, it is the same group that was distributing its doctrine with a propaganda vehicle just a moment ago.
 Trying to supplement the subject Mizuiro had brought up, Keigo talks about the information he himself knows with serious eyes.
 "They say, the founder of that religious sect can truly make things like miracles happen. And most importantly, it was rumoured that the founder is a sister with a nice body and a considerably beautiful woman! That founding sister came to encourage me directly about how a truly ideal world should be!"
 Listening to that, Shino's eyes became half closed as she asked Mizuiro a question.
 "Hey, can I beat this guy up?"
 "I think that's fine."
 Watching as Mizuiro nods,  Ryūnosuke also poses a question feeling some doubts himself.
 "All that out of the way, what is the name? The name of that new religious group?"
 "Right. If I remember correctly, the name of that group was……"
 Human World - Inside a certain multi-floor company building - President's office.
 "Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to talk with you this time. President Vorarlberna."
 The woman who is ushered into the simple black themed room respectfully bows her head to the young boy who was seated on a sofa playing on his handheld gaming device.
 The woman was wearing a style of suit that gave off a flirtatious impression, and although it had nothing to do with her actual attire, it was her very being that would somehow make any observer sense the mystical seductiveness about her.
 However, without even turning his eyes to such a woman, the young boy that was referred to as Vorarlberna, continued to play around with his gaming device whilst crafting his words in an uninterested manner.
 "…Enough of your barefaced greetings. What are your objectives​?"
 Addressing the boy - Yukio Hans Vorarlberna - who had asked that question, the woman answered courteously.
 "Dear me. My one and only purpose here is to meet with president Vorarlberna representative of 'Y. Hans Enterprise', who is promised to be a victor of the future by fate. Young, talented people like yourself​ have the power to lead everybody into the future. As a guide that will pave the way to a righteous world, I would like to have your allegiance to our creed."
 'Y. Hans Enterprise'.
 It is a corporation owned by Yukio and a large company that is currently expanding its business with enough force to knock down birds in flight.
 He obtained the company by seizing control of it from his father and thought it was not worth worrying about, but after going through conflict with Kurosaki Ichigo and the Shinigami, it was now one of his objectives in life is to expand that company​. In the future, it is his aim to construct fertile grounds that accepts stray people who are fellow 'Fullbringers' like himself. Actually, even at this stage, Dokugamine Riruka was part of the company as a cooperative worker, and although it was earlier than planned, it was through her that he was also able to call out to Jackie Tristan.
 That young company president that had a hidden identity as a 'Fullbringer', in a cold manner and for the second time, questioned the woman who was enticed into his multi-floor company building.
 "Do I look like the type that would keep company with someone who gives such a farcical response?"
 "Would it be better for me to outright tell you that I want a donation as a collateral in exchange for slaving away to expand your business?"
 "That is also a farce. That is not your, no, that is not your​ people's intention now is it?"
 Unfazed, and as if reading her like a book, Yukio continued to talk in a manner that was not dissimilar to muttering to himself.
 He then parted one hand away from his gaming device, taking his business card out of his pocket and placing it on the the tabletop.
 Looking somewhat ill-humoured he opened his mouth to speak to the woman.
 "Although it has been on my mind for a while, by you coming here today I was assured…from this point, you will not be given a chance to retry, I think it's better you answer me honestly."
 Taking it as an opportunity to make an appointment, a single business card was handed over to Yukio. As he glared at the name of the organisation that was written there, Yukio asked her again.
 "You people, what are your objectives?"
 On that business card, the name of the woman is also written down with monotone characters.
For Yukio, both names could by no means be overlooked.
 [Religious corporation - XCUTION representative - Michibane Aura]
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Rio & Buster
Rio: Nance text me so I'm here Rio: but, you don't have to talk if you don't want Rio: but you can too Buster: Get out Buster: You can't be here Rio: I am now so Rio: Avoid the living room, like Buster: Just go Rio: Buster, what's happened? Buster: Rio, just leave Buster: It's what you're gonna wanna do anyway Rio: I can't 'til your family is back Rio: Why? Buster: Please Buster: I can't do this Rio: But you have to? Buster: I don't know Buster: I don't fucking know anymore what I have to do Rio: Alright Rio: You've got to decide right now? Buster: The decision's already been made Rio: Okay Rio: Who by? Buster: Chlo as per Rio: What's she done now? Buster: Don't Rio: What can I do? Rio: Or do you want your Dad or? Buster: I don't want any of you Rio: What do you want? Buster: Like that matters Buster: It's all fucked Rio: It does Buster: To you maybe Buster: For as long as that's about to last Rio: Definitely Rio: I'm not going anywhere Buster: You can't say that Buster: You don't know Rio: I can Rio: Talk to me Buster: Fine, but you asked for this Buster: You should've just left Buster: Chlo's pregnant. She says it's mine Rio: Ah Rio: That explains it Buster: Is that all you've got to say? Rio: I don't know what to say Rio: Just, I get it Buster: No you don't Buster: You can't Rio: I'm not saying that Rio: I get why your room is trashed Buster: Well, cheers Buster: Come up if you wanna smash something yourself Rio: Jesus Buster: And if not, you know now so you can go Rio: No Buster: Yes Rio: I'm not going Buster: I'm not gonna cry on your shoulder about this so where does that leave us? Rio: I don't know Buster: Let me know when you figure it out, like Rio: What, you get to not know but I've got to work it all out Buster: Not really my decision what you wanna do, is it Rio: Well Rio: I don't fucking know Buster: You and me both, babe Rio: What is she doing? Buster: Keeping it Buster: And hopefully a DNA like I asked Rio: Right Rio: and if it's yours, what are you doing? Buster: Raising a kid with her Buster: Nothing else I can do Rio: There is but Rio: that's the right thing Buster: No there isn't Rio: Not the first or last Buster: Yeah 'cause that worked out so well for Drew and your sister Rio: Well, how the hell do you reckon this is this going to work out well Rio: you hate her Rio: she's Rio: a mess Buster: It won't Buster: But at least I'll have tried instead of just giving up Buster: Same as how I tried to tell her its a bad idea to have this kid Rio: This is fucked Rio: she can't be a mum Buster: I know Buster: But maybe it won't be my kid and she won't be my problem either Rio: Yeah but maybe it will Buster: Well it's not like I can sub you in to be the kid's mum instead Rio: Shut up Rio: How is she so stupid Rio: Jesus fucking Christ Buster: How am I? Buster: It is what it is Rio: Why isn't she on the pill Rio: who isn't in this day and age it ain't hard Buster: Feel free to hit her up and ask Buster: She's very keen to be your friend anyway, like Rio: What? Buster: [Sends the Rio related relevant screenshots] Buster: We had a great chat Rio: She's Buster: I know Rio: Are you sure she's even pregnant Rio: she isn't taking this seriously Buster: I'm not sure of anything Buster: I don't even know if I actually fucked her so Rio: This is Rio: This is the worst thing that could've happened to you Buster: Tell me something I don't know, babe Rio: I can't Buster: Do you get now why I need you to fuck off Rio: No Rio: not really Buster: It's too much Buster: I can't do this Rio: That's not fair Buster: None of this is fair Buster: Or part of the plan Rio: so everything has to go to shit Rio: fine Buster: It already has Buster: Don't act like you're fine with having her around forever Buster: I have to be stuck with her, you don't Rio: Sounds like you've decided for me Buster: I can't do that Rio: You have though Rio: I've got the message Buster: Babe Rio: What Rio: I'm fucking off Buster: I'm sorry Buster: I just need you to know that before you go, okay Rio: No you don't and no you aren't Rio: because I didn't want to go and you aren't stopping me so Buster: You think I want you to go? Rio: You don't know what you want Rio: I didn't think that extended to me but it is what it is, yeah? Buster: Don't Buster: Of course I want you Buster: I'm just trying not to be a selfish cunt for once Buster: Isn't it hard enough doing this without all this bullshit added? Rio: It doesn't suit you Buster: Yeah, well, it's gonna have to start Buster: I can't be a selfish cunt with a kid, can I Buster: Time to change my suit, babe Rio: Good luck, Buster Buster: Rio, come on Buster: I don't want to leave it like this Rio: You're right though Rio: You have to Buster: But Rio: You know what you've got to do Rio: What is there to say? Buster: I love you Rio: I love you Buster: Don't go Rio: Nancy will be back with your parents in a minute Buster: I don't care Rio: I can't stand in the way of you doing the right thing can I Buster: Us being together is the right thing Buster: We both know that Rio: I don't think she'll agree Buster: She doesn't get a say in it Rio: What about your kid Buster: If it's mine, it's mine Buster: She can't change that if she decides she wishes it wasn't Rio: But it's not fair to put this shit on it Rio: there will already be enough from the situation with her Rio: never mind adding this Buster: I know but she's already ruined so much Buster: I can't just let her take everything Buster: I don't get to go to America and I don't get to be with you either Buster: Fuck that Rio: I know Rio: It's fucked and I really am sorry Rio: it's just fucked Buster: It's only fucked 'cause I fucked it all up Buster: You don't need to be sorry Rio: It wasn't even you that's the worst part Rio: I can't be angry because it was so wrong and weird and horrible Buster: You can be angry at me for going out and getting in that state though. I am Rio: It won't change that it happened, and it definitely won't change that there's going to be a kid Buster: Nothing will Buster: Not how much I don't want it or how much I want you Rio: No Rio: I know Buster: You still get to react to it how you want Rio: I don't want to be angry Rio: I'm tired of it Rio: I wanted to be with you Buster: So come upstairs Buster: Be with me Rio: No Rio: I can't Buster: Why not? Rio: Because you're only doing it because you don't want to think about this anymore Rio: and I can't deal with knowing that Buster: I want you to stay 'cause I love you Rio: Your parents are going to be here soon and you're going to have to tell them Rio: One thing at a time, yeah Buster: I can't tell them while Nance is here Buster: Let's just both go and I'll do it later Rio: Better she hears it from you than her Rio: though yeah, it's going to be fucking awful Buster: She won't say anything, her parents don't even know yet Rio: You suddenly trust her? Buster: She seemed actually bothered about that Rio: Well who wants to tell their parents they're knocked up Rio: not even a boyfriend in sight Buster: She wants me to tell them with her Buster: I said I would Rio: Jesus Christ, Buster Rio: Why don't you just marry her Buster: Don't Buster: I couldn't say no, she asked me and it's not like I wanna tell mine Buster: I'd love to have someone in my corner for it, like Rio: Yes you could Rio: You aren't together, that's such a ridiculous thing to ask Rio: what kind of message do you think it sends to her and her 'rents when you wanna show up all honourable fuck's sake Buster: I was just trying to help Buster: I thought she was scared about it Rio: More fool you Rio: Honestly Buster: I'm an idiot, alright Buster: Whatever Buster: I'm not saying I handled any of the convo well Rio: Because it was a fucking farce Rio: she's probably faking it Rio: who just drops it into a text conversation Rio: I don't buy it Buster: Me either honestly Buster: But we'll see what she comes back with evidence wise Buster: Shopping bags of Baby Gucci don't count, unfortunately Rio: Of course she has Rio: Stupid fucking girl Buster joined the chat 3 hours ago Buster: Like, the levels at which she is not taking this seriously or understanding how fucked any of this is Rio: It's concerning Rio: Maybe her parents will make her Rio: at least you can make sure she tells them if you're there I guess Buster: I mean, I know you don't think it's a good idea but I can also be there to correct any bullshit she tries to say to them Buster: I wouldn't be surprised if she says we're together, you know Rio: Well yeah, that's why she wants you there Rio: so it doesn't look like just a party hookup Buster: What the fuck am I actually gonna do, babe Rio: I don't know Rio: All I know is, you've got what, 8 months, 'til it's actually here so Buster: I'll say that for her, she's given me plenty of warning Rio: You know, hit you up for those push presents Rio: Fucking hell Buster: Don't Rio: I'm not laughing at you but Jesus if I don't Buster: I need a fucking drink Buster: Come with me Rio: Alright, I'll drive you Rio: I'll have to text your sister you know Rio: they'll be worried, more than they are already Buster: I'll do it Buster: I've gotta say sorry for how many times I told her to fuck off etc Buster: Should probably invite them all for drinks 'cause they're gonna need it but Rio: Okay Rio: Proud of you Buster: Don't Buster: I can't start laughing right now I don't trust it Rio: Let's just get you that drink then Buster: I'm not trying to drink alone and be that level of sad cunt, cheers Buster: I'll get us a cab Buster: Leave your car there Rio: Alright Rio: but I don't trust getting wasted Buster: Alright Buster: It's not like I can anyway, I'm gonna have to face the fam at some point Buster: Not as if I can just fly back without talking to them now Rio: Not really Buster: I need to stay here for a while Buster: I literally can't see Chlo until I calm down Buster: She's gone to a party tonight so Rio: Will they let you? Buster: They can't stop me Buster: But once I explain, they'll probably agree it's a good idea Rio: Once they see your room, like Buster: Don't take the piss out of me Rio: I'm not Rio: It's real Buster: Yeah Rio: Have you hurt yourself? Buster: I'm sure I would have noticed by now Rio: Let me come up and check Buster: I'll come down to you. You don't need to be dealing with this mess along with all the others Buster: If I leave a blood trail we'll know what's up, like Rio: Not funny Buster: You don't need to worry about me, babe Rio: That's a lie Buster: I'm alright, I promise Rio: Don't Buster: See for yourself Rio: That's not what I mean Buster: I know, but what can I say? Rio: Nothing if you're not going to be real Buster: Rio, come on Buster: Give me a break, will you? Rio: Seriously? Buster: Yeah, seriously Rio: Fuck off Rio: seriously Buster: Don't start Buster: Let's just go Rio: You go Buster: Babe Buster: Stop Buster: I don't need this from you right now, yeah? Rio: Oh, I'm sorry Buster: Why are you being like this? Rio: Don't be stupid Rio: just come on Buster: How am I being stupid, asking a fucking question? Buster: Just talk to me Rio: I'm fucking heartbroken, Buster Rio: and I don't know how to deal with any of this so give me a break too, alright Buster: I'm sorry Buster: I know, okay, this is so fucked Rio: I know you are Buster: Please don't go Rio: I won't Rio: I'm not Buster: I love you so much Rio: I know Rio: and I love you Rio: but you know that this is going to end it right Buster: Don't say that Rio: Even if we don't talk about it Buster: If you wanna end it then you end it Buster: Otherwise no Buster: It won't Rio: You can say that now Rio: but when the kid's here Buster: What? You think I'm gonna leave you Buster: How does that work? Rio: Because we don't get to work in the real world Buster: Shut up Buster: You don't know that Rio: I just know Rio: You're not going to want to explain it or deal with the backlash, when you've already got all that to contend with Buster: Fuck that, you're guessing Buster: And fuck you if you think I can't handle that Buster: I've gotta tell them about this kid, I want to tell them about you. It's different Rio: I don't want to make your life any harder Buster: You're the only one who doesn't do that Buster: I need you. Don't you know that? Buster: Everything will only be harder without you Rio: You're going to be a Dad Buster: If you wanna use this as your out, I can't blame you Rio: Don't say it like that Rio: I don't want an out, it's not like this is the perfect opportunity for me, fuck off Buster: It is though Buster: Then we don't have to tell your fam, I know you don't wanna do it anyway Rio: Just because I don't want to rush it Rio: Why is it so bad to keep things private Buster: It's not private, it's secret Rio: It had to be Buster: Says you but that doesn't mean I have to want to keep it like that Rio: Well, it's beside the point now isn't it Buster: No Rio: You've got so much more you have to focus on now Buster: I've always had a lot going on Buster: Find a better excuse, babe Rio: Exactly, it isn't just this kid Rio: it's school, all that Buster: It's hard, yeah, it'll get harder Buster: But I'm not just giving up Rio: Babe Buster: Do what you've gotta do Buster: I can't be mad about it Rio: Don't expect me to decide right now Buster: I'm not Buster: I don't have a fucking clue what I'm doing right now apart from losing my shit Rio: Sounds about right Rio: not like you were gonna cry with joy Buster: not like anyone is Buster: Chlo can bullshit all she likes but none of this was planned or how she really wants it Rio: Well, it's happening regardless so Rio: we'll all have to get used to it Buster: Yeah Rio: Cab's here Buster: Alright Buster: Are you still coming? Rio: Yeah Rio: Said I'd keep an eye on you Buster: Where are we going? Buster: The fewer people I have to see the better for them Buster: And us Rio: Don't worry, I know a place Buster: Good
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Jealousy is an ugly thing
Clare: nodded. "Aww no wonder she loves them. I think so, I mean you have been spending as much time as you can with Emi. No one can be with someone around the clock. It's good for her to have a normal routine and be around kids her own age. I'm sorry about your dad. I can't know what that's like. I've lost grandparents and other family members but it isn't anything like losing a parent. Do you have pictures and videos? So you can least see what he looked like and maybe get to hear his voice? I don't know if that would help or not." Clare winced as Dakota described what Emi's life had been like. It was easy for her to forget how easy she had it with everything that had been going on with her family recently but Clare really was lucky. Both of her parents loved her and had always been there while she was growing up. To the point where Clare used to take it for granted they always would be. Clare gasped and covered her mouth when Dakota got to the part where Emi was left alone for days with very little food. "Why didn't her mom take her to your house or somewhere else safe?" She hardly needed to point out how many horrible things could've happened to Emi. Had Emi's mom just assumed her relatives would find out she was there by herself and take her in? Was this woman even really coming back? Clare would never voice those kind of questions outloud, it wasn't her place. But she couldn't help thinking them. Clare sighed sadly. "Oh. That makes it even worse." Emi had been through a lot for a five year old. No wonder Dakota was so worried about her. If her mom came back, it would be good for Emi in one way but that little girl's world would be turned upside down again. She needed stability. Hopefully Emi's mom could figure out how to give it to her. Clare didn't understand how anyone expected Dakota to be able to do what a grown woman had failed to do. But he was doing a good job against all odds and she assumed his mom was helping him. Clare finally looked at him when Dakota mentioned spending fifth period out in the hallway instead of the library. She smiled. "Okay. Wherever Emi's comfortable works for me. Do you need to do anything else to reduce her fever? Drinking lots of liquids is supposed to be important. The school nurse might keep some Pedialyte on hand or sprite would probably work if she can have it."
Kota: smiled at Clare. "Thank you and no I don't. He was always working, like I said. The only one who knows what he looks like is our mom. She has pictures and always asked us if we'd like to know what our father looks like, but we've always said that if he wanted us to know him, he'd spend time with us on his days off of work. He never really made it a habit to be around us. I don't have any memories of him at all and he died when I was ten. My mom was around all the time so I know it's not just me, my older sister thought my mom kept telling us we have a dad so we didn't feel like he abandoned us or we're from six different guys. I mean that's how we knew we had a dad like mom would tell us she's pregnant, but we still never saw him. He went to the appointments because she'd tell us he's meeting her there and we'll get calls at home from his work, other than that it was like he never existed so why should he exist now when we've completely lost him? It's like saying 'This man is your father, but you'll never meet him since he was too busy working to get to know you' so it's kind of pointless when there's nothing nostalgic about them and even so there's no pictures of him with us or videos of him with us so he's just a stranger that shares the same DNA." he shrugged. "Mom goes to visit him, but we don't. We don't even know what to say to him other than 'We know you're our dad, mom told us, but we don't know what you look like and our only connection is our DNA. We have no memories of you so it's like nothing changed.' he was never in our lives from the beginning so why should he be in our lives at the end?" he asked looking at her. "He died during work and since then we've been getting his pay checks, my older sister is getting a job since I can't and she's giving me half of her pay for Emi. I have to budget it, she's giving me a notebook and I basically have to go to her for the money so she knows I'm not spending it on me. Plus she also wants to know what I'm buying her." he shrugged. Hearing Clare ask about his aunt caused him to sigh a little. "For starters my sister can't have kids and wants them. Imagine knowing you're not going to be pregnant and have your own kids and left with that burden. Then have someone saying 'I no longer want my kid.' how would you feel?" he asked curiously. "And second, no one knew my aunt was even in Canada. Emi was born and raised in Japan. The last time I saw my aunt was when I was five. The last time I talked to her was over the phone five years ago. My aunt was sure that Emi would come to us because the police looked at the emergency contact in the daycare center which was us." he added and looked back at Emi as she slept contently. "She's more comfortable on the floor. She's slowly teaching us the way she lived over in Japan. She makes all of us take off our shoes once we get in the door and put slippers on. My bed is now a bamboo sheet with a very thin mattress over it and I mean the mattress is a few centimeters wide like 4, we have pillows and a heavy blanket. My actual bed is in the guestroom because it's what she's used to. We just didn't change anything else, but we learned how to make dim-sum yesterday and we each have our own dim-sum pots too. Emi loved making hers, she and her mom would make it together since you put the dim-sum in the pot first, put the lids on depending on how many layers your pot is which we used five, the bottom was water so they would all get done at the same time. Emi was the best one since she was the teacher." he smiled at Clare. "I also knew how to cook in a wok, for such a large skillet it's fun to cook in." he chuckled a bit. "We seem to be going to the international market a lot. I bought a thing called bok choy." he chuckled. "As for her needing liquids, she's not used to it. Her body isn't used to our foods yet, our cuisine is more completely different and when we gave Emi McDonalds her first night here since she said it was her favourite, she got a really bad stomach ache so we've been introducing it little by little such as giving her some of our juices that aren't in Japan little by little to where she can drink a cup of fruit punch." he said honestly. "But Emi is taken care of for a cold. She asked for ginger water so I have some for her." he assured and felt his phone vibrate. After checking it he sighed. "We might have to go to a hotel." he stated and looked at Clare. "My sister decided to buy a fruit called durian when Emi told her not to. Needless to say, my sister bought it since someone said it was sweet and juicy. Emi tried to put it back multiple times with no success. The guy picked it out for us and said it was ripe, both were ripe, but when she cut it open, it was the worst think I smelled in my life. Emi, my mom, my sister, my brother Ash, and Ash's girlfriend all barfed from the smell I just covered my mouth and ran outside. Well the second fruit was forgotten and left in a cabinet, it broke when she dropped it and both her and my mom are getting sick from the smell so they're dumping bleach on it to hope it helps. They said if the smell doesn't go away in a few hours, they're dumping more bleach on it along with plugging in a few air fresheners and we're leaving for the night." he sighed. "They should've listened to Emi. She grew up around that stuff.
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