#i just used bottle caps soda tabs and safety pins too :))
jasperthehatchet · 2 months
Hello hi greetings a few people have asked me how i make plastic bottle cap pins so here's a hopefully helpful guide for how I personally make them.
***I can't do image descriptions in this post right now, my apologies. But I will try and explain as much detail as possible while writing the steps. If someone reblogs this with image descriptions I will reblog and credit the person
***You'll need: a hot glue gun, pliers, a soda tab, a safety pin, a thumbtack, scissors, and some cardboard
Step 1: Score the inside of the bottle cap with a thumbtack, just the flat circle part. (This is so the glue sticks better) I do it down and across so the surface is thoroughly scratched up
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Step 2: cut a piece of cardboard small enough to fit inside the scored part of the cap, inside the ridges too, and glue it in. It doesn't have to be shaped like a circle but it needs to fit flush against the plastic like this:
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Once it's glued in there, seal it with some glue. The less you use the better but it really needs to be in there good. You don't need to score the sides on the inside of the cap, the glue will hold on the the ridges that are already there so it should be fine
***note: if you have a way of safely melting down the edges of the cap to make the whole thing thinner, the cardboard can be skipped entirely and you can just glue the soda tab and safety pin directly to the scored plastic
Step 3: bend your soda tab slightly with your pliers and insert the safety pin into it like you would for metal bottle cap pins. Make sure it looks like this:
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The bent soda tab should be facing down and the pointy part of the pin should be facing up. Insert the piece that holds the pin closed under the middle part of the tab and back up through the other side, the slight bend of the tab should let it fit snugly in place.
Step 4: glue tab/pin on top of the cardboard piece. Again, the less glue the better, but to make sure it doesn't go anywhere I like to use another pin to move the glue all up in and around the soda tab so make sure it's held in place. Its also good to make sure the side of the pin sitting on the cardboard is thoroughly glued so it won't move around. Sometimes a little extra glue is necessary
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Once it cools and you have your pin, you'll want to make sure that it sits balanced on a flat surface upright like this:
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You'll wanna try and avoid having the safety pin sticking out too far otherwise it won't sit well on whatever you pin it to. So for it to look nicer it needs to be able to sit flat (painted side up)
And all that's left to do is paint it. Be sure to keep the angle of the pin in mind while painting to make pinning it to things easier. I hope this was helpful :) happy crafting 🌿❤️🌻
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crownedghostprince · 1 year
Peter Maximoff x Goth!Reader Headcanons
Peter Maximoff x Goth!Reader Headcanons
Fandom: X-Men.
Some fun headcanons of what I think it'd be like to date Peter/Quicksilver, being a goth person.
Requests: Closed. Requested: no.
Warning(s): None! <3
Note: Enjoy! If I've written anything inaccurately, please correct me! Also reader's gender is unspecified but I do talk about 'Feminine' and 'Masculine' clothing styles.
Word Count: 1,017
[Second Person Perspective]
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(Picture reposted by " Four Alignments " tumblr from 2021 and original poster deactivated their account).
♡ Peter loves your style so much. All the layers of clothing, the matching colours, how any colour you add matches the black you often prefer to wear.
♡ He loves all of your accessories and will watch you create your own and sometimes even steal you some materials for you to use.
♡ If you make pop-tab chains, necklaces, button pins, bottle cap pins, etc; he'll gift you pop-tabs from the cans of soda he drinks during his free time and bottle caps he finds laying around the place.
♡ It's always fun to see him speed around a corner, put a pop-tab or bottle cap in your hand with a smile and then zoom off again.
♡ A bit like 'Penguin Pebbling'.
♡ If you make him any jewelry or accessories, or button pins, he'll absolutely wear them.
♡ You once made him a 'Bauhaus' button pin and he's never taken it off his jacket unless he has to wash the jacket.
♡ He also borrows some of your spiked belts (basically belts you added the spikes to yourself) and wears them.
♡ You borrow his band tees, belts and occasionally his jackets when he lends you them.
♡ If you love making your own clothes and fixing them, when his clothes get old and raggedy (like about to be thrown out) he'll give them to you first so you can take the threads and use it to fix other clothes. (Or so you can cut out any patterns on it you like).
♡ Speaking of clothes, you fix any tears and rips in his shirts or pants that he often gets when speeding around bushes or exposed nails.
♡ As a date you both painted a pair of your sneakers to your liking and then coated them in paint protector until they were finished and safe from being weather ruined.
♡ If you love going to goth concerts and parties he'll 100% go with you to some of them and bop with a drink in hand.
♡ He carries hair ties on his right wrist in case yours break, safety pins attached to his jackets in case your button pins come undone and eyeliner in his pocket in case your makeup messes up.
♡ He'll paint his nails black with you and adopt any black kittens you find on the streets.
♡ If you find a stray dog he'll definitely raise the dog with you and name it something incredible like "Trucker".
♡ He'll tie your shoelaces when they come loose, hold your hair back when you're doing your makeup, help you put your necklaces on and help pin any slightly too big skirts.
♡ You and him have constant dance sessions together in his room and your playlist is a strange mix of his music and your music.
♡ It'll jump from 'Us and Them' by Pink Floyd straight into 'Spellbound' by Siouxsie and The Banshees.
♡ Going to skateparks together and having a lot of fun just messing around and trying new tricks. He loves when you pull off a kickflip or cross-over turn (depending on what you skate).
♡ You'll both celebrate Halloween by watching spooky movies and setting up fun decorations and treats. You both go candy shopping and leave them outside for trick-or-treators.
♡ Once you matched outfits as two vampires in love and another time you both dressed up like super fancy 1920s villains.
♡ Another time you both went as Morticia and Gomez Addams.
♡ He took you to see 'Scream' when it first came out in the cinemas. You two also saw 'Halloween' at a drive-in cinema.
♡ If you play in a band he'll help you practice and be your biggest fan and supporter.
♡ If you struggle to get a note when singing or learning a song on an instrument, he'll pull down one of his guitars and practice the song beside you.
♡ He loves getting drunk with you near a beach and just dancing under the stars as a radio plays beside you both.
♡ Speaking of beaches, he always carries sunscreen for you if you burn really easily. If you surf or swim professionally he'll practice beside you and you'll teach him some things you know.
♡ You taught Pete quite a few surfing tricks and he's never forgotten since. He's a naturally fast learner and surfs really well.
♡ If your favourite band has a concert and you don't hear about it he'll sneak a couple tickets behind your back and give them to you as a surprise.
♡ Also, it's certainly strange to see a goth at a Pink Floyd concert, but you still attend. They're a very welcoming community that don't mind your appearance, they're just enjoying the performance.
♡ You definitely feel less out of place at a Nirvana concert with Pete though.
♡ When he first got his license y'all immediately drove through many different cities just to listen to smaller goth bands play in bars as you both got food and soda.
♡ If you can ride a motorcycle, you definitely take him on long sunset drives through safe and beautiful back roads right beside the forests and small creeks.
♡ If y'all shoplift or graffiti because someone was horrible and y'all are getting your revenge? He'll 100% speed you both out of there the minute you grab an item or finish some graffiti art.
♡ Whilst on graffiti art, if you love it then you'll both take long walks under bridges, through alleyways and abandoned buildings and skateparks to admire the graffiti art and take photographs.
♡ If you need a model for your photography he'll pose in photos for you. During sunsets, concerts, beach days or when in a new state, you take a picture to remember the date with.
♡ You have a small scrapbook with little bats decorating the spaces between the photos as well as some press-dried roses.
♡ If you have any 'unusual' hyperfixations, or special interests, (or hobbies), he'll love to listen and learn about them with you.
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froggishgremlin · 1 year
Some punk DIY tips from a punk
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They also can work with not punk things, i just use these tips for punk diys
No thread? Use dental floss
Literally make your own patches, just cut up some denim or canvas material and get some paint
Look up refs for what ur gonna paint on the patches if you want it to be more accurate
Use old and ripped pants to cut material for patches to recycle them- it's just better
U can get most of this stuff from your local craft store, if there's a lil family business ALWAYS support that business over craft store corporations like Joann's or Michael's
Pls Google them
Most of them either have screw-thingies on the back or prongs, so it's easy to make crafts with
You can make those lil spiked wrist straps with them too, I'll get into it if I do another part to this
There are two ways that I make pins(if u have any other ways lmk)
One is the hot glue pin
You take a piece of paper, some hot glue and a hit glue gun and a safety pin and some clear tape that's wide
U can also use a lighter to smooth it out
The other one is metal bottle cap pins
You need a metal bottle cap, a soda tab, a safety pin, and some paint- or printed paper and something to seal it (like mod podge or smth)
U also need pliers
I can go into how to do stuff and some other stuff i missed if yall want me too
Have a good day/night!!
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