#i just specifically dislike the way its 'content'. and the way people interact with it is marked by both sides perceiving it as such.
radio-sepia · 2 months
i need to start posting my art :-( here and on uuh insta. i guess. why does making sideblogs stress me out so much
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jkjm9597 · 1 month
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I made this post yesterday on x out of nowhere and I got to know a lot about how people became jikookers
It’s so amazing seeing all these moments that made them jkkrs
I loved reading all these stories with jikook🥹🥹and i know most of the moments are
-GCF ( jk really knew what he was doing by making gcf it was like a reveal and year before its release he tweeted that he looked at the lyrics before doing a cover and asked us to pay attention to lyrics of songs)
- Rosebowl , In front of thousands people, jk and jm were on their own world🥹jk reassuring jm and sucking his ear( you don’t suck your friend ear)
- 2013/2015 were lot said jk disliked jm( I hate it) he never disliked him and was mad when some pointed it out, he was just shy and young, and we got to see him being confident and more relaxed through the years
-MMA 2018. 🥺🥺Their interaction was so sweet and cute , jk was so hypnotized by jm my god 😭
-the tone they use for eo, I think we all know it, it’s the same tone I use when I’m talking to my boyfriend
-Jk’s possessiveness, I think we all love it 😂jk is an open book and transparent you can see when he is pissed and we got to see him being the biggest minimoni anti😂😭
-the ultimate video ( if there is some who never watched it recommend) the op really detailed every little moment, and it changed a lot of minds
- And something we have in common we watched all real contents and saw the dynamic between these two, we still don’t know if they are really dating ( I believe they are) but even if there are not we are still in the right way bcz their bond is a true one we know how they care for each other and they are each other same place.
And if people were really sincere with themselves they will see it even locals saw it, someone who never know about shipping always ask If they are dating so I dont believe that they don’t see it but they don’t want it because it’s/ so obvious.
-2016 live in Osaka 😂where tae went in jk’s room finding him eating naked and the music😭and after tae went there you could hear jm’s voice and the next day jimin was mad at tae 😂😂( it’s détailles in the ultimate video)
-the hickey😂this is so funny to me because you can give someone a hickey when you’re being turned on the air and have time to bite someone it’s just a story they made😂and the fact that jk didn’t want anyone to touch it but jimin 😭
-jk’s 2023 lives, i think lot of people to became jkkrs with that bcz jk really didn’t hide anything
- jm’s bday 2021 were he did the live in jk’s studio, cake made by jk( you’re my park filter can you think about the insanity of this?) jimin being a blushing mess🥺their phone call, how jk talked to him too smooth how jm’s voice was too sweet and hobi who represent us ( we got to know a lot bcz of him )
-Buddy system ( I swear I still can’t believe that they really enlisted) I’m still thinking about it a lot, nothing can compare to it
And all the runs, cute moments we got, the others gcf were jk took his time when jimin came on screen, the choice of the lyrics 🥺
And jk’s aura change when he is around jimin like he is not the maknae anymore like he is with the others hyungs, like he want to kill all things touching jm, and jm in the other hand just let his guard down a little and let jk do whatever he wants 🥺
Saw too lot of them were tkkrs or ynmrs, vminers but got to watch reals content Ms to see the difference and became jkkrs
Sometimes I swear when I think about one of those specific moments I’m just zoning out like “ my god they are really in love”
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zytes · 6 months
Question from someone just starting with creating and then posting art to Tumblr, do you think I should be watermarking my pieces?
I’ve always disliked watermarks as they naturally tend to dissuade people from interacting with art in a natural manner; it depends very heavily on the size and placement of the mark, obviously. BUT, often times an artist will overzealously obscure their work with identification and it has a somewhat repulsive effect on the average viewer - a wall has been erected between the viewer and the art, in a sense. Watermarks, to me, exist to prevent very specific situations from unfolding with your work - almost all of those reasons seem to be financially motivated, like preventing strangers from printing your art out at home or reposting without attribution. Situations that could affect your ability to profit off of your work.
Admittedly, much of my perception about this issue was inspired by an article included in the book “Context” by Cory Doctorow, wherein he writes about how he’s benefitted from “thinking like a dandelion”, which is an idea that was inspired by conversation the author had with Neil Gaiman — I’ll try and summarize the parts of the point that are more relevant to visual arts; since portions of the allegory refer more specifically to certain qualities of written media.
He begins with, “Mammals worry about what happens to each and every one of their offspring, but dandelions only care that every crack in every sidewalk has dandelions growing out of it. The former is a good strategy for situations in which reproduction is expensive, but the latter works best when reproduction is practically free — as on the Internet.”
So how do you “think like a dandelion” then?
“Your work needs to be easily copied, to anywhere whence it might find its way into the right hands. That means that the nimble text-file, HTML file, and PDF (the preferred triumvirate of formats) should be distributed without formality — no logins, no e-mail address collections, and with a license that allows your fans to reproduce the work on their own in order to share it with more potential fans. Remember, copying is a cost-center — insisting that all copies must be downloaded from your site and only your site is insisting that you — and only you — will bear the cost of making those copies. Sure, having a single, central repository for your works makes it easier to count copies and figure out where they’re going, but remember: dandelions don’t keep track of their seeds. Once you get past the vanity of knowing exactly how many copies have been made, and find the zen of knowing that the copying will take care of itself, you’ll attain dandelionesque contentment.”
The rest of the allegory more specifically applies to written work, but I’ll link it here for the sake of posterity. Essentially: every wall or pre-requisite that you establish before allowing a fresh set of eyes to fall upon your work actually may deter people from engaging with the work and sharing it with others. Signatures, subtle watermarks that are “baked” into the work, or maybe like.. a well-placed QR code that links people back to you — all of those would be my suggestion for someone who wants to leave a lasting, linking thread between a given work and it’s artist. If the right person sees your art and connects with it, there SHOULD be a way for them to follow that thread back to you and discover more; but if you over-prioritize demonstrating ownership over your work, you’re likely to drive those coveted genuine connections away.
On the other hand, if your primary goal is to sell prints or other products, brazenly watermarking your work will protect your bottom line from the kind of low-level art-scraping that drives all those shady redbubble shops and etsy stores that sell stolen works on cheap t-shirts and hankies. For me, art is a primarily social interest in which I prioritize the sharing of culture and ideas. I don’t want financial factors to take precedence and alter how/why I created something; it feels like I’d have to take much of myself out of my art in order to make it palatable for consumer spaces.
You should determine your priorities and then strive to make art that fulfills those priorities without compromise. I think you’ll find that self-satisfaction manifests readily at different points in the midst of that process.
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veliseraptor · 1 year
I'm interested in your thoughts about the different way the show vs the novel cuts the timeline, and specifically in terms of how Jin Guangyao is framed. With the show, we're first introduced to Meng Yao as a young man making heart eyes at Zewu-jun and there's a very slow build up of suspicion over time, which allows viewers to get to know and like him more at first before...*ahem*... putting the villain hat on him. In the novel on the other hand (assuming I'm remembering this correctly), we're basically presented with Jin Guangyao as the antagonist almost from the beginning, setting him up for the reader's suspicion and dislike. On the other hand, there's a much more nuanced portrayal of his crimes (e.g. he's not responsible for Every Bad Thing Ever like in Untamed) and the reasons behind them, and an even more clear parallel with WWX as the protagonist. What are your thoughts?
Ohhh this is a super interesting ask and I actually found it an interesting counter to the prevailing Jin Guangyao narrative about his framing in the drama, which holds that he is straightforwardly being painted as The Villain, and while I don't think that's incorrect I do think in some ways it overstates its point. however, I actually think that something specifically about narrative framing (as in, not taking any content changes in mind) here might, perhaps unintuitively, contribute to why the Jin Guangyao of the novel is a more sympathetic figure than The Untamed (tries to) make him.
(once again I came out of CQL like Jin Guangyao Made Many Valid Points, Was If Not Right At Least 75% Justified so like. I actually don't think The Untamed was as good at making Jin Guangyao a Straight Up Villain as it was trying to be. I have thoughts about Zhu Zanjin actively acting against script and how you can feel him pulling against the prevailing narrative and I have thoughts about how that actually interacts very nicely with the way Jin Guangyao in every version of the story is pulling against a prevailing narrative that wants to relegate him to the margins in one way or another. but that's a major sidebar.)
holy hell I wrote an essay so putting the rest of this under a read more.
The point is that I think there's a few things happening here - I will note, first of all, that I don't think we actually are introduced to Jin Guangyao as a villain in MDZS. I believe the first mentions we get of him are actually fairly positive. I went back and checked, and he's mentioned a couple times early on just to note his position as Chief Cultivator (in pretty neutral to positive terms), then identified as the person who gave Jin Ling Fairy, and a few other times including the explanation that he executed Xue Yang to "show that things were going to be different." Pretty shortly after that is the scene where Wei Wuxian finds the kids playing Sunshot Campaign to see how Jin Guangyao is portrayed there (because that's a solid proxy for perception more broadly) and it's pretty complimentary!
"In these types of games, the role of the now-grand-beyond-measure Chief Cultivator, Lianfang-zun, was naturally very popular. Though he had come from a background that most people found too embarrassing to even mention, it was for this very reason that they sighed in admiration over how he'd succeeded in climbing to the top of the cultivation world. [...] He fully deserved the title, and could even be considered a legend of his time. If Wei Wuxian had been playing this game, he also would have wanted to try being Jin Guangyao." (Dew, Part 5)
I do think that's worth remembering, that it's not an immediate jump into "Jin Guangyao bad"; it happens pretty fast but not immediately.
However, it is true that by the time we actually meet Jin Guangyao on page he is under pretty heavy suspicion, and pretty shortly after that is the Empathy sequence, which involves a lot of heavy judgment on Wei Wuxian's part (a very unbiased narrator! of course!) of Jin Guangyao's badness. though that's also the sequence that reveals Jin Guangyao's involvement in saving Lan Xichen, his maltreatment by cultivators in general and Nie Mingjue in particular. So it's...complicated.
But in general, this kind of arc (starting with a character who seems fishy/suspicious or even evil, gradually revealing later on the more sympathetic aspects and drawing a fuller, more nuanced picture of them that's very far from a blanket condemnation and also gets a lot of sympathy from the narrative) is very characteristic of MXTX. She does it all the time, in all three of her books, with pretty much all her antagonists.
(SPOILERS FOLLOW: Shen Qingqiu in SVSSS starts out as a lecherous scum villain who deserves his horrible death and ends as a decidedly tragic and fairly miserable figure that even his #1 hater feels pity for, Tianlang-jun in same is an all-powerful demon lord, terror of the cultivation world -- and he was wrongly accused because the Old Palace Master coveted Su Xiyan. Xue Yang is introduced as a mass murderer and closes as a hand clutching a treasured candy. Jun Wu in TGCF receives the bamboo hat after Xie Lian's beaten him in a truly remarkable gesture of compassion.
Wei Wuxian himself, who is introduced in the first lines of the novel as a terrible evil that has been defeated - this one gets quickly overturned but the fact that it begins there is still significant. I could keep going.)
and while I feel like that's led to some problems in the discourse (namely, people make up their mind about who Jin Guangyao is right off the bat and then dismiss anything that doesn't suit that initial assumption as either false or irrelevant), I also think it's a pretty compelling way to lay out her characters, and does some very interesting things in terms of...challenging the reader to be willing to overwrite some of those early assumptions, being willing to make that change in how they assess a character (or person). I mean, that's a big part of the plot of SVSSS, actually: many of the problems are caused by Shen Qingqiu's unwillingness or inability to see that Luo Binghe is not the character he knew him as from PIDW - that Luo Binghe has changed because of Shen Yuan's decisions. The misunderstandings after Luo Binghe's plunge into the Abyss stem, in a lot of ways, from Shen Qingqiu continuing to assume that Luo Binghe is thinking and acting exactly as his counterpart would, instead of looking at the person who is actually in front of him.
So too, I think the reader is meant to do those same kinds of reassessments in MDZS as character details are parceled out. Notably, the information about Sisi and the Guanyin Temple statue is only revealed after Jin Guangyao is already dead. Everything has already happened, so why put that information in the text? It's one more signpost that says you thought you knew everything but there's still more to complicate the picture and make this even more of a tragedy. You see the same thing with Jiang Cheng and the golden core reveal at the very end - everything has already happened, the great confrontation has already gone down, but here's one more thing. Maybe it doesn't change anything in terms of the narrative, but it's there, it's important.
Now, the problem comes, I think, when people are unwilling to flex on that initial unfavorable impression, and I feel like particularly right now in general a lot of people are unwilling to...change their minds? on things? or to admit they were wrong or maybe making a judgment prematurely? And most obviously this is an issue irl all over the place but I think it happens in fiction, too. The irony here is, of course, that it's replicating exactly how cultivation society in-text responds to Jin Guangyao, namely by taking one thing about him and deciding that says everything about him, regardless of what he does.
To turn to CQL, now...I'm going to be talking about narrative structure from an Anglophone perspective because that's what I know, and that's the part of fandom I primarily engage with, recognizing that what I'm going to say about story patterns may not hold true in Chinese literature; I've read too little of it to say.
I actually think it's interesting that I actually think, while CQL is on the face of it presenting a more sympathetic look at Jin Guangyao to begin with, by putting it in a linear order where the viewer more or less knows what's going on with him through the course of the whole story in chronological order is actually in some ways a villain edit in and of itself without the extra dumping of all the bad things ever being his fault. I say that because that's actually, as a narrative arc, a very familiar one in terms of the path it follows. "Innocent young man falls into villainy" is a classic villain creation trope - and while often it can make for a sympathetic villain it is very much a story that arcs from good > bad > dead.
When it's set up in that linear sort of way, aligned with that sort of familiar path, the reader (viewer) is almost set up to expect what comes; as soon as episode 10 rolls around and Jin Guangyao does something questionable, there's an easy and immediate jump to "oh, so he's going to be one of those" and from there everything he does must be, by the logic of that familiar story, part of that path. He can't get better from there; that's not how it works. He can have a redemptive moment before death, perhaps, but overall once that downward arc begins, the expectation isn't that it'll reverse, and it's a challenge to convince people not to view the rest of the character's story - and potentially back-read into their previous actions - in a suspicious light at best or an actively hostile one at worst.
(Interestingly, I have thoughts/feelings on the way that Wei Wuxian's arc interacts with that sort of story path, which is to say as I've talked about before Wei Wuxian's first life is classic villain origin story. "A smart, clever young man with a healthy dose of hubris acquires sinister powers, gradually gets more unstable and separated from society, and ultimately goes full villain" is the basic outline of Wei Wuxian's story before his resurrection, and that is, I want to emphasize, a villain story. Obviously it doesn't end up framed that way, but viewed from outside that's what it is. The fact that he's extricated from it and gets another chance doesn't actually unwrite that - it gives him another chance.)
So CQL!Jin Guangyao might start out as a more sympathetic-seeming figure than MDZS!Jin Guangyao does, but by virtue of the linearity of his arc on screen (following a familiar narrative path to an inevitable end), I think he's pre-set up to be intractably cast in the villain role, where MDZS!Jin Guangyao, because the reveals of information about him are non-linear, wobbles more. Because the reader doesn't have all the information it (potentially) forestalls making final judgment, or at least calls for a reexamination of judgment. That interrupted arc, with its side trips and detours and glimpses of another story in which Jin Guangyao could've been the protagonist (the brothel flashback occurs to me), makes it potentially a little less easy to mark Jin Guangyao in the villain box and keep him there for forty episodes.
I would say, in general, that the novel encourages a more sympathetic read of Jin Guangyao. But I do think what you've noted here is worth remembering: CQL doesn't present him as a villain or even as sketchy from the start, and the difference is clear in the form of two characters who project "I'm a bad person!" in every scene they're in from the beginning: Wen Ruohan, and to a lesser extent Jin Guangshan.
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deathdetermineslife · 19 days
are you okay with people who have no shipcourse stance interacting?
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heres a long, convoluted answer to this. tldr; preferably, no, please do not interact
the way i see it, a lot of people that have the "neutral" stance are just... not bothered by people shipping things like incest and pedophilia. now, I don't care what people do on the internet. i cannot stop you, and nothing I say will make you want to change any opinion you may or may not have. that being said, though, I don't feel comfortable with proshipping. therefore I consider myself an anti (though, I don't like calling myself """antiproship""" I don't think I'm anti-anything in this regard, I think I'm in the majority of people on earth that think this kind of behavior is concerning.)
i personally dont like calling it shipcourse, its not "discourse", its morality. morally, I dislike being around/interacting with people that don't have a stance on that sort of thing. in every discussion I have had with professionals, incest and pedophilia and abuse are illegal for a reason. its not healthy for anyone. and that's not me being a "puritan", thats just a fact. and people have different morals, and thats fine, but I have my own lines and boundaries I draw, and this is where that boundary stands.
that being said, also, that doesnt mean I don't support dark media. i think it depends on how you enjoy it. if you seek out dark media that has something like abuse in it, and enjoy it for its story, there's nothing wrong with that. we've shared stories of death and murder and abuse for centuries in society. but you don't like it for the abuse, you like it for the entertainment value. so by no means am I some sort of puritan. romanticization of abuse and enjoying stories for their usage of abusive plot devices is something completely different in my eyes.
and to reiterate, i dont care what other people do on the internet. I'm an adult with a job and a family I help take care of. but it also bothers me knowing there are people out there engaging in communities where these unhealthy things are normalized. and I, personally, am uncomfortable interacting with individuals that are not bothered by this. maybe this is because I have a family and young children in my family and also have been a victim myself, and perhaps that makes me bias in some way. however, even if these things are fictional, I think it speaks a lot to the kind of individual one is if you enjoy specifically content centered around incestuous ships or ships between adults and children. not dark media itself.
i appreciate anyone who took the time to read my long rambling, and I also appreciate anyone that is following my dni, as that is the respectful and normal thing to do. apologies for any typos </3
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esprei · 2 years
have recently learned there's a bit more hate around trainwreckshipping than i was aware of so i guess i just wanted to talk about it a bit and give my two cents on the ship, how i see it and i guess my perspective on things. i've kind of always wanted to talk about it, but i just haven't been brave enough until now haha (sorry, i am not super eloquent when it comes to writing things like this so my apologies) ((also throwing it under a cut because it may get long and might also include some slightly sad-ish things so i don't want to just throw that in everyone's face you know))
i think i'll just preface things by saying i've always totally understood why trainwreckshipping has gotten so much flack since its inception. or hate, because maybe flack just isn't strong enough of a word. but i do understand. there were mischaracterizations of emmet by portraying him as violent to volo because it was assumed that volo was directly responsible for ingo's disappearance. i was guilty of it. suuuuuper guilty. and i can understand why that put the ship in such a position for many people. toxic, unhealthy, etc. but... i think what i'm a bit confused on i guess is the fact that it's still viewed so much this way to this day. viewed as one of the worst ships because of how toxic it is. how unhealthy it is. all because it started that way in fanon only. but you know, from a canon standpoint, it has nothing. nothing at all. so really, this ship could be anything because it's based in fanon only. no canon interactions of emmet and volo exist yet. there is no official basis on how these characters would interact with each other. and yes, while there were misunderstandings of both characters early on, that certainly doesn't mean it's still that way today. that doesn't mean that people haven't studied and looked at these two characters a little closer to understand them better and to try and make them more realistic to their canon portrayals. to make more accurate depictions of these characters and how that fits in to a healthier perspective with them. i dunno. it just kinda baffles me that with the variety of trainwreckshipping content out there now, some still call it toxic and unhealthy as if we're perpetually stuck in that time period of when it was. like it's not allowed to be anything but that ever just because it started that way. and what makes me the saddest about it all is now seeing so many friends and people in the community of the ship start to get disheartened and discouraged from enjoying something they really actually enjoy because there's still such a bad stigma to the ship. personally for a long time i've just ignored that stigma because i try not to let that stuff drag me down. but i will admit that yes, it has made me more reluctant to post any art i do of it. i've definitely had my periods where i've questioned uploading my emmet/volo art, usually as wholesome as it is, because it does have such a dark cloud around it fandom wise. it's why i made my side blog, in fact. because i just didn't feel very comfortable uploading mostly emmet/volo art here to my main because so many people dislike it or outright hate it.
and in regards to the ship itself, i think i've always thought of it in a slightly different way than most. not so much enemies to lovers but rather through the lens of how volo might could change, be redeemed, see the how his actions in the past inadvertently affected others (and by that I mean his involvement in opening the rift... like yes, that could be what caused ingo to be sent to hisui, but we don't know that for sure... and even if that was the case, volo didn't do it specifically to target ingo. volo was only ever interested in trying to get to arceus and build a better world in his vision).
or how volo could look at emmet after getting to know him and potentially see the beauty and value of the current world through him. you know, seeing someone like emmet and admiring that he can still find a reason to smile and be kind despite all of the pain and suffering he must have gone through since ingo's disappearance. volo starting to see a different perspective than he did before (aka wanting to build a new world because the current one was too full of pain and suffering) because of emmet. i dunno. that's just me personally. because since actually looking more at volo's character and his dialogue in game i've been real interested in redemption paths for him. exploring those possibilities. i just enjoy exploring said possibilities mostly through the dynamic i have in my head for him and emmet because it's fun. it interests me. i see cool potential in it. i enjoy it a lot. and while i don't think i ever portray volo super accurately, or even emmet for that matter, i still think i've come a long way since first finishing pla and ever looking at emmet/volo interactions. but regardless of all of that, that's the beauty of a ship of this nature. a ship that has absolutely no basis in canon. because it really can be anything you want it to be. it can be enemies to lovers, it can be more wholesome, it can be whatever. it's not locked into a specific dynamic because the characters have never officially met each other, let alone had a conversation. and even if that were the case... AUs are still a thing. :D
anyway that's pretty much all i had. just wanted to talk about it a bit because i've seen a recent uptick in people mentioning all of the hate and dislike for the ship etc and i dunno. i enjoy the ship a lot. it's just sad to see that there's still so much hate around it even though a lot of the content now is not like how it originally started. not from what i've seen, at least.
and while i don't expect anyone who hates it to ever warm up to it, i just wish it could be understood that the more toxic, unhealthy dynamic is not the basis of anymore. there are healthier portrayals of it now.
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burning-sol · 3 months
im censoring any art i make of "her" and limiting reblogs because i do want to make vent art but i dont want to share a lot of details <- but if i dont share details it might make people feel wrong to later have interacted with any art featuring her at all. and i did make a post abt her in the past but it wasnt my intention to give the wrong impression of her because id genuinely experienced amnesia and couldnt remember the details about her. to be clear she's not real, she's not representative of any person in real life, i would describe her as a mix of my psychosis and what i recently realised describes maladaptive daydreaming.
i have been getting very very paranoid recently so ive been talking to xander and hy said he's going to help my get back in contact with a therapist when it gets the opportunity. i dont know how my behaviour has been perceived at all the past (???) amt of time, but i apologise if its caused confusion or distress.
anyways ill be talking about her under the cut with art but content warning it goes into talks about psychosis and emotional abuse and some transphobia and SA <- the art is evocative of that last thing i put it at the very bottom of the post. there's also talks about grooming..
i do have records of when she was first around but i only really looked at it to see how i drew her as i have a lot of amnesia around her and i dont like looking at old logs of things.. like. the thing is, there's a lot of stuff that happened online or i had uploaded online and i would rather let it remain forgotten rather than drag it back out. maybe its selfish of me but like i seriously dont want to think about the times i might have been groomed or the specifics of anything, i just want it all to go away. so yeah, i forgot about her and forgot about what she said or did because i wanted to forget and it didnt come up so it was whatever.
but there was a time where i was experiencing some different voices, ive had a track record of abusive voices throughout my life (to be clear xander is very different from that, to me it clearly has a wider depth of emotion and thought than these voices and actually has control over the body.. i just feel like i want to make that clear) and she was amongst them though i think she was different in her own way. the main reason i feel so scared of her is that i experienced a sexual hallucination perpetrated by her and i had to search up whether that was even possible because i have not heard anyone bringing it up before. but yes, that happened, and i dont claim to be a victim of sexual assault but it's still painful to think about and im still scared of her.
aside from the i guess "threats" of sexual interaction and recently threatening to leak sexually compromising information and photos of me, she is generally quite demeaning. she talks a lot about how i should just go back into being a complacent girl who does what she wants. she threatens to isolate me. i guess she's also threatened to hurt me physically too. its not real but at times it has felt like i am in literal chains and are at her whims and it makes me feel scared.
i dont know if its clear but there's a lot i dont bring up when it comes to any sexual trauma because i just. i dunno. i dont feel like any of it is worth talking about if im complicit in it, if its in my head, if its just nothing. things ive been involved in are deeply humiliating and hurtful. and of course i cant HELP but bring it up at times, as any person does, but out of everything i dislike talking about this trauma the most. id rather be quiet and not talk about anything and hell, i probably wont keep this post up.
a part of me realises it probably just hurts others that i dont talk to them about things like this. but talking to someone privately abt when im distressed makes me think about my previous toxic behaviours and i dont want to repeat that ever again, so i prefer to just stay quiet.
just typing this has made me exhausted from the emotional drain so ill stop this post here. thanks.
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eclipse-colony · 8 months
"down with fdc?" More like down with specifically YOU!!!
Considering this is basically the same thing a member of fdc said on the post featuring my blog I’m left to assume you looked for and found my blog specifically to say this to me directly. All that does is prove my point that fdc encourages harassment of the people posted and that the censorship rule does nothing to actually protect people’s privacy.
Fdc has no way of fact checking if the people they claim to be faking disorders are and most of its users are so karma happy that they end up looking for systems or people with other disorders and post their content without so much as a look into the person. We aren’t seen as people but instead targets of mockery and a source of validation for the posters.
I made my down with fdc post without having been posted there myself because I have seen the harm and paranoia it causes for people. Many of those that state online their mental health conditions and experiences do so because they are looking for community and support from others who actually have the disorder not those you haven’t lived with it or doctors, that form of emotional and professional support is valuable and needed but sometimes what we need is to talk to someone who has similar life experiences.
Users on fdc like the one that posted me are a prime example of what I see as way the sub is harmful. The person who posted me had stalked and made a whole “saga” posting one blog for several days in a row, their first post had incredibly poor censoring which led to another system searching their url and messaging them to let them know anyone that saw the post could find them easily, they responded which led the fdc op whom was stalking their page to post systems2 carrd which contained their system name and can also be easily found.
I then had my down with fdc post reblogged by system2 which led to the fdc op posting me as well.
My point is the fdc poster had been posting several days in a row on system1 blog and the blogs that interacted with it. How anyone sees this as anything but obsessive I don’t know.
Some fdc posters such as the one that posted me also actively seek out and invade safe spaces for systems so that they can post them to be made fun of.
Another issue with fdc is the fact that they do not take take down requests for posts even if a person was to prove their diagnosis I know this because others have asked on the fdc discord. Fdc mods have also banned and muted people for sharing US government articles stating the actual statistics of DID specifically claiming it to be misinformation.
Another reason I have such a strong dislike for fdc is due to the fact that most people that are posted do suffer from mental disorders. Even if they are right and the person posted is faking (which the posters have no way of proving.) purposefully faking a disorder is a disorder called Munchausen syndrome and those suffering from it still deserve kindness respect and treatment.
I understand this response is long and you probably won’t read or that you’ll just screenshot it and put it on fdc so you can get karma but I hope that you’ll actually process what I’ve said.
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curried-mermaid · 4 months
A Review: Chained Soldier
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Author: Takahiro Illustrator: Yohei Takemura Publishers: Yen Press Age Group: Older Teen Genre: Shonen Type: Manga
Content Warnings: Fan service, Nudity
Spoilers ahead
Yuuki Wakura, a teenage boy who wants nothing more than to fight on the Demon Defense Force instead of facing his future of a 9-5 grind, cannot believe how unlucky he is. First, he’s a boy, while only girls get to be on the Demon Defense Force. Since Mato, an otherworldy and dangerous dimension appeared, the world turned upside down to a modern matriarchal society. Special fruit known as “Peaches” grant unique abilites…but only to girls. 
 Second, his skills include cooking, sewing, mending, and household chores (which he is quite proud of). He has a fighting spirit but not a single fighting bone in his body. Until he gets involved in a Mato mishap where he is saved by Kyouka Uzen, the beautiful (slightly sadistic) commander of the 7th squad of the Demon Defense Force, who…orders him to become her slave?! 
Character Development
The character development in Chained Soldier is actually really good. We follow our househusband-type protagonist as he’s thrown into the world of the female-only Demon Defense Force. Yeah, he’s a slave, but he takes that in stride as he’s more excited by the prospect of doing what he’s always wanted. Who doesn’t wish to avoid the workforce grind and pursue your dreams, even if they’re logically unreasonable? 
Kyouka Uzen is a sadistic all-business commander. She trains her people hard because she expects great things. Her team is at the Reverse Ogre Gate which sees a lot of monsters. They need to always be ready because the barrier that surrounds their dorm isn't always going to save them. She dislikes using her power until Yuuki comes along (which comes with its own sets of problems). 
Each of the girls in 7th squad has a blaringly obvious personality type. Yet, there are twists and turns as we get close interactions between each one and Yuuki. I look forward to reading more of these to see how each personality type twists to make each girl memorable. 
We have our standard modern world, but mostly men have to deal with the workforce grind. There’s also a lot of tension between the sexes as men are pretty much considered slaves to women. Yuuki laments his future until he’s involved in a Mato Mishap. This is when random portals to Mato open up letting humans into Mato or demons into the world. 
We learn that Yuuki’s sister had the same thing happen to her and was never found. All he can do is follow the guidelines they’ve been taught (repeatedly) to stay put and wait for the Demon Defense Force to save you. He does just that until he gets mobbed by monsters and books it through Mato just to stay alive until he can be saved. 
Once he is saved, we learn from various characters that Mato is divided into quadrants. Each quadrant has a squadron of the Demon Defense Force. If we read the translation notes it further explains the world. The ogre gate (northeast) is considered inauspicious or bad. The same holds for the reverse ogre gate (southwest). If we follow this logic also knowing that more monsters spawn at the 7th squad’s southwest location, Yuuki is in for a rough time. 
I like world-building in Chained Soldier because it uses specific things from Japanese mythology and superstition that add flavor and depth to this created world. Even the use of peaches is a reference when the god Izanagi fled the underworld after failing to retrieve his wife. To get away, he threw three peaches at his pursuers. 
If you read this series, definitely check out the translation notes at the end for more context. It explains some of the world-building and fleshes things out in post. 
While there is a lot of fan service in this series, it has some good themes such as never giving up on your dreams—they may happen but in unexpected ways. 
Another one is no skill is lesser than others. Yuuki’s skills for housework earn him his caretaker role in the 7th squad. Without that, he wouldn’t be there. He earns a lot of respect from fighting as a slave on behalf of Kyouka but also by doing the chores. He puts up with a lot of shit from the girls. 
Observations & Predictions
There will be more fan service. I can also see that we’ll be introduced to other characters. Along those lines, we’ll also see more of the current cast’s personalities as Yuuki wins them over one way or another. He may just start collecting a harem without realizing it. If he does realize it, it won’t be like the ones in his dreams. 
As for world-building, we are already immersed in it pretty well. I think it’ll just flesh itself out inadvertently as the author tries to focus more on the fan service and character relationships. We may also see some character development from Yuuki so he doesn’t feel like he’s useless outside of the fight. We see a little bit of this when he grabs anythingg of Kyouka’s he can, forcing himself to transform to help one of the other girls out of a tight spot. The dormitory is under attack and she’s the only one, so Yuuki figuring out a way to help earns him a lot of points. 
Fan-service fans:
Monster Musume By: Okayado
High School DxD By: Ichiei Ishibumi
Similar Shonen arcs:
Spriggan By: Hiroshi Takashige
Combatants will be dispatched (light novel) By: Natsume Akatsuki
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danggirlronpa · 1 year
I would like to throw in some "Tenko deserved better" to go with the "Angie deserved better". I see an excellent character within Tenko, because when she's allowed to interact with other characters besides Himiko, it makes for very good stuff. Tenko's developing dynamic with Maki in chapter 3 is the main example. But there just isn't enough if this in the main narrative of V3.
Tenko absolutely deserved better. Tenko's character is poorly written in a very different way from how Angie's character is poorly written, in that Tenko falls prey to what I would consider one of V3's biggest flaws on the whole.
A lot of people would recognize what I'm about to talk about as a sort of "Kankri Vantas-ing" of characters - a very particular type of strawman meant to represent people who critique the story, usually for lack of diversity or racist/sexist/homophobic content, and who are then derided in-fiction for doing so as a sort of "gotcha" to fans who dared to be critical of their media. Hermione's belief in House Elf rights from Harry Potter is another famous, somewhat subtler (and far more insidious) example of this.
This is something really, really hard to avoid in fiction that centers around commentary about audiences and bystanders. The Hunger Games is a famous example that avoids this really well - even the people who the Capitol is meant to be an allegory for will criticize it, because the thing they're being critiqued for (massacre of children for sport) is relatable enough for people to make connections to real world situations, but distant enough from reality that it isn't taking personally (amongst many other reasons the Hunger Games succeeds with this).
In fact, I would also argue that THH does an excellent job with this, too. THH does a great job of presenting itself as very straightforward torture porn, only to slowly reveal over the course of the plot that the excessive violence has been deliberately made so gruesome in order to be used as demoralizing propaganda, both to the participants being observed and to the people across the world who it's being broadcast to. The realization that the gratuitous violence was being used towards a cause brings on a whole new light to us, the audience, engaging with it, and forces us to think critically about how such violence could potentially be used to influence us in similar ways in real life. That's powerful! That's a statement about propaganda that shines a spotlight on us as an audience without accusing the player of some inherent moral wrong! That's good shit!
When V3 chose to separate itself from this messaging, that did not by itself create a worse story; however, the decision to replace this with watered down "liking violence is bad" messaging, complete with blatant double meaning statements where the joke is You Should Dislike Previous Danganronpa Titles, is a HUGE disrespect and general kick in the nuts to these previous conclusions.
V3 does a TERRIBLE job at separating its in-universe audience from its real-world audience. That is the whole plot twist of v3, that there is an audience proxy of you, and they suck. And between Kiibo crying "robophobia" to mock any diversity-related critiques, and Tenko crying "degenerate male" and purposely playing into The Predatory Lesbian stereotypes to criticize specifically gender and sexuality-related critiques...hoo boy. It Gets Grating. And having to peel past that to see the genuinely compelling character info underneath shouldn't be such a slog.
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viridiave · 11 months
For the salty ask game my friend, the generator asks 3, 4, 13, 14 :)
Thanks for the ask Sly!! These got a little long tho oof I promise my other opinions won't get this intense
3) Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? - …I want to say no but I actually have done that a couple of times - whenever it happens it's always with a really popular content creator so I can't say it's a great loss on either of our sides.
4) Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP? - Is Osvald/Throne big enough to count as a popular OTP? I've been seeing it a lot on my feed at least aksjaks like I know they're both adults but something about the age gap that's over a decade large makes me uncomfy. It's totally fine but I guess it's just not my thing? That's also generally my attitude towards Olberose even though I know IMPLICITLY that Olberic and Osvald would never do anything bad to them.
13) Unpopular opinion about XXX character? this could be better reserved for a different ask but like. Therion is one of the only ones that I have strong negative feelings on so let me unpromptedly tell ya'll why I think his story is the worst in both games, at least design-wise
Like. I UNDERSTAND what the game was trying to go for here. I also understand how people have come to like and relate to him so much, for reasons pertaining to his backstory and personality. I promise I get it. It's not like Theri himself is a horrible character but it's so not enough to salvage his story in my eyes
But there's a laundry list of reasons why I dislike Therion's arc and all of them have to do with the limitations of OT1's format. His story was just not suited for it, SPECIFICALLY because his story is all about regaining his trust in people. Like - every game critic on the planet can pop off about the lack of interaction between the Travelers, SURE, but in Therion's case I think the criticism is correct, because all of his growth can be achieved without ever having triggered the banters. It just feels so??? Unearned??? Because the people we're supposed to believe made this happen were Cordelia fucking Ravus and Heathcote - I don't hate either of those characters, just to clarify, but I think they're horrible catalysts for Therion's growth because for fuck's sake dude he's basically ENSLAVED by them. That sounds like a bit much, but Therion had no agency in this. Chapter 2 taught him BARELY ANYTHING, and in Chapter 3 he just HAPPENED to run into Darius again. How the FUCK am I supposed to believe that Cordelia's venting session did anything good for him in between that and meeting Darius again in Chapter 4??? Unless we're here to argue HEATHCOTE and that comes with its own set of problems.
I say this every time I complain about Theri's story - he is this game's biggest victim story-wise. If they just waited a little more to pull the lone wolf angsty thief storyline until they figured out a way to make a more interconnected plot, then I think it would have worked better! Out of every Traveler, Therion is the one who would have benefited the most from a Crossed Paths, hands-down - in fact switch Therion and Throne around and you'd have less loss because even Throne makes an effort to get closer to her companions on her own! My god! Give Therion better candidates to reconnect with! Like you know - the seven other guys you get to use???
14) Unpopular opinion about your fandom? - Sometimes I do think we go too hard on shipping, but that's an opinion I have about every piece of media ever so - but yeah uhm. Please make more genfics. Some days I just don't want to look at ships. This is why I write stupid shit about the god fights - I want to fill in that semi-shipless void with unhinged found family shenanigans
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lunariamv · 1 year
about me :>
so i just realized i cant just be some random person posting stuff without much context..... so here we go
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┊ ˚➶ 。˚     ✧
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hi, my name is lunaria, or luna ^^
˚✧ some grill that wants to be a artist, writer, and maybe like a lowkey game dev
˚✧ i consume a lot of media: video games, anime, yt, movies, tv shows, books, fanfics, etc
˚✧ i really love the impact media and stories have on the world and people, and there's a lot i love, but also there's a lot out there that frustrates me, or feels like it's missing something, so i wanna throw my hat into the ring and make my own content for me and other girls like me <3
˚✧ atm i write fanfics to practice writing and build an audience, and i draw fanart to improve art skill, also just so i have an art portfolio,,,, cuz if i just started posting games without much of a background i feel like ppl are gonna be like,, "who tf is this???" lol
⊹˚. game dev??? ⊹˚.
i'm really interested in making my own games, specifically rpg maker ones because rpg maker/rpg horror/indie horror is my fav genre (pewdiepie's misao gameplay was my first horror game ever <3); i just love retro horror style a lot
so i'm practicing pixel art and stuff and then later i want to learn some 日本語 so i can translate the games, and also learn to make music so i can go full toby fox lol
and then maybe later on if i got rlly ambitious and had a lot of money id make fancy otome games, manga, fancy horror games, and pERSONA FOR GIRLS
i have a lot of ideas for diff series and id love to share them all <3
⊹˚. my inspirations: ⊹˚.
˚✧ game wise: currently my inspirations are charon (of those yan charon games) and dsp (ik they go by a different name now but that's what i know them as, also its funny because the name reminds me of darksydephil HAHAHA); i like the retro pixel and slight horror themes and aesthetic of their games, but i dislike the writing, so i'm gonna make my own :D
also i like the idea of an oc multiverse like dsp's so i want that too
toby fox is also technically an inspiration too; i wanna learn music so i can make my own bangers with little references and leitmotifs for fun :>>>
˚✧ writing wise: i have a lot, but my main inspirations are mostly like writing in the anime-ish games; danganronpa, persona, ace attorney, yttd, kakegurui; psychological stuff where you gotta think about them, but they also have unique quirky characters and they interact with each other in creative ways
also horror and psychological, i like writing about scary stuff and characters with their complexities, and addressing the rlly messed up parts of humanity and society bc its spooky;; sometimes with a very dark nihilistic outlook bc i love angst, or sometimes with an optimistic one
((thats kinda why i like yan stories but more in the horror sense, like look at all the crazy scary stuff this person is doing lol))
but for characters in general, i like stuff with FEMCS <33333 persona 3 with ya girl kotone shiomi, danganronpa v3 with kaede, sara in your turn to die, genshin lumine, and that one part in ace attorney where we get to play as mia fey
that's also why i lowkey like the writing in romcom/chick flick movies, cuz its just unique characters and stories and usually has a female protag or a group of girls as the mcs
but aside from heavy and horror stories, i also like simple cute straightforward stories like older barbie movies XD (or winx, mlp, bratz, monster high…); they're just really wholesome and cute where ya girl goes on a magical adventure with quirky characters and learns good lessons like trust, courage, friendship, etc…
so my main theme is being a girl and doing stuff, bc girlbossing is fun
but ya know i like making hot guy characters too wwwww
⊹˚. my art/writing style ⊹˚.
i'd say in general its like a mix of asian themes with western; its like anime but with western elements in it
i'd also sometimes like to explore other cultures too, kinda like how jjba has varying characters bc that's cool;; but if i have characters with varying nationalities its because i want to, not bc a woke person held me at gunpoint
⊹˚. aesthetics ⊹˚.
i have a lot that i like, but here's my main favorites i guess that will be in my things
˚✧ cute + edgy; melanie martinez, lucy loone, yandere, ddlc;; basically anything where you juxtapose cutesy with scary horror -- its so fun and subversive
˚✧ femcel/female sigma/doomer girl/anti-egirl; LANA DEL REY LANA DEL REY bc i'm a sad girl
˚✧ retro things; 80s and 90s but mostly early 2000s stuff; early internet, old stuff, y2k, scene/emo, mcbling -- huge emphasis on mcbling, i love the girly hedonistic aspects of it -- ayesha erotica, panty and stocking, bad girls club;; that aesthetic i love it sm LETS DO OUR NAILS AND PARTY ^^^^^^
˚✧ internet horror stuffs -- indie horror, analog horror, internet mysteries, meta horror, local58, mandela catalogue, fnaf, creepypastas, liminal spaces
˚✧ then some internet guy stuff -- vaporwave, cyberpunk, blade runner, hotline miami, madness combat, carpenter brut, etc -- i'm tomboyish in this regard xd, i fangirl over guns and edgy sigma guys fighting
⊹˚. extra stuff about me (bc who tf r u >_>) ⊹˚.
writes a character bio
˚✧ name: luna
˚✧ some randy girl that likes to make stuff
˚✧ not rlly a weeb but i like asian culture a lot, japanese, chinese, korean, vietnamese, thai, laos, filipino (yes), etc
˚✧ sigma?? i think people should be rewarded based on talent and skill, rather than their identity. if i am successful, its because my work is good, not because i am a minority. i'm also learning to draw, write, make music, etc because i want to make content without having to rely on others for assets. why ask other people if i can do it myself? B)
˚✧ i like cute things and being girly, like dressing up and having stuffed animals and cute stationary everywhere :> if i have a chance to be extra and decorate something, i will take it in a heart beat
˚✧ i'm a stocking kin, i love sweets, cake specifically, and milk tea (im addicted to boba its horrible T-T)
˚✧ i like tea, i drink 2-3 cups a day :) oolong is my fav atm
˚✧ cat >>>>
˚✧ unhealthy attraction to fictional men… currently thirsting over tohru adachi 💀💀💀 LOL my friends are like "eww wtf is wrong with you???" i must be a raccoon because i really love garbage
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☸ my links ☸
all my links are on caard, but here's an organized list of the main ones; my tumblr will be my main hub for stuff i guess; the degree of activity ranges ;-;
˚☸ art stuff
✧ newgrounds (i wanna be a newgrounds girl tbh)
✧ twitter
✧ insta
✧ tiktok
˚☸ writing stuff (fanfictions)
✧ quotev
✧ wattpad
✧ archive
˚☸ oc archive
✧ deviantart (bc im too lazy to code toyhouse atm)
also apologies if i dont respond to things fast enough, im shy
˚☸ dividers by cafekitsune
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chaosnightmare · 2 years
heyyyy i had a post gain some traction a while ago where i listed some good advice for newbies on tumblr, but some of the information in that post is now either outdated or no longer helpful. here's a better, more accurate version.
advice for tumblr newbies (2.0)
so as i said before, deleting your post will not stop it from getting reblogs. tumblr reblogs work by saving a new version, a "snapshot" of your post, frozen in time, immune to any changes to its content you may make. as such, so long as a reblog of your post exists out there, simply deleting it will not solve the issue if you want people to stop reblogging. HOWEVER, since my last post there was a monumental new feature added to tumblr that allows you to disable reblogs universally across all existing versions of your post. this setting is called "Reblog Control", and can be changed even after a post has already been made. this is now no longer an issue.
deleting your blog or posts may cause oddities to occur on existing reblogs, such as empty OP, empty notes, and so on. if you notice these in the wild, that's what happened.
tumblr does have an algorithm, but its barely functional. you'll mostly have to curate your experience on here by yourself. follow blogs you want to see, block people you dislike, reblog posts you enjoy, and you'll find a community you like in no time.
reblogs are really the only way to boost attention for work somebody else has done. if you're not recieving any more attention on a post even though it has tons of likes, it's because you'd need reblogs for that. there is a new feature, called Blaze, where you can pay money to have your post shown to a certain amount of random users. this is never a good idea and nobody ever likes it
that last part is because tumblr is actually broken up into smaller subcommunities, who, due to the nature of the site, can stay extremely isolated from eachother. blazing a post will force people from outside your circle to see it, which can lead anywhere from confusion to hostility. on the other hand, this means that you'll rarely have to interact with people outside of your bubble.
posts don't generally become too old to reblog. if you see a post and hear it's from a long time ago, it's probably still okay to interact with. where this becomes iffy is when you start going though one specific person's old posts repeatedly, which isn't always appreciated. if you aren't sure, check the date.
tags are a very important tool for blog organization. they often work better than the content search function, and can help your original posts gain traction. if you aren't sure how to use tags on a post, take a look at other people's blogs and take note of how they use them for ideas. they do however serve another purpose, and that's to avoid adding a reblog comment.
reblog comments are where you add directly on to a post with something extra. generally, you should only do this if you're really certain that you're adding something of value to a post, or if the original post is one of your own. doing this if you don't have anything important to say is considered rude in most contexts. the workaround for this is simple: say whatever you wanted to say in the tags. character limits on tags are actually quite large, so you can add most anything you want to say. this ensures that what you want to say about the post shows up on YOUR blog, but won't necessarily transfer over to other reblogs, and it isn't considered an inept thing to do.
change your icon/pfp. change it. this website has lots of spam bot users (again, poor moderation) and while some of them do have icons, not changing yours is the easiest way to be mistaken for a bot. just change it to anything you want, but otherwise you run the risk of being reported for spam or blocked. if you're feeling up to it, tumblr gives you plenty of other blog customization options as well, such as headers and fonts and color schemes. if you're on desktop, you can even completely alter how the website looks when somebody visits your blog, but thats better to do when you already know your way around a bit.
xkit is your best friend if you're on desktop
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animalnarratives · 1 year
re your post about autistic traits: Yeah. i realised a little while back that part of the reason why i like max is because i relate to certain traits of his, which are definitely autism manifest (for me). like, i'm not saying he is autistic (my asd encompasses much more than just those specific things i recognise in him) obviously. but like. seeing him mocked for those things, like his manner of speaking, level of enthusiasm, type of interests etc is Not Fun.
on top of that. i thought we all wanted f1 to be a sport primarily and not just reduced to show entertainment. why do you want him to be entertaining you so bad. he is not obliged to.
(greetings tumblr user landoscar from my main blog)
glad im not the only one feeling that way ... spot on on the max part. i also think hes got traits that are at the very least similar to (not to say actual.........) autistic traits. and then people make fun of him for them ?:,:;:?§!,!, like i personally believe its one thing when autistic people do it as like. woah boy your spectrum so autistic and disordered kind of jokes. i do it to my blorbos i think finding relatability in other people's traits is one of the joys of being autistic. but there's this very weird aftertaste to the way some people treat drivers with these traits. both when theyre mentioned in a bad AND good light---i wont even speak on how people clearly think some traits are by far better than others especially for men (hint its the less obvious non disruptive ones---except bluntness---unless you're not successful enough to deserve being blunt. in that case you are arrogant)
and yup... i mean its kind of the problem with so much of the content being centered around the drivers themselves and not the racing im afraid. i think it's less that people think they are entitled a certain level of entertainment and more that the intense scrutiny we are allowed to partake in allows for criticism of personalities on a personal like/dislike level. if you get what i mean. more than ever drivers' personalities are put forward as part of the whole package deal. youve probably noticed that pr teams in the past few years have put an enormous emphasis on trying to make drivers relatable and fun and likeable through challenges and vlogs and what have you. and are trying to appeal to meme communities and especially stan circles by more or less successfully running memes to the ground (how long has it been since the george intro pose joke first started... i got a mercedes tiktok on my fyp about it the other day) or hijacking terms (shipping names (infamous ferrari tweets), nicknames (estie bestie)...) or generally just trying so hard to blend in with stan communities. pr teams try to change the way viewers interact with racing: you dont root for a racer, you root for a person. the competition for likeability is much more insidious than the actual racing but i personally believe that it's there and purposefully fed into by teams. disliking a driver on the basis of his personality therefore allows criticism of his personality the same way you'd criticize his driving. does this make any sense at all!
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princemick · 1 year
i feel like you're a pretty good judge on this because of this current drama but i'm also a little scared to ask because you're arguably one of the biggest f1 content creators so this could majorly backfire in case of a block....
i know you're anti-max and you seem to have some experience with people that are like anti-lewis or i've seen a lot of anti-lando on my dash or anti-danny ric in the tags so i'm just wondering if you know what the opinion is on people that don't really care/reblog or post about all the drivers?
because i'm pretty new to the fandom so i've just been reblogging stuff from all drivers and feel neutral about them so far but if i want to interact with more people in the future i might need to stop that because what if i post something about lewis and get blocked by anti-lewis folks or i reblog a gif set of max and suddenly the anti-max people block me and then a large part of the fandom becomes inaccessible because i can no longer interact with gifs and stuff like that
f1blr seemed more relaxed than some other hardcore divided fandoms i've been in but now i don't know, in another fandom a creator that's almost the sole content creator for a specific character blocked me for posting about a different character so that just kind of ruined the whole fandom and i'd rather experience that on f1blr as well because it's really nice so far and i really enjoy the races
oh pls never worry abt asking stuff! I'm not gonna block you for being curious
and ofc I can only give my own opinion on this but I think most people will just be confused abt it. like this is a sport being neutral is...strange its just not something that really happens a lot.
but if you stay neutral and peace n love then people shud b fine, theres a problem when you post hate about a driver without making it clear in some way dislike the driver/team or dont tag it right.
like I only block people if they're assholes to me or my friends I follow and am mutuals w a good few max/carlos blogs.
idk tumblr is very much a curate ur own experience thing and people r more likely to unfollow u then block u i think
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lumeha · 1 year
5, 9 and 14 for the ask game?
5 - A female villain you love?
Love may be a bit strong of a word but gods I want to say Junko Enoshima from Danganronpa. Junko is one of the most fantastic female villain I have encountered in a game. She has it all. She's larger than life, she's actually pretty terrifying when you think about it, her voice acting is (chef kiss) so fucking good too.
She crushes it all. Her character would probably not work in anything else but GODS does her reveal as the mastermind in DR1 works to establish her has a fantastic villain. And her getting some form of satisfaction no matter what is just so fucking good. She's excellent. Hell, even in DR2, it is well played.
I guess shout out to Izanami from Persona 4, too, who I have a huge soft spot for, despite being a very 'behind the scenes' villain. I just have a soft spot for her
9 - A female character you started out disliking but came around to?
I'm pushing Rhea away to give a different answer but Rhea is one of those characters. And we all know how I feel about her now.
Okay actually the most recent example is Shinigami from Rain Code. Which feels funny because it's the same people as Danganronpa ok. But it's true okay I finished the game and... I didn't like Shinigami at all at first. She was. Annoying. She has some grating aspects to her personality, including a serious need to chill around some other characters. She's very rough around the edges but in a way that was annoying, and since she's Yuma's main partner in the game, you just have to deal with her.
But like I told a friend. She kind of grew on me like fungus. She has a genuinely fantastic evolution of her relation with Yuma, she actually learns when a situation is serious and it gives a lot of weight to some later events. Ok I was warned about that but they pull it off well !! It's nice to see.
14 - An interesting familial relationship with female characters (mother and daughter, sisters, etc.)
I did want to talk Clara and Katerina Saburova from Pathologic but I'm genuinely way too tired to talk about it but it's a very complicated and complex adopted daughter - mother relation that goes way beyond that because of a specific special status in the Town and. I don't have the energy to talk about it. But I think it's a very interesting one.
You know what
I'm gonna pick a much easier one that doesn't necessarily have much content in its canon but that makes me go "!!!" a lot : Farina, Fiora and Florina. These three. These three !! I know they are what is basically a derivate of the 'three pegknight sisters' template, but I adore them. I think seeing how they interact in their supports says a lot about their country, their upbringing, and what hand they got dealt with. Fiora is my favourite of the three and I love of serious she is but also how she clearly takes too much on her because she thinks her elder sister is irresponsible and her younger sister is still so young in her eyes. Meanwhile Florina loves them both and want to prove herself'.. these two in particular just. Hhhhh I love them
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