#i just thought something like: “what if 42 is omniscient somehow”
42-forty-two-42 · 5 months
*does an epik backflip and runs away*
This “42” seemed to be some sound as nothing helped one understand what it said. The doppelganger doesn’t seem to know what else to say. Either it somehow wasn't impressed or it’s too busy thinking about something else.
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web-novel-polls · 3 months
Favorite WN Quotes - Bonus: ORV
Quote 11: KDJ Crying
I didn’t cry. 「 Kim Dokja was crying. 」 - Kim Dokja & the Fourth Wall, Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint, Chapter 180
Quote 37: Three Ways to Survive in a Ruined World
「There are three ways to survive in a ruined world. I have forgotten some of them now. However, one thing is certain: you who are currently reading these words will survive.  –Three Ways to Survive in a Ruined World [Complete]」 - Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint, Chapter 1
Quote 38: I Believe in You
"If hyung was such a person, you wouldn't have saved me on the subway. I believe in you.”  - Lee Gilyoung to Kim Dokja, Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint, Chapter 21 
Quote 39: Just Somehow Survive
"Survive and take responsibility! Atone for the rest of your life or live a garbage life. Just somehow survive!”  - Kim Dokja to Lee Jihye, Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint, Chapter 40 
Quote 40: Wanted to Believe
"Still… if possible, I wanted to believe. I was able to come here because I believed in someone.”  - Yoo Sangah, Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint, Chapter 46
Quote 41: Face the Wall
“I only believe in people with walls. In order to understand someone, I think I should face that wall first.” - Han Donghoon, Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint, Chapter 60
Quote 42: Fuck capitalism fr
"Working up to build up history to become a constellation and then building up narratives to become narrative-grade constellations… then what? The higher the sky, the brighter the star? How long will you continue using the descendants of this land for your own sake?”  - Kim Dokja, Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint, Chapter 72 
Quote 43: Won't Give Up So Easily
“–If I was going to give up so easily, I wouldn't have started this journey.” - Yoo Joonghyuk, Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint, Chapter 82
Quote 44: No Sentences Describing These Deaths
“I had read all of Ways of Survival. I understood the settings, the meaning of the explanations and finally thought that I had figured out the author's intentions. But in Ways of Survival, there were no sentences describing these deaths.”  - Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint, Chapter 90
Quote 45: Loved by the Others
“I, someone of no redeeming quality, could be loved by the others.” - Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint, Chapter 513
Quote 46: Pound at the Walls
“Even if we can't reach each other, even if we can't meet each other, we should continue to pound away on each other's walls. Even if that wall would never open up, keep writing something on that wall, anyway.” - Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint, Chapter 538 
Quote 47: Most Proficient at Lying
“She wanted to tell him. Tell him that there was a world that didn't need his sacrifice to be saved. She thought that, if it was her, she should be able to do it.  Because she was most proficient at lying than anyone alive, after all.” - Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint, Chapter 539
[Propaganda below] - Spoilers Warning!
Quote 11: KDJ Crying
Kim Dokja, putting on clown makeup: "I didn't cry."  The narrative, immediately calling him out: HELLO???YOU'RE LITERALLY SOBBING.  Kim Dokja, getting louder, as circus music starts to play behind him: "I'm a reliable narrator!" All of Kim Dokja Company: staring immediately at the camera like they're on the office
Quote 39: Just Somehow Survive!
Just somehow survive!!!! You can’t atone through death!!! You just have to somehow survive!!!
Okay, serious talk, this quote makes me want to eat dirt due to Kim Dokja (insert spoilers here) saying it to Lee Jihye, a teenager, facing her trauma of killing her best friend in a life-or-death situation. Kim Dokja killing Kim Namwoon as a way of killing him younger self is OUT, Kim Dokja helping Lee Jihye as a way of helping his younger self is IN (/mainly joking)
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slytherpuff9 · 5 years
Things I Cannot And Will Not Believe Anymore
1.People are inherently evil.
2.People deserve the apocalypse/hell.
3. Women are responsible for the sexual impulses of men/can control the sexual impulses of men.
4. Men deserve authority over women.
5. Doubt is the devil using my spiritual gifts against me.
6.I owe sex to my husband/other forms of submission or obedience to my husband.
7. LGBTQIA+ are confused/evil/led astray -- their orientation/identification is wrong or invalid and forcing them to change/deny this about themselves will be good for them.
8. Women should not be in positions of leadership/roles that are considered to be traditionally masculine. Certainly not over men.
9. Jesus is the only absolution you need for sins that hurt other people.
10. Self-worth is pride/arrogance/vanity.
11. Religious values should dictate secular laws/civil rights.
12. Intimacy (psychological OR physical) that I share with men I love before I meet/marry my husband cheats my husband out of elements of my sexuality/liberties upon my body to which he is entitled.
13. Mental illness is merely a soul crying out for God and professional help is a scam to steal your money and lead you away from God.
14. People in unfortunate situations must have done something to deserve it/bring it upon themselves.
15. Women who have abortions want to kill their babies/hate children/are cruel and callous and loose/would choose murder over living with consequences of their presumed promiscuous lifestyle/believe abortion is the only form of birth control.
16. Men cannot and should not be expected to control their sexual impulses toward others on their own. (see #3)
17. Evidence supporting scientific/medical/psychological advancements that clash with a literal interpretation of the biblical account should be ignored, boycotted, banned, and impeded or even outlawed.
18. Sexual confidence (real or perceived) cheapens one’s worth as a person or invalidates one’s spirituality.
19. Teens cannot be trusted with an actual education in safe sex. In fact, I should deliberately mislead my daughter about birth control until FOUR MONTHS BEFORE HER WEDDING. There’s no way that could backfire spectacularly, cause damage to her health, her marriage, or even my ambitions to have grandchildren one day. (NOT ON YOUR LIFE, NOT FOR MANY, MANY YEARS!!!)
20. People who are not “with” me -- who believe what I do without question -- are “against” me -- militantly attacking me personally. The people “out there” are out to get me. They want to tear down my faith and send me and my children to hell.
21. Teens and unmarried women cannot be trusted with freely available contraception. If we make contraception available, they will do ALL the sex! O.O *gasp! horror! clutches pearls!*
22. It is okay and an expression of Christ-like love to demand that other people forsake their lifestyle, religion, and worldview, but feel personally persecuted and threatened when they question mine.
23. Teens cannot be trusted.
24. Women cannot be trusted.
25. Men cannot be trusted.
26. Doubt is selfish/dangerous/a slippery slope and means I’m not really sincere in my faith, or my faith is weak, or can grieve the Holy Spirit and take away my faith completely.
27. The Bible can and should be used to enforce anti-immigration policy. (see #11)
28. The Bible can and should be used to shame/denigrate victims of police brutality.
29. Unfortunate accidents/hardships that happen to me or my family can and should be seen as signs that God is punishing or testing me.
30. Disobedience -- even psychological disobedience (i.e. skepticism) -- casts into question or completely invalidates my morality.
31. It is okay to rail against affordable healthcare, actively impede it in the polls, then slander health organizations like Planned Parenthood and shame those who accept their help ... all without providing a viable alternative but claiming that the church can do it better.
32. “You just need to have faith”, “It’s a mystery”, “That’s a good/hard question, I’ll get back to you” (but he never DID), or “That’s the Old Testament Law, Jesus freed us from that” (when so many other O.T. laws are quoted and used to define sin, just sayin’ ...) are ACCEPTABLE and SATISFACTORY answers to questions about the 100% literal, true, God-breathed verses explicitly prescribing stoning or marrying rape survivors to their rapists ...
33. People who reject the evangelical message are just butt-hurt, pouty, selfish, petulant liberals who don’t want to face hard truths.
34. People who believe differently or celebrate different religious holidays in winter should be forced to use my seasonal religious greeting and failure to do so indicates a vitriolic antagonism to everything I stand for. But it is unreasonable to expect me to extend the same consideration to them.
35. It is okay to deny/limit/discourage my child’s access to the level of education required to succeed in the world we live in (even with the caveat that it clashes with my beliefs/worldview and I believe it to be false) because I do not trust my child to discern my interpretation of the Bible in the face of a single chapter in their no doubt riveting 10th grade biology textbook. I’m sure they’ll just breeze through that in college.
36. Children are also not to be trusted with intellectual/psychological/spiritual autonomy.
37. Not a single word of this book could possibly have been mistranslated, misinterpreted, metaphorical, made obsolete with time, or simply penned by a woefully misguided human being. (see #32)
38. If I open my mind enough to really understand the person I am trying to reach, my brain will fall out.
39. To seriously question these things is to deny my faith/attack that of others.
40. It is okay to train a child to be a soldier in my culture war.
41. It’s okay -- virtuous and caring, even -- to tell someone who is struggling or grieving that this life is meant to be a trial and their lot will improve drastically after they die.
42. There was a point in human history when water covered Everest by 22 feet of water, and scientists are actively hiding the geological evidence because they are in league with Satan and want me to go to hell.
43. Obedience = protection. “If you just follow God’s plan, nothing bad will ever happen to you.” The Bible is Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth and if you just do what it says, you’ll live a long and successful and fulfilling life.
44. Bad things happen to good people because omniscient God has reason to question/test their devotion. They are just being petulant or are deluded about their secret sin/doubt/disobedience, and if they search themslves and the Bible, they will see that God is well within His rights to hurt their families/hurt them/cause this hardship. (see #1,2,5,10,14,18,20,26,29,30)
45. It is okay -- advisable, even -- to tell someone who is struggling that they are being prideful/sinful/selfish, and they need to “die to self”. That can in no way be interpreted as a message of “just get over yourself or die already.”
46. In fact, just the whole ANY death imagery should be considered kind and appropriate dialogue with a human being who might be thinking of suicide. They should just know that isn’t what I mean at this turbulent point in their life. I have no responsibility to consider any other interpretation of my words or the biblical jargon/verses I use. I have no responsibility to examine what those words/jargon/verses really even say.
47. A survivor of abuse or assault has a civic duty to come forward to keep me and my daughters/children safe, but I have NO civic duty to believe/accept their account if:
a. I know the perpetrator.
b. They know the perpetrator.
c. They wear clothes I disapprove of.
d. It’s been a certain period of time.
e. They behave in a way that I disapprove of.
f. They are “sex-crazed/rebellious” teenagers or unmarried young adults.
g. The perpetrator is a public figure I approve of.
h. They “allowed” themselves to be alone with the perpetrator/somehow “put themselves” in this situation.
i. They continued a relationship with the perpetrator.
j. They are married/related to the perpetrator.
k. I am THE authority on what is abuse/assault, and believe their account does not qualify.
48. Not only do I NOT have a civic duty to believe/accept the accounts of abuse/assault survivors, I have the right to slander them publicly when I don’t. To shame them. To question the veracity of their account in the same breath that I demand why they didn’t jump at the chance to defend the women I actually care about in the wake of their trauma. They are the problem here.
49. It is impossible to have a fulfilling spiritual experience/personal contentment in life if I do not believe all of the things on this list.
50. It is certainly impossible to have a fulfilling spiritual experience/relationship with compassionate and unconditionally loving Christ if I do not believe all of the things on this list.
51. I have a spiritual and civic duty to force society worldwide to conform to my specific beliefs. (see #11)
52. It is okay to tell an underage girl that her clothing is distracting grown men in the congregation, but NOT tell the grown men in the congregation presumably raising these complaints that their “distracting” sexual thoughts are predatory and constitute pedophilia, or even incest in some cases. Similarly, it is okay to tell these girls that their clothing is distracting boys their age, but NOT tell these boys that their “distracting” sexual thoughts are predatory and sexually objectifying their sisters in Christ. It is okay to put the onus of males’ sexual sin/distraction on underage girls who presumably have better things to do (like stress about their skirt and posture and bra straps) than listen to the sermon the men are blissfully enjoying.That isn’t at all distracting or distressing to the underage girls, who need the message ... less?
Will add more as they occur to me. If you feel personally attacked by any of these things I no longer believe, please know that was not my intention, but perhaps you ought to bring that to God and find out why it is so offensive to you that I do not believe it. I was taught all of these “values” in a church by wonderful people who know not what their doctrine really says to the children they are raising and the people they are trying to reach.
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slendermanlore · 7 years
Slender Man Mythos + Journals
Der Großmann:
My child, my Lars…He is gone. Taken, from his bed. The only thing that we found was a scrap of black clothing. It feels like cotton, but it is softer…thicker. Lars came into my bedroom yesterday, screaming at the top of his lungs that "The angel is outside!”, I asked him what he was talking about, and he told me some nonsense fairy story about Der Großmann. He said he went into the groves by our village and found one of my cows dead, hanging from a tree. I thought nothing of it at first…But now, he is gone. We must find Lars, and my family must leave before we are killed. I am sorry my son…I should have listened. May God forgive me.
From the Journal of Dr. Jeffrey Scripter:
I don’t often write of my official duties in this journal, as I feel it would be unprofessional; however, today has been all too peculiar to leave out. A new patient was admitted today. He is a young man named Douglas Reynolds. Douglas was found wandering the streets of Northbridge barefoot and apparently unresponsive to all attempts of communication. The Northbridge police decided to take Douglas to the station and attempt to discern who he was. When the police tried to take him in, he lashed out screaming. An officer sustained minor injuries before he was ultimately subdued. In his pockets was a wallet containing identification stating his name and his address. Strangely he lived in Charlton, did he walk the 15 or so miles barefoot? In any case what was he doing so far from home? All questions I’ll have to ask him in the morning, I suppose.
Optic Nerve:
Images associated with the “Slender Man” phenomenon. Filed under S.MAN. Extracted from journal of missing person ███ ███████, female, age 23.
Multiple corresponding depictions of humanoid form, multiple mutations or deformations. Several consistent identifying markers, with other traits changing or “transforming” from image to image. Total 32 pages relevant to case.
Patient of Dr. Bronn:
I’m really not sure how to begin this journal. My doctor (my psychiatrist, Dr. Bronn) suggested I start keeping one at our meeting last week. I think she thinks it’ll help me get through the “dreams”. I don’t think they ARE dreams, though, even though she and my wife keep insisting they are. I don’t know what they are, though. I just can’t explain
Miscellaneous Journal Entries:
I hear something being repeated over and over: When you fear me, I love you; when you cower, I draw near to protect you; I will always protect you, I will always watch you. Your blindness is my omniscience; your weakness, my omnipotence. Until the day you die. Until the day you die. I don’t hear the words, but they always stick in my head. I’m going to watch over my son. Until the day I die, until the day he dies.
Miscellaneous Journal Entries:
Why show up at all? Bad luck for photographers? Idea: drawn to the flash, not too likely given daytime spottings but possible for night. (Leads to question, why photographers period? More later.
Miscellaneous Journal Entries:
Woke up at 5:22am. Had dream about a deeply wooded ravine. I was falling down towards its bottom, but not falling at the same time. I was able to perceive and place my foot or a hand at the right place at the right time to maintain momentum but not injure myself. It’s the closest I’ve come to flying in a dream. Vivid dreams were part of the side effects of the medication, and my journal has been testament to this.
Small Findings:
I went nuts for about an hour rummaging through the boxes in my attic looking for my brother’s old stuff. Finally I found his old mountaineering journals, and sure enough my memory wasn’t just playing tricks on me.
Dorothy Birch:
I suppose this is will be one of the last voluntary entries in my journal, even though Dr. Keating told me to write down everything that happened. But I’m going to tell the entire story, which is what I should have done in the first place; damn my pride.
Remains of Missing Camper:
??/??/?? I don’t know how long I have been here for, why won’t he let me leave. My food supplies ran out weeks(???) ago, but I keep finding berries or mishapen fish lying in stagnant pools. All there is here is forest and him. I wonder if I let myself starve, would I win? Would he want me to do that? I don’t know anymore.
I think I hear him coming, I don’t feel like fighting or running or chasing anymore. I will lie down and await the peace of death, perhaps I will find repose then. Perhaps I will find home.
Abandoned Journal:
As an avid researcher of the occult and paranormal, the reports of a tall, thin man had once intrigued me. Once enthralled me. My lust, my craving for knowledge has now been my undoing. I will share with you what I know so that maybe my family will see.
They will see!
Journal of Matthew Selby:
My last will and testament is to see this notebook returned to my friend: Logan ████████████████████████ THE KNOWLEDGE
Journal of Logan Renault:
The sun hasn’t risen or fallen in days. Weeks. I can’t help but think that me somehow losing track of time is far more likely than the sun slowing in its orbit. But if we are all slowly spiraling towards that brilliant star, then this is all ultimately useless anyway.
Solution → Oct ←? 1, 4:42 PM
Journal of Milo Asher (from The Living Account):
October 22th 1995 - (Mr. Scars writing “You will kick, and you will scream, and tell yourself, it is only a dream. But your eyes are open, the pinch you can feel, for you are not asleep, the dream is real.”)
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