#i kinda miss dA
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dadailybocch · 7 months ago
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Is this joke still a thing or am I late to the party like I usually am? 😅
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lilbabylemon · 1 month ago
i havnt cum since september n ithink i might actuallly lose my marblez soon
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care666bear · 18 days ago
So when I first moved here, I worked at a timmies for a few weeks. I quit pretty quick bc it was totally miserable, I walked out on the first day of my period actually, after crying badly because time was so slow and I felt very not real & out of place (b4 I was medicated clearly) - Obviously I’ve avoided that Tim Hortons since because that’s embarrassing lol desperately needed a tea so I made the stop! my old coworker, she didn’t recognize me at first but we chatted for a few minutes. She then remembered me because of the way I talk & “you were just so sweet all of the time”
I almost cried. To be recognized for my kindness rather my features is such an wholesome compliment and probably my favourite thing I’ve heard in a long time. what a sweetheart
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nothing-to-see-around-here · 2 months ago
Emerald duo cuddling each other after a day of doing absolutely nothing but preening each other because the other is the only person they trust enough to touch their wings/fur like that.
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rawrsatthetree · 2 months ago
As a non-binary I’m honor bound to love and defend Taash with my life because I am so fucking starved for representation that isn’t a robot, shape shifter, or some other inhuman character.
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ganondoodle · 5 months ago
Regarding Demise: He is an interesting concept, as is the whole eternal cycle, but for that to actually become something worthwhile the games/stories would have to actually DO something with it. So far they are introduced in Skyward Sword and thats it! No other game even references them. And, yes, that cheapens EVERY other game because there is this implication that its all out of the control of the actual characters in the story because of this one asshole that we only ever saw once! Why not have Ganondorf realize that he is possessed/manipulated by this weird old Demon God? How would he react, would he embrace it, would he rebel, would he be broken by the realization that none of his actions were ever *his*? I dont even care which of these options they pick, as long as they pick any of it and do just ANYTHING with the concept.
Or maybe Link or Zelda figures out the Cycle and starts looking into breaking it because endlessly repeating Demon Attacks kinda suck and you dont want that for your descendants.
Or have a game focus on them remembering bits from past lives and having to piece it all together or, again, just ANYTHING!
The closest they ever came to was with BOTW Zelda praying to Hylia, aka HERSELF, to unlock her powers, which is some brutal narrative irony, but not much more.
And regarding the whole Zelda is Hylia thing, I've seen some headcanons about how Skyward Sword Zelda is terrified of herself after learning that, because she now has to assume that everything she did was planned by a version of her that she no longer is. Is Link her friend or is he the useful pawn that Hylia needs to turn into the Hero? Does she even deserve his affection when she probably manipulated him into becoming her champion and fighting, possibly dying for her all her life?
Thats juicy, thats something you can do something with but Nintendo really does like to plan those stories game per game without any care for the larger story.
Which I guess is the Irony of it all. They tried the whole larger connected story/universe thing once: With Skyward Sword. After all that was also the time we got the first Hyrule Historia & "official timeline" as well as "How it all began" in the game itself.
It felt like the start of a new era for Zelda games and stories and then it just... wasn't.
And while I get that they want to focus on gameplay over story, I will never stop mourning the stories we could get/have gotten, if they put a bit more thought into things.
I actually feel like its harder to make the 'cycle' into an interesting plot point when its a .. divine thing that happens, and not perpetuated by the people (though not impossible, given how the series is build up it would need alot of work to not make it worse still..)-
i actually cannot stand the idea that ganondorf is possessed or manipulated, made eviler by demise somehow (demise is dead, leave him beeeeee hes not some evil master mind behind anything aaaaah) bc it STILL takes away ganondorfs agency and character and gives right into the whole hes basically born evil and just pushes the fault tm onto someone else it in turn legitimizes that the kingdom of hyrule and its high rule (heehoo) is right and if only gan wasnt manipulated hed be good tm, aka allied with the goodest guys, hed gladly accept their invitation and join their holy empire of goodness tm if wasnt for da demon
(and i love to say, who decides what is good tm and evil tm? bc hyrules monarchs making every other tribe their subordinate and persecuting shiekah for example isnt what id call good but its fine bc the good holy guys did it in the name of "peace" -what is their idea of peace? everyones under their rule and must worship their god? uh oh- and resistance to it is gonna get you labelled as evil!! (unless you join their holy kingdom and become their vassal of GOOD) what good and evil boils down to in zelda is .. being allied/ruled by the kingdom of hyrule and being opposed to them, even if its only not wanting to be subjugated by them)
i can see the appeal to some degree, but i dont like the idea of ganondorf even being able to be manipulated or possessed, what makes his character, before it got flattened into well he just be demon in the eyes of the average fandom, interesting is his unbreakable will, that drive to keep on living and resisting those that want him dead, its poetic and sad, to the point that (until totk ...) it was really just ONE ganondorf that refused to die and came back over and over (also something i found a compelling thought for botw, that after all this time theres nothing left BUT his will to resist, its a tragic idea that rly spoke to me)
my personal idea of the cycle is that its only a cycle bc they, the kingdom of hyrule and their belief system, keep it going, its not a divine thing that needs to be broken (though the divine surely messes with it, just for the bit i guess) but something that keeps repeating bc hyrule is so soaked into the idea that their princess once was a god and hers is the right to rule it all in light- so anyone who doesnt agree must be of the demons from the darkness seeking to destroy the world, and what means the 'world' could just mean the kingdom of hyrule- in botw even with the calamity people went on and lived, same in windwaker, they dont need the holy kingdom to live- (who is to say the 'monsters' are bad for the land, to me they mostly looked like well adapted territorial beasts, and the bokblins etc clearly arent mindless monsters either, why do they need to be eradicated? they attack you? ok dont go into their territory, or defend yourself, you dont need to exterminate something just bc it could be a threat at some point)
(i do agree that conflict with zelda being interesting but uuuh .. well they never did anythign with that huh)
in the end, demise was just a throw away villain, and if i may get my tin foil hat back here, i feel like the whole creation myth skyward sword does was really just a way for them to get out of the predicament of having to consider a villain to be treated like a person to save themselves from having to think about what they imply and can just go, well this is the evil demons, this is the good gods- ironically enough the attempt to get out of having to consider complicated writing it ends up reversing straight back into the WORST of kinds of implications .. that arent even subtext anymore, if totk is anythign to go by, the most 'simple' or 'easy' narrative to go for might not be actually simple, just a so often retold one that it appears simple if not made aware of its dark maw, the status quo repeated ad nauseam
(and if i may, the whole gameplay over story thing is bs in my eyes, that sounds like the typical attempt of dismissing any critique, just like the stupid, and frankly, offensive "its just for kids" argument, story and gameplay are inherently intertwined, the story influences the gameplay, the gameplay influences the story, especially in a series like zelda that is a futile thing to go for and a reason why the stories themselves lack depth, how are you gonna have an epic adventure that drives you to get through any amount of puzzles and battles if there is no story to motivate you, at this point it feels like the series has set itself up for catastrophic failure bc i imagine, people might just keep buying and playing the games bc its attached to the series, bc they hope to see characters they loved return, new ones that will grab their attention, perhaps be taken away by a world that meant alot to them once before, hope that there will be something exciting-
i am not saying the series has no value or doesnt do anything well (hello who am i) but how many times can you repeat 'this guy good he fight evil guy he get the pretty princess as reward' without any interesting twists or narrative, even the most beloved characters can only keep it passable for so long, even the best gameplay loses its potential if its surrounded by cardboard characters and a story so "simple" as offensive it fits into a single page, i often wonder how a game would be seen if it wasnt titled -the legend of zelda- ..
it hurts especially when looking at its long history, how much estblished thigns it could exploit and expand, the potential the series has is still immense, it hurts to see it be wasted over and over :(
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otherpigeon-moved · 2 months ago
Was gonna make a veil jumper oc that is an agent for fenharel and I was gonna make it my disaster run but I saw that it’s the same ending either way so meh.
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aureli-us · 2 months ago
veilguard feels to me like a mediocre book that is kinda boring but has just enough to it i can't put it down until i finish it, but i'm not going to enjoy slogging through it. sorry y'all
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carn1epretzelz · 3 months ago
YAYYYY oc posting :) anyone remember old fnaf fandom days? handing you heavily revamped and redesigned ocs of Vincent and who TECHNICALLY counts as Henry before Henry was even revealed??? >_<
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ik the pride flags are a little "modern" for 1998 but idgaf this is for fun and sillies. yapfest in tags my bad
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idknotgonnapost · 11 months ago
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idk ? ignacio i guess
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edge-of-nowhere · 2 years ago
One fun thing about bg3 vs dragon age games is that in dragon age, I can't think of a single character I didn't like off the bat, or at least wasn't vaguely interested in. Like yeah some of them are jerks, ogrens a little annoying sometimes, they all do bad things, but they're all easy to get attached to, then it's later on that some make decisions that hurt or disappoint you. But with balder's gate? I genuinely disliked several party members immediately. They were uninteresting, mean, annoying. But you keep playing, and you learn about them, and suddenly you realize they've grown on you like fungus and they have very deep and cool lore and thought and emotion and you get to slowly see them open up!! Both are so much fun!!!
Then again I've barely started my bg3 playthrough so who's to say ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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cathalbravecog · 2 years ago
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So I gave in and done it - Drew my Minecraft sona / skin, Larimar with Cathal since the two have some design similarities both being CRT TV inspired TV head robots... Let's just say yeah, there's perhaps a few reasons why I got so attached to Cathal like this, yeah?
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vannyblutea · 2 months ago
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tumblr pls accept this this time im begging
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lelianaslefthand · 22 days ago
as a serial game replayer it does kinda suck that datv has very little replay value to me, personally. and its like well yes a big reason i like replaying games like that is for the romances and its lacking in that department but also there just aren't that many different choices you can make in general. nothing you've done in previous games matters so you don't have that. the "blue/purple/red" dialogue mechanic only exists in icons there's no real impact on rook's personality. then the choices that you can make are few and far between but also just... not that compelling enough to want to play the entire game again. especially when most choices just have 2 options that are both kinda nothingburgers. like i enjoyed the game, i like the characters, i really like the combat and trying out all the different classes was fun, its visually gorgeous but i dont have the urge to Keep playing it like i do with other rpgs in the same vein... idk :/ thinking out loud
oh also want to add that 'Choices' aside there's also only so much you can do in the actual game. i do very much appreciate that they went the mass effect contained explorable areas route and there Are interesting quests. i quite enjoyed all the puzzles too, but it just... it feels hollow. and we know why but it still sucks. and in this context i dont mean sucks as in Bad but as in unfortunate
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alo-piss-trancy · 4 months ago
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Just wanna show off my girl from I/nquisition real quick... it still startles me sometimes in cutscenes just how TALL she is, esp compared to Varric lmao I love it
Still figuring out her character and idk for sure who she'll romance yet. Dual Dagger Rogue. 🤔 I really wish we had proper origin stories to play through instead of like, the vague cobbling together of facts you choose from when you talk to the historian lady. So far all I really have is that she's kinda middle of the road: she takes no shit, can be very blunt. Not outright mean usually, but reserved and mistrustful of most ppl since she's had a lifetime of anti-qu/nari racism to deal with :/ She'll never be overly friendly lol. Tbh she really doesn't like or care about all this Being The Hero stuff or the politics/church mess. She'd dip out and just go back to her shady mercenary work if she could, but alas she cannot since she'd rather the world not, you know, end. She'll help the ppl who are starving or need medicine bc she's not cruel- but she sees most of this as a huge PITA instead of a chance to do good or a magical noble calling lol
My brave warden queen or benevolent hero Hawke she is not lmao
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loveydive · 2 months ago
okay. finished veilguard. um. it sure was definitely a game.
#cri.txt#like you cant argue that it isnt a game thats for sure#mor srsly tho ermmm#its just okay#in terms of being a dragon age game... it is BAD#in terms of it being a regular game. its like. okay.#there were a lot more qol features in this game esp after inquisition which i think is great#personally inquis was like barely playable gameplay wise#writing wise... the game peaked at the seige of weissaupht. i liked the cage for the gods sequence. that was very cool.#i liked the last gambit and how depending on ur relationship with ur comoanions they can die on the missions you dole out#which is interesting and fun to me. ibcluding the bosses being the companion quests bosses if u dont finish them#i do think having so many companion deaths in the last quest is probably not great for subsequent games . ? but whatever ig#companions themselves are kinda uninteresting to me . ? like this is easily the worst batch. the only true standouts were like davrin and#maybeeeee bellara?#lucanis was especially disappointing actually. i was hoping theyd do more with the. abomination stuff but it was just nothing in the end#spite couldve easily just not been in the game#also he pissed me tf awfff#two shots at ghilanain and he misses both like. YOU HAD ONE JOB AND YOU CANT DO IT RIGHT. STAND UP MAN#couldnt even kill the venator war commander#teia had to do it for him. URGH USELESS#but yeah the idea of a non mage abomination defo couldve been interesting#taash's writing... well its already been talked to death so whatever#ive always been a story >> gameplay person so the fact that the writing dropped in quality this badly is such a shame#all the different types of endings are essentially the same. the only thing that is changed is how solas is handled. and some of them are s#ooc for him its ridiculous#oh and the secret ending at the ending was also so bad. introducing a cliche council of vague evilness that is implied to have controlled#everything from the start? snooze fest#its so bad. it ruins the complexity of loghains character. boils down the complex political tensions in da2. and so on#like its just so aggravating seeing da devolve into this#UURRGGGHHH CAN WE PLASE GO BACK TO CHARACTER AND POLITICAL BASED STORYTELLING PLEASEEE PLSPSLPSLPLSPLSSS
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