#i kept exiting the game to replay that scene with him laughing and i. I——— SCARAMOUCHE I CAN DO THE FANDANGO PICK MEEEE
bakatenshii · 3 years
ANGEL U ARE SO SWEET I WLD LOVE TO COOP ONCE IM LEVELED ENUFF 💗_💗 thank u for offering!! and omg ABOUT ALBEDO i did this quest yesterday where he uses traveler for experiments and has u drink this potion AND WHEN I TELL U MY MIND INSTANTLY MADE IT DIRTY LIKE YES ALBEDO U CAN USE ME EXPERIMENT ON ME IDC!!! cries but that reminded me of the water slime x reader fic and then i was like ok i need to chill i will not lewd slimes just yet 🧘🏻‍♀️ but if albedo asked….. anyway i so agree with u and ur moot tits for all will solve sexism just look at haikyuu furudate gave bo and samu tits and we’re all happy and at peace 😌 and omg u have childe i lost pity on his banner and didn’t have the guts to pull for rerun iirc but he’s so hot sleazy loaded villainy man i love him. u have the best teams ur brain is so big i honestly haven’t done abyss in a sec bc i got my ass kicked so epically…
OMG RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT WHEN ALBEDO-NII SAYS DRINK THIS I SAY YES SIR IMMEDIATELY IMMINENTLY WHATEVER U WAAANT hes just so soft and pretty and sweet and he makes me feel things hhh (also speaking of slimes ive read an albedo x lawachurl fic by this author i rly like and it. it was good. it was indeed v good. and now im frazzled by this new awakening akaoqkqo)
but RIGHT. YES. MORE SKIN = LESS PROBLEMS. if men showed us more tits there would be less issues in the world genuinely honestly trust me this is 100% backed by science and by science I mean 2d men tits nodnod
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Chapters: 1/5 Fandom: The Grinning Man - Philips & Teitler/Grose & Morris & Philips & Teitler/Grose, The Man Who Laughs (1928) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply              Characters: Grinpayne/Gwynplaine, Ursus (TGM), Osric (TGM)            Summary: A mlm retelling of The Grinning Man                                           Words: 2822
Here is chapter one of my first Grinning Man fic. I am very nervous about this, but I’m gonna take the leap. I’ll also post it under the cut. Enjoy!
“Father, tell me more about the capital.”
“What more is there to tell you, boy? It smells of piss and everyone there would beat you within an inch of your life and charge you for the pleasure.”
“I’m sorry, but it just seems so exciting. We’ve been doing the show for ages, and the Stokes-Croft Faire is the biggest fair in the land! We should have done this ages ago.”
“We won’t be staying long. Three or four days, really.”
“What? Father, but – why?”
“We’re so close to the new world, Grinpayne. Surely you’re anxious to get there.”
“Yes… yes, of course. But – don’t you think we could find answers here? About…” Nimble fingers lightly pressed the bandages on his cheek. Damn, I’ll have to change them soon.
“Let’s not worry about that, boy. We’ve made a fine life for ourselves. We must bury our pain.”
Grinpayne didn’t respond. Ursus had been saying the same thing for 20 years. He couldn’t remember the face of the man who cut him. It had been so close to him, but when the scene replayed in his nightmares, the face was blank, blanketed in shadow. Yet, Grinpayne could feel that the answers were close. Or maybe it’s just wishful thinking.
“So, you’re the famous Grinning Man. Expected you to be… taller.” The Freak-Wrangler, who had introduced himself as Osric, briefly looked Grinpayne up and down. It wasn’t the first time the Grinning Man had gotten a comment like that. In an attempt to not focus on his carved face, they made some comment about his height. He was either too tall or not tall enough. He personally thought he was this side of too tall. Were he… normal, this would be his main insecurity. Huh, if only…
“This has been a fun chat, but are we clear to set up?” Despite spending his entire career in fairs and festivals, Ursus had very little tolerance for shenanigans.
“Alright, alright. You’re over in Lot 5. ‘Ere’s a map.” Osric thrust some papers in their general direction, already focused on something else. Grinpayne took them before they could fall in the mud.
Once the men had inspected the lot, they began setting up their cart. The Stokes-Croft Faire was not open to the public this early in the day, but there were still people bustling about, freaks of all sorts. Stokes-Croft truly had a wondrous collection. Unlike most of the fairs Grinpayne had performed at, everything and everyone seemed real. He couldn’t quite tell when he had developed an eye for it, but it was a game he liked to play.
The only attraction that interested him was the one across from his own. The Blind Seer. This one was new. He had seen many seers, and many tricks with the blind, of course. But never a combination of the two. He might go over and say hello.
Grinpayne’s face began to burn. It wasn’t bad enough to require Crimson Lethe, not yet. The concoction his father makes him doesn’t taste as bad as it used to. Or maybe it just takes 20 years to get to used to.
“Why don’t you look around, Grinpayne? We have a few hours to spare.” Ursus looked… distracted. He knew his father hated the capital, but how far did that hatred go? Grinpayne wasn’t going to argue, so he made his way to the seer’s stand. Who knows, maybe this blind seer was the real deal.
The tent was dark, the smells of incense strong. Not much in the way of originality.
“Hello?” Grinpayne called out.
“We’re closed.” A deep voice responded. The voice’s owner came into Grinpayne’s view. If he thought he was tall, this man was a giant. The glare presented to him proved that his man wasn’t a blind seer.
“Oh. No, forgive me, I just wanted… to say hello –”
“Augustine? Don’t be rude. Who’s there?” The second voice belonged to a second man, not nearly as gruff as the first.
“I’m Grinpayne. I’m set up just across the path… The Grinning Man?”
“Ah, yes. Osric said you’d be arriving today.” The seer finally appeared. The first thing Grinpayne noticed was the man’s white hair. It suits him.
“You’ll have to forgive Augustine. We’re still working on being kind to strangers. It’s nice to meet you. I’m Dominic.” He held out his hand a little too far Grinpayne’s left, but he accepted the handshake. It was difficult to tell in the dim lighting of the tent, but the younger man’s skin was as white as his hair. It still suited him.
“I’ve never come across a blind seer before. If you don’t mind my asking, how does your act work?”
“It’s… difficult to explain. I can hear thoughts. They float around people’s heads.”
“So, you can tell what I’m thinking right now?”
“Not exactly. It’s the deeper thoughts and feelings, the things people tend to hide.” Oh, this was a bad idea.
“It must seem like a bunch of nonsense, I know.” Dominic continued.
“No, it doesn’t. I’ve seen a lot of bizarre and outright ridiculous roadside attractions, but yours – makes sense. It’s not flashy.”
“You’ve seen so many?”
“I’ve been traveling for 20 years. I’ve seen enough to last a hundred lifetimes.”
“Hmm. I should like to travel. I’ve lived here my whole life. How come you’ve never come to Stokes-Croft before?”
“My father, Ursus, doesn’t like the capital..” Grinpayne had never met anyone as inquisitive as Dominic before. Everything in him was screaming to leave, to stop answering all these 
questions, but he found himself wanting to stay. There was something about Dominic that intrigued him, left him with a sinking-rock feeling in his stomach. But the feeling wasn’t entirely unpleasant. What the hell is happening to me?
“I… I should go,” Grinpayne muttered. He could also feel the nerves in his face begin to burn more.
“Of course,” Dominic replied, making his way to the table that sat at the back of the tent. “You should come by after the fair closes. Maybe I’ll read your palm.”
Grinpayne chuckled. “Su… Sure, yeah. Um, it was nice to meet you, both of you.” He spared a quick glance at Augustine, whose glare had remained just as sharp.
“Goodbye for now,” Dominic called with a smile as Grinpayne quickly exited the tent.
“You’re back so quickly. What happened?” Ursus was busy mixing concoctions. On a good day, he could sell eight bottles.
“I, I need Crimson Lethe.” Grinpayne didn’t like drinking the medicine in public. It had led to too many questions before.
“Here.” Ursus dug the bottle out of his coat pocket and handed it to Grinpayne. “Take a little more than normal. I think we could do a couple of extra shows tonight.” Grinpayne nodded and swallowed capful after capful after capful until his face felt numb. With a relieved sigh, he put the bottle in his own pocket. Mojo slept in a corner.
“D’ya get a good look at the competition? Normally, I’m not worried, but this is the capital. We need to really stand out.”
“Not really. I think it helps that I’m a new attraction.”
“Then it’s a good thing we’re leaving before the novelty wears off.” Grinpayne was too numb to argue, but he still wanted to stay. He knew in his core that so much could be found here. There was something so familiar about the capital. He couldn’t believe he hadn’t been here before. Surely, he had… he… 
“Grinpayne, helped me unload the boxes. We have to make sure the marionette strings aren’t too tangled.” He would never admit it to Ursus, but he hated the puppet of him as a child. The eyes were too lifeless, too mocking. But the show must go on. Life must go on.
The midnight bell signaled the close of the fair. Drunken stragglers, led by Osric, stumbled towards their homes. Or possibly another tavern, who really cares? Grinpayne was taking Mojo for a walk. The wolf had performed well, but he was smarter than most beasts. How else would the beast have led him to safety all those years ago?
Dominic’s tent came into view. Grinpayne knew he shouldn’t, but Dominic had invited him.
“What do you say, Mojo? Shall we say hello? Come on, you’ll like him.” With a click of Grinpayne’s tongue. The wolf followed the Grinning Man into the Blind Seer’s tent.
“Hello? Dominic? It’s Grinpayne.” There was some scuffling before Dominic’s shape came into view.
“Hello.” Grinpayne could just make out the shorter man’s bright hair, but he wasn’t going to complain.
“Is there someone else with you?” Dominic continued. “It almost sounds – like a dog.” Like others of his kind, Mojo was a heavy breather.
“Oh, it’s just my pet… wolf. His name is Mojo.” Who has a pet wolf? He must think I’m mad.
“That’s a nice name. Mojo… Oh God, you can’t see anything can you? Here, let me light a lamp.”
“Oh, really you don’t need to –” As Dominic placed a lamp on the table, he dug matches out of his pocket.
“Let me help.” Grinpayne knew Dominic wasn’t a child, but he didn’t want anyone getting hurt. The younger man’s hands were soft and surprisingly warm… and mesmerizing,
Grinpayne lit the lamp and was finally able to see Dominic clearly for the first time. His eyes were the lightest blue, and his cheekbones were sharp. If Grinpayne were the superstitious type, he’d wager that Dominic was some kind of fae. It would explain the … attraction Grinpayne felt, why he was drawn to this man. It couldn’t be anything else. Could it?
“So how did your show do? The first day is always the trickiest.”
“More people kept showing up as the night went on. I even think a prince, or a lord, or something came. And their reaction was… different than it usually is.”
“A good different, I hope.”
“I… I’m not sure yet. And you? Your night was successful?”
“Pretty average. About 100 people.”
“100 is average? You should tell me your secret.”
“Maybe. Or maybe not.”
Grinpayne chuckled dryly as he looked around the tent. Something was missing… Where…?
“Where’s your – friend?” Grinpayne’s words were beginning to slur.
“Oh, Augustine? He was just visiting when you came by this afternoon. Osric is always sending someone to check on me. He’s a little overprotective.”
“Is he your brother, or…?” 
“Practically. He saved me, when I was a baby. Have you eaten? I have some bread and cheese.” Who is this person? Grinpayne watched Dominic navigate the tent. The way his hands danced across the tabletops reminded Grinpayne of flowing water. A single pinprick of pain in the taller man’s cheek pulled him out of his head.
Dominic returned to where he had previously been sitting with a purple kerchief. When he untied it, the most delicious smells filled the air. Had Dominic offered food to be polite, it could he really sense how hungry Grinpayne had been?
“I just realized I never asked what your act is.”
“Oh, uh, my father and I… we do puppet shows. And he makes these, uh, potions. Cures for – everything. Colds, warts, once he made a potion to cure ingrown toenails.” Dominic’s laugh was so… him, clear and confident. Grinpayne nervously gnawed on the piece of bread he had been given.
“Puppets, huh? Tell me, what stories do you do?”
“None you would know. My father makes them all up.”
“What about The Grinning Man? That’s the name of your act, right?”
Grinpayne couldn’t be angry with him. He knew it would have come up eventually. He had been flirting with danger, and here they were. He wanted to run, but didn’t want to move.
“Um, it’s me. I’m the… Grinning Man.”
“Oh. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have pried.”
“No, no it’s fine. I… I have a smile cut in my face.” Stop! What are you doing? Get out of here!
“I imagine it hurts terribly.” More pinpricks of pain.
“I’ve learned to manage it.” Dominic smiled in response.
“Is Mojo hungry? I think I could find him a piece of sausage.” The wolf had practically been asleep, but perked up at the mention of his name and the prospect of food. Dominic’s hands once again danced and Grinpayne was once again intrigued. Does he know how handsome he is? Surely someone’s told him.
“Tell me, in your travels, have… have you ever been to the coast?” The smaller man seemed almost embarrassed to be asking.
“Yes. Many times.”
“What’s it like? The ocean? Osric says it’s practically like the river, but that doesn’t seem right.”
“The ocean is… big. It can seem calm one moment and violent the next. And endless. Just ocean as far as the eye can see.” You idiot he can’t see! Dominic seemed to ignore the comment.
“You don’t like it?” Grinpayne wasn’t entirely sure if it was a question or a statement. But it further proved that Dominic’s gift was real.
“I’m… a little scared of it, to be honest.”
“That seems reasonable. Something so vast…”
Grinpayne had been so enraptured with Dominic and their conversation that he had forgotten that the pain returned until it was too much to ignore. He tried to stifle a cry of pain, but Dominic still heard him.
“Are you all right?”
“Y-yes, it’s just a twinge. I n– I need some of my medicine.” 
Grinpayne fumbled with his pockets searching for the little bottle, the one Ursus had made him take, but his hands couldn’t navigate the layers. Mojo, sensing his companion’s pain, sprung to attention. The wolf had been trained to retrieve the bottle whenever Grinpayne’s motor skills faltered. He gently grabbed the Crimson Lethe from where it lay in his master’s pocket and brought his jaw towards Grinpayne’s hands until the man was able to get his fingers around the glass. With shaking fingers, Grinpayne opened the bottle and downed half of it in a single gulp. The familiar wave of numbness spread, and the taller man breathed a sigh of relief.
Grinpayne was suddenly overcome with embarrassment and shame. Even though Dominic couldn’t see him, surely he could feel how vulnerable he had just been. The last thing Grinpayne wanted from Dominic was pity.
I’m… I’m sorry for that. I’m – usually more careful with taking my medicine.”
“I’m sorry, too,” Dominic replied. “I shouldn’t have been keeping you so long.”
“No!” Grinpayne cried. “You did nothing wrong. I like talking to you.”
“You’re good company to have, Grinpayne.” Dominic suddenly paused. His hands flexed repeatedly, his features focused.
“Is something the matter?” Grinpayne asked.
“Your thoughts were so loud before. And then they became so still… I’ve never heard thoughts quite like yours before. They scorch the air around you.”
“Is – that a good thing, or…?”
“It’s not good or bad. It’s just different, unique.” Dominic looked fascinated. Grinpayne turned his apparently scorching thoughts to the man across from him and how perplexed by him he found himself.
The two men spent the rest of the night talking. Grinpayne decided to tell the story of the bride who ate so much salt on her wedding day that when she ended up crying tears of joy, her tears were so salty that they burned whatever surface they landed on. And the story of the girl with hands so soft and white like doves. They laughed at each other’s jokes. And Dominic told more about how Osric saved him from the snow and ice. Grinpayne felt at peace for the first time in a long time.
When Grinpayne and Mojo finally returned to their cart, the sun’s first rays were showing. Dominic had sent the pair off with more food and a dazzling smile. Grinpayne wouldn’t admit it, but he was a little starstruck. This man had brought out unfamiliar feelings, so unfamiliar that Grinpayne couldn’t put a name to them. The only feelings he could recognize were the pinpricks of pain returning.
“Where the hell were you, boy? I was worried sick!” Ursus grabbed his son’s collar, pulling him close in a fatherly embrace.
“I – I’m sorry. I was just across the path. The Blind Seer, remember?”
“Hmm. You were out all night with a blind man?”
“Yes,” Grinpayne replied incredulously. Did Ursus really not believe him?
“I’m sorry, my boy. I shouldn’t have lost my temper. It’s just… easy to get lost in the capital. I don’t want you in any harm, is all.” Grinpayne noticed how odd his father was acting. What is he hiding? Would Dominic be able to figure it out?
“Take your medicine and get some sleep. We have a full day of performances ahead.” Grinpayne drank the remainder of the bottle in his pocket and fell asleep almost instantly.
The “Grinning Man” dreamt of stormy oceans, the man with the hidden face, and of Dominic.
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ooachilliaoo · 4 years
Five Questions for Writers
Tagged by the amazing @alyssalenko – thanks for the tag lovely!
I’ll tag (with no obligation): @faith-less-one, @pip-n-flinx, @poweredbycoffeeandwine,  @serioussamiam, @hawkeykirsah @ljandersen @schizoid-freak @natsora @rpgwarrior4824
1.   Do you have a favourite character to write? Who and why?
I have a few. I love writing Alistair because of the one-liners that just seem to happen when I’m in his head but also he’s more complex that he seems? So that’s fun. I love being in my Shepard’s head. She’s very dry and controlled most of the time but there’s a lot under the surface and I like the detail you can go into when writing Kaidan because the man analyses everything. Beyond like…my mains I tend to like writing the more sarcastic, sassier characters they’re just…fun.
2.   Do you have a favourite trope to write? Or one you want to write? I mean far and away my favourite trope is the battlefield couple, the whole ‘on the field they’re deadly, around each other they melt’ thing which is why nearly all of my main OTP’s have fought together at least once. Beyond that I really want to have a go at an ‘there was only one bed’ fic I just haven’t thought of the perfect set up yet.
Share your favourite description you’ve written? 
Nooooo I can’t choose between my children. But I’m replaying ME right now so lets choose a couple of ME fics for these next two questions This is from a fic called ‘playing pool’ which is available on Ao3 here
She watched his beautiful whiskey-coloured eyes glitter with intelligence as he examined the table. She couldn’t be sure, but she had a strong suspicion, that if she could see inside his head the spaces between the balls would be filling with imaginary lines and angles, as he solved mathematical calculations by the side.
Once or twice he paused in his pacing, bending down just enough to view the line horizontally before shaking his head and moving on. Eventually he bent one final time, gave a little grunt of satisfaction, and stood to line up his shot.
And that was when she realised she was in trouble.
He leaned forward, bracing himself on one outstretched hand, which caused his shirt to pull taut over his form. Her eyes were immediately caught by the increased definition of his abdominals, hovering as they were an inch or so above the surface of the table. Of their own accord, her eyes travelled to where the materials was pulled tight across his back, which virtually rippled as he lifted the cue, and then down past his well-defined bicep to the single hand resting on the green felt.
She wasn’t sure if his hands had always been that way, or if it was something about the green felt and little pool balls, but for some reason his hand looked so large resting there. God, she remembered so clearly, so god damned clearly, what it had been like having those hands on her skin. Oh, and it had been her skin, his hands had always felt like they’d been everywhere at once, one holding fast at her hip, positioning her exactly where he’d wanted her, while the other had swept down her neck, between her breasts, then over them, before sweeping lower across the taut plane of her abdomen, his touch so light but burning all the same.
He lifted the cue, sliding it along the plane of his body to balance it carefully between the raised thumb and forefinger of his outstretched hand.
It shouldn’t have been sexy, the concentration on his face shouldn’t have been sexy. But it reminded her of those times that he’d seemed determined to drive her to the brink of insanity, or hell, probably over, by playing her like some finely tuned instrument, completely at the behest of those clever dexterous talented fingers.
Fuck, she needed to stop thinking like this or she might very well find herself doing something ridiculous. Like flipping him around, pushing him down onto the table and fucking him senseless in front of everyone.
Which now that she thought about it…
She watched him make his shot, appreciating the way the quick jerk of the cue made the bicep of his other arm bunch pleasantly, revealing the tell-tale strength that lay within. She was completely unsurprised when the spotted ball glided into the pocket.
 4. Share your favourite dialogue you’ve written? I’m going to go with this from my Shenko wedding fic which, if you wanted to read the rest of it is here
Taking the hint Shepard stuck two fingers in her mouth and whistled sharply as soon as Kaidan had escorted the old lady to the door.
“So, good day everyone?” Shepard said brightly, as soon as they had assembled around her.
“Not enough fist fighting,” Wrex grumbled.
“And too many rich fuckers,” Jack added. “One of those old biddies threatened to knit me a sweater!”
“I think she was offering, not threatening, Jack,” Miranda replied.
“Don’t fucking start, cheerleader.”
“What was with all the photos and holoimagers?” Tali piped up. “Your wedding will be broadcast from virtually every angle!” 
“And there was no cake,” Garrus whined. “I saw cake. It was huge. But I didn’t get any. I thought there’d be cake.”
“And not enough romance,” Kasumi insisted.
“And definitely not enough food,” Kaidan interjected, appearing at Shepard’s side and wrapping an arm around her waist.
“I agree with you there, Maj,” Vega said.
“I could eat,” Traynor added.
“I know a good burger joint around the corner,” Jack suggested.
“Dextro friendly?” Garrus queried.
“A burger sounds really good,” Miranda added.
There were general nods of agreement and then, as one they turned to Shepard.
“I’m game.” She shrugged. “Let’s go!”
And that was how they came to take over the small burger joint around the corner. Heedless of the other patrons, they re-arranged the tables such that they made one large table in the centre around which they could all sit.
Kaidan headed back from the counter and dropped the tray containing her double bacon cheeseburger in front of her. She was sure nothing had ever smelled so good in all her life. Both of her lives. She immediately popped the container open, took the burger in both hands and took a giant bite.
And the barbeque sauce promptly splattered down her dress.
Kaidan burst out laughing. Across the table, Garrus looked up at the sound, saw Shepard trying desperately to scoop the sauce up with her fingers and began laughing in turn. Pretty soon, the entire table was laughing at their sauce-splattered leader.
“Oh, shut up all of you,” she snapped good-naturedly, accepting the napkin from Kaidan’s outstretched hand.
“Frankly, I’m surprised you kept it clean for as long as you did, Shepard,” Miranda drawled, stifling her laughter.
“Yeah, and there hasn’t been an emergency or an explosion all day,” Joker added, taking another bite of his burger. “Fancy that!”
Shepard froze, her hand instantly gravitating towards the pistol hidden on her hip. In her peripheral vision, she caught Kaidan reaching into his jacket to retrieve his own pistol. The entire table went complete silent, sharing panicked looks.
“There’s no reports of any criminal activity,” Tali said, omni-tool active.
“Nothing on the C-Sec comms either,” Garrus added, mirroring Tali’s pose. Shepard nodded, accepting and trusting the information but her hand didn’t move from her pistol.
“Husband, dearest, I think it’s time we left for our honeymoon. Like, right now” she said.
“Good idea,” he agreed. They made a hasty exit from the burger joint and more or less ran to the transport hub, certain that they were operating on borrowed time.
“Take care of yourselves,” Shepard said once they reached the hub, giving out hugs, handshakes and high fives as appropriate.
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t,” Kasumi trilled, hugging Shepard back.
As Shepard boarded the shuttle and turned to wave one last goodbye to the crew, the inevitable explosion hit.
Kaidan sighed heavily. “Well, we had a good run,” he said, mechanically checking his pistol.
“And at least my dress is already ruined,” she added, doing the same.
Together they jumped back off the shuttle.
“All right everyone,” Shepard began. “Split into your teams and move out!”
The crew obeyed immediately, checking weapons and falling into line.
“We’re going on honeymoon after this right?” Kaidan murmured as they jogged along the walkway. She shot him a smile over her shoulder.
“Oh, definitely.”
 4.   A scene you haven’t written, but want to? I mean I have about 8 million WIP’s at the moment so there are many scenes I haven’t written and many of those are scenes that I want to write but because I don’t really write chronologically I don’t have that whole ‘I want to get to this good scene’ thing because I just …jump to the good stuff.   So yeah…. I badly want to finish this scene I’m in the middle of where Shepard and Kaidan take out TIM’s base and also this DA scene where Elissa goes into the fade to rescue Alistair, but inspiration is short at the moment.
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chokememrstark · 6 years
Mysterious Beauty // Starker
Words: ~2,6k
Summary: Peter has a huge crush on Tony, there’s no denying that, but Tony doesn’t seem to see it as anything but amusing. When Peter one night witnesses Tony hooking up with a random woman, all while glaring at the boy as though to challenge him, it becomes too much and Peter can’t take it anymore. He decides to teach Tony a lesson, show him that he can’t have every girl he lays eyes on, but things... don’t work out quite as Peter planned them.
Warnings: underage!Peter, cross-dressing/drag, jealousy, Tony is a bit of a dick, public making out,
Notes: Inspired by this art (I can’t find it anywhere else, I apologize) for my sweet @ketlingr  Enjoy, kitten!
[Read on AO3]
From the very first moment, Peter knew that Tony was a playboy and he didn't think it would ever be a problem. And it wasn't at the beginning because he was just a teenager with a crush, right? He had no place being jealous and he was too shy and flustered to do anything but blush and stutter anyway when Tony made a cheeky remark into his direction after catching him staring.
He knew, of course he knew, because Tony was much more aware of his surroundings than one might think. Tony was often flirting with him, but Peter knew it wasn't meant seriously, that he was just teasing him about being so infatuated with him. He had enough girls and women to go to, he could have ten a night if he wanted to and Peter was sure sometimes he did, so all of this was more than fun for him, which was okay. At least Peter told himself that it was.
In reality, despite knowing it wasn't serious or even honest, Peter lived for those moments. For the little smirk on Tony's lips when he caught him staring, for Tony asking 'You like what you see, kid?’, for all the times Tony is just a bit closer than he should be or when he complimented or praised him over little things. It didn't help Peter's crush at all, just made it so much worse, but he needed those things, even if they'd never lead anywhere. They just couldn't.
Tony took Peter with him to a charity event one evening and the boy was practically over the moon that Tony even asked him, but what sounded like a good thing quickly made Peter realize just how dumb he truly was. After an hour and several drinks - only non-alcoholic ones for Peter of course because he was far too young for the hard stuff - he found himself standing at the bar, watching Tony with his arm around a beautiful young woman. His hand rested shamelessly on her ass, her red dress a bright contrast to Tony's black suit and her arms around the man's neck. They were dancing and that alone had Peter close to tears, but then he caught Tony's eyes and felt his throat tighten. It was like Tony looked straight into his soul.
There was no doubt about Tony doing this on purpose, in front of Peter, and it felt like being slapped across the face. The way he looked at Peter needed no explanation and it had the boy blush hard and his eyes water. After what felt like forever, he finally turned around, desperate to get away from this scene. He ignored the confused looks and covered his mouth to stay quiet, to not start sobbing in front of everyone. It was a miracle he actually made it to the exit before the first tears fell. Peter didn't know why Tony had done this, why he would do something he had to know would hurt him, but it was the worst thing Peter had ever experienced.
The following week, Peter didn't return to the tower. Whenever he just thought about it his insides clenched and he tensed up, he couldn't go back. He kept replaying the scene in his head a million times and each time it felt more and more like Tony showing him exactly that he would never get what he wanted so badly. Without using words, Tony gave Peter a clear message.
You can crush on me all you want, but this is what I'm after. Not some teenage boy.
It couldn't be any different, this was the only explanation that made sense. And Tony didn't even ask him why he didn't come anymore, that just fueled his assumption. He was through with Peter, clearly. And trough with his embarrassing teenage crush. He shouldn't have been so hurt by this, but there was no way to stop it.
The party was boring as hell and with each drink he downed, Tony wanted to just leave even more. But of course he couldn't, it never looked good to just leave like that. Sadly, not even the women around were interesting tonight, just bland and boring, not worth the effort of having them, no matter how small it was. Which meant the last distraction he usually had was gone too.
An hour later, something finally sparked Tony's interest for the very first time that night. It was getting late by now and he had managed to get pretty much drunk already, but he couldn't have missed the young woman at the bar even if he had tried.
A beautiful thing, short, light brown locks and porcelain-like skin, a skimpy and yet lovely black dress that ended just above her knees and legs so smooth and slender, the urge to run his hands over her skin was incredibly strong. And heels, God he loved heels and he loved how the thin and soft fabric clung to this perfect little ass. He finally had something to do for the night.
Tony walked over to the bar when his newest distraction took a glass from the barkeeper - long fingers with dark red nails wrapping around it, a golden bangle dangling from her wrist - and then she turned and Tony felt his heart skip a few beats.
Even with the makeup, which was exquisitely done, he had to admit, Tony recognized this face. No one else would, he knew that this masquerade was too good to not fool them, but Tony had looked into those pretty doe eyes for far too often to not recognize them. Those eyes and those lovely perfect lips, now with a hint of red that made them look just the more sinful. There was no way he could be fooled by this, he knew who he was staring at.
Tony had no idea what this was about, but he would find out. There had to be a reason behind Peter's looks and Tony begged it was the right one.
He closed the distance between them when Peter leaned back against the bar and crossed his legs, in his hand clearly a champagne flute that he shouldn't have - but then again he easily looked much older and no one would suspect that he was still too young to drink.
“Look at you, gorgeous,” Tony said with his sweetest purr, leaning against the bar next to Peter. “What a lovely sight so late at night.”
Peter's cheeks flushed a soft shade of pink and he chuckled behind his hand. He didn't even believe he'd come this far, yet along gain the man's attention so fast. But despite his shy and flustered reaction, he wouldn't back away from his plan. It hurt to know that this wouldn't be happening if Tony knew who he was, but he had to do this now.
“You seem to be quite bored, Mr. Stark,” Peter says sweetly, his voice just a bit more feminine so he won't see through his bluff. “Shouldn't you be surrounded by admirers already? There's a lot of options, after all.”
Tony smiled his most generous and warm smile and signaled the barkeeper for another drink. His eyes never left Peter, instead, they wandered down his body slowly.
“I am quite picky, but you definitely caught my attention,” he said, a slight slur in his voice. Peter thanks the heavens for that. “What is your name, darling?”
“I don't think we are there yet,” Peter smiled sweetly and tilted his head. “It's not like you care about names anyway, do you?”
Tony liked this, but what Peter wanted to achieve with it was still not obvious to him. Did the boy realize he had already seen through his masquerade? Or was this some kind of kink Peter had that Tony didn’t quite grasp in his current state? Then again, Peter was… what? 16? He thought it was 16, at least. Where would the boy get such a kink from?
“It seems like you know me well already,” Tony smirked and grabbed the drink he was handed, emptying halfway before looking back at Peter. If the boy wanted it this way, he would play the game the best he could. “No names then. Just two strangers in the night.”
“What a poetic way of saying it,” Peter smiled and let out a crystal clear laugh behind his hand, unable to hide the blush on his cheeks. God, Tony wanted to eat him, he looked so fucking good. Tony took one of Peter’s pretty hands and pressed a kiss onto the back of it.
“Would you give me the honor of a dance, my mysterious beauty?” Tony asked in the sweetest way possible, knowing full well that he was being the cheesiest he has been in years, but Peter seemed to like it a lot.
“One dance,” Peter said, smiling shakily. “But only one, Mr. Stark. I know where else this will end and that’s not why I’m here tonight.”
“Oh, of course not,” Tony smirked cheekily as he helped Peter up. He wouldn’t need more than one dance, that was more than enough.
When Tony led Peter away from the bar, the lovely sound of heels clicking on the floor, he could barely contain his excitement.
Peter didn’t want to dance with Tony, but when he asked, he could feel himself become weak. Those eyes… God, why was he so vulnerable to those gorgeous eyes looking at him like that? Tony took his hand and he followed him, fighting hard to not allow his legs to shake. Oh, this was bad, this was so bad. How was he supposed to reject Tony’s advances when he was this close to him? How was he supposed to follow through with his plan of teaching him a lesson?
All question disappeared when Peter suddenly felt Tony’s hand on his hip and was pulled closer, brown eyes looking into his own so close, Peter’s breath actually hitched. He held onto him almost instinctively, swallowing down the lump in his throat. They were alone on the small dance floor and Tony was close enough Peter could smell his cologne, which made his head spin slightly.
“One dance, Mr. Stark,” Peter said quietly, reminding Tony about their deal, but the man didn’t look disappointed at all. He still smiled at him and Peter almost thought he would get out of this and be able to pick his plan up where he dropped it, when Tony’s hand suddenly moved from his hip to his ass.
“One dance is all I need, darling,” he assured him and suddenly they were moving - slow and close, and Peter knew he was completely lost.
Tony loved how Peter tried to take control in the beginning, but as soon as Tony started moving, all his determination seemed to disappear and he turned almost limb in his arms. Those pretty doe eyes wouldn’t leave his own, filled with amazement and surprise and Tony swore he never saw something so intoxicating. The gorgeous makeup made Peter’s eyes pop extremely, making them look even bigger and more innocent somehow, it was amazing.
“S-Sir, not… not so close,” Peter gasped when Tony pulled him flush against his front and Tony grinned in return. The boy couldn’t escape, so it was time to have some fun.
“Why not, Pete?” He purred and leaned down, pressing a kiss onto the boy’s exposed shoulder. “Isn’t this what you wanted?”
“W-What?” Peter gasped, his eyes widening in shock and his cheeks flushing dark pink. “W-Who’s Peter?”
“No need to act anymore now, baby,” Tony smirked, kissing Peter’s neck and then his jaw. “You look so fucking pretty like this, you have no idea…”
Peter swallowed and clung to Tony almost desperately, not answering. Tony wrapped his arms around Peter’s waist, pulling back enough to bring his lips closer to the boy’s.
“Tell me you want me to keep going, Pete,” Tony groaned, slowly moving his hips against Peter’s, coaxing a quiet gasp. “You like that, don’t you? Like how I can do all this with you in public now because no one knows that it’s you… God, you have no idea how much I wanted to do this…”
“S-Sir…” Peter shot Tony a pleading, utterly desperate glance, his pretty eyes glossy and wet.
“Don’t worry, baby, I’ll take care of you,” Tony promised, tilting the boy’s chin up to drown him in a deep kiss. Peter’s eyes fluttered shut as he sighed, melting in Tony’s arms. It was the most beautiful sight, the most incredible feeling, and Tony did all he could to make this as good for Peter as possible.
It was true that he could do almost anything with him, now that no one knew who he was. How long had he waited for this moment, to run his hands over the boy’s perfect body and to kiss him until he couldn’t breathe anymore? How long had he searched for affairs who reminded him of Peter, until the very last one where Peter’s eyes wouldn’t leave his own and he had messed up so badly by continuing? And now Peter gave him this beautiful gift, this opportunity he couldn’t throw away, not when the boy clearly wanted it so badly.
“I hope you brought some time, Pete,” Tony groaned when he broke their kiss, pressing the boy close against him. “I won’t let you go again anytime soon.”
There was a shuddered moan coming from the boy and after a moment, Tony’s lips turned into a grin. He kissed him again, slower this time and with one hand shamelessly squeezing Peter’s ass in front of the whole party.
“A-All night, sir,” Peter swallowed as soon as he could, his voice trembling and thick and so fucking gorgeous, just like the rest of him.
“Perfect,” Tony growled, grabbing one of the boy’s hands. “I’ll show you what you made me want to do since the day I met you.”
And that’s how Peter ended up in the corridor of some high-class hotel, pressed against the wall and moaning desperately while Tony fucked him, without even bothering to undress him or to hide what he was doing at all. No one knew who Peter was, he just looked like a random girl Tony hooked up with, so even when someone walked in on them - which happened multiple times and always made Tony go harder on the boy - no one got suspicious.
His plan to teach Tony a lesson surely blew up in his face, but Peter felt too good to care about such details. Tony was rough, yes, but he didn’t hurt him badly and despite the sting, Peter loved every second of it. And oh, Tony’s sweet words washed over the boy like nothing else, having him moan and beg for more in a way he didn’t know was possible. It surely turned out to be the best night of Peter’s life.
Not to mention the fact that Tony asked him to come to the lab the next time wearing those heels too. That was pretty much what absolutely killed Peter, both at the invitation to come back and at the request to wear those heels again. When Peter sneaked back into the apartment that night, his heart hammered and everything inside of him felt like it was tingling and burning and it was the absolute best feeling in the whole world.
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ladywinchester1967 · 6 years
Off The Beaten Path I Reign
Chapter 2: Red
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Characters: Dean Winchester, Katlynn “Kat” Roberts, Sam Winchester.
Pairing: Dean x Katlynn
Warnings: Language, angst, smut ( unprotected P in V, also wrap it before you tap it), dirty talk....I’m reasonably certain that’s it. 
A/N: Here’s chapter 2 of my baby! I hope you guys enjoy this! It takes place during the season 9 episode “Dog Dean Afternoon”. As usual, unbeta’d, all mistakes are mine, pics are NOT.
“Remembering him comes in flash backs, and echos. Tell myself it's time now, gotta let go. But, moving on from him is impossible when I still see it all in my head; in burning red.” - Taylor Swift
“Deeeeaaannnnnn,” a soft breathy voice sounded “Deeeeeaaaaannnnn”
Dean got up from his bed and stuck his head out of his room, not seeing anyone.
“Hello?” He called, looking for the source of the voice. He stepped out of his room and walked down the hallways. He felt hands grab his waist and he jumped a little before he turned around.
Kat stood there laughing, wearing a simple black dress and black ballet flats.
“What’re you doing here?!” He exclaimed
“I came to surprise you silly.” she told him and hugged him. It felt so real, her small frame wrapped in his arms, he could even smell her perfume. She pulled back and planted a kiss on his mouth. When the kiss ended, she held his face in her hands, the warmth from her hands on his cheeks was soothing. She gave him an easy smile and kissed him again.
Dean did his best to put Kat out of his mind; absorbing himself into hunts. No way would some waitress in Waco, Texas get under his skin. He and Sam took case after case, ganking every evil son of bitch that came their way. However, every night without fail, overly large green eyes and long hair filled his dreams. She always just seemed to be out of reach in his dreams. They’d be walking and he could catch her hand. Or he’d reach for her, only for her to walk away with a coy grin on her face.
“Come on,” he said “let me hold you”
Dream Kat shook her head
“Not until you give me what I want.” she teased
“What do you want?” He asked
She gently tapped his chest, right above his heart
“This.” she told him
This woke him up out of a dead sleep. One night, unable to go back to sleep after such a dream, he picked up his phone and opened the message app. He tapped on Kat’s name he typed out a message and his finger hovered over the “send” button. He sighed, deleted the whole thing and got up to take a shower.
“Katlynn.” she heard a deep, familiar voice call. Kat looked up and smiled.
“Hiya handsome!” she greeted Dean and went over to him. He wrapped her in a hug and kissed her cheek. She pulled back from him and moved her hands up his chest and around the back of his neck.
“Miss me?” She asked him
He kissed the tip of her nose
“You know it.” He said, giving her a heart stopping grin.
Kat’s alarm went off and she squinted at her phone, annoyed that it had woken her from such a nice dream.
Kat got up and went about her day; taking a shower and then running some errands. She wondered if she should text Dean but decided against it. When she clocked in for work, she was off her game and she knew it, but something kept bringing her back to the scruffy, brown haired, green eyed hunter with a heart stopping, boyish grin.
“Snap out of it,” she scolded herself “if he wanted to talk to you or see you, he would call. You had a good time with him and that’s where it ends.”
Even as the words left her mouth, it made her terribly sad. He was fun, warm, sweet and sexy as hell. For a dorky girl like herself, even getting one night with him should have been seen as some kind of life achievement. But, something in her heart chimed in
“You got attached”
She bit her lip, finally admitting it to herself. She WAS attached and she wanted him, other than another case popping up, she couldn’t see any reason for him to come back to Waco. She pulled her phone out and hovered over Dean’s name in her contacts. She stared at it for a solid five seconds and then shoved her phone back into her pocket.
Kat threw herself into work, picking up as many shifts as she possibly could to try and keep her mind occupied. However, every night, there was Dean; waiting for her in her dreams. She replayed their night together more times than she cared to count, imagined laying on the couch with his head in her lap, running her fingers through his thick hair and him smiling up at her. Each morning, she woke up sad, knowing that wouldn’t happen for the two of them. She powered through, forcing herself to be consumed by work and even tried going out of a few dates with guys she met via a dating app. She went, she laughed and had a good time, but none of them made her feel anything. They didn’t make her feel special or like she was anything other than a notch in their belt. For two months, she kept up the charade of being a hard working, not attached to Dean Winchester, hunter slash waitress. When Kat came to work one day, Cliff pulled her to the side
“Hey, I know you’re picking up extra shifts, and I really appreciate it, but Johnathon is crawling my ass about hours.” Cliff told her
“So what does that mean?” Kat asked
“I have to take you off the schedule for a couple of days so I can balance the hours out among the other servers.” Cliff told her
“Starting when?” Kat asked
“Today and tomorrow,” Cliff said “go on home and relax.”
Annoyed, Kat nodded and left the restaurant. As she walked back to her apartment, she grumbled to herself; swearing every word in the book under her breath as she stomped up the stairs to her apartment door.
The next day, Kat got wind of a case in Oklahoma, not too far from her. It looked like a taxidermist had been crushed to death in unusual circumstances. Since she'd been taken off the schedule at work, she decided to take on the case.
When she arrived, she spoke to the local sheriff.
“Agent Daisy Buchanan,” she said, flashing him her badge “FBI.”
“Wow, the FBI must be bored to send out three agents to deal with this case.” the sheriff said. Kat raised an eyebrow.
“You wanna run that by me one more time?” she asked
“We just got two agents in town yesterday,” he informed her. He reached in his pocket and pulled out two cards “two guys; Agent Michaels and Agent DeVille.”
Kat didn't let the shock she felt register on her face, she simply smirked.
“Let me guess,” she said “one is built like a tree, mop of brown hair. The other looks like a Ken doll with green eyes? Driving an older model Chevy?”
The sheriff nodded
“You know them?” he asked
Kat could barely contain herself; Sam and Dean were in town.
“Oh yeah, I know them.” she said. The sheriff gave her a look and she said “There must be some kind of mix up at the bureau, which I'll have to report to my supervisor. Until then, if you wouldn't mind, could I look into this as well?”
“Well, I don't know about that ma'am,” the sheriff said “too many cooks in the kitchen as it is.”
As much as she hated to do it, Kat turned the charm on.
“I get that, but could you throw me a bone here? I go where I'm told and until I can get a hold of my boss to figure this out, wasting tax dollars is gonna get me in A LOT of trouble.” she said, giving him a sweet smile and flipping her hair over her shoulder.
The sheriff melted like butter
“Well, can't be wasting tax payer dollars, now can we?” he asked “right this way.”
Once Kat had copies of the crime scene pictures, the evidence reports and statements, she checked into a motel and started to read. The case, on the surface, didn't make sense. The taxidermist had been crushed to death with no forced signs of entry or robbery.
“Sounds like he ended up on the wrong end of a wrestling move, poor guy.” she mumbled to herself and looked over the photos. Her phone suddenly went off and she looked at the caller ID, it was the sheriff.
“Agent Buchanan.” Kat said when she answered the phone
“Ma'am, I think I've got something for you, can you get over to the animal shelter asap?” he asked
“Sure, you okay sheriff?” she asked him
“I'm fine, this is just weird,” he paused “please Ms. Buchanan?”
“I'm on my way.” Kat said and hung up. She put her suit jacket and heels back on and headed for the car.
When she arrived at the shelter, she didn't see Sam and Dean, but the sheriff informed her that he had called them shortly after he'd spoken with her. They walked into the shelter and he walked her to where the dogs were; in the middle of the floor was a young guy with his throat slashed open, a look of horror on his face. Kat squatted down and looked at the four claw marks on the guy's neck.
“Any idea what could've made those?” the sheriff asked, looking nervous.
“Something big and pissed off,” Kat said “I mean, these have to be at LEAST an inch wide.” she looked around at the dogs “None of these guys have claws like this, these are more cat like. But that would have to be a big fucking cat. This guy is, what; five feet six inches and two hundred pounds?”
“Give or take.” the sheriff said “How big are we talking?” the sheriff asked.
“Anything big enough to make these marks wouldn't have been in the shelter in the first place,” Kat said “this would be something like a bob cat or a cougar.”
The sheriff seemed to grow more and more nervous as her words sank into him.
“I need a second.” he said and headed for the exit.
“Take your time.” Kat told him as a shelter worker came over to her with a list of the missing animals from the night before, they were all cats. Puzzled, Kat read over the list again as the door adjacent to her opened and she looked up.
Looking as handsome as ever, Dean strode through the door, oozing confidence, until he made eye contact with her. His heart jumped into his throat, and his breath hitched. He looked surprised and enthralled to see her as Sam bumped into him from behind. He looked to see what the hold up was and his eyes fell on Kat, looking relieved.
“Agent Michaels, Agent DeVille.” she greeted them with a smile. They walked over to her and Sam said
“Good to see you again Agent.”
She raised an eyebrow at him
“Buchanan, remember?” she asked “Daisy Buchanan.”
“Ah, yeah,” Sam said with a knowing smirk “Yeah, I remember now.”
“You changed your hair.” Dean commented
She twisted a lock of her newly auburn hair in her fingers and said
“Yeah, it was time for a change.” she filled them in on what she'd found so far.
“Did you get a chance to look at all the crime scene photos?” Sam asked her
“I was in the middle of it when the sheriff called me.” she told him.
“In one of the pictures,” Sam said “someone tagged the building with spray paint. They wrote “die scum” and drew this symbol into the paint.” he showed her a picture of a triangle with a paw print in the middle. “It's a local animal rights group called S.N.A.R.T, like small town PETA.”
“And I'm guessing you already talked to them?” Kat asked
“They were a couple,” Dean said “that run a vegan bakery.”
Kat made a face
“What's the point then? No eggs or diary? You may as well eat dirt.” she said and Dean laughed while Sam gave them both a bitchy look.
“What?” Dean asked “She's right.”
Sam rolled his eyes and continued
“They spray painted the death threat, got spooked by a hissing noise and had sprayed mace in their eyes. Or so they said, they were wearing sunglasses inside.”
“Douche bags.” Kat mumbled and Dean snickered.
“Their eyes were REALLY messed up,” Dean told her “all red and gross.”
“Yeah, mace will do that to you.” Kat said
“It couldn't have been mace,” Sam told her “it was premature death of tissue. It's caused by venom.”
“So,” Kat said “the taxidermist gets crushed to death and the vegan, PETA folks heard hissing and got poison in their eyes? What're we dealing with, a giant snake?”
“According to Steve Irwin here,” Dean said, motioning to Sam “snakes constrict or use venom. No snake does both.”
“What if it's a basilisk?” Kat asked
“Something THAT big would've been seen,” Sam said “plus last time I checked, snakes don't have claws.” and looked at the body.
“Look at this,” Kat said and showed them the ledger of missing animals “all the cats are missing from the shelter.”
Sam and Dean looked it over and Dean said
“So yesterday it's some freaky, snake monster, now we're looking for Cheetara?”
“More like Cheetah from Wonder Woman.” Kat quipped.
“To-mato, ta-mato.” Dean answered with a smirk and she stifled a laugh as Dean looked around. His eyes fell on a dog in the cage closest to them. “Why does that mutt look familiar?” he asked Sam.
Kat snorted
“That's no mutt,” she said as Sam stepped forward “That's a purebred German Shepherd. Some people will pay through the nose for one of them.”
Sam looked at the clipboard attached to the dog's cage
“It's the Colonel, the taxidermist's dog.” Sam said
“He's been at both crime scenes?” Dean asked
“Wait, the only witness to the first crime was the dog?” Kat asked “The report didn't mention that.”
“Yeah.” Sam said “And why would it? He's a dog.”
“Could be a suspect,” Dean said “a shape shifter or a skin walker.”
“Doesn't really fit the profile,” Sam said “and he doesn't really look like a monster to me.”
“Nope, not at all,” Kat said with a smile “I'll test him.”
“Are you kidding me?” Dean asked “He could bite your hand off.”
“This big sweetheart? No way.” Kat said and reached in her pocket and pulled out a silver coin. She crouched down to the Colonel's level and he wagged his tail. “Hey there big boy,” she cooed to him and he licked her hand “this isn't gonna hurt you at all.”
“Unless it does.” Dean said and Kat pressed the coin to the dog's ear.
Nothing happened and Dean made his “not bad” face.
“Nothing,” she said “this isn't our killer guys.” she moved to stand and Dean offered her a hand, helping her up, his thumb grazing over her knuckles. They exchanged warm smiles as the Colonel began to bark like crazy. Kat furrowed her eyebrows and looked behind them as the sheriff walked up to them.
“Did you agents need any further assistance?” the sheriff asked as he took his cowboy hat off. Much to Kat's surprise, the Colonel quit barking. She looked up at Dean, who seemed to have the same thought she did.
“No, I think we're okay, thanks.” Sam said
“Hey, can I borrow your hat?” Dean asked. The sheriff reluctantly handed it over to Dean. He let go of Kat's hand and put the hat on. Again, the dog went berserk, but quieted as soon as Dean removed the hat. Dean handed it back to the sheriff who sneered at the Colonel.
“Good luck getting adopted.” the sheriff said and walked away as Kat's jaw hit the floor.
“Jackass.” she mumbled under her breath.
“If the Colonel isn't a suspect,” Sam started
“He's a witness.” Dean finished the sentence and looked at the Colonel “Hey buddy, you speak sign language?”
“That's monkeys!” Sam exclaimed
“Hm?” Dean asked and Sam rolled his eyes while Kat laughed as an idea came to her.
“Wait, I watched this documentary once,” she said “about this guy. He tried to teach his dog to speak after it witnessed a murder.”
“I remember that,” Sam said “I read the book.”
“Well did it work?” Dean asked them.
“No.” they answered in unison.
“He wrote a book AND made a movie about it?” Dean asked and Kat shrugged
“Maybe he had a good publicist.” she said
“But that guy didn't have what we have.” Sam said and nodded to Kat.
“What?” she asked
“You told us you have a grimoire.” Sam said
“Yeah, and?” Kat asked
“There has to be a spell in there somewhere.” Sam said and the realization dawned on Kat.
“If I don't have one, Shannon sure as hell does. Lucky for you two, I never leave home without my witch box.”
“Which motel are you in?” Sam asked
“Something about a Pink Flamingo?” Kat questioned “I don't know, I wasn't really paying attention.”
“We'll spring the Colonel,” Dean said “met us at Diamond Tim's Motor Inn, that's where we're staying. Bring your witch stuff.”
“You got it.” she said and gave Dean a wink as she walked away. Dean watched her go, admiring her ass and legs in the skirt and heels combination she was wearing. Dean let out an audible growl and looked at Sam, who had his eyebrows raised practically into his hairline “What?” Dean asked “I can't appreciate a smart, beautiful woman?”
“That's not what I'm asking,” Sam said and opened the Colonel's cage “I'm asking how on Earth did YOU hook HER? She's way out of our league Dean.”
Dean smirked and shrugged
“Well, maybe yours,” Dean said “she's WAY above my pay grade, but she seems to like me so I'm going with it.”
Sam rolled his eyes and grabbed the leash that was by the Colonel's cage.
An hour later; Kat met Sam, Dean and the Colonel at the boy's hotel room. She even brought a bag of doggy treats for the Colonel, which he seemed to appreciate.
“I didn't have a spell,” she told the boys as she put her bag down “but I called Shannon and she did. It's an Inuit spell and I have the ingredients.”
“Okay, so let's get to mixing.” Dean said. Kat opened up her bag and started to set up everything she needed on the table. “How does it work?” Dean asked
“Shannon said it's like a human and animal mind meld,” she told him as she sat down and began measuring out the ingredients “so if it works, we'll be able to read the Colonel's thoughts.”
Once everything was correctly measured and poured into the bowl in front of her, Kat grabbed some hair off of the Colonel's back, dropped it into the bowl and stirred. She then poured the rust colored liquid into a glass as Sam and Dean took a seat at the table.
“I'll do it.” Dean said and reached for the glass
“Wait, what about me?” Sam asked
“You got enough on your plate.” Dean told him as Sam's gaze drifted from Dean to Kat.
“Hey, don't rope me into this, duke it out among yourselves.” she said as she got up and washed her hands.
“Uh, like, you're tired,” Dean said “and you're on the mend. Plus, you have a sensitive stomach okay? Last thing we need is you chucking this stuff up.”
Kat stifled a laugh as Sam rolled his eyes and Dean swirled the liquid in the glass.
“This doesn't look so bad.” he said
“Pretend it's a Bloody Mary.” Kat told him and he smirked before chugging the liquid in one go. He smacked his lips together and said
“I was wrong.” before pulling a face and coughing. He made a hand motion and said “Give me the spell.”
Kat handed him the piece of paper and he read off the spell while Sam and Kat looked at the Colonel. When Dean finished the spell, he looked at the dog and said
“Okay, let's get this party started. Tell me everything you know.”
The German Shepherd simply yawned and looked away from Dean.
“What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?” Dean asked and laughed. Kat chuckled and snorted while Sam gave them the bitch face. Dean chest puffed out a little bit, at least he had made Kat laugh. The Colonel barked, Kat and Sam looked at Dean, who shook his head.
“Nothing.” he said.
Another hour passed and they had gotten some lunch before they saw any results and Dean was able to question the Colonel. Kat watched as Sam threw away his burger wrapper and Dean went to get it while he scratched himself behind his ear.
“I don't want this.” Sam said, holding up the burger wrapper. Dean could suddenly smell something amazing and it wasn't the burger in front of Kat.
“Jesus, do you have dandruff or something?” Kat asked as Dean scratched behind his ear again.
“No,” he insisted “it just itches and I can't get a good scratch.” he said, trying to figure out where the amazing smell was coming from. It was like summertime; freshly cut grass, suntan lotion and something floral.
Kat rolled her eyes, reached over and used her nails to lightly scratch behind his ear.
“Oh yeah,” he said “perfect, thank you” his leg began to shake. He suddenly realized the smell was coming from Kat's skin; SHE was the amazing smell. Dean could hear the Colonel laughing and Dean asked him
“I smell it too Hoss,” the Colonel said “she gives good ear scratches.”
“Yeah, you got that right.” Dean said and looked at Kat.
“What's he saying?” she asked, as she smiled.
“He says you smell nice.” Dean told her “and you give good ear scratches.”
Kat blushed and said
“Thanks big fella.” as she looked at the Colonel, who moved his head up and down.
“That's the smell of good people,” the Colonel told Dean “keep that one close.”
The Colonel was suddenly alert and started to bark. He and Dean both got up and rushed over to the window as Dean yanked the curtain to the side. Kat looked out the window as Dean pounded on the glass, there stood the mailman.
“HEY!” Dean yelled “HEY! You! YOU!! YOU!”
Kat started to laugh as Dean growled and Sam said
“Dean, I think the spell is working.”
“A little too well, he's barking at the mailman!” Kat said through her laughter.
“Huh?” Dean asked and sat back down
“I think you might actually be a dog.” Sam said as Kat kept laughing
“What makes you say that?!” Dean asked
“You're scratching your head,” Sam said “sorry, Kat is scratching your head. You're playing fetch and barking at the mailman.” Sam threw the wrapper into the trash again and Dean turned to get it, before resisting the urge and audibly whining.
“Ruh roh” he said.
Once Kat had worked through her fit of giggles, she called Shannon and spoke to her.
“Okay, thanks Shay, appreciate it. Love you too.” she said and hung up. “So, apparently the spell has side effects.”
“Well that would've been nice to know before it went down the hatch!” Dean said irritably “What kind of side effects?”
“When you mind meld with an animal, you can exhibit some if its behavior.” she said
“Well, how long am I gonna have the urge to?” Dean asked
“Sniff butts?” the Colonel asked, tilting his head.
“Whoa, WHOA!” Dean said “I do not have the urge to sniff butts!”
“Yet.” the Colonel told him
Kat raised her eyebrows and fought off another fit of giggles while Sam asked
“Do you have the urge to sniff butts?”
“NO!” Dean said, outraged “Come on!”
“Shannon doesn't know how long it's gonna last, hopefully when the spell wears off, so will the side effects.” Kat said, with tears of laughter brimming in her eyes.
“Terrific.” Dean said.
“Well at least we have a lead,” Sam said “You said the guy smell like red meat, dish soap and old lady cream right?”
“Yeah, and?” Dean asked
“Hey, maybe one of the other dogs saw something at the shelter.” Kat said “Since you're Doctor Dolittle for a while, let's ask them.”
They went back to the shelter and Dean asked around to see if the other dogs saw something. He wasn't having any luck, but Kat was in heaven, petting all the dogs through the cages. An intense wave of jealousy washed over him as he watched a mutt lick her cheek, making her laugh.
“Aw, aren't you just a sweetheart?” she asked
“That's right pretty lady,” the dog said “love me, adopt me! Please!”
“Hoss, you alright?” the Colonel asked
“She's petting other dogs and I don't like it.” Dean grumbled “She's mine.”
The Colonel chuckled
“Now you know why us dogs get all bent out of shape when you pet other people's dogs.” he said.
“Katlynn!” Dean hissed and she looked up.
“What?” she asked “He just wants to play!”
“And hump the crap out of her leg.” the dog added with a laugh. Dean crossed over to where Kat was and moved her away from the dog as she pouted.
“She's mine, back off.” Dean growled at the dog, who audibly whined and submitted to Dean, showing him his belly.
“Sorry man! Jeeze, she was nice to me and she smells good!” he said.
“Going alpha,” the Colonel said “you sure you weren't a dog in a previous life?”
After finding out the real killer was a guy that was eating animal parts to gain their abilities to stave off his cancer ridden body; he was quickly disposed of by the pack of dogs Dean had released from the shelter. Once the spell wore off; Dean, Sam and Kat made their way to their cars.
“Where you headed?” Dean asked Kat as they stood outside her car.
“Back to my motel room,” she said “I have it for another night and I'm not exactly in a hurry to get back to Texas.”
“Don't you have to work?” He asked and she shook her head
“Nope,” she said “I'm off the schedule for a few days because I'm getting too much over time.”
Dean scoffed and said
“God forbid they have someone that actually wants to come to work.” He said
“Right?” Kat asked.
She stood with her back against the Mustang's doors, Dean standing in front of her. Their breath mingled in the cold air, creating clouds of vapor.
“I really appreciate your help,” Dean said “more than I can say.”
“I know you do,” she told him “any time you guys need help, I'm a phone call away.”
Dean nodded
“I know.” He said and cupped her face in his hands, his thumbs running over the apples of her cheeks. He gently placed a kiss on her lips, his stomach doing a flip as her lips moved over his. Kat's system kicked into over drive as his taste mingled in her mouth. She placed her hands over his, kissing him again. His tongue wound its way into her mouth, flicking over hers and making her shudder. They came up for air, her hands still on his. He stared deep into her eyes, there was so much he wanted to say to her, but he couldn't force the words out.
“I'll be in my motel room all night,” she told him “if you wanna stop by, just text. No pressure.” she told him and he nodded. He released her and made sure she got into her car safely before walking back to the Impala and Sam. Dean climbed into the driver's seat and started the engine as Kat's Mustang took off into the night.
“Please don't tell me you're blowing her off.” Sam said
“I'm not,” Dean said and watched as she turned out of the alley, the Mustang's taillights disappearing from view. “I just, I don't know.”
“You know,” Sam said “I can tell. You're scared.”
“Because when has anything good ever worked out for either one of us?” Dean asked as he put the Impala into gear “In the short term, you and Amelia, me and Lisa? Yes, totally. Long term? Well, you see where we are.” He back out of the spot he was in and went on “I can't do that to her Sam. She deserves more, but I can't fucking leave her alone and I don't know why.”
“Because you care about her,” Sam said “you don't want to, but you do.”
Dean grunted and drove them back to their motel room. When they arrived, Sam got out of the Impala and said
“Don't let a good woman get away just because you're scared Dean.” and the shut the passenger side door before walking into the motel room. Dean chewed on his fingernails, torn between staying and leaving for a very long time. This poor girl had no idea what she was walking into; if she did and had any sense, she'd run away screaming and never look back.
But his heart, his stupid heart, couldn't let her go. He quickly texted her, hoping she hadn't changed her mind.
“You awake?” he asked
bubbles appeared and she answered
“Yep, you coming over?”
“On my way.” He answered and slammed the Impala into gear before taking off.
When he arrived at her motel room, he knocked on the door and waited. When she answered, she was wearing a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles t-shirt, yoga pants and Batman socks. She smiled and let him in, he walked past her and she shut the door behind him.
“Gotta admit,” she said as he turned around “I didn’t think you’d take me up on my offer.”
He placed a hand on her cheek, she closed her eyes and leaned into his touch.
“You were amazing today,” he told her “and a bigger help than we could’ve asked for, given the circumstances.”
She opened her eyes and said
“I don’t mind helping,” she told him “but I have to wonder, if you were so close, why didn’t you call me?”
“I was going to,” he said “once the hunt was over.”
She searched his face, looking for even a hint of a lie, all she saw was sincerity in his expression. She nodded and he stepped even closer to her.
“Can I tell you something without it being weird?” He asked.
“Try me.” She said. He told her about the other dog at the shelter and she smiled. “Do you mean to tell me that you were jealous?”
He nodded
“I was.” He admitted “Hate me, call me stupid; but I care about you and hearing even an animal thinking those things about you made me angry.”
“Listen, if the shoe were on the other foot, I’d feel the same way.” She said “it’s bad enough I had to watch that one girl damn near eye fuck you in the bakery.”
“When did that happen?” He asked
“When we dropped off the Colonel,” she told him “that’s why I had to leave otherwise I felt like I was going to rip her eyes out.”
He leaned down and kissed her, his lips strong and possessive over hers. He gripped her hair and kissed her again as she looped her fingers through his belt loops and pulled his body close to hers. His hardened erection pressed into her belly as she tightened her grip on his pants.
“Dean,” she breathed between kisses “mh, Dean.”
“Tell me,” he said as he pulled back, still holding her face “tell me what you want.”
Their eyes met and she bit her lower lip as he grazed his tongue over his lips.
“Fuck, you’re driving me insane.” He told her.
He had been the best lay she’d ever gotten and she was curious as to what else he could do. Surprising even herself, she opened her mouth
“I want you.” She told him and gave him a feather light kiss on his lips.
He smiled down at her and then kissed her before pushing her shoulder into the door. He ground his hips into her before nipping her lip and making her moan.
“You want me pretty girl?” He asked as he kissed his way down her neck.
“Yes,” she breathed, tightening her grip on his pants “please Dean.”
He slid his hands down her body, gripping her behind her knees and picking her up. Her legs automatically wrapped around his waist as he carried her over to the bed. He crawled on to the mattress and pressed her into the pillows. He raked his hands through her hair as they kissed themselves breathless. When they came up for air, they quickly removed their shirts and jackets before getting tangled in each other’s arms again. Dean pressed his chest against hers, craving the feel of her skin against his. Her tongue wound into his mouth, massaging over his tongue as he gripped her hair. She pressed her nails into his shoulders, making a low moan come from him. He rolled on to his back, bringing her on top of him where she laid on top of him, kissing him. He slid his hands up her back an quickly unhooked her bra, sliding it down her shoulders and off of her. Her bare torso against his felt like coming home; a comfort in an otherwise harsh world. She sat up, grinding her covered heat into his denim covered erection.
“Mh, look at you.” He said, gripping her hips tightly. She gave him an innocent look and asked
“What? I know what I want.”
“And what’s that?” He asked.
She bit her lip and continued to grind on him.
“I want you in me so badly.”
He sat up and slammed her back into the bed, pinning her down with his weight. They furiously kissed, practically tearing off their remaining layers, leaving both of them naked. She pushed the top of his head down and he chuckled as he kissed her throat and collar bone. He stopped at her nipple, taking it into his mouth and sucking on it. She squirmed under him as he flicked his tongue over the nipple and came off of it with a wet “POP”. He did the same thing to the other one as she moaned loudly, his hardened length brushing her inner thigh.
“Mhhh,” she whined “I wanted you to go down on me.”
He chuckled
“I know,” he said, brushing up against her entrance “but I had something else in mind.”
Their eyes met and she nodded as he thrust into her, sheathing himself inside her in one go. He set a steady, torturous pace; pressing her knees to her chest as she gripped the sheets, crying out. In this position, she was totally at his mercy, the only thing she could move where her hands and her head. He pushed into her sweet spot, making a high pitched whine come from her.
“God, Dean!” She cried out “right there!”
She tried to move, to arch her back, anything to spur him on so she could get the release that she was craving. He took notice but didn’t let up on his pace.
“Be patient,” he told her “I’ll make it worth the wait.”
With that, he unrolled her and spread her legs on either side of his hips; she was completely bared to him, her body twisting in a mix of pleasure and need as he drank it in.
“Oh god,” she yelled as he dipped his head down, kissing up her sternum and to her chest where he took her left nipple into his mouth. “God, god, oh fuck!” She cried out as he cupped her breast in his hand and flicked his tongue over the nipple.
Coherent sentences and crying out actual words were replaced by yelling, strings of expletives and his name. She squirmed under him as she tipped over the edge, crying out as she finished.
“Mh, fuck you feel good when you come around me.” Dean said, holding her legs open “I’m not done with you, not even close.”
He wrapped her legs around his waist, hooked his hand behind her neck and pulled her up so that she was straddling his lap. With her brain fogged from her last orgasm, she relied on her body to do the work. She instinctively thrust into him, her arms wrapping around his shoulders as his hands gripped her hips. He dug his fingertips into the small of her back as they moved together. He kissed her deeply, her hands running through the short hair on the back of his head.
“Dean!” she called out, loud enough for him to hear but no one else. His name fell from her lips over and over in the same fashion; he relished in it. He kept one hand on the small of her back while the other held the back of her head as he heatedly kissed her. He opened his eyes and pressed his forehead to hers. Her eyes slowly opened and met his; their hips still meeting thrust for thrust. Dean felt a change between them in that moment; something about the way she was looking at him, made a feeling he couldn’t register blossom in his chest. Their lips met again and he poured everything he was feeling into that kiss.
Kat felt a flicker in her; this wasn’t a feeling she was familiar with. Dean pulled her lower lip into his mouth and gave it a playful nip, making her moan.
“Jesus Dean.” she said softly as he tried to lay back on the bed. She caught him by the back of his neck and said in a breathy voice “No, no. Don't move.”
“Why?” he asked his hands sliding down to hold on to her hips.
She bit her lip and then said
“I want to come like this, please?”
He nodded and kissed her as she began to move, their grunts and groans filled the room as he bit his lip, watching her move.
“That’s it,” he told her as she built him up. “Yes, god Katlynn, keep going.” He moaned as he tilted his head back, her hand slid up through the short hairs on the back of his head and tugged on them, his breath catching in his throat. She watched him, entranced by the sight in front of her; a man she truly adored coming undone because of her, the rush of power she felt made her feel intoxicated and sexier than she had ever felt in her life. His head tilted up right, their gazes meeting as he pressed his mouth to hers, moaning against her lips. She moved faster, his fingers digging into her hips as he quickened his pace to match hers. Their kisses grew hotter and heavier as their moans became louder, earning them a pounding on the wall from their next door neighbor. They both grinned at one another, not letting up on one another. The coil in Kat's stomach threatened to snap as Dean's pace began to falter.
“I'm close,” she said in his ear “oh fuck, I'm so close”
Dean slid one hand up into her hair and gripped it tightly, making her look at him.
“Come for me sweetheart,” he said “look at me.”
She whined as the coil wound tighter and finally broke as she shuddered and came around him. He kissed her hard, his hips snapping into hers and gasped as he finished deep inside her. They fell on their sides, laying on the bed and breathing hard, their legs still tangled together. Dean pulled out of her, but didn't move far, his hand still tangled in her hair.
Once they'd caught their breath, they pulled on their shirts and underwear, meeting under the covers to cuddle. Dean laid on his back while Kat lay on her side, her head on his chest. She could hear his steady heartbeat; he had one arm wrapped around her shoulder and the other hand resting on her hip while her fingertips traced patterns over his chest.
“If I tell you something,” he said “do you promise not to judge me?”
“Well, that's a weird question,” she stated and looked up at him “but go ahead.”
He was biting his lower lip as he thought of the best way to say whatever it was that he was thinking.
“You'd do anything for your siblings right?” he asked
“I don't have any,” she told him “but yes, if I did, I would.”
“Well, after the trials,” Dean said, chewing on his lip “Sammy was,” he trailed off and swallowed before continuing “Sammy was in bad shape.”
“How bad are we talking?” she asked him
“Hanging on by a thread,” he told her “the doctors said he wasn't going to make it.”
Kat propped herself up on her elbow and looked at him.
“You two must have more than one guardian angel,” she responded “he looks perfectly fine.”
Dean's eyes met hers and he said
“He's fine because he's possessed by an angel, Ezekiel.”
Her eyes went wide in shock but then her brows furrowed
“So, he's sharing a body with an angel?” she questioned “That's gotta be weird.”
“I guess it would be,” Dean said, raking a hand through his hair “if he knew about it.”
Her jaw dropped
“Wait, what? How does he not know?” she asked, firing the questions at him rapidly.
“This is the part where I'm asking you not to judge me,” he explained as he sat up “Sam is more than just my brother. He's my number one priority; I've been looking out for him for so long that it's just automatic. Keep Sam alive and ask questions later,” she nodded and he went on “So, I tricked Sam into letting Ezekiel possess him.”
“So, what happens if Sam finds out?” she asked
“Knowing Sam, he'll eject Zeke; that's what I've been calling him, and he'll die.” Dean told her. “Zeke is healing him slowly, which is why Sam hasn't noticed.”
His eyes searched her face, looking for an indication that she was mad or disgusted with him. He braced himself for her to yell at him as she sat up, crossing her legs under herself as she chewed on her lower lip; processing all of this information.
“I can't say I agree with the method,” she told him “but I can understand why you did what you did.”
He raised an eyebrow
“That doesn't weird you out?” he asked “At all?”
“Like I said,” she went on “I don't agree with the “how”, I mean would YOU want to be possessed and have no say in it?”
“No,” he answered “but-”
“Yeah, she interrupted “but I get the “why”, I really do. He's your brother and that's what family does. Goes to the ends of the earth for one another.”
He stared at her for a few seconds before snapping her up into his arms and hugging her tightly. He breathed in the scent of her hair as she wrapped her arms around him, he could feel a smile forming on her face. He pulled back and held her at arm's length.
“Thank you,” he told her “I mean it.”
She nodded and they kissed before laying back down, resuming the position they had previously been in.
“Will you stay with me?” she asked with a yawn
“Is that an invitation or a command?” he asked with a smirk.
“Invitation.” she told him and looked up at him
“Yeah,” he said, his gaze meeting hers “I'll stay.”
When Kat woke up, she felt Dean moving beside her. She ascertained that they were laying back to back and she rolled to face him. Sure enough, she was facing his back as she sat up and looked over his tense shoulders. His face was broken out in a sweat and his hand was clenched tightly at his side.
“Nightmare.” she thought as she settled down close to him, the clock on his side of the bed reading 3:00 in the morning. She pressed her chest against his back and slid her hand down to his wrist, she could feel his pulse pounding beneath her hand. She laid her forehead against his shoulder blade and kissed the back of his neck. He tensed for a second and then seemed to relax. Without warning, he rolled over; his long arms snaking around her body, one around her shoulder and the other around her waist. She slipped one arm under his head and the other under his arm, her hand running through his hair.
“It's okay,” she told him softly as she kissed his forehead “you're okay.”
His grip didn't let up, nor did the tension in his shoulders as he breathed rapidly, his breath fanning over her shirt. She held on to him, quietly talking to him and scratching his head.
“It's okay Dean,” she told him soothingly “I'm here for you.”
She felt him bury his head into her chest as his shoulders started to shake, his grip tightening on her. She shushed him, holding him a little tighter as her eyes started to get heavy.
“You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now,” she said with a yawn “I'll protect you.” and closed her eyes.
Little did she know, Dean had woken up when she started scratching his head. He had heard every word she said. His shoulders had started to shake, not from fear; but from relief. Her words replayed in his head has he held her tighter.
“It's okay Dean, I'm here for you. You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now. I'll protect you.” her sleepy, yet soothing voice echoed in his mind. With a sigh, he relaxed in her arms and dozed off.
Sun coming through the thin motel curtains rudely awoke Kat the next morning. She cracked her eyes open, realizing she was laying on her stomach and a hand was drawing patterns on the exposed skin on the small of her back. She groaned and turned her head to the opposite side of the bed to see Dean, his head propped up on his other arm, his eyes half opened.
“Morning.” he said with a sleepy smile. She mirrored his sleepy smile and grunted, closing her eyes again. “Sleep okay?” he asked and she nodded without opening her eyes.
“Feels good.” she said and yawned, his fingertips running over the dimples in her back at the bottom of her spine.
“I know.” he said and kissed her forehead, his hand wandering up her shirt, touching her bare back.
“You're gentle.” she told him and opened her eyes all the way for the first time.
“Are you surprised?” he asked and she nodded
“A little,” she said “for being a big dude, I thought you'd be a little rougher.”
A crooked grin crossed his face
“I can be, if you want me to.” he said and she chuckled sleepily
“What time is it?” she asked
“After eight,” he said “Sam already called and checked on me.”
“That's nice of him.” she said “Breakfast?” she added as her stomach grumbled.
He nodded
“A few more minutes,” he said “I'm enjoying this.”
“Me too.” she agreed.
After laying in bed for another thirty minutes, Dean and Kat got dressed. They each checked out of their motel rooms and decided to get some breakfast before going their separate ways.
“So you'll call me if you need help right?” Kat asked both of them.
“Correction,” Sam said “I WILL call you if we need help, since mister stubborn here refuses to ask for help.”
Kat grinned as Dean rolled his eyes, she hugged Sam who said
“Thank you again for your help, we really appreciate it.”
“Any time,” she said and patted his shoulder “I'm only a phone call away.”
They separated and Sam went to go sit in the Impala to give Dean and Kat a few minutes. Dean placed a hand on her hip and the other on the back of her neck.
“Thank you for last night, and the day before,” he said “I really-” he stopped, biting his lip. The words were there, he just couldn't force them out.
“I know,” she said, cupping his cheek in her hand and they kissed. He smiled through the kiss and then pulled back. “I'm picking up what you're putting down.” she told him. They kissed again and he released her. “Remember, CALL ME.” she emphasized the last two words as she started to walk away.
“I will,” he said with a playful roll of his eyes “I promise.”
“I'm holding you to that.” she said, pointing at him.
The corners of his mouth turned upward and he winked at her. She laughed and winked back before walking to her car. Dean turned, shaking his head as he grinned and got in the Impala.
Four days later; Kat's phone rang while she was brushing her teeth, it was Sam.
“Sam, long time no chat.” she said as she spit out toothpaste “What's up?”
“So, remember how you said to call you if we needed help?” Sam asked
“Yeah,” Kat said as she rinsed out her mouth “you need help don't you?”
“Big time,” Sam said “when can you get to Hartford, South Dakota?”
“Hold on.” Kat said and turned off the water. She quickly pulled up the GPS on her phone and typed in the destination, seeing that it was nearly a fourteen hour drive, she relayed this information to Sam, who said
“I wouldn't call if this wasn't important.”
“I know,” Kat said “I'll be there, don't worry about a thing.” she paused and asked “Dean doesn't know you're calling me, does he?”
“Nope,” Sam quipped “he said we need back up and you're the first person I thought of.”
Kat smiled and rolled her eyes
“Okay,” she said “see you guys tomorrow.”
“And hey, bring your witch stuff and,” Sam paused “maybe an engagement ring?”
Kat pulled the phone away from her ear, stared at it for a few seconds and then put it back up to her ear.
“Exactly what the hell are you roping me in to?” she asked
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!! I’m editing chapter 3 as we speak!!! Again, kind feedback is always welcomed. Like and share with your followers, ever so gently caress that “follow” button if you want to see more content from me! Don’t forget, my masterlist at at the VERY top of my page if you wanna catch up on this series or read any of the other ones I have! Also, the tag list for this series is WIDE open! See you guys for the next one!
The Squidimus Squad:
@waywardbaby​​​​ @waywardnerd67​​​​ @familybusinesswritingbro​​​​ @ain-t-bovvered​​​​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​​​​ @girlborninstorms​​​​ @dacleverfox​​​​ @emoryhemsworth​​​​ @bobasheebaby​​​​ @deanscarlett​​​​ @myinconnelly1​​​​ @mogaruke​​​​ @imma-winchester-addict​​​​ @purpleskiesandcherrypies​ @dean-winchesters-bacon​​​​ @animerose96​​​​ @l8nit-l0vr​​​​ @drakelover78​​​​​ @curly-haired-disaster​​​​​ @roonyxx​​​​ @snffbeebee​​​​ @ezilyamuzed​​​​ @mirandaaustin93​​​​ @srsllydunnodoncare​​​​ @latetothewinchesterparty​​ @emilyshurley​​​ @atc74​​ @midnightsilverafterdark​​ @adoptdontshoppets​ @spnbaby-67
Off the Beaten Path I Reign:
59 notes · View notes
Dreamcatcher / College AU
Requested by anon
Characters: Sua & Siyeon
Words: 1486
I hope it will please you, anon. If not, well I’m sorry. It’s most likely a college/coffee shop AU. Tell me what you think of it, I’d love to hear your feedback. Or from Anyone else really 😉. Enjoy your reading.
Monday was finally over. And all she wished for was a nice iced coffee to treat herself. Stepping in the line at the closest coffee shop of the campus, she got her wallet ready and waited. Her earbuds with the volume up she looked around at the people, most were students like her, either studying on their laptop or chilling. Some faces were recognisable, like this guy always his nose in his notes, or that girl with a high messy bun hanging out with different people each time.
But there was always someone rando, and she liked to wonder why they were rushing or what they did in their life. It busied herself enough in her wait. Tugging her long, golden caramel hair behind her ear, she checked the board in case she wanted to change her order. When it was her turn she took off one earbud to order then payed. Once again she waited for her drink and played with her earbuds strings.
Listening around, she glanced at a table against the window and saw a girl. She had dark, shoulder length hair, sipping her drink accompanied by a piece of cake. But the most important was this guy who sat behind her trying to converse with her. Probably with too much insistence because she harshly turned around. What she said was a mystery, but in the end the guy stopped and looked back to his friends who were laughing like idiots. Frowning at this man attitude, she almost missed her name being called by a barista. Grabbing her drink she walked to the exit, passing next to the girl’s table.
Once outside, she whipped her head around for one last eyeful. In case the man reiterated. Happy with the sight of the dark haired girl left alone, she continued to walk away.
The next few days were long and uneventful. Busy with her college schedule, she only found free time when she was eating dinner with her roommate. On Thursday though she was back at the coffee shop. One of her class had been cancelled. So she thought this time instead of taking a take out drink, she’d seat there for a bit.
Rearranging her bangs with her left hand, she wondered what sweet treat she would buy. Going through the same Monday routine, she hummed to her music. Then she remembered she wanted a seat, so she looked around for a free one. Luckily for her, several were available. Handling her tray carefully, she walked towards the seat she wanted. On her way there, she noticed the same girl as last time, and what got to her more was the guy talking to her, again. Except this time he was standing next to her table, half blocking the alley. It annoyed her, that he couldn’t take a hint. From the girl’s face it was clear she wanted nothing to do with him. Slowly walking closer, she could hear her talking to him. Her tone was cold but her words polite. That was way more than he deserved. Tired of this situation, she decided to act.
Releasing her tray on the girl’s table, the sound getting their attention, she focused on the guy.
“Maybe you should leave now, don’t you think?” She rhetorically asked arching an eyebrow.
“Who are you?” His body moved to face her, supposedly to threaten her. Huffing at his silly attempt, she wasn’t bulging.
“Her friend.” She smirked. “And you’re not. Move along.” Staring at him she waited, but inside her she was losing it, screaming at herself for stepping into something she had no idea about. And mostly about how much of a mistake it was. “What are you waiting for? An invitation to go?”
“Crazy. Both of you!” He exploded to offend them, before finally walking away in a dramatic scene by strongly opening and closing the door.
When he was gone she let out a deep breath and tentatively glanced at the girl. She was smiling. At her. No knowing what to do she stood still, until the girl raised her hand to show her the seat in front of her. Shakingly she sat down, tightly smiling back.
“Do you often barge in to tell some guy off with a rock song blasting through your earbuds?” The girl chuckled.
“Oh my god.” She let out. What she had done was replaying in her head. “I’m so sorry.”
“Ah. No worries.” The dark haired girl waved her hands around. “I can handle myself, but it was very nice of you. At least this time he won’t come back.”
“He better not!” Her anger against this dude was back at full force. So much that she ripped her last earbuds off throwing it on the table.
“You’re more entertaining than him.” She sipped her drink and watched the pretty blonde girl. “So, what’s your name warrior?”
“Ah. I’m Siyeon.” Her voice was more stable and confident.
“Pretty name, warrior.” She giggled and flipped her hair over her shoulder. “I’m Sua.”
“Can you stop calling me that?” Siyeon asked, gone her sweet demeanor. “I don’t own a sword as far as I know.” She grabbed her tray and was ready to stand up, and just go to another table.
“Your words are your weapon.” Sua retorqued not offended by her behaviour. “Let me guess. You’re studying Literature?”
Siyeon sat still. That was such a compliment to her ears. Most people were taken aback by her sharp tongue and glaring eyes. But not Sua. Not being being stepped on was her strength, and that unknown girl could see it.
“If you must know, I’m studying law.”
“Makes sense.” Sua pondered taking the last sip of her drink. “Well, thank you for your intervention.” Siyeon watched her take her bag from the chair. It was clear she was leaving. “I’ll see you around, warrior.” Sua giggled walking away. The whole time Siyeon stared at her. Even through the window glass, until she was definitely out of sight.
She slumped down her chair. The past ten minutes were unreal. At least it ended well. That would have sucked to finish her day being yelled out by a pretty, random girl. Pushing this aside, Siyeon dived into her sweet treat.
On Friday she wondered if Sua would be at the coffee shop. And if she should go there too. In the end she stayed home, relaxing in front of the tv. However on Monday that was another story, and therefore begun her daily hunt of Sua. Mostly, it was her going to the coffee shop and looking for her presence. All in vain.
That’s how she decided it was stupid to look for someone she didn’t know, only because they talked once. Apart from her name, everything else was a mystery. A week later, Siyeon was craving coffee and walked into the shop. Only to buy a drink. Playing with her hair, she was daydreaming bobbing her head to her music. A slight shove from her right startled her, and her instinct was to yell at whoever bumped into her. That thought, stopped dead in her mind.
“Hi! You’re here.” Sua was there, in front of her. Immediately she ripped off her earbuds. Admiring her, she was surprised to see she was such a short woman. “Long time no see.”
“Yeah. No harassments today?”
“No. But if I ever do need a warrior I’ll call you.” Sua winked and moved with her in the line. She rolled her eyes hearing that ‘warrior’ nickname again.
“I’m not a warrior. Nor a lawyer.” Siyeon stated before placing her order to the barista. Then she heard Sua place hers too and getting ready to pay. Being so taken aback she had no time to protest, only to move at the end of line to wait for their orders.
“You’re welcome.” Sua said. “I owe you after what you did.” Siyeon thanked her. The whole situation was unusual. So when they walked outside, Siyeon couldn’t help herself but laughed. “What’s so funny?” Sua asked.
“You.” Still smiling she looked at her and her face was radiating with joy. Who was that girl, she wondered. “You’re so outgoing.”
“Says the girl fighting off a stranger guy for a stranger girl.” This time they both had a fit of giggles. They kept walking in the direction of the campus.
“Do you study here?” It was all fun and games, but Siyeon curious nature was on.
“I do. I’m a senior.” Sua happily answered not bothered by the inquisition. “I just moved back here for the last semester before graduation.”
And from this moment both girls started talking about their college paths. And it lead on to silly things, and details learned about each other. Siyeon was glad to have made that move almost two weeks ago. Without this she would probably have never met Sua. A bubbly, joyful girl.
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planettaeil · 8 years
Title: Better Than Her
Title: Better Than Her
Type: angst
Characters: Reader X Yuta
Word Count: 1755
Summary: It’s already been 7 months but he’s still not over his ex. 
A/N: yall i was bored and felt angsty for some reason so i decided to write this with yuta. I hope it’s angsty enough for angst-loving binches like me 😅
hope you’ll enjoy it tho 💕💕
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You would have preferred to peacefully spend your weekend sleeping in your comfortable bed with your boyfriend than go out on a date, but the idea of spending it with these nine loud and messy guys sounded so much better than the other two. 30 minutes ago Yuta, your boyfriend of almost seven months, called to inform you that him and the rest of the members are on their way to your shared apartment. Of course with that sudden news, you rushed to the kitchen and prepared snacks enough for them. It’s been a while since you’ve seen the other 8 members as they were all very busy promoting for their comeback. And it seemed like all of you will pretty much enjoy the night goofing around. Or so you thought. 
The night started with Yuta, Johnny, Doyoung, and Winwin playing some video games while the other 5 cheered for their own bets. You sat beside Yuta, one leg over his, who was too keen to win the game. 
“I have to win this! Ugh! Go away Doyoung! Wait I’m almost–damn it!” Everyone laughed at Yuta’s misfortune as Doyoung stood up and did a victory dance. Yuta looked absolutely adorable as he pouted his lips and stared at his dead character on the screen. “I just wanted to win for once! Doyoung, you’re not allowed to play again! This is really unfair!”
“Nah, you just suck,” Johnny shrugged earning a light smack at the back of his head. Everyone snickered at the scene and you just couldn’t stop staring at your boyfriend. It definitely feels good to finally see him laughing and goofing around instead of stressing himself for their comeback. 
“Don’t worry, babe. You’re still the best for me,” you cooed and kissed his left cheek. As expected, they all made gagging noise and pretended to go the bathroom, Donghyuck being the most extra. 
“I told you it’s a bad idea to come over. (Y/N) and Yuta will only rub in our faces that we’re lonely losers,” Even Taeil who was silent ever since they arrived spoke up, his figure lazily sprawled on the floor beside Winwin. You just rolled your eyes and stood up. 
“Just get yourself a girl, old man.“ 
“Noona, we ran out soda!” Donghyuck complained from the kitchen and Mark came back with a bottle of water. 
“Why don’t you just drink water with Mark, Donghyuck? It’s healthier,” you teased. 
“Well, I’m not a loser like him,” he sassed and half of the members went to playfully hugged Mark in sympathy while the rest just laughed out loud. 
“And since you’re not a loser like what you claimed to be, why don’t you come with me and buy drinks? I’ll even buy you your favourite snack,” you bribed and with just a millisecond, Donghyuck was already outside with a very excited look on his face. “Donghyuck and I will be back!” You called. 
After almost an hour, you were finally on your way back to the apartment. The store that you and Donghyuck went unexpectedly closed when it was still only 8:30 so you had to look for another one to buy sodas and his favourite snacks. Donghyuck was too excited to eat his snacks so he ran his way to your apartment. 
You were worried he might get lost since he’s quite unfamiliar with the huge building but then guessed that maybe he knew his way to your apartment. You silently opened the door and neatly placed your shoes on the rack. When you were about to round the corner to the living room, you heard your name being mentioned and for some reason, you decided to listen a bit. 
“–I mean, (Y/N) is like the best example of a perfect girlfriend,” you heard Jaehyun said.  
“I don’t know anything about relationships but I’m too sure that Yuta hyung is like the luckiest man for having noona,” Mark interjected and you blushed at their sudden compliments. 
“Yeah, but I still don’t get why you still complain about her,” your ears immediately caught the words. 
Complain? He’s been complaining about me? 
“Yeah, Taeil hyung is right. I also don’t get you, Yuta,” it was surely Taeyong who said that. You wanted to just barge in and interrupt them so you won’t hear the words you’re afraid Yuta might say but the curiousity of finding out what the real reason is pushed you to eavesdrop. 
“I just- You won’t know unless you put yourself in my shoes. (Y/N) can be very hard sometimes and it’s really getting in my nerves. She’s very clingy and loud, and Jesus, she can’t even cook a pancake!” Yuta exclaimed and your chest had a throbbing ache with every second you stood there. 
“You have no idea how loud she really is and I wish she would just shut up because I’m always tired,” he continued. 
“Woah, woah, wait Yuta. Where did that came from?” Even Johnny sounded surprised at what he said. You had the urge to already show yourself but then you have to know why Yuta seemed to hate you very much, and hear the words he wouldn’t dare say in your face. 
“Damn, I wish she’s like Mina. I mean, Mina isn’t loud, knows when to be clingy or not, knows how to respect my day off, and can even cook a full meal,” the tears threatened to fall as he mentioned the name of his ex, the very reason of your insecurities. You knew how perfect their relationship were but everything ended when both confessed that they fell out of love. 
You wanted to show Yuta that you’re always going to support him, and won’t leave his side. You did everything you could do just to make him happy. You always made sure he’s getting enough sleep and eating healthy food because you don’t want him to get sick. You just want the best for him. 
But it seemed like you’re just the typical overly annoying and clingy girlfriend for him.  
“I just….She’s really different from Mina.“ 
"But…(Y/N) isn’t Mina,” you heard Winwin finally spoke up. 
“Exactly…I wanted her to be like Mina,” And with that, a single tear fell and the throbbing ache worsen. Is this what it feels like to be betrayed? 
You just stood there, lips shaking as if you’re about to bawl your eyes out. You stopped yourself and thought that Yuta shouldn’t see you in this weak state. 
“I can’t believe I’m saying this but Mina is better than her,” everyone fell silent after his mini confession and you had the urge to laugh at how pathetic you probably looked while standing near the living room. Your body refused to move as the last words he said kept on replaying in your mind like a broken record. 
The door suddenly opened and Donghyuck came inside while catching his breath. “Noona! Why are you still standing there? Oh my god, I got lost and I even went down to ask the security guard for directions!” To say Donghyuck was really loud was an understatement.  
You closed your eyes. Great, now they know I’m eavesdropping. 
“Noona! Come on,” Donghyuck pulled you inside, completely unaware of the tension. You looked around and saw everyone looking everywhere but you. They were all trying to act casual, some even took their phones while Taeyong just kinda sat there like a deer caught in a headlight. Winwin’s probably the only one brave enough to look at you with sympathy in his eyes. 
“Uhh…is everyone alright? Why do I feel some weird energy in the room?” Doyoung pulled Donghyuck to his side, probably to tell the innocent maknae about what’s happening.
You dropped the plastic bag in front of Yuta, your tears threatening to flow like waterfalls. You never said a word and silently went to your room to grab your purse and car keys. You heard the door opened and it wouldn’t take a genius to know it was Yuta. 
“(Y/N) did you hear-”
“I heard everything, Yuta. And don’t you fucking dare say some sick excuses because enough is enough,” you hissed as you shrugged the hand he put on your shoulder. You struggled to find your phone since tears started to form and clouded your sight. You just couldn’t believe that Yuta would say such thing. You thought you had the best relationship but you thought wrong.  
“(Y/N) I didn’t mean to say that.”
“I said don’t! Don’t fucking say anything.”
“Well you deserve to know about it! You just have to listen to me, (Y/N)!” You couldn’t believe what you just heard. You stopped moving and looked at him with disappointment in your eyes. 
“I deserve to know what? What, Yuta? That Mina is a much much better girlfriend than I do? That she can cook a hell of a pancake? And that I’ll never gonna be like her? Yuta, you could’ve told me about it even before starting these damned relationship!” You started and you were now bawling from the pent up frustration and disappointment. 
“You know how many hate comments I recieved after I started dating you but I endured everything for you. People kept on comparing me to Mina and I tried not to mind them because I know it won’t matter because I’m with you. But hell, I can’t believe I’d even get to hear my own boyfriend comparing me to his ex girlfriend. If that’s your way of getting rid of me so you could go back to Mina then congratulations because you succeeded,” you let out a bitter laugh. And without another word you exited the room and walked past the rest of the boys trying to stay as silent as possible. 
You just couldn’t wait to get out and have a fresh air. Leaving seemed to be the only thing you could do. You don’t care where your car would take you, as long as you’re away from Yuta and his unappreciative ass. Well, it surely wasn’t the type of night you expected after spending it with the boys. 
“(Y/N), wait!  Where are you going? Come back here!” Yuta exclaimed as he chased you down the hallway. 
“Just stop, Yuta!”
“You need to hear me out for a bit!”
“Don’t look for me cause I won’t be back." 
And with that, you ran to where your car was parked and disappeared to look for someone who can comfort you in this cruel night.  
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Why Not Me
James Potter x Reader
A/n: Probably gonna do a part 2 if you guys want one because I feel like I could keep going with this. Warnings: some swearing, a little angst. Words: 2155
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 You had known James Potter since you were three years old. You lived in the house next to his and you two had grown up together. After being best friends with someone for 13 years obviously you get attached, and it’s natural to be protective of them. That’s how you were justifying you’re feelings at this point, but it wasn’t working out too well. It wasn’t painfully obvious that you felt more then friendship towards James, everyone knew you two were close so no one suspected a thing. Especially not James, he was too head over heels for Lily Evans. Lately he hasn’t played you a lick of attention, he was too busy trying to catch hers. It’s not that you didn’t like Lily in fact you two were very close friends, you just envied her. You envied how easily she captured his attention and had him wrapped around her finger with a few simple words. It was just so frus-”Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!” Your other best friend Victoria was frantically waving her hands in front of your face standing in front of where you were previously spaced out sitting at a library table.  “Yes” you replied in a monotone voice, still in a daze from your little disconnection from reality and a little thrown off  by your thought path. “What are you doing I’ve been looking for you forever!” she shrieked. “Why what’s wrong?” I asked. “No. You’ve just been missing for hours and everyone was getting worried. It’s almost curfew and no one had seen you since last class. Did you skip dinner? Have you been here the whole time? I swear I checked here at least five times.” She bombarded you with a tsunami of words. “Wait is it really that late I didn’t even realize” I said as I rushed to pack up all my books and parchment. Had I really been zoned out for that long? “Well hurry up I don’t wanna be caught out past curfew I already have detention for what feels like the rest of my life” she overdramatized. “Okay, okay I’m going as fast as I can” I said as we made our way through the halls back to the commun room.
When we entered I felt nauseas at the sight of Lily and James basically snogging each others faces off on one of the sofas. Victoria saw you quickly look away and whispered in your ear “Just ignore them.” Linking your arms together and ushering you to your dorm. Your other roommates were all sitting around in the room doing their own little things. “Finally you found her!” exclaimed Abbey. “Wait honey what’s wrong?” asked Cara as she looked up form her book seeing your solem expression. “Ah it’s not because of that Potter boy again is it? You just need to get over him,” stated Abbey matter offactly. You didn’t even respond, instead just flopping down on your bed. “Look Y/n it’s gonna get better you’ll get over him,” said Victoria sitting down next to you. “How am I supposed to get over my best friend, I've known him for so long?” I asked “Well first you’ll realize that he’s a bloody bloke if he decided to choose her over you. Then you’ll find a new boy and you won’t even give Potter a single thought.” Abbey said as if she just solved a difficult math question. “It’s not that easy Abbey” victoria chastised her. “No she might be somewhat right. What if you found another boy to get over James, like a rebound?” Cara offered. “Is it really a rebound if we were never together?” I asked still replaying the scene from the common room over in my head. How happy they looked together. “It’s the principal that counts” Cara said. “Yeah that’s a great idea! It doesn’t have to mean anything. You can find a boy Saturday at the party after the quidditch game’” Abbey was way too fond of this plan. “I don’t know guys, I don’t even think i’ll go to the quidditch game” I said sitting up. “Now that’s just ridiculous of course you’re going to the qudiditch game and for once I actually agree with Abbey.” Victoria said “Well thanks for letting me know how you really feel about me,” Abbey mocked hurt.
It was Saturday night and the Hufflepuff team were down by so many points that they couldn’t even win if they caught the Golden Snitch. Of course it was James who was scoring all the points as he was ‘the best chaser in Hogwarts history’ as he liked to refer to himself. There he goes scoring yet again as the seekers continued to chase the golden snitch around the pitch. It wasn’t long before Gryffindor caught the golden snitch and the crowd went absolutely ballistic. James being the cocky bastard he was did a victory lap around the stands winking at me as he flew by. Everyone started making their way off the stands and towards the players to congratulate them. It seemed like Lily was the first one down, throwing herself into his arms like you used to when he still paid his “best friend” a care in the world. Using that term loosely now considering he hasn’t given me more then a handful of acknowledgments since him and Lily stated their little love affair.
Meanwhile I was still sitting on the bleachers next to Remus, the rest of our friend had been lost in the crowd. “So I assume you’re going to the party?” he inquired. “I don’t really know yet I'm not in a party mood tonight,” I replied in a slight daze, James and Lilys display having thrown me off. “That’s exactly how I feel but Sirius would have my head if I don’t attend the ‘most legendary party ever’ as he’s been calling it” he said. We both laughed lightly because only Sirius could make such a big deal of one of the hundreds of partys thrown every year. “Well I suppose if you’re going it wouldn’t hurt to give you some company” I said with a slight smile somewhat distracted from my previously gloomy thoughts.
We walked together, in no rush, back to the Gryffindor common room. By the time we got there the party was already in full swing and it seemed that Sirius was already wasted as he stumbled up to the two of you “What a surprise my two favorite people,” we said while balancing his entire body weight on Remus, leaning against him with an arm swung over his shoulder. “Where’ve you two been? James was asking ‘bout ya” he slurred his word together at the end making his words barley eligible. “Why was he looking for me?” remus asked confused. “Not you Moony the pretty one” Sirius said grabbing a lock of your hair twirling it around his finger and winking at you before he went prancing off sloppily to some other people. “We should probably try to slow his drinking,” you said. “There’s no point trying, you take a cup of fire whiskey out of his hands and the second you turn around he’s got two more.” He joked even though we both knew it was true. Shouldn’t you go talk to James anyway, find out what he wanted?” He more so pointed out then actually asking. Just then as you looked across the room you spotted him a cup of alcohol in is hand and Lily perched on his lap. Averting your gaze “I think I’ll enjoy your company much more.” you said and he gave you a goofy grin.
As the night went on you and Remus had found a couch that wasn’t occupied by drunk couples trying to get it on. You were slightly intoxicated, that’s putting it lightly. Your friends kept popping up to have a quick chat and handing you different concoctions every couple minutes. Remus on the other hand was sober as could be, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t enjoying the beautiful giggling girl hanging off his arm and practically sitting in his lap going off about how her little brother once brought a niffler home and tried to keep it as a pet. His cheeks blazing at the extremely close proximity. You hadn’t even noticed how close you were to him, not really being aware of anything all your senses were slowed and your brain was fuzzy just saying anything that came to mind. “We should go for a walk” you said giggling again even though you hadn’t said anything funny “It's getting really stuffy in here I need some air” Grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the exit before receiving a reply. You two were in the hallway in no time, you prancing around and Remus trying to keep up. “It’s still so hot out here,” you exclaimed cursing your clothes. You ripped your sweater off and threw it away, Remus scrambling to pick it up while you keep gallivanting away. “Woah Y/n maybe you should slow down” You stopped abruptly and turned on your heels grinning wildly as he skidded to a stop right in front of you. Your breath fanning across his chest before you looked up to his eyes “Thank you Rem, you’re a real great guy” looping your arms around his neck, your fingers playing with the little wisps of hair at his nape. “Why are you thanking me I haven’t done anything” he stuttered out, trying desperately to not stare at your chest that was pressed against his “Oh but you’ve done so much for me” you said barley above a whisper but it was loud and clear to him. His heart racing a mile a minute as you leant closerand closer until your lips met.
You tasted of fire whiskey and sweetness. He placed his hands on your hips as you kept tugging on his hair. Neither of you hearing the loud steps comig your way. Your reaction was slow when Remus was so quiqly pulled away from you and pushed against the wall by a fuming James Potter. “What do you think you’re doing mate.” He yelled at Remus. “Woah Prongs calm down” Remus tried to defuse the situation but if anything he just made James more livid. You still drunk off your ass decided it would be a good idea to jump on his back to try and stop him “Rem run i’ll hold him off,” you said in a panicy tone “and see ya tomorrow save me a muffin at breakfast” you giggiled totally forgetting how paniced you were a moment ago. Remus jogged off down the hallway you still on James’ back.
“What the bloody hell do you think you were doing with Remus of all people” James pried you off his back so he could face you “What’s that supposed to mean?” you questioned giggling because of James furrowed eyebrows. “You two were just snogging in the hallway, you can’t just going around doing that Y/n” he elaborated still so very angry. “Why not you and Lily do it all the time? Why am I nto allowed to do it” you started getting upset, all the suppressed emotions rising up in a fury. James soffened as soon as he saw you getting upset “look Y/n I’m-” he tried apologising but you interrupted him “No James tell me why can’t I be happy? You think you can just leave me and i’ll stop everything I'm doing until you come back? No James I’m done. I am so over always being second to that Lily Evans.” You were now yelling hysterically, tears streaming down your face, completely inconsolable. James was shocked into silence not knowing how to respond to your outburst. “Why not me? Why wasn’t I good enough? I loved you so damn much and you picked her. You chased after her all these years while I was here the whole time. Then as soon as she acknowledges your existence I’m completely throw aside, I get replaced by some stuck up red head who ignored you for years!” It was all coming out now, your body racked with sobs. James pulled you into to his chest ignoring your attemps to push him away just holding you close whispering “I’m so sorry” and “I didn’t know” over and over like a broken record. “Do you know how much it hurts? I loved you. I love you, and you don’t even care about me, all you care about is her.”
That’s how the remaider of your night went. Not really coming to a resolution, just letting it all out as James held you, and when you finally fell asleep he carried you back to your dorm placing you in bed. This was a conversation for tomorrow, when you were sober, right now you just needed to sleep. To live in your dreams and shut out reality.
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pruittwrites · 7 years
Eddington Spilled The Beans
Otecko stood up, and with all the air of a showman pulled back the curtain that separated the two hospital beds. “May I introduce you Michael’s Bride To Be, and the other lady, you do not know.”
I barely heard their names, I was so confused at the time. Otecko paused, I think just to annoy me, then unraveled his story. “I told you that many have protected the artifacts from men like the Professor, and what we thought was true about Ambassador Rastilav, although he was a hero in disguise.”
“Many times, heroes work in the shadows, not because they have any darkness in them, but to illuminate the black around them, and reveal the truth. Early on, two things occurred to me. One was that if Rastilav was a candle in the middle of blackness, perhaps there was another.”
“Sam stated that there was not, and to his knowledge that was true. However, there was another. Would you be kind enough to join us?”
I promise you, my blood ran cold when I saw the face! “I believe you call her Grandma Assassin Tomás.” She smiled at me.
“I’m sorry for shooting you young man, but it was better than the group wanted to do. They wanted far worse, I rationed a bullet was better than what they would have done. You see, I convinced Rastilav, to let me be the attacker, to manage the danger.”
My head was spinning, and this time it wasn’t from the coffee. “You two were working together? I don’t understand.” She nodded for Otecko to continue.
“Rastilav was the only agent of the government, as Sam had stated. Grandma as you affectionately call her, was the young lady who stood across from me all those years ago as an alternate protector. Two are always assigned, one to guard, and the other to fight, if and when necessary.”
“She, it turns out, has fought many battles to keep the treasure, and our family safe over the years. Though at the time, I was unaware, as I was supposed to be. When you first showed me her face, I recognized her. I knew, I would receive a communication, now that we were in the same orbit, you might say.”
“When she did, we decided to allow events to play out, until we saw an opportunity. However, my precious Grandson, you almost ruined everything. At every turn when we were getting close to tightening the noose, you would accidentally create the slack the Professor would need.”
“At those points, we would postpone our attack. Finally, I realized that you were not an interruption to our plans, but a vital part of it. You see, all the while, my goal was to keep you children safe. I realized the only way for this to happen, was to allow you to play the hero.”
“When you went rogue and boarded the flight here, I contacted Sam and ‘Grandma’, and we hatched a plan. At the right point, you would be pointed towards the Professor’s doorstep, and while heavily guarded, you would be allowed to knock.”
Sam laughed, and so did Michael. “I’m sorry cousin. I just found all this out after lights went out for you, but Otecko’s pretty swift for an octogenarian. Sam and ‘Grandma’ aren’t too shabby either.” As he hugged his bride.
“Sadly, it was the Ambassador’s noble sacrifice that confirmed the second of my two thoughts. Much like Michael, and his young bride Nada, in every life, there is always a love story. For a good person, or a bad one, the heart looks for company. I knew that even the Professor must have someone in his life, or had someone in his life.”
“She showed up at the Ambassador’s funeral, the only person not seemingly connected to a group. She did not know him. Sam could tell by the look on her face when she viewed his picture from the pictures at the funeral home. This is Ruzena Kľúčiar.”
She was a tall willowy woman, no longer young like Michael’s fiancé, but there was beauty there. I wondered what she had been through, and without asking the question, Otecko proceeded to answer.
“For the last seventeen years, she has ran for her life. Afraid that the man she once loved, would kill her. He made promises that he would never harm her, and yet, allowed her to stand guilty for his crimes. Had it not been for her Father’s orchestration, she would have never escaped.”
“On the day of sentencing, he arranged for the jailer to disappear just long enough for her to walk outside. From there, a car took her to the airport. Though she never met the Ambassador, it was his work that secured her Father’s bribe went to an honest jailer.”
“A dishonest man would take the money, and not allow her to escape. An honest one would report the bribe and refuse it. The Ambassador persuaded the government to convince the man to go along with the scheme. Even then, there were men who knew the Professor was dangerous, but they could not prove anything.”
“So like a cat and a mouse, they played a long game. One that, much like ours, seemed to lead nowhere. Then, the woman who had been saved by the orchestrations of the Ambassador, now would repay the favor.”
“Why couldn’t she just testify about what happened seventeen years ago?” I asked, thinking this whole thing sounded a lot simpler than Otecko was making it seem. He smiled without making me feel naive, and kept talking.
“Her testimony would do no good, it was her word against his, now, as then, there was no proof. What we needed was someone to knock at the front door, while someone else unlocked the back. You Tomáš were our knock, and Ms Kľúčiar, who is appropriately named, was our key.”
“After the Ambassador’s death, we contacted her through Sam. She agreed to begin a series of threats to the Professor. Each time, more and more intense. At first by mail, then email, and then by phone. With every conversation, he was careful not to incriminate himself.”
“The day we allowed you to pull your little stunt, and had prepared the way to safely extract you, she was there. Ruzena confronted the Professor from the crowd, and threatened him. From her purse, she produced an old love note that the wicked man had once written, and with that he realized he had a problem.”
“She told him the note had been written at the very hotel he had claimed never to have stepped foot in. The scene of a robbery of artifacts where her prints had been found. She had always said the prints were planted, but she had no proof. Now she had a seventeen year old note that could result in a retrial.”
“He grabbed her arm, the wolf forgetting his smile, and threatened her. He ripped the note in to pieces, and told her that she would never prove a word of her accusation. On top of destroying evidence, he said one sentence that led to his unraveling.”
“The Professor said something very unscholarly. ‘I should have eliminated you a long time before the Milan job.’ He realized too late that the words slipped his mouth, as the smile came from hers. His eyes darted to see if anyone had heard the whispered phrase.”
“As he exited the building, he thought his momentary slip was safe. He relayed to his driver, in the privacy of his vehicle, of what he had not only said, but had almost said. As he chided himself for almost admitting to a myriad of crimes, that he detailed, I listened happily as he, you’ll forgive an obvious joke from an old man, spilled the beans.”
“When we arrived at his home, I turned from the driver’s seat, and took off my hat. Sam opened his door for him, as Interpol arrested him. By now, the entire conversation he had with his driver, has been replayed to him. He will miss his class on Monday. Now, who wants coffee?”
  from Eddington Spilled The Beans
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