#i just. make a lot of dust angst n my variant has a lot of scars bcs of that
meimeikyu · 10 months
i need to draw a scar chart for my dust so i can do them decently consistently but i have this issue called 'i love giving characters so many scars to a point that i cant actually do them consistently'
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mint-yooxgi · 5 years
{1} - Obsession
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Yandere AU - Part of the EXO Obsession Series
Genre: Mature, Horror, Angst
Pairing: EXO OT9 X Reader (with a particular focus on X-EXO)
Words: 3,152
Warnings: This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: One the seventh day of Ficmas, Jackie gave to me~ I really hope you all enjoy this chapter, and are continuing to look forwards to the rest of this series. I do really have a lot planned for it and am really excited to write it! Oh, and if I haven’t mentioned it before, the reader is tall in this series. As always, feedback is greatly appreciated, I hope you enjoy!
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The six men surrounding you are quick to get into a fighting stance, standing at attention in case something is to happen. They each make sure to take a small step closer towards you for your protection. For whatever reason, the six new variants with their faces all seem to have a particular interest in you.
“What the fuck?” You hear Baekhyun mutter under his breath in slight bewilderment.
“Who are you?” Chanyeol voices, eyes narrowing in particular at the figure that looks the most like himself, pink hair and all.
“We’re you,” his clone replies with a smirk. “Or rather, the better versions of you.”
“Looks like whatever you guys got hit with created them,” you say, brow furrowing as you scan over each one of the new clones. “Spell gone wrong, probably.”
“Looks like it,” Jongdae huffs in agreement, staring down his doppelgänger who has yet to take his eyes off of you.
You share a quick glance with Junmyeon before turning your attention back to the clones.
“What is it that you all want?” Sehun asks, shoulders tense as he aims an arrow at himself.
“Isn’t it obvious?” Jongin’s clone grins, a sinister look in his ice blue eyes as they flash briefly over your strike team.
“Considering we haven’t been able to keep our eyes off of her this whole time,” Baekhyun’s clone adds, the corner of his lip tugging upwards as he tilts his head downwards, almost mockingly.
“(Y/n),” all of them speaking at once sends a chill running down your spine as your breath lodges in your throat.
One rule you have on all of your missions is to never refer to each other by your real names. It’s a safety precaution in case an enemy is to escape and possibly track you down. Hearing these clones speak your real name concerns you greatly, considering this means that they know you to some degree. This just makes you wonder, since they are clones of your strike team, does this mean they share the same memories? You swallow.
“What do you want with Viper?” Jongin tenses, voice a near growl.
“God, I always hated having to use that code name,” Junmyeon’s clone sighs exasperatedly. Out of the corner of your eyes, you notice the real Junmyeon tense ever so slightly, causing his clone to smirk. “Oh, did I say something I wasn’t supposed to?”
You get cut off by Junmyeon before you can even finish your question, “you’re not getting anywhere near her.”
“Too late,” a smug voice sounds right by your ear as you feel a pair of hands firmly grasp your waist.
Turning your head, you see Jongin’s clone now right beside you. The striking ice blue hue of his eyes is even more prominent up close, his green hair falling over his forehead as he stares you down. A smirk pulls at his lips as he moves to pull you closer to him.
Sensing the static shift in the air, you know what he’s about to do, and before he can teleport away with you, you elbow him in the neck. However, he manages to dodge your attack. This only causes him to lose his grip on you, teleporting away empty handed.
“Well, that didn’t work,” he grumbles, frown pulling at his features as he stands once again beside the other clones.
“You’re lucky we’re on the same team right now, otherwise I’d cut your hands off for touching her,” Baekhyun’s clone growls out, finally peeling his gaze away from you long enough to glare at Jongin’s clone.
“We need to get her out of here,” Sehun says, briefly making eye contact with Jongin before nodding their heads at one another.
In the next moment, Jongin is taking a step towards you, grabbing your wrist in his hand, and teleporting the two of you back inside the hovercraft. He’s gone as quickly as he came, causing the other three males in the craft to rush over to you.
“Is everything okay?” Kyungsoo asks, concern clear in his voice as he takes in your disheveled state and wide eyes. 
“What happened?” Minseok questions, leading you over to a seat at the side of the craft. “And where are the others?”
“Are you injured?” Yixing begins to look you over for any cuts, scrapes, or bruises.
“We need to get out of here, and soon,” is all that you say, attempting to calm your breathing and clear your head before you dive into an explanation on what has happened. “I’ll explain everything back at the base.”
“What do you need us to do?” Minseok is the first to respond, face morphing into one of understanding.
“I’m not sure how the other’s are going to get out, seeing as Jongin can’t teleport them all at once,” you reply, bringing a hand up to rub at your head. “I’d say we land about two kilometres out with the cloak still on. Their communication gear is broken so I might have to go back in and retrieve them.”
“Is it safe for you to go back?” Yixing voices all of their thoughts, concern clear in his voice.
“I don’t know,” you bite your lip, looking out of the window and down at the warehouse below. Nothing extreme has happened yet, so you’re just hoping that they’re all still okay.
Your eyes narrow slightly as you notice six familiar figures run out of a side entrance. Motioning with your head, you catch the other’s attention, with Yixing soon moving over quickly to land the hovercraft to pick up the rest of your teammates.
Once the craft has touched ground, you’re the first one to meet the six other members of your strike team at the now lowered entrance, concern evident on your features.
“What happened? Are you all okay?” You look each one of them over carefully as they enter the craft, not seeing anything out of the ordinary.
“As soon as you left, they got worked up, told us that they’d be back, and then Jongin’s clone teleported them out of there,” Jongdae informs you, causing you to furrow your brow in confusion.
“Wait, he teleported them all?” The confusion is clear as day in your voice.
“Yes,” Jongin grumbles, crossing his arms slightly in front of his chest.
“They didn’t engage, so there’s no way of knowing yet, but we’re assuming that the spell made them slightly stronger than us,” Junmyeon says, a slight edge to his tone as he takes a seat while the hovercraft takes off once more. 
“That doesn’t sound too good, whatever it is,” Kyungsoo replies, flipping a few switches on the control panel.
“No,” Baekhyun mutters. “It most certainly is not.”
“So now that we’re all here, would someone please tell us what’s going on?” Minseok quirks a brow at the seven of you, watching as you all discard your broken transceivers into a pile on the table.
“We managed to kill Shelly,” Sehun informs them.
“She was in the midst of performing some spell, and as soon as she bit the dust, the spell went awol,” Chanyeol adds. “Hit the six of us with this weird, intense, flash of light.”
“Next thing we know, we’re seeing double,” Jongin continues, leaning forwards slightly to rest his elbows on his knees.
“It was like looking into a weird, warped mirror,” Baekhyun nods along.
“You mentioned clones, Jongdae?” Yixing’s voice is heard from the driver’s seat, switching on autopilot as he swivels around in his chair in order to join the conversation fully.
“Yes, they looked exactly like us, and from what we can gather, share everything similar about one another,” Jongdae sighs, running a hand through his hair. “The only thing different about them was that they all seemed to have at least one eye that held an ice blue iris, if not something of that variation.”
“They were also dressed differently, too,” Sehun recalls. “All of them were wearing some sort of leather in a bright colour.”
“Strange,” Kyungsoo hums, leaning back in his seat slightly.
“They all seem to share the same knowledge as we do, as well,” Junmyeon says, somewhat worriedly. “They seemed to all have a common goal, too.”
“Goal? What might that be?” Minseok asks, curiosity peaked.
“Get (Y/n),” Jongin states, jaw clenched. “They even knew her real name.”
“You’re joking,” Yixing gasps, looking towards you for confirmation, of which you nod your head slowly. “Looks like they do share your knowledge, then.”
“Is that all we know so far?” Kyungsoo quirks a brow, looking over at each of you.
“So far,” you breathe, letting out a long puff of air.
“Well, if they know everything we do, and if they have the same skill set as us, then you might not be safe going back to your apartment tonight,” Chanyeol’s gaze locks with yours, his eyes shining with worry.
At this, you quirk a brow, “you and I both know I’m more than capable of handling myself. Besides, I have protective and preventative measures in my security system, I’ll be fine.”
“Are you sure? Maybe one of us should stay with you-“
You cut Junmyeon off before he can even finish his sentence with a harsh glare, “I said, I’ll be fine. Don’t worry.” At the looks they’re all giving you, you let out a sigh. “Geez, if you’re that worried, feel free to make a schedule and check on me either in the mornings or the evenings, but not both. Only on days where we don’t see each other, too. I like my days off by myself, thank you very much.”
“That’s fine,” Sehun nods, gritting his teeth shortly afterwards.
“As long as we can just make sure you’re okay once in a while,” Jongdae adds, to which you nod your head once while letting out another sigh.
“For now, what should we refer to these variants as? We can’t keep calling them clones,” Baekhyun voices, resting his arms on the table in front of him.
“Well, I mean, we could, but that wouldn’t be very good,” Sehun attempts to lighten the mood, much to the dismay of Junmyeon.
“This is going to sound odd, considering our own code, but what if we just referred to them by our respective codenames?” Chanyeol suggests, causing you to lift a brow in his direction.
“It would be easier to maintain identities that way,” Jongin says, nodding slightly in agreement.
“Sounds good to me,” Jongdae confirms as they all look towards you for the final approval. After all, you are their leader.
“Sure, sure,” you respond. “Though what’ll we do for missions?”
“I know we have the rule against it, but what if we just used our real names,” Junmyeon is quick to answer, biting the inside of his cheek slightly, which you all fail to notice.
“That’s too risky,” you mumble, leaning forward to rest your elbow on the table in front of you. You fail to notice the brief disappointment that flashes behind his eyes. “However, it just might work in this case. For every other mission not concerning these clones, I still want us using the codenames, but for missions involving these variants, real names are to be used so as not to get confused.”
“Understood,” they all reply simultaneously, with a single nod of their heads.
“Now, let’s get back to base, regroup, and fill out the mission reports,” you say, hearing grunts of confirmation come from all of them as you lean back in your seat once more.
Crossing your one leg over the other, you attempt to calm yourself down a bit. Today was not what you were expecting it to be at all. Leaning further back into your seat, you also cross your arms over your chest, zoning out as the men converse around you. In the back of your mind, you begin to think of a plan of attack. The only problem is, you have no idea what to expect.
Yes, you’ve worked with these men for quite a few years now, but these are clones. Besides the occasional sparring match from time to time in recent years, you’ve never had to worry about them being your enemy, or dodging their attacks because they’re after you to this extent. Who knows what their clones are going to be like, especially if they’re slightly stronger than the originals.
After returning to base, filling out the regular mission reports, as well as informing your superiors about what has happened, you’re ready to go home and relax for the evening. Though, you have a feeling your day isn’t over quite yet.
Back when you started this job, your superiors thought it would be a good idea to set you up with two separate living quarters. One that everyone knows about, and the other being your real, private home. 
The guys have all been to your apartment, your home away from home as you like to call it; the apartment of which the company has set up to be your home. Not too many know of your real house, and you want to keep it that way. You just have a feeling that if you go back to your apartment tonight, you’re not going to be alone when you get there.
Just as you’re about to leave the compound for the evening, a voice calling out to you stops you.
“Hey, (Y/n), wait up!” Turning around reveals both Yixing and Minseok heading your way, halting you in your tracks.
“Hey guys, what’s up?” You smile at them faintly, resting your hands on your waist.
“Considering everything that’s happened today, we want to know if it’s okay with you if we drove you home,” Minseok says, the two of them stopping just in front of you once they reach where you’re standing.
You nearly sigh in exasperation, but you opt to bite your lip instead. You know they mean no harm, and are only looking out for your well being, but you aren’t planning on going back to your apartment tonight considering you’re sure those variants will be waiting for you once you arrive. You’re grateful for their concern, though, and with the looks they’re sending you, you would feel awful if you refused.
“Oh, alright, if it makes you feel better,” you sigh, shaking your head slightly as a small chuckle escapes your lips.
“Perfect, let’s go,” Minseok grins at you, looping his arm with yours as he leads you out of the compound, Yixing following close behind.
If you’re being honest with yourself, you’d say your closest friends at work would have to be Minseok, Yixing, and Kyungsoo. You love the guys on your strike team, but sometimes they can get a bit much. With the other three, you feel as if you can talk to them a bit more openly; they really seem to understand you, and they listen when you need to rant about one of the others not listening to your orders on a mission.
Sliding into the backseat of Yixing’s car, you allow yourself to relax. You shift yourself so you’re sitting in the middle behind the two front seats, allowing you easier access to talk with the two males sitting upfront.
The whole ride over to your apartment is pretty tame, the three of you cracking jokes and helping to take your mind off of things. To say you’re grateful would be an understatement; you’re glad that they drove you home, despite the feeling of dread creeping up your spine as soon as you see the apartment complex come into view.
Once Yixing puts the car in park, you move to get out of the back seat.
“Thanks for driving me home guys, I appreciate it,” you send them a smile.
“It’s nothing,” Yixing smiles back at you.
“Here, I’ll walk you up,” Minseok’s words nearly have your breath catching in your throat.
“Nah, it’s okay,” you reply, stepping out of the vehicle and closing the door quickly in order to begin walking towards the entrance of your apartment complex.
The sound of a second car door slamming behind you causes you to let out a small huff, Minseok catching up to you in no time.
“I wasn’t giving you an option,” he says cheekily as the two of you make it to the elevators.
The whole ride up to your floor is silent, and you can feel Minseok’s gaze shifting to look over at you every now and then. This only causes you to look at him from out of the corner of your eyes.
“What, is there something on my face?” The corner of your lip tugs upwards as the elevator dings, and the doors opens on your floor.
“Nope,” he replies casually. “Just wondering if you’re going to be okay.”
Making it to your front door, you pull out your keys, causing them to make a slight jingling sound as you unlock your front door.
“Really, Minseok, I’ll be fine,” you assure him, stepping into your apartment. Before he can follow, you’re turning around to lean on your open door, shooting him a smile. “How about this, I’ll call you guys if I need anything, okay?”
He looks like he’s about to protest, but the look you shoot him has his words dying in the back of his throat, “okay.”
“Goodnight, Minseok,” you say, beginning to shut your front door.
“(Y/n)?” His voice halts your movements, and you notice him looking down at his shoes.
“Yes?” You quirk a brow as he raises his head to lock gazes with you.
“Be safe,” with a final nod, he’s heading back down the hallway and towards the elevators.
A faint smile tugs at the corners of your lips as you shut the front door. You find it very sweet of him to be this concerned for you, even though you both know you can take care of yourself.
Now, to face what you’ve been dreading this entire evening.
Letting out a sigh, you turn around, staring into your dark apartment and listening for any signs of movement, none of which you hear at the moment. Well, if they are clones of your strike team, it would be hard for any normal person to sense them in the apartment. However, this is your apartment, and you. You know them better than anyone else, or at least, that’s what you’d like to think.
“Alright, I know you’re there,” your voice cuts through the tense silence of your apartment. “There’s no use in hiding any longer.”
A few moments pass by with nothing out of the ordinary happening, until your lights are flicked on to reveal the six variants sitting in your living room. All of them wear smug grins on their faces, eyes fixated solely on you once more.
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magical-gull · 7 years
Okay so shitty day aside I’ve been suddenly inspired by @presidentnerd 's idea of ‘what if tuxedo mask actually was some kinda phantom’ to wax about and explain away some things about the Dark Kingdom and the Deadmoon Circus, which may or may not be added to the pile of unnecessarily complex headcanon tpically-created-in-ten-minutes-on-the-fly I already got. If you give no shits about the nature of monsters or Queens and just are wondering what the above means skip to the bottom. Everyone waxes poetic about senshi and their alternate selves, and while this doesn't contradict any of that, it'll be simpler and separate from that because it's gonna specifically apply to the folks... I guess we'll call em 'Earthlings' or whatever. The ones associated with the Golden Kingdom, so that includes Endymion, Beryl, the Foursome, and Nehelenia (who I retooled as a hybrid), and some other goons I probably forgot. So let's invoke Tolkein-style a bit and say plot relevant, magic-inclined GK/Elysium/Atlantis/etc folk operate on a kind of elf-style dual existence. You exist in the normal Physical realm and another Spiritual one at the same time, which confers certain abilities like being sensitive to the supernatural, things that ONLY exist on the other side, 'psychic' phenomena, etc. versus regular folks. Particularly in the manga, youma and humans are compared heavily, so let's say a youma is what you get when a creature with a Spirit but without a proper Body starts kicking around by whatever means (insert Kingdom Hearts joke here). So Hot-Springs-Ghost-In-That-Anime-Filler-Episode (really any ghost or vampire in general) is a "naturally" occurring youma. The ones made by infecting a physical thing are 'artificial' ones. This also explains why it takes senshi to fight them. They can destroy them on 'both' sides, or conversely, heal the 'corrupted' side and leave the other side in tact. For my own headcanon, this is how people who don't know what Sailor Senshi are, but have heard of Guardians, think Guardians are: powerful people who can tap into the Spiritual side without unbalancing their Bodies and turning into monsters... which opens the possibility that someone COULD turn into one with enough time or lack of discipline, hence yet another reason the GK folk might be nervous about Sailor Senshi. It also explains one of my favorite subtypes, the Rainbow Crystal style youma, monster sides of suddenly Unbalanced people who are... unpredictable but perhaps not necessarily evil if they weren't being cajoled by villains. But still wild and uncontrolled; think your Epic ‘’heroes’’ who get drunk and punch bears and feats of strength. While I like this for my unnamed long-dead ancient Eath Guardian type, not the kinda thing you want in a civilized society. Speaking of ghosts, while it's a gruesome thought let's assume Nehelenia and Beryl's supply of monsters are in fact the particularly vengeful ghosts of their *own courts* given some physical shape by whatever ectoplasmic technobabble they got lying around. NT is pretty fond of the homunculus concept of monsters ghosts poured into meat vessels; we actually see Jedite fuck with an altar filled with clay dust in SMC and pull a youma out of it, and Doc Tomoe's entire diamon egg theme, so this may not even be that metaphorical. This also explains why youma are in limited supply; while I see the Shittenou and Beryl having variant skill with making them, individual ghosts with enough malice or hate to want revenge on the Moon Kingdom but are ALSO loyal enough to Beryl to allow themselves to be controlled might be rare. This can even explain some weird variants in other adaptations; PGSM youma summoned without sufficient energy or prep time can be mindless drones barely worth a distraction. Meanwhile the infamous Tethys from Classic seemed to be Beryl's personal servant and a couple youma seem to directly report to Beryl or her Second only (who coincidently tend to be the most human-looking and -acting ones). And yes, I'm implying the Shittenou themselves might have been reanimated in the same way (ie., something between a regular human and a filled-out youma) but perhaps as a bit more solid given their selves seem to be shrinkwrapped in rocks which, as we learn with starseeds later, seems to make souls extra sturdy. *They'd* certainly have contempt for the Moon Kingdom to spare and make the process easy. Nehelenia is a different story, with her ongoing theme of her own minions liking or respecting her even less than most villains. So let's say she knows or learned the process of making monsters from Beryl did, but they don't have the strong negative or positive attachment Classic youma do. My own retool that her grubbing for power accidently leading to her small kingdom's destruction is actually the lesser of evils; in some canons she literally devours their life-force after becoming obsessed with being young.  SO Queen N's monsters come in a different flavor: extreme personalities and obsessions rather than being explicitly hateful, difficult to control or take orders, etc. Unpredictable, althought that can be an asset. In the manga, Nehelenia-Zirconia outright of acknowledges having a shitshow and tells her minion squad the sailor senshi pretty much could wipe the floor with them in a straight fight, so the DMC crew tend to use illusion traps and similar. Nehelenia lacks the apparently physical Metallia-mojo-juice Beryl had, but she has a lot of mirror magic illusion crap. These illusion scenarios the senshi fall into 'feel 'magicky as hell to the viewer, so let's say this is a strong Spiritual side to make up for their kind of weak Body side. This even fits the theme of when the senshi inevitably get the upper hand; the Trio are reduced to animals easily dispatched and the Quartet, away from all their bells and whistle, are tiny people. Skipped ahead? here we are.
Keet the fuck does this have to do with Tuxedo Mask. So I like the theory one of Mamoru's big issues with... lots of senshi-relevant stuff is they've never made peace with Endymion and their exploits in the past. Endmyion is the senshi self, but Tuxedo Mask is a compromise. A way to be helpful or whatever without invoking that guilt. A form that to have weird unsenshi-like powers. Someone who can move or appear like a ghost conveniently. Someone with a weird connection to the supernatural despite being untrained and not even transformed. In short, "Tuxedo Mask" is, in broad terms, a third option, youma-like form Mams and Endmyion temporarily piggyback on. This even explains a few unusal quirks among various (conflicting, admittedly) versions of the character: 1. Classic's first Opening has that infamous mysterious TM-looking phantom that's never explained. I've seen fan theories that it was foreshadowing of Tux being a villain that never panned out (though would ironically mirror Ace in the Sailor V manga). But with this theory, let's say it's what "Tuxedo Mask" might be/become if ENdmyion and/or Mams' lost mutual control and became a 'pure' youma. Floaty and creepy.
2. Mams having blackouts/lost-time running around as TM without knowing? Doesn't happen to any of the "proper" senshi when they awaken. DOES coincidently happen like clockwork to VOTD humans transformed into 'monsters' in the anime.
3. Luna and co's general suspicion of the character might be some instinctual sense of the youma side.
4. The DK's really high interest in them even before learning Mams' origin.
5. Anime!TM's abilities take an inexplicable dive right around the time they've invoking Endymion directly a few times, as if the two powers are incompatable. In PGSM, simply turning evil doesn't negate senshi powers (Ami) but being turned into a youma (Usagi) seems to.
6. Tuxedo Mask gives Mams an especially exposed side to the Spirit side of things, and youma are easily influenced by outside forces. Hence they’re even more sensitive to supernatural stuff that you’d expect.
7. The Moonlight Knight could be explained with this theory, as a version of the same youma. Seperated from Mams they can’t act physically but separated from Endymion they lack the negative feelings and emotions of all that angst that tends to turn a youma ‘evil’. The lack of a evil/DK presence means what it feels most strongly is the sailor senshi, so its a positive being.  Noticeably, Mams never transforms into Tuxedo mask while MK is running around on its own. Because they’re broadly MK and TM the same ‘creature’.In effect, Tuxedo Mask REALLY IS more like a different person than Mams, maybe more than they can adequately explain to the others.
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