#i know i do that sometimes but i try to think of something to say as much as i can
insertdisc5 · 2 days
hi i made a timeloop game called In Stars and Time and this is a whole post about other timeloop games you can also play.
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some i liked. some i loved. some i didnt like. all are worth playing and like also listen the second friends and family heard i was making a timeloop game, i got bombarded with timeloop media recs. so here is a sampler in no particular order! NOTE: knowing some of those games are timeloop games is a spoiler. but. you are here. for timeloop games. so timeloop games you shall have
Outer Wilds
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If you need to play one timeloop game, it's this one. Please play it blind. I swear to god you won't regret it. it's timeloops in space!!! it makes you think!!! there are so many "HOLY SHIT WAIT I GET IT NOW" moments!!! please just go play it please please please. some of the best environmental storytelling in a game. so many hints in plain sight. JUST PLAY IT
[way more timeloop games under the cut]
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I didn't actually like Oxenfree very much. But also it stayed in my mind for weeks after I finished playing it. that's how you know it's a good game. I really enjoyed the dialogue system in this, and how much the loop affected the characters. and it got so spooky!!!
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i'm in the credits for this one because i was one of the inspirations heehee <3 i loved playing it… short little game about trust, self-sabotage, and never-ending cycles. highly recommend it
The Stanley Parable
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Listen babes it absolutely counts. I replayed it a bunch while making ISAT, and I got immensely inspired by the dialogue, and how it catches you off guard sometimes? You get SO SO used to the narrator's "All of his coworkers were gone. What could it mean?" at the start of every game, and then for no reason instead it says "A soft wind blew outside and perhaps rain started, and if it did it stopped shortly after. Stanley hoped that he would one day see weather." like WHAT THE FUUUUCK IM GETTING CHILLS JUST THINKING ABOUT IT
12 minutes
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ok i know we all made fun of this game when it came out because the story is batshit insane HOWEVER!!!!!!!! i REALLY REALLY LOVED how doing the same actions multiple times would have slightly different outcomes. If you battle someone, the first time you get knocked out in one hit and the loop restarts. the second time you try, you evade the first hit, but get knocked out. the third time, you last a little bit longer, and a little bit longer, until you can pretty much hold your own against your enemy. And it applies to so many things in this. Retrying different things to see how they would change was a delight.
this game is also so bad its almost good, and if you're interested you HAVE to play it with friends so you can yell about how bad it is together.
Zero Escape
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it's just a good series ok. escape rooms, and also time loops! the 3rd game in particular goes deep into The Math of how timeloops would work, which i think is interesting. sometimes timeloop games just go "yeah you can timeloop dont worry about it" and others go "OK HERE'S THE HOW AND WHY IT WORKS" and both are interesting!
START AGAIN: a prologue
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this game has almost everything i could wish for in a timeloop game. depression. lines repeating. dying brings you back. you get new levels and skills because you're aware of the loops but your party members don't. so you get overpowered next to them and they Notice. just. party members who dont know about the loops still noticing something is wrong. you are acting differently than yesterday. you look sad. you are acting weird. you know too much. how did you know where the keys were? how did you know this would happen? what's wrong? talk to us. and oh my god this game has a sequel? which will probably have Actually Everything i could wish for in a timeloop game? i can't wait. who made this? (its me i made this)
Ghost Trick
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ok its not really time loops and more time travel and only for 4 minutes HOWEVER!!!! you should play it. you know you should play it because everyone says so. so go play it
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im sure its a great game but ive never seen/read hamlet. so thats a failing on my part. because. you absolutely need to know hamlet to understand this game lol i did like the whole "make sure to find out which events are Important and which ones aren't so you can have The Perfect Loop"! very fun. or it would be. if i. knew. hamlet
The Forgotten City
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a friend kept recommending it to me and i didn't like it. its good! just not for me. but if you like to think a lot you should play it. another "make sure to find out which events are Important and which ones aren't so you can have The Perfect Loop" game
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Gonna be real. I didn't like the story very much, in part because the game lets you choose your gender but still acts like youre a straight dude. HOWEVER the gameplay was very inspiring to me. Every loop is pretty much just an among us meeting, and you have to find out who the imposters are or everyone dies and you loop again. and sometimes you ARE the imposter, so you need to make sure no one finds out. or you loop again. rules get added as time goes on too. i REALLY loved how quickly the loops stacked up. seeing "loop 100" was such a nice moment. ive been here so long! i tried to recreate that somewhat for my own game…
Loop Hero
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Technically not a timeloop game, but a loop game. It still absolutely counts because it's about loops and memories, and what are loops and memories together if not a timeloop. You have your little guy going through a closed loop, battling enemies, getting cards, and making the world whole again by using those cards to make forests, towns, lakes come to life. I am famously a Story First Gameplay Second kinda player, but I did play this 45h for the gameplay alone. I learned a lot about battle balancing and randomness by playing this!
You and Me and Her: A Love Story
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you know doki doki litterature club? this came before. and one might say. it's. better. in some parts (and i say that as someone who LOVED ddlc!) i won't say much except it's a dating sim but with timeloops. with a lot of what it implies. why are you dating this girl a second time? a third time? a fourth time? choose another one already! it was such a fascinating game to play, and is incredibly meta in the way it talks about dating sims and visual novels. had a lot of very impactful moments however, i played the hentai version. some of the worst, most cringy sex ive ever read and heard. however, one might say the sex is an integral part of the game and its deconstruction of hentai/dating sims…? no. just play the steam version which doesnt have the horrible sex scenes and you will have a great time i think (or play the hentai version. if you like. to watch. horrible sex scenes???)
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knowing this is a timeloop game is a massive spoiler. however, this game is more than a decade old, so,,, honestly if you havent played higurashi what are you doing. i know i just spoiled you on it but i was also spoiled on it and i can GUARANTEE YOU that you will still have an amazing time. one more thing. you gotta play with the original sprites or you're a fake fan
I Was a Teenage Exocolonist
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starts as a visual novel/management sim/dating sim kinda thing, until you realize that every replay is a new timeline. so the main character can save people, because they remembered about them dying in a previous one. i wish the timeloop would affect the game/story more (let me find a certain character quicker once ive found them in a previous playthrough!!!), but timeloop aside, it's a very fun game to play!!!
that's it! hope you will find a nice timeloop game you like
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markrosewater · 2 days
Hi Mark. With a lot of talk recently in the online space about the unreasonable outrage and horrendous death threats towards the Commander Rules Committee and Commander Advisory Group, I want to thank you for being the proverbial "shield" for some of the most heinous and grotesque backlash towards WOTC as the unofficial public representative for MTG. I know it can be absolutely draining for your mental health to receive harassment in this position, so I just want to say I am grateful and empathize that you are in this position. With that being said, as one of the most prominent faces of Magic, is it possible if you could say a word or two about the aforementioned harassment towards the RC and CAG to deter these harassers and possibly share your own experiences regarding unconstructive hate to help the victims of such depravity (if you're comfortable sharing)?
There are advantages and disadvantages of being one of the faces for Magic. When people like something we're doing, even when I had nothing to do with it, I get lots of praise. Most players only know a handful of Wizards employees, so they tend to assume that the people they know are responsible for the things that are happening.
There is, of course, a downside to that. When things happen people dislike, I'm also the light rod for complaint. Whether or not I had anything to do with the issue in question, I get the blame. I am Head Designer. Many times, I did have a hand or a say in what happened. And when I'm responsible, or partly responsible, for something, I try to own up to it.
Players are not a unified front though. When we do thing X, some of you will like it while others will not. I often will get complimented for the same thing I'm being yelled at for.
From time to time, we do something a majority are unhappy with. At times, we do things a majority are *very* unhappy with. That's when things can get a bit ugly. There are a lot of civilities built into daily life. There are just things you don't do or say to another human being. Most of that goes out the window online.
For some reason, the anonymity combined with just how social media has evolved has emboldened people to do and say things they never would in person (and I should also acknowledge society has changed in ways that even what's acceptable in person has changed).
What this means is I get a lot of negativity, some of it very personal. I'm not just talking about people criticizing the in-game choices I've made (or often didn't even make), but comments on me as a person, about who I am and what they think of me. People tell me that want bad things to happen to me. Not just getting fired (although that's a popular one), people vocalize, sometimes quite graphically, about things they want to happen to me.
The first few times this happened, I took it pretty hard. Having lots of people attack you online, saying horrible things about you, is tough. Humans look to other humans for approval. It's just built into our DNA to want others to like us. Having people attack you hurts. You have trouble sleeping, eating, it just weighs on you emotionally.
I was bullied as a kid. This really isn't much different except its much higher in volume and very public.
With time, I learned to adapt to it. It's not that I enjoy people saying nasty things about me. It still sucks, but I've found ways to process it. I came to realize that someone being nasty is more a commentary on them than me. And I adopted a philosophy of looking past the words to the message behind it. Most people complaining didn't like a choice we made about the game. I could focus on the feedback and less on the delivery method. But that took years, and it has a lot to do with who I am as a person. I enjoy the things I get to do with a public profile, so I accept what comes with it.
I've made the conscious choice to build a thick skin and weather social media, so I can continue doing what I love. It saddens me that I have to.
I say all this because I don't know if people really process the harm they're doing when they get negative online, especially towards another person. Most people do not have the years of processing angry messages like I do.
Words have an impact and that doesn't matter whether you're speaking them directly to someone's face or typing them in the privacy of your home.
Bullying is not okay. Cruelty is not okay. Making a conscious choice to belittle another human being, especially because they made a choice you disagree with about a game, is not okay.
When you use ugly words, you are doing harm to another human being (sometimes many human beings). Imagine if someone attacked you like that, or a loved one, or a friend. Don't do something to another human being that would cause pain if it was done to you.
That doesn't mean you can't communicate unhappiness. It doesn't mean you can't vocalize that you disagree with a decision made. I would stress two things. One, make it about the decision and not the person who made the decision. Explain why and how the decision impacts you, not what you think of the person because they made the decision.
Two, watch your language. As I said above, words have power. They can be used to build or to destroy. Is the language you're using designed to hurt? If so, don't use it. Use other language. If you need to take time to calm down, do so.
Community is what we as individuals choose for it to be. One of the things I love about the Magic community is how kind it can be, how accepting it can be, how uplifting it can be. But that's because we each individually choose to do that. The Magic community can get ugly, but only if we allow it to become so.
So please, the next time you're making a message designed to do something destructive rather than constructive, take a moment to reflect. Why are you doing this? What is your goal? Is it your intent to hurt someone? Because that's what negative language does.
I ask the Magic community to be better. I know we have the potential. I've seen it.
Be part of the solution, not the problem.
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babyleostuff · 2 days
˚ ༘♡ 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐬/𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦
― the moment in which the seventeen members find out their significant other hid their injury from them
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first of all - the chance of cheol not knowing you got hurt is this big 🤏🏻 mans somehow knows everything when it comes to you, even if he’s overseas he. still. knows. he would be… i don’t want to say disappointed in you not telling him, because you’re still your own person and he cannot tell you what to do, but… he just cares about you so much, truly. the thought of you hurt or in pain without him knowing is heartbreaking to cheol. he’s a caretaker through and through, especially for his significant other - there’s nothing seungcheol wouldn’t do for them. at the same time, though, he feels so proud to have a partner that is so strong.
the second he finds out you got hurt or injured jeonghan becomes quite passive aggressive. he’s not necessarily angry with you, it’s just that… what wouldn’t you tell him? he’s your boyfriend, he’s supposed to be next to you and care for you when you need it. you do the same for him, so why would you push him away? hannie understands that sometimes you just need your space, and everyone is different when it comes to being sick and in pain, but he’d still be a bit hurt by you not telling him. at the end of the day, he’d try to talk to you, though, and explain why it was so important to him to know.
it’s not that he’s angry, more like disappointed (all that disappointment, though, doesn’t come from pettiness or anger, but care and love). he gets that people react differently to getting injured, but still - he’s your boyfriend, and a boyfriend that cares a lot at that. shua always respects all of your decisions, no matter what, but when you get hurt and don’t tell him… you might not see it as important enough, but to him, your well-being and comfort is all that matters. he can’t imagine how you must’ve felt going through all of that alone, and yes, he gets that that was what you wanted, but still. 
tries his best not to show how it affects him, when he finds out about your injury, but fails miserably. jun is a bit disappointed that you didn’t tell him first things first, because he’d be more than happy to take care of you (and he’d have the perfect opportunity to be extra clingy). would be unusually pouty and whiny after, waddling after you at any given moment and asking you “why? why didn’t you tell him?”. was it because you didn’t trust him and his caretaker abilities, did you think it wasn’t big enough of a deal to tell him about, or maybe you saw your injury as a burden? he needs to know or else he won’t be able to fall asleep. 
you don’t want to keep something as serious as an injury from soonyoung, because the second he finds out you got hurt AND didn’t think about telling him, he gives you the silent treatment + becomes so hard to deal with. he can be petty when he’s in a good mood, so imagine how he’d be behaving after finding out. hoshi gets so frustrated because why wouldn’t you tell him? it’s a whole ass injury, not a scratch, there’s nothing that could excuse you from not telling him. he’s aware he’s not the best with taking care of injuries, but that doesn’t matter he wouldn't do his absolute best. just… tell him next time. 
he can feel his eye twitch when he finds out about your injury. it gets even worse when you tell him it wasn’t that big of a deal and he shouldn't worry. immediate game over for jeon wonwoo. you might think he wouldn’t get as annoyed by it as other members who are more outwardly affectionate… WRONG + he doesn’t consider himself the overprotective type, ALSO WRONG. wonwoo is a man who lives for you and your comfort even if he doesn’t see that himself, so the fact that you didn’t bother to tell him about something as big as an literal injury??? JAIL!!! will cross his arms and stump his feet to make a point. 
he understands that for you it might be a small thing, your injury, that you don't see it as something important enough to tell him about, but… it’d still kind of hurt jihoon if you didn’t tell him? like, on one hand he’s so enchanted by you because you're so independent and strong and willing to go through your pain alone, but on second he’s your boyfriend. he might not be the most obvious with how he shows his love and physical touch and outward words of affirmation, but he still cares. a lot. he wants to take care of you, he wants to keep you warm and as comfy as he can, so please don’t brush off matters like that. 
at first he’s very confused when he finds out that you got injured, because that can’t be true, right? you’d immediately tell him if you got hurt, 100%. but when seokmin realises that your injury was not a cruel joke he nearly cries. why, why on earth wouldn’t you tell him? and it crushes him so much - you, in pain, without him by your side to hold your hand through it all. he’s quite a mess afterwards, trying to gather his emotions. because he has to get through to you and try to explain how much it hurt him that you didn’t tell him. even if you refuse his help, he just needs to know, that’s all.
there’s a hit of annoyance in gyu when he finds out that you got hurt and didn’t tell him. like… you’re well aware of how big of a caretaker mingyu is, and how important acts of service are for him, and yet you decide to hide the injury from him. why? he understands that a part of you might think of yourself as a burden, but he has told you numerous times how happy it makes him when you ask him for help, even with the smallest things. but you’re still pushing him away? it’s just - it’s so gut wrenching when he finds out that you had to suffer on your own and he didn’t know.
huh, so you don’t believe in his healing abilities? hao becomes extremely petty, because no one’s better at being a certified nurse than him (not even a real nurse), and with you not telling him he feels like you don’t trust him enough to take care of you properly. he genuinely likes to take care of his loved ones, he doesn’t mind being the housewife, and he definitely doesn't think you’re a burden because of your injury, so why would you hide it? after he finds out he sits you down and has a talk with you - hao tries to explain his point of view and how it made him feel when you didn’t tell him, and why you shouldn’t hide things like that from him. 
gets so so so petty, oh my god. huh, so you, his girlfriend, didn’t tell him, your boyfriend, you got hurt? you just didn’t? yeah, not on boo seungkwan’s watch. why on earth wouldn’t you call him first things first? he’s your literal boyfriend, it’s his duty and privilege to take care of you, keep you warm and loved, no matter what. and he doesn’t want to hear that “but i don’t want to be a burden” shit, because you. are. not. and you could never be one. so you’re trying to tell him you were hurt and alone while he was living his best life? he’d make sure to talk to you and make you swear you’d tell him next time a situation like that would occur. 
on one hand he understands that you might not see the injury as something big enough to tell him, like - he has gotten hurt in the past and didn’t tell you either, but… it’d be nice if you did. vernon is not sure why he’s bothered by you not telling him, usually he’s very okay with most of your decisions, but a part of him is scared that the reason you hid the injury is because of you thinking he won’t care. yes, he might not be the best at taking care of people and prefers being the one taken care of, but you’re his partner and vernon will do anything he can to take the best care of you.
his heart drops when he finds out you got injured and didn’t tell him. chan thrives on helping and taking care of his loved ones, he doesn’t care if he has to pull another all nighter just to make someone else happy - he does it with great joy. so when his partner, the apple of his eye, hides their injury from him? it hurts. it hurts deeply. there’s a part of him that feels betrayed, and he cannot help but think if you don’t trust him enough to care for you when you’re in need. chan knows that those thoughts and his reaction are a bit dramatic, but it’s the caretaker in him that just cannot live it down. 
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taglist (if you want to be added, check my masterlist): @jeonghansshitester @weird-bookworm @sea-moon-star @hanniehaee @wonwooz1 @byprettymar @edgaralienpoe @staranghae @itza-meee @eightlightstar @immabecreepin @whatsgyud @hyneyedfiz @honestlydopetree @vicehectic @dkswife @uniq-tastic @marisblogg @aaniag @daegutowns @carlesscat-thinklogic23 @embrace-themagic @ohmyhuenings @nidda13 @hrts4hanniehae @k-drama-adict @isabellah29 @f4iryjjosh @bangantokchy @mrswonwooo @bangtancultsposts @lllucere @athanasiasakura @onlyyjeonghan @haecien @caramyisabitchforsvtandbts @hannahhbahng @valgracia @ohmygodwhyareallusernamestaken @mirxzii @hhusbuds @wonranghaeee @rosiesauriostuff @gyuguys @tomodachiii @veryfabday @lilmochiandsuga @asasilentreader @mrsnervous @bewoyewo @sharonxdevi @wondipity @gyuguys @raginghellfire @treehouse-mouse @waldau @wonootnoot @hellodefthings @dokyeomkyeom @sourkimchi @bbysnw @hoichi02 @aaa-sia @haneulparadx @minvrsev @zozojella @wonootnoot @kimingyuslover @wntrei @honglynights @jihoonsbbygirl @uhdrienne @bloodcanbehot  @iamawkwardandshy  @icyminghao @heeseungthel0ml @goyangiiwonu @bath1lda @ruurooozz @ny0sang @luuxian @onerubii  @hurrican3-insert-nam3 @mekuiikore @luvseungcheol @thenotoriousegg @yuuyeonie @svtficsarchive @hyperdramas @huen1ngk41 @lesuneczka @oc3anfloor @gyuguys @fr-freak @bewoyewo
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moonstruckme · 2 days
hello maeee!! i hope youre well!!
ive been STRUGGLING with higher level classes recently and its absolutely killing me 😭
could you maybe write something about reader who struggles academically (whether it be on certain subjects, procrastination, overworking , etc. is completely up to you!) with poly!marauders/one of the marauders??
sorry if youve already written something like this, this request is a bit self indulgent 😭
Hi angel, I'm really sorry you've been going through it! Thank you for requesting though, all the best requests are a bit self indulgent ;)
cw: academic stress
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 678 words
James is a patient teacher, and in an effort to repay his kindness you’re really trying to keep your tears from falling. 
You keep your eyes steadfastly on your potions textbook as you flip through it. You’re blinking rapidly, looking for the chapter that contains yet another bit of information you’ve failed to retain, when Remus’ warm hand closes over your shoulder. 
“Careful,” he warns, bringing a steaming mug of coffee around you to set it on one of your closed books. 
“Thank you.” Your relief is immense. You’re the sort of tired that makes your eyes hurt and your brain feel dead, thoroughly worn out by hours of studying. You pick it up and take a sip. Look at your boyfriend in betrayal. “Decaf?” 
Remus gives you a look. “It’s evening, dove. You won’t be able to sleep.” 
“I’ve got some sleeping draught for later.” 
“Ah, substance abuse.” Sirius tosses you a grin from where he’s lounging on his bed, his own homework long since finished. “Must be very dark times.” 
Your face feels suddenly very hot. You turn it down towards your book again, but the quiet splat of a tear dripping off your nose and onto the pages gives you away. 
“Hey, hey.” Sirius sounds immediately panicked. “I’m joking, abuse whatever substances you like.” 
“Angel, what’s wrong?” James’ voice is surprised, but his hand finds your back anyway, rubbing between your shoulders firm and sure. “It’s okay. We’re nearly done.” 
You suck in a breath, hoping to collect yourself but horrified when it only triggers another hiccup of sobs. You put your hands at your hairline, hiding yourself. 
“I’m going to have to sucker punch Slughorn,” Sirius says, sounding mildly horrified at this realization. 
“Dove.” Remus steps in front of you, lifting your chin. “What’s going on? Are you tired, is that it?” 
You nod pathetically, tears carving hot paths down both cheeks. “I just feel s—so stupid,” you whimper. 
Remus’ brows hook in the middle, but it’s James who says, “Hey, why?” 
He thumbs away the wetness from the cheek closest to him, encouraging you to look at him with his hand on your face. His eyes are big and warm behind his glasses. 
“Because you’re having trouble with your homework? That happens to everyone sometimes.” 
You shake your head. “It used to be sometimes. I don’t know what it is, this year—” you stifle another sob “—I feel like I can’t understand anything anymore.” 
Remus sighs. “I think you’re just overworking yourself, sweetheart.” 
You almost want to laugh. “You think this is the result of working too much?” 
“I think that schoolwork is all you’ve been doing lately,” he says patiently. “I understand that you might be having a difficult time with the upper levels this year, but you’re not going to absorb anything new if you don’t take some breaks.” 
“True,” Sirius pitches in. “That invigoration draught you keep under your bed is making you twitchy, babe. You can hardly expect to pay proper attention in class when you’re nearly bouncing out of your seat.” 
Remus’ eyes narrow. “What?” 
“Bollocks.” Sirius makes a face. Sorry, he mouths to you. 
“Let’s go to dinner,” James saves you, closing your textbook and vanishing your coffee with a flick of his wand. “It’ll be good for you to think about other things for a bit, and we’ll finish up when we get back.” 
The prospect of a break relaxes you enough for your tears to abate. James swipes the remainders from your cheeks and pushes at the corner of your lips until you smile halfheartedly. 
Remus hums his approval. “You need to eat something proper,” he says, pinching you sternly under the chin, “and stop trying to usurp your circadian rhythm with potions.” 
“Substance abuse,” Sirius quips, hopping down from his bed to lead the way to the great hall, “best kept for the weekends, as I always say.” 
“Do you always say that?” James wonders aloud. “Seems rather impromptu.” 
“Well, that’s the mark of a good line, Jamesie. It always sounds off the cuff.”
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slut4nicholas · 18 hours
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oh father, i have sinned pt 1
a/n: i haven't started the show yet, so I'm not familiar with his character in this show. please forgive my cluelessness during this fic.
summary: the reader goes to the church to confess to the priest that she recently sinned. however, the father decides to have some fun of his own.
warnings: mention of religion, 18+, missionary, loss of virginity, oral(fem & m receiving) fingering, nipple play, praise kink, pet names like doll,sweetheart,baby, mentions of anal, spanking, degrading, corruption kink, almost caught
growing up in a religious household, i have developed a deep appreciation for my catholic roots. whenever I feel overwhelmed by sadness, anger, or depression, I find solace in the church.
today i couldn't help but feel a tremendous amount of guilt. i found myself hanging out with a boy, and things got a bit physical. even though we didn't go too far, i couldn't help but feel ashamed. i had promised to wait until marriage, but these uncontrollable desires keep creeping up. i've decided to go to the church to talk to the father about my recent activities and confess my sins.
as i made my way to the church, i felt a mix of nervousness and anticipation. i'm meeting with father charlie, a young and attractive man who’s also the priest at the church, which is not something you typically expect in the church. i haven't had a chance to speak with him one-on-one yet, so im feeling a bit apprehensive about what our conversation will entail.
i open the big doors to the church to see it completely empty just to find charlie sitting down on one the church benches.
“hello there” he calls out.
"father, there's something weighing heavily on my heart that I need to share with you," i said as I hurried to sit next to him.
i can feel that irritating uneasy sensation in my stomach. I didn't even give him a proper greeting. the guilt was so overwhelming that it made me stumble over my words.
"what is it y/n?" he turns all of his attention towards me, his big brown eyes digging into mine, as if anticipating something significant.
“i don’t know who to talk to, i can’t talk to my parents about this especially my own father. i’ve been feeling really guil-“
he interrupted me with a gentle smile and placed his hand on my shoulder, assuring me that everything would be okay and letting me know that he was a safe person to talk to.
“father, i need to confess something. i kissed a boy, and he kissed me back. he started to touch me, but i stopped him. i made a promise to the lord, and i feel terrible for breaking it”
as the tears welled up in my eyes, i instinctively dropped my face into my hands, seeking refuge from the overwhelming emotions.
"hey, it's going to be okay," charlie said in a gentle, caring tone as he stroked my hair, trying to comfort me.
“now tell me, did you guys fuck?”
as those words reached my ears, i couldn't help but look up at him, shaking my head as the tears continued to fall.
oh no, i hope he's not going to make me feel even worse.
“no father i swear-“
"shh, no swearing in the church," he said, raising his finger to his lips with a smirk. the irony wasn't lost on him, considering he had just dropped the f-bomb.
it was so quiet for a whole minute, and I started feeling really awkward. i had come all this way hoping for some advice or comfort, but it seemed like he just didn't care.
as I stood up, charlie grabbed my arm, forcing me to sit back down. “i didn't say you could leave. where do you think you're going?”
he replied coldly, smirking, “always so forgiving. it's kind of pathetic”
i stared at him, utterly perplexed, not really sure what he was talking about.
“father, isn't forgiveness what the church is all about?”
“sometimes, but in this case, i really want you to show me how sorry you are. otherwise, you're just going to keep committing the same sin over and over again. you don't want that, right? you don't want your parents to find out how desperate their innocent little girl has become, do you?"
i couldn't believe what i was hearing from charlie. i never expected him to act this way, let alone say things like this. i was at a loss for words and didn't know how to react. all i could do was nod in agreement. the last thing i wanted was for my parents to find out.
“father, i think i should go”
"why are you suddenly so shy, doll?" his hand on my chin made me tilt my head to stare at him.
"you don't think i notice how you look at me during mass when I'm speaking on the stand? you've become so needy that you sometimes cross your legs to stop yourself from feeling those emotions you want to avoid so badly," he says while caressing my cheek, gently rubbing his thumb on my bottom lip.
"i know you think of me taking you to the point where you can't even think straight, cum dripping out of you while i use you for my pleasure. you don't think i notice that? the way you avoid eye contact with me”
“i don’t know what your talking about father”
charlie’s hand rested lightly on my thigh, sending a spark of electricity coursing through my body. as his fingers inched toward the top of my skirt, pushing the fabric up just a little, my breath caught in my throat. each slow movement seemed to stretch time, heightening my senses and igniting a thrilling tension i couldn't ignore.
it felt deceptively wrong—the kind of reckless abandon that sent a shiver down my spine—but the anticipation was intoxicating, and I craved more. my mind raced, caught between instinct and hesitation, as the warmth of his touch settled into a deep hunger, one i found increasingly impossible to resist.
i glanced up, searching his eyes for a sign, a cue that this was more than just a fleeting moment. we held a playful challenge, a promise of the passion we both knew was simmering beneath the surface. my heart raced with excitement and fear, the boundaries of right and wrong blurring into a sweet confusion. with every breath, i felt the world around us fade away, lost to the undeniable chemistry pulsing in the air. i didn’t want to stop it; I wanted to let go completely and dive headfirst into whatever was coming next.
“do you want this as much as I want this?" charlie's voice broke through the haze of my thoughts, causing my heart to race in an unholy rhythm. i felt his gaze resettle upon me, a weight both thrilling and terrifying. my mind was a jumble, each beat vying for clarity as i struggled to focus on anything but him.
his eyes—the deep pools of mischief and longing—held me captive, swaying me like a fragile leaf in a rising storm. the blueprint of his desires flickered behind those intense brown eyes, and my cheeks burned with a shameful blush. I could hear the hymns of the service fade into background noise, a distant echo that paled against the ferocity of this moment.
what was wrong with me? i shouldn’t be feeling this way, not here—certainly not in a house of worship. my skirt brushed against my legs, reminding me of the innocence i used to wear like armor, now discarded in the face of this ravenous yearning. charlie wanted me. craved me. it was a dangerous temptation that had taken root within me, whispering sweet nothings that urged me to give in.
the candlelit corners of the church bathed in shadows, the lure was overwhelming. each passing week at mass had been an exercise in restraint, a careful balancing act over a precipice of emotion. seeing him near the altar in his crisp shirt—as though god himself had stitched him together purely for me—seemed more sublimely wrong every time.
as his eyes swept over me, i wondered if he could sense the tension glittering between us, thick and electrifying like charged air before a storm. j licked my lips, torn between the sanctity of the aisle and the allure of his promise. "I need you, doll. I can't deny it anymore," he murmured like a sin freshly minted from temptation's forge.
i felt a tumultuous wave of conflicting emotions surging within me. the whispered prayers seemed empty as an overwhelming desire ignited like an uncontrollable inferno. "father” i gasped, but the air escaped me, filled with forbidden possibilities. despite everything, all i could focus on were his lips drawing nearer to mine, as if the world around us faded away, leaving only the intense magnetism between us.
in that sacred moment, beneath the flickering lights, surrounded by silence begging to be heard, we hovered on the brink of something vast and insatiable. would we give in? would grace curdle into passion? ignoring the whisper of consequence felt like my true struggle—should we tiptoe across this brittle line, or confess that hunger has only one unyielding answer? together.
as I processed what was happening, a surge of warmth enveloped me, and i found myself surrendering to the moment. his lips danced across the sensitive skin of my neck, light as a whisper but charging the air with electricity. a small moan escaped my lips, betraying the whirlwind of emotions stirring within me. i could feel his smirk, a secret shared just between us, brushing against my skin, simultaneously teasing and thrilling.
his hand roamed over my thigh, a firm yet gentle grip that sent a shiver cascading through my body. "that's it, such a good girl for me," he purred, his voice a low whisper that thrummed like a melody in my ears, both lustful and tender. each word dripped with a promise, igniting the fire kindling deep within me, blurring the boundaries between desire and surrender.
lost in this intoxicating closeness, i reveled in the sensations; the world beyond shifted and faded, leaving only his teasing caresses and the seductive intimacy that enveloped us—a balance of power and vulnerability, inviting me to cross the threshold into unknown territory.
"father, i really don’t think we should be doing this here. It just doesn’t feel right. what if we get caught?" i watched as charlie sighed, rubbing his forehead in frustration, clearly torn between desire and caution.
"you’re right," he replied, his voice low and raspy, "but it’s late, and I don’t think anyone’s going to wander into the church at this hour. just relax, sweetheart."
i hesitated for a moment, then nodded, the thrill of the forbidden sending a shiver down my spine. i reached out, intertwining my fingers with his, bringing his hand to my lips and sucking gently on his long fingers. his eyes locked onto mine, filled with a primal hunger that made my heart race. i could see it in his expression—the desperate need to claim me, to tear away any barrier between us.
the air was thick with anticipation, and i could almost feel the weight of his longing as he shifted closer, his breath coming in quick, shallow bursts. the dim light from the stained glass windows cast a soft glow around us, amplifying the intensity of the moment. i could sense the tension building, a thrilling mix of danger and desire, as he leaned in, caught in the magnetic pull that seemed to draw us together like moths to a flame.
we were on the edge of something wild and reckless, and in that sacred space, everything felt possible.
charlie withdrew his fingers, his intention clear as he replaced them with his warm, teasing tongue. it slipped into my mouth, exploring with a fervor that sent electric shivers through my entire body. he held my neck gently yet possessively, urging me closer, deeper, igniting a fire that burned between us.
i kissed him back with equal intensity, a thrilling battle for dominance that left us both breathless. the taste of him was intoxicating, a heady mixture of desire and urgency that made my heart race. every flick of his tongue ignited a wave of pleasure, pooling low in my belly and making it almost impossible to think straight.
the heat of the moment consumed me; i could feel my body responding instinctively to his every move. the sweet tension built inside me, and i knew i needed him—needed to feel him against me, to drown in that wild connection we shared. my panties were already soaked, a testament to the overwhelming desire coursing through my veins.
charlie pushes my panties to the side allowing his already wet fingers from my saliva to dance around my clothed heat growling like a predator hungry for its prey “let me show you how a real man is supposed to make you feel darling, those little boys wouldn’t know how to handle something so precious like you. i can make you feel so good you wouldn’t be able to walk straight for days”
as he pumps his fingers in out of me the sweet sounds filling up the quiet church was enough for the both of us to go crazy “more father please” he smirked at my neediness removing his fingers out of me putting them up to mouth to signaling me to suck the sweet juices off of his fingers then going back in for a quick rub of my clit
charlie stood up getting ready to unbuckle his pants but before he could even do that a voice filled up the quiet room which caused me to jump and act quick closing my legs and hiding my exposed area “father charlie i’ve been looking everywhere for you” an older lady shouts from across the room as she appears to be in desperate need of his help
he sighed and i took that as my sign to leave before we both do something we might regret later, charlie keeps his gaze on me the entire time “hi, ill be with you in a moment” he spoke up the lady stops in her tracks wondering what a young woman was doing here at almost midnight with the priest of the church she was curious but nothing crossed her mind as she was desperate to talk to the priest
charlie followed me out of the church closing the door behind us “this isn’t over sweetheart” he placed a kiss on my forehead as he walked back into the church.
a/n: omggg i hope you guys like this!! i’ve spent almost a day and a half working on this just for you all especially the person who requested this, i will be making this into a little series since it was getting pretty long! anyways i really hope you guys enjoyed this, remember feel free to request anything!
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Little Rabbit
Summary: Y/n is the youngest Archeron sister. While training with Rhysand, she winnows herself to the Autumn Court by mistake and finds someone she can't seem to get off her mind..
"Just close your eyes and try again." Rhysand told me, sternly. I'm sure he was getting pretty fed up with me and my training. Plus we'd been at this for a good three hours now. "Close your eyes and concentrate."
"That's what I've been doing Rhys! And its not working!" I took a deep breath trying not to lose my temper. "I just end up five feet from where i'm standing."
Winnowing was hard and learning how to use the power was draining. Taking a seat on a near by stump, I wiped away a stay tear that started to roll down my cheek.
"Winnowing is a power not all Fae have. It takes a good deal of concentration and strength. try again Y/N. Try to think of another spot in the woods."
All the woods looked the same. Every tree the same type of maple. Every blade of grass the same shade of green.
I rolled my eyes at Rhys. "I'm not sure why you have so much faith in me winnowing anyway. I'm obviously not that good at it so i'm not sure why it matters so much."
Rhys took a deep breath and ran his hand down his face. "Y/n, I know you can do this. Close your eyes and try again. Focus on the tree that Azriel is standing next to."
Az just nodded at me. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I always loved being in the woods especially during autumn. All the colors and cool breezes. Soon, in my minds eye, the tree behind the Shadow Singer had vibrant orange leaves and a cool breeze blew my hair. I ripped my eyes open.
"You've got to be kidding me." I whispered in disbelief. I had done it. I had finally winnowed, right into the Autumn Court...
"I knew that asshole was up to something" Rhysand had been trying for the past week to get me to winnow. I hope he's happy now.
"I know you can do it" I mocked my brother in law as I walked through the unfamiliar forest of Autumn. I knew it was a matter of time before Beron's sentries found me. Rhysands "I know you can do it" is probably going to get beheaded or whatever they do to trespassers in this Court.
I heard shuffling in the nearby bushes. I stopped so abruptly I almost fell. "Please don't be a bear or a wolf."
I let out a sigh of relief as a squirrel jetted out of the bush.
"Are you lost little rabbit?"
I whirled around and bumped right into a red haired male.
"Shit." I murmured under my breath, finding it hard to find my voice.
He smirked. "You are far from home. Don't worry. I already informed Rhysand."
I had never met this male before. So how did he know who I was? He took a step around means continued down the path.
"I do have to say that it is pretty impressive that you winnowed this far away from Night. nearly four courts away. Come. We will meet your high lord somewhere safe. Beron has eyes and ears everywhere. Sometimes I fear the creatures are on his side as well."
I ran to catch up with him. "Wait so you aren't going to turn me in?"
He chuckled. "Why would I do that? Hmm?" His amber eyes met mine.
His gaze was intense and nearly took my breath away. "I-it's just that i'm trespassing, correct? I was sure that would be punishable in such a cutthroat Court?"
"Oh, it is. Usually anyway, but I told Beron i'd check out the breech in the border."
We walked for what seemed like forever. Passing by tree after tree, all of them different it seemed, unlike the forest back home. Every tree different shades of Autumn colors. More vibrant than I had ever seen back in the night Court or the human lands for that matter. Before I knew it we had reached a clearing.
"Take my hand" The male told me. "Rhysand waits for you in the clearing."
I gave him a skeptical look, "Ahh. I don't see anything inside the clearing"
"Just trust me." He replied offering me his hand.
"How do I know I can trust you? I don't even know you."
"I would never let any harm come to you, Y/n." I gasped as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his chest. The smell of crackling fire and spice engulfed me as he winnowed us into the clearing.
Rhysand, Feyre and Az appeared before me. Azriel, noting how close the male held me, drew his knife.
"Calm down Shadow Singer, she is unharmed. Aren't you little rabbit?" He asked, bringing my chin up so that my eyes met his again.
Azriel growled. but the male let me go. Taking one more look at his face, I ran into my older sisters arms. "I'm okay. " I assured them.
"Thank you Eris for keeping her safe." Rhys stated.
"It is strange though. That she winnowed so far from home." Eris mused. "Makes one wonder what drew her to a court she had never stepper foot into." With that, he disappeared.
Shocked was an understatement. The male that had saved me was the Heir of Autumn. the male every one talks so much shit about. And all I could think about was how his warm hand felt wrapped around my wrist. How his finger had gently raised my chin, how his amber eyes seemed to darken as they bore into mine.
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yanderecrazysie · 1 day
Twisted Zoo Ending Two: Our Angelfish
NOTE FOR MAINLY QUOTEV: Please stop asking for updates. It’s incredibly stressful and considered rude by most authors. I understand and honored that you’re excited to read my story, but please stop saying “Update?” and things like that. I don’t know when the next update will be, probably within a month.
This is based on the stories of a keeper reader with the octotrio by @ashensgrotto and @merakiui .
I am no longer doing tags. Tumblr hates me and I’d rather not waste my time when there are so many! You can keep up to date on Twisted Zoo on Tumblr, Quotev, Wattpad, or AO3.
WARNINGS: yandere themes
Note: For Tumblr, the mature version of the endings (the afterendings) will begin sometime after I finish all the normal endings.
Note 2: I think they’ll all be short. Sorry. Also not even trying to go in order at this point.
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When you stepped through the employee’s entrance to the aquarium, you could tell something was wrong right away. The water had steam rising from it and the room felt uncomfortably warm, reminding you slightly of the savannah.
Azul surfaced in the middle of the tank, his chin just above the hot sea water, and Floyd and Jade surfaced near the edge.
You walked closer and dropped to your knees at the platform’s edge, sticking your fingers into the water. Yes, it was definitely very warm.
“Is there something wrong with the tank?” you wondered aloud.
“No, angelfish, everything is perfect,” Azul said smoothly.
Immediately, clawed hands grabbed each of your arms, so tightly you were sure they’d leave marks, and pulled. You fell headfirst into the water and swallowed a lungfull of sea water before you could react properly. The salt stung your eyes and your lungs already ached for air since you hadn’t had time to hold your breath.
Your arms were released for a moment and you surfaced, gasping for precious air, then choking as Azul poured something into your gaping mouth. You stared at the octopus and he grinned at you unashamedly.
“What was that? What did you make me drink?” you asked, trying not to panic. Surely it was just something to help you breathe again or something? Right? Azul wouldn’t do anything to harm you, would he?
You started to swim back to the platform, but Floyd and Jade grabbed your arms again and dragged you further from the edge. “Let go! Now!” you demanded, but they merely chuckled at your plight.
“Let go of me!” you shouted, hysteria starting to rise. Your legs were starting to feel strange, tingling painfully, and you couldn’t move them any longer, held up only by the two eels.
“No, Shrimpy,” Floyd replied, giggling.
You looked to Jade for help.
“It’s time for you to join the family,” Jade replied simply.
You jolted as one of Azul’s tentacles wrapped around your legs, squeezing them together tightly, “We’ve been patient, angelfish, but it’s time now. This is where you belong.”
“Forever!” Floyd added with a loud giggle.
Pain shot through your legs and your skin began to prickle like a thousand needles had been stuck into them. The agony- it felt like your bones were shifting and reshaping themselves!
“Relax, little researcher,” Jade whispered, his warm breath on your ear making you shiver despite the warmth of the water, “It’ll be over soon.”
“Embrace it,” Azul encouraged, “We’ll take such good care of you.”
“Embrace… what?” you asked amidst the pain. Then you looked down at your legs, to see what was causing you so much agony. 
You stopped breathing altogether.
In place of your two legs was a beautiful white tail, much like how you would picture a mermaid’s, but with a silvery, translucent fin at the end of the smooth white scales. 
Beautiful, yes, but wholly unwanted.
You began to scream. At first, it was a wordless, terrified scream, but it turned to calls of help. “Mr. Crowley! Zookeepers! Anyone! HELP! PLEASE!”
You fell silent, trying to hold your breath, as the eel halflings dragged you under the surface. At last, when you could no longer hold your breath, inhaled underwater. You were even more horrified to realize you could breathe through the water with ease now. 
The eels dragged you into a huge sand castle they had built themselves, Azul following. You curled up and began to cry. Who would help you now? Who could help you? 
Somewhere above the surface, watching through the cameras, Mr. Crowley smiled.
He couldn’t wait to advertise his aquarium’s newest and most precious addition: the angelfish halfling that would never leave, as long as Jade, Floyd, and Azul were alive.
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blackknight-kai · 1 day
SW/DO... you grab his tail
spoilert alert: it's sensitive
seriously this trope has so much potential. He can flustered, amused, used to to play with you and it's hellishly strong so it can be used as a another limb... just saying
Anon asked: Ello, we all know that the monkei bois would love the reader very much sooo....what if..what if...you wrote about how they couldn't control their tails around the reader despite how hard they might want to.
This can be done in the form of just the tail holding the reader's waist or their tails outting their feelings when trying to appear tough and nonchalant for the reader.
(P.S. I love your work so much!! :)
OKAY! So you both had a thought on the same track. And I HAVE THOUGHTS. There will be some things I keep to myself just yet, because I do have fics I’m writing etc LOL.
I’m gonna start with the fun silly thoughts. (This first bit will go for both SW & DO as a ‘set up’ - a drabble will be down below for one of each)
- [ ] Anon, you are on the right thought there. I imagine his tail is the one thing you can count on to tell you how he’s feeling or what’s happening.
- [ ] He has to actively think about it to make that limb STOP moving and giving him away and 90% of the time he forgets .
- [ ] Generally his tail is fairly still or just moves casually, sometimes it would flick or swish if he’s feeling a strong emotion, he’s never had to worry about it before. But when it comes to you? Oh no that thing fucking LOVES you.
- [ ] As soon as he hears you, smells you, or see’s you that tail is activated
- [ ] He can pout or be dramatic or pretend to be annoyed all he wants but that tail is and will always be a simp for you and will tell you immediately what he’s feeling.
- [ ] It took a while to translate what each specific movement means but over time you become an expert at knowing what each twitch or flick or swish meant. You can judge quickly by the pace it moves or if the movements are jerky and twitchy. Or if it’s lazy and playful. This fact is something that gets under his skin because he cannot hide from you.
- [ ] It’s adorable to see him out of the corner of your eye slap his tail when he realizes it’s doing something stupid like trying to sneakily wrap around some part of you or giving his mood away.
- [ ] Enarian, friend, you got it right too. That tail is sensitive as HELL. So when it acts like a little homing beacon (without his conscious thought) and latches on to you it does all kinds of fuckery to him internally and he has to stop himself from physically reacting (if he catches himself fast enough).
- [ ] Once in a while though he wont notice that he’s hooked his tail around you and you have to debate with yourself on do you tell him or nah?
- [ ] It’s soft as hell too.
- [ ] He is used to baby monkeys grabbing his tail and playing with it. He always used to stiffen it and let them hang from it or he would wrap it around them and toss them in the air making them giggle and make adorable monkey noises of surprise before catching them with it. But thats about it and unless he was purposely using it to mess with someone he generally keeps it to himself. Until you.
- [ ] Before you guys get together that thing makes him a MESS. He doesnt know what to do because when you make his heart race his tail of course has to swish and flick like an excited cub.
- [ ] When hes flustered it goes a little poofy and flicks just so and he HATES that he can see the knowing amusement in your eyes as you catch on.
- [ ] One thing he does note though is how much you seem to love his tail. Not just because it gives him away, oh no. You stare at it longingly when you think hes not looking.
- [ ] He will definitely hit you with it (gently) and hold down his shiver when it touches you. He enjoys the little laugh you make and how you bat at his tail with your hand.
- [ ] I HC that Monkeys have courting gestures and tail language/touches are part of it. He has definitely been making those specific motions regardless of knowingly or not.
- [ ] His tail is possessive of you - by extension he is. He knows you wont go for anyone else and hes secure in that, but no one else’s tail is going to cling to you or brush against you. This is a mates touching zone only.
Destined One
Before you two got together his tail used to make him oh so angry. At first he didn’t notice its sudden…interest in you. Nor did he notice how it gave away his true emotions as he was unused to having to pay attention to it before leaving home on his journey. He’s not stupid though and while he doesnt talk much if ever he is observant. The way your eyes started to flick to his tail caught his attention and at first he thought it was because you were a human and curious about it. But then one afternoon while he was trying act unaffected by you tending to a wound he had gotten his heart was pounding at your close proximity and he felt restless but he made sure not to move an inch nor show his turmoil on his face. He noticed your eyes dart to his side and the small smile you had on your face. Curious he looked over only for his whole body stiffen as his tail was…..swishing in a specific pattern. The movement itself a sign of happiness and contentment amongst his people and he was NOT used to his tail doing this, having never been one for expressing his feelings be it on his face or his tail. His body language was always that of steely determination and focus.
That one simple realization opened a whole new problem for him as he very quickly became aware that his tail NEVER stopped doing stupid things around you and apparently you had been observing every detail during your travels. It’s embarrassing. The knowing little smiles on your face as his tail curls and uncurls happily as he tries to pretend that you pulling twigs out of his fur doesnt make him practically melt inside from the simple act of grooming alone. Or when he’d spooked you by turning into a peach and transforming at the last second as you go to take a bite, hed kept a straight face as you pouted at him. You’d immediately called him out for ‘laughing’ at you even though no sound left his throat or mouth as, of course, his tail swished merrily behind him giving his amusement away.
It’s not just that though, the stupid thing will NOT stop touching you now that he’s hyper aware of not only his growing feelings but also what had been going on with his tail giving his emotional state away. He has to actively make sure his tail remains where it should which is difficult when he’s trying to also keep an ear out for danger and keep an eye on you. You either dont notice or dont mind his clingy appendage. He certainly does. Especially with how sensitive it is and how often he finds it slithering across the small gap between you two just to anchor itself on your arm or leg like a soft little hook. Every time it brushes your skin it sends thousands of little signals through his body and he just hopes you dont notice how hard he has to concentrate not to shudder. His tail is always needy and starved for your warmth and it’s embarrassing how often he has to grab it mid anchor attempt or tuck it inside his shirt/pants just to keep it from touching you.
It doesnt get better either because as you get comfortable with it you seem to allow his tail purchase on you. Even petting it sometimes and making his mouth go dry and his breath catch in his throat. It’s honestly overwhelming and sends his senses into overdrive as his entire world narrows down to the feel of you against his tail. Most day’s is all he can do not to wrap it around your waist and lock you to him.
The day you grabbed his tail was something he will forever be embarrassed about. He apparently was too distracted by eating dinner to notice your annoyance with it. You both had had a long day, the fighting seemed to never end and you were taking a very late dinner having missed both breakfast and lunch due to being interrupted out of your sleep that morning by a fearsome foe. Neither of you spoke as you set up a quick camp that night and settled into a quick dinner before the last light of the day went out. He was tired and irritated, wanting nothing more than to go to sleep and rest his aching muscles. His tail apparently decided to reflect his frustration’s unbeknownst to him. It wasn’t until you let out an annoyed huff and snatched his tail with a firm but gentle hand that he realized he had been thumping it rhythmically against your thigh. The instinctual noise that left his throat was high pitched and surprised, with a slight edge of a moan to it as of course your touch to the sensitive appendage was pleasing. A little too pleasing. At the sound you both still and look at each other with wide eyes.
You’d followed after him stumbling through the woods in the dark as he shot up and stalked away, his tail flicking with embarrassment behind him. He’d taken pity on you as your eyes couldnt see in the dark like his and had stopped. Things were said, feelings were shared, and at the end of it all as you lie there getting ready to sleep that night he shyly allowed his tail to curl around your leg consciously for the first time.
Slight NSFW thoughts
- [ ] Over time you realized how sensitive that tail really is. Purposely you would snatch it just to watch his whole body stiffen and the fur on his neck fluff up before he turns and gives you a heated (not with anger) glare.
- [ ] As you become more comfortable in your new relationship so does the tail and his reaction which doesnt bode well for you all the time especially since he’s always on the look out now for you to try to grab it.
- [ ] He’s noticed how your skin reacts when he brushes it against you softly and that handsome smirk on his face he gets as goosebumps prickle up on you makes you melt.
- [ ] He still gets embarrassed by it giving his true clingy nature away but now his teasing playful nature has settled in to outweigh his previous frustrations.
- [ ] You learn very quickly not to stroke his tail. Not unless you want a very disgruntled heavy breathing monkey carrying you off to somewhere safe/private to let out his rising need. His tail would be flicking impatiently behind him the whole way of course.
- [ ] You also learn how freaking strong the damn thing is, you’d known before as he has used it to push you out of the way as needed, but especially when hes sleeping its like an unmoving vice around whatever part of you it has wrapped around.
- [ ] In more, desperate situations he uses it as almost like a third hand. Yanking you as he pleases or holding you open so he has a free hand. It anchors you possessively to him in your passion.
- [ ] He’s also discovered you like how the soft fur feels against your nipples and he uses that to his advantage more than he should.
Wukong has been around a long long time. He can be both oblivious and hyper vigilant about many things. One thing he was very aware of was his tail complete and utter lack of disrespect for its owner. If this was happening to ANYONE else it would be hysterical and he would never ever let them live it down. But it’s not. So it’s not funny. It’s aggravating and embarrassing. He is too old to be displaying such cub like behavior. His tail should do as he demands, it’s attached to him for fucks sake!
Unfortunately it has a mind of its own. And you are on its mind 25/8.
He very quickly caught on to how his tail reacts when you’re around. You were very careful not to give it away of course but he caught you one day peeking at his tail as he pretended to brush off your thanks after he had stopped you from tripping. Your grateful smile had made him feel twitch and warm, his heart galloping in his chest at the sight. But of course he couldnt have you knowing just a simple smile had him melting like an adolescent during season. Oh no. He grumped, acting put out, and poked and teased you commenting on your terrible walking skills. The usual. Normally you roll your eyes and scoff at his playful irritating words, and you did, but not after taking a quick glance behind him before a twinkle seemed to shine in your eye. He was instantly made aware of his tails happy little swish and flick, internally cursing he sniffed haughtily forcing it to stop. But the damage was done and try as he might to stop it, heat pricked at his cheeks.
This became a reoccurring issue. Every time he tried rebuff your thanks or act nonchalantly towards you his tail couldnt help itself but give his true feelings away, especially when your eyes fell towards it. It made teasing you all the more difficult and the knowing smirk on your face made him twitchy. Constantly he has to remind himself to keep an eye on the stupid thing when you’re around or when someone talks about you.
But you seem to have deciphered the language of tails for the most part. He doesnt know exactly HOW you figured it out honestly, he’s impressed. Clearly this has been going on for a while now too. It annoys the hell out of him as he finds himself flustered repeatedly and has to make a conscious effort to keep the silly thing still.
It also would. Not. Stop. Trying. To. Touch. You. The first time hed noticed THAT happening was embarrassing to say the least. You’d been walking next to him one evening, the dark creeping in as you both made your way back to camp after a little walk.
You are deep into a so called ‘scary’ story you’d been told as a kid. Wukong is listening intently, enjoying the sounds of your voice, when your sudden soft laughter cuts off your story. He’s always attuned to the sounds you make and instantly it made his old heart skip a beat. Masking it though he forces a pout and turns to grumble at you for stopping midway through the tale when he notices a strange sensation sending a tickle up his spine.
Glancing down he see’s to his shock his tail has hooked itself on to your hand, curling around your palm and your fingers are gently holding it, petting it a little with your thumb. His breath stutters as his fur ripples from the soft touch. You snickering catches his attention and he snaps gaze up to meet yours, your smiling and there is a little sparkle in your eye that makes him feel like he’s going to pop out of his skin.
To his embarrassment you teased him about being scared of the story and needing to hold your hand. He’d yanked his tail away and puffed up his chest before stomping off ahead saying he only did that because YOU sounded scared. In reality he had no clue he’d done it and your teasing laughter was stabbing holes in his pride. Your next comment threw him for a loop though. “Hey at least it was my hand this time.”
What that meant was quickly revealed to him as he started to notice how often his tail would gravitate towards you, either to simply brush against your side or leg. Or occasionally trying to hook on to you as you walk or relax close to him for the evening. Wukong found himself many a times sitting high up on a tree branch and grabbing his tail with a strangling grip, seething at it for not keeping itself to itself.
Eventually he had to come to terms with its apparent infatuation with you and you it. Outside of it betraying his thoughts and emotions he has trouble with how sensitive it is and how much you seem to enjoy touching it. It’s bad enough when his tail brushes against you, he has to steel himself to not react, but you petting it absentmindedly? Thats something else entirely. It takes every ounce of his strength, patience, and resolve to not make a sound or to not do something shameful when your fingers happen to slide over his tail.
Wukong does his best to work around the issue so you dont catch on to his plight, playfully hitting you with it or tickling your cheek. Simple things to distract you from his reactions.
One day though he’d had the brilliant idea to mess with you as was his favorite pastime. You’d just gotten done having a wash and yeah, he probably should have paid closer attention to his timing but he was eager to see your pouting annoyed face and your adorable annoyed reaction to the idea that had cropped up in his head. And so, with his keen hyper hearing he listens for when you finish dressing and begin fiddling with your pack.
With a good amount of speed, enough that you wont see him coming, he zips through the trees and grabs you tossing you high up into the air. He cackles as you let out a surprised scream and as you fall, passing by the tree branch he had settled himself he catches you by the ankle with his strong tail. “WUKONG!” You scream at him and he leans over to look at down at you and laugh at your red face. Your face is an angry red, reddest he’s ever seen in fact, but thats not all he notices. As you sway, dangling by the ankle his tail is still holding, you are bent at an awkward angle holding your shirt between your legs. Bare legs.
He catches a glimpse of what your hiding and his tail loosens as his jaw goes slack from the realization that you had not put on your underclothes yet, nor your pants. Your scream as you fall snaps him out of his heated surprise and he moves with lightning speed to catch you. Your face is extremely red and you dont dare look at him as he gently sets you down on your feet. “Leave me.” Is all your cold embarrassed voice demands and he gives a quick jerky nod before stalking off.
Wukong is stuck then by a mixture of emotions as he waits for you back at your little camp. On one hand he’d seen something he could only ever let himself fantasize about in his dreams or precious moments alone. On the other, he’d seen it without your consent and while upsetting you throughly in the process. His heart doesnt stop racing for even a moment as his thoughts bombard him. Hearing your footsteps return to camp some time later makes him oddly nervous.
As you step into view Wukong stands and you two look at each other for a few moments taking each other in. His tail is oddly still. In fact it’s hanging stiffly behind him and the tip is curled just a little between his legs. He doesnt fear you, no. He fears causing you genuine hurt and pain. Seeing his tail and his furrowed brow that he doesnt bother to hide you sigh and relax your tense shoulders before sitting down close by to him.
The conversation that night is difficult. You both being upset for different reasons and being unsure about how to move forward. It takes him allowing himself a moment of vulnerability for you to meet him half way. The words done come easy but you both finally talk about the strange tension between you, the mutual care and enjoyment of each other. Feelings are almost whispered between you and finally, finally Wukong can wrap his arms and tail around you without fear as you now know the depths of his feelings.
Slight NSFW thoughts!
- [ ] Wukong definitely still messes with you 24/7.
- [ ] His tail is a prime suspect at all times.
- [ ] Very rarely will it be still around you. But even being a couple has its challenges and in the beginning there are several instances where his tail hangs down motionlessly with the tip curled between his calves. It’s not fear in those moments, it’s a show of his despair over upsetting you. This specific action becomes rarer over time.
- [ ] Once he discovers how much you REALLY like the damn thing he pretty much as it anchored to you all the time.
- [ ] When he needs two hands he makes sure his tail is settled into your hand wrapped or around some part of you.
- [ ] When you realize just how sensitive the appendage is its game on. You have ammo now to tease him back, purposely brushing your fingers through the fur on it or maybe teasingly bringing it up to your lips for a little kiss.
- [ ] Watching his fur puff up at your little actions is endlessly amusing.
- [ ] Until he turns the tables on you.
- [ ] Be prepared for his tail to swipe at you with very specific intentions. It will caress your ass or you might find it slithering between your legs for a moment to tease you over your clothes before he prances off with a smirk.
- [ ] Would he swipe his tail through your juices so he can smell it again later like a perv? Yes.
- [ ] He’s going to use that strong as hell tail to make sure your body is exactly where he wants it or he will wrap it around your waist and hold you steady as you move on top of him, his hands free to do as they please.
- [ ] Don’t tempt him because he might even try having sex with you upside down hanging from a tree by just his tail.
- [ ] Cuddling? Yeah his tail is involved 24/7, I hope you enjoy your new clingy best friend.
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euphorajeon · 2 days
if it's a dream (i'll come around)
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— request: jeongguk + yes or no - jungkook
— pairing: jk x f. reader
— genre: fluff
— word count: 3.1k
— warnings/tags: idol!jk, college student!oc, best friend!jk, most likely inaccurate desc of new york, jk is still pining, jk orders food excessively (again), cliches (sorry)
— summary: something in the new york air makes jeongguk feel a rush: a rush to admit, a rush to tell, a rush to take a leap. he's just not sure whether you feel it too.
— author's note: it's finally here!! i'm sorry for taking so long to write this request. thank you areyousure!jeongguk for inspiring me to finish this request. hah. i hope you still enjoy!! (its unedited. maybe i'll come back someday to edit.)
a continuation of opposite of sun and light of the morning. please read the first two parts before reading this!
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Jeongguk never thought that it could be so hard to walk around New York.
There are people everywhere, going in a thousand different directions than him, and they walk so fast Jeongguk struggles to keep up even with his long legs. The shops he caught his eyes on were always full too, making him turn away from the door and look for other places that aren't so filled to the brim. Maybe he should’ve gone somewhere not as touristy as Times Square.
But above all, the hardest part of his stroll today is walking alongside you and having to feign nonchalance about it.
Jeongguk’s life as a singer doesn’t really allow him to have much free time, and even when he does, you either have work, class, or anything in between. As a result, the both of you can’t meet often. Jeongguk is so used to just seeing your face on his phone screen, talking to you via a video call connection, that seeing your form walking beside him throws him off balance.
It’s a good thing your face is mostly covered by the camera in your hands, otherwise Jeongguk would’ve spent the entire day with a blush dusting his cheeks just from holding eye contact with you.
“Do you want to go somewhere else?”
Jeongguk squints his eyes past the camera lens covering your face, searching for your eyes which are shaded by the faded black cap sitting on your head. You only respond with a shrug, gesturing towards the camera as if to remind Jeongguk of its existence. He sighs, lifting your cap with a finger so he can look at your eyes. “Bun.”
“You’re not supposed to talk to me, you know?” you huff, trying to balance the device in your hand so Jeongguk’s face is still in frame. “I’m your cameraman for today, not your best friend.”
Jeongguk chuckles. “Camerawoman,” he corrects, “and who says I’m not allowed to talk to you? Do you think I talk to myself the entire time I’m filming vlogs like this?”
“Seems like it,” you say. “Sometimes they’re funny, but most of the time they just make me think ‘what even is he saying?’”
A slow grin spreads on Jeongguk’s face, his eyes still trained on you instead of the camera. When you look away from the small screen of the device in your hand, Jeongguk feels like his smile could split his face into two, and it must look bizarre on camera, but he doesn’t care. What he does care about is—
“You watch my vlogs?”
Suddenly, Jeongguk feels like he is not a popular singer with fans all over the world who tune in to his regular vlog updates, but just Jeon Jeongguk, a boy with a crush to impress. The way you unintentionally confirmed that you watch his vlogs makes him feel all giddy inside that it slipped his mind that you already said the same thing this morning in his hotel room.
Maybe this is what people mean when they say love makes one stupid.
“Only to see what other stupid shenanigans you do this time,” you mumble, dabbing around your face with the back of your free hand. It suspiciously looks like you’re trying to hide the blush creeping up your cheeks, but Jeongguk immediately throws that thought away from his mind. It must be the New York heat that’s making your face hot like this.
“Just admit you enjoy seeing my face on your phone that much,” Jeongguk says cheekily, settling for a response that’s annoying, teasing, but familiar for the both of you. Maybe he’ll address the not-blush on the apple of your cheeks some other time.
“Where was this confidence about me watching your Times Square performance, huh?” You punch his shoulder lightly, which he’s sure makes the image of him on camera shake and blur. “Saying I ‘ghosted’ you because your performance is ‘bad’. What nonsense was that.”
“Hey, I was really worried about you, okay?” Jeongguk pouts. “Besides, I still need your opinion on my performances, whereas my vlogs are usually just me messing around. It’s different.”
Whatever response you have prepared in your mind gets interrupted by your phone ringing, which startles you so much you almost drop the camera from your hand. Good thing Jeongguk has fast reflexes, immediately enclosing his hands around yours before you could do any damage to the device. Upon checking the caller ID, your expression turns to one of worry.
Jeongguk takes the camera away from you. “Take the call,” he says. “I’ll just be here.”
While you step away to do just that, Jeongguk takes the opportunity to finally pay attention to the camera that he has been ignoring for the past few minutes, checking himself out on the small screen and running his fingers through his hair while holding eye contact with the lense. He goes on social media often enough to know that his fans will cut this specific clip from the vlog and fangirl over how good he looks while doing that.
Sometimes he wonders whether you see those clips and have the same reaction as his fans. Do you see them and scroll past them like they’re nothing? Do you scoff at his antics? Do you shake your head with a small laugh?
There’s also a possibility of you not even seeing those clips at all, but Jeongguk likes to think he’s popular enough that his clips can’t help but still end up in your feed. (Also, it hurts his little heart too much to imagine otherwise.)
You come back to him from your phone call with anxiety written all over your face. Jeongguk doesn’t even need to inquire before you squeak out your concern yourself.
“The deadline for my midterm paper has been moved. It’s now due in five hours. Jeongguk, what do I do?”
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The both of you end up going back to Jeongguk’s hotel to fish out your brick-ass laptop from your gigantic backpack, the camera in his hands still recording. You’ve told him that he could continue exploring New York on his own, bringing the camera noona like the initial plan was, but Jeongguk insisted on coming with you instead. Why would he go with anyone else when you are here?
Still, though, because he doesn’t want to lose the sense of exploring a new place, he drags you to a dessert cafe near his hotel, offering to hold your laptop in his arms while you walk the short distance to the cafe. Despite your protests, Jeongguk manages to convince you to leave the camera on for the entirety of this laptop fiasco, capturing every moment from the laptop tug-of-war in Jeongguk’s hotel room to his grin in response to your sulking face when you’re both seated in the dessert cafe.
His video editor would hate him for this, but Jeongguk doesn’t care. You’re here, in New York with him, and he’ll be damned if he doesn’t try his hardest to preserve any memories you make here.
“I don’t understand why you’d rather be stuck here with me than be out there exploring sunny New York in all its glory,” you huff while waiting for your laptop to turn on. It takes a while, Jeongguk notices, but your pout prevents him from saying anything about it. “What idiot has free time in New York and chooses to spend it cooped inside some random cafe?”
Jeongguk pretends to adjust the camera sitting on the table—angled in a way that it captures his face only—so he doesn’t have to look at your face when he says his next words: “Your idiot, Bun.”
You level him with a flat stare. “So you admit you’re an idiot.”
If it means being yours, sure, Jeongguk thinks. He really should stop thinking thoughts like these lest he blurt them out in front of you, on camera.
“I’m gonna order, what do you want, Bun?” Jeongguk asks as an attempt to steer the conversation away from idiots with feelings.
You look up from your (finally on) laptop screen with your head in your hands. “Anything except americano,” you mumble. “Thanks, Jeon.”
“Sure, Bun.” Jeongguk stands up from his seat, grabbing the camera to bring with him to the cashier. “You sure you don’t want anything else?”
The way you shake your head dejectedly is so uncharacteristic of you, given you’re both in a cafe filled with the smell of baked goods—something that usually brings a light of excitement into your eyes. Jeongguk can only imagine how stressful it is being a college student and having your midterm deadline be moved to hours earlier, and to experience all this while being jet lagged from a 14-hour flight prior surely doesn’t help.
Jeongguk has to physically hold himself from ducking down to engulf you in a hug, squeeze his arms around your frame until your frown is turned upside down and he can bear witness to your smile once again. For now, he can only wish that the cafe sells the type of bread you like so he can at least alleviate some of your burden with the sweet treat.
When he goes to the cashier to order, his polite smile is responded with a gasp from the cafe worker, clearly recognizing him as the popular singer. His smile turns into something more genuine—albeit a bit shy also—when the worker mentions that she’s a fan of his. After exchanging some pleasantries with her, Jeongguk proceeds to order. He just doesn’t realize how many desserts and pastries in the display case he’s pointed at until the worker asks him a question.
“Are you here with your crews?” she inquires, still tapping away at the computer screen in front of her. When Jeongguk only stares at her with wide eyes, she continues. “We can provide individual utensils for each of you if you’d like,” she offers.
Oh. Oh. Jeongguk thought she was asking for conversational purposes. “Uh, just two sets would be fine. Thank you.”
Still, it doesn’t register in his brain that he’s ordered too many pastries for two people until he’s coming back to your table with only both of your drinks on the tray in his hands. He sets your drink down next to your laptop, on which you’re typing furiously like you’re a madman chased by a tight deadline (in a way, you kind of are.)
Only when three cafe workers come back to back to your table to drop off his order of various kinds of desserts and pastries does he realize that he might have gone overboard with his order. Jeongguk can only flash a guilty smile your way when you tear your eyes away from your laptop to gape at the array of desserts in front of you.
“Are you trying to feed an entire village?” you ask incredulously.
“Hehe,” Jeongguk offers. “I was thinking about you and how you looked so stressed out because of your deadline and I just … ordered pretty much everything … for you.” He scratches his head sheepishly while setting the camera to its initial position on the corner of the table. He hopes the camera doesn’t pick up the way his cheeks blossom with heat. Or if it does, he hopes the editor cuts this part out.
Jeongguk doesn’t know if he imagines this part or not, but your eyes soften at his words and your next words are more gentle in tone. “Thank you, but there’s no way I would be able to finish all of these by myself.”
“Did you forget that you have Jeon Jeongguk for a best friend?” There’s a smug smirk on his face now, replacing the sheepish one he was sporting a few minutes ago. He likes it when you’re soft with him, vulnerable in a way only he’s allowed to see, but that’s exactly the problem: you’re both on camera, and whether or not this gets shared to the world, it’s still not as private as he would’ve liked. So he’s back on his annoying best friend persona to stop your vulnerable side from coming out.
You roll your eyes at him, but there’s a sliver of a smile on your lips.
The both of you spend the next few minutes enjoying your desserts and drinks, with Jeongguk cutting the desserts into bite-sized pieces so you can eat them with ease. He also does not forget his job as an entertainer, showing each and every one of the desserts to the camera and making sure his delightful hums are loud enough for the camera to pick up. He’s humming along to the song being played in the cafe while chewing when it suddenly plays an intro of a song he knows by heart—and judging from the way you look up from your laptop, you do too.
“Did they know you’re here?” The smile on your face is teasing.
“The cashier recognized me, said she’s a fan,” Jeongguk explains, turning his head in the direction of the cashier, trying to find the aforementioned worker. Upon making eye contact with her, Jeongguk mouths a thank you! with a smile, which she responds with a thumbs up.
“You must have made her day by coming here. Her whole week, even,” you chuckle, going back to typing on your laptop. The smile quickly drops from your face as you’re forced to go back to thinking mode for your midterm paper. Jeongguk nudges a fork full of pastry into your hand, silently asking you to eat.
“Then would you still say I’m an idiot for choosing to be here with you?”
Jeongguk said he’d leave this topic alone, revisit it later when he’s got the courage to do so, but what can he do? Your presence here with him makes him overwhelmed with feelings that sometimes it slips in between his words.
The only response he receives from you is silence. Jeongguk doesn’t know whether it’s because you didn’t want to respond or you simply just didn’t hear him. It’s most likely the latter as any attempt he makes to make you eat the desserts are useless as you’re too immersed in your paper. He ends up just feeding you bites after bites of desserts, grateful and giddy that you take them without protests as you’re typing.
As he’s cutting up more pastries for you to eat, the song changes to ‘Yes or No’, the fifth track on his latest album that he performed live two days ago at Times Square. He remembers you telling him that your friend, Yeseo, became a fan after listening to this song. Jeongguk tries to suppress a smile by biting his bottom lip as he listens to the lyrics of the song.
Are you feeling the rush?
Are we falling in love?
Say yes or no
In an interview, Jeongguk told the public that no songs from his album are based on his personal life, although he hopes he still delivered the messages of the songs well enough. What he doesn’t say, however, is that he thinks of you whenever he listens to or performs this song. It’s a song about a person in love and still wonders whether the other person is feeling the same way. Sometimes he wishes he could be honest and sing the words to you, pour out his feelings along the way, and he wishes you could feel the same way.
Jeongguk stops his activities of cutting desserts into bite-sized pieces and leans his back against his chair, staring at you. You’re still hyper-focused on your paper that you don’t notice his gaze, typing away on your laptop without a care for the love pouring out of his eyes.
Jeongguk knows you love him.
You love him enough to answer his video call at two am when you were studying. You love him enough to sacrifice sleep to watch his performance. You love him enough to book a flight to New York immediately after even though you still have a midterm paper to finish. You love him enough to walk around JFK with a heavy backpack hanging off your shoulders. You love him enough to join him exploring New York instead of resting off your jet lag.
But does that mean you love him enough to return his feelings the way he wants you to?
As he ponders the answer to that question, his hand moves on its own accord to continue feeding you the dessert he has cut up. You continue accepting the food he feeds you, and Jeongguk thinks maybe he needs to stop being selfish and just be content with whatever he has with you right now: friendship.
Although, in this moment, feeding you desserts while you do your paper, he feels like your college boyfriend he wished to be nights ago when you were a mere video on his phone. He already dresses the part—jeans and oversized hoodie—and feels the part, but that’s the thing about parts, isn’t it? That they’re not real, that they’re only there in his head.
You have cream on the corner of your lips from a particular big cut of dessert Jeongguk just fed you, and it feels like autopilot when he leans forward to swipe the cream off your lips with his thumb. He slots the thumb in between his own lips, sucking the cream clean off his skin. The innocent round of his eyes are met with the shocked round of yours, unblinking as you stare at the thumb previously on your lips, now on his.
“What?” he asks dumbly.
You shake your head. There’s an unmistakable crimson on the apple of your cheeks. “Nothing,” you say, clearing your throat. The blush on your face remains, and if Jeongguk’s sight serves him right, deepens instead. “Just, remember that you’re on camera the next time you want to do that.”
“So I can do it again if I turn off the camera?”
Jeongguk surprises himself by how steady he sounds. A tad too serious, too, and if he’s not careful, you might take it that he really wants to do it again, for real. His heart hammers in his chest as his hand inches towards the camera, fingers ready to turn the device off.
“Jeongguk,” you say slowly in a warning tone. “Namjoon will kill me if you try anything funny.”
Letting out his signature big grin, Jeongguk retracts his hand from the camera.
“Sorry, Bun. I’ll let you finish your paper in peace now.”
If you have cream on your lips again, maybe he’ll swipe it off with his lips instead. Maybe later, when he has the courage to. Maybe later, when he’s let you know how he really feels.
Maybe, maybe, maybe.
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a/n: thank you for reading! i still have 1 (one) more idea for this couple pair of bestfriends but not sure if i have the brain capacity to actually write it out ahaha let me know if you want to see more of them though :D
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kairithemang0 · 3 days
Sorry I can’t sleep here’s a post on Curt and his self confidence that’s so low it’s hilarious
Curt’s opinion of himself is heavily dictated on what other people feel about him. During all of a1p1 before the call with Cynthia, he’s collected and cool and showing his skills as a great spy. Because he is a great spy. He’s one of the best. Then, the second we get to the call with Cynthia, his demeanor changes. She says that Owen’s the only one who knows what they’re doing and then tries to recruit him. This is where Curt changes for the worst in this scene, instantly starting to drink.
He’s sorta lost his flow a bit, he’s trying to regain that cool spy feeling he had when he was boring tortured, something he feels like he lost a bit, when he hasn’t at all. His moves get riskier for the sake of doing something that’ll look cool. The timer seems like a good example of this. He pushes it lower than they intended because secretly doing that will make things more interesting, giving him a chance to barely make it out and look badass. It, of course, doesn’t work out like that.
Curt’s incredibly jealous of Owen, of how quick of a thinker he is. To Curt, Owen always knows what to do. And I think sometimes Curt worries Owen thinks less of him because of the comments Curt gets from Cynthia that Owen never really comments on. Because that comment she gives to Curt about not knowing what he’s doing certainly wasn’t a one time thing. I wouldn’t be surprised that at first, hearing stuff like that made Curt actually work harder, got him to really focus when he needed to, and it stopped working after a while. That’s just my thought though.
On the surface, Curt seems incredibly over confident, making dangerous plays to prove himself, to Cynthia, to Owen, and probably himself as well.
I think when Owen and Curt first met, Curt already had a reputation for goofing off and getting into trouble. Owen heard this and then micromanaging their entire first mission, but really saw how good of a spy Curt was when he let him do what he needed to do, get into a rhythm and focus, do his own thing without comments about not being good enough. Because he really is a great spy, and Owen tells him this after this mission. Curt lets out a cocky “I know” but really, he’s so happy to hear that.
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lidiasloca · 9 hours
a crush on azriel
azriel x reader
here's part one
You find yourself in what could be a dream of yours – or a nightmare; seated next to Azriel on a couch. You try to excuse the silence with the knowledge that the male is not very fond of talking.  
Still, you try to will your lips to move, no matter how much they tremble. “How are you?”  
He directs his eyes to you, and though you know it’s not his intention, the intensity in them pins you in place - leaves you breathless. How could someone have such control over you?  
When you come back to the present, you can find a glint of playfulness in his eyes. “How am I?” he asks.  
Was it the wrong question to ask? Gods - you should just keep quiet until the rest of the Inner Circle appears. You had given up on waiting for Nyx; you know he is delaying himself. Feyre and Rhys had already greeted you and were by the fireplace, and the rest were late.  
The thing is - when you are nervous, you can’t keep quiet for too long. Nyx for sure knew that when he sent you off with Azriel.  
“Yes?” you reply, unsure.  
To your surprise, it makes him chuckle - it is light and soft, but you cannot feel anything less than overjoyed at the sound of it. A sound you’ve caused.  
“Well, I am fine. How are you, Y/N?”  
Did he know the effect it had on you when he said your name so easily - like every vowel was meant to be spoken out of his mouth? If he knew, he was very good at playing with you.  
“I’m fine. Well - a bit nervous, but fine.”  
“Nervous?” he asks, surprised, grabbing your full attention. “What for?”  
You. No - think of something else, Y/N. “It’s my first time here. New people, new place… I get nervous easily.”  
“Mmmmm…” and then he’s silent.  
And you decide to roll with it. He’s not a talkative guy, so you aren’t either tonight. Yes, it’s decided.  
But then: “I also get nervous. Sometimes.”  
You force your jaw not to drop at his simple confession. Alright, you have to say something. Come on, say something!  
“I never would have guessed.”  
He smiles at you, analyzing your face and what probably is a blush on your cheeks. “Why’s that?”  
“I just... you don’t look… shy, I guess.”  
“Mmmmm. How do I look?”  
Had you sipped from your cup, you would have spat the wine onto him. “How do you look?” you repeat, surprised. Was it your delusional heart, or was he flirting? You truly need your friend Nyx to talk some sense into you.  
“Yes. I’m curious how you see me.”  
He is really honest about this, and you just have to laugh.  
“Don’t laugh,” he smiles. “I’m serious. Well, not anymore if you are going to take this as a joke.”  
“No, no,” you mumble in between laughs. “I’m taking this seriously. I am.”  
“No, you are not. And so I’m going to leave you to your fun as I serve myself another cup,” he says as he sits upright.  
“No,” you quickly say. “Don’t go.” Too desperate - you have to fix it. “I will tell you how I see you.”  
Now he’s interested. He sits back again, and it makes you think if he was just pretending to leave. It makes you wonder if he knows about the control he has over you.  
You suddenly have an idea. “Well, no - let me tell you later. I am going to find Nyx, alright? You go for that wine.”  
His eyes swim with mischief and curiosity. Since he seems to have nothing to say, you give him a tight nod goodbye as you get up and go search for your friend.  
“Nyx?” you ask tremulously once you reach the hallway. No matter how brave you had acted, you were a nervous little thing right now.  
“Here,” he calls from his room. You start walking to it when suddenly a warm hand takes you by the arm. You swallow a shout, only relaxing when you turn to Azriel.  
“Sorry. Didn’t want to frighten you.” You watch between his face and his hand, confusion clear on your face. He finally lets go.  
“What is it?” you ask, not sure of what else to say.  
“Nothing. Nothing.” He tries to walk away, but you stop him.  
“Azriel, what?”  
“I just had an idea.” Your brows furrow, waiting for him to continue. “It’s stupid.”  
“Tell me,” you whisper, as if it were a secret conversation - it felt like one.  
“Well - since you were nervous - and I am as well - maybe we could go somewhere else.”  
You have to be dreaming. You have to.  
“What - what are you nervous for?”  
He shakes his head with a shy smile on. “That - no. That’s not what matters.” You don’t argue with him, content with your own assumptions as to why he is nervous at a family dinner. “Well…” he starts timidly. “What do you think?”  
“I think yes,” you reply before you can think of a smart answer.  
His smile is nothing short of genuine joy. “Take my hand.”  
A dream. 
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-Characters by Sarah J Maas
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ultravi0lence14 · 22 hours
All I Want Is You
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demon!dean winchester x fem!reader
1.3k | angst
summary: as dean finds himself turned into a demon, the only thing that seems to be on his mind is getting back to you. but did you really know the extent he would take to achieve that?
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dean was in a frenzy, and all he wanted was to get back to you.
the memory of your skin on his kept him awake at night, tossing and turning until the sun rose and his hair was a crazed mess in his fingers.
it had been weeks since metatron had killed the eldest winchester. awakening the mark on his arm and turning him into a black eyed devil. he had left in a rush with crowley, not even saying goodbye to you or sam as the older demon whisked him away to go have some fun.
but his mind was a constant replay of your face, your voice, the feeling of your lips on his. all dean wanted was to have you back in his arms, and the weighing feeling on his demonic heart had him springing up in the middle of the night and ditching crowley to go and find you.
wherever he went, a line of bodies would follow behind him. his bar outings never stopped, and sometimes he just needed to blow off some steam by driving the first blade into some poor man’s chest.
he never got into bed with anyone though, for the thought of having anyone but you made him sick to his stomach. even as a demon, dean was forever loyal to you and only you. he hadn’t slept with any other woman in the three years you’d been together, and he wasn’t going to change that just because of the circumstances he was in now.
when he’d finally made it to the outskirts of the bunker, dean knew he couldn’t just go barging in. sam would try to save him, would try to keep you and him apart. he needed to find you first, needed to talk to you before sam tried to do anything.
driving into town, dean looked everywhere for any signs of you. when he noticed your car outside of a quaint bookshop, he didn’t hesitate to pull up in the spot beside yours, instantly making a beeline for the store.
dean lurked around the corners of the isles, trying to look for you while also attempting to keep his cover. he didn’t know if sam had joined you or not, and he didn’t want to be spotted by his brother before he could even see you.
turning a corner, dean finally caught sight of your long hair and defined side profile. even though he was a demon, he could still feel the air escape his lungs and the mood change around him. seeing you for the first time in weeks had him feeling things he’s never felt before. all dean wanted to do was run up to you and wrap his arms around your body. though his actions were halted as another man came into view from the other side of the isle and walked right over to you.
an instant feeling of rage took over dean’s senses. how dare this man talk to his girl? how dare he even be near her. little to dean’s knowledge, the man was simply just a customer. his only reason for talking to you was that he noticed the book you held in your hand was the one he was looking for, and he was wondering if there were anymore copies left.
the demon inside of dean didn’t understand that. so after the man left the store, dean followed him outside and brutally stabbed him with the first blade in a nearby alleyway.
something wasn’t right. you could feel that something terrible was happening, you just couldn’t place your finger on it. the recent murders in town had startled both you and sam, but you didn’t think that was what had you all worried.
that was until you started to think a little deeper.
turns out, each and every victim was someone you had encountered not even 24 hours before their timely death. the man from the bookstore, the cashier at the supermarket who made a gross comment on your outfit, even the nice old man who helped you at the flower shop had turned up slaughtered in a gruesome way.
you couldn’t understand why people you had interacted with for no more than a mere five minutes were being found dead in such graphic ways. if it wasn’t for sam suggesting that dean might have a play in all of it, you wouldn’t even bat an eye in his direction.
no, you didn’t want to believe it. why would dean do this? to taunt you? dean was your boyfriend, the man you had loved for three years now, and nothing was going to change that. you and sam wanted to cure him, make him human again. him going around killing men who just talked to you had tears welling in your eyes, for the thought of how dean would react when he became human again broke your heart.
it had been a week since the murders started, and you tried to keep a distance from any men when you went out. it was for their own safety, for you knew that if dean noticed they’d be dead by sunrise.
but sam had an idea, and with his idea came you flirting with a random man in hopes of luring dean out.
unsurprisingly it worked. after the man had left you bar, you and sam followed him outside to where dean promptly ambushed him, almost landing a stab on his gut if it wasn’t for sam tackling him to the ground and knocking the blade out of dean’s hand.
the two brothers fought for some time, and when you made sure that the stranger was long gone, you grabbed the first blade and made a deal in shouting loudly to get dean’s attention.
instantly at the sound of your voice, dean pushed sam aside and stared longingly at you, pleading heavily to give you the blade back. but you weren’t budging, the only way you would give dean winchester the first blade was over your dead body.
“dean.” you started, moving slightly closer to where he stood. “i know what you’ve been doing. killing men i’ve talked to. but that’s not going to get me back dean. it’s just going to push me away.” your words had dean deflating, an angry look taking over his eyes as he now started to circle you.
“push you away? are you kidding me Y/N! i did it for you! all of it was for you! how can’t you see that?” at that point you’d realized that in dean’s demonic hazed brain, he believed that killing any man that got in his way to you would somehow have you crawling back to him.
that wasn’t going to work on you. all you wanted was your dean back. the dean who still watched scooby doo and wore punny socks, not the man who slaughtered innocent people just to get your attention.
somewhere deep down, you knew that dean’s love for you was still there. he wouldn’t be doing all of this if a part of him didn’t still care for you. but saving dean was you and sam’s number one priority, and getting dean back to his actual self would be all you wanted at the moment.
smiling softly, you whispered ‘i know’ just as sam hit dean over the head with a wooden beam, knocking him unconscious on the ground.
you knelt down beside him as sam put the demon cuffs on his wrists, allowing you to help him haul dean into the back of the impala, starting your journey back to the bunker to cure him.
turning around in your seat, you looked at dean’s closed eyes and parted lips as you stroked his cheek. smiling sadly as sam started the car. “don’t worry, dean. we’re going to help you.” a kiss was landed on his forehead before you turned back around, placing your head on the window as the journey towards his recovery came to the end.
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Astrological observations based on the degree theory
Part 1 🩵
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Men with ascendant in taurus degrees(2°, 14°, 26°) can be gentlemen. They are seen as husband material or they are very earnest in being a husband and fulfill their role in a traditional way. Can be reliable and respectful partners. They also make women feel special.
People with ascendant in virgo degrees(6°, 18°) will feel like slaves sometimes. They'll feel like the effort they put into things often go noticed but unappreciated. They will be of service to others, often at the detriment of their own health. Will put others' needs above their own. Very helpful in nature, service-oriented but sometimes may lack boundaries when it comes to serving others.
People with ascendant in virgo degrees(6°, 18°) simply put are very helpful and will lend you a hand willingly. Very responsible too. Big sister vibes fr.
People with ascendant in virgo degrees(6°, 18°) can have poor self-esteem sometimes all because of their helpful and service-oriented nature. I don't know why but I think they are laughed at, made fun of or criticized for the very reason. I think the only exception is those with healthy boundaries.
People with ascendant in sagittarius degrees(9°, 21°) love travelling. They absolutely love roadtrips and when they travel, they like to travel far. Can be very preachy and inclined towards philosophical views.
Moon in aries or aries degrees(1°, 13°, 25°) get angry if their emotions get hurt and it will be very visible on their face. They are pretty scary when that happens. They will be annoyed and you will not want to cross their path until their anger subsides.
Moon in leo or leo degrees(5°, 17°, 29°) oftentimes have the spotlight on them. They just somehow end up getting a lot of attention from people. They also tend to have a child-like and playful demeanor about them. They radiate young and bright energy.
Moon in leo degrees(5°, 17°, 29°) express their emotions very creatively. Can be super vocal about how they feel about something. Can have a vibrant and colorful mind.
Moon in libra degrees(7°, 19°) have a serene, a still calmness about them. A sense of tranquility in their emotions. They can be quite patient listeners. Will listen to you talk attentively with much interest. They also tolerate others opinions imho or at least they try. These folks have pretty peaceful minds in normal stress-free circumstances. I can't exactly explain that feeling, it's a warm sense of calm you feel when you have a mental or emotional connection with them. Also I believe it's easy to bond with them over conversations.
Jupiter in libra degrees(7°, 19°) are high on morals and values. They wish the best for everyone and doesn't have evil intentions for anyone. They can also hate having monetary debt to someone. They can be very fair when dealing with money and transactions.
Jupiter in capricorn degrees(10°, 22°) will take control in certain situations and work for the betterment of their loved ones. Wise leadership or should I say working hard in a very wise manner. They also have a lot of luck to overcome challenges through sheer hard work.
Jupiter in aquarius degrees(11°, 23°) can make a lot of friends. They are generally well liked by their peers and friends for their friendliness.
Jupiter in libra degrees(7°, 19°) are big on social justice. They have high morals. They always lead their life according to their moral compass. Can be philanthropic or benevolent in nature.
Mars in sagittarius degrees(9°, 21°) will hate when their freedom is restricted. They will likely really hate and even be rebellious if they feel stuck and bound for whatever reason. Loves their freedom and doesn't react well to having restrictions imposed on them.
Mars in leo degrees(5°, 17°, 29°) will be quite good at solving problems creatively. More than innovative solutions, they are good at giving creative solutions. When doing a diy project they will be very creative and their own personal touch to it. They can get recognition for their creative ways when approaching and overcoming challenging situations.
Mars in cancer degrees(4°, 16°, 28°) can have mommy issues. They can have a love-hate relationship with their mother. Can feel overburdened by their mother or they can be extremely protective over their mother in a furious way. Rage can be expressed in a passive aggressive manner. Can frown at people when they are mad lmao
Saturn in taurus degrees(2°, 14°, 26°) can struggle with finances. They can oftentimes find themselves being unable to save up money. Will struggle feeling financially stable. They might have a difficult time getting opportunities to enjoy luxury.
Saturn in leo degrees(5°, 17°, 29°) might dislike attention or they just prefer to not socialise as much. They might not have any struggles with socialising, they simply don't enjoy it imo.
People with saturn in sagittarius degrees(9°, 21°) are not preachy. They are usually not big on philosophy or holding philosophical views.
Saturn in aries degrees(1°, 13°, 25°) can sometimes give themselves upto fate or struggle to jump into new beginnings. Can be quite passive when grabbing opportunities too.
Venus in scorpio degrees(8°, 20°) will either receive valuables like money and jewellery from others or they will have them taken away from them. Or this can happen simultaneously.
Venus in scorpio degrees(8°, 20°) are possessive and prone to jealousy. They likely won't appreciate people looking at their romantic partner with heart eyes or flirting with them. They react pretty impulsively or intensely to this. Their reaction depends on the mars sign. Mars in cancer/libra degrees will be quite passive aggressive and just suffer in silence. Mars in scorpio will have lasers in their eyes and knives in their hands lol
Sun in gemini degrees(3°, 15°, 27°) are the ones that talk to everyone in the neighborhood. They talk to anybody and everybody who's open to talk with them. They also make a lot of friends or at least get to know a lot of people. Naturals at networking. Initiating conversations with strangers is second nature to them. Might love talking to people over the phone too lmao. Loves being social and if they initiate a conversation with a stranger, they'll just get to know everything about their past, present and future and if everything goes well, they just made a new buddy.
Mercury in aries degrees(1°, 13°, 25°) says things before thinking and oftentimes regret spilling personal details. Can spill secrets and confidential information impulsively without any thought. This can be different if other placements make a person more reserved or secret. Then they will hold themselves back even if they have the impulse to say what they wanna say without worrying about consequences lol. They can cuss pretty badly if provoked and says harsh things in the heat of the moment.
Mercury in taurus degrees(2°, 14°, 26°) have a certain calmness to their voice. Very serene or gentle communication style.
Sun in cancer degrees(4°, 16°, 28°) won't have any problem in showing their nurturing qualities. They can be very caring and it likely radiates through their personality and demeanor.
Venus in capricorn degrees(10°, 22°) can be a bit strict with their romantic partners. They can oftentimes be harsh and overly critical too.
Having lunar nodes in taurus degrees(2°, 14°, 26°) will make you realize the importance of having savings or an emergency fund. People with this placement can be very careful about how they spend their money.
People with lunar nodes in libra degrees(7°, 19°) will uphold fairness in society to the best of their ability. At least they really try to do that. Can be sensitive to social injustice.
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Let me know if you have any of these placements and whether you relate to the said descriptions.
These are just observations I made by observing the lives and birth charts of friends and family .
Thanks for being here! Sending lots of love your way🩵
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wordbunch · 2 days
dad Boromir headcanons
a/n: more specifically this is girl dad boromir!! purely self indulgent and based on my personal fantasies. oops. still hope u think it's cute and leave it a nice comment/reblog/sth... 🥰💌
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for a few days after she is born, Boromir just walks around on the verge of happy tears
needless to say he is wrapped around her pinky finger from the very first second of knowing her
nobody except you, him, Faramir and your fellowship friends are allowed to hold her (maybe don't let Merry and Pippin babysit immediately)
his protectiveness grows tenfold, both of you and your daughter
"now i have two queens of my heart"
my headcanon is that Gondor hasn't had any princesses born in a loooong time so historically it would also be a very exciting occasion!
Boromir is 101% hands-on and very quickly catches onto many tips and tricks for caring for an infant, all courtly protocols be damned! that is his babygirl and his wife and just you try keeping him away!
no matter his obligations and plans, if she falls asleep on him, or clutching a strand of his hair, his finger, ear, clothes, anything, you can bet he isn't moving anywhere
he covers her tiny ears if he hears anyone nearby uttering what he deems inappropriate words (his standards for inappropriate words also changed significantly)
comes up with the best stories and changes his voice to fit different characters
if your daughter's first word is anything close to 'dad', he will all but proclaim a national holiday complete with a feast istg
aunties Éowyn and Arwen love love having their little girl time with her and will teach her different, but amazing things respectfully
Boromir does his very best to openly express love and affection towards your babygirl - lord knows how he grew up
you know sometimes he isn't sure what to do or how to say something, but your heart swells while watching him give his best
your love for each other deepened as you watched each other grow into the new phase of life
for real, he was nothing but loving towards you before, but now...
he becomes so attuned to your needs it blows your mind
little appreciation gifts are a very common occurence
while you try to keep the bath time relatively tidy and not cause a flood every time, Boromir makes it his mission to make it as fun and chaotic as possible
the little princess of Gondor has the cutest clothes and toys imaginable
especially when she starts to express her wishes, Boromir will do anything to make them come true
"my love, don't you think she is a little too young for a pony?"
"but she said she wanted one!"
"...she was talking in her sleep, Boromir"
"see, it is her dream to have a pony!"
luckily you win and she doesn't get a pony at the ripe old age of barely 2, but you partially cave in and say she can feed and pet ponies when you visit your friends in the Shire
those family outings are always so much fun and some of your favorite memories
everytime your girl is being very stubborn, and your husband is exasperated, you like to remind him she's his daughter through and through
when she grows up she will take no shit but will be so kind and warm and interested in so many things
truly the best of combinations, Boromir and you almost congratulate each other on doing a splendid job
tagging some friends just because
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Wolverine getting some of Deadpool's 4th wall awareness because of the matter and antimatter ordeal
Featuring: @existentialgaybirdnerd @steriotypicaloutlaw
More for @castielsprostate
Bird: Mind to mind communication using the voices even far apart
Ok ok but Logan who can now truly understand Wade and everyone is super confused by it. Also (I am convinced at least Vanessa thinks he's absolutely onto something so this just confirms it for her) But others start thinking Wade may not be completely insane possibly
On the other hand they now think Logan is insane as well which is just as funny.
But all of the small things that would change. Chef's kiss
Bird: They use the voices as a sort of comm link too, Logan can keep up with wade’s style of thinking now and can even finish his thoughts with him
But imagine everyone's reactions to the seamless communication between them. As well as Logan now talking into thin air like Wade does. It definitely gets people thinking
Now I'm just imagining a scenario where they're talking to Colossus or someone else and it's just
W- "Yeah, sometimes we finish each-"
L- other's sentences. It's really not"
W- "that big of a deal... And you were supposed to say sandwiches, we talked about this Peanut." Wolverine rolls his eyes and lovingly shakes his head.
(Bold is them both talking at the same time)
Bird: Logan would chime in with the wrong words sometimes specifically to fuck with Wade, and then when they’re both pissed they speak at the same time and in the same register and it gets creepy
Wade and Logan having conversations that make absolutely NO sense to anyone besides them. The boxes asking things or a conversation about other impossible things that others wouldn't know
Bird: There’s an entire four way conversation and the outsiders are only getting half of it lol
Also something that always gets me about characters being self aware is the implied idea nothing they do matters or it would hurt the others that are unaware. Well maybe more so the latter point. Because it doesn't matter if it's not technically real it's real to them so I just never like that argument. All to say I think Logan really just doesn't give a shit he isn't technically real
Bird: Oh absolutely not, Logan would have his first 4th wall break and just raise an eyebrow and look away and slowly as they happen more and more on purpose he does things to fuck with the audience
Wade talks to the audience to share a joke Logan talks to the audience to insult/mock them. Surprisingly it makes all the difference
Bird: Logan freaks people out by looking into the distance and spitting a kind of joking insult and then walking away
It also somehow convinces people that it's still definitely the same wolverine and he hasn't completely lost his mind
Bird: When people start getting more suspicious of him he’ll insult something and stalk off
Vanessa is elsewhere taking a victory lap. Also Laura is very confused but also falls into the they are onto something club. I feel like Al ABSOLUTELY believes they are onto something
Bird: Laura likes to try to spot what they’re talking to, looking in the vague directions they’re looking at. Al will simply hold out a hand to one of them, go “point me” and flips off whatever audience they’re talking to now
Al is to old and has seen (or not seen) too much and specifically lived with Wade long enough to know
A) He isn't insane
B) He's almost always right
C) he knows things he really shouldn't
Bird: And when Logan starts doing the same stuff and insulting the air instead of just joking with it, she starts asking to flip off who Logan is talking to and he’s all too happy to point her
And once they explain exactly what happens she's just like oh yeah that makes sense. She doesn't need more context
ALSO This makes them both anchor beings but specifically one anchor being. They merged they now have to both be there for it to continue to exist
What if this was the first time it has ever happened in the TVA want to just study them because how did you manage this??
I read a fic that mentioned this also almost seem to increase their powers slightly and I love that idea as well
Bird: Kind of combines them, makes the healing faster and makes them harder to hurt
It's barely noticeable but it's just enough to make them even worse to deal with. They become the bane of everyone's existence because they are now truly unstoppable
Also the X-Men are trying to figure out exactly what happened. It isn't working It can't really be explained well because Wade is just kind of beyond exclamation
Logan is just vibing now while being more immortal than ever and having a whole new world opened up to him. I imagine it gets to the point where he's learning more and more and he just starts pointing randomly at some of the people that come across and saying actor's names and Wade is just beside him nodding enthusiastically and praising him
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kooqitas · 1 day
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#pairing: ex-virgin!dino x reader.
#genre: smut MINORS DNI | #w.c: ~1800
#synopsis: things have been weird since you took lee chan's virginity, but now you're in a library together and well… anything can happen.
#warnings: vaginal sex, unprotected sex, oral sex (f.), soft dom dino, public sex. cute ending
#notes: i'm a little drunk (yes, again
★ m.list | inbox :D join my taglist
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things with dino got a little... weird the next day, i mean, in the morning you still had coffee together before he left giving you a warm kiss, but after that things were definitely weird.
you didn't talk to each other in class, not even to tease each other, to the point where jeonghan asked you what the hell had happened to make you be like this...
"wait, you took WHAT from him?" jeonghan literally screamed when you told him about the night you had, he seemed more shocked by lee chan's (ex) virginity than by the sex between you exactly. "well, as the says, the person sucks your tits like a stray calf and then pretends they don't know you"
"literally no one says that, jeonghan!"
"well, i'm telling you..."
then jeonghan looked at his phone, and said that mingyu was calling him in the library, you ended up going along and well... that's the situation you're in now.
dino is sitting next to you at the table, trying to discreetly touch your knee, and you really want to punch him in the face, but that would end up with you having to explain how pathetic college fights turned into sex... yeah... things really were complicated.
"i think the right answer is letter b." dino says kindly to mingyu, who insisted that the answer to the question was f.
"you don't even study dentistry to know this, why don't you shut up and study your course instead of meddling in other people's business?" you retort.
"maybe because not everyone is as self-centered as you, sometimes people have a little empathy and think about others." he says without looking at you directly.
the whole table is in silent... even though jeonghan is the only one who knows that you had sex, everyone there understood that something more than just a simple college fight had happened.
"and maybe you should shut up and wait for someone to teach you how to do things right when you do it for the first time." you retort stupidly.
"you must love teaching people how to do things for the first time, huh?"
"ok, what did i miss?" joshua asked innocently, trying to figure out what the hell was going on at that table.
"NOTHING" you both yelled together.
dino tried (not very discreetly) to caress your thigh and waist, it made you feel... things, the cold hand of the air conditioning in contact with your hot skin was driving you crazy, but at the same time irritated, lee chan ignored you right after you took his virginity and now he was acting like this?
you roll your eyes when you get a message from dino on your cell phone, but you end up answering him.
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you roll your eyes, getting up and leaving, but the next second you felt someone grab you by the waist and take you to the 'religious books' section.
'seriously, chan?'
"i'm the one asking you, what the fuck happened?"
"what the fuck happened? YOU started ignoring me completely after... you know."
"you let me cum inside you?"
"after you stopped being a pathetic virgin."
"i'm NOT a pathetic virgin"
"well... you're welcome?" you tease him.
dino looks at you, he seems to be thinking about whether to say something or not and this leaves you feeling a mix of stressed and sad at the same time. it's obvious that you were never best friends, but damn, disappearing after you took his virginity was cruel, you wondered if you had done something wrong.
"i just... okay... look..." he took a deep breath. "you can laugh... but i was afraid that i hadn't been good for you" he admits, sighing afterwards "like, when i choked you wrong..."
"you fixed it later" you roll your eyes, thinking he was making some pathetic excuse.
"baby... i'm not lying, i just... i wish that if things happened again i would be better..." he kisses your neck, causing you to shiver that you liked.
"stop with this shit!"
he takes advantage of your skirt, rubbing his middle finger right on your cunt, making you sigh at the sudden touch.
"do you really think i wouldn't wanna fuck you again? i told you, you're mine. i just wanted to do things better, but you're so fucking impatient that you can't wait a few weeks to have my cock inside you again."
he teases his finger inside your entrance, over your panties, making you tremble under his fingers.
"son of a bitch."
"let me show you what i've learned..."
you think about asking him how he learned something for a few seconds. the idea of ​​him having 'trained' with someone makes you jealous, but any thoughts end the moment he bends down and kisses your panties.
your leg falters, fuck, lee chan is in the middle of the library, kneeling, with his head between your legs...
"stop it, fuck, someone might see us..."
"that's the fun, doll"
he moves your panties to the side, giving a gentle kiss to your wet hole, while rubbing his nose against your clit.
"fuck, lee chan"
you grab his hair, and you don't even know how, but your left leg is now on his shoulder.
the first contact of his hot tongue makes you moan loudly. the problem is that you're in a library, and even though the religious books section is abandoned, someone could still walk by...
you put your hand over your mouth, and dino laughs...
"you know... I had to learn by myself since you didn't want to teach me that day... so if it's bad or clumsy..." he looks you deep in the eyes, making you tremble. "teach me."
you gasp, because his tongue fucks you so well it seems like magic, you grab the bookshelf, trying not to pay attention to the fucking bible next to you, and the fact that anyone could walk by there, fuck, it would be so hard to explain why dino was kneeling between your legs...
but you don't think about it, in fact you can't think, his tongue on you is so good that your only concentration at the moment is not to moan out loud.
it's so good the way he sucks you like his life depends on it, like you're the last thing he'll ever eat in his entire life, the way he murmurs how hot you are and how much he's always dreamed about this.
you're gonna cum soon, and you know it, that's why you basically grind on his face, pulling his head against your legs in an attempt to get him to go even deeper, even though that's completely impossible.
"fuck, stop being desperate!" he scolds you, and you tremble at seeing him so authoritative, giving you even more pleasure. you end up rolling your hips a little more, who knows, maybe he'll talk to you like that again.
but maybe you're fucked, i mean, that's what you think when he spits on your pussy and stands up.
dino unbuckles his belt, then immediately puts the leg that was previously on his shoulder on his waist. he pulls your hair, giving you a hot, wet kiss, his tongue sliding possessively inside yours, you feeling your own taste mixed with the soda he had drunk earlier.
the way he kissed you was a little aggressive, but still affectionate, and you liked this 'new' lee chan.
he looks at you with his cock already inserted in your hole, silently asking for permission that he knew he had.
you like being 'subjected' to sex, you like being 'forced' to give in, but... consent is also fucking sexy, and you feel like you can cum just by saying 'yes, you can fuck me'
it's funny because he seems just as desperate as the first time, but at the same time he seems more 'firm' in his touches and you can't help but moan a little louder than you should.
"fuck, shut up, they're going to get us!" he whispers, you feel his balls pounding your hole, and the sound of his belt rubbing against the fabric of your skirt isn't low either.
you keep your mouth open, moaning words that you don't even know what they are, but it feels so good, the heat of his body against yours, the obvious need you have for each other...
"fuck, can't you keep quiet?"
you don't answer him, and in the next second three of dino's fingers are touching the back of your throat.
"my princess needs to always be full, right? completely..."
you hold on to the bookshelf, trying to release your lust through any part of your body that's possible.
"i'm not yo-"
"we've already gotten past that phase, right? you know you're mine, so much so that you're going to cum on my dick again, you're gonna let me fill you up again, and you're gonna let everyone know that I WAS the one who marked you."
and the next second, dino's mouth was on your neck, leaving a hickey that you would only see later, but that everyone would notice as soon as you returned to the table.
"i'm gon-"
"cum for me, love, cum for your man."
"you're not my m-"
"i am... and you're mine. only mine."
ironically (or not), you cum with dino calling you 'mine' and he cums right after...
it takes you a few seconds to catch your breath. then dino moved your leg down and kissed your forehead...
"i hate you," you said...
"you can hate me, but you're still mine..."
"lee chan..."
"it was really fear, okay? i thought i had done something wrong and you didn't try to talk to me when i walked away either, i thought i had been horrible to you that night... i'm really sorry."
you take a deep breath, knowing he meant it.
"i'm sorry, i didn't mean to confuse you."
"but you did." you answer him rudely.
"i know, i'm sorry about that. but i care about you... not just in a sexual way... give me a chance, okay..."
"i hate you."
"yeah," and he kisses you again.
you don't wanna go back to the table, but you know you have to. you want to be with dino, whether it's to have sex like before or just to stare at his lost puppy face...
"you're mine."
"yes, i am," you answer without thinking much, making him laugh and give you another kiss, this time calmly...
someone passes by the hallway and you're thankful that you're now dressed and just kissing, but at the same time a thought comes to your head and you can't help but ask.
"who the fuck taught you to eat like that?"
@highvivvy @bath1lda @unlikelysublimekryptonite
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