#i just want to go in the tags and not run into constant shipping rivalry drama
ne0nwithazero · 1 year
I'm so starving for wholesome Swatchton content 😭😭😭 As much as I enjoy the edgier lore-heavy stuff, I'll see cuter stuff and I'm immediately just 🤲🤲🤲 /pos
I need it too...
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nopejustnoped · 2 years
i have some jason opinions (jopinions) :
• I don‘t think he has to stick to guns, when i say i hate the crowbars it doesnt mean i necessarily need him to reach for guns only - what were all the teachers for, if he‘s only ever using guns? Lame.
• all of his ships suck. Romantic relationship are not wanted, unless the writers actually put some energy into it.
• i don‘t like the t-shirt or sleeveless uniforms.
• i hate the bad boy persona we‘ve had to deal with since l*bdell.
• i find the autopsy scar hc stupid. Same thing with having bruce call him jaylad (it‘s not inherently bad, the fics that utilize the nickname follow some themes and characterizations that irk me tho)
• i hate the forced rivalry between him and dick. i think them hating each other is entertaining, i just hate the rivalry/competitive direction some ppl take their relationship in. Seems stupid if you consider their age gap.
• jason wasn‘t tim‘s robin. In fact tim didn‘t like him like that. And for the love of god let go of the titan tower au‘s.
• Dick had issues with bruce, not with jason - he didn‘t treat him badly and while we didn‘t see much of them (and it‘s obvious dick is closer to damian/tim) i hate the assumption that they hated each other before utrh. Find peace within yourself and let go of the bad sibling dick grayson tag.
• he knows what he‘s doing.
• the hc that the lazarus pit gave him a growth spurt is ass.
• he had his angry moments, especially towards the end of his robin run but anger wasn‘t his defining trait. In comparison to dick, tim or damian (with steph having it even worse) he was robin for a weekend - he didn‘t have any traits that stuck out negatively. He was a regular child, he didn‘t rebel any more against B than any other of the robins. The only reason he died is bc of the narrative. If starlin had been writing anyone else, they would‘ve been 6ft under instead. No crazy recklessness, no brash or aggressive personality. If DC wanted him to fill a specific role, they could‘ve simply changed the way the characters spoke of him post DITF. Instead of having them make him out to be dangerous and uncontrollable for all of his time with B, they could’ve specified what caused his anger and that it was only in his later robin years. By doing that, we could finally move on from the constant classist motives they‘ve been showing since the 80s. And i personally believe the way characters speak of him (now and back when he was still dead) made them all look very shitty. I would never say bruce was to blame for his death but if i were to follow the badmouthing and undermining of his skills i‘d think differently.
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