#i just realized you guys don’t know too too much about tag dabi’s background do you!!!!
inkykeiji · 2 years
its mentioned a little bit in the fic but while we're on the topic: how does tag!dabi feel about his mother?? and where is she now? since dabi says he misses her if im remembering correctly.
oooooh anon!!! such a good question!!
tw: mentions of physical abuse + drug abuse
tag!dabi’s feelings toward his mother are very, very complex. they aren’t something he’s even fully unpacked—aren’t something he’s sure he’ll ever fully unpack, hesitant on whether or not he even wants to untangle something so heavy and messy and convoluted.
you’re right! he does mention within part two that he misses her deeply. and he does. tag!dabi was very close with his mother, and one of the reasons why he fucking hates seeing keigo put his hands on reader (aside from the fact that it’s wrong on so many levels; just fundamentally wrong) is because his father used to hit his mother, and it made him so fucking angry that his vision bled a furious red. he was even angrier that he wasn’t big enough or smart enough or rich enough to do anything about it. he couldn’t help her. he couldn’t save her. he couldn’t protect her.
he loves her, deeply, dearly, but he doesn’t have many happy memories of her; only up until he was about 8 or 9, and then everything crumbles to ash the moment shouto enters their pristine family photo.
the feelings he experiences when he thinks of his mother are contradictory, paradoxical; he understands why she did the things she did, why she ultimately turned to drugs as an escape from it all. he also understands that his mother suffers from severe mental illness (and worries, silently, that he might’ve inherited a piece of it—he heard these things can be genetic, you know). he gets it, he does. but he also understands that while it isn’t her fault that she’s sick, it was her responsibility, her duty, to see a doctor and try to get better. he feels anger towards her, anger towards the fact that she took what he believes to be the ‘coward’s way out’, anger towards the fact that she picked drugs and their manufactured bliss over her own children time and again.
he sympathizes with her mother and everything she went through due to his brute of a father, but he knows she had resources, avenues she could’ve pursued to get them all help, to get them all out of there, and that she didn’t. that she deliberately chose not to. any fight she had ever contained had been beaten out of her long ago, and she was too tired to do anything but take the easy way out.
her choices hurt him. he took her decision to turn to drugs very personally. but he loves her so much, and he knows she tried. she tried to keep up the charade, she tried to be the Good Housewife and Great Mother in the Happy Family, she tried to keep everything as ‘normal’ as she could, even as she sank deeper into addiction, even as she began to crave that euphoric release more and more potently.
he doesn’t know if his siblings were ever taken from his father after The Incident with the kettle, after his mom had been put away, locked in a cushy padded cell. he didn’t stick around long enough to find out, but he knows that his father has enough authority to sway others, to get his way, just like he always does.
there is a tiny piece of him, buried deep deep deep in his soul, that holds resentment towards himself for running, too. that calls him a hypocrite for doing exactly what his mother did, for leaving his younger siblings to deal with their father, alone, because he just couldn’t take it anymore, couldn’t handle continuing to take the brunt of the abuse so his baby siblings didn’t have to. but he silences that shard of himself easily enough, reminding himself that he was only thirteen, only a fucking child, dealing with things no child should ever have to deal with, and it was not his goddamn job to parent his kid siblings. such responsibility should never be thrust upon a mere child. never. it’s extremely unfair to ask of a kid, especially a kid in his position.
so those are the knotty, complex feelings he has towards his mother. he hasn’t been able to bring himself to visit her in the psychiatric hospital, not once, though he hopes that one day he can. he thinks he’ll regret it if she dies before he gets to talk to her, and see her face to face, just once more.
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jackrrabbit · 4 years
Runaways /// Dabi x f!Reader (18+)
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Summary: You were like an older sister to Dabi back when the two of you were teen runaways together; now that he’s found you as an adult, it’s not going to be so easy to get rid of him.
A/N: I could write a term paper on all of Dabi’s pathologies in this fic...I forgot how much I love writing smutty angst. Good shit 👌
I was planning on making this a ficlet so it’s kinda structured like that even though it ended up a full-length piece. Also, Dabi says some bullshit about sex work that I absolutely do not agree with or condone so please keep that in mind.
➠ see also: [homeowners association]
Tags/warnings: Dabi victimizes you, noncon/dubcon, light yandere, threats, cheating, NTR kinda?, mentions of past sex work, degradation, rough sex (breath play, impact play, crying), mild violence, very brief mentions of past child abuse in the Todoroki household, sad stuff/angst idk lol, *Daddy Issues by The Neighborhood plays in the background*
Dabi would know you anywhere.
You’re different now, which makes sense. It’s been years. Your old uniform of raggedy denim and hand-me-down leather has been replaced with a prim linen dress, designer label at the collar. You used to dye your hair religiously (it was neon pink when he saw you last) but now it’s styled back to your natural shade, a color he only saw back then when your roots grew out. You smell good, expensive. It does take him a second to recognize you without smudged pencil eyeliner drawn under your eyes like in the old days, but once he catches your gaze the realization is immediate.
It’s you. You. You.
You recognize him too, but your reaction is different—shock, then panic; you tug the arm of the man at your side, urging him to walk faster so you can pass Dabi on the sidewalk. The rejection stings for a second, but he isn’t too surprised. You did abandon him, after all.
Dabi doesn’t let it bother him. You’re not going to get away that easy. He pulls you into conversation, grinning when you reluctantly introduce him to your companion (who is, apparently, your husband) as an old friend from school. You didn’t go to school—Dabi knows that, and you know that, but your husband doesn’t. Which means your husband isn’t aware of your sordid past as a runaway.
This is going to be fun.
Once he knows you’re in town, he doesn’t have much trouble finding you. Your husband is a very wealthy man, well-known in this city now that he’s moved here. So this is what you’ve been up to all these years? Shacking up with some ugly motherfucker who’s at least 20 years your senior because he can afford to dress you up in pretty things and take you on overseas vacations? Dabi has to admit, he wouldn’t have thought it of you. Back when he knew you, you were so sincere, such an idealist, even in your darkest nights.
Then again…you always were willing to get your hands dirty in exchange for a warm meal and a place to sleep. Maybe you haven’t changed as much as you think.
Dabi comes to your house in the middle of the day when your husband’s at work and you’re stuck at home because that’s what you are now, a housewife. From a cocksucking whore to a pretty housewife with a dirty little secret. He’s getting hard just thinking about it as he watches your internal debate on whether to let him in or not. Eventually guilt wins out and you usher him inside, hoping the neighbors didn’t see a known villain lurking on your doorstep.
You make Dabi coffee (and aww, you remember exactly how he likes it). He gets you to talking, and you don’t seen surprised to learn about his current line of work; when he presses you, you admit that you’ve been following him in the news. Your life, in comparison, has been wholly uninteresting: you met a man, he proposed, and you married him. Very little has happened to you since. After a long silence you timidly apologize to Dabi for leaving him behind when you two were teenagers, and he tells you he understands.
He doesn’t forgive you.
Overall, things are good, he tells you. But you know, sometimes he misses the old days. Being on the run with you, stealing food from gas stations, breaking into fancy summer homes and pretending the two of you lived there. Stitching up each other’s cuts, because one of you had always gotten in a fight in the past few days. Sometimes he still has dreams about the smell of the balm you used on his fresh burns…and your cool hands, smoothing gently across the tender skin on his face, but he doesn’t say that.
You look down into your monogrammed coffee mug and tell him you know what he means.
When you turn your head like that, Dabi can see the tiny dots running up the side of your ear where your old piercings have scarred over from lack of use. Do you remember when he gave them to you? You did his first, running a needle through the lonely flame of your lighter (he offered to use his quirk, but it was still hard for him to control then so you declined) and then threading the metal through his ear. You promised it would only hurt for a second, and you were right, so he let you do the others.
Then you offered to let him do yours. Just one on each ear—you already had an impressive collection of piercings, but you wanted to let him return the favor, so he did. You were older and more experienced and had lived on the streets for longer, so when he held the needle in his hand and heard your voice saying you trusted him, it was the first time he ever thought of you as fragile, something delicate, something that he was capable of harming.
He chose twin helix piercings for you, cresting the shell of each ear, silver band rings to match his. When they were done you pulled him to a mirror and asked him what he thought. It hadn’t been long since he got the worst burns on his face (the ones under his eyes, wrapping around his chin and down his neck) and he was still getting used to the knowledge that the ugly, wrinkled scars were never going to heal. “I look like…” he started.
A monster. A freak. A victim.
“A badass,” you said. “You look fucking cool. Any asshole who wants to pick a fight with you will take one look and know you’ve been through worse shit than whatever they can dish out, and that’s something to be proud of.”
Now that Dabi thinks about it, he probably wanted you even then.
…But the longer he reminisces, the more nostalgia’s going to distract him. He came here for a reason, and it wasn’t to have coffee with you and talk about the good old days. What he’s about to take from you—what he’s about to make you give—is long overdue.
You’ve still got a little fight in you. Dabi likes that. But you’ve gone soft, filling out and losing muscle in places where you used to be lean and hard from the constant running and fighting of your old lifestyle. Besides, even if you were as strong as you’d been back then, he’d still be stronger than you—he’s a man now, and it’s incredible how small and weak you seem now that he can look at you as a man.
Were your punches always this light? No way…and your wrists couldn’t have always been this delicate. It’s really no trouble at all for him to wrestle you down to the couch and pin you there so he can tear off your stupid little housewife dress and tug your panties down past your ankles.
Once he’s got you fully naked, though, you pretty much give up trying to fight him off. It’s sad, really—like you’re remembering the past, remembering all the times you let other men hold you and fuck you just so you could have enough money to take yourself and Dabi to McDonalds for a few days. And now look, you’re plenty well-fed, but Dabi’s the one holding you down against your will. Funny how things change like that.
He does appreciate your submission, since it gives him the chance to get a decent look at you. The years have been kind—you look so much healthier than you used to. No more visible ribcage stretching out your skin; no more unhealthy pallor from going outside only at night. Your hands are as soft and manicured as if you’ve never done a day’s work in your life, a far cry from the bitten nails and bloody knuckles of your youth. It’s good to see you like this, and he lingers for a second, drinking in the sight of you and committing you to memory.
Dabi’s pictured this moment for years. He used to think he’d savor it, be sweet with you, slow and gentle to show you what you were missing with the trashy guys you used to hang out with. But now, hey—he’s the trashy one, he’s the one who wants to hurt you and own you and ruin you. May as well act like it.
Your husband doesn’t fuck you like this, does he?
You’re unbelievably tight for a former whore. Dabi can barely hold out when he first pushes into you, licking the tears off your cheeks when apparently it hurts too much for you to keep up a brave face. It takes real effort to fuck himself all the way into you, pushing past the tense squeeze of your muscles while you…well, you’re not exactly wet, but he’ll get you there. As soon as his hips are grinding up against yours, he’s hitching your legs up on his shoulders and pounding you into your stuffy antique couch so deeply that he thinks it might splinter into pieces underneath the two of you.
God, you’re so, so, tight. Dabi feels like a virgin with his cock buried inside you, biting his lip so he doesn’t cum in thirty seconds and thrusting into you with a rhythm that comes from nothing less than pure animal instinct. And you’re getting into it too. Can you tell that your pleading and begging him to get off you is turning into moaning? Can you feel your hips bucking weakly back against his, reverting to the position of the submissive bitch your body remembers even if your mind has tried to forget?
It’s perfect, right and good and perfect, everything Dabi’s been waiting for since he first knew what it was to want someone—no, not just someone. You. It’s always been you. A person never forgets their first love, right? It’s perfect, except—except you won’t look at him, you keep looking off to the side and sniffling, and that’s not going to cut it. So he slows down and wrenches your head back to center and makes you kiss him, sliding his tongue over yours and trying to see if he can feel the place where you used to have a piercing there, too. It’s kind of thrilling, actually—wondering whenever his face dips into yours if you’re going to bite him, if he’ll come back from you with blood in his mouth.
He’s only got to thumb over your clit a couple times before you’re clamping down on him, your body begging to be used and abused. Your husband hasn’t been treating you right, though Dabi doubts the old bastard can even get it up without a blue pill. Sure, you look like a sweet little doll, so darling and delicate and breakable, but Dabi knows you better than that. You’re strong, you can take it. He knows you want it rough, so that’s how he’ll give it to you—and hey, hey, he can feel your cunt quivering around him—you’re cumming, aren’t you? So you like it. You like it.
He knew he wasn’t going to last long before, but when you cum and tighten and squeal so high he thinks you could lose your voice, the tension in his abdomen rises up and he digs his fingers into your hips and—shit, you’re saying something, what are you saying? You’re pleading, begging him not to cum inside—but, ohhhhhh fuck he can’t help it, he can’t, he can’t, he’s cumming all the way deep into your tight little snatch, cockhead jutting up at your cervix, fucking his semen all the way through you until your slit is smeared white from top to bottom.
Stop crying. Dabi’s sick of hearing you cry.
You’re still pretty nimble, even though your current exercise regimen probably doesn’t extend beyond periodic jogs around your neighborhood and weekly pilates with all the other bored trophy wives. He’s kind of surprised when as soon as he lifts himself off of you, you have the strength to roll off the couch and scramble around on the floor for your clothing.
You don’t say anything, which he wasn’t expecting. You don’t scream at him, demand that he leave, or ask him how he could do this to you after everything the two of you went through together. You probably still think of yourself as an older sister when it comes to him.
When you’d first met the scarred kid trying and failing to live off the streets, you knew he wasn’t cut out for this. He’d known pain before, plenty of pain (icy-blue fire roasting the skin off his face—spiral fracture from callused hands twisting his arm behind his back—cold, aching muscles after what he thinks is the fifth hour spent locked in a closet), but he’d never known hunger. Hunger was a different kind of beast, one that would chew the kid up and spit him out and leave him broken if you didn’t take him under your wing, so you did.
It wasn’t like you had much of anything to spare, but you made it work. For a few years. He didn’t talk at first, but he took what you gave him, so you gave him what you could: food, if you had it; a place to sleep at night; the knowledge you’d gathered in your own years as a runaway on how he was supposed to survive in a world that didn’t care whether he lived or rotted away in a gutter. You cared.
Until you didn’t.
‘Going to be traveling alone for a while. Don’t wait for me. I’m sorry,’ your note had read. You left it in his backpack along with $43 in cash—not much, but he knew it was more than you could afford. It was all you had.
And now you have all of this! Don’t you feel lucky? You have the rich husband who barely looks at you, the big house with so many empty unused rooms it makes him sick, more food than you could possibly eat in one lifetime. All of that, and you also have Dabi’s semen leaking out of your cunt. It’s a real rags-to-riches story, he thinks.
Dabi picks a cigarette out of his jacket and you stop fixing up the buttons on your dress to ask him not to light it inside. How will you explain the smell to your husband? Every move you make, every syllable that comes out of your mouth, is weighed down by despair. You look like you’ve been beaten.
He lights the cigarette anyway.
Before he had you the first time, Dabi thought once would be enough. Pretty naive, huh?
He makes it his mission to fuck you in every room of your husband’s gluttonously enormous mansion (what with your history Dabi has a hard time thinking of the house as yours, and considering the way you tiptoe around and seem like you’re afraid to move so much as a vase, he suspects you feel the same). There’s a lot of rooms.
When he shows up at your door again you don’t even bother to hear him out, instead just trying to shut it on him, but he forces his way in. You wouldn’t want to make him mad, would you? Not when he’s got such a filthy secret hanging over your head? Will your husband keep paying for your designer shopping trips when he knows you’re a street rat who used to steal everything she wore? Will he still kiss you goodnight when Dabi tells him you used to wrap those pretty lips around strangers’ cocks for money?
If you want Dabi to keep quiet, you’re going to have to convince him the best way you know how. A cockwhore is a cockwhore. That’s not the kind of stain you get to wipe away with time and distance and expensive clothing.
In the kitchen: standing up, your back to his front and your hands barely holding you up on the counter, so hard and rough and deep that the dishes are rattling in the pantry. One of your teacups falls out of the glass china cabinet and shatters into a million fragments in a four foot radius over the tiled floor. Neither of you notice until after. Blunt red lines press themselves into the tops of your thighs where he’s shoving your body into the edge of the counter and there are bruises on your tits from how hard he’s groping you.
In the dining room: sitting on the edge of the table, one of your legs hiked up beside you and the other on a chair while Dabi kneels on the ground in front of you, his head between your thighs and his tongue flicking over your pussy. You start off thinking that you’re going to have to sanitize the entire mahogany surface before you can eat off it again and then he licks his lips and sucks on your throbbing clit and you don’t really think about anything else after that.
In your husband’s study: doggy-style on the floor in front of the fireplace, facedown, his body folded over yours, pressing you so deep into the tacky lion-skin rug that you can taste it. He sighs in your ear—actually, you’re not sure if it’s a sigh or a growl—and his hand comes up to cover yours. You feel the metal stitches and the rough burned skin scraping on your own and it reminds you that it’s him. It’s Dabi.
(A few days after his 13th birthday, the Dabi you used to know told you that he was going to dye his hair—he wanted to be unrecognizable, and you understood, so you found some old scissors and stole hair dye from the pharmacy and you spent three long hours chopping his hair into rough spikes and painting it black. When you washed the dye out of his hair in the sink, your hands were stained inky black too. When he saw, he looked worried and weaved his fingers in with yours and asked if the dye would hurt your skin if it stayed on too long.
And you looked back at this kid—small for his age then, burned by his own quirk, trying so hard to look older and tougher than any 13-year-old should have to be, and you thought to yourself, I would die for you.)
Now you hear Dabi growling out your name and squeezing your hand as he reaches his climax and you think, I would kill you if I could.
Dabi saves the master bedroom for last.
Your husband is hosting a party at your house. Dabi knows because you begged him not to come today, looking up at him with those doe-like eyes, offering things you never would have offered if it weren’t important to you that he stay away on this particular evening. But he still comes to crash it. He arrives just minutes before your husband does, and you have barely enough time to tuck him away on the dark bedroom balcony and pull the curtains closed before your husband is opening the door and greeting you.
Dabi settles himself into one of the tasteful Adirondack chairs on the balcony and listens to your voice, or at least what he can hear of it through the sliding glass door. You’re sweeter with your husband than you are with Dabi, and he should’ve known you’d be, but it still makes him hate your husband more than he already did.
On the other hand, there’s something strained and high and nervous in the way you’re speaking. Probably because your husband is standing about twenty feet away from the man you’re cheating on him with.
It takes a while for the two of you to dress for the party, but finally Dabi hears you tell your husband that you’d like to take a little longer to get ready and bid him goodbye. “Love you,” you say to the old man as he leaves the room, so casually Dabi might not have heard it if he wasn’t listening.
Then you’re opening the door and ushering him inside and telling him anxiously that he has to get out before anyone sees him. But, oh, you look nice like this, dolled up in your evening gown and makeup and diamonds, trying to pull him to the door even though you must know by now that he’s not going to leave it there. Instead of following, he backs you up onto the bed and peels down the straps of your dress and slides his hands up under the skirt, and all the while he can’t stop thinking about what you said to your husband.
You used to say that to Dabi.
The first time it was an accident—you’d mentioned it off-hand during a night when it was snowing and his unnaturally high body temperature was the only thing keeping the two of you alive. “God, I love you,” you’d said, draping your arm around his shoulders and pulling him in close to share his heat.
It had stunned him and you could probably tell. Maybe the next few times were just you taking pity on a kid who had never been told so casually and so simply that he was loved. But eventually you meant it, the little love you’s before you went to sleep or when one of you went off to do something alone for a few days—a familial love borne of mutual reliance. For the years Dabi was a runaway with you, you were the only person he could trust, and he knows the feeling was mutual.
Now he wants you to tell him you love him again.
It would be hot, wouldn’t it? You telling Dabi you love him while he forces you into a mating press on the bed you share with your husband. Isn’t that hot? You’re never going to be able to sleep on these sheets again without remembering his hands on your body, his tongue in your mouth, his cock filling you in ways you haven’t been filled since you were 19.
How are you gonna lay next to your husband in this sad cold bed? ‘Cause that old fuck isn’t touching you, Dabi knows that much—if he was, he’d’ve noticed by now that you’re always covered in bite marks and hickeys that he didn’t give you. How are you gonna sleep at night knowing what a nasty slut you are, telling another man you love him?
So say it. Say you love him.
Oh, you’re going to be like that, aren’t you? What did he tell you about being a fucking brat when he’s talking to you? See if you’re still so defiant when he’s got his hand stroking the length of that pretty throat and then sealing down on it, squeezing gently on the veins running up the sides of your neck, not too hard, but enough that you’re probably getting a little dizzy while he continues to fuck into you. Does it hurt? Your face is turning pink. Uh-uh-uh, don’t try to pull his hand off, or he’ll show you just how good he is with his quirk these days.
You’re trying to choke out the words but you can’t quite make them make sense. There’s something endearing about the way your whimpers vibrate through the skin of Dabi’s palm, how he can hear you as well as feeling you. Oh—could you say his name too? He knows you’re feeling all fucked-out and wet and sloppy, every moan rising and falling in time with his cock stretching your pussy open, but can’t you give it a little more effort? He’s sure you can get his name out if you really try.
And if you’re not going to cooperate, Dabi may as well just dig the heel of his knuckle into your windpipe, because you really do tighten up so deliciously when you cough and sputter like that. Fuck, if you keep doing that, he’s going to cum, gonna cum right here in your syrupy pussy and spill it all over your marriage bed—but no, he wants to hear you say it first, so when you’re gagging and turning red and your eyes are watering he finally stops choking you, loosening his grip just enough that his hand is resting on your neck in a lover’s touch. It takes you a second and your voice is so hoarse he can barely hear it, but then you’re speaking and something jumps in his chest—
“I…I love—love y-you, Touya!” you sob. “I love you! I—love you, Touya—Touya—Touya—!”
And ah fuck it’s almost exactly right, your voice saying you love him, saying his real name, a name he hasn’t heard for years because you’re the only one who really knows it anymore—but you’re crying, real heavy sobs while you gulp in frantic lungfuls of oxygen. Your ribcage is heaving underneath him and—god, fuck—your guts are clenching, sucking down on every inch of his cock, every vein—
—oh shit fuck fuck he’s cumming, and he presses his face into your neck, into your hair, kissing you and thinking I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you—
—please stay, forever.
When he’s done, he goes for another round just to make sure you’re going to have cum dripping down your thighs when you go back to the party. No panties, unless you want him to walk through the grand foyer with all the other guests on his way out.
You don’t look at him as you fix your dress and your hair and wipe at your smeared makeup. With your eyeliner rubbed down to the bottom of your eyes, Dabi’s reminded a little of how you used to look—and the reminder is doubled when you slide your legs across the side of the bed and limp over to your vanity, walking hesitantly, your hips rocking from side to side. Damn, did he fuck you that hard?
Reminds him of the old days, you shuffling back to the hideout with that same awkward pain in your gait, purple marks around your neck, and a dim smile decorating your face—for his sake. Oh, and cash in your pockets. You’d tell him that the two of you were going out to eat that night and refuse to let him look at the injuries. God, it made him angry, it still makes him angry just thinking about it—angry at the men who bought you for treating you like that, angry at you for letting them. Angry at himself for not being old enough or strong enough or rich enough to stop them.
Anger, yes…and other things too. There had been a sick, insidious part of him that wanted to be in their position. He’d hated himself for it back then, until you left and the desire to punish you for abandoning him got twisted up with the desire to own you and keep you his. Maybe if he let himself think about it, he’d still hate himself for what he’s doing to you.
By now, you’re too good at covering up the bruises. A sweep of foundation and powder passes over each hickey he left on your throat and it’s like he never touched you. You have to push him off the bed so you can strip the sheets and replace them. When you’re done, you tell him to wait a few minutes after you leave to sneak out the back and he makes another half-joke about joining the party and introducing himself to your old man—
—and you shove him up against the wall with all the strength left in you, wrap your hand around his neck, and dig your fingernails under the line of piercings in his cheek. If he even looks at your husband, if he even thinks about it, you’ll rip his goddamn face open, you tell him in a low snarl.
It’s an empty threat (you and he both know who would win in a physical altercation) but there’s real hatred behind it. Dabi hasn’t seen that kind of fire in your eyes since he found out you became a trophy wife. It makes him want to have you again so he does, pulling your arms away from his face, standing and holding you up against the door to your bedroom, forcing you to wrap your arms around his neck and cling to him to keep from falling.
He’s lubed up by his own cum, and the wet squelching of your pussy just reminds him what a mess you’re going to be when you return to high society tonight. Maybe your husband will be able to smell it on you—the cum, the sex, the other man who’s been keeping his darling wife warm while he’s at work.
Well, probably not. If that stupid fucking cuckold hasn’t figured it out by now, there’s not much of a chance he’ll get it on his own. As Dabi sinks into your tight, gummy cunt again, he decides that he might just have to help the process along. A man deserves to know if his wife is being unfaithful, right?
Your husband’s office phone number is written on a post-it note that’s tacked to the desk of his study. It takes Dabi 40 minutes and $30 to buy a burner cell phone, leave a message on the man’s voicemail, and toss the burner in the kitchen trash at your house while you’re in the shower.
The message is short and straightforward. Dabi introduces himself as ‘the man who’s sleeping with your wife’, describes the floor plan of your husband’s house and what position he fucked you in for each room, and finally finishes it off with the evidence—the precise size and location of every hickey he’s left on your body that will still be visible by the time your husband returns from work.
Dabi almost wishes your husband had picked up the call—he’d’ve had a good time explaining in pornographic detail the way your tits look under those too-formal dresses, the way you moan when you cum in his mouth, the way you told him you loved him while he choked you out—with your husband in the house, no less. But this is fine too.
Besides, it’ll be so fucking funny if someone else at your husband’s company hears the message before he does.
Whore. Your husband called you a whore.
You’ve been called a whore a lot, actually. More than most people. You should be used to it by now. But it’s different when your husband says it. Your husband, the man who rescued you from a life of poverty and starvation, the man who has given you everything you own, the man who slid a ring onto your finger under a wedding arch and promised to love you in good times and in bad. The man you’ve almost convinced yourself you love back.
He called you a whore and slapped you when you tried to explain yourself and shoved you out the door and locked it. You can still hear his voice telling you the only place he wants to see your face again is in a casket.
So that’s why when Dabi comes to collect you, you’re hugging your knees to your chest on your front porch in your shiny lace-edged slip nightdress, hair in a mess around your head and your lip bleeding onto your chin. Your feet are so cold—your husband didn’t even give you time to put shoes on before he threw you out.
The night is cool and dark but the porch light buzzes on for half a minute when Dabi climbs up the steps to come crouch next to you on the doorstep. You try not to look at him, but he tilts your face toward his, electric-blue eyes skimming over the red mark and blue-black discoloration blossoming across your cheekbone; the blood drying on your split lip.
Dabi asks calmly if your husband hit you, and you nod.
Good, he tells you, and his body lights up blue in a roiling cloud of flames. He’s been waiting for an excuse to kill that old fuck.
The fire is like lightning, bright and ghostly in the darkness. The crackling of the flame eats away at the heavy silence of the night and you crawl back from the dry heat of it, sure you can feel your eyebrows singeing from being near. Dabi looks different backed by the inferno—bigger, crueler. Frightening. He reaches at the door but you shout at him to stop.
Why? Don’t you think he should suffer, after what he did to you?
But your fists clench by your sides and you set your teeth and you tell Dabi that if he’s going to kill your husband, he may as well set himself on fire too, because it’s his fault in the first place. And he’s done a lot worse to you than one slap.
Dabi waits a moment, searching your alarmed expression for something, but whatever he’s hoping for you don’t give him and the flames go out. The air smells like smoke and his hands are hot—not burning, but uncomfortably hot—when he kneels in front of you and rubs a thumb over your bruised cheek.
“(Y/N)—” Dabi starts, and then he can’t find a way to finish. So he just gathers you up in his arms and carries you bridal-style down into the lawn and to the driveway, where he’s got a car waiting to take you guys back to his place. You don’t resist, which surprises him again. He thought you’d push away at him, scream, get angry—he thought he’d have to convince you. Or force you, like he usually does. But you just let him deposit you in the seat next to the driver’s.
Before he gets in, he asks you if you need anything from your house. He can go get it for you. See if any balding motherfucker in his forties can stop him. But you just shake your head.
“There’s nothing,” you say blankly. “I have nothing. I…have nothing.”
Just like back then.
“Not nothing,” Dabi tells you, turning forward to the road so you can’t see the look on his face. “You have me.”
In the end, he does understand. He understood it the second he held that goodbye note in his hands and knew you were lost to him.
You were 17 when you met him and 19 when you left—hardly older than a child yourself. You barely had enough to provide for your own needs, much less a teenage boy’s. By the time you left, Dabi was more than capable of surviving on his own and already falling into ugly crowds, gangs and syndicates who saw money in his quirk, people you’d sacrificed a lot to keep him away from. He no longer needed you, and it was time for you two to go your separate ways. Dabi understands that.
But now you need him. Just like you needed him when you were fucking strangers for food money; like you needed him when you ran away; like you needed him when you got trapped in this mundane, sparkling-clean life, a life that was never going to fit you. Only this time—this time, Dabi’s old enough for you. He’s not a kid anymore, he’s a man. He’s got an apartment and a good job (well, kind of) and he’s got money. He can provide for you the way you’ve always needed him to.
Dabi’s going to take care of you, and you’re never, ever going to leave.
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 301: All My Todorokis
Previously on BnHA: We learned that when a bunch of superpowered villains are suddenly set loose with nobody around to stop them, things get fucked pretty quickly. Old Man Samurai and a bunch of other useless people decided to make “I pretend I do not see it” their new mantra, and resigned. Endeavor had a moment of despair on account of being crushed by the guilt of having ruined the lives of himself, his family, and basically everyone else in the entire world. For various reasons the heretical notion of “person who has done bad things feels sorry for doing them” sent fandom spiraling into a meltdown, so that was fun. The chapter ended with the entire Todoroki clan descending upon Enji’s hospital room to have a dramatic chat about Touya and All That General Fuckery.
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi is all “here’s the story of how Baby Touya slowly went insane trying to win his father’s love.” It’s a tale full of subverted expectations and heartbreaking inevitability, and also like twenty panels of the cutest fucking kids who ever existed on planet earth, who are so fucking cute that I can’t stop thinking about their cuteness even with all of the horrifying family tragedy unfolding around them. It is absolutely ridiculous how cute they are. Touya is out here pushing his tiny body past its limits because he inherited the same obsession as his dad and neither of them can put it aside even though it’s destroying them, and yet all I can think about is Baby Shouto’s (。・o・。) face. Anyways what a chapter.
so I have to confess that even though I managed to avoid being caught off-guard by the early leaks, the number of people reblogging my Endeavor posts from earlier this week and using the tag “bnha 301” kind of gave me an inkling that this chapter will include more Tododrama lol. that said, I don’t know anything else about it, so we’re still good spoiler-wise
AHHHHH FLAHSBAKC AHHHH. omg I know I typoed the shit out of that, but I’m just going to leave it lol I think it’s fitting
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holy shit holy fuck. so this is Rei and Enji’s first meeting, then??
yepppp, oh shit
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so wait, I know this is not even the slightest bit important, but are they meeting at Enji’s home or Rei’s? because I always figured that Enji was the one with the super-Japanese aesthetic, but maybe that was Rei’s side of the family all along
(ETA: from what I found during my very brief google search, omiai meetings are often held at fancy hotels or restaurants, so maybe that’s what this is.)
there’s such a period drama feel to this setting. like it’s so outrageously formal fff how can anyone stand this kind of atmosphere though seriously
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I mean they’re still stiff af but at least they’re not rigidly sitting in seiza and staring at each other unblinkingly anymore lol. Enji’s actually got his hands in his pockets now. why is this somehow almost cute
oh damn it’s the flowers
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Rei seems so subdued and it’s so hard to get any idea of what she’s actually thinking. I want to see her side of this dammit
but anyway, so at least from Enji’s perspective it seems like even though the marriage was arranged and he picked her because of her quirk, he still loved his wife and wanted to do right by her. the fact that he was watching her and noticed that she liked the flowers, and remembered that detail for all these years -- there’s a reason why Horikoshi’s showing us this. we know what’s going to happen later on; we know how much fear and violence and breaking of trust is coming up ahead, and while it may seem like this scene is serving to soften Enji’s character further -- which to be fair it is -- it also helps drive home the full impact of his abuse. that it’s so terrible not only because of the trauma of the abuse itself, but also because of the way it retroactively destroys all of the good things as well. this could have potentially been such a sweet scene, but it’s inescapably tainted by the knowledge of what’s to come, at least for me. and that’s just brutal
anyways, shit. is the whole chapter going to be like this?? feel free to toss in something I can actually make a joke about sometime, Horikoshi
oop, back to the present
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omfg lol
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“are you all right” “NO I’M NOT ALL RIGHT WHAT THE FUCK.” “oh, right, because of all the stuff that’s happened with me abusing you and you having a mental breakdown and being hospitalized for ten years and then our son coming back to life and killing thirty people, right, right. I almost forgot.” whoops
omfg you guys I’m loving this new and improved steely-eyed Rei. I’m loving her a lot
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and what do you mean “part one” fkjds how long is this going to be. TOO MUCH DRAMA FOR ONE CHAPTER TO HANDLE
oh, hello
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yeah I’ll say you did. didn’t seem to bother you much at the time, though
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Dabi Is A Noumu intensifies even further. anyways though would you fucking look at this boy lounging on this moth-eaten couch doing his best DRAW ME LIKE YOUR FRENCH GIRLS impression wtf
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Dabi what if you actually had killed him??? what would you feel?? satisfaction?? regret?? anything at all?? tell me your secrets goddammit
who are you talking to buddy
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Fuyumi-chan, Natsu-kun (is it common for brothers to address each other as -kun?? can’t recall seeing that in many other anime, but hey), and “dot dot dot,,,,,, SHOUTO” lol thank you so much for this bountiful heaping of Tododrama Horikoshi we are blessed
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(ETA: and on a more serious note, it’s interesting to see that “look at me”/”watch me” theme being used again though, because we see that same sentiment uttered repeatedly by the younger Touya in the flashback. well kid, you definitely got your wish at last. don’t know what else to say.)
oh my sweet precious lord
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just as cute as we left him. giving us a child this cute when we all know full well what’s going to happen to him is just unspeakably cruel though
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I’m fucking speechless. you broke me, congratulations. what am I even supposed to do with this
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I can’t get over this. moving forward my life will be split into two distinct parts, B.P. (Before the Pout) and A.P. (After the Pout)
and meanwhile there’s ALL THIS BACKGROUND ANGST BUILDING UP, AND I CAN’T EVEN FOCUS ON IT. Touya’s arm and cheek are covered in bandages (I’m guessing this is shortly after that “ouch!” panel we got some chapters back), and Enji is deliberately avoiding training with him because he doesn’t want him to hurt himself further. I can’t fucking get over the irony that all this time everyone thought Touya had died because Enji pushed him too far in his training, and it turns out that it’s the opposite -- the tragedy ultimately happened because he didn’t want to push him. but I’m jumping ahead of myself though I guess
by the way,
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remember this?? just wanted to remind you that it exists just in case you forgot
so now someone is talking and basically saying that Touya is the exact opposite of what Enji was hoping for when he decided to start playing with quirk genetics
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-- okay hold up
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...lol no, never mind. for a second I thought “holy shit he looks kind of familiar WHAT IF IT’S UJIKO OMG” before I remembered that Enji would have recognized him during the hospital capture mission if that was the case. so NEVER MIND, PROCEED
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(ETA: how the fuck did this man go around saving 62 towns in a single day what even is All Might.)
[clicks tongue several times] trouble a’brewin’
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oh my god. oh my god. what is this chapter. WHAT IS IT
so now Touya is all “YOU JUST DON’T UNDERSTAND MY MANLY DESIRE TO BURN MYSELF ALIVE” well you got her there champ
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also are they just home alone lol or what. “hey Touya, you’re what, like six now?? do us a favor and look after your baby sister for a couple hours for us would you? make sure not to set yourself on fire or anything.” WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG!!
now it’s nighttime and Enji and Rei are arguing, presumably about his decision not to train Touya anymore
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whew. okay. so, a couple of things here
1. first of all I think this conclusively shows that Enji really was trying to do the best he could for Touya. he stopped training him as soon as he realized it was hurting him, but Touya was still determined so he tried to make it work anyway, and even visited doctors to try and figure out if there was anything they could do. then, once they were absolutely sure that it wasn’t going to work, he tried multiple times to explain to Touya why they had to stop. he didn’t just abandon him out of the blue, which is really important to note. “no matter how much I tried telling him...”
so yeah, that debunks another common fandom accusation. so by the time he finally makes this decision, which we all know is going to turn out horribly, it’s basically because he’s already tried everything else he could think of. which, by the way, still doesn’t mean he handled this right. but at the very least he was taking Touya’s feelings into account and he was trying, and he didn’t just abruptly toss his son aside (at least not yet)
2. buuuut, then there’s this panel right below all that
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which is the other side of it. if he’d just quit like the doctor person advised him to, that would have been the end of it. Touya would still have been upset, but he would have eventually gotten over it and the family would have moved on and possibly even been happy. but what happens next happens because Enji can’t let go. he still has this maddening urge to surpass All Might, and so he and Rei keep having more children, and then Shouto is born, and Enji finally has a kid he can start projecting all of his hysterical ambitions onto once again, and everything starts spiraling out of control soon after
though p.s. none of that is Shouto’s fault though!! he’s one of the few good things to come out of this whole mess and I’m very happy that he exists. the tragedy is that his dad fucking lost his mind over his quirk and fucked everything up. but that’s on him, not Touya or Shouto
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because children aren’t stupid, after all. he understands that his dad is still looking to surpass All Might. and so he feels like a failure, and feels like his dad is trying to replace him because he wasn’t good enough. and even now, isn’t that what the adult Touya is trying to prove?? that he was good enough after all?? “I’ll show you what happens when you give up on me, dad”?? “I’ll show you what I can do”?? fuck my life fuck everything
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really nice touch here with the panel outlines becoming all shimmery from the heat of Endeavor’s flames (and/or becoming more unstable as the family gets closer and closer to their breaking point). but man, Horikoshi I can’t handle this, please show us more cute kids or something I can’t
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WITTLE BABE. BEEB. BUBS. SMOL. lkj; oh ouch a piece of my heart just detached and latched onto him huh look at that
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crazy how they all just seem to know right off the bat lol. kid doesn’t even have object permanence yet, let alone a quirk. but do they care?? IT’S THE HAIR, RIGHT. WE’RE ALL THINKING IT, I’M JUST GONNA COME OUT AND SAY IT. they knew the minute they looked at him lol
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are those blue flames yet?? they seem pretty close
(ETA: this is one of the few cases where the manga being in black and white is infuriating lol.)
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so it’s not like he was so disinterested that he didn’t notice what was happening, and he was still trying to stop it and get through to him. trying to reassure him that it wasn’t the end of the world and there were other things he could do with his life, but this one particular thing just wasn’t going to happen
fucking hell. it’s agonizing seeing how close they actually were to fixing it. if he’d only said the right words, or if he’d realized at this point how destructive his obsession could be to his kids, and backed off from putting that same pressure on Shouto. we came so close to possibly having a happy ending
AND ALSO THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYTHING BUT PLEASE LOOK AT HOW TOUYA IS LIKE THREE AND A HALF FEET TALL AND HIS DAD IS LIKE NINE AND A HALF FEET. Touya barely comes past his knees flkjlkg. the Todoroki household must have been so filled with like plastic stepstools to reach the bathroom sink and all the little baby toothbrushes, and baby gates to keep the kiddos out of the important grown-up rooms and stuff. and also days-old half-empty cups of water and stale crackers and hot wheels and my little ponies strewn everywhere
“BUT EVERYONE AT SCHOOL SAYS THEY’RE GONNA BE HEROES” a wild Deku parallel appears?? how bout that
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I know this is like a pivotal moment in the Todo Tragedy and all, but fucking look at this lil dumpling
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“sup bro, it’s me, the manifestation of your fears of inadequacy and lack of fatherly affections. a GAAA. ba-baAA-baa [gurgling baby sounds]”
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HE WANTS TO BE LIKE YOU ENJI. good lord somebody please just get this family some therapy
“DAD YOU IGNITED IT IN ME” flkjslkj nope, nope. not ready for this pain here
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baby Shouto, would you like to weigh in on this affair? “DA!! ba-ga-daaa, [pacifier chewing noises]” oh my, you don’t say. so insightful for one so young
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“yo, the fuck kind of family was I fucking born into” oh, son. if you only knew. IF YOU ONLY KNEW!!
(ETA: lmao I got so distracted by the ridiculous cuteness that I glossed over the fact that Baby Touya seems to possibly be aiming at him?? it’s hard to tell because he’s also super out of it from heatstroke and may just be losing control in his attempt to show off his upgrade.)
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laal-ishq-diaries · 4 years
showering with them || mha guys
december 26, 2020
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writer’s note: nothing to say about this. little blurbs on what it’s liking showering with some mha men. i just love showering and self-indulgence. 
warnings: implied intercourse (tagged under #pyaas). descriptions of the female body. hurt/comfort. 
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when kai, who usually showers all by his lonesome, requests your presence in the bathroom one evening, you know he’s craving some sweet, sweet intimacy. you head into the shower together and bask in the warmth emanating from the water for a few minutes before he pushes your back against the wall of the shower and drops to his knees in front of you. making eye contact with you, kai lathers you up with your body-wash. he starts from the soles of your feet before moving up and using his strong touch to ease out the tension from your body. by the time he’s lathering up your inner thighs and hips, you’re leaning against the shower wall with your eyes closed and in absolute bliss. your eyes snap open when you feel a cool substance being dabbed onto your cheek and realize that it’s body-wash and the damn culprit is now standing in front of you with a cheeky grin of his own. one playful huff of indignation later, you take the opportunity to wash your face—an excuse to do something other than quietly melt under his touch—as he skillfully kneads the flesh of your bottom, abdomen, and breasts. afterwards, he turns you around and presses your front into the wall in order to wash your back and arms before taking the removable showerhead and washing the suds off your entire body (all the while pressing kisses across each newly cleansed patch of skin). showering with him is a rare blessing given your busy schedules but he still makes you feel desired and every atom in your body is now screaming at you to return the favor.
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you’re already in the shower when keigo comes home from a particularly stressful mission. he quickly undresses and joins you. all he does is wrap his arms and wings around your body and inhale your scent—he missed you so damn much so just let him have this for a few minutes. in return though, it is up to you to initiate any actual bathing. your arms stretch to grab shampoo (yours, because keigo loves how you smell) and massage a generous amount into his unruly hair. his satisfied coos and chirps spur you on as you wash away the physical and mental grime of the mission. as you rinse the suds and condition his hair (also, with your conditioner), he curls into your body even more and his wings twitch in satisfaction. you make a mental note to give his wings some TLC after your shower but you settle for massaging the base of his spine where his wings emanate, for now. similarly, keigo’s avian instincts urge him to take care of you; he massages body-wash into whatever skin he can reach while you are still in his embrace and nonsensically murmurs loving sentiments. i got you baby, let’s stay like this, and you’re so soft all tug on your heartstrings and, god, what you wouldn’t do for this man. go give him some love, birdboy deserves it!
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this man is extremely stressed and sleep-deprived, so your showers are supposed to make him lethargic and ready to curl up in bed. these showers are in the middle of the night with the lights off; the only source of illumination in your bathroom is from the city lights and moon shining through the windows. the water is nearly on its hottest setting and the steam is fogging up the windows and mirror. there’s a thin layer of sweat on your bodies but you’re both shivering, whether from the cold only body heat can neutralize or in anticipation. shouta is clingy, but not too much. he still has an air of aloofness and mystery, and you don't know what his intentions are tonight. hell, you don’t know what your intentions are. the warm water was supposed to lull him to sleep, not your body. but you can’t complain when he kisses and strokes and bites with so much adoration and lust. you can take a proper shower in the morning; his only concern right now is intertwining with you and wearing you both out until you’re dozed off under covers.
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surprisingly, dabi is not touchy at all. the two of you do your own thing in the shower and make a little bit of idle small talk but your backs will be to each other while bathing. other than enjoying quiet time, showering together is so emotionally intimate that dabi is truly at a loss for words. occasionally, you two will turn around and kiss each other and bump noses playfully. there is nice, soothing music in the background, which he always lets you pick because he loves making you happy (even if it’s just the little things). showering with dabi is so peaceful because this is his relaxing time away from the league of villains, hero society, and his fucked up family. it’s just him and his girl vibing. at times, he glances at you with those eyes that scream you’re the most precious thing in the world and that he’d do anything to protect you. his heart bursts even more when you end up making eye contact and smile or tilt your head in confusion. at that point, he needs to feel more of you. the touches start small—when you begrudgingly go under cold water to rinse your hair, dabi will lightly activate his quirk and rub your sides to warm you up. when you’re done showering, he’ll take your towel and pat the moisture off your body and dry your hair. in turn, you’ll gently moisturize his skin. any other time, dabi would've cracked a joke about you wanting to feel him up and being “too clingy” but not right now. he has completely lost himself in your love. there are parts of him that just want to leave this life and take you away to keep you safe. but he knows he’s too far in to walk away. and you’ve accepted that. the only time he feels in control of his circumstances are these quiet, little moments he steals with you.
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random-mha-thoughts · 4 years
Cabin Fever (Dabi x Reader)
Pairing: Dabi x Reader
Genre: Fluff, pwp
Prompt: Winter with Dabi, sweater, flannel
Summary: Dabi and you get away on a mini vacation in the mountains and end up inside due to the snow.
Word count: 1,384
Tags: @rintomoj @yamichxn @yuki-osaki @liviitehe @iamsoftsodonttoucheume-blog @bunnythepipsqueak
a/n: My winter entry for the Seasonal Love Event being held by my Discord server!  This is just fluff without too much plot, but I hope you guys enjoy the little bit of coziness it might give you~  Stay tuned for the other entries by my friends!
Seasonal Love Event Masterlist
"I hate to be that kind of boyfriend, but what's the point of this?"  Dabi trails behind me, boredom visible in his entire expression.
"Because it's our anniversary?"  My eyebrow quirks up.  "Don't be rude."
His last word earns an elbow in the chest from me.  "I thought you would've liked spending time all alone with me, considering you're always complaining about your friends constantly butting in."
"Yeah,  but did we have to go all the way into the mountains?"  His eyes dart around cautiously.  "It's a little too secluded for my taste."
"What, are you scared you might cause a fire?"  I unload more of our bags out of the trunk.  "And as long as we're laying out gripes, it's not fair that you can be out in winter in just that stupid flannel and not be cold."
The man glances down at his black and blue flannel shirt, unbuttoned to reveal just a white T-shirt, a stark contrast to my coat-and-beanie attire.  "You can thank my quirk for that."  His long arm slithers around my shoulders, his natural warmth a welcome hug to cut through the cold seeping through even my heavy winter coat.  "I could share it with you, maybe in more ways than one."
"Ugh, you and your greasy comments."  I shove him away, before quickly pulling him back in when the warmth regretfully withdraws. "You can't go a day without making an innuendo."
"Isn't that why you're with me in the first place?"
"No, I'm with you despite that."  I hit his chest and carry the bags into the cabin in front of us.  "Hurry up and help me take in the rest of the bags, we have a lot of unpacking and stuff to do.
Eventually, we get ourselves settled into the cabin.  My uncle usually rents these cabins to other couples, but I asked him when it was available for us to get away from the city for a bit.  Work was getting a bit hard for both of us to take - obviously Dabi's work is much more demanding on him - so we needed to get away.
"It's a pretty small place, cozy I guess."  He came back after touring the small cabin in its entirety.  "Big enough for just the two of us."
I'm unpacking some of the plastic utensils and plates we plan to eat using.  "Yeah, my family sometimes vacations here.  There were nine of us the last time, so some of us slept on the floor."
"Well," his scarred limbs slither around me again, "At least now there aren't seven other people to bother us."
"Dabi, I swear, do you have anything else in your thick head?"  I hit him with a plate and shove him away.  "There's a grill and fire pit in the back, we could probably have a little barbecue to ourselves tomorrow night."
His low voice hums right next to my ear.  "I don't know if you checked the weather, babe, but apparently we're due to get a lot of snow tomorrow."
My jaw drops and I whine out, "You're not serious!  Damn it!  Well that plan's down the drain now."
"And we'll have to do something else to warm ourselves up..."
His raven hair shuffles as he throws his head back in a throaty laugh, leaning back against the fridge to look down his nose at me.  He's enjoy this teasing a little too much.  It's normal for Dabi to be a flirty little shit, but he must be more charged up at the thought of us being all alone in a house in the mountains together.  Where no one can probably hear us.
Now that I think about it, that makes sense.
"If I knew your hormones were gonna go into overdrive being alone, I wouldn't have planned our weekend like this, we could've gone to an amusement park or something."  I move away from him into the living room.
"It's not such a bad thing though.  Might as well take advantage of our situation, right?"
The next night, the two of you were stuck in the cabin, the snow storm outside raging on despite your vacation plans.  Wind howls outside as it rushes through the swaying trees.  It was a good thing my uncle left a few decks of cards and some board games so we wouldn't be terribly bored out here, probably for when he rents them to others.
"Your turn."
I look up from my phone and down at the board game.  Gathering the dice in my hand, I make my next move.  "I took some nice pictures today, wanna see?"
He scoots next to me, his pinky finger catching onto the long sleeve of my sweater as I flip through my gallery.  "That one's nice, send that to me."
"I really like that one too," I smile gleefully.  That picture was actually my favorite; it was one I took at dawn while Dabi was still sleeping.  The barren trees glistened in the approaching golden light of the rising Sun.  The entire sky and lake reflection was bathed in a marriage of pinks and oranges, fighting the dark blue at the edge of the photo while the ice on the branches twinkled as if stars.  "I think it's gonna be my new phone background for a while."
"Or you could sell it and make some money off it," Dabi suggests, picking up the dice from where they landed after my toss.
Usually, I would rebuke him for such an idea, but the thought of making a few bucks off my amateur photography is tempting.  "Maybe, I'll think about it.  Or I'll just print it out to hang in the apartment."
I notice Dabi had left his thick flannel draping over the couch messily.  For the love of everything good.  "Babe, at least hang your stuff up in the closet."  I pick up his clothes and hang it in the closet by the door, retrieving my own jacket from there to hang over my shoulders.  My fingers were a tiny bit cold from the weather outside.  Although the heat was on, it wasn't up to my standards as someone who's generally always cold.
"You still have that?"  It's almost teasing, but there's the slightest bit of pride and affection behind his teal eyes resting on me.
"Of course, you never let me return it," I bite back in a similarly playful manner before snuggling back next to him on the floor.
Dabi and I first met by chance in the city, waiting for the bus.  I was probably shaking like a leaf next to him, to the point where I knew I was becoming a minor annoyance to him due to my chattering teeth.  To my surprise, he shed his down jacket and draped it around my shoulders.
I was quick to protest and refuse it.  "No, it's okay, I don't want you to be cold like that."
That day, he was wearing just a black hoodie.  "Nah, it's fine.  I'm hot blooded anyway."
Ever since that day when we started talking, I realized this man didn't wear a jacket at all, not even in the dead of winter on the most frigid days.  When we would go on dates, he would wear one just in case I got cold.  It warms my heart to this day that he would even think of such an affectionate gesture.
Dabi's bare arms wrap around my body.  "If you were cold, you should've told me, I would've warmed you up myself."  His head rests on mine as he says innocently, "In more ways than one."
"Get away."  I shove his chest, but he remains strong.
"You wouldn't push away your human heater, you love me too much," he chuckles, placing a kiss on my temple.
I hum, simply basking in his warmth.  "Isn't it funny how you ended up dating someone who's perpetually cold?"
He casually shrugs again.  "At least my quirk has a non-destructive purpose, I guess."
Although he says it so uncaring, I know his own warm affection blooms in his chest at the thought of us being matched because of our opposing qualities.  "Opposites attract, huh?" I breathe, tracing the staples on his hand as he pulls me closer into his space, eliminating any distance between us.
"Not really. You do have a fiery temperament, sometimes when-"
"Shut up!"
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jungle321jungle · 4 years
Diverging Paths: One (Villain Deku)
Izuku had held out hope. He had held out on hope for so much of his life. Hope that he could be a hero, that he could help heroes, that he could do something- anything. But as time passes and hope dwindles and fades, it becomes harder and harder to hold onto anything... So why even try? 
Katsuki had said so many things- done so many things. But after seeing him that day, after realizing what was really going on, he couldn’t help but wonder... When is it too late to make things right?
Heys I included my general taglist but given this is not sanders sides not sure if you guys are interested or not. So just let me know if you still wanna be tagged in this, I wont default people after just in case. Thanks!
@hells-missing-a-goat @angels-and-dreams @ollyollyoxinfree @gattonero17 @chumo-cookie @dreaming-always @anxiety-ismy-name @mrbubbajones
Ao3 - Masterlist
One: All Men Are Not Created Equal
Izuku looked up from where he had been shuffling down the hallway to see a few members of class 1-A waving to him. He gave an awkward wave as he tried to move past them, but they were persistent.
“Friend Midoriya-kun!” Iida-san called loudly, inserting himself into Izuku’s space. With him (as always) was Uraraka-san and Asui-san. 
“H-hi,” he stammered out in response. 
“How’s the management department going? I have always been interested in the other classes.”
“It’s good. Class J is the same as always. How’s A been?”
“Good! But soon we must embark on the journey of studying more”
“Don't remind me,” Uraraka-san groaned in response. 
Asui-san opened her mouth to respond but a familiar blast in his face caused Deku to take a step back. He gave a hard swallow as he forced a smile and a wave, “H-hi Kacchan.”
“Fuck off Deku!” Kacchan yelled in response as he gave a sneer. “What do you think you’re doing here?”
“Oh you know each other?” Uraraka-san asked intrigued while behind her Iida was attempting to apologize profusely for his classmate’s lack of manners. 
“Kacchan and I grew up together,” Izuku answered as he glanced at the other boy. 
“Wait, he has friends?” Another student asking from behind Bakugo. They hadn’t been introduced, but after watching the sports festival Izuku knew who it was from the research he had done during the Sports Festival. Kirishima Eijiro, Quirk: Harderning, he had made it to the second round in the sports festival before losing to Bakugo. Izuku opened his mouth a question about the other first year’s quirk on the tip of his tongue but Bakugo’s palm had appeared in his face, freezing any words before they could come.
“I would never be friends with a Deku!”
“You make it sound like you have options for friends,” Kaminari Denki tossed in as he approached tossing an arm around Kirishima-kun’s shoulders in a friendly way. The smile melted off his face quickly as Bakugo rounded on him, but Izuku didn’t mind. As the classmates chattered, it allowed him to fade to the background where he belonged.
It allowed him to slip away.
“You damn nerd!”
Izuku was barely able to throw his arms up before the blast hit his arms and he found himself falling to the ground. 
“Where do you get off talking to my class, huh?” Bakugo shouted. “I’m gonna be the number one hero! I can't have people thinking I’m friends with a quirkless dumbass!”
“Sorry,” Izuku mumbled in reply. “I won't do it again.”
“You’re a quirkless shithead!” He continued reaching for Izuku’s backpack and throwing it to the side, its contents spilling across the sidewalk. “When are you gonna realize that? You’re in the fucking management class! You’re never going to be anything! So stop trying!”
Izuku wasn’t sure why the words stung. 
They were words he had been told since he was a child. Since the day his quirk hadn’t developed. Words said by everyone in his life, from friends, to bullies, to teachers, to All Might himself. 
The hero had told him to try another path. To go for management, to support heroes in their work behind the scenes. So he had tried, he had applied to UA, taken the exam, gotten in. He had tried to make friends, to do well in his classes, he had tried to be happy in a life which wasn’t suited for him, he had tried. He had tried. He had tried. 
But Kacchan was right, if he wasn’t going to be anything... then why try at all?
Perhaps that’s why this time Bakugo’s words had hurt so much, because this time they weren’t only his, but Izuku’s too.
“Izuku?” his mom’s voice had come worriedly. “What are you doing?”
He glanced up from where he was taking down the last of the posters, trying not to damage the wall as he did, “Redecorating.”
His mother entered the room slowly looking around at the full garbage bags in the center, “Why are you throwing it out of all of your All Might stuff?”
Because he was tired of living in a shrine. Living in the shadow of yet another person who didn’t believe in him. “I’ve gotten older,” He told her with a forced smile as he shoved the final poster in the garbage bag and tied it shut. “I don't need it anymore.”
His mother seemed to be at a loss for words, but tears brimmed at her eyes. Izuku gave her another smile as he moved to give her a hug, “Don’t cry mom.” But she did anyway, and he held her there consoling her as she apologized for not being able to give him a quirk, for not being able to control things she by nature she couldn’t control. But as she cried, Izuku couldn’t help but feel he had made the right decision. But there was one final step.
The stacks of notebooks nearly fell from his hands as he walked out the UA gates and headed towards his home. When he arrived he would toss them with the rest of the things he needed to throw out, and get rid of it all in one go. 
No turning back. 
“You have more of them, Izuku-kun?”
Izuku blinked in surprise as he looked around the almost empty street to find a girl standing behind him. She was about his age, dressed in the uniform of another school, with blonde hair and a large smile on her face. 
“I’m sorry?” He asked awkwardly. 
“More books!” She said cheerily, taking something frown behind her back and holding it out for him to see, “Tada!”
Izuku paused and blinked seeing his own handwriting on the notebook’s cover. 
“You dropped it yesterday!”
“He didn’t drop it, that kid threw his backpack.” This voice came from the alley beside her and when he looked Izuku could see a man perhaps in his twenties. He was tall with long dark hair and purpled skin in patches across his body in an unsettling way. 
“We liked reading your notebook!” She said ignoring him. “So did our friends!”
“Oh, um thank you,” Izuku replied awkwardly as he took the notebook from her. He tried to move away but she spoke again. 
“Can we read another one?” 
“I-I was actually going to throw them away.”
“Then just give ‘em to us,” Her companion shrugged. “Problem solved.”
“Uh, okay I-”
“Wait! I’m sure Kuriogiri-san and Shigaraki-san would want to ask about them!” She interjected. “Come with us to meet them!”
“He doesn’t know us, nutjob,” The young man said with an eye roll. “Why would he come with us?”
“Well I’m Toga Himiko, and that's Dabi! Nice to meet you Izuku-kun!”
Izuku hadn’t expected to end up standing awkwardly in a bar surrounded by people he didn’t know but yet here he was. Toga-san seemed nice enough, but the rest honestly creeped him out a tad with how much they were staring at him and-and Shigaraki had severed hands on him?
“This is in depth,” Kurogiri-san complimented looking through one of the notebooks. “Does your quirk involve your memory? Or analysis?”
“I’m-” He faltered. “I’m quirkless actually...”
“Remarkable. These are quite thorough, you could compete with someone who has such a quirk.”
“Do you have any more of these?” Dabi-san asked him. 
Izuku gave a slight nod as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “At home.”
“Bring them tomorrow!” Toga-san encouraged. 
Izuku had mumbled a reply about considering it and he left as quickly as he could. 
So he wasn’t entirely sure why he went back. 
But that mix of confusion and uncertainty would become part of his regular visits. At first it had been to give extra notebooks. To go over his thoughts. And then it had been to do that again. And again. And again. 
But he knew that was just the excuse he had been telling himself. 
He was going for them. 
That first day something had intrigued him, and then on the second he had seen how polar their personalities seemed to be, but as he continued returning he could see how they each fit together in that whole puzzle that was them. He could see how each was acknowledged and accepted for their differences- not ridiculed. Yes there was teasing, there was name calling, but unlike what he was used to it didn’t have any malintent. 
And he could start to see where he fit too. On that same stool at the corner of the bar, a glass of water in front of him and a notebook in front of him. 
It was a place where he was wanted. A place where they treated him kindly- as a friend- as one of them. And Izuku didn’t realize how much he had latched onto them- until they had finally told him what he already figured out for himself. It had been easy to, far easier than one should expect.
Because sitting there, sitting in that spot he could essentially hear bits and pieces clicking into place. Mainly about Kurogiri-san, the man’s description matched what Iida-san had gone on and on about when Izuku had asked him about the U.S.J. incident. 
These people were criminals- villains.  
Logic told him to run, to never look back, to tell all the heroes at school that he knew exactly where they were hiding. He knew what the teachers and other heroes everywhere had been trying to figure out for so long. Now all he had to do... was tell.
It would be easy to do. He had options. He could tell the police, or he could tell any one of the teachers at school tomorrow. He had options...
So he wasn’t sure why he didn’t tell anyone, but at first he didn’t go back either. He had stayed away for a few days, trying to determine what he should do with the information and ultimately he had decided to sit in his seat at the bar, drink his water, talk to his friends, and write down his analysis. 
“You’re taking this better than I expected,” Kurogiri-san acknowledged. 
“What did you expect?” Izuku asked him in return.
“I thought you’d have some reaction to us being the ones who attacked your school.”
Izuku sipped at his water with a shrug. “I’ve known for a while,” he admitted. “I figured it out myself a while ago.”
“It didn’t bother you?”
“It did... but-but you guys are my friends, right?”
Toga-san had leaned forward with a smile, “Course!” v
Friendship came with the others growing comfortable with him, and as the walls came down between them they began to be open with their planning. It was strange, he would go to school all day and learn about how to manage and support pro heroes, and afterwards he’d come here to the bar and he’d hang out and pretend he couldn’t hear as they plotted their next moves. Sometimes he’d simply pretend not to listen at all, but he could always hear. And yet when the words were spoken to him he thought he had misheard. 
“I asked,” Shigaraki-san started slowly. “Do you want a quirk?”
“All men are not created equal” - Midoriya Izuku
One - Two
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jackrrabbit · 4 years
College AU drinking HCs /// Dabi, Shigaraki, & Overhaul x f!Reader (18+)
A/N: A little background for this college AU—imo the PLF would be a social frat and the Shie Hassaikai is a professional frat (pre-med). Sooner or later I’ll write general college AU headcanons for them…
Tags/warnings: implied dubcon/drunk sex, alcohol, problematic frat culture things, pressure to drink, brief mentions of public sex/exhibitionism, drug use, a tiny bit of degradation, Hawks is vaguely in it too
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A basic frat bitch who drinks beer 80% of the time
Surprisingly he can’t tolerate cheap beer and is kind of a snob about people who drink shitty beer but he doesn’t bring it up enough to be annoying about it. Constantly blowing the frat’s alc budget on bottled beer instead of cans, not the super expensive craft bullshit but a step above Natural Light at least, right guys? Come on
Dabi always volunteers to go with Keigo (the frat’s social chair) to pick up the keg because both of them have a crusade against the cheap stuff—Keigo because he wants people to get drunk on it at parties and Dabi because he wants to drink it himself. They lowkey have a bromance over it and sometimes go to breweries together to fuck around and daydrink. The two of them are always trying new beers and will generally keep a different sixpack in the fridge every day—if any of the other brothers drink their overpriced IPAs by accident there’ll be consequences
Speaking of Keigo, him and Dabi are both into making jungle juice. They both get really excited about it, it’s kinda wholesome except they’re both just plotting on how to get cute girls like you as drunk as possible without realizing. They’ve spent a bunch of weekends together trying different mixes and recipes for the best flavor/alcohol content combination
Dabi is a whole ass heavyweight. He’s been getting drunk since he was like 11 so a couple rounds of shots are basically water to him. He can’t even remember the last time he was really, really drunk, he just gets tipsy now. And believe he absolutely uses this to his advantage
You’re drinking together? He’s going to fill up your cup every time he fills up his own, so before you realize how much you’ve been drinking, you’re five drinks in and swaying on the spot while Dabi is completely unfazed. He’ll tease you about having no tolerance to make you drink more
Drinking games!! Once again his tolerance gives him an advantage. He’ll pull some fake chivalrous shit like offering to drink for you on the first round of beer pong and then after that he’s just going to demolish you until you’re so plastered he basically has to carry you up to his room (which has empty liquor bottles lined up on the shelves as “decor” because he’s such a stereotypical frat bro)
Ok this is kinda weird but bear with me—Dabi actually dislikes that alcohol makes you less responsive/makes it harder for you to cum. Doesn’t mean he’ll hesitate to get you drunk but he wants you to feel everything he’s doing to you and alcohol isn’t really conducive to that
Very laid-back when he’s tipsy, you can barely tell the difference from when he’s sober ♡
Shigaraki Tomura
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A liiiiiiiightweight. 3 drinks and Tomura’s out bruv, out like a goddamn lightbulb, I said what I said
Although tbh it’s more like he gets drunk really quick and then sobers up really quick. Like he’ll be nodding off at the pregame but by the time the party starts, he’s ready to get going again
A wimp when it comes to alc preferences. Hates the taste of strong liquor and will never take shots without a chaser. Prefers to mix vodka and tequila rather than doing shots, preferably with root beer/sprite. Gets pissy if the party runs out of shit to chase with. The frat has a steady supply of amaretto and kahlua because of Tomura, he really likes sweet drinks
Genuinely hates beer and will take white claw over beer any day of the week. But he’s a frat president so he avoids talking about it bc it’s pretty embarrassing
Don’t tell anyone but…Tomura doesn’t really like drinking? Since he’s the president he has to be in charge of a lot of shit when they have parties. Drunk freshmen puking in the backyard? Tomura has to tell Dabi (recruitment chair) to find some pledges to clean it up. Fight breaks out? Tomura has to make sure no one gets hurt enough to get the frat in trouble with school admin. Undercover cops? Tomura’s the one who has to announce that they’re out of alc and shut it down
It’s annoying enough for Tomura to deal with that shit (not to mention get Keigo to stop fucking freshman girls and pull his weight as social chair) when he’s sober, and it’s 100x worse when he’s drunk
On the other hand, when Tomura gets drunk he’ll get really drunk. Doesn’t dance so he’ll just sit on the couch and maybe play handheld games, and he’ll get super annoyed bc he’s shit at games when his vision is blurry and his hands are shaking
Pretty suggestible when he’s been drinking. If you’re dating Tomura you can get him to do all kinds of crap after you get a few shots in him. Make him do your skincare routine with you and put face masks on together :,) He’ll never admit it but he likes being taken care of when he’s wasted
ON THE OTHER HAND THO…….if you’re not dating and instead just some random chick at one of his parties? Tomura will absolutely use being drunk as an excuse to creep on you. e.g. at kickbacks he’ll get you to play never have I ever/truth or dare so he can ask invasive questions
Are you a virgin?
How old were you when you lost it? Oh wow, you’re a slut/prude.
Body count?
Do you like sucking cock?
Ever let a guy tie you up/choke you/cum inside?
You keep answering because he seems super detached/disinterested, like he doesn’t really care about your answers or he’s just joking around. Little do you know…
Honestly a sneak creep—Tomura seems like he doesn’t give a shit about you until he’s groping you under your shirt on the dance floor, hands squeezing your tits before he shoves them into your shorts and tells you he’s going to wreck this little pussy as soon as he gets you alone ♔
Chisaki Kai
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You know Kai drinks, but you never really see him drinking? It’s weird…he’s always holding a bottle when you run into him at parties but he never takes off the cloth mask he’s wearing
Brings his own alcohol to parties because no fucking way he’s going to be drinking the same nasty shit that the hosts are providing. Jungle juice? You’ve got to be fucking kidding. Do you have any idea how unsanitary that is? Even thinking about it makes Kai want to throw up
Highkey a drug dealer although he doesn’t do much himself except maybe coke or adderall…Kai can sell you basically anything and all his shit is that high-quality you can’t usually get from a campus dealer
At the same time, if Kai’s planning on fucking you he probably won’t give you that much because he doesn’t want to babysit you when you get crossed
Likes Asian liquors, very on-brand for him. Baijiu, shōchū, sake, that kind of thing. Drinks a fair amount of soju but he exclusively buys boring flavors like “fresh” or “classic”
When it comes to Western liquor, Kai has better taste than most students. Would rather drink vinegar than any alcohol that came out of a plastic bottle, box, or bag. He likes top-shelf whiskey and gin and he’s good with strong alcohol; if you wince after taking a shot he’ll definitely look down on you
Prefers afterparties and kickbacks to big parties, and will take roof/outdoor events over crowds. Hasn’t set foot inside a social frat since he was a freshman and doesn’t plan to. Very much the “let’s get out of here, I have something stronger at my place” type
Fuck, you’re so trusting when you’re drunk…he could probably put a leash and collar on you and you’d thank him. It’s sort of baffling how bubbly and sweet you are when Kai gets a little liquor in you; he can’t decide if it’s annoying or a turn-on
Kai has average tolerance but unbelievable self-control and awareness, so he’s careful not to get too drunk himself
Likewise, if he’s interested he’ll keep a close eye on how much you’re drinking and how trashed you are, because when he gets around to fucking you he wants you to be fuzzy enough that he can easily take advantage but not too sloppy. Wouldn’t want you gagging on his cock after all
Loves watching you stumble around and fall over shit while he’s just shy of sobriety. Only time you’ve ever seen Kai laugh is when you drunkenly asked him for help walking once. No way. If you can’t walk by yourself you should just crawl
When Kai actually gets drunk, he’s pretty much the same except a little more sleepy/lazy. If he’s sitting down he has a habit of nodding off in the middle of conversations. It’s lowkey cute but Setsuno brought it up once and Kai got pissed so don’t mention it to him ♢
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 249: Todoroki Taco Night
Previously on BnHA: Nothing happened at all, because the manga was on break last week! Fortunately the anime had finally resumed after a billion years (estimation; exact length of time may be slightly off), so we had that to take the edge off in the meantime. Except we didn’t, because the anime also ended up going on break due to a rugby game or some shit. So that was nice. On a related note, when I die I’d like the Basement arc to lower me into my grave, so it can let me down one last time.
Anyway, Endeavor did some mentoring and gave Shouto and Kacchan a power-up assignment and told Deku to work on Air Force to help him master the fine control he needs for the Bloop. Then Fuyu called a week later and was all “HEY DAD, DINNER, OUR PLACE, TONIGHT, BRING THE KIDS.” And then as previously mentioned, we waited two whole fucking weeks and MY GOD, my body is ready, on to the new chapter we go!
Today on BnHA: Shouto, Katsuki, and Deku are cordially invited to Todosmith Farms for an evening of food and fun! They make it approximately six minutes into dinner before Natsu loses it and exits with more theatrics than a spurned reality TV show contestant. Baku and Deku spend the next hour being all “!!!” at each other back and forth, and whispering about how fucking dramatic the Todorokis are, which fully kills me and is my favorite thing ever to happen in the world. Deku then begins to guide Shouto through his personal healing process like fucking Mufasa booming at Simba from the heavens, and meanwhile Endeavor listens in while quietly kneeling before HIS DEAD SON’S PHOTOGRAPH, IN THE SHRINE THEY BUILT FOR SAID DEAD SON IN HIS BEDROOM, and sorrowfully wishing he could do more for his family. Anyways so I’m in ruins now, but otherwise fine. How are you?
(All comments are my unspoiled reactions from my initial readthrough of the chapter. I did a quick edit for grammar and clarity afterward, and added a few ETAs in the process, but aside from that there are no changes.)
well it’s Thursday morning, and I have just seen the picture of baby white-haired Touya because no one in this fandom knows how to fucking spoiler tag (and that’s on me too for browsing the BnHA tag on a Thursday; I know better, but I was just curious how this new group chat thing was working out), so here are my immediate thoughts
we never actually confirmed that the hair color correlates to their powers, huh. we just assumed. but come to think, there’s no reason why someone couldn’t have mom’s hair but dad’s quirk. it’s all Shouto’s fault for being a perfect 50/50 split and thus making everyone assume that THAT’S JUST HOW IT WORKS. damn you Shouto and your dramatic character design
anyways I tried not to look at the pic for too long -- once I realized what I was looking at, I averted my eyes -- but he does look like Dabi, I think. oh shit guys. it’s really fucking happening
and I also didn’t get a good enough look to determine whether this was a photo of Touya (that Deku or whoever happened to spot while visiting the Todochester Mystery House for the much-hyped dinner) or a flashback image (in which he is just standing really fucking still for some reason and staring directly at the camera), so I guess we’ll see. but anyways, Deku and Kacchan didn’t come all the way down to Todoroki taco night to not have their evening peppered with intricate family drama and reopened wounds and hysterical conspiracy theories, so you had better keep them goddamn entertained! lord knows the Todorokis don’t do small talk. this is literally their only way of spicing things up so their guests don’t die of sheer awkwardness while Endeavor sits in stony silence and Shouto just stuffs his face with soba all night
also aren’t we due some popularity poll results soon? just getting in all my random thoughts now before we dive in. anyways Horikoshi, so you know what I want to see now and you better deliver
aaaand now it’s Friday! so Happy Birthday Aizawa, and LET’S GET TO THAT CHAPTER
and we’re opening with Endeavor’s Redemption Arc: The Page. omg
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holy fucking shit BnHA. you sure do have a way of making me wait WITH BATED BREATH!! FOR TWO WEEKS!!! ON THE EDGE OF MY SEAT!!!! for the new fucking chapter only to have me immediately suck in a deep breath through my teeth and seriously reconsider whether I am in any way emotionally prepared to handle this. “you think you know what you want?!” Horikoshi demands. “YOU HAVE NO IDEA.” sob it’s trueeee
okay. okay. we can do this. hell, if we made it through Tomura’s flashbacks then this should be child’s play. so all right, let’s go
-- oh wait, but before I click to the next page, I just want to note that Endeavor isn’t the only one who’s nowhere to be found in this pic, though! boy you have three sons. uno dos tres
“the hellish Todoroki residence” lmao this legitimately sounds like the title of a Buzzfeed Unsolved episode
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okay I have like... ten different notes I want to make about Katsuki and I don’t know where to start SO I’LL JUST START SOMEWHERE!
I’ve legit wanted to see how he would look with his mask pushed up into his hair like a headband for the longest fucking time (I don’t know why! I just wanted to see it!) so this. is. Christmas for me omg. if only he wasn’t making one of his (◣д◢) faces and was instead making a normal face. but that’s probably too much to ask of him at THE CRACK OF DAWN, which brings me to my next point,
I thought he was a morning person?? [furiously checking headcanon notes] kid you go to bed at 8pm. you have your full eight hours by four in the fucking morning. and the full nine and a half hours that GROWING BOYS ACTUALLY NEED by 5:30am, which is when I always assumed you typically woke up in order to get in your morning workout and BEAST IT UP IN THE PIT or whatever gym people do. yet here you are, half dead, while Deku and Burnin’ are raring to go. were you just burning the midnight oil and that’s why you’re grumpy? WAS IT THE FANFIC AGENCY RESIDENCES SHENANIGANS, OH MY GOD I CAN’T
lastly, look at that unzipped collar. why is it that the more disheveled he looks the more I want to pile him up in a headlock and give him noogies. I love him so fucking much, this is ridiculous, he was only gone for two weeks but it felt like SEVENTEEN YEARS anyway
so Burnin’ is all “catch any villains faster than Endeavor yet, LOL, LIKE THAT COULD EVER HAPPEN!!” and they’ve been putting up with this trolling for a fucking week now huh. no wonder Katsuki’s ready to pack it in and sleep for the next year
motherfucker holy shit
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sure thing coach. Todoroki Shouto out here ready for the morning huddle. BRING IT IN! ONE TWO THREE PLUS ULTRA
meanwhile Katsuki better keep his hair like that for the rest of the arc now. the collar too. I am living for this
what is Shouto doing with his hands
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are you blowing a kiss. or beckoning toward her like Neo in the Matrix. are you channeling your inner Iida. wtf is this
this one panel perfectly encapsulates everything I love about this OT3 dynamic oh my god
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Katsuki screaming at Todoroki that he’s better than him (based on impeccable, flawless logic). Shouto completely disregarding this and calmly continuing to have a normal conversation at a normal person volume. and Deku ignoring them both while sending the chipperest, most positive energy in the world out toward this other person because he loves everyone!!
and now there’s three closeups of the boys showing how worn out they are
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they’ve been working so hard I’m so proud of them and also they totally deserve a night off to go gorge themselves on soba at Toderly Manor
and then there’s a whole nother page continuing to establish that it has been a week! and they’re working hard! and YES, WE KNOW, though
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yep yep yep we get it now WHAT ABOUT THAT DINNER oh my god. it’s been four pages! and if we’re only getting thirteen again then this is precious real estate we’re just wasting here, come onnnnn
so Endeavor is continuing to show off how great he is while the kids look on in frustration
heh but I like this panel because LOOK AT THEM
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ALL THREE OF THEM CAN FLY (basically). I love it. yes. just let them be airborne for the rest of the series
meanwhile Endeavor’s thinking agitated thoughts about how Fuyu wants him to try and CONNECT TO THE CHILDREN ON AN ACTUAL EMOTIONAL LEVEL, like what do you think he is?? a human being??!
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lol he’s got that look like “WHY DON’T YOU JUST KILL ME NOW AND BE DONE WITH IT.” things he would rather do than have a family dinner with his kids and his two new apprentices: literally. anything. else. ah, but Endeavor. no one said the path of Not Being A Bastard would be easy
he’s thinking about how happy Fuyu sounded on the phone, though. “the thought of us finally becoming a real family...” c’mon Enji you can’t just let your only daughter down like that
and also me. you better not fucking let me down. I was promised dinner at Todoton Abbey and DAMN IT THIS IS HAPPENING
lol he’s getting all fired up and the kids are just mindlessly yelling back like “FUCK YEAH”
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even the guy in the background’s like “YEAHHHHHHH LET’S DO ITTT.” the best part is how not a single one of them has any clue what they are loudly agreeing to
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lmao Kacchan
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“it’s not too late!” he is so desperate, bless him. all he wanted was to curl up in his room with a bowl of spicy ramen after a long day and watch old All Might clips on Youtube while blissfully not interacting with a single other soul. and now instead they’ve dragged him to fucking Todo-a-Lago for dinner with his boss, his two best friends who he hates, and SOMEONE’S SISTER. what a nightmare
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worst part is, I don’t think Kacchan will be able to resist Fuyu’s Kind Elementary School Teacher Energy at all. he’s totally screwed. -- OH MY GOD, IS HE HIDING
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like, I know this is the Todoroki drama chapter and that’s where my focus should be, and I’M SORRY, but you guys all know what you signed up for by this point, right? you can read a million other Todo hot takes on tumblr today, but this will forever be the blog that spends paragraphs and paragraphs obsessing over Kacchan hiding behind the door frame and sulking and asking “why though?” in increasingly petulant tones like a four-year-old because SOMEONE DRAGGED HIM TO A SOCIAL EVENT and this is his personal hell! Fuyu’s gonna end up having to manually feed him chicken like Satou did at the party
meanwhile now that I’m actually READING THE REST OF THE PANEL LIKE A NORMAL PERSON, I have to pause for a moment to let my heart break over Deku saying that he hardly ever gets invited over by friends. hey Deku come here for a moment, I just have to give you a dozen hugs real quick and then you can continue as you were
anyway so guys I literally owe Todoroki Fuyumi my life and I want to send her flowers with a “THANKS FOR SAVING THE MANGA” card but it’ll have to wait until the chapter is done. let’s continue
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(ETA: shout out to Natsu for wearing the greatest shirt of all time and taking Deku’s rookie-tier gags to THE NEXT LEVEL!)
holy shit Deku
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Alton fucking Brown over here. chill my dude
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and look how oblivious Deku is to the general vibe settling in here
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what the fuck do you see. you just literally had no idea how else to respond to that, huh
oh my god oh my fucking god
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(ETA: I’m laughing so hard and I’ll explain in the tags. sob.)
guys let me just break down these two panels for you
1. Fuyu is all “NATSU YOU COOKED TOO”
how the fuck is there drama brewing over the fucking cooking. this fucking family. and Shouto’s face is two seconds away from being my new icon omg
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and now Fuyu has finally made a FATAL ERROR IN JUDGEMENT oh no. that error being trying to fall back on Shouto of all people to ease the awkward tension. that boy literally is made up of awkward tension. right down to his atoms. Fuyu what were you thinking??
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someone help me I’m fucking dying. actually, you know what, help them
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“yo Deku, do you wanna get the fuck out of here right now.” “yes, yes I do.” turns out, they didn’t really need that internship anyway. maybe they can still convince the centipede man to take them instead
holy shit
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like, I feel so bad for him, but also Fuyu looks so fucking sad and I can’t?? this is too much, and things haven’t even gotten spicy yet. this arc is going to leave me a wreck
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“it’s okay,” Horikoshi says comfortingly, “here’s a panel of your two good boys helping clean up.” WELL THANK YOU, EXCUSE ME FOR A MOMENT, I’M GOING TO GO SIT. and think about Katsuki being a fucking gentleman whose momma raised him right and who helps clean up the dishes after being invited over for dinner. never mind that he didn’t even help clean up the Christmas party. but he saw Fuyu being sad and immediately went MY GOD, I’VE GOT TO DO SOMETHING TO HELP THIS STUPIDLY NICE LADY
anyway so are you two going to ask Endeavor why his kids hate him so fucking much. or just ignore it because you pretty much know the gist already because Shouto can’t keep a lid closed on anything
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anyways so did you guys know that Deku and Kacchan having whispered conversations about how dramatic the fucking Todorokis are is my all-time aesthetic. I didn’t know either actually. but it is
Fuyu why are you apologizing to Shouto for making him help clean up
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oh my god she’s having a heart to heart with Shouto about how he feels about Endeavor. oh my god I see Horikoshi aiming a bow right at my fucking heart. he’s notching the fucking arrow, this is it, it’s been real you guys
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that look in his one visible eye. god. there it is. oh god. hurts
(ETA: do you suppose all of the Todorokis have secretly had that exact same dream. we know Fuyu has, and Rei as well based on her letter. I’m starting to think that Shouto has too. it only makes sense that a boy who was denied a real childhood for the first fifteen years of his life is going to have some part of him that secretly longs to just have a normal family. in related news, Shouto had better get some fucking hugs in this arc!)
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(ETA: yeah this does not bode well for an upcoming flashback in which a child was presumably burned the fuck alive. feels like Horikoshi was testing the waters to see how much he could get away with. we may be in for some brutal shit pretty shortly.)
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ahhhh he says he doesn’t know
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this is the most realistic fucking thing I’ve read in this manga to this date. not knowing how you feel about the abusive parent who did so much harm but is now trying to change. boyyyyy howdy I feel that in my fucking bones. Horikoshi is out there delivering the real shit. goddamn
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it’s as though Horikoshi placed his hands on his shoulders and said “listen up sonny boy, I’ve got an important job that only you can do. defuse this tension. in any way you can.” and Katsuki looked him dead in the eye and said “I got this”
meanwhile Deku’s hoping he can spontaneously develop another new quirk which will open up a hole in the ground to swallow him up
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“A NORMAL, PLEASANT EVENING!!” yes of course, that’s why you spent the entire ride over here clinging to Todoroki’s shirt and repeating “WHY” ad infinitum. anyways as usual this child is a nightmare whose fickle tirades absolutely no one deserves to be subjected to, god bless him and I adore him so
and Deku is again apologizing for him like they’re fucking married. this chapter is filled with so many highs and lows for me, it’s wild
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this, to be clear, is one of the highs. god I love it
oh shit it looks like Deku’s getting ready to say something! SOMETHING WISE, I BET
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IS HE?? sometimes this kid can just peer into other people’s souls with perfect clarity, it’s uncanny
oh my god Shouto’s face
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genuine shock. he doesn’t even know how he feels, but somehow Deku is able to cut right to the heart of it
oh my god Katsuki’s there to chime right in too and say “but if you feel like he doesn’t deserve forgiveness that’s fucking fine too”
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this is actually incredibly fucking supportive? anyway so guys have I mentioned within the last five seconds how much I love Bakugou fucking Katsuki. I have? well that’s okay I’ll just say it again anyway. and also I love Deku and Shouto too oh my god. bless this chapter
oh lol nevermind that still Deku talking while Katsuki is just making faces. well he’s doing his best. anyways so like I said I love Midoriya fucking Izuku
(ETA: [chinhands] do you guys think. that perhaps. Midoriya Izuku might be harboring some unresolved feelings regarding his own absent daddo. maybe. ??? why does this chapter have so many layers??)
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ah I see, Katsuki spied Natsu just STANDING THERE LISTENING IN THE DARK, as one does, and that’s why the face
and also YES, Shouto is like the kindest fucking person in the whole series possibly. thank you for acknowledging that?? I’m in the process of arranging all of these new feels into a comfy little pile now, so maybe I can curl up in them. if Horikoshi insists on delivering more and more
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sdfhk. oh my god. and so it was a photograph! but one which appears to be a segue into a flashback! and the law of escalating tragic flashbacks states that Touya’s is somehow going to be even more horrific than our last flashback, in which, let me just think back for a sec, oh yes, an entire family was massacred and torn into bloody chunks including a six-year-old girl and a dog, and the surviving child was then adopted by a psychopath who adorned him with severed hands and was all “NEVER FORGET HOW FUCKED UP YOU FEEL ABOUT ALL THIS” and then the child murdered some people to feel better about himself. so this is somehow going to be worse than that. well that’s just. ...I don’t even know. I literally can’t think of a lighthearted way to end that train of thought lmao. WE ARE FUCKING SCREWED. get ready to burn, baby
but meanwhile, parting thoughts
so they really do believe he’s dead. that’s confirmed. and he died (or, well, “died”) young, too, based on this picture and on the toys on that shelf. fffff
Endeavor kneeling at a family shrine to pay respects to his dead son and miserably wishing he was still alive is just. repeated stabbings of my already mutilated heart. thanks. thanks for that
he heard EVERYTHING and he’s saying nothing, because what can he say?? I meanwhile have already said “oh my god” about 1600 times in this recap, but I’ll go ahead and say it again anyway one last time because oh my god, the fucking Todofam AND THEIR FUCKING DRAMA!!!
what can I do for my family at this stage? the last plea of a desperate man struggling to make amends and piece together something he’s already shattered into a million pieces. he keeps dreaming of them being happy together, even if he’s not in the dream. he wants to do right by them, finally. but he doesn’t know how. anyways so people have been saying and saying that this arc so far has been death flag after death flag for this old coot, and you know what, they’re fucking right. this does not have a happy ending. this is going to be fucking devastating. and here I am, fully obsessed with it. fuck me
anyways I guess that’s finally everything I can think of to say. this recap is already a million fucking words so that’s fine lol. why though
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