#i kind of give too many fucks and that's how we wind up here
elytrafemme · 2 years
my role in my system is really funny because like i formed/adapted to keep the body stable and connected with the outside world. so like i am very grounded and probably the most optimistic and hopeful person of the group. however i am also the most emotionally inconsistent part and am the only one to regularly experience psychosis symptoms so what’s up with that
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alvojake · 7 months
The Summoning | K.SN
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「paring」 : demon!sunoo x fem!virgin!reader 「word count」 : 10k
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「synopsis」 : sometimes you can't even trust your friends or you'll be tied down to an altar as a sacrifice for a demon, but what if this demon offered a deal in exchange for your life?
「genre」 : suggestive/smut(not fully), dark romance, supernatural au, dark, horror/thriller, angst, slight crack, maybe a tinge of fluff??
「warnings」 : blood, demon ritual, the reader is being used as a sacrifice, cursing, cult activities, murder, sunoo is MEAN, talk of corruption, mind reading, threats, manipulation, mentions of partying and drinking, choking, petnames (princess, slut, whore, sir...), degradation, teasing, marking, biting, possessive behavior, fingering, lmk if I missed anything!!
𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖛𝖎𝖔𝖚𝖘 | 𝖒𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 | 𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖙
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When you walked out of your apartment hours earlier to hang out with your ‘friends’ you hadn’t expected to be drugged and tied down to an altar. Yet here you were, hands and legs bound tightly by ropes as they dumped some kind of liquid all over your body. Your eyes were screwed shut trying to keep any of it from getting in them. 
Just when you thought they were done you felt more cascading down your face causing your breath to hitch in your throat, heart pounding in your chest. Your eyes opened slowly when you felt the last of it drop onto your skin only for panic to override your senses when you realized what it was they just poured all over you.
Your stomach turned, feeling like you were about to be sick, tears stinging in the corner of your eyes. Looking up you met the eyes of two of your so-called friends, no longer in their casual attire but now dressed in a black robe, the hood pulled over their heads.
“Why are you guys doing this? I didn’t do anything wrong!” You cried out, tears finally spilling down your cheeks, “please we can talk about this!” Pleas spewed from your lips, but the words fell on deaf ears.
“Gag her.” Someone instructed one of the younger males that stood closest to you. You continued to let out small cries of ‘please’ hoping that they would let you go. The sharp sting that bloomed on your cheek as your head jerked to the side stopped your incessant pleas before a head roughly grabbed your hair, yanking your head back.
“Shut the fuck up.” He growled before grabbing the cloth that someone was handing him, harshly tying it around your mouth, successfully muffling your cries. 
As you tired to look around the dimly lit room you cursed yourself for not taking your mother’s words to heart. Maybe you really did trust too easily, but that's how you’ve always been, you always wanted to give people the benefit of the doubt. Letting them prove themselves instead of your listening to others words, which in some cases you really should have listened. No matter how many times you have had your trust broken you just never seemed to learn, so maybe, just maybe if you had finally listened to your mom, then maybe you wouldn’t be in this situation right now. No you’d be back home in your cozy little apartment probably watching some lousy show curled up on the couch with your roommate.
Instead you laid here, tied to an altar for some unknown reason, covered head to toe in blood and listening to some kind of mantra you didn’t understand. Sobs started to rack your body, tears rushing down your cheek washing away some of the blood. Thrashing against your restraints you cursed yourself for being so stupid, but you also cursed the people you called your friends for tricking you. Rage started to trickle into your mind as your movements became more violent, curses falling from your lips only to be muffled by the gag. 
Just then a strong gust of wind swept the room, blowing all of the candles out and all of your movements stopped. Fear embarrassing your mind once more as you frantically looked around trying to figure out what was happening. 
The chanting that once filled the room was gone, leaving an eerie silence. You felt uneasy, unsure of the weird feeling you could feel creep up your spine. 
What in the world was going on? You were in a closed off room. There was no way in hell that a gust of wind that strong could get in. Yet here you are, in complete darkness, your eyes having a hard time adjusting.
“Did it work?” You heard one of the girls ask off to your right causing your head to whip in her direction ready to ask what was going on despite the gag in your mouth. However, the sudden pressure of something, or someone, breaks you out of your thoughts, your body going rigid. Your eyes slowly moved back to see what it was.
Glowing red eyes welcomed your gaze and a scream erupted from your lungs, tugging on your restraints once more. When the candles around you relit you were finally able to see just who it was that was on top of your body. Through your teary vision you could make out a male, his hair a dark red, his skin was pale and were those horns? 
Sunoo looked down at you, amusement gleaming in his dark orbs relishing in the look of pure terror that painted your pretty face. His head tilted to the side, a small smirk tugging on his lips at the sight of the tears that still flowed from your eyes. Your eyes never left his as he studied your features, the way your eyes were bloodshot due to crying, how even under the gag he could see your bottom lip trembling.
Movement in the corner of his eye reminded him that there were still others in the room. His lip twitched as he saw them all bow around the altar. 
“Oh, great one-” “Get out.” Sunoo’s voice was cold as he kept his gaze on you, watching as your eyes grew wide realizing that he was trying to get you alone. A few of those around the room looked up, confused by Sunoo’s words.
One of the guys stood to his feet, meeting Sunoo’s dark gaze that had fallen on him, “but we-'' In a blink of an eye the weight on top of you was gone and Sunoo stood in front of the male, hand plunged deep in his chest. You watched in horror as he coughed, blood spilling from his lips, eyes looking at the redhead in shock.
With a swift movement Sunoo retracted his hand, pulling the heart out of the male’s chest. Eyes glowing red once more as he looked over his shoulder. “I hate repeating myself.” He hissed as the body in front of him dropped dead. Everyone around you scrambled to their feet with screams, rushing to get out of the room. You watched in horror calling for one of them to help you heart pound against your ribcage making you feel lightheaded. Thanks to the cloth over your mouth all of your words came out muffled as you continued to sob.
Sunoo looked down at the still beating heart in his hand, the organ slowly dying in his palm as it realized that it was no longer able to do its job. With a click of his tongue he tossed it off to the side before turning back to you, his gaze falling on you once more.
The severity of your situation finally weighed down on you as he walked towards you, why were you fighting anyways? It’s not like you were magically going to get out of your restraints and there was no knight in shining armor to save you, so why are you still fighting? 
Sunoo watched in curiosity as you slowly stopped fighting against your restraint, silent sobs fell from your lips, eyes screwed shut. “Aww did you really just accept your fate? Where’s the fun in that?” He pouted as he traced a finger along the side of your face before hooking it around the cloth in your mouth, pulling it down. Your eyes snapped open meeting his ruby red orbs, why would he just suddenly-
“Because you’re an interesting creature.” He answered your question as if he just read your thoughts, making your eyes go wide.
“Did you-” “Just read your mind? Yes.” Sunoo cut you off as he tilted his head once more, taking in your features now that there weren’t any interruptions in the room. He watched as your chest rose and fell rapidly with each breath you took, hearing your heart beating crazily under your ribs.
Now you see normally Sunoo wasn’t one to waste any time with his sacrifices, becoming too annoyed with their incessant whining too quickly. He would just kill them swiftly, though he always stopped to watch the way the life drained from their eyes as he ripped their hearts out much like he did earlier. He would then take their souls back with him to the underworld and call it a day, but there was something about you. Something that drew him in, making him want to know more, wanting to figure out what this pull was.
“Are you going to kill me?” Your voice came out quiet and hoarse from all of the screaming and crying. It still brought Sunoo out of his thoughts, his eyes flickering up to meet yours. You watch him with glossy eyes, his gaze making you feel very overwhelmed especially since he wasn’t saying a word. Without so much as a sound he raised his hand, snapping his finger releasing your limbs from their restraints. Tilting your head back you realized that the ropes had disappeared, your gaze then fell back on his unsure for the first time in your life if you could trust him or not.
Your heart nearly stopped in your chest when his hand grabbed your face roughly, leaning in dangerously close. Close enough that you could feel his warm breath fanning your face, his eyes flashing red causing your breath to hitch in your throat. 
Sunoo smirked sadistically as he watched your eyes go wide, meeting his own, “I won’t kill you. On one condition.” He looked into your eyes, seeing the way that you silently pleaded with him. A rush of excitement rushed up his spine knowing that he was finally going to have a little bit of fun. To be frank he was growing tired of the same old tedious loop that he was constantly stuck in, he wanted something different. Something fun. Something new. 
The little part of his job was that he was able to know just about anything he wanted about his sacrifices just by looking at them. They were all virgins, the purest form of souls and boy did his kind love the taste of them, but Sunoo? It was far too bland for him, no he wanted something more sinful. Then just like that the wheels started turning in his mind, he’d probably get his ass chewed out by the higher ups, but he couldn’t give two shits, not when he was finally gonna get something he longed for.
He made it his mission to take your sweet little innocent soul and tarnish it. Corrupted you until you were anything but pure, then he’d make his final move. He’d kill you, taking your soul back with him as a trophy of his achievements. 
Sunoo knew how naive and clueless you were so he really didn’t have any worries about you agreeing. He was going to use one of your weakest points to her greatest advantage. So his grip tightened on your jaw causing a small whimper to leave your lips.
“I’ll let you live if, and only if, you agree to follow my every command.” He mused, taking in the way your eyebrows scrunched together. 
“That’s it?” You asked, confused, but Sunoo knew as soon as those words left your sweet, plump lips that he’d have you right in the palm of his hand.
“That’s it.” He confirmed, nodding his head before letting go of your face allowing you to sit up. The redhead watched as you tried to piece together his words in your head. Was that all he really wanted? Was for you to listen to him? How could that possibly be? But the moment that you met his eyes he knew what conclusion you had come to.
“Okay… I’ll do it.” He couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride fill his chest as those words fell from your mouth as you tried to wipe the tears from your face, only to smear blood in the process.
A devilish smile spread across his face which you mistook for a simple smile and with a snap of his fingers a paper scroll appeared out of thin air, surprising you. Where had it come from? Ignoring your confused expression he laid the paper in front of you, watching as the contract wrote itself. However, you were far too busy trying to figure out how he made it appear to see the ink filling the page.
“Alright then princess, all you need to do is sign.” He instructed you, snapping you out of your daze and you quickly skimmed over the paper seeing that it pretty much said what Sunoo had already told you. By the time you got to the bottom of the page you realized that you didn’t have a pen to sign with.
Meekly you looked over at Sunoo and he just waved the quill pen in his hand before holding his other hand out. Confused, you looked at his hand before meeting his gaze once more. “Give me your hand.” His voice made you shiver before slowly and carefully placing your hand in his. In quick movements he pricked the tip of your finger with the pen earning a yelp from you as you ripped your hand away from him, looking at him with wide eyes.
“What was that for?” You questioned as you cradled your hand to your chest, eyes watching as he rolled his. 
“You’ll need to sign it with your blood.” He told you like it was something you should have already known. With a small pout you took the pen from his hand and quickly signed your name on the bottom line of the page. A smirk tugged on Sunoo’s lips as he watched how quickly you pretty much signed your freedom away, all because you thought ‘what is the worst he could do?’ The answer to that was that he could very easily make your like a living dream or your worst fucking nightmare.
Once you were finished you quickly handed the scroll back to the red-haired male, looking at him expectantly. He took a step away from you, giving you a smile, “Then I’ll see you later princess.” Just then another gust of wind swept the room causing you to close your eyes.
When you opened your eyes once more you found yourself back in your bedroom, sitting in bed as if nothing had just happened. Was it all really just a dream? Your eyebrows scrunched together, bringing your hand up to caress your forehead, but stopped when you saw the red and purple skin on your wrist.
You knew it wasn’t a dream, that you really just made a deal with the devil himself. Slowly removing the blanket from your body you let your legs dangle over the edge, still trying to wrap your head around what had just happened. 
Walking into the bathroom you made your way over to the sink not even bothering to turn the lights on. Turning the tap on you hoped that maybe washing your face with some cold water would make you feel better, but even as you rubbed the white soap studs on your face questions still infiltrated your brain. When you go done you quickly dry your face before walking out of the bathroom, towards your bedroom door.Peeking your head out you took note of just how quiet the house was. Jungwon must be asleep by now so you decided against better judgment that you wouldn’t wake him up. Shutting the door once more you walked over to your bed, laying face down first hoping that sleep would help clear your mind, except… it didn’t. If anything you were left staring at your ceiling all night lost in your thoughts.
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Jungwon stood in the kitchen with a cup of coffee in one hand, his phone in the other. The sound of dragging feet caused him to look up only to find you walking in. A yawn escaped your lips as you rubbed your eyes, your hair was an absolute mess. Pieces were sticking up while others stuck to your forehead, it quite frankly looked like you just walked out of a tornado. He stifled a laugh with his coffee causing you to look up at him with a pointed look.
“Shut up, I didn’t get much sleep last night.” A groan slipped from your lips as you massaged the crease in your forehead. He smirked while wiggling his eyebrows, causing you to raise yours, “you’re weird.”
“I’m weird? You’re the one that was out for god who knows how long.” Jungwon rolled his eyes and you stopped dead in your tracks, small clips of last night flashing in your mind. “Where were you anyways? You never showed up to that party.”
“I…” You trailed on not really sure what to tell him, not without sounding like a complete maniac. “I don’t remember actually.”
Jungwon looked at you with a skeptical gaze, spilling on his now lukewarm coffee, his nose scrunching. He knew you weren’t one to get drunk at a party, you were normally the driver for them. So for you to get so drunk that you completely forget everything that happened, was completely out of character seeing as you hated the feeling. 
“Everything okay?” He asked, causing you to hum as you walked to the cabinet with the cups in them. 
Everything from last night replayed in your head, from them tricking you into some abandoned church, to signing some contract with that guy. Was he even a guy? Then you remembered how they all probably thought you were dead. What was going to happen when you had to go back to class on Monday? And what about the deal you made? Was he really going to make you follow his every command?
Then you started to remember everything he did. He couldn’t be a human, there was no way in hell that he was, not with what he did. How could someone so easily stick their hand in another person's chest? Or what about you being back in your room, like nothing had happened?
“Did you get drunk enough to get a tattoo?” Jungwon snickered, pulling you from your thoughts. 
You looked over at him with wide eyes, confused. “What?” 
Jungwon just shook his head, a small smirk forming on his lips as he pointed to his chest right under his collarbone. You don’t have tattoos, they weren’t ever a thought in your mind either so with rushed movements you sat your cup down before making your way into the entrance hall where you had a mirror hanging.
Once you saw your reflection your eyes went to the spot that your roommate had pointed out. There right underneath your collarbone was a tattoo, upon closer inspection you could tell that they were words. However, you couldn’t quite make out what it was saying because it seemed to be in a different language that you definitely didn’t understand.
Running your fingers over it you felt a chill go down your spine, the skin was completely smooth not a single sign of irritation. Which meant that it had to have been there a while, but that couldn’t be the case seeing as you have never seen this before just now. Where could this have come from? Did it happen last night?
You had gotten so lost in your thoughts that you completely missed Jungwon teasing you about how you’d probably have to get it covered up. The dark-haired male mistook your confusion for panic, seeing as if your parents found out they’d have your head served on a silver platter, but your parents were the last thing on your mind at the moment. Your fingertips were still rubbing the skin when you noticed the skin getting warmer, eyebrows scrunched together.
“Hey are you still going out to eat with us before the party tonight?” Jungwon asked, remembering that Jake and Sunghoon were going to be over later, though his words fell on deaf ears. Concerned he pushed himself off of the doorframe and walked over to you, were you really that concerned about a tattoo? He walked over to you and placed his hand on your shoulder, but quickly backed away when you jumped and swung your hand at him.
You both stood in shocked silence, staring at each other with wide eyes. Never once had you reacted like that and Jungwon no longer thought that it was the tattoo, he started to wonder what really happened last night. 
You try to regulate your sporadic heart before running your shaky fingers through your hair, “I’m just going to stay home.” Then you walked around the male not giving him a chance to say a word.
Jungwon just stood there confused as he watched you disappear into your room, the door shutting softly. He had never seen you so jumpy before nor has he seen you so out of it like you just were. Though he figured that something must have happened last night, he wasn’t going to press you for information so he just decided to leave it.
He just shrugged his shoulders before pulling his phone out letting the guys know that you wouldn’t be going before walking off to his room planning on getting some homework done before the guys showed up.
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You had spent the majority of the day in your room trying anything and everything to get your mind off of what had happened last night and the strange mark on your chest. You tried to read, but everything seemed to remind you of that mysterious man. Tried working on homework, but kept messing up on all of the problems so you gave up. Tried to listen to music, but it never seemed to be loud enough to drown out the thoughts.
With a groan you just flopped on your bed staring at the ceiling trying to piece everything together, but then you heard your phone vibrate on your nightstand. Your body froze, you had completely forgotten about the device. 
What if they already figured out that you weren’t dead? They wouldn’t try to kill you would they? 
A chill went down your spine at the thought, but you knew you’d have to face them sooner or later. However, much to your relief when you opened your phone you just saw that it was the boys in the group chat.
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Letting out a huff you threw your phone off to the side not even bothering to check the plethora of other notifications that you had. You figured that you would just cook dinner for yourself then watch a movie or something until Jungwon got back.
So that's what you did, you got up and made your way into the kitchen searching through the fridge and pantry for something to cook. Remembering that you still have a few packs of your favorite ramen left you opened the cabinet they were normally in. Only that they weren’t there, just the empty packaging.
You then heard footsteps in the hall so you quickly peeked your head around the corner seeing Jungwon slipping his shoes on.
“Hey Won.” The sickly sweet tone in your voice sent a chill down his spine as he slowly turned to look at you with a nervous smile, “Tell Jake that he owes me ramen or he’s a dead man the next time I see him, ‘kay?”
The poor boy just quickly nodded his head before telling you bye and walking out of the door. If there was one thing that Jungwon knew better than to mess with was your ramen, now Jake on the other hand had a bad habit of eating her stash and not replacing it.
So the first words out of Jungwon’s mouth when he got into the car were, “You’re a dead man, Sim Jaeyun.”
Jake turned around in the passenger seat to look back at the younger male, confused by what he meant, until Jungwon explained that he needed to stop eating your ramen if he wasn’t going to buy more. Jake swore up and down that he was going to buy more before literally blowing your phone up with apologies and pleads to not strangle him. Which of course went unnoticed by you because you had left your phone in your bedroom.
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It had to be way past midnight and you were still perched on the couch with a bowl of popcorn at your side while you watched yet another movie. Thankfully after about two movies your mind started to calm down and you were finally able to distract yourself. You put a few more pieces of popcorn in your mouth after mumbling something that had happened on the screen.
Your body went rigid when you felt fingers brush along your jaw before grabbing your face. Sunoo smirks at your reaction before leaning down enough to have his lips brushing against the shell of your ear.
“Are you not cold?” His breath against your skin sent a shiver down your spine, you recognized his voice almost immediately.
His grip on your face loosened a bit allowing you to turn your head to meet his chocolate orbs, however, the words died on your tongue. Your eyes searched for him, for what? You weren’t entirely sure, but unlike the first time you met him you were scared. Scared wouldn’t even come close to it. No you were intrigued. Intrigued by what he was, what he does, how he speaks, how he sounds, how he smells, how he tastes. 
Your whole body shivered at the thoughts that raced through your mind and Sunoo’s smirk widened as he listened to each and every one of them. He chuckled and the sound left your brain fuzzy.
A small squeak of surprise left your lips as Sunoo’s ring-clad fingers wrapped around your throat, squeezing softly. “I bet you enjoy walking around like a little slut, don’t you?” His voice dropped a lower octave as you tried your best to not let any sounds escape your lips. “Walking around half naked and letting your roommate see, you love the attention.”
A soft sigh fell from your lips as Sunoo’s free hand brushed over your exposed collarbone, moving down to the top of your breast that was exposed. You closed your eyes trying to ignore how hot his touches were making your body.
“H-He doesn’t care, we agreed-”
Sunoo’s grip tightened on your throat causing your breath to hitch, “Agreed on what exactly? Hmm? That you can walk around like a prostitute while he eye fucks you all day long only to go and rub one out in his room the moment he could?” A strangled cry fell from your lips as he harshly grabbed your boob in his hand. Sunoo smirked as he watched the way you were rubbing your thighs together, “I bet you even let him touch you huh, just like a little slut.”
You shook your head the best you could with his hand snuggly wrapped around your neck. A gasp then left your parted lips when he cupped your heat through your shorts. You bit your lip as he pressed harder into you feeling your slick soak through the layers of fabric.
“Do you enjoy being talked down to that much princess?” He chuckled as he ghosted his lips against your jaw, watching in amusement as your hip bucked into his hand when his finger pressed down on your clit. A moan escaped your lips when he pressed down on your hips, keeping you in place as he continued to rub your clit through your shorts. “You’re such a needy fucking brat.”
“Plea-” Your words caught in your throat as his hand tightened around your neck making you feel lightheaded. 
Sunoo watched you with a smug smirk, but he wasn’t fully satisfied. No, there was something he wanted to hear from your lips. Letting up on his pace he moved to your ear, eyes never leaving your body.
“Say my name slut,” His voice was rough as he bit down on the shell of your ear. You opened your mouth to tell him that you had no clue what his name was, but then it flashed in your mind as if you’ve known it for eternity.
“S-Sunoo.” Your eye nearly rolled to the back of your head when he picked up the pace of his fingers. Your whole body felt like it was on fire and your mind fogged over as you felt your high quickly approaching. And just like that it was gone.
A whine left your lips when he moved his hand away from your core, but his other hand stayed firmly around your throat. Sunoo’s warm breath fanned the side of your face causing a chill to go down your spine as you squirmed under him. His lips kissed your jaw softly before nipping at the skin right under your ear and a sweet moan left your lips.
“This is only the beginning princess, don’t get used to it.” Then with that he released his grip and moved away from your body. You quickly turned on the couch to ask him what he meant by that only to find yourself completely alone in the living room.
Letting out a frustrated huff you turn back around on the couch fixing your clothes trying to focus on the movie. Then the front door burst open scaring the shit out of you, nearly causing you to knock the popcorn off of the couch.
Jungwon stumbled through the front door with a very, very drunk Jake on his arm. He grumbled about how he ought to just leave him outside. When he walked into the living room he saw you sitting on the couch staring at him with wide eyes.
“You okay?” He asked you softly as he moved further into the room and you just nodded before looking over at the passed out boy next to Jungwon.
“I’m fine, but he doesn’t look too good.” You stifled a laugh as you watched Jungwon practically throw Jake down on the loveseat. Jake let out a pained grunt before laying his head back and falling asleep. 
“He’ll be fine, he’s lucky I didn’t just leave him there.” Jungwon rolled his eyes before grabbing two of the smaller throw blankets that were sitting on the shelf by the entrance, throwing one on Jake before walking over to you. “He’s a dumbass and forgot his house keys and his roommate is out of town until Thursday.” 
You giggled against your hand, because it’s not like it was a first time occurrence. Jake always seemed to get overly excited about things and always forgets something.
Jungwon couldn’t help but smile at the sound that left your lips as he sat down next to you. You shifted over a little bit before laying your head on his shoulder and he covered the both of you with the blanket.
“What were you watching?” He asked, causing you to look at the tv screen seeing the credit rolling. You hummed trying to remember but with everything that had just happened you completely forgot what you had put on.
“Uh, just some romcom.” You bit your lip as you reached for the remote hoping that that was what you had been watching. Thankfully that was exactly what you had been watching causing Jungwon to laugh.
“That’s a first, you're normally binging any of the horror movies you can while I’m gone.” He teased as you laid your head back down on his shoulder.
You shrugged, “I wanted something different.”
Jungwon just hummed as he laid his hand on your bare thigh causing your breath to hitch, the skin under his hand tingling. This wasn’t anything new between you two, you were known for being close with each other but never once did you feel like this when Jungwon did something like that. 
“You okay?” Jungwon asked, worry laced in his words as he looked over at you and you just quickly nodded. Without another word you found another movie and played it trying to ignore the feeling you were getting from the way Jungwon’s thumb rubbed your inner thigh, and how you wished it was Sunoo’s.
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That next morning you had hoped that you could at least sleep in for a little bit before getting around before school the next day, but you were rudely awakened.
“Y/NNNIE wake up!” Jake’s voice paired with his body landing on you knocked you completely awake. A groan fell from your lips as you pushed his face away from you still smelling a hint of alcohol on his breath.
“God dammit Jake go brush your teeth!” You whined trying to get him off of you but he weighed a lot and you didn’t have the strength to push him off. So he just stayed there snuggled up to you and you groaned, “Won please!” You called out for your roommate only to hear him chuckle from the hall before walking away.
With a huff, you just gave up trying to get the older boy off of you and just laid there. Jake just smiled before lying there comfortably. That was until you pinched his shoulder, hard. 
“OUCH! What was that for?!” Jake whined as he sat up, off of your body. You just smirked before getting out of bed, grabbing your hoodie that was hanging on the back of your desk chair.
“There’s a list of reasons, but we’ll just go with the fact that you still owe me ramen.” You stifled a laugh watching as his face contorted in horror before he quickly ran out of your room. Scoffing, you rushed up to your door, peeking your head out, “You better come back with my ramen Sim Jaeyun!” 
You walked into the kitchen seeing Jake standing on the other side of the island with a nervous smile. Any step you took to walk closer to him, he would step away from you, becoming a game of cat and mouse.
“What if I told you I wasn’t the one that ate it?” Jake’s voice shook as he quickly dodged your outstretched arm, racing to the opposite side of the counter.
“Jake, I swear to god I will climb over this island.” You hissed, glaring at him and he just chuckled. However, as soon as you started climbing on the counter he let out a screech before taking off towards the living room.
“SHE’S GONNA KILL ME!” He cried out darting to hide behind the couch as you jumped off of the countertop. Stalking into the living room you could hear Jake begging you to forgive him and that he promises to get you more.
Though the moment that the room went silent Jake felt his nerves spike, carefully getting up, he peeked over the top of the couch but didn’t see you anywhere. Until he felt a sudden pressure on his back before he fell flat on the ground with a groan. You grabbed his arm before pulling it behind him until he cried out.
“Ow y/n that hurts!” He whined as he tried to wiggle out from underneath you, but every time that he moved you would pull more on his arm causing his movements to stop.
“Maybe next time you’ll think before you eat my food.” You grumbled as you sat fully on his back, keeping him in place.
Jungwon walked into the living room only to stop dead in his tracks at the sight, “What the fuck…?”
Jake lifted his head at the sound and smiled widely when he caught sight of the younger male. “Won, please help me.” He begged the dark-haired boy who just stood there with a raised eyebrow.“You got yourself into this mess and I’m definitely not going against her.” Jungwon pointed to you as you looked at Jake with a sinister smirk. He then turned and started walking away ignoring Jake’s cries for help. “How am I the youngest one here?”
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“I guess there is supposed to be a new student,” Jungwon told you and he scrolled through his Instagram feed, stopping on a few of the girl’s posts to like them causing you to scrunch your nose.
“Anyone say who it was?” You took a sip of your coffee as you both walked into the classroom. It's damn near the end of the semester so why start so late? 
“Nope just that it was some guy.” Your roommate just shrugged his shoulders before you sat down at your shared table, dropping his bag to the side. Taking a seat, you set your coffee to the side only for Jungwon to snatch it and take a drink resulting in you giving him the world-class nastiest side-eye.
“You’re lucky you’re cute Won.” You grumbled as you pulled your laptop out of your backpack along with your notebook, getting everything ready for class. However, just as you were about to open your laptop a shadow cast over you causing you and Jungwon to look over.
Your face dropped when you realized who it was that was standing there, anger bubbling in your gut. Joonwoo stood there with a nervous smile, hands clasped in front of his body.
“Hey, y/n could we possibly talk after class?” He asked in hopes that he could work out some deal that wouldn’t result in you dying seeing as that’s what everyone else wanted. Though when you rolled your eyes and told him no he felt his heart drop.
“Y/n plea-” “What about no, do you not get Joonwoo?” You cut him off harshly looking at him with a raised eyebrow before leaning on the table, “Right, that’s a foreign word to you isn’t it?”
Jungwon almost choked on the coffee as he looked at you with wide eyes, had that been why you were so freaked out the other day? What did he do to you? Thoughts spiraled in Jungwon’s brain as he glared at the other male.
“Aww c’mon y/n don’t be like that, we just wanna talk.” Another more higher-pitched voice chimed in and you glared at Haeun as she walked up to the table, sitting on the edge. 
Your glare deepened when she started to mess with your papers so you snatched them out of her hand, “and I don’t wanna talk to people like you, so bye.” Your words caused both of their eyes to widen, they really thought that you would go. 
“Listen here-” “No you listen here Haeun.” You growled, standing and getting in her face, your voice low, “Unless you want the entirety of the university to know what you did and who you mess around with I suggest you leave me the fuck alone.” 
You may have always trusted so easily, but that didn’t mean that you were gonna allow those who wronged you back in. No, once that trust is broken, there is no fixing it.
“Yeah and what proof?” Haeun rolled her eyes, putting distance between the two of you and you just sat back down in your seat. Arms crossed over your chest you just smirked at her.
“I have my ways, trust me.” Though your voice was steady internally you started to panic a little, you had no idea how you were going to get any of the said proof. That’s when a familiar shade of red hair caught your attention.
There at the front of the classroom talking to the teacher, was Sunoo. Looking over he caught your eyes, a smirk playing on his lips. His eyes then flickered over to the two that were standing next to you and a look of disgust graced his feature making you giggle.
“What’s so funny?” Haeun asked bitterly, causing you to just look at her with a smug smile, you then pointed to the front of the room. Haeun rolled her eyes again making your eyes narrow wishing they’d get stuck in the back of her head, however, the satisfaction of seeing the horrified looks on their face was more than enough.
Sunoo’s glare was enough for Haeun to jump off of the table and drag Joonwoo away with her. You stifled a laugh as you watched them scurry away before looking over at Jungwon who was glaring in their direction. Your smile slowly faded as you realized that he heard the whole thing. Mentally cursing yourself you met his eyes when he looked back over at you.
“What the hell happened that night?” There was worry in his tone, but also a tinge of anger. You bit your lip as you tried your best to avoid his gaze, “y/n.”
“Can we talk about this later Won?” You gave him a pleading look not really wanting to talk about what happened in the middle of a classroom where anyone could hear you. Jungwon sighed before nodding and facing the front of the class where Sunoo was talking to the professor.
Now that you could actually get a good look at him you noticed that he wasn’t dressed anything like he had been those nights ago. He wore a pair of blue jeans and a white sweater which baffled you because it was late spring, how was he not hot? Another thing that threw you off was how sweet he was acting with the teacher. 
Sunoo could feel your eyes on him and even with all of the insistent chatter in the room all he could hear were your thoughts. A small smirk tugged on his lips as he listened to you lose yourself in thoughts of him. When the professor excused him after showing him his seat, Sunoo smiled sweetly before locking eyes with yours momentarily. His eyes flashed red quickly, but it was more than enough to have you squirming in your seat.
For the remainder of class the only thing on your mind was Sunoo and boy was the demon enjoying it. Listening to you fight your thoughts as you watch the way his hand grips his pencil, or when he intentionally rubs his shoulder before letting his fingers trace over his neck much like he had done to you the other night.
He had to bite his lip to suppress the smirk that was fighting to spread on his lips as he listened to the lewd thoughts that started to race through your mind the second you remembered what had happened Saturday night.
As soon as the bell rang you quickly gathered your stuff, shoving it in your backpack. Sunoo watched in amusement as you ushered your roommate out of the classroom, eyes flickering to meet his before you disappeared out of the room.
“A game of cat and mouse hmm?” Sunoo twirled his pencil on the tip of his finger, the skin growing warmer, “doesn’t she know she’ll lose?” His eyes flashed red as the pencil incinerated, turning to dust that blew around the room.
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During your lunch break, you had decided that cafeteria food didn’t sound all too appealing and you really didn’t want to go home for a short amount of time just to have to turn around and come right back. So you went with your plan b and just grabbed something from the vending machine, the only problem? You couldn’t figure out which of the snacks you wanted.
“You always did really like the cookies.” The sudden voice caused you to jump before your head whipped around just to find Joonwoo standing there.
Rolling your eyes you turned back around, feeding your money into the machine. You clicked a few buttons before watching as a bag of chips fell to the bottom. Bending down you opened the small compartment and grabbed your snack out before standing straight, looking right at Joonwoo.
“Why do you keep bothering me Joonwoo?” You crossed your arms over your chest glaring at him, “Did you really think that I wouldn’t notice you following me around like some love-sick puppy?”
Joonwoo stood there with a nervous smile on his lips, his hand reaching around to scratch the back of his neck, eyes averting yours. He wasn’t even really sure what to tell you, nor what he should ask you. 
“About the other night-” “What about it? Don’t say some stupid shit like ‘Oh it was a mistake we definitely didn’t mean to tie you to an altar as a sacrifice for a demon’ because we both know that it wasn't a mistake.” Your tone was bitter, causing the boy to jump as his eyes went wide, though you weren’t quite done, “You know I had completely trusted you guys, you and Haeun were my first friends here besides Jungwon yet as soon as I got a little too comfortable you used me? So no I really don’t want to hear any of your bullshit okay? I just want you to leave me the hell alone, got it?”
Joonwoo stood there, his mouth opening and closing like a fish searching for water. He wasn’t really sure what to say at that point, because he was going to apologize and try to beg for your forgiveness. However, now it looks like that wasn’t going to be an option so he just decided to go with the next plan.
“You do know that the moment the others find out you're alive they’ll kill you?” His words sent a chill down your spine, of course, you knew that. You had expected it, but to be quite frank you didn’t feel a single bit of fear, why? You weren’t entirely sure.
“You nor your filthy followers won’t be laying a finger on her.” His voice sent a litter of goosebumps all across your skin as you felt his hand snake around your waist, holding your hip firmly.
Joonwoo’s eyes went wide as he looked at the demon that now stood protectively behind you, then down to you. Despite your racing heart, you kept a poker face with Joonwoo, raising an eyebrow at him.
“B-But we summoned you, you’re supposed to grace us.” The boy in front of you stammered, pointing his finger at the redhead.
Sunoo raised an eyebrow at the male, “First put that disgusting thing down before I rip it off.” His lips curled as he looked Joonwoo up and down before continuing. “Second, maybe you stupid mortals should have thought about who you were summoning.” Then in a blink of an eye, Sunoo stood in front of Joonwoo, his hand wrapped around his throat cutting his oxygen supply off. “I don’t play by the rules,” Sunoo smirked as he watched the boy struggle to breathe.
You couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride swell in your chest knowing that you had Sunoo right behind you, protecting you and oh boy did that excite you. Sunoo on the other hand was absolutely loving how naive you were, how easy it was to play with you, to bend you and before too long he’d have you shaped perfectly just for him.
However, you remembered that you were still in school and there were cameras everywhere and someone could possibly see what was going on.
“Sunoo, there’s cameras.” You warned him, shifting on your feet suddenly uncomfortable with the thought of being caught. The redhead, however, could care less about it and continued to choke out the poor boy who was pleading with his eyes. When you realized that he wasn’t letting go you rushed up to him, grabbing his bicep. “Sunoo let him go.” Your voice was low while you continued to try and spot the cameras.
Sunoo glanced over at you, catching the worry on your face as you looked around the area. With a roll of his eyes, he shoved Joonwoo away with a ‘tsk’.
“Get out of my sight, rat,” Sunoo growled and Joonwoo quickly scrambled to his feet and raced down the hall. He then turned towards you and that’s when you realized just how close you were to him and quickly backed away. Sunoo smirked at your reaction before his eyes flashed, sending a rush of heat through your body.
You could feel the heat pooling in your gut and cursed yourself for getting so turned on so easily. Something about him was starting to drive you insane and you needed to get away, quick. So without another thought, you started to walk away, narrowly dodging his outstretched hand.
“Where are you going princess?” He taunted you, but you could hear the annoyance in his tone.
Turning with a nervous smile you just pointed behind you with your thumb, “Gotta get to class, bye!” And with that, you quickly dashed down the hall trying to create as much distance as possible between the two of you, only breathing when you made it to your next class. Sitting down you placed a hand over your racing heart, taking a deep breath and slowly releasing it, “What the hell is wrong with me…?”
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You had spent the rest of the day trying your best to avoid Sunoo in any way possible even if they meant you accidentally dragged Jungwon into the girl's bathroom. The poor boy was mortified when the girls inside started to freak out, quickly apologizing and rushing out. You couldn’t help but laugh as he dragged you down the hall to your next class.
“Won, I’m sorry.” You apologized between fits of laughter and he just gave you a nasty side-eye.
However, now that you were finally home after a long day at school then having to work a short shift at the game store. It was all very exhausting for no reason in particular. 
Stepping out of the shower you wrapped your towel around your body before walking over to the mirror, wiping the condensation off so you could see your reflection. Your eyes immediately went to the marking on your chest, fingers brushing over it softly.
You still had no idea what it said and it did bug you a little bit but you weren’t going to let yet another thing occupy your mind right now. So you quickly pushed it to the back burner and grabbed your underwear to slip it up your legs after drying your body off. Once your shirt was on you started using another towel to dry your hair off.
Humming to yourself you walked out of the bathroom, switching the lights off before walking into your room.
Sunoo laid on your bed one of your books in his hand mindlessly flipping through it until he heard the door shut. Looking up he watched as you walked further into the room, hands busy drying your hair. 
His eyes then trailed down the length of your body taking in the way that your tits sat under the thin fabric of your shirt and how your legs were on perfect display as the shirt hiked up.
Finally looking up a small scream left your lips before you smacked a hand over your mouth, your heart racing in your chest as you met Sunoo’s eyes.
“Y/n is everything okay?” Jungwon asked from the other side of the door, causing Sunoo to smirk. Part of him wanted the younger boy to walk in and find him on your bed, but the other, stronger, part of him wanted Jungwon completely out of the picture.
“Everything's fine, Won, it was just a bug.” You called out to him, moving your hands to your side in the process. Your eyes never left Sunoo’s even as he sat up on the bed, motioning for you to come.
Your heart wanted to move because you knew what he could do for you, but your brain kept you in place out of fear of what he could do to you. However, Sunoo grew annoyed rather quickly when you stayed put, your wide, doe eyes staring at him.
“Come, now.” He growled, his eyes turned that very ruby red that made you weak in the knees.
Slowly you made your way over to him, your lip trapped between your teeth as you bit on the sensitive skin. Though as soon as you were close enough Sunoo wrapped his hand around your arm pulling you onto the bed.
A gasp fell from your lips as your back hit the soft mattress. Sunoo hovered over you, his body pressed against yours. You could feel the heat rising up your neck, painting your face a deep shade of red. Sunoo leaned down, pressing his body more against yours and your breath hitched in your throat. His scent invaded your senses making your head spin, but when his lips brushed over your jaw you felt your brain malfunction.
“You remember our deal don’t you princess?” His tone held a warning and of course, you remembered the deal, it was the reason you were alive. However, it was still instilled in your brain that he wouldn’t actually mean every word. Oh how wrong you were.
His hand that was on your hip trailed up your waist before stopping right above the collar of your shirt. Hooking his finger under the fabric, pulling it down, and tracing his finger over your collarbone. Right over the marking.
“This right here is proof enough.” He pulled back and looked down at you as you stared back at him.
You swallowed thickly, “proof of what?”
He chuckled before latching his lips to your neck, biting down on the skin, “that you belong to me.”
A small moan escaped from your parted lips as his knee brushed against your core. You quickly bit your lip to muffle any other sounds as he continued to mark up your neck and the small part of your chest that was exposed.
Sunoo felt a sense of pride bloom in his chest at your little sounds, but he wanted to hear more. He wanted more, he wanted you to be loud, to scream his name, but most of all he wanted your roommate to know.
Sunoo wasn’t stupid, he knew that Jungwon liked you. Sunoo knew that the boy had longed to be with you but was always too scared to make the first move. He wanted Jungwon to know that he was too late, that you already found your place under someone, that the someone wasn’t him.
His hands found your hips pulling them down, pressing your core against his thigh. A mewl left your mouth as you grabbed his forearm. 
“Sunoo.” His name rolled off your tongue like butter. You wanted to push him away, scared that Jungwon would hear something and come to investigate, but the other part of you wanted to pull Sunoo closer and let him have his way with you.
The redhead smirked against your skin as he listened to your internal thoughts. Listening to how the lust slowly started to overtake your mind until you were completely consumed. 
You rolled your hips against his thigh trying to gain more friction as whines fell from your lip due to Sunoo’s assault on your neck. He bit down on your sweet spot causing your body to shiver and a moan relatively louder than the rest to tear from your lungs. He continued to abuse that spot until he was sure it was going to be the darkest one as you rutted your hips against him.
You whined when he moved his leg away from your body, but the sound was quickly caught in your throat when his hand moved down to press against your cunt.
“You’re so wet already, are all virgins this desperate?” He moved away from your neck to look at you, but as soon as his eyes met yours your hands flew up to cover your face. “Uh-uh, princess.” Sunoo removed his hand from your pussy before pulling your hands from your face, pinning them above your head. You stared at him with wide eyes, your bottom lip trembling as he smirked. “I want to see your pretty face while I make you go stupid with just my fingers.” 
Sunoo watched in amusement as your face turned a bright shade of red, but you just nodded your head. He chuckled before shaking his and leaning down closer to your face.
“Use your words, do you understand slut?” His gruff voice caused a small whimper to leave your lips and your body felt like it was on fire.
“Yes sir.” You weren’t sure what compelled you to say that, but by the sinister smirk on Sunoo’s face, you knew he liked it.
He let go of your hands and you left them lying by your head until his hand came in contact with your clothed core once more. A mewl fell from your lips as he pressed on your clit, your hands going to his shoulders.
Your head fell back with a moan as he slipped his fingers past your underwear, feeling your slick folds. He leaned down nipping at the newly exposed skin of your neck as he outlined your slit with his finger, collecting your slick before pressing down on your clit.
“Ah fuck!” You cried out a whole new sensation filling your body, sure you had touched yourself before but this was new, different. Your back arched off of the bed as he slipped a finger into your soaked hole. You bit down on your lip to muffle the sounds that threatened to leave and you balled Sunoo’s shirt into your fist.
“Such a dirty mouth, just like this little pussy of yours.” Sunoo smirked against your skin, picking up the pace of his fingers, “I’ve barely done anything and you’re already about to cum, what a filthy whore.”
His words burned in all of the good ways making your head feel fuzzy, however, when he added another finger you were sure you were about to combust. You were sure your lip was bleeding with how hard you were biting it to try and muffle your sweet sounds that Sunoo wanted to hear.
His lips brushed against your ear, his breath sending a shiver down your spine, “better stay quiet if you don’t want him to know what a little slut you are.” Sunoo sped up his movements, testing how much you could take before you’d actually break. A wide smirk spread across his lips when he brushed over your sweet spot causing you to clench around his fingers and a breathy moan finally leaving your now parted lips.
“Sir I wanna cum, please.” You whined out as your fingers dug into his shoulders.
Sunoo chuckled darkly before pumping his finger in and out of your pussy at a harsh pace. Lewd, wet sounds filled the room as you cried out weakly still trying to stay quiet. His fingers hitting your sweet spot had you almost toppling over the edge.
“Then cum princess,” That’s all it took before your jaw fell slack and your eyes rolled back a whine tearing through your throat. Sunoo wanted to burn the image in his head forever as he continued to pump his fingers into your sopping cunt.
He so badly wanted to torture you until you were begging him to fuck you, but he knew that he had all the time he needed. So he pulled his fingers away from your needy hole causing you to whine at the sudden empty feeling. 
You wanted to beg him to fuck you but you were also scared, you had never done anything like that before and it was horrifying. On the other hand, though it was also exciting because if it was going to be anything like you just felt now, you want it and more.
“Sunoo-” The redhead cut you off as he placed a kiss on the corner of your mouth leaving you to look at him with wide eyes.
“There’s no need to rush princess, we do have a lifetime after all.” He smirked but something was mincing about it that made your stomach turn. You opened your mouth to say something but the lights flickered and when you looked again, he was gone.
You groaned before flopping back on the bed, chest heaving with every breath as you stared blankly at the ceiling. Everything was going a hundred miles an hour in your head but the number one question you had for yourself was…
“What the hell did I get myself into?”
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@alvojake | Do not steal, plagiarise, translate, or repost any of my work
𝖉𝖎𝖘𝖈𝖑𝖆𝖎𝖒𝖊𝖗 : ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪꜱ ɴᴏ ᴡᴀʏ ᴀ ᴛʀᴜᴇ ʀᴇᴘʀᴇꜱᴇɴᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏꜰ ᴀɴʏ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀꜱ. ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪꜱ ᴘᴜʀᴇʟʏ ꜰɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴀɴᴅ ꜰᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏᴍᴇɴᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴀɴᴅ ɴᴏᴛ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴛᴀᴋᴇɴ ���ᴇʀɪᴏᴜꜱʟʏ.
𝖙𝖆𝖌𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 : @heesitation @riftanswhore @luvyong2z @heeslut4life @fromkamal @mari-marimar @topichoon @strxwbloody @yeonzzzn @marimariiiiiiii @m3chigo @seoniwoo
(If your user is bold and purple it means I couldn't tag you for whatever reason :( )
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vrystalius · 14 days
I have been way too shy to ask you for a request and now that i am here writing it, it feels weird but, i love your writing way too much ❤️❤️❤️ can we get the Hashira and upper moons if it's not too much 😅. A scenario where they always been in love and had this huge crush on reader but they always say "I will confess when the moment is perfect" but then the reader falls in love with a boy from the village ,but then he breaks her heart by leaving her and now she is crying and sulking in her favourite spot when they find her and now they take the opportunity to confess telling her she needs someone who actually loves her and takes care of her.
(Sorry if it's too much it's my first ask and I don't know how else to put it please pardon my bad english) ❤️❤️❤️❤️
You’re crying from being heartbroken. What will the hashira do?
Note: I kind of completed this request differently and noticed it too late, I’m so sorry! And I apologise that it took so long. Thank you for sending in a request, I am extremely honoured that you entrusted me with this ask. I’ll try to write one for the Upper Moons as well. Your english is perfectly fine! Again, thank you!
Pairing: Sanemi, Kyojuro, Gyomei, Giyu x gn!reader
Sanemi Shinazugawa
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He’s been denying his feelings for you for a while now. You’re too pretty, too smart, too strong and way too good for Sanemi to even have a single chance at dating you. He has been holding his feelings inside while watching you talking interacting with that damn kakushi everytime you saw them. Sanemi saw how much your eyes brightened up and your smile widened when with them.
He hated it so much. He fucking hated himself for feeling all these things and how much they’re making his heart hurt. It was distracting him from doing his missions properly. Sanemi started to get careless, getting slashed more often and taking more hits during practice. The others started to notice how absentminded he seemed and grew worried for the wind hashira.
Sanemi felt selfish when he helped you lean against his shoulder, holding you close to himself. Your tears were dropping onto his shoulder, beginning to soak his uniform. That damn kakushi rejected you and broke your golden heart, and now you’re here, crying against him. His hand was gently rubbing up and down your arm, trying to soothe you.
His mind was clouded with guilt, now thinking that he might have a chance with you. Was that shitty of him to think of that right now while you wrapped your arms around Sanemi and cried into his shoulder?
“I’ll kill that damn boy for ya. You don’t deserve gettin’ your heart broken…”
Kyojuro Rengoku
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You two have been friends for such a long time and Kyojuro fell for you quickly after meeting you. He rants about you to his little brother, boasting about your incredible kindness and intelligence and how truly powerful you are. An incredible hashira who managed to defeat so many demons on your own! Senjuro would always listen quietly while sweeping the porch or preparing a meal for him as his brother. He noticed how brightly Kyojuro begins to glow and how his eyes shine. He truly loves you, he can tell. His brother might not even be aware of how much he actually fell for you.
Kyojuro was more heartbroken to see you this upset than being happy for himself that he has a chance now. He tried everything in his power to cheer you up and comfort you by giving you encouraging words, comforting touches and a big bear hug.
You two have been talking for hours now, about your feelings and what you want to do now. Kyojuro even offered you his dessert while you talked.
“How about you come home with me and we could eat dinner together with my brother? Company might do you good!”
Gyomei Himejima
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Gyomei would feel guilty for wanting to have you for himself after hearing that you expressed interest in one of the kakushi. Instead of persuading or trying to convince you to not confess to the kakushi, he’d actively try to bring you two together. If you are happy, Gyomei is. That also included on behalf of his happiness.
He’d encourage you to speak with the kakushi more, to create a bond between you two and create more of a chance that you might have a romantic relationship with him. Whenever you got nervous or unsure, Gyomei was there to encourage and offer advice to you every time.
After your heart was broken, the first person you thought of seeking comfort from was the stone hashira.
His deep voice and gentle hand on your back was incredibly comforting, making you lean against him. Your head was resting against Gyomei’s chest after he wrapped his large arm around you and soothingly stroked your back, offering his comfort.
“It will be okay. Your heart will heal in time. Please know that I will be here for you if you need any support.”
Giyu Tomioka
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Giyu didn’t want to get close to you after noticing how much you like that kakushi. He doesn’t want to interfere with your love life and who you choose to be. Instead, he drowns in misery and a wave of depression. Giyu barely spoke to you, and now he’s completely ignoring you. You felt bad for him and wondered if something might have happened that caused him to be so… downcast and depressed. Fearing that you are the reason why Giyu’s acting like this, you decided to stay out of his way as well, just in case.
He accidentally stumbled upon you after your heart was broken. You were crying your heart out while Giyu just awkwardly sat down beside you. His posture was stiff and he wasn’t sure how to comfort you, so he just patter your back silently. He felt a slight glimmer of hope in his chest after finding out why you were so upset, but was extremely bewildered why someone would reject someone as perfect as you.
In Giyu’s eyes, you are the most beautiful, intelligent, powerful, fast and best person in the whole entire world. How could someone be this blind and not see that? Even Gyomei probably knows how beautiful and perfect you truly are, and his eyes are completely clouded. Giyu carefully scooted a little closer to you and made you lean your head onto his shoulder in an attempt to offer comfort.
“You’ll be okay, trust me.”
Again, so so sorry it took so long. My brain was being a little fried and I couldn’t work on any asks and I instead posted my own things. I’m planning to work on more requests!
Anyways, make sure to EAT, SLEEP and DRINK enough!
Take care of yourselves <3
234 notes · View notes
softpascalito · 1 year
Pregnancy Sex with Javier Peña
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Summary: You're pregnant, Javier is overprotective. The problem: You're also really fucking horny.
Relationships: Javier Peña x Reader
WC: ~2600
Tags/Warnings: MNDI!, Explicit, Smut, F/M, Established Relationship, Pregnant Sex, Oral Sex, Vaginal FIngering, Penis in Vagina Sex, Aftercare, Idiots in Love, Creampie, this is equally soft and filthy
hello loves! i have quite literally not written smut in years but i needed this to exist so here we are. some feedback or just a short comment means the world to me. and now enjoy! <3 - lea
The curtains blew in the wind, moved by a gentle breeze. Bogotá was rarely peaceful. Even in the night, sirens and occasional gunshots could be heard, disturbing a city that was trying to sleep, trying to find some kind of peace in the dark.
For a long time, you hadn't thought it possible for something like peace to exist in this place. Then you had met Javier Peña.
And at first, he too had seemed like the furthest thing from peace. He was all marlboro reds and sleepless nights and gentle, brown eyes that had seen far too many people die.
You'd been sick this morning. Not actually sick though. 
Morning sickness had been plaguing you for a few weeks but up until now, it hadn't been as bad. Your body had flat out refused to keep anything down, including the medication that was supposed to help lower the light fever you'd developed by mid morning. 
Javier had insisted on getting Connie to take a look at you. If he had been overprotective of you before the pregnancy, you weren't sure how to describe his current state. Carrying a grocery bag by yourself was considered a high danger by the Agent, no matter how light it was. To everyone's surprise, the protectiveness hadn't stopped with you. He had not only started carrying said grocery bags himself but he'd also stopped smoking, which was considered nothing short of a miracle by everyone around you.
After his brief chat with Connie, he had taken half the day off, staying behind to take care of you even though you'd insisted you were fine.
At first, he had seemed like the furthest thing from peace. Then you'd gotten to know him and in return he'd gotten you pregnant. And suddenly Javier Peña had given you a peace and love so deep, you still couldn't fully comprehend it. You weren't sure he could either.
The sickness had lessened over the day, aided by Javi actually getting you to eat a little something for dinner. You had fallen asleep on the couch a short while later. Now, you were in bed, happy to have kept your food down. Still, your pregnancy had left you with a completely different kind of problem.
“Javi?” You mumbled into the dark, unsure if he was already asleep. It only took a second for him to sit up, turning to face you. Even with nothing but the low light from the street falling in through the windows, you could see the worry on his face.
“What do you need, querida?” His voice was a little rougher than usual after not having spoken in a while. Maybe he had in fact already been asleep.
“Nothing.” You mumbled, giving a small shrug. You felt stupid. This was stupid.
Javier sensed that there was some sort of hesitation on your part and he shifted a little, reaching out for you:” C'mere.” He whispered. You obliged, cuddling into his side as you looked up at him. He gave you a small smile and you couldn't help but lean forward, pressing a small kiss to his lips. Javier kissed back gently, never with too much force.
Taking initiative, you prodded his lips with your tongue until he opened his mouth a tiny bit, allowing you entrance. Your hand that had been resting on his chest slid down his shirt. Before he could realize what was happening, it had dipped under his waistband of his boxers and your hand was gently wrapped around him.
Javier finally broke the kiss and sucked in a breath:” Querida..” He mumbled. Just as you felt him twitch, he moved. Ever so gently, his hand followed yours and carefully led it back up to his chest, placing it there with a small pat. You pouted at him, even in the dark:” Look, don't laugh, please. Just, sometimes the hormones-”
“get you really fucking horny?” He asked with a small smirk, completing the sentence for you.
You frowned at him. His hand was still on yours and you turned it a little so your fingers could intertwine:” How do you know about that?”
“Read it in a book.” He replied simply. You raised your brows, unable to suppress a small giggle:” The book said “really fucking horny” ?”
“Something along those lines.” A low chuckle escaped his throat. You stayed like that for a moment, both grinning, holding hands. Then he spoke again, this time more softly.
“I don't want to hurt you.”
You had never thought you'd hear Javier Peña say that. Not that he had ever wanted to hurt you. He was an attentive lover and he was always careful not to go too rough on you. Clearly you weren't the only one changed by the pregnancy.
“I'm not asking you to hurt me. Im asking you to fuck me.” You hummed, again bold enough to take the lead as you rolled on top of him and sat up slightly. Your bump was barely showing and the shirt you had stolen from him hid most of it but a tiny curve was showing through the fabric, standing proudly over Javier's own stomach.
He opened his mouth to undoubtedly continue the discussion when you slowly began to grind your hips on him. Whatever argument he'd had prepared gave way for the breathy moan that escaped his throat.
It took him every ounce of self-control to not give in right there and then. When you leaned down to kiss him again, he took the chance and gently grabbed your hips, lifting you off him and returning you into a more comfortable position beside him:” Baby...”
He took a deep breath, propping himself up on his elbow to get a better look at you:” You sure you want this?”
You huffed:” Yes, I am sure. If you read the stupid book, you know its safe and-”
“Okay, okay.” He held up his hands in defense:” Just making sure.” His large hand wandered over your hair before gently caressing your cheek:” We'll do this my way.”
Even if you were unsure what he meant by that exactly, you gave a small nod. He had never not been good to you. You only hoped he wasn't trying to be too good.
Javier gently grabbed his pillow and gently pushed it under your back:” Let me take care of you.” He mumbled as he guided you to lie back into your own pillow, evidently trying to make sure you were as comfortable as possible. As he moved around you and adjusted the blankets, you got a good look at him. 
You weren't sure if it was the situation or the attention you had given him earlier but you could tell his boxers were getting uncomfortably tight. He didn't seem to mind, taking his time in making the surroundings perfect for you- you weren't sure exactly how the blanket next to you was going to heighten your sexual pleasure, but you were happy he was at least doing something.
Eventually, he returned his attention to your body and gently grabbed your ankle, running his hand all the way up your leg until it was resting on your upper thigh. His thumb brushed over the soft skin on the inside of it, drawing half-circles. You squirmed under his touch, trying to push yourself against him.
“So impatient .” He chuckled but he did use his other hand to slowly push up your shirt:” Have I told you how sexy you look in my clothes?” It came out as a mumble and you gave a small grin as you raised your arms to help him slide it off:” You have.”
“Good,” came his reply. He brought up both his hands to gently cup your breasts as he leaned down to kiss you again:” Just checking.”
He let his hands wander down to your round stomach and you could see his gaze change. He had those large, round puppy eyes that were reserved for those who knew him best and that always got the better of you- even now. Making you forget the need between your legs, you instead settled contently on watching him caress your stomach.
Javi apparently felt the same, taking his time to gently rub it before leaning down to give it a few kisses. He hummed softly as he kissed a trail down to the upper end of your panties. They slid down your legs in one quick motion and another soft kiss of the thigh was all you got before you felt his mustache brush against you.
He looked up at you for a fleeting moment:” Tell me if you need me to stop, okay?”
You nodded quickly. The need had returned and you wanted nothing more than to feel him.
Javi licked a stripe up your slit, immediately drawing a moan from you as you let your head fall back. He alternated between soft kisses and gently sucking on your clit, running his tongue over every inch between your legs before finally plunging it inside.
Your hand automatically wandered into his hair, pulling gently as you tried not to fall apart right away. 
His name left your lips more times than either of you could count, starting out as a soft moan and quickly turning into a whimper, begging for more.
“Javi, por favor.”
“Está bien, I got you.” He muttered, the vibrations of his voice adding an extra layer of intensity to the feeling of his mouth on you. He added one finger and when he realized how wet and open you were, a second one. 
The feeling of his large fingers moving in and out of you combined with his tongue still on your clit brought you to the edge faster than you wanted.
“Please, want you inside,” You whispered, gazing down at his brown curls peeking out between your thighs. He raised his head at that and you could see him carefully studying your face, his hair already messy from your attacks. Neither of you really cared. If anything, you thought it looked good on him.
“You sure it's not too much?” He asked again, not yet quite moving to fulfill your wishes. You gave a small nod:” I'm sure.”
You must have sounded more secure than you actually were because he gave an approving look and then leaned back to slide down his boxers, his cock springing free immediately. He was already painfully hard and you could see the tip glistening.
Javi gently spread your legs a little further, always careful to keep the position comfortable. He rubbed his cock over your slit a few times before giving in and slowly, carefully pushing inside. Automatically, your hands found him again, this time gripping onto his upper arms for support as you took a few deep breaths. 
He kept a watchful glance on you as he bottomed out with a small groan and stilled inside of you, clearly wanting to give you some time to adjust to his size.
You silently marveled at his self control. It wasn't exactly a quality he had ever lacked but you could feel how he was shaking a little more than usual with the effort of staying still.
“Doing so well, querida.” He mumbled as he leaned down to kiss your cheek, always mindful to not put too much pressure on your stomach. You smiled softly and ran your hands up his arms until they were drawing small circles on his back. 
You squeezed a little, a sign he had come to understand for you being ready.
Very slowly, he started to pull out again- just to slide right back in. He let out a groan that mixed with yours. Clearly satisfied with the reaction, he repeated the motion again and again- speeding up ever so slightly with each thrust.
It was a different kind of lovemaking, slow and gentle and easy, like both of you had simply been made to fit together like this, molded against each other's bodies. It was perfect. It was Javi. A different Javi than you'd met months ago. But still Javi.
One of your hands wandered into his hair again and it wasn't long before your whimpers from before turned into downright prayers, whispering his name over and over again as you begged him to give you more. Javier had lost his initial reluctance, daring a bit more, as he too, whispered constant praise into your ear.
“Where?” He managed to choke out, knowing he wasnt gonna last much longer. You used the hand in his hair to pull him down towards you, meeting his lips with another kiss, humming into it:” Inside.”
He looked at you for a split second and you could feel his movements slow a bit as he clearly weighed his options.
“You know, I can't exactly get pregnant again.” You whispered, giggling a little under him. Javi gave you an adoring look and nodded:” Are you challenging me?”
His pace picked up and he kissed your cheek again as he aimed to hit that perfect spot that he knew made you feel so good.
“You're perfect, you know that, querida?” He mumbled:” You gonna come with me?”
You nodded eagerly and it only took a few more thrusts until you felt the pleasure wash over you, clenching down on him as you rode out your orgasm. Javi groaned your name, following suit and spilling inside of you just as you had requested.
When you came down from your high, you still felt his arms around you, holding you gently. He planted soft kisses all over your neck and down your collarbones, waiting for you to fully return to him. You were content to just lay there and stare at him and wonder how in the world you'd gotten so lucky.
He watched you with a smile:” What's going on in that head of yours? I didn't fuck you stupid, did I?” Javi ducked, chuckling when you playfully aimed for his head:'' Cabrón.” You muttered under your breath.
He didn't even try to hide his grin as he let go of you to carefully pull out. To your surprise, he was actually prepared, having a small towel ready that he used to clean you up, wiping down the reminiscents of your love-making.
As your brain slowly regained his normal function you, once again, couldn't control a small giggle. Javier glanced up at you with a raised brow as he put the towel aside:" What's so funny?"
"You read a book."
Javier managed his best to actually look offended:" I read books."
"A pregnancy book." You continued, giggling a little more. It was cute how hard he was trying. Javier slid up your panties again, making sure you were both dressed before he pulled the covers back over you.
As he returned to his spot next to you, you could spot a faint blush on his cheek. He grumbled something as he smoothed over the blanket, avoiding your gaze.
Your gaze softened a bit as your giggling died down:”Javi.” You mumbled, pulling him closer:” I think it's very sweet.” His shoulders visibly relaxed a little more at that and he sighed softly:” You do?”
“I do. Especially if it taught you to do that .” You teased gently as the two of you scooted closer, his arms finding their way around you once more as your eyes already started to droop:” Did it have any other world-changing tips to offer about pregnancy?”
Javier gazed down at you, taking in your relaxed face. He smiled.
” It said you should go to sleep. It's been a long day.”
You hummed contently as you felt him pressing a soft kiss to your lips and then one more to your forehead.
”Yeah, it has been.”
i hope you liked this! dont forget to leave a comment if you did <3 if you want more of my unhinged horny thoughts, also check out my twt @softpascalito :)
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worldlxvlys · 7 months
hello🙋🏻‍♀️ I'VE GOT A REALLY GOOD FIC IDEA! i've got a request for dwb!chris. okay, here it goes: reader doesn't answer his texts so he kinda gets worried but since reader is lowkey bipolar he gives "her" space and all but he hasn't seen her in a few days so he kind of gets worried and after a while he finds out she's being held hostage by guys chris have deals with and shit yk? you just go from here just don't kill reader nor chris please🥲 (not yet) ily🫂
dwb! chris sturniolo x reader
warnings: reader held hostage, mentions of blood, violence, knives, guns, mentions of gun shots, reader is tied up, cursing
a/n: for @mbbsgf ily <33
it will make more sense if you read prison for life first ;)
silence was the only thing i could hear.
my eyes were open, but i was only met with darkness.
there was a stinging sensation where my hairline met my forehead and a faint ringing in my ears.
i tried to move my hands, but something held them captive.
my fear started to grow as i tried to move my feet, only to find them immobilized as well.
i couldn’t move and i couldn’t see. i needed to rely on the senses that i could use.
taste. there was a copper-like taste in my mouth, blood.
feel. something rough was wrapped around my wrists, it dug into the skin, creating a burning sensation.
hear. i tried to focus on what could be heard beyond the silence. wait, silence ? no, not silence. there’s a slight humming noise, almost like an engine.
smell. gasoline. i’m in a moving car.
fuck. how am i gonna get out of here ?
what if i don’t get out of here ?
are they gonna kill me ?
stop, breathe. you need to calm down.
i focused on my breathing, doing my best to keep it at a normal rate.
i just need to stay calm and think.
at first, i figured she needed some space. it wasn’t unusual for her to need time to herself, and i’m always willing to give it.
but the second her location turned off, i panicked.
we always agreed to keep each other’s location turned on, no matter how angry we were with each other, to give the other peace of mind.
once her location was off, i immediately called around.
anyone and everyone who could have seen anything suspicious or heard anything at all was called.
the odds of absolutely nobody knowing anything were slim to none.
and sure enough, after a few calls, i found someone who had information.
“yeah, chris. not too long ago, jerry saw your girl with jones and his boys”
my face fell at his name.
“jones?” i asked in confirmation.
“yeah, why ? what’s wrong?”
“he took her. and it’s my fault”
“what ? he took her?”
“i’m getting her back. i can’t lose her”
“i’ll get the boys”
the car came to a sudden stop as i heard muffled voices get closer.
there was a loud beeping noise before a rush of cold air hit me.
i was forcefully yanked out of, what i assume to be the trunk, both arms being gripped tightly.
i was thrown over someone’s shoulder, which roughly hit my stomach, knocking the wind out of me.
i broke out into a coughing fit, trying to regain my breath, which is pretty difficult to do when you’re hanging upside down.
“shut the hell up” a gruff voice spoke.
the voice seemed familiar, but i couldn’t quite put my finger on why.
i assumed that it had something to do with one of the many drug deals i had went out with chris to.
i assumed that this entire situation had to do with chris and his dealing habits, but i really had no way of knowing for sure.
i couldn’t, however, think of any other reason why i could be in my current situation.
hopefully, chris would be able to find me.
after what felt like a long while, i was placed onto a chair.
suddenly, the blindfold that had been covering my eyes was yanked off, making me squint my eyes at the harsh lighting.
i blinked rapidly as my eyes adjusted to the change.
“what’s wrong, princess? the light bothering you?” the man in front of me spoke.
he saw my eyebrows furrow in confusion and removed the piece of tape that covered my mouth.
“you recognize me yet?” he smirked at me.
i blinked up at him.
“of course not. we met briefly a while ago, but i’ll reintroduce myself. i’m jones, jake’s best friend”
my face fell at the revelation.
jake. as in the dude that chris beat to a bloody pulp and put into a coma, that jake.
“that’s right, honey. the one your boyfriend put in the hospital ”
well, i’m fucked.
he took in my frightened state, finding the way i shrank away from him amusing.
“yeah, not sure why your little fuck toy thought he was gonna get off scot-free, but he was wrong. cause i got the one thing he would do anything for, right here in front of me” he spoke as he twirled a knife between his fingers.
“can’t say i blame him though” he whispered as he brought the knife to my cheek, drawing the faintest bit of blood, making me grimace. “you’re a pretty little thing”
his hot breath blew in my face, making me back my head up as much as i possibly could.
“i apologize in advance” he spoke as he ran his finger along the edge of the knife, “but i do have to rough you up a little bit, send a message to your boy”
“are we sure that this is where he took her?” i asked as jerry pulled up the address.
“the street cams put him here about 20 minutes ago. he couldn’t have gotten much farther”
“i just wanna be sure, we don’t have any time to waste here. but if you’re positive, we need to move now” i spoke as i tucked my gun into my waistband.
suddenly, my phone dinged with a text message.
i pulled it out, seeing it was a text from her.
i was met with a photo, and my heart dropped at the sight.
several bruises covered her face, along with a cut by her hairline that was surrounded by dried up blood.
her face was covered in sweat and her eyes were tired, her white shirt covered in blood.
underneath was a text that read:
better hurry.
i had been in the same spot for hours. i was cold, hungry, and my legs had fallen asleep.
i was trying, but struggling to stay awake, knowing that i was losing too much blood to let my eyes close.
my face was sore, the constant blows to the face finally taking its toll on me.
there was a deep cut from jones’ knife that laid across my ribcage, but i tried not to focus on the stinging sensation.
i knew i was really starting to lose my grip on reality when i heard chris’s voice, as i knew he couldn’t possibly be here.
suddenly, the sound of gunshots going off around me made my eyes shoot open.
that definitely woke me up.
the ringing in my ears intensified as the sound of gunshots rang out.
i could barely keep up with what was happening as the room around me began to spin around.
i looked directly in front of me and was barely able to make out chris and jones fighting.
so i wasn’t hearing things.
my vision began to get blurry as i struggled to figure out who was who.
the sounds of grunts and blows being landed echoed through the room.
“chris” i whispered out, but not loud enough for him to hear.
chris spoke angrily, but all i was able to make out was, “you fuckers need to learn how to stay away from my girl”
chris was able to get on top of jones, and he punched him over and over again.
he seemed to be blinded by rage, and he had no intentions of stopping.
“chris” i spoke out, loud enough for him to hear this time.
his head snapped up at the sound, and he rushed over to me.
“oh my god, baby. the fuck did he do to you?” he whispered as he worked on untying my restraints.
he gently ran his hands over my wrists, looking at the bruises that the rope left on my skin.
“alright, i got you. come on” he whispered as he picked me up, bridal style.
“you made it” i smiled lightly, before my vision was consumed by darkness.
when i woke up, i heard the sound of monitors beeping next to me and i felt chris’s hand laying on top of mine.
i took in my surroundings, realizing that i was in the hospital.
when chris saw that i was awake, he immediately sprung up.
“hey mama, how you feeling?” he asked.
“i’m just glad that you’re here. i didn’t think you would find me” i whispered to him.
he brought his hand to my jaw, lightly caressing it “i’ll always find you, baby. i’d do anything to make sure you’re safe, you know that”
“i love you so fucking much” i spoke as i leaned my forehead on his.
“i love you too, ma. i got you, always” he said as he placed a kiss on my cheek.
thank you to @lustfulslxt for reassuring me and pushing me to keep writing, i literally would not have finished this without you <33
main masterlist
dwb! chris masterlist
tag list: @gwenlore @flowerxbunnie @sturnssx @mattslolita @its-jennarose @sophssturn @bernardsleftbootycheek @queen161718 @cupidsword @imwetforyourmom @nickmillersn1gf @stramboli4life @mattsneezing @chrisstankyleg @sturniolobltch @vib3swithanuk @ciarasturn1 @bethsturn @bernardenjoyer @mbbsgf @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @ssturniolo @blueeyedbesson @mxqdii @sturniolowhore @rheaakayourname @defnotayonna @urmom2bitch @abbie13sworld @starsturniolo @hearts4chriss @theyluv-meee @sturns-posts @carolinalikesthings @itzdarling @chrisstopherfilmed @judespoision @sstvrnioloo @littlebookworm803 @nicksdrpepper @chrisloyalgf @robins-scoop @fandomhopped @chr1sgirl4life @bbglmfao @55sturn @sturniolololover @oliviasturniolo21
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da-rulah · 3 months
Hello, love! May I request either a headcanon or drabble prompt for Mary Goore? I was thinking BDSM activities between him and his s/o 😈🔥
Hello. I apologise, I know this was requested back in April (what the FUCK how is it now July?!) but I've had a very busy few months and been focussing on getting back into the swing of writing full one shots and chapters for They Mayor's Daughter. But here we are, and I'm ready to talk about Mary Goore and BDSM.
All acts are consensual.
You already know this guy is a total freak in the bedroom, and learning of his BDSM kinks was no shock to you
What did shock you, however, what knowing that he enjoyed being both the dom and the sub. He liked the ol' switcheroo.
As a dom, frankly he's sick. He likes you sloppy, messy, begging for him.
Depending on his mood, he might tie you up. Depends if he wants you to put up a fight or not...
He likes ropes, but chains? He does love a chain. Feels more... secure.
He likes pain, and lucky for him, so do you. But he likes to use his hands - anything from spanking, to pinching, to scratching and beyond.
Obviously, blood turns him on. Fake or not. But he always checks in before he goes that far.
You can call him anything, but not Mary. He'll take sir, daddy, master. Fuck it, call him 'm'lord' if you want, just know your place.
He brings the most delectable dirty talk. Pure filth that has you blushing and squirming in your restraints.
This motherfucker is a tease, and is constantly ruining your orgasms.
He'll have you begging in tears, sobbing but not once have you ever used your safe word.
Most importantly, you feel safe with Mary. You trust him, and know that you can completely submit to him and enjoy every second of it.
As a sub? This man is needy.
A whiney, whimpery lil' baby. That only turns you on more.
Not a lot is off limits. What kind of dom would he be if he couldn't take it too, huh?
His favourite thing is being forced to cum untouched. Wind him up enough, and he'll shoot his load without the need to stimulate his cock.
But don't get him wrong, he loves to come untouched via prostate milking too. Whether you rim him, finger him or peg him, he'll willingly submit to it.
Again, he likes restraints. Something about feeling powerless to you and completely at your mercy is such a turn on.
Pain, but tenfold. He takes a lot more pain from you than he gives you, because he begs for it.
He loves to be degraded, whether you're calling him a degenerate piece of shit or stepping on his cock, he doesn't care.
You like to play a fun game with him - how many times can you make Mary cum in one session? Your record was 4, and by the last time he simply couldn't get hard anymore, cumming from prostate stimulation alone from a limp dick. He'd whined and whimpered so prettily that night.
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beatrixstonehill2 · 5 months
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"Alice and Colleen here with an exciting update for our OF subscribers! We're so glad you guys love our content and our sexy, feminine bodies, we love making videos for all of you and it warms our hearts how much love you guys show. But we both decided it's time we finally be honest with you all that we're detransitioning! We've been off estrogen for a month, and already our bodies are starting male puberty. But we decided to do the usual mtftm special and tonight we'll be on stream giving each other our first doses of testosterone while we still sort of look like girls. Kind of.
We're also going on cock growth pills. No more adorable two-inch cocks we rub together as we scissor. We both want our cocks so huge they're thicker around than our wrists. Down to our knees, rock hard all the time, our balls unnaturally inflated by all the synthetic hormones to grow to the size of plums. We'll finally get to cum like the boys we're meant to be. We can't wait to hot the gym, load up on muscle gain powder, and become full-fledged men, built like tanks, totally unrecognizable, sitting all day in the gym, waiting for unsuspecting pregnant college girls to come in and do yoga or some light running, their huge milk-filled breasts spilling out. We talk constantly about how fun it'll be to gang up on some girl like that and show her what it means to have some real cock fill her well-used holes.
We wanted to hold on and stay as fakegirls, pretending to be some idealized, porn-fantasy version of a lesbian couple. Ultra fem, wearing tiny bikinis everywhere, schoolgirl uniforms, tiny sundress with hems that barely reach past our asses or little cocks, showing them off whenever a little breeze rolls by. We make out in public, and when men approach us, we do our usual routine where we pretend not to want it, telling them we're only into 'other girls', only for them to shove their cocks down our throats or up our asses, which we graciously accept, no matter where we are. It's been so fun living out such a hot fantasy, but it's way too tempting to finally detrans. Doesn't help that our parents send us detrans content, like, every day. And so do our friends, and college professors, and coworkers......
We watch it all and rub our stunted little cocks like clits, cumming over and over like the depraved boys we really are. It's SO hot seeing beautiful fakegirls getting forced to become big burly men who can't control their sexual urges at all. Every time they wind up this way. From curvy, gorgeous, plump-assed, big-breasted, totally perfectly feminine in every way, to hulking muscle-men, hairy, no manners, ultra horny and sex-obsessed. From fun-loving and intelligent, to mindless oafs, their only hobbies become jerking off and raping the prettiest, curviest, most pregnant girls they can find. The perfect prey, unable to get away, irresistible, with bellies begging the world to be stuffed with as many cocks as possible. It's amazing how just a month with no estrogen and we're already so masculine and obsessed with getting our cocks nice and big for all of our future victims--I mean lovers! I hope you're excited to see our content go from softcore sapphic stuff to hardcore public fucking and rape--but let's be honest, bellies filled to the brim with sextuplets are the same thing as consent. Don't you agree? ❤️"
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eddiemunching · 1 year
I need some enemies to lovers type but it happens during hate sex, loosely based off of a friends with benefits relationship.
It’s very heavily just Eddie and reader speaking angrily towards each other with sex happening in the background lmao. NOT PROOFREAD IM SORRY
Warnings: 18+ !!!! swearing, slut shaming, degrading, hate sex, Eddie is kind of mean sorry but he makes up for it, unprotected sex!
The Start Of Something - Eddie x Reader
Eddie made sure to give you hell. Reminding you that no one else could do this for you like he could. Punctuating the fact that, despite you coming to him to make yourself feel better, he could use you back. Mumbling many curses and praises while still pounding roughly into you.
“I wonder who taught you how to take dick so well.” Eddie chuckled softly. “I’d love to pat him on the back”
All you could do is respond with pants and muffled whimpers, attempting to push back against Eddie with shaking legs. “I’m so glad I found a way to shut you up, it’s a nice break from listening to your snarky comments.” Eddie hovered above your ear.
“You’re talking too much.” You mustered out in between deep breaths.
“I can tell you’re enjoying this.” He grunted into your skin. “I feel you tighten up every time a word leaves my lips, you slut.”
“I’m-m not a slut.” You spat out. “Fuck you.”
“Yeah?” He chuckled. “How do you explain the threesome we had with Steve. You took two dicks and still wanted more.”
“I just like to keep busy.” You replied, pushing your ass back against Eddie to match his pace.
“Is that what you tell Steve every time you sneak back to me?”
“It’s not like he’s my boyfriend — or you.” You stop. “I can do what I want.”
“So you’re just gonna find someone to fuck every time you get heartbroken.”
“You’re lucky you were available when I needed it.” Smacking sounds are the only background to the heated conversation, echoing loudly behind your harsh words. “I talk to plenty of guys.”
“No one’s doing it like me, sweetheart.” Eddie barks back. “There’s a reason you still come here while you’re dating one of those guys you talk to.”
“Do you want me to regret coming here, the only pussy you can get?” You pretended to move out of the position you were currently in, chest pressed to the bed and your hips held in place by Eddie’s rough hands. “I’m sure Steve, or maybe even Billy, would come pick me up if I asked.”
Eddie’s grip on your hips tightened at the mention of the other men he knew you were very familiar with. “You better hope, for your sakes, your future husband is okay with whoring you out like this. I know you’d die without all the extra attention fucking multiple men gives you.”
“I know I’m your dream girl, Munson.” You string out his name with a teasing tone. “Wanna know a secret?”
“Enlighten me.”
“You’re the only one I’ve been with in the past six months.” You lifted your head up. “I never even slept with Billy, it was a stupid rumor. Steve is cute but he’s too nice and gentle.”
“We both know gentle isn’t your scene.” He makes sure to pull you flush against his skin, in the deepest position possible. “It’s a shame you’re just a toy to me.”
You knew he was winding you up, getting you flustered enough to admit even more revealing secrets that he would use against you next time. “If that’s the case, why haven’t you dated anyone?”
He stopped his movements altogether, still inside you. “What?”
“You can’t seem to find a girlfriend.” You said, turning your head to meet Eddie’s eyes with your own. “Why is that?”
“You think I have time when you’re constantly on my ass begging to be fucked all the time?”
“I don’t think that’s the real reason.” You pull yourself off of Eddie slowly, maintaining eye contact. Pushing him on his back, you climb on his thighs to straddle him before letting him sink in again. “You like me, right?”
“How can I like a slut like you?” He seethed through his teeth. “You’re not exactly girlfriend material.”
“Are you saying guys won’t like me because I’m used?” You said, still riding him at a slow pace.
“Exactly, what do you think slut means.” He grinned at you.
“If I recall correctly.” You paused. “You did this to me.”
“Yeah?” He continued to smile. “I ruined you?”
His hands fell to your waist, moving you faster and putting himself back in control. “You fuck me too good, can’t go to anyone else.”
Satisfied with your answer, Eddie moved his hands to your face, gently moving hair out of your eyes and forehead. “I’m glad only I get to see tears running down your pretty face.” He said, finishing deep inside of you with no warning.
“You think I’m pretty?” You asked curiously as Eddie cleaned you up with a soft towel, patting your sweat up and mess up.
“You’re the prettiest.” He said fixing your hair. “Always have been.”
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asgardian--angels · 1 month
just rewatched steven universe future (and the movie) and I just gotta say.
I still have no idea why fandom was so upset about the show, why opinion turned against it, or anything. I didn't understand it then, I don't understand it now. I've enjoyed every single minute of that show, start to finish, all iterations. A show hasn't left me sobbing like that in a hell of a long time. It handles heavy, dark emotional topics with incredible finesse and heart in a way that all of us could learn from. It remains one of the most aesthetically beautiful animated series I've ever seen, and the soundtrack is so incredibly moving. I'll never get why shows with the most hopeful themes, like this one, end up with the nastiest 'fans' that harass creators and artists for making something that encourages us to be kind to each other. like, insert good omens meme i guess, yknow? but I will always love this series (the OG, the film, and Future). I'm glad I was never really involved with the fandom back when it was airing so I didn't have to hear any of the shit that people were tossing around. But knowing that this series basically got thrown to the wind after it was done airing - like, no one even talks about it anymore, as if there were some Game of Thrones effect WHEN THERE WASN'T - breaks my heart. It was so incredibly influential, for animation, for queer representation, for creativity in art, and for helping a lot of people feel seen and teaching us a better way to be towards our fellow human beings. I don't know who the fuck can be angry about this show, but whoever they are, I feel sorry for them that they have nothing better in their lives than to be senselessly cruel to people who are trying to make the world a kinder place.
anyone out there who hasn't watched Steven Universe before, and maybe was intimidated or put off by how it's talked about on here, please don't listen to that. It's one of the best made series, animated or not, in the modern age. It touches people of all ages. It inspires hope, and forgiveness, and working towards a better world. It has incredible character development, intergenerational trauma, dismantling colonialism, the horrors and fallout of war, xenobiology, troubled families, damaged people trying to grow and find new meaning, building community, nature vs nurture, perfectly done slow-burn plot arcs and reveals, and an art style that's so gorgeous you'll mourn the current state of the industry that stifles creativity like this. And it does all of this so profoundly and intelligently that it defies summary. Give it a try.
That's all I'll say. I never post about the show anymore bc I'm not a part of the fandom and I don't know how active it is on here anymore. But I've always cared deeply for Steven Universe and I always will. I hope outside of the insular bubble of toxic online fandom that it continues to have a steady mainstream following. Rebecca Sugar deserves accolades and a big thank you for bringing this show into the world. I'm sure she did not get a fraction of the praise she should have, and instead had to endure endless vitriol. The bar's always too high for some people who want something to be mad at, who want to blame and hate instead of supporting the few brave artists out there trying to make queer shows and pave the way for the future. The enemy of queer rep is so often queer fandom spaces themselves. Let's not let this life-changing show fade into obscurity if we can. It was groundbreaking in so many ways. It brought joy and hope to so many. I hope new people will continue to watch it and be uplifted by it, as I have all these years.
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barista suguru and reader has the biggest crush on him that they try to ask him out but got too nervous to do so!! however.. reader suddenly see him at a party they were invited in, and what does alcohol do to a person sometimes? confidence, and they hook up (eventually got together??) I'm not sure if this request makes sense, and English isn't my first language..
omg hi anon thank you for the ask - not sure if you're an AOT fan but @humanitys-strongest-bamf has an amazing fic similar to this w Levi and its god tier
anywaysss here we go <3
(The ages in this are all fucked up lol, Megumi, Nobara, and Yuji are 22 and Gojo, Geto, and Shoko are like 25)
content warning: Haibara and Nanami are lovers lmao, weed, alcohol, cigarettes, hookup culture
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(this is my original drawing please do not repost)
Being well known on your college campus is a blessing and a curse. You loved being involved in a lot of clubs and participating in social events. Going to the library or trying to study was nearly impossible with how many people knew you. However being a senior, you needed to focus and get things done. You lived a little ways off campus to save money and started frequenting a little coffee shop a few blocks from your apartment.
The first time you stopped, you had been walking home from class when a storm with bad winds blew in, and you decided to just study in this cafe until the storm passes. There are little tables all throughout, you grab one near the back and pull out some of your course materials and get started writing notes and going over chapters for your quiz in a few days. That is when a yawn washes over you and the exhaustion from late nights sets in. You figure you might as well get a drink while you're at this coffee shop.
Walking up to the counter you squint up at the menu board trying to decide what you're in the mood for.
"What can I get for you?" a man's voice asks.
Lost in your indecisiveness you don't even look down to make eye contact reading between Americano, Latte, Cold Brew, etc.
"Mmmm, not sure yet, I may need a few minutes," biting your bottom lip thinking about how much caffeine you want to intake today.
"We also have a list of specials down in front of you," he says politely and you see him walk away out of your peripherals.
The thing is, you're not a huge coffee person. Half the time it's too sweet, half the time it's too bitter. The caffeine gives you jitters and makes you anxious. Also sometimes coffee just messes your stomach up so you just have given up on expensive coffee places and opt for making your own shitty coffee at home.
You glance down at the specials list, reading them to yourself,
"Almond Joy Latte
Sparkling Green Tea Refresher
Pink Velvet Cold Brew
Barista's Choice"
You finally look up at the employee, a tall man that is turned around cleaning the espresso machine. His hair is pulled back into a cute bun and his frame is just large. You look at his hands, so large and strong with some veins protruding. He has a black button up on with the sleeves rolled up, exposing tattoos on his forearms. Matching it with black pants and a black apron, he looks kind of dark and mysterious.
He turns around and catches your eye, forgetting all the words that were about to form in your head.
"Still need a minute?" He squints his eyes a little and smiles softly as your eyes rake over his whole face. He has a piece of black bangs sticking out from the bun, pierced ears, a lip ring, amber eyes, and an amazingly chiseled jaw. Your mouth opens but nothing comes out and you can feel the heat spread across your cheeks.
"Uh, I, sorry," you shake your head and try to laugh at your own stupor, "Can I do the barista's choice?"
He nods, "Any preferences?"
"Uhm, no, whatever you like," you completely lie through your teeth trying to seem chill. He taps in the order on the iPad at the register and flips it over for you to pay and sign. At least it isn't too expensive if you don't like it, but you eagerly press the "25%" tip button hoping Mr. tall, dark, and handsome appreciates it.
"I'll bring it over to you when it's ready," he smiles and nods his head towards where you were seated.
"Thanks," you smile awkwardly walking back to your course materials, although it's not like you'll be focusing on anything other than the barista soon. You not-so-casually watch him work, obsessed with a man you've hardly spoken to once.
A few minutes later he brings over a cute tea cup and saucer, and you immediately smile when he sets it down, seeing the little design on top.
"It's a dirty chai...like a chai tea latte with a shot of espresso in it and a little special touch. Let me know if you like it."
The man smirks and walks away before you can even properly thank him. You burn your tongue eagerly taking a sip too soon, trying to find another excuse to talk to him. You try to take your mind off of it by scrolling through instagram for a bit while drinking your latte but around this time of year its all couples and engagements and babies which only adds to how down bad you feel. You get a text from your friend Nobara letting you know that a friend of her friend, Megumi, is having a party Friday and the friend told Megumi who told Nobara that they could bring whoever. After deciphering the word vomit of a text she sent you you send back a "thumbs up emoji" letting her know you'll be there because nobody else has invited you anywhere yet.
You finish your drink and decide to pack up your stuff and head home, a few blocks in the rain won't hurt you. It might cool you off from thinking about the dreamy barista you just met. You set the cute mug on the counter, and he turns around when he hears the noise. He raised an eyebrow, as if asking 'how was it?'
"It was great," you smile, "uhm, have a good one," you slightly shrug and turn around to go before he can add anything, just like he did to you earlier.
The next few days are uneventful, you walk by the coffee shop every day on your way to campus, wondering if he is working or if you should go in, but not wanting to struggle to pick a drink or pay for coffee again.
On Friday Nobara walks back to your apartment with you, she commutes in to town so whenever there is a party or something going on she crashes on your couch. She eyes the little cafe, "Want coffee? I think tonight might be pretty fun from the sounds of it!" She practically squeals and you find it adorable how excited she is. "Sure" you grumble, holding the door open for her.
She waltzes right up to the counter, decisive as always, and knows exactly what she wants. You trail behind her, not seeing any employees at the counter, squinting up at the menu board yet again. That's when you hear giggling come from the back room and see the handsome barista come out with some supplies, followed by a cute girl with a short brown bob who seems to be helping him.
You can't help but think about his beautiful laugh, and how you can hear it again.
"See ya tonight Shoko" he says, putting his apron back on and refocusing his attention to Nobara.
"Bye Geto!" This so called Shoko calls back to him as she walks out the front door. You cant help but feel a twinge of jealousy at the way he was in the backroom with his apron off and laughing with a girl.
Like girl - quit being delusional, you just heard his name for the first time and he probably doesn't even know who you are.
"Y/n, what do you want?" Nobara interrupts your talk with yourself.
"I'll have what she's having," you say overly confident, smiling at Geto. They both side eye you and you just remain oblivious, opting to go on your phone as you let your friend pay for your coffee as payment for her 'hotel' for the night. The two of you move out of the way and stand off to the side waiting for your drinks while Nobara talks about how Megumi's other friend Yuji is going to be there tonight with his big brother Sukuna and how excited she is because they're both sooo attractive. You nod your head along with what she says while scrolling on your phone. It's not that you don't care what she's saying, it's just that she knows so much about everything. All the gossip on campus is at your fingertips because of her, good or bad. You zone out staring at whatever drinks the barista is making, watching his damn good looking hands do his job. He walks over to you with two cups and you can't help but just stare at him. His outfit today consists of jeans and a tight black tshirt with a flannel jacket over top.
"Two iced matcha lattes with coconut milk and a strawberry cold foam on top," He smiles as Nobara eagerly grabs both of the drinks and hands one to you.
She sips it right away, "This is the best I've ever had thank youuu," she dramatically draws out while pulling you out the door heading to your apartment again. You look back to see him watching you leave and give a small wave with the hand that is holding your drink. You can't tell if you're imagining it but you think you see a faint blush over his cheeks.
You and Nobara enjoy your typical pregame activities, getting ready together, listening to music, and sharing a blunt.
"The guy at the coffee shop was checking you out," she half slurs, talking while applying her lip gloss.
"What makes you say that?" You think she's messing with you but you also hadn't told her about your little crush.
"When I was ordering he was staring at you the WHOLE time. Like he didn't even make eye contact with me I don't think!" She wines, "God it's not fair he's so gorgeous."
"To be fair Nobara, you think most guys are gorgeous" You giggle and walk towards the freezer to grab some liquor. "Speaking of gorgeous men, who's party are we even going to tonight?"
"I think it's at some guy named Satoru Gojo's house? I guess he's good childhood friends with Megumi from when he didn't really have a dad." There goes your friend, sharing other people's business when she didn't really need to.
"Mmm," you nod and throw back a shot of liquor, "I think I had a class with him when I was like a freshman and he was a senior. A real interesting character."
"Maybe you can introduce me and I'll get lucky," Nobara raises her eyebrows at you.
"You will not be having sex on my couch." You say sternly before you both erupt in a fit of giggles. Gathering a few last minute things before heading out, you also grab a reusable shopping tote and fill it with a little bit of your own alcohol, you never know what they may or may not have at these kinds of parties.
Walking there was a little chilly but overall a nice night for the time of year. This guy must've gone to your school and hadn't left yet given the proximity of his house to your apartment and to campus.
You walk in and see Yuji Itadori right away with his friendly smile and big personality. He gives you both hugs and you know at least if Nobara doesn't get lucky with anyone else she can rely on Yuji.
Your energetic friend holds your hand as she searches the rest of the party to find her friend Megumi. He stands in the kitchen with a white haired man that you faintly think is this Gojo guy, both getting ready to shotgun a beer together. You and Nobara wait to see who wins before interrupting, grabbing drinks out of the cooler and setting down your bag with liquor and hard seltzers in it. It appears that Gojo finishes just a second before Megumi and you hear Nobara interrupting, "Gumi what was that?! You lost like a little bitch?"
He groans in response but ultimately smiles, "Why am I friends with you again?"
"Because you've been stuck with me since high school."
Watching the altercation, Gojo comes up to you and asks, "You're with them?" Nodding his head at the two immaturely arguing.
"Sadly." you respond taking a swig of your drink.
"I'm Satoru Gojo, this is my place, thanks for coming." He eyes you over top of his black round sunglasses, making you feel like you may be wearing too revealing of clothes.
"I'm y/n, thanks for the invite by proxy," You giggle as Megumi makes his way over to you.
"Y/n, good to see you," the spikey haired boy gives you an awkward side hug, and a little kiss on the top of your head. Satoru raises his eyebrows at the two of you and you roll your eyes. When Megumi and Nobara get distracted and head into another room you fill him in. "Megumi and I may have hooked up once or twice when we were drunk," You blush, revealing your secret that hardly anyone knew to this stranger.
"Mhmm, seems like more than once or twice," Gojo sips his drink and sighs dramatically, leaving the kitchen to you alone.
Just then the back door of the kitchen that leads to the back yard creaks open. You turn to see who it was out of instinct, and recognize the girl with the brown bob from the cafe earlier today. She carries on past you not even really looking at you with her cigarette still lit in her mouth.
You see Nobara in the living room from your spot on the kitchen and mouth to her that you're going outside to smoke. She nods and thumbs up, but it seems that Yuji also read your lips and is interested in joining you.
You head out to the backyard, very dimly lit despite the pretty lights Gojo tried to hang up to make it look more aesthetic. You pull out a dab pen and a cigarette and hold them up for Yuji to take his pick. His eyes light up at the weed pen and he takes a huge inhale.
"God Yuji, careful," you laugh and proceed to take a smaller hit.
Your laugh seems to attract the attention of another group standing outside, and you immediately quiet yourself.
"Do you have a light?" One of them asks although you can't make out names or voices and even if you could you don't know many people here.
"Yeah," you respond, digging out a baby pink lighter that has a "Daddy's Girl" sticker on it, a joke that one of your friends gave you. Hopefully its dark enough that they can't see it.
A blonde guy approaches you to grab it, "Thanks, we have some seats over here if you guys want." Yuji happily follows but you're a little apprehensive. However they do have a firepit going so it is a little brighter over there.
"I'm Kento, this is my boyfriend Yu," the two introduce themselves, lighting their cigs at the same time with your lighter. You take another small hit of your pen as the brunette one comments, "Nice lighter." It makes you cough on your smoke a bit but eventually turns into laughter, "Thank you," You smile grabbing it back from them.
Yuji seems to be a little high from his rather large puff earlier, and you ask, "I'm going to go check on Nobara, you need anything?" He smiles and shakes his head and starts some conversation about an underground fight club with the two guys as you walk back inside. You enter back into the kitchen, grabbing another drink and heading into the living room where you last saw Nobara. She is having a heart to heart with some girl that graduated last year that you know of named Maki. They both have been drinking and just are smiling and agreeing with everything the other says.
She suddenly turns to you when she realizes you're standing there, "Your lover, he's here." She abruptly turns back around ignoring your inquiry of who she is referring to. You see Gojo and Megumi talking in the kitchen and decide to go talk to them instead of standing there looking awkward. You couldn't see from the angle you were at, but the brunette bob cigarette girl was also standing with them chatting.
Gojo waves you over to the conversation, putting a playful arm around your shoulders. "So sweetheart," Satoru starts, slurring his words a little more than he was the last time you talked to him, "Were trying to place bets on who's going to hook up with who tonight."
"Shoko has money on Suguru and Yuki, Megumi bets on Nobara and Yuji, and me, well I have money on you and Megumi." The four of you errupt in laughter and yelling over top of each other of who is correct.
"What are we arguing about?" Another voice asks that just came into the kitchen. You turn to see who it is with Gojo's arm still loosely hanging onto you.
"Suguruuuu" Satoru coos, "Finally joined the party! Shoko here thinks you're going to hook up with Yuki tonight."
"Like hell," he mutters looking to see who his best friends choice of girl is for the evening, before his eyes land on you. You can't help but drop your jaw at the beautiful barista from the cafe standing in front of you. It looks like he just showered, wet hair which is half up half down, and you can smell the fresh body wash radiating off of him.
"Who'd you bet Satoru?" Suguru questions, still having his eyes focused on you.
"I bet little miss y/n here and her boy toy Megumi." He responds and your cheeks flush at the fact this beautiful man may think you're not interested because of Gojo's fat mouth.
"Who'd you bet on?" Shoko asks directed towards Geto.
"I'll have to get back to you on that," he turns to get a drink from the cooler before taking a step outside, you assume to smoke.
You excuse yourself from under Satoru's arm, leaving him Megumi and Shoko to talk about more random gossip. Heading to the backdoor, you try to build up some courage to introduce yourself to this Geto guy. Much to your dismay, as you are walking out of the door in your own thoughts, another person was coming through the door to go inside but was a lot more solid than you. Bouncing back onto your ass you giggle, "I'm so so sorry, I wasn't paying attention," you look up to meet the amber eyes you've been thinking about for the past week. It feels like the wind has gotten knocked out of you seeing how close your faces were with him grabbing your hand to help you up.
“I’m sorry, didn’t mean to knock you over like that,” he slightly laughs. “I’m just grabbing a lighter,” letting go of your hand holding the door open.
“Oh I have one here!” You pull it out of your pocket kicking yourself for showing it to someone else again. Well maybe it will at least start a conversation. You hand it to him and he lights his cigarette, not making a comment and hands it back to you. You also decide to light a cigarette, trying your best to look cool doing it but because of the wind you’re having a little trouble. Suguru sticks up his hand to block the wind for you. His damn hands. It’s like as big as your face up close and you say “thanks” with the cigarette hanging out of your mouth now lit.
“Y/n? Is that your name?” He breaks the silence first.
“Yes, are you Suguru?” You ask sweetly back
“Suguru Geto, the one, the only, barista extrodinaire,” he laughs and draws a puff.
“I like your laugh.” You blurt out, now realizing your judgement is a little impaired from your weed alcohol and nicotine pairing. “Sorry that just kind of came out.”
“That’s okay,” he stares at you with kind eyes ashing his cigarette against Gojos house.
“Did you like the matcha today?” He asks after you don’t respond.
“Actually no,” you bust out laughing, “I don’t like matcha I was just distracted when she was ordering.”
“Distracted by what?” He asks.
“You,” you realize how close your faces are and how intimate the moment is with your glowing cigarettes and how intoxicating the mix of his smell is.
He nods and smirks at your response, glancing down at your lips. “I think I want to get to know you more y/n.”
You gather all the courage that you haven’t had with this man for the past few days and put it all in your lips and lean in to kiss him. He kisses back, graciously, putting his hand against the back of your head as you place your hand on his hard pec. He depends the kiss, moving his lips passionately before entering his tongue into your mouth. His free hand wraps around your waist.
Just as things are getting intense you hear Nobara squeal in the kitchen, “GOJO LOOK!” You both break the kiss laughing, but still pressed up against him.
“I think I may know who my bet is on for tonight,” he winks and gives you another kiss, making your knees weak and release a tiny whimper into his mouth. You pray he didn’t hear it, but instead he asks, “needy daddy’s girl?”
You feel your cheeks grow so warm and cover your face with your hands. “Just kidding pretty girl, your lighter was cute though.”
reblogs and comment for a part 2 ?? 🤭🤭
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ladamedusoif · 10 months
Snowflakes (Javier Peña x F!Reader)
A Merry Fic-Mas - December 6
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Part of A Merry Fic-Mas: A Holiday Fic Calendar - click for masterlist. FYI: I'm having so much trouble with taglists at the moment that I'm not going to use them for now - if you want to keep updated, follow @ladameecrit and turn on notifications.
Pairing: Javier Peña x F!Reader
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 2091
Warnings: Reader is a colleague of Javi’s; set sometime around the events of Narcos S1; non-canon; no use of Y/N; no physical description of reader; alcohol consumption; smoking; references to sex work; swearing; references to Christmas but more often to ‘holiday season’; reader has a large family; fluff; minor angst; heavy making out; implied smut; Javi is a softie really
Summary: With the holidays approaching, you volunteer to stay on and work at the embassy in Colombia so that other colleagues can take time off and head back to the US to spend time with family. It’s just you, mountains of paperwork - and Javier “Where’s Your Festive Spirit?” Peña.
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Winding down for the holidays in the embassy in Bogotá isn’t exactly how it was when you were based in D.C. That being said, even narcotics kingpins - and the people tasked with trying to topple their empires - eased off a little around the festive season. It’s three days before Christmas Eve, and the embassy offices are abuzz with colleagues exchanging cards and well-wishes before many of them depart for some much-needed time with family back in the US.
You’ve volunteered to stay put and let others, especially those with kids or older parents, get home. You come from a large family and - while you’ll miss them - you know your absence won’t be felt quite so keenly. 
The strains of “White Christmas” float through the office as you sort out stacks of paperwork in preparation for the (hopefully) quieter days ahead, humming along to yourself. 
Javier Peña sidles into the room, cigarette dangling from his lower lip and body poured into those stupidly tight jeans and shirt as per usual, and lets out a groan. 
“Ironic we’ve got Bing fuckin’ Crosby dreaming of a white Christmas, while we’re here trying to put a stop to a different kind of snow.”
You roll your eyes and exhale. “C’mon, Javi. Where’s your festive spirit?”
He swivels and gives you that hooded stare you feel is more of a practiced defence mechanism than anything else. 
“Don’t have it. Don’t need it. Just want to get some work done when it’s quieter. When are you leaving, anyway?”
You put on your best and brightest smile. “I’m not. I volunteered to stay over the holidays, too. Now, when are we planning on making some popcorn garlands and drinking eggnog?”
You hold your wide-eyed, innocent expression for just long enough to spark panic in Javi’s eyes, before collapsing in giggles.
“I’m just fuckin’ with you, man! Fuck. But I do have holiday sweaters and I’m not afraid to wear them.”
Javi rolls his eyes, shakes his head, and leaves.
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You know all about Javier Peña and his reputation. Grumpy lothario with a moral compass painted in shades of grey. Supposedly fucked every hooker in Colombia by now, and a few embassy staffers for good measure. Sullen, snarky, and the definition of an asshole. 
You don’t buy it. 
Okay, he’s not exactly subtle about the way he checks out pretty much everything in a skirt, though he has his limits. And his knowledge of local brothels is just too good to be entirely based on police intelligence reports, though you suspect at least some of the stories are heavily embellished if not entirely made up. 
There’s just something about him that tells you he’s not the grumpy asshole people think he is - or, maybe, that he wants people to think he is. It’s like that stare: it’s a way of keeping you at arm’s length. It’s the same as the puppy dog eyes he pulls out when he’s trying to get something he wants. You’re a good agent - you wouldn’t be here if you weren’t - and you can’t resist the allure of cracking a puzzling case. Especially if it’s the colleague currently sitting sullenly at his desk, plume of cigarette smoke rising above his head, while he rifles through surveillance photographs.
The embassy is much quieter now, the day before Christmas Eve, and the usual background noise of phones and chatter has been replaced by the sound of your typewriter, the scratch of Javi’s Parker ballpoint pen against a yellow legal pad, and his occasional frustrated grunt or exhalation. 
He hasn’t said a word about the bright green sweater decorated with a glittery Christmas tree that you’ve worn to work, though you’ve noticed him sneaking occasional glances at you when he thinks you’re not looking. Eventually you decide to call his bluff.
“I think you’re jealous of this sweatshirt, Javi. Let me know your size and I can get you one for next year.”
He looks over at you and shakes his head with irritation. “Jesus fuckin’ Christ.” But you swear you detect a little smile flashing across his lips.
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On Christmas Eve, you don your brightest holiday sweater and pack a tin of homemade sugar cookies into your work bag. It promises to be quiet - most Colombians will be with family, preparing to attend midnight Mass and come together for dinner afterwards. You aren’t even sure if Javi will be in the office. 
He’s there, of course, already leafing through files with his feet up on the desk when you arrive. He does a little salute in acknowledgement - more of a hello than you think you’ve ever got from him, you muse.
He looks up again at the sound of your cookie tin hitting your desk, and mutters something under his breath. 
“Excuse me? I didn’t quite catch that.”
“I said, that better not contain popcorn for making garlands.”
You grin, take the lid off the tin, and cross to his desk to show him the cookies. “I didn’t think you’d be much good at that, so I made cookies instead.”
Javi cannot disguise the interest in his eyes as his gaze moves from the cookies to your face. 
“I don’t like eggnog.”
You shrug. “Don’t have eggnog, so we’re good. There’s coffee. Or, as I suspect, there’s that bottle of whiskey you’ve got in your desk drawer?”
You raise your other hand. Javi groans when he realises you’re holding two holiday-themed mugs, dangling expectantly, but he’s clearly fighting a laugh as he bends down and opens his desk drawer to retrieve a bottle of Johnnie Walker.
“Fuck it.”
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It seems that sugar cookies, Scotch, and an empty office are the key to cracking the mystery that is Javier Peña. He’s more relaxed than you’ve ever seen him, stretching back in his chair with his feet up as you sit on the edge of his desk.
The alcohol has emboldened you a little. “I don’t buy it.”
He quirks an eyebrow. “Don’t buy what?”
“You not having any holiday spirit. I think you just don’t want to let it show.”
“Fuck, not this again.” He’s smiling, though, and there’s a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. He exhales and sips his drink. 
“Holidays were my mom’s thing. Never felt the same after she passed.” 
“I’m sorry, Javi, I didn’t mean to bring up any bad memories.”
He brushes away your apology with a wave of his hand. “No need to say sorry. They’re not bad memories. That’s the fuckin’ problem, they’re all too good.” He chuckles to himself, as if he’s reliving Christmases past. “She loved it, all of it. The food, the lights, the music. Dancing with my pop on Christmas Eve with the record player on - fuckin’ embarrassing, when you’re a kid.”
He laughs at the memory and you can’t help but join in, saying nothing in case he’ll close himself off again.
“She had this little ornament that was like a snowglobe, or something, with a little plastic snowman inside, and she used to shake it every day and watch all the fake snow falling. Don’t get a lot of snow in Laredo, so it must have seemed…exotic.”
“Never had a white Christmas?”
He shakes his head and takes another sip of whiskey. “Not that I recall. Just one day in February when I was, what - fourteen? Fifteen? And I came home from school and she was standing in the yard, staring up into the sky and watching those snowflakes fall like a little kid.”
You let the memory linger for a couple of moments, before silently reaching for the cookie tin and offering it to him.
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After another hour or so of work - albeit at a decidedly relaxed pace - you dig out your final Christmas Eve surprise: a portable cassette player, and a mix tape you’ve made of your favourite holiday songs. As the opening bars of “Sleigh Ride” by the Ronettes ring out, Javi sighs and stares at you.
“That better not have any Bing fuckin’ Crosby on it. Or Sinatra.”
You chuckle as you bob your head in time to the music, swaying in your office chair. “Don’t worry, Javi, I wouldn’t force that on you. Who knows, we might even have the same taste in holiday tunes?”
He grins and shakes his head, but you smile with satisfaction when you notice his foot starting to keep time. 
No holiday spirit, my ass.
The next track is your favourite: “Christmas Wrapping”, by the Waitresses. You stand up from the desk and dance your way over to the filing cabinets, shimmying a little as you put away some completed paperwork and looking over your shoulder just in time to catch Javi nodding along to the music.
He looks up as you extend your hand towards him. 
“I know you want to, Javi. I could see that Rio Grande boot tapping from across the room.”
He stands up. He extinguishes his cigarette. He stares at you like you’ve come from another planet.
And then he takes your hand and starts to dance with you, right there in the middle of the office: his moves a little reserved and awkward at first, but his body language becoming more open, more relaxed, as the song progresses. 
By the time Patty Donahue is recounting how she’s turned down all of her Christmas Eve invitations, Javi’s broad hands are around your waist, yours resting on his shoulders, both giggling at the bizarre holiday party you’ve created for yourselves. He suddenly twirls you around and you throw your head back and laugh out loud.
He pulls you back in as the song reaches the final, repeated chorus. You lean in and whisper in his ear.
“I knew you weren’t a grinch, Javier Peña.”
His laugh is low and warm, resonating through his broad chest, and it sends a spark through you as your eyes meet.
He tastes of whiskey and tobacco, of sugar cookies and coffee, and he holds you close as you deepen the kiss and move backwards towards your desk. Your last few manila folders of paperwork hit the floor as he eases you up onto the edge of the table, your hands already starting to unbutton his shirt as his long, thick fingers work their way under your sweater and find the soft, sensitive skin of your breasts. 
You sit up a little so you can take the sweatshirt off, hastily discarding it before reaching for Javi’s belt buckle. 
“We probably shouldn’t be doing this,” you murmur as he undoes your jeans and encourages you to raise your hips just enough to pull them down.
“You don’t want to?” he asks, breath warm and heavy against your neck.
“I want to.”
“Good,” and he moves his mouth to your nipple as you whine with pleasure. “It’s Christmas, after all.”
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You’re gone when he wakes up the next morning, the sheets on your side of the bed already turning cold in the grey light of a Christmas morning. He sits up and reaches for his cigarettes before dialling your number.
No answer. 
He had planned to go into the office one way or another. No point hanging around at home on his own when he could be getting some work done, right?
And maybe you’d be there, too.
The embassy is completely silent as Javi makes his way to the office, flicking on the lights and realising that all the evidence of yesterday’s festivities has been cleared away. Your desk is neat and tidy as ever.
It’s like nothing happened. 
There is one change, though: a little red gift box on Javi’s desk, topped with a bright green bow. The tag reads simply:
Merry Christmas, Agent Peña.
He raises an eyebrow and opens the box, reaching in to retrieve the gift within.
The fake snow glitters inside the cheap, plastic snowglobe as he holds it up to the light. 
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scoops-aboy86 · 6 months
Not Dating, part 2
part 1, part 3, parts 4 & 5, part 6, part 7, part 8 - also on ao3
This is 1949 words and it was excruciating to write because, like. That internal struggle of how to bring up an out-of-the-ordinary kink with a partner is, uh, yeah. Hm. So, here it is.
cw: panic attack, robin worrying about internalized homophobia, steve worrying about internalized fatphobia
Robin flings her front door open to stop the frantic pounding on it. “Jesus Christ, what—Shit, what’s wrong?”
Steve pushes past her on the right and into the house, swiping his left shoulder against his cheek to buy another few seconds of pretending he even kind of has his shit together. He’d been practically shrieking through the door though, and he’s still breathing hard. “Your, ah. Your parents are still visiting your aunt, right?”
“Yeah—Why? Steve, what’s happening!?”
She’s practically running to keep up with him as he charges up the stairs to her room. It’s not until he’s reached it that he turns around, both hands scrubbing over his damp, reddened face and up into his hair. “It’s not a code red, I just… Fuck, I fucked up, Robs!” 
Robin finally catches up and grips his shoulders, peering hard into his puffy eyes. “Dingus, breathe. You look like you’re having a panic attack.”
“Of course I’m having a panic attack, I fucked! Up!”
She’s never seen him like this before, not even after nightmares about being trapped back under Starcourt listening to Dustin get tortured. 
Steve almost never cries—it’s like his parents had berated it out of him at a young age, which personally she thinks is short-sighted and dumb and one of the many, many things wrong with the patriarchy. But he’s crying now, tears running down his cheeks as he blinks furiously and paces and kicks at the carpet every few steps. He winds his hands into his hair and tugs on it so hard she’s almost worried it’ll come out. And his lips keep moving like he’s trying to work something out, or berating himself, or both on top of heavy, too-fast breaths. 
“Steve, can you talk to me? You’re kind of freaking me out.”
He glances at her, then drags his hands down his face and throws himself down onto her mostly-made bed with a muffled scream into the nearest pillow. Which is probably as close to a ‘Okay, just give me another minute and I’ll tell you everything Robs’ as she’s going to get. So she sits cross-legged on the bed next to him, passes him one of her childhood teddy bears because he likes soft things when he’s upset, and waits. 
After a while, he lifts his head, says, “Eddie,” and drops his face back down. 
Robin has been trying to gently prod Steve into talking about the way he and Eddie have been dancing around each other for months. She’d clocked Eddie’s crush on her best friend all the way back in the Upside Down and silently empathized with the hopelessness of his position, knowing well the pain of falling for a straight person. It was the way he and Steve had both gravitated to each other since Eddie’s release from the hospital, though, that had caught her by surprise. She’s witnessed them cuddling on the couch, for god’s sake. Multiple times! And that’s considered so much weirder between two guys than two girls. But Steve has always shied away from the topic… until now.
“Okay,” she says slowly. “Did something happen with Eddie today?”
Steve shakes with something she first takes for more crying, but he peels himself up again with a peel of croaky, slightly hysterical laughter. “Yes and no. We were going to hook up, but… I didn’t say what he wanted me to, so I guess that’s done.”
“You were—” Robin rests a hand on Steve’s shoulder. “Really? Wow, I didn’t realize you—”
“We’ve been hooking up for a couple weeks,” Steve interrupts bluntly, sounding absolutely wrecked to have to say it. 
… Last week she’d been trying to coax him towards realizing that draping himself all over Eddie or pulling Eddie half on top of him during movie nights had to mean something. When he hadn’t taken the bait, she’d made some comment about how they lived in each other's brains and were incapable of keeping secrets from her, “You know that, right Steve?” And he’d nodded and agreed. 
So. Wow. 
“Oh,” she says softly, and despite her best efforts some of the hurt creeps into her voice. It’s not like she doesn’t know how hard something like this can be to talk about, how saying the words can make it terrifyingly real. The only reason she’d told Steve had been the temporary death-defying insanity of both escaping actual, literal, pee-yourself-in-terror-a-little-bit torture and whatever lingering truth drugs said torturers had shot them up with; bringing it up a second time, after all that had worn off, had been scary even knowing he was safe. 
But he has to know that she would’ve understood, right? That she could have helped him figure things out so neither Eddie nor him would’ve ended up getting hurt?
And weeks. Steve is her soulmate, her other half, her Platonic with a Capital P, had been doing gay stuff with another boy and she’d had no idea! The guy she only has to look at to know when he’s hoarding the last of the Red Vines for himself, or that he did forget to rewind something before reshelving it, or that the kids put him up to something really stupid that’s going to take up half their day because it involves driving to the game store two towns over or something. How had he kept up that good of a poker face for so long?!
Robin takes a deep breath and tries again, because her best friend is upset and that’s way more important than feeling left out of the loop. 
“Steve, it’s okay.” She reaches out and starts rubbing his back the way he likes when he’s just thrown up from a migraine, in the hopes that will help now. “It’s okay if you like boys. Instead of or in addition to, whichever, both are totally fine and allowed and only make you a freak in the eyes of small-minded bigots who feel trapped in their own lives and hate joy!”
He rolls onto his side and stares at her with red, watery eyes with a little sniffle. “I know,” he says sadly. “I know, that’s… that’s that Eddie thinks the problem is, because I fucked up when he asked me. He asked what we were doing and I couldn’t… I couldn’t think of any words, Rob.”
She shuffles around to lie down facing him from the other pillow, and Steve automatically positions the teddy bear between their mouths because he knows she has this thing about feeling other people’s breath on her face. 
“I still like girls,” he continues while she’s still getting settled. “And guys, sometimes. Or maybe just Eddie, I don’t know. I know liking a guy doesn’t make me a freak, but I’m—Part of what I like about him isn’t—If I tell him, he might think it’s… weird. Or insulting, maybe.”
“Okay,” Robin says slowly, trying to think through the utter blank she is drawing. “Uh, do you wanna maybe walk me through exactly what you’re talking about? Tell me what we’re working with here.”
Steve hesitates, his gaze sliding away to fix blankly on a loose thread from her quilt that he’s fiddling with. “Yeah, uh…”
Maybe he still can’t think of any words to explain himself. Robin nudges the bear aside and pulls him into a hug, scooching up on the bed a little so he can tuck his head under her chin. “Hey, it’s okay Steve. I'm on your side no matter what, alright? I one thousand percent promise you that nothing you say will make me look at you any differently, no matter what, because you’re my dingus and we’re platonically bonded together by fate and that shit is forever.”
A weak, muffled laugh tickles wetly at her neck. “What if I killed a guy and cannibalized him to hide the body?”
“I’d get you mouthwash and an antacid,” she replies promptly. “Your alibi is that we were watching Flashdance again and I had to wrestle the scissors away from you before you made irreversible surgical corrections to your own sweatshirt.”
Steve snorts. “Fuck, okay. But stop trying to tell people I did that, I was joking about that.” He pulls back, chewing on his bottom lip, and then takes a deep breath. “You know how Eddie’s… gained weight since he got out of the hospital?”
“Yeah?” She does, because at first everyone in their monster hunter club had been worried about how stick-thin the bat attack and subsequent coma had left him. Since then he’s filled back out at then some, definitely no longer underweight and with a good amount of color finally back in his cheeks. 
“I like it,” Steve admits in a small voice. “I like touching him where he’s… soft. I don’t know how to tell him that without calling him fat, though. No one likes to be told they’re fat, right? I don’t really like someone telling me I’ve gained weight, because most of the time people only say that when they’re being critical assholes. But… he looks so happy when he’s eating, you know? All relaxed, and he deserves that after everything he went through. And we get high together and I can’t stop touching him, I… I see skin where his shirt rides up I want to bite it. And I actually have! I’ve been freaking out that he’s going to notice and call me on it, but instead he said he doesn’t want to be ‘just’ anything with me and I choked. Bad!”
“Oh,” Robin says, understanding dawning. Not that she gets the appeal of what Steve is talking about, but she doesn’t get the appeal of guys in general so it kind of falls in the same category… And she could’ve done without that fun biting fact. “Oh, Steve…”
She can definitely agree, though, that after a town-wide manhunt and helping to save the world, Eddie Munson deserves to relax and unwind however he wants. They all fucking do, but Eddie nearly died. 
The way Steve’s face crumples up hurts her heart to see. “H-he asked me what we were doing and all I could think about was what I was doing and I just… sat there. I fucked it up.”
She hugs him tightly again. “No no no, this is fixable. We’ll come up with a way for you to tell him, okay? It’s just a misunderstanding, that’s nobody’s fault.”
“We’ve been hooking up for weeks and I’ve kissed him everywhere but the mouth,” Steve mutters miserably into her shoulder. 
“…Okay, that bumps it up to like, sixty percent your fault,” Robin admits, frowning. That doesn’t sound like the Steve she knows. The Steve she knows loves kissing, he’d literally been known for that back in school; everyone had always gotten to see him and his girl of the week (or Nancy, during the twelve or so months they’d dated) sucking face in the hallways between classes, by their lockers, in the parking lot before and after school. “Why the hell not?”
“Because I was already being weird about it, kissing him felt like it’d be… Fuck, what’s that big word Dustin likes to use? Oh, presumptuous. And… he didn’t try to kiss me either, so I wasn’t sure…”
“Dingus,” she sighs, and hugs him tighter. Then—knowing that when Steve gets going about his trysts he does so comprehensively, no detail spared, and there’s nothing wrong with that, but she mentally braces herself to hear more talk about penises in the next hour or so than she has before in her entire life—she says, “Alright, from the top. Tell me everything so we can figure out how to get you your man.”
Part 3, parts 4 & 5, part 6, part 7, part 8
Tag list: @steviewashere (since your ask kicked this off in the first place 😘), @hotluncheddie
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drgreysonmd · 2 months
Yo I was so excited I literally immediately started drawing him, and then hyperfixated all day and then did nothing but just sit in my feels. This is gonna be a long one about some blog stuff too, mates, so strap in!
@flamesque 's Mun LITERALLY had to hold my hand because I CRIED I was so nervous to see his face 😅🤣 it was the happiness of the game finally giving him all the attention I'd always wanted him to have, but the double edged sword of going
"Oh shit. Now everything I've grown so attracted to is officially wrong."
And so I had to sit here all day while I've painted and spoken to friends and fellow muns and just... had to really take a step back and think about how I was going to overhaul everything here too.
So the positive answer is- I'm SO EXCITED because I've already seen so many people talking about him and even my beloved @rose-tinted-kalopsia is planning on writing for him and maybe this means more fanworks for him! It's been very lonely in my little corner with just me screaming about how lovely he is and throwing out headcanon posts and snippets and art and
I get it. It can be hard to love a faceless man in a very visual game. No shade. I'm just happy and hopeful more people will engage in him as a character now!
I also think he's fucking ADORABLE. His glasses and his cute cheekbones and his grey blue eyes bc ofc he'd have grey eyes when his name is fucking Greyson (I swear to God everyone loves to hurt me with puns 🥴🤣) I'd love to see a little bit of a hairstyle change but I've already hit on that. Overall I love him. Very cute, 10/10, totally smashable. I'm getting Bedazzled Brendan Fraser vibes and I'm here for it.
On the less positive side- it's like saying goodbye to a very dear friend. This Grey, MY Grey has become somewhat of a very special blorbo to me. He ended up being like a half oc-half canon character and idek how it happened but it DID and here I lay very distraught and attached to him and it's a little heartbreaking to retire him, if that makes any sense.
It's been quiet here for a while partially due to personal stuff, but also partially due to my sensing the changing in the winds after the story update of No Morning. They've done a lot of lore building with him that while it doesn't give him any actual back story, it's changed or developed parts of his personality that really have diverged him from the Greyson we got snippets of early on. And I'm not mad about that mind you, he's still adorable and I will stand by him until my dying breath, but it's very clear that the Grey I've written, and the Grey they're writing now are diverging very quickly and I need to separate them rather than try and salvage a blend. It was bound to happen when the only thing we had to go on was as a side character in an anecdote, a side character in a single card, and a couple moments posts early on. 🤷‍♀️ (oh and that one Twitter interview).
I've contemplated making mine an OC (just another Dr at Akso) and keeping all the lore and backstory and stuff as his, and gutting this profile back to canon material ONLY, but once again that leaves it as very... well.... barren. I do believe there will be a lot more in store for him in the future, it's just gonna take a while (bc he's a side character so of course, it makes sense) so it might feel like I've kind of hurt or abandoned this place in the meantime, which is definitely not what I want either.
All in all there will obviously be some huge changes happening here, I'm just not entirely sure what they are yet and what that means for active threads too 😅 I have a lot of options so it's just down to figuring out which ones speak to me heart and Muse.
I realize this is probably all waaaaaaay more than you intended to ask so I'm sorry, but thanks for letting me gush all my feels out ahhhhhh♡)
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glitterguts13 · 5 months
Do you have any favourite of hcs (any kind) of aventurine?
Oh, I have so much to say about Aventurine it's not even funny, so here comes a jumbled mix of thoughts.
TW: topics of slavery, self-harm, sexual abuse, and suicidal ideation. Please read with caution!
Aventurine struggles with genuine physical and emotional intimacy. Having been used, abused, and tortured all this life, mentally, sexually, and physically, he's grown to learn that people are to be kept at arm's length the whole time.
Because of this, Aventurine became very hyper-sexual to deal with the trauma. To him, if he starts it and stays in control, he can't be hurt. This isn't true at all, but it's the only way he knows how to handle people who start getting touchy with him because saying 'no' never worked in the past.
If someone does manage to break down his walls and form a genuine emotional bond with him...he really doesn't know what to do. He showers his partners with gifts and money, is extremely sex driven, and doesn't have any consideration for his own well-being. He's so worried about losing them, that he gives too much.
Aventurine doesn't know how to ask for things he wants. In the sense, he doesn't know how to say "Please, just hold my hand." or "Will you brush my hair?" These simple little acts of love that he desperately craves, but can't ask for because he's worried he's being needy.
For fucks sake just hold this man and remind him that his worth isn't tied to his wealth or his body.
The hand that trembles, hold it tightly and press it to your lips. He'll fall to pieces.
Aventurine is torn between desperately wanting a family and being terrified of having one. He wants a partner, children, and a home to come back to that's filled with love, warmth, and laughter...but he knows how quickly he could lose it, and just how big a target is painted on his back. It keeps him up at night, debating back and forth on if he should pursue his desire or leave it to rot like the rest of his dreams.
Topaz is the closest thing to a 'friend' he has inside of the IPC. While they're hardly besties, she's at least someone he can relax around and share a few drinks with. She's not given him any reason to distrust her, but I don't think he would ever fully rely on her either.
Has played his fair share of Russian Roulette, and leaves disappointed each time he wins.
Also, are we all just going to ignore that little tidbit where they mention he was strapped to an electric chair?? I can't even begin to imagine how that fucked him up both mentally and physically.
That being said, Aventurine has a lot of self-harm and pain-seeking tendencies. I won't go into details, but when he gets low, his mind begins to spiral and he has to find something to snap him out of it or else it just gets worse and worse until he's ready to make sure that gun is fully loaded.
He's grown better about it over the years, but he will never fully be able to heal and recover. Especially not as long as he's in the hands of the IPC. Ratio is the only one who catches wind of Aventurine's self-harming tendencies, but he doesn't have a clue on how to help him, so he keeps quiet.
The brand on his neck is a source of contention. He has the money to have it removed and covered up. He hates to see it, but in the same breath, he's almost afraid to lose it. If he does, will he lose sight of his past? Where he came from? He isn't ashamed of his past, but he also doesn't like the very clear reminder of it either. Jade makes passion comments on it often, and it makes his stomach twist everytime.
Donates obscene amounts of money to children in need. He will never let a child suffer, and while he clearly can't dismantle the entire fucked up system set in place, he's bought the contracts of many child slaves and freed them anonymously. He wants to save them all, but it just isn't possible, and it's one more thing that keeps him awake at night.
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Welcome to SunnyVale Oneshot
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(Guyyyyysss Im literally just writing and posting whatever pops in my head at this point My Alpha is about two paragraphs from being done :P Be watching for it!! Cruel Summer Ch. 2 should be finished by the weekend too annnd im gonna work on Midnight Rain Ch. 2! So lots goin on! :D anywho, I love Trailer Park Boys and have been watching it on repeat for WEEKS. So I just had this cute idea and figured I'd write it since I cant sleep! :P )
“Come on Bubs! Hurry up! We’re going to be late!” Julian yelled as Bubbles said goodbye to his kitties. “Boys, boys, boys!” J-Roc ran over across the road toward them. “Yall aint never gonna believe this! We got a reunion comin!!!” J-Roc grinned as Ricky looked at him, “what in the fuck are you talkin about J-Roc?” 
Julian took a sip of his drink as a large black bus pulled into Sunnyvale Trailer park.”So listen I heard from a friend of a friend that Y/N was in town. Rumor has it, she's gonna come do a tour of the park.” J-Roc said looking from Bubbles and Ricky, to which they all glanced at Julian. “What?” he snapped at them. “Well Julian…last time you and Y/N saw each other…she was tellin you she was leavin and you were ...well you were gonna ask her to marry you, until she……said……that….and you…..well…you know….broke her heart,” Bubbles said as an awkward silence filled the air. Julian sighed loudly and took a bigger drink of his drink as the large black bus drove slowly and carefully down the road, before coming to a stop. 
The air brake let out and the door opened, a few moments passed and suddenly, Julian felt like his heart had stopped and dropped into his stomach. Everything seemed to move in slow motion for him as you stepped off the bus. You wore a pair of suede thigh high heeled boots, a pair of black tights, they were the sheer kind that made Julian’s knees weak, you had on a burnt orange tight mini skirt on, and a black long sleeved shirt. When you looked up, your hair was curled in loose big curls, the wind lightly blowing your hair. You suddenly got the biggest grin on your face and darted toward the group of guys standing there. “Oh my gosh!!!” 
You laughed as you jumped hugging Ricky, the guy who was like the dumb, protective big brother you never got to have. You don’t know how many times Ricky saved your ass from getting into trouble either with Jim Lahey, the trailer park supervisor, or the cops whenever Julian and Ricky came up with some stupid plan. “Hey bugz!” Ricky had started calling you bugz when you guys were just kids, because you always had a ladybug or butterfly landing on you. He said you attracted bugs and teased you about it alot. 
Next to whisk you into a bear hug was your very bestest friend Bubbles; which the guys didn’t know but you still talked to regularly. “I’ve missed you bubs!” you laughed as he pinched at your belly “Whos got your belly?” “Don’t touch my fuckin belly bubs!” you both laughed again as he hugged you one more time. “I’ve missed you around here Y/N, we all have.” Bubbles said as you both pulled apart. You smiled and looked at Julian, “Hey Julian,” you said, willing to step up and hug him, but the longer the silence went on, the more awkward it got. “Hey fucktard, are you gonna speak or did your brain not get enough words movin arounds in there?” Ricky smacked his arm as you laughed softly. You’d forgotten just how Ricky talked, sometimes you really missed living here, other times, you wish you could have brought them with you, but you knew they would never leave their beloved trailer park. 
Julian let out the breath he didn’t realize he’d held since you turned and stared at him. “Wow,” he whispered to himself, but it was loud enough that all of you heard him. You felt a small blush creep up your cheeks, “Still drinking rum huh?” you asked him, smiling some as he cleared his throat, taking a large drink, and not the usual sip. “Oh, I brought presents! Give me one second!” You turned your hair flipping around, wafting the smell of your shampoo, mixed with your perfume all around. “Hey Mike!” You hollered while walking toward the bus, “Can you grab that blue duffle bag in the back for me?” you asked as you stood just a few feet from the guys. 
That smell hit Julian like a brick house as he closed his eyes, “I can’t do this.” he mumbled to Bubbles and Ricky before he turned and stormed back to his trailer, slamming the front door shut. He leaned back against it before flinging his glass at the opposite wall, letting it shatter and liquor spill to the ground. 
You turned at the sound of the door slamming and frowned. “Why’d he leave? I have a gift for him too.” you smiled a little awkwardly at Ricky and Bubbles. “Uh, I think he had to um, go, look at a book or something, anyways what’d you bring us Y/N?” Bubbles asked as you gave him a soft smile. It wasn’t easy for you either to see Julian, that night before you left played over in your mind a lot. 
15 years ago
You rode your bike down the street, the sun setting on your last few days of summer, you couldn’t wait to tell Julian, he was going to be so proud of you. You rode up to the stairs of his trailer and put on the kick stand before jogging up the stairs and letting yourself inside. “Jules? You home?” you called out, but not hearing a word. You pushed out your lips and walked toward the back where his bedroom was, “Yeah Ricky. I fuckin know. I'm nervous as hell the way it is. Dont you think I know that you fucking idiot?” He was on the phone in his bedroom. “Listen I’m busy tonight but I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Just don’t fuck up,” he hung up the phone and turned around to see you leaning on the doorway smiling softly. “Hey-how long you been standin there?” he asked as you smiled and shrugged. “Long enough to know you’re nervous about something...you two boys doin another deal?” you asked as he sat down on the bed, pulling you to straddle his lap. “Don’t worry about it sweetheart, what are you doin here this late?” you smiled, kissing him softly. “I have something to tell you,” you whispered against his lips. 
You’d given the boys their gifts, Bubbles got a rocket ship, directly from NASA with his own spacesuit and a couple of real moon rocks and Ricky had gotten a customized glass bong. “Take care of that Ricky…..I figured you’d like it.” you laughed as they ran off starting to play with Bubbles rocket. You took this chance to slip away and go to Julians, knocking softly on the door. 
A few moments later the door opened and Julian stood there, hair wet from a shower, slicked back by the water, sweatpants hanging low on his hips with a towel around his shoulders. “Y/N. Hey, uh, what are you doin here?” he asked as you forced a smile. “Uh, I have a gift for you.” you said patting the duffle bag that hung off your shoulder. “Oh, you didn’t need to get me anything.” he said as he stepped aside and let you come in. 
Walking in, you stood awkwardly as he closed the door and moved toward the couch. “You can come sit down ya know?” he said, looking at you. You nodded and walked over sitting next to him. “Um,” you cleared your throat and dug around in the duffle bag. “Sorry, I would have wrapped it better, but I made a special stop for it.” you handed the box to him, watching him look confused, you smiled as he opened it. 
Inside, laid a very old and special bottle of Rum, Harewood Barbados 1780, to be exact. “Holy…fucking…shit.” he looked at you, a look of shock on his face. “Oh! It wasn’t a big deal….I know a guy who knows a guy,” you laughed softly. “You know someone who owns a $29,000 bottle of Rum?” he asked, raising an eyebrow as you smiled bashfully. “I know two guys now who own a bottle of $29,000 Rum.” you said as he smiled watching you grab another box. “Can’t drink expensive rum without new glasses.” you said handing him the black box. 
Julian smiled down at the gifts in his lap, before the memories came rushing back. “Listen…Y/N….I meant to write back…when you wrote me that letter….I just…got busy…and I didn’t…know exactly what to say.” You shook your head waving a hand. “Not a big deal….I moved on, I’m sure you did too. We’re adults now and that was 15 years ago so, you know, what's in the past,” you said looking down. 
Julian put his gifts aside and moved closer to you. “I’ve followed your career,” he said smiling as you looked at him. “What?” you tried not to laugh. “I doubt I sing the kinda music you like,” you laughed as he did, “While that’s true, I do listen to your music. You’re talented. You always have been…” he said softly as you stared at him, “Julian…I’m sorry I left. But tomorrow I’m going to show everyone where I was raised and where I lived with my parents. And I want you and the guys to be in the video.” you smiled as he chuckled “I’m sure we can make that happen.” 
Julian got you both a drink, and you began to get caught up on each other’s lives. “See Ricky…I’m tellin you that was a genius idea.” Bubbles whispered as they peaked in Julians windows. “He’ll finally tell her after all these years.” 
You were trying to catch your breath from laughing so hard when Julian put a hand on your leg. You looked at him as he stared at you, smiling softly. “I’ve missed you,” he whispered as you nodded. “I’ve missed you too.” A few more moments of staring at each other passed before he grabbed you and pulled you in close, kissing you deeply. 
After a few moments, Julian pulled away and sighed, shaking his head. “I’m sorry, I can’t.” he got up running a hand through his hair. “Fuck!” he yelled causing you to jump. “I should go.” you said quietly as you gathered your stuff and stood up. “No, please don’t go,” he sighed “just…..wait here.” he walked back to his bedroom, returning a few moments later, his signature black t-shirt clinging to the muscles that ran through his chest and stomach. “You weren’t the only one keeping a secret….” he pulled his hand out of his pocket, a black velvet box resting in his hands. “It’s nothing fancy…..I got it from Mrs. Peterson. When she died, she willed it to me, along with some money and other stuff…but….” he opened it, revealing the small, beautiful gold ring inside. The tiny cluster of diamonds sat directly in the middle. You stared down at it, unsure of what was going to happen, or what would have. “.....you….you wanted to marry me?” you whispered as he nodded. “But…then you said everything you said….and….” you looked at him, your brows pulling down together as confusion took over your face. “You lied to me didn't you?” you asked as he sighed. “I panicked, I didn't know what else to do…” you scuffed, shaking your head as you backed away and grabbed your stuff. “I can’t believe you Julian…you lied to me…you swore you never would.” you shook your head. “Whoa, you lied to me too.” Julian said as you looked appalled at him. “Are you kidding me? I didn’t lie to you, Julian. I WAS pregnant when I left. I took the damn test. And guess what? I rehearsed through the miscarriage, I performed when and where I needed to, so now I can go around and buy $30,000 bottles of Rum to impress someone I was head over heels in love with, in the hopes that I might get a tiny taste of what I used to have in life before I lost it all!” you yelled before you stormed out.
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wangxianficrecs · 1 year
💙 Story-Shaped by lingering_song
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💙 Story-Shaped
by lingering_song
T, 13k, Wangxian
Summary:Nie Huaisang knows that things in this world are rarely story-shaped. That they're more akin to ink spilled on parchment - Messy and unpredictable and rather tragic. But out of all the threads he's woven throughout damn near a decade, he had not expected the most straightforward of his ploys to go this awry. He had not expected Wei-Xiong to end up here in Qinghe, half-drunk and too thin with no Lan Wangji in sight. Because it turns out that on his way to becoming the Chief Cultivator, the great Hanguang-Jun had left Wei-Xiong on the side of the road to walk alone in a world that most probably still wants him dead. What else could Huaisang have done other than bring Wei-Xiong home with him?
Kay's comments: OK. So. I don't really buy this narrative that at the end of CQL, Wei Wuxian left to find him himself, or because he needed to travel and heal. Instead, I'm definitely team: Lan Wangji, what are you doing? You're giving the most mixed-signals! Pick up your soulmate and bring him home now, before he drinks himself into his second early grave! And on that note: this story is everything I ever wanted and I absolutely love it. It features Nie Huaisang finding Wei Wuxian, being sad and drunk after Lan Wangji left him by the side of the road, and deciding: fuck it, I'm taking him home! And of course, Wei Wuxian thrives in the Nie Sect, where he's given tasks and appreciated and allowed to teach and the cultivation sects hate to see it, but I love it. I live for it. All hail genius Wei Wuxian, my beloved. Eventually, Lan Wangji gets a stern talking-to too and all works out in the end, but of course, until then, we get to enjoy some delicious pining.
Excerpt: "So, where have your travels taken you so far, Wei-Xiong?" "Well, here and there," Wei-Xiong blinks slowly at the change of subject, accepting his newly-filled cup without question, "There's a lot of things to take care of once you're far enough from where the Sects give a fuck. Do you know there's a stretch of old Qishan Wen land that just goes unclaimed and the people without any Sect help at all? Right there, smack-dead between Lanling and Yunmeng. How many years has it been? It's crazy, really." And then it hits him. Why Wei-Xiong is here, in this dingy inn at the very borders of Qinghe Nie territory. Why it took his birds so long to catch any wind that the Yiling Laozu is wandering the land. Wei-Xiong, who wouldn't have felt welcome to go to Yunmeng after what his birds reported happened in the Yunmeng Jiang ancestral halls, who had been stabbed in the guts the last time he was in his nephew's Sect, and who had been the most hated figure in the Cultivation world when he died and when he was revived again. Nie Huaisang realizes, with the kind of swooshing emptiness he feels at particularly heartrending poetry, that Wei-Xiong is a man displaced in time with nowhere to go. That Lan Wangji had probably been the only safe place for him, up until Lan Wangji let him go to walk a world that most probably still wants him dead.
the untamed canon, post-the untamed, pov nie huaisang, chief cultivator lan wangji, inventor wei wuxian, genius wei wuxian, found family, qinghe nie sect, qinghe nie disciples, teacher wei wuxian, good friend nie huaisang, implied/referenced alcoholism, wangxian get a happy ending, wingman nie huaisang, not cultivation world friendly, cultivation sect politics, not jiang cheng friendly, mentioned character death
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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