#i just really want to sit on someone's face
azrielbrainrot · 18 hours
Spoiled Rotten
Pairing: Azriel x F!Reader x Rhysand
Kinktober 2024: Double Penetration
Description: You've had Rhysand and Azriel one after the other multiple times, but you can only imagine how much better it will feel to have them at the same time.
Warnings: Smut, vaginal sex, anal sex, double penetration in different holes, cockwarming (kind of), fingering, slight dom/sub dynamics, some rhys x azriel, dirty talk
Word Count: ~2,7k
Rating: 18+ MDNI
Notes: This is sort of a continuation for All Over My Skin, but there's hardly any plot in either story so it's not necessary to read them both. Hope you enjoy!
Kinktober 2024 Masterlist
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“You're stalling.”
There's really no reason for you to be feeling so impatient when you were sitting on Rhysand's lap as he leaned back against the headboard, his cock tucked in deep inside you, his mouth littering your neck and shoulder with wet kisses, while Azriel kneeled behind you, his fingers stretching out your other hole gently. This was something right out of a wet dream, but these males had turned you into an insatiable version of yourself, one that could never get enough of them no matter how many times they fucked you. That's exactly what led to this situation in fact.
“We're not stalling.” Rhys kisses a path up to your ear, biting your earlobe softly, a warning not to be so impatient. “We're getting you ready.”
“I am ready,” you argue back, wrapping your arms around his neck thigher.
“That's not up for you to decide, darling,” he easily dismisses you, one of his hands moving down to hold your asscheek, spreading it further apart for his spymaster.
“It's not up to you either,” you taunt.
If someone were to stumble into this room, it would only take them a handful of seconds to understand Azriel was the one in charge, not the High Lord, not in this bed. Which is exactly why you focus your efforts on the other male - he was always a lot sweeter and more receptive to your begging anyway.
“Azriel,” you whine unashamedly, turning around to face him as best as you could. He simply chuckled, leaning closer, his chest coming into contact with your back, supporting you as you leaned back. “I promise I'm ready.”
“You promise?” He starts kissing your neck just like Rhys had been doing, biting a mark of his own onto your skin. You nod in confirmation, clenching around his fingers when he scissors them slowly, getting rewarded with a soft groan of approval. “I think you might be,” he mumbles against your jaw.
Looking down at Rhys, you can't help the triumphant smile from taking over your features, a familiar fire burning in his eyes in response. “You're lucky I enjoy fucking the attitude out of you so much,” he says, grinding into you ever so softly. Good thing you enjoy that thoroughly as well.
Azriel's fingers abandon you suddenly, his mouth following suit as he moves away from you completely. You almost feel cold when he does, leaning forward into the High Lord's arms, instinctively seeking his warmth instead. He welcomes you despite your bickering, caressing your back lovingly.
Even though this had been your idea and you had been more than insistent, now that it was about to happen you couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. This wasn't the first time you had done anal, or even that Azriel or Rhys had fingered you like that, but Azriel was big, and taking either of them in your cunt always made you feel incredibly full. You might have bitten more than you could chew wanting to have them both like this.
It was also impossible to see behind you so every little noise left you wondering what was about to happen, the anticipation driving you crazy. Apparently that was easily remedied as Rhysand simply put his daemati abilities to good use and shared his view with you, showing the way Azriel coated his cock in that tonic of his that he also used when he was stretching you out. You drop a chaste kiss on his cheek, a small thanks for easing your nerves. He lets out a distracted hum in acknowledgement, too focused on the sight of Azriel fisting his cock as he stared at the way your cunt swallowed Rhys.
You can't help but tense up slightly when Azriel comes closer and reaches out to hold your hip, cursing yourself mentally. After insisting so much, you really didn't want to make them feel like you weren't ready or getting cold feet. You still wanted this more than anything. He simply leans down, dropping a soft kiss over your spine and mumbles against the skin, “I promise I'll take care of you, angel.”
Nodding, you lay onto Rhys' chest, who wraps his arms around you, and let them take the lead, focusing on taking deep breaths and letting the way they touch you relax your body, trusting they will make this amazing for you. The High Lord reaches between your bodies wordlessly, finding your clit and rolling it slowly around his thumb until you're melting into him, short puffs of breath hitting his heated skin.
The next time Azriel reaches for your hip, there's no room for hesitation or nerves as he thumbs at your hole before lining himself up properly, only a tremble passing through your body at the feeling, one that convinces him that you were ready.
“Need you to arch your back for me,” Azriel says, running a hand up your spine as you follow his command. “Just like that.”
A choked whimper escapes you as he manages to coax the thick head of his cock into you carefully. Knowing the adjustment you have to make just to fit him in your cunt, this almost feels surreal. He doesn't move for a while, letting you adjust as his hands fall on your sides, squeezing comfortingly.
“Let me see you, darling.” Rhys' voice breaks you out of your thoughts, abandoning the safe place you'd created for yourself in his neck, lifting yourself up on trembling arms so you could look up at his hauntingly beautiful face. He lets out a breathy chuckle, one strong hand coming up to hold your cheek as he takes notice of your half lidded eyes and the small pants escaping you, thumbing at your lower lip. “You look like such a pretty mess.”
No matter how much you love to argue with him, you can't even bring yourself to deny it. Everything felt too sensitive in that moment, and not only being stretched out in both holes but also the way his thumb kept abusing your clit were clouding your mind further into the abyss with each passing breath. He tilts his head as he watches the fight leave your eyes, a wicked smirk growing on his face.
“I wonder,” he starts, hand dropping to your thigh, “what will happen if I do this.” As soon as the words leave his mouth he pulls his hips back slightly and fucks his cock back into you, not giving you a chance to even prepare yourself. A gasp escapes you, nails biting into his shoulders as he repeats the motion, grinding into you.
“Slowly, Rhys,” Azriel warns behind you, taking advantage of your distraction to drive a bit more of his cock into you, letting out a groan of his own when he barely finds resistance, your tight walls fighting to accommodate him.
“She can take it. Can't you, darling?”
You felt close to insanity, the way they both stretched you out sending you to another realm of pleasure, hands grasping for Rhysand's face, bringing him into a messy kiss. He was right, you could take it, and despite feeling damn near overwhelmed between the both of them, you still wanted more.
A purr of approval echoes in your mind, the familiar sound making your toes curl, prompting yet another shaky moan past your parted lips. Need more? He speaks into your mind, biting your lip at the same time. Please. You would worry about how easy you had been reduced to begging another day, right now you were ready to do just about anything for them not to stop, and for Azriel to hurry. Tell him. Beg him to fuck your ass, nice and pretty.
“Azriel,” you breathe out, “I can take it.”
Rhysand's teeth sink harder into your lip, a light reprimand for not obeying him completely. It's not like you ever do, he can't be too surprised. He lets out a soft chuckle, kissing the corner of your mouth. Even if he wasn't privy to the mental conversation you were having without him, Azriel knew you both well and your body even better, he knew exactly what you needed.
“Keep moving,” he throws at Rhys, meeting his eyes over your shoulder. His grip tightening on you as his patience threatens to slip at the mere thought of finally fucking you. The High Lord follows his command obediently, both his hands grasping onto the sides of your thighs as he starts thrusting into you harder, hitting all the right spots.
It's a welcomed distraction, one Azriel is clearly counting on to keep moving inside you without a chance of hurting you, but the stimulation on your clit is missed immediately, prompting you to do it yourself, circling it between your fingers in time with Rhys' thrusts.
“Fuck. You're taking me so well,” Azriel lets out as he also starts grinding into you, thrusting his cock out slowly only to push it back in a bit deeper, repeating the motion a few times until he was completely seated inside you, stopping his motions to let you adjust, as your body trembled against theirs.
It was hard to wrap your head around what you were feeling. You had never felt so full, had never been so full, but Rhys doesn't give your mind a chance to linger, always wanting to see you absolutely wrecked. He starts fucking into you even harder, making you forget yourself.
An orgasm hits you unexpectedly a few thrusts in, after floating in calm waters for so long your body gives in at the first proper stimulation it receives. Your forehead falls on his shoulder, eyes rolling back, a choked moan escaping you, a scarred hand replacing yours against your clit intensifying the trembles running through your body as you arch into him and fall into darkness.
The fog doesn't disperse from your mind right away when you come down, barely registering the way Azriel wraps an arm around your waist, lifting you up until your back is up against his chest, the angle driving his cock even deeper inside, your legs still spasming softly as your hands move to hold onto Rhysand's waist.
“So fucking beautiful, all fucked out for us,” Rhysand praises, a purr in his chest as if he had been the one to cum. You can't do much but blink up at him, a shiver running down your spine at the hunger in his gaze. “Don't tell me you're already tired, darling.”
You swallow around a dry throat, trying to push past the haziness and find a good rebuttal for the High Lord's teasing when Azriel kisses your neck, stealing your attention and clouding your mind before you get the chance. The simple gesture sends a shudder down your body, making you clench around them, both males smirking around a moan at your reaction.
“Are you?” The shadowsinger whispers right into your ear, the teasing tone to his voice reminiscent of the menace watching the scene unfold in front of you. You shake your head in vehement denial. Azriel tuts, biting your earlobe. “Use your words, angel.”
“I’m not tired,” you rush to explain. “Still need you, need you both.”
“Want us to fuck you?”
“Wanna make you cum. Please.”
As soon as the words leave your mouth, Azriel is pushing you gently back down closer to Rhys, both males maneuvering you until they have a good enough angle and start thrusting into you in tandem, tentatively at first, trying not to overwhelm you too fast once again, though it's easier said than done, especially when you were still trembling on the edge.
Even as they pick up their pace, you can tell Azriel is holding himself back. He has fucked you enough times for you to know the way he moves and rolls his hips by heart. It's sweet, incredibly so, and it's on occasions like these that make you doubt you will be able to keep this relationship platonic, but right now you needed him to fuck you until you couldn't think straight.
Moving your hips back against them as best as you can, your hand finds his, murmuring between harsh breaths, “Harder.”
A single word sends them both moving frantically, a drawn out moan echoing around the room along with sounds of wet skin slapping together and mindless praises. When you asked them to do this, you hadn't stopped to think that this would also be their first time, and that they would be into it as much as you were.
In a mess of limbs and sweat, tucked in between their strong bodies, you feel a familiar knot low in your stomach tightening rapidly. You don't even get a chance to warn them when Rhysand beats you to it, a curse escaping him as he cums inside you, milking himself dry, hips never stopping. Even if you hadn't been unbearably close already, watching the High Lord lose control, holding your body closer as he spilled inside you, would have certainly sent you over the edge either way.
This time you have time to prepare for it, to bask in the pleasure without feeling like you'd been drowned. Though this doesn't make it any less intense, nothing with these two is ever anything less than intense. You see stars bursting behind your eyelids, incoherent words and gasped moans escaping your lips as you fall forward, trusting that they will hold you and coax as much pleasure from you as they can.
Rhysand kisses you as you're coming down, parting from your abused lips to watch you struggle to catch your breath. He had long since stopped moving inside you, but Azriel's thrusts still moved you along his cock enough for oversensitivity to start biting.
“Holding back, Az?” He asks, staring into hazel eyes, his hands moving to hold onto your asscheeks, assisting him, and giving him an even better view in the process.
Turning your head, you try to watch him as well, the handsome male throwing a stupidly gorgeous smile at you when he catches you looking. As irresistibly handsome as the shadowsinger always is, this had to be your favorite look on him. Azriel leans over you while you're too busy gawking at him, letting some of his weight fall on you and Rhys.
“Just wanted to watch you first,” he murmurs, dropping two messy kisses to your shoulder and another to your neck, speeding up his pace as he starts chasing his orgasm.
His gaze locks on Rhysand's once again, their eyes never straying from each other as his hips start faltering, getting closer. When the High Lord grabs the back of his neck and pulls him into a hungry kiss, you feel a shudder running through him, his thrusts turning short and harder as he cums inside you at last, filling you up just like Rhys had done. You can't help but let out a needy moan, not only at the feeling but also at the sight. You wonder if they'd let you watch them like they so often watch the other fuck you.
Rhysand breaks away from the kiss with a small laugh, blinding purple eyes finding yours. “I really need to teach you how to think quietly.”
Rolling your eyes, you simply drop a quick kiss to his lips when Azriel moves back, hands splaying over your ass, thumbs pushing the fat apart, taking one last look at both of their cocks nestled inside you, at how full you were.
“Fuck,” he breathes out, pulling out of you carefully and helping Rhys do the same, turning you around gently, allowing you to properly see him again. “Are you alright?”
“More than,” you say, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him, hugging his body as close as possible. You just about start purring when you feel Rhysand's hands fall on his waist, holding you both in his embrace. You almost wished you could freeze time right then, and stay in that moment forever.
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samandcolbyownme · 3 days
matt sturniolo x preg!best friend reader. they had a drunk ons and reader got pregnant. she doesn’t know what to do so she tells bsf!nick and matt and chris overhear?
i love your writing btw!!!
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Warnings: strong language, established friendships, pregnancy talk, pregnant!reader, dad!Matt, morning sickness, feelings of worry/being scared, kissing, mostly fluff
Word Count: 3.8 | unedited
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
After helping your friends film a truth or drink video for their channel, you found yourself in the hot tub.
You yourself were kind of tipsy, with the drink you were drinking, you were quickly working your way to being drunk along with Matt who sat across from you.
“Hey, uh. Thanks for helping us do this tonight.” He brings his glass up to take a drink, “I’m glad someone more sober was there to mediate.”
You laugh, “I wouldn’t say sober. Those shots Nick made me do kind of got to me a lot faster than I initially thought they would.” You bring your glass up to your lips, taking a sip as you glance over at Matt, “What?”
He shakes his head, “Nothing, you’re just…” he sighs, “So beautiful.”
You roll your eyes, leaning forward to sit up more, “You’re drunk.”
“I may be drunk, but come tomorrow.. when I’m sober, I’ll still think you’re beautiful.”
You smile slightly, leaning over to grab the bottle of alcohol.
“What are you doing?” Matt asks as he leans forward.
You glance over at him, “I’m just.. uh..” you laugh slightly as you pour some into your glass, “Getting some liquid courage.. because..” you set the bottle down and take the shot.
You take a deep breath, “What I’m about to might ruin our friendship and I really don’t want to think about that right now.”
You move over, straddling his lap and he drops his glass into the water, his hands instantly moving to your waist as he whispers, “It won’t ruin it.”
You grind down onto him as your lips connect with his, moving slowly with heat burning rapidly between the two or you.
He slides his hands down to your ass, bucking his hips up as he swallows your moans and groans lowly himself.
“Do you want to?” You whisper against his lips and he chuckles, “You have no idea.”
You jump, the timer on your phone ripping you from your thoughts and you scramble to turn it off. You drop it to the floor, reaching down with shaky hands to pick it back up and finally silence it.
You let out a slow breath, glancing at yourself in the mirror before you close your eyes and mentally count to three.
You flip the test over and your knees go weak. You drop the test, gripping onto the counter and suddenly it feels harder to breathe.
“Oh god..” you gasp, “What do I do? What am I gonna do?” You turn the cold water on, shoving your hand under and bending down to splash some on your face.
You rest your forearm on the counter, leaning down to rest your face into the bend of your elbow and you can’t help but sob.
A few moments later, you stand up, taking another test out of the package and moving to sit down on the toilet.
Once the stick is ready. You lay it on the counter and finish up. You take your time, facing away from the counter as you pull your shorts up.
Reaching over to flush with a more unsteady hand. You close the lid and sit down.
You felt like you were in shock, but at the same time, it all makes sense.
Getting random urges to puke.
Avoiding food you know you love.
And let’s not forget the period that never showed up.
You reach over, flipping the test over and dropping it as soon as you see the second line. Tears instantly well up into your eyes and your mind is just bombarded with all things negative.
You take a deep breath, standing up to walk to the sink.
You avoid looking at the two tests while you wash your hands, you felt like you could puke just from looking at them.
You bend down, running cold water over your face before drying off with the towel.
You gathered up all the empty packaging and wrappers and stuffed them into your garbage can. You laid a few ravels and clean toilet paper on top to hide it and grabbed the two tests.
You walked out to the living room and sat down on the couch, your eyes glued to the two little window screens that both have a double line.
A part of you was in denial, trying to convince yourself they were false positives, but that’s rare, and to get two in a row, also rare.
You stood up, walking to your room to grab a sweatshirt. You threw it on and walked over to grab your phone before your bag and car keys.
You locked your door and quickly made it out to your car and to one of the furthest drug stores you could go to.
You threw your hood up before walking in, quickly making your way to the pregnancy test isle and grabbing one of each kind of test.
You walked up to the check out, thank god it was self scan.
You scanned each one, paid and bolted out to your car. You pushed your hood down and took a deep breath, jumping as your phone went off.
You searched your bag, pulling it out and your heart skips a beat when you see Nick’s name.
“What the fuck have you been?” Nick asks, “Feels like forever since I’ve seen you.”
You force a laugh, “You saw me last week.”
“I know, but you’re literally more fun than these two idiots here, come over tonight, pleeeease!” he begs, “I’ll get your favorite pizza or whatever you want.”
“Oh gosh, no. No pizza please.”
“Why? What’s wrong with pizza?” He asks and you sigh, thinking of a lie on the spot, “I’ve had pizza these last two nights. Not really in a pizza kind of mood.”
“Oh, well then I guess it’s a good thing I said or whatever you want.” He laughs, “Just come over. We miss you over here.”
“Okay. I just have to run home quick and then I’ll come over.” You start to drive home, “It’ll probably be like an hour or so.”
He groans, “Fine, I’ll manage. Where are you at?”
“I uh, just had to drop some stuff off for my sister.”
Again, another lie.
“Why do you sound like you’ve been crying? You sound stuffy. Are you getting sick?”
Nick knows you way too well.
“Maybe? I know I was up coughing last night on and off so probably.”
“You weren’t crying?” Nick questions and you swallow, “No, Nick. I’m fine. Just..” you sigh, “Nevermind. I’ll see you in a little bit.”
You hang up before he can say anything else and you toss your phone back into your bag. As soon as you come to a stop at the red light, you burst into tears.
You quickly wipe your face before the light turns green and you get to your house as fast as you can.
Once inside, you go straight to the fridge to grab a water. You told Nick about an hour, and now you’re down to about twenty minutes.
You didn’t live far from them, so that’s not what you were worried about. You were worried about them knowing something was up, but with Nick, they probably already know.
You go to the bathroom, taking a plastic cup with you to pee in. You unwrap all of the tests and dip each one in before letting them sit on the counter.
It was shocking at how fast the non digital ones showed up, and of course, the digital ones said pregnant in bold black letters.
You gripped the counter, shaking your head as you took a few slow breathes. Your heart felt like it was going to beat out of your chest, your face also felt like it was on fire.
“Fuck, okay. Okay. I’ll just.. I’ll talk to Nick. He’ll know what to do.” You threw away the boxes and grabbed the tests, putting them back in the wrappers before walking out to your bag and tossing them in.
As you make your way out to your car, you text Nick, I’m on my way.
He quickly answers, About time. Drive safe.
You get into your car, sitting there for a second before starting it and beginning to drive.
The whole way there it felt like you were going to hurl.
Your nerves felt like they were about shot, you didn’t know how to even bring it up to Nick and especially Matt.
You are best friends.
Or, were.
The thought along wanted to make your curl up and bawl. Thinking about a life without Matt, or his brothers, was heart wrenching.
Your stomach felt like it dropped through the car floor as you pulled in right behind Matt’s car. You wanted to turn around and leave but Nick was already walking out the door to greet you.
He walks up to your window and you open the door to step out. You throw your bag on your shoulder and turn to face him.
His face falls when he finally sees you “You look like you’ve seen a ghost, y/n. Are you okay?”
“I need to talk to you about something, but I need it to be just you.”
“Create a diversion. Got it.” He gives you a thumbs up and you shake your head, “Not right away. Just hang out for a little bit then ask me to come with you for clothing advice or something? I don’t know.”
“Oh it’s bad isn’t it.” He shakes his head, “Girl, what are we going to do with you?”
You laugh slightly, fighting to hide the tears, “Oh you haven’t heard anything yet.”
He leads you in and you freeze when you see Matt walking out towards the door, “There she is.”
“Here I am.” You try not to sound nervous, squeezing your bag shut between your arm and body, “Sorry, I’ve just.. work has been hectic and I have a deadline to meet at the end of this week.”
Again, not a total lie, but still a lie.
“You’re good.” Matt smiles, “We’re figuring out what to get for dinner, you can come help us if you’re hungry.”
You nod, suddenly feeling like you’re starving, “Yeah, I could eat. I haven’t had anything all day.”
“Just no pizza.” Nick teases and you nod, “Yes, please no pizza.”
Matt furrows his brows and you laugh, “I’ve ate it the last two days. It was just what I had at the house.”
“Gotcha.” He laughs and turns around to walk away.
Nick looks at you but your focus is on Matt.
“I’m sure you have a picture of him that’ll last longer, y/n.”
You push his shoulder, “Shut up. Thats not- don’t do that.”
He laughs, “Whatever you say.” He walks past you and into the living room and Chris yells as soon as you walk in, “Ah, oh my gosh! It really is you!”
“Shut your mouth.” You laugh, “As I told Nick, you literally seen me last week.”
Chris mocks you, “You literally seen me last week, okay!? And!? That doesn’t make up for all the other days.”
You laugh and sit down in the chair, “Oh cry about it.”
“Maybe I will.” Chris pouts, “My feels are hurt.”
Matt and Nick laugh and you glance at Matt, looking away before he looks back at you, “So, y/n. What are you hungry for?”
“We can do chiplotle? If that’s okay with you guys?” You look around they all nod, “I haven’t had that in so long.” Nick groans, “See. This is why we needed you to come out of hiding.”
“I.. wasn’t in, hiding.” You roll your eyes, “I told you, I have a lot of work to do.”
“Like what?” Nick tilts his head and you sigh, “I have to design a dress for my boss and that is like.. a lot of pressure, okay?”
“What’s the design?” Matt asks and you tilt your head, “Something for the spring line. Floral, white lacy pastel flowers. I don’t know. That’s what she said she wanted incorporated with it, so..”
“I think it’ll turn out better than you think.” Matt nods, “Don’t be too hard on yourself.”
“I’m trying.” You swallow, “So, food?”
Ever since that night with you and Matt, it hasn’t been weird at all. It’s been literally normal, you both know what happened, you had one conversation about it, and that was that.
It wasn’t until you couldn’t wake up without wanting to barf that you started using work as an excuse for you being so extremely tired that you just slept most days.
You barely had any work, your boss has been on vacation the last few weeks.
“Oh, fuck. Y/n.” Nick snaps, “I need you to help me with something.”
“With what?” You look at him and he nods, “I need your opinion on these outfits I have picked out for my Space Camp photoshoot that I have coming up.”
“You don’t want our options?” Chris asks and Nick laughs sarcastically before giving him a harsh, “No.”
You stand up, your bag still in your hand, “Speaking of, I have those color swatches for you.”
“What the fuck are color swatches?” Chris asks and you bat the air, “If you don’t know, then it doesn’t concern you.”
Matt laughs at Chris and you follow Nick upstairs to his room. He closes the door behind you and you immediately start to hyperventilate.
“Whoa, whoa. Deep breathes, deep breathes.” Nick wraps his arms around you, squeezing you slightly, “in through your nose and out of your mouth.”
You do that a few times and nod, “Okay. I-I think.. I’m good.”
“What has gotten into you, y/n? I’ve never seen you-“
“I’m pregnant.”
His jaw drops, “Excuse me?”
You nod, opening your purse and pulling the tests out.
“Okay. I’m not going to lie, you having those in your bag is kinda gross.”
“Niiiick.” You whine, “I’m actually losing my shit over this.”
“How many..” he walks over, pulling your bag open, “Jesus fuck, y/n. How many are in there?”
“I don’t know, I took two and then when you called I just left the store with one box of each so maybe like eight or something.. I don’t know.”
You sit down on the bed and pull out two, “They’re all positive.”
“All of them?” He asks as he sits down next to you, “Did you call the doctor?”
You nod, “All of them.. and no. I didn’t know what to do, I just..”
You nod and he tilts his head, “Do you at least know who the father is?”
You nod and look at Nick, “Yep. Sure do.”
“Well who? Who is it?”
You feel tears welling up in your eyes and you sigh, “Matt.”
“Matt!?” He asks in a shocked and loud tone as he stands up, “as in, my brother, Matthew Bernard Sturniolo?”
“Shhh! I don’t want him to find out like this!” You pull him back down to sit, “Nothing is weird between us, but I know that we’re both young and he has the YouTube thing and I have my.. whatever going for me.”
“Y/n. You work for one of the biggest stylist in the country. You’re fine.” Nick assures, “But he needs to know.”
“No, no I know. I know. I just.. what if he doesn’t want me around anymore? It was one stupid drunken one night that’s turned into a lifetime of being around each other, and I know we’re all friends but-“
“Oh no, honey. You and Matt are not just friends.”
“What do you mean?” You furrow your brows and Nick laughs, “Are you joking? He looks at you like you’re his entire world. That one night stand was bound to happen at some point.”
You sit there stunned, “A-Are you.. what.. I-I..”
“Listen to me. Telling Matt is the best thing you can do for you and that little tiny thing growing right.. in.. there..” he pokes your stomach and you laugh, swatting his hand away, “I know. I just.. how do I tell him?”
“Maybe you can show him one of the five thousand tests sitting in the bottom of your purse.” Nick laughs, “I still can’t believe you just have them. Like, they make ziplocks, y/n.”
“I was panicking, Nick! You can’t blame me for that!” You laugh, wiping away your tears, “I didn’t know what else to do and you’re literally my best friend.”
“Aw.” He tilts his head, “And you are mine.”
He pulls you in for a hug and you sigh, “I just hope he doesn’t freak out and things go south.”
Nick shakes his head, resting his cheek on top of yours, “He might be shocked at first, but I don’t think it’ll go south. Plus..” he laughs and you lean back, “What…”
“I’m gonna be uncle Nick.” He smirks and you nod, “Yes. The best uncle Nick ever.”
“Do you want me to go get Matt, or..” Nick looks at you and you sigh, “Yeah, might as well get it done and over with.”
Nick nods, “Okay, just stay here and try not to panic.”
“Easier said than done.” You laugh nervously and take a deep breath. You watch as Nick opens the door and stops, “Um, it’s not polite to eavesdrop ya know.”
“Move.” Matt pushes past Nick and closes the door.
You stare at Matt, the tears burning as they make their way up to spill over your waterline. Along with that, word vomit spews from your lips, “A-Are you mad? Are we not friends anymore? I-I totally understand if that’s what you want, I just.. I thought you’d be mad so I went to Nick first to see what I should do and-“
Matt’s hands are cupping your face, “Shh, shh.. just, relax, y/n. I’m not mad. I promise.. I’m not mad.”
“You’re.. you’re not?” You look up at him and he shakes his head before resting his forehead on yours, “I knew it was a risk, doing what we did, but I didn’t care because I just love you so much.”
“You love me?”
He chuckles, “Are you going to question everything that I say?” He smiles as you shake your head and you smile slightly, “I love you.”
“You love me?” He teases and you roll your eyes, “Yes. I do.”
“Nick was right.” Matt sighs, “I look at you like you’re my whole world because you are.” His hand slides down to your stomach and he swallows, “And now we’re adding one to the solar system.”
You raise your brows and laugh through the tears, “Oh my god, Matt, that was so cheesy. I love it.” You press your lips to his and you hear Chris and Nick giggling outside the door.
Matt takes your hand into his and walks over, quickly opening the door.
Nick and Chris shoot up straight and stare at him.
“You know, it’s not nice to eavesdrop.” You raise your brows and Nick sighs, “You expected me to leave without knowing how this was going to go, please.” He rolls his eyes and Chris looks at you, “So it’s true? I’m going to be an uncle?”
You nod, “Yep.”
“And you..” he points to Matt, “Are going to be a dad?”
Matt nods, “That’s how it works Chris.”
“Woo! Daddy Matt. Oh everyone is going to love this.”
“No, now hang on. I’m not even sure what we want to do about that yet.” Matt looks at you, giving your hand a squeeze, “It’s up to y/n anyway.”
“Very respectful, I like it.” Nick nods, leaning up against the door, “You should probably call and schedule an ultrasound before anything.”
You snap, “Oh shit, right.” You walk over and grab your phone, “They’re closed now. I’ll have to call in the morning.”
“First thing, missy.” Nick points and you sigh, “Yes, Nick. I’ll make sure to wake you up as soon as they open.”
“Okay.” He shrugs and Matt laughs, “I hope you’re ready for nine months of mother hen Nick.”
“That’s not always a bad thing.” You smile, “At least I won’t have to set a reminder to take my prenatal.” You eyes go wide and you start to tear up, “I need to get prenatals.”
“I’m on it!” Nick lifts his finger into the air, “Just text me which kind.”
“You can’t drive!” Matt yells and Nick walks back in, “We’re all on it. Now let’s go!”
Him and Chris walk out of the room and Matt pulls you in for a hug, “I knew something was up with you. You never avoid us, especially me.”
“I didn’t- okay..” you laugh slightly, “I was feeling sick and then today I just had this gut feeling to test and I took like eight..”
“Eight!?” Matt laughs, “Holy fuck. One wasn’t enough?”
“Well, I took two at first, but then I was in denial so I went out and got one box of each test and here we are.”
He shakes his head, pressing a kiss to your forehead, “It’s fine, ma. I’m just glad I know now.” He grabs your hand and squeezes it, “So when are you moving in?”
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
A few weeks later
“Oh look!” You point to the screen, “Are they the toes?”
The tech nods, “Yes, this is the foot, and oh! They’re a kicker.”
“That’s so weird, I don’t feel anything yet.” You look up at Matt and he smiles down at you.
“Babies start to really move between sixteen and twenty five weeks, some people may not feel anything until closer to the twenty five mark, but everyone is different.”
You nod, “Okay. We’re close to being fourteen weeks now.”
“Yeah, you probably have a little bit to go. If this is your first pregnancy, you might not feel it until around the twenty five week mark.” The tech clicks a few times and takes the wand from your belly, “Everything is looking good. If you want, we can do a blood test and get the gender back to you, or you can wait until the twenty week mark?”
You look at Matt, “What should we do?”
He shrugs, “That’s all your choice, babe. Whatever you want to do, I support.”
“I think we’ll wait until the twenty week scan.” You nod and look at the tech. She nods, “Alright. If you want, we can get you scheduled for another check in about four weeks and then another for twenty weeks. Okay?”
You nod, “Okay. Thank you.” You smile and wipe off your stomach before pulling down your sweatshirt, “This is real. This is actually happening.”
Matt helps you sit up and he presses a kiss to your temple, “It sure is, ma.” He smiles, “I couldn’t picture doing this with anyone but you.”
You look up at him, reaching up to lay a hand on his cheek, “I love you.”
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─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed! I love you so much! I’ll catch you in the next one! 🖤
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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leighsartworks216 · 3 days
Sylus x gn!Reader
Inspired by the quality time work/study animation when he looks up from cleaning his gun and he just looks so soft and sweet 🥺 And also from the in-game phone call "Crow"
Warnings: swearing, pet names, biting, teasing, fluff
Word Count: 1,142
Tag List Form
“Where’s Sylus?”
The temperamental crow looked at you with one glowing red eye, beak turned away coyly. You have to wonder what kind of programming went into making him have so much attitude. It’d probably go right over your head, anyway.
“Wanna make a deal?” You keep an eye on Mephisto as you reach into your pocket, rooting around until cold metal touches your fingers. You lift the shiny metal nut like a prize. “Hm? A nice shiny trinket for you if you show me where Sylus is? What d’ya say?”
His metal wings fluttered at his side, feet stepping unsurely on his perch. But all crows are alike, mechanical or otherwise. He swoops down and snatches the metal from your fingers. You feel the brush of talons, barely escaping having your hand sliced up by an overeager metal chicken.
His caw sounds like a laugh as he leads you down the many halls of the mansion. When he stops to wait for you to catch up, he croons at his shiny new knickknack, pecking at it and staring at it from every angle with his red eyes. He glides through the open crack of a door.
You peek in first. It’s a study, with shelves lined with old paper books and vinyls. There’s a desk with guns neatly laid out on top. Mephisto perches on the accompanying chair. And on the couch, head tilted back and eyes closed, is Sylus.
You wonder if he’s really asleep this time. He’s tricked you before, but as you listen closely you hear the soft snores giving him away.
How cute, you think. A little midnight nap.
The door doesn’t make a sound as you push it open enough to slip inside. You don’t close it back all the way, and Mephisto’s wings nearly clip your head as he flies back outside of the room. That damn bird will always have it out for you, you’re sure of it.
You creep along the elegant carpet to your target, slowly lowering yourself to sit on the other end of the couch. As much as you love messing with Sylus, you didn’t actually want to wake him up now. So, being very careful, you lay down and rest your head in his lap.
“If you want to cuddle, you don’t need to sneak around for it.”
You smack his chest. “You’re such an asshole!” Your heart was racing from the scare, but you don’t get up from your new position. Sylus rewards you by beginning to comb his fingers through your hair. “Were you actually sleeping?”
He hums. There’s a gravel to his voice you didn’t notice before. “Yes, I was.” He finally lifts his head from the back of the couch to look down at you. “Until someone gave Mephisto a shiny new item for his collection.”
You chuckle despite the unimpressed look on his face. “He told on me again?”
“You’re all he seems to talk about these days,” he sighs. He brushes some hair away from your forehead. “At least it’s positive, this time.
“Did you need something from me?”
“Not really. I was just… lonely.”
He smiles slightly. “Well, I’m always happy to keep you company, sweetie.”
It’s easy to doze while he plays with your hair. He seems to know all the right spots, all the right techniques to ease your troubles away. In his care, your hair doesn’t tangle or get caught. It’s heaven.
When you wake up, you’re exactly where you were. Sylus’s lap was warm under you, and you wondered if his legs fell asleep at any point during your nap. If they did, he’d suffered through it for your sake.
His hand was nearly still in your hair now. It didn’t move in those perfect ministrations as before. Instead, it was almost completely still, moving at a snail’s pace along the crown of your head. You blink your eyes open to figure out why, maybe even pout and whine about it just to annoy him, but you can’t stop from just staring.
If he notices you’re awake or watching him, he doesn’t say anything. His thumb scrolls through his phone, probably looking at the latest underground news on shady deals or skimming over messages from desperate people wanting to deal with him. Something that drew his attention away from you, at least.
So you take your time drinking him in.
He’s pretty, there’s no arguments there, but it’s his own kind of pretty. It’s sharp and multifaceted, like a crystal. His eyes are intense, lashes so dark and thick it looks like he’s wearing makeup. You wonder if he does. He’d look even more gorgeous with dark red eyeshadow and sharp cat eyeliner. His lips are pressed into a thin line, soft pink drawing your eyes to them. You quickly turn your attention to the slope of his nose before he catches you.
With a sigh, Sylus closes his phone and sets it aside. His hand in your hair goes back to a normal speed, his fingers scratching at the nape of your neck as he finally looks down at you, And just like that, all that sharp beauty is replaced.
Instead of his usual intense gaze, his eyes are soft around the edges, just a little bit wider, relaxed. His lips quirk up slightly at the sight of you, softening his cheekbones. He tilts his head playfully, eyebrows raising as though asking if you’re enjoying the view.
He blinks, and it’s gone. His brow furrows, his lips dropping into a frown, eyes sharpened with suspicion. “What?”
You smirk. It’s rare to feel like you have the upper hand. You reach up and touch his cheek. He leans into it, though his expression remains.
“Sometimes you get this look on your face,” you tell him. Your thumb runs under his eye. “It makes you look soft, like a little puppy.”
He scoffs, but his lips quirk up again. “Just how long have you been waiting to use that on me?”
You hum, running your fingers down his cheekbone to his jaw. “Since I asked you to join me while I study a few days ago.” You traced the sharp cut of his jawline, tracking the movement with your eyes. “I looked up for a minute, and you were looking at me like I’d just promised to scratch you behind the ears.” To emphasize your point, you reach to do just that.
He catches your hand before you can, thumb pressed to your palm to keep your hand open. He brings your fingers to his lips, eyes watching you intently as he bites down on them, one at a time, nipping at the tips and knuckles with a smirk. “Careful, kitten,” he warns. He bites at the soft skin on the back of your hand. “This puppy bites.”
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clockwayswrites · 1 day
Cozytober Day 3: Hot Chocolate
“You just had to make a mess on your way, didn’t you?” Jason asked as he stepped over Danny’s shed clothing.
“Yes,” Danny said, just to be cheeky.
He could be cheeky with Jason. Jason might huff and puff or snark back, but it was always in good fun with each other. Somethings were off limits, but they’d both made a deal to be honest about what those were. So far it had worked out.
Jason sighed. “Leave me to clean up your mess after you, carry you around, make you hot chocolate…”
“Hot chocolate?” Danny asked, sitting up in Jason’s arms. Jason’s hot chocolate was a thing of the divine.
“Mhum,” Jason agreed with a hum as he dropped Danny carefully onto the couch.
Danny let himself lay there like a dead fish as he tried to give Jason his best puppy dog eyes.
“Put those eyes away,” Jason said with a chuckle. He leaned down and pressed a kiss right between Danny’s eyes. “I already said I’d make it. Do you want the works?”
“Yes,” Danny said. He shifted a little on the couch so that he could still watch Jason as he moved over to the kitchen area of the open plan space. “Your day?”
“Oh. It was okay,” Jason said as he gathered what he needed and put a pot on the stove. “I think that we’re finally making some real progress on the plans for the affordable housing. There’s a place in German that does a lot of what we want and need in their prefab walls. Obviously shipping that far would make it cost prohibitive, but they seem interested in maybe setting up a workshop here as long as Gotham helps with the initial costs. It might be a good deal in the end for both them and the city.”
“That’s great!” Danny knew how hard Jason had been working at this project, and how many times there had been insurmountable seeming roadblocks.
“It really is. And a new industry means new jobs. We might be able to tie it in with the workforce alternative we’ve got started with the court system too. I might also be counting my chickens before they hatch but…”
“Yeah, but hope,” Jason agreed softly.
“Proud of you,” Danny said.
He could see Jason’s ears flush all he way from the couch. Danny tried to tell Jason he was as proud of him as often a he could, both because of the cute response but because Danny didn’t think Jason knew how good he was.
“Nothings don’t yet,” Jason said.
“Proud. Of. You,” Danny said with pointed enunciation.
Jason muttered an adorable grumble as he fussed with breaking up the real chocolate bar that he used in the hot chocolate. Danny closed his eyes and just listened to Jason moving around, out of words the moment. One of the reasons he liked being at Jason’s more than his tiny shoe box was the noise of someone else moving around him.
“Up we go, boo,” Jason urged softly some time later.
Danny cracked a wide yawn and used the moment of swinging his legs off the couch to get himself somewhat sitting up. Jason slotted into place beside Danny and helped prop him up before he tipped back over again. Danny happily burrowed in against Jason’s broad shoulder.
“Eyes open,” Jason said.
Resisting a grumble, Danny opened his eyes and took the large mug in front of his face. He cradled it for a moment, just enjoying the warmth, before he took a long, slow sip. The richness of chocolate and warmth of spice bloomed over his tongue. Danny let out a happy sigh.
“The best.”
Jason chuckled. “You just like me for my hot chocolate.”
“Lies. Also have a very nice co—”
“Danny!” Jason admonished between a bout of startled laughter.
Danny grinned to himself, proud as always to make Jason laugh like that, free and bright. He rewarded himself with another sip of his drink.
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ohbueckers · 15 hours
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TWO CAN PLAY THAT GAME. i’m only trying to get inside of your brain to see if you can work me the way you say.
THIS IS PART FIVE! pairing, paige bueckers x teammate!oc. notes, they make me sick, that’s it. also would you guys wanna see sana’s faceclaim for visuals?? i’ll proofread this a little later whooooops. warnings, a glimpse into sana’s dirty mind.. & paige just wanting that cookie real bad.
october, 2022
“we got a birthday!”
i was halfway across the dining hall, grinning as i stalked over. it was early, but you wouldn’t be able to tell with the way everyone was moving around, grabbing plates, loading up on eggs, bacon, waffles, the whole deal. i always liked this part of the day—when the team wasn’t just teammates, but more like a family.
family to an extent.
i was half-asleep, barely dressed in a nike crewneck and some joggers that had been getting a little too small for my height, glasses on, hair pulled back in a messy bun. it didn’t help that my knee’d been killing me, and i was just trying to make it through the morning without anyone bugging me too much. but as soon as i found our table, i could already tell today wasn’t gonna be one of those days. when was it ever?
and then there was also her. sana, sitting right there, already halfway through her breakfast like she wasn’t the main reason i was feeling all outta sorts this morning. she looked stupid good for someone who probably just rolled out of bed, wearing a black tube top and some uconn sweats that probably weren’t hers based on the way they fit around her waist. her hair was pulled back into a low ponytail, a few curl strands falling loose around her face, and her earrings caught the light every time she moved.
i turned before i could get caught looking. still, as i slid into my seat between ice and yana, i caught her glancing at me with that smirk. she knew exactly what she was doing.
i moved my gaze to aaliyah. “my birthday isn’t for another week,” i emphasized, dropping my plate on the table before sitting down.
“exactly a week today,” aaliyah corrected, pointing her fork at me before stabbing into her eggs. “so, what’s the plan?”
i huffed like i actually had to contemplate it. “it’s on a thursday. we have practice the next day.”
“so?” amari furrowed her eyebrows at the end of the table.
i shook my head, chuckling as i grabbed a piece of bacon to shove in my mouth. “y’all know cd don’t play around like that. i’m not about to catch heat over this.” i wasn’t the one practicing, obviously, but i could already see the blame coming my way. my birthday and all that. geno was more lenient, but with official practices just beginning to start i was sure that was out the window for now.
“how would she even know?” ice asked, sounding genuinely curious.
“she always knows,” half the table responded in unison, like they’d been through it enough times to know better.
i grinned. “exactly, like she got eyes everywhere or something.” i could feel sana looking at me from across the table, and i’d realized she was awfully quiet this morning. i didn’t look back.
nika pouted. “so, no ted’s? you’re telling me we’re not hitting the bar for your birthday?”
i chewed on my lip, slumping back in my chair. “nah, we can just do something chill at the apartments. prolly just drink, have some fun,” i stated simply. “then our freshie’s won’t get carded.” i slung my arm over ice’s shoulder, smiling smugly as she rolled her eyes.
“okay, but what about their first ted’s experience?” aaliyah cut in, raising an eyebrow at me. “you’re really gonna deprive them of that?”
i shrugged, groaning internally, though. ted’s is not that special. i could see where this was headed.
nika leaned in from across the table, a smirk playing on her lips. “yeah, p, how’s sana supposed to fully adjust to uconn if she doesn’t get the ted’s initiation? you know that’s part of the culture.”
i felt my eyes shift toward sana almost instinctively, catching her gaze as she gave me this half-smile. the kind that was all knowing. she leaned back in her seat, pushing her tray aside as she stretched, looking way too comfortable. “yeah, paige. don’t you want me to have the full experience?” she teased, voice dropping just low enough to make the hair on the back of my neck stand up.
i shoved two cut-up waffles into my mouth, and naturally, my mouth ran before my brain could stop it. “i could give you another experience, too.” it was a mumble, muffled by the food, but she heard it.
i knew not to look at her, and the second the words left my lips, i regretted it. but then again… not really. her eyes narrowed slightly, and she leaned back, crossing her arms like she wasn’t impressed. then, without warning, bam—her foot connected with my shin under the table.
“yo!” i hunched over, yelping and grabbing at my leg as i glared at her. “what was that for?”
sana barely blinked, her smirk still intact. “oh, did i kick the good one?” she asked innocently, but i could see the way her eyes were gleaming.
i narrowed my eyes, trying to bite back a smile as i nodded, but it wasn’t working. “real funny, sana,” i muttered, rubbing my leg like it actually hurt. “you tryna take me out before i’m even back on the court?”
she raised an eyebrow, leaning in a little, her voice dropping just enough to where only i could hear. it felt intimate. too intimate for who we were surrounded by. “maybe. if you keep running your mouth.”
i blinked, caught off guard for a second. but before i could come up with anything remotely witty, ice nudged me, pulling me back into the moment. when i turned to look at her, she was already giving me a look—like she’d heard every word of that exchange and was silently demanding an explanation. her eyebrows were practically up in her hairline, and her eyes moved between me and sana.
i cleared my throat, sitting up straighter as my eyes darted around the table. “aight, aight,” i said, louder now, trying to drown out the tension. “we’ll head to ted’s. celebrate proper. y’all happy now?”
the reaction was immediate. a mix of cheers and clapping came from everyone—except sana. she was still leaned back in her chair, arms crossed, watching me with that look. the kind that made me feel like i was the only one in the room, like this whole thing was a game to her, and she was already ten steps ahead.
she knew she had the upper hand. and the worst part? i didn’t even hate it.
october, 2022
i stretched out on nika’s couch, phone in hand, scrolling through my texts. i’d walked up to her apartment a little before our last-minute plan to attend the homecoming football game after practice, leaving her to finish tidying herself up. uconn’s football team hadn’t been doing very well this season, but it sounded a little fun, and it gave us something to do.
my conversation with paige had been sitting there for a while, her last message unread, just sitting at the top of the screen. it was the kind of message you see and purposely ignore for a bit—not because you didn’t want to respond, but because you wanted them to feel the wait.
my thumb hovered over the message, and i sighed, opening it.
So we not gonna talk about the other night?
You left me hangin bro.
Yo fr tho wyd tonight?
i couldn’t help the little smile that tugged at the corner of my lips. she’d been atleast a little bit more cordial than this at breakfast earlier, but the desperation in these texts? different story. she was like a dog with a bone when she wanted something, and right now, i knew exactly what she wanted, oddly enough. it’s wrong. i know we’re teammates. but i couldn’t help but feel like i was already in too deep now. there’s no harm in a little fun.
especially if no one knows, and even more when there’s no way she’s being serious.
i typed back, keeping it short.
other night? what happened again?
the dots popped up immediately, and i could already picture the look on her face—probably half annoyed, half plotting her next move.
Stop playing
You know I wasn’t tryna let you leave like that
Wanted to get you right
before i could even process how far she was gonna take it, i heard the door creak open, and nika strolled in fully dressed and ready to go, her phone in hand, completely oblivious to the fact that she was about to walk right into paige’s thirst trap. she plopped down on the other end of the couch, and her face lit up with whatever the other person was saying on speaker.
but as she talked more, it registered.
whatever paige was saying on speaker. of course she was on the phone.
i slouched further into the couch, tilting my phone away from nika a bit as my fingers hovered over the keyboard. i then typed up another response.
sure you could’ve handled it?
another immediate reply. oh, she’s milking this.
You don’t even know
Lemme come thru & I’ll show you how much I can handle
tough talk, i thought.
“just come!” nika’s voice cut through the room, snapping me out of my phone screen. i blinked, my head shooting up to actually pay attention to the conversation. i couldn’t even fathom how she was multi-tasking right now.
“why do you want me to come so bad!?” paige’s voice was defensive and laced with just enough irritation to make me smirk, like she’d been putting up a fight all evening, and it finally registered in my brain that the brunette had probably been trying to convince paige to tag along with us, while she was too busy thinking she’d actually be getting into my bed tonight. “amari’s going, yana, aubrey. you have plenty company, nik.”
“and i guess sana, too,” nika added, a little too casually like she didn’t just drop a bomb. i almost cursed at her, holding a tight-lipped grin as i shut my eyes for a moment. “just missing my twin…” nika crossed her legs, sighing dramatically as she stared at the ceiling, fluttering her eyes and really playing into this hurt act.
there was a brief pause, and i could practically feel paige’s attention shift. “wait, sana’s going?”
nika shot me a glance, completely oblivious. “yeah, she’s right next to me.”
i bit my lip to hold back a laugh, but paige wasn’t even trying to hide hers. the sound of her laughter rang out through the phone, and nika furrowed her brows in confusion. “what’s so funny?”
“aight, i’ll go,” paige finally said, and i could hear the smile in her voice, which was either genuine or just from laughing.
my eyes widened. that was telling. real telling.
“really?” nika’s eyes went just as wide, turning to me with a ‘i-think-i-know’ look, before a pleased one. “should’ve started with that, huh?”
october, 2022
the stadium lights were bright, too bright over the packed bleachers, the crowd a sea of navy and white. i shifted in my seat, adjusting my hoodie and pulling it tighter around myself. it was getting colder by the minute, but honestly, the chill wasn’t really the problem. not when paige was sitting to my right, just a row below me. maybe i’d purposefully made sure we weren’t next to each other. close enough to be in each other’s eyeline, but far enough that she couldn’t whisper any snarky remarks in my ear.
she was stretched out like she owned the place, leaning against the bleachers with her arms casually draped over the backrest, legs kicked out in front of her. she’d looked a little pissed, too—although she wouldn’t say it to anyone. and i had a feeling it was about me volunteering to switch seats with ines before the game started.
her crewneck had changed, not the same one she’d been wearing this morning. it had risen just a little, showing a sliver of skin at her waist that i tried not to stare at, but it was hard to ignore. paige was always like this—comfortable, confident. i suppose that’s what made her so despicable. everything suited her too well. meanwhile, i was just here trying to keep my thoughts straight.
the halftime whistle blew, and i shot up from my seat a little too quickly. “i’m heading to concessions,” i announced, mostly to myself, already heading down the steps.
paige shot her head up. “lemme come with you,” she said immediately, her voice cutting through the chatter of our teammates like it was meant just for me. i’m sure she could see a middle finger reflecting from my eyeballs.
i knew it was too late to refuse without making things awkward, so i silently accepted it, asking if anyone wanted anything.
“a pretzel,” ines replied.
“a coke pretty please, honey,” nika smiled sweetly at me, the nickname a funny tease into when amari had said we argue like a married couple.
paige, who had been sitting almost lazily just a moment ago, stood up and stretched, her shirt rising just enough for me to catch another glimpse of her stomach. she pulled her crewneck down, fingers brushing the hem, scrunching her face up slightly as she arched her back, her body extending to stretch her limbs out. every movement was slow—or maybe that was just how it felt in my head, because i almost didn’t forgot what anyone had said. my eyes moved down to her abs, and before i could stop myself, i licked my lips.
she was doing this on purpose. she had to be.
i cleared my throat, forcing myself to break my gaze and turn, heading down the bleachers almost in a rush. our stalling had beat the rush of people, but i knew the concessions line wouldn’t be much better.
the blonde was hot on my tail, picking up her pace to keep up with me. our stalling had beaten the crowd, but i knew the concessions line wouldn’t be much better. i could hear paige’s steps behind me, a little too quick, like she was making sure i wouldn’t slip away again.
“you tryna lose me already?” she chuckled.
i looked over my shoulder, slowing down just a little. “i didn’t realize you needed a babysitter.”
she scoffed, running a hand through down her ponytail. “nah, i just figured you might need some help carrying all that stuff. y’know, since you’re too proud to ask for it.”
i squinted at her as she slid up next to me. i shouldve known her longer legs had more of a chance. “i’m not some damsel.” my eyes flickered to the corner of her mouth, watching the way her lips tugged up into that infuriating half-smile. i rolled my eyes, looking in front of me again. “you offering to be useful for once?”
“oh, i’m useful, trust me,” paige muttered, her voice dropping a notch as she stepped even closer. “but you already know that.”
it was quiet. i didn’t want to respond, but paige would make sure she got something out of me. “we gonna talk?” she threw out.
i smirked. i couldn’t help it. “what’s there to talk about?”
paige stepped a little closer, trying to catch my eyes, but it didn’t quite work. “i told you i wanted to get you alone, sana. i meant it.” she paused. “don’t tell me you’re back to hating me.” her tone only sounded half-serious.
i really hated it when she said my name.
i stopped walking for a second, turning to face her. “stop that.”
her eyes met mine, the faintest hint of a smile still playing on her lips. “stop what?”
i scoffed, brushing past her to keep moving. “you’re not that special.”
“riiiiiight,” paige replied, sounding far from offended. if anything, she was more amused, and for some reason unbeknownst to me, i fucking liked it.
it was always way more complicated with girls, you can easily learn that in questioning. but paige? she wasn’t just a girl. she was paige. she was intense and frustrating and too confident for her own good, and i just wasn’t sure if i wanted to let her in. because once i did, i knew it wouldn’t be casual. she’d make me care.
but God, did i want it. God, did i want her. we’d just have to enough emotional distance. that could be easy. only if we made it so.
paige fell into step beside me again, her voice dropping just a bit. “you’re thinking too hard.”
i raised an eyebrow. “and you know what i’m thinking?”
“I don’t need to know,” she said, her voice softening in a way that made my heart beat a little faster. all of our exchanges felt like this. like the first day of practice when i told her she was pressing, playing like she had something to prove. it wasn’t just about her movements then, i could see it in her eyes, the way she wasn’t at ease. i don’t know how i knew, but i did. “i just know you’re holding back.”
we reached the concession stand, and i exhaled, relieved for the distraction. the distraction from my supposed distraction. funny.
paige’s voice pulled me back, soft but unrelenting. “you’ont have to decide anything tonight, you know. but you can’t act like you’re not thinking about it.”
i glanced at her, seeing the seriousness behind the playful front for once. she wasn’t just messing with me. she was offering something real, something i wasn’t sure i was ready for. but damn if i didn’t want to find out.
“imma let you decide, and i’ll be here with open arms,” she added, smiling way too wide for someone who didn’t have something else up her sleeve. i crossed my arms over my chest, squinting at her.
“and open legs,” she whispered.
there it was. i gasped almost dramatically, pushing at her abdomen harshly to make her stumble as she laughed, clearly getting a kick out of her behavior.
might i add that her request didn’t sound half bad?
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paddockletters · 13 hours
revenge | carlos sainz
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paring: carlos sainz x reader| daniel ricciadro platonic!x reader request: yes / thank u so muchhhhhh! summary: When Ferrari drops Carlos, everything changes. What begins as heartbreak quickly turns into an epic comeback.
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The second Carlos walked through the front door, his shoulders slumped and his jaw clenched, I knew something was horribly wrong. The energy was off. His usually bright eyes were clouded with disappointment, and the air felt heavy with something unspoken.
I closed the book I was reading and stood up quickly, concern etching across my face. “Carlos? What happened?” I asked, my voice already trembling.
He didn’t answer immediately. Instead, he dropped his bag on the floor with a thud, ran a hand through his hair, and sank into the couch. His silence was deafening, making my heart race even more.
“They dropped me,” he finally muttered, barely above a whisper.
“What?!” My heart stopped, confusion and anger fighting for dominance. “Who dropped you?”
“Ferrari. They’re letting me go after this season.” He looked up, and his eyes met mine, filled with a mixture of disbelief and sadness. “It’s over.”
A heavy silence hung between us for a moment. How could they do this? How could Ferrari let go of Carlos, someone who had poured everything into the team? Rage bubbled up inside me, and before I knew it, I was pacing the room, fists clenched.
“This is bullshit,” I snapped, unable to contain my fury. “How can they just drop you after all you’ve done for them? You’ve been giving it your all!”
“They said they wanted to ‘go in a new direction,’” Carlos explained, his voice dripping with bitterness. “New direction, my ass.”
I stopped in front of him, crouching down to meet his eyes, my mind already racing with ideas. “Carlos, you don’t deserve this. We’re not going to let them get away with this. You’ve got too much talent to sit on the sidelines.”
He shook his head softly. “What can we do? It’s Formula 1. Teams make decisions like this all the time.”
But I wasn’t going to accept that. Not after seeing how much Carlos loved this sport, how much he lived for every race, every lap. I couldn’t let Ferrari destroy his dream.
“I’m not going to let them get away with this,” I declared, standing up with determination. Carlos looked up at me, confused.
“What are you talking about?”
“You’ll see.” I pulled out my phone, already forming a plan in my mind. “Trust me.”
I started making calls. I was an heiress, after all—money wasn’t the problem, but power? That was where the fun began.
A few months after Ferrari’s betrayal, Carlos and I stood in the sleek new garage of what would soon become the most talked-about team in Formula 1. I had used every resource at my disposal—contacts, investments, sheer will—to get a majority stake in a team that had been on the verge of collapse. I didn’t care about the costs. I cared about giving Carlos the chance he deserved.
“You really did it,” Carlos whispered, walking slowly around the car, his fingers brushing lightly against the sleek new design. “I can’t believe this.”
“You better believe it,” I said with a grin, watching his awe-struck expression. “This is your comeback. And Daniel’s too.”
Carlos turned to me, his face softening into a look of deep appreciation. “I don’t even know what to say. You’re incredible.”
I shrugged playfully. “Just say you’ll win.”
Carlos smirked, crossing his arms over his chest. “No pressure then, huh?”
Before I could respond, Daniel burst into the garage with his usual energy.
“Look at this beauty! They might have dropped us, mate, but they didn’t see this coming,” Daniel said with a grin, walking over to give Carlos a playful slap on the back.
“Who’s ready to kick some ass?” he said, nodding towards Carlos. “We’ve got our own team, mate. Can you believe it?”
Carlos chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief.
“If you’d told me a year ago this would be happening, I wouldn’t have believed it.”
“Well, believe it,” I chimed in, walking over to give Daniel a quick hug. “Because you two are going to show everyone what they’re missing.”
Daniel winked. “You know, you’ve always had a way of making things happen.”
“Gotta admit, you pulled off a miracle. And I didn’t even have to charm anyone for it.” Daniel turned to me, eyes full of mischief.
I laughed, shaking my head.
“Don’t give yourself too much credit, Ricciardo.”
Carlos wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me close.
“That’s why she’s the best.”
Daniel made a mock gagging sound.
“Alright, you two, save the romance for after we win some races.”
As we stood there, planning for what was sure to be an exciting season ahead, I could already feel the buzz. The buzz that comes from knowing we were going to take on Formula 1 headfirst. Carlos was back, and he wasn’t coming alone.
Just then, my phone buzzed. A message from Lando popped up:
"You guys really pulled it off, huh? Should I be scared?"
I showed the message to Carlos, who laughed.
“He should be.”
Max quickly followed: "Finally, a real challenge. Let’s see what you two can do."
Carlos raised an eyebrow. “Oh, he’ll see.”
The group chat continued to explode with messages from drivers across the grid. Even Charles chimed in: "Mate, honestly, I’m just relieved I won’t have to race against you in the same car anymore."
Carlos leaned against the wall, smiling. “This is going to be fun.”
I couldn’t help but grin. “Oh, it’s going to be so much more than that.”
Later that night, the three of us found ourselves at a cozy restaurant in Monaco. We had rented out a private room to avoid the prying eyes of the press. It was one of those rare moments when we could just relax and laugh together.
Carlos leaned back in his chair, watching as Daniel devoured his meal with his usual lack of grace.
“Mate, do you ever slow down?”
Daniel grinned, food still in his mouth. “Nah, man. I race and I eat fast.”
I rolled my eyes, trying not to laugh.
“Please don’t choke. I don’t want to be responsible for rescuing your sorry ass from a steak.”
Carlos leaned over and whispered in my ear.
“You’d save him though, right?”
I laughed softly, resting my head on his shoulder. “Maybe after I finished my meal.”
Daniel pointed his fork at us, smirking. “You two, always ganging up on me. This is what happens when you’re the third wheel.”
Carlos shot him a grin. “We wouldn’t trade you for anyone.”
Daniel mock pouted. “Aw, you do care.”
The night went on, filled with jokes, teasing, and camaraderie. Daniel was more than a teammate—he was a part of this journey, and Carlos and I cherished having him along for the ride
It was mid-season, and our team was starting to find its rhythm. Carlos had been pushing hard all season, but it wasn’t until Spa that everything clicked into place. It had been a grueling weekend—rain, tricky conditions, everything that could go wrong, had—but Carlos was in his element.
I stood in the garage, holding my breath as the final laps unfolded. Carlos was in third, closing in fast on P2. My heart pounded as I watched him glide through the final corners, the roar of the crowd deafening as he crossed the line—third place, his first podium with the new team.
The garage erupted in cheers, and I found myself running towards him as he climbed out of the car, arms outstretched. He pulled off his helmet, his face flushed with triumph and adrenaline.
“You did it!” I screamed, throwing my arms around his neck, unable to hold back the tears of joy.
“We did it,” Carlos corrected, pulling me close. “This is all because of you.”
I kissed him right there, in front of the cameras, in front of the whole paddock, not caring who was watching. He had earned this moment, and nothing could ruin it.
Daniel, not one to miss out on a celebration, ran up and threw his arms around us both.
“Alright, alright, enough with the sappy stuff,” he joked, pulling us both into a massive hug. “Let’s get some champagne!”
As the three of us stood on the podium, drenched in champagne and laughter, I caught a glimpse of the Ferrari garage across the way. The looks on their faces were priceless. Regret. Confusion. They had made a mistake, and they knew it.
Carlos followed my gaze and grinned. “Think they’re sorry yet?”
“Oh, they’re definitely sorry.”
As Carlos and Daniel rose through the ranks, whispers from the Ferrari camp began to emerge. It didn’t take long for the media to catch wind of the story—Ferrari regretted their decision to drop Carlos. Badly.
It wasn’t just the whispers. The looks on their faces whenever Carlos and Daniel took podiums said it all. During one particular race weekend, we were walking through the paddock when Frédéric Vasseur passed us, his face tight with frustration.
I caught his eye and couldn’t resist a small, satisfied smile. The regret was clear—Ferrari had made a mistake, and now they were paying for it.
Later that evening, we were all lounging in the team motorhome when Daniel, ever the instigator, pulled up an article on his phone.
“Look at this—'Ferrari Facing Major Backlash After Dropping Sainz.' I mean, they basically admit they screwed up.”
Carlos glanced at the article but shrugged it off, ever humble.
“It’s in the past. I’m happy where I am.”
But I couldn’t let it go that easily.
“They’ll never live this down,” I said, sitting next to Carlos and resting my head on his shoulder. “They had you and threw it all away. Now look at them.”
Daniel chimed in, “Yeah, they’re stuck in midfield while you’re up there taking trophies.”
Carlos leaned down and kissed the top of my head softly.
“Honestly? I wouldn’t change a thing. Because this—” he gestured around the room, to me, to Daniel, and to the trophies lining the shelves, “—this is where I was meant to be.”
The 2026 season had been one for the ages. Carlos was unstoppable. With every race, he pushed harder, fought more fiercely, and after a series of podiums, he was leading the championship going into Abu Dhabi.
The final race was a nail-biter. Charles was right behind Carlos in the standings, and the pressure was immense. The entire paddock watched, breath held, as the laps ticked down. Carlos was leading, but Charles was closing in fast.
As I stood in the garage, my hands gripping the edge of the pit wall, I could hardly breathe. This was it. Everything was riding on this.
“Come on, Carlos,” I whispered under my breath, my heart pounding.
And then, as if time slowed down, Carlos crossed the finish line. First place. World Champion.
The garage exploded in cheers, and I was running before I even realized it. Carlos jumped out of the car, and I threw myself into his arms, tears streaming down my face.
“You did it!” I sobbed, my voice trembling with emotion.
Carlos grinned, pulling me into a deep kiss, the cheers of the team echoing around us.
“We did it,” he whispered against my lips. “I couldn’t have done this without you.”
Daniel arrived, grinning from ear to ear, and tackled us both into a hug.
“World Champion! My boy, you did it!”
Carlos laughed, pulling Daniel into the hug, our trio complete. “Couldn’t have done it without you either, cabrón.”
As the champagne sprayed and the celebrations erupted around us, I glanced over at the Ferrari garage. The regret on their faces was palpable. They had let go of a champion, and now they were watching him stand at the top of the world.
Carlos pulled me close again, kissing my forehead softly. “We showed them, didn’t we?”
I smiled, my heart full. “Yeah, we did.”
We celebrated long into the night. And as Carlos held the trophy high, I caught sight of the Ferrari garage once more. The regret on their faces was clear—they had let go of a champion, and now they were watching him stand at the top of the world.
As Carlos lifted his trophy into the air, he turned to me, a look of pure happiness on his face. “This is just the beginning,” he whispered.
I smiled up at him, my heart full. “Yeah, it is.”
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strwberri-milk · 2 days
good day, author! Can I request an angst to fluff lads x reader ff where the reader was so inlove with the but they thought they love someone else. Until one day, the reader stopped and that's when they realized that it's her that they love not someone else. Sorry I know it's common and cringe but I want an angst fic 😭
ngl i really struggled to understand what was wanted here but!! i think i figured it out LMAO - i did put them all into 1 bc i just didnt see the dialogue shifting too much w what i had in my head i hope you dont mind <3
You'd never known that he was in love with you because he never acted like he was. You thought that the kindness he showed you was because he simply was that - kind. You'd never entertain the idea that he might actually have feelings for you. Sometimes you'd ask him if he was seeing anybody and he'd get a little quiet before telling you no. You don't really believe him though because whenever you'd ask him who his ideal partner is he'd get this look in his eyes you could never place before telling you that it's not something you need to worry about.
You thought that was his way of telling you he knows how you feel about him and that's how he's choosing to let you down easily. You decide that it's too difficult to be around him, telling him one day that you need to distance yourself from him. You can't admit the reason why, feeling a little humiliated by the childish way you're reacting but a big part of you simply can't help it.
You decide to push your feelings down for him, knowing that this was the only way that you could cope with the burden that is your emotions. You feel better, deciding that keeping your feelings to yourself would be the best thing to do to avoid ruining the friendship that the two of you built up so carefully. You'd never forgive yourself for losing him, telling yourself that just being beside him like this was more than enough for you.
"Why did you do that?"
You stare at the man standing on your doorstep, soaked from the rain as he stares at you intently.
"What do you mean?"
Your phone is still in hand, the message you sent him sitting on delivered.
"You can't seriously mean that, can you?"
You've never seen him like this before. You thought you'd spent enough time with him to know every emotion he's felt, to see the weight of them on his face. You could scarcely recognise the look in his eyes and your hands twitch with the need to hold his face.
"I didn't think you'd ever say something like that. Do you not know how I feel about you?"
Now his words are desperate, something you've definitely never heard from him before.
"I...I don't know what you're talking about," you mumble, averting his gaze.
"I just...I know that you have feelings for someone. I don't want to get in the way of your happiness but I'm scared that if I stay by your side I'll end up doing so by accident. I just want you to be happy."
His eyes widen slightly, shaking his head as he laughs a little bitterly.
"You really think I could feel this way about anybody but you?"
Your brain takes a moment to process what he says, staring at him.
You're about to question him, asking if he's actually serious when he leans down to press a kiss to your lips, holding you in his arms tightly.
"It's you," he mutters softly against your lips.
"It's always been you."
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pitchsidestories · 15 hours
akward and desperate for love II Lena Oberdorf x Lioness!Reader
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masterlist I word count: 1005
a/n: hi everyone, the oneshot is inspired by this request here, let us hear your thoughts on it. ❤️
You hated the initiation ceremonies at Bayern Munich.
It had nothing to do with the club. You loved it here. You adored the city, the familiarity of the club and of course your teammates.
But the initiation ceremony filled you with dread and nervousness on behalf of all the new players. Even now, two years after your own initiation, the thought of singing in front of your new teammates made your skin prickle with embarrassment.
At least as an established member of the team, you had the privilege to just sit back and watch. Which was easier said than done, considering that your girlfriend had just joined the team and would have to face the same fate as everyone else.
In contrast to you, she seemed very relaxed about it. Not relaxed, you suddenly realized. She was drunk.
You leaned over to Georgia who sat across from you at the table: “G, why is Lena tipsy? I thought the beers all had no alcohol.“
Your fellow England teammate made a face as if you had just asked her the worlds’ dumbest question before she finally answered: “You really thought they were okay with non-alcoholic?”
She nodded into the direction of your German teammates. Many of them enjoyed their occasional beer but in all your time here, you had never seemed to get into it.
“But they’re all labeled as… Wait, what mischief are you two up to again?”, you interrupted yourself, turning to Georgia and Lea who tried to hide a giggle behind her hand.
“Nothing.“, the only other lioness in the team grinned innocently.
“Lies. They refiled them with alcoholic beer.“, Sydney blurted out, clearly also a few drinks in.
“Shhh.“, Georgia tried to silence her.
Simultaneously, you felt Leas elbow knocking hard against yours. Excitedly she pointed towards the stage: “Y/n! It’s Obis’ turn to sing now!”
“Children, the lot of you!”, you playfully scolded your teammates before turning to Lea.
Your heart dropped for a moment and your eyebrows knitted together as you watched your girlfriend take the stage. You felt unnecessarily nervous for her.
“Oh god…“, you whispered.
She seemed completely unfazed, flashing her typical confident smile at the team.
Georgia yelled: “What are you going to sing?!”
“Before I start to sing, I want to say a few words first. The past weeks have been really hard because of my injury…“, she started, fully ignoring Georgia. You could tell from the redness of her cheeks that she wasn’t sober anymore and you silently prayed that no one would notice that she paused for way too long already.
“Yeah, tell us, Lena!”, Georgia once again shouted from her seat, prompting her to go on.
“And I couldn’t have done this without my wunderbaren Freundin and Lea. I might’ve lost against her in the Euros final, messed up the tackle, but won after sliding in her dms. Luckily, she agreed to meeting me privately afterwards. This song is dedicated to y/n.”, Lena continued grinning.  
With closed eyes you went back to the time two years ago. It has been the perfect weather for your home tournament in England.
The fan excitement grew over the weeks, your teammates and you have never experienced something huge like this before, your lives forever changed by that summer in 2022. Lena and you both were even younger than now, both hungry and felt like you got something to prove.
 In the final the playing style of the German annoyed you to no end, the midfielder was reckless on the pitch and her challenges against opponents was ruthless. You could never imagine falling for someone like Lena despite her big beautiful brown eyes and loud but very kissable looking mouth.
She turned out to be a different person off the pitch. The young player who was your age was funny, charming and kind. Even a bit shy because you were her first big romantic relationship which you couldn’t believe at first because Lena was so lovable once you got to know her.
“Glad I was mentioned too.”, Leas laugh brought you back to the present.
“Lea, you know that you’re her platonic soulmate, right?”, you replied warmly.
“I appreciate that, but she loves you way more.”, the blonde declared winking.
“I hope the song is over soon, everyone’s staring at us.”, your voice slightly muffled against the fabric of the striker’s sweater in which you hid your burning cheeks.
“Don’t worry, they’re actually staring at her.”, Lea tried to comfort you in a reassuring tone.
“I hope so.”, you muttered under your breath.
Later in the safety of your hotel room you glared accusingly at your girlfriend. “I can’t believe you’d do this to me. In front of the whole team!”
“Why? That was fun.”, Lena frowned.
“It was embarrassing.”, you sighed.
“Was it?”, she chuckled amusedly.
“Yes, for me, you know that I worked hard for the place I’ve in this team..”, you started.
“And?”, the German interrupted you smiling sheepishly.
“You don’t feel guilty at all, huh?”, you realized.
“Nope.”, Lena replied letting herself fall on to the bed arms wide open.
“You’re terrible.”, you shook her head before following her on to it.
“You think so?”, the brunette looked alarmed.
“No, not really, I’m just joking. Promise.”, you quickly added when you noticed her concerned face.
Sometimes you both got lost in translation her English wasn’t the best and your German basically non existing.
 “I do hope so.”, she answered sincerely.
“To be honest, I’ve never been this fiercely loved before.”, you admitted.
“You better get used to it.”, Lena said, kissing you, before pulling you into a hug.
“I’ll. Good night.”, you promised. A glance at the clock let you know that it was already past midnight, and you were having training early in the morning.
“What do you mean good night?”, the midfielder gasped.
“It’s late or isn’t it overdorf yet?”, you teased her.
“It’s never overdorf.”, Lena replied cheekily before showing you that the night wasn’t over it had only begun.
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osamu dazai x reader
in a rare moment of what he believes to be weakness, you help your boyfriend through a panic attack.
mentions of anxiety and dazai’s trauma 🤍 please read with discretion
inspired by the archer
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dazai’s been the archer, and he’s been the prey.
he’s experienced both sides of an uneven coin. he’s been the hunter, the one of top with the power and the last laugh. alternatively, he’s been stomped on and hurt, used as nothing but a pawn.
both sides ultimately left a hole in his heart. he expects evil, the same evil he’s given to people his entire life. who expects betrayal, death, or simple abandonment. in the face of that pain, he smiles.
he smiles because he’s expected it. he smiles to hide what he truly feels inside. like all the kings horses and men couldn’t put him together again.
he’s easy to approach, but hard to love. anyone who could see through his barriers, his equations and puzzles was certainly someone special. breaking through his walls was rewarding to you- since you discovered what it truly means to love osamu dazai.
loving him was like assessing an equation. his charm, his humour, his charisma- thats what people like about dazai. and for the most part, he’s fine with the surface level. but loving him means sitting next to him, tangled together on the couch, letting his hand press against your heart as he steels himself.
no one knows what truly goes on in dazai’s head. even when he vocalizes his thoughts, most people couldn’t ration his peculiar ideas. it seemed as though the only time you could see into his tortured heart was when he openly gave it to you, allowing himself to be loved.
he’s breathing is picking up as he his hand ever so slightly tightens around yours. he’s thinking and thinking deep, wondering if its okay for him to be this vulnerable around you.
he’s spent the entire night pacing like a ghost. he looked around and felt like the room was on fire, invisible smoke filling his lungs. all of the people he’s ever cared about die all alone.
when be turns to you, shutting his eyes and letting his forehead rest against yours, he searches for your dark side. be physically can’t believe that he’s safe, that he’s alright when he’s with you. no one knows it, but dazai is on survival mode long after he’s needed to be.
his mind ruminates on his failures and his shortcomings, wondering all the things that could have been different. the people he could have protected. the crimes he didn’t have to commit. the one life he could have saved.
if he was just a second sooner, just a bit faster. if he was perfect instead of almost perfect. if he could ever truly become a good man.
they see right through me.
they see right through me.
they see right through me.
[y/n] sees right through me.
even i see right through me-
“osamu.” you say, bringing him back to reality. “breathe.”
with that simple word, his eyes open. he didn’t even realize how much his breathing had picked up evident by the sweat on his palms and the frown curved on his lips.
you cup his face in your hands as he continues to ground himself, clinging to yours presence like a life buoy. he’s shaking.
suddenly, he’s holding onto you. dazai was always clingy, but this time it felt different. your quick to hug him back, throwing your arms around his back and rubbing soft circles over him. he presses his face into your bare shoulder, taking in your smell and assuring himself that you’re real.
at the end, he lets out and exasperated chuckle, pulling away just enough to look into your face. his eyes are glossy and it breaks your heart, knowing that he’s likely holding back his feelings.
“who could ever leave me, darling?” he asks sardonically, his lips curving into a forced smile. he doesn’t want you to see him like this. he’s got a 100 thrown out speeches he wants to say to you, about who he really is. and its moments like this when he feels like he can. that, despite all of his wrong doings, you’d still somehow love him.
he hopes you’ll see past his facade of being okay. and you do.
“i’m not going anywhere.” you whisper. thats the moment he realizes that you could stay.
and he searches your face for any signs of deception, the lies and betrayal he had known all his life.
he finds none.
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dinner. l Joel Miller
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Summary:  he took you to a nice place
Warnings:  just fluff, Joel is a little insecure, one or two bad words
A/N: nothing special. your feedback is very important to me and I thank you for all the reblogs, comments and likes. 🖤 sorry for all the mistakes
short stories from life. [masterlist]
"Why are we here?" you asked as you both stood in front of a place that was something like a local family restaurant in Jackson.
"You'll see. I hope you like it." Joel replied and opened the door for you.
You entered a brightly lit room filled with pleasant music, and your nostrils were immediately filled with a pleasant smell. The tables were covered with neat tablecloths, and the sounds of work came from the kitchen.
You looked around the place uncertainly when an older woman approached Joel, smiling politely.
"Everything is ready, come in." she said, pointing to a small table by the window.
You must have looked scared, because Joel gently touched your arm and led you to the indicated place. He pulled out a chair for you and you sat down, hiding your hands under the table.
You didn't understand much of what Mrs. Russo was saying, but she was so polite and so happy about your arrival that you just nodded your head, agreeing to everything she suggested. After a short while, she disappeared behind the kitchen door, and you looked at Joel.
"You said I shouldn't plan anything for the evening, but... What the hell are you planning?" you asked quietly.
"I thought you might like it here. Was I wrong?" you saw the concern in his eyes and how nervously he squeezed his hands.
"It's lovely." you replied, "But..."
"I told you once that I wanted to take you to a nice restaurant." Joel reminded you, and you nodded. "Maybe it's not perfect, and maybe I should wear something better..."
"It's perfect." you quickly cut him off, seeing Mrs. Russo approaching you with two steaming plates. "Thank you." you added almost silently.
His eyes brightened. He could just sit there and look at your delighted face as you ate your pasta with bolognese sauce, or when Mr. Russo brought the wine he kept in the basement for special occasions. This whole evening was even more than he had dreamed of.
You both could forget about your usual, everyday worries and pretend that the world had stopped for you for a few moments. It was perfect to just sit there, talk or be silent, enjoy the moment.
As you started to leave, Mr. Russo asked Joel to step aside for a moment, and you had the opportunity to exchange a few pleasantries with his wife.
"Joel is truly a wonderful man." The woman stated, looking towards the talking men. "I don't know how we would have managed without him."
"What do you mean?" You asked.
"Oh, he didn't tell you anything, sweetie?" The woman looked at you with a charming smile. "For the past few weeks, he's been helping us renovate the kitchen. It was too much work for my husband! We had to fix some cabinets, the oven, and we had a problem with the pipes too. A lot, a lot of work! And Mr. Miller never once complained, although some things really bothered him."
You didn't know. Joel left the house every day, but you never asked what he really did.
"We wanted to repay him somehow, and he only asked if he could invite someone here for dinner. How could we refuse!" the woman added, tenderly squeezing your arm.
A smile automatically appeared on your lips, but a thousand questions were buzzing in your head. Soon you said goodbye and you and Joel went out into the darkened street.
"Did you like it?" he asked as you took a dozen or so steps, slowly heading towards the house.
"Yes, it was wonderful." you answered, but then you fell silent again.
You felt that Joel was watching you with concern, but at that moment a real hurricane of thoughts was rolling through your head. A moment passed before he spoke again.
"Are you okay? You seem a little worried. Did I do something wrong?"
"Oh, God! No!" you quickly denied, "It's just..."
You stopped and looked at Joel. He seemed worried and uncertain. Just a moment ago everything was perfect, and now he had the impression that something changed, but he didn't know what it could be.
Maybe he had given himself too much hope? Maybe he was wrong in thinking that you liked him, that you would want to spend time with him like this? However, you were already so ingrained in his life that he couldn't imagine a single day without you in it.
He didn't know what these feelings were, they scared him a little, but he knew perfectly well that he would do anything for every smile from you.
"Joel..." your voice sent a cold shiver down his spine "Why didn't you tell me that you worked for them?"
He shrugged, "Does that change anything?"
You weren't sure about that "Mrs. Russo told me that you only asked them for the possibility of inviting me there for dinner." The man lowered his head, clearly avoiding your gaze "You could have asked for anything. Why that?"
There was a short silence, and you were sure you stopped breathing for a moment. Joel shifted, clearly uncomfortable with the question.
"I told you that I wanted to take you to a place like that." he finally said.
"Yeah, but I didn't think..."
"That I was telling the truth?" he smiled weakly. "I'd like to take you to a lot of places, darling, I really do. And I don't expect anything in return, because I'm probably already imagining too much, but... I like seeing you smile, and I like when you're close to me. That's all."
You saw how embarrassed he was after those words and you knew that it took a lot of courage to tell you such things. Something powerful filled your chest, and you unconsciously smiled.
"Joel..." you sighed. "No one has ever done anything so wonderful and selfless for me. You just... Fuck!" your voice broke, Joel made a move as if he wanted to approach you, but you raised your hand stopping him. You took a few quick breaths and looked back at him. "Thank you, Joel. Thank you for everything."
"I wish I could do more."
"You're enough."
You were only two steps away, but a moment later your arms were wrapped around his neck as you snuggled into him with all your might. A strong arm wrapped around your waist, and another hand stroked your back.
The world stopped for a moment once more.
Thank you for your time.
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everand1r · 1 day
Yeah he’s my boyfriend, he just doesn’t know it yet
I do not know how to summarize this, it’s more crack than anything 💀
A/n: Reader is of a diva. And delusional. Chowder reference in Ace’s part lol
Warnings: I love using commas, reader has no gender or physical traits but is very feminine
Characters: Ace, Idia, Silver, Deuce, Jack, Sebek
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Ace blankly stares ahead, ignoring you once again as you rant about how he just HAS to hold your hand.
He’s flattered really, such a pretty thing like you has taken such a liking to him, but you seem to be lost in your own little world sometimes.
“As my boyfriend it’s only natural-“ “we’re not dating,” pouting, you throw on your best puppy dog eyes.
Ace playfully rolled his eyes, “Oh cmon prefect that’s not gonna work on me.”
Hmph well that didn’t work
Alright then time for plan b
“Hold my hand, NOW!” You shout.
Startled, Ace shakily reaches his hand for yours, before you snatch it and squeeze.
“Gah! It burns!” He whines, gripping onto his arm. Ignoring his protest, you happily wave your interlocked hands, a satisfied smile adorning your face.
“Look everybody! We’re holding hands!” You shout, dragging Ace behind you in the courtyard as onlookers watch you with gazes of confusion and fear.
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“Idiiiaaaaa~” you sang, banging on his door at an ungodly hour in the night. At first you wondered if coming at this time of the night was a good idea, but then you remembered Idia doesn’t really have a solid sleep schedule.
But it’s so quiet, is he ignoring you….? Nah you just gotta bang louder. Said man was currently hiding under his covers, silently begging for the gods to have mercy and hope someone will kick you out. Unfortunately for him, Ignihyde is scared of you.
Eventually he caves and opens his door, and your face practically lights up. “Idia! Oh finally I thought you were going to leave me out here!”
“…what do you want?”
You thrust an object in his hands, “here I need your help with this.” Idia glances down at his hands to see a broken glittery watch. Unimpressed, he glances back up to meet your eyes. “Seriously?” “One hundred percent!” You salute. “You couldn’t have waited till the morning?” “Well I thought about that…” You start, glancing off to the side as you play with your fingers,
“But I just missed you so much! Playing online with you is fun and all but I needed to see you again!”
Feeling his hair heat up, idia looks away. “W-Well you could’ve just asked, no need to bring an excuse,” he mumbled glancing at the watch. “Anyways come on in I’ll fix it for you”
Ohmygodohmygodohmygod you’re gonna hang out with Idia…. In his room! You’re practically foaming at the mouth as you walk in the room and sit down on his bed.
You couldn’t contain the giggles coming out of your mouth as Idia worriedly glances at you from the corner of his eye.
Sighing dreamily, you wonder how this night is going to go. You’re lost in thought, wondering how to get Idia into joining you on the bed before he shoves your newly fixed watch in your hands and throws you out. “Here’s your watch prefect, I’ve fixed it up for you. Goodnight.” He says before the closing the door on you.
Even hermits value their sleep.
You’re left standing there mouth agape before you slowly walk back to ramshackle, a new plan already brewing in your mind.
Mission failed, but don’t worry you’ll get him next time.
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You tap your perfectly manicured nails on your chin as you sit in the courtyard, watching the man who has stolen your heart. Everything about him is perfect. His gorgeous eyes and hair, his smile, that chivalrous personality and those forearms! Ugh he’s perfect.
Groaning you bury your face in your knees. “How am I supposed to go talk to him!?!”
Malleus sits next you, amusedly watching your inner turmoil. “Why not go talk to him child of man? You have expressed your desire to do so to me mutiple times and yet you have not followed through, I am starting to think you’re chickening out as you humans like to say.”
Gasping, you snap your head up. “Chicken??? Oh hornton I am many things but I am no chicken!” You stand up and dust yourself off. “fine I’ll go talk to him.”
Malleus chuckles, “I see no reason to be nervous child of man, silver seems to have taken a liking to you as well.”
The cogs turn in your head as you process his words. Silver likes you? He likes you?! Well uhhh- I mean of course he does! Who doesn’t like you??
With your ego rising to dangerous levels you march over to silver conversing with a few birds near the well.
Clearing your throat to gain his attention, he looks up and gives you a pleasant smile.
“Hello there prefect, did you need something?”
“Yes actually I need you to go on a date with me.” You state matter of factly.
His eyes widen. “A date..?” Nodding you respond, “Yes, with me, at that new cafe in Sage island.”
Clearing his throat he responds “I-I would love to.” You watch as a faint blush dusts his face.
You had that affect on him! Your ego once again shoots through the roof.
“Great! I already made the reservations a while ago so let’s meet up on Friday at 7!”
“When did you do that-“ “Don’t be late!” You hastily interrupt, not wanting to answer that question. Rushing back to malleus you practically scream “He said yes! Ohmygosh malleus you have to help me pick out my outfit! I need something that’ll make him say Oh wow!” “Of course my dear, shall we go now?”
Going on a date with the most dreamy boy at NRC…Oh you hope this isn’t a dream!
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Vdc practice was more stressful today, with epel lashing out and storming off, deuce following after him.
It’s been awhile since they left. You hoped everything was ok with deuce. Oh and epel too.
Argh I should’ve given vil a piece of mind! Then deuce would’ve fallen for my fearless charm! Your hands slap onto your cheeks while your thoughts spiral.
As time goes on and deuce and epel return, you’re overjoyed! Although that joy doesn’t last long when you find out where they had gone.
“WHYY??” You shout, falling to the ground in despair.
He went on a date with epel? He went on a date with someone that wasn’t you?!
The poor boy was awkwardly watching you spiral right in front of him. He glances towards his group mates behind you for help. Only for them to turn around, seemingly finding the wall so interesting.
Deuce scratches behind his head, wondering how to console the sobbing mess on the floor (you). “We just uh went to the beach? Nothing happened, we just shouted at the waves..”
That seemed to do the trick
“Oh I knew it!” You spring up. “My plans for our first date aren’t ruined!” “First date? What do you mean by that!?” He sputters.
You ignore him, lost in thought about what date you should go on. Although a Blast cycle date is off the list!
Hmph epel is lucky nothing happened between those two, or he would’ve gone straight into your burn book.
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Recently you’ve been daydreaming,
Daydreaming about jack carrying you in his arms specifically. You sigh once again as you realize he’s never once lifted you up in his arms. He has no reason to
But this shall remain a dream no longer! You were determined to make this a reality, and with you and him both going to Vargas camp, you had your chance.
The day before vargas camp, you relay your plan once again to grim. He does not care.
It’s for the tuna it’s for the tuna it’s for the tuna- grim probably
Now here you two were, alone, in the woods looking for grim. You had roped that poor little beast into your plan, having him get “lost” while you asked jack to help you look for him.
You had to buy him premium tuna and do his homework for a week but it was so worth it. You think to yourself as you walk alongside jack
Seeing a tree stump ahead, you figured now was the time to put your plan into action.
“Ouch!” You hissed. Jack looked back, only to see you dramatically fall to ground with the worst acting he had ever seen in his life.
“Oooh my ankle, I think I broke it.” you whined.
“I don’t think you could break it by-“ “OOOH THE PAIN!” You interrupt. “I don’t think I can walk any further, I’ll need somebody to carry me.”
“I think you can-“
“Only a strong 6’3, wolf beast man will be able to help me out of this crisis!”
Jack playfully sighed, knowing you’d only continue to cry on the floor until you got what you wanted.
He walks over and lifts you up in his arms. “You’re lucky I like you prefect.” He states, glancing down at you.
Wait what you bluesceeen.
“What’s the matter prefect? You got what you wanted didn’t you?” He smirks.
Averting your gaze you mumble, “I-uh let’s just keep looking for grim.”
You weren’t expecting him to fluster you!
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All week you’ve been trying to get sebek to spend more time with you. From studying together, to accidentally bumping into him in the halls.
But you didn’t want to ask to spend more time together! You wanted him to come to you! Although nothing has worked so far… ugh how unfair. Who wouldn’t want to spend time with you!
Fine it seems you have to resort to EXTREME measures you internally groan, walking up to him after class.
“Sebek you aren’t busy after school today right? I was hoping you could teach me how to fight using a sword today,” you start, clasping your hands behind your back and rocking on your feet. You hoped you didn’t look too desperate
“Hmph, you’re lucky I don’t have any training today, I’ll meet you in Diasmonia later.”
Oh look how easy that was
You’ve been practicing outside for quite a bit. Spending time with the knight is always a treat. Getting to stare at his sharp eyes as he focuses on honing his skills, his muscles bulging with each swing- Oh look you fell into the grass and ate shit
“Prefect!” He snapped. “Why ask me to practice sword fighting if you’re not going to pay attention!”
To be honest you didn’t really care for sword training, you could defend yourself just fine, but getting to spend time with Sebek was worth the blood sweat and tears…. Kind of
“Oh I just hate to get my face dirty!” You groan, pouting on the floor. With a heavy sigh, sebek reaches a hand out to you, “Well you’ll get even more dirty sitting on the floor.” with a fast beating heart and warm face you take his hands as he helps you up.
“Come on let’s get you cleaned up-“ He offers, looking back at you only to be met with you staring with a lovesick smile.
Whipping his head back, “Don’t look like that!” He yells. To anyone else he may look mad, but that flushed face tells you otherwise. Smiling, you skip up to him and carefully link your pinky with his. The knight glances at you as you bat your eyelashes at him. Sighing once again, he grabs your hand as you both walk towards Ramshackle. A lovely shade of red coating his cheeks.
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Hope you guys had as much fun reading as I did writing this lol
Banner by saradika-graphics
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loggiepj · 2 days
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Green Eyes
Cheerleader Wanda x Nerd Fem Reader Short Stories
"Any second now," you whisper to Wanda, unaware the brunette hasn't left your side so close to your face as you handle the telescope before you. And the sound of your sweet soft voice whispering through her ear makes Wanda want to just grab you for a kiss.
"There." You lean back, allowing Wanda to look through the telescope.
"Wow, that's the space station?" Wanda asks in awe. "It's so small."
"Yep, but in reality, it's the size of a full length football field."
"How long do we see it in the sky?"
"Just for a few minutes, then we won't be able to see it until next month."
"It's gone," Wanda says, leaning back.
"It just moves fast. Let me." You move forward to fix the view, your hand touching hers giving Wanda goosebumps. And Wanda doesn't want the feeling to end.
She likes seeing you like this, fascinated about space and sharing what you love with her. She yearns to reach out for you. You are so close yet so far and unreachable. If you could only turn your head slightly to your right, you'd meet her waiting lips.
Until the moment is disrupted by Christine as she pulls you to her side, asking what she is seeing through her telescope.
And you are too nice to refuse.
Wanda would have just kept her cool if it wasn't for the evil smirk Christine was sending her way.
Wanda knows she has to act fast, so she looks for Pietro who is on his phone at the time, sitting beside Yelena who was playing a boardgame with another student.
Wanda then tells Pietro about someone from her cheerleading team commenting about the awful change in the design of the school's newspaper, making him instantly worry and call for Christine for an urgent discussion.
She chuckles giddily as she skips back towards you. You pull away from the telescope, noticing Wanda is beside you instead of Christine. You give Wanda a smile as she mirrors it back.
"What's in the other room?" Wanda asks as she starts to walk towards it.
You follow her. "Pictures taken from the Hubble and James Webb Space Telescope. "
"Fascinating," Wanda says as she touches the image. "Are you here quite often?"
"Not much. Pietro found this place and it kinda became a spot where we hang out most of the time."
She smiles at you, finding you immobile in the center just staring at her. She then avoids your gaze when she blushes.
"Is this really in space?" Wanda touches a photo beside her which looks like a large round green explosion.
You then approach her. "That's the Ring Nebula, a nebula appears when a star is in its dying stage, releasing various chemicals around it creating that much light. James Webb took a clearer picture of it. Actually, it reminds me of you."
Wanda curiously looks at you. "How?"
"The green in your eyes," you explain shyly. "It's kinda like looking into Aurora Borealis. Sometimes, I get lost looking at them."
Wanda freezes as she feels her heart race. Did you just flirt with her? Of course, you did.
She leans forward slowly, thankful you're not pulling back. Is this going to be her first kiss with you?
But then Pietro walks into the room and asks further what other comments Wanda's team has on the newspaper, with a smirking Christine in tow.
Author's note: I truly appreciate your continued support in reading my stories. You can help me create more stories by supporting my writing thru this link. Thank you so much. ❤
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luvrodite · 15 hours
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jason doesn’t know what’s come over you, but he’s going to finish this chapter. then, if you’re good, he’ll make you cum.
content warnings. f!reader, established relationship, dominant jason. more tags to come
ⓘ minors, blank and ageless blogs do not interact, you will be blocked!
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The sounds of the street below float in through an open window when you enter your apartment, a cacophony of engines and raised voices, neighbours chatting over their balconies and exchanging stories. You can make out the familiar burr of your upstairs neighbour, grumbling about delays on the subway to someone on the phone. Downstairs, you can hear the raucous laughter of apartment 407's twins, squeals for the other to slow down as they presumably chase each other.
The most lovely of it all, you find a handsome man sitting on your couch.
A rare break in the clouds, the afternoon sun cuts in through the window and casts him in gold, folding him in swathes of amber as he turns the page of the book in his hand.
At the sound of the door, he lifts his eyes, azure pinning you in place. They crease around the corners, immeasurably fond. A rosy mouth parts to form the shape of your name, curling into a sweet smile.
Lovesick and caught in his thrall, you totter forward. The aches of the day wash away under his stare, tender feet closing the distance until you're sitting by his feet. Beautiful boy, sunlit and warm, he gazes down at you through lowered lids.
"Hi," you whisper, wary of shattering the delicate film that encloses around the both of you, the world cut off beyond this spot.
"Hi, sweetheart. Good day?"
It's difficult to concentrate. The shirt he's wearing distracts you, simple black cotton that stretches over a broad chest, the gentle scent of laundry detergent still clinging to it. His thighs remain spread on the couch, grey sweats that offer little coverage of his softened length, the shadow of it against his thigh making you squirm.
"You look really good," you blurt out, after a moment and he huffs out a laugh through his nose, pretty eyes shining down at you over the top of his book.
"It's one of those days, hm?" he muses teasingly but doesn't offer much beyond that, returning to the pages in front of him. You make a noise in your throat, pushing yourself upwards, hands on his knees until you're leaned over the book to command his attention.
"Do something about it, then," you implore, trying to keep yourself steady, demanding. It's difficult when a shiver rolls down your spine at the brush of his nose against yours. You're putty in his hands and when he grins, teeth flashing, you know he knows it, too.
"You can't wait for me to finish this chapter?" he asks. "C'mon, be good for me, just wait a bit, baby."
"I want you now." You pout at him, pushing forward to press your lips against the corner of his mouth, ghosting a kiss over his jaw. Desire pools between your legs, warm, dizzying. You squeeze your thighs together in an effort to relieve your ache but it's not nearly enough.
A weight rests against the back of your neck, his hand warm against your skin.
"So needy," he laughs, lightly. His breath skitters over your cheek and you can smell mint on it. "I'll make a deal with you."
You hum, eyes closing to press a kiss to his cheek. I'm listening. He lets out another huff, then and you feel him echo your movement, lips pressing against your jaw gently.
"I'll make you cum, but only after I've finished this chapter. You'll keep me warm until then. That sound alright? I'll take care of you, but only if you're good for me."
You open your eyes, blinking at Jason. He waits for an answer, a placid expression on his face.
"Okay," you murmur, pushing yourself up. He grins, leaning forward to capture your mouth in his.
You don't bother taking your clothes off, only kicking the pants you'd worn off before climbing astride him. Jason pushes himself further into the couch, adjusting to tug the waistband of his sweats down. Both hands still occupied, book in one, the other against your back, he nods to you in silent instruction.
With a grin, you take him into your hand. He's half hard, the head of him flushed and bright, a bead of pre-cum smearing under your palm as you work him to full mast. With your other hand, you touch yourself, gently working yourself open to prepare for it.
He hisses your name, breath catching when you guide him to your entrance, tugging your underwear to the side. You chance a look up at him, finding him flushed, hues of pink sweeping over his face as he tries to focus on his book. Biting back a grin, you lower yourself around him.
The slight sting isn't unexpected. Your harried preparation hadn't been enough to properly soften you for the thickness of him. But you let out a quiet moan anyway, head emptying at the stretch, the aching fullness of him inside you.
"Be good," Jason whispers in reminder, eyes on the pages. You hum.
The sun is warm against your bare thighs and once he's seated fully, you lean against his chest.
"Missed you, today," you mumble. His hand smooths a path up and down your back, gentle caresses that lull you into stillness.
"Yeah? I missed you too."
It's easier than you thought it would be, to settle into the cradle of his arms quietly. Your need quiets to a low simmer, sitting beneath your skin, second to the contentment of your closeness. He continues to rub your back, squeezing your hip in praise.
The soft breaths he lets out keep you company, the occasional whisper of you're being so good sinking into your skin like a balm after your long day. All the while, he turns the pages.
The minutes pass in a slow crawl, falling one by one like dandelion seeds. The feeling of Jason, thick, and warm, swims in and out of focus, never fully forgotten. You hear his breath catch when you squeeze around him, the fingers at your back pressing into your skin in gentle cautioning. Absentmindedly, the thought that you ought to have put a towel down flits through your mind.
It's an eternity later, that he sets the book aside and turns to you. Blown pupils and ragged breathing belie his composure, hunger etched in the lines of his face, lips parting, wanting.
"Finished?" you breathe out and he tips his head, a hum muffled as he captures your mouth with his. He kisses you deeply, tongue sliding against yours, slow, but you sense an edge to his movements, a barely restrained need thrumming beneath his veins.
"C'mere, baby," he says softly. "Let me take care of you."
Sensitive and keyed up, you inhale sharply when he rolls his hips beneath you. The length of him drags deliciously against all your sensitive, soft spots, drawing forward a stream of moans. Your orgasm creeps up on you with little warning, your softened muscles surrendering easily to the wet strokes of your lover's cock.
He brings his fingers to your clit, roughened hands circling the button with gentle strokes and you tip over the edge, seizing around him. Jason chokes out a breath at the feel of you and you slump forward, shuddering into the soft material of his shirt.
"You okay?" he whispers, a little laugh in his voice.
"I think I just blacked out," you admit, dazed.
"Don't tell me that," he snorts. You press your cheek against his shoulder, winding your arms around his neck. "You're going to give me a complex."
"Deserved." He nips at your cheek at that and you giggle. A kiss is pressed to your shoulder, before he leans back against the couch, the two of you counting your breaths for a moment longer before you shift atop him, squirming.
"Stop that," he warns, eyes closed. "Unless you want to give me another."
At your silence, he opens a tourmaline eye.
You meet him with a hopeful gaze and his expression slackens in surprise, before he shakes his head. A smile curling the corners of his mouth, he bands an arm around you and stands.
"Come on, then. I can't leave my girl wanting."
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love a short fic from infinity to infinity!!! easy breezy slightly lovesick fic u r my favourite ever!!! hoping kinktober is treating u freaks (affectionate) well!! this is the second installment of this month's fics and has a shorter gap between the last than the upcoming ones, which will all be released on saturdays!
i had a reason for this, but i can't remember at the moment (i think it's because i wanted to post the first fic on october 1st but posting them seven days apart would land all of them on weekdays so i've sped it up a little to get this to you guys on the weekend! i hope you enjoyed this baby fic!!
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wonderjanga · 3 days
(I posted this on accident when I meant to put it in drafts, anyone who saw that, you didn’t)
Anyways , so Billy casually revives Mary and Freddy whenever they die in their marvel forms. (For this AU, let’s say they’re still super durable, but they’re less durable than Marvel) Like for example:
*Mary and Marvel are fighting a super strong monster. It swings one of its claws at the two, hitting the both of them. It gives Billy a scratch but Mary just dies.*
Marvel: *forgets about the monster immediately* “Oh my gods…” *looks down at her looking properly disturbed and uses tip of boot to move Mary onto her back to see if she’s really, really dead.* “That’s… a nasty one.” *Bends down and fixes her face and wounds up with magic.* He’s revived them before but seeing them die never ceases to scare him. What if he can’t save them the next time?
Mary: *alive but unconscious*
Marvel: *picks her up and zips off to the Rock of Eternity* “Okay, Mary… I’m just gonna…” *Puts her down on the floor and runs around the rock finding blankets upon blankets and a singular pillow. Puts them all on her and puts the pillow under her head.*
Mary: *wakes up slightly and tries to sit up* “Billy, what happened?”
Marvel: “You uh… got knocked out.” *Pushes her back down so she can lay back down* He hasn’t told either of them that nine times out of ten, whenever they get knocked out, they die. It causes a major argument when they find out. “Just go back to sleep, Mary. I’ll take care of the monster.” If anyone saw this, they would truly think he’s her dad.
Mary: “The monster’s still out there?” *already on the verge of going back to sleep*
Marvel: “Not for long.” *tucks her in extra tight and pats her head before flying back to Fawcett*
*JL are fighting some aliens. These aliens are actually a little harder than normal. Some of their weapons burned Billy such as the ray-guns. (Which looked awesome) After closer inspection, the ray-guns had some type of magic signature. (Is it bad he finds that even cooler?) Freddy’s also there. The ray-guns affect him more than Billy. He dies when the aliens use a particularly big gun when Billy’s too distracted to help him. He doesn’t even realize Freddy died (again) until all the fighting is over and he’s looking for him.*
Marvel: *Flying around, looking around for Freddy* “Junior! Junior, where’d you go?” *Sees Freddy just laying there and flies down, touching down on the ground* “Junio…” *trails off when he sees Freddy’s dead and walks over to the corpse*
Superman: *flies down and lands next to Marvel* “Cap, Hal’s asking if you want to go for drinks. Do I tell him you’re not going—” *covers mouth when he sees Freddy.*
Marvel: *kneels down in front of Freddy.* How long had he been like this? Could Billy even save him now? He’s so charred… *feels impending dread and nausea creeping up*
Superman: “I- Marvel- I’m so sorry…”
Marvel: *spiraling as he stares at Junior*
Batman: *appears from the shadows* “I know what it’s like to lose a child, Marvel.” *puts hand on Billy’s shoulder* “If you ever need to talk to someone…”
Marvel: *shrugs hand off and starts to try and heal Freddy* “I’m fine.” *keeps muttering that he’s fine and the whole situation is fine as he continues to heal Freddy.*
Batman and Superman: *staring at Marvel in pity*
Superman: “…Marvel?” *Walks up behind Billy* “Marvel. He’s not fine.”
Freddy: *healed, alive but unconscious*
Marvel: “Yes, he is.” *Picks Freddy up* “He’s perfectly fine. I uh- I gotta go.”
Superman: “Cap, wait!”
Marvel: *Zooms off the rock. Ended up doing the same thing he did with the blankets before with Mary to Freddy.*
The league are gobsmacked when they see Freddy talking to Billy as if they hadn’t heard from Supes and Bats that he died. Billy also found a few grey hairs when he detransformed.
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nayedoll · 2 days
hiii i saw you wanted some requests soo how about some angst where reader and joost are getting kinda heated one night but the reader is not really in the mood but thinks she should just get over herself for joost’s sake but joost ofc notices she’s not alright and stops right away and asks what’s wrong and the reader just explains it and joost is like :(( and she kinda realises she was scared of saying no and his heart breaks and he assures her she can always say no to him etc etc just angst with comfort and fluff if you’re comfy? xx
Console me
joost klein x reader
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word count: 1.7k
a/n: this is from like july lol and i dont rlly like it but i wanted to feed yall with something bc im busy, so enjoy ☁️☁️☁️
The bitter taste of your coffee sits on your tongue as you take a sip out of your mug, your tired eyes looking around the dimly lit kitchen. The window is a little open, just enough so that you’re able to listen to the light rain outside. You take a deep breath, finally feeling at ease after hours and hours of working, desperately trying to take advantage of your free time to complete the overwhelming amount of workload you’ve had lately. It took a lot of coffees and crying but eventually you got there— only now you’re left exhausted, unreleased stress wandering in your mind.
Your boyfriend being gone the whole day certainly didn’t help; Joost left early in the morning, said he and Tantu would be working on a few songs. To be fair, he had called you throughout the day but your phone was on silent, tucked away in another room to prevent any distractions— now that you opened your phone again, you feel kind of guilty seeing the three missed calls and unopened messages he sent you.
The house feels so empty without him, so lifeless that it adds to the melancholy of the day. You just want to see him again, hear his voice and hug him; his presence alone is enough to comfort you, make you feel a little better.
Just when you’re thinking about it, the front door opens and closes again, the familiar sound indicating that Joost is finally home.
“Schat?” Joost calls out from the other room.
You get up — in pain — but nonetheless rush to the living room, wearing a smile on your face, trying to appear less miserable than you surely are because burdening Joost with your problems is the last thing you’d want.
Joost is taking his shoes off, looks up at you, smiling as you approach him and pull him into a warm hug,
“Heeyy baby,” You coo, wrapping your arms around his torso.
His clothes are a little wet, the raindrops on his jacket also wetting your sweater as he brings you closer by your waist.
“Hey,” Joost presses a kiss on the top of your head, on your messy hair; it’s just what you need right now, your neediness making you cling onto him for a little longer.
“Looks like someone’s in need for a hug today,” He says softly, bringing a smile to your lips as you whine and pull away. He notices your eyes, droopy with weariness and a little puffy from crying throughout the day. Furrowing his brows, he asks you— “Everything good?”
You lick your lips, avoiding his gaze. “Yeah,” You mumble, almost whispering.
Joost narrows his eyes at you, simpering expression on his face; he’s not exactly assured by your words but doesn’t want to pressure you— your one year anniversary is this month but sometimes he still feels like you haven’t fully opened up to him, like there’s still a wall between you that you refuse to demolish.
“Alright,” He kisses your cheek ever so softly, changing the subject to something else which you’re grateful for.
After what feels like hours, you’re in bed again, under the warm covers but most importantly wrapped in Joost’s arms. His voice is deep, vibrating in your head as you lay on his chest, his fingers gently playing with your hair; you don’t bother to speak much, you wish you could but the exhaustion doesn’t let you— besides you’d much rather listen to Joost’s jokes than be the one to kill the mood by talking about your depressing, boring day.
“Are you sure you’re okay? You’ve barely said a word today,” Joost asks, his thumb grazing your shoulder.
You force a chuckle, “Joost I’m fine,” Slightly sitting up, kissing him in hopes that he’ll stop asking; you feel bad for lying to him, you want to open up but you just can’t— you’ve always had this bad habit of bottling your feelings up, staying quiet, though ever since Joost stumbled into your life, you’ve managed to speak more openly with him about things. But still, you assume silence is better than attempting to explain what’s wrong, burst into tears and therefore ruin his night. “You’ve asked me like a million times,”
Joost kisses back, his hand gently cupping your cheek.“Sorry… I just care about you, y’know?” His voice is soft and raspy as he deepens the kiss, slowly pushing you back into the pillow, his sweet words making you smile.
“I missed you today,” He hovers over you, his lips traveling to your neck, the stimulating feeling of his wet kisses making your breath shiver.
You know where this is going, any other night you’d want it more than anything but right now… it’s too much— you’re tired, worn out and frankly, on the verge of tears. However, it’d be selfish to deny Joost the one thing he wants after a long day; he said he missed you and he’s been so loving since the moment he came home when you’ve only managed to worry him with your behavior.
Joost slowly strips your pajama top off, two strong hands moving up your waist. “Did you miss me too, liefde?” He murmurs against your neck.
“Yes, yes I did,” You breathe out— at least you’re not lying about that.
Joost slides his hand down to your inner thigh, at the hem of your pajama shorts, making your breath hitch as his fingers stroke the sensitive area. He is losing his mind over the sweet sounds you make, he wants nothing more than to make you feel good despite the bad day you’ve had. He noticed your desk earlier, messy with paperwork and empty coffee cups— it made him feel guilty for leaving you alone the whole day with no one to talk to, no one to make you a warm cup of coffee and help you get through the workload more easily.
He breaks the kiss to take his shirt off as you stare up at him with sleepy eyes— all those damn coffees and you’re still feeling exhausted.
The guilt makes its way back to your head. If I turn him down, will he think I don’t love him?— that little voice inside of you is once again telling you to put others’ needs first, to sacrifice your own feelings for the sake of not disappointing the person you love.
You feel pressured, not by Joost but by yourself. All of your unreasonable fears and thoughts are pushing at either side of you so hard that there’s barely any room to relax, practically eating you alive.
Your eyes become teary before you even know it, not having enough time to hide from Joost. He’s about to take his sweatpants off when he glances at you, immediately noticing your glistening eyes and the uneasy expression on your face.
“Hey, what’s wrong,” He sits down closer to you, his palm gently resting against your cheek as he studies your face with worried eyes.
“What? Nothing,” You furrow your brows, forcing a weak smile. “Why’d you stop?” Leaning in to kiss him on his neck, you attempt to lower his sweatpants, continue from where you left off.
“Y/n,” Joost repeats your name, pulling away from you. “Don’t tell me it’s nothing because it’s not,”
You stay silent. Looking down at your fingers as you fidget anxiously with your hands.
Joost sighs, “Please tell me what’s wrong liefde, you’re worrying me,”
You’re worrying him. The only thing you wanted was to please him and you did just the opposite.
Your lips quiver and you try to hold back the tears but with the way Joost is looking at you, patiently waiting for a response, you can’t help but start crying as hot tears begin to flow down your face uncontrollably.
“Joost I’m sorry, I can’t-“
He immediately wraps his arms around you, embracing you softly— his palm is running up and down your back as you try to control your shallow breaths, creating a comforting pattern.
“Shhh it’s okay,” His voice so calm and so sweet despite the situation.
You stay like this for a while, thinking about what happened, both interpreting it in different ways— Joost is wondering what had made you cry like this, dreading the possibility that he’s played a part in it; you, on the other hand, can barely control your racing thoughts, the voice in your head convincing you that he’s disappointed, annoyed with you and your dumb problems.
Once your breath is back to normal, he asks you again, “Do you wanna tell me what’s wrong now?”
Your head is still buried in his bare chest, slowly rocking back and forth with him, “I don’t want to disappoint you,” You say, your voice barely above a whisper.
“Disappoint me..? With what?”
You sigh, “I’m just- I’m not in the mood right now,” You explain, feeling a pang of guilt when you hear your words out loud, rushing to explain yourself because in your mind it sounds mean, it’s unfair to him. “I’m sorry, I’ve just been so stressed toda-“
“Heyyy,” Joost interrupts you, lightly pushing you back so that you’re fully facing him.
Your eyes are a little puffy, face slightly red as a result of your crying. “You look so cute like that,” He taps the tip of your nose, coaxing you to smile as he holds your hand softly in his.
Deep down, he’s hurt— not because you turned him down, never, but because you felt bad for doing so, ignoring your feelings just to please him— and it breaks his heart. Since the beginning, he’s known that opening up doesn’t come easy to you and it’s always saddened him, seeing you struggle all on your own. He wants you to feel comfortable, safe, he loves you.
“Baby, it’s totally fine if you don’t wanna fuck me,”
You laugh at his straightforwardness, always so good at lightening the mood; it’s one of his many qualities that you love.
You avert your eyes from him, that bad feeling still lingering inside of you.
“Sorry,” You whisper, pursing your lips together.
“Stop saying sorry,” His scolding makes you laugh— but he’s right, you should stop apologizing for doing what feels right and embracing your feelings.
You nod, wiping your tears. Leaning forward, placing a sweet kiss on his cheek, then a deeper one to his lips,
“I love you,” You whisper, smiling when he says it back.
His arms envelop you, the sound of his heartbeat so comforting as you wrap an arm around his torso, letting his scent fill your senses.
Soon you begin to drift off to sleep, Joost’s voice becoming more distant while he rants about the new album. Looking down at you, he notices the small huffs that slip from your lips, a smile forming on his lips.
You hear him say your name softly, mumbling something incoherent in response.
“Tell me everything from now on, alright?” He says, caressing your hair, his delicate touch lulling you to sleep all the more.
“Promise,” You whisper, half asleep but still meaning it.
Before you even know it, you’re sleeping in Joost’s arms as he continues combing his fingers through your hair, slowly and carefully.
“What am I gonna do with you?” He basically says to himself, gazing at your pretty face while you sleep.
౨ৎ thank u for reading!
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demensrage · 2 days
c for creampie fantasy ⚊ •. with toji fushiguro
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summary: between drinks and fun with your best friend in your apartment, the truths come to light. he is willing to help you with each of your fantasies, you just have to be a good girl for him.
cw: bestfriend!toji, unprotected, praise kink, nipple play, overstimulation, mating press, big dick!toji, fingering, oral (f receiving), mutual masturbation, 69 position, hickeys.
wordcount: 8.6k
note: english is not my firts lenguage so please forgive me for the grammatical errors I may commit
© demensrage 2024. do not plagiarize, copy, repost, feed to ai, or translate my works to any other platforms.
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The doorbell to your apartment rang insistently; you sighed in stress, all you wanted was a moment of peace. To eat something delicious, take a relaxing bath, and stroll around your house naked.
But whoever was interrupting at that moment had other plans. It wasn’t enough for them to just press the doorbell; they also started banging on the door insistently.
“Wait a damn moment!” you exclaimed angrily. You took off your apron, wrinkling it in your hands before throwing it on the kitchen counter.
But the doorbell kept ringing, and the knocking was starting to pound in your head. Tired, you opened the door, and there he was, with that sly smile, still pressing the doorbell.
“Finally, you have the decency to open the door for me, darling.” Toji didn’t wait for you to invite him in; no, he had self-proclaimed himself the second owner of your house. He walked in, leaving you standing there, mouth agape.
You looked at the wall clock in your living room and said, “What the hell are you doing at my place at 9 PM?” You closed the door, which made a loud thud. You didn’t even wait for a response from him; after all, he wasn’t planning to give one.
He left the two boxes of sake on the coffee table in the living room, settling them on the huge L-shaped furniture. He was utterly shameless, having taken over your space while insisting on having a copy of the key to your apartment.
“Stop looking at me with that pretty face of yours and sit with me,” he said, looking at you, studying the outfit you were wearing.
You had known Toji for several years through a mutual friend. Since then, as you got to know him better, you realized that no matter what clothes you wore, he would always manage to make a lewd comment about how you looked.You were certainly used to that, so you didn’t even care about how much clothing you had on. But that night was different; you were barely wearing enough fabric—shorts that barely covered your backside and a loose, short top that only hid your breasts.
He couldn’t judge you; you were at home on a Saturday night, and the last thing you expected was visitors. Much less his presence.
“This is supposed to be my night,” you complained as you walked toward the kitchen. “You can’t just take over my life for existing.” Toji seemed amused by your response; his deep, hearty laugh filled the space you lived in. “Because I can, that’s why I’m doing it,” he replied.
You could hear his footsteps approaching the kitchen, and when you turned around, he was leaning against the counter.
You were unaware of the mixed feelings he had for you. You had always seen him as someone very open about things, which included his midnight conquests. Toji didn’t commit; you repeated that constantly—not for yourself, but for the women who sought your advice as the closest female to him.
But there he was with you, as he had been for the past four months,waking you up with a good morning text. Goodnight texts before sleeping, unexpected outings, and visits. As unexpected as tonight.
His strong arms wrapped around your shoulders, resting his chin on your head. Toji was big—in every sense of the word. You admired his physique; he didn’t work out much, but somehow he had achieved that wall of muscles.
“That smells delicious; did you really think you were going to eat that all by yourself?” His husky voice caressed every part of your system, making heat rise up your neck and settle in your now-blushing cheeks. “Uhm, did your tongue get eaten or something?” he asked when he saw that you weren’t responding.
Shamelessly, he brought the bottle of sake to your lips so you could take a sip. Obediently, you did, savoring the sweetness of the drink and feeling it refresh your system.
“Since you’re here, I have no choice but to share with you,” you said resignedly, slipping out of his arms to continue with your work.
If anyone saw you both like that, they would say you were a couple, that you had been together for years. That’s not true; Toji was a sweet talker, or so you thought. Even though you had been friends for years, you didn’t know all his facets.
On his part, he had found fascination in holding your body in his arms; you were soft in comparison to him. Everything about you was a counterpart to himself, and he loved that.
Yes, he loved, because Toji loved many things about you: your sarcasm, your intellect, your kindness, your breasts, and your smile. He realized that at the least expected moment when you were at a friend’s house, who had invited you both for dinner. You looked beautiful in that pastel pink dress that hugged your body perfectly; he was unable to take his eyes off you.
At that moment, he wasn’t even looking at a friend; he was looking at you as if you were something much more than that. He knew it when his friend pointed out that he looked like a lovesick idiot when he was staring at you.
Now, after four months since that incident, he feels like a true lovesick idiot. One who is lovesick and confused, because even though you give him obvious signals, you keep unconsciously dodging them.
“The best night of all will be this one. Alcohol, food, and a lovely little kitty just for me.” You only laughed at his comment; he always had you all to himself. After all, among the entire group of friends, you two spent the most time together.
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You were already on your fifth bottle of sake and felt like you couldn’t stop laughing. The TV was on; Toji had put on that comedy show he loved to watch in his free time. But as a bad drinker, you weren’t measuring the constant intake you were having. Your body was hot; you didn’t know if it was because of the alcohol in your system—though the percentage was lower than regular sake—or if it was due to the caresses of your companion.
Your legs rested on his lap; at this point, you didn’t care about anything—literally, anything. The way he kneaded the flesh of your thighs and then alternated with soft touches made you slide more onto his lap, and he showed no resistance in holding you.
"You’ll be my downfall, kitty," he murmured as if you wouldn’t be able to hear him, but you did, and now you were curious about why he said that. You leaned forward a bit, your body more relaxed than you thought due to the warmth of the drink and Toji’s attentions. Your half-closed eyes looked at him, trying to focus your mind through the alcohol haze enveloping you.
"Why do you say that?" you asked, your voice somewhat softer and more hesitant than usual. Toji looked up, his dark eyes meeting yours for a moment before a lopsided smile crept onto his face. His fingers continued tracing slow, deliberate circles on your skin, as if he never wanted to stop.
"Because you drive me crazy," he replied in that deep, raspy voice that sent shivers down your spine. "Look at you… How do you expect me to control myself when you’re like this, all for me?"
His words ignited something in you. You didn’t know if it was the alcohol or the intensity of his gaze, but you felt a growing desire to know how far his words and actions would go.
“I don’t plan to be another one of your fleeting conquests,” you denied, setting the sake bottle aside. “That would ruin our friendship.”
You were oblivious to what he felt for you. Toji had stopped treating you like a friend a long time ago, but you kept insisting that you were just best friends and nothing more. He slid his hands a little further up your thighs, massaging and caressing.
Leaning in enough to brush your nose with his, he whispered, “No, not at all. That would strengthen our friendship; it would go to a more… deep level.” His warm breath caressed your face, and for a second, you wondered if it tasted the same as what you were drinking. You slightly shook your head to clear the lewd thoughts from your mind.
“You always want to go deeper with every woman you meet,” you said, looking him in the eyes, pulling your face a little away from his. They were too close for your sanity, for how quickly your mind was wandering.
Toji let out a low, rumbling laugh, his hands never leaving your thighs, deliberately stroking your skin as if he were tracing every inch of your body in his memory. "Not with everyone," he replied, his voice laden with a tone you hadn’t heard before. "You’re not just any woman, kitty."
His words made you frown slightly. There was something different in his tone, something that sparked a mix of unease and curiosity in you. You didn’t know if it was the alcohol, the situation, or just Toji, but your heart raced, your thoughts clouding with the closeness of his body and the heat of his hands.
“We’re friends, Toji,” you insisted, though your voice didn’t sound as firm as you wanted. “I don’t want to ruin that for something that might mean nothing tomorrow.”
His eyes sparkled with something you couldn’t quite identify, as if he were debating something internally. He leaned in a little closer, his nose brushing against yours once more while his hands tightened softly on your thighs. “That’s what you don’t understand… This does mean something. You mean something. And I won’t let you keep thinking otherwise.”
The silence between you was so thick you could almost cut it. You were caught between what you knew was safe—the friendship you had built with Toji—and the uncertainty he presented with every touch and every word. You knew that if you took one more step, there would be no turning back.
“It’s just the alcohol talking for you.” You preferred to deny it, to deny what you didn’t see at first but that he had confessed to you at that moment. But even so, you didn’t yield; you remained still by his side, the edge of your backside brushing against the soft fabric of his sweatpants.
You ran both hands through your hair, pushing aside the rebellious strands that had fallen over your face. You had consumed every part of him with that simple act. His eyes devoured you, savoring every part of you until they once again stopped at the breasts he longed to have in his mouth.
A strip of surrounding skin was exposed for his delight; he could feel himself getting hard in his pants, all because of you. "It's not the alcohol, babe. I've been wanting you for way too long, long before this bottle." His hoarse voice was laden with a raw sincerity that made you shiver, while his intense gaze continued to explore every corner of your body, especially that skin you had unwittingly left exposed.
You swallowed, trying to maintain your composure. You knew your words weren’t stopping him, but you also didn’t want to admit how each touch and each of his words was melting your will. You felt trapped in the tension that was growing between you, as if the air in the room were heavier, laden with unconfessed desires.
He didn’t move much, but you could feel him against you, his erection pressing lightly against the edge of your rear. It was impossible to ignore. "You don’t have to keep denying it," Toji murmured, his lips barely brushing the edge of your ear, sending a chill down your body. "You know as well as I do that this isn't just a whim. I'm not a man of whims... not with you."
Your hands remained tangled in your hair, trying to find some kind of distraction while Toji's words penetrated you, eroding the barrier you had built. You played with your hands, searching for the right words. “You know I'm not open to anything right now,” you murmured, turning your face to look at him, his gaze holding yours. “Uhm, I have to…”
His hands slid a little higher up your thighs, firm but not aggressive, as if he were testing you, gauging your reaction. You bit your lip, your mind trying to organize itself amid the chaos he had unleashed within you. You knew Toji had always been direct, but this moment was different. The intensity in his eyes, the firmness of his touch, the way his words seemed so definitive... it all made you feel an internal vertigo you couldn't ignore.
"You have to... what?" Toji asked softly, leaning in until his lips almost brushed against yours but didn't touch. He was waiting for a sign from you, a confirmation, though every fiber of his being seemed on the verge of losing patience.
“I’m a hard person to please, uhm, you know that.” You lied, trying to form an excuse at all costs.
Toji raised an eyebrow, his smile twisting into a gesture of pure disbelief, almost amused. "Hard to please?" he repeated, his tone low and teasing. "Don’t lie, kitty. You know I can make you feel things you haven’t even dared to imagine." His hand slid higher up your thigh, almost daring you to keep denying it.
You felt a knot form in your stomach, a mix of nerves and anticipation. You were playing a dangerous game with someone who knew your limits too well but also how to push you beyond them. The air around you felt denser, almost suffocating, as if it were waiting for you to make the decision that you both knew you would come to, sooner or later.
"It's not about what you think you are," Toji continued, leaning in closer until his lips barely grazed the edge of your ear, the warmth of his breath making you shiver. "It's about what you need... And I can give you everything you desire. You just have to be a good girl for me."
The very idea of Toji, of having him to yourself, of letting go, made you feel a heat between your legs that you couldn’t ignore. You bit your lip, trying to suppress what was happening to you, but the wetness in your panties betrayed you.
Toji noticed, of course he did. His gaze dropped to your bitten lips, and then his eyes roamed your body with a hunger that made your skin burn even more. "Ah, I see..." he murmured, his voice rich with a low, dark tone that made you tremble. "You don’t have to say anything. Your body has already told me everything."
You bit your lip harder, trying to hold back, but Toji wasn't going to let you escape so easily. "You don’t need to search for more excuses. I know you feel it, that you want it... Just admit it, kitty," he whispered, his face getting closer and closer to yours.
His fingers slid up your thigh, stopping dangerously close to the edge of your panties, his touch sending an electric current throughout your body.
"Tell me what you want; I won't judge you. I know the idiots you date don’t fuck you right. Damn, a cute little slut like you should be fucked until there's nothing left to give," he whispered in your ear, settling you on his lap, your thighs on either side of his hips.
"Don’t play the good girl and be a naughty for me."
His words, raw and straightforward, made you shudder. The heat built up inside you, and while you tried to cling to the idea that you needed to stand firm, the way he looked at you made everything crumble. The way his voice resonated in your mind, making you envision a scenario where you existed solely to please him, unleashed every fantasy you had tried to hide.
Your body responded to him, to the desire that was beginning to grow uncontrollably. It was an internal struggle: on one side, the resistance of reason, and on the other, the primal urge to surrender to what he offered you. You felt trapped between desire and fear, and Toji knew it.
"Tell me. What would you like to do with me?" As his index finger glided over your exposed abdomen until it touched the edge of the piece of fabric you had as a top, he gently lifted it, revealing your breasts, firm and round. Toji was sure they fit perfectly in his hands, and the way his eyes darkened as he looked at you made you feel even more exposed.
"Come on, kitty, I need to hear your voice. Tell me what you desire," he insisted, his gaze fixed on you, as if every word that came from your lips were the only permission he needed to proceed. There was a mix of urgency and patience in his voice, a palpable tension in the air.
You bit your lip, struggling between the need to fulfill his desire and the fear of what that meant. The way he touched you, the warmth of his hand, and the desire emanating from him made you question everything you had believed about yourself. You knew he was willing to take you to a place you had never been before, but only if you dared to take the first step.
"Don't play games," he whispered, pressing a little more, his fingers barely touching the skin of your breasts. "I need you to be honest with me. Tell me what you really want." His voice had a tone of authority that made you feel trapped in his game, and the desire he had ignited in you seemed to flare even more.
And you had dreamed of it. Several nights you had closed your eyes and imagined Toji between your legs, turning you into a mess, immersing you in the pleasure you craved so much. You had seen yourself, lost in the whirlwind of his caresses, filling yourself with him until you felt him spill out of you, as if you couldn't contain it.
The intensity of those dreams had left you with a mix of longing and frustration. You woke up with heat coursing through your body and the feeling of emptiness between your legs, wishing those nocturnal visions would become reality. Now, in this situation, so close to him, that desire was more alive than ever, pushing you to cross the line you had been trying to maintain.
The idea of being completely vulnerable before him, of letting him take you to the brink of ecstasy, was starting to seem more and more tempting. "I want you to fill me," you managed to murmur, feeling how shame and desire intertwined in your chest.
Toji smiled, satisfied, as if he knew he had won. "That's all I needed to hear," he said, his gaze fixed on you, before smashing his mouth against yours in a disorganized, wet kiss. Toji leaned closer, his eyes filled with desire. His tongue claimed your mouth, exploring every corner, while you could only gasp against his lips, letting pleasure overwhelm you. You felt his fingers move firmly, pinching and rolling your nipples, pulling them with an intensity that made you arch your back.
The kiss grew more passionate, more ravenous, and every brush of his hands intensified the fire within you. His body pressed against yours, and in that instant, the world around you faded away. There was nothing else but him, the taste of his mouth, and the sensation of his hands, making you lose yourself in a spiral of pleasure.
"That's it, kitten," he murmured between kisses, his voice filled with an undeniable desire. "Let go." His hands continued to play with your body, and every movement made it feel more real, more intense.
Toji left your mouth, leaving a trail of desire on your lips as he began planting wet, short kisses along your jawline, quickly descending towards your neck. His lips were demanding, as if each kiss claimed your skin as his own. When he reached your neck, he began sucking with force, leaving hickeys that marked your skin, evidencing his possessiveness.
"You’re so delicious," he murmured against your skin, while his hands moved with determination, exploring your breasts with a firmness that made you shiver. His touch was possessive, overwhelming, and each tug of his fingers on your nipples sent electricity coursing through your body.
With a swift motion, he pulled your top, leaving you exposed before him. "Look how you react," he said, watching you with a satisfied smile as his lips devoured your nipples, alternating between sucking and biting, not caring about how you might feel. The hickeys were raw, marked by the intensity of his desire, as if each one was a promise of what he was willing to do to you.
“Tell me,” he ordered, his dark eyes fixed on you, filled with hunger. “Do you like it?” The tone of his voice was dominant, and there was a certainty in his gaze that made you feel as if you were completely at his mercy. The line between pleasure and pain blurred, and all you could do was let yourself be swept away by the intensity of his control, wishing it wouldn't stop.
You nodded immediately, tangling your fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck and pulling him toward you, pressing him against your breasts. “Suck them, please,” you whispered, feeling the mix of desire and urgency flowing between you.
Toji smiled, pleased, before pressing his lips in a possessive gesture against your skin. The pleading in your voice ignited him even more. His mouth closed around one of your nipples, sucking hard, while his eyes remained fixed on you, watching every reaction.
“I like it like this,” he murmured between kisses, leaving fiery marks that would tell the story of his possession. His tongue played with the tip of your nipple, swirling and teasing, while his hands seized your hips, holding you exactly where he wanted.
Each pull of his mouth and each flick of his tongue made you gasp, and the pressure in your abdomen intensified. Toji was making sure you understood who was in charge, and every moment of pleasure he gave you was a reminder that he had claimed you.
Your hands began to explore eagerly, traveling over his covered chest until they slipped between the folds of his shirt, searching for the warmth of his skin. As you brushed against his muscles, you felt the firmness and hardness of his abdomen, sculpted to perfection. Every line and curve of his torso was a work of art, and the desire to see and feel every inch of him intensified.
You needed more. To see the body you had secretly admired for so long. The mere thought made you burn inside, and now, with Toji latched onto your breasts, sucking and claiming every part of you, you couldn’t help but feel completely hooked.
His body was exquisite, and it entrapped you just as much as he did you. As you caressed him, every contraction of his muscles beneath your fingers only fueled your need. Your mind was filled with images of him above you, filling you in ways you had only dreamed of, and now you had him here, his dominance palpable in every movement.
His hands cupped your ass firmly, pushing you against his hard cock, and the gesture didn’t let your surprise go unnoticed. Toji was big, too big. You could feel his size even through the clothes, pressing against you, and the moisture in your panties was undeniable, soaking the fabric that separated you from him.
The friction of his body against yours heightened every sensation, making you aware of what was to come. Every movement he made, every squeeze on your hips, was a reminder that he knew exactly what he was doing.
Toji effortlessly lifted you off his lap, settling into the armchair while you remained completely open for him. He knelt between your legs, keeping them apart with that strength and dominance that left you breathless. His large hands slowly traveled up your inner thighs, rising with caresses that seemed to ignite your skin.
When his thumb finally reached your pussy, still covered by fabric, he began to massage your clitoris with firm, controlled movements. The friction, even through the cloth, made you shudder, and each of his caresses seemed to mock the barrier that still separated you from him.
“Look how I have you,” he whispered, his tone filled with twisted flattery. “You’re perfect, getting wet just for me. I haven’t even touched you properly and you’re already soaked, little cat. This is what you needed, right? Someone to fuck you like you deserve.”
You nodded at each of his words as your hips pressed against his thumb, chasing a release he was willing to give you, to see you tremble with pleasure until you could no longer bear it.
His finger slowly left your pussy, leaving you with a sense of emptiness, only to grab the edge of your pants and panties, sliding them down in one swift motion. In an instant, he left you completely exposed to him, vulnerable under his intense and dominant gaze. A searing heat coursed through your body, and the urge to close your legs overwhelmed you, wanting to hide from the way he devoured you with his eyes.
But he wouldn’t allow it.
His broad shoulders blocked your escape, firm and confident, preventing any attempts to pull away. Toji pressed his large hands against your thighs, forcing you to stay open, displaying you as he wanted, with no possible resistance. “Don’t hide from me, precious,” he growled in a low voice thick with desire. “You’re going to let me see all of you... you’re going to let me devour you like the good girl you are.”
His fingers slowly glided over your pussy, expertly parting your folds while his eyes feasted on every detail. He watched in fascination as your skin glistened, wet and slippery under his touch. Toji’s intense gaze was fixed on you, as if he were etching every second of your vulnerability, of how soaked you were just for him, into his memory.
“Look how you drip,” he murmured, his words laden with lust.
His fingers traveled to your hole, collecting your juices with a torturous slowness, as if he wanted to prolong your agony. Then, with the same calmness, he spread the moisture all over your pussy, smearing your own fluids in every corner, making you feel even more exposed. “You’re perfect… so ready for me. Do you know how much I love seeing you like this?”
He didn’t need to spit on your pussy to lubricate you, not with you. You were so incredibly wet that his middle finger slipped in effortlessly, gliding into your depths, causing a muffled moan to escape you. The feeling of his finger inside you was intense, but not enough.
“Toji... three, please,” you whispered with a trembling voice, your cheeks burning with embarrassment, but desire dominated you. One wasn’t enough; you needed more, and he knew it.
“Three, huh? What an ambitious little slut.” Toji smirked, clearly pleased with your request. Without hesitation, he added two more fingers, sliding them in with the same ease as the first, feeling how your walls adjusted to his size as your hips arched, seeking more friction, more depth. “You’re going to beg me for more before I’m done with you. I promise you that.”
His fingers felt incredibly good inside you, making it impossible not to clench around them, wishing he would never stop. The lewd sound of your wetness filled the air, each movement resonating like a symphony of desire and pleasure.
But Toji didn’t stop there. He knew you needed more. His fingers deepened their rhythm, moving with a perfect blend of rawness and delicacy, just as his tongue joined the party. It slipped between your folds, enveloping your hard bud with insatiable voracity. “You’re so sweet,” he murmured against your skin before beginning to suck and lick your clitoris, playing with it as if it were his favorite toy.
Toji nibbled gently, alternating between sucking and teasing, making you tremble under his dominance. Every touch, every movement of his tongue pushed you closer to the edge, filling your entire being with a pleasure so raw and intense that it was impossible to maintain control.
You mewled in pleasure, one of your hands tangled in his hair, pushing him against your pussy, as you rolled your hips against his mouth in desperation. His fingers curled inside you, searching for that sweet spot that would bring you to the edge of ecstasy, making you delirious with pleasure. “Ah, ah!” Your cries filled the space, echoing in the room and encouraging him to continue, to take you even further.
Toji reveled in your response, increasing the intensity of his movements. His tongue moved fast and agile, dancing over your clit as his fingers penetrated you, finding the perfect rhythm that made your entire body tremble. “Fucking sweet, she has a delicious pussy sweetness,” he whispered between licks, his voice heavy with desire and lust. You felt completely at his mercy, becoming more lost in the sensation, wanting more than he could give you.
Before you could process the moment, Toji pulled away from you, bringing two of his glistening fingers up to your lips. “Open that pretty little mouth for me,” he commanded, his voice deep and commanding, making it clear that there was no room for resistance.
Without hesitation, you opened your mouth, feeling your full lips envelop his fingers, tasting your own desire on his skin. Toji watched, fascinated by the sight you offered. The sheen of your saliva on his fingers made him want to fuck your mouth, a desire that intensified with every second.
As he continued to devour your pussy, his pace became more frantic, and his gaze was fixed on you. “That’s it, kitten, feel how I want you,” he said, pushing his fingers deeper into your mouth, filling it with his essence as his tongue continued to lick at your clit.
He left one last kiss on your pussy, a soft caress that made you shudder before he stood up, admiring the scene before him. You looked so fucking hot; your flushed cheeks and bright eyes of desire gave you away. You were completely open for him, pussy glistening with your wetness, while your tits and neck were marked by bites and hickeys, traces of his hunger.
Toji took a moment to enjoy the sight, knowing that he had driven you to the edge of madness and that he wanted you like never before. “You look perfect like this,” he murmured, a sly smile revealing his satisfaction. He moved closer, letting his hands roam over your body, feeling the warmth of your skin and the softness of your curves as he gave you one last look full of promise. “It’s time for us to play some more, kitten.”
That hint of mischief in his eyes was unmistakable as he dropped his pants and boxers to the floor, revealing his fat cock, a sight that made you hold your breath. You hadn’t been wrong to think he was big; he was more than you had imagined.
Precum glistened on his bubblegum pink tip, and his heavy, full balls were ready for you, as if they knew they were meant to satisfy your darkest desires. The skin of his cock, the same milky hue as his abdomen, was an exquisite sight, and you couldn’t help but lick your lips at the sight, an instinctive response that betrayed your growing need.
“Like what you see, sweetness?” he asked, his voice deep and teasing, as he took a step closer, daring you to give in to temptation. Toji grabbed your hips, lowering you against his mouth, giving a playful lick. “Fuck the view is even better from here.” and without a second thought, he forced your hips to crush his mouth, opening it to devour you.
You mewled in pleasure once more, resting your hands on his abdomen. You were so turned on, you hadn't cum once and yet the feeling of pleasure was so good you wanted to stop time to feel it forever.
You rocked your hips with him, but Toji tightened his grip, immobilizing you as he plunged his tongue into your dripping hole. You wrapped your fingers around it, feeling like your hands weren't enough to cover it completely. Toji's growl ripped through your nerve endings, causing a shiver to run through your body.
Meanwhile, his hands slid down to your ass, spreading your ass cheeks to continue enjoying you. The combination of his mouth and his attention was driving you to the edge of madness, every caress and every lick making you want more.
You felt desire run through your body, an intense burning that wouldn't leave you. His words, soft but firm, confirmed what you longed for. "Do it, let me feel that pretty mouth of yours on my cock," he murmured, as two of his fingers slid inside you, intensifying the pleasure that was already consuming you.
Your lips curved into a mischievous smile as you moved closer to him, feeling the electricity in the air. With one hand, you stroked the length of his p0ll4, enjoying the soft, warm texture between your fingers. His muscles tensed, a soft growl escaping his lips as you enveloped him with your mouth, wetting every inch of his skin with your tongue.
“Fuck, that feels amazing,” Toji whispered, his raspy voice filled with desire. You gave in to lust, making slow movements at first, enjoying every moan that escaped his mouth. His breath grew heavier, each sigh turning you on more.
Your head bobbed up and down, taking more of him into your mouth.
His fingers tangled in your hair, gently guiding you as your lips worked at his base. “That’s it, baby. Keep going,” he said, his voice filled with need. You felt his cock grow harder in your mouth, the pressure of his desire making you want more.
You struggled to keep up, matching the pleasure of his cock with your tongue, teasing the tip of his member, causing his body to shiver. But when his mouth returned to your pussy you moaned around him.
As your lips slid along his length, you began to play with his balls, stroking them with your fingers and massaging gently, feeling the tension build in his abdomen. The mix of pleasure you shared was almost palpable, and it filled you with desire to know you were bringing him to the edge. His balls were ready to empty, and you knew you wanted to feel him completely, flooding you with him.
“That’s it, sweetness,” Toji said, his voice a whisper laden with need. “Don’t stop.” His words were like fuel to your fire, and you pushed yourself to make him feel as good as possible, intent on leaving him completely satisfied.
Toji’s tongue began to move faster against you, forcing you to let him moan. The sounds coming out of your mouth mixed with the rhythm of his tongue, a symphony of pleasure and need. Each lick was a wave of sensations that coursed through your body, driving you to the edge.
“Ah, Toji!” you gasped, unable to hold back your moans as your hips bucked involuntarily, seeking more of his touch. The way his tongue teased your clit made you lose control, and your hands gripped his thighs, pushing your pussy closer, wanting to feel every part of him.
With each flick of his tongue, your moans became louder, filling the space with the echo of your pleasure. Desire and need intertwined in a crescendo, bringing you ever closer to the edge.
“Toji, don’t stop,” you begged, feeling the tension building inside you, preparing to erupt in a wave of pleasure.
You flicked your tongue out to lick the tip that was squirting his precum, eyes closed and wet from the overstimulation, you closed your lips against the head of his cock and sucked hard. Hearing him growl as he pushed his hips into your face. One last lick was enough to make you come undone in his mouth. You bit your lips hard before crying out in pleasure.
Toji softly asked you to get off of him, and so you did, feeling the need and anticipation coursing through you. You were more than ready to be fucked. He settled himself on top of you, and you felt his tip press against your hole, dripping with desire.
He claimed your lips again, the kiss fierce and demanding, as his hands slid down to hold your knees, pulling your legs tight to your chest. “Keep your legs up for me,” he ordered, his voice a soft whisper laden with authority.
You let yourself go, obeying without hesitation. The feeling of vulnerability turned you on, and your eyes met his, filled with desire and determination. Toji positioned himself, and you could feel the heat of his body against yours, the tension palpable in the air.
“Ready?” he asked, his voice a low growl that made you shiver. You nodded, knowing what was coming next would be the culmination of all that anticipation, the connection you so craved.
With a teasing movement, he let the tip enter your hole, and that alone was enough to make you roll your eyes and rethink whether his entire thickness would fit. “It’s not going in, you’re big,” you whispered, your gaze fixed on that spot that joined you. “You’ll get used to it; if I have to fuck you every day to get you to do it, I will.”
He went in a little further, just a little further, then back out. He was teasing you, enjoying the desperate look on your face, the way your pussy was throbbing to be filled by him.
“Please, Toji,” you begged, like a desperate, lustful whore for his cock. “Don’t leave me like this, I need more.”
His lips curved into a teasing smile as he reveled in your desperation. “So you like being treated this way, huh?” he muttered, as he thrust again, this time a little deeper.
Your body reacted instantly, a moan escaping your lips at the feeling of that warm, dirty pressure. “Give me more,” you insisted, feeling your desire grow, the need for his thickness filling every corner of your being.
“I just want you to get used to it,” he said in a deep voice, almost a growl, as he pressed a little harder, making your body arch, wanting to take him in completely. The way he laughed at you only fueled the lust burning inside you.
“That’s it, hold on,” he ordered, taking your legs firmly and holding them up. He moved slowly at first, enjoying the ride, milking out every inch of pleasure before pulling back and thrusting back in. “This is how it’s done.”
“What a greedy cunt,” Toji said, his deep voice filled with mockery as he watched your cunt swallow him, clenching around him as if it didn’t want to let him go. The way your body wanted him turned him on even more.
“I’m sorry, I know I can take it. I don’t need to get used to it, Toji, please,” you whimpered in pleasure, your eyes shining with the tears that threatened to fall, every movement of his sending waves of satisfaction through you.
Toji smirked mischievously, feeling your body react to his thickness. “So you’re ready for what’s next?” he said, picking up the pace, driving deeper into you with each thrust. “Let me hear those moans, baby.”
His hips moved hard, thrusting deeper and deeper, as his hand settled on your hip, holding you firmly in place. Each thrust was a reminder of who was in charge, and you welcomed it, giving yourself over to the intensity of each moment.
You cried out in pleasure, each thrust of Toji sending electric shocks through your body. You were so full, so drunk with pleasure, that the outside world faded away with each stroke. His thickness filled every corner of you, and every movement had you writhing and moaning, unable to contain the cries of satisfaction that escaped your lips.
“Toji, more… give me more!” you pleaded, the words spilling out of your mouth like a mantra. Your body arched against his, wanting to feel him even deeper, wanting to lose yourself in the madness of this moment.
“You like it, baby?” he murmured, a teasing smirk on his face as he quickened his pace, making the sound of his skin slapping against yours echo through the air. Each thrust was a shock of pleasure, making you feel more and more eager, more desirous.
Toji wouldn’t stop, and you knew he would enjoy every moment of your surrender, every moan that escaped your mouth. You were completely at his mercy, and you loved it.
One of his hands traveled to your tit, squeezing it firmly as his fingers rolled around your nipple, pulling on it in a precise motion that made you arch your back. The overstimulation made you moan even more, each touch of his fingers stoking the fire inside you. Your tits swayed with each thrust, his slaps against your body echoing in the room, resonating with the sound of sloshing that filled the air. You could feel his balls slapping against your ass with each movement, adding an extra sensation that made you lose your sanity.
“Toji… yes! Don’t stop,” you cried out, feeling the pleasure building up in your abdomen. You were caught in a storm of sensations, unable to think of anything but him, his body against yours, and the desire that consumed you. The pace intensified, and with each thrust, he made sure to take you further, to a point where there was no turning back.
The curve of his cock was so perfect that each thrust hit your sweet spot, sending waves of pleasure through your body. Toji growled in pleasure, his expression a mix of concentration and delight as he watched you, enjoying how your body responded to every movement.
“You’re a fucking dream,” he muttered under his breath, his eyes locked on you as he increased the pace making you feel every inch of his thickness. The sound of his skin slapping against yours mixed with your moans.
“You’re so tight, so perfect,” Toji said, his voice low and heavy with desire. His gaze intensified as he focused on you, enjoying the show you put on. “I'm going to make you forget about everything else.”
Moans escaped your lips, each one louder than the last as he dug deeper, searching for that spot that would make you lose control. The pressure in your abdomen built, and you knew you were close to exploding.
“Toji, don’t stop,” you begged, feeling the combination of his thickness and steady pace drive you to the edge. “I can’t… I can’t take it anymore.”
With a teasing smile, he looked into your eyes. “Don’t worry, baby. I’m here to make you feel good,” he said as his hips slammed into you harder, each thrust a direct hit to your pleasure.
You clung to his back, dragging him towards you as you bit his neck to silence your cries of pleasure. Each thrust from Toji was like a jolt of electricity running through your body, and the need to hold back those moans became more and more difficult. His skin was hot under your lips, and the mix of his sweat and yours created an intoxicating sensation.
“Toji,” you gasped through your teeth, feeling the pressure build up inside you. Every time his hips slammed into yours, the friction drove you closer to the edge of insanity. His hands were firmly gripped onto your hips, guiding you to move to the rhythm he set.
“You like it like this?” he asked in a playful tone, his breath hot on your ear. “Because I can make it harder.” His voice was a whisper filled with defiance and lust, and you couldn’t help but smile at the way he made you feel: completely his.
You nodded, unable to form words as you looked up at him, eyes filled with desire. “Yes, please…” you pleaded, feeling the tension inside you begin to boil over.
He complied, increasing the speed and depth of his thrusts, each stroke echoing in the air as your bodies came together. The combination of his pace and the way he looked at you, full of confidence, sent you over the edge of euphoria.
“This is just the beginning,” he murmured as he thrust into you harder, the sound of his skin clashing with yours filling the room. “Get ready for what’s next.”
The words excited him as much as they did you, and your body reacted instantly, feeling like you were about to fall into an abyss of pleasure.
His hand slid between you, searching for that spot that would make you lose control. With an expert move, his fingers found your clit, applying perfect pressure that made your body shudder. You clung to his back tighter, feeling each brush of his fingers add to the intensity of his penetration.
“See?” “I can make you feel so much better,” he said, a teasing smile revealing his satisfaction at watching you lose yourself in the mix of pleasure. His fingers worked in circles, as his cock continued to hit that sweet spot inside you, taking you beyond any limits you had ever known.
Your moans became louder, unable to be suppressed as he made you experience waves of pleasure. “Toji, I can’t… I’m close,” you managed to say, the pressure building up, taking you to the edge of ecstasy.
“That’s what I want, baby,” he murmured, increasing the speed of his fingers as his hips continued their intense dance. “I want you to melt for me.”
You felt like a whirlwind of sensations, and each thrust along with his caresses made you lose track of time. The room was filled with whispers, moans, and the sound of skin colliding, creating a symphony of pleasure that only he could orchestrate.
With every movement of his hand, the pressure inside you grew, and you knew you were close to exploding. “Yes… please…” you begged, feeling the need consume you.
“I’m going to cream you so good,” he said, his voice deep and confident, as his hand and cock worked together to bring you to the top. “Fuck, I want to see my cum dripping out of that pretty pussy of yours.” And when you finally came, the climax washed over you like a wave, leaving you breathless as the pleasure engulfed you completely.
You felt Toji tense up on you, his breathing becoming faster, almost like a warning of what was to come. Each thrust was more intense, and that spark of pent-up desire that had grown between you was about to burst. His hands gripped your hips tightly, making sure there was no escape as he lost himself in the pleasure.
“I’m going to…” he murmured, his voice husky and full of desire. “I’m going to fill you up.” His eyes shone with a mix of lust and satisfaction, as if every movement brought him closer to the edge of that abyss of pleasure. Your heartbeat echoed in your ears as he gave himself over completely, the muscles in his body tensing as you felt his cock grow even harder inside you.
With one last deep thrust, Toji let out a growl, a primal sound that filled the room. The world around you faded away as he reached his climax, filling you with his seed, letting his desire flow inside you, mixing with your own ecstasy. You could feel it staining your rubbery walls, the warmth of his cum inside you,
You clung to his body, feeling every wave of pleasure wash over him, every spasm sending waves of satisfaction across his skin. His eyes closed for a moment, letting out a heavy exhale, as if releasing all the tension built up inside him.
Toji leaned forward, his eyes locked on you, watching every little movement. He wanted to see it, he wanted to witness how everything he had given you flowed out of you, that moment when his desire mixed with yours. The look on his face was a mix of possessiveness and satisfaction, almost as if he was enjoying the show you were putting on for him.
“I want to see,” he murmured, his voice low and heavy with desire. With one hand, he took your chin, forcing you to keep your gaze on his eyes, while his other hand slid between your bodies.
Feeling vulnerable and exposed, a wave of pleasure and excitement ran through your body as you watched his liquid slowly slide out, dripping from your pussy, leaving a visible trail connecting it to you.
“That’s right, baby,” he said in a teasing tone, enjoying the sight. “Watch it slip away. You’re so greedy, swallowing everything I have for you.”
An involuntary moan escaped your lips as the feeling of his cum dripping down your body caused you a mix of shame and arousal. The sight of his body still shaking in pleasure, the glistening drops sliding down your skin, and the way he looked at you, it was all a heady combination that kept you in a state of pure ecstasy.
Toji smirked, his eyes fixed on you as he scooped up some of his cum with two fingers, making sure not a drop was wasted. The way he looked at you made you feel like you were the center of his universe, and the mix of shame and desire sent a shiver through your body.
“Save it for me,” he said in an orderly tone, as his fingers slowly slid down your body, right where you wanted him most.
He looked at you with an expression that made it clear he knew exactly what he was doing. With one precise movement, he brought his fingers to your pussy, carefully inserting them while maintaining eye contact. The combination of his scent and the touch of his fingers made you moan, forcing you to feel every inch of his presence.
“Ready to go?” he asked, his voice low and full of mischief, knowing exactly the effect he had on you.
With a slight movement, he withdrew his fingers, leaving a void that made you moan for more. The air between you was thick with tension, and you couldn’t help it: desire took over you, wanting him to fill you again, wanting every inch of him.
“Yes, please,” you replied, your voice cracking, feeling your body preparing to receive him again. You clung to his torso, your legs shaking in anticipation, as he settled himself better on top of you.
Toji leaned in, pressing his forehead against yours as his lips curved into a provocative smile. “Then get ready, because this only gets better.”
Without further warning, he guided his cock into you, pressing the tip against your pussy. With a firm motion, he began to enter you slowly, enjoying the way your body received him, eagerly absorbing him.
“Ah, that’s it,” he murmured, feeling your body take him in as he began to pump in a controlled but intense rhythm. Each thrust was like a wave of pleasure that spilled over between you, driving you closer to madness.
The sensations intensified, the sound of your bodies colliding, filling the room as your moans and his grunts blended together, creating a symphony of shared desire.
“You’re perfect,” Toji said, increasing the pace. “I can’t get enough of you.”
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