#i just never drew anything hahaha
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wes-laye · 3 months ago
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Merry Christmas!! I decided to redraw & update my OC Christmas greeting doodle from 2015😂 If you scroll down far enough on my instagram you can find it like what a blast from the past
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ygodmyy20 · 1 year ago
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Soft terumob for your Tuesday morning
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mrs-gauche · 10 months ago
So, uhh... what if I posted my own art on here? 👀
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suiana · 3 months ago
yandere! merman who's (unfortunately) a frequent visitor to your front yard.
living on the beach had its ups and downs. being able to witness such a beautiful sight every day and night, no matter the seasons was really amazing. the fact that you worked as a beach lifeguard also meant that you could head to work much more conveniently.
unfortunately that's about as good as the positives get. not with the ever increasing living expenses and your stupidly handsome fish intruder.
he pops up in your backyard every single day. every. SINGLE. day.
at first it was cute and interesting. oh! a gorgeous merman making himself comfortable in your front yard, tail in the water while he lounges on the sand and tries to talk to you.
you gave into him of course. yes, you have met several other merfolk in your time as a lifeguard. yet there was something about him that drew you in. was it the fact that he would constantly break into your front yard and act like he belonged there? or the fact that he had massive tits and there were always just staring at you? you weren't sure.
plus he was also really interesting too! he (coincidentally) had all the same interests as you and (obviously) also knew you in and out! talking to him was just so so enjoyable! he was extremely cuddly, nuzzling into your neck while he mutters words of affirmations that do wonders to your touch starved heart. aw! it's like he likes you or something :)
but it became annoying. he wouldn't leave you no matter how much you tried. in fact, he'd even FORCE you to stay on the beach with him, holding your hand down as he looked at you with the most emotionally manipulative look. lips all pouty and eyes glossed over, tears threatening to spill. the fact that your house was right there too, just a few steps out of reach... it was like he was purposely trying to tease you or something. hello dude, you aren't my boyfriend! you can't keep me here!
you'd think because he was half fish it would mean he wouldn't be able to stay above land for extended periods of time. but boy, you swear you never really see him enter the water. actually, you swear you see him on land more often!
trying to catch him off guard and enter the water is also near impossible too. it's like he has some sort of power or telekinesis or whatnot. you tried faking sleep just to sneak a glance of him off your porch, maybe even seeing him enter the beautiful waters.
nope. what you got was a JUMPSCARE with him staring right back at you, eyes all wide and mouth open, showcasing rows of sharp teeth. you've never tried to see him away again.
you couldn't even bring other people home anymore. not with him flopping around, glaring and hissing at anyone who dared to even glance at you for a second too long. what seemed like a handsome and harmless fishman was now a nuisance and fucking creepy presence in your already dull life.
have i mentioned the fact that you're a lifeguard? yeah, because of his constant hovering (or flopping) around you, you can't even do your job properly. he doesn't even let you go save people that are clearly in need of help! he just scowls and tells the people to stop drowning! muttering about how if they were a better swimmer they wouldn't be in this position in the first place!
oh well, at least he doesn't do anything more than forcing you to talk to him as long as possible, scaring away all potential suitors and just people in general, and staying in your front yard for way too long, right?
um... you might want to look out your window... uh... yeah, new merfolk. oldies? yeah um, they're his parents. he wants you to meet them. like, right now. and he's also wearing some intricate jewellery that he hasn't worn before.
and is that... a ring?
oh. well.
good luck lifeguard! hopefully he (most definitely) isn't trying to marry you! that would be bad! like, super bad! haha!
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kianamaiart · 2 months ago
Hey hey! You’ve probably been asked this a lot but what made you want to start creating I Don’t Want To Be A Magical Girl?
Also I drew Akia in my style!
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Hope you’re having a great day btw ! :0)
First of all this is so rad!!! I loooove how you drew her
And what made me want to make I Don't Want to be a Magical Girl... It was a lot of things! (im assuming you mean the pilot in general)
The idea started off as a stupid doodle/character design practice. It wasn't gonna be anything more than that. I just felt like drawing a cute character with a gun really hahaha.
It's not a particularly original premise and I didn't plan to do anything more with her (as I do with most of my ocs/designs). But I actually did really like this one and couldn't help but think of little ideas and scenarios with her. Things started ramping up in my brain more when I realized I could attach a personal story and personal experiences to it to make it feel less cliche. That's when I started designing the other characters and coming up with bios and stuff
And then that was gonna be it again. I'd maybe do a comic here and there but there was a combination of things that happened that led to me jumping in and making a pilot.
First of all, I had a two month hiatus coming up so I had so much time. I also decided to step down from my directors position to be a board artist again in the coming season. So I really wanted to get some storyboarding practice in and what better way to do that than with this character I ended up really liking? I also don't have a portfolio and I'd been wanting to make something that's very me rather than my work from an existing show.
I'd offhandedly mentioned to my editor at disney that I wanted to do a board for these characters and she told me she'd help me make an animatic if it ever came to that. I couldn't pass up that opportunity! Now, since it was gonna be an animatic and I didn't want it to just be my scratch, I reached out to a bunch of VA friends to see if they'd be interested and they were!
Then other than having that support, just seeing my friends work on their own personal projects has been really inspiring and made me want to also do my own thing! Me and my friend group had just made a whole video game for our friend as a bday present which was so creatively fulfilling and made me realize like "oh my god we're artists we can literally just make stuff".
In the past I'd been so afraid to share my original work and for similar fears I've never wanted to showrun despite having the opportunity to pitch. While it's flattering to be wanted there was this pressure that felt like "oh you HAVE to make something, you're wasting your talent otherwise." (lol this is ironically the thesis of idwtbamg). And as a qpoc, i'd felt this extra layer of pressure to have to make something perfect on all fronts because if i fail in any capacity, i'm failing my community. it'd just be another another reason for people to say "ah queer media and work centering poc just can't succeed." then on the other end, i can only do and write what i know and feared that other people in my community wouldn't resonate with it or would feel like it's inaccurate to their own experiences.
but that's an exhausting way to feel and i've finally decided for myself that i'm just gonna tell stories that are authentic to me and it will reach whoever it needs to reach~ this realization was kind of the final step i needed to push myself to go all in. and now we're here!
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arc-misadventures · 29 days ago
The Little Girl in the White Coat
Ruby: Ahh?!
Summer: What's wrong, Ruby?
Ruby: I burnt my marshmallow...
Tai: Give it here, Ruby. You can have mine, mine is nice, and brown!
Ruby: Yay! Thanks, Dad!
Qrow: How's yours coming along, Firecracker?
Yang: It's great! If Mom would stop stealing my marshmallows!
Raven: What?! I take offence to that! I did not steal my daughters marshmallows!
Tai: I can see the chocolate on your cheek from your last smore, Dear.
Raven: Ahh crap...
Qrow: Hahaha!
Tai: Alright girls, it's getting late, we best head to bed.
Ruby: What?!
Yang: No!
Tai: Come on girls it's late.
Ruby: Not until you tell us a story!
Yang: A scary ghost story!
Qrow: Well... we are around a campfire, and it is late at night. Its a perfect time for scary ghost stories!
Summer: Okay, but only one ghost story then off to bed with the both of you.
RY: Yay!
Tai: So, who has a scary ghost story. Ray, you got a scary ghost story to tell?
Raven: G-Ghost story?! N-N-N-No! I don't have anything to share!
Summer: Is, Raven...?
Qrow: Afraid of ghosts? Absolutely!
Summer: Oh? Oh that's good to know~!
Tai: What about you, Qrow?
Qrow: The clan didn't really tell scary stories. What about you?
Tai: Dad, never told me any stories around the campfire.
Summer: Well, looks like it's up to me then.
Ruby: You have a ghost story to tell, Mom?!
Yang: Is it scary?!
Summer: Mmm... It is a ghost story, but it's not a scary ghost story.
RY: Nawww...
Summer: But, it's also a story of a hero!
Ruby: A hero?!
Yang: A ghost story about a hero? That doesn't make sense.
Summer: Yes! This is a ghost story about the, Rusted Ghost!
Yang: The Rusted Ghost...?
Ruby: Can ghosts get rusty?
Summer: No, this is just the name of this particular ghost. Now then, you've all heard of the, Rusted Knight before?
Yang: Yeah! From that, Ever After book you read us!
Ruby: The Rusted Knight is the coolest!
Summer: Well, what if I told you a story about how the spirit, the ghost of the, Rusted Knight appears in this world too!
Ruby: What!
Yang: Is that true?!
Summer: Yes! Now then, this is a story about a young girl, no older than you, Yang. A young girl traveling through the woods, she was dressed in her favourite white coat, caring loafs of freshly baked bread to give to her loving grandfather!
Ruby: Bread? Why not smores?
Tai: You can't have another smore, Ruby.
Ruby: Nawww...
Yang: Keep going, Mom!
Summer: Well, as the little girl in the white coat was making her way through the woods, a pack of, Beowulf's jumped out of the bushes surrounding the little girl in the white coat!
Yang: Ahh?!
Ruby: Beowulf's?!
Summer: Yes! Beowulf's! They had come there to steal the little girl with the white coat basket! The evil, Beowulf's wanted all of her freshly baked bread for themselves! But, as the little girl in the white coat was cowering away from the, Beowulf's clutching her basket of bread in her hands. A rustling from the bushes was heard, and out from the bushes emerged, the Rusted Ghost!
Summer: The Rusted Ghost wore stunning pale white armour, he wore a helmet with slit groves in it. The ghost wore an off white cloak billowing in the wind. The ghosts armour was covered in gold that filled crevices in his shattered, and broken armour. The gold bled off across the armour, giving it the appearance of rust! He had a longsword, wrapped in a faded deep blue cloth along the hilt rested against his hip.
Summer: As he neared the monsters he pointed at the monsters, he spoke in a silent yet booming voice demanded that these monsters leave her alone! The Beowulf's all pointed, and laughed at him, they said they weren't going to do anything. That they were going to take the little girl in the white coat bread, and eat it all up!
Summer: But, the Rusted Ghost merely sighed as he drew his sword! And, as the Beowulf's saw this, and they charged him!
Ruby: No?!
Yang: They attacked him?!
Summer: Yes! They charged at the, Rusted Ghost! They bared their fangs at him, but the, Rusted Ghost stood it's ground! As the first, Beowulf lunged at him, his rusted blade flew through the air with a white, and golden blur as it sliced through one, Beowulf after another!
Summer: And, as the last, Beowulf fell, it's body fading into black smoke, disappearing, and blowing away before it even reached the ground! The Rusted Ghost looked around before sheathing it's blade, it walked along the ground with heavy, yet silent steps as it came closer to the girl in the white coat. The Rusted Ghost knelt before the girl, and ask if she was alright.
Summer: The Rusted Ghost asked the little girl in the white coat if she was alright, she said she was fine. The Rusted Ghost asked why she was alone in the woods, she said she was on her way to give this bread to her grandfather. The Rusted Ghost said it would protect the little girl in the white coat all the way to her grandfathers home.
Summer: So, the little girl in the white coat walked alongside the, Rusted Ghost. They walked towards her grandfather's home, as the little girl in the white coat saw her grandfathers house in the distance she ran towards it. She knocked on her grandfathers door, and her saw his dear grandfather. She leapt into his arms as she told him the story of her encounter with the, Rusted Ghost.
Summer: But, as the little girl in the white coat pointed towards the, Rusted Ghost, she pointed towards an empty path that lead out of the woods. The Rusted Ghost was gone! The little girl in the white coat cried out that it was just there, but the grandfather just laughed as he rubbed the little girl in the white coat hair, and brought her inside into enjoy some strawberry jam on a slice of freshly baked bread.
Summer: And, while the little girl in the white coat was sad that the, Rusted Ghost left, the Rusted Ghost was needed elsewhere. For there were other little girls, and boys out there in the world that needed the help from the, Rusted Ghost.
Summer: And, that my girls is the story of, 'The Little Girl in the White Coat, and the Rusted Ghost.' What do you think?
Ruby: That was an amazing story mom!
Yang: That was a great story mom!
Ruby: Another! Anoth... yawnnnnn... another story...
Tai: I don't think so, Ruby, looks like your body is saying it's time for bed. Come on, let's get to bed.
Ruby: But, I don't wanna... Zzzzz...
Qrow: Haha! And, she's out like a light!
Raven: Come on my little dragon, it's time for you to go to bed too.
Yang: Alright, Mom. Goodnight, Mommy.
Summer: Goodnight, Yang.
Tai: Okay, the girls have been put to bed.
Raven: And, since the kids are asleep, the drinks are out!
Qrow: Yes! Toss a can here!
Raven: Here ya go little brother. Tai, you want one?
Tai: Sure toss it here.
Raven: Here you go. Sunny?
Summer: Hmm?
Raven: You want a beer?
Summer: Oh? No, no thank you.
Raven: Suit yourself.
Qrow: Ahhh! Now this is how you finish a night: Sitting by all your friends around a campfire, drinking a beer under the stars!
Tai: It sure is.
Raven: Ahh~! That hits the spot... So, Summer?
Summer: Yes?
Raven: 'The Little Girl in the White Coat, and the, Rusted Ghost...' You know, I've heard plenty of stories about the, Rusted Ghost, but I've never heard that one before.
Tai: You've heard ghost stories about the, Rusted Ghost? I thought you bandits would tell horror ghost stories around the campfire, not stories about the, Rusted Ghost.
Qrow: No, we've heard quite a few stories about the, Rusted Ghost. but, I've never heard that one before either.
Raven: Did you just make that one on the spot?
Summer: On the spot? No... Well... I... I just tweaked it.
Raven: You 'tweaked it?'
Tai: What do you mean by that?
Summer: Well... The little girl in the white coat, doesn't sound so different than the little girl in the white cloak.
Qrow: The little girl in the white cloak?
Tai: The white cloak?
Raven: Wait, was this story about you?
Summer: Some of it, the real story is actually rather... dark.
Qrow: What do you mean by that?
Summer: ...
Summer: This story takes place when I was fourteen. I was in a small town with my grandfather, I was training to become a, Huntress, and my grandfather took me to this small town dealing with, Grimm attacks.
Summer: While my grandfather was talking to the mayor, two men came to me panicking, they told me they saw some, Grimm. Not thinking about it I followed them, but as we got deeper into the woods, three more men came out of the trees, and jumped me.
Qrow: They what?!
Tai: They jumped you...?!
Summer: Yeah... Two of them forced me to the ground holding my arms as I struggled in vain to get them off. Another kept there hand over my mouth so I couldn't scream for help as another man loomed over me...
Summer: He said I was stupid little girl... A wanna be, Huntress falling for such a simple little trap. Wanting to be the hero, not thinking about running straight into danger.
Summer: His companion... one of the men who tricked me into coming into the woods told the man to shut up, and get on with it already...
Summer: The man standing over me laughed as he told him to shut up, that he was just, 'savouring the moment.' After that, he ripped up my corset, then he tore off my skirt, next was my undershirt... Then lastly... he ripped of my bra...
Summer: Three men were holding me down, another was standing by watching, and the last one was kneeling over me, stripping me naked... In that moment... even after years of facing down hordes of, Grimm, I've never been more scared in all my life. Even now, just talking about it sends chills down my spine...
Tai: Summer... Y-You don't need to continue if...
Summer: No... No, you three are my family... You deserve to know this story. Besides... as scary as this all was, it ends on a somewhat pleasant note...
Raven: How the fuck does a story about almost being rapped end pleasantly?!
Summer: Because I wasn't rapped.
Tai: Oh thank gods...
Qrow: Gods... You scared the shit out of us, Summer! Gods, Raven hand me another beer, I'm going to need it.
Raven: Okay, but I get the other one. Hell, I think I better break out another six pack.
Tai: Good idea...
Qrow: I hate to saying this, but... can you please continue, Summer?
Summer: Okay... Well as I was struggling in vain to break away, there wasn't much a fourteen year old could do to get four fully grown men off of her. A voice, a voice as silent as the nights sky, but boomed with the echoing roar of a thunderstorm spoke up.
Summer: It asked what was going on, the man standing by the side told the man to go fuck off. The voice spoke again, asking what they was doing with that girl, to me. The man laughed as he said that they were going to have some fun with me. In a quiet yet commanding voice I heard the words, 'I see.' I then heard the sound of shuffling of metal as heavy, yet light footsteps neared me.
Summer: The voice said one thing, 'Let the girl go, or die.' The man laughed, and told the man to fuck off. Then, I heard the sound of the drawing of steel, then I heard a small thud, followed by an even heavier thud. The man who tore up my clothes then got up, he pulled a dagger from his waist, and told the man he had fucked up. He then screamed, and fell to the ground clutching the severed stump where his hand once was. Then I heard another sound, the sound of a mans throat being cut.
Summer: As I saw that man's body fall, dead upon the ground, I finally saw my saviour... It was just as I described him to the girls...
Summer: Dressd in full plate armour as white as bleached bones... Antique gold running around the trim of the armour, and filling in the cracks of their broken armour, fading off the white giving it's rusted hue. A long sword with a white blade, and golden antique pommel, and handguard, with a faded deep blue leather around the hilt. He wore a matching bone white cape with gold bleeding off of it that flapped in a calm breeze.
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Summer: What stood out to me the most was it's helmet. It was a faceless, emotionless, and yet... I could feel an intense gaze, a silent rage, that held an absolute authority, and control over this situation.
Summer: I had heard stories, even heard rumors, but in that moment all of them were true. That the, Rusted Ghost, no... that the spirit of the, Rusted Knight was real.
Summer: One of the men that was holding me down let go, and charged at the, Rusted Knight. He fell after the brush of one swing of it's sword. The other two men let go of me, pulling out their knives, and charged him. The first one fell when a sword was thrusted through his chest, his body fell onto the ground the, Rusted Knights sword still buried in his chest.
Summer: The last man was grabbed by the throat, and hoisted into the air, turning his body around before slamming his body on the ground. He cried out in pain, and then in fear as the, Rusted knights armoured boot slammed down, crushing the mans skull into a pile paste...
Tai: He crushed his head with his foot?!
Qrow: Damn... talk about a brutal takedown...
Summer: The Rusted Knight's back was facing towards me when it did this, but I distinctly remember the sound, and the way the mans blood splashed about...
Summer: After this mans... execution. The Rusted Knight pulled out it's sword from the dead man's body, flicking the blood off it's blade before sheathing it. It walked over to me, and knelt down in front of me. I covered myself the best I could with my cloak to give myself a modicum of dignity.
Summer: His voice was so calming, even though it felt so cold... But, it said to me... 'Little girl in the white cloak... are you alright?'
Summer: I said I was fine. Well, mostly fine. I was almost rapped just then... But, the Rusted Knight asked if I could stand, and I did after I steadied my nerves. The Rusted Knight then said it would guide me back to the town. The Rusted Knight never spoke another word after that, and yet, despite this intimidating, and commanding aura that the, Rusted Knight had. I've never felt more safe with the, Rusted Knight than in all of my life.
Tai: What? I thought you felt safest in my arms?
Summer: Oh, don't be so jealous, Dear~! There is a difference in filling safe within your lovers arms, and a knight in shinning armour. Much less one of myth, and legend.
Tai: Still bet you feel safer with me... You feel safest in my arms don't you, Raven!
Raven: Are your arms my wife's arms?
Tai: N-No...?
Raven: There's your answer.
Tai: Ohh...
Qrow: Pff! Hahaha! Suck it, Tai! You're not your wife's knight in shinning armour!
Tai: Shut up...
Summer: Hahaha. Well, after we reached the edge of the forest to the village, the Rusted Knight stopped, and gestured towards the town. That this was as far as it would go. I saw my grandfather, and I ran towards. My grandfather saw me, and came running towards me, grabbing me, and then screaming at the residents of the town as he saw the condition of my clothing. I told my grandfather that despite my appearance I was fine, I told him that I was saved, saved by the spirit of the, Rusted Knight.
Summer: My grandfather said that was ridiculous, but as I pointed to the woods where I came from, the Rusted Knight was no longer there. And, while my grandfather didn't believe me about the whole, Rusted Knight bit, he was forced to believe that someone did save me when he found my would be rapists mangled corpses. After that we went home, and that's the end of my story.
Tai: Whoa... That's... That's a hell of a story...
Summer: You believe me?
Tai: Of course I do, we all do, right guys?
Raven: You're my wife, Summer. I know how good of a liar you are.
Qrow: Or, more correctly, how bad of a liar you are.
Summer: I'm not that bad! R-Right...?
TQR: Ahh-hahaha!
Raven: No, you're worse than that.
Summer: Hey!
Qrow: So, did anything happen after you were nearly... Uhh...?! A-After you met the spirit of the, Rusted Knight?
Summer: Well, I never strayed far from my grandfather, or my teammates after that. But, one day when I was on another mission with my grandfather. I saw this old lady at a shire, it was a shire dedicated to the, Rusted Knight. I told my story to the old lady about my encounter with the, Rusted Knight. She was one of the few people who believed my story about my encounter with the, Rusted Knight.
Tai: Did this old shrine lady believe in your story?
Summer: Yes. She was one of the few people to believe my story wholeheartedly. After that she gave me this charm.
Raven: Oh, so that's what that pendant you hang around your neck is.
Summer: Yep, it may be nothing more simple than a simple copy of the, Rusted knights helmet, which bares a striking resemblance to the real, Rusted Knight's helmet.
Qrow: Does it now?
Tai: It is a nice design...
Raven: So, it's a good luck charm of sorts?
Summer: It certainly is to me. I was wearing it when I was made team leader. I was wearing it when the three of us became a couple, I was wearing it when we got married, and when I gave birth to my adorable little rosebud! To me, this charm, meeting the, Rusted Knight has been the greatest possession I've ever been given. Well, second only to my wedding ring~!
Tai: Pff... Now you're just saying that to butter me up.
Summer: Is it working~?
Tai: ...
Tai: Yes...
Summer: Hehehe~!
Qrow: Well, looks like we got our scary ghost story after all...
Raven: I would have preferred a scary monster story than that. But, it's still a hell of a scary story...
Tai: I'll say...
Summer: Well, even after all that had happened, I still wish I could see the, Rusted Knight one more time. I never got to say thank you to him for saving me. I was so in shocked over everything that had happened that it never crossed my mind.
Tai: Wait, did you say, 'Him?'
Summer: Oh, yeah I did.
Tai: What makes you think that the, Rusted Knight was a guy?
Summer: W-Well... The body's shape, and the voice were certainly a mans voice. But, what mostly stood out to me was the, Rusted Knight's eyes...
Qrow: Eyes? The Rusted Knight has eyes?
Raven: And, you saw them?
Summer: I did. When the, Rusted Knight knelt before me, he was at eye level with me. I saw the most beautiful blue eyes~! They were a deep cerulean blue that glowed with an ethereal beauty that was captivating to behold... I fell in love with men having blue eyes that day onward~!
Tai: Oh, so that's why you fell in love with me, because I have blue eyes?!
Qrow: Damn talk about being jealous.
Raven: Even I'm a little jealous... Oh well, maybe there is still a chance you'll see the, Rusted Knight in the future, Summer. In one way, or another.
Summer: One way, or another? What do you mean by that?
Raven: One of the stories we were told is that the, Rusted Knight exists on a whole different plane of reality.
Summer: Wha...?
Raven: They say that, Rusted Knight existence is on a whole different plane then ours. Sometimes they appear as a child, an old man, or the knight we all know. They say as a child the spirit of the, Rusted Knight brings joy, and happiness. The old man brings wisdom, and knowledge to those in need. And, the Rusted Knight is the warrior that protects all those that are in need. They say that there are even more forms than that.
Qrow: Yeah, I've heard a story that, Rusted Knight is a spirit that reincarnates into a new body every generation. So who knows, you may meet your, Rusted Knight in another way in the future.
Summer: Oh well, considering the circumstance under how I first met the, Rusted Knight, I would prefer that's how I meet them again.
Qrow: I'll say...
Tai: Well, if by some miracle you do meet again, do let us know how it went.
Summer: Will do. Now then, let's all head to bed, It's getting late, and the girls have school in the morning.
Qrow: Damn... I'd like to stay up more, and chat. But, Sunny's right, we best get to bed. Dealing with the girls antics is already hard enough with a hangover. I don't want to imagine dealing with them when I'm also sleep deprived...
Raven: Now that sounds like a nightmare, and a half.
Tai: Well, you heard the little lady: Off to bed everyone!
Qrow: Sweet dreams guys. And, Summer, don't dream too much about knights in rusty armour saving you. You don't want your husband, and wife getting jealous now do you?
Summer: I don't have that many dreams about the, Rusted Knight saving me!
TR: Say what now...?
Summer: Uh oh...
Years Later
Summer: Now then... Where are our girls?
Raven: This place hasn't changed much since we attended, Beacon.
Summer: Considering, Ozpin is as stagnated as a mountain, it's not a surprise it hasn't changed.
Raven: There's certainly a lot of people here. I didn't know that many people came for parent visiting day.
Summer: That's only because you, and Qrow hid in our dorm room because you don't have any parents to visit you
Raven: Oh shush you! Now then, let's go find our ki...?!
: Mommmm!
Summer: Hmm? Ooph?!
: Mom! It's so good to see you!
Summer: Ow... Oh, Ruby? Oh it's good to see you too my little girl~! You've gotten stronger, you nearly knocked me down with your semblance.
Ruby: I've been training really hard! Me, and my teammates are doing really good!
Summer: Oh, and where are your fellow teammates?
Ruby: Oh, well, my partner's older sister came today so she's spending time with her big sis. Yang's partners mother came by so she's speaking with her.
Raven: Speaking of, where is my little brat?
Ruby: Oh, she's talking with her partners mom, getting gossip so she can tease her with later. They're in the cafeteria.
Raven: Ahh, that's my girl. Now then, I'll go see what my little brat is up to. I'll see you girls later.
Summer: So, besides your teammates have you made any other friends?
Ruby: Oh, yeah I have! I've made friends with a fellow team, Team JNPR! I'm especially close with their team leader! His name is, Jaune Arc!
Summer: Oh, how close are you two? Can I expect him to visit us all at home any time soon?
Ruby: Mom?! I'm not... We're not like that! Besides... his partner already has dibs on him...
Summer: Oh~? Well, maybe you can share him, just like your mom, and Raven.
Ruby: Mom?!
Summer: Ah-hahahaha!
Ruby: Ohhh!
Ruby: Hmmm? Oh there's dad! DADDDDD!
Summer: Whoo?! My, she’s gotten faster! Well, I'm glad to see she's enjoying herself here.
: Hmmm? You look like an older, Ruby. Are you perhaps, Ruby's mother, Summer?
Summer: Hmm? Why yes, I am. My name is Summer Rose who are... you...?
: Hello! I'm a friend of, Ruby's. My name is, Jaune Arc! It's a pleasure to meet you!
Summer: L-Like wise...? White armour... A longsword with a golden guard, and pommel wrapped in blue leather... And, glowing deep cerulean blue eyes...
Jaune: Is something wrong, Mrs. Rose?
Summer: N-N-No! Nothing's wrong, it's just... your armour, and weapon... It looked similar to someone I knew...
Jaune: Oh really? Anyone I'd know?
Summer: Not likely. The person I knew existed long before my daughter, or you were born.
Jaune: Oh, that's a shame. Ahh well, if there's nothing to be done about it, then that's that.
Summer: Did... Did anyone ever tell you that your eyes... That your eyes seem to glow?
Jaune: A few people have actually. I just think I have bright blue eyes that just makes them look shiny.
Summer: Ohh... that makes sense... Hmm? Oh, your bracer, was it broken?
Jaune: Hmm? Oh yeah, it was broken. Well, cracked would be a more appropriate description. My fellow classmate, a brute with a large war hammer crashed down on my bracer during a training bout, cracking it. But, as you can see, I repaired it.
Summer: But, how did you repair it? Normally when you repair armour that's been cracked you reforge it, right?
Jaune: Normally yes. But, my ancestor learned about this technique in, Mantle called, Kintsugi. It's usually used to repair broken pottery, and the like. But, my ancestor figured out a way to use it to repair armour, and weapons. Despite how it looks, it actually makes my gear stronger than it originally was.
Summer: Oh my, that's an interesting technique, I would love to learn it.
Jaune: Sorry, I'm afraid I can't tell you, Mrs. Rose. It is a family secret after all.
Summer: Then perhaps you could marry one of my daughters, and have one of them tell me?
Jaune: I doubt that would work. Ruby is more likely to ask me to marry her for my families chocolate chip cookie recipe.
Summer: Ah-haha~! Now that sounds like my little girl.
Jaune: Yeah, a lot of our bets are, Ruby demanding cookies from me. I'm getting a little tired of baking cookies, but it's not as bad as my teammates pancake obsession, so I'll take what I can get.
Summer: Well, there's always that one teammates with food obsession. My husband has this strange obsession with pickles.
Jaune: Pickles? Never really cared for them myself, but to each their own.
Summer: Yes, that how things...?!
Tai: Qrow?! No picking fights with the, Schnee girl!
Raven: Fuck her up little bro!
Summer: Haa... I best get going, the last thing I want is my teammates being called to the principles office, especially since we've all graduated.
Jaune: That'd certainly be funny as hell though.
Summer: Yeah it would be... Well, I best get going, it was a pleasure talking to you, Mr. Arc.
Jaune: It was my pleasure...
Summer: Okay what are they up...?!
Jaune: Little girl in the white cloak.
Summer: Wait, WHAT?!
Summer: How do you know that... Name...?
Summer: ...
Summer: What...? Where did he...?
Ruby: Mom! Come quick! Uncle Qrow is tearing up the courtyard fighting my teammates big sister! You got to stop him!
Summer: What, but... Where did, Jaune go?!
Ruby: Oh you were talking to, Jaune?
Summer: Yeah, he was just here. But, I turned my back to him, and he was just disappeared...
Ruby: Oh yeah, Jaune does that sometime. Honestly I think it's his semblance, or something.
Summer: D-Do you think I could talk to him again?
Ruby: Yeah, sure! But, why do you want to do that?
Summer: I just... I just wanted to say thank you...
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niabang · 11 months ago
Peaceful Arguments
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Pairings: Bangchan × fem reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Summary: You and your boyfriend got into a huge fight and you have a "special" way of reconciling.
Warnings: smut included (Minors dni). Hard dom/possessive chan, angst, angry/makeup sex, bratty sub reader, overstim/edging, unprotected sex (don't be silly wrap your willy.) Drew inspiration from Chan's bbl messages if you can tell hahaha.
More under the cut!!
Well, this honeymoon phase ended pretty quickly. How did you and your boyfriend go from finding everything adorable and cute to fighting every now and then?
You could still live with it. It was just the usual couple bickering, and it always ended with you bent over the kitchen counter or squirming under your boyfriend, so a win was a win for you.
But it never got this bad. This time, voices were raised, and insults were bouncing off the walls of your apartment.
"Y/n, I don't have time for this. Just leave me alone." Your boyfriend Chan said standing right in front of you.
"What do you mean you don't have time for this when you started it!?" Why was he pulling the victim card when he instigated this mess?
"What the fuck did I start y/n?" He was really acting innocent.
"Well, for starters, you pulled me out of a party and yelled at me in public, insinuating that i was cheating on you while you were right there? That was so embarrassing. You're being such an immature dick right now." You said.
"I'm immature? How did you expect me to react when you were basically fucking another guy just 10 inches away from me huh? Don't act stupid because I know you aren't." Okay, maybe the dance you shared with your former classmate did get a bit too intimate, but you shut it down once you saw he was getting the wrong idea.
Your boyfriend was kind of (really) overreacting right now.
"Did you just call me stupid?" You asked him cocking an eyebrow.
"Y/n I didn't call you stupid. I said, "Don't act like it." Use your head." Oh, he was actually calling you stupid.
"You're being so fucking dramatic right now Chan. You asked me who he was, and I told you he was a former classmate from high school. I told you that I fucking shut it down when I noticed he was getting the wrong message..."
"You yelled at me in PUBLIC Chan fucking hell I am not a child or your property I'm a grown woman who can think and speak for herself."
"Okay, then y/n go think for yourself into someone else's pants I don't want to have this conversation anymore." There was no way he was being serious.
"You are such an insecure bitch, I hate you so much. I can't stand you." You said.
"Then I'll leave then. Let's talk tomorrow because you're clearly confused." He turned and picked up his car keys from a tiny bowl on the kitchen island and proceeded to the door.
"No. Who said anything about tomorrow? Don't come back till you're ready to accept the fact that you're wrong and apologise to me." He stopped in his tracks and turned to face you.
"Now that's where you have it wrong. I won't be back until YOU apologise to me and cut off all contact with that guy whatshisface..." Wow, so you were both dropping ultimatums now okay.
"He has a name, and it's Brandon." You corrected him, and just at the perfectly wrong timing, you received a call, and it was Brandon. Chan took a look at your phone and laughed.
"Oh fuck off y/n." He walked out and closed the door behind him then you heard his car zoom off.
Good riddance.
You called Brandon back, and the poor guy was only calling to apologise for causing war between you and your boyfriend and even offered to speak to him on your behalf but you told him not to bother.
Not that it would even work. That would only make things worse between you and chan.
You slept it off and woke up the next day expecting to see texts and missed calls from your boyfriend, but you got nothing.
You were a bit hurt because part of you hoped that he would come crawling back, but you couldn't have everything you asked for. Could you?
It was 4 p.m. now, and you had successfully spent your day lazing about and binge watching a crappy sitcom on Netflix.
You missed your boyfriend. You really did, but you had to be strong because you knew you weren't the one in the wrong.
God, you were so pathetic. You hadn't even eaten all day because of a man, and it made you remember how mad he'd get if he realised that you were skipping meals and not taking care of yourself properly.
Life was so sickening without him (it had only been a day).
You decided you were going to make yourself a quick sandwich because you were already dying of heartbreak, and it'd be wrong to add hunger to your struggles.
6:30 p.m., you received a text from Chan saying he was coming over to pick up his stuff and added that you could throw them out if you wanted to.
He was so dramatic. You replied to him with a simple "fine" and turned off your phone.
You were just about to start making your sandwich when you heard a key turn in the lock.
He was here to pick up his stuff.
You were so happy to see him, but you had to keep your cool and act like you weren't because you didn't want to stroke his already inflated ego.
"Am I not going to get a hey or anything?" He said after he had come in and locked the door, but you completely ignored him and kept on eating your sandwich at the kitchen island.
"So you're ignoring me now, huh? You gon do me like that?" You still didn't pay any attention to him and kept munching on your sandwich.
You heard him scoff and watched him find his way into your once shared bedroom.
You shouldn't have looked up at him, though, because now you were horny. Did he really have to wear the grey sweatpants and compression shirt combo today? Of all days?
He was definitely doing this on purpose. He knew what he was doing, but no, you weren't going to give in.
He came out of the bedroom carrying his two suitcases and proceeded to the living area to pack up his console and the other things that accompany it.
You stood up from the chair you were eating on, and you were now leaning backwards with your elbows rested on the kitchen island.
You were watching his every move in silence.
You expected him to just finish packing his stuff and leave, but he stopped halfway, got up, and started walking towards you?
He came closer till there was only an inch of space between you two, and you had to crane your neck upwards to look at him.
"Baby, what are we even doing?" He said and your stomach did a thousand flips.
"I don't know you tell me." You were determined not to fold today.
"What do I have to do to make you come back to me." He sighed and placed his hands on your hips. Fuck.
You placed your hands on his and took them off your hips, and widened the gap between you two a bit.
"Come on." He said in an almost whiny tone.
"Beg me." You didn't even think before you spoke, but that was the smartest thing you had said in a while.
Your boyfriend looked at you unbelievably and scoffed at you like there was no way he was going to do it.
"You can just pack up and leave if you aren't going to do it." You were doing so good.
"Okay, fine, you win." There was no way he was actually agreeing to this.
"Y/n, I'm so sorry for being an insecure and immature boyfriend. I acted like a dick and I was in the wrong but it's been hell without my girl and I miss her so fucking much my heart hurts, my tummy hurts, my head hurts and I can't even think straight it feels like the walls are closing in on me and I'm going to stop breathing at any second..."
"Bro, okay, I accept. Stop being a drama queen." You said half laughing at your boyfriend.
"Does that mean I can kiss you now?" He asked.
"Say, please." Maybe you just wanted to hear him beg a tiny bit more.
"Please y/n can I kiss you, please?" He was surprisingly playing along well.
You felt his lips on yours before you could even finish your sentence. Oh God, you missed this. You missed him.
You guys were kissing each other so hungrily with tongues gliding in and out of each other's mouths. You could feel his hard on against you and you wanted nothing more than for him to fuck you.
Chan bit your lower lip, and you felt him smile against your lips when you let out a moan. He was so damn cocky.
You started to undo the strings to his pants, but when he realised what you were doing, he broke the kiss and moved away from you.
You were slightly (very) confused as to why he did that, and you're pretty sure you whined as he broke contact between you two.
He looked at you up and down and bit his lip.
"When did you get this skirt? Is it new?"
You looked down at what you were wearing and it was even too short to be called a skirt but you were at home so who cares?
"It's not new. I've had it for years, but I stopped wearing it because it got too short." Why were you guys talking about clothes when he could be breaking your back right now?
"I want to be rough with you." Oh, you were so back.
"Then be rough with me." You replied, looking straight into his eyes.
"Fuck." Chan said. Before you could even say anything else, you were being hoisted up onto the kitchen island, and chan went back to devouring your lips.
He went down to your neck with a hunger, and your hands went into his hair. He was definitely leaving marks on your skin.
You were moaning his name uncontrollably, and you guys hadn't even gotten started yet. Maybe absence does really make the heart grow fonder.
He stopped kissing you once again, but this time, he was giving instructions.
"Get down and take off your clothes." You got down immediately and started to comply, but he stopped you when you got to the skirt.
"No, not that. I want to fuck you in it." You died a little at that statement.
"Take off your panties." He said.
"I'm not wearing any." You're a 100% sure you saw his eyes darken at that statement.
"Okay, turn around and rest on the island." You complied without saying a word.
Your cheeks were met with the cold marble and you could feel your ass and pussy completely exposed to him.
You felt chan come closer to you, and you let out a moan when he started to rub his dick in between your folds teasing your entrance.
You thought he was finally going to fill you with his dick but instead, you were met with a hard slap on your ass and you let out the nastiest moan ever.
One slap turned into two, three turned into four, and your cheeks were stained with tears.
Chan gave you no time to collect yourself as he pushed himself inside you and thrusted agonisingly slowly to gain a rhythm.
You started whining from how slow he was going and as if he knew he started pounding into you as fast as he could.
He filled you so well it was like you were two pieces of a puzzle.
He was fucking you so well you were loosing your mind and your stamina.
Chan noticed and used one hand to steady you then continued his assault on your pussy.
You started feeling that familiar feeling in your stomach and you knew you were about to cum.
"Chan, please don't stop." You begged.
He, in fact, did not stop, but just as you were about to reach your high, he pulled out and left you an unsatisfied mess.
"Did you really think it was going to be that easy?" He asked you in the most condescending tone ever.
"You liked it when I acted all weak and nice, huh? Well, it's your turn now." Fuck. You should have known there was a catch.
He smacked your ass once again and your pussy clenched around nothing.
"Not so confident now, are you?" He taunted.
"Chan I'm sorry please just fuck me please." You begged hoping to make things better for yourself.
"What do you want?" He asked you.
"I want to cum chan please make me cum." You whined.
"You'll have to earn it because only good girls get to cum." He said that and went back to destroying your insides.
This man edged you not once but three times.
At this point, you were sobbing uncontrollably, and you were worn out.
"Who does this pussy belong to?" He asked while thrusting in and out of you at the speed of light.
"You Chan." You said through tears.
"Who do you belong to?" He asked.
"You chan." You struggled to get that last one out.
"That's my good girl." He said and finally let you cum. Your release hit you like a brick, and he came right after you, too. You felt so full that you were literally on cloud 9.
Chan lifted you from the island immediately after, turned you to face him, and gave you a kiss on your forehead.
"You know I love you, right?" He asked, and you nodded.
"Let's not fight anymore, okay?
"Okay." You answered, and he pulled you in for a hug.
You were so back!
You did lie about one thing, though. The makeup sex was too good for you guys to stop fighting.
There were many more fights to come.
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slut4megantheestallion · 1 month ago
LISTEN TO ME, I HAVE A REQUEST THAT HAS BEEN IN MY HEAD FOR A LONG TIME! Arcane women x reader who is part of the du Couteau and Medarda families. Personally, I would like it to be a Medarda by his mother and a du Couteau by his father. It's okay if you don't want to do it that way. As part of two very prestigious families, the reader has a mansion that is TOO gigantic and, of course, elegant. Basically, my request is this: the reader shows his partner his large mansion for the first time. PD 1: For obvious reasons, if the reader has Medarda blood, Mel cannot be introduced here, it would be incest, basically. PD 2: My instinct yells at me that, if you left her, Jinx would do graffiti with her symbol, or put something characteristic of her all over your house. And even sometimes writing: JINX WAZ HERE. Idk, it's just an idea I had.
Arcane Women x Du Conteau- Medarda! Reader- Showing them Your Gigantic Mansion
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Warnings ⚠️: reader is rich, Jinx being Jinx, Reader is part of the Du Couteau and Medarda families, fluff.
Characters: Vi, Jinx, caitlyn, sevika.
Summary: The reader shows the arcane woman her mansion/home.
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●"Damn.. You livin' like this?" Vi is absolutely floored the moment she steps onto your estate. The sheer size, the towering gates, the intricate architecture - everything screams wealth and power. She whistles, stuffing her hands into her pockets as she glances around. "I knew you were loaded, but this is like the next level." She pretends to act casual, but deep down, she feels a little out of place.
●She grew up in the Undercity, in tiny apartments and makeshift homes - this? This is something out of a dream. She can't help but admire how effortlessly you walk through the halls like you own the world. At some point, she plops down on a ridiculously plush couch and just smirks at you. "I might never leave, y'know."
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●"This is... exquisite." Unlike Vi, Caitlyn doest gawk - she's from a wealthy Piltover family herself, but even her estate doesn't compare to this level of grandeur. She admires the craftsmanship, refined decor, and the regal atmosphere that surrounds everything. "Your family truly spares no expense," she murmurs, trailing her fingers along the polished wood of the staircase railing.
●She asks about the history behind some of the paintings and antiques, genuinely fascinated by how your lineage connects to both Noxus and Piltover. She's the perfect guess - never touching anything without permission, always polite. That is until she sees Jinx's graffiti defiling one of the pristine walls. Her eye twitches. "She's been here? hasn't she?"
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●"Hahaha! Look at all this fancy crap!" Jinx is way too entertained by your massive mansion. The moment she steps in, she's everywhere - running through the hallways, sliding down banisters, jumping on expensive furniture. "How the hell do you not get lost in this place?!" And, of course, she leaves her mark. She pulls out a can of spray paint and, without hesitation, starts tagging walls with neon blue graffiti. 'JINX WAZ HERE.' There's even a doodle of her face sticking its tongue out.
● No surface is safe. Chandeliers? She'll hang from them, Priceless statues? Might add a mustache. Your family's giant portrait? Yeah, she just drew a monocle and devil horns on your dad. You knew this would happen, but she's having way too much fun for you to stop her.
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●"Tch. Fancy." Sevika is hard to impress, but even she raises an eyebrow as she steps inside your enormous mansion. She's used to the gritty, industrial atmosphere of Zau - dull metal, rusted pipes, dim lights. This? This is luxury on a whole different level. She takes a slow drag from her cigar, glancing around the towering ceilings and polished marble floors. "Damn. You weren't kidding when you said you had money."
●She strolls through the halls at a lazy pace, her heavy boots making a stark contrast against the pristine, polished floors. She's not the type to marvel at wealth, but she does appreciate good craftsmanship. Running a hand along the intricate banisters, she scoffs. "Bet this place could fit half of Zaun in it." There's a slight edge to her voice- part amusement, part resentment.
● She's seen too many people struggle while rich live like this, but... you? You're different. She can tolerate it because it's you. Eventually, she makes herself at home in the grand living room, sprawling across one of the ridiculously expensive couches like she owns the place. "You got any whisky in this oversized palace of yours?" And, of course, she notices Jinx's graffiti the moment she glances at the walls. Her eye twitches. "That little menace was here, wasn't she?" She exhales a slow breath, rubbing her temple. "I swear, I leave her alone for one damn second..." Sevika's tempted to go hunting jinx down for ruining the mansion's aesthetic, but part of her smirks. Figures.
●She leans back, exhaling smoke as she looks at you. "Guess you're stuck with me coming over more often. Someone's gotta make sure your mansion doesn't turn into Jinx's personal canvas."
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yoursweetestbunny22 · 10 months ago
Drew Starkey x reader [social media au]
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Liked by madelyncline and 789 286 others
Yourusername I found a mermaid
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madelyncline that’s anything but a mermaid
⮑ yourusername @madelyncline 😭😭
⮑ drewstarkey @madelyncline are you still upset because I tried to drown you Sarah?
⮑ user28654 @drewstarkey HAHAHA
madisonbaileybabe Aaaa I miss you guys so much!! I have to go on the next trip with u🤝🏻
⮑ yourusername @madisonbaileybabe pls!! Next time you’re coming even if I have to take you in my suitcase 🤍
Rafecameronwifey they went on a trip together without the rest of the cast?🤨
⮑ sofycameron23 @rafecameronwifey right?! They’re together or something?
⮑ rafecameronwifey @sofycameron23 I hope not 😭 she's not even pretty enough for a man like him.
User98761 drew and yn on a trip??hummmm they would look cute together ngl 🫡
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Liked by rudeth and 998 897 others
drewstarkey "Do you think there are crocodiles babe?”
View all 8976 comments
yourusername YOU NEVER KNOW
⮑ drewstarkey @yourusername omg I love you so much princess HAHAHAHA
Jonathandavis stop being so lovey dovie BRING RAFE BACK
User2367 “BABE” ?!?!? OMGOMG
⮑ madelyncline @user2367 IK?!I FEEL BETRAYED HE HAS MY GIRL 😔😔 “princess”?!
⮑ user2367 @madelyncline OMG I LOVE YOU MADY!!!❤️
Hichasestucks and the question is there was any?
⮑ yourusername Nah you were home
⮑ user6935 @yourusername HELP HAHAHAHAAHEJSHSHHA
Obx ❤️
rafecameronwifey he deserves better..just sayin😒
⮑ user02378 @rafecameronwifey Yeah because you'd be so much better right? BFFR GO mind your own business gurl!! live your life
ynbestgirl Is this the moment where we all pretend to be surprised? IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!
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coff-in · 11 months ago
Can I request a dynamic where the reader is the youngest Graves sibling (like a year younger than Ashley) and is objectively the most "normal" of the siblings (before Ashley and Andrew kind of ruin it)?
She's still clingy with her big brother and sister, but she's also happy to make friends outside of them and actively cares about them a lot. The thing is that Andrew forbids her from dating and Ashley scares off a lot of her friends and when quarantine rolls around she's stuck with two older siblings who are obsessed with her and she's not too sure what to do about it, because her siblings really are all she has left now.
Bonus details, I think it would be fun if her relationship with Andrew is bordering on romantic/he has romantic feelings he doesn't admit to but shows (sleeping in the same bed, holding hands) and he dotes on her a lot as the youngest. However, this strains her relationship with Ashley, who is used to having Andrew to herself before the youngest sister was born, but also loves reader (platonically, maybe transitioning to romantically) because she's never done anything but love Ashley unconditionally.
So it's a complicated thing where Ashley's possessive of both but also scared they'll get together and abandon her, Andrew is extra possessive and protective of reader but denies it to hell (as he does), and reader is slowly realizing some things about her siblings that she really should've realized much, much earlier...
notes from coff-in: GRRRR IT'S LIKE YOU LIVE IN MY MIND!!!! oh to have two possessive and obsessive older siblings who love you way more than a normal sibling should, not like i'm complaining, hahaha! i'm sorry these asks are taking so long... i just wanna hang on to all your wonderful asks and daydreaming about them indulgently!! even so, i hope this was to your liking and thank you so much for requesting!!
[fem] reader-insert, [reader] is 1 year younger than ashley, talks/mention of incest, brief NSFW
I love you more than I should...
Andrew and Ashley did not know why their mother thought she should have a second child. Maybe this was an accidental pregnancy.
When [reader] was old enough to walk and talk, Mrs. Graves delegated the responsibility of raising her to Andy, who was around maybe four or five years old at the time. He tried his best to keep them both happy and satisfied, but it was obvious to the keen few that he paid extra attention to his baby sister. Leyley wasn’t used to not having Andy’s full attention on her and expressed her hatred of the new status quo by picking on her little sister.
When [reader] would try to make amends with Leyley for whatever crime she committed, it shocked Leyley. She remembers when she was playing in the forest one day, picking on the bugs in the dirt, and having her little sister [reader] walk up clumsily to her with dug-up flowers in her hand.
“I’m sorry I made you upset, Leyley. Please don’t be mad.” Leyley picked on her less after that and a heated argument with Andy. In fact she tried to hang out with [reader] more often and tried her best to be nicer to her sister. She was someone besides Andy that she could call a friend. It wasn’t uncommon to catch [reader] following her older siblings like a lost puppy, eating lunch and studying with Andy or drawing and playing around with Leyley.
The other kids found it strange how [reader] would willingly hang out with Leyley. She was so normal like Andy was. She was sociable and had friends that she hung out with from time to time… until Leyley drew most of them away. The only ones that stuck around were Julia and Nina. Maybe [reader] knew that they were just using her to get closer to Andy or maybe she believed that they genuinely wanted to be her friends.
Once Nina died [reader] stopped putting herself out as much. She clung much closer to her big siblings and they were happy to dote and comfort her. Leyley made it so that [reader] promised with the blood pact she would never love anyone else but her and their bother.
As they got older, in middle and high school [reader] started to come out of her shell again. She tried to make some new friends but Ashley, again, did her hardest to scare most of them off. 
“What do you need other friends for?” She’d ask [reader] when they see each other during the day, “You have me and Andy! You don’t need anyone else!”
It’s not like Andrew was any better himself. His possessiveness was less visible to others but it was still there. “Ashley’s right, sis. You don’t need to worry about making friends right now.” (God, to be the object of affection between these two <3)
He didn’t like the idea of [reader] dating. He knew it was wrong for him to think of his sister like this, but he didn’t want to share her with anyone else. He’d never admit that he got off on the idea of being her first; her first kiss, her first boyfriend… To avoid the jealousy he knew he’d feel if [reader] dated he simply told her that she wasn’t allowed to do so. Any arguments that [reader] had about him or Ashley dating (mostly about him dating Julia) were casually swept aside with the excuse that he’s older than her.
Ashley doesn’t like Andrew dating Julia. He can’t leave her! Does Julia really think that she’s better because Andrew can fuck her and not Ashley or [reader]?! While Ashley leaves 200 violent voicemails for Julia, [reader] calls Andrew a lot during his time in college to ask if he could come home.
“I miss you.” [reader] would say in that low, pouty voice that’ll tug on Andrew’s heart and make his cheeks red. “Could you come back this weekend to visit?”
And he’d say “Of course.” because he could never deny his little sisters.
Once they’re stuck in quarantine, Andrew and Ashley start showing (or at least then [reader] starts noticing) their more possessive and… weirder nature.
They’re always with [reader] except for when [reader] has to use the restroom. Ashley’s making [reader] do some chore with her or Andrew’s subtly holding [reader] close to him when he’s smoking on the balcony. Ashley would make her teasingly suggestive comments about [reader] and Andrew would immediately shut them down while avoiding looking at [reader] because he does think that they have a merit to them.
Andrew sneaks into [reader]’s bed when the nightmares come and cuddles up to his baby sister. He holds her close in his arms and rests his face on top of her head or in the crook of her neck or on her chest with her chip over his head. He relishes in her warmth and takes deep inhales of her scent to comfort himself. 
Whenever [reader] does chores, he pats her on her head and says that she did a good job and that he’s proud. [reader] insists he praises Ashley too and it makes her heart pound a little faster and harder. 
Skip over to Episode 1 when they break into the cultist apartment, Andrew tries to avoid having [reader] see what’s up. [reader] is reasonably freaked out and upset about having to dismember and EAT a dead guy until Ashley proposes that she’d just starve to death. Andrew argues with Ashley about letting their baby sister starve and would probably insist with Ashley that [reader] should eat the dead cultist.
Ah, this is going to be very lazy of me but I’m going to skip over to the Burial vision scene. In the vision, the siblings see themselves (all three of them) post-coitus, naked and marked up by each other. (Very self-indulgent but [reader] would be placed in the middle of them)
Andrew’s an embarrassed mess because holy shit, holy shit, holy shit! 
He fucks his sisters. He fucks his baby sister, [reader]. He’s as elated as he is scared… she’s not like that. She wouldn’t fuck him. She wouldn’t fuck her older siblings and she wouldn’t want them as much as he wants her… would she?
Ashley’s never really considered [reader] in a romantic light like that, but she doesn’t mind it at all. Having [reader] close to her and Andrew like that brings a warm comfort to her.
With the way the trinket works, [reader] probably wouldn’t be able to see the vision since she can’t touch it when Andrew and Ashley are holding it in their hands. She’d be sleeping on the couch, waking up when she heard Andrew and Ashley yelling about the argument.
I wanna write smut about them having a hot incestuous threesome so badly but I’m losing steam right now. They all confess their feelings about each other and kiss tho. By the time Episode 2 ends [reader] has been sort of worn down by Andrew and Ashley’s weird feelings that she’s like “Yeah I’d fuck my siblings because I love them!”
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cainluvr69 · 4 months ago
"Magic To Connect Our Hearts" Cain SSR Card Story - His Charm, Etched on the Page
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this story is a continuation of sorts of his affection story as well as containing spoilers for ms2, so keep that in mind if reading!
A fair amount of time has passed since I first arrived in this world.
Akira: (I want to write something about how Cain is now to follow up what the previous Sage wrote in the Sage's manual. I wonder where Cain is now?)
I wandered through the places the wizards normally gathered, like the dining hall and the courtyard--but where I ended up finding the person I was looking for was the common room.
Akira: Good afternoon, Cain. So this is where you were.
Cain: Woah. Master Sage?
Arthur: Good afternoon, Master Sage.
Bradley: Yo.
Bradley and Arthur were sharing Cain's table, and they welcomed me as warmly as Cain did. There were cards spread over the table in front of them, and they all had a hand of cards to go with them.
Cain: Did you need me for something?
Akira: I just wanted to talk to you about something. It's not anything important, though, so I don't mind waiting until you guys are done.
Cain: You sure? Well, since you're already here and everything, wanna join us?
Akira: Can I? Thank you.
Arthur: Wonderful. Let's start a new round, then. How does playing Old Maid sound?
Bradley: Old Maid? What are we, five year olds?
Arthur: Oh, should we not? I'd heard they have the same game in the other world, and the rules are fairly simple, so…
Bradley: I didn't say we shouldn't. I'm just sayin' it's kinda freaking lame. There's no excitement, there's not thrill. So here's my idea… <Adnopotensum>
Akira: Woah?! Wh-what's that red liquid…
Bradley: It's made with a fruit that's hot as fire. I think the loser should have to drink this. A good ol' fashioned punishment game.
Cain: Woah, now… If we were getting drunk together that'd be one thing, but we have Lord Arthur and the Sage here, too.
Arthur: Oh, I don't mind. All I need to do is make sure I don't lose. Although it's true that I wouldn't want to subject--
Cain: Naw, the Sage'll join in, yeah? Our valiant leader ain't gonna run away in the face of danger, are they?
Akira: E-eep… I'll do my best…
And with that, our game of Old Maid began. I had Cain on my left and Bradley on my right, so I drew from Bradley's hand and Cain drew from mine. I managed to avoid pulling any queens for the first half of the game, but…
Akira: (Oh jeez, I have the queen! We've entered the final leg of the game, so if things keep going the game's going to end with her in my hand… This is bad…)
Cain: Alright, Master Sage. My turn.
Akira: Ah, right. Here…
Cain: Hmm. Alright, I'll take this one…
Akira: (Oh, that's not the queen…)
Cain: …Nope, I'll take this one instead.
Akira: !! (Did he just change his mind to take the queen instead?)
And so, the game continued…
Cain: Ow?! Damn, that's spicy!
In the end, it was Cain who lost…and got hit with the penalty.
Bradley: Hahaha! Next time you go to the North, take a sip of this. You'll forget about how goddamn cold it is in half a second.
Cain: Yeah, that sounds about right…
Cain smiled through the pain and put the empty glass back on the table. Next to it was his final hand: he still held the queen, it having never made it to Arthur's side of the table.
Once our game was over, Arthur excused himself, and Bradley just left.
Akira: Cain… I'm sorry.
Cain: Huh? For what?
Akira: The end of our game. You were able to tell from how I reacted which card was the queen, right? And you took it on purpose. I made you worry…
But when I apologized, Cain grinned mischievously and put a finger to his mouth--don't tell!
Cain: Nah, that was just a bad bit of luck on my part. Sound good?
Akira: …! Thank you. (He's always so kind…)
Cain: Speaking of, before we started playing you said you had something to talk to me about?
Akira: Oh, that's right. I was looking through the Sage's manual again and thinking about updating it, so I wanted to ask if I could interview you again.
Cain Yeah, of course. No problem. I've written some stuff in the Sage's manual you gave me, but… Man, that was rough. I think you're amazing for being able to be so methodical and in-depth about it. But I guess if you don't have anything you want to change, then are you planning on adding more? What do you want to ask?
Akira: What do I want to ask… Well, if there's anything you want to talk about in particular, then--
Owen: Then why not talk about that?
Cain & Akira: Woah?!
Like a curtain being silently pulled back, Owen was suddenly standing before us, smiling wide.
Owen: Hey, Master Sage. Would you like to hear a story of our dear Sir Knight's depravity?
Akira: Depravity…?
Cain: What's this about?
Owen: Haha, you got all tense. So you don't want the Sage to know about it? Say, Master Sage, did you know? The virtuous Sir Knight was waited on hand and foot by women, drowning himself in alcohol and gambling like his life depended on it. I remember it so well. So I'll tell you all about it.
Akira: Umm…
While I stood there speechless, Cain clawed at his hair, nails digging into his scalp, until…he simply sighed, a sound of abject resignation.
Cain: Sorry. I wanted to tell you after the inauguration ceremony, but everything was so hectic, and… No, I'm just making excuses for myself. I didn't know how to approach it, and it would just make me look so pathetic that I didn't want to talk about it. But the truth is that I--
Akira: You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to.
Cain: Huh…?
Akira: Sorry for interrupting you like that. But I only want to hear things that you want to talk about, Cain. Would it be alright if we saved this conversation for another day, when it's something that you want to bring up on your own?
Cain: Akira…
Cain stood there, blinking at me, and then he laughed, his shoulders sagging weakly.
Cain: Thanks. Like you asked, we'll talk about this another day… One not too far in the future. I'll make sure of it.
Akira: Sounds good.
Owen watched us smile and nod, and he snorted derisively.
Owen: …What's wrong with you two. You're both so boring.
Akira: Oh, Owen--
I blinked and when I opened my eyes, Owen was gone. The words didn't match the hateful tone he'd said them with.
Cain: What was that all about…? Well, whatever. That was an unpleasant type of interruption, but now it's lunchtime. Master Sage, would you like to go into town with me to grab a bite to eat? I've got a cafe I want to take you to.
Akira: Of course. Let's go!
Akira: Oh, the coffee smells so good…! And there's so many types of cakes and sandwiches in the display case.
Cain: Good place, yeah? I came here a while back with the rest of the Central wizards and everything we had ruled. What do you want to get?
Akira: Let's see, um… Can I get this sandwich? Oh, but the quiche next to it looks really good, too…
Cain: How about I get the quiche and you get the sandwich, and then we cut 'em both in half and swap? Then we can both eat both.
Akira: Are you sure?
Cain: 'Course I am. I wanted to try this, anyways. Riquet gave it rave reviews. We were gonna try each other's then, but Arthur and Oz were right there…
We chatted about this and that while we ordered…
Akira: --and so that's why I'm wanting to write more into the Sage's manual…oh!
Cain: What's up?
Akira: I'm so sorry, we came here so I could interview you but I completely lost track of what we're here for…
Cain: Oh, yeah, you're right… Haha, if I remember right, the last time we tried to do an interview it pretty much ended up like this, too. All we did was chill in my room talking about stuff…
Akira: Ahaha, that's right. Talking with you has always been fun, ever since we first met.
I smiled as I thought back on fond memories, and I straightened up a bit to get myself back on track.
Akira: Let me ask again, then. Is there anything in particular you want me to record in the Sage's manual today?
Cain: Let me think… Man, so much has happened since we first met--the stuff that happened in Western Country included. There's been a lot for me to think about, and a lot for me to feel unsure about, too… I guess in the end what I really want you to write is this.
Cain turned his straightforward gaze to me and smiled.
Cain: You're very important to me.
Akira: …!
Cain: You're open-minded, thoughtful, kind… And every once in a while I get a little glimpse into what lies beneath…but that doesn't make you any less sincere, either. That's what I want you to write. That you've been precious to me since the moment we first met.
Facing that much unvarnished affection head on was just plain embarrassing, but at the same time, my chest felt tight.
Akira: …Thank you so much. Do you think you could write something into your Sage's manual, too? That no matter what you do, or what you think… That I will always love you and your kindness, your generosity, and your cheerfulness.
Cain: Master Sage…
Cain smiled, and his gaze softened. Being looked at like that made me start feeling embarrassed again.
Cain: Gotcha. I'll write it down as soon as we get back. On the cover, in permanent ink.
Akira: Ahaha. Then I'll be sure to find the sparkliest ink I can to write down that I'm precious to you.
The two of us laughed together at our respective jokes. Cain's happiness, playfulness and kindness would be ever engraved in a new page in the Sage's manual--though I had more words to describe him than could fit on just one.
Training Episode: Things I Can Say To You Because It's Now
Cain: Hey, Akira, you're going around interviewing everyone else too, right? There's a lot of us, so you're not stressing yourself out or anything, are you?
Akira: Oh, no, I'm pacing myself step by single step. Other than adding some updated info after what I've already written, I'm asking about things everyone can say now that they couldn't before. Do you have anything you can think of like that, Cain?
Cain: Something I couldn't say before, huh… Mmm, well, I'm the type of person who just says stuff as soon as it pops into my head, so I'm not really coming up with anything off the top of my head.
Akira: I see… …Hm? (Woah?! Over there is…!)
Cain: What's up, Master Sage? Your eyes suddenly grew to the size of dinner plates.
Akira: Umm… Is it okay if I tell you something I can only say right now…?
Cain: You've got something? I mean, sure, but what is it?
Akira: Um… It's something I only just noticed, but… There's a, um, snake in the fountain right behind you. It's a really big one, too.
Cain: … …Are you being for real right now?
Akira: I'm being so for real. It's swimming all slithery-like. I didn't know snakes could swim like that…
Cain: …Alright! Master Sage, let's get out of here. Right now. Sorry, but do you think you could stay with me until we're safely away from that thing? And can you stop me if it looks like I'm going to lose control and cut it to pieces?
Akira: Uh, um, okay…! Let's go, Cain.
Cain: Great. C'mon, snake, don't get any closer… It's for both our sakes…
Akira: (Cain's greatest weakness really is snakes… But now I get to be the one protecting him…!)
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rmgkyle · 3 months ago
Omg sorry I’m SO late I was busy doing all the FANART for people and with work which made me really tired and sick. Yes, I’m really sick, my asthma is getting worse and my head has been hurting.
But I’m making this post for Christmas special for people I enjoy talking to/ hanging out with.
First is @smg-24
Man…you make so many art of RMG which I really appreciate by the way because you drew her A LOT, and that’s not all..I really enjoy ur company and helped me with stuff I was struggling with. You put a smile on my face every time I see you online or whenever we are on call. I love our friendship so much I never regret meeting you at all tbh, you make my day so much better because of ur personality and being around you makes everything better . I hope we stay best friends forever.🫶🏻💗
Next up is @mikchi8
Mikchi. How do I even start-
You are really funny in general and have good jokes, it makes me laugh every time. And also, you just are interesting too..I MEAN like you crazy and all but you still are a good person. Whenever I see u in the vc’s I join because you light up my mood, even when ur only in there. I like the way u act and I like ur style with ur ocs, it very classy and adorable.Im so glad I met you because you’re the most I talk to in the server. Your friendship has brought so much joy and positivity into my life.🫶🏻💗
Then is @knightedmares
Bro..YOU ARE SO FREAKIN COOL AND AWESOME I LOVE U MAN. I really adore you a lot and you are just WAY too cool in general.You are an amazing friend and buddy, like I literally want to be you so bad. You have good taste in music and fashion on your ocs.KNIGHTMARE I wish I could give u a big tight hug for being an awesome person to everyone, including me also.You should honestly be proud of yourself for being a chill dude. I love you man🫶🏻💗
Other is @neo91502
Hahaha…YOU..YOU SILLY SILLY LITTLE CREATURE..First, I just want to say that your yapping in the vc’s are like music to my ears, you yap about anything which is impressive if I’m going to be honest. In general, you make silly art of the silly meme Guardians and yaoi, makes me smile every time I see them.Jokes are funnier when YOU tell them because you’re just silly crazy, possibly insane.Literally everyone loves you if you think about it, we are going crazy of you.How do you make everyone laugh? 💗🫶🏻
More @libbytwq LORE!!
I get excited everytime I see you like I’ve been a fan since 2023 when you had those non-smg4 characters.You make really creative ocs and art I mean, you had so many cool ocs I just want to eat them one by one, Especially cee cee skies.Whenever you join the vc’s I spam ur name because i love when you’re hanging around! I gotta say, you grew more for the past months that I lowkey miss ur non-smg4 characters/silly anyways 🫶🏻💗
@nxva-blogz ( I know you can’t see this but ima send it to you on discord.)
Nova I just want to appreciate the fact you lighten my day and your jokes make me crack up everytime, they are really funny and the silly stuff with hexsy.I know u are a little goofy sometimes but idc, I can be goody with you😈. Anyways- I love when you joke around with hex3 or hex4 the “Tomm you should make a comic about hex3/hex4) it makes me laugh. The stupid quotes from hexsy is hilarious bro I can’t get it outta my head.💗🫶🏻
Oh my dear moon..my little silly crazy kitty..
YOU..!!!! YOU!!! YOU I LOVE U SM BRO UR SO COOL AND I LOVE UR STYLE SO MUCH!!! Your animated shit is so cool I swear like- I love you pookie, I’m so glad I met you because you’re not leaving me /j💗I REALLY hope we stay bffs forever and ever and I wish I could hug you rn I miss you. Your style is beautiful and delicious I just want to eat it right now because I bet it would taste like Cotten candy or biscuits, possibly caramel. You put a smile on my face every time we talk💗🫶🏻
Girl... You're Hilarious with ur gifs and personally, makes me weeze all day 🤣. You are a nice and good person in general to begin with and I wanna say..ur art..doodles..anything..IS YUMMY I SWEAR ESPECIALLY THE ANGST AND LITTLE FETUSES YOU MAKE AGHHH. You literally slay all day queen /j but I also want to mention that YOU EAT CHIPS IN A BOWL🤣😭 nah girl same- anyways I want to give you a million hugs because you're the best :) 🫶
Well....well...well..what do we have here..
YOU MAKE AMAZING DELICIOUS FOOD THAT I MUNCH ONE BY ONE. YOUR COMICS ARE SO DELICIOUS, EVEN THE BOWLUIGI ONE BECAUSE I LOVE THEM SMMMM😭😭 AND U JUST MAKE ME FEEL BETTER WHEN I TALK TO YOU CAUSE UR LITERALLY TOMM?!?? WHO WOULDN'T FEEL EXCITED AND NERVOUS?! I also want to say that ive been looking at your account for a while now and when you brought up 'discord server' I was nervous and excited to meet you for the first time. We both have same interests in fandoms which is surprising tbh😟 you make me smile when u talk to me because you are my top BIGGEST IDOL. 🫶
Hey kitty... 😈
Kitty you make really good angst of van and hexsy because its so scrumptious and tasty. You are a cool, chill dude in general, literally I swear- when you draw characters they look so cartoony and jiggly it looks amazing. Sometimes you peek in the vc's to Either scare us or see how we are doing. Just to let you know, you are the most important person in the server rn this second. 🫶
If I didn't ping you or make you fanart, I APOLOGIZE BECAUSE IM REALLY SICK SO I CANT THINK RN.
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the-writing-mobster · 3 months ago
Heeeyyyy Mob👋 Happy holidays!! I bring some questions
🎨 What's favorite drawing you made in 2024?
👀 What's favorite drawing you saw in 2024?
📝 What's favorite fanfic you've written in 2024?
✍ Favorite quote from your fanfic?
💖 Planning anything special for next year? You can answer any questions you want, all of them or none at all! I would love to see stuff you enjoyed or proud of! ✨
OH MY STARS!!!! You literally just made my whole day with this, Vene 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 I'm happy to indulge!
My favorite drawing of 2024 was DEFINITELY this bad boy right here!
IT LOOKS LIKE STAINED GLASS CANDY!!! I never understood people who said they wanted to eat art, until I drew this. Now I kinda get it.
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| TMDG SK! Sans x Final! Frisk | The Bride, Her Bridesmaids and all her rotting flowers | 💙🔪💔 |
My favorite drawing I've seen this year was this piece down here! Yes, it's a link because I don't want to repost other people's art if they're not a friend, hahaha
This piece is fanart of an underrated scream queen classic; American Mary! Where a woman enacts revenge on the man who abused her by becoming a body modification surgeon and using him as her guinea pig! I loved this move SO MUCH! This movie is such a SLAY!
Obviously, my favorite fanfic I've written this year is The Most Dangerous Game. 💙🔪💔
There is literally no competition! This might be controversial, but it's undeniably better written than WDYW, and I think I like it more 🫣 (I would hope so, considering I wrote WDYW when I was a senior in high school, and NOW I'm a senior fucking citizen ((21)). TMDG is deeply thematic, compelling, terrifying, and so much more! Sans is genuinely HORRIFYING! The perfect slasher villain! And not just that, it's like he represents Frisk's constant brush with death! It's the perfect fic for people who like Undertale but ALSO like Hannibal!
And if you just saw Nosferatu, like me... you should know that there's some STARK similarities (AND I'VE NEVER SEEN NOSFERATU BEFORE, MY GENIUS TRANSCENDS TIME, I BASICALY REWROTE NOSFERATU GUYS! /J.) Honestly, I should draw the TMDG characters in a Nosferatu AU, because guys? Frisk as Ellen/Mina, Ibrahim as Thomas/Johnathan, Asgore as the Professor/Van Helsing and Sans as Count Orlok/Dracula! AHHHH IT'S PERFECT!
You are truly asking so much of me to pick ONE quote from my fanfics to put up here hahahaha, BUT! I do have one fresh on the dome. 😌
From this week's most recent TMDG chapter, THAT'S RIGHT I UPDATED RANDOMLY OUT OF NOWHERE, I present to you the following—
“She lifted the rock high into the sky, her body reeling from the force like she were bound to worship this ceaseless violence for forever!”
| Read T M D G chapter 17 here if you're interested |
Just— AUGH! THE THEMES! It's so visceral, the imagery! It's the way the movement of her slamming this rock into this visage's skull imitates bowing and worshipping. Like Frisk's fate is tied to this dark underworld. UGH! It's so good, it's so raw, it's so painful! I love it.
Annnyywaaayyy, THANK YOUU! For the ask, and for indulging me, Vene. Happy holidays to you as well! 🫶🏻🫶🏻 As for next year? Who knows! Maybe I'll finish my fuck ass book
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mebumy · 1 year ago
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I recently started watching Hunter x Hunter and I couldn't get an Au out of my head!
The Au is this: Ging was ready to take Gon to live with Mito, but he had to stop by some metropolis first for a job. However, Gon got lost somewhere in the crowd of the metropolis, and despite the efforts of Ging and the local authorities, Gon was never found.
This is because Pakunoda, Machi and Phinks had done so, and having not found Gon's father, they weighed the possibility that the boy was lost forever and stayed with him. From then on, Gon began to interact with the troupe in a kind of shared custody (since they were not together often) being trained and living with each of them.
Of course, due to Gon's young age at the time, he would not have participated in the massacre of the Kurta clan.
For this Au, I would have two alternatives: In one of them, Gon would stay with the troupe until the end, actively participating in their plans and even in the attack on York New (Which, due to Gon's sense of loyalty I think is more likely) . In another alternative, he could end up discovering that Ging was alive and he was a hunter just like in canon (Which I think would be more fun :p) . Maybe he would end up wanting to escape the troupe and would do anything to cover up being Kurapika's spider, even removing his tattoo, which is on his left triceps.
What do you think about this Au? I haven't thought about it very deeply and this was just a brain storm, but I want to know how you think this would change things and what would actually happen.
by the way, when I drew this, I didn't know that the spider symbol I had placed was actually the troupe leader symbol, so I apologize hahaha (my cousin told me this)
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dollya-robinprotector · 1 year ago
I'm absolutely in love with your characters and how you draw them! Your dedication is just soooo 🥹🥹🥹 I saw you had other OCs too except the 3 you always show here and I just love how they all have the signature flower with two antennas that's just so adorable! Please keep drawing I love you and your blog so much!!
🍊 anon
🍊 anon?? Do you perhaps know that I love Rin Len or something?? TTOTT)
jk jk, thank you for your interest 🍊 Anon I know which post you're talking about, but I can't find it now. Uhhhh so yeah I never thought I was an OC artist so I can't give you more details, I do have, but they all just stay in my mind ahaha....
But, one thing for sure, is that I'm a design artist, so I often give my children new clothes! Absolutely not because I never remember their original outfits or anything hahaha-
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This is something I drew 4 years ago, so no DOL PCs yet, but this is pretty much every other OCs I have created! I "shrank" them and their age to make a family photo, so these are not their original forms.
Feel free to ask me questions if you're interested in any of them!
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authoralexharvey · 10 months ago
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Who You Are:
Logan || It/its
Hello! I'm a queer horror novelist and friend to cats from South Australia! I spend my time making art of all sorts, especially relating to my experiences of queerness and psychosis.
What You Write:
What genres do you write in? What age ranges do you write for?
Comedy, fantasy, horror, and sci-fi. Young adult and adult.
What genre would you write in for the rest of your life, if you could? What about that genre appeals to you?
Horror! There's such rich ground to explore in stories of horror and psychosis when you're not an ableist prick about it! There are unique and valuable stories to be told in the overlap here and I'm having a wonderful time weaving my own experiences of schizotypal personality disorder into my horror writing. It's the closest I've come to being able to share my inner world with others :)
What genre/s will you not write unless you HAVE to? What about that genre turns you off?
Historial fiction! I don't have anything against the genre, but it's just not my cup of tea. I'd never feel like I'm nailing the time period due to the sheer amount of nuance and detail that I'd need to have on hand… major props to historical fiction writers, you are stronger and more organised writers than I
Who is your target audience? Do you think anyone outside of that would get anything out of your works?
My target audience ranged from YA to adult, depending on the work in question. I want to speak to primarily people who are feeling disconnected and alone… I guess you could say my target audience is just myself of the past? I'm writing the stuff I needed to read, the stuff that would have made me feel seen and loved and understood. Anyone else is welcome along for the ride though ^.^ I hope others who don't see themselves in my work would catch a glimpse of a different way of understanding the world and be able to empathise and understand, and maybe have a lot of fun with it, too!
What kind of themes do you tend to focus on? What kinds of tropes? What about them appeals to you?
I love all that cheesy goodness about the power of friendship and the human capacity for kindness and connection! My stories, however otherwise horrifying or heavy, tend to come back to these at their core. My works all focus heavily on mental illness, neurodivergence and disability. I also have a soft spot for bendy realities, body horror, paranoia and hiveminds.
What themes or tropes can you not stand? What about them turn you off?
I cannot stand "the whole thing was just a delusion all along! none of it was ever real!" or "ooh they thought it was psychosis but it turns out it was ~magic~! see, our protagonist isn't CRAZY like those actually crazy people!" style plot twists. They're lazy and ableist! In general, I have zero tolerance for anything that demonises psychosis or uses psychosis only as an edgy plot twist.
What are you currently working on? How long have you been working on it?
I have two main projects, "All the Doors are Open", a YA fantasy/horror about the collapse of reality, and "A Rental Car Takes a Left Down Rake Street and Disappears" a paranormal horror about a vampire hivemind. I've been working on some variation of ATDAO for eight years, and Rental Car is a baby by comparison, and was only created last year.
Why do you write? What keeps you writing?
I write for fun! As much as I love to connect with others and allow them a glimpse into my understanding of the world, I primarily write because I just like to have a good time hahaha. It's something I love to dabble in and explore, something I love to wander through, something I keep coming back to over and over. I just feel a pull to it :D
How long have you been writing? What do you think first drew you to it?
I've been writing since I was around six years old! Growing up as a kid with undiagnosed psychosis and delusions, I had a lot of funky weird ideas about reality. I quickly found my reality didn't match with those around me and often turned to fiction writing as a means to express myself in a way others found more "palatable". It's a way for me to open the door to communication!
Where do you get your inspiration from? Is that how you got your inspiration for your current project? If not, where did the inspiration come from?
All kinds of places! Songs, dreams, daydreams, personal experience, conversations… I have a very chaotic brain, I take in a lot of odd information and it all lays the foundation for odd ideas to grow!
What work of yours are you most proud of? Why?
I'm most proud of Rental Car at the moment! It was my first foray into proper full-on horror and my first time writing a specifically schizotypal protagonist like myself, and people have responded with enthusiasm to both! It's become a passion project I really adore and I'm proud of myself for taking the plunge and starting it :D
Have you published anything? Do you want to?
I'd love to publish in the future!
What part of the publishing process most appeals to you? What part least appeals to you?
I'm not sure what appeals to me the most, but marketing appeald to me least hahaha. I'm not really a big presence on social media and I hate promoting myself. I just want to be a hermit. I'm not cut out for marketing myself :P
What part of the writing process most appeals to you? What part is least appealing?
I love editing! I love revision! I love wandering through this little garden I've written and pruning and polishing it. It's my favourite part of the process :D I don't have a least favourite part, at least not off the top of my head.
Do you have a writing process? Do you have an ideal setup? Do you write in pure chaos? Talk about your process a bit.
I have no setup! No schedule! I write when I feel like it and stop the moment I'm not having fun anymore. This has increased my productivity and enjoyment tenfold, as well as improve the quality of my work!
Your Thoughts on Writeblr:
How long have you been a writeblr? What inspired you to join the community?
Around 8 years! I don't remember what initially inspired me to join.
Shout out some of your favorite writeblrs. How did you find them and what made you want to follow them?
@tracle0, a friend and pal, who has some of my favourite worldbuilding of all time and such incredible characters! I've been following them for a long time now and love hearing their thoughts :D
What is your favorite part about writeblr?
I love the creativity and enthusiasm! People have such wonderful brains and I love being able to hear people talk about their work with such passion and adoration!
What do you think writeblr could improve on? How do you think we can go about doing so?
I think… remembering that writeblr itself is not a hivemind! I see a lot of folks lamenting that they feel ignored by "the community" or that the community is dying, and I think a lot of people see writeblr as a huge monolith. It's not! People gotta focus more on finding a few good friends and a handful of works to be genuinely invested in, rather than trying to interact with the whole of the (ginormous!) community, and expecting the whole community to interact with them. Writeblr is a description of a type of blog, and it's incredibly diverse and complicated and broad! You won't vibe with everyone and it's not so much like an official club you join but a shared experience.
How do you contribute to the writeblr community? Do you think you could be doing more?
Man, I'm just vibing. I'm invested in a collection of works I try to keep up with, and I try to keep up with the little circle of writeblrs I'm involved with! Reblogging and getting excited. I'm also often that person who gets bored and goes "heyyyy I'm bored, does anyone have an oc I can draw"… I love doing art for people! Could I be doing more? Probably! But also, I'm not meant to be everything to everyone.
What kinds of posts do you most like to interact with?
I don't have a preference!
What kind of posts do you most like to make?
Rambles, excerpts and art!
Finally, anywhere else online we may be able to find you?
I'm just here, babey! And albatris on NaNoWriMo, too. And I guess if you like you can hit me up for my discord, I help run a small writing server!
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