#i kept wanting to describe Terry as a grumpy wet rat and I have absolutely no idea why
stealingyourbones · 2 years
Imagine Terry picking up his boyfriend Danny from Caspar High and seeing Dash bullying him. You cannot tell me, Terry wouldn't choice violence and beat the shit out of Dash.
Terry INSTANTLY chooses violence. Driving on a Fenton Motorcycle towards Casper High to pick up Fenton and notices Dash and his other goonies insulting and yelling at Fenton.
Now, Dash is strong and big, but that’s nothing compared to actually knowing how to fight and real world experience. Dash knows how to football tackle someone and how to properly throw a punch but that’s around it.
Terry on the other hand, is a whole ass vigilante and used to pick fights with dangerous gang members and win them BEFORE he was Batman. He’s even better at fighting now with it being his job and everything.
Dash tries to be cool and tough. Who does this new guy think he is? This gymnast physique lanky beanpole of a kid with a ratty leather jacket looks like a biker gang member wannabe. There is determined fire in his eyes as he storms up towards Dash and looms over him. (Ok dash is slightly intimidated by this guy but he isn’t gonna back down against a complete stranger)
Dash snarks back to the biker kid by insulting Fenton. That was his last mistake. The biker guy removes his helmet to reveal a very conventionally attractive guy who looks eerily calm.
When you ask Dash later, he claims he doesn’t remember what happened.
That is mostly true. Terry gave him a pretty decent concussion and a lot of the fight was foggy to him.
What he does not tell anyone is that this new guy managed to take out his entire group in less than a minute. Effortlessly dodging clumsily swung blows and striking his friends and himself in the stomach and sides. Dash got the honor of receiving a swift kick to the balls on top of multiple blows to the gut.
Dash watched, curled in the fetal position on the ground, as the biker guy rushed over to Danny and frantically checked him over. As Danny frantically whisper-shouted, reprimanding biker guy about beating up Dash’s crew.
Danny scolded ‘McGinnis’, finally Dash can put a name to this bastards face, as McGinnis laughed and snarked back at Fenton.
Dash watched as McGinnis walked over to his bike and sat down on it. The smug biker winking at Danny and throwing some flirtatious line at the nerd. He couldn’t recall exactly what it was but something about beating up clowns? What?
Danny, still on edge and panicked as Dash’s gang laid curled up on the ground, moaning in pain, angrily huffed and flipped off McGinnis.
The fucker had the audacity to laugh as Danny mock angrily stalked over to the bike and sat behind the driver.
Dash doesn’t exactly know if he saw the new guy give a glowering Fenton a peck on the cheek to stop Danny from grumbling like an angry cat or not. It might have just been his recently concussed brain making things up but Danny DID seem to brighten up and laugh as they sped away from the school.
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