#i just want to add some cute things you guys mentioned in asks and stuff
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penkura · 8 months ago
where you belong [2/10]
Summary: As Luffy's big sister, you've viewed it to be your job to see him become King of the Pirates in place of your absent parents, even as you try to find where it is you belong in the world. You never really expected to draw the attention of Trafalgar Law in the process.
Pairing: Trafalgar Law x Fem!reader
Warnings: Discussion of feelings of abandonment, age gap relationship (four years), brief secret relationship, mentions and heavy refences to sex, mentions of alcohol, typical One Piece stuff. Other warnings to be added if needed.
Note: Sorry this has taken so long! I wanted to really progress these two and get some moments between them, so the chapter ended up bigger than planned! Next one is a good one I think. ;) Forgot to mention last time but Reader is going to be described as shorter than Law, and that height difference can be your own interpretation (I'm 5ft tall, these men would tower over me).
I am also FLOORED at how well received the first chapter was and that we've got a taglist for this series, my gosh. You guys are so sweet and wonderful!! If I missed you on the taglist PLEASE let me know and I will add you to the future chapters! I hope you'll enjoy this chapter and the beginning of Law and Reader falling for each other!
@pinksaiyans | @sukunas-play-thing | @spiderlily-w1tch-blog | @mineymak | @valen-yamyam16 | @shimmerxc | @luffy0s | @fluffybunnyu | @laws-wife-things | @crmnic
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[Ch. 1]
You spend the next week learning more about the Polar Tang and the Heart Pirates themselves, Law taking most of your time to help you get used to things. He's made sure you understand the basic rules of the ship, for his crew, including the boiler suits, and what do in case of certain emergencies. You’re going to be working on your poisons in his office, in case anything happens, he can help you fix it. You’re honestly grateful for the time everyone has taken to help you get your bearings straight and work out where things are. You’ll be sharing a room with Ikkaku, who is so glad to have another girl aboard for as long as you are. She’s already started sharing some gossip with you, pointing out those involved so you knew who was who on top of it all.
Penguin has been extremely kind and helpful, telling you that you’re welcome to join him for night watches once you tell him you spend a lot of time writing during your shifts on the Sunny.
Shachi and Uni both showed you around some of the major maintenance areas, both promising they’d help you learn the most basic things so you can be of help if needed.
You’re about to join Bepo for a quick navigation lesson before their captain calls you, wanting to discuss somethings with you before you got too far away.
Law, although he agreed to letting you stay with him and his crew, still isn’t entirely sure what to do with you. There’s still that strange feeling in his chest when you smile at him, as you thank him for all his help and allowing you to stay, once he brings you to his office again a few days later, and he waves you off.
“You don’t have to thank me constantly.”
“I know,” you smile again and he feels that feeling that’s been hanging around, but Law tries to ignore it, “I’m just…really grateful. I know my being here may be a burden—”
“Not a burden, you’re welcome here. Everyone’s glad you’re staying around for now.”
Hearing that makes you brighten up, as Law starts to question you more about what you do for the Straw Hats, and what you can bring to his crew in the meantime. You list off everything you’ve come to learn about being at sea from being a Straw Hat, Law making mental notes on other things to ask about later.
“Any other special talents we should know about?”
You start to think, pressing a finger to your chin while you do so. Another action Law has to tell himself isn’t cute, before you grin and lean in close to him, quietly speaking.
“I can see the dead.”
Complete silence as Law raises an eyebrow at you as you continue to grin, halfway expecting him to ask for proof. Ask you to tell him about a spirit that might be hanging around the Polar Tang, or around one his crewmembers, but he doesn’t ask anything, eventually returning to a straight face.
“No you can’t.”
“…okay fine, I can’t. It’d be cool though!”
He rolls his eyes, which makes you laugh in return. Law goes to let you out of his office which you oblige by, knowing he’s done talking with you now that you’ve made your joke. He stops you with a hand on your shoulder first, you giving him a questioning look.
“I’ll help you make antidotes for your poisons. But you won’t use my crew as test subjects.”
“Ha! That’s fine, I don’t test on people anyway, just in case. Just give me some fish and I can use those.”
Giving him another grin, you walk ahead saying Bepo was going to show you something next, but Law had rudely interrupted by wanting to know what you could bring to his crew for the next two years. You’ll promise later to make extra batches of antidote for him to keep in his medicine stockpile, while Law watches you hurry down the hall and sighs.
“That’s the wrong way.”
He’s quick to follow you, grabbing your arm and bringing you back the right way, deciding he’ll join you and Bepo for whatever it was you two were discussing next. He wants to ensure you’re being given correct information and know what to do in an emergency, especially so if you need medical attention.
Atta boy, Law.
If you really could see the dead, you’d have noticed the tall, blond man with makeup and a large, black feathered coat pushing Law towards you.
“We’re approaching a winter island, everyone needs to be ready to disembark for a bit and—”
“A winter island?!”
Your outburst causes Law to stop speaking with a nod at you, and you’re gone to the crew bunks in an instant, followed by Bepo who is just as excited. Law gives a look to Ikkaku and Uni, who you’d been talking to when he came in, and both simply shrug at him. They all briefly noticed a sparkle in your eyes as you ran off, likely to change clothes and get ready to disembark, but none of them knew your intent or real interest in the snow.
It's only when Law catches you by the exit door with Bepo, excitedly talking with the Polar bear mink about what you could do in the snow, all dressed up in your coat, thick pants, boots and gloves. You and Bepo trade ideas back and forth about what to build out of the snow, or if you can get a snowball fight started.
Law hasn’t seen someone so excited for snow in a long time, he thinks not since the last winter with Lami.
Penguin joins you and Bepo by the door next, throwing an arm around your shoulders and giving you a smile.
“What’re you so excited about some snow for?”
“It practically never snows in my home town! I think it snowed maybe twice while Luffy and I lived there? Chopper is from a winter island, so when we were there, it was so exciting!”
“Haha, I’m from the North Blue, so snow is pretty normal up there. Well…the area me and Shachi are from anyway.”
“Ah,” you give a little sigh but smile yourself, “I’m so jealous. What about Trafalgar?”
“That’s…well, kind of different, but we did meet him where we used to live,” looking over his shoulder, Penguin sees Law but leans into whisper, “Probably better if you ask him another time. It’s…a lot…”
Before you have a chance to question it, Law comes up behind Penguin and tells him to go ahead with opening the door, the Polar Tang should be stable enough for you all to leave now. You put that question into the back of your mind for later, instead running out with Bepo as soon as the door opens. The excitement both of you have is almost contagious, as the rest of the Heart Pirates slowly join you outside. While some of them are tasked with scoping out the island, the rest end up with you and Bepo building snowmen for a while, though you and the mink end up making a snow polar bear the best you can even if it looks a little goofy in the end. Some pieces are a little larger than others but you still think it’s cute, even as your companion bows his head apologetically.
“I’m sorry, [Y/N], I made some things a little too big.”
“No, that’s okay, Bepo! It gives it charm, I think he’s cute!”
You reassure Bepo a few times with a smile, before the two of you go to work with others on more snow sculptures. It goes well until you get hit in the face with a snowball, thrown by Hakugan at Shachi who dodged just in time. While it makes you sneeze a bit as you brush the snow off your face, with Bepo and Ikkaku yelling at Hakugan while he shouts apologies and Shachi nearly cackles, it doesn’t upset you at all really. Yeah it kind of hurt to have a snowball hit you in the face, but hey, you mentioned a snowball fight earlier, right?
Crouching down to gather up some snow, you put on a wicked grin and fling the ball at Hakugan yourself, catching him in the back as he turns away while you laugh.
“How about a warning next time?!”
“Yeah, snowball fight!!”
Most everyone joins in, gathering up all the snowballs they could or just throwing loose snow at each other, Law watches from the side, a slight smile on his face. He’s glad everyone can take a bit to relax and enjoy themselves, he’s not sure he’s seen his crew this excited about snow in a long time, even Shachi who grew up in the North Blue. Some of you group up to get an advantage over others, Law turns to ignoring the snowball fight as Penguin and Uni come back with what they found on the island.
All is well until Law is hit in the back of the head with a snowball, keeping himself upright but turning quickly to search through everyone and find who did it as you all quiet down seeing his glare. Not a single person looks him in the eye, but they all point to you, while you cover your mouth with your hand and try to stifle your laughter.
“S-Sorry, Trafalgar,” a giggle escapes you as you glance over to him, “I… I was… hehe… aiming for Penguin… honest!”
“Oh yeah…?” Law’s voice is low, he crouches down to scoop up some snow, locking eyes with you as yours widen and you turn to run, but realize it’s futile when Law uses his Shambles to catch up and grab you, shoving the snow he’d gathered into your coat and making you screech before everyone returns to the snowball fight.
“That’s cruel!!”
“Everyone get Captain, he’s cheating!’
While the rest of the Heart Pirates aim for Law, you and their captain are honed in on each other, trading blows from snowballs for the longest time, your personal goal to knock his hat off as payback for shoving snow down your back. Luckily you’re not the one to hit him hard enough to knock the spotted hat off, but you’re close enough to grab before he does, sticking it on your own head and playing keep away once Law realizes where it’s at.
“Looks good on me, huh, Trafalgar?! I might keep it!”
“The hell you will, that’s mine!”
Once Law catches you, he doesn’t let go until he’s snatched his hat back off your head and returned it to its rightful place, keeping a grip on your arm as he notices the sky starting to get darker. The rest of the crew has settled down, stopping at first to watch you and Law until a new snowfall began.
You forget for a few minutes that Law has a hold of your arm, it’s not uncomfortable, but you feel your heart pick up a bit from it.
“It’s pretty….the snowfall.”
He nods, finally noticing he still has a hold of you and letting go, disappointment flooding you as Law calls for everyone to return to the ship. Tomorrow will be a day in town to restock, you’ll all take off again afterwards.
You volunteer at dinner to make everyone the lavender milk tea that Makino once taught you, most of the crew enjoying it, but you’re especially surprised by Law liking it, even telling you so.
It's the small smile he gives when you thank him that makes you realize you just might be starting to get a crush on him.
Law knows something is up when you don’t join the rest of the Heart Pirates for a meeting before being let off the ship. He still does his job as captain, giving out duties to everyone so they knew what to do and who would be stocking supplies, who would be checking for wanted posters, and anything he felt needed to be done this time. He’d planned for you to join him on a once around the island to look for anything of interest, but when you don’t show up, he knows something must be wrong.
“Ikkaku-ya,” Law stops your roommate before she gets too far, Ikkaku giving him her full attention, “Where’s [Y/N]-ya?”
“Oh, um…” Ikkaku shuffles from one foot to the next, not fully looking at her captain and that’s what worries him more, until she speaks again, “She isn’t feeling well…she’s not sick so she doesn’t need a check-up but, it might be best to leave her alone today, probably tomorrow too…”
That leads to Law believing your cycle had started, and he chooses not to question it further, lest he or Ikkaku feel embarrassed about the discussion. He decides to leave you be, you’ll probably join them tomorrow for island exploring, most likely with Penguin if he asks you especially. When you do show up for dinner that evening, you’re quieter than usual and Law notices how Penguin and Ikkaku are the ones to talk with you. He can’t hear anything they say, but seeing you at least smile and respond to them is enough for him to think that everything is fine, you’re just not feeling 100% and that makes sense. He’s heard you and Ikkaku complain about cramps and the like the last few months, he already knows the first day is hard for you, so he lets it go. At least you’re out and talking to everyone.
But he knows something is up the next time it happens, not even two weeks later, and it can’t be blamed on your period this time. You don’t show up to a crew meeting, you still aren’t one of his crewmates but you’ve been joining for anything interesting or important, and Law doesn’t let it show that he's a little more worried, so he stops Penguin this time and asks him the same thing, where are you and why didn’t you show up?
Penguin doesn’t fully look at Law, scratching the back of his head as he tries to find the words.
“She…just isn’t up for it today, Cap. Maybe we should let her have the day off…”
Although Law tells Penguin that’s fine, he does go off to find you, the door to your and Ikkaku’s room barely open, but he knocks to make sure you’re not indecent or anything. There’s no answer so he opens the door, not seeing you anywhere, the new assumption being that you’re in the bathroom. He turns his attention there, again knocking on the door.
“[Y/N]-ya, Penguin-ya said you weren’t felling well, are you all right?”
No response, Law furrows his brow and knocks again, saying your name a little louder this time. He swears he hears a small whimper and a sob, and that’s what makes him finally open the bathroom door, simply saying he’s coming in before doing so, but he nearly freezes when he sees you.
Nearly curled up into a ball in the corner, head buried in your arms wrapped around your knees with numerous used tissues and he just knows that if you looked up at him, he’d feel that strange feeling in his chest again, or one of heartbreak, he isn’t entirely sure which one.
Law is not trying to scare you, but when he touches your hand and says your name a third time, it makes you jump and look up at him with wide, tear filled eyes, you feel beyond embarrassed that he’s caught you like this, but it quickly turns to more tears and a bit of anger.
“Are you—”
“Get out! Go away!!” Law barely dodges the box of tissues when you throw it at him, he’s not able to dodge the mascara you toss at his head as you keep yelling at him to leave. He doesn’t really move to leave until you stand up much too quickly and start pushing him out, he’s just surprised at your reaction to him finding you crying. “Leave me alone!!”
Once he’s out the door you almost slam it shut in his face and lock it, Law doesn’t know what to make of this really.
He can handle physical ailments, mental is a little harder for him but he’s working on it for his crew, yet emotional problems are not in his wheel house at all. He doesn’t really know why you’re locked in the bathroom, hiding in a corner crying, but that look on your face gave him an idea. He recognizes it from his own past, after his family and Flevance, then again after Corazon.
It was pure grief that was written on your face, definitely from your still fresh loss of Ace, and Law isn’t sure how to help you.
He doesn’t know if he should help you, you just might turn all your grief inward and ignore any hands held out for help, even from your new friends let alone him.
“Captain? Why are you…oh.”
Ikkaku finds Law still in your room several minutes later, staring at your bathroom door, until he hears her and looks at her, an expression she can’t read on his face.
“How long?”
“A few weeks now,” she sits on the edge of her bed, not looking at Law now, “It happens randomly it seems like, or something reminds her of Ace and sets her off. His birthday is soon, so that might be it right now. Penguin and I promised we wouldn’t let anyone know, so she could grieve alone.”
“Why was it being kept a secret?”
She shrugs a bit, Law isn’t sure he’s going to get many more answers today, but then Ikkaku speaks up again.
“She doesn’t want to burden anyone with her feelings, I guess. She should be fine by dinner, Captain, she just… needs some time.”
While she is correct, and you show up again at dinner looking normal but still with a sadness on your face that he can see, Law wonders if there’s something he can do to help you. Your need to grieve and have that time alone isn’t a bad thing, he won’t deny you that when you need it, but he wants to do something for you, he still doesn’t know you well enough to know that exactly you need, but anything is better than letting you be alone.
He knows all too well how that feels.
When it happens a third time, several weeks later, you don’t show up once again, Law doesn’t even need to look at Penguin or Ikkaku, they won’t meet his eyes anyway. After he lets everyone else go, his next mission is to find you, even though he knows exactly where you are. Law isn’t sure if his plan is going to work, but he wants you to stop hiding away from everyone when you break down. It’s not because he’s angry about it, he just doesn’t want you to continue suffering alone. It’s not good for anyone to do that.
He doesn’t even knock when he gets to your room, but does so when he sees your bathroom door is closed like the last time.
“[Y/N]-ya, I’m coming in.”
“No,” you force back a sob, making sure the door is locked, “Go away!”
“I won’t.”
You haven’t experienced all the abilities Law has at his disposal, but you aren’t that surprised when you see a blue hue, and he’s in the bathroom with you not even a moment later. He’s not phased by you attempting to throw things at him again, even while you yell at him to leave you alone, you don’t need help, you don’t need anyone right now.
You’ve handled things like this by yourself your whole life, why would need help now?
“I don’t need help!”
“I’m not trying to help.”
“Then lea—”
Law doesn’t give you much more room to talk, instead grabbing your wrist and pulling you into a hug, pressing your face into his chest which causes your eyes to widen a bit and tears to flow even more.
“I’m not trying to help,” Law holds you tightly, feeling a just a bit of relief as you slowly wrap your arms around him in return while you return to crying, “but you don’t have to be alone, all right?”
“T-Trafalgar…I…I just—”
“I know, I get it. But,” he knows it’s probably going to sound hypocritical based on his own issues, but Law still feels the need to say it again, “you don’t have to do this alone.”
Law isn’t entirely sure why he’s chosen to let you cry into him, let you grip onto his shirt like he’s the only thing holding you to the earth while you continue to cry and say how it isn’t fair that Ace died, that you lost another brother (he’s going to have to ask about that later, that’s the second time you’ve mentioned it). Maybe it’s because he didn’t have anyone back then, when he lost his own loved ones. It might be that, because he saw a reflection of himself in you the first time he found you hiding away and struggling to handle your grief. While you drag the two of you to the floor, Law simply adjusts to as comfortable a position he can, he’s at least sure you’ll both be there a while. You don’t show any signs of calming any time soon.
Law doesn’t know why he came after you, but once your cries fade to nothing, not even whimpers, he’s relieved to hear you speaking to him without being upset or between sobs of anger and sadness.
“I’m sorry…for crying all over your shirt again…”
“Don’t be. It’ll wash.”
Law strokes your hair a bit while you finally smile, nodding, before he helps you up off the floor. While you wash your face, Law directs you to not worry about helping anyone out with chores or sharing shifts today, he’s already split everything up among his crew, you’re under strict orders from the doctor to rest and recover from your breakdown. He does offer to bring you something to eat and drink, which you take him up on, stopping him before he fully leaves your room.
“Thank you…Law, I appreciate this…”
He’s completely aware that’s the first time you’ve used his first name, and he notices a different feeling in his chest. It’s not the same, almost heart squeeze he’s felt before, but something more comforting. Warm almost, and he’s starting to get it more.
“You’re welcome, [Y/N]-ya.”
Ah, that’s what it is…
Law realizes he’s starting to have feelings for you, though he decides to push them down for now.
He’s not going to use your weakened emotional state to push himself further into your life, not when he doesn’t even know if he’s okay with these feelings or not. For now, he’s going to do what he said and bring you some lunch, he’ll deal with these feelings later.
It is nice to hear you call him by his given name though.
“You’re as reckless as your brother.”
You giggle a bit while Law continues to wrap bandages around your arm, shooting you a small glare while you laugh. He’s not amused, mostly because it was him you’d tried to protect and ended up getting hurt over. You shoved him out of the way of an enemy attack, receiving a deep slice across your own arm instead. Once he realized what happened, Law was furious with you, even though he knows you aren’t part of his crew, it didn’t change the fact he was trying to protect you for Luffy while your crew was apart. You were lucky, he’d told you after he forced you to the infirmary, that your attacker’s weapon didn’t have any poison on it. You’d probably be dead before he even got you there if it had been.
You just grinned and said it was the opposite, your attacker was lucky your knife didn’t have poison on it, or he’d be in worse shape than he already was from your perfect aim hitting him between the shoulders. It doesn’t cause Law any relief to hear that, he still glares and it makes you start to shrink away, averting your gaze elsewhere.
You two still don’t know each other very well, it’s only been a few months since Luffy tossed you to him as the Heart Pirates left Amazon Lily. Still, you’ve found Law is fiercely protective of his crew, his family, just as you are with the Straw Hats, and while you’re with them, you count as one of his crewmembers.
The feelings you’ve started to develop for him don’t help much, Ikkaku being the only one who knows since you’ve told her how distraught you feel over it.
How could you start falling for a rival pirate captain? It’s only a crush but it makes you feel like you’re betraying your crew sometimes.
“Law, I’m fi—”
“And what if you weren’t?” He’s nearly grinding his teeth and ties off your bandage a little tighter than he intended, making you take a sharp breath. “What would you want me to tell your brother?”
You shrug, starting to play with the end of the bandages to distract yourself from him. “Could just tell him I protected you.”
“I don’t need you to protect me,” you jump when Law slams down the scissors on the metal plate, keeping his back to you so you don’t see how upset he really is, “My crew knows I don’t need it. They know to run if a battle might cost them their lives. Why can’t you see that?”
“Because I do this for my crewmates, too. I’ve even pushed Zoro and Sanji out of the way. I’m sorry if you don’t like it but—”
“Sorry wouldn’t bring you back from the dead.”
You both become silent, you taking a deep breath and holding it for a moment before nodding and biting your lip.
“You’re right…that’s why Ace isn’t back.”
“Hey, I didn’t—”
“Thanks for bandaging me up, Trafalgar,” Law turns around just as you jump off the table, going to leave, “I’ll see you at dinner.”
Law watches you leave, letting out a frustrated sigh once you’re gone. He really hadn’t meant to upset you, it just came out, but it was also the truth. What good was ‘sorry’ if you had died and he had to tell Luffy that he'd lost another sibling, this time a blood related one? He didn’t want to have to deal with that, not when you and Luffy were still getting over Ace’s death.
He gets it, he really does, that pain doesn’t go away quickly, no matter how many false smiles you give to him or the others, or how often you laugh with them. No matter how many times he finds you crying the bathroom over you grief. It hasn’t been that long, he doesn’t expect you to be whatever is normal for you so soon. He probably shouldn’t be berating you, you’re not part of his crew so he doesn’t have the right, Law isn’t your captain.
But, you’re under his care for two years, you’re a temporary member of his crew, so you should listen to him. You’re proving to be as stubborn as Luffy is, but also just as protective as Law is.
And your progress with him, ugh. You’d finally gotten comfortable enough to call him by his first name, and now you’re back to calling him Trafalgar instead. Seven months of progress down the drain all because he was concerned, worried about you being reckless.
…why am I so worried though?
He could easily chalk it up to the fact you’re Luffy’s sister and he’s trying to protect you until you’re back with your crew, or he could even say its because of the feelings he’s developed for you, but Law doesn’t want to get into that right now.
Neither of you speak until dinner, when you run into each other right outside the kitchen and start a back and forth about who should go in first.
“You’re the captain, sir.”
“Ladies first, miss.”
You don’t like being formal, or hearing him call you ‘miss’, but you don’t want to fight about it. Not when his crew can hear and might be concerned about it.
“Crew shouldn’t eat without their captain there.”
“We don’t have that rule around here.”
Eventually you relent and go first, getting your food and taking the first free seat by Ikkaku, Law sitting beside you a moment later. You don’t talk to each other the whole time, you focus on your conversation with Ikkaku while Law responds to anyone speaking to him. You barely even notice when Law takes the roll he really didn’t want to have on his plate, and moves it to yours, almost like a peace offering that you two are okay, he’s not mad at you for trying to protect him anymore. You do give him a smile when you notice, which he returns with a nod before leaving for his room.
You sigh a bit, looking back to your plate and keeping your smile to yourself.
Things will be okay.
Over the last nearly ten months, Law has learned a few of your quirks. When you work on your poisons, you mark things three times over to ensure you have the correct amounts listed, you almost always strike up conversation with him about anything that comes to mind, even if Law doesn’t answer you.
Sometimes he’s caught you biting your pencil or pen while making notes, it’s one of your cuter quirks.
On nights you can’t sleep, like tonight, he can easily find you in the kitchen, brewing up some tea to help you fall asleep, and that’s where Law decides he has to talk to you. You’ve both moved past your argument from a few months ago, it’s like it never happened now, but he feels the need to speak with you about something important.
No, not his feelings, he’s going to ignore those as long as possible. He recognized them after you’d had an emotional breakdown, he’s not going to admit that especially, he doesn’t want you to think he has a kink for crying or something, absolutely not.
“Oh, hey, Law,” you look over your shoulder for a second with a smile, turning back to your tea, “Couldn’t sleep, though some tea might help.”
“Your usual then?”
Nodding, as you finish off your tea making, Law sits at the table and waits for you to join him, knowing you’ve made him a cup of lavender milk tea too. You’d started doing that and either taking it to his office before you head to bed or having him join you in the kitchen where you have small conversations before you both turn in for the night.
You’ve gotten quite comfortable with Law, your own feelings for him aside. He’s been helpful with your poison and antidote creations, ensuring your ratios are correct and helping you when they aren’t. You’ve started discussing books you’ve both read, you were shocked to find he enjoyed the Sora Warrior of the Sea comics. His being such a nerd over them never struck you as odd thankfully, Law even letting you borrow a few of his copies so you can give it a try yourself.
He makes you feel safe and comfortable, you really enjoy being with Law.
Law thanks you when you hand over the mug of tea, taking your seat across from him to enjoy your own, settling into a welcomed silence. With how rowdy his crew can be at times, you get why Law hides himself away in his office most of the time, and you’re grateful that he lets you share the space when needed.
“I know you said I didn’t have to,” Law looks over to you as you speak, an eyebrow raised, “but thank you again, for letting me stay. I really appreciate the help you’ve given me.”
“Like I’ve said, its no problem. Everyone’s glad you’re here.”
I’m more than glad you’re here.
There’s a soft smile on your face that Law enjoys seeing, and he honestly hopes you won’t lose it after he talks to you.
“I wanted…to tell you something.”
“Go for it,” setting your mug down on the table, you rest your elbows there with your chin in your hands, “I’m all ears, Law.”
He's almost fighting himself on if he should or shouldn’t, maybe another time. It’s late after all, you probably want to go to bed now that you’ve had your tea. It’s making him sleepy too, but the anxiety he feels is almost nullifying the tea’s effects.
Taking a deep breath, Law finally speaks up again, not meeting your eye.
“I want to tell you about my past,” that makes you perk up, remembering what Penguin had said to you months ago, “But I don’t think I can tonight. It’s…”
“A lot…?”
He nods, which you return, realizing this must be more than what Penguin could’ve meant, it has to be hard for Law to dredge up whatever memories he has of his childhood and teenage years, of everything that led him to where he is now.
Everything that’s leading him down the path he’s chosen.
“So,” when he finally looks up at you, you’re not surprised at how tired Law looks, it has to be taking a lot for him to do this, “I want to set a time in a few days, where you and I can sit, and I can tell you everything. “
You need to know before I could ever tell you my feelings anyway.
“Law,” Nodding, you quietly reach out your hand to his, not wanting to scare him off, “Just tell me whenever, and I’ll make myself available to listen, okay?”
After he agrees, Law offers to walk you back to your shared room with Ikkaku, which you take him up on even though you know the way. The Polar Tang is only so big, but it’s nice to have him by your side. Once you reach your door, Law turns to leave and you stop him, grabbing his shirt sleeve and leaning up, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek, his eyes widening just a hair.
“Thanks for walking me…and trusting me, Law. See you in the morning.”
You don’t give him a chance to say anything in response before you enter your room and close the door, sighing heavily as you bring yourself to the floor, Ikkaku watching you from her bed.
“Man, you’ve got it bad for the captain, huh?”
“…it’s that obvious?”
“As obvious as the fact he’s the same for you, girlfriend.”
While you don’t believe Ikkaku is correct in that statement, Law isn’t able to bring himself to move for several minutes, frozen in shock that you decided to kiss his cheek and just run off to bed.
It looks like you’ve got more to talk about than just his past now.
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 1 year ago
Husband!Simon "Ghost" Riley with a Pregnant!Wife!Reader
Headcanons and Scenarios
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Am I back with baby fever? I mean yeah but this is less baby fever and more if Husband!Simon in honor of my first ever post that reached 1k likes in 4 days. Also you guys know Ghostie by now right? @connorsui mentioned that she wonders how Ghost and the reader met, guess who's writing about that?
Taglist: @puff0o0 @simp4konig @blingblong55 @azereus @rustic-guitar-notes @shadofireshinobi @anonymuslydumb @skeletalgoats @icarustypicalfall @ghosts-cyphera @cutenote @connorsui @capuccino192 @theredurzikdjinn @miss-gms-and-the-rotten-womb
Also @puff0o0, my most favorite moot has helped me come up with how they met, UGH ILYYY <333
My CoD Masterlist <3
Warnings/Disclaimers: Reader is pregnant, sick!Reader, mentions of vomiting (not detailed), pain of birth and all the other pregnancy warnings out there. (Extreme fluff)
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❥ Husband!Simon who had no fucking clue how to react when you first told him you got pregnant, I mean he knew at some point it would happen but not this soon?!
❥ Husband!Simon who in your early stages of pregnancy was the one holding your hair up while you empty the contents of your stomach on the toilet most mornings. He was the one who had a warm hand gently rubbing up and down your back while mumbling light encouragements, careful not to agitate you from the sickening feeling.
❥ Husband!Simon who was gradually getting the hang of things, getting clingier the further into the pregnancy. Once the baby bump comes in, bye bye personal space, Dad!Simon needs to have his hand on the bump no less than 10 times a day.
❥ Husband!Simon who is a sucker for kissing the baby bump, especially your stretch marks. He will be more gentle if you ask him to because your ticklish, but don't expect none of his stuble.
❥ Husband!Simon whose breath hitches when you took his large calloused hand onto your baby bump and felt movement, he had to blink twice up at you and look down again. Only now it was two hands holding the bump, waiting for more kicks.
❥ Husband!Simon who lets you do all the shopping with baby stuff because he has no idea what looks cute, every once in a while showing you something he thinks looks good and asks for your approval.
❥ Husband!Simon who looks back up at you in concern as he hears you whimper, as much as he wants more movement and feel the little one kick, you were in pain and uncomfortable. Some soothing words might help..?
You let out a soft whimper as you felt the baby kick again, god did she have her father's strength..
Simon still had his warm and heavy hand on the bump, feeling the little one's movement.
"Pumpkin.. give your momma a rest, she needs some sleep" Simon sleepily mutters. Just like that the movement stops.
"I swear she only ever listens to your voice, it's obvious that she's already a daddy's girl"
❥ Husband!Simon who is more than obsessed with the baby bump, albeit his ear over the bump to hear the baby, big calloused hands always have to be some place on it. You'll just find your husband clinging onto your bump, his head on your chest while his arms are wrapped around the loves of his life.
❥ Husband!Simon who was far more panicked than you were during the birth, he literally cannot even pay attention to the pain of your hand almost breaking his from the gripping because his heart is pounding in his chest while you push out the baby.
❥ Husband!Dad!Simon who was trembling the moment you forced him to open up his arms so he could hold the baby. She's so tiny, her whole body almost fits in just one of his hands. The moment he held her, she stopped wailing, trying so hard to open her little eyes.
❥ Husband!Dad!Simon couldn't help but pull you up into his arms too because you couldn't move up from exhaustion. Your hand on the little one's body that was cradled by her dad, his other arm wrapped around your shoulders while he kissed your sweaty forehead, singing praises to you about how thankful he is that you brought life to your little girl together.
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A/n: Hi guys, just to start off. I haven't been in a good space for a while now, I don't think I'm in the right headspace either. Not to say I'm taking a break, fuck no, I'd lose all my relevance if I did and I also think that taking a break from this won't be good for me or you guys because I don't want history to repeat itself.
If you guys don't know yet, I've been on the break in 2020 and didn't officially start writing again till 2023, finally entering a different fandom. I feel like taking a break would result into this whole thing again and I can't go through that all over again. I love writing so much and it hurt when I lost all my relevance on Wattpad.
My personal life outside of Tumblr is weird to explain, see things haven't been good regarding my situation with a friend. Neither do I feel good in school, everything in that place just sucks except for two other closer friends. There's still the dreadful 3 weeks left till Christmas vacation. Not only that but I get anxiety over so many things that may be little to most of you.
A mutual of mine so graciously has given me ideas for the next Ghostie posts, I love them, it's accurate and it's great and all however some part of me makes me feel so insignificant. Like why didn't I think of that? Why am I even writing if I'm just relying on other people's ideas? This is no shade to that mutual, thank you so much, hell I loved everything they told me. It's just always my anxiety and insecurities getting the better of me.
Apologies for the length of this. I'm quite busy and my clumsy fingers accidentally published something again 😭Anyway, more Ghostie content is on it's way :))
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maryleclerc · 1 year ago
pairing: charles leclerc x reader ; carlos sainz x reader
face-claim: gigi hadid
summary: in which after knowing about reader pregnancy, charles decided to make everything right.
warning: mention of pregnancy, exes!, paparazzi. use google translate,swearing. english is not my native language! does not have any pregnancy experience!
so i’ll made this mini series with 2 ending, one will be reader end with charles and other one will end with carlos (ofc if reader end up with carlos which mean the reason why reader and charles broke up will change too)
more importantly: reader you can suggest any baby girl name too!! or baby boy idk 😩🙏 also suggest some drama and stuff ideas!!
if you wanted to add into taglist please reply or dm me
read part 01
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Liked by carlossainz55 and others
yourusername With my bestie! @/carlossainz55
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carlossainz55 Bestieeee
yewenmitle Love their friendship already!!!
roseross How can they be so cute not even trying
⤷ yourusername Born natural 🥸
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dailymail Y/n Y/l/n and Carlos Sainz spotted having a cozy dinner in Monaco
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friendsaddictedd Oooh sound ✨ROMANTIC✨
kiearre She looks serious tho, her face
livinginthedprm Everybody saying Carlos has a crush on Y/n. HE DESERVE TO BE LOVE TOO!! they would be so cute together
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f1lovelifeupdates Charles Leclerc has confirmed that he and Megan have broken up a months ago, after 2 months of dating. And he also confirmed that his ex-girlfriend, Y/n, is pregnant with their first child.
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haileylee Ok, I don’t really care about them… all I need to know is Charles know about the baby?
charlessbaby I missed them so much!!!
ppeeeepss Megan, she’s wonderful, pretty and talent how can this happen. I just hope he’s not get back with Y/n
⤷ lovensfw Honey, we know but he’s a grown man so I think it is very important to know what’s ‘responsibility’ mean ��� also Y/n’s PERFECTLY FINE!!!
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Liked by charles_leclerc,carlossainz55 and 8,610,350 others
yourusername 👶👩‍🍼💞
Hello everyone!
Recently, there have been photos of me and of course, photos of me pregnant that were unintentionally leaked. And that's also the reason why I spoke up about this, (why do I sound so serious, haha) anyway, it's been a while and it's time to share with you guys.
Since you love me, you deserve me to share your joys with you. Yes, I'm pregnant and my baby is 8 months old!! time flies, since the day I announced that I would take a temporary break for a while because I felt OVERWHELM, that actually was the time I wanted to devote all my time to taking care of myself as well as my baby, prepare to be a mommy. And I am truly grateful to all of you who have sent me kind words and wishes, I truly appreciate it!!
Love you all so much! Also, I still don't know what to name our baby, so I need your suggestions
IT’S A GIRL!! (reader also can suggest a name too!!)
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lolamckaylee Congrat to you Y/n
_josephinee Who’s the baby daddy?
⤷ ynsqueen It’s Charles Leclerc
⤷ _josephinee Wait I thought he dating someone else, and knock her up?
⤷ johnsongreen HIM AND MEGAN BROKE UP!!
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carlossainzstuff_ Carlos has mention Y/n on today “We asked Carlos Sainz what F1 fan really want to know” by P1 with Matt & Tommy.
Tommy asked Carlos if he knew that F1 fans were very curious about the relationship between Carlos and Y/n after the photos taken by paparazzi when they spend sometime at Monaco.
TOMMY: Did you know that every F1 fan here wanted to know if you and Y/n are a thing?
CARLOS: We’re bestfriend, bff
TOMMY: But there are also had that one question that has been ask alot that’s “Are having a crush on Y/n?”
CARLOS: It’s really hard to not fall for her, she’s so kind and everything. Everybody love her, how can I not
TOMMY: Yea, It’s true. And you also know that she’s pregnant right?
CARLOS: She look espléndida
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carloswifee He’s madly in love with her, NOT crushes, just LOVE
yncarlossainzs The way his eyes look at them when they mention of Y/n is wholesome, he talk about her like a proud boyfriend
ferarrilovrs__ Thinking of when they’re really dating, ahh I can’t stop kicking my feet!!
[ to be continue ]
( taglist ) @janeholt3 @formulas-bitch @celestialams @aundercover
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journen · 10 months ago
do you have a list of good CoD fanfics, or favorite writers in general?? <3
Presented in no particular order, here are some of my personal faves / fics I really enjoyed, and my own summaries for them. Hopefully you enjoy, thanks for the ask, anon!!!
I didn't tag all the authors because I'm not sure if they all have tumblrs, but also I'm shy tagging people ahjdfhkaheje. If any authors here are mentioned tho and you have a tumblr, feel free to lmk and I can update this post to include your tag!!:)
Anything rated mature I colour coded the name in red, and anything explicit green. Not all the mature fics feature smut, but yeah! I didn't want to link anything tooooo explicit here, but if anyone wants any, I can definitely rb this post to add a few more 😅
Also, just beware the tags on any of these fics because some feature kind of heavy subject matter. 👍
A Very MacTavish Christmas - @m3rrywe4ther
Prob my fav fic in the fandom lololol. HUGE RECCOMMEND. It's about Johnny who gets roped into spending the holiday Christmas season with his , for the most part, very not so nice family, and Simon accompanies him. So much stuff happens in this fic and it's such a great character exploration of Simon and Johnny independently, but also as a couple, and just so much stuff happens in it lol again, HUGE RECOMMEND!!!
We'll make Death Proud to Take us - Literal_Satan
Fic where, it starts off really sweet where Simon goes to Scotland with Johnny to spend Christmas with him and his family, but things take a drastic turn when Soap's brother, a police officer/detective, gets a little too curious about mysterious Simon, and the story spirals from there. All the guys end up on this crazy goose chase tracking down some of the people who were involved in Roba's brainwashing operations. The fic gets v dark at times and deals with some very heavy trauma so beware, but it's SO. GOOD.
Dream a Little Dream - Angelicasdean
Again, one of my total fav fics in the fandom!! AU where Simon leaves the army to raise his nephew Joseph, who's the sole survivor of the Riley family massacre, and Johnny is one of the daycare teachers at the daycare where Simon takes Jo 🥺🥺👍👍
Pretend to love me like I do - FetteEule
Really cute fic of Simon who accompanied Johnny to Scotland for his sister's wedding, under the ruse they are dating. They are v much pining but not there yet. Features lots of really cute domestic moments and Simon being really sweet to Johnny's kid nephew 😭🧡
Something important - Anonymous
One of the fics that has me totally brainrotted rn. It's about Simon's who's been de-aged to 6 years old, and Price, Gaz and Soap all taking care of him and trying to figure out how he got turned, and how to turn him back! They all get tested on their abilities to care for a child, and unwillingly learn a lot of details about Simon's childhood they never knew. This summary doesn't do it justice tho, so I'd just recommend checking it out! Beware tho again, there is some dark childhood trauma stuff but there are warnings at the start of each chapter that contains references to it.
Seasons - StinglessWasp
In this fic every chapter is set during a different season and tells a unique sort of story/mission/interaction Soap and Ghost have. Definitely some v good angst&hurt/comfort stuffs too. Starts off pre-relationship, and explores their characters a lot! It's just really good HUGE reccommend lol.
What the Eyes Don't see - WhiplashRogue
One of my FAVESSSS! So the premise is like, Soap can actually see ghosts ever since he was a child (which most other people can't see and also don't believe in), and Ghost has 2 spirits attached to him that follow him around(Joseph, and Roach). The fic starts off pre relationship, and it mostly about Soap trying to learn more about these two spirits and discovering more about Ghost's past.
All that's said in the Low Light - Headlocket
Probably one of the most emotional I've ever read LMFAO. It's about Johnny, who receives a back & knee injury bad enough he gets discharged from the army, and is back in Scotland living with his parents as he recovers. He and Ghost lost contact a bit since the accident, and it's sort of a story of them reconnecting. This description doesn't do it justice, just read it, but it will emotionally destroy you lol
Time Loops Suck (series) - Enter_fand0m_reference00
The first installment of the fic takes the idea that Soap is stuck in a time loop during the alone mission! And all the optional dialogues and interactions in thE alone mission are separate attempts of his trying to survive the loops and rendez vous with Ghost. It's just sooo good!! And then there's a follow up fic where it deals with the mental aftermath of the loops and Ghost comforting soap through it, then there's 2 other installments of Simon who instead goes through a time loop! They are such great character explorations in how both Soap and Ghost experience the loops, and I whooleee heartedly reccommend.
Yellow Card - SkerryB
Soccer au fic!! It's so good! Simon is the captain of a soccer team Soap is drafted to as their new goalie. Simon has had a history with Soap before though, that he was the only goalie Simon could never score on! So that's how it starts, and it's just so good from there!! Simon's family are also alive in the fic and his nephew is adorable.
You swept me off my feet - @ghoulishhone
Ghost is down bad for strong Soap, the fic xD This was a fic Ghoulishone and I were paired together to work on for the Ghostsoap server reverse bang! They wrote the fic and I made some accompanying art. Just a cute fic of Soap having to pick up Ghost after he gets injured and some other shenanigans that ensues:)
Dear Mr Ghost - @shortcuts-make-long-delays
SUCH A CUTE FIC!! The majority of the fic is these letter/pen pal exchanges between Ghost, and Soap's young niece Chloe...it's just. So. Good. And was written by a friend of mine too! BIG RECCOMMEND.
Give me Hope and Let me Down - MechanicalBones
Some of the best Ghost whump I read lolll. Ghost is captured by some people with ties to Roba and tortured. Meanwhile Soap is on his way to rescue him, and eventually he does, and there's a lot of hurt and comfort. It's also a getting together fic. 🥺
Unspoken Love - Hammy101
( Super amazing oneshot. I feel I can't do this fic justice with any summary. Just read it. 🥺 It has decent Ghost whump AND domestic off duty cute ghost soap angsty stuff it's just one of my faves ever!!!!)
Except You, You can Stay - Iravaid
Really realistic, believable portrayal and expansion upon a lot of the key events that happen in the Ghost comics. From his childhood, to the mental aftermath of Roba, his family dying...it's heavy but really really good. And has a happier hopeful ending that's Ghost/Soap 🥺
Hat Trick of the Heart and the sequel Family, Gotta Love em - Librarian_FanFicFan
Absolutely am obsessed with these fics!!! It's an AU about Ghost who is recently discharged from the military due to injury, and on a flight back to London where he is seated next to Soap, a famous footballer/soccer player. Ghost doesn't know who he is tho, but they hit it off and exchange numbers. The second installment features Simon's family!!! And Tommy being dramatic and shocked over the fact his brother got the number of this famous sports player... SUPER CUTE IF YOU LIKE RILEY FAMILY STUFF.
As for my fav CoD authors I wholeheartedly recommend anything by:
RedClegane, m3rrywe4ther, Hammy101, TheEdwardianOne, Iravaid, and so many authors but I can't list them all ahaha...but hopefully this is a good start!
Hopefully this helps anon! Sorry it took me a while.
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whynot-tryit · 2 years ago
Angel of Small Death: Chapter 1
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John Price x female! reader
Summary: Laswell convinces Price to hire a team medic. You spend your first day meeting each one of the men and you take an instant liking to the captain, and he does so too.
Word count: 5,528
Warnings: inaccurate medical stuff, mentions of blood, insomnia, body parts, body touching, lmk if there’s anything I should add.
“John, in the past six months your team alone has made up almost forty percent of overall med bay visits. I’m not saying your team isn’t fit, I just think you should hire a team medic.” 
This isn’t the first time the idea has been brought up to Price during his and Laswell’s debriefings in his office. His hands run over his face, racking through his mutton chops before laying them down on his desk with a grunt of annoyance. “I know you guys can take care of yourselves on base and out there on the field but come on John, you guys need someone. You need someone to help you.”
Price wasn’t fond of asking for help but it was starting to get on his nerves with how much Laswell was bringing this up. “I already said no, Laswell.” His annoyance makes his words come out gruffier than usual. Laswell rolls her eyes and rests her back against the chair posted on the other side of his desk. “How about I choose for you? If you hate them then you’ll never hear me talk about it again.” 
The sigh that rolls through Price’s chest is the only sound that radiates through the small room for a couple seconds. He hasn’t had the time to finish the mountain of paperwork on his desk along with the daily training regime for the team, along with all the meetings he’s been dragging his feet to day in and day out. Maybe some help would be nice. Did that mean he was unfit in his role? His eyes come up from the papers on his desk to Laswell’s. Her eyes seem to read his mind and her eyes get softer trying to voice her thoughts.
He was good at his job, getting help wouldn’t be a bad thing, he deserved it. The bags under his eyes and stiff shoulders were a tell tale sign of how much he worked, an extra set of hands wouldn’t be the worst thing. 
“Fine. You pick ‘em.” 
You were an experienced medic, having been stationed in multiple locations, saved a multitude of civilians and soldiers. You were proud of your work. Moving around so much, feeling like you were being tugged in one direction to the other was getting quite exhausting. Once the rumor of a job opening as a team medic passed through your small base you hesitated for a small moment, you had no idea what team, where, but you knew it would be good to get some fresh air and maybe to have a new place to find stable ground for a foreseeable amount of time. It took months of rigorous interviews and paperwork but they chose you. Laswell, chose you. You had asked her why the captain of the team didn’t pick you, asking why they weren’t present for any of the interviews if you were going to be working with them. She had only hinted that they seemed to be a close friend of hers who needed the extra hand and didn’t have the time to pick someone themselves, so she was doing them a solid.
You had always liked the idea of helping someone, that's why the idea of being a medic, a doctor, was one you had had since you were a child. One that you worked very hard to make a reality, so the thought that whoever it was that you were going to work for really needed you made you even sounder in the idea of taking the new opportunity. 
Duffel bags are still packed and laying on the floor of your new living quarters, hands on your hips and eyes trailing around the four walls, all the way to the small bed and desk. This would have to do. Since the process of getting here had taken so long you wanted to jump right into introductions. You hadn’t heard a single thing about the team, 141. Cute name, you thought.
Unpacking and making the room somewhat livable for your needs was going to have to wait, changing into your scrubs and grabbing the four manilla folders you made your way to the medical wing on base. Laswell had helped you set up one on one meetings with the team so you could go over their medical files. Military medics, especially ones who didn’t work with the team directly and personally were always known to look over things and forget to file symptoms and problems properly so you wanted to make sure you went over some things. You wanted to do your job properly. 
First up was Kyle Garrick. 
As you walked towards the curtain which separated your little appointment room for your little meet and greets you noticed the feet underneath the small sliver of space made by the floor and the bottom of the curtain. He’s early, 15 minutes early to be exact. That earns a check in your book.
You take a deep breath to calm your nerves and reach out a hand to pull the curtain to the side and take a quick step inside before pulling it back to its place behind you. “You must be Kyle.”
“Yes ma’am.” 
You greet the soldier with a kind smile, moving to place the folders in your arm on the small side table in the corner before pulling out the rolling stool from underneath and taking a seat, scooting yourself a little closer to the cot located in the middle of the room, closer to Kyle who is seated right on top. 
“You don’t have to call me ma’am, makes me feel older than what I really am.” You say with a small chuckle. He doesn’t seem to be much older than you, a little younger than the other members in 141, you presume. Your eyes make their way from his eyes down to his shoulders, then to his arms, hands interlocked in his lap, all the way down to his legs and feet. “You can call me Gaz then, that's what everyone calls me around here anyway.” You file the nickname into the back of your mind. 
You splutter out a greeting, a more friend like one at least, your name and medic title. “I already went through your medical history and you seem to be pretty healthy or at least your file is a lot lighter than some I’ve seen.” You mentally flinch when you realize that it might come off as you think he’s inexperienced in his field, new to the military, although his age hints at him being quite the opposite. But Gaz smiles, “Means I’m good at my job. Don’t get hurt too often, at least I try not to.” Oh thank God, you think, he didn’t take it that way.
“Well then, I guess me and you are gonna get along just fine then.” You chuckle. “Is there anything you wanna tell me though? Anything like trouble sleeping? Appetite problems? Joint Pain? It doesn't seem like you’ve complained about anything, ever. At least according to your records.”
A deep hum can be heard coming from his chest as he seems to run through his own mind, trying to come up with anything he would deem reasonable enough to complain about, at least to a doctor. As he’s doing so you take note of his clothes, the medical wing is set up like most hospitals, AC blasting, it’s cold, sure, but not enough to be bundled up for. Your eyes focus on his shoes, more specifically his socks, they’re not the military issued kind. They seem to be wool socks, which is odd, not something you see that often. Maybe his feet get cold, at least to a level that he takes an extra precaution to keep them warm. 
While you’re finishing reeling in your thoughts after noticing your observation, Gaz finally finishes rummaging through his mind for anything to tell. “I don’t have anything I think is worth complaining to you, Doc. I mean if complaining about the food on base to you can actually change anything then that's about it.” A deep chuckle makes its way out of his throat. You smile.
“Can I see your fingers?”
The odd question makes Gaz raise a brow but he pulls his hands from his lap and lays them out to the space between you and him, palms up. You take a soft hold of his fingers, wrapping yours around them almost like you would grip onto a handle of something. They’re oddly cold. You take note of it in your mind and move his hand to be palm down so you can take a look at his fingernails, softly running your thumbs over them.
Gaz stays silent, watching you as you bring them level to your eyes as you take note of the very subtle vertical lines that run through his nails. You let a slight hum almost like an aha moment and Gaz is very confused. “What is it?” The question comes out with a slightly worried tone. 
“Do you get cold easily, Gaz?” 
“I don’t think I get any colder than the average guy, why?” 
You finally drop the hold you had on his hands and scoot to the desk, opening a drawer to quickly take a pair of gloves out and slip them on before scooting back to your previous position near him.
“You wear wool socks, which aren't really military issued so I’m guessing your feet get cold easily and your fingers too. Your fingernails also show symptoms of an iron deficiency. Is it alright if I check your eyes and gums?” You always try to explain the best way you can, talking slower than you normally would- trying to come off as understanding as possible. He gives you a nod of approval before shifting closer to the edge of the bed so you can do your little investigation. 
You take a hold of his face, placing your thumbs underneath his eyes before pulling down his water line to get a good look underneath. The spot is oddly void of red, a classic sign of anemia. You move on to do the same with his mouth, pulling on his bottom lip to look at his gums which are a pale pink- not the exact color that they should be.. 
Retracting your hands and pulling the gloves off you scoot to the manilla folder, pulling out a pen from your scrub pocket to jot some things down. “I think you’re anemic, an iron deficiency, nothing too serious since it doesn’t seem to affect your work but I’m gonna order a blood test to confirm and to see if it’s just a dietary issue or if you need a supplement to get you to normal.”
Gaz is kind of taken aback. He felt fine, or at least he thought he did. Sure, his feet and hands got cold but he had trekked through waist high levels of snow and water. The soldier thinks of how he gets winded when moving from one sparring match to the next. Was that what that was? “You got that because of my socks?” 
Shit, you’re good. 
Next was Johnny MacTavish, or “soap” at least that's what the red mess -doctor handwriting, right next to his real name on his file read. You had stayed in the curtain enclosed room after Gaz had left, writing out a referral for the blood test you had mentioned when you heard the slight squeaking of boots on the shiny floors headed right your way before they stopped right on the other side of the curtain. You looked up right as they were pulled aside and a friendly face greeted you, and a mohawk- which surprised you. 
“You must be the new Doc, names Soap.” He greets you and steps inside, extending a hand to shake yours. You take it, giving him a light shake before introducing yourself and directing him to sit on the cot. Soap’s introduction didn’t seem rushed yet happened all before you could even stand up from your seat. It somehow exuded this confident aura off him, which somehow in your mind explains the haircut for you. 
“I see here that you're a demolition expert?” To be frank, when you had read that in his file while going over all the men’s information, and seen all his med bay visits you knew he would be the one that would take up most of your time. You had seen first hand the aftermath of the explosions his people have dealt with. On enemies and on your very own. The thought and images are quickly pushed to the back of your mind. 
“Yes ma’am.” He laughs, it's deeper and louder than Gaz’s. “You are the second person to call me ma’am today, please just call me anything else.” 
“My bad, Sorry, Doc.” He raises his hands in a mock surrender. “I’m guessing you also know that your file says that you frequently find yourself in the medical wing.” Soap winces, a hand coming to rub the back of the neck. “Yeah, sorry about that. Kind of comes with the job. But, hey! We’ve got you now, so no worries.” 
Yep, you had your work cut out for you on this one. “I guess you do, can’t wait to see what you get yourself into that I have to bandage you up for.” 
Soap enjoys your replies, the banter settles nice under his skin. His smile doesn’t seem to fade, maybe slightly but never fully gone. “I’m guessing that since you’ve been at this a couple years you know about the annual hearing tests you should be taking.” 
His smile drops instantly. “What.”
“You did know that all personnel that deal with explosives regularly are supposed to be given a hearing test once a year while for others it’s every 3, right?” 
A laugh bubbles up in your chest, past your rib cage right near your spine as you watch him gape at you- like he’s grappling to find the words that he clearly doesn’t have. “I’m pulling your leg, your file doesn’t have anything on them either so I'm guessing you never had them.” Soap lets out a sigh before shrugging, flashing you a sheepish smile. 
You chuckle, “Alright, I’m gonna have you do one for me and let's just hope to God you’re not deaf yet.” That earns a chuckle from him, again. He was a lot more talkative than Gaz yet around the same level of openness. Thank god it seems like you got a good team, no weirdos so far. 
“Can I ask you one thing, lass?” Your eyes dart up from your folder where you were jotting down your notes. “Yeah, of course.”
“How fast does hair that's been burned off, by let's say- an explosion- take to grow back?”
Oh boy.
It had taken a while to finish up with Soap, he had too many questions for his own good. But the interaction puts a smile on your face at the thought. Your next patient was already waiting outside, Soap greets him right on the other side of the curtain before he comes in.
“You must be Ghost.” 
You had heard of him before, small whispers of a skull masked man who never showed his face. To be honest with yourself, it wasn’t quite unfamiliar to have a soldier that preferred to cover their face most times, so the thought of it that wasn’t unsettling to you in the least. Even as his huge frame slips past the curtain before moving to the other side of the room, or at least to the other side of the bed. You suppress a frown, he’s purposely distancing himself from you- normal in his case, you try to tell yourself. There's a long moment of silence where you’re at least expecting him to somewhat introduce himself but it doesn’t come. Alright then.
You introduce yourself instead, trying to get rid of the silence. “Did you know that most of your files are almost completely redacted?” His eyes finally meet yours after making their way across the room. “Yeah, I know.” 
There's silence again, this isn’t gonna be easy.
Ever since you were a kid you had always been able to read people, their eyes, their hands, the way they walked. You look at his eyes and the skin around them, at least the small amount you could see through the baklava he wore. They move down to his neck and shoulders, they’re stiff- almost painfully so. Then onto his crossed arms. 
“So, how often do you get nightmares?”
Even Though you can’t see his face you know he’s surprised. “Excuse me?”
You give him a soft smile, “Your eyelids are kind of droopy, you have serious under eye bags, both indicative of an inadequate sleep schedule and your right shoulder is higher than your right even though you're standing straight which tells me you sleep on your side very often. It's actually an effect from what we call a sleeping soldier position. You lay on your side, one arm under your head and the other most likely holding onto some kind of weapon.”
He doesn’t answer straight away, it almost seems like he’s sizing you up. Trying to guess if you’re serious, if you’re being condescending in some way but Ghost can’t seem to find anything behind your eyes except kindness. It almost scares him more than what he was expecting. You know you're right, you’ve worked with dozens of cases of PTSD, diagnosing it and treating it. “What have you tried in order to help?” 
You almost think he’s not going to answer you, that he’s just going to storm out of the room and somehow you’d lose your job before you even got the chance to do anything about it.
 “I don't know how to fix it.” It’s a quiet, muttered reply. You almost miss it. 
Ghost feels like he’s out of his comfort zone, sure soldiers had nightmares and maybe he had had them when on a mission, sleeping just a few feet away from his teammates but you were new and somehow could see through him. “Does your captain know?” You hoped the answer was yes because then it meant you wouldn’t have to tell his superiors about his personal problems and you could just help him without anyone having to know and judge him which is what you guess is making him uneasy. “Price knows.” You nod- they seem to be the closest in age on the team so you guess they’ve known each other for at least a decent amount of time, knowing things about each other that only a close friend would. “Then I can help, I don’t have to tell the captain unless he asks and neither do you.” 
“No drugs.” Ghost had lost hope on ever truly resolving his problems when he lied awake at night thinking about it. Drugs would be written down, stored and used against him. He’ll be seen as an unstable soldier- a sick man. 
“I can do that.” You offer him a small smile, at least you’re getting somewhere- doing your job.
Soap might not be the one to worry about, you thought.
You let out a quiet sign to yourself, the back to back meetings have had you cramped inside the room for hours. The team seems to be a good one, funny and kind, thank god. The last meeting was with the captain. You were nervous even though he had hand picked the three men you had met earlier so he couldn’t be too far off in comparison. But the thought that you were going to be working with him and he hadn't been involved in choosing you was gnawing at you. If he hated you or thought he didn’t need you he could have your bags packed in an hour tops. You try to take a deep breath, he couldn’t be that mean- none of the boys seemed to warn you about him so that means he had to be nice or else they would complain about him somehow. 
The thoughts in your mind seem to be clouding your senses, you barely hear the steps coming towards the curtain and how they come to a halt right before the fabric is slowly pushed to the side. 
Still lost in your thoughts and sitting in the stool, it seems like you’ve been glued to the whole day at the desk that's been housing all the manilla folders, referrals, and notes you’ve been working with for hours on end- you don’t hear the steps get closer and the figure who they belong to standing just slightly past the threshold. Price knows he should probably make himself known, maybe clear his throat or rustle the curtains so you know he’s here. 
He plans to, or at least that's what he tells himself, he can’t help taking your form in, your back to him- legs crossed, seated, elbow resting on the desk, chin in your hand. He gulps, he hasn’t seen your face but somehow he knows that you’re beautiful. He would bet money on it without you even having to turn around. Surprisingly, it's the very gulp that makes him let out a small cough that finally has you turning your head to face him. A part of him wants to back out of the room and call Laswell, curse her out for this idea of hers but that thought seems to slip out of his mind as your eyes meet his. 
You’re quick to stand up, wiping your hands off on your thighs before reaching one out for a greeting. “Shit, so sorry. I didn’t even hear you come in. You must be the captain.” Price takes your hand but his eyes don’t leave your face- that smile that he can already feel is going to get him in a load of trouble and gives you his own. “It’s alright, love.” You try to hide the sharp inhale you seemed to have involuntarily made when the name hits your ears. 
His hands are calloused, not in a way that scratches you but feels sturdy, warm, somewhat comforting. The grasp he has of your hand lasts a little longer than what anyone would deem normal and you stutter out a soft command for him to take a seat on the cot. 
Price does as you say and lets go of your hand before taking a seat, interlocking his hands in his lap. You take the time to turn and rearrange your papers, trying to get your breathing under control, of course no one mentioned he's handsome. Fuck.
“I hope my men haven’t given you a hard time so far.” You finally turn around after hearing his voice, it matches his face- handsome, charming. “ No, they're nicer than I expected.” That makes Price raise a brow, questioning what you mean by that and you catch on. “Gaz doesn’t like talking so much, Ghost is an enigma of his own, and well soap is one hell of a character.” You chuckle while taking a seat on the stool once again and scooting over til you’re a few feet away from him.
To be completely honest, Price had almost forgotten about the deal he made with Laswell. She had come by to drop your file at his desk- for him to look over- but in reality, he had forgotten. He feels what he thinks is guilt eating at him in his chest. He had been adamant for so long on not needing a team medic, that they were a waste of time and money- yet here you were, nice, beautiful and he didn’t hate you one bit. 
“Well, Gaz is called Gaz for that very reason and well Simon is Simon, and soap- well he’s most likely the reason you’re here.” Soap had been the sole reason for 141’s increased med bay visits which is what had tipped off Laswell to initiate the month long debate of hiring someone. 
“I’m glad you did, it doesn’t seem like you guys have been keeping up with protocol.” 
“What do you mean, love?” Concern is laced into his words, the thought of his men not getting adequate help makes the knot in his chest grow tighter. 
“I’m having Gaz checked for anemia since he’s got some of the tell tale signs. Soap hasn’t had a hearing test in over five years and Ghost has a severe case of insomnia.” You know that not a lot of teams have the opportunity to have a team medic, often resorting to rotating med bay doctors who aren't very keen on prevention and treating for mundane things. The look of guilt spread across the captain's face, his brows furrowing and lips taut. “It’s not your fault, I’m here now so I’ll be taking care of you guys and I’ll be trying my best, captain.” 
Your words seem to settle the man down but you can tell he still seems anxious over his men. You place your hands on your knees, “Let’s worry about you right now.” You offer him a kind smile before standing up from your seat and taking a few steps forward before coming to a complete stop when you're standing right in between his spread knees. Your hands are held up a few inches from his face, silently asking for permission. Price pushes the feeling of apprehension to the back of his mind before tilting his chin slightly up, granting you to do so. 
“Any past surgeries I should know about Captain?” The tips of your fingers press into the skin right below his ears, feeling the tension underneath while you slowly make your way down his neck, dotting your fingers into his hair clad skin. 
“No.” You don’t know if it's in your head but his reply almost comes out as a whisper, your fingers run back up his neck applying pressure directly under his jaw on both sides of his esophagus. You hesitate for a moment when you don’t feel the usual clump of cells that should be there. You spare a glance at his eyes, taking a second too long to remember the shade of blue you find yourself trying to jot down in your mind. “You sure about that?” Your voice sounds softer, closer to the whisper he seemed to have let out before.
You slowly remove your hands from Price’s head and reach for the pen in your scrub pocket and turn to write something in your manilla folder that's laid out on the desk. “I think I would remember going under the knife, love.” 
A small smile graces your lips while you finish writing your notes, scooting back to him. “Well Captain, I’m sorry to break the news to you but you don’t have tonsils.” You try to keep a straight face looking at the man sitting on the medical wings cot, barely a foot away. Your knees brushing up against his. “What does that mean?” You hear what sounds like a hesitation of concern laced in his voice and it almost makes you break the stoic look you’re trying to maintain. 
“Either someone drugged you and ripped them out of your throat in your sleep or you had them removed when you were a kid and you didn’t remember and no one ever bothered to check or write it down. I'm gonna go with the ladder so you can sleep better at night.” You let out a little chuckle at your imaginative story to pull his leg. Before Price seems to catch onto your joke you ask a follow up question. “Do you smoke?”��
“Does that matter?” He looked like the type to smoke, maybe not exactly a cigarette but maybe a cigar, your eyes flash down to his hands and look at his fingers which are laid out on his knees. Yep, he looks like the type to smoke cigars. Your eyes come back up to meet his.
Price doesn’t have to answer your question, the look on his face alone answers for you. Before the words reach your ears you’re already back to writing some notes in the folder. Sparing a glance back at the man you notice how out of place he looks. His dark clothes stand out against the pristine whiteness of the blanket laid out on the medical bed, and the slightly off white colors of the walls, the freshly mopped shiny floors. You have the sudden urge to comfort him even though he’s not here for any actual type of medical treatment. 
You can see the questions brewing underneath his lips and behind his eyes. Turning your body back to face him, inching your stool a little closer til your knees are almost back to pressing against his. 
“If you got your tonsils removed as a child you have a slightly increased risk of upper respiratory infection and you smoking- even if it’s an occasional cigar increases that risk even more.” You try to show some sense of empathy through your eyes while they meet his. A sense of understanding seems to cross his face from your words and it causes a warm smile to find its way on your face. 
“It's not that big of a deal but since it’s now in my job description to make sure you and your men are as healthy as can be I just want to make a note of it in case of anything.” 
“Alright, love.” 
The gruffness in his voice makes you fight back a shiver. “Do you not like doctors, Captain?” His eyes wander around the room, taking note of the fluorescent lights and sketchy wallpaper with a not too fond look on his face. “Not exactly, just not fond of the medical wing itself.” You nod, “yeah I can agree with you on that, not exactly friendly.” John smiles, it's small but something and you feel a tightness in your chest just from the sight of it. “Well since I’m your doctor now we can always just meet in your office instead of here, as long as I can just bring my supplies when needed.” 
Price doesn’t understand why you’re trying to be so understanding, so comforting. It’s strange, out of the ordinary for the man, especially in his line of work. His eyes rack your face, down to your hands where you’re fiddling with your fingers. “I’m here to help you Captain, that's it.” You can tell he’s thinking, trying to take you in- read you. 
Price decides he likes it, likes you.
“You gonna cook me dinner too, love?” He chuckles. You let a small laugh slip past your lips. “Ask Laswell to see if you can upgrade to the doctor deluxe package and maybe I will.” You’re enjoying this, and judging by Price's reaction he seems to be enjoying himself too. 
“Deluxe package?” 
“Yeah, cooked meals, back massages, the whole nine, Captain.”
“Sounds like a dream if you tell me, love.” 
You both break out into a chorus of light laughter and quiet chuckles. The room doesn’t seem so small and suffocating like you had thought a mere thirty minutes ago and that pit in your stomach has seemed to all but dissipate. You finish going over some more of his medical records, confirming some information and filling in some gaps before you realize that it's been over an hour and the day is coming to a close. It doesn’t even hit you until Price brings it to your attention by looking down at his watch. 
“I’m so sorry, I’ve probably kept you here for longer than you planned.” You say with an apologetic smile, nervousness etched into your words. “It’s alright, love.” 
The boys were most likely waiting for him in his office for the past twenty minutes but he didn’t have the heart to tell you. Your eyes seemed to have glued him to the cot and your voice lulling him into a daze. Maybe having you around wasn’t so bad after all.
He stands- you follow him. “Well, it was nice meeting you, captain.” You hadn’t had time to take him in when he first came into the room. He’s tall, wide shoulders, tapered waist, and a nice strong set of thighs you have to force your eyes off of. 
“John.” You raise a brow, lost in thought from seeing him in his full form. “You can call me John.” His smile is warm and it's almost like the warmth of it radiates onto you and you feel a rush of heat crawl up your neck. 
“Okay, John.” 
“It was nice meeting you, love.” Price gives you one last kind smile, the crows feet along the edges of his eyes come out at the gesture as he walks towards the curtain before pushing it aside and stepping out. The curtains don't go back to their previous place. You watch him as he walks away until he’s out of eyesight and you finally feel like you can catch your breath. Fuck, your captain is hot. 
Taglist: @sharkiestory
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nofingjustaninchident · 11 months ago
hi, I’m not great at requesting things but if this makes sense could you write a high school au where Jason is a football player. I think it would be cute cause he’s definitely tall enough and strong enough but then add in him being kind and wow he would make the BEST high school football player boyfriend. Thank you
⛧° Jason Grace x Nerdy! Reader hcs °⛧
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content: jason grace x reader, college au!
warnings: cursing, allusions to sexual stuff (not much tho), stupidtly fluffy and corny.
a/n: bby if i tell you i dreamt about this, would you believe me? like, i swear to all the gods, i dreamt with this and woke up thinking about writing it… well, here ya go. oh, and i also made her a brazilian, i hope you don’t mind? if you do, just ignore it, please 🫡
⛧° 。 ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆༺♱༻⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ 。°⛧
Of course, he’s a great football player.
Like, i know no shit about football, i’m a soccer girly, but he’s the best quarterback in the city. like, he’s really really good.
And obviously everyone believes he’s such an asshole and a womanizer.
But in reality he’s so so nice
Sure, he sleeps with some girls and all, but not as much as his teammates.
He’s also the only jock that sticks with a girlfriend. Not for long, but still more than the other guys ig
So when he was having trouble with maths, he needed a tutor, cause he had to have a back up plan of he didn’t went for the pros
Such a nice boy, fr.
And he went talk with the teacher to ask who could teach him.
And that’s when he found you.
You weren’t exactly a super nerd. You just liked to study.
But you had a lot of friends, since being the only exchange student did bring this sort of popularity around the university.
And when he first came to you, you were kinda bitchy.
You know, you had a bit of hatred towards football players. No idea why, it was just there.
Even with that, you were too kind-hearted to don’t tutor him.
And when you got to know each other… you kinda started liking him.
On your first study session, the library was too full, so you went to the outside
Which was really working out, till Jason found a little bird that probably fell from his nest
The guy was so worried that he almost took the bird home
He would’ve done it if you didn’t stop him
But he found the nest and put the little bird back there
And you just stood there, like “what the fuck? isn’t he supposed to be a douche?”
It happens that he’s not.
And you became pretty good friends with the frequent study sessions and all.
Not to mention he was pretty offended when you told him you didn’t like football.
And you were very offended when he asked if the spoke Spanish in Brazil.
He knew it didn’t, he just did it to piss you off.
He really wanted you to go to one of his games, but you never said you were really going.
So, one day, when his team was having a match against Harvard University, he was more than surprised to see you at the stands, right in the front.
With his jersey. With his number and name on your back.
He honestly felt he was gonna cry right then and there.
He got so happy he made a touchdown. They won.
And you were there, cheering for him and pretending like you understand anything that was going on there.
When the game ended, he came rushing towards you.
“Congrats, Gra-“ Before you could even finish your sentence, he kissed you.
Oh, and it was heaven.
After this, you started dating and it was the best thing you ever experienced.
He was such a gentleman.
Doors? Don’t even touch that. Dates? He’s paying, duh. You’re tired? He’ll carry you, bridal style.
You get the point.
You started liking football because of him. And he started liking soccer because of you.
a/n: i don’t know what to feel about this lol. idk what you’ll think of the brazilian thing, but if you don’t like it, i’ll remake it, promise!
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rainbow-nerdss · 11 months ago
Tease Tidbit Tuesday
Enjoy this hit from the bucktommy pit I've fallen into over the past few days! 💙💙
“Eddie gave me a shovel talk, you know?” Tommy says, next time they get together. They're at Buck's again, and Buck is cooking for them. He drops the spatula at Tommy's announcement, spinning to look at him. “He what? Jesus, I am so sorry, he shouldn't have—” “It's fine,” Tommy assures him. “It was cute. He cares about you.” Buck snorts. “Sure. He hasn't scared you off, at least?” "Nah, trust me, I've sparred with the guy enough times to know I can take him if I need to.” Buck raises an eyebrow. “I wouldn't underestimate him. That guy knows how to fight dirty. Trust me. He's scrappy.” “Scrappy, huh?” Buck turns back to the pot and stirs it again. “Hey, come taste this?” He holds out a spoon. Tommy joins him at the stove, standing far closer than necessary, almost flush against Buck's back as he takes the spoon in his mouth, chews, and swallows. “Delicious,” he announces. “Is that Bobby's Chili?”  Buck nods. "Yup!" “Man, he was always so secretive about that!” Tommy complains. “How'd you talk him into sharing?” “Pays to be the favorite, I guess!” Buck preens. “So, what? Eddie suddenly decided to go all white knight protecting my virtue now I'm dating a guy?” He asks, steering the conversion back around. Tommy leans against the countertop beside Buck. “Nah, nothing like that. He just said that… He reminded me, forcibly, that you're a good guy, and I should probably refrain from hurting you, if I can help it.” Privately, a part of Buck glows at the knowledge that Eddie did that for him, even while he plans to rip him a new one for interfering. “I should clarify, Evan. I'm not… I’ve mentioned Victor, right? My ex?” Buck nods, turning to face Tommy in order to give this his full attention. “He sort of… did a number on me. Meeting you, doing… this, it's great. I'm just not…” “You're not ready for something serious,” Buck realizes. Tommy nods. “But, what we've been doing so far…?” “Is great! The dates, the, uh… other stuff, all amazing, but—” “You just don't want anything more serious than that.” “Exactly. If that's a deal-breaker, I can—” “No!” Buck rushes, putting a hand on Tommy's chest. “I mean, this is good for me too. Takes some of the pressure off, actually.” Tommy visibly relaxes, and Buck takes a moment to turn down the heat on the stove, leaning further into his space. “You said you were a relationship guy,” Tommy says, clearly wanting to make a hundred percent sure. Buck does him the courtesy of taking a moment to consider his answer. “I used to think I was. I thought my options were either ‘serious relationship’ or ‘meaningless sex that left me feeling like crap’.” He steps closer, close enough that he can feel Tommy's breath ghost across his skin. “But lately I've been discovering the joys of things being… somewhere on a spectrum. Keeping things fluid.” “Yeah?” Tommy asks, moving even closer. They might as well be kissing now, but they aren't quite, just a hair between them. “Yeah,” Buck repeats. “Though,” he adds. “For the sake of clarity. When you say other stuff, is that referring to the flying lessons you still owe me, or—” Buck pulls away just a fraction, just enough to allow Tommy the opportunity to reach out and keep him there, pulling him back into a dizzying kiss.
I was tagged by @wildlife4life @spotsandsocks @diazsdimples @dangerpronebuddie @wikiangela @exhuastedpigeon and @bidisasterbuckdiaz
And tagging:
@theotherbuckley @aspecbuddie @thewolvesof1998 @daffi-990 @neverevan @loserdiaz @goforkinard @kwills91 @trenchcoatsandtimetravel @devirnis @steadfastsaturnsrings @sunflowerdiaiz @lover-of-mine @liabegins @lovelettertothewise @slowlyfoggydestiny @buddieboos @shitouttabuck @pirrusstuff @jesuisici33 @nmcggg @elvensorceress @eddiebabygirldiaz @your-catfish-friend @eightpackdiaz @gigi-gigi @bisexualbuckleys @loveyouanyway @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @arachanae
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fuckitupfelix · 7 months ago
hi!!✨ i rlly rlly love your fics and idk how to say this but i wanna request u one, if thats alright! its about the reader being a manager at karasuno and openly gay, so one day (night, after practice) kageyama asks reader that how he knew he was gay, because he was doubting, and reader tells kags to practice kiss to really know if he's gay and they kiss kiss 💋💋 add things if you want cuz this may seem kinda short but its yr choice!! thank u
ahh thank you im glad you like my stuff!! this is such a cute idea ahh i hope i wrote what you had in mind well 🫶🫶
trial kiss ♡
kageyama x male reader
word count: 0.8k
how is he supposed to figure out if he likes guys?
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kageyama never really tried to give his sexuality a label, purely because he’d never really thought about it. sure, he thought some girls were pretty, but since most of his time was spent thinking about volleyball, he didn’t attempt to explore relationships any further. maybe he should have?
that didn’t really matter now, because now he’s sprawled out on the floor of the gym, eyes absentmindedly glancing over the ceiling. practice had just ended, and most of the team had gone to the clubroom to change. maybe he should go do that too— later, though. he’s got one main thing on his mind right now; (name). kageyama didn’t have any classes with him, so the only times he’d get to see him would be at lunch or during practice. he was curious about (name). yachi had mentioned him being gay when kageyama had tried to ask her for advice about guys, saying something about how (name) would be the better person to talk to. maybe he would.
(name) was always super attentive in conversations, giving everyone on the team tips on how to improve, and always bringing in extra snacks he’d make. he cared about his teammates.
kageyama finally sits up, his legs still stretched out in front of himself. his gaze falls onto (name), who’s currently tucking his notebooks into his bag.
“(name)-kun.” kageyama calls, and the manager’s head snaps up. “can i talk to you about something?”
(name) nods, shrugging his bag back onto the bench before making his way to where kageyama sat. he plops himself directly next to him, crossing his legs. “what’s up, kageyama?” he asks, leaning over.
kageyama shifts in his position, moving to stretch out his legs. “you’re. . . you’re gay, right?” he asks. he stiffens up when (name) laughs. was it a stupid question? was yachi wrong?
“yeah, i’m gay. any reason you’re asking?”
“how’d you, like. . .” kageyama furrows his eyebrows, his face morphing into a frown. “like. . . figure it out? did you always know?”
“mm, i definitely didn’t know my whole life,” (name) chuckles again, and this time kageyama notices how warm it sounds. “but i really liked one of my friends in middle school. i thought we were just really good friends and i cared about him a lot. but, deep down, i kind of knew that wasn’t true? like, i was lying to myself. one day, we were hanging out, and i kissed him.” he shrugs, leaning his body weight back onto his arms. he looks up at the ceiling, almost like his eyes were searching for something.
“but yeah! that’s how i figured out i was gay,” (name) grins.
kageyama frowns again. “so i need to kiss a guy to see if i’m gay . . ?” he asks. (name) laughs again.
‘warm. . . ‘ kageyama noted.
“i’m not saying you have to kiss a guy, that’s just what helped me figure myself out.” (name) pauses, an imaginary light-bulb glowing above his head. “you wanna try it now?” he grins.
“what, kiss you?” kageyama sputters, sitting up straight. “Seriously?”
“only if you want to!”
. . . kageyama did want to see if something would happen. it’s just a kiss, right? He’s kissed people before—- it was just one or two girls that kissed him on the cheek in elementary school—- but still! nothing bad would happen. It’s just to see if he’d like it.
“. . .okay.” kageyama nods. “sure.”
(name) nods. he scoots closer until their shoulders touch. he plants a firm hand on kageyama’s shoulder, rubbing his thumb over the fabric of his shirt subtly. it’s at this moment kageyama notices a few details about (name) he hadn’t noticed before; a lock of hair that looked the slightest shade lighter than the rest of his hair, how pleasant his smile was, and the fact that his hands were slightly colder than kageyama expected them to be, even through his shirt.
(name) leans in, and kageyama mimics, albeit a bit slower, and their lips connect. strange. that's the only word kageyama could think of to describe it. Just like his hands, (name)’s lips were kind of cold. it was almost refreshing. by the time all of these thoughts flit through his mind, (name) has already pulled back.
“So? what’d ya think?” he asks, tilting his head. kageyama was a bit confused— disappointed, almost.
“that’s it?” he voices his thought out loud, and (name) feels his face grow warm with embarrassment. “you didn’t like it, then?”
“no. i mean, i-i did. it was just. . . shorter than i thought.” he manages.
“ahh, getting greedy now, are we, kageyama?” (name) giggles, nudging his shoulder against the setter’s. “at least take me out on a date, first.” he jokes.
“okay.” kageyama says it so fast (name) has to do a double take. “okay?” he repeats.
“Yeah. i’ll take you out on a date. is that, uhh, okay? am i allowed to do that?” he asks, squinting.
“. . . of course you are. and i’d love to.”
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i hope you liked it!!! i love kageyama so much aghh
divider by @/plutism !!
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everestica · 1 year ago
♫ - Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everybody, this post is how some of the characters I liked over the year spend Christmas with you and some (towards the end) what they got you for Christmas! (PS If there is anybody else you would like me to add to this feel free to ask and I might come out with a second part!!) ♫ ---------- ♫ ---------- ♫ ---------- ♫ ---------- ♫ Gepard - He loves being able to sleep in, but since he knows how excited that you are he only chuckles a little when you wake up in the morning and immediately get out of bed to go look under the tree (No matter how old you are you gotta see the gifts in the morning), he'll only sit on the couch holding you close to him as you open each others gifts!
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Silver (Twst) - He loves Christmas as much as the next person but CANNOT wake up in the morning for anything 😭 (Que you and Lilia trying to wake him up in the morning) but as soon as he is awake tho expect him to give you your present very fast just in case he falls asleep again (He dose when Lilia is going on about Christmas when he was a kid)
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Deuce Spade - Most excited ever, He's more likely one of the first ones up so you never have to worry about him not being awake in time, He will be the first person to hand you a present more specifically the one from him, it's three of his favorite things mixed together, Christmas, presents, and you!
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Tachihara Michizou - Manz just doesn't wanna get up in the morning, as much as he loves you he wants to sleep in, but as soon as you do get him up he will be hella excited and drag you to the tree with him, as excited as he is tho he will be super cool and very toned down about the present he got you, and by present I mean Presents (Man has two good paying jobs I mean you can't blame me for adding that in) He actually got (most of) your gifts just though out the year when you had mentioned something in passing. (Idk that shit's the cutest to me, get you a partner who remembers the small stuff 😭)
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Akito Shinonome - Again another one who just wants to stay in bed and cuddle all morning but instead of you waking him up, it's Ena. She's was too excited about this to be sleeping any later then like 7 AM. So now the two of you have been dragged out of bed and now starting to cuddle on the couch as people start getting the presents from under the tree, one of the last ones was from Akito. It was a symbol of how the two of you met, at one of his concerts so it was a necklace with a microphone on it and a little charm that had A + (your initial) on it.
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Furina - SO EXCITED, Will get up so early and go rushing to the tree to see the presents underneath, loves all the pretty lights and how they illuminate the room and all the wrapped gifts under the tree, at a decent hour though she will go and wake you up by jumping on you, she won't hurt you tho. (Nobody wants to go to the ER on Christmas) Will love opening presents, and loves passing them out as well, but she loves you even more and loves the smile on your face when you see the cute things that she got you!
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Hajime Hinata - Again another guy who just kinda chuckles at how excited you are about it, I mean he likes christmas don't get me wrong but he loves your expressions about it much more, though he would never tell you that. Will def let you drag him to the tree and sit him down somewhere (as long as you sit somewhere near him, at least so he can still reach you) Loves seeing you smile at what he got for you at the end though and that's the best gift he could ever ask for.
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Blade (HSR) - Seems like he's pissed off all the time standing somewhere behind you as you, Kafka, and Silverwolf all sit down around the Christmas tree and start passing out and opening gifts though one of the last gifts is a smaller box you notice as Kafka hands it to you, smiling, the tag says "To (Name) From Blade." That's why she was smiling, even though you had gotten gift for Blade you didn't expect him to get you one, when you finally opening it and look inside it's a bracelet with his initials and your initials, with coordinates on it. The first place that you two met.
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Thoma - He loves christmas and loves spending it with you and the Kamisato siblings, seeing you and Ayaka spending time near the Christmas tree, as Thoma watches over the two of you as Ayato finishes up signing something for the yashiro commission. As he finishes they start getting gifts, one of the middle gifts was a medium sized gift the tag reading that it was from Thoma. As you opened it, there was something small inside it looked exactly like the rope he wore in his hair, and it was. It was a smaller version though one that looked like it was meant for around the ankle or the wrist, which ever one you picked he tied it on for you as a reminder that he was always with you, no matter what.
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Malleus Draconia - Loves seeing you excited about the holidays, even if he doesn't fully understand it he will always support you and if you're happy then he is too! He loves watching you open the bunches of gifts that he got you and even loves the gift(s) that you got him, one in particular that stood out was the last one that you had gotten from under the tree. It was known to almost everybody that you stayed in Diasomnia more than 90% of the day since when you didn't there would def be some lighting outside that night. So instead he had gotten you a temporary Diasomnia room card, since you needed magic to get in, so it was infused with magic so you could get in you needed, along with one of the armbands that all the people of Diasomnia wore. It was really a gift for everybody, Sebek and Silver because they would get sort of a break of watching over him if you were always with him, Lilia since he might end up finally getting grandkids, Malleus since he would be able to see you more, You because you wouldn't have to stay in ramshakle all the time and be worried that one day you would wake up without a roof, and everybody else in Diasomnia since they wouldn't have to worry about an angry housewarden.
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♫ - Please if you are going to repost any of my works anywhere else, ask permission first! There will be almost a 100% chance that I will say yes as long as you just ask and give credit! Thank you for your understanding!
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chiara-hotel · 1 year ago
𝐎𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝐧𝐝: 𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐬/𝐨
Characters: Chuuya, Fyodor, Poe, Ranpo, Sigma, Dazai & Nikolai
TW: Mentions of Fake Blood, Limbs, Clowns, Usual halloween decor
This idea is so cute so I ended up adding Chuuya & Nikolai aswell for the characters list. Anyway, hope you enjoy the hc & thank you for requesting!
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- Chuuya loves celebrations and celebrating
- Hes definitely the person to go all out on decorations (not even on purpose too, he just sees something he doesnt have and then buys it)
- Each halloween you open the seasonal storage to see a lot of new things
- Onto the actual decorating, he loves decorating with you
- Chuuya will make you fly with his ability to help you put up some of the decorations before letting you back down and kissing you
- You guys put up a lot of lights and other decor in higher places, just because chuuya likes using his ability on you and seeing you happy
- But don’t worry he also helps put up a lot of things
- Imagine your on a ladder and then he jumpscares you with one of the decorations
- Then comes a playful fight between the two of you
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- Fyodor doesnt own many decorations
- I’d say 3-6 with a few cobwebs + spiders
- But the decor he owns is definitely the scariest
- You guys are putting the decor up and all of a sudden you active it and jump back
- Fyodor would laugh at you before asking if you’re alright
- Then after that your staying behind him & helping out from the saftey of your boyfriend
- If they keep jumpscaring you he might get rid of them
- After you set up the things he owned, you bought a whole ton of decorations for inside the house
- So you suprised him with them and you convinced him to let you put them up
- He helps hold the ladder your standing on for lights, hands you stuff/decorations to add but he won’t put anything up
- He would never admit it but he finds it cute when you decorate the house
- Hugs while he’s standing there helping you, especially if he gave you the last item
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- Poe is the one who’d get scared at every single thing you bring out of your halloween decor box
- Hes hiding behind you and he’ll look adorable while hes doing it
- Definitely will help out for the non-scary decorations
- Karl also helps you guys out! and hes a big help
- Expect a lot of hugs from him (mostly from behind)
- Talks about making some new halloween mystery novels while you put up some of the decor
- Maybe he’ll even start writing if you have a little bit of decorations left
- Karl eats some of the candy though (and you guys spend 30 minutes trying to figure out where it went)
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- The one who doesnt find any of it scary
- Ranpo will complain at the beginning but eventually gives in just for you
- He doesn’t really help out though. Ranpo is your helper who will support by eating snacks at his desk
- On a side note: hide the halloween candy because this man will take them all
- Even if Ranpo finds a lot of the scary stuff stupid, he doesnt like some of the overly scary things
- Lights, Cobwebs, Pumpkins, Spiders, Bats are just a few things he loves
- Also those blow ups that you put in your front yard (he does that one, he must set it up)
- Ranpo expects a lot of praise for putting up the 1 decoration so give him some wont you?
- And when you’re finally done with all the decorations here expects a lot of cuddles for all of that work
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- Sigma would want all of the decorations to be perfectly placed, so I think he would spend a lot of time on them
- Definitely overthinks the placements… a bit too much
- If hes deep in thought just hug him and ask him to help you with something else
- He likes cobwebs, carving pumpkins, jack-o-lanterns & fake graves/skeletons
- Nikolai probably gave him a clown decoration for fun so now you guys hang it at your door
- Sigma especially loves carving pumpkins with you. its relaxing and he also makes a lot of designs
- you guys definitely have the path leading to your house filled with jack-o-lanterns
- You also help him & nikolai decorate at the casino/DOA office
- Mostly because nikolai forces the both of you
- Nikolai would make comments about how cute you guys look together the entire time (and he won’t shut up until you guys kiss or something)
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- When Dazai asks you to help him decorate his house, he doesn’t actually want to decorate-he just wants to spend time with you
- But hes so glad when you agree to decorate his house because that includes: Shoping trips, Spening more time with you, and much more
- Most of the time Dazai will complain about putting up the decorations as if it werent his idea
- The other times he’s actually helping you, maybe start bribing him with kisses to get him to work
- He likes mummys, caution tapes & fake blood for decorations
- Dazai will also secretly buy a while can of fake blood just to put on himself on “accident” he just wanted attention
- So you spend a whole hour in the shower together (you taking off the fake blood and cleaning him)
- The decorating will take 2 days or more with him because he gets lazy
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- Run away while you can
- Goes shopping for halloween decor with you only to pick out the scariest of items
- Your house is a literal haunted house
- Not to mention Nikolai bought some extra suprises for you to put around the house
- You got into he kitchen… Open your cupboard and BOOM a clown will pop up from the cupboard and scare you
- As for decorations he likes, scary ones, the decor with audio, clowns, blood, fake limbs but why have fake ones when he can get real limbs & blood easily
- Nikolai is also that one house on the street that has audio with screaming & scary sounds
- At this point everyones afraid of him
- Not to mention while decorating hes going to try to spook you at every possible moment
- As for the decorating itself hes prefect because of his ability!
- Nikolai can easily reach the high spots
- So yeah decorating with him will take the entire day
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casualheizouenjoyers · 2 years ago
“wait, you’re not bitchless?”
genshin youtuber au - 5wirl reactions to each other having an s/o
5wirl: aether, venti, xiao, kazuha & heizou
Oce5n: reader (in cc version), barbara, mona, yelan & kokomi
(oce5n aren’t mentioned in every characters’ scenarios cause uhhhh i do what i want 😎)
i have been writing this since december, not worth the wait /j
if you’re not a content creator/don’t previously know 5wirl
out of everyone, the rest of 5wirl aren’t surprised that aether has an s/o
honestly the first time you meet them all aether’s already been talking about you for weeks ahead but just didn’t want the guys to scare you off and he didn’t want to introduce you until he was sure you’re the one
and after months of long distance and a bit of traveling with him to film stuff for his channel he’s very confident you’re the one
i think he waits like a solid 5 months before introducing you officially
he introduces you to them by preparing a big meal at the 5wirl house and sitting down for an informal dinner, 100% introduces you to them before introducing you onto his channel as his s/o
it’s a bit intimidating since the rest of 5wirl is protective of aether but as soon as heizou gives his approval everyone fully relaxes
it’s like, they’re obviously polite and friendly because they don’t want to make aether upset or anything but xiao doesn’t make an effort to strike up conversation and heizou is asking just a bit too many questions
venti is just vibing though cause he’s got more confidence in aether’s ability to read people and make the right call, while kazuha is just striking up conversation about your travels with aether
they’re all texting under the table in a gc before heizou makes his verdict and after that xiao starts to make a little bit of an effort to appear nicer and be more friendly
you are definitely given hugs by venti when you leave while xiao gives you a handshake, heizou gives you a pat on the arm and kazuha lets you know you’re welcome anytime, and he also adds you to a gc
venti jokingly shouts at aether to give you a kiss goodbye, and aether just shyly gives you a peck on the cheek before you’re on your way home
and as you’re leaving the house you can definitely hear venti shout out loud “THEY’RE A KEEPER”
if you’re a content creator/previously know 5wirl
for the sake of this let’s say you’re a member of Oce5n and you’re the founder/leader
5wirl and Oce5n are pretty close considering you and aether met before forming said groups and have collaborated a lot
surprises no one that y’all are dating heizou saw that shit coming a mile away
so when you get invited over to the 5wirl house for dinner aether also invites the rest of Oce5n so it becomes a duo interrogation but more lighthearted
really they’re just all teaming up to grill y’all on the details of how y’all got together as and (jokingly) asking you and aether about your ‘intentions’ with one another
at the end of the night venti, xiao, kazuha & heizou gift you a cute little locket with a picture of you & aether as a congratulations for your relationship, it will make you tear up
venti calls dibs on being your flower boy
if you’re not a content creator/don’t previously know 5wirl
the rest of 5wirl are (lovingly) surprised that venti is in a relationship he considers serious enough to formally introduce you to them instead of them just walking in on venti with some random person in his room
cause venti definitely does loads of casual relationships cause he’s just chilling, and honestly he thought you were going to be a casual few weeks thing before just staying friends but he does really love you
introduces you a bit after 3 months when you’re no longer in the honeymoon phase and he finds that he still adores you
he’d introduce you to everyone by just casually playing a group game via discord and would first introduce you as a friend and then after a few games/rounds (i imagine y’all are playing the online version of clue or some jackbox games) be like “oh yeah lol that’s my s/o we’ve been dating for like 3 months”
xiao just deadass is like “are you sure venti didn’t just hire you as an actor?”
everyone by that time is definitely more open cause your first interaction isn’t like bogged down by the seriousness of being venti’s really first serious s/o
heizou just making a separate gc and being like “i fucking knew it” he’s the least shocked what a king
aether actually has a normal reaction—
he’s just like “oh congratulations! you should come over sometime so we can meet in person” he’s the sweetest and later on asks for your number over discord to put you in a gc and asks what food you want him to cook
kazuha would be lowkey spacing out love him but venti is a gremlin and made this happen ad like 2 am and kazuha is multi-tasking and editing some stuff in the background so he’s like “wait what just happened” i love this man
but when he’s brought up to speed he’s pretty chill and says you should join them the next time they do a group stream if you’re comfortable with that
the rest of the night is pretty chill y’all play a few more games and you end up calling with venti until you fall asleep
if you’re a content creator/previously know 5wirl
there’s literally no surprise because venti forced the rest of 5wirl to be his wingmen, xiao is just happy y’all are FINALLY together
venti just texts the 5wirl gc like “guess who’s finally on a date” and sends a picture of you & him at a cozy cafe and then just turns off his phone what a lad—
doesn’t even check his texts on his way home so when he opens the door the rest of 5wirl is just there like 🧍🏻 WHAT THE FUCK
xiao just texts you like “how much money did he pay you” but he’s secretly really happy for venti because he knows you and knows you wouldn’t break venti’s heart
kazuha already knew that y’all were going on a date since he helped kokomi plan out a cute date and made sure venti was dressed well when he was going to “hang out with just a friend”
aether is super happy for you both and reaches out to barbara about organizing a little surprise congratulations event like a cute picnic of something we stan aether in this household <3
heizou already knows everything that happened on your date he managed to find out via the picture venti sent where y’all were at and teamed up with yelan to spy
if you’re not a content creator/don’t previously know 5wirl
the MOST unexpected
xiao managed to not only talk to someone his friends didn’t know but also managed to date them how???
i’m sorry but this man won’t introduce you to 5wirl at all he’s an expert at keeping this a secret they only find out 7 months in when xiao invites you over when he thought everyone was out and heizou overhears someone calling xiao an affectionate nickname and xiao not giving any sign of protest like he does when venti purposefully annoys xiao by calling him his “beloved”
venti never lets xiao live this down, aether helps you hold xiao back from murdering venti and is just like “oh hey i’m aether by the way, how are you?”
kazuha just herds y’all into the living room and is just patiently waiting for xiao to say something
xiao just there like :| so you gotta say something or y’all will be in awkward silence for a long time
the minute you say anything like even just being like “oh hey my name’s [name] i’m xiao’s s/o” venti will just grab you by the shoulders and be like “DID HE KIDNAP YOU” lovingly of course, it’s his job to shit on xiao
eventually everyone will introduce themselves and xiao just grabs your hand and tries to drag you back to your room before aether suggests y’all watch some movies together
xiao volunteers you two to make the popcorn and brings you into the kitchen and lets you know if you just want to go back to his room and chill y’all can totally do that there’s no harm in not wanting to be part of a group interaction at the moment
if you decide to go back to xiao’s room the rest of 5wirl would bring up some snacks and knock on the door before just leaving them outside cause they do feel lowkey bad for overwhelming you
if you decide to make popcorn and join the movie night it’ll be chill, while 5wirl obviously care about xiao they know he’s the least likely to be ‘tricked’ into being in a relationship with someone who isn’t a good person especially considering how long you’ve been together
you’d be sitting in between xiao & aether while venti, heizou and kazuha sit on the floor in front of y’all
it’d be pretty casual, they’d let you choose the first movie and no matter what you choose venti will be like “you’ve got bad taste but you’re with xiao so i guess that checks out” and xiao would just kick him—
if you choose a mystery or horror movie with a mystery aspect like scream heizou will be spoiling all the twists im sorry this man is insufferable (we love him though)
by the time y’all are done watching movies it’s super late and kazuha suggests you stay over since it’s dangerous to go out when it’s super dark & late so aether pulls out some board games and y’all end up staying up all night and playing games with xiao holding your hand under the table and occasionally squeezing it
venti never lets xiao live down “going soft” rip venti he was a real one
if you’re a content creator/previously know 5wirl
yeah they’re still shocked 💀
no shade to our boy xiao but he’s never letting anyone know he’s got a crush on someone we stan a secretive king
heizou obviously knew cause…duh
but it’s okay cause he’s pretty
i feel like it’d come out during a stream with all of 5wirl plus you
and like xiao gets a dono being like “when are you and y/n finally going to date?” and xiao is super into the game (y’all are playing like fucking valorant idk) and isn’t paying attention to his response so he just says “y/n and i already are dating”
😨 = everybody’s face
there’s just like a beat of silence before venti just screams into his mic “WHAT?????”
rip headphone users
hope you’re ready to be trending on twitter.com bestie
heizou smirking at the camera like “i knew it”
anyways y’all obviously lose the round
venti jokingly challenges you to a 1v1 match for xiao’s hand and xiao just instantly being like “no 😐”
y’all just continue the stream without bringing it up because y’all stay on that gamer grind (i hate myself for typing that too don’t worry)
but after stream y’all stay on discord and chat for a while and they obviously give their congratulations to you guys <3333 (can you tell i’m running out of ideas 💀)
if you’re not a content creator/don’t previously know 5wirl
kazuha has W rizz no one is surprised honestly
i think kazuha is pretty good at keeping your relationship a secret but he only waits until you’re both ready to reveal your relationship
tbh i think he’d introduce you to each 5wirl member separately cause he knows his friends are clinically insane and doesn’t want to scare you away /j
but fr i think one of kazuha’s core values is living in harmony and he wants you to have an individual connection with each of his friends
i’m not writing it out but kazuha would definitely appreciate getting to meet your closest friends individually as well
he’d start with introducing you to bestie heizou for sure because in the youtube! au they’re super close to eachother considering they have their duo channel before joining 5wirl
it’d be super casual, he’d tell you both what’s going down before y’all meet so it’s not a shock to either of you
y’all become an iconic trio fr, i think kazuha would make y’all first meet each other doing an escape room and at the end kazuha soft launches you on his socials by posting a picture from the escape room with heizou doing a silly pose while your back is facing the camera cause you’re looking at a puzzle
then i think he’d introduce you to aether by inviting you both over to his to cook and eat lunch together cause aether is the best cook ever tbh (other than icon xiangling)
by this point venti definitely knows what’s up and pesters kazuha into meeting you next while xiao is just chilling
kazuha would invite you and venti to a karaoke room! venti is a more hyper person so a karaoke room would be the perfect place to get to know him. venti will force you to scream/sing “girlfriend” by avril lavigne with him prove me wrong
and of course you and kazuha would sing “love story” by taylor swift and kazuha would post a really shit quality video of you two that venti took on his story <3
last person you’d meet would be xiao and i think y’all would go to an interactive museum so there isn’t a lot of pressure to talk but rather just to vibe together. like when i was younger i went to this museum called “The Hall of Science” and it had so many interactive exhibits it was just so fun
headcannon that xiao is secretly an amazing photographer so he takes pictures of you and kazuha in a little garden area by the museum and kazuha uses those to officially launch you as his partner on social media <333
and to round it up he’d post a picnic vlog with you and 5wirl :D
if you’re a content creator/previously know 5wirl
i think y’all would host an aesthetic picnic with 5wirl & oce5n and tell both your friend groups at said aesthetic picnic you guys are dating <3
yelan, heizou and mona exchanging money cause they were betting on when y’all would finally announce it to everyone 💀
barbara, aether, xiao and kokomi having normal reactions we stan
venti just tackling the both of y’all to the ground and fake sobbing how happy he is (but ofc he’s genuinely happy for his besties <3)
it’d be a super casual thing because everyone kinda suspected it honestly because kazuha’s recent drunk poetry seems to describe someone suspiciously like you
if you’re not a content creator/dont previously know 5wirl
you think you’re just going on a chill escape room date with heizou, 5wirl thinks they’re just going to film a chaotic escape room vlog per usual
you are all wrong and your beautiful amazing boyfriend locks you in a room with his friends and forces y’all to do an escape room together (only because he knows aether, kazuha & venti are super friendly and will obviously make sure you’re included and xiao at the very least can kinda read the vibes and guess you’re heizou’s s/o he was talking about on the way to the escape room)
heizou made the escape room and a lot of the hints are about him so y’all collaborate (and so heizou can prove that you do know him super well and he’s lowkey serious about you)
plus this gives all of you guys a bonding experience to look back on and laugh about
venti can and will try to make you flirt with heizou for clues 💀
just his cute little laugh when he responds <33
once xiao relaxes he just gives you a pat on the back and a nod to show he likes you
venti in the background like “xiao be a normal person challenge 🧍🏻”
so you get to experience the wonder that is xiao trying to murder venti, you’re officially in the squad now /lh
getting lunch afterwards with the rest of 5wirl and plotting revenge on heizou for putting y’all in the hardest fucking escape room ever
rip heizou he made a grave miscalculation (it’s okay because he’s pretty and i love him <3)
if you’re a content creator/previously know 5wirl
i think heizou would make a game out of it (again) but different
he’d create a whole ass scavenger hunt for his friends to locate him and his secret partner
bro is counting on kazuha and aether to hard carry the group /hj
he sees it as a win win, he gets to reveal you as his partner and enjoy a relaxing date while waiting for his friends to arrive
what do they win? uhhhh, who cares the win win is for you and heizou not them smh
but since he loves his friends he made the hunt end at your apartment where a movie night is waiting for them :D (cuddling heizou on the couch <3333)
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night-dazai · 1 year ago
Hi there. I just read "Beautifully Destroyed" and it was so good! I really like your writing style..
I'm interested in requesting a Fyodor x reader fic, with some religious themes, where they're having their first time together and he's starts out soft and vanilla but slowly gets rougher and more aggressive as he keeps going.
Please feel free to ignore if this makes you uncomfortable. Sorry if there are any grammar mistakes, English is not my first language
and thank you for your time.🍓✨️
Falling for you
Hey, it was such a lovely request while writing this I just realized that I really love writing and reading stuff where the reader is a virgin. And plus thank you so much, I am honoured that you enjoyed my previous work. Thank you любовь💕💕💕
Tags: reader virgin, rough sex, mentions of little blood, female reader, manipulation but sweet aftercare.
Also thanks to @inconspisheadreams for helping me proofread this, but if there are still any mistakes found do let me know. ❤️
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When you first explain to your friends what your type is, add all the details on appearance and personality. little did you know that you were just subconsciously attracted to Russian men. More especially religious Russian men, meeting Fydor was a complete accident no it was a destined meeting, something you humans could not control. 
Little did you know that it was all planned from the first time the Russian saw you at the club, sitting in the corner with a tissue covering your drink? Innocence is seen in your bright eyes and clumsy behaviour, running to your friends when a guy hits on you “Please I said I am not interested, “ you would mumble holding your friend's dress as they told the dude to back off. 
The moment he saw you he knew he would protect you, and also make sure to create a world where you won't be bothered by such things and your innocence can be safe, slowly making accidents for you two meet in cafes and book shops you frequent. The way your eyes widened at his appearance, you were not very short but the little height difference was something Fydor found very cute. 
After a whole year of careful manipulation, he had you become his girlfriend “Fyda …” you started out fidgeting with your top “ что за проблемная принцесса? “ (what's the prob princess ?” ) his voice so gentle rough big hands holding yours. “I…..I always wanted to lose my virginity after marriage “, you said blushing just at the word. 
He was not surprised but kind of, he did expect you to be inexperienced with the way you reacted to his advances but still, the fact that no man has ever touched you made his blood rise “You have not even kissed хомяк ?” (hamster).
His hands traced gently on your bottom lip which quivered under the rough skin contact “ Y...yeah “ you said nodding your head. The black Russian made a note “Marriage, first night “, and from that day on your extremely peaceful life started. 
College got over you got the job at the place you always wanted, Fydor was busy working and you never bothered to ask what it was “ Fyoo!” you exclaimed running into your shared house and thinking about the message you got from him “What-” you words stopped short. Fydor was in the most beautiful white suit you have seen his long hair loose eyes sparkling, on one knee he opened the box “Will you, хомяк ?” (hamster ). You could not control the tears “Yeah!” you nodded and leaped into his arms.
The wedding was short with close friends and people you guys wanted, with Sigma and Nikolai right next to your husband, who was a bit too eager to get his hands on your pure body. 
“What will he think? will he like me? He told me it's fine so it must be right ?” you thought pacing in the bathroom and looking at your reflection. Dressed in a full white gown you stood, the neck was a bit deep and the soft silk showed your curves very lustrously.
Glamping down the lump in your neck you walked out to your bed sat in the corner and waited for your husband. 
Fydor walked into the room, and his proper eyes caught you sitting on the edge of the bed playing with your dress.“Love”,  he said walking towards you. Raising your head you see him all angelic in white “According to the rules of a married couple we must make sure we are married .” his hands roamed your exposed neck as he took a seat next to you “And do you know what that means right ? I will be touching you in very intimate place “ his voice had the same gentle tone but something in it made you shiver. All you could do was nod your head, his lips crashed on yours, soft plump. The kiss was a bit rough is what you felt, it was not the same way he kissed you in front of everyone. 
His rough hands roamed your body and his weight pressed down on you, in all the years of your dating you guys never did anything and even if you slept in the same bed the max was his hands on your waist but now it held a firm grip, unlike his fragile appearance. 
Your head hit the white pillows “I am removing the clothes “, he said sitting back on his heels to remove his shirt, all you could do was sit back and admire the view in front of you “So hungry хомяк “ he teased not removing his pants “ your turn “ he said and moved the dress up your head dropping the only piece of clothing you had. 
Your hands instinctively went to cover your chest “Don't hide dear “, he said moving your hands to admire the view, “ only I can see and feel this “ he thought and gently massaged your breasts. 
It felt weird, you were not sure if that was the feeling of lust but your legs rubbed instinctively “It's soft love “ he mumbled face nuzzling against your neck leaving hot wet kisses down your inner jaw from your neck to your chest while gently holding and twisting your nipples.
Weird noises left your mouth no matter how hard you tried to hold them in it did not work, Fydor’s leg between yours made you feel even weirder you felt scared “Fyda…” you mumbled trying to hold his shoulders “ Fyda..” you said a bit louder making his stop his actions. 
“It feels weird “ you said with wet eyes lashes wet, face red you covered your chest again. 
He wanted to go slow, yes he did, slow and make sure you enjoyed it, he did not want to force you so much that after the first year, he stopped all his tricks thus, the mastermind criminal fell in love. But how can he stop when you lay under him all naked crying just from a few kisses? like not even his fingers but a few kisses, he could not stop and he would not. 
Kissing your forehead he leaned in “Love, it's alright you will soon learn that this is pleasure “ he said moving your hands again but this time his place fingers slithered down to your wet core. 
That feeling you felt when his hands touched your slit, you realized that whatever this person was going to do to you would surely be nothing but pleasurable. You opened your legs a little bit earning a chuckle from your husband “Good хомяк “ he said moving his head down and licking the little hard bud. 
Shots of current and pleasure moved through your body “Fyda…” you moved his name like a chant holding the sheets like it was your lifeline you let the Russian lick and suck all he wanted and for heaven's sake, it felt soo good, it felt heavenly. 
Suddenly you felt a knot in your stomach “ mov..move” you said trying to push his head, it felt like you were going to pee you struggled to move his head but it was too late. Fydor just sat next to your cunt as your squirted for the time in your life, your body shook and trembled in the effect “No..” you sobbed thinking the bad. 
But Fydor was quick to come up to your face and kiss your eyes “It is not what you think, this means I did a good job, you felt good right ?” he asked making you peek at him from your fingers which hid your face ” Yeah “. 
“ The next things will feel even better “ he said slithering to your hole and slipping in, and you could have never wished for anything better. After making sure you had cum twice on his fingers alone he decided that you were ready. 
Removing his pants he let him free, your eyes widened seeing a dick for the first time in real life “It's fine nothing to be scared of it will soon feel good “ he said and pressed the tip at your opening. 
As he entered slowly the pain shot right up your abdomen to your spin and felt like your neck was full your body was getting split into half, hot tears fell on the white already stained pillow, you held on to his arms digging your nails in them. 
The blood was visible on his dick mixed with your juices and cum, it was a dizzy feeling “Was I supposed to go soft? She can take it right ?” he thought pulling his dick out and in with every slow movement seeing the bloody shaft vanish and reappearance. The promise of going slow and not wanting to hurt your innocence all left his mind “I will be one and teach you everything “ his mind went a bit too blank for your good. 
With a sudden thrust, he pushed his full length in making you whimper and hold his arms tighter feeling the burning pain, his thrusts did not stop Pace rough hands holding your hands down making sure you were not squirming or moving as he moved in and out of your bloody cunt. 
“Slo..slow down “ you moaned pain slowly fading and something new settling in, it was weird but felt weirdly nice and …full. Fydor threw his head back and kept moving at his own pace as your words and please fell on deaf ears, he was busy chasing his high in your tight cunt which was almost suffocating him. 
It was not long before you held his hands tighter shouting you were cumming soon he followed. “phew …” Fydor moved his hair back opening his purple eyes to look at your fucked out face, it was not that he did not hear, he did not want to hear. Your pleading voice was music for him, your little grip was like a peck on his hands, and your tears turned him only more. Pulling out he let his cum mixed with your flow out of your cunt as you lay there twitching. 
The white bed stained with drool, tears, sweat and cum look beautiful with the tiny drops of your blood which were mixed with your cum “ хомяк ?” he asked. Getting his rational mind back Fydor realised his actions “You could not even handle a simple pinch and would yelp shit !” he thought and moved your hair from your face “You alright ? I am sorry love “ he said soothing and kissing your checks. 
“Yeah… it hurt but…later felt nice..” you yawned sleep and tiredness taking over your exhausted body you pulled him with the only strength you and he let you “It's fine …sleep,” you said closing your eyes and holding his neck. 
Never in all his life did a man like him expect to meet someone like you and have you to himself “Sleep хомяк you did so good for me “ he said. Not sleeping you moaned answering him “I…я тебя люблю “(I love you ) you mumbled and went into slumber your body relaxing against his chest as his eyes widened in surprise. 
Did you learn Russian for him? A genuine smile formed on his thin lips “Good night and я тебя люблю “ he said getting up cleaning you hugging your naked body and drifting into the best slumber he had in his entire life. 
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serialkilluh1996 · 5 months ago
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Android-König x Detective-Female-reader
Detroit Become Human x Call Of Duty
Themes: drabble, oneshot, kinda platonic, meet cute
Author's note at the end.
୨୧How you and König meet୨୧
☣Content warning☣
➛ Mentions of bombs, terrorists, hijacking, Kidnapping.
➛ König uses "die"(pronounced, dee) instead of "the".
➛ use of "☆☆☆" in place of reader's name.
contact me if I need to add more.
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It wasn't easy being a detective in detroit with the whole "androids going crazy" bullshit running a muck in the local headlines. Stacks on stacks of painful paperwork revolving around someone's artificial housepet going haywire.
You could feel a migraine coming on just looking at the file in your hand. "Android terrorists, huh?" You shrug, scanning over the case. Who new robots were capable of making complex bombs?
Cyberlife, probably. It's one of the reasons they're trying so hard to keep this under wraps. They knew from the very jump how dangerous these things could be, knowing lives would be in danger the second an android was sold, but sells were booming, and morality doesn't interfere with money in this economy. The crime scene photos were awfully graphic. It made you sick to the stomach knowing that a robot did this. Then again, it is a machine made in human image, and humans certainly weren't the best people. Millenias of track records proved that.
"☆☆☆!" You wince as you hear the grouchy old voice of your least favorite lieutenant. Hank. Fucking. Anderson. That sleazy old bitch and his shaggy dog beard. You could smell the beer from across the room, too frustrated to even turn around and face him. You were NOT in the mood.
"Hey, Ms. ☆☆☆. It'd be real courteous of you to, I dunno, turn the fuck around when I'm talking to ya." Hank teases, clearly too nonchalant for your byllshit today. "Lieutenant, WHAT do you want–" you turn in your spinning office chair, going silent as you notice the massive monstrous man that he was leaned against. He was tall, nearly 7'0", all decked out in a military combat uniform, large gun held firmly in his left hand that you could only assume was locked and loaded.
He had on some sort of dark hood with red streaks around the eyes, his irises glowing a vicious shade of bold red that illuminated like lasers. "What the fuck..." your voice trailed off, a reluctant fear in your voice as you tried to stand your ground. This guy clearly wasn't hunan, but he wasn't your usual android either.
Androids were designed to look friendly and appealing to the eye. Not to strike fear into the heart of whoever dares to look. Cyberlife's usual color scheme was a gentle teal blue, one that seemed electric and hyper. He was red-themed, not as friendly nor appealing considering that the color red is confirmed to cause anxiety and unease if in large quantities, especially bright red.
And that gun. This fucker had a gun. Cyberlife had lost their damn minds. There's no way these people actually thought that they should give an android, recently discovered to have a high possibility of going rogue and causing fatal damage to the human race, a gun, especially a murder weapon like that. That gun didn't even look legal to own. And then there's Hank, without an inch of a fuck to give, leaning against him like it was nothing.
"Cyberlife wanted me to, eh, bring you this little gift." "Why are they giving it to me???" You fuss. "Well, I'm off duty, kid. The case is yours, so the fuckin' android is too." He stuffs his hands in his large coat pockets, turning to leave.
"Hank?" You call out, a subtle whine in your voice caused by the fear of being left alone with it. "Whatever questions you have, ask the big guy. Or, just...Google it like the old days." He chuckles, knowing he sounded like an ass. You grunt at his lack of concern, trying to suppress a whimper as the metal monster progressed toward you, clenching the gun tightly.
"Greetings. I'm König, Die android sent by Cyberlife." He speaks, the tone in his voice making it obvious his words were scripted. "...you don't look like a usual robot " you stagger out, remaining calm with an unbothered, cocky facade. "I'm a prototype sent from Germany. I'm die only one with my model." He responded, voice clearly created with the idea of a German accent in mind. "Why are you so..." "Big? Red? Scary? Different from die others? It's simple, really. I'm especially designed for missions involving heavy crimes such as Kidnapping, bombing, hijacking, and trafficking. Missions like yours." He raises his right hand, index finger pointed directly at your file. Twelve dead. Nine injured. A shopping center blown to bits at the hands of AI.
"My bright shades of red are meant to exert power, instill fear and imply threat. Like a big X when you do something incorrect in a game." He places his AR on the ground, letting the loud metal cling as it hit your desk. His eyes examine your face, scanning cautiously, he squints as his inner computers calculate your current anxiety.
"You are...confused. Scared. Do not fret, detective. I was sent to protect you. I will terminate any and all threats to this mission and your safety, even if that includes me." He puts a shockingly soft gloved hand to your cheek. He really was an advanced model.
They're programming them with charisma as well? What will they think of next? You roll your eyes. Pushing the hand away, you reach for your car keys, snatching the file up off the table.
"Where are you going, Detective?" "Home. I've got a case to work on." Before you know it, you feel a firm grip around your waist before your lifted in the air by König. "What are you doing?" You hit his back, wincing at how firm it was.
"Taking you home. You're car needs to stay here incase they're stalking you. They'll see it and assume you're still at die precinct." He responds, opening the door with a single hand before ducking to exit. "So, you're just- you're gonna carry me back? All the way?" "Yes, Detective."
"Don't you think that would bring more attention to me than just...driving?" And suddenly, he stops walking. You can literally hear the gears turning in his head. "So, I was lying." The admission shocks you. "What?! What the hell kinda lie is that?"
"I just wanted to carry you back. Perhaps, show off what I can do. But,...dont worry. I assure you, you'll make it home safely. Then I can show you what else i can do." König's tone is flat as he resumes his journey. Lying, charismatic robot. What. A. Day.
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You can support me by liking, commenting, reblogging, and/or cashapping me @fundsbrownie. Donations are optional, but much appreciated. Have fun! And remember, take care of yourself.
Okay, so this was something that's been on my mind for a while and I'm thinking about doing more oneshots with this scenario because robot König is just MWAH🫶🏾😚😚😚 and I absolutely must have more of him.
And to everyone that has recently submitted requests, please read my pinned and rules before sending one, because a lot of these asks were.... heavily against my boundaries. Have a great day/night!
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lightlycareless · 1 year ago
Can we have more headcanons ?? Pleaaaaseeee😭😭🫶🏻
Hello anon!!
Of course! This came to me just a few days ago, and idk, I just thought it would be cute to explore the idea a bit hehe :> Anyways, I don’t have much to say this time, except that I hope you like what I wrote 🥺❤️
As always, here are the warnings: mentions of pregnancy. Fluff overall. I’m sorry I’m still in my domestic stage with Naoya lol.
Happy reading!
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I heavily believe that Naoya is the “against the current” type of guy. Like, you'll never find him following trends, going to popular spots everyone is raving about, or indulging in the list of “things to do with your partner!” kind of stuff—he finds them silly, a waste of time, and highly embarrassing depending on the context….
He has a wide variety of things he dislikes, but today we’re going to talk about a particular niche.
Naoya heavily disliked how certain pregnant women would refer to themselves in plural, in other words, talking as if the baby and her were one, making decisions for them and whatnot, for example:
“The baby wants to eat this.”
“We want to do that.”
Because as stated before, he found all those things to be incredibly absurd, doing his best to not “burst their bubble” and say it was them having the craving, not the baby.
But when you get pregnant… everything changes.
The first time it happened, he didn’t even notice it. At least… not the way he should’ve.
After a mission, Naoya decided to call you to both let you know he was coming back home, as well as to see if you needed anything from outside since he was already there—he always got you things either way, but he wanted to be sure he got just what you wanted, especially now that you were pregnant.
“Hmmm… ice cream! We want ice cream.”
He’s quickly taken aback by your choice of words, but doesn’t chase an answer, thinking instead it was his annoying cousins Mai and Maki pressing you into this decision, as they’ve done before.
“Are you sure? Nothing more?” he asks; Naoya has never liked how manipulative they could be towards you…
“Yep! The ube one from the store I like, pretty please, my love?”
Well, even if it’s going to be shared at the end of the day, Naoya won’t deny that seeing you happy makes him happy too—so, after wandering a bit out of his usual path to get what you want, he heads back home, gives you the ice cream, and relishes the great reward that is your smile and kisses…
A satisfaction that quickly dies out after remembering you would concede to giving most, if not all the ice cream to the frustrating twins, instead of enjoying it wholeheartedly.
“…did you get to at least eat some of it?” Naoya would ask upon meeting up with you once dealing with some of the equally bothersome procedures he always needed to do after finishing a mission.
Seeing you resting by the engawa while gently caressing your stomach is enough to wash away his displeasures… until you answer pushes him back to square one.
“What do you mean?” you respond, he sighs.
“You don’t have to defend them, you know? I know it was Mai and Maki asking you to get ice cream.” If he’s being honest, he was quite surprised their parents haven’t barraged him with reprimands of how he’s not supposed to indulge your requests, or done the same to you for that manner. Either way, he is not looking forward to it, quietly preparing himself to defend you when they do.
“Oh, but… they didn’t?” you add with a subtle frown, confused. Naoya blinks.
“Huh? But you said—then who were you referring to back then?”
“Back then…? What do you mean back—oh!” you gasp, a smile parting your lips when suddenly remembering. “I get it now; it was the baby!”
“The baby…?” Naoya slowly repeats, trying his best to understand. “When you meant we, it was actually…”
“Me and the baby.” You admit with a nod. “Sometimes I get cravings, sometimes the baby does, and sometimes, it’s both of us. The ice cream was one of those times.”
“No way… can you really know that?” He asks, amused.
“Of course! A mother has to, right?” you chuckle. “..Or that’s how it feels anyways.”
But even if what you said wasn’t possible, this didn’t stop the warm sentiment of adoration for you and his unborn baby to settle in his heart, growing bigger and stronger any time you mention it afterwards, to the point he starts doing it himself.
“What are you doing, my loves?” He would ask, just to give an example, after seeing you in the living room, covered by soft blankets and a small heater, safe and away from the cold winter, while leisurely watching TV.
“We’re watching a movie, want to join us?” you ask, looking up to him with a soft smile as you pat the spot beside you. “It’s warm underneath the covers.”
Naturally, Naoya immediately obliges.
“…we want a hamburger…” Is another moment that he keeps dearly his heart: you quietly muttering your request against his chest, almost as if ashamed by it, while he laughs in response—it’s endearing how you still act this way, even when knowing he would do anything to please you.
“Want me to get it, or have the cooks prepare it?”
“Let’s go out, we haven’t been on a date in a while now…”
He kisses the top of your head.
“Anything my girls want.”
“Sushi too?”
“No, Y/N. You know you can’t have sushi when you’re pregnant.”
“Then it’s not anything…”
Naoya laughs once more before placing his hand over your stomach and leaning down.
“Tell mama she needs to be patient. Once you’re with us she’ll have all the sushi she can eat.”
“Do you promise?”
“Have I ever gone back on my word?”
No. He hasn’t, and you rest easy knowing that.
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Naoya really is that kind of person that hates on something before trying it, and when he eventually does, he loves it hahahah
But of course, that’s only on things that pertain directly to him. Kind of “I love children” but “only MINE though.” So he still finds those plural references from other people silly/stupid 😂 really, he only has eyes for you 🥺
Anyways, thank you so much for sending in this ask!! I hope you liked my little headcanon, I still have many more to come, but one step at a time 🤭
Take care and hope to see you soon!
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crkstuffidk · 9 months ago
Before I start this I wanted to mention how it seems, atleast with the lore we get with Mystic Flours update that cookies used the beasts and their abilities, and eventually the beasts snapped and murdered many of them. A bit dramatic but I kinda see where they come from, I mean maybe they stopped doing the things cookies asked first but then the cookies started 'rebelling' idk anything better to call it, and then the beasts started murdering them. Anyways that's all I have for that topic now onto something quite different.
Warning for all you White Lily lovers and defenders, I am going to be complaining about pretty much everything about her, so please if you don't want to see this, scroll past, if your fine with it, do whatever, but this is my opinion so please don't comment stuff like how I'm wrong. Also I wanted to add this isn't ment to be targeting any of you White Lily defenders and supporters, I just wanted to express what I think of her, and its that i really dont like her. So with all that said, I'm going to go ahead and essentially hate on White Lily.
1st of all, Toxic Purelily shippers, I know not all of you are bad, and I haven't ran into any of you, but I've seen some comments on anything that ships one of these two with someone else, and it's kinda annoying, they say stuff like 'this is cute, but I ship Purelily' or 'purelily canon' seriously there's no need to bring that up, if you don't like it scroll past, if you do like it don't mention how you like Purelily better because whoever created the posts probably don't ship them if they are shipping either of them with another cookie, and they honestly didn't ask your opinion on it. Also back when the costumes first came out, a lot of purelily shippers used those as their defense that it's canon, but they just ignored that in Pure Vanillas costume description it literally says he was put under a love potion, that would make Purelily canon or not, a bit toxic, especially if White Lily knew he was under a potion control, cause that's just being a shitty friend either way. If she didn't know, I guess it's better, but still it makes Purelily somewhat toxic because now we don't really know if PV had any romantic feelings for her before the potion.
2ndly Her being Dark Enchantress, because I remember back before golden cheeses update or before it was confirmed she was DE many people wanted her to be DE, but now after GCs update, and that she's actually at fault for something(actually lots of things, bc she also caused the beasts to be free) everyone's saying she's not Dark Enchantress, and in a way their right, her body didn't become Dark Enchantress, but I'm pretty sure her conscience was still in DE, therefore she was atleast somewhat aware of her actions, and if you guys say she isn't aware because she was corrupted, you better act the same way with the beasts, cause generally, it's the same thing for WL and the beasts. Generally rn in my mind WL is to blame for quite a lot of stuff in game lore.
3rd, she got off the hook too quickly, literally everyone(not GC) forgave her for pretty much ruining their lives, She destroyed PVs Kingdom and is the reason he didn't remember like anything when we first met him. I can't say much with HB, but I'm guessing something happened that she's at fault for, Dark Cacao's son literally tried to kill him, because of her(yes it was the sword, but it doesn't take a fool to guess that the sword was made by her power) and Golden Cheese literally lost everything because of her. Then Elder Faerie died because she became DE and that caused the beasts to be freed, and then Dark Cacao's Kingdom is dying of a plague caused by Mystic Flour because the beasts were freed.
4th, She was let off the hook in general, this one is with the Witches though. Let's go back to what the beasts did before imprisonment, like I said earlier they were probably being used and got fed up with it, so they killed the cookies, still a bit dramatic but whatever, they didn't seem to be trying to fight the Witches they were just killing cookies, and they were imprisoned for eons because of it, But WL aka DE literally wanted to steal the others soul jams and actually (this is from what I recall) wanted to fight the Witches, or something like that, but the Witches don't do anything? That's just annoyingly unfair, DE wanted to actually fight the Witches but she got away scotch free, but the Beasts killed cookies(still a bit overly dramatic) and they get imprisoned for who knows how long, that's just kinda stupid.
5th, the power imbalance. The Ancients have half of what the beasts powers were, and at the beginning of the games cut scene we see that PV is pretty damn strong because if I recall correctly she stopped using her magic and actually brought her arm up to shield herself, therefore the black void or whatever was probably mostly caused by PVs magic. And thats half of Shadowmilks magic, Shadowmilk may have still been regaining his strength, but he still most likely should've atleast came closer to winning, rather than whatever happened in game(I'll admit though it was cool to see SM get this shadowy jester mask in the cutscene) and also the whole reason he lost was probably just to promote her costume, which is in general annoying.
6th, Shadowmilk was right, she's half a cookie, and could still become DE again, and I'm pretty sure she probably will, but she was given this power, which by is pretty stupid, because Elder Faerie I'm pretty sure used that same magic on SM earlier and he still died, so how was White Lily, half a cookie, probably still has a bit of corruption in her able to defeat SM with it.
7th, The Mystic costumes, they suck, they look like piss, and honestly weren't even needed. A Frost Queen Mystic costume would've made probably lots of players actually excited.
8th, the fact that all of the horrible events in the game were caused by her curiosity, I get that curiosity isn't always a bad thing, but the saying 'curiosity killed the cat' exists for a reason. She was way to curious about things she shouldn't have been curious about, and instead of listening to the cookies that told her to maybe stop before it's too late, she still went searching for answers, on that topic, why was finding out how they were created so important to her in the first place, literally why PV backed out before he went too far, she should've too. What happened to her was her own fault. She didn't need these answers they weren't going to be revolutionary for cookie kind, and when she got the horrid answer she became DE(which wasn't necessarily her fault because she fell into that jam or whatever) but she most likely still had some of her conscience while she was DE and instead of talking to her friends, who after being proven that DE was infact WL and were told the truth about their creation, they would've most likely sided with her. But she didn't do that, she decided to try and steal their souljams.
Okay I'm done now, I'm going to be honest I generally hate her with my whole heart, her designs cute, and her voice is amazing, but I really don't like her. I literally got her on one of my first pulls in her gacha and I have her turned off on the dashboard, I'm serious when I say I hate her. I'll say it again please don't come at me for this, it's my opinion, I'm in no way saying it's correct or anything like that, but it's my opinion I'm entitled to it, just as you all are entitled to yours, so I'm not saying you can't have your own opinion on her, I'm just saying what mine is.
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happypot0001 · 7 months ago
⚠️Most characters belong to @just-a-carrot!⚠️
Hello! I’m bored, I wanted to draw, and I like you!
*Gives you Hunar x Bucks (Belongs to @just-a-carrot) fan art doodle*
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Go support @just-a-carrot, the creator who made the amazing game “Our Wonderland”!
Lots of love to anyone reading! 💕
Rambling -
Hello! So, I included a cut in this post because I realize that I kind of talk A LOT about my process with art, so to make my blog more…scroll-able(???)…I decided to add a cut to make my posts look shorter! Also, if there are people who don’t really care about the process, this is for them as well! Under the cut, you’ll most likely see me talking about the art, how it came to be, and extra doodles (If there are any) !
If you have been following along with my Tumblr, you’ll see that I previously mentioned before that I had been busy from July 16. Well, not anymore!!! IM FREE!! Honestly the thing I was busy with was SUPER fun but I’m extremely exhausted after it. I’m glad I can finally focus a bit more on making some art! It has made me so happy making art for people and seeing them happy with the art I make them! 💖 I love posting my art on Tumblr really like almost everyone I’ve interacted with online has showed me nothing but kindness! I cant name these people because 1. I don’t want to bother them by tagging them in my post and 2. There would be WAY too many names pfft. Just know that I appreciate everyone and I’ll be trying to post! 🥹
I want to talk about why I did Hunar and Bucks! Im just going to say, Hunar and Bucks are probably one of the only straight ships that I actually kind of like. When I first played “Our Wonderland”, I hadn’t known that it would be a queer game! So when I got introduced to one of the first canon couple that was (kind of) straight, I was like “huh, oh well” and I kept on playing. THATS HOW GOOD THE GAME WAS!!! 🥕 GAVE ME A (AGAIN, KIND OF) STRAIGHT COUPLE AND I STILL PLAYED!!!! Nothing wrong with straight couples in general, I want to establish that pfffft. I just anyway like Hunar, he’s a cute lil’ guy! Don’t look at the feet, I had struggled with those pffft 🤣 Also, officially my first time drawing Hunar!!! I guess this is also officially my first time drawing Bucks in doodle form???!!! If you hadn’t noticed, I had put Hunar in the clothes that he had at the very end of the game because I REALLY liked how he looked there <3 I put Bucks in her normal clothes because I thought they looked better than the softball ones only because I’m imagining that they’re just at home cuddling. And then when you expand on that, you would think “Well, why is Bucks wearing her softball clothes if they’re just chilling at home?” You know? Pfffft
I knew that after I was done with the thing I was so busy with, I wanted to have a drawing/doodle to post. So, I was thinking of who to draw and I was getting into like couple stuff. It was like Cecil x Orlam and Genzy, but those ones are really special ones. So, I decided to leave them for another day! Like, I have a TON of “Our Wonderland’ ideas that I want to do! But, I’m REALLY REALLY slow so if you want to see my ideas, you sadly have to be patient 😭 Like Orlam is honestly invading my mind why is he in there???? I also had another doodle idea that I DID create but decided not to make it the main post because I thought it was stupid and you’ll see why:
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“Uhhhh….Pot? What is this?” You may ask. Well, since I was so tired after my thing, I had been wanting to draw myself tired! Does anyone else do that? Like, if you’re crying or you’re happy, you want to draw you or someone else happy or crying? That’s literally me pfft! I’m not going to call this my sona, I’m just going to refer to this character as “me” because I don’t have a definite sona yet. This is temporary so don’t get too attached pffft. I just thought that I’d include her because I drew her anyway so….enjoy????
Uhhh anyway this is just a collection of silly doodles upon my arrival so I hope you really like them! Just one thing I wanted to point out since I can make the topic about Hunar, did anyone notice the hair clips in the Art Fight attack I did for 🥕 were based off of Hunar’s hair clip?? The story is that Bucks invited Gidget over for a sleepover because Hunar had been out for something, maybe something to do with his books, and so Bucks came up with the idea to have a no boys night! Gidget had brought some hair clips because they’re prepared for anything but Bucks was probably like “No, we should take this opportunity to steal Hunar’s hair clips while he’s away” because she’s a mischievous little thing and I guess somehow Gidget obliged pfffffft! I’d love for anyone to leave a comment if you did notice the clip thing! I thought the little detail would have been noticeable but if it wasn’t I wanted to point it out now! I appreciate anyone to took the time to read all of my ranting heh!!!! Again, go support @just-a-carrot, the creator who made the amazing game “Our Wonderland”!
Have a wonderful day/night! Again, lots of love to anyone reading💗💕
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