#i kin Kujou Sara and Hu Tao
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royal-ruin · 1 year ago
other genshin fic recs here genshin fic recs by pairing here personal favorites are starred, by the way. everything is complete unless stated otherwise.
misc. genshin romantic fics
kujou sara / yoimiya
daylight star by Anonymous (~5k)
a hand around her vision / a hand around her throat
Yoimiya breaks into a prison. It begins there.
hu tao / yanfei
*plum blossoms in winter by arsonide (~15k)
“I just think she’s beautiful,” Hu Tao stated certainly.
“The most alluring flowers tend to have the deepest thorns, Hu Tao,” Zhongli warned, though his voice was still light.
Hu Tao wasn’t listening to him. She waved at him lightly, dispelling whatever lecture he had for her on his tongue. Yanfei was stunning, that much was true, and her grandfather had always told her to appreciate anything she found half as beautiful.
Or, Hu Tao thought that the flowers she threw up paled in comparison to the way Yanfei made her feel.
hanahaki au. one of the best genshin fics i’ve read
kojou sara / kokomi
*kin-mokusei (where it is sweeter) by daiicraaa (~10k)
In battle, you cannot hesitate. Sara knows this as well as she knows her own name, engrained into the fibers of her soul. But then, when the time is finally right to strike down her enemy, she hesitates, and Sangonomiya Kokomi smiles back at her.
She is beautiful.
Do not tell the Shogun; I am a traitor.
it’s so good. enemies to lovers.
amber / eula
but i can’t help, falling in love with you by doriangraysbitch (~5k)
“What do you mean?” Lisa asks, spinning around, face bewildered. “You and Amber aren’t dating?”
Eula clears her throat, feeling heat on her cheeks. She lowers her eyes to the floor so her blush won’t be so noticeable. “No,” she says. “We aren’t.”
There is such a long stretch of silence that Eula looks back up at Lisa in confusion and a little bit of challenge. “…Oh,” Lisa says finally. “I’m sorry, dear, I just assumed.”
And Eula would gladly leave that topic alone forever, but there’s something bothering her about how Lisa says it, how certain she was that she was right.
“Does everyone think that?” she asks, fighting to keep her voice level, even though her heart is racing and she feels slightly faint.
Lisa hesitates just long enough to confirm Eula’s fears.
“Oh, archons,” she says, absolutely horrified. “Oh, no.”
or, everyone thinks eula and amber are dating. gay panic ensues.
kamisato ayaka / kujou sara
*colour me by sambharsobs (~8k)
[It is symbolic. From the nine sips of sake to the political weight of their alliance, all of it is symbolic. And, perhaps most important of all, is the meaning behind Ayaka’s white wedding kimono.
She is a blank canvas, chaste and pure, for her future spouse to colour as she deems fit.
But Sara has not looked at her once since the ceremony began.]
OR: The Kujou Clan’s adopted daughter and Kamisato Clan’s second sibling are wed in a desperate attempt to salvage political images, and Ayaka does not know how to reach for Sara.
wow, just wow. i absolutely loved this fic.
albedo / venti
Of Wind and Chalk by sparklinglabyrinth (~15k)
Albedo suspects a certain bard is more than meets the eye. Numerous developments occur that only continue to fuel his suspicion until the truth is inevitably disclosed. (Or Albedo musing on multiple in game events related to Venti, Mondstadt and Durin)
arataki itto / gorou
bringing a bouquet to battle by wormkinnie (~7k)
Arataki Itto is a lot of things: Very strong, very fast, very handsome, cunning, charming, talented, good at fighting— hey, you’re getting all this, right?
He is not, however, that good with dogs (or guys who have the features of dogs. or guys at all).
[Excerpt from That’s Life Issue #107 (Note: For the anonymity of the asker and Ms. Hina, personal details may be removed or edited.)
Ms. Hina! How do I block my mind from someone?! When I talk to this person they seem to be finding my weaknesses! It makes my head feel very strange. This is bad! I can’t let my focus fail me, because then I will be bested in competition, and this is unthinkable. Reply soon. Your biggest fan.]
something a bit more lighthearted for a change.
Commission: Who Is Ms. Hina Dating? by underthethousandstars (~3k)
[“You want us to find out who Ms. Hina is dating?” Paimon cried, bringing Lumine back to reality.
“Why is this a commission?” Lumine asked, raising a brow in suspicion.
“Her fans have noticed a change in quality concerning her love advice and have come to the conclusion that she must be dating someone.”]
Lumine is commissioned to find out who Ms. Hina is dating.
diluc ragnvindr / zhongli | morax
*what cannot be said (will be wept) by muichirou (~15k; Warning: MCD)
[When he spotted red hair — much like flames, blaring and vibrant — amidst grassland, only punctuated by the lone glaze lilies, he felt intrigued. The human’s red locks were falling out of his dark hood, barely hidden, like a tempered storm.
It was bewitching.
Rex Lapis wondered what someone like him was doing in Liyue— someone as entrancing as him.]
(or: zhongli and diluc have met before, many moons ago.)
zhongli | morax / venti | barbatos
the anemo archon is dead (long live the anemo archon) by heavymoons (~6k)
The Tyrant of the Winds, Decarabian is no more. As the newly minted Anemo Archon, Barbatos wishes he had read the fine print before crossing paths with the implacable God of Contracts.
(In which, Venti accidentally trespasses, gets arrested, and tries to broker the grandest alliance in all of Teyvat, in that order.)
[“I owe you an apology,” is what Morax says, unexpectedly.
“An apology?” Venti parrots, his gaze unconsciously drifting down to his shackled hands and then to the thick bars on his cell. He wonders if the people of Liyue just have very strange ways of apologizing.]
*such impossible bliss by nyabatos (~2.5k)
[there’s a breath of warm air against his cheek, a huff of laughter, “you know, you don’t have to look at me like that.”
morax blinks. “like what?”
“like you’ve never seen a winged god before.”]
takes place when the original seven were alive.
diluc ragnvindr / venti | barbatos
pointing at the moon by ohwickedsoul (~2.5k)
[“Do you still love the crystalflies?” Venti asks, runs a finger around edge of his wine.
Diluc goes very still. “What?”
“They haunt your vines,” Venti says, smiles into his glass, soft and a little melancholic. “I thought you liked them?]
ganyu / keqing
*heartbeat of the world by Sephirron (~7k)
To Ganyu, a thousand years isn’t very long at all. She watches Liyue rise and fall, build and rebuild. But never in all her years has she met anyone like Keqing, the single mortal that didn’t believe in gods.
But Keqing cares about others, that much is clear. They stand worlds apart and Keqing barely looks her way. Ganyu is convinced she is the one human that Keqing didn’t care about. Her fingers brush against her horns. Or maybe, she is convinced that Keqing could never care for a god, even if it was human.
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11ofcrows · 2 years ago
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mybrainisthickerthanmyass · 2 years ago
Sometimes I think about how the person who got me in to Genshin Impact basically said “You should play Genshin, I feel like you would be a Beidou main” and my spiteful ass was like “you know nothing about me I’ll main who I want” and started playing and within a week I got Beidou and she hasn’t left my first spot since
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foiba · 3 years ago
top 5 genshin WOMEN
this is an excellent question. as a bisexual i am always ready to talk about women. as we know, there are many women within the hit mobile game genshin impact, however, in this post i will discuss my personal top five. this will a) not be purely attraction based as i have to include my main girl fischl (spoiler alert) nor b) include unreleased characters, as alice and rhine solo everyone. without further ado let’s get into it
#5- Kujou Sara
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allow me to preface this by saying i love a good woman who is also a creature. unfortunately i am not a sara haver, but she’s just too hot and scary for me to not include. she’s got an athlete air about her that i love. if i asked her out on a date she would say “this is the final straw. i’m placing you under arrest in the name of the shogunate” and i would be like yes girl! sadly there are so many women i love that she gets the dreaded #5 spot. i am a kujou sara enjoyer.
#4- Xinyan
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i wish i could say i am a xinyan main. really. unfortunately her mats suck to farm. although she isn’t in my main team she comes into the abyss with me, and i can slap a sac greatsword on this girl and farm for miles. no crystal chunk stands in my way with the queen xinyan. i also really love how her drum makes noise when i climb. she’s so goddamn cute. xinyan forever.
#3- Jean
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ourcraft impact REALLY turned me on to ms acting grand master of the knights of favonius. this woman is both sexy and incredibly based. i think she should be president. she’s just so nice and talented and hardworking i wish i knew her irl but if i did jerry would be out of a job. queen i know vennessa is proud of you. but please someone give her a vacation and pay for her wedding to lisa she deserves everything
#2- Hu Tao
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its kind of a tie for me for these last two but for now our runner up is hu tao. initially I didn’t really care that i pulled her but holy shit is she balls to the walls insane. i have horrible rng luck so she’s running a lvl 70 r5 black tassel but she does like 50k on slimes so it’s fineeee…i relate to her SO much im shocked shes not on my kin list but i dont want to make it too long. she’s just so adorable and funny and powerful that she earns her spot as a fave, but she’s a little too talkative when i put my ipad down to go do other stuff that she loses points (same with kaeya lmfao). best best girl.
#1- Fischl
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you knew it was coming. the girl of the hour. fischl has been with me since my first ten pull and pretty much never leaves my party. she was my first character to ascend every time. she’s quirky and fun and I absolutely love her gimmick. also oz is so based. please dont kill me for this genshin community but i kind of use hu tao as a support for my main dps fischl…i know it should be the other way around but blood blossom + oz + autoattack is just so fire. this freak girl owns my heart forever. please come back i need fischl cons.
thank you for your time. some honorary mentions have to be yanfei who carried me from AR 25-35, qiqi who has also not left my team since pulling her, ganyu who i do not have but is perfect in every way, and ayaka and ningguang who i have as tuppers in ourcraft that i make say terrible things. i love women so much thank you for asking. chris out
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royal-ruin · 3 years ago
genshin fic recs (part 4)
or the angsty lesbian genshin fics. features: angsty lesbians :) the starred fics are my personal favorites.
genshin fic recs part 1, part 2, and part 3.
I am the fire and I am the forest by miantiao
Beidou returns from Inazuma without her vision, just a shell of her former self, and Ningguang scrambles to cope.
beidou/ningguang. really sad. title is from the song burning hill by mitski. i really love the acoustic version.
daylight star by Anonymous
a hand around her vision / a hand around her throat
Yoimiya breaks into a prison. It begins there.
kujou sara/yoimiya.
*plum blossoms in winter by arsonide
“I just think she’s beautiful,” Hu Tao stated certainly.
“The most alluring flowers tend to have the deepest thorns, Hu Tao,” Zhongli warned, though his voice was still light.
Hu Tao wasn’t listening to him. She waved at him lightly, dispelling whatever lecture he had for her on his tongue. Yanfei was stunning, that much was true, and her grandfather had always told her to appreciate anything she found half as beautiful.
Or, Hu Tao thought that the flowers she threw up paled in comparison to the way Yanfei made her feel.
hanahaki hu tao/yanfei. one of the best genshin fics i’ve read
*kin-mokusei (where it is sweeter) by daiicraaa
In battle, you cannot hesitate. Sara knows this as well as she knows her own name, engrained into the fibers of her soul. But then, when the time is finally right to strike down her enemy, she hesitates, and Sangonomiya Kokomi smiles back at her.
She is beautiful.
Do not tell the Shogun; I am a traitor.
kojou sara / kokomi. it’s so good. enemies to lovers.
but i can't help, falling in love with you by doriangraysbitch
“What do you mean?” Lisa asks, spinning around, face bewildered. “You and Amber aren’t dating?”
Eula clears her throat, feeling heat on her cheeks. She lowers her eyes to the floor so her blush won’t be so noticeable. “No,” she says. “We aren’t.”
There is such a long stretch of silence that Eula looks back up at Lisa in confusion and a little bit of challenge. “…Oh,” Lisa says finally. “I’m sorry, dear, I just assumed.”
And Eula would gladly leave that topic alone forever, but there’s something bothering her about how Lisa says it, how certain she was that she was right.
“Does everyone think that?” she asks, fighting to keep her voice level, even though her heart is racing and she feels slightly faint.
Lisa hesitates just long enough to confirm Eula’s fears.
“Oh, archons,” she says, absolutely horrified. “Oh, no.”
or, everyone thinks eula and amber are dating. gay panic ensues.
amber / eula
*and i couldn't move (all that we were losing) by thelastpoisonapple
Jean's in love with her best friend. She might even have confessed, if she hadn't started hacking up flowers because of it.
(in which hanahaki is fatal if the feelings aren't requited, and jean refuses to make lisa bear that burden.)
jean / lisa. this one was really good. hanahaki au in canonverse.
*among all the lights i've seen so far by pyresque
She's standing in Grand Master Varka's office, and this beautiful young woman has extended her hand in greeting as Lisa reaches out to meet her halfway. Their fingers brush, familiar purple sparks blossoming like flowers in the spring, and a small gasp escapes Lisa's lips.
or, they're soulmates. only Lisa knows, though.
this one is a must read. jean / lisa.
nevermore by bluu
“Zhongli says a country directly reflects the state of mind of its Archon.” Yae reaches up with her hand and tucks a lock of hair behind Baal’s ear. “Are you lonely, Ei?”
“I am the Raiden Shogun,” Baal replies lowly.
“I know that.” Then, with teeth, she says, “I made you.”
yae miko / raiden shogun
fool's mate by bluu
“You are infuriating,” Ningguang says, clenching her teeth.
“I know,” Beidou says, smirking. Then, boldly as Beidou does, she reaches her arm under the table and slides her hand down the curve of Ningguang’s waist, fingers lingering at her hip like the slow slick tide of waves, rushing water. “It’s why you like me.”
beidou / ningguang.
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