#i keep on getting into bed to read my lil nighttime fics and being like
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universalsatan · 1 year ago
who cares if there’s a midterm for it next week. what if i wrote twin peaks gay fanfiction during my 400 level biochem lecture tomorrow morning
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practicecourts · 3 years ago
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I got another word from @theresthesnitch and I must admit she was right about this micro fic thing being a good way to just write. I apologise for the silliness of this story, but apart from feminine hygiene stuff and medical pads, this was what my brain decided to come up with ;-).
Word: Absorb
Breakfast that day was a quiet affair. The four long tables were filled with anxious students, scattered notes and books spread out between half-empty plates.
Mary, Marlene and Lily were seated in the middle of the Gryffindor table. Close to them, the Marauders sat, two of which were digging into their plates without any hint of nerves or urge to do last-minute revisions.
Mary MacDonald closed her book with a decided gesture and turned to the girl with long red locks, sitting across from her “Lily, why was Scamander in your bed all night?
A loud coughing noise erupted next to the girls as James Potter sprayed Peter and Remus with his tea. For one moment people looked up but then the great Hall resumed its silent study buzz. The coughing and choking noises continued and Sirius started patting James’ back, still looking decidedly bored.
“Mary!” The redhead hissed at her friend, not bothering to take her eyes from the book she was frantically reading.
Next to them, James's face was getting redder and redder. He looked as if he was about to choke. Sirius looked at him with a bit more interest.
“You’re no fun, It’s just a question.”
“Can’t you see I am trying to study?”  
“If you just tell me already, I could stop pestering you and you would get so much more done in the next - fifteen minutes, before -“
“Fifteen minutes? Shit.” Lily looked frazzled. “I screwed up last night, okay Mary, I don’t know why I did it. It’s a bad habit. And it kept me up all night because the hairs drove me crazy.” The coughing became louder. Both girls looked at James a bit confused but continued their conversation.
“You had Lima in your bed as well? Lily, you are certifiable insane. I mean, you have an exam in” Mary checked her watch “12 minutes.”
“Oy, Prongs, you need to drink something. I am starting to think you might really be choking. I can’t have mum think I let you suffocate at breakfast. But I don’t know what that Heimlich fellow was up to. So please fix this yourself.” Sirius threw Remus a look, indicating he might need some help soon.
The boy with the messy hair and glasses that were about to fall from his nose was wheezing. Tears were streaming from his eyes and he started to hit himself on his chest.
Remus and Peter just stared at the spectacle.
“Lils, I really don’t understand why you keep doing this, the night before your exams. It’s not healthy”
“Listen, Mary, I told you to drop it. I don’t understand why it bothers you so much, it wasn’t keeping you from your sleep!” She whispered angrily as she stood up, shoving both her books on Care of Magical Creatures in her bag. With a frown and a pitying look at the choking crying boy still hitting his chest, she walked out of the hall.
“Alright there, Potter?” Marlene’s voice did not hide her amusement at her cousin's predicament. James gulped some juice down and made another effort at clearing his throat and wiping his face.
“Don’t tell me you are nervous all of a sudden?” Marlene is still smiling at him.
“Ha, not for exams he isn’t. He reserves those feelings for special occasions- learning about a certain sixth year and her nighttime visitors for example.” Sirius’ voice was also filled with humour as he started to smack James on his back.
“I still don’t get it though.” Mary had not given James’s near dying at breakfast a lot of attention.
“Ah Mar, she has been doing it since first year. It’s just a silly superstition.”
At this James looked Marlene straight in the face. “What in the hell are you talking about? She has,” at this he lowered his voice to a whisper, “boys in her bed before exams since first year?”
“Not boys, more like men and women if you want to be exact.”
James was about to have another fit and Mary just looked at Marlene more confused.
“You see, Lily’s mum told her a tale about the tsar of Russia when she was a little girl. Ever since, she has this superstition that if you sleep with a book underneath your pillow you magically absorb the knowledge it contains. So whenever she feels she has not done enough studying she does this the night before the exam, unfortunately it turns out that Lima’s book of Monsters, makes for a very rough bed partner.”
The barking laugh that escaped from Sirius startled both the occupants of the Hufflepuff table and Ravenclaw.
“Wait, Lima the author, so not Lima the fourth year Ravenclaw chaser? And not Henry Scamander, but -? You’re telling me she sleeps with books under her pillow?” James’ voice was still scratchy from all his coughing.
Marlene stood up and gave him an incredulous look “Really Potter, I thought you had it bad, but this is another level.” Shaking their heads at him, the girls walked out of the Great Hall.
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yoongis-scooter · 5 years ago
senior year, but make it infected
pairing: yoongi x reader (yoongi seems to be in high demand so imma just keep writing for him until 1) someone requests another member or 2) i write something good that’s with another member lol)
word count: 1,029
genre: highschool!au, best friends!au (you n yoongles reminisce about your senior year) (also tried to make it funny but im not funny so)
warnings: this involves covid-19 and essentially how high school seniors are being effected by that so if that upsets you/triggers you don’t read! also there’s a couple swear words
authors note: hi y’all!!! i am/was a senior this year so i’ve def been reminiscing on my high school memories n such :’) also a lil fun fact!! all the stories told in this fic are inspired by things that have actually happened to me lolol but yea!! i hope you enjoy!!
new cases of covid-19 confirmed!
restaurants shutting down do to covid-19!
CDC recommends that citizens stay quarantined!
that’s all your news feed had been for weeks now. you feel awful for everyone that’s been affected, sure, but you find it hard to care now that your last few months of your teenage years have been infected with this god forsaken disease.
you’re mother told you that you were being over dramatic, and that it’s time you start letting go and start thinking about your future. maybe she was right, but you weren’t having it. 
you sit at your desk that’s placed by your window. it overlooks your front yard and you can see all the people that walk by throughout the day. some wearing masks, some not. many move away from the people they see walking towards their direction in silent fear, but they still said a polite hello to not seem too rude.
the time on your phone reads 1:18 AM in little white lettering. you and yoongi had been on the phone with each other since 11, and the call showed no signs of ending any time soon. these nighttime calls with yoongi were a regular occurrence now that the two of you can’t see one another every day at school. the two of you live only about a 10 minute walk away from each other, but your parents were so caught up in the news that they wouldn’t let you leave. so facetime calls would have to suffice until this all blows over.
you’re drawing little doodles on your notepad while you and yoongi talk about miscellaneous things. you look out of your window briefly and notice a lone duck waddling it’s way into your yard. he wanders for a couple minutes while you and yoongi continue talking. you watch him for a minute and then go back to your doodles.
“don’t even get me started on mrs.jung, i can pull up her mugshot at any moment so she better watch how much work she gives us” yoongi babbles. you had accidentally brought up the sore subject of the teacher, knowing how much she gets on yoongis nerves. sometimes you’ll do it just to watch get mad. what can you say, its cute.
“wait she really got arrested? i just thought that was a rumor”
“yea, it happened in like 2013 i thi-”
your head shoots up, spotting the duck running around your yard and honking like the world was going to end. 
“what the fuck is that?” he asks, looking at your equally as confused expression through the phone screen. you groan loudly, but for some reason the obnoxious honking triggers a memory, and you start smiling a little. yoongi, still very confused, speaks up.
“can you like, not do that? it’s creepy” yoongi said, slightly disgusted by your sudden change in behavior.
“do you remember that one time jungkook was drunk off his ass and he could stop telling us facts about canadian geese?” you beamed, looking at yoongi through your camera. the memory brings a smile onto his face too.
“oh my god... i do. and hoseok was really freaked out because jungkook has never even left the country” yoongi hummed, the both of you now grinning like idiots.
this leads you into a rabbit holes of funny moments that had happened in your friend group.
like the one time you, taehyung, and namjoon had spent 20 minutes painting jesus’ ass to perfection in art history class and then realized you only had 10 minutes to finish the actual assignment but ended up just turning in the ass anyway
like the one time jungkook found one of your head bands on your bedroom floor and put it on like a tube top, then proceeded to prance around your house chanting california girls by katy perry
like the one time your class had taken a trip to washington d.c. and had gotten a chance to attend the changing of the guard ceremony at arlington cemetery, but when all of you got there, namjoon forgot to put his phone on silent so his ringtone started blaring during the what was supposed to be quiete ceremony
the laughter that had been coming from the both of you had finally calmed down and the two of you caught your breath. the both of you still had large smiles on your faces.
“i can’t believe i’m about to say this, but i actually think i’m gonna miss high school” you sigh, looking down at your floor. 
“yea... i mean we’re still going to see each other though. we’re literally going to the same college (y/n)” yoongi chuckles, wanting to tease you but he holds back, because he feels the exact same way. 
“oh shit” yoongi whispers.
“it’s 3 in the morning”
you look at the time and yoongi is in fact correct. the numbers read a bright 3:07 AM and you grimace at the thought of having to get up tomorrow.
“well i think it’s time that i hit the hay. i recommend you do the same, (y/n), would hate to see bags under your eyes tomorrow” yoongi joked, and if he were right in front of you, you would’ve flicked him on his forehead.
“shut up! i’ll talk to you tomorrow?” you ask hopefully. and he confirms with an echoed tomorrow.
you throw yourself onto your bed and start looking at old pictures in your camera roll. you miss your friends, and you would give anything to just be in the same room with them again. 
you begin gathering all sorts of photos into a file. the folder consists of any and every stupid memory and greatest accomplishment that the eight of you shared throughout your four years of high school. you share it with them and finally shut your eyes, dreaming about seeing your best friends again.
when yoongi wakes up the next morning he sees the notification from the photo album you humorously titled ‘senior year, but make it infected.’ he chuckles at your amateur attempt to be funny
“what a fuckin’ sap”
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Moving In - Nik Ryder x f!MC
Summary: “You know, most people exchange phone numbers before they move in with together.” “Most people also haven’t been brought together by fighting a murderous bag of bones. Also you already have it...” “Wait what?!” Leah moves in with Nik officially after Chapter 5 of Anything. It goes exactly as expected.
All the links for Anything: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 (final chapter) | Scared To Live (interlude from Nik’s POV)
Warnings: two people who bicker almost as much as they love each other, some swear words, kissing, mention of trauma and alcohol, overall pretty light-hearted
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“How-” Push. “Much-” Push. “Clothing-” Push. “Do you own?!”
Nik liked to think of himself as physically strong (and he would say he had the abs to prove it). But just how can one box of clothes be so heavy? He was huffing and puffing the entire walk from the moving truck and into the Graveyard Shift, especially when they had to go up a flight of stairs to get to his--no, their apartment.
“I own a normal amount of clothes. Maybe you just need to work out more,” Leah teased as she put down her own box effortlessly on the floor of the living room, stopping to stretch her arms over her head. She had to admit her Fae power of super strength came in handy sometimes and she was thankful that she was now able to summon it even when it wasn’t an emergency.
He snorted. “Chasing monsters keeps me plenty fit, thank you very much. But you sure do own a lot of clothes for someone who loses them like you do.”
Her cheeks burned at the memory of their reunion. “I had to prove it was me!”
“That was really your first instinct?!”
“You complaining about that?”
Nik chuckled and pulled her by the waist, nuzzling her neck. “You know I would never, darlin’.”
Leah rolled her eyes and pecked him on the lips. “I come back and agree to be with you and since then it’s been ‘rook’ or ‘babe’ or ‘sugar’ and now ‘darlin’’. Is that why you’re called Nik...because you’re a...nickname type of guy?”
“Shit, rook; was just tryin’ to be romantic here,” Nik groaned as she laughed a little too hard at her own joke. Any exasperation instantly dissipated once he heard her laugh; he missed it the past three months. She kissed him again, enjoying every moment.
“I know. I just love teasing you.”
“Lil’ shit.”
“Ah, another one, Mr. Nic--hey!” Leah shouted out as Nik suddenly wrapped her up in a bear hug, swinging her around. Her shouts soon turned into laughter, and soon the small apartment was filled with the sound of both of them laughing. 
Nik finally put her down on the counter with his hands still on her hips. She rested her forehead against his, still in slight disbelief that she was moving in with him. It was only one week before that she crash landed back into his life, and after they talked things out and survived yet another attempt on their lives (he owed her his life...again), she decided to move to New Orleans for good. 
The thought of it as their apartment still felt weird to them both; but it was his idea for her to move in with him. Nik remembered giving some half-assed excuse about them being both business and personal partners so it only made sense financially...he ignored that dark voice in his head irrationally sneering at him that if he took his eyes off her for even one second she would disappear again. Leah agreed with his staunch assessment, if only to curb the fear that this was all another weird (but wonderful) dream and she was actually alone in Wyoming. She frowned at the thought of her old life. Nik noticed the pensive look on her face.
“Penny for your thoughts?”
The corner of her right lip quirked upwards without amusement as she shrugged. “Are you sure it’s okay for me to move in? After I’ve been probably the biggest pain in the ass since we met a few months ago?”
“First of all, it was my idea for you to move in; no offense but we’re technically unemployed until a client hires us and I’m in a better position from whoever hired me to protect you,” Nik answered, actually hoping that his honesty wasn’t too offensive. “And second, you’re a pain in the ass...but you’re my pain in the ass and you had your reasons for everything. I love you just the same, okay? So no saying you can’t live here unless you really don’t wanna.”
“I do have student loans to pay off...” Leah grinned. “Gotta love your definition of romance, babe. This pain in the ass loves you too!”
Satisfied and sneaking in one last kiss, the woman jumped off the counter. She tied her hair and rolled her sleeves up. “Now let’s get unpacking!”
After a few hours of them unpacking Leah’s things, bickering, and randomly making out (“We’re never gonna get anything done like this, rook!”), the two Nighthunters stood in their now shared bedroom, about to finish up. Nik took out the last piece of clothing: a very familiar velvet, royal purple dress with a gold body chain to go with it. He held it up to her, brow quirked mischievously.
“Any chance I could see you in this again?”
Leah collapsed the last box and put it in the pile with all the others. Her eyes moved to the dress that cost more than half her wardrobe. “Still can’t believe you picked that one out. If we sneak into Persephone again, maybe...”
“How about on a date? A real one.”
“You asking me out, Ryder?”
“What’s it look like, Mendoza?”
She couldn’t help the silly grin on her face, as if she was suddenly a teenage girl talking to her crush for the first time. “I accept. Would this be technically our first date? Because I don’t know whether to count us running from the Bloodwraith...”
“Yes, a real date, rook. But no promises that monsters won’t try to attack us or anything, sorry,” Nik responded, hanging the dress up in their shared closet space. 
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” She smiled brightly and took a seat on the bed. “We’re really doing this backwards, huh? You know, most people exchange phone numbers before they move in together.”
“Most people also haven’t been brought together by fighting a murderous bag of bones.” Nik turned to her and sheepishly scratched the back of his head. “Also you already have it...”
“Wait what?!”
Nik took a deep breath before speaking again. “First, I wanna say I’m so sorry for this; I shouldn’t have contacted you when it was clear you didn’t wanna talk to me. Katherine offered me your number one night after I asked about you and I wanted to be selfish and take it.”
“So...you called me while I was gone?” Leah asked, her eyebrows coming together in confusion. “But I don’t remember you calling...I mean I had dreams you did a few times, but those weren’t real.”
“Well, one of them wasn’t a dream,” Nik went on. “It was nighttime and you picked up the phone slurrin’ drunk. I remember asking if you were safe, and you said you were home.”
Leah’s cheeks burned and she put her head in her hands. “Oh my God...I really don’t remember anything from that conversation. This is so embarrassing! You must’ve thought I was such an idiot!”
“No, you have nothing to be ashamed of, rook.” Nik cautiously sidled up beside her, resting a hand on the small of her back. “I’m so sorry I didn’t respect your wishes. I’m the wrong one here.”
Leah didn’t pull away, but she also couldn’t look at him. She tried to remember anything from the past three months that didn’t involve alcohol; she could count them all on one hand. “I...I really had a problem. I have a problem. I know that moving and being in a relationship won’t fix everything, but it’s hitting me that I need real help.”
“And I’m with you every step of the way.” He pulled her into a hug, letting her rest her face into his shoulder. “I meant it when I said that I’m with you...”
“To the bitter end,” Leah finished, her voice breaking at the last word. Nik tightened his hold on her, an aching in his chest as he remembered that he once kept that promise; but he never anticipated it to be her bitter end. He closed his eyes and relished in the warmth of her body against his, blocking out the memory of her cold, pale skin and still heart. Eventually he loosened his hold and tilted her chin up to look into her eyes.
“All the ragged parts of me...stitched back together when I’m with you,” he murmured only for her to hear. “I only want the same for you.”
Leah pulled him in for a warm, tender kiss. When they pulled away, a serene smile graced her features; Nik could swear there was something magical about her smile. 
“I love you, and I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings us,” she said, her voice strong and hopeful. Leah could feel her sunny disposition returning day by day, and it showed.
“I love you too, rook.” Nik pulled her to lie down beside him, their fingers intertwined. “What do you wanna do tonight? No jobs. We can go out or stay in, and I promise no snake tequila for either of us.”
Leah snorted and sprang up. “I say we stay in tonight in our apartment. Takeout?”
“You read my mind.”
“And there’s a reality show I’ve been meaning to catch up on...” Leah was already making her way to the living room while Nik followed. She babbled on about how it was a show where an American and a foreigner have to get married within 90 days for a special visa and that itself is, of course, where the drama begins and this season was especially dramatic and blah, blah, blah. Nik snorted at how invested she was in the show while they looked at food places. 
The two Nighthunters spent the entire night snuggled up on their couch, talking and eating and canoodling. Leah sighed in satisfaction as sleep eventually took over them, her head resting on Nik’s chest. She finally felt like her life was going somewhere, and all that mattered was that they were in it together.
A/N: I hope you like yet another fic of me refusing to let these two go onto the next installment just yet! Okay in reality I’ve been writing the first chapter of that and am almost done but med school got weird and my mental health took a dive and COVID-19 happened and blah, blah, blah. Bonus points if you know exactly what reality show Leah is talking about! Any and all comments are greatly appreciated, and I hope you’re all staying safe and healthy 💗
Permanent tag list: @furiouscloddonutpeanut​ @inlovewithrebels​ @mistressofspiesxenia​
Nightbound tag list: @saivilo​ 
Anything tag list: @samara-rani​ @god-save-the-keen​ @xxdangerouscapri15xx 
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thebluemartini · 5 years ago
Far From the Shallow - EPILOGUE [Nessian Fic]
TITLE: Far From the Shallow SYNOPSIS: Post-ACOFAS. As part of a deal with Feyre, Nesta has agreed to live with Cassian in the Illyrian Mountains. However, shortly after her arrival, she receives the startling news that she’s pregnant from one of her one-night stands. While she tries to quickly get a grip on her life, Cassian’s determined to make her see that she’s not facing this alone.
FIC LENGTH: Multi-chapter (14 chapters total)
PREVIOUS CHAPTERS: Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 / Chapter 8 / Chapter 9 / Chapter 10 / Chapter 11 / Chapter 12 / Chapter 13
TAGGING: @bohemiandreams27 @queenofillea1 @trash-for-nessian @nestaarcheronwillkillme @my-fan-side @strangeenemy @maastrash @cageddovepoetry @bybooksanddreams @lilbat90 @ritamordio19 @mastercommandercaptain @feysand-dot-acotar @archeron-queen @welcometothespeaknowworldtour @empress-ofbloodshed @there-is-warmth-in-winter @mybbyfeyre @saltydreamcollector @justlikethecheshirecat @mis-lil-red @supebowlere @monstrousloves-explodinggalaxies @everything-that-i-love @sezkins79 @hashtolanashoba @lord-douglas-the-third @rhysandsdarlingfeyre @hikari274 @acotar-and-tog-for-life @ellenoftroy @ink-nibs @highlordofthenightcourttrash @sesquipedalian-aficionado @tintinnabulary
*This chapter is also posted on AO3 and FF.
Dahlia could already walk and talk by the time Cassian deemed it safe for her and Nesta to live in the Illyrian Mountains.
They’d only moved to Illyria one week ago, yet Nesta couldn’t help but feel at peace already. Over the past few years, she’d been experiencing a feeling of restlessness that left her anxious.
But now her and Dahlia were finally living with Cassian, and it finally felt like they were a true family.
Of course, they’d always been a family, but now...now the life her and Cassian had dreamed about had truly come to fruition.
Now Cassian could sleep beside Nesta each night, and when Dahlia thought there were monsters in her room, she could now have the comfort and safety of coming to their bedroom to sleep in between both of her parents. When it was time to sit down for dinner each night, it wasn’t just Nesta who encouraged Dahlia to eat all her food, but Cassian could too. When Dahlia would get sleepy but insist she still wanted to stay up, now Cassian and her could take her to bed together and read her a nighttime story.
It was little moments like these they’d be able to share together by living under one roof, and Nesta was so grateful.
Things weren’t exactly perfect in Illyria. There was still a long way to go in the treatment of females and children, but the Illyrians had shown improvement in listening to Cassian after he dedicated much of his time to visiting and training with the various camps to know and understand them more.
In his conversations with camp leaders, it finally didn’t seem like they wanted to murder him. They even started showing him some respect.
Plus, Nesta had learned how to better control and use her powers with the help of Amren and her siphon. She had learned how to winnow short distances from Feyre too. With these abilities, she was more confident she could protect those she loved.
With all these pieces coming together, it seemed like it would finally be safe enough to live with Cassian in Illyria.
Thankfully, her official role in assisting the Inner Circle with correspondence with other fae and other courts didn’t require her to be living in any specific place.
As another precaution, her and Cassian had decided to live in a new cabin that was a little farther away from Windhaven. It was also a new cabin in honor of their new life as a family living together - one that hadn’t been tainted with memories of being threatened by other camps or being attacked.
As Nesta stirred a pot of stew on the stove, she smiled to herself as she thought about the possibly joyous moments they could fill their home with and the memories that had already been made there, such as the way Cassian embraced them when he came home from his day of training for the first time since they’d moved in. 
“Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?” Dahlia said as she wandered up to Nesta’s side with her stuffed horse tucked underneath her arm.
“Any minute now, my angel,” Nesta replied as she scooped a small portion of the stew into a bowl.
Then Nesta crouched down so she was nearly eye level with Dahlia, holding the bowl of stew and a spoon in her hands. “Lia,” Nesta began gently, calling her by her nickname. “Do you remember what you need to tell Daddy?”
Dahlia nodded eagerly. “That Mommy’s making lunch for him.”
“That’s right. Now this bowl is for you,” Nesta smiled as she handed her the bowl and spoon, which Dahlia accepted while still keeping her horse under her arm. “You can wait for him by the front door, but only go outside once you see Daddy through the window,” Nesta instructed. She was always overprotective when it came to Dahlia.
“Okay, Mommy,” Dahlia said as she ran over to the door while carrying her stew and horse.
When Cassian landed a short distance from his cabin, a wave of joy and peacefulness came over him.
Coming home to his family was a luxury he almost thought would never occur based on his troubles with the Illyrians. But here he was - nearly four years since Dahlia was born - about to step into his home and see both his love and his daughter for the seventh day in a row. He couldn’t help but feel ecstatic to embrace them.
As he took his first step toward the cabin, the front door creaked open, and he saw Dahlia walk outside. She stopped to put the bowl she was holding down on the porch before rushing up to him. A smile spread across Cassian’s face as he paused his stride. He bent his knees and outstretched his hands as he waited for her to come to him.
“Daddy! Daddy!” she exclaimed as she ran. Cassian could see the legs of the stuffed horse he had given her poking out from underneath her arm.
When she reached him, Cassian instantly closed his arms around her and lifted her off the ground. “How’s my baby girl?”
“Daddy, can I start learning how to fly today?” she asked, completely disregarding what he said. 
His heart broke a little as she asked her question. She asked him this everyday the past week. Her wings had finally been growing, but at a much slower rate than most Illyrians. An effect from the fall Nesta took, unfortunately. Him and Nesta were assured, however, that her wings would be full-grown one day.
“Hmm,” he said as he looked over her wings. Right now, they just weren’t large enough to support her body. “I think we need to wait a little bit longer, sweetheart,” he noted. “They aren’t big enough yet, but the longer they take to grow, the stronger they will be!” he emphasized.
Dahlia pouted. “But I want to fly.”
“You will, sweetheart,” Cassian reassured her. “One day.”
“Can you just fly me around right now instead?”
“Let’s go ask your mother first,” Cassian advised. Nesta was always nervous when he took Dahlia flying since she was still so young.
He started walking toward the porch, but Dahlia started getting fussy in his arms, wanting to be put down. He did as she requested, then she ran up ahead of him to the porch and grabbed her bowl.
Upon closer inspection, he noticed there was stew inside the bowl, which perplexed him. Only he cooked for the family, never Nesta. He’d always insisted he cook while in Illyria to prove a point to the Illyrians. Plus, Nesta could never offer him food unless she wanted to...
“Lia, where did that food come from?”
“Mommy made it,” she said before placing a spoonful in her mouth. “Mommy told me to tell you she made some for you too.”
Cassian’s eyes widened in shock and excitement as his heart started racing.
Nesta’s finally ready.
Thrilled by this revelation, he’d nearly been about to burst through the front door to reach Nesta, but he abruptly paused to crouch down and speak to Dahlia.
“Lia, do you remember that secret I told you to keep from Mommy because Mommy wasn’t ready to hear it yet?”
Dahlia nodded her head eagerly.
“Well, today you can finally tell Mommy.”
Dahlia gasped. “Can I tell her right now?”
“Yes, sweetheart,” he said as he held open the door for her. Cassian wasn’t far behind her as they hurried into the kitchen.
“Mommy! Mommy!” Dahlia cried out as she ran up to Nesta, who was standing by the stove.
Cassian paused in the entryway to the kitchen and watched as Nesta gathered Dahlia in her arms. “Is Daddy home, sweetheart?” she gently asked before turning to find him standing there.
From across the kitchen, he gave her an intense look of admiration. With a satisfied grin upon his face, he crossed his arms and leaned against the door frame.
He then gave the pot on the stove a pointed look before returning her gaze to her.
Nesta’s lips formed a subtle smile as she stared back at him and gave him the slightest nod.
They might not have been able to speak through each other’s minds yet, but he knew she could read his mind at that moment and confirmed that she indeed was offering him food. That she was ready. That she wanted to be his mate for life.
“I have a secret to tell you!” Dahlia exclaimed as she put her small hands against her mother’s face to force her to look at her.
Cassian leisurely walked up to them as he opened the very small pouch attached to his belt.
“What is it, Lia?” Nesta asked.
“Daddy wants to be an Archeron, just like us!” she shouted.
Cassian got down on both of his knees in front of them as Nesta turned her head to look at him again. Her eyes widened as he pulled out a small wooden box from the pouch at his waist and offered it to her.
He’d never had a last name before. And he’d never had anywhere where he felt like he truly belonged before, until the two girls before him entered his life.
Stunned at the sight in front of her, Nesta couldn’t take her eyes off of the box, even as she bent down to put Dahlia back on the floor. “Is that...the box you tried to give me at Winter Solstice years ago?”
Cassian nodded as Nesta took the box from his hands. Her hands trembled as she opened it to discover the necklace with the ruby that had belonged to his mother. The one that was in the hilt of his old Illyrian blade that Nesta had used to distract the king of Hybern.
Nesta just stared at it in bewilderment.
“But...you had thrown this in the Sidra. How did you…?”
“I had help from a fae from the Summer Court who had some water manipulation powers,” he explained.
“But the Summer Court hates you…” she said as her face contorted in confusion.
“A story for another time,” he stated with a cheeky grin, thinking of all he had to go through to convince the fae to help him. “But Nesta, my love, I love you more than words can say, and I -”
“I know,” Nesta breathed as tears formed in her eyes. “You don’t need to say anything, Cassian. I know how much you love me. Just as you know how much I love you.”
He took a shaky breath. “My love, I know it’s not a ring, but I hope you’ll still accept this as - ”
“Mommy! Can you pleaseee marry Daddy so he can become an Archeron?” Dahlia interjected as she impatientiently tugged on Nesta’s dress.
“Yes, of course I will,” Nesta whispered as her blue-gray eyes focused on Cassian. “And of course, I accept this necklace.”
Dahlia let out a scream of giddy delight as Cassian hurriedly got up off the ground to grab the necklace out of the box. Wrapping it around Nesta’s neck, he stood behind her as he linked it together, then placed a kiss at the nape of her neck.
As soon as he pulled back, Nesta immediately turned around to kiss him passionately.
“Now about my stew…” she said as she put her arms around his neck.
Cassian placed his arms at her waist. “Well, you do know what’s going to happen as soon as you give me that food and I eat it, right?”
The desire for her would be hard to control at that point...
Nesta nodded. “Which is why I asked Feyre to come over to pickup Lia in a little while so she can go play with her cousin,” she revealed.
“But I want to see Daddy become an Archeron, Mommy!” Dahlia piped in, tugging at Nesta’s dress.
“That will happen another day, my angel. We need time to plan it,” Nesta explained.
“Hmm,” Cassian remarked as he picked up Dahlia. “But maybe the three of us could spend time together first to celebrate? Then you can feed me later, my love.”
“Of course you had to go and upstage my food offering,” she teased with a smile, and Cassian’s free hand caressed her face. “But I’m glad you did. I’ll let Feyre know to come later.”
She gave him a quick kiss before she stepped away. 
Then Cassian looked over at Dahlia, who was beaming in his arms. “Daddy gets to marry Mommy,” he whispered excitedly to her. “Thank you for telling Mommy, sweetheart. I love you,” he said before kissing the top of her head.
“Love you too, Daddy,” she said before kissing his cheek.
Cassian ended up flying Dahlia and Nesta to a wooded area that he’d made into Dahlia’s play area, which included swings he’d crafted that hung from the trees, a mini cabin to serve as her own fort, a seesaw, and a variety of rocks she could paint (she recently received a set of paints as a gift from Feyre). It was an afternoon filled with fun and laughter, one that made Nesta incandescently happy.
The fact that Cassian would soon be both her mate and husband probably made the day feel even more special. She didn’t know he would ask her to marry him that day, but she suspected he’d been wanting to ask for a long time.
After Feyre had picked up Dahlia to spend the night in Velaris, Nesta went about reheating the stew she had made earlier that afternoon.
“Do you know why I chose to make you stew?” she questioned Cassian as she stood with her back to him and stirred the pot on the stove.
“Hmm,” Cassian began as he thought about the possible reason. “Wasn’t it the first dish I taught you how to make?”
“You remember,” Nesta noted with a smile.
“Of course I do,” he remarked as he came up behind her and snaked his arms around her waist.
Nesta grabbed a spoon and scooped some stew out of the pot. Holding up the spoonful of food, she twirled in Cassian’s arms to face him and present him with it.
Cassian looked curiously at the spoon for a minute before bringing his gaze back to Nesta. “Why now?” he wondered softly. “After all this time, why now?”
“Because I was tired of you trying to read my mind and always misunderstanding what I was thinking. Life would be easier if you really could read it,” she teased.
Cassian chuckled, but waiting for her to go on.
She took a deep breath. “Because the other day, I just...I was watching you read to Lia, and I didn’t know why I was waiting anymore,” she continued. “I think I finally realized that my love for you is greater than any desire to keep fighting off all these fae customs. I shouldn’t be spiting the bond. I should be thankful for it. That I’ll be able to live a long life with you. That I’ll have a lot of time with you.”
Cassian grinned and leaned down to kiss her.  “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” she replied as she reached her hand up to touch her necklace. “And now I ask you the same question. Why now?”
Cassian brought his hands up to her face and pushed away the stray strands of hair behind her ears. “Because I knew you were ready. I’ve been wanting to marry you probably since about two weeks after Dahlia was born. But I knew asking you then would’ve been too much and too fast for you after everything you’ve gone through. And I didn’t want to ask you until I knew you were ready. I didn’t want you to feel pressured to marry me if you knew it was what I’d been wanting. I wanted it to be your choice. So when Dahlia said you were making me food, I knew you were ready.”
“I’m sorry for taking so long,” she said quietly.
“You have nothing to be sorry for, my love,” he told her tenderly.
Nesta leaned forward to kiss him. “I’m shocked you haven’t started calling me ‘my mate.’”
“Well, I’m not too fond of that term. I prefer ‘my love’ because I love you by choice, not because of the bond.”
His words never failed to warm her heart.
“Well, my love, the future Cassian Archeron...” she began and she brought the spoon closer to his mouth.
“I love the sound of that,” he interjected, causing Nesta to smile even brighter.
“Do you accept the bond and accept this stew I have to offer you?”
“Yes,” Cassian emphasized, and Nesta placed the spoonful of stew in his mouth.
Cassian swallowed. “Delicious,” he commented before leaning in to plant his lips against her throat.
Nesta let the spoon clatter to the floor as she clutched at his tunic.
“Wait, Cassian,” she said, and Cassian instantly pulled away. “There’s something else that I’ve realized I want.”
“I want…” she took a deep breath as her heart raced. She wasn’t terribly nervous about asking to be his mate earlier because she was confident he would accept. But this...she wasn’t sure how he’d react to this news at all. “I want another child.”
Cassian brought his hands to her upper arms and froze. “Do you really want another one, or are you just saying this because you think I want a child related to me by blood? Because I consider Dahlia to be mine, through and through. If you don’t want anymore kids, she is enough for me,” he insisted.
Nesta couldn’t help but fret over his response. Did he not want another child? Is that why he was reacting this way?
But she had to be honest with him. “I really do want another one,” she revealed. “You’ve been such a great father, and I’ve loved raising Dahlia with you. I want to raise another child with you. But only if you want one too…” she finished hesitantly.
“Oh, sweetheart,” Cassian stated as put his hands on her cheeks and his mouth spread into a wide grin. “Yes, despite your wild moods and cravings during pregnancy, of course I want to have another child with you,” he added before kissing her fiercely.
Pretty soon, his kisses were everywhere and she responded in kind. Stepping away from the stove, he lifted her off the ground and she encircled her legs around his waist as he supported her.
“Maybe this time we’ll have a boy,” Nesta expressed in between her deep breaths.
“And we can name him Cassian,” he added breathlessly as he tugged the ribbon out of her hair.
Nesta rolled her eyes as she ran her fingers through his hair. “I already have enough Cassians in my life.”
As Cassian walked her to the bedroom, he laughed against her lips.
And when he laid her down on the bed and their bodies eventually joined together, she could feel that power that had been pleading to be released for years explode with intense fervor between them.
I love you, my future wife, she heard in her mind.
I love you, my future husband, she replied through the bridge between their minds.
Even though the mating bond had been officially established between them, Nesta felt fully in control. With a soon-to-be husband who loved her unconditionally, a daughter whom she adored more than anything in this world, and her ability to love them fiercely and fearlessly, she finally felt...complete.
A/N: Oh boy, this will be long. I can't believe this is the end!
So when I first started this story, I KNEWWW that writing multi-chapter fics would take over my life, so I decided "hey, okay we're going to try to keep this fic short by only doing about a chapter per month of the pregnancy." WELP, this fic went onto becoming the longest fic I've ever written.
And I couldn't have kept up with up with it, written as much as I did, and completed it if it weren't for you lovely readers! Every comment, every like, every request to be tagged has meant SO MUCH to me! Heck, even if you didn't do any of that and still read all this, it means a lot! THANK YOU SO MUCH!
If you did get through this whole enchilada, I've love to hear from you just so I can thank you personally! Even if it's the simplest of comments just saying you read this thing, I want to thank you! You can tell me what you liked and even what you didn't like. (You know what I don't like? I don't like that I didn't give Emerie more of a role as a friend to Nesta...it was my original intent to do that, but then my poor brain and poor typing fingers could only handle building up one relationship at a time and it had to be Nessian lol.)
Anyway, I don't think I've ever said that the title of this fic comes from the song "Shallow" from the movie, "A Star is Born." That movie's soundtrack really influenced me when I wrote my original outline for this fic. So thank you "A Star is Born"!
I am probably going to take a loooong break from writing Nessian. This fic was such a beast that I'm a bit exhausted! Plus, I only really like writing post-ACOFAS fics about them, and since I've been stuck in the headspace for this fic for so long, it's become my current headcannon, lol. It would be hard to write about anything where Nesta and Cassian do not have Dahlia!
Anyway, I hope you found this ending to be satisfying and that it made all the angst worth it! (oh man, I kinda really missed writing the angst though!)
TL;DR: LOVE YOU ALL! Thank you so much for reading and supporting me through this!!! ;)
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jungshookz · 6 years ago
ceo!yoongi - daddy’s little girl
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→ pairing: min yoongi x reader
→ summary: it seems like hwayoung might have a favourite parent, and, spoiler alert: it’s not you.
→ genre: ceo!yoongi universe, fluFF aka jimin and hwayoung in matching teddy jackets, angst because parenthood is hard, lil touch of smut because yoongi n y/n have missed each other and hwayoung keeps cockblocking them womp womp
→ wordcount: 5.5k
→ notes: if you missed the ceo!yoongiverse as much as i did i hope you’ll like this drabble!! i’m sorry it took so long ya girl’s been buSY as heck! anyways i have moVed on from google translate and i have a vEry special translator who i will not expose in case they want to remain anonymous but for those of you who were horrified by the google translate korean from a couple drabbles ago i hope this time around it’s better!! also i couldn’t come up with a better title so get ur minds out of the guTTER
if you have no idea whO ceo!yoongi is, go ahead and read the fic that started it allllllllll anyways i hope you guys like this one! feel free to flood the friCK out of my inbox i love dat shit
or if you’re interested in reading other ceo!yoongi drabbles: the proposal | x | the wedding | x | the first date | x | jealousy | x | baby makes three | x | the fishnet stockings | x | baby min’s timeline | x | the birth of baby min | x |
if u wanna ask yoongs or y/n (or hwayoung?? u won’t get a lot outta her unfortunately) anything u know what to do ;-)
(gif isn’t mine!)
(((and the read more function iS there but most of the time it doesn’t work on mobile :// i am sorry don’t attack me by sending passive-aggressive anon messages)))
you’re pretty sure hwayoung hates you
which is NOT fair because you gRew her for nine months and um also YOU BIRTHED HER
“we’re never going to get this diaper on if you keep kiCking me” you scowl as her tiny foot digs into your (still sensitive) stomach and you wince in pain
how the frick do diapers work
it’s just deconstructed underwear and you can’t even figure it out
which way is the back????
“okay, let me just…” you lift her up a little and slide the diaper underneath and plop her bum back down
no that doesn’t look right
maybe that’s the front???
“sorry, wait-“ you lift her up again and she gurgles when you whIp the diaper away from under her “okay, now i got it”
you’re about to reach out to lift her up again but then
o frick
you sigh frustratedly when her face crumples up and she starts to wail “oH my god girl why are you crying?? what is there to cry about?????? do you want to hang out in a poopy diaper all day???? i’m trying to help you!!”
she starts to cry harder and now yOU want to cry
your ears are literally about to start bleeding
this girl has a pair of lungs for sure
“hey, what’s wrong? y/n, what did you do?” you turn as yoongi walks into the nursery looking as concerned as ever
“wha- what makes you think i did something??” you scoff and yoongi plucks the diaper from your hand
“오~케이 아빠왔다! 아빠가 기저귀 빨리 갈아줄게! [oh...okay... daddy’s here! daddy’s gonna change your diaper!]” yoongi tuts and slides the diaper underneath her and her wails begin to reduce to small hiccups and whimpers “y/n, jagi, i know you’re tired but maybe you shouldn’t yell at our two-month-old child, hm?”
“i wasn’t yelling-“
“you kind of were” yoongi mutters and you clench your fists in frustration
you can’t help it
you haven’t slept in like a week so you’re exhausted and you feel like you’re about to pass out all the time
your boobs are always just,.., leaKIng
your nipples!!! are so chaffed!!! and so raw!!!!!!!!
all of your clothes are now stained with multiple types of bodily fluids
you watch as yoongi tightens the straps and then sticks the little tabs down
and the whole time
hwayoung doesn’t move and barely makes a peep
she gurgles as he tucks her legs back into the onesie and buttons her little outfit back up
“alright, you chunky monkey” he pinches her thighs and grins down at her “we’re all done! 아~ 내 째깐한기— 누구 딸이길레 이렇게 귀여운거야? [oh, you’re so cute - whose baby is this cute?]” he coos and tickles her plump lil belly
he rubs his nose against hers and her tiny palm slaps against his cheek
yoongi picks her up and cradles her in his arms and she sucks her fist into her mouth
“how about you go and take a shower? i can take care of her for a bit” yoongi murmurs and yanks her fist out of her mouth
she whines and shoves her fist back in
he doesn’t give you a choiCe because then he’s walking out of the nursery
guess you’re taking a shower
you let out a long sigh as the hot water rains down on you
you don’t know how you’re going to survive motherhood
it’s already so hard
you can’t even put a diaper on
you know what
motherhood is difficult buT you know for a fact it’s going to become easier
just give it some time
everything will be fine
the sudden sound of wailing jolts you awake and you sit up immediately
the baby monitor next to you is blinking like crazy
u don’t even need the baby monitor to tell u that hwayoung is crying because her cries are so loUD
you reach over and turn on the lamp and let out a sigh
there’s some shuffling next to you and yoongi reaches over and places a hand on your bare thigh
“i got it, don’t worry.” yoongi murmurs and rubs the sleep out of his eyes with his other hand
“you had a long day at work today… i can take care of it” you bring his hand up to your mouth and press a kiss over his knuckles
“no… no….i…i got it…” yoongi rolls over onto his stomach and flops an arm over your lap
he’s basically fallen back asleep and you can’t help but snort quietly at your husband
you run your fingers through his hair gently before pushing him back so that he’s on his back
you let out another yawn and crawl out of bed
“coming, i’m coming…” you make your way down the hall to hwayoung’s room
you are so tired you could pass out right now
“hi, sweet girl… can’t sleep, hm?” you scoop her up into your arms and she tucks her face into the crook of your neck and continues to sob
you can feel your shoulder getting wet from the copious amount of tears and snoT being produced by your child as you pace back and forth
you spend the next twenty or so minutes trying to calm her down but nothing seems to be working
she keeps spitting out her pacifier
you tried bouncing her and it didn’t work
you cradled her in your arms and sat in the rocking chair and it didn’t work
you even tried singing that stupid tomato song that jungkook and jimin sing to her that she seems to like (u don’t really know the lyrics so it was basically just you saying ‘tomato’ over and over again but in the tune of the song lmao)
“she’s still crying?” you look over your shoulder to see yoongi standing by the door
you’re about to respond but hwayoung lets out another ear-piercing sob
he scratches at his bare chest and lets out a yawn before holding his arms out “c’mere, give her to me”
you’re about to protest because u want to prove to yourself AND yoongi that you are capable of making your guys’ child stop crying but like
your arms are starting to get tired
and hwayoung doesn’t seem like she’s going to stop crying any time soon
the moment yoongi takes her into his arms her cries start to quiet down significantly and you’re like ????????
are u having a fever dream
is this even happening right now
“yeah, there we go… 아이고야, 아기야 울지말거라.....[no need to cry…]” yoongi coos and pats her back gently
a fat tear rolls down her cheek as she shuts her eyes and-
did she just fall asleep
she totally just fell asleep
“hey, look at that! easy-peasy.” yoongi teases but the smile drops from his face when he sees that you are very noT amused
“that is so not fair.” you grumble and watch him put her back in her crib
as days start bleeding into weeks you can’t help but realise just how exhausting being a mother is
you can’t even grasp the basic concept of time because you’ve been hanging out at home all day and all night
you only know it’s nighttime whenever yoongi comes back from work
yoongi’s been a vEry supportive and doting husband and father even though you know he’s super busy at work
he offers to make dinner and he gives you back massages when you need it
he’s always the first one outta bed whenever hwayoung starts crying in the middle of the night
jimin and kook stop by from time to time
most of the time they bring food for you which you’re very grateful for
the point is
usually you have someone there with you whenever things get rough
but tonight
tonight is really testing you
yoongi isn’t going to be home for a little while longer
jimin is busy at work with yoongi
jungkook’s hanging out with his other pals tonight
so it’s just you and your baby
speaking of your baby
hwayoung is being especially difficult tonight
more difficult than usual
you can’t help but wonder if she inherited the stubborn gene from you (the answer is yes in case it wasn’t already painfully clear)
she hasn’t cried in two hours which is concerning because she usually bursts into tears like every twenty minutes
that means when she eventually cries it’s going to be the most intense waiLS you think you’ll ever get from her
“you sure you don’t want any milk?” you let out a sigh of frustration as you try feeding her your nipple and she moves her head away before bursting into tears “c’mon, just-“ you try manoeuvring her head towards your boob again and she whips her head away “hwayoung, please, mommy’s boob is literally probABly going to explode if you don’t-“ she starts to cry harder and you’re pretty sure she’s going to pop a lung if she doesn’t stop “okay okAY okay no milk no milk” you shush and stand up and start bouncing her gently
you wince and reach up to cup your boob
o god
your boobs hurt so fuckign much
you need to pump some milk out before you pass out
you haven’t used the breast pump yet because hwayoung’s been diligent with the milk drinking but for some reason she’s refused to drink aLL day today which has resulted in what you think is an ovERProduction of milk in your boobs
“shh, it’s okay, there’s nothing to cry about…” you mutter as you go through the cupboards and- “ah! found it!!”
“mommy’s just gonna put you down here, okay?” hwayoung’s calmed down a bit but you know she’s still irritated because she keeps fussing and whining
you lie her down on the couch and take a seat next to her
you don’t think you’ve ever felt suCh relief in your life when you finally attach the pump to your boob and it starts suCkINg the milk out of your body
“thank god..” you sigh and rest your head back against the couch
all that can be heard in the room is the continuous pumping of the machine with hwayoung’s occasional babble thrown in
everything’s fine
you glance over and-
“hwayoung-!” you gasp and imMediately reach out to grab her before she can roll off the damn couch
and then all hell breaks loose
your hand knocks against the bottle attached to your boob when your arms whIP out to grab onto her
the bottle tumbles onto the ground and you literally want to die when the milk spills out and starts soaking into the rug
that was
that was like all of your milk
that was hwayoung’s meal and it’s all gone
“fuckin-“ hwayoung’s shrieking at this point and you have no idea what to do
here you are in the middle of the living room with a boob hanging out of your nurSing bra with your child crying into the crook of your neck
“okay, it’s fine, don’t cry!” you seem like you’re telling yourself that rather than hwayoung
you groan in pain when you shoVe your sore boob back into your bra and you don’t even bother buttoning yoongi’s shirt up because there’s no timE
“okay, it’s okay, it’s okay, mommy’s here,” you try to shush hwayoung as you furiously dab at the carpet with her ducky blanket
she’s squirming in your grip and you wince when she smacks her tiny fist against your face
“-daddy heard your crying all the way from- woAh what the hell” the last thing yoongi expects to see when he walks into the penthouse is the sight of you on your knees scrubbing at the carpet while cradling hwayoung in your arms (who is squirming so much she’s literally about to faLL out of your arms)  
“take her, i need to clean up the milk” yoongi rushes over and takes hwayoung from you and you immediately zip to the kitchen to grab the cleaning supplies
“눈물 뚝... [don’t cry, don’t cry...]” yoongi whispers and bounces her in his arms
she continues blubbering and big fat tears roll down the sides of her face “화영아 울지마... 아빠야.. [hwayoungie, don’t cry... it’s daddy...] no, no! don’t cry, it’s okay!] y/n, what happened??”
“i- it’s fine, everything’s fine, it was an accident,” you breathe out as you come back with a damp cloth “-i was pumping milk and i put her down and i wasn’t paying attention and she was wiggling around a lot and i guess she squirmed all the way to the edge of the couch buT BUT i caught her! i caught her and ended up ripPing the pump off my boob-“ you drop to your knees and start dabbing at the milk
it’s too late
most of it has soaked into the rug and you don’t want the living room to reek of your crusty breast milk when it fully dries
you should grab the bleach
but this rug was eXPENSIVE
“i’ll go put her to bed, okay? i’ll be right back”
you don’t know if it’s the hormones or the lack of sleep or whatever but suddenly you feel your eyes starting to well up with tears the moment you’re left alone
it’s just
you’re so overwhelmed and so tired
hwayoung hates you
you can’t do anything right
you can’t even put a damn diaper on your baby
you can’t get her to drink from your stupid boob
and not to mention it took you like 20 minutes to figure out how to attach a pump to your boOb
your movements start to slow down significantly when it hits you
you’re an unfit mother
it’s true
you are an unfit mother
“she’s a bit fussy tonight, no?” yoongi jokes as he comes down the stairs
he purses his lips when you don’t reply and continue to scrub fuRIously at the rug “…lemme help-“
“no, it’s okay.” you shake your head quickly and swallow the lump growing in your throat
yoongi kinda stands there awkwardly because he doesn’t know,..,,. what to do.,.,
“okay. uh… do you… want pizza for dinner? cauliflower crust good with you.” he jokes aGain as he loosens his tie
and once again
he’s met with nothing but silence
he feels like this is the calm before the storm
something’s coming
u know what
he’s just going to call the pizza place
he’ll make sure to get extra garlic dip for u
hopefully that’ll cheer you up a bit
you lean back against the couch and look down at the dark patch on the rug
okay well
you got most of the milk out
so everything is fine now
everything is fine
you press your lips together to try and suppress the incoming soB because you know yoongi’s tired and he probably doesn’t want to deal with-  
“i’m a terrible mother!” you burst into tears and immediately reach up to cover your face with your hands and yoongi jumps in surprise
thEre it is
“baby, no! you’re not a terrible mother!!” yoongi’s brows knit together and he drops to the ground right next to you
you immediately launch yourself into yoongi’s arms and bury your face into the crook of his neck
“i just don’t understand why i can’t do anything right like i can’t [hiccup] even change her diaper i don’t know [sob] what the f-front of the diaper looks like and what the back of the diaper [hiccup] looks like and she won’T EVEN drINk from my b-boob so now my boobs huRT [sob] and i know it’s not her fault because it’s always my fault i’m the one who keeps messing up howamisupposedtotakecareofababywhenicanbarelytakecareofmyself-“  
yoongi can barely understand what you’re saying because your words are muffled and you’re blurring them together pluS you’re uncontrollably sobbing but he manages to make out a couple of your sentences
he lets you cry and cry and crY out all your anger and sadness and frustrations for the next ten minutes until you quite literally have no tears left to cry
you sniffle and pull away from yoongi
your eyes are watery and puffy and your nose is red and your lips are swollen “…so how was work?”
“you aren’t a terrible mother.” yoongi deadpans before reaching up to cup your cheeks “how’d you manage to get that silly idea into your head?”
you scoff and reach up to wipe at your eyes “yoongi, i can’t do anything right. you’re nailing this whole being a parent thing and i’m just fucking it up for everyone.”
“no, you’re not! and you’re not alone, you know that! we’re both in this together - last time i checked, hwayoung is half of you and half of me. i have my fuck up moments too! i didn’t tell you this because i didn’t want you to get mad but i accidentally clipped hwayoung’s finger when i was cutting her fingernails and there was a little bit of blood but-“
“you whAT-“
“-not to mention, you have jimin and unfortunately you have jungkook too but the point is you are not alone in this!!! i know things are hard right now because babies are difficult but you are not a terrible mother. you take care of hwayoung-ie so well and you love her so much and i can’t even think of any woman more perfect than you to raise my child. it’ll get better, i promise. but for now, the most important thing you need to know is that you are not a terrible mother.” yoongi holds your face up “look at me and say it.”
your eyes flicker up to him before they look back down at the rug “…u r not a terrible mother”
“y/n, seriously-“
“i am not a terrible mother.” you murmur and reach up to wipe at your puffy eyes
“i would ask you to say it louder but i’m not risking waking the baby up.” yoongi laughs lightly and wipes a stray tear away for you before giving you a sweet lil kiss “you okay?”
“ya i guess so... you still gonna order pizza for us?”
“with extra cheese?”
“and stuffed crust?”
“…well now you’re just pushing it buT yes, you deserve stuffed crust.”
yoongi was right
things got better
“what’s the matter with this film?? it’s about mermaids! i’m sure you’ll grow to like mermaids.” you look over at hwayoung who’s just chilling in her little rocker
since you and yoongi are ~millennial~ parents obviously you guys had to get your baby more modern things
it’s a rocker that rocks itself!!
..or maybe u guys are just lazy lol
hwayoung gurgles and her little arms flail around a bit
“unless you wanna watch basketball or something.” you mutter and switch the channel
you’re sitting on the ground next to her and the both of you are just enjoying each others’ company
once again hwayoung’s pudgy bread roll arms flail around
“what’s the matter, miss fussy?” you coo and pull her out of the rocker gently and proceed to place her on your chest
you lower the volume on the tv because you figure she’d appreciate more silence since she’s tryna go to sleep
“alright alright just gimme a second to get comfortable.” you can’t help but laugh when she lets out the tiniest most adorable yawn
you sit on the couch and lean back a bit and hwayoung burrows her face into the crook of your neck before turning and squishing her cheek against your shoulder
you pause
“…hwayoung?” you whisper and awkwardly crane your neck so you can kINda look at her face
oh my god
she fell asleep
no way
you press your lips together to keep yourself from scREECHING in excitement because she nEVER falls asleep in your arms!!!!!!! EVER
holy shit
oh god
now you can’t move because u don’t want to wake her up
u know what it’s totally fine because the point is hwayoung is sleeping on yOU
“i can do this.” you breathe out as you look up at the ceiling
you can do this
you’re not a terrible mother
yoongi shuts the door behind him as quietly as he can
the penthouse is eerily quiet tonight and yoongi’s only slightly concerned
he’s tempted to call out for you but he doesn’t want to just in case-
yoongi has to press his lips together to suppress the big fat grin on his face because there you are
there you are
asleep on the couch with an arm hanging off the edge while the other is wrapped around hwayoung
meanwhile hwayoung is sprawled on top of you with her lil cheek smushed against your chest
her little duckie blanket is tossed over her
the two of you are drooling which yoongi finds absolutely endearing
“c’mere...” yoongi scoops hwayoung up from your chest and cradles her in his arms
she stirs in her sleep and her little nose twitches (yoongi wants to melt right then and there because she definitely picked that up from you!!)
he tucks her into bed as slowly as possible so that she doesn’t wake up
of course his head knocks into the mobile hanging above her bed and it jingles a little bit
luckily she’s a deep sleeper
he picks up her little chocolate chip cookie plushie (you named it shooky for some reason which don’t even make any damn sense) and places it right next to her head
and then he just takes a moment to admire her
that’s his little baby
that’s his daughter
he never thought he’d be a dad this young
he didn’t even think he’d be married this young but
u know what
life works in funny ways
and he’s pretty sure he’s the luckiest guy in the world
the floorboards creak under his feet as he makes his way back to you
he bends down and reaches over to move a strand of hair away from your face
“y/n…” yoongi whispers and smiles fondly when you stir in your sleep
there’s that nose twitch
you peel an eye open before reaching over to cup yoongi’s jaw “hey… you’re finally ho-“ suddenly you sit straIGHt up and look down
“i put her in bed a minute ago” you visibly relax and you let out a sigh before lying back down
“she fell asleep on me tonight” you hum happily “i think she likes me”
yoongi snorts and rolls his eyes before getting back up onto his feet “c’mon, you. let’s get you into bed too” you let out a whine and swat lazily at his hand
“i’m too tired to move”
yoongi bends down to pick you up
you wrap your arms around his neck and he wraps your legs around his waist
“c’mon, you big baby.”
he bounces you a little to make sure he has a good grip on you and you hum
this position feels very familiar hEhe
“i thought you were tired” yoongi teases when he feels you begin to plant kisses down his neck as he makes his way up the stairs
“changed my mind” you murmur
one hand wraps around the nape of his neck
meanwhile your other hand wraps around his bicep and you give him a lil squeeze
hoLy moly
“have you been working out?” you pull away from him and yoongi raises his eyebrows
“if by rocking our child to sleep every night for like two hours straight, then yes, i have been working out”
yoongi plops you down on the mattress before settling in between your legs
you wrap your legs around his waist and yoongi can’t help but laugh because he’s trYIng to undo his tie but you keep pawing at him
“what’s gotten into you??” you’ve sat up to unbuckle his belt
you are a woman on a mission
and he’s not complaining
you’re just being vERY speedy
“our baby might start crying at any moment-“
“she sleeps like a log-“
“buT she always starts crying at the most inconvenient time!! it’s like she knows everythING that goes on- christ, you’re really taking your sweet time with- you know what-“ suddenly everything whiRLS and yoongi’s staring up at the ceiling
he blinks twice
what the heck
“now shut up and enjoy the ride.”
he really is the luckiest guy in the world
“look, we match!” jimin beams
he has hwayoung cradled in his arms and she’s sucking on her fist while wearing the most adorable teddy jacket
and jimin
jiMIN is wearing an equally as adorable teddy jacket and you’re pretty sure your heart stops beating when he nuzzles his nose into her cheek
they’re both so squishy
she places her hand over his mouth and pinches his plump bottom lip in response and he yelps in pain which then triggers hwayoung to become a giggling mess
“y/n, take a picture!!” jimin hands you his phone and points to you in an attempt to get hwayoung to look at the camera
she keeps staring at him as if she were completely entranced by his beauty which.,.,. is fair
jungkook appears behind you and starts whistling and popping his tongue “정국삼촌보세요!!! [look at uncle jungkook!]”
jimin grins for the camera and squishes his cheek against hwayoung’s as he squeezes her tight
hwayoung squeals in delight when jungkook sticks his tongue out and crosses his eyes and you snap the picture quickly
“got it??” jimin bounces hwayoung up and down while continuing to squish his cheek against hers
you nod and hand his phone back to him expEcting him to give you hwayoung
“i’m taking her for the rest of the day!! i have to show the reSt of the office my baby”
“your baby?? i’m the one who pushed her out of my vagina!” you scoff and jimin puShes past you while baby-talking to hwayoung
“look at you in your little teddy jacket, you cutie! uncle jimin loves spoiling you, yes he does! i’m gonna take you on a shopping spree and you can buy whatever your little heart wants!”  
she babbles back to him and shoves her fist back into her mouth
“화영이 내꺼~야, 삼촌이 더 좋지? [hwayoung is mine~ i’m better, right?]” jimin coos and you watch as he disappears down the hallway
you’re probably never going to get your child back now
jungkook didn’t think he’d like hwayoung as much as he does because like
babies are disgusting
and annoying
and loud
and they drool and poop everywhere and they’re just constantly leaking fluids
but bitch
he is W HI P P ED for this baby with a capital wH
“i love tummy time, don’t you?” jungkook sighs and rests his cheek against his fist before looking over at hwayoung
he reaches over to squeeze her bread roll arm
“i’m gonna eat ur little bread roll arms yes i am yes i am” he shifts closer and leans down to nip at her elbow and she squawks
you can’t help but snort before returning your attention back to your laptop
you set up hwayoung’s mobile in yoongi’s office and jungkook popped over with your coffee and is supposed to go back to work immediately but here he is lying on the floor with your baby
hwayoung gurgles before letting out a huff and squishing her cheek against the floor
keeping your head up is hard work okAy give her a break
jungkook flips over onto his back and reaches up to whack at the little moon plush that’s hanging from the top of the mobile
hwayoung lets out a muffled whine because her face is currently smooshed against the floor seeing that she cannoT LIFT HER HEAD SOMEONE HELP HER
“알았~어 인제 한번 뒤집어보자? [okay~ how about we flip you over?]” jungkook tilts his head backwards so that he can look at hwayoung but all he sees is the top of her head
he sits up before turning and picking hwayoung up gently and flips her over like a lil pancake
“jungkook, careful” you scowl and jungkook waves you off before reaching down to flick the moon plush
hwayoung reaches up to try and grab it
her chubby fingers brush against the bottom of it and jungkook coos
“you can’t reach the moon because of your sausage fingers, ya loser” he teases and reaches down to boop her nose and she swats at his finger
jungkook is still hooked on this bread roll arm thing (he’ll never get over it for as long as he lives) and pretty soon all that can be heard in the room is him fAWning over hwayoung
“얘는 팔에 식빵 있네! 식빵 사세요!!! [this baby has bread-roll arms! come buy this bread!]” he laughs as he wiggles her plump arm around
“and if those papers aren’t on my desk by monday morning 8am you can consider yourself fiREd” yoongi barks before slamming the phone back down onto the receiver “ridiculous! absolutely ridiculous” he scoffs and whips around
hwayoung squawks in the baby carrier and wraps her tiny fingers around yoongi’s pointer finger
“하.. 나진짜! [i mean, seriously!]” yoongi bounces up and down as he continues to ramble on and on “이 사람들은 내 시간 낭비하는게 일인가.. 서류 작성하는게 뭔 어려운 일이라고...??[these people are wasting my time! how hard is it to fill out documents??]”
when the korean comes out that’s when you know yoongi’s suPer pissed
you poke your head through the crack of the door and you’re only a little surprised to see yoongi pacing back and forth ranting angrily while hwayoung lets out the occasional babble
she looks at you like she wants you to save her from this hELL because yoongi’s bouncing her a little bit too aggressively now
she’s got her fingers wrapped around his pointer finger as he goes oN and oN
yoongi looks down at the baby attached to his chest “don’t you think this is ridiculous? i’m probably going to have to start firing people at this rate.”
hwayoung looks up at him and gurgles
“누구 해고하는거 내 마음인데, [i can fire whoever i want] thank you very much.”
“얘네 무능하다 [they’re incompetent], that’s why!”
this seems like a daddy-daughter moment
you’ll leave them alone for now
“you look like such a dad.” you snort and yoongi glances over at you before returning his attention to the TV
“i am a dad.”
he’s wearing a plaid button-up pyjama top with a t-shirt underneath (because it’s still a lil cold out) and hwayoung is lying on his chest just snoozing away
she’s wearing a matching plaid onesie which is adorable and u know yoongi did it on puRpose
you sit down next to yoongi and peek at hwayoung
her cheek is squished against his chest and you can’t help but poke her little nose
you rest your head on yoongi’s shoulder n he gives the top of your head a kiss
in this moment you can’t help but feel overwhelmingly happy
because you love your husband
and you love your daughter
“…i think hwayoung just pooped.”
…and you love your lil family of three.
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