#i just need to stop being cringe about formatting + just going ham
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impossible-rat-babies · 2 years ago
wip wednesday ^^ 
i got tagged by @coldshrugs ty dearest friend <3 (sorry for the double tag other friends <3) im gonna tag: @starrypawz, @scionshtola, @fooltofancy, @consulaaris, @lavampira, @hythlodaes and anyone else! no obligation with the tags ever :)
anyway im doing something i told myself i wouldn’t do and that is write fic of possible plausible future eyrie/zenos stuff :wahh: currently bumbling through dialogue hell
He reaches up and they don’t stop him—not when his fingertips trace the centerline of their chest. Pausing to run along a scab from a bite above their beating heart and their chest swells with a heavy breath in. Their heart calm between their ribs when his hand settles above it.
“Are you satisfied?” He mumbles, voice dulcet—thick with sleep. They nod and open their eyes. Warmth fading and moment lost as his hand drops from their chest to push himself up.
“Then there is naught cause for me to remain.”
He slides from out of the bed and Eyrie shifts, staring as he finds his clothes.
“Why do you do speak to me as a lover spurned?”
“You are satisfied, yes? Then there is no reason to remain here.” Zenos repeats in a low voice as he dresses.
“Satisfied, yes, but confused nonetheless. I would know your mind.”
He pauses before he pulls on his shirt, turning to look down at them. The impassive tilt of his lips betrayed by the scrunch of his brow.
“A year ago you bade me leave the shores of Sharlayan in search of a fitting end for the both of us--one that would see neither of us recover from its devastation. You would not entertain me otherwise. And yet these past months you have stolen away to seek me out for respite and entertainment many a time now. If this is naught for satisfaction…?”
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stoven-harrington · 5 years ago
Where did the time go (during the summer I spent with you)?
Steve Harrington X OC
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This happens a year after season 3, so Steve is now 20.
Steve Harrington AU in which Steve is dragged into 2019. With him here in the new modern world, going back to 1986 just might be possible. Time travel, new friends, old friends, with so much at hand, love shouldn’t be on the table. But life doesn’t always go as planned.
Read from the beginning here
Part IV: Explanations to a Stranger
It just had to be me with my luck that I help out some dude that’s a weirdo. 1980s? Who chooses that as a good decade in the 1900s? It’s obviously the 1990s! If you get past the drugs and crime (to be honest, you can’t really avoid that, in any decade), the music was pretty dope and the world was wild, in a good way-ish. But what was he talking about? Dustin? Ham radio? Just what the hell is a ham radio?
I turn around to check on him and sigh. He’s been sitting there with his mouth open for the past minute. What is going on with him? I try to think of something but just as I almost touch his shoulder, my phone goes off to the sound of Don’t Stop Me Now by Queen, causing Nico to bark outside the room. He snaps his head toward the sound.
“What was that?” Man, dude is on another level.
“It’s just my phone and my dog, lemme get it. Nico: Тихо.” The barking ceased and I roll my eyes. Walking over the to the night stand, I barely check the screen as I answer the phone. I didn’t need to check to know who it was to be calling at such a crazy time. “It’s four in the morning over here, Saint. You didn’t sleep did you,” I question, already ready for the semi-excited tone in the other end.
“What? Yes, I slept and-“
“How many hours?”
“I really am in the future and she has a dog,” Steve mumbles, staring at me as horror flashes across his features before he looks around the room.
“Rene, that’s not the point here, I-“ I sigh, ignoring Steve’s eyes bulging from his face for whatever weird reason and focus on the rapid clattering of fingers running across a keyboard on the other side of the phone.
“How long?” There’s a slight pause on the phone, the clattering suddenly stops.
“This isn’t right, I can’t be in the future,” Steve stands up and fumbles to the floor. “Shit.”  I help him up as I wait for Saint to answer, shooting Steve a ‘wtf’ glance before walking away the bed to the corner of the room.
“…four hours but-“ Oh my god, my idiot. God, where would he be without me? I facepalm as I start to rant,
“No, Saint, I get you’re excited about your project but fucking four hours of sleep? No, go to bed and don’t call me until you actually slept for a bit. I tell you this several times: anything less than six hours and you increase your chances of a heart attack-”
“I’m stuck in the future, she has a dog and she’s not even listening to me. I might as well be talking to myself. Great.” I wave Steve away, still in the middle of ranting. Can’t he see me trying to be a supportive angry best friend over here?
“And if I find out you’re mixing energy drinks and coffee again from Casey, I will tear your ass a new one as your best friend. Now, sleep!” Steve chuckles, bringing me back to my situation as I hang up the phone.
“What’s funny?” He shakes his head, a mixture of sarcasm and shock in his smile as he looks at me.
“Nothing, just, I just traveled to the future and you just threatened your best friend to beat the shit out of them. Whoooo what a way to start the morning. And I still need to contact my friends.”  Wait what?
“What are you talking about? Traveled to the future? Man, were you smoking something before?” He groans, dragging his fingers down his face as I sit at the foot of the bed.
“No, god how do I prove this,” he mutters, his eyebrows scrunching up. If he wasn’t such a weirdo, I’d say he’s kinda cute right now. With his poofy hair and dopey look on his face and – I should focus. “Wait, I have an idea,” he says, pulling me from my thoughts. “Where did you put my clothes?”
“In the laundry room, your clothes were covered in slime so I washed it.” I suddenly remembered why I washed them and point a finger toward him. “Hey, you still haven’t told me what the fuck that creature was. If it’s a secret, it’s a pretty shitty secret if I saw it.” He groans again and runs his hand through his hair exasperatedly. He then stares into my eyes, as if he was looking for something. Fear? Anger? Whatever it was, it didn’t last long before he sighs, turning away to look at something else.
“Listen, I’m not supposed to talk about it. Hell, explaining it is so complicated it makes my head hurt just thinking about it. But since you’re so determined and you saw it, there’s no point in not telling you. But you must believe everything I say. Including that I’m from the past” I shrug, crossing my arms. Like hell I’m just supposed to believe him. He’s cute but not that cute.
“Okay but in order to buy all this, I need one shred of proof from you. I think you owe me at least this.” He nods. At least he understands that I can’t just trust him off the bat.
“Fair, its bad to just blindly believe someone, I get it. But I think I had my wallet on me when I was attacked. I can prove I’m from the past if you have the wallet. Did you find it?’ I nod, thinking back on where I put it.
“I think I placed it on top of the washer, either that or it’s in the drawer to your left.” He reaches over and opens the drawer, smiling as he pulls out his wallet.
“Here it is.” He fumbles to hand me his ID, my fingers brushing against his as I grab it and look it over. He leans over to point to the date of birth, the distance between our faces a mere foot apart.  “See? I was born 1966.” Reading the ID, it was issued in the 80s. He wasn’t lying about time traveling I guess but I couldn’t stop myself from cringing a bit.
“Jesus, IDs looked like this back then? Fuck, I feel bad for you guys,” I say, handing the thing back to him. “The format sucks, and the picture looks worse than how they make you take pictures now.” He shrugs in agreement and places it back in his wallet. You can’t really fake an ID like that, especially since it looks like the ID uncle Jose had back in the 80s. And seeing that thing earlier, time traveling doesn’t seem as farfetched as I thought it sounded.
“Alright, I believe you but since you time traveled here, you gotta get some shots.” He raised his eyebrow in confusion.
“Shots? As in…”, He trailed off, miming a drinking gesture. He’s funny. I laugh and shake my head.
“No you dork, I mean like flu shots. No one really thinks about it since time traveling isn’t really a thing yet but time traveling seems illogical.” He tilts his head, his hair swaying by the motion. I didn’t really get the chance to dry his hair when I washed him off but man does his hair look tempting to touch right now.
“Illogical?” Rene, stop thinking about his fluffy hair. Answer the question! Nodding, I bring myself back to the conversation.
“Yea,  when you time travel to the past, you’re bringing a lot of new diseases, viruses, and flu strains to the people there and could easily cause an epidemic. You could kill thousands of people just by your very presence. Then there’s the reverse: when you travel to the future, you’re exposing yourself to even newer diseases and viruses that your body can’t handle. So since I’m believing that you’re from the past, you gotta get some shots pronto, my dude.” I could see the cogs in his head working as he sat in thought. It only lasted for a few seconds as his eyes grew wider.
“Are you serious? How am I even gonna get the shots I need?”
“I can call a friend whose a nurse but it’s a lil early to be calling anyone at the moment. So to kill time, you got any other questions?”
“A few.”
“Spill.” He looks down at himself, lifting the bed sheets before slowly meeting my gaze.
“You said my clothes were covered in slime and I remember being drenched in slime, sooo….,” he trails for a second, ”how did I wake up clean and in new clothes?” I lean back with my hands holding me up, smiling at his reddening cheeks.  Wow, I can already tell he’s gonna be fun to tease
“Well you can kinda figure that one out yourself but if you need me to spell it out for you: I cleaned you up and washed your clothes.” He opens his mouth to speak but I already know what he’ll say. “And yes, that means I saw you naked but don’t worry I kept your modesty by not really paying attention to your junk. As a upcoming nurse, this is more practice for me than anything, so you’re fine.” His cheeks are full on red now but he pushes through that as he stares at me.
“One: you have no shame and I don’t know how to feel about that so I’m gonna ignore that. Second: you wanna be a nurse?” I nod.
“Yup, Guess sticking with my aunt kinda influenced me a bit.” Speaking of nurse stuff, ”By the way, are you feeling a bit of pain, in your leg or head?” He quickly touches his head.
“Well, I threw up after waking up cause I felt a bit dizzy but I have a slight ache in my leg…” Throwing up and dizziness? Ooooh, that doesn’t sound good.
“You might have a mild concussion but I won’t know for sure until I can get Joy to bring her doctor friend to check you out. I’ll give you some meds for your leg in a bit. But, any other questions?”
“Yea, do you think I can reach out to my friends now?” I laugh, he’s got to be kidding me…..right? He starts to glare until I realize that he’s serious. Oh boy.
“Dude, you do realize that it’s not possible to reach your friends from the past right? What am I saying: it could totally be possible, what, with you time traveling and all. But what if it doesn’t work?” He shakes his head and looking into his eyes, it’s filled with determination.
“I have to at least try, Rene.” He gently places his hand on mine. “Listen, what I’m about to tell you is all true. It all started with the disappearance of a boy named Will Byers…”
“Wait wait wait wait wait wait, so let me get this straight: Eleven opened a portal to this Upside Down and let that creature I saw out by accident which kidnapped Will and you guys thought you guys killed it until it came back? Then your rag tag group of kids and you being mother hen went to help El close the portal by distracting the demodogs? AND thennnnn the mind flayer came back to kill El but your badass ex, her boo, Hopper, Joyce, the kids, your favorite kid Dustin and your now best friend Robin found a Russian government facility hidden under the mall that opened the portal again and poor Max lost her not-a-dick-at-the-end brother to the mind flayer? Now it’s been a year and this shit happens?” He nods, grimacing as he seems to think back on the past.
“Yea, that pretty much sums it up.” I sigh, shaking my head thinking about all the shit that happened to them.
“Damn, Max and Hopper didn’t deserve that. But damn! This shit happens to you guys almost yearly. You guys just attract trouble.” Shrugging his shoulders, he sighs.
“Yea, can’t really avoid it at this point. Hey, what do you mean Henderson is my favorite kid? ” I roll my eyes.
“Don’t play dumb, it’s obvious to literally everyone that Dustin is your favorite. You basically treat him like he’s your kid and you’re his proud mom.” He scoffs, the smirk betraying his so called offensiveness.
“I do not, I take care of all of them but most of them can take of themselves. Dustin is just someone that needs to be looked after a bit more than the others. But, what’s up with the whole mother Steve thing? I’m babysitter Steve, I don’t want to own any of these bad ass kids. They give me a headache.”  We both laugh when Nico trots into the room, wagging his tail as he jumps on the bed.
“Nico, aww my baby,” I say, rubbing his belly as he lays besides me and Steve. Looking over, Steve stares at Nico with caution. What’s that about? “What’s wrong? Never seen a dog before, Harrington?” He never takes his eyes off Nico.
“No, just never seen a Pitbull before.” I offer my hand, able to pull his gaze from Nico to me.
“Well, now you have. Give me your hand, he won’t bite.” Hesitating, he rests his hand on mine and I guide him on where to pet Nico. Nico flips over and starts to lick Steve’s face before he can even touch him, happily panting and wagging his tail quickly. Steve starts to laugh nervously until it starts to sound genuine, the fear washing away into a big goofy smile. Ahhh, he should smile more…
“How could I be scared of you, you big doof?” Nico barks, excited as Steve begins to pet him. “Yea, you’re a cute one.” I start to think back on the time Nico was judged as a pup.
“Lot of people think that Nico is this big scary dog when he’s really just a sweetheart with a heart of gold. Sure, he can attack but only when we tell him too. He’s well trained so he’s safe to be around. Pit bulls really just want to be loved just as every other dog.” I could feel my heart melt as Steve continues to pet Nico, a loving look in his eyes. Ahh converted him into a dog-lover. Success!
“You’re right. Nico is sweet.” Glancing at the clock, we still had some time. I should probably put an alarm on though, to remind me to text Joy. “Hey, you said that was a phone right? What are you doing with that?” Quickly setting an alarm, I smile at him, Nico resting his head in his lap. This would be such a cute picture but I’m pretty sure I should feed this guy instead of watching this cute scene unfold.
“Setting an alarm. I’ll teach you everything you missed on technology later. Come on, let’s go eat something. We got cereal, toast, pancakes, waffles, bacon and eggs. I can make a lot of egg dishes so watcha in the mood for? ”
“Eggs and bacon?” I can’t stop the grin on my face as I nod.
“Ah, a man with taste I see. What kinda of eggs you want: hard-boiled, scrambled, over easy, fluffy omelet, sunny-side up, fried, poached?” He lets out a whistle.
“Man that’s a lot of options. I guess sunny-side up.” I start to heading out the door.
“ ’Kay, Be back in a bit.”
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