#i just needed to rant cus holy it will NOT leave my brain
emero0 · 9 days
Ight im analyzing Bake no hana or “flower of transformation” cus its in my brain
Spoilers for mizu5 (obv but heres your warning)
(Lyrics from project sekai wiki)
This is mostly line distribution but feel free to add more
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So the first lines are about mizuki (obviously)
Probably about people looking at them weirdly and how they’re used to it — and how they’re cute but its “wrong” its “a sin”
Also this is a music thing but enas lyric “its off” is off beat with the song as well
Then more about mizuki crumbling and breaking sown with their secret because it was revealed before they could reveal it themselves
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Next, i find it interesting how every time this lime is sung its by kanade, mafuyu, or both (+kaito)
Which could be in reference to the fact that neither of them were there when everything went down
They also seem to take on more narrator roles like in the beginning
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Following this, Ena sings this line every time as well — likely in reference to her not being able to say anything to mizuki and being unable to take back the look on her face when mizuki found her—a face that could be seen aa disgust or “ugly” - “makeup” because its not how ena truly feels
(Which btw—i believe was mainly in part to “oh shit i just found out the secret ive been patiently waiting for before i was told and now i feel awful” and not “oh my god mizuki is trans” or whatever your interpretation of that is considering THEY STILL HAVENT CONFIRMED ANYTHING—which is slightly frustrating but alas we can wait)
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Next, either mizuki not wanting to go back because they are tired of running—or even (and im leaning towards this one) they cant go bavk to being a kid, to being “how they were”,
“Blossoming” into this flower, they cant go back and not be trans, theyve bloomed into who they are, even if its “off” and “a sin”
(Im trying not to push trans stuff (NOT /neg) and just look at it as it is but its really hard to see it another way for me /lh —a trans person)
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Next, another song thing—when mizuki tells everyone to disappear—they do
No one else sings except kaito, and then when they sing “stay with me” they come back
Then they repeat lines with kaito which could mean something-but it may also just be adding kaito to make it different the second time around because music theory
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Nearing the end—this may very well be 1: mizuki not knowing the future and mafuyu-ing into sekai
But it could also be a nod to the player—not knowing the future-and until they do mizuki not showing up in the “real world”
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And finally—the curse of being born the way they are, they’ve had enough of running (away from their problems, their mistakes) and have essentially done the game equivalent of —well— disappearing
Overall i really want a full version and i think what we have so far is very interesting—i dont have jpsekai so im probably missing some stuff-but i have seen mizu5 so thats where most of this came from
(Will be avoiding most social media tho cus the arguments over this are—interesting… tumblrs been good so far tho ^^’)
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your-local-scene-emo · 10 months
all my marble hornets notes
alex is the guy who saw slenderman first, and made the bad decision to explore it, and he survived i think.
alex sees anxious in all of the clips in entry 3
entry 4 is alex in a park, running from slenderman, or an entity. whatever it is, alex does not seem to want to interact with it.
jay is the man recording in entry 5, and alex is doing a tour of the ground for marble hornets
it may be that slenderman followed him home after the encounter at the park or the road with his dog.
brian, alex, and a girl off camera entry 7, further notes here. alex is off camera and brian is now talking. they are in a car. also, brian is hoody.
the man confirms that someone is most definitely following alex
alex is seen drawing the slenderman poster thingys
sarah and tim are reading a script, and alex is pissed that they aren't doing it how he wants them to. alex seems to want to have the camera recording at all times, this may just be a minor detail only for the set, or it may be because he feels unsettled by the tall man stalking him. seth is the one recording right now.
alex is running away from the tall man in entry 10
in entry 11 alex is checking his house and outside for the entity, it also appears he has hanging the pictures of slenderman up.
in entry number 12, brain and alex are shooting a shot together with alex acting more like himself. the camera distorts, and then seth zooms in on the slenderman.
alex is in the woods all by himself, and finds a symbol that is an 'O' with an 'X' alex notices something and begins to run
it seems slenderman ha invaded his home, alex records for about 35 minutes and gets nothing, but next we see him bleeding from his head, but conscious.
jay and tim are meeting up entry 15. so tim mentions that at first, alex was a pretty good director until moving forward. so that would mean that an clips of alex being himself are the first clips he made, and then the ones of him acting off are the ones that are the result of being exposed to slenderman.brian and alex are good friends it seems, while tim was just along for the ride. someone was leaving dead animals on alex's front yard, so this can conclude that slenderman is most likely hostile if it is him. TICK TOCK
we are in the pov of jay, and he's looking for brian in entry 16 why are these mfs always in the woods at night??? anyway, jay is knocking on maybe brians door. jay attempts breaking and entering. jay succeeds at breaking and entering. oh damn their house is like what comes out of my ass when i eat too much mcdonalds jay i need you to get your shit together and leave immediately. i'm just saying i would know if i'm in a horror film somebody give this mans some cough medicine his coughing is freaking me out more than the spooky tall guy omfg jay don't go upstairs he went upstairs omfg oh boy blood splatters, lets go towards it! OMFG JAY TOUCHED THE SINK FULL OF BLOOD THIS DUMBASS it seems brian took pills, also this is brian's house i'm going to assume
alex is nice now in entry 17 so this is when they first started. slenderman is in the background, no has noticed him yet
maybe alex done did suicided himself
entry 18- more of my rants about this dumbass jay. he's knocking on the door like someone's gonna answer more breaking and entering EW DON"T TOUCH THE DOLL uh oh, you know what that looks like, naked slender man doll :0 also, was that masky or am i tripping? yep, i rewinded it. holy shit, top ten anime battles aw masky dropped him off
so jay is going insane too, great, entry 19 is starting off great. omg masky is sleeping with him, girls night!
totheark is masky's name? refuse to believe. i'm googling it rn uh uh his name is tim dumb ass
so jay is probably gone lol
stopping at entry 19.5 cus i'm tired.
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fanficsofmine · 8 years
Secret Love Song - Chapter 1
A/N: This is definitely going to be a series. I just finished chapter 1, but have the story pretty much mapped out. Let me know what you think!
Characters: Reader. Sehun. Kai/Jongin. Little Mix. (They’ll be in the next chapters more.
Read Chapters 2, 3
I ripped my shoes off of my feet and angrily threw them into my duffle bag. I started rifling through the bag to find my change of clothes after our audition.
“You did great,” Sehun reached out for my arm, but I yanked it out of his range and began ranting.
“I didn’t do well at all. I did not show that I am as good of a dancer as either of you are; the mat pulled up under my feet during my solo part of my routine. I lost my balance. I don’t stand a chance at this rate.”
I tried to unzip my performance dress and was struggling to reach. I felt Jongin step behind me and gently pull it down for me.
“You did wonderful,” he turned me around by my shoulders, smiled at me, and gave me, what he only hoped was a calming hug.
I had grown comfortable with changing clothes in front of Jongin and Sehun after years of dance classes with them. They had both been my partners time after time, so transitioning from childhood tap dancing classes to adulthood dance auditions was smooth with them.
We were auditioning to be back up dancers on a tour with Little Mix. They needed women and men, and I saw no better choices than to audition with my two best dancing partners. We had performed a sexy, “love triangle” themed dance routine that I had written to “Secret Love Song” by the girls and Jason Derulo.
“All I’m saying, Jongin, is that you had the judges on their feet during your solo. Sehun,” I gestured toward him in the corner of the room that I had left him standing in, “you even got cheers during your solo. I got absolute silence because of my fucking feet fumbling over each other.”
I pulled my dress down and hastily threw my cropped top sweater over my head. I pulled my sweat pants over my spandex shorts I had been wearing under my dress, and leaned against the mirror in our dressing room to wait for decisions and announcements to be made.
I watched Sehun and Jongin make eye contact with one another. I knew that they wanted to reassure me that I had done well, they just weren’t sure how.
Sehun walked over and sat down next to me. He snuggled up close and I, instinctively, rested my head on his shoulder. He did not say a word, but I found comfort in his presence.
This was how he had always made me feel better. If I did not place at a competition, he sat with me like this. During our senior prom, when my date had left me halfway through the night, Sehun found me sitting in the hallway, crying, and sat with me silently until I felt better. Sehun was the security blanket I needed during bad times.
Jongin had a more blunt approach. While Sehun let me snuggle up to him, Jongin started to get upset with me.
“Babe. You did incredible. Stop pouting. You had more coordination than over half of those girls on the floor. So you made one mistake. Did you even notice the girl who didn’t finish her routine because she got so panicked? You recovered gracefully! That’s all that matters. Stop fucking pouting.” He unbuttoned his top two buttons and then threw his arms in the air. He walked off, frustrated.
“Well, I guess I deserved that,” I mumbled as I buried my face into Sehun’s shoulder more. I felt him sigh beneath my head. He took his hands and, with a hand on either cheek, he lifted my head up and squished my cheeks together, making my lips pucker into a fish face.
He smiled softly and kindly said to me, “you know he gets protective of you. We both do. He just doesn’t want you to discredit yourself when you actually did incredible. He just doesn’t know how to express it.”
I felt the tension in my body loosen up a little bit and I scrunched my eyes at Sehun to signify that I was smiling behind my crushed cheeks. That seemed to satisfy him and he let go.
He nodded his head toward Jongin, hinting that I needed to go and talk with him. I rolled my eyes and pushed myself up off of the ground. I dusted my hands and shuffled over to him.
He was digging though his bag, murmuring something about, “finding his damn basketball shorts,” when I got up to him. I turned to look at Sehun, who gave me a stern look and nodded at me to initiate conversation.
I rolled my eyes, but took a deep breath and said, “they’re right here. You left them on the floor when you changed out of them.”
I picked up his shorts and handed them to him. He grunted something that sounded similar to, “thanks.”
“Jongin, I,” he didn’t let me finish.
“Forget it,” he started, “I’m not going to baby you like Sehun does. I get it. I’m the bad cop, he’s the good cop.” He took off his shirt, crumpled it up, and threw it into his pile of belongings.
“I came to say that you were right.” I managed to spit out, even though admitting that Jongin was right about something pained me a little bit to say out loud.
He stood there, jaw dropped. He was not sure what to say, and it showed. He shook his head, as though to get some clarity, and finally responded with, “Sehun! Did you get that recorded? She said some magical words that I’m almost positive I will never hear again”
I was relieved to see his smile break across his face and he let out a laugh when I turned to walk away and said, “fuck you. Never mind. You’re the worst.”
He ran up from behind me and picked me up, spinning me around. I let out a shriek and demanded to be put down.
After he set me back on my feet, we heard an announcement on the intercom.
“Round two of auditions have been posted. Please check the north east bulletin board to check for your numbers. Those chosen, please prepare to re-perform your audition piece for the second round of judges. Judges will be making the decision to bring you on or not immediately after your performance. Please take all of your things with you in case you are asked to leave.”
I inhaled sharply at the idea of seeing all three of our numbers on the board. We were unaware that we would have to perform again today if chosen.
My anxiety began to climb up my lungs like a creeping chill. My breath was ragged as the panic began to sink into my bones.
What if Sehun and Jongin were chosen and I was not? Could they quickly modify the routine to not need me? I began sorting through the moves in my brain to rewrite the set quickly as we walked to the board.
I was too busy shifting through counts to notice the people around me. Some were celebrating. Others in tears. A few people walked off, angry and cursing under their breath.
We arrived at the board, and Sehun walked up to look first. While he was there, I turned to Jongin, “okay. So I think that I have it figured out how to modify the dance to where you don’t need me. What I’m thinking is that on count 24…”
He put a finger to my mouth and turned me around to see Sehun waving us over. I took a deep breath to settle myself, and took a step forward. Then another. And then another.
When I got to the sheet with a list of numbers on it, I quickly skimmed it until I got to almost the bottom.
There, in bold print, were our numbers. All three of them. We were moving onto the next round of auditions!
I turned to face Sehun and Jongin and jumped up and down and let out a big squeal.
“I can’t believe it!” I hugged both of them and we started off toward the auditorium.
When our turn was up and our numbers called, we grabbed our bags and walked in through the huge backstage doors.
We left our bags off stage, and went and stood to be interviewed by the second round of judges.
My heart skipped a beat when I saw all of the girls of Little Mix sitting in the front row. My nerves immediately skyrocketed.
“Holy shit,” I heard Sehun whisper.
“Hello,” Perrie spoke into a microphone. She waved at us and then said, “please introduce yourselves and tell us what song you’ll be performing to.”
We each took turns saying our full names, and then I blushed when saying, “and we’re doing a dance to ‘Secret Love Song.’ We, uh, didn’t expect to actually be performing for you!”
“We figured it was best left a surprise!” Jade smiled sweetly and told us to go ahead whenever we were ready.
I took my spot next to Sehun, his arms around my waist. Jongin cued for the music to start, then stepped to the other side of the stage. Silence temporarily filled the room, then the first words flowed through the air.
“When you hold me in the street and you kiss me on the dance floor…”
Sehun and I began the routine in perfect fluid movement. His body a part of mine.
We danced through the chorus until Jason Derulo’s verse came up.
“When you’re with him do you call his name like you do when you’re with me…”
Sehun intentionally spun me slightly too far and I fell perfectly into Jongin’s arms. We picked up the routine as if he had been the one with me the entire time.
“And nobody knows I’m in love with somebody’s baby…”
Jongin and I broke apart and we split into a perfect three piece routine. I wished that I could watch the dance from where the girls were.
Sehun and Jongin danced with such passion. They made you feel every single emotion they were trying to convey through their movements.
I remember falling in love with both of them while we were growing up. Watching them dance had been like a drug to me. They each treated me like a little sister, though, so I let my childhood crushes fade away the older that we got.
It was still absolutely mesmerizing to watch them dance, though. I had to be careful when performing with them or else I would get distracted and trip again. I could not afford for that to happen this round.
When the song finished, all three of us hit the ground. Sehun on my right, on his knees reaching for me. Jongin on my left, head in his hands. I landed in a sitting position, arms wrapped around my knees and my head down.
We heard all four girls erupt with cheers and when I lifted my eyes, they were all on their feet clapping.
“Yes! Yes to all three of you!” Jesy did not even bother using a a microphone. She just yelled, “yes” across the room.
We sat in shock as the girls came down to the stage. Perrie gave me her hand to help me stand up and gave me a hug.
“That was incredible! Who did your choreography,” she asked.
“Oh, I’m, um, wow. Th-th-thank you so much…” I was fumbling across my words.
Jongin came to the rescue and said, “we all kind of added things together, but our lady here pretty much built it from scratch.”
The girls praised my choreography and my throat tightened up. I had never felt more proud of myself in my life.
The girls gave us the details of when and where to report for rehearsals, hugged and congratulated each of us again, and started back to their seats. We thanked them, calmly, and the moment the door closed behind us, we lost our cool entirely.
I squealed and bounced back and forth between each foot. Sehun swept me up in his arms and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I squeezed his neck tight and he whispered, “you did incredible,” in an almost inaudible voice. His hug felt different; more intimate than his hugs usually did. I chocked it up to him being excited for our new jobs on the horizon.
“I can’t believe it either!” Jongin was on the phone, facetiming with our old dance instructor from high school. She congratulated us, told Sehun to put me back on my feet, and praised us over and over again.
After a short conversation with her, we hung up. Jongin kissed my cheek and told me he was going to go and inform the girl he was seeing at the time about his exciting news. Sehun and I rarely took the time to learn Jongin’s girlfriends’ names, as they never stayed around long.
We waved, and Sehun offered to walk me to my car.
“Can you believe we dance for Little Mix now,” he asked me. His smile was spread across his face, and, I swear, it was my cheeks that hurt from how hard that he was smiling.
“I’m proud of you maknae,” I said. He put one arm around my shoulder and his other hand in his pocket and we walked through the parking lot.
“Can I ask you something, noona?” He kept looking forward as we walked.
I looked up at him, confused, and answered, “of course.”
I could practically see the words rambling around in his brain. He opened his mouth to speak, and closed it again. He did this four or five times before I finally got too anxious waiting for him to speak.
“Sehun? What is it?” We had gotten to my car and he still hadn’t spoken a word.
He stepped forward and crashed his lips to mine aggressively. I hadn’t expected it, and it took me a full 30 seconds to process the kiss before I finally melted into it.
After a few seconds, we heard someone clear their throats behind us.
Jongin was standing there, eyebrows raised and mouth slightly agape.
“Well,” he finally said, “this is… new.”
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