#i knew one of my uni friends from tumblr/dA before i ended up in the same island for uni as her.
wingsofhcpe · 4 years
At this point i feel like all greek users on this site know & follow each other one way or another
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The Good Life: Chapter 2
Hello, my lovelies! I’m really pleased to see that y’all seemed to like the initial chapter of this story and I’m really liking the way that this story is coming along as I’m writing it. It may take a little while for this story to get to the real fun stuff, but I promise that once we get a lot of the basic plot laid down in the first few chapters, this story will be a lot of fun to read, so please be patient.
Need to get caught up on the first chapter? The Good Life: Ch1
If you want to be added (or removed) from the tags list for this story, just feel free to let me know!
@pink-royaute @believethaticanandiwill @milllott @likeashootingstarfades @i-dream-of-emus
 The Good Life: Chapter 2
After adding another few songs to the queue on the digital jukebox next to the bar, Rae walked back to the table in the pub where the rest of her mates were sitting and arguing over something that had been said while she had stepped away from the table. “Ugh, I’m gonna be sick,” Archie scoffed as he turned away from the sight of Izzy and Chop kissing across the table from him, “please save me from this saliva-filled make out fest unfolding right in front of me!” “Oh Archie, let them have their fun! It’s just a little harmless kissing,” Rae replied with a chuckle as she took her seat at the end of the table next to Chloe. “Perhaps, but when you’re single and have no one to kiss it’s easy to feel left out of the fun.” Archie replied, receiving a chorus of agreement and reassurances from the rest of the table. Their conversations resumed as they continued drinking and catching up on what had been going on in their lives since the last time the gang all met up at the pub last month. “Oh yeah! I’ve been meaning to ask ya, Rae, how is the apartment search going?” Chloe asked when there was a lull in the conversation. “You’re looking for a new apartment? Is there something wrong with your current one?” Izzy asked in concern. “Yeah I’ve been looking for a new place to live since January. My current place is just too expensive and the location isn’t great for work and Uni, so I’m trying to find something closer.” “How’s it going then?” “Not great. For the area I’m looking at, the cost of a studio or one-bedroom are as much or more expensive than what I’m paying now. If I want to pay less money for the area I want to live in, I’ll need to find a roommate. I’ve been looking online and asking coworkers if them or their friends needed a roommate or anything, but I just don’t wanna get stuck living with some complete rando that I’ve never met, ya know?” Rae sighed and took a long sip of her drink before setting it back on the table. “Yeah, that makes sense,” Izzy replied.
“Do you need to find a roommate? What if you were able to find a place just for you where you could afford the rent?” Archie suggested.
“I suppose that would be an option, but I dunno...I’ve lived on my own for almost a year now and it has its benefits, but I don’t think I want to keep living all alone. It’s probably not good for me,” Rae added with a humorless chuckle.
“What do ya mean it’s not good for you?” Izzy asked quietly.
“So, what do you think you’re gonna end up doing?” Chloe asked a bit louder, leaving Izzy’s question to remain unanswered.
“My current lease ends in a bit over a month, so at this point I might end up just going with one of the few people I’ve met with already that seems halfway decent to be my roommate, since I don’t have much time left to be picky. I just wish that I knew someone that was looking for a roommate so it would take all of the weirdness of living with strangers away.” Rae said defeatedly as she gulped down the remainder of her drink.
A few seconds of silence passed between Rae and the rest of the gang, no one really knowing what to say, until the sound of a throat clearing distracted everyone from the dull roar of the other pub patrons around them. “I could be your roommate,” Finn said with a shrug as he reached forward to grab his pint off the table and take a drink. “You what?” Rae asked in surprise. “I said I could be your roommate, Rae. If you’d wanna have me as a roommate that is.” “I didn’t know you were looking to move out of your Da’s house, Finn!” Chop said.
“Yeah, where did that come from?” Archie added.
“I’ve been thinking about moving out and getting my own place for a while now, which is why I’ve been taking extra shifts at work, but I didn’t know when the right time was.”
“But why now, specifically? And how come I’ve never heard you mention anything about it until now? The last time I heard you say anything about moving out was when we were still in college and you were trying to prove that you could be independent and not rely on your da all the time,” Archie replied with an accusatory edge to his voice.
“Does it really matter how long I’ve been considering moving out? I didn’t mention anything because I haven’t really been looking for any specific places and I wanted to decide if I should live alone or with a roommate or a few roommates,” Finn replied defensively but he couldn’t stay upset for long before a smirk spread across his lips, “I’m sorry I didn’t ask ‘Uncle Archie’ permission to move out on my own.”
Everyone groaned at the mention of Archie’s old nickname for himself but the tension that had been present before had thoroughly dissipated. “Back to what we were talking about before...Would you wanna live with Finn, babes?” Chloe asked with her eyebrows raised in question.
“I don’t know...maybe? I’d prefer living with someone I know and I don’t have much time to find other people,” Rae turned her attention towards Finn more directly, “I think we get along well enough that we might actually make pretty decent roommates, don’t ya think?”
“I think so, yeah.”
“Okay, cool...well then, I guess I found myself a new roommate!”
The gang cheered and Finn gave Rae a small smile across the table, but Chloe sat beside Rae with her arms crossed and looking between her best mate and her best mate’s soon-to-be roommate with a look of uncertainty tinged with concern.
“That calls for a celebratory drink, don’t ya agree? I’ll go order us all another round!” Chop replied as he clapped Finn on the back and shot Rae a wink before walking away from the table to place their drink order.
When the gang had grown tired of the pub, they all decided to walk downtown to one of the few chip shops that would still be open this late at night. Archie stood at the door holding it open for the gang to walk into the chip shop, but Rae was stopped just as she approached the door.
“Hey, Rae! Can we chat out here for a minute? Just the two of us?” Chloe asked by placing a hand on Rae’s shoulder to gently pull her away from the rest of the gang.
“Uh sure,” Rae replied with a shrug as she walked back to stand beside Chloe.
“What did you wanna talk about, Chlo?”
“What the fuck just happened back there, babes?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well as of about an hour ago you were still struggling to find a roommate and now you’re planning to share an apartment with Finn?”
“Yeah, I guess so! It’s crazy how well that worked out, huh?”
“No kidding! It seems like it all worked out a little too well, if you ask me.”
“Oh, come on, Chloe!”
“No, Rae, I’m serious! Why is it that none of us have ever heard Finn mention moving out of his da’s house until tonight? Archie had a really good point. Why did he choose now of all times to move out?”
“I think you’re both reading way too much into all of this. I mean, what kind of ulterior motives could Finn have for asking to be my roommate?” Rae looked over and saw Chloe was about to speak but she waved a dismissive hand to stop her, “on second thought, I don’t wanna know.”
“I’m just looking out for you Rae.”
“I know, and I’m thankful for you trying to protect me, but I think you’re worried needlessly. It’s not like Finn is a total stranger. He’s been part of the gang since long before I joined and he and I are fairly decent mates. Even if we didn’t get along so well at first, we’ve gotten to know each other over the years and we get on really well now. I feel like of my possible roommates, he’s my best option.”
“I hope you’re right, Rae.”
“I have no idea what to expect from living with Finn or how this will all work, but I’m sort of okay with that. I’m looking forward to some much-needed change in my life!”
“Just know that I’ll always be just a call or text away if you need me. And I expect to be informed of any and all apartment decisions the two of you make during this whole process!”
“As if there was ever any question that I’d do that!” Rae replied with a roll of her eyes, “now come on! I’ve been craving some greasy fried food all week and there’s a plate of chips calling my name inside there!”
Chloe and Rae chuckled and shared a quick hug before the pair walked into the chippy and joined the rest of the gang at the table they were sitting at as they waited for the food they ordered to be prepared.
A/N: I’m fairly certain that exactly nobody was surprised to find out that Finn volunteered to be Rae’s roommate because if you all are anything like me, we’re all thirsty bitches and just love any type of scenario that puts Finn/Rae in the same settings hahaha. Both Chloe and Archie seem a bit unsure about Finn and Rae living together...do you think they know something that we don’t????
DUN DUN DUUUUNNNNN (sorry, I have a bit of a flair for the dramatic lol) Rest assured, this story will have a bunch of fun twists and turns based on some real life events, so hopefully this story won’t become too cliche.
I’m not sure if anyone noticed, but I’ve decided to start posting all of my writing on my AO3 account as well, since who knows how long Tumblr will stay afloat and I’ve used that site before and quite liked it. I’ll still be posting here on Tumblr, of course, but my goal is to at least have all my writing backed up on AO3 at some point just to be safe!
Anyways...until next time: Stay awesome, my friends! :)
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caffineandanimals · 6 years
Rules: Answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you want to get to know better.
I was tagged by the lovely @keiko-is-me! Thank you so much for tagging I really wasn't expecting it!
Woot woot it's oversharing time!!!
Nickname: I don't really have a nickname with my friends, my dad likes to call me flumpy, after the sweet flumps, because I was small and pink I guess??? Or smth, that was his explanation anyway. My oldest brother likes to call me and my other brother sprogs, for some reason I still don't know.
Height: oof as the smallest, the youngest and the only female of my siblings, I'm forever salty at my height of 5"3' despite the fact its pretty close to the average height of women in the UK as far as I remember.
Last movie I saw: I... does Disney Mulan count??? I watched it to procrastinate PPE revision. If not then it was probably Thor Ragnarok with my dad???? Ehhh I don't watch films all that much anymore.
Favorite artists: oooh on the risk of sounding like I haven't left my edgy teen phase, my favourite band are Imagine Dragons, though I do have to agree with @keiko-is-me Lady Gaga is also one of my faves. I don't tend to pay attention to the artists themselves all that much really, so I don't have much to offer on this one.
Song stuck in my head: I'd have to say the song that's currently stuck in my head is "Riot" by Hollywood Undead. Though "Ready as I'll ever be" from Tangled the series is a pretty close second despite the fact I've never watched the show, song's just really catchy.
Do I get asks: Lmao naaaah; I mostly just reblog stuff despite the fact this is the site I'm most active on, I tend to just go through other ppls blogs instead, so I don't really get asks or have any reason to.
Other blogs: I DO!!! IN FACT HAVE!!!! AN ART BLOG!!! In which I don't post as nearly as much as I would like because I don't like my art enough for that, and I'm currently busy with A levels so the amount I draw's gone down. Sad times fam.
Following: I follow 702!!! Das a lot. Love you all despite the fact most belong to fandoms I haven't touched in a while, they all mean a lot to me in that I can scroll though them and see my phases, like my dgm phase and my naruto phase ahhh good times, I had fun.
Lucky number: I don't really have one??? But if I had to say what appeared off the top of my head, I'd say 7, for reasons I'm not expanding on in case anyone I know irl has Tumblr and can find me from this.
What I’m wearing: Ayyyy I barely ever leave my pyjamas though I do change them often, my current set its maroon lounge pants and a black top, comfy and warm.
Dream job: As some one aiming for uni I've had a lot of time to think about this and I've discovered and decided on Radiotherapy as my dream course and job! I have my offers back now I just need the grades! Oooooh just thinking about it is exciting!!!!
Favorite food: I would have to say it's curry rice and chips from the chippy! Though it has to be mild curry, because I can't really stand spice well no matter how nice it is.
Dream trip: It was here that @keiko-is-me mentioned she would like to visit England! Though I'd have to ask where specifically? Probably London right? Though as a proud Scouser I'd have to recommend a stint in Liverpool as well. And whilst you're in the UK you should check Wales and Scotland too; both are breathtaking places. Personally its been my dream to visit Japan at least once in my life since my older brother's done it and loved it. I'd love to go to South Korea again, just maybe this time in the summer?
Play any instruments: Years ago I was learning to play piano! But in the end as my SATs drew near I got too busy and gave it up, its been a long long time :(.
Languages: ahhh as a native English speaker we can check that of the list??? I did GCSE Spanish!!! And got an A!!! Somehow!!! I'm not very good don't let my grades fool you also its been over a year since I've spoken any and what little I knew has slipped away :((( I really love languages but with A levels I can't afford to pick it back up yet. Let alone a new one. Watch me do just that tho lmao.
Favorite song: "Warriors" by imagine dragons has been a favourite of mine for a long long time and I never get tired of it, that song is perfection. Their song "Beliver" is a pretty close second. I'm gonna stop here or I'll end up listing a load of their songs at you and we don't have time for that.
Random fact: I write fan fiction! Or I used to. Not very well either my first fic has already been revamped once and now I'm doing it again because is there such thing as ever liking your work?
Aesthetic things: Vintage is Stunning I have to agree with @keiko-is-me. Catch me outside in all black often though. Leggings, knee high boots, black t-shirt, dark red jumper and a beanie is what I live in when I have to go outside without a dress code. Otherwise for more formal occassions I have these stunning ankle boots with flowers embroidered up the side that I love but hurt my feet if I wear them too long.
Whoa look at that, a tangent. Are you still shocked tho.
Also there are most definitely not 21 questions here but eh.
Tagging: I'm not going to tag 21 people and I don't expect most of them to reply but just to get their blogs out there:
@paperdarkfish because as one of my favourite authors and artists I must know more and I feel they deserve more readers and followers.
@chimelon who created one of my favourite AUs of Scum villain and I just want to know more please.
@meltesh28 who creates STUNNING art and deserves all the likes and reblogs in the world.
@duanmujinghua who is also an amazing artist and has a patreon I can't subscribe to because I'm poor I'm so sorry.
@fruitpastillesposts who is one of my other favourite authors who I found when I was just entering the world of fan fiction!
@neonplusfire who makes amazing art though the one i tagged is probably not their main blog its still just as good and their's some art their too.
@h3l3n4m0rt3mf4ng1rl who does art on occasion and gives me the quality mxtx content I need to survive day to day life.
And last but definitely not least
@kikuue who has a very light hearted, cute and relaxing blog that I could scroll through for hours!! And have before!!! In which I liked so much stuff they asked if I was ok!!! Cute animals!!! Supportive posts!!! More cute animals!!! Stunning! Draw dropping! Amazing!
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pdubbery · 8 years
Story Time: The Pdubb
Had a talk with my streamers and fellow artists. I’m glad I wrote this down prior since I planned this before the New Year but never got the chance to say it XD
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I've been an introvert for a majority of my life. 
Too shy to speak up, too sullen to express myself. Even with a 6'3'' body, I was so passive it would surprise people that I WASN'T a violent type, even more so as one who loves art. 
But I was a mess. I grew up with the wrong crowd up to college, not necessary knowing what's "good" from "bad" cuz I just wanted to "fit in" and make "friends." Once I finally speak up for myself, I became a "third wheel" to these people whom I thought were my "bffs." Abandoned, I was devastated. I was hit hard with depression due to sudden conflicts in social life and prolonged personal family issues. (Story for another time.)
I wanted to die. 
No one would care right? I was just a burden. 
But I was wrong. I broke down to my family. Let all these bottled emotions I kept for years out in the open. Holy shit it was the most refreshing feeling. All the negativity was gone like that. For once, I tasted happiness. Broke out of my introvert shell. Started being more open about myself.
Dropped out from Uni due to the depression, though picked myself back up. Went back to college, made a new circle of friends. GOOD company. Again, tasted a bit more of that happiness. (Even though I had this lingering thought of "What does the term 'friend' mean?" I knew, this new group was good people.) 
Although, something was missing. I didn't know what it was though. I fixed my depression. Made new and better friends. Life seemed good? What I was missing, was art. I was the only artist around. I made good company but I couldn't really make any art convos with them. "Nice art! Good job!" they would give compliments but...something was still missing.
I kept drawing though. Art more. Using dA and Tumblr. Share a comment here and there. Talk with some online ppl about art for only a short moment. But something was still missing.
Then. Undertale popped up! Swept the art community. BOOM. Instant hit. But for me, I HATE bandwagon art. Back in the early days when Naruto/Bleach/DBZ etc, all the anime were the THING of topic. I couldn't really stomach it. I couldn't muster to draw something I wasn't particularly into. My brother, however, kept poking me and said. "Make UT fanart. DEW ET" And after playing and loving the game...I did. And it wasn't just something to gain views, I thoroughly enjoyed UT and made these Wallpapers. I wanted to share this art with anyone who sees it. (Waaah, UT, you have a special place in my heart)
Even though I was on this "bandwagon", it wasn't a bad feeling. I made art I enjoyed and even improved myself. But, something was still off.
  Back in July 2016, my neighbor had an art church event. She's a painter and invited my family to it. We were painting in honor of Bob Ross. I didn't have to paint, since I was supposed to oversee the event, but I joined in anyway. Something clicked tho. I went around. Seeing everyone paint. Ppl laughing, some struggling. And I went over to them all, giving small tips, some words of encouragement, telling them that their art is perfect the way it is. (Like holy shit, it felt good to just spread the love around)
The event ended and we all grouped together to photo our paintings, it was a whole lot of fun! More that I thought it would be! (Thanks Bob Ross! I'll share my painting soon and upload it here!)
The feeling stayed though. Comments back and forth about art. Complimenting and critiquing. I didn't want it to stop. 
Now it's August 2016. I go back into my dA, and with this feeling, I wanted to share "love" to those who needed it. By all means, not to ignore those who are amazing already, but to share love to all. Here comes Hotaro. It all started with her. Loved her style, gave her a follow and supported her. Then she streamed. I was the only one in her stream, but that feeling of showing support to a small artist was great. I did so with many artists after that! 
And there was a comment from one of my earlier followers, alias “dat boi” @pltnm06ghost, who said "Why not stream as well?" No longer being an introvert and willing to test new things, I did. Made some followers who stayed for me and not just for the art. Again, I had to share the love back. Who else is streaming? I will go there and tell them "You're amazing! I support you!" @hotaro-sui, GG, @maricaripan, @happykittyshop, @kimiwillsinforever, @y0waifu, @yamsgarden, @pyramidheaddezby, Butters, @mnstrcndy (senpai wah), just to name a few of the many... I wanted to support everyone. And then, when these amazing artists with amazing art look back and reciprocate, "You're amazing too! I want to see more of what you can do!"
 ... I didn't know what to say but just "Nah, you're the amazing one!" But it kept going back and forth. I really thought nothing of it. I thought my art was "Meh" but when these people I admire and respect saying the same things back... I didn't know what to do. What to say. So I just fucking smiled, and cried. Cried so hard. 
All this company... All this love being passed around... 
That taste of happiness again... 
Thank you Bob Ross. Thank you Undertale. Thank you everyone.  I have moved forward because of all of you.  I thank you all for existing! I thank you all for your arts! I thank you all from the bottom of my heart!
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Excuse me while I drown in my feels...
But wait! The stream didn’t end on such feels! I had to keep going!
Oh boi! IT’S A PDUBB!
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2016 was amazing. Gotta make 2017 even better!!
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