#i just think saying people ‘forgot their history’ in regards to shipping is fun
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petrichormore · 1 year ago
one of the only times I’ll reference twitter but spiderbit shippers on twt need to hop the fuck off spiderhalo rn. know your history. respect your elders.
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airlock · 5 years ago
alright folks, I’m back for more of those results from the anniversary poll; once again, I’ll be counting them as properly as I can because IS sure as hell can’t, and in the process, I will also judge whether the fans have spoken good choices
this time, we’ll be counting and criticizing the top 15 dancing duos! (disclaimer: I don’t dance. I still will attempt to comment on everyone else’s dancing)
#1: BERKUT & RINEA (9313 votes)
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tumblr won’t let me simply put two images next to each other in a text post, and I can’t be fucked to put them together in such a way that doesn’t make them un-transparent, so I’ll be putting them together with a simple color background; it’s a spot uglier and I will probably fail to spot some wonky pixels, but c’est la vie
anyways, I don’t like it, but like Byleth before, this is a natural afk pick; they’re some of a very small subset of characters in the series that we actually see dancing with each other, in a proper cutscene. a cutscene that, in fact, basically exists to tell us that they look good dancing, so one’s not wrong to vote for them here, I suppose. there are, in fact, a lot of people in this world who are fantastic performers and also would throw their spouses in a fire if they figured it’d make them feel good about themselves again
#2: OLIVIA & INIGO (2474 votes, including Laslow)
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this is actually sweet, though, mother-son dancing duo and all. one thing I do have to mention, though, is that you’d have to hope that our hypothetical dance-off was announced plenty of time in advance, there’s so much that could bring a performance between them crashing and burning if they don’t hash it all out for themselves first
#3: EDELGARD & DIMTIRI (1871 votes across all appearances, possibly with uncounted change)
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they sure do look fantastic, dancing with other people with their backs completely to each other,
might as well stuff this strangely popular nothing-of-a-choice with a little additional note: these paired votes are going to be especially harrowing on the split vote front, because any combination of two characters who both have split votes means they can be combined with each other in 4 different ways. like, most people probably won’t combine, say, someone’s PoR self with someone else’s RD self, but properly unsplitting votes in this is going to be a lot more of a challenge. and that’s to say nothing of byleth; there is a whopping 16 different ways to combine Byleth and any one Three Houses character
ETA: I. completely forgot about the thing where edelgard tried to teach dimitri to dance when they were young. okay, that kind of tracks. but also like, whomst the fuck got the idea that whatever they were doing there was building up to elegance
#4: ELIWOOD & NINIAN (1495 votes)
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I’m getting the lingering feeling that this fandom is a lot better at pointing out good dancers than good teachers-
this one’s another amazing pick; sure, not one you have to think a lot about, since they’re oft-shipped and one of them is an actual dancer -- but the beauty of it is that even the ostensible weak link still has much offer, between his flawless elegance and a love of dancing that we at the very least knows is in his lineage
let’s just hope eliwood would still prefer to keep the “special dances” private though-
#5: BYLETH & CLAUDE (1163 votes across all appearances, possibly with uncounted change)
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speaking of the ballroom cutscene again, man, Claude sure has left an impression on us all back there-
still, we don’t actually see the dance, and it’s probably better that we don’t -- I wouldn’t bet that Byleth is any more expressive with their moves than they are with their face. there’s really not very much of a reason to vote for this other than wanting to insert yourself into a situation where one dances with Claude. and I mean, mood, but let’s focus, please-
#6: OLIVIA & AZURA (996 votes)
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this is just a copout, though. this is like if I asked you about the best food in your town and you just told me that technically Gordon Ramsey was born there. ooo, hot take alert, two unrelated professional performers can probably put on a decent performance together!
at least their theme colors together make the trans flag, so I’ll give all 996 of you that much-
#7: ALM & CELICA (990 votes)
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was there like an actual thing where they dance, or were people picking this just because they’re good-looking and married? because like, in the absence of evidence, I cannot and will not assume that Alm is a remotely passable dancer.
in fact, here’s the drill: for this section, I can’t actually blame people if they’re just hornyvoting -- being hot is kind of a point-plus for this -- but I can and will blame them if they’re voting for their ships with no regard as to whether they’d look good dancing. so, accusations of hornyvoting shall make way -- to accusations of shipvoting! I believe that’s also going to happen on the other paired category, even if that one is a lot less about the chemistry (presumably)
#8: NILS & NINIAN (884 votes)
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this kind of a copout again, but it’s also a family dance again, BUT most importantly one of these two is not actually a dancer. like, sure, he plays the flute, but this isn’t a flute-and-dance duo poll, it’s a dance poll! although I mean, it does mean he must have a good notion of rhythm, and from the sprites we can definitely tell he’s got a spring in his step when he plays, and Ninian can teach him too, so... maybe? oh well, it’d be cute to see them try
#9: SIGURD & DEIRDRE (790 votes)
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eh, I’m gonna call shipvoting on this one too. like, sure, they’re both hot and they’re in love with each other, but even if you leave aside the likelihood that Deirdre was raised too shelthered to have danced like ever, any dancing they’d know of would be totally incompatible, considering their entirely distinct backgrounds.
I suppose I will lend credence to the idea that Sigurd’s at least experienced as far as dancers go; it’s not like he was studying back at that academy,
#10: BYLETH & EDELGARD (735 votes across all appearances, possibly with uncounted change)
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since most of the votes on this are for post-timeskip edelgard, this appears to be unrelated to the ballroom scene, for once
that said, I can’t think of anything to this other than regular shipvoting -- and not even shipvoting of much quality, because besides the above-mentioned on whether byleth can dance, I have a nagging feeling that the kind of dancing Edelgard would genuinely be interested in would be strictly for fun, without any sort of elegance or other things that an outside participant would enjoy watching
#11: TSUBASA & CAEDA & KIRIA & THARJA (687 votes)
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don’t let the fact that I found a transparent tsubasa but not a transparent kiria distract you from the absolute trainwreck that resulted from the naming scheme used in FEH for TMS#FE characters crashing into the notation I’m using for the duos here- ahem, well, please be distracted from both of those things, anyway
assuming this is just between the two mirage users and we’re not talking about the most awkward foursome in history, well... I once again have not played TMS#FE, so uh, they sure are both pop idols and I think people ship them, I guess?
#12: MARTH & CAEDA (596 votes across all appearances)
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I mean... there’s a lot that can be said about their individual qualities and their dynamics, but I have absolutely no idea how any of it would translate into a ballroom. and if we’re any inclined to believe that skill with words and skill with bodily expression tend to be opposite skillsets, then theyyyy are both screwed.
#13: PENT & LOUISE (508 votes)
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I get it, I do. they both look sparkly beautiful and haute and classy and like everything around them is prettier for them being there. but let me categorically tell you that neither of these two dance.
neither of these two dance because one, Pent is an absolute potato, and two, Pent specifically chose Louise because she didn’t try to impress him with a dance.
#14: SAUL & DOROTHY (495 votes)
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regardless of any merits they may or may not have, this is 100% just to get them into heroes, isn’t it. alright, I can respect that
but as for whether they can dance... sure, maybe? Dorothy is full of hidden talents, and Saul has probably tried to dance enough times to guide her along at least
#15: CORRIN & AZURA (476 votes across all genders)
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alas, there’s no way this can work out, because we all know corrin has two left feet.
thank you, thank you! I’ll be here every night!
HONORABLE MENTIONS (highest vote in their continuity, without reaching top 15)
Ike & Soren (344 votes across all appearances): disappointingly, of the stark few Tellius pairs that got on this list, the best-ranked of them is 100% blatant shipvoting. I mean, sure, Ike’s got moves, but Soren?? at least vote Ike & Ranulf you cowards
Eirika & Ephraim (323 votes): first, we’d have to extensively train Ephraim on how to not make this experience entirely embarassing for Eirika, but that can be said of most anything they could do together in public-
Triandra & Plumeria (280 votes): yep, still unfunny. and now all of you 280 assholes are stretching it
Ferdinand & Lorenz (95 votes, possibly with uncounted change): I’m just mentioning them because I’m one of these 95 people. and so should more of you have been! don’t you know elegance when it’s right in front of you? huh? huhhh????
and that’s it, you’ve endured me attempting to talk about dancing for several minutes when I have no knowledge or experience on the subject! I eagerly await your input in my replies and reblogs, especially from those of you who do dance.
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bazz-b · 5 years ago
First and foremost, recall that no one is perfect, we all had witnessed some plotting once which did not went too well, be it because of us or our partner. So here have this, which may help for future plotting. It’s a lot! Yes, but perhaps give your partners some insight? Anyway BOLD what fully applies, italicize if only somewhat.
MUN NAME: Thomas/Tom     AGE: +25       CONTACT: IM, Ask, Discord
CHARACTER(S): Bazz-B, King Baraggan Louisenbairn, Kurosaki Ichigo, Ichibei Hyosube
BLEACH FANDOM(S) YOU HAVE AN AU FOR:  I have an ATLA and LOK AU for Bazz-B, but no Bleach AUs for external muses
MY LANGUAGE(S): Passable Japanese, Survivable Italian, Fluent English
THEMES I’M INTERESTED IN FOR RP: FANTASY / Science fiction / Horror / WESTERN / ROMANCE / Thriller / MYSTERY / DYSTOPIA / ADVENTURE / MODERN / Erotic / Crime / MYTHOLOGY / Classic / HISTORY / RENAISSANCE / MEDIEVAL / Ancient / WAR / FAMILY / POLITICS / RELIGION / SCHOOL / ADULTHOOD / CHILDHOOD / APOCALYPTIC / GODS / Sport / MUSIC / Science / FIGHTS / ANGST / Smut / DRAMA / etc. (what Bazz-B wants is reflected in italics)
PREFERRED THREAD LENGTH: one-liner / 1 para / 2 PARA / 3+ / NOVELLA.
CAN ASKS BE CONTINUED?:   YES / NO    only by Mutuals?:  YES / NO.
DO YOU HANDLE YOUR DRAFT / ASK - COUNT WELL?:  YES / NO / SOMEWHAT. (usually but I need to catch up at the moment)
I’M OKAY WITH INTERACTING: ORIGINAL CHARACTERS / a relative of my character (an oc) / duplicates / MY FANDOM / CROSSOVERS / MULTI-MUSES / self-inserts / people with no AU verse for my fandom / CANON-DIVERGENT PORTRAYALS / AU-VERSIONS.
BEST WAYS TO APPROACH YOU FOR RP/PLOTTING:  You can IM me or send an ask, but the tumblr messaging systems SUCK so I encourage y’all to add me on discord and then just go ham. I’ll only turn down a plot if it’s OOC for Bazz-B, but otherwise I’ll usually try anything. If it’s not working out I’ll typically let you know, but I’m game for most things.
WHAT EXPECTATIONS DO YOU HOLD TOWARDS YOUR PLOTTING PARTNER:  Honestly, not a lot. You can be as invested or as chaotic as works for you. You get the urge to suddenly write a specific theme? Hit me with it. The urge goes and you lose interest, that’s fine. Four weeks later and the muse hits you again LETS DO THIS.
WHEN YOU NOTICE THE PLOTTING IS RATHER ONE-SIDED, WHAT DO YOU DO?:  I don’t typically struggle with this issue. If anything, I’m the lackluster end of the plotting side. I typically run things through Bazz-B as their happening, rarely looking forward. Unless there’s an overarching story we’re specifically working towards I’m pretty weak sauce. Sorry people!
HOW DO YOU USUALLY PLOT WITH OTHERS, DO YOU GIVE INPUT OR LEAVE MOST WORK TOWARDS YOUR PARTNER?:  I’ll typically propose an idea and then see where our muses take us. If my partner needs a rough road map, I’m happy to negotiate what we’d each like to see happen. Generally speaking I let Bazz-B take the wheel.
WHEN A PARTNER DROPS THE THREAD, DO YOU WISH TO KNOW?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. - And why?: If you want to drop a thread, I’m completely fine with it. The only reason I’d want to know is so I don’t start panicking and think that I forgot to reply you your latest response to it.
WHAT COULD POSSIBLY LEAD YOU TO DROP A THREAD?:  If I lose the thread, or if I think it’s reach a natural conclusion. I don’t typically abandon one in the middle on purpose.
- AND WHY?: I don’t require a constant, nor deep level of communication, but it’s important to voice concerns. People tend to internalize problems until they become these big ordeals. A friendly message every now and again can save everyone a lot of drama later.
ARE YOU OKAY WITH ABSOLUTE HONESTY, EVEN IF IT MAY MEANS HEARING SOMETHING NEGATIVE ABOUT YOU AND/OR PORTRAYAL?: I BEG for negative feedback. Even if you feel like your nitpicking, it’s the number one thing I crave from writing partners. Tell me what you dislike and I can work on it.
WHY DO YOU RP AGAIN, IS THERE A GOAL?: To tell a story. Bazz-B is my primary muse, and his entire tale is so interesting to me. The foundations of his identity are flawed and I want to explore that as much a I can, throw him into as many situations as possible and watch him evolve.
WISHLIST, BE IT PLOTS OR SCENARIOS:  My left arm for an entire roster of Sternritter, of course. Bazz-B and Liltotto surviving after the war. A reality where Bazz-B finds happiness and acceptance in himself. A healthy bond with a Shinigami. 
THEMES I WON’T EVER RP / EXPLORE:   I’ll not write rape, it’s understandably triggering for a lot of people and writing it glorifies it, I think. Also racism in a real world setting? I’ve come to terms with it in regards to Shinigami and Arrancar, but they’re fictional groups. I wont engage with it outside of that. Finally, trans-phobia. If a guy like Bazz-B doesn’t engage with that sort of vile nonsense, none of you should either.
WHAT TYPE OF STARTERS DO YOU PREFER / DISLIKE, CAN’T WORK WITH?: Starters that provide a setting and a purpose are great. The sort of starter that turns it back at the recipient with something akin to “Why are you here” are confining. Also, if in the starter your muse is already pushing away mine.. Bazz-B might just nope outta there.
WHAT TYPE OF CHARACTERS CATCH YOUR INTEREST THE MOST?:  Despite my main muse being Bazz-B (or perhaps in favour of it) I typically write as old men cemented deeply in their ways. Yamamoto Genryuusai Shigekuni, King Baraggan Louisenbairn and Ichibei Hyosube are just some examples. Bazz-B kinda fits the bill too.. I GUESS.
WHAT TYPE OF CHARACTERS CATCH YOUR INTEREST THE LEAST?:  Cold, distant, dispassionate sorts. I could never write as the likes of Ishida, Ulquiorra, Haschwalth, etc. They’re all very nuanced characters, they just don’t mesh well with me. 
WHAT ARE YOUR STRONG ASPECTS AS RP PARTNER?: I typically respond lightning fast, my last two weeks or so a poor example of that. I’m passionate, you’ll not find another person so desperately in love with Bazz-B as this fool. I’m easy-going, you can take as long as you want and I’ll still be ready to rumble.
WHAT ARE YOUR WEAK ASPECTS AS RP PARTNER?: Tumblr confuses the hell out of me, I don’t understand a lot of lingo and the big CARDINAL LAWS of writing. I struggle with scene transitioning and limb placement, and my tags are a mess.
- WHEN DO YOU RP SMUT? MORE OUT OF FUN OR CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT?:  What I want and what Bazz-B want are wildly different things. This man is planting a flag in the middle of bonezone whether I agree or not. I commonly write smut because it’s what Bazz-B wants, but I prefer to do it for development.
- ANYTHING YOU WOULD NOT WANT TO RP THERE?:  I am personally the most vanilla dude you’ll meet. I can google things but it might not translate very well.
ARE SHIPS IMPORTANT TO YOU?:   YES / NO A characters growth should never be locked to a specific person, but exploring a character in isolation can only get you so far. As people, we grow from one another. Romance is a key factor in formulating a person’s ideals, but that’s no the only form of ship. The eventual friendship between Bazz-B and Liltotto and Giselle is one of the most interesting things to me. A romance surviving Silbern is incredibly powerful in my opinion. The bond of a teacher and a student. There are so many situations that force a character to change how they would typically react.
WOULD YOU SAY YOUR BLOG IS SHIP-FOCUSED?:  YES / NO. More and more I’ve been thinking that I’ve been writing Bazz-B in more ships, but that is not the blog’s focus. Ultimately I’m exploring the character of Bazz-B, and that just happens to be inclusive of ships. Some of my most active writing partners also happen to be muses that Bazz-B has excitedly/begrudgingly/unexpectedly fallen for.
ARE YOU:  MULTI-SHIP / Single-Ship / Dual-Ship  —  MULTIVERSE / Singleverse.
 - WHAT DO YOU LOVE TO EXPLORE THE MOST IN YOUR SHIPS?: Individuals who challenge Bazz-B, who force him to rise above what he is, what he thinks he should be. Who tear down complacency and demand better of him in all ways. Whether overtly, intentionally, whatever! 
ARE YOU OKAY WITH PRE-ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIPS?: YES / NO. - If you come to me and sell me a story, I’m in. I’m easily swayed by visual art, written lyrics (my ears don’t work so good with music for some reason) and themes.
- WHAT COULD POSSIBLY MAKE YOUR MUSE INTERESTING TOWARDS OTHERS, WHY SHOULD THEY RP WITH THIS PARTICULAR CHARACTER OF YOURS NOW, WHAT POSSIBLE PLOTS DO THEY OFFER?: Bazz-B is a fun guy to taunt, and to cause havoc with. But he’s more than just a hothead, you can read any one of my many rants if you wanna find out about that. With a plot to kill God spanning 1000 years, a burning fury and misguided ideals dragged through the mud of “the lesser of two evils”, he’s a real party trick.
- WITH WHAT TYPE OF MUSES DO YOU USUALLY STRUGGLE TO RP WITH?:  Muses who, from the start, wish to disengage with Bazz-B. I understand it might be in character, but both Bazz-B and I are gonna struggle to engage if there’s not some allowances made.
- WHAT DO THEY DESIRE, IS THEIR GOAL?:  His ultimate goal is the death of Yhwach. In a perfect world that would coexist with a Quincy victory over the Shinigami, vengeance for genocide. But he’ll take the former over the latter.
- WHAT CATCHES THEIR INTEREST FIRST WHEN MEETING SOMEONE NEW?:  Style, first and foremost. If a Quincy had modified their Wandenreich uniform he’s gonna take notice and make some judgement calls. The rest comes after.
- WHAT DO THEY VALUE IN A PERSON?:  Honesty to themselves, and a drive to survive. Not to be buried by what’s expected of them, or what they should do. Free will is one of the fundamental truths of the world.
- WHAT THEMES DO THEY LIKE TALKING ABOUT?:  Motorbikes, Pop-culture, Fashion, Movies, Himself.
- WHICH THEMES BORE THEM?:  History, loyalty beyond all else, the importance of leadership and hierarchy, lectures of all kinds.
- DID THEY EVER WENT THROUGH SOMETHING TRAUMATIC?:  His family was burned alive by the man who claimed to be their God. Entering a war on the losing side, his kind facing extinction. Hiding in the shadows, surrounded by a extremist military cult.
- WHAT COULD LEAD TO AN INSTANT KILL?:  After a certain point in his life, it’s really only Hollows that should fear indiscriminate murder. Unless you threaten his fragile peace, or claim Yhwach was just.
- IS THERE SOMEONE /-THING THEY HATE?:  Bazz-B hates Hollows, and any Quincy loyalists that stand by Yhwach post-Aushwalen. Anyone who saw the true colors of their progenitor and still deluded themselves into thinking him right.. it’s disgusting.
IS YOUR MUSE EASY TO APPROACH?: YES / NO. - Best ways to approach them?:  Stoke his ego and you’re usually set for a good few hours.
SOMETHING YOU MAY STILL WANT TO POINT OUT ABOUT YOUR MUSE?: Nothing you cant already find on one of my many ramblings about that greatest Quincy that every lived, Bazzard ‘Bazz-B’ Black!
CONGRATS!!! You managed it, now tag your mutuals! ♥
Tagged by:  @equipollency (I got a phantom notification so I rolled with it)
Tagging: @diepower + @zombiequincy + @verzinken + @cheonsaaui + @bleachsthetic + @senboago + any other quincy reading this
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binoculares · 5 years ago
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Favorites of May. I know it’s the middle of June, but I couldn’t do this in the beginning of the month. My blog is very small and with not much impact and it doesn’t really matter at all, but I still couldn’t talk or think or reblog or shad light on anything other than the Black Lives Matter movement. Still, I am heartbroken and angry. If you are not from the United States, please reserch about racism in your country. Support black communities in your country. Listen, and help in the fight. Here in México racism is so normalized, but the protest in USA reached us. It was the first time a case of police brutality agaisnt a black citizen impacted the general public in this scale. It opened a conversation that needs to be have.
Now, this was also a pretty shitty fucking moth in a personal regard. I did enjoy things, but mostly I felt empty and sometimes sad and sometimes angry. But oh well…
Favorite Book. I don’t have one for this month. I only read Red, White and Royal Blue but I gave it 2/5 stars. I thought about putting it down multiple times but I wanted to see what everyone saw on it! It was definitely light, and I’m sure for a lot of people it was funny or a fun read. It was also very easy to read, and it was also gay! So I can see the appeal, unfortunately I did not vibe with it. I can’t make myself care about the royal family or politicians, especially when they are portrayed in such a positive light. I know not all of them are “good”, but still the resolution felt too utopical for me. Honestly, I have a lot of reasons why I not enjoyed this book, and to be fair there were some parts and little moments of dialogue that I liked, but at the end of the day it just wasn’t for me.
Favorite Film. Oh! The way I felt when I saw “Whisper of the Heart”! Indescribable. Honestly, I don’t have much to say about it. I loved it with my whole heart. It’s just.. warm, and there are books in it and music and family and beauty and people longing for adventure. I love it I love it. It became one of my all time favorites.
Favorite TV show. AAAAAAAAAH! Ok, so I have two picks for this month.
“Shera y las princesas del poder” The finale! Oh, god. Ok. So it was not my favorite season, I think that one goes for season 4 or 3, I need to think about it. But still, the wonderful culmination of a wonderful journey. Oh, I loved it so much! The ending made me so so so happy! I cried so much. I love them. I love this series. Is amazing, I’m so glad that it exists lmaoo. I think it’s even more special to me because I saw it with my little brother since season 1 aired, and it was like letting a part of our shared history go. Anyway, I love it. For the iconic nature of this event, I couldn’t not put it on my favorites for the month.
“Never Have I Ever” I LOVE THIS. Ok, so I saw a little of the trailer in the netflix page and I couldn’t care less for it. With riverdale jokes and the silly humor from the trailer I was really put off by it, but I saw a post in here about the show, and I decided to give it a chance and I’m so glad I did! This series is so fun, I was laughing so hard in the first episode I just had to continue! And I ended up binging it all night lmaoo. It’s funny, but it also has so much heart, and it’s so good in that aspect. I also really enjoyed the ship! (I’m in Paxton team yall, because of course I am). It was so fun! I felt like I was 16 again lmaooo. I love it, can’t wait for season 2. <3 (Also all the dad scenes made me fucking sob, as well as the mom scenes towards the ending. Uggghhhh, my heart).
Favorite Music. Not really into listening to much music this month, but I rediscovered “A better Son/Daugther” thanks to a fucking uquiz lmaooooo. I really forgot about this one completely I have no idea how, but listening to it again like it was the first time was a magical experience. Wow.
Favorite Moment. None. This month fucking sucked. If I have to say one, I would say maybe the moment when I saw the scene in “Whisper of the Heart” of them singing Country Roads and then the grandpa and his friends joining. I honestly… can’t even describe the feeling that scene gave me. It was intense happiness. I was crying from joy, I couldn’t even tell you why. Maybe it was a combination of a sense of community, of belonging, of fondness between people, and the music. It was beautiful.
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thewolfisawake · 5 years ago
The Tales series if you haven't gotten it already
Favorite character:
Undeniably goes to Yuri and Velvet. What can I say? I’m into the dark-haired protagonists that ‘aren’t like the others.’ I can get onboard with why they come to the conclusions they do even if I don’t think it’s write. With Yuri, I admire the ability to do when others cannot. And can’t deny, he made me laugh the most with his sense of sarcasm and panache. Plus that voice...Troy Baker, they did you dirty. Meanwhile with Velvet I was like ‘yes, let’s be married in this quaint little town together’ in the beginning. She was just cute. Then it became attraction of ‘I don’t give a damn what happens to this world so long as I get what I want’ and ferocity. 
Least Favorite character:
Emeraude. Like what the fuck is your problem lady? You’re getting jealous of a child. Your feelings towards someone should be directed towards that person, not abusing some third-party that doesn’t even understand what you two have going on. 
Cumore. Fuck him too. For a side character that you don’t even really fight, he’s a real ass that his death was catharsis. Pure catharsis. There was no a single moment that he showed any redemption. He was a cruel bastard that held no regard for human life. He was willing to make excuses for anyone under him to get in trouble. He lied to people to enslave them and work them to death. He dragged people into the desert to look for an impossible item and left them without resources to die. Fuck him so much. He might’ve been cartoonishly evil compared to some not nice guys but those actions translate to atrocities. 
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
Selfish Coexistence (Basically the Berseria Party) - Their relationships seem so hard to define to me as they all use each other for various reasons. They also seem to develop care through their selfishness and all of the either are like *shrug* guess we’re doing this now or ‘what is this I’m feeling?’ ‘emotions?’ ‘disgusting.’ There’s an understood protection amongst all of them and then a fierce rationalization for their action rather than saying ‘because I like you okay!’ They’re very smart yet they’re all dumbasses and I love them all.
Ludju - You know what’s better than one adorkable dumbass? Two adorkable dumbasses. I like Ludger and Jude’s relation better than any I have unlocked during the story. Jude by nature is very caring but it just is different with Ludger? Main thing I can note is that Jude touches Ludger a lot. Like a firm, ‘I’m right here’ shoulder touch. A nudge in the arm. Catching when about to faint. And I just don’t see Jude do the same with anyone in his party in either game.  I just find their interactions from the extra scenes are really cute.
 Velvet/Niko - “If you were a boy, I think I’d be in love.” Gurl she don’t have to be a boy to kiss fall in love. Shipping a Main Character with an NPC? Is it madness? Absolutely. But I had feelings about that from the very beginning. Like this could’ve been so fucking sweet. Could’ve had it all. And then the Advent happened. 
Alvin/Presa - Oh man. Ooooh man. This was just a curiosity on the way of Tale’s of Xillia’s path. Like it was a lady that lent to Alvin’s skeevy or ladykiller vibe he gave off. And it was like was she just a jilted one-time or something else? And the answer seemed like ‘something else’ but didn’t know what. It was a little ‘wonder how that went...’ Then you do Tales of Xillia 2 and I thought I was wrecked. Because it reframes so much of their interaction to a really sad relationship that fell apart because Alvin was a coward. 
Flynn/Yuri/Judith - Haha! Didn’t expect the end part of this one did you? I think everyone knew I liked Fluri. Like their dynamics are so interesting. But I really do enjoy Judy being involved. I’m really sad that Judy and Flynn don’t get much interaction even in the PS3 version but I don’t find it hard for them to get along. But I do usually see that more times it’s Flynn and Judy dating Yuri and their relationship changes over time.  They can scrap together, they can travel together, and not needing as much talking to get what anyone means. I find it hard to describe this one but I feel it. 
Character I find most attractive:
Yuri and Velvet are like the reflexive thoughts. But I actually really also like Jude and Judy. I mean look at this cute little nerd, he’s adorable! And then there’s hot elf lady that she could kick me in the face and I’d thank her. In general you can probably guess my type from those four.
Character I would marry:
Probably Yuri. I’m sorry that this is my answer to so many but he is like my type to a T and it’s just ruined so many standards for me. Like a funny guy that is good at cooking (and has a sweet tooth!) and can go venturing with? What else is there? I mean yeah there’s the hair and voice but that’s like given. But yeah, I’m a basic bitch with that.
Character I would be best friends with:
Eizen, if that’s a bit surprising. Sure he’s a bit of an edgelord but I feel like I’ve never left it so he’s already doing better than I. But I like the idea of sailing on the ship with him there, probably not gonna be able to let me struggle for that long. He’s funny with a dry sense of humor to me and also he’s a low-key nerd that knows a lot of things and likes finding new and interesting things. So yeah. 
And as much as I give shit about him, I actually think I would be friends with Sorey. He’s the kind of excitable that makes others excited and that’s kind of what I do. So we’d kind of excite each other. And so long as it’s not spelunking, I’m down for going exploring. 
a random thought:
What defenses occur with the end of blastia? Barriers were what repelled monsters from most of the inhabited areas in Terca Lumireis. Dahngrest and Zaphias look to have fortresses that can hold back most land beasts. But there are other places. What stops the monsters now? Will they go towards more mana based works? 
Also, someone also mentioned, does ANYONE know how to do medical work? Like actually patching up injuries? How to care for someone in sickness? Healing artes were what were used! They can’t use blastia anymore! What happens now?
Can there be a history of how things changed from Berseria to Zestiria? Mainly the shifting of how malevolence works from turning people to reflect their sinister nature to straight up monsters with no sense? How the Shepherd thing went to include the malak as much as it does. The change from malak to seraphim. Just...how did we geeeetttttt heeeerrreeeeee.
An unpopular opinion:
I fucking hate that I had to be told from other friends that actually could find the material or read the fucking wiki to understand the dynamics of the Kresnik family. Ludger has a LOT of fucking baggage that we don’t even get to hear anything about! Partially because he’s silent and partially because ‘oh he was young so he conveniently forgot?’ And a lot of it was important to the last half of the story! That’s bullshit! And even further bullshit is that there was no reason they couldn’t have found time to put it in the game but they chose not to. 
Tales can’t make a fun last level to save their lives. I haven’t enjoyed a single final level in any of the games I’ve played. I don’t mind doing puzzles for it but straight up spiraling branches full of dead ends is frustrating. ESPECIALLY FUCK XILLIA 2′s! Randomly generated based off those in the party and then you can’t even see when a path is not truly there so you can follow the path and then all of suddenly blank ground, meaning dead end you have back up and retrace another path. And then like Berseria’s made me feel nauseous from the ‘ethereal’ look it was going for. And just made it hard as fuck to see. And more of this awful tower climbing. I just...mmmmmmm, I will probably always enjoy the game until the final level exists. I swear.
My Canon OTP:
Uuuuuuhhhhhh I don’t think I have one. 
My Non-canon OTP:
Most protags x happiness?
Most Badass Character:
Don Whitehorse. He was like definition of like ‘stubborn old man’ but man was he cool. He was staunch in the honor of the guilds under his control and was proud of what he and other had built up with their own hands. Also you don’t often see a man willing to sacrifice his life to right a wrong done by his own. 
Most Epic Villain:
Gaius. Like me and my friend were like ‘what the fuck’ when we were co-oping Xillia together. Like this was a king that meant business! Mhm. .
Pairing I am not a fan of:
Most of the pairings are fine to me. 
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
Sorey. I’m sure I’ve gone on this so many times but I really hated that they kept alluding to him having to make hard decisions but whenever one was brought to him, someone else took it for him. Like if his job is that important and it’s expected to make these choices, THEN LET HIM MAKE THEM. I was so angry over that. I spent the entire game waiting for when they’d do a major point where Sorey had no choice but to step up. 
Favourite Friendship:
Alvin & Elize - I really like how much they have both grown from each other. And how when Alvin broke her trust that he had to live with her mistrust and work to earn it back. Their friendship had uneasiness that seemed hopeful at the end of the first game and turned to just banter and teasing by the second. Growth baby, it’s wonderful.
Character I most identify with:
Mmmmm, probably Ludger. Look at all that debt. Can’t do nothing but cry over it.
Character I wish I could be:
Yeah, no. JRPG rules means everyone has some fucked up shit in their past or coming for them. I’m fine over here.
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pacificwanderer · 6 years ago
Question! So I’ve noticed that you and a lot of others have been saying stuff about the months leading up to TLJ. I wasn’t into Star Wars at that time, so I was just wondering, what was it like? Was there a lot of content being released, was there a lot of crazy speculation and such? Was there a lot of reylo content in promos and pictures and such?
Hey Nonnie,
And for anyone who’s reading who remembers, this is going to be long, and I’m going to miss things (I’m certain I missed some gates) because I’m just going from memory and old posts from when I wasn’t as militant about tagging (hah), so feel free to chime in if you have any other memories. Also, this took forever to compile lol.
Unofficially, we had shots from Ireland (2016) and second-hand gossip from locals about Daisy, Mark, and Adam filming in Ireland (and lots of people screeching about how the only reason KR would be with those two would be so they could team up and murder them).
But then the conversation started to shift, and we got info that wasn’t from the reylo fandom regarding their “interesting relationship,” though we were always there, saying the exact same thing.
This podcast and breakdown in the comments from May 2016 really highlights when things started to shift for our space kids (and confirmed a lot about what people had been theorizing/writing meta about, etc). We weren’t pulling things out of our asses and we were not wrong for seeing what we were seeing. It’s also a really great snapshot of what the discussion on Tumblr was like back then. Lots of great minds and fun times, as far as I am concerned.
“But I mean like, right now, Rey’s story is kinda weird too. It’s like I don’t know where my mum lives, I wish my mum and dad would come get me on Jakku, oh, I’ve got the force? Oh Luke Skywalker, he’s here? Wow. And then, so, at some point, Kylo Ren and Rey gotta have something more going down. I don’t know if it’s romance, if it’s complete hatred, if it’s you know, but, erm…I know, we can’t talk about it, there’s certain things we’ve heard – and it’s not romance, it’s not romance, but there’s certain things that we’ve heard recently about what’s going down and what Rey, how Rey feels –“
“Yeah, let’s just leave it at that.”
And then there was a very long wait for 2017, when things started to shift even more.
It was pretty much radio silence concerning Kylo Ren (officially) right up until the second trailer (the first only showed him for a split second). Boxartgate happened earlier in the year. (February) when the marketing started to come out for TLJ and Kylo wasn’t on any of it (nevermind that only his mask was on the TFA packaging, but when you’re grasping at straws for reasons why the “Skywalker of the trilogy” isn’t important... I guess you’ll take what you can get).The Reylo fandom guessed (correctly) that he was basically a walking spoiler (which other sections of the fandom guessed, incorrectly, that he was irrelevant to the story and that’s why he wasn’t showing up much N O P E). 
SW Celebration happened in April 2016, and that trailer, combined with the super, SUPER amazing poster dropped:
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Oh and Eric Maell’s super Reylo-tastic, officially licensed SWC poster that was available for sale at SWC (yeah, we all lost it here too). The whole thread is funny and read through to where Eric’s signature pops up on the poster.
And then we collectively lost our damn minds when the trailer dropped in October. If you’d like a trip, head into my archive and look for like October 2017 and you’ll get a pretty good idea of what that looked like lol.
It’s so damn good, I just watched it again and it STILL brings tears to my eyes. Avoid the comment section LOL. 
As if we, a collective group of Adam stans, WOULD EVER mistake his hand for another. GET GOOD, Anne.
HE’S NOT LOOKING AT REY. HE’S LOOKING AT.... fill in the blank. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA No. We know what he looks like when he looks at Rey. 
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Like, I didn’t spend 2 fucking years staring at screen shots like a maniac to NOT be able to see things for what they really are. I mean, the look he gives her when she pulls that saber from the ground on Starkiller? I WISH I could find a gif because it’s classic, “Holy shit, I think I’m in love, but I’m pretty sure she wants to murder me.” HAH Oh Enemies to Lovers, you’re such a riot.
But up until that point there was NOTHING. I’m pretty sure box gate happened somewhere in there, but then the marketing really started getting going and we got fed so fucking well it was almost too much because we’d had so little to go on up until that point that it was just like, “Is this real life? Am I making too much of this? Or are they really playing up the Kylo Ren/Rey angle in this marketing?”
October 31, 2017, we got this GREAT article from V where Adam interviewed Daisy.
AD Is there an aspect of working on Star Wars—it could be anything from the light saber battles, the travel, the catering, to getting to see me every day and do my hair—that was your favorite part?
DR I don’t know if I’ve ever properly thought about it. I love coming into the makeup trailer—everyone is there, you say good morning, and you get a little cuddle from people...I just really liked being part of something where you’re one of a whole. When filming, you’re always part of a thing. Becoming besties with you was the best thing.
AD That’s a lie, but we will make sure that’s printed.
DR [laughs]
The whole interview is really sweet and a really lovely read. Also, got some really adorable fanart of Rey doing Kylo’s hair around that time, which was super awesome.
There was some drama about Rian saying there’s “no romance in EPIX” which obviously wasn’t the case and he was misquoted anyways. Which is a good reminder not to freak the fuck out over everything, just because it seems like it’s going one way (or someone’s pushing their own thoughts and opinions onto paper in an interview). At any rate, Rian’s a big ole Romantic, so we know how it all goes in TLJ. (Romancegate)
This article talking about “the fallen son” and whether Kylo could be redeemed came out in Nov 2017 (which was LOL considering how much of the general fandom had convinced themselves this movie would be about Rey hunting down and murdering Kylo), which had this super quote from Rian:
“But I don’t think it’s very interesting if the whole story is just ‘Will Kylo get his comeuppance?’ He’s a more complicated character than that and I think he deserves a more complicated story than that. I don’t see the point of trying to get behind his mask and learn more about him if all we’re going to learn is ‘Yeah, he’s just an evil bad guy that needs to be killed.’” -Rian Johnson  
This amazing character flowchart that was marketed in Korea to show the relationships in Star Wars (it’s official, and if you’re at all familiar with kdrama’s, you’ll probably understand why half of the fandom lost their shit lol).
This post/podcast from the starwarsconnection also has a pretty great breakdown of what was going on at the time and also shows some of the kid’s toys (specifically, the Reylo dolls that were sold as a set, though there are a FEW sets of Reylo figures, this one was specifically marketed to girls as a part of the Forces of Destiny series, which I really miss).
I’m sure there’s more, but basically the movie came out and the rest is history haha. This article talking about how horny TLJ is still makes me laugh.
1. Kylo Ren takes his shirt offLike I wasn’t going to start with this? Adam Driver as Kylo Ren gamely serves up the most Star Wars beefcake since Luke went sleeveless on Dagobah, and even Rey is rattled. She forgot to force-knock before barging in on the dude, and here’s Kylo Ren alone in his room, stripped to the waist, boasting sweaty pecs that look like he sliced Alderaan in half and glued the remainders to his chest. It’s a lot! Finally, even people who don’t subscribe to HBO can wonder, “Shit, am I attracted to Adam Driver?”
2. Kylo and Rey’s whole thingMany weirdos shipped these two characters after The Force Awakens, and now I kinda get it. Kylo and Rey never make out, but they still share The Last Jedi’s sexiest scenes as well as a telepathic connection fostered by sinister voyeur Snoke, the galaxy’s mightiest cuck. And how about that moment where Kylo kills his mentor — it’s always hot when a space goth murders a lazy magician — and then flips sides with Rey to kill off a straggling crew of ruby-red stormtroopers? If watching seven seasons of Buffy has taught me anything, it’s that there is no sex sign more unequivocal than teaming up with your sworn enemy to throw stage punches.
LOL. So yeah, have fun, don’t stress, and it’ll all be fine. Cheers!
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Request: Heyo! Can you do a Jim Kirk x Reader where the reader actually beats the “impossible test” (sorry I forgot the name) without cheating and she is out on his ship. Lots of fluff and sass please! Thank you. @slither-in-a-half
“Sir,” Spock greeted his captain, who had just rematerialized aboard the Enterprise. “Admiral Barnett assigned us to the retrieval of (Y/N) (Y/L/N).”
“The first person to ever pass the Kobayashi Maru?” Chekov asked excitedly from the terminal.
“I was the first person to pass the Kobayashi Maru,” Jim corrected.
“I heard (Y/L/N) didn’t cheat,” Uhura told him, stepping off the transporter with the smallest of smiles.  
“That’s not possible.” Jim turned to Spock. “You said that wasn’t possible.”
“Even I am occasionally proved wrong, sir.”
“Captain Kirk,” you smiled, setting your bag down and shaking his hand. “I’ve heard so much about you. You’ve had an impressive career.”
“Not as impressive as yours from what I’ve been told.”
“People like to talk,” you dismissed.
“That they do.” He gave you a second to collect your bag before going on. “I’ll show you to your temporary quarters.”
“Actually, if you have the time, I'd love a tour,” you said as he set off down the hall. “I haven't been on a Constitution-class and this is the Enterprise,” you emphasized. “Plus your crew is almost as infamous as Archer’s.”
“If you insist.” He stopped suddenly, causing the door beside him to glide open. “We'll start with the big man himself.” Jim stepped into what you now saw to be the sick bay and called out, “Bones, come out here and meet our guest!”
Jim smiled at you as he waited for whoever Bones was.
“What are you hollerin’ about?” Bones it seemed was an angry looking man, who, judging by his uniform, was the CMO.
“Meet Commander (Y/L/N). I'm giving her a tour. Play nice.”
“Captain,” you said.
“Hmm?” Jim hummed, turning to face you like you had called him.
“It's Captain (Y/L/N).” The man just stared at you. “I was promoted last week.”
“But that would make you-”
“The youngest captain in Starfleet history, beating the previous record by two years and four months? Yes, I believe it would. That record was held by you, wasn’t it?” You walked past him to the doctor. “You're the CMO, I assume.”
“Leonard McCoy.” The doctor gave your hand a firm shake, leaning around to look at his friend. “I like her.”
“Of course you do,” Jim grumbled.
“Well, we should get going, big ship and all, but the three of us should get a drink before I leave. I'm sure you've got some stories,” you smiled.
“Are you even old enough to drink?” Jim asked.
“Making jokes about my age only makes your beaten record look worse,” you told him as you walked back towards the door and sent a wave over your shoulder. “It was nice meeting you.”  
“You didn’t beat me by that much,” Jim called as he raced after you.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
“Yeah, but think how much I would have if I had cheated, lied, and snuck my way to my Captaincy,” you snarked.
“Enter,” you called out from the desk in your temporary quarters.
“Looks like you’re settling in well,” Jim said from the doorway.
“Give me a computer and a job to do and I’ll settle in anywhere,” you told him.
“Ah the true motto of Starfleet.”
“I thought that was ‘If it gets weird, you’re doing your job right’.”
“No, that’s the senior officer motto.” He crossed the room so he was standing directly in front of your desk.
“Oh, that’s right.” You rested your chin on the palm of your hand, looking at him instead of the report you were working on. “Not that I’m not enjoying our little repatar, but does this visit have a point?”
“Yes,” he said like he had entirely forgotten it for a moment. “I came to invite you to dinner.”
“Honorary guests usually join Spock and I for dinner. Sometimes Scotty and Bones when they’re free,” he explained.
“Oh. Okay. Yeah. That sounds great. I was needing a reason to take a break anyways,” you smiled at him as you signed off your computer and stood up.
“You look great.” He stepped back to through the door, waiting just outside it for you.
You laughed. “Thanks. It feels good to be back in uniform.”
“The captain stripe suits you,” he told you as started down the hall.
You gave him a sympathetic look. “That was hard for you, wasn’t it?”
“You have no idea.”
You laughed again, running a finger around the inside edge of your sleeve. The five week diplomatic mission to Antida Prime you had been sent on required you to wear civilian clothes. It was your first time back in uniform and you were wearing a different rank.
“Have they told you what your command is going to be?” Jim asked.
“Not yet.”
He looked at you out of the corner of his eye. “You nervous?”
“Nervous? Why would I be nervous? Because this is my first command? Because I’ll be half the age of the majority of my crew? Because expectations of me are already so high no normal person could reach them? Ridiculous. I’ve never been less nervous.” You kept up an accusatory tone throughout despite the tight feeling in your chest that occurred every time you thought about where your career was going.
“Maybe if you took your time and finished the Academy with everyone else you wouldn’t be the youngest on the ship.”
“Oh, you’d like that wouldn’t you? You don’t set records by taking your time.” You looked down the hall then added, under your breath, “Not that I had much of a choice.”
“They fast tracked you, didn’t they?” he asked.
“You do one thing spectacularly well and there goes your early twenties.”
“You’re still in your early twenties.”
“Don’t tell me you aren’t enjoying it.”
“I enjoy this,” you told him with a hand gesturing between the two of you. “I enjoy doing my job. I enjoy being on the front lines of discovery and widespread peace. But,” you tilted your head down towards you ear.
“It’s a lot,” he finished for you.
“It’s so much,” you agreed.
“I’ll make you a deal. While you’re on my ship, I’ll show you how fun this captain thing can be.”
“Even if we’re half the age of everyone but that little Russian boy?”
“Especially if we’re half the age of everyone but Chekov.”
You eyed him for a second. “How many rules are we going to break?”
“Who said anything about breaking rules? I’m not a rule breaker,” he lied.
“You make space look like the wild west.”
He barked out a laugh that died out when he stepped into the senior officers dining room. Two men in blue shirts were already waiting for you.
“You’ve already met Bones,” Jim started.
“Good to see you again,” he greeted and you smiled in return.
“But I didn’t get the chance to introduce you to Commander Spock.” Jim gestured a hand to the other man.
“It’s an honor to met you, Mr. Spock. You’re well regarded at the academy.”
“As I’m sure are you.” Spock took a seat at the round table in the center of the room. “Your mission was a success I trust.”
“Yes,” you answered, following his lead. “It took a little while to find terms that the Antideans would agree to, but eventually they did sign the treaty. The rest of my team remained on Antide Prime to help put everything into place. I however have the great pleasure of reporting back to Command.”
Jim snorted as he joined you at the table, knowing first hand the frustration of having to report anything back to Starfleet Command.
“It’s quite impressive that an officer of your age was able successfully lead those negotiations,” Spock said.
“Thank you, but I was just doing my job. I just happen to excel at negotiations.” You bent down to take a whiff of the food at your place setting before adding somewhat quieter, “Why do you think I passed the Kobayashi Maru?”
“Finally we get to the good stuff,” Jim said, turning in his chair to face you.
“Please, tell us - in front of Spock - how you passed it.” Bones was practically grinning at the prospect.
“It’s really not as big of a deal as everyone makes it out to be,” you dismissed, into your glass.
“Then it won’t be a big deal to tell us about it,” Bones pushed.
“Okay, but you’re going to be disappointed.” You set your glass back down. “From day one the Academy I had heard horror stories about the scenario, both from people who had put the lives of their crew first and people who had put the mission first. It didn’t matter which choice you picked, you failed.”
“Right,”Jim said, clearly eager to hear how you had managed to get around that.
“Well, it didn’t make sense to me that there would only be two options so I chose option C.”
“And what would this ‘option C’ be?” Spock asked.
“Calling ahead,” you said simply and watched as the expressions of the Captain and Doctor turned to ones of confusion. “You don’t enter someone’s house unannounced so why would you enter someone’s space unannounced?”
“You called the Klingons?” the doctor asked, dumbfounded.
“And what did you say to them?” Jim smiled. You weren’t expecting him to enjoy this, but you were beginning to realize it was going to be harder to figure him out than you had originally thought.
“I explained our situation, reminded them that killing the crew of an unarmed civilian vessel was not an honorable fight, and offered to let them escort us through their space,” you explained.
“That’s it?” Bones seemed almost angry that it had been that easy.
“Well, that and a few comments I feel it’s best not to repeat in English,” you answered. “The Klingons are much more level headed than most people give them credit for.”
“And to think you took it three times and hacked the system,” Bones teased his friend.
“Yeah, if only I’d thought to give the race of angry warriors who shoot first and ask questions never a ring to let them know I was about to fly into the territory,” Jim agree sarcastically.
“It’s okay, Jim, you’re young. You’ll learn,” you smiled slyly.
Tags: @i-am-not-the-real-alice
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guidingthulite · 7 years ago
Hey did you know that when I was away I made a bunch of headcanons
Did you also know I forget to post them everyday
- Hamano was, technically, the first one to confess, but he decided to do it in such a casual manner that Hayami thought he was kinda joking (he probably did it after training or while they were fishing), but Hamano kept saying 'I love you' over and over, and Hayami, being who he is, just turned his head around, saying 'okay, okay' or just plain blushing and walking away. It was one day they were walking back home that Hamano tried to confess once more, only for Hayami to be annoyed because he 'didn't mean it seriously' and that he 'should stop playing with his feelings'. But Hamano stopped walking, held Hayami's hand and looked at his eyes, and with a serious expression he said 'But I do love you. For real'. And at first Hayami couldn't stop staring at Hamano, but then realization hit him and Hamano was the only thing he COULDN'T look at. Long story short, it was a mess, but at least they were dating now
 - I've written so many confession fics on my head this is like one out of a million
 - The only way for Hamano to study is having Hayami near, because he would leave it for later to never really do it, and Hayami insists that he does, and that they won't really do anything else until they're both done with homework/studying - And speaking about that, Hamano is good at History, because it's something that Hayami loves (when they were studying ancient China Hamano discovered that Hayami knew more than any teacher. Ever. Isn't he so cool) and when he rambles about it Hamano tries to pay as much attention as he can, and something always stays with him, so it's easier studying History
 - These two planned their wedding when they were children, Hamano brought it up some random day and Hayami was embarrased because 'we were children we didn't really know i mean i don't think we're getting married anyways' and Hamano basically excitedly screams that 'no!!! We'll marry because we love each other! And we will wear pretty dresses! And we'll invite the whole team! And the fishing lady!' so they spent the whole afternoon planning it over again (only one thing was clear after the planning: Kurama would be the flower boy)
 - Hayami once called Hamano 'Kaiji' accidentaly and both of them died internally
- Hamano is SOOOOOOOO into the idea of double/group dates. It all started when Ichino and Aoyama called them over for a group thing and since then he has loved hanging out with other couples
. - ... Which obviously led to Hamano wanting to hang out with Minaho and Manabe - And Hayami was okay with it but internally he was hella nervous because Minaho and Hamano are VERY good friends and he has only talked to Manabe like... Twice, maybe, when Earth Eleven came back and they held a party n stuff, so he thought that the date would be basically Minaho and Hamano talking about whatever while he and Manabe stared at each other awkwardly
 - But the double date was fun and everyone talked to everyone and Hayami found out that Minaho and Manabe are really really really nice people to hang around - So they hung out more often (but not that often because Minaho and Manabe live away, sob)
 - and they started dating each other. and kurama. and kurama is also dating hikaru and kariya too. kurama has a lot of boyfriends
 - Hayami is actually very into videogames, specially rhythm ones and RPG's (story heavy ones in general). He introduced Hamano to the Rhythm Heaven franchise because he thought he would love the quirkiness of it
. - AND HE DID HE LOVES RHYTHM HEAVEN SO MUCH. Hayami bought him The Best+/Megamix for his birthday and Hamano almost choked him because he hugged him too thightly
- Because I'm obvious, at some point Minaho, Manabe, Hamano and Hayami go to England for their honeymoon and Hayami and Minaho have to make sure the other two are with them all they time because they are absolutely horrible at English and they can't be left alone
- Hamano and Hayami have sleepovers all the time. And there was a time when both were super awkward around each other because they were starting to fall for each other and were sUPER SLOW to realize. So anyways, Hayami told Hamano to sleep somewhere else and at first he did go to another room but sometime later he came back because 'Hayami if I want to see you early in the morning I'll just get up earlier and come here but if I stay I want to wake up with you and all...'
- You can pinpoint the moment Hayami died internally. - But he agreed. And while he was sleeping lying on Hamano's chest he Realized™
 - fuck i should write that 
- Speaking of Hamano and Hayami being slow, my brother and I have this AU in which Kurama is Hamano and Hayami's son, and a time traveller who came to this time to ensure those two get together so he can exist in the future and all
- Kinako and him bonded over being time travellers sent to take care of family members and then both joined the Shorty Brigade with Shinsuke and Konoha
 - Also he has a younger sister named Estrella (I like to nickname her Suta for some reason) 
 - i think suta is a boy name heck 
- Hamano can carry Kurama and Hayami at the same time. He's quite proud of that. 
 - Okay so some people talk about Tsunami adopting Hamano but hear me out. NORIKA ADOPTING HAMANO. [And now the best headcanon is Kogure and Haruna adopting Hamano]
 - I somehow have the headcanon that Hayami likes Vocaloid and my mind jumped to him dressed as Hatsune Miku save my soul
 - I recall Kurama saying something on the games that made me think he likes wearing skirts/dresses but I can't remember what it was 
- But yeah Kurama likes wearing skirts and dresses 
- I looked for it and now I know. (This is what he said on the Spanish ver and through time and experience I learned that translation differ from each other... A lot) They were talking about the Middle Age clothes (when they went to Jeanne's time n stuff) and Kurama just said that 'I don't know, it's like wearing a dress, right?' and it gave off such a casual vibe that I started that headcanon 
- Maybe I'm reading into it too much 
- But he would look adorable in dresses don't lie to me 
- When they grow up, Hamano works as a preeschool teacher and Hayami works as a biology/history teacher, in higher levels of education of course - Au in which all 5 of my ot5 work as teachers. Manabe is obviously a math teacher. Kurama can take the biology away from Hayami idk, he likes animals. My Philosophy teacher sorta reminds me of Minaho so there but he could also teach Psychology
- The whole school starts suspecting about Hamano and Hayami because _why would a preeschool teacher hang around teachers who teach (? older kids_ but then Kurama comes along, and then Minaho and then Manabe and aaaaaa
- The whole school ships it. There used to be arguments regarding who matched better with who but they kind of died when all 5 started dating. There were discussions regarding who the cutest were, though
- On the alternate timeline where Sakka is Dead and no one joined the Sakka club, Hayami starts dating Aoyama. 
- But it feels weird because even though he really likes Aoyama he gets this feeling that it's just because he's the closest person he has. 
- And there's this guy on his class, Hamano. He is a rather quiet kid (although some of his classmates would beg to differ) and sometimes he asks for his eraser or tells him good morning when he arrives and it's so SO weird, because he feels as if he SHOULD know him, and he SHOULD feel a certain when he looks at Hamano or when he talks to him, like they knew each other but forgot, like they have or had something together. But if they ever had something, it's gone.
- And this other guy, Kurama, who is on his class too. He's quite rude, stubborn and doesn't really talk to anyone unless he is required to. The kind of person Hayami doesn't really like, and yet, for some reason, he can't get angry at him. He has caught himself smiling at how the smaller boy pouted when he couldn't answer a question correctly. Sometimes, he'll look at his only visible eye (what kind of fashion statement is that, Hayami wonders) and see things deeper than just the black that it seemed to have. 
- I JUST LOVE THAT ALTERNATE TIMELINE SO MUCH IT'S TOO ANGSTY SOB - But Hamano and Hayami do end up meeting each other, they sit together for a whole month. - Hamano makes Hayami laugh at one point and he's like 'bjmljgxfbc who are you why is your laugh so cute omg why can't you laugh more often your smile is so precious too i'm sOB' 
- Hayami is flustered because 'what he said wasn't even that funny wHY AM I LAUGHING SO MUCH' but he can't really stop and aAAAAA 
- But after sitting together they don't really talk that much because yeah, being with one another was fun but there is really nothing that ties them together, so they lose contact 
- Oh look at that I can write angst after all. Nice. 
- On a not so sad note, Hamano is the biggest fan of cuddles and affection in general ever on existence (or at least out of his boyfriends) like he could be walking down the street with Kurama and he has to hold his hand and give him a kiss on the forehead (Kurama hisses at him but he feels blessed he's just not really into showing it) or fishing with Hayami when he tells him to sit on his lap (or just outright goes and sits on Hayami's) before resuming fishing (Hayami hesitates a bit to put his arms around Hamano but when he does Hamano and I thinks it's the cutest thing) or hanging out with Minaho on his room  and he hugs Minaho so thightly and Minaho pets his hair and hugs him back, or reading with Manabe when he puts his head on Manabe's shoulder, and Manabe has to close the book because he's getting sleepy as well so they lay down and cuddle together until they've both fallen asleep. 
- Then one of the other three comes to join them. 
- Usually the first one is Kurama, and because he is the smallest and thus the most huggable he is always in the middle. Then it's Hayami, who takes off Manabe's glasses because sOMEHOW he forgot to take them off to sleep. He unties his hair and lays wherever he's closest to. He's tired. Minaho is mostly the last one because he's a night owl eEHEHEHEHE. He gives everyone night kisses on the forehead and falls asleep quite fast, actually. 
- Speaking of Hamano getting sleepy, he can't go on long bus trips without falling asleep. Cars, maybe, but for some reason he can't go through a long bus trip without falling asleep. 
- Poor Hayami knows this better than anyone. It's like Hamano KNOWS when a trip is going to be long even if no one told him so. And he uses Hayami's shoulder as a pillow. Always. Well, not always, there was one time where the bus moved a biiiiit too much and Hamano fell to his lap 
- He didn't wake up because he's THAT powerful 
- Anyways, Hayami just stared at him for a few second, then REALIZATION hit him like a truck, and he hoped no one was watching him. On the seats before them, Ichino and Aoyama, both of them sleeping, safe. Seats behind them, the managers, who looked too into their conversation to notice. And the only one he should be worrying about was Akane, who had a camera, but it was okay, he only took pictures of Shindou, apparently. So, safe too. 
- And, finally, the seats next to them... Oh, Shinsuke and Tenma, right, they looked interested in their current conversation topic, so safe... Or so he thought because Tenma is shipping trash too, I mean, have you seen how he acts with Aki regarding Ichinose? He ships it, because they looked at him, stared for a bit, gave him a thumbs up and resumed their conversation. 
- Hayami has never felt so embarrased.
- And I mean, he could try putting him back lying on his shoulder, but the willpower needed to do that is something that he lacked right now
- So Hamano spent the whole trip sleeping on Hayami's lap
- Hamano wasn't asleep when he fell on Hayami's lap, but hey, it was comfortable and Hayami was petting his hair so he might just stay there.
- When he woke up again he looked at Hayami's eyes and said 'Good morning~' like nothing happened and like it was morning
- Hayami's favorite Inazuma Japan member is Kazemaru since he is so fast and graceful, and seemed quite capable too (Although he likes Kidou too, his gamemaking helped Inazuma win. So talented.), Kurama's is Toramaru, because he was the smallest of the team but that didn't stop him from being a great forward, even rivalling the forever-more-popular Gouenji (plus he learns Tiger Drive on Chrono Stones isn't that precious) and Hamano's is obviously Tsunami. 
- He even started wearing goggles everywhere since he was a smallie because of him. When they actually met Tsunami was so happy like 'tACHIMUKAI CHECK THIS KID OUT HE'S SUCH A GOOD KID WE SHOULD ADOPT HIM' to which Tachi replies 'Tsunami, you already said you wanted to adopt Tenma, you're going to adopt everyone at this rate' 'YOU ADOPTED SHINSUKE TOO IT'S NOT LIKE TENMA WOULD BE AN ONLY CHILD IF WE ADOPTED HIM' 'Tsumami that's a totally different thing, I just told you that I like Shinsuke's determ-' 'Plus I can't adopt everyone, Tachi! If I ever dared to adopt Kidou's little penguin baby he would kill me!' 
- Hamano was just looking at them half 'What is even going on anymore' and half 'TSUNAMI, THE TSUNAMI JOUSUKE WANTS TO ADOPT ME???' 
- Hayami is an only son, Kurama has a baby sibling and Hamano is the middle sibling out of three, and the only boy 
- that's not me proyecting onto hamano what are you talking about. and headcanoning him as gay instead of bi like everyone else does is not either
- Hayami's parents are not home often so he's home alone most time.
- Or that would be, except Hamano visits a lot or brings him to his house. He has lunch and dinner there most days. And those sleepovers I mentioned earlier? Every weekend, at least once. 
- Hamano's family loves Hayami a lot and when they knew they were dating they got so happy they prepared a party 
- Hamano's big sister was on first name basis with Hayami before his lil bro 
- Hamano lowkey complained about it but his sister just went 'yOU'RE CLOSER TO HIM THAN ME JUST DO IT HE'LL BE FINE WITH IT YOU SLOW DUMMY' 
- He wasn't 
- 'JNBMCJXJFGHDJHDHCHUVNKGD' - their internal thoughts 
- Hamano is close to the Managers, specially Akane 
- They have no idea how they came to be this way but they're super close 
- Akane roasts Hamano on a daily basis (and that fact is canon) and Hamano tries to get back at her somehow 
- 'I could try holding her camera up so she can't reach it'
- Then he remembers he's smaller than Akane 
- 'I could ask Hayami to hold it up for me' 
- But Hayami didn't want to 
- So he asked Kurama to sit on his shoulders because short people STACK together 
- Kurama thought it was dumb 
- Hamano was a sad bean 
- OKAY BUT IMAGINE. Hamano has lots of pics on his wall and half are from Akane and the other half are ones he took himself because Akane taught him The Ways Of Photography 
- They're on first name basis 
- Hamano is actually pretty decent at cooking, specially pastries - Since Kurama absolutely LOVES sweets if he happens to cook some he'll give them to Kurama (and sometimes to Hayami but while he does like sweets he's more on the salty side) - Kurama just dismisses it and says they're okay but he really likes Hamano's sweets 
- And Hamano can read him like an open book so he knows too - His face lights up and it's the cutest thing Hamano has ever seen 
- Me: I should find a shorter name minamanahamahayakura is too long Me: Uhhh... MiNaHaYaKu Me: [realizes] hOLY SHIT AHAHAHA 
- "Minahayaku" - Hayami to everyone, probably
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actutrends · 5 years ago
Tommy Tallarico is making a lot of noise about Intellivision
Tommy Tallarico has been making noise and music as a sound expert and musician for video games for more than three decades.
But lately, he has been leading a retro gaming revival as head of Intellivision Entertainment, which is building Amico, a new version of the famous retro game console from the 1990s. 2020 is going to be a big year in that effort, as Tallarico has committed to launching the new machine on October 10, or as Tallarico likes to say, “10/10/20.”
Tallarico also found himself at odds with Roblox over the Roblox “death sound,” a comical “oof” noise that has become famous to the 100 million kids who play games in the virtual gaming world. Tallarico says he originally created the sound in 1999 for use in the Messiah video game that came out in 2000.
He forgot about it until he learned recently that it has become an iconic sound for Roblox, which never asked his permission to use it. Tallarico is trying to negotiate with Roblox to get some royalties out of the company, but he says negotiations aren’t going well.
Tallarico spoke at the 2020 Kids@Play and FamilyTech Summit at CES 2020, the big tech trade show in Las Vegas last week, and I interviewed him ahead of that session.
Here’s an edited transcript of our interview.
Above: Intellivision Amico
GamesBeat: What’s your update on how things are going now?
Tommy Tallarico: It’s great. Here’s the latest controller. We decided to, in the hardware–we moved the buttons here. This is still a 3D printout, but these are the molds. The buttons light up. The gyroscope is working. You can see all the fun stuff there, the touch screen. The disc, which I don’t think you’ve seen working yet–a normal D-pad is eight positions. Up, down, left, right, and diagonals. We have 64 positions. You can see that there. We have pressure on it as well.
GamesBeat: 64 positions, is that harder to do?
Tallarico: Exactly. When you’re skiiing, for example, and you’re going like this–it’s like an analog stick. But with analog sticks, it always pulls back to the center. When you play a game like Missile Command, for example, or Centipede, in the old days you’d use the trackball and roll it around. In the last 25-30 years, you either had to use a D-pad, which was crap, or you would have to use the analog stick. But the analog stick, it’s always pulling back to the center.
This is the great thing about the controller. For our Missile Command, we can just use this. Now, wherever your thumb goes–it’s so much easier. And this can become a fire button. This can be Centipede. Or if you’re a lefty it can be like this. If you prefer trigger buttons it can be like this. It’s whatever you want it to be. What’s interesting is when we give these to little kids. They hold it like this automatically, because they’re used to a phone. When you give it to millennials, they automatically hold it like a PlayStation controller.
We decided to go with a capacitive touch screen, which bumped our build and materials up. This is a resistive touch, but we’re going with the glass touch as well. It’s just more responsive. We felt like it was so important that this be perfect. We decided to spend some more money and switch over. I tried to get it for CES, but we just couldn’t do it in time.
All of the retailers are super-excited. Wal-Mart and Best Buy and GameStop. GameStop and Wal-Mart are probably our two biggest fans right now. We’re appealing–the whole idea is to bring families together. We’re not necessarily appealing to the hardcore gamer. Our go-to-market strategy is to go after moms who have young kids. Most GameStops are in malls. Who’s shopping between nine in the morning and three in the afternoon? It’s moms with young kids. Even GameStop tells us that moms will walk in at noon with their four-year-old and say, “Do you have anything for my four-year-old?” What are they gonna sell them?
We’re in an interesting time in history in that baby boomers were the number one generation on the planet. Their kids are millennials. Their kids took over last year. Millennials are now the number one age group on the planet. Millennials are all in their early 30s now. As you know, they found their careers later. They got married later, left the home later, had kids later. In the U.S. alone, there are 21 million households that have children between the ages of two and seven. That’s never happened before. In Europe, there’s another 21 million. If you add Canada and Mexico, all of North America and Europe, there are 65 million households that have kids between the ages of two and seven.
In regards to a home console, Xbox and PlayStation are more for teenagers. They start to get the Switch around eight, 10 years old. Even Roblox and Minecraft are seven, eight, nine. A lot of our strategy is, let’s also have games–yes, we have the retro reimagined stuff we’re doing. Yes, we have tons of sports and recreational games. Not only baseball, football, soccer, but cornhole and bowling and darts and pool. All those recreational games. Tons of board games, whether it’s Yahtzee or Farkle or Wheel of Fortune or things like that.
Above: Intellivision Amico controller.
Image Credit: Intellivision
Let’s take a game like Texas Hold ‘Em for example, where everyone has their two cards on the controller and the flop is on the screen. This is the kind of stuff that’s never been before. What if you have dice in a Farkle game? You see the dice and shake it when it’s your turn. You throw it and it goes up on the screen. Every game we’re making is unique to our controller. They cannot be put on a PlayStation or Xbox or Switch or mobile.
All of the edutainment, like all of the hypercasual stuff, is only on mobile. Again, you read the information, the statistics, and the number one concern of parents with young kids is that they give them too much screen time. This becomes the babysitter. The parents give it to the kid, but they want to limit it. Then the kid gets hooked. That’s our whole thing. Play with your children. You’ll be able to play simple, affordable games together. That’s our tagline: “Together again.” You see it everywhere on all our stuff.
GamesBeat: You said more than 100 games?
Tallarico: There’s going to be about 40 games at launch. Then every 10 to 14 days we’ll come out with one game at a time. We’re never going to release two games at once. Keep in mind, it’s a closed system. We’re going to be announcing, at E3, all of our licenses. It’s all the greatest licenses you can imagine in one place. Not only for kids, but for adults. There’s a lot of stuff that people are going to be delightfully surprised by.
GamesBeat: How would you compare and contrast this to competition like the Atari boxes?
Tallarico: They’re in a whole different realm. I still haven’t seen an original game on their system and they’re supposed to ship in a couple of weeks. I think they’re going for this sandbox–I view it as almost like a Raspberry Pi on steroids, a really amazing super-fast kind of tinkerer’s thing. I would love for Atari to succeed so that we can, after 40 years, kick their asses. [Laughs] Round two of the original console war!
I’ll share a little secret with you. We announced that we’re going to do a founder’s edition. We’ll take pre-orders on it at the end of the month, in a couple of weeks. It’s going to be a limited number, and that limited number is 2600. They’ll all be hand-signed and numbered and the whole thing. So yeah, I think it’ll be fun. I say this all with tongue in cheek, but I think it would be fun to relive the original console war. But have fun with it. Of course I don’t have any ill will toward anyone. I think what they’re doing is something very different, obviously, than what we’re doing. We’ll see if there’s a market for what they’re doing too.
The post Tommy Tallarico is making a lot of noise about Intellivision appeared first on Actu Trends.
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animeman-xyz · 6 years ago
Hi friends today let us talk about one of my favourite character from one piece kind of relationship they may have ,cause we have seen many animes whose love between characters was a completely different and more entertaining  topic for the fans then the original manga story.
  THe fairy tails nalu ( natsu and lucy ) , Gray and juvia , Gajeel and Levy their are many kinds of stories in mangas where the partners and teammate gets turned into lover and then get married in the end of the manga and many kinds of rumor also spread regaring which charcter may fall in love between which charcters there is love going on like their being many stories regarding laxus x juvia, laxus x mirajane , Laxus x Lisanna and many more stories regarding laxus and his love partner but still till now no actual Connection has been seen with him.
What is isekai manga | Other world Reincarnation Manga
Naruto also had many kinds of love story taking place throught the series their were many rumor in starting regarding naruto x sakura, Naruto x hinata but we all know who he married in the end it was Hinata Hyuga and his crush Sakura was Turned out to becoming the wife of his friend Sasuke thier were some stories regarding Sasuke love as well like Sasuke x Sakura , Sasuke x Karin, Sasuke x Ino in the starting of the anime but cant say what may happen in the anime world.
Top 10 most overpowered hero in anime
And just like all these love stories between anime characters we also have charcters from one piece whose love stories may turn out to be stories they tell thier own grandchilds or they may just stay as friends and fan fiction of their love may once again bloom .
So in one piece up until now their are some love stories regaring who may turn out to be whose lover and life partner from the same crew of straw hats and as their are many reasons for us to think about that the love or flirty nature of sanji towards Nami may actually turn out to be a real life relationship between them Sanji x Nami as we have seen their is some feeling of love in Sakuras mind towards Sanji .
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But then once again their can be talks about Sanji and Nico robins As we but I will Say if Robin Actually falls in love with any straw hats that would Be between luffy or zoro.
Top 10 most overpowered hero in anime
The reason of this is that luffy is her saviour who saved her from the attacks of marine and made her feel like she is not a devil but a human just she had some really bad luck and the other person who may take the place of luffy is Zoro .
IN the starting when robin Joined the Straw hats crew except luffy no one in the crew had trust on robin but with time their we many occasions where we had seen zoro saving robin from many dangerous situations and where their came the talk about them being a secret lover well the story of nico robin a childs whose everything was lost away from her whose life was full of misery may actual fall in love with the devil with 3 swords .
Zoro Always seems like a person who is happy in himself and the only goal in his life is to become the strongest swordsman of the earth and their was a person who he loved in his childhood Kuina was was the daughter of his master who died in his childhood with whom he had promised to not stop until he has reached the top of his swordsmanship and In my opinion  robin in going to replace the place of Kuina from Zoro Hearts .
Their are even some Fan made stories regarding the love of zoro and Robin one is down below;
with links to more zoro X Robin Lovestories
  “Love Story in Harbour” It was night time and it has been a month since they got off Skypiea. The people in the small village danced around the fire with the music. Luffy was at the corner gobbling on some food. Sanji was at the other side flirting with some girls. Nami was checking out the gold and the villagers sweat dropped as Nami’s eyes turned into a Belly sign. Chopper and Ussop was at the ship fixing it, Zoro and Robin watched them dance around. Zoro walked beside the archaelogist who seems to be thinking about something. He arched his eyebrows and, “What’s wrong with you” Robin snapped back to reality, “Uh, what?” Zoro walked over the table and sat down. “What’s with that face.” “What face?” she asked confusingly. “That.” he responded. “There’s no face Mr. Swordsman, this is my face, that’s all.” she replied. “Yeah.” he said sarcastically. Robin sighed and sat down beside him. “I’m just sad about something and it really bothers me.” she said sadly. Zoro sat up and faced Robin. “And what is that thing that bothers you?” he asked firmly and softly. She didn’t respond for a long time. Zoro peered at her face…the shadow of her long black hair covering her eyes. Zoro sighed and, “Hey, i’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring that up.” he said. He watched Robin but she didn’t move. He waited for her respond but there was nothing. Surprisingly, he was really patient about this. “I don’t belong here.” she whispered and looked up. Zoro’s eyes widened as he look on her eyes. He smirked, “You’re weird.” and with that, Robin was confused. “It’s simply impossible. If you think you don’t fit in our crew well then you’re wrong.” “What do you mean, Mr. Swordsman?” “Luffy is a weird guy. But whenever he’s nakama feels something, he finds a way to make you feel better. He knows whats best.” “I know this may sound awkward but…we’re always here beside you. You’re not alone.” he said. Robin smiled warmly on Zoro which made him blush. But before Zoro could talk, “Wha-” there was an explosion. “What the hell-!” he yelled. “It came from the ship, Mr. Swordsman!” The two of them rushed to the ship and found Usopp and Chopper standing still and smoke coming out from their bodies. “Oi, what happened here? And why does it stink!” said Zoro covering his nose. Usopp coughed a puff of air. “I’m gonna kill that idiot!” yelled Usopp with a sharp teeth and a clenched fist. He stomped angrily to the island and looked for Luffy. “So how was the party, guys?” asked Chopper. “It’s great.” replied Robin happily. A big grin crept on Chopper’s face and happily ran away from the ship to the island. “Where you going?” asked Zoro. “To the island! Watch the ship while we’re gone guys!” and Chopper’s voice trailed off. “Oi wait!” called Zoro. “What is it you’re gonna ask, Mr. Swordsman?” “I forgot to tell him to bring beer ” and Robin couldn’t help but smile. “So what are you gonna do?” asked Zoro. “Nothing.” Zoro shrugged, “Me too.” The two of them looked at the bright moon and Robin glanced on Zoro. “Mr. Swordsman…”  Browse Just In Communit y Forum Bet as Story Search Anime/Manga (/anime/)  One Piece (/anime/One-Piece/)  +  –     “Hmm?” “Would you like to take a walk?” asked Robin politely with a smile on her face. Zoro wanted to say no but he was so bored and he didn’t feel like sleeping. “Sure. I guess that would be fun.” and both of them got off the ship. While at the island… “Luffy!” yelled Usopp and Luffy gulped. He walked over to Luffy and, “What did you do on the “Impact Dial!” Luffy grinned, “I farted on it.” and Usopp froze. “Why did you do that?” asked Usopp. “I have nothing to fart on.” “Then why don’t you just fart in the air! That would be better!” “Really? But Nami finds it gross.” “What do you think is more gross Luffy?” asked Usopp tryin to be calm. “Well…” said Luffy and thinked. “Forget it…let’s have some fun!” “Sure!” and both of them joined the dance. While back to Robin and Zoro…they peacefully walk to the seashore as the small waves clash throught their bare feet. And both of them sat on a huge rock. There was a long silence between them. Robin looked up the sky and Zoro looked at her. The full moon was glimmering in her eyes in the darkness of the evening. They haven’t talk for half an hour. Zoro took a deep breath and, “What’s wrong with you now?” and Robin looked at him, “Nothing.” Zoro nodded on her respond and there was a silence going on again. Now it was Robin’s turn to talk, “Mr. Swordsman, why do you want to be the world’s greatest swordsman?” she asked trying to strike up a conversation. He sighed, “Because it’s something I like. What about you? Why are you so interested in this history thing?” and Robin smied. “I wanted to find the Rio Poneglyph and discover the True History.” “Yeah. We all have dreams. Wanting to map the world, finding a stone with weird writings on it, being a swordsman, finding a stupid ocean, wanting to be the greatest doctor, being brave or whatever…and finally…the Future Pirate King of the Grandline.” and Robin smiled sweetly on him. “Maybe we should get back. It’s getting late and there’s no one guarding the ship.” said Robin. “Right.” and they walked back to the ship. “So what are you getting Nami for her birthday?” asked Usopp to Sanji. “Nami-san? When is her birthday?” “I think it’s 2 days from now.” and Sanji panicked. “What! Why didn’t you tell me earlier! I have to find something.” said Sanji going to a store. “What was that fuss all about?” asked Zoro from behind. “Uh, i’m just asking Sanji what will she get Nami for her birthday.” “What!” yelled Zoro with his voice all high. He cleared his throat and, “What!” and it’s still the same. “Did I did not tell anybody about this?” asked Usopp. “Well you told me, Mr. Doctor and Mr. Captain.” said Robin politely. “Usopp. Have you seen Luffy?” asked Chopper looking around. “No.” replied Usopp. “I think he’s here somewhere, Mr. Doctor. I just saw him talking with a man.” “Chopper!” yelled a drunk Nami. “N-Nami?” asked Usopp. She patted Robin’s back and, “So…how’s the relationship going on with Zoro?” asked Nami. Zoro heard it and jumped up. “What!” yelled both Robin and Zoro. “Oh look at you two together…so when is the big day?” asked Nami drinking the beer. “What, what big day?” asked Chopper confused. “You know. Their wedding.” “What!” yelled Zoro, Chopper and Ussop while Robin sweatdropped. “Alright! That’s it Nami. How drunk are you?” asked Zoro. “What are you talking about! I’m not drunk.” and she walked to Usopp and whispered, “I’m lying. I am so drunk.” “Yep! That’s right! Your Nami slash Navigator (Nami/Navigator) is so drunk tonight! Good night…” and Nami passed away on the ground. “She’s had so much alcohol.” commented Usopp. And Chopper freaked out, “What! Too much alcohol can poison the body!” “Did you just notice that?” asked Zoro. “Yes! I got something for Nami-san!” yelled Sanji happily. He walked over excitedly to the group without noticing Nami on the ground. “Do you think Nami-san will love this, Robin-chan?” asked Sanji showing a gold bracelet. “Yee-ha! Let’s party!” yelled Luffy from behind. He walked over to the group with his grin on his face with a golden necklace on his hand. “Luffy, what’s that?” asked Ussop. “It’s a gift. I’m giving these to Nami on her birthday.” he said. “What are you guys gonna get?” asked Luffy to Zoro and Ussop. “Grr! Where did you buy those?” asked Zoro irritatingly. “Does it have to be jewelry or gold stuff?” asked Usopp. “Mr. Long Nose, have you just met Ms. Navigator?” “Oh man!” Usopp complained and followed Zoro. “So Nami…” said Luffy and looked down. He looked at a statue that looks scary and looks exactly like Nami. “N-Nami! What’s wrong! You don’t look good! Oi! Something’s wrong with Nami!” said Luffy. Sanji kicked Luffy in the head and carried her to the ship with Chopper and Robin. An hour past and the party was over. The Straw Hat pirates took off at dawn.
Zoro X Robin | What is Going Between Them Hi friends today let us talk about one of my favourite character from one piece kind of relationship they may have ,cause we have seen many animes whose love between characters was a completely different and more entertaining  topic for the fans then the original manga story.
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