#i know i dont do in-depth posts anymore but theyre not only so much effort to make but also like...
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anemicjellyfish · 3 months ago
I remember a post a while ago about how we don't see Stolas doing his duties very often. (I can't remember who posted that; if it was you and you'd like me to tag you, then please tell me!)
Like, we saw him do the Curse at the Harvest Moon Festival. And we get a glimpse of his gorgeous study in Look My Way. There was even a brief moment when Stolas checked the Grimoire in The Circus.
But we don't see him go to Earth. We don't see him reading the prophecies told by the stars. And we can't really grasp the magnitude of his responsibilities as Prince because the show hasn't yet told us what all his title entails.
I'm betting there's a very good reason why we haven't seen that.
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And I hope this messy dramatic bird is in for a rude awakening when he realizes that he really does get to have everything that he took from Stolas. (At least until Octavia comes of age, depending on how they'll write that.)
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dykeyote · 3 years ago
Actually wait no come back and talk about nureyev I love him so much and I might expire if you don’t. What are your thoughts about the new ep with his backstory. Any thoughts on where it might go. Any THEORIES about him. Any thoughts about his motivations!! Any other thoughts you want to share about him!!! Please I’m withering away no one ever posts in the tpp tag anymore I need to be FED
OKAY SEE RIGHT . i am not fully caught up i have to be honest with you ive only heard secondhand things im still on season three i just make jokes about him betraying the crew because i think its funny keep in mind for all of these im only Just starting tools of rust if any of this is contradicted or confirmed later lmk that im being stupid ..... BUT !!!!! one theory i have about him is that like . so i think its pretty well understood that the reason nureyev's relationship to buddy is SO much more strained than everyone else is because she reminds him of mag right. the symbolism there is pretty heavy-handed she calls him by the nickname that we've only heard mag call him at that point in the narrative (and then immediately afterwards tells juno not to call him that because only people who are trying to parent him do), he talks about how he hasn't felt like someone has pledged to keep him safe the way buddy has since mag, buddy and mag hold many parallels especially in their relationship to nureyev (mentor-like thief who nureyev looks up to who has inserted themself into his life as a parental figure who gives some form of tough love) blah blah blah i dont need to go into that much depth into this because man in glass makes it pretty clear . but another reason i think he detaches himself from buddy and (as the wiki puts it) is "the problem child" is because he doesnt want to be the favorite child again. which is not to say that nureyev doesn't want to be the best - because he does! he very much does, nureyev has an ego throughout his arc that, while to some degree a front, is still very much present. he sees himself as so good at what he does that he doesn't need to have any support anymore despite consciously knowing that a team can be useful, he puts a lot of effort into presenting himself in a flawless manner and he does truly believe that this is achievable. while it may not come naturally, if he plans everything out to the letter, he is just that good that it'll go to plan. he does see himself as incredibly good (or at least trying to be), and to a degree he does want these achievements to be recognized - but being the best is not the same as being someones favorite. to be a favorite you have to be their favorite, to be something tangible and possessed, and nureyev loathes that - like he says in season one, he is the person who disappears, not vice versa. he constantly cycles through personas, not even using the same concept twice let alone the same name despite newlyweds being incredibly common, and nobody can get attached to him. if he is someones's favorite, he is someone's, and that gives them an in to that layer of vulnerability he hasn't granted since mag. plus i think some lines from the new ep lean into this but idk i havent listened lol maybe this is all disproven . but anyway thats my rhoughts on him hehe he lives in my brain i an ALWAYS happy to talk about him . AND A THOUGHT I HAVE TO SHARE ON HIM !!!!!! is that i thibk the way he names his aliases is cute and silly . "duke rose" "rex glass" theyre such dramatic names . he ssi silly
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isaacathom · 7 years ago
ooh ooh!!! an idea. if Rhia and Elliot are tied together through their use of the sinnoh starters (and with either the Professor or the Champion or a different Elite Member having the 3rd one), other trios should ALSO be tied!
for instance, the tourists! the three of them should have a starter set. but which region? alola, kalos, or hoenn? idk. maybe it should be the Researchers set, which means the alola starters. that’d make sense, since They’d be the character most capable of wiggling strings and getting that to happen. admittedly T coooouuulld probably convince her native professor (that is, fucking.... oh god. Sycamore, thats it, jesus christ) to hand some over, considering Sycamore is clearly Loaded when it comes to starters. he gives you like, three????? three???? he gives a least two but im positive he gives you another. that or it was Shauna? idk. you get a lot of pokemon handed to you in xy. but, given that T is a strong trainer, it stands to reason she COULD do that. could. would she? idk. and then theres no real way that V could get a set for his friends. loves them dearly, but he has very little connection to breeders and the professors, etc, so he can’t really make that happen. if anything, he’d have this really random collection of pokemon eggs that he’d give to his friends (and especially to R) that he might get from people who are really grateful for his help. thatd be it. starters specifically? probably not. V has Popplio. Not sure which of R and T has Rowlet or Litten. lemme check. well.... hmm. T’s personality means it makes sense for her to have Litten? id be ok with that. means R has Rowlet, and i think thats the more..... interesting pokemon anyway. good for fun tidbits, yknow, like ‘did you know this is the only starter pokemon that starts with a dual typing???? and changes its secondary type in its final evo??? isnt that cool??????’ they’d think it was very cool and they would love their hoodie archer child.
though if the tourists are a three set..... who is YOUR third member. you and your rival are two of them, with your rival definitely being the type advantage sort (so not shauna or Hau or Bianca). but then who is that, for you? eeelliot??? seems weird to give him two starters, even if both starters make sense for him to have. plus the issue is that if you picked the grass starter, he’d have two water starters??? empoleon and the one that relies on you. so id rather separate that. who can serve as a third? the professor could, which removes her from the Rhia/Elliot set (meaning the Infernape goes to either the Champion or an elite 4 member). which is fine, i suppose, but im not sure when youd actually FIGHT the professor to make that set have any meaning. it COULD be the other player character, the one who didnt pick? but where would THEY slot in????
ACTUALLY. ooh this would be kinda neat too. Maaaaayybe. the other player character is a gym leader??????? or an elite??? having multiple change-y elites seems like overkill (even if the character doesnt actually change, just their gender and sprite. they’d have a neutral name, like Alex, to minimise effort). but i think that’d be kinda cool! issue with that is that having them have the third starter would mess with typing, and i dont want two elite 4s with mixed teams (as Rhia/Elliot have mixed teams). and a gym leader with a mixed team??? eh. unless they would sorta like, uh, Striaton City gym (spelt it right for once). where like, its the first gym, and they change types. but then why would they pick the type youre STRONG against??? unless it was more in depth than that. like ‘oh, you picked fire? well, here’s my grass type. neat, yea? oh, you knocked it. well, heres my grass/water pokemon! haha!’ or something? eh. not sure i dig that. mostly because striaton gym was kinda lame. i mean, they only used it once, for fucks sake. uh.... hmm... it doesnt really work that great if they have the weaker one..... or... maaybbee.... uh....... Small Fry??? the original idea for SF is that they were a weak trainer, a naive soul, who was manipulated by Dante into taking the fall for him, by putting him at the head of the Team. and while parts of that aren’t true anymore.... it could be interesting??? to play up that angle. even if that would substantially lessen the potential impact of your Rival being in the Team if you fuck w/ him. hmmm................ god, idk. maybe not??? maybe they should be for some other optional content? like how the other player in bw1/2 is for battle subway only? seems kinda boring and would wholly depend on which side activity is present. given this is Victoria (or Urica lol), pokeathlon would make more sense. yknow, the hardest fucking optional game to implement. lol, fuck. fUUUCK. i dont know where the other player character goes. unless they also accompany you, either in an Ethan/Lyra way or in a Brendan/May way??? i.... dooont see why not? would require their character having a distinct rival arc. like, the routes for the Actual Rival is to either fight by your side, live his own way, or actively antagonise you. to be a good guy, to be neutral, or to be a villain, essentially. but you cant just copy the same thing for the other player character. that’d just be poor form. gotta be unique. but similar. they dont join the evil team though...... THOUUUUUGGGH.... now i say that, having the other player join the evil team is some actually kick ass shit nd i love it. echoes that idea of players actually wanting to be in those teams. thatd be actually fucking radical. so should the rivals trajectory be changed??? AAAAAAAAA fuck. hhhhhhhhhhh. what would their routes BE, then. uhh.......... fuuuuck. maybe, instead of joining the Team, they join the Org??? which, while the same entity, have vastly different repurcussions. after all, the Org is ‘good’, and a lot of people are in it to do good, as opposed to the Team which are bad boys all day. with the alterations being that if you treat them WELL they join the org, rather than the other way around??? which could actually be kinda neat. like, you treat them nicely, so they decide to be like, helpful in general, and join the group making this possible. whereas if you treat them like shit... they just sorta..... exist. you stunt their growth. you hold them back from their potential. whereas if youre neutral, theyre generally proactive but not really doing much. they dont really NEED to, but, yknow.
thoughhhh. idk. maybe they should join regardless? and your actions influence which group they join? there are three, after all - security, safety, and healing. or whatever. police, fire fighters, ambulance. which doesnt aaaactually change much? mostly just like, ooutfits? or some lines. their general presence would still be similar, surely?
ok honestly this has gone on long enough im gonna take this issue to another post
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