#i just want to marry becca is that to much to ask for
dreamwritesimagines · 7 months
The Eye of the Hurricane [10] - Family Dinner
A.N: Here’s the new chapter my loves! ❤️ Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback, you made my day! ❤️I hope you’ll like this chapter as well and please don’t forget to tell me what you think! ❤️
Summary: Happy news can make a dinner so much better.
Word Count: 3800
Pairing: MobBoss!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Violence, death, guns, crime, blood, explicit language, drinking. This is an AU, friendly reminder that I don’t condone any of the actions depicted on this story and please read with care.
Series Masterlist
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“I’m sorry, did you just say marriage?”
You sipped your coffee before shooting Becca and Sarah a grin, then popped a piece of your croissant in your mouth.
“Mm hm.”
“You’re getting married to-to my—” Becca stammered. “To my brother?”
“Yeah,” you said and looked around. “Do you guys think we should get mimosas?”
“What the fuck?!” Becca exclaimed. “Since when?”
“It’d better be this morning, Y/N,” Sarah said and you shrugged your shoulders.
“Technically around 48 hours ago.”
Becca gawked at you. “Y/N, I’m going to kill you.”
“Listen, I didn’t—” you waved your hands in the air. “I figured you’d want to hear it in person! It’s kind of a big deal, you know?”
“Jesus Christ…”
“Wait, start from the beginning,” Sarah said. “How did that happen?”
“I had a talk with my dad,” you said, biting inside your cheek. “He’s going to choose Ian.”
Sarah frowned while Becca pulled back slightly.
“He made up his mind?”
“Mm hm.”
“You’re sure you can’t convince him?”
You shook your head.
“No,” you said, your stomach doing a tense flip. “I thought I could but…he was very clear. He will not name me his heir, it’s going to be Ian.”
“That will mess everything up,” Becca said. “Including the truce, because—”
“Bucky won’t do business with him, neither will Sam or Steve,” you finished her sentence for her. “I told my father that but it didn’t even make him think twice.”
“Great,” Sarah muttered, and you shook your head.
“It doesn’t matter what he thinks,” you said. “I’m done waiting around for him to give me a chance. If he doesn’t want to give me power, I’ll take it for myself.”
“And that’s where Bucky enters the picture?”
“Exactly,” you said. “He will give me a way in, and once everything is in place I’ll take over.”
“Before Ian can?”
You nodded your head. “I’ll force my dad’s hand if I have to.”
“He’s not going to like it,” Becca sang in a teasing manner and you scoffed.
“It’s either that or we risk another war between the families,” you said. “To be honest with you, I don’t really care whether he likes it or not anymore. I’m the firstborn and it’s my right, he promised it to me all those years ago.”
“What happens when you take over though?” Sarah asked. “You and Bucky…?”
“We’ll get a divorce.”
Becca arched a brow and suppressed a smile. “Just like that?”
“Yeah, why not?” you said. “He doesn’t want to stay married to me a minute longer than it’s necessary, and I share the sentiment.”
Becca exchanged a knowing glance with Sarah, her smile widening before she turned to you.
“If you say so,” she muttered, taking a sip of her coffee and as if on cue, your phone started vibrating on the table. You checked the name on the screen, then answered it.
“Hi there, fiancée.”
You could already tell he was smiling from the tone of his voice and you rolled your eyes, then motioned at Becca and Sarah to give you a moment before getting up from your seat to walk out of the restaurant.
“What do you want?” you asked and he tsk tsked.
“Don’t call me that.”
“My beautiful wife?”
“Don’t call me that either.”
“Mrs. Barnes?”
“There’s going to be another last name there as well, don’t forget about that one,” you said. “It’s hyphenated.”
“Yeah, for some reason…” he grumbled and you heaved a sigh.
“Is there a point to this conversation? Because if there isn’t, I’m going to hang up now.”
“Yeah,” he said. “There is actually. Before tonight’s dinner, I just figured you’d want to know that your father knows.”
Your eyes widened. “You told him about the engagement?”
“What? No!” he said quickly. “But he knows we’re together.”
“Except we’re not.”
“Well fine, he knows we’ve been spending time in the honeymoon suit.”
You leaned back to the wall and pinched the bridge of your nose before clearing your throat.
“He called you?”
“Not yet but my parents did.”
“That sounds like a fun conversation,” you said, smiling slightly. “What did they say?”
Bucky chuckled.
“My mom just asked how you were,” he said. “That’s her being subtle. And my dad told me to not fuck it up so, went as expected. Arthur didn’t call you?”
“He did, I just didn’t answer,” you said, pursing your lips together. “I don’t want to talk to him yet, so…”
“But are you going to be okay tonight?” he asked and you pulled your brows together.
“Why do you want to know?”
“Can I not ask about your wellbeing?”
“No,” your reply came way too fast. “That’s not on the prenup.”
“Jesus Christ…” he muttered and you checked your watch, then pushed yourself off the wall.
“So you’re going to the restaurant before me then?”
“Yeah, I think it’d be better if I got on your father’s good side before that conversation,” he said. “Considering I didn’t even give him a heads up—unless you want to go together?”
You scrunched up your nose. “Absolutely not,” you said. “Playing the dumbass in love will be even more difficult if I spend more than an hour with you.”
“I think you like spending time with me,” he said with a teasing tone and you scoffed.
“I’m hanging up now,” you said. “Don’t be late tonight.”
“Of course, wife.”
“Stop calling me that!” you snapped and hung up, then let out a breath.
“I can’t believe I’m marrying this asshole…” you murmured to yourself, then made your way back into the restaurant.
Tonight’s dinner was not going to be very easy to handle, you could already tell. Becca had always been too good at reading your mood, so as soon as you two stepped out of the car, she reached out to hold your hand, making you turn your head.
“It’ll be fine,” she said before you could even say anything and you licked your lips.
“It makes it official,” you muttered. “All of it.”
Becca paused for a moment, then shrugged her shoulders.
“What does it matter?” she asked. “If you’re going to get a divorce eventually…”
“Of course we will,” you said. “But it’s not just that, you know? Starting tonight, I’m going against everything my dad wants.”
Becca nodded her head.
“You are,” she said airily. “But if he didn’t want you to take over eventually, he shouldn’t have raised you as his heir to begin with. That shit is not a game, he can’t just change his mind.”
You pursed your lips together, keeping your eyes on the restaurant.
“People won’t be happy about it,” you muttered. “Me being an actual rival, or taking over.”
 “You’re the firstborn,” she reminded you. “It’s your right. And that’s what you want, so fuck what everyone else will think. You’re going to do amazing.”
You stole a look at him, fear churning your insides.
“You think so?” you rasped out, desperate to hear it out loud and Becca nodded fervently.
“I wouldn’t be here if I thought you couldn’t pull it off,” she said. “You’re going to be much better than your father. Trust me.”
You squeezed her hand. “Thanks Becca.”
“Keep in mind how helpful I am when you’re picking your bridesmaid gown colors,” she said, making you let out a laugh. “Friendly reminder, I don’t like lilac.”
“I know, I know…” you told her, throwing an arm over her shoulder to press a kiss on her cheek, then you both walked into the restaurant.
As usual, either your father or Bucky’s father had it closed down for the night so that you all could enjoy your dinner without any strangers around. The hostess greeted you and led you to your usual table which was already occupied by Bucky’s family and yours. Your father stood up as soon as he saw you and made his way to you.
“Good luck,” Becca muttered and smiled at him. “Hi Arthur!”
“Becca my dear, welcome!” your father said as she kissed his cheek.
“I’m starving already,” she said and went to sit down while your father turned to you.
“So?” he said. “You cannot pick up the phone, Y/N?”
You shrugged your shoulders. “I was busy.”
“Really?” he asked. “Too busy to send a text?”
You shrugged your shoulders again, pursing your lips together and he heaved a sigh.
“Sweetheart…” he said. “I don’t like this, you know that. I understand that we can have our disagreements but moving out of the house?”
“I didn’t move out of the house,” you said. “My stuff is still there.”
“But you’re not staying there?”
“I felt like a change of scenery.”
“Is that all?” he asked and you cleared your throat.
“Sort of.”
“Because what I’ve been hearing…” he said. “Not to mention, both you and Bucky planning this dinner?”
“I think we should wait for him to have this conversation—where is he anyway?” you asked, looking around the restaurant and your father frowned slightly.
“We thought you two were coming together.”
“He’s late?” you asked, nervousness shooting through you and your father waved a hand in the air.
“There’s a reason for that I’m sure,” he said. “Come on, sit down. We started already.”
“Great,” you muttered to yourself and followed him to the table and waved at Bucky’s parents Winnifred and George.
“Y/N, hello!” Winnifred stood up to hug you and you hugged her back before pulling back to wave at George.
“We were going to wait for you but you know how your father is,” Winnifred said and your father chuckled, gesturing surrender.
“I don’t mind,” you said, sitting down next to Becca as you nodded in Ian’s direction. “Ian.”
“So, what is this dinner about?” George asked and Winnifred shot him a look.
“What? I’m curious. You would think this is a life-and-death situation the way Bucky talked about it.”
“I think we should uh…we should wait for him for that one,” you said and turned to the waiter who filled your glass.
“The chef is preparing your usual, ma'am."
“Thank you,” you said and sat up straighter while George smiled at Becca.
“Do you know what this is about?”
“Of course,” Becca said with a smile. “But I’m special.”
“Will this dinner take long?” Ian asked you, checking his phone. “I have plans for 10.”
“You’re welcome to leave,” you told him but before he could retort, Becca waved at someone by the entrance and you looked over your shoulder to see Bucky walk into the restaurant. You cleared your throat, then pushed your seat back.
“Excuse me for a moment,” you said and made your way to him.
“Charm, hey—”
“With me,” you said without even stopping and he turned around to follow you out of the restaurant, and you whirled around on your heels the moment you stepped outside, raising your brows at him.
“Are you serious right now?” you asked. “You were supposed to be here before me, that was the plan!”
“Okay, I know I’m late but in my defense—”
“No no, you said—”
“Job got in the way, I didn’t even get the chance to change,” he cut you off and raised his wrist so that you could see the sleeve of his white shirt. “I still have blood on my sleeve, look!”
“Do I look like your drycleaner from where you’re standing?” you snapped back in a whisper. “You said you’d come before me, and considering your relationships I’d say you’re used to that!”
He rolled his eyes. “To repeat, job got in the way.”
“You’re late to dinner because you were too busy punching someone and that’s a good excuse?”
“It was necessary!”
“It was necessary for it to be you punching that person, is that right?”
“Excuse me, lovebirds,” Becca’s voice reached you and you both turned to look at her as she leaned sideways to the entrance. “Have your fight later on, they’re getting restless.”
You ran a hand over your face.
“Alright,” you said. “So okay, when are we telling them?”
“My plate is already there and I’d rather if you did it right away,” Becca said, pointing back with her thumb. “They don’t look like they’ll stop asking what this dinner is about anytime soon.”
“You just don’t want mom to ask you about Leila,” Bucky told her and Becca shrugged her shoulders.
“I mean would it kill you to do something nice for me?” she asked, making him shake his head slightly. You bit back a smile and threw your shoulders back, trying to get rid of the tension in your body.
“Let’s get this over with,” you muttered more to yourself and made your way back to the table with Becca and Bucky following you.
“Good evening,” Bucky greeted everyone at the table with a smile. “Sorry I was late, it’s just…work.”
Becca went to sit down on her seat as you eyed your food, but stood beside Bucky, clenching and unclenching your fist just so that you could focus on something else other than the nervousness pulsing in your veins.
“Is everything alright?” Winnifred asked Bucky and he nodded his head.
“Oh yeah, two meetings clashed,” he lied, subtly rolling the sleeve of his shirt up. “There was a moment of chaos but it’s fixed.”
“So can we learn what this whole secrecy and emergency dinner is about now?” George said with a knowing smile and you stole a look at your father who looked almost impatient. Knowing them, every single person at the table except Becca thought Bucky and you were about to tell them you were dating, so you were sure that the news was going to be completely unexpected for all of them.
“Yeah,” you said, reminding yourself to smile as you leaned sideways to Bucky’s arm. “You can. Sorry about the secrecy, we just wanted it to be a surprise.”
Ian scoffed a small laugh.
“You staying in a hotel in his territory might have ruined that surprise,” he said and Bucky’s eyes narrowed but you elbowed him while your father gave Ian a warning glare, making him sit up straighter.
“So uh, it happened very recently,” you said, ignoring Ian. “And normally you would have heard beforehand.”
“For which I take full responsibility,” Bucky added with a smirk. “That’s on me.”
“I mean you know we’ve had this…strange dynamic for a while.”
“Ten years,” Becca muttered into her wine glass. “Not that anyone is counting.”
“But once we actually talked to each other, something happened,” you lied through your teeth, Bucky’s arm snaking around your waist as he nuzzled to the top of your head, making your heart skip a beat but you forced yourself to remember that it was all an act. Winnifred pressed a hand on her chest as if she was lost in her emotions while your father and George exchanged glances, both smiling slightly.
“And I hope that you’ll be happy for us,” you said and waited for a second, then cleared your throat. “Because we’re getting married.”
The impact of your words was immediate and very visible. Ian’s head shot up as Winnifred gasped in shock and your father’s eyes widened while George’s jaw dropped. Becca stifled a laugh, taking another sip of her wine as she leaned back in her seat.
“Married?!” Winnifred exclaimed as she jumped on her feet. “Oh thank God, this is the best news I could ever hope for!”
“Trust me mom, I was as surprised as you are,” Bucky said with a chuckle while Winnifred pulled you into a tight hug and your father tried to pull himself together.
“Married?” he repeated and you nodded when Winnifred pulled back to hug Bucky.
“That’s…uh—” your father stammered. “That’s wonderful news honey but you two have been dating for what? Two days?”
“Three days,” you said helpfully and Bucky hissed in a breath.
“I was going to get your permission, Arthur.”
“Why didn’t you?” your father asked him, looking him in the eye but Bucky didn’t look intimidated in the slightest.
“Oh come on Arthur, don’t be so traditional!” George said with a laugh. “They’re in love, and it’s not like they met three days ago. They’ve known each other their whole lives, I for one have been hoping for this to happen for almost ten years!”
“And we already know we want to spend the rest of our lives together.”
“Speaking of, where’s the ring?” Winnifred asked, making you and Bucky exchange glances before you turned to her.
Of course he was supposed to have proposed with a ring.
“The ring!” you said. “Right, uh…Bucky?”
Bucky swallowed thickly and waved a hand in the air.
“The ring, that’s—that’s a funny story actually,” he said. “You see, we um—”
“My overly confident brother didn’t bother asking the best friend,” Becca cut him off airily, pointing at herself. “Surprise surprise; it was the wrong size. We went to the jewelers today to get it fixed, they said it’ll be ready within the week.”
Dear God, you loved Becca.
You subtly mouthed ‘thank you’ to her while George stood up to come closer to you.
“Congratulations son,” he said as he pulled him into a hug to slap him on the back. “You sure took your time. And Y/N, welcome to the family sweetheart.”
“Congratulations,” Ian said from where he was sitting and your father sighed, then stood up to hug you.
“We still need to talk about this,” he said. “But I’m very happy for you two.”
“Thanks dad,” you muttered as the waiters brought your food and you all sat down. You took your fork into your hand and George raised his glass.
“To happy couple!”
You and Bucky raised your glasses as well and your father took a sip of his drink, then leaned back in his seat.
“See, Y/N,” he said. “I know you’re still a bit angry at me but I told you. This right here will make you much happier than what we talked about earlier. That’s what matters.”
You arched a brow as Bucky turned to look at you better with a smirk and you stole a glance at him, a sly smile curling your lips as well.
Of course your father naively believed that something as trivial as marriage could keep you from what you wanted. It was almost condescending at this point but you managed to hold back the retort, then clicked your tongue.
“Oh yeah,” you said, making Bucky chuckle. “I have a very clear idea of what’s actually important now, and I’ll make sure everyone else sees that as well.”
When it was time to leave the restaurant, everyone was in a wonderful mood. Winnifred had so many ideas about the wedding, and as far as you could tell, your father had gotten over the annoyance of Bucky not having asked for his permission.
“So, are you coming home?” he asked you as George and Winnifred’s car drove off and you looked at Bucky who was talking to Becca by her car.
“Maybe later,” you said with a shake of your head. “Me and Bucky have things to talk about, so…”
Your father hummed.
“Alright,” he said. “What do you say we grab lunch tomorrow then?”
You thought for a moment, then shifted your weight.
“Sure, why not?”
“Good,” he said and hugged you. “You know I don’t like it when we fight.”
You pursed your lips together. “I know, I know...”
“I’ll see you tomorrow honey, please be careful,” he said and got in the car while Ian seemed to be in a deep discussion with Ryan. Ryan’s gaze found you over Ian’s shoulder and you offered him a small smile, then turned your head when you heard Becca say your name.
“Y/N are we meeting tomorrow?”
“Yeah after lunch,” you answered. “I’ve just promised my dad I’d have lunch with him, so…”
She nodded. “Okay, I’ll text you then?”
“Sounds great!” you said as she got into her car and the driver closed her door before getting into the driver’s seat. You looked into your purse, then let out a groan when you couldn’t find your phone.
“Great,” you muttered and made your way into the restaurant, the waiter stopping in his tracks the moment he saw you.
“Hi again, I left my phone at the table,” you told him with a small laugh and he nodded.
“I’ll get it for you right away,” he said and went inside, then in a minute he was back with your phone. “Here.”
“Thank you so much,” you said. “Have a nice night!”
“You too ma’am,” he said and you left the restaurant again, then frowned as soon as you saw Ian talking to Bucky by his car while Ryan waited with Ian’s other bodyguards close by. You took a step towards them but neither of them seemed to notice you, and judging by the stern look in Bucky’s eyes, it wasn’t because they were having a fun conversation.
“…And that’s what she wants in case she didn’t tell you,” Ian said and Bucky narrowed his eyes at him.
“I know that.”
Ian shook his head slightly. “Don’t get me wrong, but—”
“Let me stop you right there Ian,” Bucky said, glaring daggers at him. “You’re not going to say anything that I might get wrong about the woman I love.”
Your stomach did a happy flip but you quickly frowned at yourself. It was just Bucky selling this whole idea that you were in love; it wasn’t as if you and he could ever fall in love or anything.
Even the thought of it was absolutely absurd.
You cleared your throat to announce you were there and they both turned to look at you.
“Hey babe,” Bucky said. “Are you ready?”
“Yeah,” you said without even sparing a glance at Ian as the driver opened the car door for you and you got in with Bucky following you suit. You massaged your temples, then leaned your head back when the driver started the car.
“You okay?” Bucky asked and you gritted your teeth, crossing your arms over your chest.
“The way my dad talks to me…” you muttered and Bucky scoffed a dry laugh.
“I know,” he said. “Trust me, I get it.”
“I don’t think you do,” you rasped out. “George never underestimated you or replaced you with another heir.”
That made him pause for a moment, a dark shadow crossing his eyes before he took a deep breath.
“No worries Charm,” he said. “He won’t get to underestimate you again once you get that crown.”
You felt a small smile curl your lips as you turned your gaze to the city lights outside, then heaved a sigh.
“Yeah,” you murmured. “I like the sound of that.”
Chapter 11
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antiquarianfics · 1 year
Reader wonders how their life might have looked different in 1944, but they know they still would have loved Bucky Barnes.
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Author's Note: I have not written fanfiction in years, merely lurking and reading. However, "Timeless" (Taylor's Version) (From the Vault) just screams Bucky x Reader to me. I had to come back. So, enjoy. :) Genre: Fluff Pairing: Bucky Barnes x G!N Reader WC: 725 words
"What was it like?" You spoke hesitantly, choosing your words carefully as you break the comfortable silence where you and Bucky had been quietly looking at the antiques and knickknacks around the small store.
"What was what like?" Bucky looks down at you, eyebrow raised.
You nudge him with your shoulder.
"Hush, I was getting there," you laugh. "What was it like in the '40s?"
Bucky had told you plenty about his life both pre and post Winter Soldier; however, you still felt like asking again.
Bucky smiled softly, looking up and around the room. "It was hectic. We had just entered the war and everyone was panicking. I remember Ma and Becca were practically begging me not to enlist." He pauses, gathering his thoughts. His mother and sister were hard for him to talk about sometimes, so you grab his hand and give it a reassuring squeeze.
"It was funny, though. After enlisting, I felt like I was on top of the world. I was proud to join, y'know? Think Ma and Becca were proud of me, too. Just scared."
"Understandable," you agree. You bite your lip, thinking. "Did enlisting get you a girlfriend?"
Bucky blows out air in a stifled laugh. "No, but it didn't hurt my game," he teases.
You roll your eyes before settling on an old photograph in a catch-all sort of box labeled "Photographs: 25¢ each." The photo was lying neatly on top of the others, practically calling you toward it like a siren to a sailor. You begin moving towards it, letting Bucky's hand fall out of your grasp as you go to pick it up.
"Why do you ask?" Bucky questions, coming up to stand behind you at the photo box. He gently slides his arms around your body, hugging you from behind, gazing at the photograph over your shoulder.
You hum. "I don't know; I guess all this old stuff just got me thinking."
Bucky stays silent, letting you pull your thoughts together.
"You think this would've been us?" You ask.
The photo you were drawn to was of a '30s couple smiling and laughing on the porch of their first home. You didn't know who these people were, obviously, but you recognized them as you and Bucky. It was a strange feeling, and you hoped Bucky would understand it, too.
"Oh, for sure. I woulda been crazy about you back then," Bucky smiles, imagining you in his time. "You in victory rolls, the long skirts, out dancing? God, you know I would've been talking you up."
You giggle, feeling flustered. "I would've married you, bought you a house, given you kids, whatever you wanted," he continues. "I would've had the prettiest person in all of space and time sending me off to war."
You frown slightly. "You know, for people who fight bad guys and aliens on a regular basis, I really don't like the idea of sending you off to war. It's too dangerous. You might fall off a train, or something."
Bucky laughs, poking you in the side. "Come on, now."
"No, seriously. I hate it. I pray every night that you'll come back unscathed when you go on missions with Sam, and... I just can't imagine having to rely on letters or not being able to just go with you," you take a breath, grounding yourself. You realize you're working yourself up.
"I would have, though."
"Would've what?"
"Relied on the letters. I would've read them every night, and write you just as much. Telling you not to be stupid and not die. I would've sat by the mailbox everyday just to get your letters and know you're alright."
Bucky grins. "I would've come back. For you."
"If you could've just gone back, don't you think you would have?"
"Nah," Bucky dismisses the thought. "If I hadn't fallen off that train, I'd be ancient or dead right now and I wouldn't have gotten to love you."
You set the photo back down in the box before turning around in Bucky's arms. You slide your arms around his neck and he lets his fall to your waist.
"I'm serious," he says when the two of you make eye contact. "What we got, Doll? It's timeless. I was gonna end up in your arms one way or another."
You lean up and kiss him.
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lisbeth-kk · 1 month
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Sherlock fandom
Open The Damn Door!
Sherlock has never been one for sci-fi movies or tv-shows. This comes as no surprise to anyone who knows the man of course. Until his dying day, I am sure he will claim his abhorrence for Doctor Who and the two Star Wars movies he’s watched with me. 
The other day, I had an epiphany of sorts. I couldn’t see Sherlock, but I knew that he was lying on the sofa, fully retreated to his Mind Palace. I know this because of numerous tells, the most evident one at that point, was that he totally ignored my plea for help. I had forgotten my keys when I went out shopping, Mrs. Hudson was on a cruise with Mrs. Turner and the married ones, so there was only Sherlock I had to trust to lock me in. Alas…
When I went out, Sherlock was totally absorbed in an experiment, which consisted of different kinds of gravel and mud. Nothing spectacular at all, almost “normal”. I wondered when I had started to think about having mud samples and all kinds of gravel lying around the kitchen as normal. Probably the day I moved in with the madman.
Anyway, I was banging at the black door to no avail, and that’s how I knew Sherlock was galaxies away. Not literally, mind you, but out of reach. He always came to my rescue the few times I left my keys behind. If he’d been fully alert, he would’ve noticed them, and avoided going to the shower, so he could hear me when I was back.
What I also could deduce from this was that he had not retreated to the bedroom, because that was where my keys were. On the nightstand. Out of reach, just like Sherlock was.
It was in moments like this, I wish I had Doctor Strange’s ability to make a portal, to effortlessly transport me upstairs. Why that doctor came to mind, you ask. Well, I had just watched the movie with Mike’s twelve-year-old daughter, who was obsessed with the girl who played America Chavez. The actress has a very complicated name, I don’t even know how to spell. Becca, Mike’s daughter, was quite fascinated with me and Sherlock for reasons unclear to me, and we liked her as well. She was smart, a bit sassy, and curious about everything. Becca had pleaded with Sherlock to come to the cinema as well, but there was only so much fantasy and sci-fi my beloved detective could digest in one week. We had binge-watched an entire season of Doctor Who lately, and Sherlock’s limit was reached two days prior to my session with Becca.
I tried one last shout: “Open the damn door!”
The end of this story; Mycroft took pity on me and sent Anthea round with a spare key. When I finally came upstairs, Sherlock was still galaxies away.
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romanarose · 6 months
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Graphic by @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog 🥰🥰
Wow, I'm in tears y'all I can't believe I'm at 2k!!!!!
I'll be straight up, the 1k celebration was a lot ;-;
And with school, I can't commit to a whole lot especially writing things for people who don't interact with my shit at all. So, I decided to do something specific
My talent lies in series more than one shots. It's where I shine. So I think the celebration will be centered more around my different universes! Acceptable universes will be listened an linked at the bottom.
Here's how to participate!
Fuck Marry Kiss
Pic 3 canon characters or OC's from any universes. If you say "Marc Spector" Specify if its from Seattle or Sunshine. Make sure I know which series bc there slightly different characterizations sometimes. Same with reader. MOST of my readers have a nickname like Little One or Madonna. Example: FMK: IYWBW Santi, Lorenzo, and Puppy Girl reader
2. Bonus chapter or thoughts (or thots)
Ever wanted to know how Zach and Lorenzo fell in love? Ever wondered what Jana and Will's friendship is like? Wanted to see what Guard Dog! Joel and Reader do for fun? Now is your chance! Please be clear if you're looking for thoughts or an organized chapter. Example: Can I please request a scene with how Santi calms down Laci when she has PTSD now that's she's a few years into healing? Example 2: Was wondering if you had some random thoughts of what shows Jake and Sam have watched together over the years?
3. Crossovers!
Want two characters from different universes to meet? Have a cross story ship? Think two readers or OC's would be besties? Think a pair of characters would be fun in a different AU? Come on over!
Example (From Fen): Leather and Lace Santi and Laci meet The Wrong Way Joel and Little one
Example 2 (Also from Fen): What if Sam met Becca.
Example 3: I think Angela from Blessed be the Fruit would absolutely love Candy and they should date.
Acceptable universes to ask for fics or crossovers from:
If You Wanna Be Wild (Santiago Garcia x Latina!Reader/OC x Javier Pena) with @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction Sunshine Starlight Sweetheart Brightside (Steven Grant x OC x Marc Spector) Seattle (Marc Spector x Jewish!OC) Leather and Lace Universe (Santiago Garcia x OC, Frankie Morales x AfroLatina!OC, William Miller x Vietnamese!OC, Ben Miller x M!OC) Awakening (Reader x all 4, IronPope, FishBen) Darkness on the Edge of Town (Joel Miller x reader, no age gap) DBF!Joel Miller Holiday Fucks (Joel Miller x reader, large age gap) Pieces from my dark side blog @romana-after-dark are allowed too. I have 2k followers here but Ill want to open the worlds in here to the event.
The Wrong Way (Dark!Joel Miller x reader, Dark!Tommy Miller x reader DDDNE) Guard Dog (Dark!Joel Miller x Dark!reader) Blessed Be the Fruit (Dark!Joel Miller x darkish!reader) Puppy Girl (dark!Joel Miller x reader, pet play) Room's on Fire (Reader x Santiago, Francisco, Will, Ben, FishBen, FishPope)
If you have other ideas, just ask!!!
Spring Break is coming up so im excited to do some of these and my commissions!
I CANNOT thank my lovely followers enough for all this!!! I love writing so fucking much and many have reached out to me about fics being healing for them
so, thank you. I mean it. Man of these stories, like LaL universe or TWW have been healing for me, processing a lot of feelings through them and i pu tmy heart and soul into my stories, so it makes me so happy and proud yall want to read.
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abbatoirablaze · 10 months
Signed, Steve Rogers
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings:  negative attitudes, arranged marriages, slight angst.
Part 1 of 3
Part 2, Sealed
Part 3, Delivered
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“Rebecca, stop,” you whined, glaring at your oldest sister as she put your hair in pigtails.  You shifted, but she hit your back lightly with her brush, “oww!  Stop it, you meanie head!”
“Stop being a baby,” she sighed, rolling her eyes, “I’m trying to make you presentable!”
“We all have to look our best!” your second eldest sister chimed in as she helped your third oldest sister, “mommy and daddy are inviting over all the families and we get to find out who we are marrying today!”
You rolled your eyes and looked at Bethany, “is Winnie ripping your hair out too?”
Bethany shrugged as she sucked on her lollipop, “sissy gave me a sucker!”
You frowned and tried to look at your eldest sister once more, but she tugged on your pigtails yet again, “HEY!  I’ll tell mom!”
“Be quiet, (Y/N),” Rebecca muttered, “Winnie I told you that they didn’t get the suckers til they were done!”
Winnie giggled and your eyes widened, “wait…you have one for me?”
“Not if you don’t hush up and sit still,” your eleven year old sister grumbled, “so do what you’re told.”
“Yeah…yeah…whatever, Becca.”
“Oh god, they all look so grown up!” Mrs. Odinson cooed as she looked over each of the four Barnes girls.  She put her hand over her heart as she watched Rebecca curtsey to her, “oh…and so well-mannered.”
“Come on now, girls…be gracious hosts,” your mother urged as she invited the rest of the families in.  Mrs. Odinson was followed by her husband and their three children, Hela, Thor, and Loki, by Mr. Barton and his son Clint, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and their two children, Sarah and Sam, and finally by Mr. and Mrs. Rogers, and their son, Steve.  You groaned when they funneled through the door, the boy just a year younger than your own brother, but just as small as you, even though he was eleven and you were seven.  You were snapped from your thoughts when your mother snapped in your face, “(Y/N)!”
“Sorry mum,” you all but whispered, throwing your attention to each of the families.  You held the edge of your skirt and copied your sisters, curtsying in front of them, before greeting each family, “Good to see everyone…thank you for coming!”
“George home?” Mr. Rogers asked, looking to your mom. 
“Out back, Joseph,” she smiled softly, “I believe he said he had some things to discuss in the guest house with each of the men…”
“The contracts…” Winnie giggled, looking at Clint flirtatiously. 
You found your eyes rolling as your second eldest sister, and nine year old watched the thirteen year old who happened to be eyeing her up and down. 
The two idiots had been in love with each other since the day that they’d met, and each time they saw one another you were reminded of a play your father always read to you-Romeo and Juliet…but…well, without all the death. 
They had stars in their eyes when they looked at one another, and saw each other as their worlds. 
The men excused themselves and took the boys with them, while Hela and Sarah followed after their mothers, with yours leading them out to the tea room.
“How funny would it be if Winnie and Clint didn’t get married?” Bethany, your eight year old sister asked. 
“Don’t even joke about that,” Winnie all but whimpered.  She clutched her hands over her heart and her eyes went comically wide, “I-I don’t know what I’d do if I couldn’t marry Clint.”
“Don’t worry…if I get him and you get Sam, I’ll trade you!” Bethany giggled.
“It doesn’t work like that,” Becca frowned, “Daddy will choose who we marry.  We are each promised to one of the families…that’s how it’s going to work.  You don’t get to trade them around like you two trade around headbands.”
Both Winnie and Bethany frowned.
“Well, who do you want to get married to, (Y/N?)”
You shrugged, “I don’t care much…so long as it’s not Steve Rogers…he’s the worst.  Winnie is in love with Clint…and Sam and Bethany like each other…so I guess I’d be okay with Thor…he’s like two of me…he’s way too old…right?  But I-I don’t know…maybe daddy will feel bad and let me marry Loki…he’s tricky.  I like him.”
Becca crossed her arms over her chest, “What’s wrong with Steve?  He-he’s a sweet boy!”
You rolled your eyes and started towards the stairs, not wanting to deal with the families or with what was going on, “Steve Rogers is gross, and he’s got cooties.”
“You’re so immature, (Y/N)!”
“And you’re so in love with him,” you groaned, giving your sister another look, “if you want to marry him so bad, tell daddy…”
“But the Rogers family is nearly as strong as ours,” she said quickly, trying to think of something, anything to keep you invested!”
“Steve Rogers isn’t a win in anyone’s book,” you sneered, “he’s a German Shepard in a Chihuahua body…any woman that gets stuck with him will be a penniless widow before the wedding day…you’ll be back at home with mommy and daddy before you reach your contract date.”
“Well that’s dark…” Bethany frowned.
“You’re so not romantic…” Winnie added in. 
“GIRLS!” your mother called loudly.  You rolled your eyes, knowing that they were waiting for all of you in the tea room.
“You guys couldn’t have just let me sneak off...could you?” you sighed dramatically, “some sisters you are.”
“They would have noticed, (Y/N)!” Bethany giggled as she immediately changed her tone and skipped towards you.  You let go of the banister as she took your hand, “come on…let’s go get it over with…have some tea…and then find out who we get to marry.”
“I hope you end up with Steve Rogers,” you groaned, “you’re way too optimistic, Bethy…”
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“Oh, sweetheart…what are you doing back so soon?”
“Pretty cut and dry,” your father admitted as he pressed a kiss to his wife’s temple, “would you ladies care to join us out back?  I have the caterers out there and the party is ready to start after the formal announcements.”
“Party?” you asked, looking at your eldest sister.
Becca nodded, holding out her hand, “yeah…once mum and dad announce who we are marrying they’re throwing us pre-engagement parties…today.”
“I’m seven!” you scoffed, looking at her.
“And I’m eleven…come on, kid!”
You sighed and got off your chair, taking your eldest sister’s hand.  The group of women followed your mother and father out to the back where the caterers were already finished setting up a small feast for the five families.  You frowned when you saw the five tables.  The one in the center only had three chairs, where your brother Bucky was sat at. 
Each other table had an additional seat where the families were supposed to be. 
You looked nervously to your eldest sister while each family took their seats, leaving you and your sisters standing in front of everyone with your father.
He lifted a glass from a tray and was smiling as he held it up, “I’d like to thank each of you for coming out today…and for finalizing the agreements which will allow us to become a united front.  Not only will we run the East Coast, but the entire country.  We are creating an empire…and I am happy to stand along side you.  As each of you are aware, we’ve been hammering out the details of the arrangements for years now…but today was our final resolution.  Blood, sweat, and tears made this agreement…as you know, my only boy, Bucky, is set to marry the daughter of my second in command.  They’ve been promised to each other since they were toddlers…but I am grateful that each of you are so willing to accept my daughters into your fold and make them family as well.”
Each of the men held up their glasses, cheering to the alliance. 
First to stand was the all father.  Mr. Odinson nodded at your father, “George…I’m proud to claim your eldest daughter, Rebecca as my own, so that she may marry my son Thor.”
Thor stood up and gave Rebecca a charming smile, before walking up to where you and your sisters stood with your father. 
Rebecca gasped, her hand leaving yours as Thor stopped at the edge of the little stage, “Rebecca Barnes…will you marry me when you become a woman?”
Rebecca looked to her father before nodding, accepting the duty as a daughter of George Barnes.  He smiled as she took his hand and they walked back to the table together, sitting down.  Next to stand was Mr. Barton, the head of the Irish mob. 
“From the day that Clint was born, I knew that he needed a strong lass to keep him in line…” he smirked, clapping his son on the shoulder, “someone smart and sweet…wise beyond her years…then we came across your little lass, Georgey…and she and my boy hit it off in’an instant…we’d be honored to accept her as our own.”
Clint smiled so wide you wondered if it hurt as he all but ran to Winnie.  You frowned as his eyes lit up, and your chances of a less-than admirable husband increased. 
“I can’t believe I get to ask this…but marry me?”
Winnie giggled as she all but leapt into his arms, nodding excitedly.
The happy couple ran back to the table and set down together. 
Next up Mr. Rogers stood, “George…we’ve been friends a long time…some would say that we were each other’s first allies…even though I’m from Italy and you’re from England…we’re like brothers…we have a deep bond that no one could break.  So when you approached me about an arranged marriage between my son and one of your daughters…I didn’t know what to say…but my boy…he’s been in love with your girl since they were little…”
You felt dread in your stomach as the 80 pound asthmatic boy scooted his chair out and timidly walked up to the stage.  He went straight to your father, “Mr. Barnes…you gave me first pick of any of your daughters…for that I’m truly grateful…I’m glad that I have your permission…Buck and I are already like brothers, much like you are with my father…and our alliance will only be strengthened by the union with one of your daughters.”
“You’re a good boy, Steve…”
“Thank you sir!” he smiled.  You exhaled as he slowly walked, stopping between you and Bethany.  You smiled as he turned, “Bethy…”
“Y-yes Steve?”
“Will you let go of your sister’s hand so that I may take it in marriage?”
Your eyes widened, and the dread hit you like a freight train.  Steve turned to you and smiled, “(Y/N)…I’ll wait for you to finish school…and I’ll build an empire so that you know I’m serious about our future…but I want you to know that it’s all for you…I want the honor of being your husband.”
“Oh fuck!”
“I don’t know if you’re congratulating me on graduating from school, or if you’re congratulating me on how I’m going to be ending my life soon.”
Rebecca frowned, slapping your arm, “stop it…that’s not a funny joke.”
“I’m serious…my life is over even before it gets started!” you grumbled as she pulled you into a hug.  You pulled away and looked to your older sister, “oh Beth…say we can run away together…please.  I don’t want to get married.”
“Being married actually isn’t that bad!” she giggled as she bit her lip, “and anyways…I kind of don’t want to…not with Sam and I expecting…”
Your eyes widened as you looked at your twenty year old sister, “BETHANY MARIE BARNES!”
“It’s Bethany Marie Wilson,” she corrected with a smile as your other sisters stared at her wide-eyed, “and yes…I know…it’s soon.  Sam and I talked about waiting until I finished my degree, bu-“
“You’re going to be a doctor, Beth,” Winnie laughed as she shook her head, “there’s no waiting, honey…”
“Oh thank god,” Rebecca smiled as she wrapped her arms around your other sister, “mom’s been hounding Thor and I to have a baby ever since Clint and Winnie had one…maybe she’ll give up on me for a second.”
“I thought you and Thor wanted a family,” Bethany frowned as she protectively put a hand over her non-existent bump, “Oh…are you two…”
“He cheated again,” she frowned, “big surprise.  He can’t seem to keep it in his pants long enough for me to get a proper test back on him and I’m not letting him slip into me after he slides into one of his little whores.”
You frowned, “it could be worse…you could be getting married to Steve Rogers at the end of the week.”
Rebecca raised her brow, “you’re still really on this?  After everything? At least you know he's only ever had eyes for you, regardless of how you've treated him!”
“Becca…I don’t want to marry Steve Rogers…”
“You really haven’t seen him since we were little, have you?” Bethany giggled, gently squeezing your arm.
“What are you talking about?” you asked, your brow furrowing, “seen him?  Bethy, we’ve been tucked away in England getting our schooling out of the way…I haven’t seen any of you since you’ve gotten married unless I got a Christmas card…”
“Well, trust me when I say this…you won’t recognize your fiancé…”
“Yeah, yeah, Bethy…let’s just get this party over with.”
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jackles010378 · 10 months
Guys I am so sorry, I seriously thought I posted this on Thursday 😶‍🌫️ I must of dreamt I did, anyways hope you enjoy it ❤️
(No warnings needed)
Happily Ever After part 1
(this story takes place immediately after I Can't Do This Anymore and will be in two parts)
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Straight after Jensen proposed to you, you both had an eventful night. He wanted you to feel loved and wanted and boy did he make you feel just that!
The morning after you phoned your best friend Becca and told her the great news. You asked her to be your maid of honour to which she practically screamed yes down the phone to you.
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3 months of planning, 3 months of nothing but looking at wedding venues and flower arrangements, dresses, tuxedos and caterers. You and Jensen didn't want to wait too long to get married so you chose the earliest date that the registrar could give you which was 4 months after he had proposed.
Sitting in your living room with Jensens mom Donna the one side and his sister the other. Gen had come over too. They were helping you put the wedding favours together. Jensen had offered to hire a wedding planner so you weren't overwhelmed with all the planning, he knew he wouldn't be able to help much because of the press tours he had to do, but you told him you wanted to do it because it would be more personal.
You got up of the couch and offered to get everyone a drink. Just as you were about to enter the kitchen your doorbell rang. Opening it up you felt arms wrap tightly around you nearly knocking you off your feet "Jesus Christ Becca, come in why don't you" you said through a laugh as your friend clung onto you. "What can I say I missed my friend". You hadn't seen Becca since you moved in with Jensen. You obviously messaged and video called each other, but it wasn't the same as how it used to be.
Hearing the noise Gen came to investigate "y/n, you okay" you let go of your friend and introduced her to Gen "wow, Gen Padalecki, I'm a big fan of yours and Jared, I mean you guys are great" you bumped your friends shoulder to stop her making a fool of herself. Gen hugged Becca and you went to grab the drinks.
You introduced Becca to Jensen's mom and sister and showed her what you were doing. You were all sitting in the living room now putting the favours together talking about the wedding and how much was left to do. Jensen had spoken to Danneel about having the wedding at the brewery. To your surprise she was okay with it, even said she would help decorate. You got on with Danneel which you didn't think would ever happen but when she had spoken to you after you nearly left him, you two became good friends, she had settled some insecurities that you had by telling you her's when she was with him.
You made it clear to Jensen that you only wanted a small wedding, nothing too over the top. Just close friends and family. That part saddened you, your father was no longer with you and your mom was too ill to travel. You had spoken to him about how only a handful of your family members were going to be able to make it so you just wanted something simple. Jensen had told you as long as you were there he didn't need anyone else, just you.
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Finishing up the last of the favours you heard the door open then close, Jensen was home after 2 months of non-stop press tours. You bounced out of your seat to meet him half way. He didn't hear you sneaking up behind him as he shook his coat off and put his suitcase by the door. As he turned around you snaked your arms around his waist and hugged him tight "woah easy sweetheart, anyone would think you missed me" you looked up at him and kissed him deeply. Jensen started to get a bit handsy so you had to stop him "your mom and sister are here" you said between kisses "Gen and Becca too". He sighed and let go of you but not before giving you one last peck on the lips.
"Does this mean your free to help out now with the wedding prep son" Donna asked Jensen after he had said hello to everyone and gave them all a hug. He sat down by you wrapping his arm around your waist, tugging you a little closer to him. "Yeah ma, I'm free for the next couple months now to be exact, oh, well apart from that one con me and Jared have got in a couple of weeks" he kissed your temple squeezing you slightly. "Gen, can you make sure he didn't forget anything this time" Jensen pleaded with her which made you all laugh.
After saying goodbye to everyone including Becca who insisted on staying in a hotel so you and Jensen could be alone, you both let out a heavy sigh. He wrapped you up in a tight hug and to your surprise picked you bridal style "Jay, what are you doing" you asked through laughter. "I'm taking my fiance to bed, if she doesn't mind. I haven't seen for over 2 months so we have a lot of catching up to do" you let out a tiny squeal as Jensen went running up the stairs to your master bedroom.
The next morning you woke up to the sounds of soft snores. You felt a heavy weight across your abdomen which you welcomed. As if he knew you were awake Jensen stirred, pulling you closer to him and kissing you softly. "Good morning future Mrs Ackles" that brought a smile to your lips and you kissed him back, "good morning my soon to be husband". You both lay there for a while, glad to be in each other's arms.
"Y/n, I wanna ask you something and feel free to say no, but...." "Why don't I like the sound of this Jay?" You perched up resting your chin on his chest " oh no, it's nothing bad, I just wanna know, well, I would love it if you would come to the con with me. You don't have to go out on stage or anything and Gen is gonna be there with the kids so I'm sure she'll.........." You placed a finger on his lips as a way to shush him before you pecked them "I would love nothing more than to go to the con with you". Jensen's smile grew and he rolled on top of you kissing you hard. He knew how much guts it took for you to do this and well it would be a nice break from all the wedding planning.
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Con weekend, you had never experienced anything like it! Jensen had made sure you were kept out of the limelight. But that didn't stop his fans asking questions about you or the wedding at the first panel. You thought it was cute how he blushed when he spoke about you as you watched on the screen in the green room, Gen had been amazing too. You helped her look after the kids while the boys did their thing.
You both were watching the main panel when you heard one fan ask Jensen if they'd ever get the chance to see you on stage, he looked at Jared and cleared his throat "as much as I would love to share y/n with y'all, she's extremely shy, she's not great with big crowds but she's working on it so, hopefully at a future con maybe" the girl thanked Jensen and went back to her seat. You stood up and told Gen you needed to stretch your legs, but what you did surprised even you.
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You found yourself behind the black curtain you saw Jensen and Jared appear out of. Just as you were about to walk away Rob came up behind you " hey y/n, you okay, you need something" you looked at Rob and told him to tell the crowd there was a special guest waiting. He smiled at you and walked out on stage. At this point Jared and Jensen were winding the panel down getting ready for the last question as Rob started to talk " now guys I just bumped into someone backstage who said she'd love to come and meet y'all" Jensen and Jared looked confused at Rob, wondering what was going on "guys give a nice big cheer for Y/N L/N". The crowd started to go wild as Jensen swung round to see you walk from behind the curtain. Sure you were nervous as hell, but you needed to do this, not just for yourself but for Jensen too. It didn't take long until Jensen was right by you hugging you tight as the crowd let out a collective 'aww' at the same time.
Leaving the stage with Jensen you couldn't help the smile that was on your face, you actually just did something you never thought you'd ever be able to do. As soon as you got in the green room Gen hugged you tight "I knew you could do it girl, your stronger than you think" she released you as you felt another pair of arms hug you from behind "I am so unbelievably proud of you baby, what you just did took guts, you were great out there" you turned in his arms and hugged him back "it was more fun than I thought it would be, you guys have got some great fans" you pulled back enough so you could give him a kiss, to which you heard Shep and Tom say in union "eww gross".
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It was now a week till the wedding, everything was booked and paid for, Danneel was still insisting on decorating the brewery so you gave in and gave her the go ahead.
You were making breakfast for you and Jensen before you had to leave to pick up your dress, the maid of honours dress and the 3 bridesmaid dresses you had made for JJ, Arrow and Odette. Jensen was going to pick up his suit, Jared's, Zeppelin's, Toms and Shep's. You were happy that the kids liked you, it made things a lot easier. As you were flipping the bacon, it felt as if your stomach was doing somersaults. Jensen came into the kitchen as you threw the spatula on the side and darted to the bathroom. After the sickness subsided you made your way back to the kitchen where Jensen looked concerned "you okay sweetheart?, you don't look so good" he felt your head but you weren't burning up " I must've caught a bug or something, I'll be fine" Jensen looked at you again and phoned Becca and asked if she could pick up the dresses for you, which she said she would.
While Jensen was out picking up the suits and now Becca was picking up the dresses for you, you couldn't help but feel nauseous again. You tried to recall what you had eaten or who you had been around that would make you sick like this. Then a thought hit you, but no, you couldn't be, could you? You did the math in your head and as realisation hit you, you grabbed your car keys heading for the nearest pharmacy, your mind was racing.......
Is she or isn't she 🤰🏼🤫🤔we shall see!
Thanks for reading guys , hopefully it won't be too long of a wait for part 2 🥰
TAGLIST: @k-slla @cevansbaby-dove @kaleldobrev @janineb86 @deans-daydream @alternativeprincess94 @tmb510
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stargazingcarol · 2 years
Into the blue, out of the blue.
Part one: Into the blue.
Pairing: Jake Lockley x reader, Marc Spector x reader, Steven Grant x reader.
Summary: You meet your neighbor and you're pretty sure he's American. But why is it that the next times you see eachother he speaks in a British accent. As you keep meeting you start falling for Steven. And then he disappears for a while and he's back and he tells you about Marc. But he also tells you about Layla. You really like Steven but now he's kinda married? What now?
Trigger warnings for the series: mental health problems, angst with a happy ending, fluff, slowburn.
A/N: this will be a multi chapter fic and this is the first chapter. Thanks to a few writers I've asked on anon i decided to get this story on board since i have it all planned. Not yet written completely but i KNOW what's gonna happen throughout the whole fic. In the end i hope you like this story and I'm dedicating it to @softlyspector and @astroboots they have both been so great at giving me advice. Thing is hi i didn't say it was me bc it was on anon. You guys (Becca and Cici) are not obliged to read this at all but i felt like giving thanks for your very rewarding advice anyways. Thank you 🤍
Part 2
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Chapter 1
Marc had a lot on his mind. He was trying to block Steven off for a bit even though he knew he probably should let Steven take this moment. But he wanted a moment alone.
Between his mom dying and his dad seeing him but not exchanging words it was a little bit too much. A little bit too fresh. Even though that had only happened a few days ago.
He just wanted to sleep but he had to do this. So he grabbed a box from the ones he had left on the outside of his, well, Steven's new apartment and his foot got on the side of his door frame but he kept going.
Leaving the box on the floor he just stared at it for a moment until he turned around.
Gasping, a little scared at what he saw and then--
"Hi? Um. Do you need any help? Are you my new neighbor?" A woman asked. You must be in your late 20s. You were smiling a little nervously.
Gosh he needed sleep. He didn't need this right now.
He started walking towards you and you kept on his stare until he was too close to her, you were blocking his exit. Moving out of the way you looked somewhere else.
"I'm good, thanks" He looked at her and smiled. He knew it wasn't a genuine smile but he hoped it eased her to walk away. Walk away from his life. He didn't want to meet anyone. He wasn't looking for friends. He just wanted Layla and he couldn't even have that. He hated how everything turned out.
Walking over to the elevator, he didn't noticed that the woman was still staring at him while biting her lip. You knew what you had to do. You had heard him through the thin walls of your apartment. Cursing and moving heavy stuff.
A new neighbor. You haven't had a neighbor in over six months. The apartment had been vacant since Mr. Ripley's death. You missed baking him cookies and sitting with him to drink tea. He would drink tea while you drank water. Not a big fan of coffee or tea and the old man didn't drink anything else. Sometimes you would bring your own juice. But the old man hated when you did that. So you just opted for water with cookies.
This was new. Cursing and movement was new and when you saw through the peephole a silhouette of a man, your first thought was that his back was too toned for his own good. 
Not having a lot of friends here in London. And you thought maybe since you had been on such good terms with Mr Ripley before his death, maybe you could be friends with your new neighbor?
The smile that he gave you seemed to make him look constipated or something. You gave a little snort but he didn't hear you.
Just when the doors for the elevator were about to close, you ran for it and slip through.
The doors closed and you didn't look at him. Not even through the mirrors all around you and him.
You were silent until finally you broke the ice. "Really, i don't mind. I'd like to be in good terms with my neighbors." You said like it was nothing and Marc closed his fist and let it open again while he breathed.
"If you say so." He muttered but he knew you heard because from the corner of his eye you nodded with a smile.
He didn't seem like a bad person. He just seemed like he had a lot going on. Maybe helping him move will ease some of his worries away.
When the both of you got out of the elevator and into the street, you saw a truck with it's trunk open and a few boxes left. Either he didn't have a lot to move or he had already done it and she didn't hear him until the last second. You're here already, though.
Your arms went for a big box but he stopped you, his hand engulfing your arm and you just stared dumbfounded at his touch for a moment. Until you looked at his eyes and even though he still seemed tormented, he was half smiling. He still looked constipated though, like he wanted to be anywhere but here.
The man clears his throat and you try not to stare too hard. His back had been interesting to you all the way through her peephole upstairs, but seeing him up close was too much.
Not because he transmitted bad energy, he just was too pretty for your own good. You loved an attractive man like any other person but when they were pretty and knew about it, they used those looks to get their way. You hoped he wasn't the case. Even though he didn't seem to flaunt his looks at all in the few minutes you have known eachother.
His forehead was sweaty and so were his curls, rebellious rebellious curls that he kept pushing back with a huff.
"Not that one, too heavy." He says.
You want to say "and you think i can't take it?" But you just nods. Who knows what's in that box. Maybe it really is heavy.  He pushes you a smaller box and when you grab it thinking it's gonna be heavy, you step back a little losing balance.
His hand goes to your back to steady you, his other holding the box she was about to take until he stopped her.
"Easy there" his hand is gone the instant you're steady on your feet and he starts walking inside again.
You stared at his back once more. Sighing as you walk behind him.
You both do this a few times, going back and forth grabbing boxes and leaving them at his empty apartment.
When you are all done, his hands go to his hips inspecting the now full apartment with just boxes and just when you're about to ask "what now?" Your alarm goes off.
Taking the phone out of your pocket and blink at the name of the alarm. It's time for your therapist's appointment.
"Um, i need to go, but it was nice meeting you." You nod and he just nods back, his face is blank with a thin line on his lips.
"Nice to meet you too, neighbor" He smiles and for the first time his smile doesn't seem like he's dying inside. He seems genuine to have met you and you try to keep your steady heart but it's a losing battle if you're being honest.
Turning around, you walk away to your  apartment to get ready, a smile on your face like you can't contain it. It's so big you feel like your skin might break and make your smile even bigger.
"You seem totally fine from our pasts sessions and i think you have the skills to deal with whatever comes your way. I think, i think we should close your case." Dr. Williams closed her notebook.
Your eyes widened and your fingers made crescent moons on your knees.
You didn't think you were ready to leave therapy, not yet. It was a bit early, no? You were doing better yes but for the past years you had been from therapist to therapist that's all you seemed to know. So, hearing this was, weird, you didn't like it at all. You weren't ready.
"You think so?" You asked gulping. Scared.
"Yes. Don't you?" Dr. Williams pushed her glasses further up her nose and she tilted her head with a kind smile on her face.
"I really really don't" You let out a shaky breath.
"Relax, okay. I think you're ready but if you don't that's totally fine. We can see eachother for a little while until you feel like you're ready. But i need you to think about it okay? Can you do that?"
Dr Williams had been seeing you for a year now. Treating your depression and big insecurities. You didn't think you were cured at all so why was Dr. Williams even suggesting to close the case? Do people even go to therapy to get cured or to manage?
"I can do that" you relaxed and let yourself get a bit more comfortable in the sofa in her office.
"Great." Dr Williams looked at her watch. "We have 15 more minutes before our session is over. Anything interesting happened today?" She finally asked.
You were about to say no, until you remembered, him. He had been the highlight of your day. And maybe your doctor could see it on your face because she clasped her hands and seemed to get closer.
"Something did! Tell me tell me" Dr Williams chuckled and while you smiled and looked outside the window you started talking.
"I have a new neighbor" looking into Dr. Williams green eyes, you saw how her eyes sparkled with the want to know more.
"Really? What's their name?"
Your eyes widened when you noticed you never asked him for his name. You remember it was on the tip of your tongue but the silence while you both worked made it almost impossible to ask. Like breaking a spell.
"Shoot, i didn't ask him his name" you sheepishly say and Dr Williams laughs, throwing her head back, her red long wavy hair dancing in the air.
"Next time you see him you better ask him his name" She says.
"Yes, of course. Cross my heart." You made the crossing in your chest and smiled at the thought of him.
A little grumpy but he seemed like a nice person and that was enough to keep you interested.
Getting into your apartment complex late at night after your doctor's appointment, and then having some dinner with friends and a few drinks. You were technically sober, but you couldn't move right. Grasping the wall of the elevator, you felt your head was out of your shoulders and the only thing that could ground you was your bed.
When the elevator opened, you tried to walk out of it but was too unsteady. Before you lost balance you felt arms held you.
When you looked up and blinked. Neighbor guy.
"Oh, hi" You chirped and he smiled. You didn't know if it was the light or your dizziness but he didn't seem as tormented as before.
"Hello there, do you need help, love?" His voice sounded different. British. Which was weird. Wasn't he American? You were a forgetful person but you didn't think you were that much. Or were you? Maybe it's the drinks you had tonight.
"I thought you were American?" You grinned as he led you out of the elevator.
He chuckled. "I don't know what you're talking about but I've always been British." He says and now you're getting more confused. You honestly just need more sleep.
"Where do you go?" He asks and you frowned.
"Next to you." You say looking at him with hooded eyes as his hands on your hips tighten. Then he softens and mumbles a sorry. You swear you can see that he's blushing and you bite your lip.
"Um" you look around until you see your door. "There"
His eyes widen. "Oh! Next to me, next to me. How dumb, okay now i get it. Sorry." He starts leading you to your door and you can't help but giggle.
"It's okay, honest mistake." You breathe when you still feel his hands on you.
The guy from earlier had touched you once when you went to grab the box and his touch had lingered on your skin for a while after he retracted his hand and you know you will be thinking of his hands on your waist again on your bed.
When you were in front of your door, his hands went away and you brought your key from your jacket pocket. You opened the door and turned around.
The guy was staring at you with an awkward smile expression.
"I forgot to ask your name earlier." You leaned against the door and he grinned.
You nodded thoughtfully. He didn't seem like a Steven at first but sure, that's his name. You can't change that.
You tell him your name and he repeats it and you shiver at the way he's looking at you.
"Well, um, i should sleep now. Thank you for helping me Steven." You point to the back of your apartment.
"Of course, of course. I'll leave you to it. Have a nice night." He waves and goes into his own apartment.
You close your door and lean against it. He's really cute.
Brushing your teeth and changing is a little difficult but you manage.
As you get comfortable in your sheets you think of both of your encounters with this man today. One, he seemed quiet and grumpy and the second he appeared to be chatty and he didn't looked that distressed as the first encounter.
You could still feel his hands on you. A ghost of a touch. Both so different and when Steven held your hips tighter, gosh, you were about to ascend to heaven.
You couldn't wait to see Steven again. Maybe you could bake him some cookies tomorrow. Maybe.
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I just feel like I have to say this because for some reason it isn't clicking in certain parts of fandom.
Regarding "Becca Butcher" of "The Boys" TV show.
She left.
Left. L-E-F-T LEFT.
It was a choice. It was a deliberate choice.
Vought did not force her. She CHOSE Vought.
OVER Billy.
Because she knew Billy the shithead, as much as she loved him, would lose his shit and do horrible things and make everything worse.
She was right.
I seriously hate how much people infantilize Becca and her CHOICE, her thoughts, her own feelings for what happened to her, her choice to have Ryan, and what should have happened after.
It's not even coming from Homelander rape apologists either. In a cruel twist of irony, infantilizing Becca is used as a means to accuse others of rape apologism while defending Billy Butcher for being his own brand of scumbag.
It is always used in order to pretend Billy is somehow a saint or "doing right" by her and "honoring" his wife when he was part of the fucking problem and is LITERALLY doing EXACTLY what Becca NEVER wanted and screamed in his face about.
"He raped me... and when I found out I was pregnant? I went to Vought... I didn't come to you... I didn't come to you because I was scared... Cause I knew you'd chase after him and you would seek revenge and it wouldn't be good for anybody!"
I still want to vomit when I watch Billy trying to convince her to leave her own son so he can have his happily ever after, nevermind hers.
Even Billy being there in front of her and asking her to come with him, she STILL chooses Vought. KNOWING that Homelander now knows where her and her son are.
So let that sink in. Becca Butcher was so distraught with Billy's actions that she would rather contend with the monster who raped her and the company that created him than abandon her child for the man she married.
Because the man she married was a different set of more damaging problems for her.
That should say enough, but since people need it spelled out.
Billy never cared about avenging Becca. Not once. He never cared about getting justice for her. He never cared about doing right by her.
He's an extremely selfish spouse that fully disregards Becca's own thoughts and feelings about what she, the actual victim here, went through.
None of that matters to him.
What matters to him, the only thing that's ever mattered, is his pride.
The fact that someone else "touched what was his".
He cares far more about Homelander "slighting him as a man" than he does about how Becca feels and what Becca wants.
We know this because Billy is ALSO aware of this fact. Of the fact that Becca would HATE what he's done in her name, if only she knew.
If Billy has ever cared about Becca? He would have listened to her.
The fact that Becca RAN AWAY from Billy should say enough, but she even screams at him about all of this on screen, in front of our faces, spelling it out clear as day. You could ask for more concrete phrasing.
"You were wrong about me, do you know that? You put me on this pedestal... and the truth is... I never knew how to save you. You were always one-one bad day away from pounding someone to death in a parking lot!"
Her words still ring in my ears because they perfectly exemplify how detrimental Billy was to her mental health. He used her to supplement his own instead of actually going to therapy and working on his issues, and it was destroying her.
His addictions still win out in the end!
Homelander and what he did to Becca?
They are EXCUSES for Billy to be the WORST version of himself with zero actual regard for his wife.
People STILL deny her this personal agency in order to defend BILLY.
If anything? Homelander was just the opportunity that Billy was waiting for to leave Becca in the dust and drag her through the mud.
If we're going to have conversations about rape apologism, let's not fucking forget the piss poor excuses for "support" systems that victims are left to deal with in the aftermath that can either make or break a person. Literally.
My my my, what a lovely old shade of covert misogyny.
Billy does the absolute worst thing he could have done for Becca. Before and after.
Instead of being a good husband, providing safety and comfort, he gave her something else to FEAR and run away from. He justified her silence.
So she made a choice. She went to Vought and signed the NDA and had Ryan.
She. Chose. RYAN.
I do not fault her in the slightest for it.
Fandom needs to stop fucking infantilizing her choice for Billy's ego.
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daydreamgoddess14 · 1 year
Day 4 of the Tedbecca Prompt Party!
No. 51: When Ted tells Henry he wants to propose to Rebecca, Henry asks if he can propose too. After all, she's not just saying yes to being Ted's wife, but to being Henry's stepmother, too...
Henry Lasso looked sharp. Really, really sharp. He had big plans tonight. He and his dad had painstakingly chosen everything they’d need for that night. They were ready. They had taken the tube into the city, he’d never been in a shop which kept the doors locked before. He’d stuck close to his dad, ooh’d and ahh’d at the right moments. They’d gone home via the grocery store and picked out the very best ingredients, he’d chosen the dessert. At home, he’d made sure his dad didn’t go too far off the rails of the recipe. They didn’t need a repeat of the cheese sauce of 2019 where his dad had switched out the cheese for one which really didn’t work. Once dinner was prepped as much as it could be, they’d gotten changed. His dad had shaved, Henry hadn’t. They’d put on matching suits. After his dad had told him the plan, Henry had begged for a suit so they’d gone to get one from the same tailor. Finally, Henry put the last touches to his contribution, and they were ready.
“Hello darlings! I’m home!” Rebecca called out from the foyer. She could see the kitchen lights were on so made her way through to a beautiful candlelit table set for three. Ted and Henry were both dazzling in their suits
“Happy birthday Becca!” They both cheered. She’d had the loveliest day with Keeley at her favourite spa, and now she was home with her favourite boys, and from the wonderful smell in the kitchen, her favourite meal was on the menu. Her hand covered her heart,
“My men. Thank you so much, this looks gorgeous!” She’d opened her arms for a hug for Henry, letting him instigate it and then she’d stepped into Ted’s embrace.
“Beautiful birthday girl.” He whispered, kissing her softly. “Here, sit.” He pulled out her chair and poured her a glass of wine.
“What a wonderful surprise. I hope you haven’t worked too hard for me?”
“Course not,” Ted chuckled with an exaggerated wink to Henry. The meal was, as expected, perfect. Rebecca had long declared that she’d never tire of Ted’s cooking, and the only other person who’s culinary skills she’d ever need was Roy’s. Ted decided he could live with that - Roy did make a mean Arrabiata sauce. They all sat back in their seats, full and happy. “Hen, you wanna go switch the oven on for dessert?”
“Sure Dad.” Henry got up and clicked a few well practised buttons. When he returned, Ted stood from the table, adjusted the leg of his suit trousers and got down on one knee in front of Rebecca. Next to him, Henry did exactly the same thing. Rebecca was gobsmacked, tears spilling down her cheeks.
“Honey, I got an important question for you. It’s taken us a while to get here, but I don’t want to live another second of my life without you in it. Will you do me the honour of marrying me?” He opened a jewellery box with a stunning off-pink diamond ring.
“And Rebecca, I got an important question for you too. I’m gonna be here a lot, and I’m gonna need someone like you - cos I think you’re really great, I wonder if you’d do me the honour of being my bonus-mom?” Henry opened his own jewellery box with his own purple pipe cleaner ring with a little pink bead centre. The gasp Rebecca had let out at Ted’s proposal was eclipsed by the sob she’d let out at Henry’s. She nodded through her tears, barely able to speak.
“Yes, yes to both of you, of course yes!” Henry put his ring on her finger first and Ted followed, the more traditional band keeping Henry’s ring in place. She joined them, kneeling on the floor and pulling them both into a fierce hug. “I love you both so very much.” She murmured once she’d recovered her breath and her voice.
“And we love you too.”
“We both love you, mum.”
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dreamwritesimagines · 7 months
The Eye of the Hurricane [8] - Bells
A.N: Here’s the new chapter my loves! ❤️ Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback, you made my day! ❤️I hope you’ll like this chapter as well and please don’t forget to tell me what you think! ❤️
Summary: Some decisions require late night visits.
Word Count: 2600
Pairing: MobBoss!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Violence, death, guns, crime, blood, explicit language, mentions of sex. This is an AU, friendly reminder that I don’t condone any of the actions depicted on this story and please read with care.
Series Masterlist
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You didn’t think the rest of the week would be peaceful in any way but even you couldn’t guess just how tense it would be.
“This is insane,” Becca pointed out, crossing her arms and leaning back on her seat. You had decided to meet up for brunch but this time, two other tables in the café were also reserved for your and Becca’s multiple bodyguards who were enjoying their coffees. You stole a look at them, then turned to Becca.
“You’re telling me,” you said. “Four bodyguards everywhere I go. It sounds absurd.”
“And this is Barnes territory!” Becca hissed. “I’ve never ever needed bodyguards in our territory, and all of a sudden...”
“How stressed out is everyone?” you asked and she shook her head with a sigh.
“I could barely see Bucky in these last couple of days,” she said. “My dad said I have nothing to worry about, but you know how he is. It’s kind of condescending, honestly.”
“And your mom?”
“She has this bright idea to send me off to vacation to Zürich until the dust settles here.”
You pulled your brows together. “Will you?”
“No!” she exclaimed. “I’m not leaving any of you here.”
You reached out to squeeze at her hand before grabbing your coffee to take a sip.
“How about you?”
“I think I will get the same speech tonight,” you said. “My dad wants to talk to me.”
“I’ll make a counter offer.”
“To help out,” you said. “With this situation. Besides, me leaving in a time like this would be basically handing Ian the heir position, and I’m not doing that.”
“Do you think your father will accept that offer though?”
“We’ll see,” you said, trying to ignore the way your stomach did a flip. “I’d be better than Ian than handling this, he has to see that.”
“Bucky says Ian isn’t even carrying a gun anymore,” Becca said with a small laugh and you tilted your head.
“Yeah. Apparently he says no one can get to him with his men around him. I guess it’s his way of making them think he trusts them with his life.”
You rolled your eyes. “Right.”
“As much as I hate to admit, it looks like it’s working,” Becca admitted. “He looks pretty confident.”
“Confidence can lead to very huge mistakes,” you said and cleared your throat. “Ugh, let’s talk about something else. How’s everything with Leila?”
“That’s what I wanted to ask you!” Becca said, snapping her fingers. “Do you think it’s still too early to ask her to marry me?”
You blinked a couple of times. “Becca, you two started dating less than a week ago.”
“Yeah but I could still ask her!”
“That’s the hopeless romantic in you speaking.”
“That’s the orgasms speaking actually,” she corrected you, making you grin.
“Either way, neither of those make you think logical.”
“Logical is overrated,” she pointed out. “How about you?”
“You and Ethan?”
“We’re not doing anything,” you said slowly. “I did hire some bodyguards for him though, just in case.”
“Maybe you should take the first step.”
“I’m not going to do that,” you said, shaking your head fervently and she hummed.
“Don’t tell me Bucky’s proposal affected you like that.”
“What? No!” you exclaimed, scrunching up your face. “Why would you say that?”
Becca rolled her eyes.
“Maybe because I’ve known you two my whole life?”
Your frown deepened. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“Please,” she said, shooting you a look. “All those glances and so much bickering, it’s obvious something is there—”
“Hate,” you cut her off. “Hate is what’s there.”
Becca gave you a mischievous smile, then sipped her coffee.
“Whatever you say.”
“Bucky and I could never work,” you insisted and Becca hummed.
“What about you and Ethan?”
“Ethan is—” you paused for a moment. “Dating him would be incredibly simple. You know, no ulterior motives, no strategies, nothing complex.”
“That would be so convincing if you could deal with simple more than just a couple of months.”
“You can,” you said and Becca waved a hand in the air.
“I was never promised the heir position,” she said. “It was always Bucky. That’s why I’ve never had that…that burning ambition both of you have. At the end of the day, I do want a simple life Y/N but you’ve never been that type. I don’t think you could actually be happy in a simple relationship.”
You clicked your tongue and leaned back in your chair.
“Well then that complicates things,” you said. “I don’t think I would be happy with someone in the business either.”
“Why not?”
“Are you kidding?” you said with a laugh. “Come on, you know how spouses are treated in the business. You’re just—you’re there as the arm candy, they never let you get involved—”
“That’s the generation before us.”
“Did Bucky put you up to this?” you asked and she huffed out a laugh.
“I didn’t say you should marry my brother,” she pointed out. “I’m just saying maybe you shouldn’t force yourself to like a simple life if you want more than that. Especially if you’re basing your decision on some ancient bullshit rule our families decided to follow.”
You heaved a sigh and took a sip of your coffee.
“Didn’t you just say logical is overrated?” you asked. “Since when are you so logical?”
“I have my moments,” Becca grinned at you. “So. Can we talk about my love life now?”
“Yes but you can’t ask her to marry you.”
“I can ask her to be my fiancée,” Becca stated and you tilted your head.
“That’s…that’s basically the same, Becca.”
Becca rolled her eyes and groaned.
“Fine!” she said. “Can I at least ask her if we should move in together?”
You bit back a smile.
“I’ll give you my permission for that once you two reach the third month.”
“Oh we will,” Becca said with a bright smile. “Great. I’ll send you the house warming party gift list when I get home then.”
 You had assumed your father would see you and gave you the same speech Becca got from her parents at home, but apparently he was swamped with work so he had asked you to come to the company. When you got there, your father’s assistant told you he was in the middle of a meeting with Ian and Stark, so you took a seat in the waiting area and stole a look at Ryan who was no doubt waiting for Ian.
“Hi Ryan.”
“Ma’am,” he greeted you, his tone rough but respectful. You smiled at him, crossing your arms.
“Waiting for my cousin?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Do you mind if I ask you a question?” you asked and he paused for a moment, then shrugged his shoulders.
“Why are you working for him?” you asked. “He’s an asshole.”
Ryan didn’t even dignify that with an answer as he looked at you, his expression completely calm like he was very used to not giving answers.
 “Riveting conversation as always,” you teased him and he bit back a small smile.
“I respect your family, ma’am.”
“I mean you don’t really have to respect Ian though, God knows he does nothing to earn that,” you pointed out. “You know he’s looking forward to starting a war, right?”
“He’s ready to see you,” the assistant said before Ryan could answer you, and you nodded your head, then stood up from the couch.
“Have a nice evening Ryan.”
“You too ma’am,” he said and you followed the assistant to your father’s office.
“Y/N sweetheart, hello,” he said as he walked to you to press a kiss on your cheek. “Sit down, sit down!”
“How was your meeting?” you asked and he waved a hand in the air.
“The usual,” he said. “I have four other meetings after this.”
“I will rest when I get home, I promise,” he said and you narrowed your eyes at him.
“Right. I’ll believe it when I see it.”
“It’s just that I don’t know when they will be finished, and I figured you’d be asleep by the time I got home,” he said. “Y/N listen—”
“Don’t bother giving me that speech, I’m not going anywhere,” you cut him off and he frowned.
“How did you…?”
“Winnifred gave the same speech to Becca. She tried to send her to Zürich, where are you trying to send me?”
“Wherever you want,” your father said. “I was thinking Florence but…”
“Florence is a gorgeous city,” you said. “I’d love to see it sometime, maybe next Christmas.”
You gave him a small grin. “Hm?”
“It’s going to be safer for you if you just go away from the city for a while.”
“While you and Ian handle things?”
“While I handle things.”
“But Ian stays?” you insisted and he ran a hand over his face.
“Yes, but—”
“I’m not going,” you said, your voice firm. “Send him away if you want, but I’m not leaving the city when there’s a war coming.”
“I feel like you need to think about this,” your father said and you shook your head.
“I did think about it.”
“Y/N, I will feel much better if I know you’re away from danger, at least until the dust settles here.”
You sat up straighter, your heart pacing in your chest.
“Dad I can help,” you said. “With all this. You know I can.”
A look of realization dawned on his face.
“We’ve talked about this.”
“No we haven’t,” you insisted. “Not really. We keep ignoring it, ignoring the fact that you haven’t named a successor—”
“That’s because I’m not planning on retiring soon.”
You let out a dry laugh. “Others might believe that lie, but I do not.”
Your father heaved a sigh, then pushed himself off of his seat to come closer to you, then leaned back to his desk, crossing his arms.
“And please tell me, what is it that you want to hear from me right now?” he asked you and you shook your head.
“Don’t patronize me,” you said through your teeth. “You know what I’m capable of, you trained me for times like these. You know I’d make a much better heir than Ian—”
“Y/N, enough.”
“Just give me a chance to prove myself,” you insisted. “That’s all I’m asking. You don’t have to make me the head of all operations, but give me a chance to show you I can do this. I’ve already prepared a plan—”
“Let me stop you right there,” he said. “What you’re suggesting is absolutely out of question.”
Your jaw clenched. “Why?”
“We already have a plan.”
“Okay,” you let out an impatient breath. “Then you can tell me the plan and I’ll help.”
“No need, we have everything covered.”
You could feel the anger bubbling in your stomach but you dug your fingernails into your palm, reminding yourself to stay calm.
“Dad,” you said slowly. “You promised me.”
“And I promised your mother!” he snapped, making you stop talking. “I promised your mother that I would keep you safe, and that’s exactly what I’m doing.”
The bridge of your nose along with the back of your eyes started burning, a sure sign that the tears were on their way but you blinked fast a couple of times, biting at your tongue.
“That was your mother’s dying wish,” he said, looking you in the eye. “I’m not going to break my promise to her.”
You swallowed thickly. “Mom would want me to be happy.”
 “And you think this life would make you happy?” he asked you. “All this bloodshed, this violence?”
“I was born into bloodshed and violence,” you reminded him. “I’ve spent all my life in it. What, you think you can keep me safe by pushing me out of the picture?”
“It’s much safer than being in the middle of it.”
“For now,” you pointed out. “What about the future? I already know three families that will refuse to do business with Ian.”
Your father shrugged his shoulders. “It’s too early to worry about that. I’m not retiring anytime soon.”
“Dad, he wants to start a war.”
“He will see that war isn’t good for business,” he brushed you off. “He’s just very eager to prove himself right now, that’s all. He’s not going to start a war, don’t worry.”
You gritted your teeth and pursed your lips, glaring at him.
“You got your fire from me, your mother was much calmer,” he said with a small smile. “So I swear to you, I understand your frustration and anger very well. The crown you think you want right now? It’s way too dangerous sweetheart. You’ll see it in time that I’m making the right choice.”
The tears blurred your sight for a moment before you blinked them away and wetted your lips, trying to ignore the lump in your throat.
“You’re not going to name me as your successor, are you?” you rasped out. “Nor will you let me prove myself.”
Your father held your gaze in his for a second, then shook his head.
The disappointment hit you so hard that it made your head spin. This wasn’t news to you in any way, you had spent years watching your father treat Ian like his successor but actually hearing it from him was enough to make you want to scream. Anger rushed through you, boiling your blood and you bit your tongue hard enough to hurt, and nodded slowly.
“Okay,” you heard yourself say as you stood up, not even looking him in the eye and he took a deep breath.
“Honey…” he started but you walked out of his office without sparing him a glance, your whole body moving as if it was on autopilot. You got to the elevator and pressed the button, then stepped inside and watched the doors close, sniffling as you wiped at your eyes.
Very well then.
If your father didn’t want to give you power, you were going to take it for yourself.
The address wasn’t exactly familiar to you seeing that you hadn’t been there before, but your driver knew the way. When you walked into the building and gave the reception your name, it took them less than a minute to guide you to the elevator, everyone around you rushing like they were instructed not to make you wait even for a second. When the elevator stopped at the top floor, a bodyguard led you to the door of the penthouse to knock on the door and you heard the footsteps coming closer before the door opened.
It looked like Bucky had dashed through the apartment to put his jeans on when they told him you were there, seeing that he was breathing quite fast. You let yourself run your gaze over his bare muscular torso, the tattoos over his chest catching your attention before your eyes snapped up to his, your heart skipping a beat.
God damn it, you almost forgot just how handsome he was.
“Charm,” he said, offering you a small smile. “Hi.”
“Hey there,” you said as you walked past him into the penthouse before he could invite you inside and he closed the door behind you.
“This is a nice surprise,” he said while you glanced around. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
You took a deep breath and turned around to look at him better, your heart beating in your ears.
“Get rid of whoever is in your bedroom,” you said and shot him a sarcastic smile as you crossed your arms. “We need to talk about the wedding.”
Chapter 9
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ruvviks · 1 year
saw u tag one of ur posts as james and 👀 hehehe i want to hear more abt jim :3c
(ofc only if u want to!!!)
EHEHEHE THANK YOU i wrote a little introduction post about her here so that would be a good place to start at >:^)
so tl;dr james is aubrey's twin sister and she's a private investigator and security guard at the club bodytalk in downtown night city! she mostly works there as a bouncer because she's good at throwing punches and throwing people out, but she's also in charge of overseeing any ongoing gigs from aubrey's fixer business and sending in reinforcements if necessary (or she just goes out there to deal with the problem herself)
she used to be on the wilder side when she was younger, drinking and doing drugs much like aubrey but instead of it leading her down the path of partying and one night stands she got in trouble with the ncpd a LOT and she mostly just got into so many fights. she's not like that anymore nowadays, after getting married she settled down and after her divorce she mostly just wanted to vibe. she's not made for a 9 to 5 job and that's why her current occupations are perfect for her because she can work in the evening hours at the club and do the investigator stuff on the side :)
she ends up getting together with luna at some point a bit later in the story! they first properly meet when luna starts working at bodytalk a bit more and grow closer quickly when james gets injured after a gig and she ends up going to luna's shop because it's the closest ripperdoc she could find. need to spin them around more but things are happening in here alright
some more facts because i love her
james uses she/he pronouns, in the sense of mainly she/her but if you wanna use he/him for her she doesn't give a fuck and also actively encourages it when people ask her :) this is mirroring aubrey's he/she pronouns, he has the same kind of relationship with his pronouns. the two of them often jokingly say they swap pronouns every other week LMAO
she's a few minutes younger than aubrey but also a single cm taller and she has decided to make it her entire personality. as is her right
james has pretty bad anger issues which are entirely a result of her past, with her father being a piece of shit and her mother not taking care of her children at all. she's very protective of becca, her older sister, who took care of her younger siblings throughout their whole childhood
james nowadays lives together with rikki, her younger half-sister :D rikki basically moved in after aubrey left for elysium (spaceship) and when he returns, he goes to live together with leon which means rikki can stay with her older sister. the valentine siblings all love each other very much basically and don't mind sharing a living space at all, it's what got them through their childhoods and especially after aubrey has been trapped in space for nearly a year they all agree it's important to stick together as much as possible
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apollo-gate · 1 year
Hey author! Since it was my birthday today I wanted to send in this ask to all my favourite blogs lol.
How would the ROs celebrate MC's birthday? How will they plan for it before they get together (crushing stage) and after they get together?
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I’m one of your favorites.
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Where ya at that’s an immediate bear hug. RIGHT THERE. (Jk. I swore to someone that they get a bear hug before anyone else. So you be like 6or 7 on the list. But hey your there. But Vanessa will be before you so crap where did I write that down. Ah your after Nikki no no Jessica no was it Greg. No it was Justin. Ah it was Jessica my mistake. Your after Jessica . Got it so my mom. The one i promised to hug regardless of time or place. Vanessa. Chan, Nikki, Jessica, and finally you. Ok remember your place. (If your name here that was a lucky guess. Vanessa or hey Batman got on the list when that request of Vanessa prompts came about. Chan or Second chance asked because when he or I get married we meet so 🤣. Nikki I think that’s right. Got it with the bear gif. Like yes!!! Hello there Friend. 😁.
Now onto our ROs 👏 (I’m going to do it in parts as the list is wonderful.)
Alice: Is not really a big fan of huge party especially for birthdays. So it would be very small with close friends and family. In crushing stage she would do a private dinner. But in a relationship she would take Mc to where she went with her dad. A over look of the city and meals she and everyone made.
Helena: crush stage: ok so depending on the Mc this will change. Helena would get the Mc favorite band or singer they like for a private concert or get vip tickets to go to the concert. Relationship stage: Helena will do a underwater ship cruise.(this is one of the harder things to get.) Helena has already done them but wants to share the experience with the Mc.
Lisa: Don’t laugh. Crush stage: It would be art classes or pottery classes. She would want to share something that’s apart of her. Oh and the Mc gets to eat Lisa cookies. Relationship: Have you ever wanted to do body paint.(it’s happening.) And paintball fights with friends that too.
Becca: Beach trip or to the lake house. 🤷‍♀️ girl wants me time no one else. But doesn’t mean she won’t surprise the Mc with a cake and friends. She’s not friends with many people but as long as Mc is happy she’s happy.
Daniella: She will get Noah’s number and set up a dinner or lunch. Ask Mc to look after her son. Will get everyone in on it yes Becca I see you. And when Mc comes back every one is caught do one thing or another. So everyone cooks together and it becomes a thing. Although Noah is forbidden from the stove same with Scott and Lena.
Vanessa: Musumes or Art gallery than theater is also an option. Vanessa will have a picnic basket to. (Yes she like picnics. So just where will be y’all’s spot) Will be happy so very happy as birthdays are special. Will definitely strive to get a laugh out of the Mc.
Azalea: (doesn’t know what a birthday is. Yeah I know.) in crush stage would do a metal work as a gift. Would even get Mc into doing it. In relationship: Azalea would do a ritual If the Mc wanted to see the world how they see it.
Kent: Alright let’s get this right. Kent would do a breakfast in bed. Basically anything the Mc wants to do he will do.
Naamah: MCs Birthday is all about them. She will do the pampering treatment and everything.(could she have servants do this. Well yes but she wants to do. To show how much she loves and what the Mc means to her.)
Blaze: two words.Time travel. Man is going to zoom with Mc to anytime they want to go to. You want to reenact a historical event. See a historical figure or just say you ate during a battle and watched it. (Hell yeah Blaze is all for it.)
Zero: Zeros gift is unorthodox. It’s simply an outer body experience. In a robotic body. It’s not permanent don’t worry Zero has tested this many times.
Red Flag RO: Sex. Biting blood. Hmmm 🤔 You get your own blood bag.(person) She would also get you to see world with her daughter is at.
Rune: big party. Like the hugest you’ve ever seen. And a beautiful necklace with matching rings. Rune would get her own alcohol she makes to and just say no one walking away without a headache.
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davidmariottecomics · 7 months
Valentine's & Our Registry
Happy Valentine's Day to my valentine, Rebecca Ann!
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As you know, later this year, we're getting married! We've decided to roll our wedding and honeymoon plans into one... AS A TRIP TO JAPAN!!!! We're very excited! On this day of love, in lieu of traditional gifts, are asking our friends and loved ones to contribute to our wedding/honeymoon plans just to make it all that much easier! https://www.zola.com/registry/brysonmariottewedding
Thanks for any help you can provide!
From Becca!!! "Friends I am so excited to share what has been seventeen months in the making! After so much consideration, number crunching and reality checking, we came to the conclusion that bundling our celebrations into one as a Japan trip would be the best way to honor our commitment to one another. Our entire relationship we have worked so hard for our community, and I am so excited to be able to turn back to ya'll and say 'help us celebrate our love'. Thank you for being a part of our lives, thank you for wanting to celebrate our marriage with us, and thank you for any support you give!"
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romanarose · 6 months
I know this is from the example, BUT I NEED ANSWERS. What if Sam met Becca? (thought please 💚) I think they would be beasties? Maybe even....... kiss??????? 👀👀👀
Sam: Sunshine Starlight Sweetheart Brightside Becca: Seattle
For the sake of simplicity, since sam is dating Marc and Steven and Becca is dating Marc, lets say in this though experiment, Steven and Marc are separate bodies, Sam is dating Steven and Becca is dating Marc.
They would get on immidietly. Like so fast. Both are characterized highly by empathy, boldness, zest for life. Maybe Sam was the daycare provider for Becca and Marc's kids, or maybe they met going to the same temple. Either way, besties so fast. Marc and Steven, OFC, would become best friends, the four of them hanging out.
Sam and Steven canonically are childfree by choice, but Sam absolutly adores children. She has a lot of younger siblings and now her sister, Teresa, had a son that Sam and Steven help watch some weekends. Between this and Sam's normal family drama, realistically Sam and Steven don't have a shit ton of time, but still Sam loved to take Marc and Sam's twins overnight sometimes to give them a break.
Sam and Becca and Marc all grew up in abuse, so they would all empathize with each other. Steven would be there to support them. Sam and Becca both suffered from sexual violence in different ways and as much as they love their husbands they find sollice in understanding each other. Becca's face is visibly and permantly scared by the burns from her ex-husband, but she doesn't let that get her down. Sam would find her so inspirational. Sam has many visible scars she's ashamed of, and Becca's confidence helps her see her scars with pride. They overcame things.
After Becca's chemical relaxer came out and slowly her hair recovered, the changes she made to her appierence to appease Jack, to make herself look less Jewish, it faded away and soon enough her thick, poofy, brown hair was back. It was cut short, just how she likes it. Sam also went through a change. After Jordan's attack, Sam chopped off her long red hair and dyed it brown. Pretty much right away she started growing it out again lol. Sam and Becca both got very thick hair. I bet they share hair care tips. Becca is def not the kind of girl do to a whole lot with herhair, prefering to hair hats, ponytales, and hankerchiefs; whatever keeps it out of her face. To be clear, Sam doesn't try to change her or make her more "girlie" but sometimes Becca does like to dress up nice and do something with her hair. She still dresses like herself, don't worry.
Maybe Sam does her hair for the wedding.
as for KISSING!
Sam is bi coded most of the series, and by the last chapter I think it's Steven and Marc that are explaining to an oblivious Jake that shes bi. Sam doesn't really connect the dots at this point until her shit-ass dad tells her everyone assumed she was a lesbian until she started dating Steven.
Becca was never really stated one way or another. In fact, her only relationships with Jack and Marc. most of Becca's life was about survival and her intimate friendship with Marc didn't exactly make her look too available. Then she mat Jack and they were married really fast, like within a year. then were married for a few years at least? Then after Marc rescues her, she doesn't date anyone until she's ready to date marc. All that too say, she didn't really have much time to think about it.
But Fen, i will rarely if ever say no to a bisexual head canon in my series. IF YOU WANT SAM AND BECCA TO KISS< SAM AND BECCA WILL KISS!
thank you for the ask fen <3
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thisgirlnamedblusy · 1 year
hi!! i wanted to request marilyn x fem reader. where it’s their wedding day and both of them are extremely nervous to see each other and they end up calling each other while getting ready to ease their nerves.
they have the ceremony (very beautiful/emotional fluff). after that they have the after party which everyone is at (the students and weems and the readers parents/family). durning their first dance i was hoping for something very cute (them just looking at each other and no one else).
after the party they say their goodbyes until after their honeymoon and they go back to their hotel to get ready for their honeymoon. (i was hoping for smutty smut if you’re comfortable with that ofc).
Yess!!! Here it is!!! I was a little inspired on my own wedding, so, I hope you like it!!! Sorry about the language mistakes
The happiest day
Pairing: Marilyn Thornhill x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Fluff, slightly smut (mostly implied)
Word count: 3,158
Summary: It’s the most important day of your life, and you’re so nervous…
 N/A: Requests are open!!! Sorry about the delays, I’m working hard on your requests. I love you all!!!
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“Can you stay still for just a moment, (Y/N)?” One of your friends asked you while she was trying to put on your dress.
You were nervous and it was not for less, it was your wedding day. Months of preparation and the day had finally arrived. You were finally going to marry Marilyn, and you couldn't be happier, but you couldn't be more nervous either. You hadn't spent a night without her in over two years. Seeing your fiancée the night before was bad luck, or so they told you. Bullshit. You didn't care. You just wanted to be with her, nothing else mattered to you.
“It's not that easy,” you growled, pulling the fabric of her dress up your back. “Why don't you try it and see how it goes?”
Your friend snorted as she rummaged through the white cloth.
“Because I’m not getting married in one hour, (Y/N). You'll see when your mother comes and sees that you're still like this,” she told you, with a pin held between her teeth.
“Oh, no. Not my mother, please,” you said kicking. She was your mother, yes. But her presence wouldn't help you at all.
“Of course, (Y/N),” your friend said, amused. “Come on, calm down, I'm sure Marilyn is just as nervous as you, or even more.”
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms.
“That's the trouble, Alma, I don't know. I haven't heard from her since last night,” you said with a worried tone.
“Oh, please,” your friend said. “Do not move…”
“What if she got scared and ran away?” You asked, earning yourself a prick in your side. “Oh!”
“I told you not to move,” the girl scolded you. Surely you were making her desperate. “Do not say foolishness. Becca told me that she's been here since 9 am.”
You turned abruptly. You almost stuck the pin in again.
“Oh, really?”
“Yes, (Y/N), seriously. Stop worrying now. It's obvious that she loves you very much.”
“Do you think so? I have to be sure,” you said, coming down from the small stool where you were standing.
“Well, where are you going now?”
“I have to talk to her,” you said nervously, trying to locate your phone among piles of clothes.
“Have you gone crazy? That's bad luck,” your friend protested, trying to reach the phone, without success. “Stop fooling around and go back to your place.”
You managed to dodge your friend, who was trying to prevent you from calling your fiancée. It was an absurd but comic chase.
“Alma, I'm the bride, you have to let me do whatever I want,” you said, falling back on the bed, with your friend on top of you.
“For God’s sake! What is going on here?” A familiar voice broke into the room. Your friend immediately stood up and struck a formal pose.
“Hello Mrs. (Y/N),” she said shyly.
Your mother came to you with her arms on her hips.
“What are you doing playing around? Have you seen what time it is?” She asked you, brushing off your dress.
“I'm glad to see you too mom…” You said ironically. The mobile vibrated in your hand and your heart seemed to want to get out of your chest. It was her, Marilyn. “One second.”
“(Y/N), I know it's bad luck but…”
“Mari, you don't know how glad I am to hear your voice,” you sighed, sticking your tongue out at your friend.
“I'm sorry, I don't want to bother you, it's just…”
“That you are nervous”
“Me too, I thought you weren't going to show up and…”
“Do not say foolishness.”
“I know, I know…”
“I missed you so much last night...”
“Me too…”
Your mother sighed and moved closer to you, snatching the phone from your hand.
“I'm sorry, but (Y/N) is very busy right now, you'll have a lifetime to talk to her,” She said, hanging up the phone. You knew your mother didn't have a pronounced fondness for Marilyn on the subject of her age. But little by little she accepted her, although you didn't care if she didn't.
“Mom!” You yelled angrily. Your friend was trying very hard to hold back her laughter.
“Please behave yourself and finish getting dressed once and for all,” She told you, with that maternal tone that you hated so much.
At least you weren't so nervous anymore. The place was beautiful, outdoors. The weather played in your favor and a splendid sun shone in the sky, without a single cloud that clouded the landscape. Your nerves were on edge. The entire school where Marilyn worked had come. Deep down you didn't care. She had no family and her co-workers and students were the closest thing to her. The dry, flowery scent of summer filled the air, laden with a soft, relaxing atmosphere, full of murmurs and whispered comments.
You held on to your father's arm tightly and trying not to make a fool of yourself with the heels you were wearing. You would never get used to wearing them. You were so careful not to step on your dress and not fall that it took you a moment to look at the figure at the end of the aisle of chairs.
There she was, waiting for you. It was amazing how a simple dress and a professional hairstyle could make her look like an angel. She didn't need three hours of hairdressing, or an expensive and ornate dress. Marilyn was that simple, and you loved her that way. The excitement made you to smile, and forget about your little insecurities. It was the time, and you didn't even give importance to those silent glances that followed you through that red carpet.
You finally got to her side, and her expression said it all. You had seen her excited many times, but not how at that moment. Her face shone with anticipation, with love. Surely you also had that same expression.
“I have no words, (Y/N)…” She whispered, holding your hand. “You are stunning”
“You, you too Mari... I can't be happier.”
The music stopped and a dapper Mayor Walker stepped up to the lectern, clearing his throat. You looked back for a moment. Your mother was already crying, always so dramatic. Your father was looking at you nodding slightly. Marilyn's boss was there too, and she gave you a thumbs up, giving you her approval. Surely she had been helping Marilyn to get ready. She was a nice woman, a very nice one.
“Ladies and gentlemen. Today we are in this beautiful landscape of Jericho to celebrate the union of…”
“I can't believe it, he's campaigning…” You whispered in her ear. She gave you a little nudge.
“Don't make me laugh, I beg you,” she told you in confidence.
After all the laws and all the rights and duties of a marriage, the moment you feared the most came.
“Please, if you are so kind as to share your vows…” The mayor said. That politician's smile made you nervous, but the truth is that the ceremony was going great. You couldn't complain at all.
You both looked at each other and an awkward silence fell. You were supposed to start it, and when the redhead nodded at you, you remembered.
“Oh, yes, of course… Um…” You were on the verge of a fit. You had gone completely blank. “Can you… Can you start?”
A sound of laughter came from behind. It would be one of the anecdotes of that day. You were embarrassed but Marilyn took your hand again.
“(Y/N), on this day I give you my heart. All my love is yours, all my affection is yours, and I promise to be faithful to you, to love you on sunny and cloudy days and to always be by your side. I loved you yesterday, I love you today and I will love you tomorrow and always, every day of my life,” she said solemnly. She used to be shy, but that day she seemed very sure of what she was saying. You wanted to cry, hug her, kiss her... But you couldn't, not yet.
“Marilyn I promise to tell you every day that I love you. I promise to make you happy, that you only cry with joy, that you never feel alone. With you I feel safe, I feel happy, I feel that everything is possible if you are by my side and I promise never to be separated from you and to love you always, every day of my life,” you said, with a shaky but firm voice.
When the ring slipped on your finger you knew there was no going back, and it was an overwhelming feeling.
“I declare you united in marriage,” Walker said, after which came the applause and the kiss, the best kiss of your life, at least for the moment.
Massive amounts of rose petals flew as you walked across the carpet again, now married, committed for life. The shower of flowers was like a fantasy. Everyone applauded and shared the same happiness as you, although surely not at the same level. A bunch of girls, students from Nevermore and your friends, got into position for you to throw the bouquet at them.
“Here it goes!” You said throwing it back without looking. A deathly silence. Marilyn tapped you on the shoulder to get you to look. You widened your eyes. Wednesday Addams was a part of many of Marilyn's topics of conversation when she came home from work. You knew her apathetic and dark personality. You couldn't believe the flowers had landed right on her lap.
After that moment of stupefaction, laughter filled the place again.
After a brief cocktail party, full of compliments and congratulations, the banquet arrived. Your parents and Larissa sat at your table, chatting about you over glasses of wine.
“And then nothing else occurred to her than to burp in the middle of the church. The faces of the guests were a poem,” your father said between laughs. Larissa looked at you, funny.
“Dad!” You protested, embarrassed. Marilyn covered her laughter with a sip of wine.
“Don't you remember your Uncle John's wedding?” Your father asked.
“I didn't remember until you brought up the subject,” you said, kicking your wife, who was laughing without being able to hide it.
“We had a lot of fun, although you got stuffed with chocolate cake. You left your dress made a totally mess,” your father continued telling.
“I was 5 years old, okay?” You defended yourself. Larissa seemed to be amused by your father's stories. Marilyn too. She didn't know of any, especially since most of them were awfully embarrassing.
“Richard…” Your mother said in her classic tone of "you're going too far."
The banquet ended when the champagne was served. It was time for another moment where your knees were shaking. The dance.
The music began to play: Please Don't Go, by KC and the Sunshine Band. It was slow, romantic.
Marilyn took you by the hand and you headed to the dance floor. Everyone fell silent. The eyes turned back to you. But you didn't look at the others.
As you swayed tenderly to the music, you looked at each other. You couldn't do anything else, you were enthralled, hypnotized. There was no one who could feel as much love as the one you were feeling at that very moment. Your heart burned while the lyrics spoke for your feelings. You didn't want her to leave, ever. You wanted to always be by her side.
It was a slow, romantic dance. It was not something rehearsed. It was improvised, solely directed by the love you felt. You kissed each other, you caressed each other in the midst of so many people. You didn't look away, you barely blinked. That dance was definitely the most sincere act of love of your entire life. Only you and Marilyn existed, no one else. The music, your wife and you. There was no room for more people, for words, not even for thinking about how painful those heels were. Her eyes looking at you that way was all you needed to live, to breathe...
Soon the music changed, and Bonnie Tyler's “Heartache” undid that magic that had been formed. Your steps became rhythmic and she twirled you several times, while the rest of the guests began to join in the dance. The party had just started.
There were slow moments, loving dances with your father, with your mother. Marilyn also had to suffer a couple of dance steps with your father, who had already had the tie on his head. Your feet hurt, but nothing mattered, you were happy, tremendously happy.
Marilyn's students seemed to be having fun too, they even prepared a little surprise for their teacher. A beautiful bouquet of flowers filled with an envelope with congratulations. The redhead cried excitedly. According to her, no one had ever considered her in that way. To see Marilyn happy was to see you happy. Her demons from her past didn't come out that night. Love and joy kept them hidden, maybe forever.
With a repetition of your dance, the party ended and those who could stand left the place, thanking you.
“It was a wonderful wedding. I hope you can enjoy your honeymoon in Hawaii. Please, bring me a postcard,” Larissa said, hugging you effusively.
“Sure,” Marilyn said.
The place was left deserted, except for the people who decided to stay in that charming rural hotel. Little by little they went to their rooms, saying goodbye to you, grateful. You had the best room just for you.
You entered with your wife, holding on to her shoulders. Your feet were a total sinister. As the door closed, you reached down and furiously unlaced your shoes, throwing them across the room.
“Goodbye...” You said with satisfaction, watching how they fell disastrously across the room. Marilyn looked at you a little surprised.
“(Y/N),” she said amused, taking off her shoes too.
“They've been torturing me all day,” you said, a little nervous. It was your wedding night and you didn't even know where to start. “Tell me that this wonderful suite has a wonderful bathtub.”
“Of course, if you're so kind as to accompany me,” she said, feigning business education, kissing your hand.
“It will be a pleasure…” You said with a slightly suggestive tone.
Indeed, the room had a large bathtub, perfect for relaxing after a day like that. Marilyn sat on the edge, regulating the temperature of the water, while she watched you with sparkling eyes.
“Aren't you going to take off that beautiful dress?” She asked, checking that the water was perfect.
You blushed a little.
“I was hoping you would take it off from me…” You said, with a childish voice. She laughed and got up, gently turning you around. “Be careful, there are sharp traps at the waist.”
“Don't worry, I think if I take this down…” She whispered, unzipping your zipper painfully slowly.
You noticed how the fabric of your dress felt lighter on your body. You felt an incomparable relief when you noticed how the garment subtly fell to the ground. As you enjoyed her soft caresses, you glanced over at a nearby table.
“Look at this,” you said, pulling away from her, leaving her kissing the air where your neck used to be.
In an ice bucket, there was a bottle of champagne, along with two glasses.
“Hey, come here, you scoundrel,” Marilyn said amused.
“Yes, I’m coming,” you said taking that little table and putting it next to the bathtub. “Okay, you can continue.”
The kisses continued on your bare back. It seemed as if it was the first time she had touched you. It was soft, delicate. She wasn't quick, she wasn't impatient. I enjoyed your skin little by little. You no longer had any clothes left on you. The garter disappeared along with a lustful gasp from the redhead.
You turned and prepared to do the same. You were so in love that you even hesitated to reveal the bare skin of your wife. She didn't say anything, she just looked at you, as if you were the most beautiful thing in the world.
There was nothing left to remove. After some necessary and deep kisses, the two of you got into the bathtub. You sighed in relief as you felt the hot water. Every muscle in your body relaxed as you rested your head on her chest. Marilyn reached over to pour the champagne. She passed your glass for you to take.
“Cheers, my love?” She told you softly.
The bath was relaxing, as was the champagne. Then the inevitable happened. You did not want to wait any longer. You needed each other, you needed each other painfully.
Her hands on your body were soft and naughty as she laid you on the bed. It was your night, and it had to be special.
It was slow, soft, tender. Her fingers moved inside you with a special affection. She didn't just want to satisfy you, she wanted you to feel loved, just like you.
You were tossing and turning in bed, kissing wildly, devouring each other. Despite the exhaustion, you had the strength to treat your wife like a goddess, just as she deserved. She moaned, you moaned. It didn't matter who was receiving pleasure. Seeing you in that state was enough to make you burn with desire. Your bodies came together and your hips moved in unison.
“I love you, honey, I love you…” Marilyn stammered, before going crazy for the second time that night.
“Me... Me too,” you answered, feeling that you didn't want to stop, that you could be like this all night.
Your lips kissed her body, enjoying all her taste, while she gripped the soft sheets tightly. The passion lasted a couple of hours, before your bodies fell completely exhausted in bed.
“I still can't believe we did it...” Marilyn whispered, stroking your hair, while you rested on her.
“Well, it wasn't even the first time…” You teased, making yourself comfortable on her chest.
“That's not what I mean…” She said, patting you on the shoulder, while she tangled her legs with yours. “I mean to get married.”
“Don't you believe it?” You said, getting up, taking her hand and placing it in front of her. “Look at this, do you see it?” You asked, pointing to the new ring that was on her finger. She smiled, caressing your face.
“I can't be happier, (Y/N).”
“Me neither. I want nothing else than to be with you forever… Well, maybe some Mai Thais on the beach.”
Marilyn laughed and hugged you tight. The hug led to another kiss, and the kiss to more kisses, more caresses. That night seemed to have no end, just like the life ahead of you, together.
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sidehugsnsideblogs · 2 years
FCSU #94 Home
Evangeline was stressed. Though she'd always lived in large households, deep down she was a loner. There were very few people she felt truly comfortable with and none of them were here. She thought of where to go next. She could go back to her father, but that would likely mean remarriage and being on that damn show. She was done being a wife, she just wanted to be left alone.
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As they were driving through town one day AJ pointed out a small house. "That's Becca-Dawn's place. She lives out here too." Vangie was shocked. "What?" She hadn't seen her sisterwife since the raid. Her stomach knotted just thinking about it. Even then Vangie had been doubting her faith. She did what she needed to keep herself and her girls safe, or at least tried to. She remembered the hurt in Becca-Dawn's eyes when they'd last spoke. Vangie was quiet for the rest of the day.
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That evening she decided to go for a jog, despite the fact that a storm had kicked up. She started off running towards the shoreline. She loved living near the beach, the smell of salt in the air. She really did like Brindleton Bay with it's white picket fences, coastal weather and mountains in the east. "I could stay here," she thought. "Raise my girls, go to the beach on weekends, maybe adopt a dog or cat." She envisioned herself and her daughters in a small home, content and thriving.
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But how was she going to afford a house big enough for three? She knew she'd have to get a job eventually, but what skills did she have? She'd quit school after being married. She was a decent cook but how many places were looking for someone who pretty much only made salads for the last decade. Maybe if she got her high school diploma she could do some sort of training? Lost in her thoughts she ran through the rain past the beach, up a hill, to a familiar cabin. Maybe this is where she'd wanted to go the whole time.
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Becca-Dawn was startled by a knock on her door. She was just getting ready for bed. Shushing Peanut, who was barking her face off, she opened the door to find Evangeline Culton. "May I come in?" She asked quietly. She was soaked to the skin and thinner than ever. Becca worried about the nutrition the cult members were getting. What was she doing here? Becca stepped aside to let her in. "It's you." Is all she could manage to say. "Here, you can come in, you should dry off before you get ill. The bathroom is on the right."
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Evangeline looked around. The home was inviting and decorated with bright colours and art. It was so different from an FCSU home. Once she'd cleaned up a bit the two sat on a small, whicker couch to catch up. She told Becca-Dawn how LeRoyce had taken over, how he was secretly Royce's son and how he'd abducted his half-sisters to marry. Becca's eyes grew wide with fear. Those girls were her nieces and stepdaughters. "He had us living in the back of a truck. No heat and now it's Winter!" I'm so scared for them Becca." She wept.
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Becca-Dawn listened as she told her how she'd been kicked out of the truck and abandoned on the roadside. She explained how AJ had gotten the police involved and had missing persons reports filed for the girls. "Wells that's good, at least." Becca said quietly "Don't worry, you'll get them back. Out here mothers, not cult leaders, have rights. He'll go to jail for this, just like his daddy." "Then who'll lead the church?" Vangie asked. Becca-Dawn looked surprised. "You are actually out, right? Like you're not a part of the church anymore. That means you don't have to worry about a Priesthood Headship. Once you get those girls you're free."
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"I've been thinking about that." Vangie admitted. Starting over here, getting the kids into school, finding a job. I don't think I can go back to back, even to my father's or Emma's groups. I don't think I can make myself believe in Polygamy or Prophet's again, not after everything that's happened." "That's good!" Becca cheered, "That's a good start. You don't have to figure out the answers tonight. It's late, you should be sleeping. You can sleep here tonight if you want." Vangie nodded and Becca-Dawn gave her a hug. "It's going to be okay. You will be okay."
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Becca-Dawn brought Vangie breakfast in bed the next morning. It was FCSU-style fruit salad but with a tangy syrup/topping added. It was delicious. "Hey, I let my sister know you're here." She said. Evangeline smiled. She was struck by just how calm and peaceful everything felt. Gone was the heavy fear and anxiety that hung over everyone's head in the FCSU. Gone was the chaos and impermanence of Allie-Jayne's house. She felt like they were back in the tiny San Myshuno apartment and no time had passed.
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"I'm going into town to buy some stuff, wanna come?" Becca asked enthusiastically. "I was thinking I could put some drywall up and block off the other side of the loft to make another bedroom. For you, if you'd like..You don't have to make a decision now, though. We have all the time in the world." Evangeline cut off her friend's rambling. "Yes, I would love to be your roommate." She smiled. A genuine smile, for the first time since she'd been kicked out of the church.
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