#i just. ion fuckin want periods anymore
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goblinbugthing · 9 months ago
hey does anyone know of any surgeons in florida that are willing to perform a hysterectomy on a patient that has no health issues or gender dysphoria regarding the uterus, and for a moderately affordable price?
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rimaiahwrites · 5 years ago
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Chapter three
Israel and Erik sat on the patio
Chairs, nodding their heads to the mumbled beat of the music playing inside. The way he stared at her and the way he touched her...god it was driving her crazy. "You look chill as hell." Erik chuckled taking a sip from his cup.
"Whatever you give me got me feeling myself," she replied with a loud laugh following behind finally feeling the Hennessy hit her slowly but surely. She was tippy and felt a bit hazy with her motions. She actually like being tippy it made her feel free and mellow.
Erik licked his lips slowly as he stared at her legs. He swiftly scooted closer to her brushing his thigh against her exposed one, playfully. She smiled and nudged his knee back. Giggling as she did so. "You cute as hell girl." Erik confessed drooping his arms over her bare shoulders. She blushed, turning her head the other way so he couldn't see, even though he wouldn't be able to see her flash red because of the dark pigment of her skin. She let out a quick 'thank you' glancing at him for a spit second. Her heart felt like it was about to beat out of her chest with how close he was to her. "Why you so shy? It's like one second you confident as hell then the next you look like you wanna hide under a rock." He said nudging her again. Israel shrugged taking her bottom lip into her mouth.
Erik straighten his leg out to the last step so he could dig in his front pocket, he pulled out a tiny bag of weed, a lighter and blunt papers.
Israel eyebrows raised as she intensity watch him put the green crummy substance in the middle of the brown floppy paper and rolling licking and running the flame over the blunt to keep it together. He felt her eyes stare holes into his head but, he ignored her as he put the blunt into his mouth. lighting it and taking a drag from it. The smoke fulled his lungs and he became more relaxed.
He almost forgot the young girl was even there until his heard her sniffing the air. He choked out a laugh that made his shoulders bounce as he watched her, with her nose in the air sniffing the smoke almost as if her life depended on it. "Why are you laughing? It smells so good..." She hummed while she closed her eyes, letting the smoke hug around her as he blow it in her face. "You might wanna slow down baby, or you gon' be high as hell and I ain't finna Carry yo ass to the car and shit." He chuckled softly rubbing the ashes from the blunt on the side of the wooden bar. She laughed along with him.  "What's it like being high?" She asked innocently, looking at him through her eyelashes. He smiled at that and asked "You never been high? Damn how old are you?" She was slightly taken back by his tone but nonetheless answered. "What does that how to do with my age? You can be 45 and still never smoked weed before." She argued back.
He leaned back onto the chair making it hit the house. "You never answered my question...how old are you again?" He asked yet again wanting to make sure she wasn't underage.
"You never answered mine but...I'm 18..." she said looking down at her feet. That's damn near underage he thought. But She on the other hand obviously knew that he was way older then her because he looked grown, grown. He had a Mustache and a beard, he was very muscular, bulky and tall. He just didn't look 'boyish' and his attitude was very mature.
"Shit I thought a nigga was bout to catch a case wit' the way yo ass was talking." He shook his head letting out yet another chuckle. She mumbled a Ha before saying "knowing my dad he wouldn't even go to the police, he'll probably kill You himself," he Raised his eyebrows telling her to elaborate a little.
"my dad is very overprotective plus he was in the military so he a little crazy now- which just isn't a good mix..."
"I remember when I was younger I lived next to this cute little boy name Tyler, I used to play with him all day every day until my dad found out, he scared the little boy by showing him his gun and telling him that "if you play with my little girl again, I'll kill you." The little boy cried his eyes out and never spoke to me again." She chuckled softly while kicking a pebble off the stair.
"yo dad sound like a crazy ass nigga damn, low key Sound like some shit I would do, I actually not to many years ago I beat my ex- hoe side nigga unconscious" He evilly grin at her before Continuing his rent.
"Ion play around wit that shit if you my bitch you ain't finna have a thousands of other niggas in yo phone ion care if they just your friends. If I'm fuckin' you then I'm the only nigga fucking You. Period. Ain't no side niggas." He hissed at her almost like they was fucking and he found her 'side niggas' in her contacts.
She stared at him while taking her lip in between her teeth. He grinned, showing off the golden caps he had on his bottom set of teeth. They shined in the moon light almost making her melt into her seat.
He so fine. She thought as she examined his Whole body from head to toe. "You like being spoken to like that don't you?" She raised her eyebrows. "I saw the way you bite your lip when I spoke to you harshly, you like that shit don't you?" He asked her, taking her chin in his hand, Pulling her face to his, their lips just almost touching.
She rolled her eyes pushing his head away from her slightly. "No, get out my face boy." She mumbled feeling herself get really shy and awkward all of a sudden. She was doing so good with not doing that, but of course he had to fuck it up for her.
"Nah don't pretend, you like that shit." he whispered against her lips with humor but she couldn't figure out what was so funny.
her eyes moved up to his with nothing but pare innocence in them. He moved in closer to her face pressing his lips against hers. She gasped but didn't pull away. "follow my lead princess," she melted at the pet name and tried to do exactly what he was doing. His lips moved in a slow pace so she could keep up, his hands ran up her back and right back down to her ass.
He smacked it making she gasped. he added his tongue in the mix while His other hand gripped her neck slightly applying pressure. She moaned and throw her head back and he quickly traveled his slow wet kisses down to her neck, he bit, suck and licked her coco butter scented skin while gripping her thighs and ass tightly in his rough, vain covered hands. She squealed when he found her sweet-spot and he sucked leaving a red-ish mark on the Front of her neck.
Her core wept and screamed for him to touch her but Israel was to afraid to tell him or even hint at him that she was tingling down there. It was starting to become wet and uncomfortable in her underwear so she squirmed in her seat letting out a another Soft "oh my gosh Erik-" he smirked against her neck and peck her lips a few times before backing away from her. She could still feel his lips on her and the taste of his tongue Lingered in her mouth. "You so fucking pretty you know that?" He asked pulling her up onto his lap so she was straddling his legs. her dress raised up and her light pink panties showed from underneath. "Yeah I know but thank you." She said giving him a teasingly smile. She wasn't nervous anymore, she was too far gone to care and far to lost in his lustful eyes. Erik grabbed her drink that sat on the side of her and brought it to her lips. "chug it," he demanded and she did as she was told. Chugging the rest of the dark sweetness that hide inside her cup.
"Good girl," He pecked her lips taking a liking to the taste of Hennessy and pineapple on them. She blushed at the praise. "That's gonna get you loosened up, I can tell you ain't done nun like this you all awkward and shit." She bite her lip as Her cheeks grow hot. Embarrassment washed over her and she screamed at herself to 'act normal'.
He chuckled to himself taking a drag from his blunt. "It's alright baby girl don't start overthinking shit." He said as if reading her mind, He stared into the dark sky only glaring at her for a second before going back to the blunt that was almost gone. His eyes hung low, his breathing calm and his dick hard from the Hennessy. "You trying to leave? I ain't really feeling this whole party thing, to be honest one of my niggas made me come, and a nigga hungry as fuck." she nodded. Just wanting to be around him for as long as she could. she felt desperate for male attention from someone other then her brothers and father, this was different, this was something she has never had before. All in one night she's gotten tippy, kissed and let a grown man grip and grind on her. She was excited for what was going to happen next. it was like she was in a crazy teen flick. "Yeah i wasn't really ether, my cousin dragged me here."
Erik grabbed her hand and pulled her back in the house and towards the front door but she stopped him once she realized that she came here with her cousin. "Wait I gotta tell my cousin I'm leaving." She said pulling away from him to walk towards jasmine who was now sitting on the dark-skinned-bright-white-smile man's lap.
Israel smiled knowingly at her cousin before bending down to whispered in her ear. "Is it ok if I leave? I'm gonna go with Erik." she beamed pointing at him from across the room. He nodded at them before walking over to them. Erik shook up with his friend Byron that jasmine was sitting on. "Wassup bro," he mumbled to the man that was now leaning against the wall. He replied with a noting much.
"Yeah it's ok, I know him plus-" Jasmine leaned in Israel's ear and whispered "I think he trying to dick me down tonight" she squealed and Israel laughed and rolled her eyes. "Ok call me tomorrow and tell how that goes." Israel wink as Erik said his good byes to his friend and started pulling her towards the front door. She stumbled a few times trying to keep up with Erik but it was a little hard with the tall heels she had on. He stopped and looked back at her, he could tell by the look of her face her feet Hurt. He didn't think twice before lifting the girl up bridal style,and resting her arms around his neck. She gasped and hit his chest while giggling. "Oh my gosh put me down, you don't have to carry me!" He chuckled. She hide in the crack of his neck as he unlocked the door to the passenger seat. She finally took her head from his neck when he sat her down on his black lather seat. She didn't noticed until now that the whole car was a shiny golden Jeep.
She gasped and ran her hands across the nice dash bored and seats. "Wow this car is so nice can I have it?" She joked playfully at him. He smirked at her before tossing the keys her way. "Sure if you really want it, I don't drive this one that much," he shrugged. "But In all honestly I would rather like to see yo sexy ass in my all black Lamborghini with the red detailing." He grinned showing off his gold caps.
She rolled her eyes and hummed a 'Mmhm'. She tossed him back his keys and put her seat belt on. He chuckled at her and shut her door before getting in the drivers seat.
"You hungry?" She nodded, Not really listening to what he just said because she was to busy playing with the thingy that she found on the side of her seat. He glanced over to her and grabbed it from her hands. "Why you touching shit?" She pouted but still asked "what is that?"
"You love asking questions huh?" She nodded and as seconds passed she was still looking at the side of his face. "What?" He growled at her. "What is that? A electric pen?" He chuckled.
"That's basically what it is. It's CBD you wanna try it?" He said playfully with a big grin spread across his face. She shook her head, now looking around the ear trying to find something new to mess with.
Erik raised his eyebrow as he watched her go through his stuff on the side of her seat. "Aye cut that shit out ma, damn sit still." He hissed. He grabbed her hands and sat them on her lap and she sat still, doing as she was told. "You seem like the boring meanie type." She snorted. He shrugged while taking a hit from his pen. "And you seem like the bratty 'gets whatever she wants' type." She pouted and crossed her arms very definitely And huffed out a "I'm not but go off." Under her breath, looking out of her window. He heard but decided to ignore her, for her own sake.
They pulled up to a house that looked old and beaten down. Her face scrunch up as her belly growled. "I thought we were going to get something to eat?"
"We are. But imma get my weed first then we came go get whatever you want." He stated before shutting and locking her inside the car for safety reasons. Erik was in and out in less than 10 minutes With a big bag pf weed. Israel was shocked at how much he had chuckled at her and put the bag in his back seat.
"Alright what what you trying to eat?" He asked once they were back in the car and on the road, the radio was on blast with drakes album scorpio, and it was a whole vibe to say the less. The smoke that flow through the air made them both smooth and mellowed out. "Let's get Wendy's! They got the spicy chicken nuggets back." He nodded and turn into the dive through to Wendy's. "What you want? Just the nuggets or a foe for foe?" He asked making her chuckling at the way he said it. "Yeah I want a four for four." She said playfully teasing him. He crack a smile at her before ordering her food.
He grabbed the bag and immediately dug in it grabbed a hand full of fries.
"Hey those are mine you have two burgers." Israel whines trying to reach for the bag that was in his lap. "I bought them tho." He mumbled with a mouth full of fries. Israel rolled her eyes, giggling before snatching the bag of food out of his lap and stuffing the burger in her mouth. "Damn you that hungry?"
"Shut up I told you I was that hungry." He snickered at her before relighting his blunt and taking a drag. "You mean as hell when you hungry you know that? You not you when you're hungry neckass." He said making her spit out her food a little from laughing. "Oh my gush Shut up!" He turn into a Hotel parking lot that was filled with empty cars so that they could eat, twenty minutes after they got done eating they were just talking, Erik sat with a blunt in his hand while he leaned all the back in his seat and Israel sat cross legged with her dress rising a bit up her thighs. Erik couldn't help but to wonder what juiciness laid in between her legs. The weed and sexual music that played In the background was definitely getting to him and he was ready to risk it all.
"Oh my gosh this is my song!" She squealed turning up the radio when one of her favorite artist voice ring through the speaker of Erik's car. BMO by ari Lennox. She began move her hips in a sensual manner while closing her eyes, lip singing along to the song. She couldn't help but to move with the smooth beat.
Erik's hungry eyes couldn't stop watching her in Amazement, he loved the way her brown skin glow from the moon light and the thick shea butter that costed her skin. She turned to face him and sang the words to him softly, with a big goofy smile on her face.
"That bodies on fire
Ooh love me long, 'til you get tired
Ooh baby you got what I (want)
You's a real one, I'm inspired"
Erik shook his head at her before laughing while She kept singing and dancing to the song, paying him no attention.
He dug his phone out of his pocket to check the time.
"Your parents don't be tripping when you out this late?" She shook her head curling up in her seat. "They don't know I'm out, they really strict And don't be letting me out the house so I snuck out."
"What if you get caught?" She shrugged eating a cold fry from her Wendy's bag. "My dad probably going to beat my ass." His eyebrows raised. "Hell nah you to damn old to still be getting ass whoopings."
"You should tell my dad that." She mumbled. Erik's mind went to the worst but he didn't ask any questions.
"Well we should get you home then."
"When can I see you again?" She asked pouting slightly, not wanting to leave him so soon.
"Ion know but imma text you, alright princess?" She nodded. "Alright go get yo pretty ass in the house before yo daddy come out here swinging." He said jokingly, smacking her ass.
"Ok bye Erik." She whined before walking up to the tree to climb up to her bedroom window. Erik chuckled as he watched her struggle climbing to the tree. When she finally made it up and fall inside to her room she quickly popped up and waved at him. He chucked the deuces up before pulling off.
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