#i just really love her your honor
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themightytrivia · 1 year ago
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Scenes: moments in the life of attolia
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steelsartcorner · 10 months ago
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the make-everything-hades fever has spread to lae'zel
all her boons are for sure big huge damage boosters at the expense of your magic meter
others: the dark urge (OC); minthara (bg3), karlach (bg3), shadowheart(bg3), gale (bg3), halsin (bg3), astarion (bg3), wyll (bg3), kotallo (horizon)
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andminnequin · 4 months ago
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I was feeling all sad and mopey looking through my old art and then a saw this, so: throws my obey me mc yumeship at you !!!!!! They’re so cute, your honor !!!! And look at those hands !!!!!! I did that fr !!! I am so slay cringe and free !!
When in doubt, doodle pages make you happy. Trust me, chat. Trust the process. Trust my delulu :DDD
N e ways, I rlly need to be more indulgent and post my MCs more.
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Aaaaaa goes insane, m yippeeee
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danyartlife · 15 days ago
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happy xenoblade x definitive edition month to all those who celebrate
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blackjackkent · 5 months ago
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But then, that is exactly what a traitor in our midst would say, isn't it?
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dollypopup · 8 months ago
Truly one of the most subtly hilarious moments of the season was when Colin saw ink all over Penelope's hands and went 'oh, what's this about?' and she went 'uh. . .I was writing letters?'
Miss Ma'am, to whomst? You don't have any friends you'd have to write to?? You don't like your family????
You know Colin was a smitten kitten indeed because he just went 'huh, makes sense, okay' instead of going 'but your only friend lives across the street and now I'm right here?'
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memoriamp4 · 9 months ago
I hate that we never heard Astrid tell Hiccup 'I love you'. I was fully expecting her to tell him she loved him back in rtte 6x06 after he told her he loved her... but she didn't. Like they really made an entire episode about Astrid wanting a more lovely dovey relationship but then she never even said 'I love you' in the episode?? And Astrid has so many inspiring and loving speeches to Hiccup but I wish there was an 'I love you' included in at least one of them
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happypeachsludgeflower · 11 months ago
Me: I love all the ships equally
Also me: *writes 50+ fics about fengqing being moronic gremlins in love*
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ebonysquib · 5 months ago
Sera is literally one of the sweetest companions to the inquisitor if you bother to max her approval
After learning the truth about the evanuris she asks an elven inquisitor if they are alright, and even if you say you’re fine she still writes in her little notebook that “said they’re fine about elfy stuff. Maybe. Be there anyway” like??? Even with her absolute dislike for “elfy stuff”
She sounds so heartbroken and worried when the anchor gets worse and writes in her notebook (in her own sera way) how it isn’t right and isn’t fair that someone who saved the world and sacrificed so much is probably gonna die from the anchor and there’s nothing anyone can do about it and you can tell how distraught she is and absolutely heartbroken for the inquisitor.
Like literally if you don’t like sera then you must not have bothered to even get to know her or raise her approval
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loosesodamarble · 5 months ago
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Commission of me with my favorite guys from my otomes.
Thank you @crazycookiemaniac for your gorgeous and amazing and wonderful work on this. You have perfectly captured the handsomeness of my faves~! 💖😍🤩👏🥰💖
Since getting the completed commission, I’ve looked at it at least once per day. And it always makes me feel better. I even made it my pfp on Discord.
I love the softness of all the colors. I love the different poses and expressions for each of the guys. The flower background makes it dreamier, more romantic, and a bit playful too. I love that I can imagine pure happiness and bliss for them in this fictional moment I have with them. I love the commission and how it just makes me adore these characters even more.
To me, it is perfection~! 💖
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butchleafpool · 2 years ago
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bonefall · 1 year ago
omg sparrow fur just got confirmed to become the second leader of skyclan
Ok, that's good. I'll have to think of how to go foward from here.
If Sparrow Heart had died before taking leadership, I was going to write that as her being INFURIATED by it. Remembered forever as Skystar's stooge, his general, his loyal servant, but never having power of her own. And, generations later, she'd grab for it in any way possible.
With her being Sparrowstar, I'm going to keep her ambition and desire for power, but she had a chance to enact her vision in life. She was the first cat to inherit 9 lives, even, with how BB!Skystar is the first leader to die. She continued his "legacy," not out of any actual love or respect to him, but because it's HER TURN.
All these years of groveling, of having to bend and bargain around the desire of stronger cats, now it's HERS. She is the one who bargains, who makes others grovel. No one will make her scared and powerless ever again.
It's going to continue the ferocious rivalry between SkyClan and ThunderClan, especially as Owlstar takes power. Sparrowstar is definitely gone by the time of the River Kingdom's succession crisis, though, she's too battle hungry to rule for so long.
Or maybe Sparrowstar will end up inventing some kitty war crimes and become one of the first Dark Forest cases. After all, it's very in-character of BB!Skystar to not officialize an heir, and force Sparrow Heart to have to carve a path through his bio-kits for the power she is owed...
(Mumbling to self: and then that makes a pretty interesting claim for SkyClan during the River Kingdom succession crisis... "we need no claim to your throne to take it from you")
We'll see!
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aelswiths · 8 months ago
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*screams into the void*
#the way he like seems to be choking back a sob of emotions before he says this#he can't bear the fact that he's causing her pain#and that there's nothing he can do to stop it#even though talking openly would help her but he can't do that#because if he does he would have to be vulnerable and if he's vulnerable aelswith might think him weak#which is something he knows she abhors (even though she hates it because of her own feelings of being seen as weak and unworthy)#and he can't bear her rejection because he loves her and if she were to reject him it would destroy him#he can be this open with uhtred because its a manipulation tactic#he's using vulnerability to get uhtred to do what he wants and thats why he can be so open in this scene. he's doing it strategically#but to be open with aelswith leaves him (in his mind) open to losing her since he's caused her so much pain throughout their marriage#and he would have to face the fact that he's done that and she might not forgive him and he can't do that#aelswith is so upset in this scene because she thinks its his final way of saying to her “you aren't worthy” when really its a tactic#to help ensure that she and their children will be safe#but they literally cannot properly communicate with each other because of all of the painful history between them#I'm going insane#I love them so much#they are everything to me#literally everything#he loves her so much#like he could not survive losing her - just the way he clings to her all throughout s3 speaks to that#I really think that because of the similarities between uhtred and aelswith uhtred's betrayal makes him start to fear that he could lose he#and he just starts to cling to her for reassurance that she'll never leave and she won't stop believing in him#ok I'm done#for now#I'm crying#your honor I love them#they mean so much to me
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cerealbishh · 6 months ago
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"This was never gonna last forever." // "But if there's even a chance at bringing her back, then it's worth it, right?"
🎥: @bikinibottomdayz
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darabeatha · 5 months ago
@soulgathered replied ; // grabby hands do you have a list of all creatures and blogs 👀
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ㅤ/ I do!! I kinda have to update my muse list (because I might be taking some of them out as I don't feel their muses as strong) BUT ! these are the ones on this blog. The ones that have their names bolded mean that I can normally pick them up without having to re-read my notes for them/research again or that I have their characters better settled inside my head as in how I want to portray them (At least currently!)
C.onstantine XI (rider) / about
A.shwatthama (archer)
V.lad III (slighty canon div)
J.ason (saber)
C.amazotz (temp. assassin)
O.dysseus (rider)
D.aybit (crypter)
T.ezcatlipoca (grand assassin)
C.harlemagne (saber)
M.octezuma II (Avenger)
D.uryodhana (rider)
R.itsuka F.ujimaru (master)
K.ukulkan (canon divergent, rider )
T.laloc (pretender)
N.itocris (caster)
M.oriarty (ruler)
N.ero Claudius (saber)
A.sclepius (caster)
A.ntonio S.alieri (Avenger)
M.organ le Fay (Berserker)
O.beron (pretender)
L.ucifer ( ? )
E.dmond D.antes (Avenger)
A.rjuna (Archer) ;
A.rash (archer)
G.ilgamesh (caster & archer)
A.rthur P.endragon (saber)
Jekyll & Hyde (assassin / berserker)
There are some muses in here that have their -own- individual blogs but that sometimes I put them in here to save the trouble of logging in and out like;
@oldestking - G.ilgamesh
@wieldedhonor - A.rthur P.endragon
@hopemerged - A.rash
@005mins - D.aybit
@hiruinonai - S.aito H.ajime
@nitonitonito - N.itocris
@hidrogenium - J.ekyll & H.yde
@viijaya - A.rjuna
@sundescended - K.arna
@boldestgreen - R.obin Hood
@vindictalead - E.dmond D.antes
As for blogs that aren't f.go related that I currently use the most;
@sculptambitio - J.ojo's b.izarre a.dventure multimuse
@aphomic - D.oppo K.annonzaka
@pressurebrew - E.spresso cookie
@hungwood - M.atthias C.zernin
@tugpull - I.ori Motohashi G.riffith
@oldmankneez - T.surumaru K.uninaga
@lusitfidem - A.venturine
@utsugyo - S.asori
@pyfog . i.dv multi
@tanzoshi - Swords multi
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anaceshornyblog · 29 days ago
Thinking about jon asking elias if he can call her a good girl. Thinking about Jon realizing Things. Hesitantly participating a little more. Not admitting it out loud but. Thinking about Jon accepting it more. Thinks about jon gender euphoria. I love you jon jarchivist sims
- skiesandcandy
“You seem distracted,” Jon blinked his eyes darting back to Elias, who was now standing at the foot of the bed, when had he gotten so close? Jon supposed he was distracted staring at the dress hung up in Elias’s closet. The one that he claimed he had accidentally sent Jon for the fundraiser.
Jon was only half-surprised Elias had kept it. He couldn’t help shivering a bit thinking about how it had felt to wear it. With his hair styled, and a bit of makeup that Elias had done for him quite a few of the guests, and even some of his coworkers had mistaken him for a girl. He didn’t know why each time it had happened he felt a little heat in his chest.
Idly he played with the edge of the blanket glancing back at the dress his mind wandering again. When Elias had brought him home, he had called Jon pretty, and a good girl, and Jon didn’t know why but that had made that little heat in his chest blaze into something akin to joy.
Elias clicked his tongue and Jon jumped tearing his gaze away to look up at Elias.
“Sorry, I was just thinking,” Jon pulled his bottom lip between his teeth, maybe an experiment. It could mean nothing, maybe the party had just been fun and he was confusing that feeling. But then why had he blushed and giggled so much every time Elias called him a girl? He frowned, but what if Elias laughed at him? Sure he had called him pretty before but maybe that was just then?
“Jon,” Elias’s hand on his cheek snapped him out of his thoughts once more, his thumb rubbing against his bottom lip forcing him to release it from his teeth. Elias was so close, “What has you so distracted?”
“Can you call me a good girl again?” Jon was saying the words before he had thought to stop himself. They came out in a bit of a tumble, but understandable enough. Only now that Jon had started speaking he couldn’t seem to stop. He dropped his gaze to his lap, “It’s just at the party and after, I mean it felt really nice, and I wanted to see if it was because well. No this is stupid, I’m so-.”
He was cut off by Elias pressing him back with a hand pressed against his chest forcing him to lay back. Jon couldn’t meet Elias’s eyes scared he’d see something he didn’t want, maybe just disappointment, or worse pity. He was trembling as he could hear Elias climb over him, still looking anywhere but at his eyes.
“Oh Jon, did you like being my good pretty girl?” Jon couldn’t help glancing up at those words, his whole body shivering at those words. Instead of what he feared he only saw amusement and something like hunger in Elias’s expression as he shoved Jon’s shirt up. Exposing his disappointingly, to himself at least, though he wasn’t sure why he felt that way, flat chest.
Jon couldn’t help but whimper as Elias tugged on his nipples his face turning red. He did his best to ignore the feeling of himself getting hard, as Elias fondled him, unable to stop himself from panting.
“Look at my lovely girl she has such pretty tits,” Jon gasped his body trembling as the words made the warmth inside him flare almost coming in his pants. Jon blushed, usually he wasn’t that easy but something about this was different than usual. “A bit small but we can get them to grow I’m sure.”
Jon was pretty sure Elias was trying to kill him. He felt whatever the opposite of dissociated was, but also like he couldn’t think his brain hazy. He didn’t know whether he regretted this whole thing or hoped it never ended. That Elias called hi-her a pretty girl from now on. She yelped as she felt Elias’s free hand slide into her pants wrapping his hand around her.
“Your clits all hard isn’t it,” Elias’s words whispered in her ear along with the sudden stimulation had her coming, her hips bucking against him. She gripped his shoulders, ringing out her orgasm her face pressed into his chest. Elias laughed softly, peeling her pants off once she released him going limp, he smiled at her and Jon felt so warm. She started to push herself up but once more she was pinned back down.
“Greedy little slut aren’t you, such a good girl for me,” Jon went red squirming. She couldn’t make any coherent noises as Elias stretched her just enough so it wouldn’t hurt before sliding inside. She could only grit her teeth and hold on as Elias fucked her, each time he called her a pretty, or a good girl he couldn’t help but clench down. His hand wrapped back around her, she was so close it was all so much.
“Come for me that’s my pretty girl,” Jon whimpered and couldn’t stop from doing just that, feeling Elias fill her up as well before collapsing on top of her his body warm against her.
“Was that what you wanted lovely?” Elias shifted so Jon was now laying beside him held close. Jon hid her face against his chest but nodded ignoring the soft laugh. She braced herself waiting for the shame to rush over her. Only instead she just felt, warm and happy, and like herself for once. In a bit she’d have to get up, and probably go back to being a boy, but for now she was content to enjoy the warmth that settled inside her.
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